The Daughter’s Bodyguard (M/F) *Final Chapter Posted*

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The Daughter’s Bodyguard (M/F) *Final Chapter Posted*

Post by TayDay95 »

Daniel Garcia, aged 30, served ten years in the United States Marine Corps, five tours in Afghanistan, four in Iraq. Served eight of ten years in Force Recon Special Forces. Honourably discharged at age 27. ... arance.jpg

Kate Jansen, aged 22, graduated summa cum laude from Harvard, Degree in Literature. Owner of ‘Intimate!’ women’s lingerie clothing label. Daughter of Richard Jansen, corporate tech billionaire. ... 49e0cb.jpg

This is the story of the daughter, and her bodyguard...


It was a cold morning in the city, but Kate Jansen couldn’t tell from inside her heated, luxurious Cadillac limo, while two million people drove, walked and rode to work she was on her way home from a night of clubbing with her friends. Despite this, she couldn’t tear herself away from her phone for even a minute, someone was always calling or texting her, quite often it was her assistant Julie to do with her lingerie line she’d designed.

“What the hell does he mean ‘too slutty?!’ It’s lingerie! Does he think women are going to be parading around the streets in it? Yeah, look it’s fine, I’ll talk to him myself. Thanks Julie, you’re a babe and you know it! Byee!” Kate blew some kisses into the phone speaker, she made a point to treat everyone who worked for her like family. She’d learned that from her parents, though in recent years, she felt like they’d become more obsessed with success than they did at actually caring for people. Including her.

“Edward? Edward!” She called to her driver, who lowered the tinted window between them.
“Yes Miss Jansen?”
“Oh I told you sweetie call me Kate, or Katie.”
“Okay then, yes Kate?”
“Is the traffic looking any better? I really want to get home.”
“Sorry Miss- er, Kate. It’s backed up for blocks, some accident up ahead or something.”
“Okay then, I might see if I can nap in the back here, thank you Edward.”
“You’re welcome Kate!”

Little did the petite blonde beauty realise, but the accident up ahead, was no accident. The two cars that collided had been driven into each other very much on purpose, and it was all because of Katie...

Hundreds of people were commuting to work along the sidewalk right next to Kate’s limo, so many that blending in to sneak up to the car would take next to no effort.

As the pretty young rich girl laid back in her seat and closed her eyes, worn out from her night of clubbing, the passenger side door opened up next to Edward.

“Hey! What the hell are yo- Aaagh!”

Edward’s scream startled Kate out of her sleepy trance, she sat up, concerned and starting to tremble. “E-Edward?”
All of a sudden, all four back doors on either side of the limo opened up, and Kate shrank back in her seat as four men, dressed in suits with balaclavas over their faces quickly climbed into the car.

Realising what was happening, Katie tried to scream but what was immediately cut off by the leather-gloves hand of the captor to her right.


“Don’t you even think about it girl.” The man to the scared blonde girls right, a large man with a chilling cold voice, pulled her over to him so he could wrap his free arm around her skinny waist and keep his hand tightly clasped on her mouth. Katie instantly went into survival mode, being a rich man’s child, sadly she’d had to be taught that people would try to abduct her, and her father had always said: fight like hell to get away, keep fighting until you’re out of options. So she did. She tried clawing at the guy’s legs with her long nails but she just marked up his suit a little. She tried pulling herself forward to escape the man’s grasp but he was so much stronger than her!

“Let’s go, tape her up!” He yelled at his companions who were shuffling around the seats, one had a large duffel bag which he’d thrown at Katie’s feet, she kicked it away as she writhed and screamed like a wild animal caught in a trap. She elbowed the guy with the scary voice in the gut, but he just stifled his pained grunt and held her even tighter.

“Goddamn bitch! Tape her up already!”
“Nmmmmph!!! Nmmmmph!”

The three other kidnappers took a roll of white duct tape each from the bag, and Katie’s beautiful blue eyes went wide with fear. She tried biting the hand of the man holding her, but she couldn’t open her mouth at all. His hand was almost half the size of her whole face and so he was able to compress her lips and trap her jaw.

With frightening speed, Katie had started to be effectively and tightly tied up by the three men with the white tape. The loud ripping noises filled the limo, almost drowning out the pretty blonde’s desperate groans and cries for help. One of the masked attackers wrapped his tape around Kate’s shapely legs, first tying her ankles together, then her knees, then her thighs.

Another captor pulled her away from the scary guy so he could surround the blonde beauty’s perky, pointed D cup breasts with his own barrage of tape. He wound it around and around her body, pinning her arms to her sides while her forearms trailed behind her back, the last of her captors wrapping his roll of tape around Kate’s delicate young wrists.

The man taping her chest made no secret of his admiration of the beautiful rich girl’s cleavage. Her V-neck red minidress left so little to the imagination, great for teasing boys at clubs, but now, Kate was regretting her decision to wear it. Tears began to form in her eyes as she realised the hopelessness of her situation. It was about this point that Scary Guy took his hand away from her mouth and grabbed the hand taper’s roll.

“Please” Kate whined, breathing unevenly. “Please let me go, I haven’t done anything to anyone. I’ll pay you whatever you want please just untie me now...” she pleaded, starting to sob. The poor girls begging went unnoticed by her cold-hearted captors, as Scary Guy unspooled the tape he held in his hands.
“Girl, we got a score to settle with your daddy, you can’t talk your way outta this!” He stated coldly, before nodding to chest taper, who took the kerchief from his suit’s breast pocket and started stuffing it in the innocent blondes mouth.

“No! I’m begging you don’t do thaaahhaaammmmphhh!!”

Katie gagged on the stuffing as it was funnelled in, forcing her to open her mouth wider so it wouldn’t all travel down the back of her throat. Her skinny cheeks were soon puffed up by the kerchief filling the side of her mouth, pressing her tongue flat and keeping her teeth well and truly separated.

“Bite down on it.” The goon ordered, and Katie hopelessly obeyed, sobbing with tears streaming down her soft cheeks. She stared into the eyes of the man who stuffed her mouth, hoping against hope that if she looked scared, helpless and innocent enough, he might take pity on her. But in his eyes she only saw a sadistic pleasure, the sick bastard was enjoying this.

Scary guy then pressed his tape down over Katie’s packed lips, stuck the end down onto her already-puffed up cheek, and had one of his associates gather and hold up Kate’s radiant straight blonde hair while he wound the tape tightly all around her head. The poor helpless rich girl could only wince and whine as the tape stuck to the smaller hairs at the back of her neck, pinching her skin as her face was manhandled by the merciless kidnapper.

Around and around and around he kept winding it, Jesus christ, Katie thought, I’m gagged already just stop! But he kept going, he must have wrapped half the roll around her face before finally, he tore the tape from the roll and stuck the last of it around the side of her face.

“Mmph... mm-mm-mmph.” Katie trembled, whimpering into her incredibly tight and intensely muffling gag. Her jaw, her chin, even her cheekbones were completely covered up and compressed. She could barely move her lower face, much less talk or call for help!

“Hey! Is the road clear yet?" Scary Guy yelled to the front seat, Katie looked and gasped in horror as she saw Edward unconscious in the corner of the drivers’ rear-view mirror, a man wearing a scarf over the bottom of his face and dark sunglasses having taken his place in the driver’s seat.

“Yeah, I just texted Eddie and Bob, they’ll get traffic moving.” The new driver said.

Katie was pulled back into her seat by Scary Guy, who took her seat belt and fastened it over her hopelessly bound, voluptuous young body. He, like his companions, couldn’t help but stare at her enticing, magnificent cleavage. The way her now-sweaty breasts rose and fell with every deep breath she took, especially now they were bulging through the duct tape, was driving her captors crazy, but they had orders not to touch her unless to keep her from escaping...

Katie threw her head back on the edge of her seats back rest and sobbed in fear and sadness. Were these men going to kill her? Hold her for ransom? Do sick things to her body? She didn’t know, and she was terrified.

Just then, however, perhaps by chance, a man happened to be riding his bicycle towards the limo, he was on his way to work, but completely hungover, as such... well, let’s just say he didn’t have the best control over his bike.

Not looking where he was going for a moment, his tires drifted into the curb, too late he tried to correct himself, but ended up crashing rear-wheel-overhead into Kate’s limo.

“Mmmmmmph!” Kate screamed, taken completely by surprise. Her captors too jumped in their seats, wondering what the hell had just happened. As people crowded around the side of the limo from the sidewalk, they all panicked, telling the driver to go, two of them drew pistols from their pants, and Scary Guy was furious.

“What the fuck was that?”
“I don’t know boss just shut up you’ll draw attention to us!”
“Don’t fucking tell me to shut up Mike!”

Kate looked around through her tear-stained eyes, and quickly realised, the door next to her was unlocked, there was a crowd of people outside, and for this brief moment... none of her captors’ attention was on her...

If she could just undo that seatbelt... she’d be free, but they’d tied her arms so securely to her torso, she could barely move them around. She tried reaching around with her wrists, she was close to the button, but not close enough. She needed more wiggle room.

She glanced quickly at her kidnappers, Scary Guy was in a shouting match with Mike, the two with guns were watching the commotion outside, and the driver was anxiously watching the traffic in front of him, waiting for it to move.

Katie then pulled against the tape with all her night, with every bit of will and strength she could muster, yes the tape was tight, it almost cut into her arms while she struggled but she had to get free. This was her only chance, she had to. She reached around again, her finger was just scraping the surface of the button, but she couldn’t press it properly.

She pulled again, flexing her arms and hands with every ounce of strength in her 22-year-old body. “Mmmmph!” She accidentally groaned with the effort she was exerting. Every thing that happened next happened in mere seconds, a total blur.

Scary Guy turned around and screamed at her to be quiet, the driver yelled out that the traffic was moving. Katie panicking, whimpered and whined through her gag as she strained as far as she possibly could, the car was starting to move!!

She pressed the button, the seat belt went flying around her body and as Scary Guy turned around again, he leaned over to grab Katie who was already moving, and it whacked him in the face. Desperate, terrified and running on pure adrenaline, Katie shifted herself right to the edge of the seat, reached around to the door handle, kicked one of the guys with guns in the face with her stiletto heels as he pointed his gun at her, causing him to scream. Then finally, she felt the handle click, and she literally tumbled out of the limo as it started to slowly roll along the road.

Imagine the shock of the dozens of people standing on the sidewalk, when they saw a young woman, wrapped in tape from head to toe, tumble out of a limousine and onto the street. Immediately a pair of young men in casual clothes rushed forward to help her to her feet. People were screaming, some stood still in confusion, a few laughed thinking it was a prank, and others ran over to Katie as she lay bound and frantically writhing around on the side of the road.

“Hlmmph! Hlmmmph mm plmmmph! Hlmmph mmm!” She screamed in utter panic, tears streaming down her face.

In the limo, Scary Guy tried to climb out of the door, but quickly noticed a pair of cops sprinting toward the scene, and he climbed back in the limo, screaming at his companions to go, go, go! And so the captors sped off in Katie’s limo, but did so without their prize.

One of the young men who was the first to help unwrapped the gag from around Katie’s mouth while other strangers helped the poor girl to her feet and started untying her, with one older woman using her keys to cut through the tape on her wrists, though another man pulled out a switchblade knife and offered that instead.

“It’s ok miss, you’re ok.”
“Oh my god, is she hurt?!”
“What the hell happened?”
“Are you hurt sweetie?”
“Damn she fine!”
“Jesus Aaron the girls tied up don’t say that!”
“Where are the cops?”
“Hey the police are here!”
“Did somebody get that limos plates?!”
“What’s going on?”
“I’m telling ya bro it’s a setup, there’ll be a camera pop out any second now!”
“It’s ok, we’ll get you it of this, it’s ok.”
“Hey move people the cops can’t get through.”
“Somebody get her legs!”
“Hey! Joey! What’s going on I can’t see!”

A hundred voices were shouting, talking, bustling and crowding all around Katie. She was overwhelmed, barely having time to process what had just happened, who was around her right now, how lucky she’d been...

“Hey! Police! Move back! Police!” A female officer forced her way through the crowd, shoving people aside. As she reached Katie the poor girl was just pulling the saliva-soaked kerchief from out of her mouth. Sobbing as she collapsed into the officer’s arms.

“Woah woah woah hey, it’s ok sweetheart, you’re safe now. Lee! Get all these goddamn people to back off!” The officer yelled to her partner, who immediately started herding the crowd away from Katie and give her some room to breathe.

“What’s your name sweetheart?”
“Ka.... Katie, I’m K-Katie Jansen.”
“Alright, Katie, My name’s Liz I’m gonna look after you but I need you to answer some questions for me ok?”

Katie could barely speak, she was a stammering, stuttering mess. She just nodded her head instead of trying to speak.

“Ok, that’s a brave girl, now, I need you to tell me what happened, Katie, take your time.” Liz asked the blonde beauty, doing her best not to rush and overwhelm her any more than she already was.

“They...” Kate’s voice quivered as she gazed down the street where the limo had taken off screaming. “Th-they tried to kidnap me!”

Last edited by TayDay95 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Interesting start, setting up the scene nicely [mention]TayDay95[/mention]
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Post by TayDay95 »

tickletied84 wrote: 3 years ago Interesting start, setting up the scene nicely @TayDay95
Thanks tickletied! There’ll be more to come soon, still just setting up the main storyline haha.
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Post by Bigballgag1 »

Intriguing beginning, well done! That certainly would be a bizarre sight for those commuters on the side walk. Lucky for her too the police were nearby, i suspect her ordeal is not over though ;)
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Post by TayDay95 »

Bigballgag1 wrote: 3 years ago Intriguing beginning, well done! That certainly would be a bizarre sight for those commuters on the side walk. Lucky for her too the police were nearby, i suspect her ordeal is not over though ;)
Not by a longshot my friend haha, thanks so much for the comment! 😊
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bigballgag1 wrote: 3 years ago Intriguing beginning, well done! That certainly would be a bizarre sight for those commuters on the side walk. Lucky for her too the police were nearby, i suspect her ordeal is not over though ;)
An Introduction that all I would expext from an opening chapter! Great action! I guess, Daddy will hire a Bodyguard now :)
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Post by Red86 »

A great start with the scene escalating rather quickly! Knowing that her ordeal is not over a by a "longshot" is promising!! Definitely looking forward to more :)
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago
Bigballgag1 wrote: 3 years ago Intriguing beginning, well done! That certainly would be a bizarre sight for those commuters on the side walk. Lucky for her too the police were nearby, i suspect her ordeal is not over though ;)
An Introduction that all I would expext from an opening chapter! Great action! I guess, Daddy will hire a Bodyguard now :)
Right you are, next chapter will introduce Danny then onwards from there! 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago A great start with the scene escalating rather quickly! Knowing that her ordeal is not over a by a "longshot" is promising!! Definitely looking forward to more :)
Glad to hear you enjoyed it! More is on the way! 😁

Post by Ropelover28nj »

Loved it,sounds intense but very sexy 😏
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great start looking forward to more
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Post by TayDay95 »

“Mr. Garcia?” A young woman in a business suit approached the man sat outside her boss’ office. “Mr. Jansen will see you now...” she smiled and motioned to the large black wooden double doors.

“Thank you ma’am” the man said with barely a smile. He had a stern face that anyone could see had been wearied from years of stress and hardship. His brow was furrowed in a permanent scowl, his eyes were fierce and it seemed, at times completely incapable of blinking. He had a solid, well-toned figure that he’d maintained his entire adult life, not a muscle on him that hadn’t been worked to the max. He had short jet black hair cut into a fade, and tribal-style tattoos on his forearms that for the time being were hidden by his black business suit and tucked white shirt.

The smiling young lady kept watching the man with intrigue as he entered, she felt intimidated by his presence, but also strangely safe and protected. She entered alongside him, wanting to hold the door open, but he reached over with his much longer and wider arms and took it himself “I got it, thank you.” He said, and the young secretary couldn’t help but blush slightly as he actually made an effort to smile at her, he was very ruggedly handsome, but she made sure to stay professional.

The two of them entered a huge room with black-tiled floors, stylish wooden architecture on the mostly-white walls, and a large table with several swivel chairs in a big open space on the left, complete with a very advanced looking conference screen on the wall. To the right was a huge TV screen built into the wall, and on it the news was playing, talking about what had happened to Mr. Jansen’s daughter. The footage being shown was a cell phone video that a passerby had taken of the young girl falling out of the moving limo, then screaming and struggling bound and gagged on the street.

“Police reports have confirmed that Kate Jansen, daughter of corporate giant Richard Jansen, was assaulted by five masked assailants who attempted to abduct her by stealing her private limousine with Miss Jansen inside, and binding and gagging her with tape. Luckily Jansen was able to open the door to her limousine alerting passersby to her situation. Edward De Vries, the driver of the limousine who was also assaulted by the masked men, is recovering in hospital with only minor injuries, and is expected to make a speedy recovery...”

There was a long green recliner couch in front of the TV, on which the stern man saw the back of two women’s heads, both blonde, one appeared significantly younger than the other. Only the elder of them, presumably Mrs. Sarah Jansen, Kate’s mother, turned to face him. “Rick?” She said, sitting up alert in her seat.

Looking now to the front of the room, the large, quiet man saw a large mahogany desk, and behind it, a man in about his 50’s with neck-length, slicked back brown hair, a slight beard, and dressed in grey suit pants and a white pinstripe shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He was also watching the news with a furious look on his face, a glass of whiskey and ice in his hand. At his wife’s warning he turned to see the burly man enter his office.

“Mr. Jansen, this is Mr. Daniel Garcia, he’s here for the bodyguard position.” The secretary announced, and Jansen practically leaped out of his seat.

“Ahh yes! Just the guy I wanted to see! Thank you Jamie.” He smiled at the secretary, who nodded her head, turned to go, and curled her hair back over her ear as she took a last look at Mr. Garcia before she left the room.

“Mr. Garcia I can’t tell you how glad I am to have you here, it’s a real pleasure.” He shook the tall Latino bodyguards hand, wincing as his hand was nearly crushed. “I’m... woah, woah, wow! Jesus you’re strong, haha! I’m Richard Jansen, you can call me Richard, or Rick. I’m the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Janus Tech Incorporated.”

“Mr. Jansen, it’s a pleasure to meet you sir, though I wish it were under better circumstances.” Garcia replied, his expression remaining completely serious and stone-faced.

“Yes, indeed. So of course you know why I’ve asked you here. Please, take a seat.” Jansen motioned to the desk at the back of the room, Garcia glanced back to the couch, the younger blonde girl still hadn’t turned around, almost like she wasn’t aware of her surroundings. Sadly, he was all too familiar with seeing that in traumatised people.

Sitting in front of the mahogany desk, Garcia sat perfectly straight, while Jansen slumped into his long back swivel chair, taking a sip of his whiskey as Sarah joined him, taking each other by the hand.

“Mr. Garcia” Richard began “Do you have kids?”

“No sir, the Marine Corps is my family.” Daniel answered.

“Well, maybe one day if you do have children you’ll truly understand what I’m about to say next. If I had things my way, Katie would have a small army of security guys with her everywhere she goes, we love our daughter, Mr. Garcia, and I would burn cities to the ground for my baby girl.” He leaned forward as he said so, looking intensely into Daniel’s eyes, before slumping back again.

“But, Katie has insisted she just wants to keep going about her everyday life as normal. I agreed, but on the condition that she would let me hire one bodyguard to protect her.”
“And you came straight to me sir? Might I ask why?”
“Well, I don’t know if you remember, but a few of my employees were kidnapped by extremists in Africa a few years back, and from the stuff I’ve read, you led the team that rescued them. In fact, I’ve read your whole file... it’s... ha... it’s veeerry heavily redacted, but of the stuff I could read, you’ve saved dozens of people’s lives. That’s the kind of man I want protecting my daughter.” Richard said, pressing the button for his intercom. “Jamie, could you bring in the contract please?”

Danny simply sat and listened, pondering on missions of the past, people he’d saved... friends he’d lost. “So to be clear, sir... you’re entrusting me, a single man, to protect a High Value Target with an extremely public lifestyle, who was recently almost abducted by multiple assailants?”

Daniel scoffed as Jamie leaned over the desk to give Richard the bodyguards contract, she kept glancing at the tall, muscled ex-Marine and smiling slightly, but Danny was focused on the conversation. “Sir forgive me but I would highly recommend that you need a team for this sort of detail.”

“Mr. Garcia” Sarah chimed in “We’re both deeply concerned for our daughter, she hasn’t eaten or slept since...” she glanced over to her young daughter, grief and concern sweeping over her middle-aged face “Well, not in the two days since... it happened. I’m terrified for her safety, but I also don’t want Katie to keep suffering like this, she needs to go out and lead her normal life which she wants to do, and we believe she can do that if she has you protecting her.”

Daniel looked down as Richard presented him with the contract. He then turned and looked at the long blonde hair of the girl on the couch, who finally turned around to look at him.

Captain Daniel Garcia, who didn’t flinch in the face of gunfire and explosions, was all of a sudden completely taken aback. His jaw dropped ever so slightly when he laid eyes on Kate Jansen’s face, he’d seen pictures of her, but they hardly measured up to the real thing. Her rich, full lips, mystical blue eyes and the majestic waterfall of her blonde hair were like a perfect recipe of beauty. Her skin was fair and smooth, she looked as delicate as a rose, and yet, in those beautiful blue eyes of hers, Danny could see an untapped potential of strength, of boldness and confidence. She was unlike any girl he’d ever laid eyes on.

Katie had been re-living her near-kidnapping in her head on repeat even after the news report had finished. She hadn’t taken any notice of the people coming in and out of her dads office all day, but suddenly she felt a pair of intense eyes focussing on her from behind. She’d turned around to see who it was, and sat at her father’s desk, she saw him.

Katie laid eyes on a tall, dark, handsome, dare she say absolutely gorgeous man with a stern but caring face, eyes as dark and fierce as night but which softened as they gazed back at her... His business suit practically bulged with the muscles he was hiding underneath it, and as he stood up, Katie felt like the world had drifted into slow motion. He was beautiful, strong, slightly intimidating, but as she looked at him, she felt safe and protected, like he would move mountains to defend her.

Daniel stood up as Richard and Sarah introduced the pair “Kate, sweetheart...” Sarah began.

“Mom? Dad? Who’s this?” Katie asked, unable to hide the smile forming slightly on the ends of her lips.

“This is Captain Daniel Garcia, we’re considering him for your bo-“

“Yep!” Katie blurted out, quickly feeling embarrassed.

“Uhh what?” Richard hesitated.

“Ahem” Katie cleared her throat “He looks good, I’ll take him.”

Danny cracked the slightest smile before reverting to his usual stern demeanour. He turned to the Jansens and took a pen from his breast pocket.

“I guess I’m in sir.”

As Danny signed the contract and Richard and Sarah bid him goodbye until the next day. Katie turned back to the tv, and smiled, nibbling her fingernail cutely as she thought about spending every day with that handsome man.

“It was good to meet you ma’am.” Danny called as he walked out the door.

“You too!” Katie turned around again “Please call me Katie!”

“Sorry ma’am.” He disappeared.

Ok, she thought, maybe he’ll take some getting used to.

Last edited by TayDay95 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Impressive I must say. The designated Bodyguard. You created a character that is not easily forgotten. And you captured the atmosphere in the room very well. The Parents caring for her daughter. The traumatized daughter. Entering Captain Daniel Garcia. The reaction of Katie. well done!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Impressive I must say. The designated Bodyguard. You created a character that is not easily forgotten. And you captured the atmosphere in the room very well. The Parents caring for her daughter. The traumatized daughter. Entering Captain Daniel Garcia. The reaction of Katie. well done!
Thanks Caesar 😊 but yeah despite their mutual attraction Danny and Katie are still very different people, it’ll be interesting to see what happens... 😉
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Post by Gagfan »

Enjoyable start! Looking forward to where this goes!
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here:
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Post by TayDay95 »


Thanks for the comments guys hope you’ll enjoy the rest! 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

Katie stepped into the elevator straight from her penthouse, dressed up for the day in bright blue, tight-fitting jeans, a frilled white crop top that exposed her tanned midriff, thick dark sunglasses, bright white strapped heels and carrying a red Gucci handbag with her blonde hair tied up in a loose-hanging ponytail which she let drape over her left shoulder.

Though she looked glamorous, Katie was feeling sick to her stomach as the elevator carried her to the lobby of Janus Tower. She’d insisted to her parents that getting back to her normal schedule would help her, but now she was deeply regretting saying so. She was scared, plain and simple, she didn’t know if her potential kidnappers might try something again.


But then, as the doors opened, at least some of that fear dissipated. Standing at the elevator door in his well-tailored suit, slick and styled black hair, and a tough expression on his handsome, shortly-bearded face, was Daniel Garcia. The bodyguard.

“Good morning ma’am, the area ahead is secure, follow me please.” He spouted out, leaving Katie gobsmacked in the elevator as she was just opening her mouth to say “Hello.”

He walked her through the busy green and white lobby at a frighteningly fast pace. His legs were almost twice as long, and she was wearing high heels! “E-excuse me? Excuse me?!” She gasped as he gently laid his hand on the exposed part of her exposed back to hurry her along.

A deafening horde of paparazzi and news reporters were just outside the giant glass doors to the tower, desperately being contained by building security officers. All of a sudden, Danny stopped and stepped in front of Katie, shielding her from the bombardment of photos the crowd was trying to take.

“Listen, your dad’s guys are gonna clear us a path, you stick right behind me, I’ll clear anyone who tries to get in your way. The car door will be open, just climb in and I’ll be straight in after you.” He said to her softly.

Katie nodded, this wasn’t her first time dealing with crowds like this... as she listened to Danny talk, she didn’t hear much of what he actually said, more just admiring how he looked while he said it. His furrowed brow, his fierce, protective eyes and the firm but rather calming tone of his gruff voice... Katie looked him up and down, softly biting her lower lip when he turned back around. But then again, she also knew where she wanted to go today before her photoshoot, and Danny would have no choice but to be there with her...

Out of the door the pair charged, and the crowd surged forward, barely held back by the single line of uniformed security guards. Every one of them tried to stick microphones in Katie’s face, point cameras at her, shout over their colleagues trying to ask her questions. They had no consideration for how she felt or for any privacy she might want, they just needed to get their story.

Danny held one muscle-bound arm out to brush aside anyone who got too close to Katie, and plenty were trying. The security guards were struggling to hold the crowd back, these people were insatiable, like a pack of wild animals!

“Mr. Garcia!” Katie yelled, she’d fallen behind, and she was beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the crowding, screaming and jostling... it was like when she’d fallen out of the car. She started hyperventilating, slowing down until she had nearly stopped walking, she looked around at the wild horde of reporters... were they here? The masked men? Were they going to snatch her up in the middle of this crowd? Tie her up again? Try to take her from her family?!

“Mi-mister Ga-...” The poor girl could hardly breathe, but the pack didn’t relent, if anything they wanted her to break down, it would make for a better story. One man broke through the security guards, a microphone in hand, followed closely by his cameraman, and put his hand on Katie’s shoulder to get her attention.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Katie screamed, but she soon stopped when she saw what Danny was doing.

The huge ex-Marine had latched into the reporter’s hand and twisted it up around his back, pulling hard “Ahhh ahhh AAAAAHHH!!! Jesus what the fuck are you doing man?!” The man whined in pain.

“Get back behind the line asshole!” Danny growled like a lion protecting his pride, and pushed the fool back over to the guards who corralled him and the cameraman back.

He took Katie’s hand, pulling her along with him to the car as fast as he could move. Naturally, a dozen cameras saw him do this...

He dragged Katie to the car and shuffled her in, the wild pack still cavorting around them, before piling in himself, slamming the door.

“Jesus Christ!” He cursed “Let’s go man!” He motioned to the new car driver, a younger man who’d never seen anything like this. “Hey! I said let’s go!”

“Right! Sorry sir!”

Finally, they were away. Danny breathed a deep sigh of relief. “Fuck, I’ve seen goddamn suicide bombers that were less crazy than those people!” He shook his head, before leaning over to check on Katie.


Katie was a mess, her makeup, which had taken an hour to apply, was ruined. She took off her sunglasses and fanned away at her face with her fingers, trying to dry up the few tears that she’d let loose. “Yeah, I’m... I’m ok.” She lied. “I just got startled, that’s all.”

She looked over at her big, strong, protective bodyguard. He’d pulled that man off her without a second thought...

“Thank you Danny... do you mind if I call you Danny?” She smiled, still sniffling a bit as she calmed down from the chaos of... just walking to a damn car. Danny glanced down nervously as she laid her soft, warm hand on his, which had perched on the seat between them. It felt nice.

But he was a professional.

“Um... ahem... Normally I wouldn’t mind ma’am, but in the interest of maintaining professional courtesy, I’d prefer if you called me Mr. Garcia.” The big bad Marine shifted his weight anxiously in his seat, drawing his hand away.

“Oh” Katie’s smile faded “well... thank you, Mr. Garcia, for what you did back there, Mr. Garcia.”


After about twenty minutes of driving in awkward silence, the white Mercedes pulled up to an large old brick warehouse.

“Wait, this isn’t your photo studio is it?” Danny scanned around. Looking to Katie, who nervously shook her head.

“What the fuck you playing at, puto?” Danny undid his seatbelt, ready to put down the driver if he made a move.

“Hey man Miss Jansen called me this morning, told me she wanted to come here, it’s a studio of some kind, I don’t know what!” The baby-faced guy shrugged his shoulders. Danny looked over to the pretty blonde, who was going red with embarrassment.

“Ma’am... what the hell are we doing here?” He scowled.
“I’ve been talking to a doctor, Mr. Garcia, she suggested I should confront what I went through in a healthy way.” She kept glancing up to see how he was reacting, but mostly looked down at her hands which she was rubbing together anxiously in her lap.
“What? So this is a doctor?” Danny asked, confused as hell and still on edge.

“No... it’s a shibari studio.”

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Danny stood by the changing room looking awkwardly at the nearby middle-aged Japanese couple that were laying coils of rope on the floor. Shibari huh? He’d never heard of it but he had a feeling he was about to find out just what it was. Katie had convinced him she would be perfectly safe, and that she was doing it for therapeutic purposes...

He’d been in a lot of therapy, and it never involved rope.

All the same, he insisted on being nearby as she carried out her... shibari therapy. He didn’t know these people, and he was being paid too much to take chances. This wasn’t a great location to escape from either: two exits, one all the way on the other end of the several-hundred metre long warehouse, there was no cover, nowhere to hide, literally just a huge, empty polished factory floor. The Japanese couple had set up a small camping table to sort their coils of rope on, but that was it.

“Everything ok in there, Ma’am?” He called over his shoulder.
“Yeah Danny I’m fine, nearly changed.” Katie’s sweet voice called back.
“Ma’am, in the interest of maintaining professionalism I’d prefer if you called me Mr. Garcia.” He repeated, almost robotically. He got no reply.

Another minute went by, and then he heard the door around the corner open up. Turning to face where Katie would be coming from, the big, burly, stone-faced Marine got the shock of his life when the beautiful young heiress appeared in front of him...

She was wearing absolutely nothing but a small, kimono-like silk robe, it barely went below her hips, was covered in bright flower patterns, and she was barely covering herself with it, holding the two ends of the coat together in her hand in front of her chest. She looked nervous, but she smiled at the handsome latino as their eyes met.

Danny froze up, years of charging into gunfire and a half-naked girl was what finally made him freeze in place. His eyes went wide like a cartoon, his mouth hanging open, he stuttered and stammered. What the hell kind of therapy was this girl doing?!

“Ma.... ma’am what are you doing?” He tried to look away out of politeness, though he was irresistibly drawn to her shapely legs, shiny, loose-hanging blonde hair, and bare, delicate arms.

“I’m doing shibari, I told you.” She smiled, somewhat cheekily. Before walking over to the couple and talking away to them in Japanese, leaving Danny standing by the door completely dumbfounded.

The man, an average-height, but very well-built guy in a tight olive-green t-shirt with black jeans, asked Katie to turn around, and the woman, who was significantly shorter but also very athletic, wearing black yoga pants and a white tank top, walked up to her.

“You ready? Now’s your chance to pull out?” The woman said with a slight accent.

Katie looked over to Danny, who was trying his best to look everywhere but where she was... and failing miserably, several times she caught his gaze, and she could see that he was as nervous as she was...

“I’m ready, thank you Ito” she smiled at the woman, before taking her hand away from the robe, letting it hang loosely, and immediately her midriff was exposed, along with a great deal of her cleavage. Danny’s gaze was unable to resist locking on to the enticing sight.

Katie was showing off everything of the inner section of her breasts, her nipples so barely concealed by the silk robe that now hung limply against her soft skin. Then, she looked Danny in the eyes, almost beckoning him, daring him to look... as she put her hands on the edges of the robe, and pulled them apart like a curtain, slowly, sensually, pulling the robe off completely, with Ito taking it away.

Danny couldn’t move, he was transfixed, she was amazing. Her body was so slim, so shapely, as though she’d been brought to life by an artist. Her breasts jutted out from her chest, already glistening with sweat, tempting the Marine from his duty. Her round hips swayed as she turned around to walk back towards Ito’s husband as he prepared his first coil of rope.

When she turned back around to face Danny, holding her hands behind her back, he saw a need in Katie’s eyes, she was going red as he stared at her gorgeous body, failing to hide a mischievous smile as she bit her lower lip. She wanted him to look at her.

Ito’s husband, Makoto, got to work tying Katie’s hands in a rope-cuff style, placing each hand through a loop and tightly pulling them closed, getting the restraints nice and secure.
“No tight?” Makoto asked. Katie nodded, getting obviously turned on despite her attempts to hide it.

Danny shuffled impatiently where he stood, though he was thoroughly enjoying this, it was highly unprofessional of him to be in this kind of situation with a client. He kept trying to draw his eyes away, but they were drawn to Katie’s beautiful naked body, which as he watched, became entangled in a highly-intricate, masterfully crafted web of tight, restricting ropes.

Katie breathed deeply, with Ito constantly reminding her to do so. It was daunting being bound by someone after what had happened to her earlier that week, but in this environment, with people she trusted, she felt surprisingly at ease. Well, in one regard at least... she was anxious as hell doing this in front of Danny, but she’d thought of doing this with him since she first laid eyes on him in her dad’s office.

Ito encircled Katie’s arms in the thin brown hemp rope, forming a diamond-like pattern with every loop that travelled from her wrists up to even above her elbows, the young blonde couldn’t help but moan sensually and gasp as the pretty Japanese woman yanked a knot together tightly to finish the tie. Katie couldn’t separate her arms if she tried, in fact she could barely even struggle against the vice-like bonds. More and more rope found its way around her perfect naked body, with Makoto tying a similar diamond-pattern around Kate’s midriff, and Ito grinning slightly as she pinned Katie’s arms to her back, winding rope around, above and below the blonde beauty’s perky D cup tits.

Kate’s nipples went so hard when she looked back over toward Danny, and saw his dark eyes unable to look away from her bound, enticing bodice. His face was going red, he held his hands in front of his crotch, supposedly in a regular bodyguard pose, but she could tell... he was trying to hide his erection.

The thought of him getting hard at seeing her made Katie’s pussy so wet, she moaned sensually again as Ito wrapped some more rope, this time just below her ass, Ito kneeled just in front of Katie’s bare crotch, smiling as she saw the blonde heiress’ pussy starting to moisten. She and Makoto checked all the knots around Kate’s shapely, sweaty, magical bound body.

A large industrial hook hung over the part of the empty warehouse floor where the stunning blonde was being tied. Suspended from a heavy chain that could be moved on a conveyor belt, either up and down from the floor, or in four directions across it. Makoto then walked over to the wall and manned a lever to control the hook’s descent while Ito finished Katie’s chest harness, momentarily caressing the young blonde’s buxom breasts as she did so, and planting a kiss on her neck, to which Katie smiled naughtily and giggled oh so cutely.

Danny’s boner was all but bursting out of his suit pants. He had to turn around out of sheer embarrassment. It was pretty clear why Miss Jansen had brought him here, and though he didn’t approve as a bodyguard... as a regular red-blooded American man, he was fighting every urge in his body to cross that warehouse floor and feel up every inch of that gorgeous girl’s delicious tanned body.

He didn’t notice at first, but she was calling his name.

“Danny?” She moaned, so clearly aroused by her predicament.
“You, Mr. Bodyguard!” Ito called out much louder. Catching Danny’s attention. He slowly turned around, hesitant to engage.

“Ahem...” he cleared his throat “Yes Ma’am?”

“You want to help me? Makoto lowers the crane, I can’t lift, you come here and you lift!” Ito motioned to Katie, then pointing to the crane hook that was now just above Katie’s head. The Japanese beauty was clearly smiling with naughty intentions.

Danny sighed, afraid of what this could lead to.
“Can’t you just lower the hook down more?” He called across the room.

“No! This as far as it go! I can’t lift! You lift!” She shouted in a commanding tone that reminded Danny of a few women he’d served with. He knew damn well those cranes were designed to go all the way to the ground... but, he figured if he complied he could get out of this situation sooner.

And besides, a big part of him really wanted to do it.

Katie was panting with excitement, barely hiding the arousal on her face the closer Danny got to her. She was scared, a man in a suit was approaching her bound body, ready to wrap his arms around her... she might have panicked, but considering who the man was, and the situation they were in... she was more turned on than afraid.

The pair didn’t break eye contact for a moment as Danny strode over to Katie, all naked, restrained, powerless to resist his strong touch... they didn’t say a word to each other, but the thoughts were conveyed clearly between them through their eyes. As he stood before her, he had to work himself up to be able to touch her. Katie was a gorgeous girl, and Danny was beyond eager to touch her body, but he just wished it were under different circumstances. He was her bodyguard, and this was violating the duty of care he held to her. He slowly went to lay his hands on her hips, revealing the bulge growing ever bigger in his pants, his hands trembling...

But before Danny could touch her, Ito shoved a roll of sticky black gaffa tape in front of his face. He took it, confused.

“Wha-... what do you want me to...” Danny immediately stopped himself as he realised, Katie’s pretty face went bright, bright red. Her pussy was absolutely soaked. Her nipples hardened like concrete and tingled at the thought of what was about to happen.

“You can’t be fucking serious.” He mumbled. But Ito just tapped the roll then pointed to Katie’s face.
“I’m not joking, tape her mouth, she know, she ok, part of therapy!” Ito grinned happily, getting the greatest thrill out of teasing the poor vanilla marine.

Danny faced his client, breathing unevenly as he silently asked for her permission...

Katie bit her bottom lip, so softly and sensually, her eyes begging him to gag her.

“Huhhhh... dios mio...” he sighed deeply, before effortlessly ripping a short strip from the roll and going to place it on Ka-

“Noooo, no no no no no no!” Ito stopped him, slapping his hand. She snatched the tape off him and pulled a much wider strip off the roll. “Bigger! See?” She held it up to Katie’s face without sticking it down, the suspense was killing the hopelessly aroused blonde... “Do cheek to cheek! And do many, cover whole mouth! Baka gaijin...”

So, becoming annoyed, Danny finally tore a proper strip of tape off, and held an end in each hand. He slowly put it up to Katie’s face, her magical blue eyes and his mysterious browns not breaking contact...

He let the centre of the tape stick to her lips first, pulling the rest forward across her cheeks before letting go and smoothing the whole strip firmly down onto her soft, smooth face.


That moan... Katie let out a long, passionate moan of pure sexual delight, and it almost made Danny squirm on the spot it sounded so hot.

“Ma’am... I don’t know if I should be doi-“ his voice droned off, he just noticed the way her rope-entangled body was moving about. The girl swayed her hips slowly from side to side, hypnotising Danny like a belly dancer...

“Whammph hat? Mmstrmm Gammcmm?” Katie mumbled under the tape, eyeing him down with the naughtiest thoughts on her mind.

Danny couldn’t take anymore, he dropped the tape, turned away and started marching as fast as he could out of the room.

Katie shook her head after him, calling for him to come back “Waimm! Dannmmph! Dannmmph!”

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Post by Red86 »

Uhm, I bet this isn't the end of Danny seeing Katie tied up. I wonder if he'll take a more active roll in the future (he's crazy if he doesn't :lol:). And we still have the kidnapers. Something tells me they'll be back for another attempt ;)

Great updates! I'm still looking forward to more chapters!!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago Uhm, I bet this isn't the end of Danny seeing Katie tied up. I wonder if he'll take a more active roll in the future (he's crazy if he doesn't :lol:). And we still have the kidnapers. Something tells me they'll be back for another attempt ;)

Great updates! I'm still looking forward to more chapters!!
Haha literally, she wants him so badly! 😂

The kidnappers aren’t done yet, trust me haha.

And thanks mate, I really appreciate the comment! 😊
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Post by TayDay95 »

“Danny?! I’m sorry about what happened in there, I-“

Katie ran back outside the warehouse, back in her nice crop-top and jeans outfit, to where Danny was waiting by the car, having a smoke.

“Ma’am, first of all...”
“Okay okay sorry, Mr. Garcia. But I just got so carried away, you know, and-“
“It’s fine, ma’am, okay? I just wanna move past it, I’ve been hired to protect you and I’ll continue to do so...”

He stood up off the hood of the Mercedes, flicked his cigarette away, and took Katie by the shoulders, that really didn’t help diminish how she was feeling towards him.

“I need to know we can stay professional as a bodyguard and client, ma’am, nothing more, nothing less. Don’t get me wrong...” he hesitated for a split second, and Katie sure noticed. “You’re a- an attractive young woman. But that’s not why I’m here. Your father hired me to keep you safe, not...”

Katie crossed her arms “Not what?” She grinned slightly, teasing him.

“Well, you know.” He blurted out, before marching to the back of the car and opening the door. “We really should hurry ma’am, you’ll be late for your shoot.”

Katie rolled her eyes and giggled. “It’s literally ten minutes away and I’m not due there for another two hours.”
Danny stood there, a hint of an embarrassed grin trying not to form on his face. “Yeah... I knew that.”
Kate giggled again, humouring her dumbstruck bodyguard as she offered him her hand to be lowered down onto the seat, laughing as she went.

Closing the door, Danny rolled his eyes, smiled and sighed deeply, this girl was a handful.


“Oh! Katie! You’re early!”

The set manager or whatever the hell he was greeted the pair at the door to the studio, surprised to see Kate so soon.

“Yeahhh I know but...” she glanced briefly over her shoulder “You know, security guys.”

This girl just loves grinding my gears, Danny thought as he followed Kate and her staff through the building. As they went, he was pleasantly surprised at just how casual everyone felt around her, everyone she came across called Katie by her first name, and likewise, she knew all of their names. She would ask them how specific family members were doing, what was happening in their lives, things like that.

Danny had protected other rich girls around Kate’s age during his time in security, none of them had been so in touch with the people who worked for them, hell, a lot of them had been straight-up brats. But not Kate Jansen it seemed. All the same, Danny knew not everyone would be so kind in return, and he stopped and checked everything that someone tried to hand to her, files, letters, anything. After about the tenth time it was getting under Kate’s skin, but she rolled with it, deciding her bodyguard was gonna bodyguard and she couldn’t stop him.

Arriving at an area with one of those typical photoshoot setups with all the lightstands and the big grey background, Danny was once again taken aback, not with the look of the place, but rather what the models were wearing...

There were five young women, all of different backgrounds, with different body shapes and sizes, dressed in incredibly revealing lingerie. Behind them was a big sign saying “INTIMATE! by Kate Jansen”. Right, Danny forgot, Katie designed her own lingerie, wonder how that talk went down with Daddy...

“Okayyy... Katie darling let’s get you to the changing room, Otto says he’s happy to start early, now we’re just waiting on the rigger.”

Danny rushed in front of Kate and her assistant. “Woah woah wait... changing room?” He asked, this couldn’t be happening again.

“Yeah Danny, changing room, I model my own work, helps with the authenticity.” She grinned naughtily, walking off to change while Danny stood there, of course he was in this situation again.

“It’s Mr... oh forget it...”


About five minutes later, Kate walked out into the studio, strutting past Danny wearing nothing but a near-see through bra, the tiniest frilly skirt with a black thong that left literally nothing to the imagination, and some see-through nylons with a black garter belt. ... e=60794511

Could Danny go anywhere today without this girl making his jaw drop? He’d already seen her fully naked but this... somehow this felt worse. Probably due to the fact that there were literally dozens of people milling around! What would they think if they saw how he reacted to her in an outfit like that? The way it was showing off her... her absolutely gorgeous cleavage, her butt cheeks swaying hypnotically as she walked, barely hidden by the skirt... her smooth tanned skin glowing angelically under the lights of the...

“Danny? Danny!”
“Hmm.. what?”

He was yanked back to reality by a woman about his age. “It is Danny right?” She asked politely.

“Ahem...” he cleared his throat, trying and failing not to be awkward. “It’s Mr. Garcia ma’am.”
“Hahaha!” The woman laughed.
“What?” Danny was getting aggravated, he felt like the butt of a joke everyone got but him.
“Nothing sir nothing, I just owe Katie five bucks. Anyway, we’ve got a bit of a problem and we were wondering if you could help?”
“Huhhhh...” the ex-Marine sighed heavily “What’s the problem?”

“Well our rigger for the girls has called in sick, and we figured since you’re ex-military you can probably tie knots better than anyone here, so...”
“Woah woah woah... I’m sorry... rigger? Tie knots? For the girls?!” Danny gawked.
“Yeah, you know, tie them up? This is Katie’s bondage collection!”

The bodyguard groaned with exasperation... of course it was a goddamn bondage shoot.

“Personally I think it’s a bit insensitive seeing as she almost got kidnapped but we’ve been planning this for months so, here we are.” The woman rambled.
“Well I’m afraid I can’t help you ma’am.” Danny stood his ground.
“Wh-why the hell not? You can tie knots can’t ya?” She looked at him, annoyed.
“It wouldn’t be appropriate for me as her-“ He began only to be cut off.
“Christ, buddy I’m not asking you to plow her on stage in front of a live audience! I’m just asking you to tie Katie and the other models up so they can get their photos taken! You’re a big boy I’m sure you won’t go to hell for it!”

Before Danny could even respond, she’d walked off, shouting at someone on the other side of the room... what the fuck was happening?!

Last edited by TayDay95 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Great story so far 😀 The relation between Danny and Katie is most interessting :)
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Great story so far 😀 The relation between Danny and Katie is most interessting :)
I’m really glad you think so Caesar! 😊 I probably won’t be posting anything for a few days, I’m spending the weekend with my missus, but I’ll be right back to it so we can see more of Katie and Danny! 😁
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Post by Caesar73 »

No rush :) Enjoy your weekend!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago No rush :) Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks mate, you too!
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