Devastation - A sequel to Devotion (M/F) (M/M) Complete

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Devastation - A sequel to Devotion (M/F) (M/M) Complete

Post by wolfman »

This story, picks up after events of my previous tale Devotion. ... 4b530eb550

Whilst I will reference previous events, from other stories, I will try to ensure that if you have not read them, you will have enough in this story, to keep you on board.

Parts of this story, will be dark. You have been warned. 


Kate's body is slick with blood, both her own and that of the body laying on top of her. Every part of her being hurts, as she struggles to move. 

Her limbs are stretched out, the barbed wire encircling her wrists and ankles, is unyielding and bites deep. She stares up into the serene, dead eyes of Helen Carter, two inches from her own face. Everything else she sees is red and covered in gore.

She feels the weight of Helen's body, wrapped in barbed wire, bound tightly to her pressing down, as she writhes to be free. She hears a man she cannot see and frantically struggles, the barbed wire that binds her, tearing the flesh of her arms and legs.

However hard she flails, the barbed wire stays tight, cutting her flesh and scrapping bone. As the man's footsteps draw close, Kate lays back defeated, staring into the dead woman's eyes, feeling lost. 

Kate screams as Helen's eyes blink back at her. 

Kate jolts awake, falling off of the bed on to the gore soaked floor of her bedroom.  Screaming and gasping for air, she chases the last wisps of the dream from her mind. "What happened? Why do I feel so shaky?", she thinks putting her hand on the bed.

She lurches dazed to her feet. "What is going on?", she thinks, raising a hand to her face and recoiling from the ichor covered limb. 

With dread filling her heart, she turns, seeing the, ruined, still bound and barbed wire wrapped corpse of Helen Carter, staring lifelessly back at her. 

Instinctively, she doubles over and vomits. She leans back against the wall and tries to catch her breath. "Why can't I remember what-", her thoughts are cut off by a flash in her mind. A fleeting memory of a strong arm and a silky voice, guiding her to darkness. 

When she is bent double retching, she looks down at her body, realising that it is not just her arm covered in blood, she gags. The congealed blood soaking her hair, runs down her face in thick gobs, she tries to wipe her mouth, but blood keeps crawling down her face.  

Sergeant Len Daniel and Constable Chris Crow pull up in their patrol car. The sergeant turns to the younger man before they exit the vehicle, "Alright son, welcome to your first domestic disturbance. Be ready for anything, when we knock that door. There is no telling what we will face once we get in there."

"Yes sarge." Crow responds, thinking, "I have done the training, no need to patronise me every time we get a shout."

"If it is a couple fighting, we isolate and watch them. I had a shout a few years ago when a woman was beating her husband with a frying pan. When we broke them up, he tried to stab me in the back. Be on your guard." Daniel advises. 

"Yes sarge." Crow answers, half heartedly. 

The sergeant's face turns red and he jabs a finger into the younger officer chest,"Listen to me son, you think you know everything, because you read it in a book. You are in the shit now boy. This is the real thing and it can get very ugly, very fast. I need to know if things go wrong, that you are switched on and ready for it.", the sergeant says sharply.

"Yes sarge. Sorry sarge." Crow says, shaken. He straightens up and focuses.  

They both pause as they hear a scream from the house. A scream of anguish, pain and horror, that gives even the sergeant goosebumps. 

They launch themselves from the car and rush to the door of the property, extendible batons, deployed and ready. ‎Sergeant Daniel radios HQ, "One one seven, to control. We are responding to reports of a disturbance, no response from door, screaming heard from inside the property, we are effecting a forced entrance. Over" 

The response from HQ, is drowned out by the splintering of wood, as they burst through the apartment's front door, batons drawn. "Show yourself." Crow shouts, before lowering his voice, "What is that smell?", as the stench hits them. 

"Nothing good." Daniel responds, hoping his suspicion of the smells source is incorrect.

Kate's ears prick up, when she hears a banging at the front door and muffled shouts. "Police." she thinks to herself, as the front door crashes in.

Kate takes a deep breath to centre herself, wipes the blood from her eyes and charges from the room to warn the officers that the attacker may still be here.   

As they step inside, they see a naked, well toned woman, drenched in blood charge out of a room and head towards them. They brace themselves open mouthed as she closes fast, mumbling and wiping the blood from her mouth. 

She runs blindly at them, tripping, striking officer Crow hard in the face, throwing him back. Daniel takes no chances and ducks low, striking the woman in the gut doubling her over. 

Daniel presses his advantage and uses her forward momentum to pull her to the floor as she screams and flails. 

"No! The man. The blood. The body.", she repeats breathlessly.

Crow touches his tender and bleeding nose and quickly wipes his eyes, clearing the involuntary tears, the blow caused. "Crow, get over here." Daniel shouts, struggling to restrain the woman underneath him. 

Crow struggles to his feet and staggers to assist the sergeant. Pinning and zip tying her legs, whilst Daniel handcuffs her blood slicked wrists behind her.

Once Kate is restrained, Daniel orders crow, "Check the room she came from, I am calling this in."

Kate can do nothing but shake her head, trying to clear the gobs of blood covering her mouth, as she lays on the floor, restrained hand and foot. It was all such a blur. She thinks. "I am safe. I am alive." Shaw weeps softly. 

Crow stands at the threshold of the bedroom, shaking. In a shaky voice all he can say is, "Sarge."

Daniel finishes his report and confirms, forensics and support units are en route. He turns to Crow and sees him shaking, the colour drained from his face. He gets off of the restrained woman and slowly walks over to Crow.

Crow, flinches when Daniel touches his arm, "Alright son, what have we got h-" He stops sharply, when he casts his eyes to the abattoir in the bedroom, the blood on the walls and floor, the dead and bloodied woman splayed on the bed, bound in barbed wire, the unholy smell. "Oh Jesus." he says softly, he looks to the restrained, mumbling woman on the floor, "What the hell happened here?"

A moment later, he keys his radio and updates HQ, whilst Crow checks the rest of the property, "One one seven, to control, update. We have a woman in custody after she attacked us upon entry. Another woman has been discovered at the scene, indications of torture and heavy trauma to the body. Please dispatch medical assistance and the Coroner. Suspect in custody. She is incoherent at this time and due to the blood on her face, unable to confirm her identity. Over."

Shaw is numb as she hears the officer call this in. "I didn't do this, it was him. The man. Why can't I think straight?", she thinks, trying to focus. 

"DCI Shaw, badge two four two. ID in jacket." She pauses, unable to recall where her jacket is.

She struggles into a seated position and tries to not look down at herself.

"Sergeant, I am a Chief Inspector of the southern UK's counter terror unit. Can you please notify Chief Superintendent Snipe about this?" Kate eventually manages to say. 

"I am sorry ma'am, but I can't do that until we verify who you are and get this scene processed." Daniel says calmly, as Crow returns. 

"All clear.", the junior officer reports, "No apparent signs of forced entry and no one else in the property. Bedroom seems to be where the most activity occurred."

"There was a man, soft spoken. He jumped me from behind and drugged me. I didn't see his face." Shaw says, her head starting to clear. 

"Well ma'am, there is no sign of him here now. He pauses, before emphasising the point. "Just you." Daniel says, forming an idea of what happened here. "Crow, get yourself some air, keep watch for SOCO."

Crow doesn't need telling twice as he bolts for the door, seeking to put as much distance between him and the carnage in the bedroom. 

Sergeant Len Daniel waits for scene of crime officers, sat in the living room, watching the still restrained Kate Shaw, as he makes notes in his pocket book. He pauses for a moment, chewing the end of his pen, before he breaks the tense silence asking, "Do you know the woman in the bedroom?"

Kate nods, "Her name is Helen Carter, she went missing from custody a few days ago.", she explains, wincing and squinting from the blood in her eyes and the pounding headache, just beginning to assault her.

"How did she come to be here?", he asks coldly.

"I don't know, maybe the man-", she begins. 

"Let's start again. Why don't you tell me what happened, from the beginning?", he asks softly, cutting her off.

"I returned home at approximately eight thirty, after a press conference in Swindon. As I entered my home smelled blood and human faeces. I then checked the apartment for the source of the smell. Upon opening the bedroom door and was ambushed from behind. I dropped my gun and something was forced over my face, causing me to black out. Next thing I know, I woke up next to Miss Carter." Kate explains, "I heard you come in and wanted to warn you in case the man who attacked me was still here. I couldn't see properly as I came out of the room because of the blood in my eyes and I tripped. I am sorry about the other officers nose."

"Why did you resist when we tried to restrain you?", as asks as he notes her account.

"I was trying to wipe my mouth clear of blood, so I could tell you what happened." she explains.

"Why didn't you call it in?" the sergeant asks, pointedly.

"It was just a smell, I wanted to determine the source, before notifying dispatch." Shaw explains. 

"So at the point you opened the bedroom door, had you checked all the other rooms in the property?", he asks. 

"Yes, up to that point I had found nothing untoward, it was the last room to be checked.", she explains. 

"So, you, as a chief inspector in counter terrorism, swept the property and was then ambushed from behind. Is that correct?", Daniel enquires making notes.

"That is what happened.", Shaw says firmly. 

"Hmmmm. If you had cleared the rest of the property, where did this man come from?", He asks, fixing her with his gaze. 

"I-", she pauses, thinking, before adding, "I don't know." 

Len pauses, thoughtfully, checking his notes, "Let's say, that you killed her and was in the process of mutilating her body, when we interrupted you. You panicked and tried to rush past us, only to be stopped in your tracks. How am I doing?"

"No!" Kate exclaims, "That is not what happened."

"Why don't you tell me again what happened from the beginning." Len asks softly. 
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Post by Caesar73 »

That is a mess, Kate finds herself in? Every is against her. Her Collegues obviously do not belief her. And who would, honestly? Kate is well and truly framed.
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Post by wolfman »

Steve guides the fifty foot yacht out of the harbour. He shields his eyes from the soon to be setting sun and smiles as he steers. 

His khaki shorts and a navy blue polo neck shirt, allowing him to enjoy the feeling of the sun on his arms and lower legs. "A pleasant change from the battle fatigues, I have worn recently.", he things to himself.

The vessel sails under a clear sky, touched with purple and orange, as the first hints of the setting sun slowly edges towards the horizon. 

The clear blue sea rolls gently beneath the vessel as they leave the noise and bustle behind and enter the serenity of the open water. "It will be dark in a couple of hours, the cliffs look stunning and we are not in any major waterways. This is a nice spot to moor before we head south in the morning." Steve thinks taking in the view.

Louise looks fondly over at him, admiring his toned arms and strong hands, knowing her they make her feel. Her eyes glisten with excitement. "We are really doing it." she says warmly. "Leaving everything behind."

Steve engages the yacht's anchor and moves to her side. He leans down and softly kisses her. He smiles softly, "Yes my love, no one will realise that this boat is missing, until we are halfway around the world. No one ever needs to know who we are ever again."

"Mmmm sounds wonderful. This is much better than the last time I was taken aboard a yacht.", she says, looking down at her body, clad in a string bikini, to soak up the last of the sun's rays. 

The heat of the day, gives way to a cool breeze that caresses her body like a lovers cool touch, as she reclines on a sun lounger. It creaks slightly, when she pulls gently on the silk scarves, securing her wrists and ankles to its frame. "Much better when you tie me to a chair my sweet."

"I aim to please. On this pleasure cruise, you will be unable to do anything, but lay back and let me take care of your every need." Steve coos softly in her ear, as he tenderly caresses her thigh.

"Now that I like the sound of.", she purrs, writhing sensually against the scarves. 

"But first let me get us some drinks.", Steve says, with a cheeky smile. 

Louise sighs in frustration, her sun warmed skin aching for his touch. She shakes her head and smiles, closing her eyes and listening to the soft swish of the surf and sinking into the gentle rhythm of the waves.

In her rest, she wonders, "He is so loving and kind. A world away from the other Steve. I wonder what he gets out of looking after me so well."

Steve pulls Louise from her reverie, with a gentle kiss to the cheek. She opens her eyes and beams a white hot smile at him, "Hello lover."

He smiles down at her fondly, "Hello my sweet." he pulls the other sun lounger beside hers and removes his shirt. Steve offers her a drink with a straw in it. She takes the straw in her mouth and slowly and deliberately sucks, filling her mouth with ice cold gin and tonic. 

"This is the life.", she says, pulling back from the straw.

Steve sips his own G&T, "Mmmm." he sighs in return.

"Perfect for a hot day.", ‎He takes an ice cube from his glass and gently rubs it over the hot skin of her stomach, eliciting a soft moan from between her full lips. 

The cool, wetness of the ice, sharply contrasts with the growing hot, wetness between her legs. The kiss of the ice cube on her stomach, cuts through the warm comfort of the sun's rays, like a bolt of lightning.

Steve guides the ice cube slowly across her body, his warm hand cupping it against her skin, each stroke sending ripples of pleasure inside her. 

Louise's eyes close and her breathing becomes ragged.  Steve unties the string of her bikini top and teases her breasts and hard nipples with the ice cube and the warmth of his free hand. 

She bites her lip, when he puts the ice cube in his mouth and gently sucks her nipple. Louise's senses are alive. The heat of her skin, the coolness of the ice cube, the warmth of his lips, all drive her slowly towards the brink.

He takes his ice cool fingers and slips them inside her bikini bottoms, the icy water dripping from his fingers almost sizzling, as it touches the hot lips of her labia.

Louise gasps, first at the cool water and then at the fingers, slipping effortlessly between her lips to seek out the sweetest of spots within. 

His lips move to her neck, as his hand slips between her legs. Louise's mind is flooded, "This is so perfect, on a yacht, escaping to a new life with this man, who drives me wild at a moments notice. Is it a dream? Why is he so good to me?" 

‎Her train of thought is shattered as her body reacts to Steve's efforts. Her mind is blasted clear by a wave of pleasure that fills her body and mind, overwhelming all other sensations. 

Steve gazes down at Louise, "I cannot help but admire her beauty, especially at times like this. She inspires me every day, her strength, her passion, her warmth and her love make me a better man."

In the afterglow of her climax, she stretches out, unbound on the sun lounger, staring at the darkening sky, as the first stars, peek through the darkness. 

Steve reclines on the lounger beside her, entwining her fingers with his. "I love you, Louise." he whispers, taking a long, cool draft of his drink.

"I love you too, Steve." Louise says turning her head to face him, shivering lightly, as the breeze turns cooler. 

Steve fetches a blanket and lays it over her, tucking it in to keep her warm under the stars. Louise reflects on this act of kindness and smiles, "Why are you so good to me?" 

He smiles and shrugs, "All part of the service."

"I am serious, you meet my every need and never seem to rest. You do so much for me, I don't feel like I do enough for you." Louise says, hoping she is wrong. 

"You give me a reason to get up every day. You give me hope of a better tomorrow.", he begins, "When my folks died, I didn't smile or feel anything for months. I was like a robot, I had no life and nothing to live for, I merely existed, the job was the only reason I got out of bed.", he pauses, squeezing her hand, "You changed that. You have taken a grey life and given it colour. You gave your heart to me. You have done so much for me already and I devote the rest of my days to doing whatever it takes to bring peace and joy to our lives."

"When Helen used and betrayed me, it plunged me into a very dark place. Your light showed me a way out and now it feels like light is all around me. In your arms nothing can touch me and in your bonds, I am yours in every way." Louise says, warmly, her eyes moistening.

Steve rises from his sun lounger and kisses her tenderly, before scooping Louise, into his arms, sweeping her below decks for anything, but a restful evening.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Contrast between the first two parts could not be more sharp: Kate, covered in blood, framed with Helens Murder and Steve and Louise enjoying some personal time. But I guess, the beautiful bliss is not about to last.
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Post by wolfman »

After several hours of interrogation, full body examinations, bouts of vomiting and passing out, Kate is taken to the local station for further processing.

Shaw feels numb standing naked on a rubber mat, designed to catch particulate matter, while the forensic technicians wash her down. 

She is given a paper suit and socks before three officers escort her in handcuffs to an interview room.

"I really want a real shower.", she thinks as she catches the lingering smell of blood on her shivering skin. The paper suit she has been given, protects her modesty but is no defence against the chill of the air.

She shifts in the seat unable to get comfortable, her wrists locked once again her back. Kate sits alone in the interview room. Given her skill set, acquired as the head of the southern UK's counter terrorism force, the officers view her as a high risk prisoner and have taken no chances, even applying ankle cuffs and lockin them to a bolt in the floor.  ‎

"How many times have I told them? Why don't they believe me?", she wonders, as she sits alone. She sighs, bitterly, "I wouldn't believe me either. Found at the scene covered in the victim's blood and broke an officers nose. Yeah, don't worry about the misunderstanding, off you go."

A lean looking man in a suit and glasses too hard for his soft face, walks in. He sets a folder on the table, seating himself opposite her and calmly reading the file. 

Shaw waits for him, thinking, "He is trying to rattle me.", She focuses on her breathing and scrutinises the man, "Early thirties, most expensive suit he can afford, possibly a new Detective Inspector, looking to make a name for himself. Physique appears to indicate that he exercises regularly. Trace of toothpaste at corner of mouth, slight stubble on chin. Probably got the call within the last hour. Doesn't look like a officer from the streets, maybe Special Branch."

He takes a deep breath and looks up at her. He presses a button on the recorder, "D.I. Harper, interviewing suspect D.C.I. Katherine Shaw, in relation to the kidnapping, torture, murder and mutilation of Helen Carter. Interview commencing at 0604 hours." His voice is somber, and calm.

"I must advise you that you are under caution and that anything you say, may be given in evidence against you. Have your rights been explained to you?", he continues.

"Yes." Shaw replies, impatiently. 

"Do you wish for a lawyer to be present for this interview?", he asks, flatly. 

"Not at this time, but I reserve the right to do so.", she responds. 

"I have read the statement given to sergeant Daniel, do you have anything to add?" Harper asks, checking his notes. 

"I don't believe so.", Kate confirms.

"Good. The Coroner has completed their initial report confirming time of death to be between seven and eight AM yesterday morning. Can you please confirm your whereabouts at that time?", he asks. 

"Shit, that was when I was having breakfast with Steve and Louise." She thinks, before saying, "I was with friends."

"Their names please?", he asks raising an eyebrow. 

"I am not in a position to say.", Shaw responds thinking, "If I give Britain's most wanted as witnesses, they will throw away the key."

"What about the previous day? The day your car was allegedly stolen?", He enquires.

"After I finished my shift, I spent the evening with friends. The same friends that I had breakfast with yesterday.", she offers, her voice tailing off. 

Kate has a sinking feeling inside, as she thinks of her statement so far, "He must be thinking, 'Found covered in blood with a tortured and murdered woman, who went missing from custody, injured a police officer in the course of her arrest and her only alibi is friends, she refuses to name.' I am so screwed."

Harper nods, deep in thought. He takes off his thick rimmed glasses and polishes them deliberately, he replaces them before continuing,  "I have reviewed all of the reports and photographs available in this case.", he says, settling back in his seat, "The evidence, appears to suggest, that you had a psychotic break, following the standoff in Southampton and the incident at the hospital. Then you either stumbled upon or, tracked Helen Carter.", He pauses for effect, "Maybe something snapped inside when you arrested her. You found yourself with a fugitive who had escaped from custody once and you then decided to take matters into your own hands." He pauses to take some water. 

Kate listens as a growing pit of dread opens in her stomach, "This sounds like a time-line proposal and case outline to the CPS. They must think they have enough for a case."

"You didn't want to trust other officers who would lose her again. So you took her to your home instead. You wanted to see justice done and given her mental state, you knew that she would never go to prison. So you used the methods that were used to kill the parents of the former suspect, Steven Marks to torture and kill her, in a bid to implicate him after the Home Office warned you off of investigating him. Then you return to work after faking an illness and hand in your resignation, ready to go on the run." Harper explains.

"No." she pleads, weakly, "I was with friends when my car was stolen and spent the night and had breakfast with them, before being dropped off at Swindon police station. Once I had done the press conference, I returned home via a pub called "the Old Cock in Cider" where I had a meal and a pint. I got home around half eight in the evening and was overpowered by an intruder."

"Why won't you say, who your friends are?", Harper, asks pointedly. 

"They are a couple I first met a few months ago, they are currently in witness protection. If I give their name it may compromise their safety.", she offers. 

"Interesting, they are under witness protection but you broke protocol to see them. Wouldn't that risk their safety.", he asks. 

"We met at a third party location, away from possible witnesses. I needed to see them as they had information pertaining to a case we have ongoing at this time. We had a lot of information to discuss so I stayed the night and had breakfast with them before they dropped me of for the press conference.", Kate explains, thinking, "Technically true in a loose sense."

"So they weren't friends then? What case?", Harper says.

"Technically not friends, but not strangers either. You can push, but I won't reveal any further details that might compromise them.", Kate says firmly.

Harper is completely still, as he stares at Kate for three minutes, before picking up the folder and opening it, scrutinising the page. "Can you explain why your DNA has been found inside a pair of kevlar gloves, that appear to have been used to bend the barbed wire, that bound the victim?", Harper asks, softly.

"It must have been planted when I was unconscious." Kate responds nervously wondering, for the first time, what else had been done to her as she slept.

He turns the page in the folder, "We have also found your finger prints all over her body.", Harper says without emotion. 

"I don't know what to say, I must have been out for a few hours. I don't know how they got there." she pauses, with a faraway look in her eyes, "I don't know what he did." Shaw says, feeling the colour drain from her face.

"Your finger prints and DNA were also found on the knife used to kill her.", he says, in an even tone. 

"He must have planted them." Kate says, he voice trailing off, as she realised the weight of evidence that is stacked against her. 

"I suppose that the DNA evidence recovered from under the victims nails was also planted, by this invisible man who left no trace." he says, impatiently, scrutinising her reaction. 

"Yes.", her voice a strangled whisper, "He must have."

Harper shakes his head and turns the page again, screwing up his face in disgust, "We also found your teeth marks,", he pauses, to swallow his disgust, "on the victims breasts and buttocks.", Harper says solemnly, watching her closely.

"He must have made me do it, when I was unconscious. I didn't do this. I think I would like that lawyer.", Kate says weakly, feeling sick, she rocks gently back and forth.

"Interview suspended, 0611 hours. Pending legal representation for Katherine Shaw.", he says, getting up to leave. 

"Wait.", she says weakly, "I don't know what was done to me when I was out cold, did the medical examiner tell you anything?" Shaw says, lips quivering, trying to stay calm. 

Harper looks at her over the top of his glasses and pauses for a moment. "The medical examiner found no signs of any injuries, unexplained marks, or sexual assault were found", he says removing his glasses, he relaxes his shoulders, "Let me see about you having something to eat and perhaps a proper shower.", he says gently.

"Thank you. Is there any chance of some clothes as well?", Shaw asks, relieved that there are no injuries, but concerned as to why. She thinks to herself, confused,"If there were no injuries or marks, how was my DNA under her nails."

"I can't promise anything, but I will see what I can do." he says sympathetically, as he stands. He turns to her before leaving the room, "A blood sample was taken at the scene, you were a bit out of it at the time. If any drugs are in your system, they will show up."

In the observation room, adjacent to the interview room, Chief Superintendent Snipe watches. He exits when Harper ends the interview and greets him in the corridor. 

"Well?", Snipe asks, patiently. 

"She seemed to crumple when I laid out a timeline of events. Often when confronted with the facts, the guilty part relaxes, this was different. More a case of 'they have a case I cannot fight', than, 'well they got me."

Snipe nods thoughtfully, "Anything else?"

"When I said about the physical evidence, she became nervous. When I said about the prints on the weapon and tooth marks her anxiety seemed to increase. If she knew that the victim was throttled by hand, there would have been some kind of reaction. But there wasn't one. Same for the non- existent bites. I will check the recording for micro reactions, to be sure."

Harper leans against a wall, resting his head back on it. "But the clincher, was the look in her eyes, when she mentioned not knowing what was done to her when she was unconscious and the relief and confusion, when I told her that there were no injuries."

"What do you mean?" Snipe asks, curiously.

"If she was faking the ignorance about the so called evidence, I would have been impressed. However, she displays genuine fear about what was done to her when she was allegedly out cold. If she faked that fear, she is the best I have ever seen." Harper says, nodding softly. 

"That's why I brought you in. I know her, there is no way she did this.", Snipe asks, exasperated. "What are the chances of geting a rush on the autopsy, blood work and crime scene processing."

Harper nods, "I will make some calls, might take a while, but, I think that should be possible."

Snipe takes the man's arm, "One of my officers has been attacked in her home and framed for murder. I want the attackers head on a stick. Move heaven and earth," he pauses before raising his voice, "and bring him in."

"Yes sir, we will throw everything at this." Harper says resolutely, nodding.

"I wonder why she won't tell us who her friends are." Snipe says, thinking aloud.

"She is hiding something. Either they are not real, or they are compromised. I will find the truth.", Harper says, coolly.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

The desription of Kates feelings during the interrogation is very good. Her doubts, her anxiety ... at least her Superiors know that Kate is framed. And framing Kate in this way is most cruel. Not knowing what was done to her, when she was unconscious must be terrible. Great stuff. And that Helen was used as a "tool" to frame Kate says a lot about the people behind this ... especially Helens und Louises Mother. And despite all the terrible Stuff Helen did, to use her that way ...
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Post by lochness »

Excellent writing so far! I like how you depict and describe the police procedures. I am quite interested in british police tactics and procedures. I thank and bow.
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Post by slackywacky »

Okay, so I am not devastated (yet). Three chapters in a short time frame will do that :-)
Really dark beginning (as you stated). Let's see where this goes.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

Louise stretches in the early morning light. She yawns lazily and gazes at Steve. "I am so lucky to have you.", she says, barely whispering. Not wanting to disturb his sleep.

She slips her wrists out of the silk scarves that she slept in and goes to the bathroom. While washing her hands she sees herself in the mirror, taking in her newly short haircut, wide expressive eyes and full lips, "I see the same face as ever, but I have changed so much. I am no longer the frightened girl, trapped by her life in a downward spiral. Now I am free to soar and he gives me wings."

She looks down at her toned body flexing, before looking at her refection once more, "My real strength comes from the love he gives me. That's enough to take on the world."

Feeling the aches from the previous nights lovemaking, she smiles to herself, thinking, "I will ache tomorrow." Louise returns to the bedroom and slips back under the silk sheet, nestling against Steve's chest. He moans softly and wraps and arm around her pinning her arms to her body. 

"Nowhere I would rather be." She thinks, drifting off.

Louise wakes slowly, breathing in the heady scent of fresh ground coffee and sea air. She smiles, basking in the memory of last night's marathon. "Last night was the best ever."

She closes her eyes and drifts through the highlights of the evening, the sun lounger, the bed, the shower, the eternal kisses and gentle thrust of their bodies entwined in perfect harmony.

Steve stands in the doorway, admiring the gentle curve of her body under the thin silk sheet. He slowly enters the room and sets a cup of coffee beside her. 

He places a soft kiss on her cheek and whispers, "Good morning, lovely."

"Mmmmm morning lover. What time is it?" She says languidly. 

"About seven. Was thinking a spot of breakfast as our last meal in British waters and then we get underway." Steve says, warmly. 

"Sounds perfect.", she says, beaming, "A new start."

"If you want to rest for a moment, I will crack on with breakfast.", he says, leaning in for a kiss.

As their lips part, she looks up at him, "You are so good to me."

"You deserve it.", he says, before heading to the kitchen. 

She lays back staring out of the window at the clear sea and crystal blue sky and sighs, "I could get used to this."

She rises from the bed and slips into a powder blue, silk robe to cover her nakedness from any who by chance could see her. 

The yacht is like an island of tranquillity far from the troubles of her life and the memories, that the UK bears for her. Louise tears herself away from the view and showers quickly, letting the waters cleanse her from head to toe. 

Under the fierce jet of water, she day dreams of places to visit and things to do. "We have the rest of our lives.", Louise muses. "A new life awaits."

Steve pours the beaten eggs into the pan and begins to fold them almost immediately, creating soft sheets of scrambled egg to accompany the smoked salmon and toasted bagel, that will comprise their breakfast. 

"Peace." he thinks, the emotional fury inside him, for once stilled. Music from the radio, burbles softly in the background, while he plates up the eggs ready for breakfast.

He puts bread in the toaster and clicks it down. The headlines play on the radio, the latest COVID-19 figures, latest on the status of the UK lockdown and other all blend in to one as he focuses on buttering the hot toast as soon as it pops out. 

The butter knife clatters loudly, whilst he stares open mouthed at a news story that grips his attention and refuses to let go. 

"In the early hours of this morning, the remains of a young woman, believed to be that of Helen Carter, were discovered in a flat in Slough. Helen Carter escaped from Leeds hospital, where she was being treated for an injury sustained in police custody. She was being detained in connection with an assault on a police officer and the exploitation and kidnap of her sister, Louise Carter, who is also missing. Sources indicate that police has a suspect in custody relating to this case."

Steve turns off the radio and pours a glass of brandy. He leaves the kitchen and heads deeper into the yacht, passing the bedroom and knocking on the bathroom door softly. 

Louise hears a soft knock and smiles, "Mmmm breakfast is ready." she shuts of the water and wraps a towel around herself, as she bounces to the door. She opens the door beaming at Steve. 

One moment, everything is good, but the ashen face of her fiancé gives her pause. "Are you ok?" she asks softly, concerned for her love. 

"Come and sit down, there is something I need to tell you." Steve says, solemnly. 

Louise sits on the bed, cradling the brandy, motionless. Steve wraps his arm around her shoulders. "I am sorry, Lou."

She stares out of the window, watching the waves. Steve pecks her gently on the cheek, squeezing her shoulders. Louise's face is an inscrutable mask of emotions. 

Steve tries to gauge her feelings, usually able to see what she is feeling, on her beautifully expressive face. But in this moment, her feelings are a mystery to him. 

The mask of her emotions, softens into an expression of quiet determination. ‎"I hated her for what she did to me, but, she is...", she pauses, swallowing her feelings, "She was my sister. I need to know what happened to her." Louise says, quietly, but firmly. 

Louise knocks back the brandy and snatches Steve's phone off of the bedside table. She dials a number and waits for an answer. 

Ryan stares at his phone, dreading the conversation to come. "Steve,", he begins, "I was just about to call you." 

"Michael, it's Louise.", she says quietly, "I take it you have heard."

"Hi Louise.", he says, his voice taking on a reassuring tone, "I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you Mike, do we know anything about what happened?" Louise says, softly.

"Yes, I have just got the report. Is Steve there as well?" Ryan asks.

"He is next to me and you are on speaker. What do we know?", she asks softly. 

"Helen's body was found by officers investigating a disturbance in the early hours of the morning." Ryan struggles to form the words as he speaks, "The disturbance was at DCI Shaw's apartment. Coroner indicates time of death yesterday morning, between seven and eight AM. Shaw has been arrested."

Louise's eyes widen and her mouth falls open, "No.", she whispers. 

"The police have all the evidence they need, she was found covered in your sisters blood, DNA evidence has been found and she attacked one of the officers attending. To top it off, she has no alibi." Ryan speaks slowly, unable to believe the words as they form. 

"How did she die?" Steve asks, holding Louise close.

"Steve, please don't ask me that." Ryan thinks, knowing the hell-storm that will follow. Every time he tries to answer, the words stick in his throat.

"Ryan? What is it?", Steve asks, worried. "In all the years we have worked together, he has never hesitated. Why not?" He wonders. 

Ryan slumps his shoulders and hangs his head, "She was found, bound with barbed wire and throttled by hand, there are indications of torture before she died and evidence of post mortem mutilation.", he speaks without emotion, attempting to distance himself from the carnage of the photos he sees on the screen in front of him.

Flashes of the scene of his parents murder, fill Steve's mind. Louise, hugs him shaken from her own grief, by the feeling of his.

"Is it the same killer?", she asks, knowing the details of Steve's parents murder. 

"It is hard to be certain, but everything points it being the same person. The barbed wire, the arrangement of the body, the blood, the pattern of cuts and methods of torture. I know Shaw didn't do this." Ryan says with disbelief. "The preliminary police report is saying she had a psychotic break and took the law into her own hands."

"She didn't do this.", Louise says firmly. 

"I want to believe that to but-", Ryan says feeling sick. 

Louise cuts him off, "She didn't do it. Long story, at the time of death, Kate was with us."

"What? Really? How?" Ryan asks, relieved. 

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that she was set up and we need to fix this. Is there any chance that we can get CCTV footage from the area for the past couple of days, a copy of the coroners report indicating cause of death, tool marks from torture and a copy of the phone call reporting the disturbance?" Louise asks, firmly. 

Steve looks into her eyes, seeing the strength that eludes him at the moment. He mouths the words, "Are you sure?", eliciting a soft nod and a warm gentle smile from Louise.

"I think I can get them, but it may take a couple of hours." Ryan says, thinking of who to call.

"Thanks Mike, can you let us know?" Louise says warmly.

"No worries, I will get on it now.", he says, ending the call. 

Steve gazes at Louise, "Even now, she continues to surprise me. Looking past her own grief to ease mine."

He holds her close and whispers, "If you still want to run, we can. I understand."

"Someone has murdered my sister and framed Kate. The same someone, who murdered your parents. You need this as much as I do. Our new life together beckons, but for now can wait. Once we have whoever did this, we can get peace." Louise says softly. 

Steve nods slowly as she speaks, "Time to end it. Then we live free from our pasts. But first, we need to get Kate clear of this mess."
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Post by wolfman »

Etienne nervously knocks the door to Dionne's office and waits. Since Helen disappeared from her dungeon two nights ago, Dionne has been in a rage. 

He nervously shuffles the sheaf of papers in his hands. Written statements from all staff and guests, confirming that no one saw Helen leave the premises. 

"Come." Dionne commands, her voice resonating powerfully through the office door.

Apprehensively, he opens the door and steps in. "What is wrong with you? Get over here." Dionne says, sharply. 

She rises to her feet and walks around her desk to face Etienne. Her blond hair, falls loosely about her shoulders, covering the thin straps of her white top.

"Well?", she asks impatiently. The fire in her eyes, in contrast to the elegance of her clothing.

"I have spoken to everyone personally and no one claims to have seen her leave. All of the guests and staff are accounted for and nothing shows on the security feeds. No prints were found in the cell that could not be explained. I have spoken to our local law enforcement contact and he confirms no unusual activity in the area" Etienne nervously explains. 

She is effervescent with rage, as she bellows, "I give you one task. She did not just vanish like a ghost. How did this happen? Someone saw something. I don't care what you do. Find her!"

Etienne scurries from the office, fearful of his fate, should his investigations continue to draw a blank. 

She sits down at her desk, the moment her office phone softly rings. Composing herself, she answers softly, "Yes."

Her secretary responds, "I am sorry to disturb you. I have a Detective Inspector Harper on the line from Thames Valley Police requesting to speak to you, he is most insistent." 

"Thank you Jacqui, can you please put him through?", she asks, curiously.

As she waits for the call to connect, she wonders, "Why do the British police wish to talk to me?"

The soft click on the line disrupts her musing, "Dionne Carter speaking.", her tone is even as she listens closely.

"Good morning Mrs Carter, my name is Detective inspector Harper.", he says. 

"What can I do for you?", she asks sharply, "It is Ms. Carter."

"I have been investigating the recent disappearance of your daughter, from UK police custody. In the course of our investigations, we have found a young lady who appears to match her file photos.", he says, keeping his tone even. 

"What?" Where is she?" She asks, outraged.

"The young lady in question, was found dead yesterday night.", he pauses letting the point sink in. 

Dionne freezes in place, her thoughts whirling. Out of the maelstrom of thoughts and emotions, she can only find the words to ask,  "What? How?"

"We are still in the process of investigating the circumstances surrounding her death. We will do everything in our power to bring those responsible to justice. I am sorry for your loss Ms Carter.", he says softly. 

"Thank you Inspector." She mumbles, numbly. 

"When was the last time you saw your daughter?" He asks cautiously. 

She hesitates before answering, "A few months ago. I haven't spoken to her since before her arrest."

"I am so sorry to ask, but, do you know of anyone who may have wished harm to your daughter?" Harper probes. 

"I can't think of anyone, she was always a popular girl." She offers.

"Thank you you really have been most helpful. I don't like to ask as I appreciate that you are not in the UK at this time. Would you be able to come to Reading police station to confirm if the lady we have found, is your daughter?" Harper explains. 

"I will be there later today." she says deflated, hanging up the phone, and slumping into her chair. 

Adam ascends to the top floor of the Chateau and sees Jacqui sat at her desk outside of Dionne office, softly crying. "What's going on?" He asks. 

Her tears don't part long enough for her to speak. He passes her a tissue, as the solid oak office door opens slowy. "Adam, I was about to page you. Come in." she says quietly, turning to stride to her desk. Her heels clicking angrily on the tiles. 

Adam follows her in cautiously, thinking, "Has she been crying?", he  closes the door behind him. He decides against taking a seat, as she stands facing the window. 

"I have to go to the UK.", she begins, her voice wavering slightly, "As soon as you can arrange it."

"What's the problem? What kind of weapons load out should I bring?", he asks, considering the different scenarios that may be afoot. 

"Reading police believe that they have found Helen's body. They have asked me to attend to confirm if it is her.", she says, her voice cracking slightly.

"Oh Dionne, I am sorry for your loss." Adam says, sympathetically, "If there is anything you need, just ask."

"Thank you Adam. I need you to stay here, while I go to Reading. Etienne is thorough, but too delicate at times. Find out how Helen escaped and then find her killer and bring them to me." Dionne says, coldly. 

"This is to risky, I can't let you go alone. You will be too exposed." Adam says warily. 

"Give me four of your best men. Discrete armaments and a local support team as back up. If we have any local contacts in law enforcement there, I want their details.", she instructs. 

"I know the men I will send. We don't have any police in Thames Valley force, but we may have some support service contacts.", he pauses, softly shaking his head, "I am still not comfortable staying here. This is a massive risk." he advises.  

"I don't care, I need to know if it is her. Once I am underway, work any contacts we have. Find her killer." Dionne says with a finality that surprised Adam given her earlier quietness.
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Post by slackywacky »

You have a way with words that is so different from my style, I am jealous :-)
And you seem to have a lot of time on your hands, based on the updates.
Keep it coming...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

So Dionne is not responsible for Helens Murder? Most curious. Who then? And who is responsible then for framing Kate?
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Post by wolfman »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago You have a way with words that is so different from my style, I am jealous :-)
And you seem to have a lot of time on your hands, based on the updates.
Keep it coming...
You are one of my go to authors on here. You have nothing to be jealous of, your stuff is awesome.
I was recently made redundant and am writing stories, in between job applications to keep my mind active.
There is yet more to come.
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Post by Caesar73 »

You and Slackywacky are two of my favourite writers on this Board. Different in style but equally distinctive and of high Standard.

Good luck with the job applications! These are difficult times nowadays.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago You and Slackywacky are two of my favourite writers on this Board. Different in style but equally distinctive and of high Standard.

Good luck with the job applications! These are difficult times nowadays.
Thank you for your kind words and good wishes my friend.

I hope you are staying safe in there troubled times.
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In Hyde Park a man walks alone, sprinkling bird seed on the grass, before taking a seat on a nearby bench. He calmly watches the birds and surveys the park around him. 

He thinks quietly to himself, "Three loose groups of joggers and a few cyclists, four families having picnics and a scattering of lone individuals. Nice and quiet."

He turns slowly, as sparrow lands on the bench next to him. "Hello little one." He says in a silky smooth voice. He reaches into his pocket slowly and pulls out some seeds. The man extends his open hand, "Hungry, little sparrow?" He asks the bird. 

The bird hops onto his thumb and begins pecking at the seeds. The man is utterly still as he smiles down at the feeding bird. 

When it flies away, he stands brushing the remains of the seeds from his finger. He times his movements to stay in the peripheral vision of those he passes, never crossing their active line of sight.  ‎He moves unnoticed in plain sight, overlooked by all who pass, just a face in the crowd. ‎

Inspector Hughes of Special Branch stands after having his lunch on a bench, watching the world go by. He checks his watch, "I am not due back to the Yard for another hour, plenty of time.", he thinks as he begins to walk.

He checks his phone for messages as he ambles through the park. "Not too bad, should be a quiet shift." he thinks to himself as he checks his messages. 

He doesn't notice as the bird feeding man, brushing past him depositing a note in his pocket and simply continues on his way. 

Once Hughes is out of sight, the bird feeding man takes out his phone and dials a number, "Wheels are in motion.", he says in a silken tone, sharply ending the call and depositing the phone in a bin, as he passes. 

He exits the park, unnoticed and unremembered by all but the birds he fed.
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Post by slackywacky »

wolfman wrote: 4 years ago "Wheels are in motion."
And now we wait... :-)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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"Is this really necessary?", Snipe asks exasperated. 

"The prisoner possesses a high-threat skill set and I am empowered, under the terms of the contract of service, to take any required steps to protect my people.", Mr Black, says in a matter of fact voice. 

"You will refer to her by her title and give her the respect she is due. Chief Inspector Shaw is a decorated officer and deserves a little respect.", Snipe points out. "Why is she being taken to Scotland Yard at such short notice anyway?"

"We just have the transportation document, you would need to take it up with them. Although, we had something similar a couple of months ago with an officer on serious charges. They were moved into custody away from their constabulary, for their own safety." he says snidely as he looks Snipe in the eyes, 

"I understand your concerns regarding the restraints on the prisoner, but my company has confirmed that, in order to ensure the safety of all concerned, these steps must be taken.", the security operative points out in an emotionless tone.

"Bloody jobsworth." Snipe thinks, looking at the pompous, man with the ridiculously combed over hair. "Fine." Snipe says, relenting, "I will send an officer with you for your protection, just ease up on the restraints."

"Thank you for sending an officer with us, between you and me the guys are a bit scared of her. Unfortunately, under the COVID act and new prisoner transportation regulations, we have to restrain her this way." Black says. 

"Fine," Snipe responds, before turning to a waiting officer, "Benny, go with them to protect these men from the Chief Inspector. Any problems, any irregularities, call it in."

The officer in full patrol gear including, stab vest, taser and extendible baton, gives a curt nod, "Sir."

Kate allows herself to be guided to the back of the security vehicle. The chain wrapped around her waist, holds her cuffed wrists tightly to the small of her back. Her feet shuffle, separated by eight inches of chain connecting the heavy duty shackles, secured to her ankles. 

"At least, I got something better to wear." reflecting on the dark blue jump suit that she had been given, to replace the paper suit that she was interrogated in.

"This is so odd, I know the regulations have changed on dangerous prisoner transportation, but this seems a bit much." she thinks as she is guided out of her cell.

As she is being led to the van, she reflects, "The chains I can handle, but right now, I would give my left tit to get this mask off."

The mask is black, kevlar reinforced neoprene, encasing her whole head tightly, like a second skin. When she questioned it, the man who put it on claimed that is was full coverage, to protect the identity of prisoners and included a built in heavy duty air filter to prevent COVID infection and was designed to ensure it could not be shaken off. He didn't however say that, the tightly packed filters made each breath a fight for chemically stale air.

"Bullshit," she thought, bitterly, "It covers the face to dehumanise the prisoner, preventing them from seeing and heavy fabric and filter configuration combine, to clamp their jaw shut. I have never seen a mask like this used on a prisoner before, the new regulations say about a mask, but this is something else."

She felt herself being guided into a seat and strapped in. The vans prisoner seats were effectively a metal shelf inside a locker with a mesh door, where the prisoner was held in place with straps across their stomach, chest and upper legs. 

"Sorry, for all this." The young guard apologises, "Are you ok?"

Shaw nods and grunts a yes, unable to say much more with her jaw clamped shut. She shifts minimally in her seat, "So this is my fate. I wanted a new life, but not this, never this. Their case seems strong and I cannot give an alibi that I can back up. I never wanted it to end like this, after a lifetime in service to the law, to be condemned by it falsely."

As the door to the cage is closed and locked, a tear manages to escape her eye, but is trapped against her cheek.

Ten minutes later, Shaw still cannot get comfortable. The tightly strapped mask is hot and feels like it is slowly crushing her face and skull. Her jaw aches from being forced closed. The straps holding her to the seat, are starting to dig in to her body and her arms are crushed between her body and the hard metal wall behind her. "This will be a long journey.", she thinks resignedly, unable to get any leverage to ease her discomfort.

She hears Constable Benny speak to one of the guards, "This is not the way to the motorway. Where are we going?"

"Alternative route, less hold ups." the older guards responds. 

The officer checks the feed on his phone, "There are no reports of any hold ups on the motorway. Where are we going?" Benny demands. 

"Ok, you got me. It's Tom's mums birthday, he wants to pop in to wish her well.", the guard responds, nonchalantly.

"Sorry, but I am going to have to call this route deviation in.", the young officer says. 

"Ah come on, it's for his mum." the guard says. 

"I am sorry, but, this is a risk. I have to report it.", the Constable advises, reaching for his radio.

"This will add only a few moments to our journey, what's the issue?" the older man asks. 

"He's lying." Kate tries to say, but only grunts briefly through the mask. She shakes her head in the vain hope she can dislodge the mask, slightly. 

"We can still go but, I need to call it in."Benny says, relenting. 

"No way to keep it off of the books?" the guard asks. 

"I have to call it in, I'm  sorry." Benny says, in an almost apologetic tone. 

"Me too." the guard says.

Kate hears the soft click of a knife being opened, closely followed by a gasp from the officer and the sound of tearing. All is quiet in the back of the vehicle save for a soft gurgling noise as Constable Benny, breathes his final breaths. She thrashes wildly, grunting in frustration and anger.

"You bastards. You didn't have to kill him. If I ever get out of this, I will hunt you all down." Kate grunts angrily, the mask making her words unintelligible and leaving her breathless as she strugled to take air into her lungs.

The older guard softly whispers, "Calm down, sweetheart, no blade for you, but when my employer gets done with you. You will beg for one."
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Kate is in the clutches of Dionne I presume .... O I fear for her. She deserves not to be mutilated like Helen. I remember how Helen was beaten by Dionne. Steve and Louise must save her - soon.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Kate is kidnapped by Dionne, who thinks that Kate murdered Helen. I guess, that someone orchestrated all this. Someone who wants that Dionne thinks that Helen was murdered by Kate. Someone is playing all the other players here. Who is the Puppetmaster? But why all this trouble? If the Mastermind wanted Kate just dead he could have done that before. So Kate, like Helen is a means to an end. Kate had a lot of bad luck lately ....
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Post by Caesar73 »

What I wonder, will Dionne even question Kates Guilt ..... someone in her position did not get there, by being dumb enough to fall for a trap like this .. that this is all too easy.
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Post by wolfman »

Chief Superintendent Snipe storms out of the holding area and straight to his office. The look on his face deters any in his path, from delaying him, in any way. 

"Bastards." he shouts, slamming the door of his office. He walks to the filing cabinet and opens the drawer holding a fifteen year old single malt and a glass. "Probably shouldn't this early, not even lunch time." He thinks as he pours a finger of the liquor.

He downs the shot in one and breathes deeply, "I must admit, It's much better that the lukewarm piss that passes for tea in this station." He thinks with a chuckle. 

Snipe pauses for a moment, sensing someone else in the room behind him, furrowing his brow. "None of the officers here would enter without knocking.", he thinks.

"Are you just going to stand there or, are you going to actually say something?" Snipe says breaking the silence.

"Seems like you need a moment, I can wait.", an unfamiliar voice says, calmly. 

Snipe turns around slowly, seeing a man in a charcoal grey suit and waistcoat, with a pale blue shirt, standing before him. He knows his face, but cannot place him. 

"Would you like to take a seat?" Snipe asks the stranger, whilst moving to his chair. 

"Thank you.", the man says, claiming one of the chairs facing the desk.

Snipe settles into his desk chair and considers  the man sat opposite him. "Inner confidence, not cocky, knows what he is capable of. Solid looking, moves with a practiced grace. Even sitting down, there is a sense of readiness about him.  Military perhaps?"‎, he pauses his analysis, as the penny drops and he connects a name to the face. He breathes out slowly and considers hitting the alarm button, two inches from his fingers. The fear for the lives of the officers who would attend, staying his hand. 

"So Mr Marks, given your reputation, if you had wanted me dead, I would have already breathed my last. Therefore, I must surmise that, you wish to talk. What brings you to my office?", he says, remaining as composed as possible, in the face of this butcher of men.

"The murder of Helen Carter. I understand you have arrested Chief inspector Shaw for it." Steve begins, choosing his words carefully. 

"How do you know that?" Snipe asks curiously, wondering who could have leaked this information. 

"It doesn't matter how I know, I only matters that I know." Steve says flatly. "At the time of death listed on the coroners report, Kate was with my fiancé and I, having stayed with us the night before. This is a signed statement to that effect." he says, in a matter of fact tone as he places the envelope before the Chief Superintendent.

"You are her friends?" Snipe says, his voice touched with disbelief. He snatches up the envelope and examines it's contents, a letter outlining how they picked up Shaw and stayed in a hotel, before dropping her off in the morning, for the press conference.  His is mind racing, "No wonder she didn't want to name names. No one would have believed her."

"Yes, we are her friends. She was with us at the time of Helen's murder. I have done some bad things in my life, but standing by when an innocent woman goes to jail, is one step too far." Steve says, earnestly, placing a business card on the table, "That is for the hotel we stayed at overnight, their cctv will show Kate, on site there in the evening and morning."

"Where is your fiancé and what is her name?" Snipe asks, pointedly. 

"She is nearby.", he answers, curtly, "For the purposes of this case, her name is not relevant. You know me, her identity can remain hidden."

Knowing that further probing will alienate the man in front of him, he asks, "Why have you come here to do this? Why not just call." Snipe asks, questioning Steve's motivation. 

"You wouldn't have taken my call, even if I had got through the layers of officers. Or it may have played it off as a hoax, too bizarre to be true. Either way, it would have meant that an innocent woman would be in custody much longer than she needed to be." Steve pauses, "I had to come here like this, as this was the fastest way to get you to hear what I have to say and help clear her name." Steve says candidly. 

"Why take the risk? This is a well supported station, why risk getting detained?" Snipe asks, appraising the man. 

Almost without thinking, Steve says, "Because it is the right thing to do. Shaw is one of the good guys, falsely accused of a crime she didn't commit. More importantly, she has earned my respect." Steve pauses, "I consider her a friend."

"I won't ask." Snipe says ruefully, before taking a gamble, "Why shouldn't I raise the alarm right now and have you carted down to the cells, until I check out your story?"‎ Snipe keeps calm, but wonders if it is wise to push this man. 

Steve shrugs, "There is nothing stopping you. Given the number of officers here, it is likely I would be detained if you pushed that button.", he says with a wave of his hand "I would prefer it if you used your time to clear Kate as soon as possible and refocus on finding the real killer of Helen Carter and my parents."

"That sadly, is no longer up to me.  Scotland Yard are taking over. Shaw is on her way there now." Snipe admits, slumping his shoulders and squeezing the bridge of his nose, almost regretting the slip. "I will personally verify your story and get her clear of this." He adds tapping Steve's statement.

"Is that normal? Investigations being taken over in this way." Steve asks, feeling his hackles rise. 

"Not really, but it sometimes happens in high profile cases. Normally we get more notice before transport arrives though." Snipe says, thinking in that moment, it was strange that he had a call five minutes, before the security contractor arrived. "The more I think about it, the more odd it seems, normally, I would get a call, maybe an hour before transport arrives."

"Can you get the van back here?" Steve asks, having a bad feeling about the sudden transport order. 

"I don't know, but I can have every officer between here and London on the lookout." he says reaching for his phone. Snipe turns back to thank Steve, only to see the chair opposite him, empty. 

As he dials the dispatch office he thinks to himself, "I now see what Shaw meant, when she said about chasing ghosts."

"You didn't have to kill him." One of the guards on the prisoner transport says angrily, as he steps over the body of Constable Benny in the back of the vehicle. 

"Calm down Tom." Mr Black says, calmly, "This is better for us. You see, the prisoner managed to escape, snatching a knife concealed for her by an unknown accomplice. The brave officer tried to stop her, but she killed him. Then she locked us in the back and made her escape. I will get a slap on the wrist for not finding the knife in the prisoner transport, but all will be well in the end."

The guard snorts, "Well the Chief Superintendent did ask us to go easy on the restraints."

"True, it is his fault really," Black chuckles, "Let's get her ready, pickup vehicle is on its way."

Kate can hear the exchange and angrily growls as best she can through the mask clamping her jaw. 

Shaw thinks, "You bastards, I will get you for this. This is not fair. I won't allow myself to be framed for murder, twice in one day. I will clear myself and find those responsible", as she feels the straps holding her to the seat being loosened by one of the men. 

She bucks wildly, trying to slip from the man's grip as he tries to lift her. She launches a two footed kick at the man with her ankles still chained, but only succeeds in cracking her foot into the metal side of the transportation locker, forcing a yelp from her throat.

The guard, slaps the top of her head hard and pins her to the seat by her throat. Leaning in close, he hisses in her ear, "Co-operate or be beaten unconscious, make a choice."

Shaw thinks, "Pick your moment.", as she relaxes, allowing the man to secure a leather strap around her legs just above the knee, and lift her from the seat. He sets her on her feet to shakily stand on the ground outside the rear of the vehicle and he secures another strap around her stomach pulled tight enough to draw in her waist by four inches and pin her arms ruthlessly to her back.

Shaw takes small breaths, struggling to pull air through the thick mask and unable to breath deeply because of the strap. Choosing to remain calm, she allows the guard to sit her on the ground by the doors of the van and lock the stomach and knee straps together.

"She's ready for transport.", the guard calls out. 

"Good man, this will be a good little pay day for us." Black says to the guard. 

Shaw can do nothing by sit and wait as the sun beats down on her helplessly secured body. She can feel the mask heating up as if her head was in an oven. The cool rivulets of sweat trickling down between her shoulder blades do little to ease her suffering.

Restrained as she is, she knows that any exertion, will cause her to pass out before she can get enough oxygen into her blood. "Just relax and keep listening." she tells herself, "The knife man seems to be in charge, he sounds older than the rest, smells like camphor wood. Probably the guy with the comb over."

She thinks of the other men on this transport, "The guard that applied the straps, seems younger and has a slight, Birmingham lilt to his voice. He is physically strong with rough hands, maybe from manual labour. I think the knife man referred to him as Tom. There will be another driving, don't know anything about him yet." She thinks, calmly. 

"If I kept track of the turns ok, we are in an industrial park on the outskirts of Reading. Probably close to the motorway." She determines, "Ready for a pickup.", she thinks, "I wonder who is coming."

She tries to calm herself, thinking, "Keep focused, if they make a mistake, take your chance.", before a voice snaps at her from the back of her mind, "Pick your moment and hold on to it for all you are worth."

Kate is snapped back to awareness, when she hears someone bang the side of the van and quietly say, "Heads up, police incoming"
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

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Post by Caesar73 »

You surely know how to keep the tension high, @Wolfman - ! Great Cliffhanger!
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Post by wolfman »

Dionne steps off onto the tarmac at Heathrow, leaving the private plane behind. The humid breeze ripples the fabric of her ice white trouser suit and white silk blouse. Her platinum blonde hair trails behind, like the tail of a comet as she swiftly crosses to a waiting SUV, unfettered by luggage for this short stop. Her heels click sharply as she strides to her vehicle. 

A man jumps out of the rear of the vehicle and holds the door open for her as she approaches. She enters quickly, closely followed by the man holding the door. As soon as the door closes, the vehicle is in motion. 

"Situation report." Dionne barks as she settles into her seat. 

"We haven't been able to get much detail as yet. Police have a suspect in custody for the crime, evidence seems quite damning, however there seems to be some form of alibi for her. Scotland Yard arranged for her to be transferred to their custody.", he checks an email before continuing, "We have contacts in the contractor transporting them and have arranged an intercept. She will be picked up within the hour.", King reports, from the front passenger seat. 

"Excellent work." Dionne says with an appreciative nod. "Do we know if this body they found is Helen?"

"Nothing concrete, but the suspect they have in custody, did seem to indicate that it is her." King reports.

"How long until we get to the station?" Dionne asks. 

"Traffic is light, we should be there in less than forty five minutes.", he says passing her a cappuccino.  

"Thank you." Dionne says taking the cup from him.  Sipping it, she asks, "Have you confirmed why the suspect is being moved and who they are?"

"Suspect is a Chief Inspector Shaw, originally she ran case for the disappearances of your daughters. No confirmation as yet, regarding why she is being moved.", he explains.

"Work your contacts and find out for me." Dionne orders, sharply. 

"Yes ma'am. I will continue to investigate.", King says drawing his phone and typing an email.

Dionne settles into her seat, closing her eyes as she considers what to do with the suspect once she gets her hands on her.

Dionne strides into the station, leaving King and his men to watch the street. The reception area is cool, in contrast to the humidity of the street. The desk sergeant shows her to a seat to wait for DI Harper.

As she waits, she stares at the wall thinking of her children. "Louise hates me and if Helen is dead, then I have lost both of them. How could I have failed them so?"

Dionne sips her third cup of insipid tea, as she waits for DI Harper. "Unbelievable, where the hell is he? By now we should have the suspect from police custody and I need to get moving."

She checks her phone, "No update from King yet. He had better be hard at it or so help me, I will dredge the English Channel with him."

She is snatched from her musing, by a soft voice, "Ms Carter? I am Detective Inspector Harper."

Her eyes flash open and she sharply addresses him, "About bloody time too, do you know how long I have been waiting?" 

"I apologise for the delay, thank you for coming on such short notice." Harper says, apparently unfazed. 

She snorts in contempt, "Shall we?", she asks pointedly as she rises from the seat thinking, "Arrogant ass, when this is done, I will have something special for you."

"Please follow me." Harper says, in a clipped tone.

She holds her tongue as they make their way to the basement of the station. Glowering at his back, "How dare he keep me waiting? He should have been waiting for me to arrive."

Harper turns to her as they stand at the threshold of the morgue. "I must warn you that due to the condition of her body, only her face will be revealed for identification purposes.", he speaks calmly, gauging her response. 

Dionne pauses, "What was done to her?"

"If this is your daughter, it would bring you no solace for me to tell you." Harper says, solemnly. 

Dionne feels a quiet dread descend over her as she follows Harper into the room and they stand by the table, holding the body, she can almost feel is Helen.  

"If you wish to take a moment, before, I lift the sheet, you may of course do so. Please let me know when you are ready." Harper, speaks softly, unable to read Dionne's body language. 

She takes a deep breath and nods. 

Her hands go to her face as Harper reveals the serene face of her daughter, staring lifelessly at the ceiling. 

"I am sorry Ms Carter, I have to ask for the record, is this your daughter?" Harper asks uncomfortably, thinking, "I hate this part of the job."

Dionne, wordlessly nods, fighting back tears, "My poor baby, I am so sorry for treating you badly, I never wanted this. What happened to you?"

Harper offers her a tissue, but she effortlessly brushes him aside, with a sweep of her arm. Dionne steps forward and snatches back the sheet, saying, "I have to know what happened to my baby."

Dionne's mind cannot comprehend what she sees, deep gouges, her daughter covered with more scars than skin, the bones of her wrists visible through ugly, torn flesh, not a single inch of her body is without injury or mark. She is stands transfixed by the carnival of horror, played out on Helen's body.

She screams and lashes out involuntarily, when she feels Harper hand softly touch her shoulder. The officer is sent sprawling back into a free standing tray of medical tools, scattering them freely about the floor. 

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Harper apologises as he gets to his feet. 

Dionne ignores him, transfixed again by the sight of her daughters body, lost in thought, "What happened to you, Helen? I have inflicted injuries and torments, but nothing on this scale. Who did this to you?"

"Can I get you anything?" Harper asks, rubbing the shoulder she struck. 

"Yes, find out who killed my daughter.", she screams, her grief turning to rage, as she marches blindly from the room, having seen enough and ready to get to work on the suspect. 

"God help this Shaw woman if she killed my daughter." Dionne thinks darkly as she motions to walk out.

"We need to fill out some paperwork before you go.", he pleads as she starts to leave. 

She turns on him, face flushed with rage, he finger angrily pointing at him, "WE don't," she says over emphasising the we, "You deal with it and stop wasting time, find whoever did this.", she snarls.

She storms out of the station unable to shake the visions of Helen's body from her mind and gets straight into the waiting vehicle, "Drive." she instructs, lost to her own thoughts.

They drive in silence weaving their way through the city streets. Slowly, the dawning realisation hits her, that she is alone on the back seat and King is not in the front passenger seat.

She quickly undoes the buckle to her seat and pushes herself forward, between the front seats, "You aren't my driver." she exclaims looking at the man in the drivers seat. 

He turns to her and in a voice as smooth as silk says, "No, but you are my passenger.", as he sprays the contents of a small white bottle into her face. 

She inhales to shout at the man, taking a deep lungful of the droplets. Her head begins to swim and her vision blurs, as she slumps back and reaches for the handle of the car door with useless fingers.

She lays filled with rage, her paralysed body, unable to channel her fury, "I will destroy you for this.", she thinks, struggling to say the words. 

Dionne slumps limply in the back seat, her eyes fluttering, her mouth silently moving. Louise and Helen's faced swim into her thoughts "For all I have done, all I have achieved, all those I crushed, all the money I made, I failed as a mother."

As she feels her body slipping away from her, the only thing she can do before the world turns black is say, "I am sorry."
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hi Wolfman, you are quite the Master of the Unexpected! Very good chapter, the description of Dionnes thouhjts? Very well done!
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