Set Me Free, My Dear Valerie (F/F/F) *Final Chapter Posted*

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Post by Caesar73 »

A very sensible written Chapter, one get a good impression what victims of sexual assault have to go through - and how important very good friends are in situations like these. Full marks akso for the composition: From the future back to the past. Well done [mention]TayDay95[/mention]
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Post by TayDay95 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago @TayDay95 wow, just wow.

That is one of the most powerfully written pieces, I have ever read. Perfectly balanced between flashbacks and her turmoil and struggle reliving her experience to the officers and her feelings of victims guilt being reinforced by the questioning.

I don't have the words to express how well done and sensitively I feel this has been done.

Thanks wolf, I went off as much info as I could from accounts by my friends and other sources which I studied for my criminal justice diploma...truly a harrowing experience, not just for the victim, but for their loved ones as well.
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Post by TayDay95 »

nayte4767 wrote: 3 years ago Very well written and emotionally driving update, as always your writing is one of the best on this site
I'm truly humbled nayte thank you so much for that, I don't personally think it's true but I try my best lol
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago A very sensible written Chapter, one get a good impression what victims of sexual assault have to go through - and how important very good friends are in situations like these. Full marks akso for the composition: From the future back to the past. Well done @TayDay95
Yeah I didn't want the story to get bogged down despite the message I want to convey, hence my summarisation of the future outcome. At the end of the day this story is still about Emma and her relationship with Val and Beth. And you're absolutely right, support from friends and family can make a world of difference, in a moment as dark as this, sometimes all people need is someone to remind them they are in fact, not alone.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], you have put your heart into the writing of this arc. This is serious work.
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Post by TayDay95 »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago @TayDay95, you have put your heart into the writing of this arc. This is serious work.
You have no idea mate, I've actually cried a few times writing these last few updates, thanks so much for the comment ♥️
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]TomYi[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]nayte4767[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention].

Hey guys, ready for another update? I know we haven't had any bondage for a little bit, but for the sake of the story I feel it's been necessary. Also, yes things have been kinda depressing for our girls, but there is a light on the horizon. Hope you enjoy this and as always, feel free to leave a comment with any feedback! 🙂


I came out of my room, not even bothering to change out of my pajamas for my parents. A stocky brown-haired man in his early fifties was sat at our kitchen bench, wearing blue jeans and a red flannelette shirt. I instantly recognised my dad, and when he turned to face me, seeing me for the first time in the flesh in several months, I saw immense sadness, anger, pain, and above all, guilt in his aging eyes.


I rushed forward into my father's warm, protective, loving arms, soon joined by my mother. The pair of them cuddled around me as if to shield me from the entire world.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm so sorry..." I could hear Dad's husky voice beginning to crack, I felt tears falling upon me. "I'm your father, I should have..."
"Dad, please, there wasn't anything you could've done."

I knew him so well, I knew he would blame himself for not being there for me, not being there to help. It wasn't his fault, but he was so protective of me, he always had been.

"We're here now, that's what matters." Mum sniffled, ever the voice of reason. "We'll get through this darling..."

I saw Bethany and Valerie watching in sombre silence from within the kitchen, holding each others' hands and wanting desperately to come over and join the group hug. I wanted that too, I couldn't lie, I no longer cared about Mum and Dad finding out about our relationship, after what had been done to me, this was a trivial concern by comparison.

Breaking the cuddle, Mum pulled me up a chair at the dining table, where a steaming bowl of porridge with honey and strawberries sat waiting for me. "Come on sweetheart, it's still early enough to have breakfast."

As I sat down to (not) eat my breakfast, my mum and dad sitting opposite me at the dining table, Val and Beth went to Valerie's room to give us some privacy...

Honestly I wish they'd have stayed with me in that moment, even just in the room. I wanted their presence around me more than anything, I didn't want to face my parents alone.

Don't get me wrong, I was incredibly happy to see Mum and Dad... But I was drowning in shame and sorrow at how they were seeing me, the shell of a human being once known as Emma O'Reilly...

For several minutes, the three of us just sat there, not knowing what to say to each other. My parents were some of the chattiest people on earth, so this truly was an indication of the times we were in.

"How..." Dad began, he knew it was a stupid question, but I didn't blame him, what else could he say? "How have you been coping sweetheart?"

I sighed deeply, fiddling with my porridge, not eating it at all.

"As well as I can, I suppose..."

"Okay... That's- yeah that's good to hear..." My poor father, for the first time I'd ever seen in my life, he was helpless.

"Emma... we know you have to stay here for the trial, but..." Mum interjected softly. "You can probably understand, your father and I really don't feel good about you staying in Melbourne after all this."

I turned to face her with lightning-fast speed. "What?!" I gasped.

"Look, we know that up until... well... until recently, you've really liked it here, but I think this proves that you'd be safer back home in Gullagong." She continued.

"I-I... B-but I..."

I stammered, I panicked, my heart leapt into my throat, my chest felt like it was being crushed. Moving back home would mean leaving Val and Beth, my girls, my loves...

The problem was, at that point in time, I really agreed with their point. I didn't feel safe in Melbourne, not anymore... One of the safest, most livable cities on earth, and I was terrified of going outside.

"Mum, no... No I-"

"It's ok darling, you're an adult, we will listen to what you have to say, but we just want you to know how we feel." Mum took my hand, warmly squeezing it.

I looked back and forth between my silently distraught parents, who could easily tell I was upset at their suggestion, taking a couple deep breaths. I then stood up.

"Mum, Dad... I have something to-"

No, this was something the girls and I had to do together. These were absolutely the last kind of circumstances in which I wanted to give Mum and Dad this news... But they were here now, and nothing could hurt me anymore, not more than I already had been.

I walked to Valerie's bedroom door and knocked.

"You have what, sweetheart?" My Dad asked, clearly confused.
"Just hold on hun." Mum stood up and took his arm.

"Val? Beth? Could you come out?" I called to my girlfriends, who quickly opened the door.

"Yeah Em?" Val asked, a look of great concern on her face.

I looked into both of their eyes intently, taking yet another deep breath, my heart was pounding like a massive drum.

"I'm ready." I whispered to them both. They instantly understood what I meant.

"Are you sure sweetie?" Beth tightly grasped Valerie's hand.

I closed my eyes for a second, I wasn't entirely sure, but if all went well, this moment could be a huge, incredible ray of sunshine in what had become a world of grim darkness for me...

I nodded my head.

"Okay." Beth took my hand.
"We're right here..." Val took my other hand.

We all turned around to face my parents, I was breathing so heavily, shaking so hard, but I powered through this moment. Mum and Dad stood next to the dining table, also holding hands.

"Emmy?" Dad exclaimed.

"Mum..." I squeezed Bethany's hand.

"Dad..." I squeezed Valerie's hand.

The next words I spoke, left my mouth so freely, along with any shred of doubt I may have had that this was the right thing to do...

"I'm a lesbian, and I'm in a relationship with Valerie and Bethany... Both of them."

Several seconds of silence passed, Mum and Dad exchanged a look... Of shock? Of horror? Of joy? I literally couldn't even tell. My words hung in the air like leaves in the wind...


To my heart's unrivalled joy...

My parents walked towards me, their arms outstretched, the biggest smiles on their faces. And they wrapped me and my girlfriends up in the largest, warmest, most loving hug I'd ever experienced in my entire life,and probably never will again. ❤️❤️❤️

"Emma darling that's wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" My mum burst into tears of unrestrained joy.


"I'm so fucking happy for you Emmy!" My dad sobbed happily. Squeezing me and my girlfriends tightly.

In the horror and turmoil of the worst period of my life,in the unending darkness, there was suddenly light. My parents were happy, Val and Beth were happy, I was happy.

For the first time since that night, I cried tears, not of pain, not of sadness, but of joy ❤️❤️

"You're not upset?" I smiled, sobbing.

"Not a bloody bit sweetheart!" My dad broke the hug and cupped my cheek lovingly. He took Valerie's hands in his own and kissed them.

"I'm glad, so bloody glad... Thank you for being there for my daughter Val."

My redhead beauty, also crying happily, smiled widely at my father. "You're welcome Mr. O'Reilly, she's an incredible girl, I'm so glad to be with her."

"Oh call me Mick, love!" Dad smiled.
"You're welcome... Mick!" Val smiled back, giving my dad a huge cuddle.

Mum, also, was showering Beth with love and approval:
"Good god you're beautiful, just beautiful!" She squeezed Beth's hands, making my Italian babe blush intensely.
"Oh, I... Thank you Ma'am!" Beth giggled nervously.

"How long have you been together?!" Mum asked excitedly.
"About... Oh, wow... Six months actually, we all officially got together about three months after I got here!" I smiled through my happy tears.

"That long?! Haha wow, but that's so wonderful darling, you girls are so sweet and lovely!" Mum brought me and my loves in for another quick hug.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier Emmy? You know we're not bothered by this kinda stuff?" Dad took me aside.

"I... Well, now that I've gotten this reaction, I honestly don't know!" I laughed, still crying tears of joy. It felt so good to have a reason to smile again. 😁❤️

"I guess I just wasn't a hundred percent sure you'd be ok with me having TWO girlfriends." I explained.

"Haha sweetheart, all that tells me is that you've got too much love in your heart to share with just one person... And that's hardly a bad thing." He smiled, cupping my face and kissing my forehead. "As long as they've treated you well, I'm happier than hell in a handbasket for you Emmy."

"They have Dad, they're always here for me... I love them so much,and I know they love me too. ❤️

Dad smiled so widely his face could hardly contain his joy.

"Then consider them part of the family, love."

As I said before, the trial with Shae would be long, it would be torturous, it would dominate my life for an entire year, I would cry a thousand more times. I would look once again into the evil eyes of the monster who defiled my body. I would be publicly shamed for my way of life, the girls I chose to love...

But that one day, when I came out to my parents, when I hid my true self no longer, when I announced my love for the two most beautiful girls in Melbourne, nay, all of Australia. That one day when I felt truly happy after drowning in an ocean of despair...

That one day made all the days after it, absolutely one hundred percent worth it. 😁❤️



Hey people, thanks for reading! Just letting you all know that next update, we'll be getting back into some more bondage, and Emma will take her first step on the journey of moving on from this dark chapter of her life. 🙂 Stay tuned!
Last edited by TayDay95 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NotSeen »

My hat's off. I can only commend you for taking on such grueling topics (at personal discomfort, no less) and portraying them honestly like the disturbing nightmares that they can be... while still writing the kind of sizzling heat that you can deliver... Bravo. Bravo.
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Post by wolfman »

By writing the low points of this story with such heart, it makes the characters even more real.

But as with each low, you serve the high points in their lives with sensitivity and compassion adding so much more depth to this story.

Thank you for posting this truly excellent tale.
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Post by TayDay95 »

NotSeen wrote: 3 years ago My hat's off. I can only commend you for taking on such grueling topics (at personal discomfort, no less) and portraying them honestly like the disturbing nightmares that they can be... while still writing the kind of sizzling heat that you can deliver... Bravo. Bravo.
I appreciate that mate, I've never held back with portraying the messages I want and I don't plan to change that 🙂 there will indeed be some sizzling heat for you to savour fairly soon,thanks for sticking with the story and supporting it 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago By writing the low points of this story with such heart, it makes the characters even more real.

But as with each low, you serve the high points in their lives with sensitivity and compassion adding so much more depth to this story.

Thank you for posting this truly excellent tale.
Well you've pretty much perfectly summed up what I've been aiming to get across,so I must've done something right hahaha!

Thank you for leaving excellent comments! 😁😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

As [mention]wolfman[/mention] already wrote: Your characters grew and continue to grow, they develop as persons. You created some really fascinatin characters here [mention]TayDay95[/mention], chapeau!
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Post by GreyLord »

Indeed, this was well done.
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Post by TomYi »

As if I quit reading for one week and miss FIVE freaking updates! Where to start...

I liked Danny's involvement with the quartet of kinksters, and your latest arc demonstrates a level of attachment to these characters that is fairly uncommon on this forum. It's a great touch that I'm glad you included.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago As @wolfman already wrote: Your characters grew and continue to grow, they develop as persons. You created some really fascinatin characters here @TayDay95, chapeau!
Merci beaucoup and Danke schön Caesar ♥️

I heard once that the greatest stories are the ones that feel like real places, with real people, no matter how fantastical that works may be. I try to stay true to that with my characters, and it helps that some of them are based on people I know irl 🙂 thank you again for your kind comments my friend
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Post by TayDay95 »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Indeed, this was well done.
Super glad that you think so Lord! 😁 Thank you as ever for your support
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Post by TayDay95 »

TomYi wrote: 3 years ago As if I quit reading for one week and miss FIVE freaking updates! Where to start...

I liked Danny's involvement with the quartet of kinksters, and your latest arc demonstrates a level of attachment to these characters that is fairly uncommon on this forum. It's a great touch that I'm glad you included.
😅😅😅 Sorry, I know I post at breakneck speeds, I try to do at least one a day 😂

I'm glad and relieved that you and everyone else here seems to have liked this more sad arc for Emma, I knew it was a risk since I might put off some readers, after all we come to this site just to have fun and enjoy light-hearted bondage romps...
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Post by Caesar73 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago As @wolfman already wrote: Your characters grew and continue to grow, they develop as persons. You created some really fascinatin characters here @TayDay95, chapeau!
Merci beaucoup and Danke schön Caesar ♥️

I heard once that the greatest stories are the ones that feel like real places, with real people, no matter how fantastical that works may be. I try to stay true to that with my characters
I try to do the same :) I always strife to describe the locations as realistic as possible, you do that very well :) And I think we all use in some way people locations we know. Goethe once said: "The Art is not to invent something but to find things." I always think he meant that: You must not always invent something new, but to find things: People, Locations, Plots and such.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago As @wolfman already wrote: Your characters grew and continue to grow, they develop as persons. You created some really fascinatin characters here @TayDay95, chapeau!
Merci beaucoup and Danke schön Caesar ♥️

I heard once that the greatest stories are the ones that feel like real places, with real people, no matter how fantastical that works may be. I try to stay true to that with my characters
I try to do the same :) I always strife to describe the locations as realistic as possible, you do that very well :) And I think we all use in some way people locations we know. Goethe once said: "The Art is not to invent something but to find things." I always think he meant that: You must not always invent something new, but to find things: People, Locations, Plots and such.
Wise words indeed, having lived in Melbourne my whole life I've always wanted to see a story set here. I've wanted to include more scenes in famous Melbourne sites like the Botanical Gardens, but as I'm more of a character writer I tend to focus less on the location of where something is taking place, and more on the people it's happening to.
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]TomYi[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]nayte4767[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Reidy[/mention].

Hey folks, it's been amazing to read so many encouraging comments from you all, and now it's time for a new arc, as we follow Emma at the beginning of her road to recovery.

Hope you enjoy this latest chapter everybody! ♥️


As the weeks passed, whenever I wasn't in court with my parents and the girls, I spent most of my days at home. RMIT had placed my courses on hold, given the circumstances, and I would be able to resume them whenever I felt I was ready...

Fortunately, despite Val and Beth still spending a lot of time at work, I was rarely alone. Mum and Dad had made up their minds they were staying in Melbourne for the duration of my trial, they were gonna be here for me no matter what ♥️

On top of that, I received constant visits from friends of mine from uni... And even more constant visits from a tall, handsome former soldier and his gorgeous, petite blonde girlfriend. They checked in on me like clockwork, at least once a week, and I couldn't help but feel that it was because Danny was blaming himself for what had happened... Either way, I was glad they cared so much, and despite the horrible circumstances in which we'd met, they, myself and the girls had become great friends in a short span of time. 😊

One warm spring Friday, just over three months after the Incident, one of their visits would turn into a very wild, very raw, very emotional night for me...


"Hey Em, how you doing?" Katie gave me a comforting hug and a kiss as I opened the door to let them in.
"Hey Kate...yeah I'm coping, Hi Danny!" I returned the beautiful blondes kiss before reaching up to hug the gentle giant.
"Hey girl, it's good to see you again."

Whenever they came around to visit, I hugged Kate and Danny so tightly they'd have to fight free of my grip sometimes. These people had saved me from being hurt or violated any worse than what I had been, and because of that, I felt I owed them the world.

"It's great to see you, can I get you guys a cup of coffee? My mum and dad are just out shopping with the girls at the moment." I smiled.
"That'd be great sweetie... How was the court session yesterday?" Katie asked delicately as she and her boyfriend sat down at the kitchen bench.

How indeed... Well the defense lawyer, being the amoral bitch that she was, straight-up lied in court and tried to claim that I'd ASKED Shae to "pretend" to rape me, because since I'm into bondage, obviously I must have rape fantasies too... 😡

Fortunately my lawyer tore apart Shae's testimony when he questioned the smug bastard on the stand. But I could see that several people in that room thought I was just a slut, getting what I "asked for".

"I... don't wanna talk about it..." Was all I said to Katie, pausing as I reached for a couple of coffee mugs.

"Sorry girl, we would've been there but we had to meet our financial advisor." Danny explained.

"Oh, is everything ok with the club?" I asked, putting the kettle on, quickly changing the subject from that hellish court case.

"Yeah things are great actually, we just wanna hire a few more staff, and we wanted to make sure we had the budget to do so." Danny continued. "I think you and the girls would really like this new switch we hired recently, Aaliyah, she's got lots of experience with groups."

"Haha..." I chuckled softly "Yeah we uh... the girls probably would."

Katie looked concerned at me and took my hand as I approached the bench.

"Sweetie, have you done anything bondage-related since... You know?" She asked kindly.

Sadly, I shook my head.

"Ok, that's fine, it's understandable... I'm sorry for asking but... have you done anything... intimate, at all with Valerie and Beth since then?"

I paused, staring grimly into the marble of my kitchen bench. I shook my head again, only just realising how long it had been since I'd shown my girls any affection in the bedroom...

"Ok, no problem sweetie, I didn't wanna upset you."
"I... I want to, I love them so much... but..."
"But it just reminds you too much of what happened?"

I nodded again, looking into the American beautys blue eyes as she gently lifted my head by my chin.

"I know what it's like sweetie, when I... when I got kidnapped, it took me a long time to recover too." She squeezed my hand, and Danny caressed her back and shoulder with care. "I didn't want Danny to tie me up or make love to me for months, because any time he tried I just thought of how those bastards humiliated me, hurt me, terrorised me..."

I could see Katie reliving the experience in her eyes, how anyone could ever do such horrible things to such a kind, beautiful girl I'll never know, but then she looked up at me and smiled.

"But I got better, and I had lots of help from people who cared about me, and..." She turned and caressed her boyfriends handsome stubbled face. "Danny was amazing too, you never pressured me, never forced me to do anything I wasn't comfortable with..."

The beautiful American couple snuggled their foreheads together as I watched, and I felt a smile form on my face.

"...and I know Val and Beth will be as good and patient with you sweetie, you've really got yourself some amazing partners in those two." She smiled, standing over the counter when I leaned forward to hug her.

"Thank you Kate, that means so much... Say uhh..."

One thing she'd said there really stood out to me, really caught my attention.

"You said you got help, with your bedroom problems, what did you mean exactly?" I inquired, breaking the hug.

"Oh, well... this may sound crazy but, my therapist... she actually recommended that I should..." Katie hesitated.

"Should what?" I asked, her silence making me more curious.

"Well... that I should try recreating a scenario similar to what I'd been through, but in a safe space where I could process the emotions and feel like I was in control... Not Rufus."

"Re-... recrea-?" I stammered, my heart sank at the thought, why would anyone suggest that?!

"Yeah I know, I reacted the exact same way, I thought it was crazy, inhumane even... But, in the end she did convince me to do it. So I organised to meet with some friends I'd made in the industry, and... God it was hard, it was draining, it hurt... But after we'd done it a few times and I soldiered on through the pain, I couldn't believe it, but it did help a lot..." Feeling Danny's hands on me again rather than those sick bastards who kidnapped me... It felt so good, it made me feel that little bit more normal again."

"Really? It really helped?" I asked, my lips and hands trembling, my heart racing, my lungs hyperventilating.

"It did sweetie, it really did... aaare you saying, you want to try it?" She hesitated.

"Well... I mean... no... but, also yeah... I just..."

I looked at her and Danny, so happy together, so good for each other... So attracted to one another.

"I want to feel my girls love me again."


(Several Nights Later, at Club Intimate)

"We'll be right here cutie, I'm proud of you for doing this ok?" Bethany cupped my cold cheeks in her hands.

"Thanks hun..." I spoke with a breaking, husky voice. I was terrified of what I was about to put myself through... But all the same, I'd willingly chosen to do so.

"I love you sweetheart, we'll get through this together..." She kissed me deeply and lovingly, I was too nervous to really return her kiss as intensely as I wanted, but it was ok, she knew I loved her back.

We were in a large, well-lit, mostly bare warehouse-looking room in Danny and Katie's club. The room actually made up the entire floor that we were on, two floors up from the ground level that contained the main public area with the bar, dance floor and entertainment stage through one door, and a long hallway full of rooms for private sessions through another door. Aside from a few support pillars, which were outfitted with several anchor points for people to be tied to and suspended from, the room was completely empty, though the entire long wall along the right side of the room was made up of mirrors, and from certain perspectives, it looked like there were twice as many people present as there really were.

Waiting on a bench at the back of the room were Valerie, Bethany and Kate... my girlfriends looked so worried for me, holding each other tight as Beth sat down. Despite their reservations though, they were keen to participate should this little experimental session work out okay for me, and I decided that I wanted to keep going... I couldn't guarantee that at all though. I mean, not a single thread of rope had been applied to me yet, nobody had touched me aside from Val and Beth each giving me a kiss of reassurance...

And I was terrified, completely and utterly terrified.

As per Katie's suggestions, I'd worn clothes that were as similar as possible to what I'd worn the night of The Incident... I wore a thick black puffer coat with a faux-fur hood, a tight-fitting white tank top with no bra underneath, and a pair of loose grey track pants.

Danny and Katie had asked one of their male doms, a gruff, serious, but very kind man named John, to play the role of my kidnapper. Everything had been explained to him, and I'd met up with him many times over the past few days before to get to know him, and feel safe with him.

So there I was, standing in this room with Kate, Val and Beth sitting on a nearby concrete bench, Danny leaning on one of the pillars nearby to supervise, and John, the big, muscular bearded Dom under his employ, standing next to me in a black hooded jacket, wearing jeans and leather gloves... He seemed equally as reluctant as me to go through with this, but when he finally asked:

"Ok... Remember what you and I discussed, you're the one in control here, if you wanna stop you click your fingers or you say 'stop'... Are you ready to go Emma?"

I took a super long, deep, shaky breath, and I nodded.

"Let's do it..."

John nodded to Katie on the other side of the room. She turned a dial on the wall which slowly dimmed the bright white lights in the room...

It got darker and darker, like an evil spirit had entered the room to torment me and taken all the light with it.

Oh god... I'm in control, I'm in control, I'm in control, this was my idea, I'm in control here... Ohhhh God...!

My whole body tensed up with fear, it was becoming so dark...

Just like it was that night...

I looked over to Valerie and Bethany, shuffling worriedly for me on that bench, they both mouthed silently that they loved me. I mouthed it back.

Within seconds the room was just bright enough that I could see myself, partially shrouded in shadow, in the mirrored wall.

John approached behind me. A stern but hesitant look on his face.

He looked in my eyes in the mirror.

Trembling, I took another deep breath, it's ok, I know him, I'm in control here...

I gave him a small nod to go ahead.


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Post by Caesar73 »

I must say, this is a helluva idea to began a new story arc! Looking forward in which direction you will take the story!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Complex, deep storylines at times, but exceptionally well written and a good read. Keep up the good work!
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Post by GreyLord »

What an interesting twist, [mention]TayDay95[/mention]. While I don't know if amateur psychologist could do any good, I don't know that the professionals could either. But it is a great ploy for your plot and I hope Emma finds it helpful. It will be very interesting to see how it plays out.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago I must say, this is a helluva idea to began a new story arc! Looking forward in which direction you will take the story!
Thanks mate glad you're still enjoying it 😁😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

tickletied84 wrote: 3 years ago Complex, deep storylines at times, but exceptionally well written and a good read. Keep up the good work!
Thanks tickletied I'm not trying to make a super complex story, sorry if it's a little hard to follow!
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