Safari Jo does it again. (F+/F+) [FINISHED]

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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] it's tempting ;) but I do enjoy writing :D

Morgan's, shall we say, all tied up :lol: for now at least. I hope you'll continue reading though, lots more fun to be found for you, [mention]Nainur[/mention] , and everyone else enjoying my latest offering.

Thanks for sticking with me :D
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Post by Risperdaltied »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago @Risperdaltied it's tempting ;) but I do enjoy writing :D

Morgan's, shall we say, all tied up :lol: for now at least. I hope you'll continue reading though, lots more fun to be found for you, @Nainur , and everyone else enjoying my latest offering.

Thanks for sticking with me :D
My loss is this sites gain!

Loving all your stories!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »


So what's a girl to do when she's got forever?

It's a question I still have no answer for, one which niggles at me most in the dead quiet of the nights, nights when I don't need to sleep. Because I'm a ghost.

Or a Demon. There isn't exactly a handy manual, there's only Scarlet. My one friend, part Dark God herself, and, possibly, also immortal. Orm, the Dark God that sits twisted around inside her, giving Scarlet access to powers well in excess of my own, is like some kind of walking encyclopedia on all things Demon and Elemental. It's down to Scarlet's friendship that I know my true name, though my history, the history of the thing I am now anyway, because for the first twenty years of my life I was just a normal girl, I learned from one of my two ex best friends.

Mostly, I compromise, telling myself I'm a Demon ghost. Sometimes, shaking my head at just how I wound up here, I'll add the word undead at the front. Because I don't need food, or drink. I don't breathe, and my heart no longer beats in my chest. Definitely a ghost, but with certain powers you just wouldn't think a ghost should possess.

What I do, so far, is explore. Like Scarlet I'm able to open doorways, tearing a hole in reality that'll take me anywhere. I went to Mexico's Day Of The Dead festival, wore no makeup, and fitted right in. I spent a month trekking across Antarctica in denim hotpants and a vest top, because, really, how can a ghost be affected by the cold? Sometimes I hang out with Scarlet, who also has no real friends, and we keep each other company. We've never had sex. She's cute, and, when we first met there was a mutual attraction, but we've been friends too long now, the moment's passed. She's even taken me back to her actual castle: a huge dark stone fortress nestled on a hillside in a world of near permanent darkness. Right now though, I'm in America's West Coast, on the beach, enjoying the view.

I can't really say I'm enjoying the sun too. My skin is pure white, like chalk, and never tans. Plus, as with the cold, I can't feel the heat either. I could, probably, wander down into an active volcano, not that I'm willing to try. Maybe in a couple of hundred years. But the view is nice. I'm sat on a bench, with the beach and sea to my left, and the main road to my right. The beach is full of skinny girls barely covered by skimpy bikinis, lounging or walking along the sand in twos and threes, giving wide berth to the volleyball nets where a scattering of girls, but mostly muscular young men in colourful knee length shorts, are whacking hell out of bright white balls. It doesn't look like any of them are actually keeping score. Across the road is a diner, it's corrugated silver walls glinting in the sun, the car park full of V8 hotrods, old Dodges mixing with new Mustangs.

My own skinny frame is also sporting a bikini, dark green tie side thong style bottoms have the word Quiksilver written in a lighter green across my butt, whilst the triangle halter style top, which does a good job of showing off my extra pert D cups- no sagging worries when you're a ghost -is black, like my hair, which curls and tumbles halfway down my back. A pair of silver framed aviator sunglasses hide my completely black eyes, helping me to at least somewhat blend in, and a pair of black flip-flops sit on the bench beside me, should I want to wander off the beach and explore the nearby shops.

One of the volleyball groups, not the closest but still one easily in view, appears to be a player down, with five on one side of the high net but only four on the other. Several of the group have already looked my way, one of the girls even pointing, I think, right at me. I keep watching, a small smile on my lips, hoping at least one of them, boy or girl, will come over and ask, because I'd love to play. It looks fun. But then I frown, as something catches my eye.

Tilting my head down, looking over my glasses, I see it more clearly. There's a patch of darkness on the horizon, on the whole horizon I confirm, standing, doing a slow spin on the spot. Suddenly there's a strange feeling inside me too, like a tugging, as though I'm a small fish being reeled in. Except the tugging isn't dragging me anywhere. Frowning, looking up again, and the blackness is closer, and still coming, appearing to race towards me from all directions at once. "Um?" I try to take a step, only for the tugging to actively prevent me from lifting my foot. "Shit." Looking around as the darkness eclipses the sea and comes tearing silently up the beach towards me. I try, as a final thought, to open a portal, but nothing happens. "Shit." I curse again, and then the darkness hits me from all sides at once, having reached me in less then a minute.

I feel a tingling, alongside the sensation of being picked up, and thrown sideways, all whilst being spun around really fast. And then I land, feeling solid ground beneath me, the darkness retreating just as fast as it arrived. I blink, looking around, seeing.

A room, in semi darkness, the only illumination candles arrayed all around me in a circle, with more placed all over the room at several different heights. I'm stood on thick carpet, possibly dark red, and, looking back up, my eyes having started to adjust to the gloom, I can see furniture. The silhouette of a wooden single bed, a small wardrobe behind it, a desk and wheeled chair off to the side. And, behind the bed, heads peering over the mattress at me, are two girls.

"It worked." One of them breathes. "Shhh." The other replies, loudly, pointing at me. "She'll hear you."
"She already can." I loudly whisper, almost laughing as both heads comically duck down, fast. "What do we do now?" Whispered, from behind the bed. "Do we talk to her?"
"I don't know," whispered back, "what did the book say?" I look down, noticing the symbols made on the carpet with pale brown masking tape, cocking my head to the side, remembering things Scarlet's told me, things I've researched about myself, stuff I knew I'd need to know one day, which appears to be today. I nod smirking, even whilst the girls are still whispering. "It's on my desk."
"Well, I'm not fucking getting it. She'll see." Quietly, I flex inside, rising half a foot up off the floor, at the same time becoming like a ghost, invisible, and able to pass through solid matter, like the bed, which I glide through, putting me beside the girls. "So," still whispering, "it doesn't matter if she sees you, she can't leave the circle."
"Well." I drop my invisibility, appearing crouched in front of the two girls, the three of us forming a loose triangle. I grin, as both of them stumble back agaisnt the bed. "Actually, she already has."

"Fuck." One of them exclaims, still whispering. "Hi." I wave, standing up, stretching, spying a window covered by curtains I wander over, one of the girls scrabbling out of my way as I pass close by her. "Oh." Lifting a corner, seeing a star and cloud filled night sky outside, I shake my head. "What time is it?" I ask, turning back to the room. "Shh. Please." One of the girls puts a finger to her lips. "Only, you'll wake Lucinda's parents."
"Right." Whispering back. "Sorry." I point at the window. "Where is this?"
"Um." The girls exchange confused looks for a moment. "London." One of them offers, putting up her hand like a kid in class. "London huh?" I muse, shrugging. "Back on home turf. And what time is it?"
"Right." I look around me, at all the candles, at the burning incense filling the room with a nice mix of sage and a woody aroma, at the two girls, who, now I'm looking properly, are young. Teenagers for sure, and, of course they're wearing black. "Just one big stereotype." Shaking my head, looking back out the window, not in the least surprised to spot a full moon appearing just then from behind a cloud. I turn my attention properly to the girls, who at least aren't hiding anymore. "You should've done a second circle." I jerk my thumb back, at the spot I appeared. "Different markings if you actually want me to stay put."
"S' fine." I shrug. "Isn't like you're trying to capture me." I give them a hard stare over the tops of my glasses, both of them flinching at the sight of my eyes. "Right. Girls?"
"Um. Right." They both nod. "Good." I smile. "Well then, girls. Why don't we have a sit down, and you can tell me all about it."

I grant favours. Apparently. There was an original Demon ghost, called forth long ago to grant a favour to some king, then betrayed. My ex friends, I mentioned them earlier, summoned the Demon, and bargained treats for themselves, using my life as payment. The ghost took my life, becoming human, and I died, sort of, gaining her life and abilities. And her obligation to grant favours if and when summoned.

Not wishes, let's be clear. A wish is something for nothing. Genies and infinite power, untold riches, the girl of your dreams loving you unconditionally. You could have anything. I can only help within my own skill set, and, because it's a favour, you'll owe me back. These girls, right now, is actually the first time someone's summoned me, the first time I'm being asked for help.

Lucinda and Jodie are their names, I discover, as we talk, the girls sat on Lucinda's bed, me on the chair I wheel over. Of the two Lucinda is taller, with C cups to Jodie's B's, though both girls are slim. Jodie's hair is blonde, and very curly, Lucinda's is less so, and reddish brown. The hair brushes at the shoulders of both girls, who are, it appears I was right, both fourteen.

"So you're being bullied?"
"Yes." still whispering, we all are, none of us wanting to wake Licinda's parents. Though I do think it would be very funny to see their faces if they did walk in, I really can't see either girl having cleared this little ritual with Mum or Dad. Jodie nods, Lucinda carries on. "By Becky."
"Same year as you, or older?"
"Same year."
"I see. And," I look the two of them over, neither one looks muscular, or, given how they hid earlier, particularly brave, "you can't just take care of her yourself?"
"We did actually try." Jodie tells me, whilst Lucinda looks at the floor. I mentally raise an eyebrow at being wrong. Good on them for at least trying. I ask anyway, despite the fact of my being here making it an unnecessary question. "It didn't work then?"
"No." Shaking her head. "She just laughed."
"And you won't go to your teachers? Your parents? Let the adults handle it through the system."
"Fuck no." Which makes me giggle, quietly, both girls smile, but Jodie shakes her head. "Weren't you ever in school? I mean...." Clapping a hand over her mouth. "Oops."
"As a matter of fact I did go to school."
"Oh. But." Both girls stare at me. "I. We, thought you were...."
"I am." Shrugging. "S' a long story."
"Oh. Um." The two share a look, deciding, if I had to guess, whether to ask. I wait. Finally Lucinda speaks, for the both of them. "Can you help us?"
"Sure." I smile, already having the beginnings of a plan. "You want me to scare her, put her in her place. Right?"
"Yes." With Jodie hurriedly adding. "We don't want her dead though."
"No no." Putting my hands up, smiling. "Just a scare. Promise."

"You uh...." Jodie begins, taking a sip of the drink Lucinda snuck downstairs to get for them both. I declined. "Yes?" I ask, noticing how nervous she suddenly looks. "I what?"
"Well." Looking at Lucinda, who nods, but looks nervous too. Jodie swallows, then, quickly finishes. "You just don't look like Ki-Bak-Furi."
"Hmm." Looking down at myself, at my bikini, I smirk. "I could prove it," looking back up at the girls, who flinch, "If you want?"
"No no." From them both, accompanied by much shaking of heads. "You, uh," Lucinda rubs at her own arm, "you've got the skin," touching her face, "and the eyes." She shrugs. "It's just...."
"The robes." I nod, understanding. "I had robes in the, what, some hand drawn picture was it?"
"Yes." Both girls look relieved. "They were," Lucinda makes a parting gesture over her crotch, looking embarrassed, "kinda revealing."
"Hoping for a flash of pussy were we girls?" I tease, making them both gasp. I laugh. "Honestly, don't tell me you haven't checked each others out yet?"
"I. We. But." Jodie stammers, whilst Lucinda's mouth drops open. I laugh again. "Maybe that can be the favour you owe me." Standing, making to pull my bikini thong down. "We could all have a little show and tell session once I've taken care of Becky." I grin. "What do you say?"

A couple of minutes later, after Jodie's calmed Lucinda down, the poor girl had been mid sip when I made my suggestion, and had almost chocked, I gesture at the bedside alarm clock. "What day is it, anyway?"
"Sunday." Jodie begins, but Lucinda shakes her head. "Monday now."
"Right." I think. "Can I see your class schedule girls?"
"Sure." Lucinda crosses to her desk, I follow, with Jodie staying on the bed. "Sorry." I give her a hug from behind, feeling her stiffen slightly, then relax. "Don't worry about the favour," I continue, "really. If you still want my help?" Both girls nod, I nod back. "Good. Then yes, you will owe me. And no, right now I've no clue what you'll owe me." I shrug. "If you're both okay with that?" I look from Jodie, who nods, to Lucinda, who takes a deep breath, prehaps more aware then her friend of the very open ended bargain I'm offering, after all a favour can literally be anything, but, Lucinda nods too. "Good." I smile, returning my attention to the schedule Lucinda has found.

"So you've maths together, with Becky, and.... What?"
"And french," Lucinda points, "plus sports."
"Sports is where she normally gets us." Jodie adds, having joined us over by the desk. "Sports huh?" I think, nodding. "I can work with that. And," looking at the paper, "sports is Wednesdays and Fridays."
"Yeah, with Miss West."
"Okay. Good." I grin at the girls. "Gives me a couple of days prep."
"So. Um." Jodie looks down, then back up, but not quite directly at me. "What're you going to do?"
"Nothing the two of you need worry about." I take a couple of steps back, making some space for myself. I grin "I'll see you in class Wednesday girls."
"You're coming to class?"
"Definitely." With a thought I open a portal on the ground beneath me, just a small one, a black hole, not cloud filled and occasionally colourful like Scarlet's, mine are always black as night, and appear to bubble. Controlling my descent I begin to sink through the floor. "Oh," something occurs to me, and I point, "best take all that tape up girls. Destroy the circle. To be safe." And then I'm gone, closing my portal behind me.
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Post by RopeBunny »


It takes me most of the night to find the school. London's huge, and I've never lived there, or spent enough time visiting to know beyond the basics of Oxford Street and Picadilly Circus, so, until I manage to find a main road, and some signposts, I've no clue which part I'm even in. Close to Waterloo apparently. I cloak myself in invisibility as I wander, it's very tempting to be seen in the dead of night, a lone girl in nothing but a bikini, but there's too much chance of my attracting the wrong kind of attention. And whilst I could simply walk, or portal jump, out of whatever situation might arise, or whatever holding cell the police choose to dump me in for the night, it's hassle I don't need. Being detained might mean fingerprints, which, possibly, would reveal my status as either missing, or dead. Better to stay in the shadows, to enjoy the walk without any drama.

In the end I have to steal one of those pocket map books from an all night petrol station.

Tower Lane Academy is an impressive place. The two story horseshoe shaped grey and red stone main building is old, with a scattering of windows in its high pointed roof hinting at a much smaller third floor. Beside this sits a large modern low roofed steel and glass sports hall, complemented by two outdoor tennis courts and a single football pitch marked out on the schools small playing field, itself just about large enough for the eight Lane oval running track also marked out around the pitch.

I don't actually need to stay on site to make my plan work. But I decide as I wander the corridors watching the girls that Monday morning, all aged from eleven to seventeen, that I'll stay put in London. At least until Wednesday anyway. Then I'll go pay Scarlet a visit, do my usual unannounced drop in. See if she's home alone. See if she wants some company. So for two days I'm a ghost, exploring the school during the day, sitting in on lessons, discovering the mostly disused basement. At night I wander ever expanding circles of the local area, out as far as the Thames. When I'm invisible, though I couldn't explain the science, whatever I'm wearing: my robes, jeans and a vest top, my current bikini. My invisibility extends to cover that. Plus anything I'm holding or carrying. Back in Scarlet's castle is a room full of weapons, including a gunmetal blade scythe with a curving dark wooden handle, which she, alongside much laughing at how I'd look holding it whilst wearing my black robes, tried to gift to me. I declined, because I can see myself forgetting, leaving it propped against a park bench somewhere for some kid to find. And where would I even keep it? Plus, I don't intend on being in a position where I actually need to be armed. But, to prove the point, when I engaged my invisibility whilst holding it, the scythe vanished too.

Two days of waiting, then it's Wednesday.

Lucinda and Jodie have sports second that day, each day being broken up into five lesson slots. Two then break, then one, then lunch before the final two. There are ten minute gaps between lessons, to allow the girls to walk across school grounds, and to allow for a teachers lesson overrunning. I wait for the gap, when I know Miss West will be in her small office, which, upon entering the sports building, is down the left hand corridor with the store cupboards, with the changing rooms being a right turn and the main hall straight ahead. Wandering invisibly into the room I find the teacher sat at her desk, frowning over paperwork whilst sipping from a bright orange water bottle. Dropping back into reality I kick the door closed.

"Yes? Can I he...." Miss West looks up, her words stumbling to a halt no doubt at the sight of white skinned still bikini clad me leant against her closed door, grinning. "Miss West." I nod. "Do you think, prehaps, that I could teach this class?"
"That you could...." Shaking her head, slightly, still staring. "What. Why." Taking a breath, closing her eyes and, I can actually hear her, counting to five. She opens them again. I wave, if anything smiling wider now I know she actually thought, or was hoping, I wasn't real. "Who are you?"
"A good question." I nod. "But, I'm not sure you'd believe the answer."
"Are you an ex student?" She peers behind me. "Is this a prank?"
"No. And no." Shaking my head. "I. Actually, need your help."
"My...." Giving me a puzzled look. "Help?"
"Oh." She stares at me. "Why are you wearing a bikini?"
"I was on the beach."
"About that help." Looking at the clock, time's almost up. "I really am hoping you'll take the easy route here."
"Easy....?" Scratching the side of her face. "What are you doing here again?"
"Hopefully not hogtying you on those mats." I point, and she actually looks, following my gesture, to the pile of red and blue crash mats piled in the corner, taking up most of the room, making a strong case for her office being infact just another store room. As she turns back to face me I see the moment her brain clicks over, joining the dots. Her mouth drops open. "You want to tie me up?"
"Well." Shrugging. "I'm actually hoping you'll willingly swap clothes with me, then be a good girl and stay put for a half hour or so. But," I huff out a breath as she makes a dive for the phone on her desk, "I guess it's the hard way."

Just in time I stand, hearing girls running, calling out to each other as they come into the building, throwing open the nearby main doors, which crash against the wall. On the floor Miss West winces at the impact, then squirms about on the mat to glare up at me. "What?" Arms spread wide, grinning. "I gave you a choice." She grunts, squriming some more. "I know." Trying not to laugh. "I'll tell them about the door." I quickly pull Miss Wests top on. "How do I look?"

Luckily Miss West and I are of a roughly equal size. Being the sports teacher I figured she'd be slim, so her sensible white thong and skintight black leggings, which have a dark grey octopus silhouette on the upper right leg, are a perfect fit. The problem is the top. Having overpowered her, throwing us both down atop the mats, I used my greater supernatural strength to strip and bind Miss West, using some old rope I'd discovered in the basement and hidden behind the pile. Once naked, and gagged with a dirty off white cloth I'd previously knotted and hidden with the rope, I bind first her wrists, then ankles, which allows me to join the two together behind her back, yanking the limbs close even whilst she continues to struggle and curse me. As an afterthought, just to make sure she can't easily escape, I tie Miss West's elbows too. All that struggling, the close body contact, and I never noticed until I went to pull on her white sports bra that she's very lacking in the breast department. Tugging at the bra, which I couldn't stretch down over more then half my D's, I look down, seeing the struggling teachers exposed A's. I look from the bra to my shed bikini, dumped on the floor beside my hogtied victim, as though she'll actually be able to put it on, and shake my head. Just then the first student voice sounds from the corridor, Lucinda's class arriving. So I shrug, picking up the top. "Just have to go braless." I comment, pulling the plain pale blue spandex vest top on.

"Okay girls." Clapping my hands together as I walk into the changing room. Twenty pairs of eyes, Jodie's and Lucinda's amongst them, are suddenly fixed on me. I grin. "No kit today girls," jerking my thumb behind me, at the open door, "straight out to the sports hall."
"Where's Miss West?" Asks a tall blonde, her question accompanied by several nods. "Busy." I shrug, failing to keep a straight face. "Come on girls." Clapping again, I know almost nothing about teaching. "Double time, let's go." I jerk my thumb again, and amazingly, the girls begin to trickle past me in small groups, doing as they've been told. I give Lucinda and Jodie half smiles as they pass, then fall in behind the final girl to leave, following the snaking line towards the hall.

"Just there. Great." I point. "Go and sit with the others then, thanks girls." Having wheeled in the whiteboard on it's rigid frame, the two girls I pulled from the back of the line give me nervous smiles as they walk past, joining the other eighteen, who have, with very little instruction from me, arranged themselves into a loose four line group facing me, and the board behind me. "Okay then, so." Turning my back on the class I grab up a black pen, popping the cap- which I toss across the hall, hearing a scattering of chocked laughs as I do -and scribble my name on the board. "My name," turning back around, tapping the board with my pen, "is Miss Dru. Yes." I point my pen at a girl near the middle, on the right, a skinny Asian with dyed blonde hair and a chest as flat as Miss Wests. "Miss?"
"Miss Dru," I make a twirling gesture with the pen, "yes?"
"Miss. Where's your bra Miss?"
"My....?" I look down, as several of the girls giggle. The tight spandex has molded itself to my pert D cups, showing every curve, the plunging neckline revealing even more, and, to top it all, my nipples are poking through the thin fabric. "Huh." Shaking my head, looking back up. "Well." Smiling. "Your teachers didn't fit, so...."
"But." The Asian looks around at the other girls, as though to garner support. "Why would you need to wear Miss Wests bra Miss."
"Miss Dru." Somewhere in the back of my head are childhood memories of watching a show set in a school. And I'm sure the kids always, fucking always, called the teachers by their names. So if I get no other part of teaching right, I'll make sure I'm addressed properly. "Miss Dru." Repeats the Asian. "Good." I nod. "It's simple, really. Class. There's no pool here, but, I was in my bikini, so I needed to change, and your teacher was kind enough to swap clothes with me." At which point Lucinda, staring right at me, starts to half laugh half cough. I flash her a grin, clapping my hands again. "Anyway. Class. Enough questions." I let my gaze wander around the room, picking Becky out of the group from the photo on her file that I snuck a look at last night. "You." Pointing her out. "Thanks for volunteering. The rest of you," I point at the exit, "go get changed, then." I think. "Go run three laps of the field. Or something."

Nobody moves. I'm clearly actually a terrible teacher. "Come on girls." Making a spinning gesture with my forearm, like a windmill. "Off you go." I pause, and grin. "Unless you want to stay here and volunteer too?" Which at least gets Jodie and Lucinda up, which starts the tide of girls first rising then wandering out the door, heading, I hope, for the changing rooms. I follow, closing, and bolting, the door behind them.

"You locked the door." Turning, I find Becky still sat in front of the whiteboard, staring at me. "Are you even a teacher?" She adds. I shrug, wandering back across the room, looking her over as I approach. Not all bullies look the same, physically, but Becky has the same scowl, the same 'I'm in charge' presence I remember from those who picked on a younger me. She's short, with olive coloured skin and long straight black hair. On the curvy side of plump, Becky's breasts are large enough to make her short sleeved white shirt, about the unbuttoned collar of which a dark blue and white tie is only loosely knotted, a tight fit. The rest of her uniform comprises a black skirt, all the girls were in skirts, which falls to the knee, underneath which are black tights. "Truthfully?" Shrugging, as Becky stands. "No."
"Is your name even Dru?" She approaches the board, tapping at my handwriting. I smile, having reached the spot she was sat in. "One of them is."
"One of them?"
"It depends who's asking."
"Hmm." She looks me up and down. "Did Miss West really swap clothes with you?"
"Well." I smirk, fingering the spandex top. "These are hers anyway."
"Right. Well then, Miss Dru," pouring sarcasm all over my name, "what now?"
"Well, Becky," grinning, biting her name out, "now. I deliver my message."

Ki-Bak-Furi. My other name. It translates as The Lady of Chains.

Like faithful servents they emerge, four of the chains I can summon and control at will. One appears over each shoulder, one on each side at hip height. The combined boom of all four tearing their way into the world, manifesting from the air just behind me, is deafening as it echoes around the large empty hall. Becky flinches, her mouth dropping open, screaming in fear as the chains, each a dull dark gunmetal grey, rattle through the air towards her. In moments they've got her, one chain per limb, wrapping and pinning her in place stood against the whiteboard frame, each wrist thrust up and out, each leg held wide, forcing Lucinda and Jodie's bully into a stretched out X shape.

I've been experimenting with my portals recently, and have discovered that, with the right focus, rather then opening one to walk or fall through, I can open one all around me, transporting a sphere shaped area around me through to somewhere else. It's far more draining, but, at times like now, totally worth it.

Becky screams all over again as we arrive in my own dark place. Me, her, the whiteboard she's chained to, plus a good sized chunk of sports hall floor. I'm glad I won't have to pay the repair bill. This is where I was sent when the original ghost cursed me with her life. The prison I broke free from eighteen months later. No castles here, just the endless darkness above, and, near as I could tell back then, endless uneven stone broken only by patches of long wet grass underfoot. A circle of which, along with the soggy mud it grows in, is now filling the hole I created in the sports hall floor.

"Nobody can hear you," I call out, closing the distance between us, "you know that. Right?"
"Where...." Looking around, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. "Where are we?"
"My home." Shrugging. "Kind of." Having reached Becky I begin to unbutton her shirt. "Hey." Struggling, which is achieving nothing, but she continues anyway. "Hey. What're you doing?"
"I told you." Making it to the bottom, letting go. "I'm sending a message." Becky's shirt is now hanging open, revealing a rounded stomach, and a fairly sensible grey bra with lacework on the tops of the cups. "Hey." Struggling again. "Untie me, fucking bitch."
"Language." I tut, unknotting her tie, gagging her with it. Becky grunts at me. "There," I smile, "much better."

"It's simple really, Becky." I'm stood a couple of paces back, arms crossed, whilst Becky, still tightly splayed out, rages and curses me. "Shhh." Putting a finger to my lips. She doesn't shut up. "Suit yourself." I shrug. "I'll explain anyway. I'm going to need you to stop with the bullying, to be a good girl from now on." I hold my arms out wide. "Deal?" Becky stops struggling, and, glaring at me, throws a bunch of what sounds like choice curse words my way. "Hmm." Nodding. "I see. Well, Becky, I'll tell you what. You play nice. Or," I shrug, turning a slow circle, "I'll be leaving you here. You see," stepping in close, grabbing her by the hair, "you're just a small fish in the Earths pond actually. And I'm the mother fucking shark." I suppress a brief shiver- I try not to think about Sharks after meeting one that could swim through the middle of a forest -and look Becky in the eyes. "Well? Ready to talk?"

Of course she calls my bluff, it's such a bully thing to always believe you're going to win. Somehow. So, with a wave, I turn and walk away, fading both into the all encompassesing darkness, and fading into invisibility. Unseen by Becky I wait, and watch, as she holds out for almost fifteen minutes, mostly struggling and cursing me, before beginning to break. I give her another twenty before reappearing though, letting her begging and gag muffled pleas become more and more desperate.

"Just remember," stood eye to eye, she's still tightly trussed and gagged to the frame, "I'm not telling you to be best friends with the whole school, but, you cut that bullying shit out. Or else I'll come back for you, and next time I'll keep you here for my own personal amusement." I prod at one of her bra covered breasts, making her flinch. "Understand?" Becky nods, still sobbing slightly. "Okay." I take a deep breath, then, with an effort, I take us both, and the frame, and the floor, back to the sports hall, bringing back the mud and grass, everything back to normal. Kind of.

I don't seek out Lucinda and Jodie, there's no need. Within the hour Becky will be found by whichever class has sports third on Wednesdays, still tightly trussed and gagged, the words 'I promise to be a god girl, OR ELSE' scrawled on her exposed stomach with black marker pen. I honestly couldn't say how long Miss West might have to stay naked and hogtied before she's rescued. I don't have the energy to help her. The double portal jump, all that mass I had to move and swap, then bring back and place in the exact same spot, has left me drained.

I walk, slowly, through the centre of London, head down, barely aware of anything save my destination. I'm heading for one of the main terminus stations, and from there I'll hitch a ride North. It's time to see Scarlet, because, I could really use a rest.
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I, just about, have the power reserves left to pass invisibly through the ticket barriers, down the platform, and onto the overhead electric powered express train. First class is empty, it being the middle of the day, so I take a four seater table, slumping down, completely visible now and thanks to Miss West not in a bikini, in the far corner against the window. I'll just have to hope the gaurd doesn't decide to do a walk through, because I no longer carry money. Not even a card, so I definitely don't have a ticket.

Scarlet lives about ninety minutes, or three stops, away.

For most people, a lack of energy could be easily rectified by eating, or drinking. Even a good ninety minute nap would go some way to refreshing anyone else on the train. Not me though. The dead don't eat, or drink, except maybe for fun, and we certainly don't sleep. In truth I don't know exactly what replenishes the energy I expend as I walk, or fly, or summon my chains. Whatever it is, except for a couple more times like this, when I do too much too quickly, the other prime example being the fight with Teddy Wizard, I always feel great. Bursting with energy, ready to take on all comers. Now though, as with the aftermath of the Teddy fight, which left Scarlet and me strung up nearly naked in a tall tree, suspended by sticky thick webbing, even lifting my head is an effort. I can feel a tingle inside, my battery recharging at a steady trickle, which I only seem to become aware of when I'm running on empty. It won't be quick though, I was in that tree for almost a day before feeling strong enough to break free and then still be able to float, not fall, to the floor.

Maybe by the time I reach Scarlet's stop there'll be enough in the tank to jump straight to her penthouse. A girl can hope.

I don't sleep, but I can drift. Letting my mind wander and roam free, zoning out. Day dreaming.

"I didn't expect to see you here."
"Huh?" I'd been thinking about sex, because I haven't had any in what seems like forever, certainly none since I became what I am now. I've had multiple chances, despite my chalk white skin and midnight black eyes I still get eyed up, even approached, fairly often. I'm just scared, and, if I'm honest, confused. Scared because of the powers I now have access to, I'm worried that I'll be too rough, or that, in the heat of the moment, I'll either open a portal to fuck knows where beneath us, or, potentially just as disastrous, that I'll summon a chain and strangle someone. The confusion is, kind of, Scarlets fault. When she rescued me, awhile ago now, our first meeting, there was a kind of instant attraction there. She already, I've since found out, only likes girls, but I'd only ever been with men. The confidence that poured off her though, that still does, born from the practiced and now perfected union she enjoys with Orm, added to her quite simply amazing body: huge bouncy breasts, not an ounce of fat anywhere. Well, who wouldn't want to fuck that. But we never did. We cuddled up naked in bed, but it was more for mutual comfort, which I guess ruined our best chance. So now I just don't know anymore. Really, I just need to go out and find a girl to fuck, preferably a kinky one, but, my confidence always seems to desert me when the situation does arise. I may well be screwed. It's a daydream of sex, with an tattoo covered and green haired, slightly plump busty goth girl, all huge boots and tight leather clothing, and black lipstick, that the girls voice rouses me from.

Opening my eyes I scowl across the table at my new travelling companion, because the girl had just been buckling a large black strap on cock around her waist as I lay naked chained up and stretched out wide on her wooden bed. We're total opposites, is my first thought. Her skin is as black as mine is white, her dreadlocks twisted hair white, shorter then my own black curls. She's skinny though, and very toned. I can see the waistband of a pair of faded blue jeans, though her legs are hidden by the table, and, above a large exposed slash of stomach, is a figure hugging dark blue tee with what appears to be some form of chemical equation printed in black across the part that stretches and rises slightly, pushed into shape by a pair of small breasts. She doesn't have any bags, that I can see, not that I have any either mind, but some kind of bulky black tablet, with several aerials and other random things protruding from it, is resting on the table between us.

"Huh?" I say again, like the half asleep person I feel. Looking around, it appears we have the whole carriage to ourselves. The lady smiles at me. "I was just saying, I didn't expect to see you here."
"Oh." That's what I thought I'd heard, but, it doesn't make any sense. "Um," looking her up and down, still feeling way too sluggish, and slow, "have we met?"
"Well," she's still grinning like a Cheshire Cat, "look." I stretch. She waits. "I'm not feeling much like a random chat with a crazy lady right now, and, let's be honest, I was here first. So," I nod, "if you wouldn't mind."
"You're like buses you know."
"What?" I stare at her. She's clearly mad, or has no social skills. "Buses?"
"Yes." A nod, the smile, if it's even possible, widening. "It took me forever to find Scarlet, and, no sooner have I, but three of you turn up." Shaking her head. "All at once."
"Scarlet?" My friends name coming from this strange lady's lips sent a shiver down my spine. I suddenly very much wish I had the power left to jump clear, even beside the track might do it. She nods. "Yes. She says hi by the way."
"Really?" I frown. But the lady shakes her head. "Well. No. What she actually said was 'give me back my sword you bitch'." She laughs. "Or. Maybe it was 'take that metal cock out of my pussy before I have yet another delightful orgasm'." She shrugs. "You know, Drusila, maybe you can ask her yourself."
"What have you done with my friend?" I demand, really wishing it came out sounding less like I was half dead. But the lady only looks pointedly over my shoulder. "What?" Shaking her head, like a disappointed teacher. "No chains."
"Who are you?" I half shout. She winks at me. "Safari Jo does it again." She whispers. "Safari who?" I blink at her, trying to place the name. She shrugs. "Here, catch."

What she tosses at me, underarm, I'm far too slow in reacting to catch. It's some kind of silver ball, about the size of the ones they take turns tossing down the grass pitch in bowls. It hits me in the chest with a splat sound, becoming liquid as it impacts. But, instead of splashing off me in all directions, the silvery liquid instead flows up and over my shoulders, at the same time creeping under my armpits. In no time, it seems, though my reactions are slow right now anyway, my arms have been covered, right down to the wrists. The liquid pulling them together behind me as it flows, before suddenly becoming near solid, pinning my arms in place, with parts of the whole crisscrossed above my breasts at the front, ensuring I can't simply wriggle free.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim, wriggling anyway. The lady- is her name actually Jo -regards me with a smile. "I mean, really," she tuts, "I thought at least one of you would be a challenge."
"Who are you?"
"No no no." Shaking her head. "No explanations. I'm not some silly villain in a cartoon." She laughs, and mutters, "Safari Jo does it again." Then laughs again, before continuing back at a more normal volume. "Besides, if you can't even get my humour, how will you ever wrap your pretty pale head around anything else?"
"Your. Humour?" Genuinely interested. I've given up on struggling. Right now a six year old working with only a ball of string could probably best me. Against Jo and her, whatever the hell that ball was, no chance. She smiles at me, patting her tablet. "You're a ghost Drusila, right?"
"Kind of." Shaking my head, too tired to launch into some explanation Jo might already know anyway. "Sure." Nodding. "I'm a ghost. What of it?"
"Well. Ghosts are, usually, invisible." She pats her tablet again. "I really thought it'd be much harder to actually spot you, even being able to track you to this train. But." A shrug. "Here you are." She puts both hands over her eyes, binoculars style, grinning. "I didn't expect to see you, because I expected you to be invisible." Dropping her hands. "Get it?"

I actually laugh, because, as silly as it is, it's also, kind of, funny. "So," looking out the window as I feel the train begin to slow, "what happens now?"
"Now." Jo stands. "Hopefully, you're going to be a good little ghost, and come quietly." I grimace, but, with some effort because of my pinned arms, stand too. I've no fight in me, no power to even try, and, I'm guessing if I don't cooperate things will go much worse for me. So, better to be a good girl, for now, and hope that once I'm feeling better a chance to escape whatever cell or box Jo has waiting for me, hopefully freeing Scarlet too, presents itself.

As we wander down the aisle, it suddenly occurs to me, earlier Jo said three. So. Me, and Scarlet, who's the third?
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Still loving this!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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Safari Jo.

When I was eight I saw my Dad get eaten by a shark.

He was the ruler of a small African country, one rich in oil, but where the vast majority still starved. Daddy, chief amongst all the generals, led a coup before I was born, siezing power, executing and burning the old established regime in one bloody night. But he didn't do it to save anyone. Instead, he became as a dictator, a supreme ruler. Under Daddy's rule the rich, his fellow conspirators, got richer, and the poor still starved.

I didn't learn any of this until after his death though. My memories of Daddy are of a larger then life dark skinned man, always wearing full green army dress uniform, even around the palace we lived in. A man whose very presence seemed to fill every room he entered. I remember laughter at the breakfast table, and bedtime stories about princesses and dragons as I cuddled into him, feeling the scratchiness of his beard against my cheek.

That morning I'd woken early, for no reason I can recall. Wandering out onto one of several balconies, I saw Daddy down below on the large looping driveway in front of the palace's main doors, talking with another uniformed man who I knew as 'Uncle Dakari'. I called all of Daddy's close friends uncle. Looking up he saw me, and waved. I waved back, and then something caught my attention. Impossibly, out on the horizon line, but coming closer, a huge sharks fin was slicing through the desert sand. I shouted out, pointing, but Daddy just waved again, then returned his attention to Dakari. Looking back, the fin had vanished. I was just telling myself how it must've been an illusion, a mirage caused by the heat, when the shark itself, its enormous head anyway, came up directly underneath Daddy and Uncle Dakari, jaws stretched wide revealing a chasm of darkness within. Time seemed to slow, to stop. For one terrifying moment the sharks upper body hung suspended, pointing at the sky, the angles and height placing one of its eyes level with me. It seemed to be regarding me as I stood, rooted with fear to the spot. I used to think Daddy had hard eyes, the eyes of a man who never blinks first, but, in that large black oval I saw the end of the world, I saw sheer untapped power. And then the jaws snapped closed with a loud crack, and there was no more Daddy, no more Uncle Dakari. The next moment the shark was gone, plunging back beneath the sand, leaving no trace, and no witnesses. Except for me.

Running back inside I found Mummy, and told her straight away what I'd seen. She didn't laugh like I expected, instead she told me to go, quietly, and pack my favourite things. Ten minutes later we were in her old dust covered Jeep, driving at speed for the border, and safety.

Before she died, of cancer, three weeks after I turned twenty, Mummy filled me in on why we left. Though at the time I understood nothing save we were off on an adventure, just the two of us. I'm the youngest of three. As I turned eight both my brothers were already men, being groomed and trained by Daddy and his friends to one day take the mantle of leadership when he was older, and ready to step back. Mummy knew that once news of Daddy's death broke all the old rules and alliances would crumble. There'd be a power struggle, my brothers against the Uncles, and possibly each other if things turned really nasty. She knew that, as the wife and only daughter of the now dead ruler, we'd be at best a bargaining chip, and at worst a liability. So, whilst I collected my favourite books and Mr Fluffy, the Teddy I'd had since birth, Mummy was raiding Daddy's safe, taking as much cash and bonds, plus gold, as she could stuff into a suitcase, plus her passport. We certainly weren't going to be poor.

We travelled north west, in a shallow curve, moving through Africa into Europe, bribing border guards as we went, staying under the radar. Mummy knew a small network of people, friends of Daddy's, a select few within that network were removed enough from our old country to be trusted to help, to put us up for a few weeks or months, and not simply kidnap, us. In France, having spent almost three years in transit, the final year just spent in France, camped out on the rolling hilly grounds of a vineyard, we caught a private jet across the ocean, touching down as dawn broke on a deserted airstrip in Mexico, to find a fresh yet equally sand covered Jeep, and our new fake papers, waiting.

We drove that Jeep north, across the border into America, as good a place as any to start again. The money, long ago transferred into secure accounts by a tall skinny man with no hair but an impressive beard in Prague, for a fee of course, got us a good apartment on the top floor of a newly built complex, right in the heart of downtown Orlando. Mummy relaxed, and eventually stopped looking over her shoulder constantly whenever we went out. And me, I went to school.

I didn't tend to play well with others. Daddy had taught me to take what I wanted, by force if necessary, just as he did. This led to plenty of fights, which I won, because unlike most girls I both know how and aren't afraid to throw a proper punch. After my third expulsion in a year Mummy switched me to home schooling, hiring in the best tutors. Removed from the distractions of attempting to rule the playground, with only my studies to focus on, my tutors quickly discovered just how smart I could be, when I tried. My IQ was off the charts, with maths and programming being my fortes. I loved to build, to invent. I devoured anything I could find on robotics and A.I. In my mid teens, on the advice of my tutors, and because there was still plenty of money, Mummy arranged for me to have external lessons. For the next two years, on Wednesdays and Fridays, the white haired Professor Berger opened his lab and workshop to me from three until six, and, in his thick old man's German accented English, taught me how to put my ideas first properly onto paper, and then, how to actually build them.

It was his letter of recommendation that got me into an ivy league University, where, wanting to make both him and Mummy proud, I resisted the near constant urge to pick a fight with all the other students, instead throwing myself into my studies. Three years later I graduated top of my class.

And then Mummy died.

I had her cremated, then chartered a boat and scattered her ashes out to sea, making sure to pick a night when the wind was blowing from the north west, it helped to imagine those strong offshore gusts blowing Mummy home. Reuniting her with Daddy at last.

With my obligations taken care of it was time to look to my own future. It seemed, from the sheer volume of letters piling up, that every major US tech firm, plus several foreign competitors, wanted to hire me. The offers were truly staggering, in one or two cases I was simply told to tell them what my salary should be. But I turned them all down. I had work of my own to do. All these years, pushing myself, learning a specific skill set, honing my craft. I'd never told anyone, not even Mummy, the real reason behind my drive and determination to excel, to be the best. It was a simple goal really. I wanted revenge for Daddy. I wanted to kill the shark.

The penthouse wouldn't suffice, so I sold it, buying up an abandoned yet solid warehouse on the outskirts of the city. For two years all I did was work, often becoming so engrossed I'd forget to eat or sleep. Finally though he was finished, I'd created my first A.I. I named him Roger, after the pirate flag, because, like those plunderers of old, neither Roger nor I would be paying any attention to trivial things such as laws. His metal casing, a riot of tubes and cables, boxes and blinking lights, hung from one corner of the warehouse like a huge metal spider, taking up an impressive amount of space. Now, with his help, I could begin phase two.

I sent Roger off into the world wide web, where he could use his superior intelect to hack and tunnel his way into any file or buried government database he felt might be of use. I wanted information on the shark. Surely, I reasoned, I wasn't the only person who had ever seen it. Surely someone in the world had compiled something, even just a single page would be more then I currently knew.

Whilst Roger worked I began construction of the tools I'd been idly designing for years, scribbles between lectures, notes jotted on napkins whenever an idea struck. I built the things that I'd need in the coming fight.

An old camper van, stripped back to a bare shell, the engine replaced with a power unit that'd put most dragsters to shame, the interior fitted with several gadgets that maximised the available space in ways most designers could only dream.

I built myself a suit of armour, utilising dozens of reinforced cameras, and projectors, which allowed me to blend in perfectly. The ultimate camouflage.

Together Roger and I perfected nano technology. Tiny robots, microscopic, self repairing and able to carry out a seemingly endless list of functions. I built a swarm of millions, a great dark silver tide of loyal servents, which I named Spot. My gaurd dog.

Lastly I built guns, weapons. Unsure at this stage just what I'd need, I attempted to cover all the bases.

After six months Roger finally scored a hit.

The small museum was old, run down, with damp climbing most of the walls. I was in Spain, just outside of Barcelona, Rogers hit had been a very old newspaper article, a review from fifty years ago when the museum had opened. The sign, coming free on one side, proclaimed in this to be the 'Museum of the Giants who Walk the Earth'. The only customer, prehaps all week, I stood open mouthed in front of a display case, seeing in the glass reflection the whispy grey haired owner watching me, not caring. Inside, was an old photograph, grainy, yet clear enough that I could see the ten story office building right in the heart of a city, somewhere. On one side the bottom three floors were missing, and the chunk that had been removed bore more then a passing resemblance to the aftermath of a shark attack, all be it on a much larger scale. There were other things in the museum, other exhibits. I bought them all, prehaps surprising the owner when I simply told him to name his price. I shipped everything back to my warehouse, and the research began again.

Taken without having actually seen the shark, all the old books, full of words and hand drawn images, that I'd obtained, could be easily dismissed as theory and make believe. But I knew better. With Rogers help I translated the words, learning that far from being unique the shark was just one of many beings, all with varying degrees of power, that apparently drift in and out of our world from various other places.

Unfortunately, though I would've guessed it if asked, it appeared the shark was more or less at the top of this particular food chain.

I'm not suicidal, or an idiot. I fully intended to continue living once I'd dealt with the shark, so, I reasoned, prehaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to start off lower down the chain. To test my skills, and tech, against easier prey first.

Pouring over my haul, adding it to certain new things Roger had found, now that we had more ideas on where to look, and what to look for, I narrowed my options down to two. Kayley. And Scarlet.

Of the two only Scarlet had any kind of connection to the shark, according to all my collected notes- at this stage comprising several full A4 pads plus numerous saved files on my laptop -she's twinned with some kind of dark entity, one which might of probably almost definitely maybe allied with the shark in some ages old war that probably could've likely was fought somewhere. Maybe even on Earth. This makes her a better target, because if I can capture her then it'll kind of feel like I'm scoring a hit on the shark. Plus, maybe, she'll be able to tell me more about my ultimate opponent. However, it would seem she's, currently, in the UK, whereas Kayley's right here in Florida. What luck.

All of which, skipping out the parts where I successfully capture myself four creatures who look remarkably like girls, but aren't, brings us to today.

"Good morning Roger." I stretch, opening my eyes. My view is the same as it has been for weeks now, the interior of my modified camper van. I really must head back to the warehouse. Today. "Good morning Safari Jo." Rogers as close to sounding like an old pirate as I could manage voice answers, from out of the speaker set into the wall next to my bed. Decision made, to finally go home, I sit up, pushing the covers off my naked body. "Roger."
"Yes Safari Jo?"
"We're going home. Make the calculations please."
"Of course, plotting a course now."
"Good man." Climbing out of bed I stand, stretching again. "We sail in two hours."
"Two hours Captain, aye." Rogers voice follows me, moving speakers as I walk towards the kitchen, which takes me passed the cages. "Going home ladies." I tell my four captives, not slowing, barely even glancing in at them. I'll have plenty of time once I'm back in the warehouse. Time to examine them, time to enjoy them should I choose. "Safari Jo does it again." I mutter, smirking.

My name isn't, wasn't, Jo. Jo isn't even the name on my current fake passport. Late one night, wired and buzzing from what felt like a four day straight work binge of designing and building- time seems to blur when I'm in the zone -I dropped back into myself to find I was sprawled out on the tatty old sofa I kept in the corner of the warehouse I live in, with cartoons playing on the large flatscreen I'd bolted to the wall. Downing the last of a can of Red Bull I didn't remember opening, picking up a slice of pizza I didn't recall ordering, something going on onscreen caught my attention. It was an old Thunder Cats episode. The bad guy, an old style big game hunter, was in the process of capturing all the heroes, using various gadgets, and, each time he succeeded he'd cry out in triumph. "Safari Jo does it again." I cried out with him, before bursting into laughter. I toasted the screen with my now empty can. "Jo." Nodding at the man doing exactly what I would soon be setting out to do, hunting and capturing exotic creatures with strange abilities. "Here's to the hunters."

In the kitchen I down the rest of the milk from the fridge, then dress in tight grey spandex shorts and a yellow sports bra with green stripes, putting a black gym top on over it. White trainers are laced up on my feet. "Going for a jog Roger." I call out, bouncing on the spot." Aye Captain." Roger calls back, he only ever calls me Safari Jo or Captain. I smile, patting my leg. "Spot. To me."

The dog kennel beside my fridge begins to change, dissolving and morphing, sloshing around like liquid as it sprouts four legs, a cats tail and tigers head with long curving sharp teeth. Spot pads over to me, rubbing his head against my leg as I reach down to stroke him, even whilst a half dozen tentacles appear in two rows down his back, laid flat like a long mane. "Good boy." I walk to the door, the lock on which has been broken for a week now after Morgan put up a struggle when I transferred her from holding pole to cage. "Roger." Opening the door. "I drive the ship. Confirm."
"The captain drives the ship Safari Jo. Confirmed."
"Good man." I smile as Spot bounds through the door. Even if someone does come inside, thanks to the code locked systems they can't actually do anything, and, thanks to the phone tucked into my bra, I'll know about it anyway. I'll fix the lock tomorrow, easier in the warehouse.

"Come on then boy." Patting my leg, setting off into the large tree filled park. "Let's go scare some pigeons."
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Post by Nainur »

well, those who are patient enough and take the leisure, will appreciate this character and her tale. Far from kinky bondage, yet this chapter is a truly worthy read. 8-)
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Nainur[/mention] thanks :D . There are always a scattering of chapters without a tie up in my stories, sometimes it's just necessary. And besides, every villian needs a backstory right? ;) :lol:

[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] glad to see you're still with us :D
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Post by Risperdaltied »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago @Nainur thanks :D . There are always a scattering of chapters without a tie up in my stories, sometimes it's just necessary. And besides, every villian needs a backstory right? ;) :lol:

@Risperdaltied glad to see you're still with us :D
Still hoping you’ve left your door unlocked... :lol: :lol:
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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It's a beautiful morning, barely a cloud in the sky, and though the sun is only just risen It's already warm. A shame really that I can't spend it with my boyfriend.

He asked, not quite insisting, but trying very hard as we messaged last night to work himself into my plans for today. But, I stood firm, finding various excuses for having to spend the day alone. In the end, I think, turning to look behind me, tilting my head up and shading my eyes as we clear the treeline and enter yet another woodland clearing, had Todd known who else was coming along today he'd be glad he was staying home.

Lumbering along behind me is Shayde. That isn't my personal monsters only name, but it's the one I prefer. And it is my monster. Summoned long ago by my blood ancestors, bound to my family, as the oldest living first born Shayde is my responsibility. Over thirty foot, looking like the forest wrapped a man, replacing his forearms with long tentacles whilst doing so, it's skin is all dark greens and blacks, with the texture of leaves and moss, and bark, with vines that seem like veins, surfacing and twisting across and around Shayde's limbs, before vanishing again. More thick vines march a line from atop the monsters head down it's back, looking like a collapsed mohawk. It'll come when summoned, but, as I found at the cost of a handful of friends, who ran away screaming, Shayde can and will simply come to me whenever it feels like it too. It's a friend to trees, according to both the thick book Dad left me, and the equally thick book I inherited as Shaydes keeper. What this means, in literal terms, is that anyplace there's earth, anywhere even a tuft of grass pokes through a crack in the pavement, Shayde can appear, even if appearing means ripping those concrete slabs up as it emerges from the ground, taking shape even as it stands, stretches, occasionally bellowing out it's arrival like an oil tanker lost on foggy seas.

But the monster needs feeding. And it eats people, which means at least once a year I have to find it someone to consume, preferably two someone's, or else bad things happen. I've seen pictures of these bad things, I looked that particular chapter over, once, I don't wish to look again. I won't pretend it's easy, or fun, finding people for my monster to eat. I tend to think of it like a chore, closing myself off from the fallout I'm causing in whatever families these victims leave behind. In some ways, I realise, shaking my head whenever the thought occurs, I'm a monster too now.

Luckily, but only in that it means the task is now done, Shayde has just eaten. Last time, the first time, I kidnapped two girls from a gym. This time, through sheer dumb luck, Shayde and I literally stumbled upon a single tent last night. I'd been singing, and Shayde's footsteps aren't exactly quiet. The couple came out of the tent, the guy yelling for me to 'shut the fuck up and clear off'. Then they saw Shayde, a shadow moving as no tree should. The guy bolted. The woman, rooted to the spot, was oblivious to the young pre teen girl who stumbled through the unzipped door flap. Turns out the couple had kidnapped the girl, the daughter of someone rich. Do people even do that anymore? So Shayde got to eat the lady, who was a bad person, which makes it okay. Right?

That was last night. After escorting the young girl, Hannah, to the nearest main road, and calling the police for her- which means I now need a new cheap throwaway phone -I found a good spot for my own small pop up tent, ate a tin of beans warmed on a small kerosene burner, then slept.

And now it's morning.

"How're you doing big guy?" I ask, smiling up at Shaydes towering bulk. It never talks, there's nothing in the books to say it can, or will, ever communicate. It makes no sound beyond the groan of its limbs and the thump of its feet, and the occasional fog horn like trumpet that issues from somewhere within that featureless orb shaped head. But I know I'm understood. Shayde will follow my commands, within reason. It looks down now, regarding me as we walk. Bringing my own gaze back down I can see that last nights meal has resurfaced.

The people it consumes re-emerge shortly afterwards, minus whatever clothing they might've been wearing. Parts of them will poke out of Shaydes forest like body for a week, at which point they vanish from the monster, appearing somehow at the exact spot they were taken, only changed, made less by the act of being inside my monster. The lady has resurfaced on the lower right leg, on the side. She'd been young, late twenties or early thirties maybe, white skinned with messy brown hair. From the knee up her right leg is visible, though of her left there's no sign as it dissappears inside Shayde below her neatly trimmed pussy and not quite toned stomach. The stomach itself is only partly visible, though the C cup breasts above it are both there, bouncing with each step Shayde takes. Neither arm can be seen beyond the elbow, and only the mouth part of her face is visible, held forcibly open by a thick rope like vine jammed down her throat.

I've no real goal in mind coming out to the woods, Shayde didn't need to feed for another couple of months, I had time left on the clock so to speak. The truth is I've always liked the woods, hiking and camping, and now, with a tree sized monster for company, well, as silly as it might sound I like to think time spent together is helping us to form some kind of bond. I know Shayde will follow me anyway, do as I ask without question or complaint, but, because I'm human, and basically a nice person, I want to believe that we're friends. And, to make a friend, you have to spend time with them, in places they love. Which means here amongst the trees.

"Okay." I nod, having made it to the treeline. Beyond me the land slopes gently downhill at an angle, nothing but fields now, with only the occasional tall oak left standing. Near the bottom, where a line of beech and sycamore, plus a tall wooden fence, separates this place from a busy motorway- and I can't help the smirk thinking of the occasional eagle eyed motorist who happens to spot Shayde stood tall atop the hill, but is going too fast to do anything except stare wide eyed for a moment -a small group of deer are grazing, not bothered by the loud yet fenced off road, and not yet aware of our presence. "Time for a drink." I declare, hunkering down on bent legs with my unslung backpack in front of me. I down half the bottle, one of four, my pack lighter now three are empty since I'll be back at my car and heading home before the sun sets. "Are you coming across the field," I call back over my shoulder, resealing my pack, "or am I seeing you...." I stand up, frowning. "Oh?"

Out if nowhere storm clouds are massing, impossibly fast, rushing in from the north, piling up in a towering dark grey mass. "Damn it." I curse, pulling my black waterproof jacket from my backpack, shrugging it on over my faded blue denim short shorts and white cut off tee, which has a picture of the Lorax stretched tight over my D cups, my own private joke. Facing the storm again, having turned to check on Shayde, still stood statue like behind me, I realise I'm now stood underneath the sun blotting clouds. But, bizarrely, though my long curly dyed blue hair is getting whipped and blown all around by a sudden strong wind, there's no rain. "And no lightning either?" I muse, holding a hand out flat, confirming that I am indeed still dry. Turning a slow circle I realise the storm is localised, very localised. About a mile away, in all directions, is blue sky. "What the actual fuck?" I wonder aloud. And then. "Oh. Um." Because, having turned a full circle, I find myself coming face to breasts with a lady.

Face to breasts, because she's floating upright about a foot clear of the floor, as though stood in mid air. She's. Very pretty, I guess, if strange naked floating girls are your thing. Slim, with about the largest breasts I've seen outside of porn, and the breasts are perfect too, rounded, pert. Probably feel great, should she ever actually let anyone cop a feel. Her skin is grey, mixed in with black, the whole thing swirly like a.... I gasp as realisation hits. Like a cloud. And her hair, white as snow and brushing at her butt, crackling as it rubs together, flowing around behind her as if toyed at by a gentle breeze. "The Maelstrom." I take a small step back, looking her up and down, forcing my mouth closed.

One of the two books I inherited, my Dads, is like a who's who of monsters. It reads like any other myths and legends guide, the ones you find telling you all about ghosts and vampires. Page after page of 'facts' that are actually no more then that particular authors best guess. My Dads book however, was written by those who, long ago, truly did know. Each section is a monster, or a God, or, a small smile creeps onto my face, an Elemental. I scanned all the pages shortly after discovering my responsibilities over Shayde, it seemed like a good idea to have instant access to information regarding all the other beings out there. Because, I reasoned, if I've got Shayde, surely sooner or later I'll bump into more like him, and I'd rather have crib sheets to hand when I do.

Right now though it seems rude to dig out my tablet, so I bow my head slightly, and hope the Living Storm is here for good, and not bad, reasons.

"You have heard of me?" The voice has an unmistakable rumble behind it's soft female tones. I look up, nodding. "I have." Searching my memory. "My information is clearly out of date though, I had heard you were lost."
"I was freed."
"Oh." I think. "Um. Good."
"Yes." Her lips quirk into a smile. "It is because of the girl who aided me, my champion, that I am here, keeper of Shayde, Friend to Trees."
"Charlotte will do."
"Very well. And you may continue to address me as Maelstrom."
"Maelstrom then." I turn my head, to check on Shayde, finding it standing close behind me like a silent sentinel. Which, though I've no doubt of the outcome should Maelstrom decide to become violent, is nice to see my guardian does indeed have my back. I return my gaze forwards. "Tell me then, please, what is it you would ask of Shayde and I?"

"I have a link." Maelstrom explains, still floating in front of me, according to the book she never actually touches the floor. Ever. "To my champion. They carry a part of my power, a part of me willingly realesed to them, which allows me to sense her location. Always."
"Except now you can't?" I guess. Maelstrom shakes her head. "Correct Charlotte. I lost contact three days ago."
"And." Biting my lip, because I really don't want to be struck by lightning just for simply asking. "You are unable to check on her yourself?"
"There are." A pause. "Rules. Shall we say. We three Elements that remain do not directly interact with mortals." A wave of her hand. "Oh, the Lord of the Deep may eat, but, we will not interact."
"And you think she's what, with a human?"
"I do not know." A shake of the head, her hair mimicks the gesture, crackling as it shifts. "If she is simply," a knowing smile that has me thinking the girl in question is young, "having fun, then we have no problem. But."
"But if all she's doing is laying in bed, then why can't you sense her." I nod. "Okay. Maelstrom. We'll go take a look for you." I think of something suitable to say. "We would be honoured to aid the Living Storm this day."
"Thank you." A nod. "I can transport you close to the spot I last sensed her, she is called by name Morgan, and, once I can again sense her I shall join you."
"Sounds fair." I nod too, spreading my arms wide. "Now I assume?"
"Please. If you are ready then yes. I would not have her in potential peril for longer then I have already allowed."
"Right." I shoulder my backpack, and turn to Shayde. "Come to me when I call you big guy." With a nod, Shayde comes apart, twisting and sinking quickly into the mud, leaving no trace of itself. "Okay then." I turn back to face Maelstrom. "Send me there."

When I was eighteen, six years ago, I went on one of my last family holidays to Butlins, on the South Coast. Inside the onsite arcade was a machine, like a booth. You stepped in, paid, and closed the door. Then for the next minute several powerful overhead fans did their best to simulate what it must feel like to be trapped inside a tornado. That sensation, of strong winds buffeting me from all around whilst not actually being able to move me, is what being transported by Maelstrom felt like.

The ground beneath me vanishes, but only for an instant, then I feel it underfoot again at the same time the wind abruptly stops. I stumble briefly, reaching out, and find myself leant against the side of a dirty white camper van. Looking around I'm in a semi secluded car park, surrounded by trees, with parkland visible beyond. Really, the only obvious place Morgan could be, unless she's moved and Maelstrom hasn't detected the fact, is the camper. I can see the door, just a couple of paces away. The window behind me, as I face the door, is smoked glass, I notice the windows on the cab are too. This particular model of camper, very rectangular in shape like a box on wheels, is one with only the one door, the driving area only has windows. Approaching the door I look down at the car parks dirt and weed scattered surface, but shake my head. Shayde has yet to appear by choice, and, if this is just some family having a late breakfast I'd hate to scare the shit out of them by appearing at their door with a giant monster looming behind me. No, better to knock first, then decide if I need backup.

The door swings open when I knock, like the lock is busted, or it wasn't shut properly. "Morgan?" I call through the gap. "Hello. Anyone?" Silence greets me, no breakfast being eaten, no radio. No noise. "Hmmm." I look behind me again, but again shake my head. "Wouldn't fit inside anyway." I tell the dirt floor, then step inside.

"Oh. Fuck." I exclaim, stopping just inside the doorway. Granted I didn't exactly walk the perimeter first, but. "Hah." I laugh out loud, looking around. "Would've maybe fitted after all."

Somehow, through some science I'm, despite good grades, unaware of, the interior of the camper is larger then the exterior dimensions should allow. It's huge inside, like a small rectangular warehouse with a ceiling twice the height of the average person. Off in one far corner I can see a wooden double bed, with a kitchen and dressing area close by. Another corner is taken up by a worn yet comfortable looking sofa, which faces a large flatscreen bolted to the wall. Most of the middle area is workbenches and assorted equipment for making who knows what, though I can see several strange looking guns laying in pieces on some of the tables. Most importantly though, from my perspective, across one wall of this crazy camper van I can see the cages.

There are four of them, lined up side by side, pressed against the wall so they seem more to be a part of it, as though the wall grew them. All four are dark grey, aside from the living areas everything here is all greys blacks and whites, very industrial. Taller then me, though not ceiling height, the tops curve out from the wall, then curve again, with the front a slightly angled diagonal straight line to the floor. There are no bars, instead each has a see through door, allowing me, or whoever's van this is, to observe the inside. Having approached from the side, taking a wide arc so I didn't have to walk in front of them until I was ready, I check each cage out in turn.

Each cages interior is white, a small six by six by six cube with a tiled floor and smooth featureless walls. Each contains a single naked female in various forms of restraint.

The lady in the first is curled up on the floor, but stirs to life as I watch, levering herself up to stand and stare out at me. Is the glass one way I wonder, staring back in. She's young, all four appear to be at various stages of their twenties. Her slim white skinned frame, she looks like she could use a good McDonald's given the amount of bones I can see pressed against her flesh, is covered in patches of pale green, much the same way as camouflage. The patches are everywhere, between her legs, on her possibly fake- due to how malnourished the rest of her looks -very pert and rounded D cups. It's not a tattoo either, the change from normal skin tone to the green is too subtle in places, and the one actual tattoo she does have, black fire surrounding her right wrist, climbing the arm towards the elbow, just highlights the difference. Dyed red hair is shaved on both sides, but kept long on top and down the back, collapsed mostly down the left side of her head. A metal collar and chain allows her to move around, but I can see from the chains length that were the door to open she wouldn't be able to walk beyond the cell. Metal loops hold her wrists and elbows behind her, they look very tight, and a black ballgag is buckled in place. I don't recognise her, even were I to get my tablet out I know she's not in my book.

Morgan is in the second cage, I can tell from the eyes, blood red, that glare out at me, before she blinks several times, no doubt confused that it's me, and not whoever has clearly captured these four, stood before her now. She's been suspended upside down, her long black hair pudding on the floor beneath her, a colour match for the black inkwork that swirls and spikes all over a slim pale white body. Her breasts, pointed straight at the glass door in defiance of gravity, are huge, definitely a gift from Maelstrom. It's a wooden cross that holds her in place, her legs together, pointed straight up at the ceiling, strapped by metal to the wood at ankles and knees. More metal hoops, all just as tight as the other girls, are above and below her breasts, plus around her neck. Both arms are pointed straight out horizontally, left and right, pinned in place at elbows and wrists. A black ball gag keeps her quiet. As I look in she suddenly blurs, remaining in place but no longer in focus. Pulling out my tablet, though I should really be moving quicker, I pull up Maelstrom's pages, read, then nod, just as Morgan stops. She'd been trying to move with the speed that is one of Maelstrom's powers, the ability to literally move faster then the eye can see. But, locked in place, clearly unable to free herself, I can see the blur that usually you'd miss like a blink. I hold up a finger, and mouth "wait." She stares, but gives a single nod. I nod back, then move on.

There's a sack in the third cell. It's translucent, and hanging from the ceiling in the centre. Inside, squirming in some kind of tightly metal secured hogtie that has her wrists and ankles connected by the same four ringed metal device, meaning feet and hands are touching, complete with ballgag, is Ki-Bak-Furi. Chalk white skin, hair so long she's, almost, tangled up in it. As I watch, fascinated and if I'm honest slightly turned on by the erotic nature of her struggles, she flops down and rolls over in such a way that both her large breasts are suddenly squashed into the sack, dark nipples poking right at me as her legs part. The very motion of her struggles making it seem, for a moment, as though she were fucking the sack, grinding her shaved pussy agaisnt the semi see-through fabric. I take a deep breath, and give myself a shake, forcing my focus back to what needs to be done, reminding myself that, actually, I prefer men, like my actual boyfriend. I take another breath, trying very hard not to notice as her breasts, still squashed, slide down the fabric right in front of me, until she flips over onto her back, and starts doing some kind of struggle that has them bouncing about with each thrust of her pussy towards the ceiling. Knowing I'm most likely turning a pretty shade of red, I hurry on, thinking as I do, trying to calm myself with scientific thoughts, that in this case a sack makes perfect sense, since Ki-Bak-Furi doesn't breathe.

The final girl is also fixed to wood, but unlike Morgan this contraption is an X shape, splaying her out like a specimen ready for examination. Her long hair is dyed a striking bright red too, and, whilst one eye is black as night, the other, scarred, is milky white and likely useless. Were it not for the God stood in front of her I wouldn't know who this was either. Black smoke hugs the girls belly, swirling gently, becoming a funnel towards the cell door, connecting the Dark God Orm to his current host. The God himself is an impressive sight. Black as shadows, tall, muscular. Even without any features I can tell he's looking down at me, assessing this new development. I return his gaze, projecting a calm I don't feel. There are cracks on this cell door only, because, unlike the others, you can restrain the girl but not that which lives inside of her. "Can you." I swallow. "Can you understand me, Orm of the Never Sunset?" The Dark God nods, once. "Good." I smile. "Please," I point, "return to her, I am Shayde's keeper." I point again, towards the door out. "I'm going to have it free you. All of you." Orm nods again, then turns to face the girl. He walks forwards, into her, his shadow form merging with hers as it connects. She gasps around her ball gag as this happens, then stares at me. I smile, give a small wave, then head outside.

I half expect- because who really leaves something like all that unlocked for too long -to be jumped upon exiting the camper. But no. I'm still alone. For how long though? "Time to shift." I comment dropping my backpack, stuffing my tablet back in as I retrieve a small but sharp knife. Cutting a finger, I quickly wipe a smear of blood on the dirt ground, about all the ritual Shayde needs in order to be summomed. Stepping back quickly, hoisting my pack onto one shoulder even as my monster takes shape before me, rising to tower over both me and the camper.

"There you are." I smile, then jerk a thumb back over my shoulder, at the camper van. "Tear it's fucking roof off."
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Post by RopeBunny »


There was a girl, breifly. I saw her as Orm returned to me. She waved.

What seems like moments later there's a crash, loud enough to sound like the world is falling apart. Reality seems to shift, the whole cell suddenly turning into a showering sea of sparks and hissing explosions. With a loud crack all of my restraints pop open, at the same time my ballgag, which Jo told me, happily, was electronically secured in place, also falls from my face, just as I pitch forwards, landing on the floor.

Except the camper vans floor no longer exists. The interior, I'd seen as Jo locked me away, too weak to fight back by that point, is huge. Far larger then the campers size should allow. Seeing me looking around she'd grinned, and winked. 'Isn't science great.' Nodding to herself. 'Takes a small city's worth of power, but,' another wink, 'totally worth it.' I'd guess, landing on hands and knees, on hard grass scattered dirt, that the cells were outside the campers normal floorspace. That something has interrupted the power, which has, apparently, shut down that part of Jo's admittedly impressive wheels that technically shouldn't exist. I don't even want to try and work out where those parts are now.

Looking up, I smirk, shaking my head, directly in front of me is Jo's camper, minus it's roof. "That'll do it."

Hearing a groan, I look left, my mouth dropping open in surprise. Morgan, I knew would be there, after all she was captured before me, but, between her and me is. "Dru?"
"Hey God girl." Dru gives me a weak smile, rolling over onto her back, taking a breath she doesn't actually need, but I guess the old reflexes are hard to tamp down sometimes. Smiling back I force myself up, head bent down, and take a couple of staggering steps towards my friends, both old and new. "Scarlet?" Morgan coughs, blinking. "What happened?"
"Fuck knows." Shaking my head, holding out an arm to help her up whilst beside me Dru has managed to go from laying down to sitting on her butt. Morgan takes my offered hand, and I pull, wincing at my lack of energy as Morgan stands up beside me. I guess none of us has much juice left in the tank. How are we so weak, I wonder, helping Dru up too. Spending time outside of me weakens Orm, something he's done plenty of recently, trying and failing to break either my metal bonds or the cell door. But, I feel worse then just the drain of that. I feel like shit too. Me, regardless of Orm. Plus, Morgan and Dru look wasted too. Jo did something to us, I conclude, nodding. But what? And will it wear off?

"Morgan." I say, the three of us stood in a rough triangle. "This is Dru," I smile, Dru smiles back, "she's a friend, and, kind of a ghost." Morgan blinks at Dru, giving her a second look up and down. "And." I put my arm around Morgan, who leans in, giving my cheek a kiss. "This is Morgan, Dru. She's basically the wind."
"Oh." Dru looks thoughtful for a moment, then smiles, stepping in to give Morgan a hug. Morgan hugs her back, letting go of me to do so. "So are you two....?" Dru asks, gesturing from Morgan to me. "Kind of." I smile, as Morgan's arm goes around me. "It's complicated." I shrug. "But. Yes."
"She kind of dropped in on me." Morgan adds, grinning despite still not being able to stand up straight."
"Hey." I give my girlfriend a half hearted nudge. "Dru doesn't need the details."
"Maybe another time." Dru nods. "Got a more important question first."
"Only one question?"
"Well." Dru shrugs, shaking her head. "For now." She points behind me. "Either of you know either of them." Her hand rises, to point diagonally upwards instead of straight. "And, should we be worried about that?"

Even as Dru points Orm is, finally, whispering loudly enough for me to hear, reminding me about the girl from before, the girl outside my cell who is, Orm tells me, Shaydes keeper. "Shayde?" I say out loud, turning to follow Dru's pointing finger, too tired to speak inside my own head right now. So I turn, and see, even whilst Orm is explaining Shayde to me, which doesn't much prepare me for the actual sight. "Oh." I exclaim, hearing Morgan gasp beside me as she too turns around. "Fuck me that's a big monster."

The girl from before, blue hair, young, the only one of us actually wearing clothes to cover up her own slim figure and large chest, is propping up a forth, counting myself Dru and Morgan, naked girl. She's way too skinny, making what I think are fake breasts look even bigger then usual, though she's still nowhere near Morgan for sheer size. Her skin is covered in green patches, her hair fire engine red like mine. I've never seen her before, but Orm whispers a single word to me, clearly recognising something. Warlock. The monster, Shayde, looms behind it's keeper. Like a huge dark green man with tentacles for arms, and a face wiped clean of features.

"Hey." The blue haired girl calls out, walking closer, bringing the Warlock with her, though Shayde stays put. "Hello back." I reply, as Dru and Morgan drag themselves forwards to stand either side of me. "I remember," Morgan nods at the girl, "I saw you." Nodding behind us. "Inside."
"Yes." Blue hair nods. "You're Morgan, right?"
"I am." Morgan nods to the side, towards me and Dru. "Scarlet, and beside her is Dru."
"Oh." Looking puzzled, from me to Dru. She points at Dru. "But I thought you were Ki...."
"I am." Dru cuts her off, waving a hand tiredly. "But, I was Dru first. Anyway. Not to be rude. Trust me," looking from me to Morgan, "we're all grateful for the save," Morgan and I nod, "but." Dru spreads her arms wide. "Who are you two?"
"Oh. Sorry." She giggles. "I'm Charlotte." Jerking a thumb behind her. "I bought the heavy artillery." I laugh, she smiles. "And I found this lady in a cell next to you three."
"I'm Kayley." The half starved green skinned girl whispers, clearly just as drained us the rest of us. "Jo got to me first." Shaking her head. "I think."
"Well." I step forwards, giving Kayley a hug, feeling her stiffen briefly before she relaxes, hugging me back. What a crazy thing to be doing so many first time introductions when four fifths of us are naked. "We're all pleased to meet you Kayley." Stepping back, seeing Morgan do a little wave and Dru smile out of the corners of my eyes as I do. "Happy to meet you both." I nod at Charlotte, realising as I do that her smile is rapidly fading. "What?" I ask, already on some level knowing. "Company." Charlotte points, over my shoulder. As one Dru Morgan and me turn, to find Safari Jo stood back where the dirt meets the green fields and trees of the parkland, her gaze switching from us to her wrecked camper van.

"Shit." I mutter, seeing my own dismay echoed on every other ex captives face. None of us are in any condition to fight. I feel so wasted that Jo would likely only need to blow on me and I'd fall over. I turn to Charlotte. "Do you have an exit plan?"
"No." Shaking her head. "Sorry." She looks from me to Dru. "Can't either of you, you know." Making a fly away gesture with her right hand. "Can't you open a portal?:
"How do you...."
"I've read books." She shrugs, giving me a half smile. "I know, kind of know, what you all can do."
"Oh. Right." I glance back around. Jo hasn't moved, is watching us all. And I notice now she has some kind of metallic sabre toothed tiger looking thing stood beside her. It looks vaguely familiar. As I watch, Morgan throws her hands out towards Jo, as though passing a basketball. The result is that several leaves in a roughly straight line from her to Jo breifly take flight and spin around, and Morgan collapses down onto her knees, putting out a hand to stop herself pitching forwards. "Fuck." I curse, going to help her up as Jo laughs. "We're all drained." I tell Charlotte, propping Morgan against me. "Can you do anything?" I ask Kayley. "Sorry." Staring down at her hand, shaking her head. "I'm all out. I need time."
"We all need time." I grimace. "Can Shayde help?" I ask both Charlotte and Orm. "Not in any way we need right now." Charlotte jerks her head at Jo. "Will that bitch really capture all of you," she shivers slightly, "plus me. I guess. Again?"
"Probably." I grit my teeth, returning my gaze to Jo, who is now talking to her pet. Giving it orders? Which means our time might be up. "I think," Dru suddenly pipes up, quietly, a small smile on her face, turning towards us, "that I might've just found us a door."

"We need to hold hands." She holds hers out, to me and Charlotte, who is already gripping Kayley, who reaches out for Morgan, who is propped against me still. "Hold on." I tell Dru, not quite completing the circle. "What, Scarlet?" She frowns at me, looking back at Jo, who seems to of realised we're up to something, and is starting to move towards us, her tiger at her side. "Just." I hold out a hand, towards the wrecked camper, flexing inside, searching the area. And then I smile as Western Sorrow crashes through one of the few remaining side windows, and sails through the air into my waiting hand. Jo screams with fury. "Shit. Oops." I laugh, briefly, unable to stop myself, which sets off Morgan and Kayley too. We're all wound way too tightly. "Can Shayde stall her?" I ask. "Yes." Charlotte nods, bites her lip. "Maybe." She looks back over her shoulder, shouting. "Covering fire big guy, until I'm gone, then, come to me." Her monster, Shayde, bellows out its understanding from no mouth I can see, like a huge tanker warning off some little pleasure barge foolish enough to wander into a major shipping lane, and steps forwards. It's second ground shaking stride carries it clear over the top of us, tentacled arms reaching out to catch Jo's pet in mid leap even as Dru grips the wrist of the hand holding my sword tightly in concentration. "Here we go." She squeezes her eyes shut, and suddenly darkness is rushing in from the horizon, reaching our circle of five in moments, picking us up, flinging us away to safety, to land with a bump.

In a bedroom.

Sunlight, my first thought is that it's the same sun, the current UK sun, streams in through a wide window set in one wall, opposite a closed wooden door. We've appeared inside a duct tape marked circle, next to a narrow single bed, laid on which is. "What the fuck?" Charlotte exclaims, even as Morgan and me burst out laughing. Dru, having sunk to her knees as we appeared, completely drained now from the effort of saving us, lifts her head, a half smile forming when she sees. "Ladies," she nods at the bed, "meet Lucinda and Jody. Girls." She laughs briefly. "Or, Jody anyway, say hello to my friends."

Taking into account what Dru just said, I figure it's the taller, slightly larger chested girl, the one currently tied to the bed, who's Lucinda. Both girls are wearing a school uniform of short sleeved fitted white shirts and just above the knee length black pleated skirts. Jody's shirt is about a third undone, her tie still on but very loosely knotted. Lucinda's shirt is wide open, revealing a flat stomach and white bra, she's wearing her own tie as a knotted cleave gag. Lucinda has been tied to the bed with scarves, arms pinned together above her, legs pinned together at the opposite end. Everything looks very secure, not some half arsed just for show tie up, I'd be surprised if Lucinda could struggle her way out of it even if she had an hour. Both girls have frozen in place, a look of guilt on their faces that tells me they've been half expecting to be caught, prehaps by whoever's house this is parents. Jody still has her phone out, pointed at Lucinda. Was she taking photos of her bound friend when we showed up? I smirk, and try to stand up straight, almost succeeding. "Hi, girls." I wave at Lucinda, who can't seem to stop staring. I give her a puzzled frown in return, then, belatedly, realise we've, Charlotte aside, all turned up completely naked. "Oh. Right." I look down at myself. "Oops."
"What." Jody lowers her phone, staring at each of us in turn. "What are you...." Shaking her head. "Who are...."
"Yeah. Um." I let go of Morgan, who sinks to the floor beside Dru, deciding to elect myself as group spokesperson, for now anyway. "Look." I sit down on the bed, next to Lucindas bound feet, almost smirking again as I catch sight of her attempting, failing, to move them further away from me. "You're Jody. Right?"
"Yes." Nodding. She points at Dru. "We. Um, we summoned her."
"Did you now?"
"They did." Dru quietly confirms. She looks up, smiles at Jody. "I'm glad you kept the circle girls." Shaking her head. "Despite my advice. You've been a huge help today."
"Oh. Um." Jody tries on a half smile. "You're welcome."
"Yes." I nod. "That circle got us all out of some nasty trouble, so." I pat Lucindas upper leg, making her squirm again. Something tells me she really regrets being tied and gagged right now. "We all owe you thanks." I finish, seeing the others nod or smile in agreement. "Tell me though," I ask, "where are we?"
"London, near Waterloo."
"Good. Right." I nod. Charlotte, having helped Kayley down onto the floor with Dru and Morgan, wanders over to sit next to me, next to Lucinda's exposed but for a bra chest. She gives the tied girl an amused look before turning to me. "Why is London good?"
"Two reasons." I hold up fingers. "One, I'm almost certain we were just way up north, since that's where I live, and where Morgan and me were caught."
"She got me on the train coming back to yours." Dru chips in. I nod. "Exactly, everything points to Safari Jo...."
"Do we really have to use that name?" Charlotte interrupts. "No." I shrug. "But what's the point in making another up. It might sound weird, but it's the one she's chosen."
"Hmm." Shaking her head. "Fine. Go on."
"Right. So. I think, based on how things played out between me and her, that she can travel fast. Somehow. But I'm willing to bet she needs that fancy camper to do so." I look at Charlotte, grinning. "And?"
"And," grinning back, "Shayde just wrecked it."
"Who's Shayde?" Jody, who seemed to be trying to follow events, having completely forgotten about her bound and gagged semi exposed friend, looks from Charlotte to me. "Shayde is...." I begin, and then a thump sounds from directly outside the window, at the same time as the monster in questions face appears, staring without eyes in through the glass at us.

A half hour later we're, all five of us, crammed into a London cab, those four of us who were naked are wearing long baggy tee's borrowed from Lucinda, who almost, but didn't quite, scream at the sight of an actual real life monster outside her bedroom window. We're on our way to what was my second point, what I jokingly, to myself, call my safehouse. A penthouse in Canary Wharf that I only bought two months ago, that I intended to, eventually, move into properly, relocating from the north to Englands capital, mostly because I've never lived in London, but have always wanted to try, even before Orm came and changed my life. The penthouse should, unless I'm very wrong about Jo's sudden loss of most of her tech, give us a place to recuperate for a day or two. I've promised to return to Jody and Lucinda, to return the clothes and taxi fare Jody found for us. Plus to answer the million questions Jody seemed to have. When we left Lucinda was still tightly trussed to the bed, gagged, and still with her shirt hanging open. I've no idea what game the two friends were playing when we appeared, but, it certainly looked like Jody was still winning. Maybe Lucinda prefers to lose, I think as the taxi turns left, smiling, cuddling Morgan into me, my mind wandering to my own recent experience of kinda losing to her.

Do I have any rope in my new place?
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Post by RopeBunny »

You'll have to be patient with me.

I've ways known how I wanted this story to end, and the rough flow of it.
This next part, the middle, I keep coming up with competing yet equally good ideas for how things should play out. I need time to figure out what's best.

Rest assured this story isn't finished, it just may be a week or two before we see 015 posted.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

It’s an excellent story - keep going with it - but at your own pace.

I’m sure all of the readers would rather it was finished properly, rather than abandoned halfway because you felt pressure to complete it.

I’m amazed how quickly you’ve managed to get the previous chapters out so not surprised you need to take some time!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

Safehouse. Morgan.

Having arrived, but with no ID, the uniformed doorman is less then happy to simply admit four girls very obviously only wearing baggy tee's, who quite clearly look like shit, plus Charlotte, who might look fine, but, in the doormans opinion. "You just aren't dressed for this type of building. Madam." Plus Scarlet is carrying her sword, which, because it's not in a scabbard, and isn't wrapped up, looks like a very real very sharp sword. In the end Scarlet has to jump through about two hours worth of hoops to first prove her status as an owner, then to secure the release of a spare key. Apparently the doorman keeps a copy of each apartments door keys behind the desk in a locked safe, for security and emergency purposes. By this point the day is fast vanishing around us, and we're all- Dru aside -pretty hungry, not to mention still wasted.

"Not sure I could live here Scar." I comment, shaking my head, as the lift rises smoothly up to the seventeenth floor. "No?" Scarlet turns her head, she and I are leaning side by side, with the others arranged around the other walls, mostly leaning too. "How come?"
"Just." I shrug, gesturing at her key. "Can you really trust them not to use that anytime they want?"
"Price I paid," smiling, "I should fucking well hope so."
"Hmm." I'm unwilling to let the subject drop. "Just not sure I could ever relax, you know, I'd feel like," I point at her front door, the lift having arrived on the top floor, where a corridor splits left and right, ending in a door each side, only two penthouses in this building, "like anyone could just walk in on me. Anytime."
"Oh." Opening the door, ushering us all in. "Well," Scarlet smiles, scratching her nose, "might be you haven't thought of this. But." She closes the door, slides both a couple of large heavy duty bolts, and an equally secure looking chain, across. "Ta dah." Smiling. Dru and Kayley giggle, I blush. "Oh." Shaking my head. "Right."
"Don't worry." Scarlet gives my cheek a kiss. "All the apartments have the bolts and chain, wouldn't of bought it otherwise." Shaking her head. "I'd be paranoid too, more so then all my neighbours given what I am," a half smile, like she's remembering, "what can turn up here. Anyway." She turns to face the other three, spreads her arms wide. "Make yourselves at home ladies." Pointing as she speaks. "Kitchen. Lounge. I think." A giggle. "Bedrooms there and there. Mine that way, should stupid Jo somehow turn up and we need to regroup in a hurry." She takes my hand. "For today, and tonight at least, consider my place yours. Relax, recharge." A shrug. "However you need to. We'll have ourselves a war council at breakfast tomorrow. Deal?" The others nod, smile, and the group drifts apart.

We go to the kitchen first. There's a phone built into the wall, which Scarlet uses to order enough pizza and other fast food to feed us all five times over. "Forgot there's sod all here." She remarks, shrugging, somehow managing to reel off details for a card I assume is hers, but that she isn't actually holding. Hanging up, Charlotte wanders in, heading for the fridge. "Sorry." Scarlet calls over, as the fridge reveals its contents of butter, water, eggs, and some still sealed long life milk. "I've just ordered a ton of food. Plus drinks."
"No worries." Charlotte nods, closing the door, pulling out her own phone. "I need to call my, um, boyfriend." Shaking her head. "Let him know I'm.... Um...."
"On holiday?" I offer. Charlotte shakes her head, but smiles. "Sure. Why not." She laughs, briefly. "Can't exactly be honest about," gesturing to me and Scarlet, her sword, which she's still holding, "all this."
"He doesn't know." Scarlet nods behind Charlotte, at the imagined monster. "About Shayde?"
"No." Shaking her head. "I'm not sure he'd be able to cope with that particular part of my life."
"Hmm." Scarlet frowns. "Well," looking down at her sword, "Char. Is Char okay?"
"Sure." A half smile. "My friends call me Char."
"Char." Scarlet smiles back. "I'm guessing up until now it's been just you, dealing with all the Shayde stuff solo. Right?"
"Mostly." A nod. "I've got family, but, they're across the pond, in the US. And, well." A sigh. "I'm the keeper. So, ultimately, it only listens to and comes to me."
"Well." Scarlet steps forwards, puts the hand not holding her sword on Charlotte's arm, giving a small squeeze. "From here on out, you've got us now." She looks to me, I smile, and nod. Scarlet smiles back, returning her gaze to Charlotte. "Once we've dealt with Jo, we'll. You know. Swap numbers and shit. I mean." A grin. "Dru and me, we can both basically teleport. And Morgan here's pretty fucking fast."
"Zoom." I say, smiling, making a man out of the fingers of one hand, running him across the counter top. Charlotte laughs. "Point is." Scarlet continues. "You've got friends now. Kayley too I'm sure. Friends who also have shit that makes life...." A grin. "Interesting. You need a friend, you call, and we'll come hang out with you."
"Wow." Charlotte is clearly taken back, not quite having expected all of this when she woke up I guess. She grins, and steps forwards, pulling both me and Scarlet into a hug. "Thanks girls." Stepping back. "I'll um." Gesturing at the door. "I'll go make that phone call now."
"Sure." Scarlet nods. "Just tell one of the others to listen out for the door please."
"Will do."

Scarlet phones downstairs, letting the doorman know food is inbound, making sure he'll see it reaches our front door. Then, taking my hand again, she leads me through to her bedroom.

We spend almost an hour in her ensuites shower, which has one of those large rain type heads. The shower is huge, the whole room has a tiled floor, and the shower stall is a walk in, with no step, and no door, instead there are two glass walls emerging from the bathrooms own walls, but they don't touch, which gives the whole thing a very open plan feel. We take it in turns to wash each other, exploring the other girls body as we lather them up with citrus smelling body wash. We each spend a fair amount of time pressed back against one of the glass or tile walls, the other girls body rubbing up and down ours, both of us slippery and bubble covered, the pinned girls arms held down by her side, or raised up and held in place above her head as soapy breasts rub soapy breasts. We kiss often, and orgasm almost half a dozen times between us before Scarlet shuts the water off. Toweling off, getting at least half dry, we wrap ourselves in the thick fabric, using a seperate one each for our hair.

At some point during that long soak I began to feel myself returning to some form of inner normality. Whatever it was that Jo did, something to do with the cell would be my best guess, to make us so weak, it's finally wearing off. From the way Scarlet begins casually flexing her arms, and the increase in strength I feel when she's pinning me, I assume Dru and Kayley will be feeling better too.

Feeling cosy, we head back out into the apartment in search of food.

Dru doesn't eat, is in fact, according to Charlotte, sat out on the wide balcony that's actually more like a roof garden given it's size. She's tucking in though, and Kayley has a plate, though she seems to be ignoring the food on it. Both are sat in front of a large flatscreen, channel hopping. Scarlet and me pile up a plate each, and, grabbing one of the half dozen diet Pepsi bottles, we squeeze ourselves onto an armchair, which involves Scarlet sitting down, then me sitting sideways on her lap, my butt nestled between her spread legs, leaning against the curved chair back at an angle. This position does mean my extra large towel covered breasts are mostly poking Scarlet in the ear, but she doesn't seem to mind.

After food, with night now closing in, we head back to Scarlet's room, to sleep.

Stripping off our towels, laying side by side on our backs holding hands, we lay silently looking up at the painted white high ceiling, each lost for a moment in thought. It's there, now, that Maelstrom finds us.

"Do you feel th..." I start to say, feeling the approaching, sudden, rush. Something powerful is coming this way. At speed. I'd been turning to look at Scarlet as I spoke, and am stopped in mid sentence when I realise she's already up, off the bed and standing in an open clear space on the floor. She's still naked, and has her sword held high above her head in a two handed gaurd. Her shadow, looking more now like a mass of tentacles, balloons out behind her across the floor, climbing the wall. With her now dry hair falling down around her shoulders, and a grim focused smile on her face, honestly she looks amazing. Like some long ago warrior queen primed and ready to defend her castle.

I sit up, looking to the window, unsure of what I should be doing, and, slightly intimidated by how fast Scarlet went from laying down relaxed to battle ready. And then we're both out of time.

There's a quiet rumble, accompanied by a rush of wind that appears from nowhere, racing several circuits of the room, ruffling our hair, teasing at the curtains and Scarlet's pale blue duvet cover. A cloud explodes into being, directly across from Scarlet, next to the window, puffing out to briefly fill the whole room, before just as quickly imploding, vanishing, revealing Maelstrom in all her swirling grey skinned glory, floating about two metres away from Scarlet, putting my girlfriend and the Storm, technically my boss, face to face.

Maelstrom nods. "Orm, of the Never Sunset." She appears to smirk, briefly. "Friend to Sharks."
"Maelstrom. Bringer of the Storm." Scarlet nods back, though doesn't relax her pose. "Are you here for me?"
"No." A shake of the head. "I am not here to fight." Another smirk. "Today."
"Very well." Scarlet drops her sword, allowing the point to hover just off the carpeted floor, letting go with her left hand. "It's okay Dru." She calls out. "Stand down."
"Dru?" I look around, confused, just as Dru appears, fading into existence stood on Scarlet's left, arms by her side, a determined look on her face. She's dripping water and suds onto the floor, and is naked, apparently having been in the bath moments ago. Should've noticed the water, I tut, shaking my head, all whilst impressed that, having sensed danger approaching, Dru's first thought was to come and stand shoulder to shoulder with Scarlet. With Orm. "Go on." Scarlet pats Dru on the shoulder. "Go finish your soak."
"You're sure?"
"Yes." Scarlet nods. Dru nods back, turns, and walks naked from the room, letting the door swing closed behind her.

"You play a dangerous game." Scarlet has returned her attention to Maelstrom. "Coming into my realm unannounced."
"Yes." Maelstrom nods. "However, Orm...."
"Scarlet will do." Scarlet smiles. Maelstrom nods. "Very well. Scarlet. I have a solution to this problem."
"What problem?" I ask, still sat on the bed, feeling kinda like a spare wheel, not sure whether I actually want to be a part of whatever powerplay is occurring in front of me. "She's in my room." Scarlet gestures with her sword, at Maelstrom. "In my realm." She makes a come on gesture with her empty hand at me. "Without asking first. Get it?"
"Oh." I look from Maelstrom to Scarlet, suddenly remembering what had happened to her when she'd dropped in on me, into my bedroom, my realm, unannounced. I look again at Maelstrom, my mouth forming a second O as I try to imagine the actual grey skinned Wind tightly trussed up, at the mercy of my girlfriend. Would she let me play too? Scarlet, watching my face, seeing that I've worked it out, smiles, then turns back to face Maelstrom. "What solution does the Ever Raging Wind offer me?"
"Take my champion." Gesturing at me. "She is," a knowing smile, a small nod, "more then up to the task of being my stand in. And I do believe you'll find enjoyment of her sufficient payment in stead of having your fill of me."
"Wait." Holding up a hand, as my brain catches up, realising I've just been sold, not actually minding too much considering who my buyer is, but. "Don't I get a say?"
"Not this time." Scarlet shakes her head, blows me a kiss. She nods at Maelstrom. "I accept." And then I'm grabbed from behind, dragged backwards into darkness.

To appear moments later back on Scarlets bed. Only now I'm wrapped up into a back arching tight hogtie. Something like belts, made of something like leather, something with no give in it, has been used to bind me. My legs have been bound together at the ankles, then both above and below the knees, finally right up at the crotch where my legs meet my butt. My arms have been similarly bound, pulled together behind me at wrists and elbows. Belts squeeze my huge breasts top and bottom, both helping to pin my arms in place too. A seperate belt is wrapped around the base of each breast like an elastic band, constricting them, squeezing them. Making both nipples feel suddenly very tender and sensitive. A belt pins my wrists to the small of my back, wrapping my waist, and another joins my ankles to my elbows, pulling me into the tight C shape that's arching my back, straining my muscles as I'm held uncomfortably in place. A final belt wraps my face, gagging me, wide enough to cover my whole mouth, tight enough to prevent anything other then moans and grunts from escaping. Having landed on my belly I squeel in surprise at the sudden change in my circumstances, and roll onto my side, which puts me facing Scarlet and Maelstrom. My girlfriend, who now appears to have some very interesting powers indeed, considering she just tied me up so tightly that not even my Wind enhanced strength will allow me to break free, and did so without even touching me, gives me a cheeky wave, I moan back, with a little wriggle that makes my breasts bounce- like I said, I'm not exactly mad at being placed in helplessness by Scarlet -which makes her smile, before returning her attention to the Wind.

"So then," tossing her sword onto the bed beside me, "let us talk."
"Can I assume it was you who sent Shaydes keeper to free us?"
"You may." Maelstrom holds up a hand as Scarlet opens her mouth. "However. I did not know I was sending her on a rescue mission as such."
"Hmm." Scarlet spreads her arms. "Well, what did you think was happening?"
"I knew only that I could no longer sense my champion." Gesturing at me. "So, unable to directly intervene," Scarlet nods understanding, though I don't get the meaning, "I contacted Shaydes keeper, the nearest trustworthy agent I could locate."
"I see. So you know nothing of Jo?"
"Safari Jo," shaking her head, "to give the crazy girl her full title. She's hunting us."
"A." Maelstrom pauses. "Human?"
"Human." Scarlet nods, Maelstrom frowns. "A. Human, is hunting our kind."
"It certainly seems so." Scarlet counts off fingers. "She caught me. Your champion," smiling over at me, "who stood willingly beside me in my time of need. Also Ki-Bak-Furi, and a warlock named Kayley."
"I see." A small shake of the head. "And. Do you know why?"
"No. But I intend on asking her."
"Will you not simply kill this. Safari Jo?"
"No." Shaking her head. "Everyone deserves a chance. A chance to be told, shown, that the path they're on has only one possibly outcome. That of their own eventual destruction."
"I see. So you will talk to her?"
"We." Pointing back at me, at all the girls in her apartment I guess. "We shall talk to her. Reason with her."
"But what if she can not be convinced to step away from her task?"
"Then I guess eventually she'll move on up the food chain," a smile, "so to speak. And one day it will be you. And the Shark. That she hunts." Scarlet pauses. "Unless I kill her."
"So then. If she will not listen, you will end her?"
"And." A smirk. "Just how do you intend on accomplishing this, when you, all of you, have already been bested by this Safari Jo."
"I will awaken the Forgotten Legion."

The smirk falls off Maelstrom's face as though she'd been slapped. "You would do this?" She whispers. Scarlet gives a small nod, a grim look on her face. "Yes. If that is what it takes."
"But." Maelstrom looks over her shoulder, very clearly flustered. "Once the Legion walks, it does not stop."
"So they say." Nodding. "But." Looking up, meeting Maelstrom's eyes. "I will do what needs to be done, to protect us all."
"Yes." A nod. "Very well. Orm of the Never Sunset. I understand. Take your Legion to war, if you must." Scarlet nods back, and, without making any visible gestures, the cloud comes pouring back into the room, swallowing Maelstrom up, taking her away as it quickly recedes again, leaving the two of us alone once more.

For just a moment, Scarlet looks scared too. She shivers, briefly, all over, and glances at her sword, a worried expression passing across her face. Then her gaze falls on me, still laid next to her sword, McDonald's supersized rounded breasts pointing straight at her, pussy invitingly right there too. Seeing her smile I squirm around, voicing a couple of moans, thrusting in her direction so both chest and pussy seem to be offering themselves up. "Well well." Climbing up onto the bed, taking her sword and carefully laying it on the floor, before coming and laying down on her side in front of me, propped up on an elbow. "It looks as though someone's not too upset about having to pay the Winds dues." My next moan turns into a sigh of pleasure as I feel Scarlets fingers gently beginning to explore my pussy slit, teasing at my lips, tracing up and down them, all whilst she bends her head down and begins to suck on one of my nipples.

"Don't worry." Scarlet flicks a tongue over my nipple, making me groan. She smiles, coming up to look me in the eyes. "I promise I'll let you go." A wink. "Sometime tonight anyway."
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Post by RopeBunny »

Safehouse. Drusila.

I'm heading back to the bathroom when I bump, quite literally, into Kayley.

In truth neither of us is looking up. I know this because, as some last minute spacial awareness sense kicks in the instant before we collide, I look up, too late to stop myself, but not to late to see that she too, is looking down at the floor, presumably just as lost in thought as me.

I'd been remembering Teddy, remembering the fight, the power Scarlet and me had unleashed onto his little furry butt. Relaxing in the bath, because what better way is there to wash away the dirt and stink, some of it internal, in my mind, of being in that cell, I'd felt the sudden appearance, and approach, of some kind of power. My instinct had been to find Scarlet, to stand with her like before, and so I had. Luckily over the past several hours I'd felt myself returning to normal. No longer lacking the energy to do those things that Ki-Bak-Furi can do. Without effort I'd slipped into invisibility, then climbed from the bath and walked, passing through walls until I reached Scarlet's bedroom, finding Morgan still on the bed, unsure, but Scarlet already up and ready, sword held high, facing the oncoming threat. Stopping beside her I'd reached out, gently touching her arm, at which she'd nodded, just a small gesture of acknowledgement, giving me a brief smile to let me know she knew I was there. Ready for whatever was coming.

Only for it to apparently be a friend, so back to the bath I go, trailing suds in my wake. Until I crossed paths with Kayley anyway.

We're neither of us heavy, though Kayley's definitely skinnier. Plus I'd been walking with more purpose, which means the end result of our collision is that she topples over backwards, landing on her butt, with me sprawled ontop of her.

"Oops." I smile, noticing the damp patch on the front of Kayley's oversize tee, which she still hasn't removed. Seeing too the water dripping down off me, onto her. "Sorry, getting you all wet."
"S'okay." Kayley smiles back up at me, our faces actually quite close as I lay mostly lengthways straddling her. Feeling a slight tingle from my right breast I glance across, to see that, in order to stop me from landing fully on her, Kayley had reached out to grab me as we both fell. It seems the thing she grabbed was my breast, which she's still cupping, one of her fingers idly tracing circles around my nipple. I shiver. "Can I. Um." Nodding down at what she's doing. "Help you with anything?"
"I don't know," giving my breast a small squeeze, "can you?"
"Ha." I laugh. "Awful forward, aren't we."
"Whatever works really." Kayley shrugs. "I'm just making my intentions clear."
"Is that what this is." Biting my lip briefly, because it feels really fucking good to be touched in such an intimate way. And it has been a very long time since the last time. Hell, I was still human the last time I had sex. "If you want it to be." Letting go, Kayley reaches down, pulling her tee up over her head in one fluid motion, making her breasts, which are still rising up off her chest like twin hills despite the fact she's laying down- definitely fake, but still very lickable I decide -bounce as they clear the fabric. With one hand she reaches up, stroking my face, whilst the other reaches down to cup my butt, gently yet firmly pulling me down onto her. And all of this in the middle of the corridor in Scarlet's new apartment. "I've been watching you, since," a shrug, "you know. You seemed lonely." The hand on my face drops back to my breast, giving it another squeeze. "In need of a friend. Well." Blowing me a kiss. "I thought maybe I could be your friend, Lady of Chains?"
"Well." Taking the offered chance, swallowing my nerves, pushing a sudden nagging thought aside, I lean forwards. Kayley meets me halfway, our lips connecting as we kiss. "How about you come and share a bath with me?" I offer, pulling away slightly, then standing, holding out a hand. "I promise you there's plenty of room."

For a penthouse in the centre of London you'd expect nothing but the best, on all fronts. The bath certainly doesn't disappoint. Typically baths are rectangular in shape, with the top at around waist height. This one is more of a rounded square though, easily large enough to two to lay side by side, and sunken into the floor, with only a small lip to prevent spills. The rooms floor is tiled though, with a discreet drain in one corner to catch any overflow, should you decide to re-enact the sinking of Atlantis. "Wow." Kayley nods her approval, climbing in as I close the door behind us. I climb in too, laying beside her, not able to be quite as forward all the time.

We lay like this for awhile, not talking, just enjoying the water. And the company. There's a small bottle of shampoo, half empty now thanks to me, so I use the rest to wash Kayley's hair for her. She sits up, in the middle of the tub, allowing me to straddle her upper legs, putting us face to face as our breasts occasionally touch. Leaning in I take my time, enjoying Kayley's own hands as they explore my breasts and back whilst I work on her hair. And, once finished, I remain straddling her, so we can kiss, and so I can fondle Kayley's breasts too, all whilst gently rocking against her, rubbing my crotch into hers under the soapy hot water. "I'd love to keep you here." I breathe, reaching down with one hand to rub at Kayley's slit. "So why don't you?" Parting her legs wider. "I have ways," grinning, imagining calling on my chains, picturing Kayley bound up like an Egyptian Mummy, her pointy breasts poking through between rusty metal, her body straining against them, "they're just too loud." I shake my head. "So." A shrug. "Just use whatever happens to be to hand."

Which happens to be the sash from a black silk bathrobe, hanging on a hook from the door. I'm sure Scarlet will understand, I think, carrying it back to the bath, where I plunge it underwater, and use it to bind Kayley's wrists behind her, straddling her again to do so. I pull the sash tight at each knot, feeling the fabric change now it's submerged, imagining, with a smile, that it might not be too easy to escape from once she gets out. "There," trailing both hands back up her arms, one either side, up and over her shoulders, then down onto her breasts, tweaking her nipples, "that should hold you."
"Oh yes," smiling, leaning forwards to kiss me, "I'm definitely helpless now."
"Well, what are you going to do with me?"
"This." I push her, her breasts, causing Kayley to topple backwards into the water, her whole body going under as she cries out in surprise. Before she can surface I've moved, bringing my jody forwards, laying atop her, pinning her body to the baths floor. I kiss her, locking my lips over hers, feeling the breath escape her, filling up my now useless lungs even whilst I'm kneading her breasts with both hands, my crotch rubbing down on hers.

I wait until I feel Kayley begin to panic before I let her up for air. She likely doesn't know I have no need to breathe, could infact even walk from England to America should I choose- maybe I will someday. Gasping, propping herself up awkwardly on bound hands, she shakes her head. She's smiling. "Fuck me, what a rush."
"You." I'd actually been expecting to be shouted at, that, in my horny state, I'd taken things too far. "You. Liked that?"
"Very much." Staring at me, then, with a grin, Kayley winks, takes a huge breath, and sinks back under the water. Taking the hint, I grin too, and follow her down, positioning myself lower this time, my head directly above Kayleys crotch. I start licking.

Eventually, the bath water cools down to the point that it's time to get out. And there's another small niggle, I mentally scratch my head, wrapping myself in a towel, seeing Kayley do the same. I already removed the sash, having to snap it in two since the wet knots had shrunk, as I suspected they would. The whole wadded up mess I tossed back into the tub. Why didn't she complain about the colder water first? I can't really feel it, in that it doesn't affect me, cold or hot, but surely she was getting uncomfortable. I shrug though, having too much fun to care right now, taking Kayley's offered hand as she leads me through into one of the bedrooms.

"Would you like to see what I can do?" Teasing, licking my nipple, smiling down at me from above, as I smile back, feeling lazy and full of contentment. We're on the bed, luckily Scarlet has beds in two of the three bedrooms. It's a large metal framed double, one sat very low to the ground with no head or footboard, just a tall above head height post at each corner, atop which sits an ornate curving design that resembles wisps of smoke. Each corner is connected around the outside by four metal struts, keeping the frame rigid. Seeing it when Kayley and I came in here made me smile. It's an almost exact copy of the bed I had as a teenager, probably the best design I've ever slept in. I'm touched that, despite not needing to sleep, Scarlet would care enough to make me feel at home anyway. And touched again that she appears to be happy for me to live here with her too, as an occasional drop in guest. She's been an amazing friend to me that's for sure.

Kayley reaches down, propping herself up one handed as she does, and squeezes my breast. "Well?" Smiling. "What do you say, want to see?" We'd shed our towels as soon as the door was closed, Kayley first leading me over, then pushing me down on, the bed. Not giving me a chance to take control she'd climbed straight on after me, pushing me into the centre, rolling me so I was laid on my back, then laying herself down ontop of me, using her legs to spread mine apart, wrapping hers around to hold mine open, reaching down to take my hands, then pulling them up above my head, pinning them together there one handed whilst the other explores my semi secured naked body. And all the time she's been kissing me, smiling down, clearly enjoying my squirming moans as she toys with me. "Huh?" I attempt to focus, with an effort, tearing my attention away from all the amazing sensations rushing through my body right now. "What you can...." I pause, breathe, sigh briefly as she flicks my nipple. "Do?"
"Yes." Beginning to dry hump my pussy with hers, slowly, somehow spreading my legs wider as she does. A wink. "Want to see my party trick?"
"Sure." I breathe out, almost whispering. "Say please." Teasing, bringing her hand up, away from my breast, taking one of my wrists in each of her hands, moving them apart, spreading them out either side of me, pulling tight. Now all four of my limbs are pointed at seperate bedposts. Pressing her whole body into me she pulls, showing surprising strength, on both arms, at the same time pushing my legs still further apart, it seems, stretching me tight. She kisses me, hungrily, leaving me breathless as she pulls her head back. "Please." I whisper, straining up towards her, actually using some of my strength in an attempt to reach her, or to free one hand so I can fondle one of her breasts for a change, currently hanging down just below my face like ripe fruit ready for harvesting. Or just tasting. I'm unable to budge her even one inch though. She grins down at me, having no doubt seen my muscles tense up, then slacken as I admit defeat, too turned on though to worry or wonder at how she could be stronger then me, especially when, unlike Morgan Scarlet and me, she doesn't even have a power signature. "Show me." I whisper up at her, making my breasts bounce from side to side. "Please. Show me and then fuck me." I swallow. "I want you. Please."
"With pleasure." Kayley grins, and then, before my horrified eyes, she changes.
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Post by Nainur »

Hot stuff, albeit I do not like 'breathplay'...
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Nainur[/mention] nor do I, really.

However, I like to write a flowing story, which often means details of the plot will change as I write. The bathtub tie up was a late addition, written in on a second read through to add some more TUGs.

I purposefully kept the whole breath play aspect as minimal as I could, though included it because, in honesty, it sounded kinda hot ;) :lol: despite what I just said about not liking it too much.
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Post by Nainur »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago @Nainur nor do I, really.

However, I like to write a flowing story, which often means details of the plot will change as I write. The bathtub tie up was a late addition, written in on a second read through to add some more TUGs.

I purposefully kept the whole breath play aspect as minimal as I could, though included it because, in honesty, it sounded kinda hot ;) :lol: despite what I just said about not liking it too much.
well done! No: very well done!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Safehouse. Kayley.

Kayley died. My creator, Safari Jo, explained things to me as I lay, a freshly made thing, strapped to the wooden table. Who I am. Why I am. What I must do.

Safari Jo is a hunter, the greatest of them all, choosing to hunt the most powerful of all the predators, those that some would call Gods. Monsters. Even, prehaps, the very elements themselves.

Her first hunt was a complete success. The target, a Warlock, which is someone, a young lady in this case, who's mastered the powers of certain elements. In this instance those of fire. They fought, during a rainstorm I was told, with the- prehaps depleted by so much rain -Warlocks abilities proving nowhere near a match for the weapons Safari Jo has scratch built and invented in the pursuit of her ultimate goal, that of the Shark, undisputed Lord of both water and earth. A success then, though, prehaps, her weapons worked slightly too well. In the course of the fight, losing, backed into a corner, prehaps fearing capture and the unknown that's bound to follow, the Warlock chose instead to self destruct. Maybe she hoped to take Safari Jo with her? In this task she failed. That Warlocks name was Kayley, it is in her exact image that I've been created.

Created, because, despite my appearance as a half starved flame red haired girl with a very pert pair of rounded breasts, I'm not human. What I am, is revolutionary.

I am also, according to Safari Jo, her final ace.

Made to look like Kayley, like one of them, my creator installed me in a cell, in her camper, alongside her other prizes. My sole mission, two lines of code at the very core of my being, until or unless I'm reprogrammed anyway: Signal my location to Safari Jo. Recapture the others. I was, in essence, in standby mode. Most of my systems powered down, conserving my energy, waiting. With our rescue, the ace is now in play.

I've been signalling since we arrived at the one called Scarlet's penthouse apartment, sending my coordinates on a secure narrow band, unable to receive a reply, but, I know my creator will be listening. I know Safari Jo will be coming.

And now here I am, in bed, having deceived the one called Dru, or Ki-Bak-Furi to use her real name, into believing that I had feelings for her. She's right where I want her.

My body is metal, a thin solid core, like bones you could say, surrounded by something that isn't quite liquid, not in any normal sense, but it is something that can flow, and change. This is topped by a microfine final layer, my skin, that which gives me my human appearance. That which makes me look like Kayley. This layer is is full of tiny holes, each smaller then a pinhead, which is necessary to allow my abilities to function. Principle amongst these is that I'm able to shed a large portion of my mass without any noticeable change, because it comes from inside, from the not quite liquid near the centre of me. That part can then be regrown, replaced, in much the same way a body replaces lost skin after an accident. Only in my case the process is so much faster. If I touch metal, any metal, I can also interact with it. With some focus I can bend and reshape it, adding to it from within me if need be. Like now.

Laying ontop of Dru, using my body to stretch and pin hers in place, my four limbs ensuring hers are all pointed towards a seperate corner of this four poster bed, my skin begins to appear to flow, as that which is inside of me comes pouring out from all those holes, changing the look of my skin from pale pink to dark matt silver as it does. Dru opens her mouth wide, to scream prehaps, but I open mine too, darting my head down, locking my lips around hers as the metal emerging onto my face flows downwards, onto hers. At each corner of our two girl X shape, a portion of my inner metal wraps around a wrist or an ankle, shrinking until it's skintight, forming a solid unbreakable cuff. From this a thin tentacle emerges, reaching out, growing thicker as I add more of me, finding the nearest corner post, which it adheres to. Even as the tentacle is wrapping itself tight, pulling out any slack Dru might have left in limbs I've already yanked straight, it's burrowing into the bedframe, blending with it, making the tie a seamless part of the bed. Making the whole thing that much stronger. And by now Dru's face is covered by a thin layer of metal, like a hood, only with something like a dull smooth metal cock forced deep inside her mouth, silencing her scream before she could utter a sound. The hood covers everywhere, leaving only a small hole for each nostril, and is right now knitting itself together at the back of her head with about thirty crisscrossed pieces.

Finished, I detach myself from the parts of me binding Dru, and lever myself up off the bed, grinning as I look down, observing just how little movement my second captive has. Something inside me clicks, a small quiet sound, and then Jo's voice floats out from, it would seem to anyone who actually tried to investigate my workings, somewhere around my kidneys. "Ha ha. Safari Jo does it again." Jo proclaims, as I watch Dru, making sure, not wanting to be caught out later by sloppy rushed work now. She isn't going anywhere I decide, seeing her slump back, having spent a good minute straining against the metal. I know she has powers, but, so I was told, something inside me, some new compound laced all through my outer layers, acts against whatever energy these monsters call on. Somehow sapping them, making them more like you, but not like me. With a final nod I pick up my towel, and, wrapping it back around my body, I leave Dru to struggle alone.

Out in the main room, with the flatscreen, though she's unable to affect what channel it displays anymore, is the human. Charlotte. With nothing close by she could use, accepting the roof garden, but I didn't give her time to make that connection, to call her pet monster to her, I made short work of immobilising her first. Metal that was a part of me binds her into a strict hogtie, leaving her to squirm and moan on the rooms large sofa. Her wrists and ankles have been sealed behind her back, with the same, apparently seamless, piece of metal encasing her ankles, forcing them to remain just above her forearms. Her gag is just a simple metal ball shape, held in place by a thin silver band around her head, shrunk to a tight fit, preventing her from spitting the ball out, or even working it loose enough to shout for help. "Still here." I nod, walking passed. "Good girl. Jo will be here soon, and she will be pleased to discover I have captured the one who freed the others." In response Charlotte bucks agaisnt her restraints, rolling over onto her side to shake her breasts at me, all whilst cursing as loudly as the gag will allow. I can still hear her, growing fainter as I walk down the corridor, with all being silent by the time I reach the bedroom I know, by having eliminated the other rooms, to be the one both Morgan and Scarlet are occupying. Stopping outside the closed door, I take a moment, composing a number of suitable reasons for why Scarlet, or Morgan, depending on what I find when I step inside, needs to leave the room. I don't believe I can take down both at once, as these are the top two on the powers list of Jo's current targets, but, separated, even only briefly, should give me enough of an opening to try my luck. If nothing else I can distract them long enough for Jo to arrive, no doubt bringing The Arsenal as back up, which should be more then sufficient to recapture these two monsters hiding in the form of young busty girls. I don't knock, the handle opens, so, I walk in.

And find about the best possible result waiting for me. It appears someone has done half my work already.

Morgan is hogtied, by some sort of strap, lots of straps, all wrapping her very busty body tightly. One of them is even gagging her. She's naked, and laying roughly in the centre of the bed, on her side, both face and impressive breasts are looking in my direction. "Morgan." I nod, stepping closer, reaching down with one hand as I do, unhooking the towel, allowing it to fall off and puddle on the floor behind me. Morgan moans behind her gag, wriggles her body at me. I grin, not bothering with any form of act. "I must say," standing naked before her now, hands by my sides, fingers splayed, preparing to add my own bindings to hers, just incase, "that whatever kinky play you and Scarlet are engaging in has helped me out a great deal." Morgan moans again, I nod. "Indeed. Safari Jo will be pleased. Happy to welcome you home."
"Safari Jo can get fucked."

Even as I spin around, I know I'm too late. I am, however, just in time to see the blur of Scarlet's sword as she sweeps it around, the blade flat as it comes in at neck height, travelling far faster then any mere human could swing it. I feel a brief jolt as the blow connects, accompanied by a burst of static loud enough to blow out my sophisticated sensors, and then there's nothing.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Story continues to twist and turn with lots of naked women in it...

What’s not to like?

Another great chapter!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Nainur[/mention] thanks :D ;)

And [mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] always happy to receive a comment from you on this twisting tale :D
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Post by Nainur »

A touch of Terminator 2, maybe? :D
"Very ingenious, twisting and turning this story is!"
(Yoda Nainur)
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Post by Caesar73 »

I really have to do some catching up, I missed the last chapters :) Great Story so far!
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Post by RopeBunny »

:lol: that's a good Yoda :D

Take your time [mention]Caesar73[/mention] there's no rush. Takes me some time to write each chapter for this one anyway.
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