Hell Hath NO Fury like a Woman Scorned! ( M/F to begin with, but VERY MUCH F/M later on! )

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Hell Hath NO Fury like a Woman Scorned! ( M/F to begin with, but VERY MUCH F/M later on! )

Post by LunaDog »


Andrea Johnson laid back on her bed and cried, the tears of utter humiliation and pure pain. And this on an evening that had promised so much at its beginning. A night that she had wanted SO much, until it had turned dark, and for her quite nasty. For to a large degree, she wasn’t just lying on her bed in such a state of distress, three out of the four of her limbs were in fact very securely tied to the respective bedpost. Indeed, up until the recent departure of the male companion who had caused all of this discomfort for her, all four of her limbs had been imprisoned to her own furniture, rendering her into the complete captivity of both the bed, and her departed sexual partner. Who had basically raped her, having succeeded in tying her to her own bed very much against her will, he’d then subjected her to his powerful feelings of utter lust, until satisfied himself, with absolutely NO regard to her welfare or possible enjoyment. Then he'd dressed, undid just one of her arms from the bed, meaning that she should be able to complete her release from it herself, and simply left. Without offering any sort of apology or explanation for his disgusting behaviour!

Because it needs to be realised that he had entered her home very much invited. When Andrea had done so, she had anticipated a romantic evening with this male, Ben Kerry, very much in mind. He was, very much, the ‘man of her dreams’ to be honest. Tall, slim and utterly handsome, she’d targeted him for quite a while, he was a regular customer at the general store where she worked. She’d been utterly delighted when he’d hung around outside the store one day until she clocked off, inspired by the knowledge that he’d been interested enough to find out the precise time that she did so. And it was there and then that she’d issued that invitation for him to spend the following Saturday evening and night at her flat.

Andrea had put everything into the occasion, she’d purchased several bottles of really classy wine, both white and red, also a good few bottled beers in case he was one of those ‘beer only’ men. As for the meal that she intended to share with Ben, well she’d left no stone unturned in her efforts to try and impress him. For the Spaghetti Bolognese that was just about ready when Ben had rung on her doorbell, had been cooked from scratch, no jar of ‘Dolmio’ or ‘Ragu’ ready-made sauce here, oh no! And the very finest and expensive beef mince had been selected for the occasion, in fact the same words could be described to describe ALL of the ingredients comprising of Andrea’s cooking for this meal. Not to mention the several hours of her time to create this gorgeous dish.

A good looking and sexy lady herself, again Andrea had adorned herself for the date in her most stylish and sexy clothing. A beautiful leather skirt, covering pure satin panties and suspender belt, which held up some VERY sheer nylon stockings. Her upper clothing also consisted purely of items manufactured from the finest satin, a sexy brassiere underneath a stunning blue blouse. All with sexual seduction in mind, after they’d shared her delicious Italian inspired fayre of course.

Thus, it was a beaming Andrea that had opened her door upon Ben’s ringing of the doorbell, but it hadn’t taken long at all for her illusions of romance to become totally and utterly shattered beyond repair. For when Andrea had suggested he sit down and offered to fetch him a drink, he completely rudely and very brusquely had replied, “we’ve no time for any of that nonsense Darling, I’ve got to leave in a couple of hours, so let’s go to the bedroom and get on with it!”

A completely stunned Andrea had actually been so shocked that she did lead her guest to her bedroom, where her preparations for what she’d hoped would be a romantic occasion, showed itself with the black satin sheet upon her bed, although Ben didn’t seem to notice at all.

As he began to peel off his own clothing, he barked an order to her. “Get your kit off then, Love!” And that was the point where Andrea snapped herself out of her almost trance like condition, that the events of the last minute or two had reduced her to.

“NO! In fact, I’d like you to leave right now!”
“You’ve got to be joking, Love. You can’t invite me here for a right good shag, and then tease me like this. Like I say, get your kit off! NOW!” As his face took the shape of a real grimace it now occurred to Andrea that she was potentially in danger of a physical assault by this man.

Not that she’d been totally defeated just yet. “I said that I want you to leave. Stop undressing and go! NOW!”

“No bloody chance! You invited me here for a shag, no don’t deny it, girls don’t put satin sheets on their bed for any other reason, do they?” Having finally noticed her bed’s covering. “So, I’m going to shag you now, whether you want to or not.” And then he noticed something else present in Andrea’s bedroom, two satin dressing gowns. Or more precisely the belts that hung from them. She saw the direction that his eyes now swivelled in, and realised just what his plans for said belts now were. Because firstly, he was much bigger and stronger than her, and secondly, he was also standing between her and the door to her bedroom. Which he returned to, shutting and then locking it, putting the key to said lock in his pocket.

“I gave you an order, so get on with it!” Now totally frightened and actually fearing for her safety, the terrified Andrea obeyed. Off came the blouse, and bra, followed by her skirt and panties. She had just started to unclip one of the clasps holding her stockings to her suspenders, when his gruff voice rang out again.

“You can damn well leave those on, Darling! I just LOVE girls in stockings, and yours seem to be really classy ones.” Which they were of course. “So, they are staying on!”

“Please no, I’d like to take them off.” A timid voice replied.

“Look, just what did I say? If I want you in stockings, then I’m going to have you in stockings! Understand? SO, DAMN WELL LEAVE THEM ON!” Once more Andrea was far too scared to dis-obey, making sure that she re-fastened the undid clasp.

“Right, on the bed with you! NOW! And spread yourself out!” Again, the petrified Andrea complied, noticing that her partner had grabbed those dressing gown belts. Which, I sure will come as no surprise to any of you, he employed to securely, and I do mean securely, tie both of the unfortunate Andrea’s wrists to the outer solid bed posts of the upper bed frame. Thus, reducing her to a status of being completely and utterly at his mercy, and totally unable to resist his sexual advances. Not that he’d quite finished with her confinement to her own furniture just yet. “Got any tights, Love? Your legs are still free, and we can’t have that now, can we?”

Fully aware that she was completely compromised, Andrea did inform him that she did possess some items, and just where they were located. Her reward? To find her legs securely fastened to the outer bed posts of the lower bed frame of her bed, just minutes later.

“Good. It looks as if you’re now ready for me!” He now completed the undressing of his own body that he had temporary stopped during their earlier verbal exchange, and then climbed onto Andrea’s bed, with her body helplessly attached to it.

Thus, his rape, for that surely is just what it was, of his defenceless victim began and was to last for over an hour in time. And what became abundantly clear was that he just didn’t give a stuff for her enjoyment or welfare while he ravished her. His efforts rewarding him with several climaxes, his unfortunate prey not reaching the same delicious state once. Not that he cared at all. Finally, once he’d had enough of abusing her, he simply stopped. Dressing himself, before releasing one of Andrea’s hands as mentioned before and leaving. And, as if he hadn’t hurt her enough, possibly the final act of his humiliation of her had been that he had left precisely to join his drinking mates at the pub before ‘time’ was called. As if beer was more important to him than her feelings!

In fact, his bragging to said mates at said pub just demonstrated his completely callous and selfish attitude to the members of the fairer sex. For when questioned about the reason for his late appearance, he openly boasted about how he’d just enjoyed a good shag!

Slightly different from the emotions running through Andrea’s shattered body as she lay almost tied to her bed still, whilst those bitter tears flowed. Although, in balance it does need to be pointed out that Ben hadn’t actually struck her in any way, and while he hadn’t cared for her welfare at all as he took from her just what HE wanted, he hadn’t actually intended or set out to hurt her physically at all. Not that she took any comfort from that situation. But then suddenly a thought went through her head, that old saying, ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!’ Which produced an almost immediate reaction within her, suddenly the tears stopped, just like that, and a wave of indigenous determination swept throughout her entire form, as her mind literally switched from self-pity to revenge. She felt herself gripped by an iron will, now this bastard wasn’t going to get away with what he’d just done to her!
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Post by LunaDog »

Naturally, her first thought in this direction, as she sought to free herself from the bed, was to seek legal redress, and call the Police to report this rape to them. But, having discovered that it’s actually quite difficult to free tied down legs, even if one’s top body is free from bondage, as she picked up the ’phone to do just that, she put it down again straight away. For as she calculated, just what real evidence did she possess? Very little she deduced, and it was well known that she had invited Ben to her home, hoping to have a sexual liaison with him. She also knew that Ben wasn’t short of money, and could no doubt engage the services of an extremely competent lawyer, even if she could successfully persuade both the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service to actually charge the bugger and take him to court.

And even if they did what then? She’d no doubt face an intimidating cross examination from said lawyer, who’d try his, or her, very best to cast Andrea as either a liar or unstable. Did she really want to put through such an ordeal, especially when a successful outcome could in no way be guaranteed?

So, whilst the prospect of Ben Kerry spending a period of his life languishing within the confines of a prison cell did greatly appeal, she decided against pursuing a purely legal resolution to her desire for revenge, especially with the degree of jeopardy involved in following that particular route. And there was another factor in her decision. For SHE wanted to be the architect of Ben Kerry’s punishment and wanted HIM to know it. So, she began to make other plans, knowing that she’d need to be patient and careful in her planning, not to mention the execution. Or she herself might be the one falling foul of the law.

Then, as a few weeks had passed since her ordeal, she received a large slice of good luck. For although she hadn’t encountered Ben Kerry since that awful day, he did enter the shop where she worked, not that he saw her at all. But she clocked him, and he was taking advantage of a very reasonable zero percent interest offer to buy several expensive items of furniture, on credit as it were. Once his application had been processed, his order taken, and he’d departed the scene, she approached the colleague who had made the sale, offering to take the completed application form to the office. As said colleague was now engaged with another customer, they gratefully accepted. Once out of sight of everybody, Andrea now took a major risk, by taking a snap of said form with her mobile, totally against company policy of course, had she been caught doing so she’d have faced the sack, for the customer’s bank details were contained within said form.

But, having ‘got away with it’ those financial details weren’t actually what Andrea sought. No, it was his address, his employment details and his marital, or not, status, that she desired. And she was delighted to learn that he was, at least officially, single. Now that she knew just where he lived and worked, she could now move on to gain the required information in order to plan exactly how to capture him and teach him a lesson he wouldn’t forget in a hurry!

It was reading the late Stig Lasson’s magnificent ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,’ and in particular the way that Lisbeth Salander gained her revenge over her own rapist that provided the answer as to just how to punish Ben Kerry. Although that meant obtaining a Taser gun, something that Andrea was able to gain with a lot less hassle than she’d thought possible.

Almost like a stalker, Andrea used her recently acquired knowledge of Ben’s address, both home and work, to track his normal movements, realising to her relief that he didn’t appear to have a girlfriend within his life. And, just as when he’d attacked her, it would be on a Saturday evening when she’d strike. She was ready.

On the date in question, Andrea knew that Ben was home, alone, when she knocked on the door of his flat at around six o’clock in the evening. Knowing he’d shortly be planning to go to the pub, just as normal, and therefore would probably be getting ready, possibly in a state of undress, which would save her the difficulty of removing his clothing.

A guess that proved to be utterly correct, for he answered his door with just a towel wrapped around his body, as he’d just finished showering. To be utterly surprised to see Andrea standing there as he did so. Before he could respond at all, he was even more surprised when she fired the Taser gun that she held pointing in his direction. His body began to spasm as the electric forces unleashed upon it began to take effect, and he passed out.

By the time he began to come around several things had occurred. Despite her considerable dis-advantage in terms of physical size and strength, Andrea had succeeded in her aim of dragging and lifting him onto his own bed, not covered in a satin sheet by the way. There she had used two sets of solid steel handcuffs to secure his outstretched arms to the outer bed posts of the solid upper bed frame, reducing him to the position of being HER prisoner now. She also employed another set of cuffs to fasten one of his legs to one of the corresponding posts of the lower frame, but although the opposite post had another set of cuffs attached to it, she hadn’t secured his other leg. Oh no, she wanted him to awaken before she did that, she had a little surprise in store for him once he did return to the land of the living.

Naturally when he did so he wasn’t best pleased to find himself as her captive now. He tried to shake his arms free, only to discover that it was totally impossible. “What’s going on?”
Andrea answered with a tone of voice that implied that she was fully in control of both herself and the situation, making Ben begin to fear just how she appeared, exactly as she’d hoped. “I believe that it is generally referred to as payback. You raped me, and now is the time when you will answer for that.”

“Rape? You invited me around for sex!”

“Yes I did, but not in the manner that you subjected me to! We were supposed to share a romantic meal first, and then retire to make love. But that’s not what happened was it? Do you know how long I spent preparing that meal, or how much it cost to buy the ingredients? Which I then had to simply throw away. But even that wasn’t the most degrading aspect of the whole affair. It was that you put getting down to the pub in time for last orders BEFORE our evening together that REALLY hurt. Well, before we go any further tonight, let me assure you that the pub will have to survive as a business without any takings from you.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent start @LunaDog !
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 week ago Excellent start @LunaDog !
Thank you. Next part up soon.
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Post by LunaDog »

“LET ME GO NOW, BITCH!” Again, rattling his chains, to no effect.

“I think not. Not until I, AND ONLY I, decide. It’s you in my hands now, not me in yours. I suggest that you allow that particular fact to sink into that vacant space within your head that should contain a brain. By the way, have you noticed that I’ve left one of your legs free, although I assure you that is only a temporary state of affairs? For yes, there IS a reason for that.”

With that Andrea’s hand dived into the rucksack that she carried and emerged holding a satin suspender belt and pair of sheer nylon stockings. In fact, THE very set that she had worn on that fateful evening a few weeks ago now. And no, she hadn’t washed them in the meantime. But she had no plans to place them onto her own legs, no she had another location in mind for them!

Which Ben guessed correctly. She planned to put them onto his legs. “NO! You can’t be serious! Don’t you dare put me into those!”

Her eyes bored into his, as she repeated his own words from that previous occasion. “If I want you in stockings, then I’m going to have you in stockings! Remember saying that to me?” Receiving her answer in the form of Ben trying to thrash his leg about, attempting to prevent her from covering it in sheer nylon.

However, he was to discover that his opponent today is no fool. Andrea simply climbed onto the bed, and sat on his leg, putting all of her weight upon it. Causing him some degree of pain, but more to the point, preventing him, to a very large degree, from moving it. She swiftly moved the belt over his foot, and then once she placed said foot and ankle within the sheer nylon of the stocking, she moved his foot close to the bed post, and snapped the steel ring of the open cuff of the pair attached to that to fasten his leg right there. Very much to his dismay.

But she still had work to do, although it was almost as if she’d broken him, and he didn’t really try to resist her now. Quickly she released his other leg, sliding it across the bed until it was adjacent to its brother, meaning she could also guide the suspender belt across its foot, and then slide it up his legs into position around his waist. Back across the bed his leg travelled, to find its foot and ankle also covered in sheer nylon, before she returned it within the secure bondage of the awaiting steel cuff. “That’s better!” Smiling at her victim.

Of course, the task of fitting her stockings to him wasn’t finished just yet, and Andrea made no hurry in completing said job. Very teasingly she moved them upwards, pausing every now and then, for her hands to fondle his balls, and despite his best efforts to avoid it, his rock-hard cock. Eventually however, stocking met suspender and after Andrea had fastened the clasps, she stood up, leaving his tools alone for now. For whilst he was ready for her intentions, her own clothing needed to be removed.

But before she could do to him just what he’d done to her, take sexual pleasure without granting any in return, she had some precautionary tasks to perform. Taking her mobile ’phone out of her bag, she began to take ‘snap’ after ‘snap’ of her adversary in the very compromising position that she’d reduced him to. She then turned her attentions to his computer that sat on a desk within the room. Switching it on, she turned and demanded, “PASSWORD?”

“No way! I’m not telling you that!”

“Ok, hard way it is then, I’ve got to admit that I expected you to be difficult.” She returned to the bed, one hand clamped itself around his balls and began to squeeze, hard. And twist. Ben began to almost scream as the resulting pain from her action hit him. “I’m going to hold you here until you give me just what I’m looking for, make no mistake.” As she actually tightened her grip.

“OK, you win!” He managed to gasp. And then he, truthfully, gave her just what she was seeking. She was in. It didn’t take long before she was able to perform just what she wished to, and by the time she’d finished it would only take one press of a button on her ’phone to send those compromising pictures to ALL of his e-mail contacts. Including the e-mail address of the pub where he was to be found most Friday and Saturday evenings.

“So Sweetheart, as you can see, I’ve just set up a little insurance. Any word from you to anybody, especially any legal body at all, and I hit that button. Just to be certain of your co-operation here, I’m sure you understand.” The defeated nod of his head that Andrea received in return reassured her that he knew all too well.

Andrea soon removed her clothes, until all she wore was just her panties, but she was going to leave them on for now. She had something in mind. Climbing back onto the bed, she placed own region over his, quite impressive she did admit to herself, cock, and began to ride it.

With her pussy still covered in satin, it took some time before Andrea was able to bring herself to climax, and it was quite a mild one, but it would do, as said panties were now covered to a large degree in her sexual juices. She took care in removing them from her body, before waving them around her captive’s face. “Guess just where these are going now, Sweetheart?”

Ben worked it out. “Please no.” In an almost soft and defeated voice.

“That’s funny, I remember pleading with you in almost exactly the same manner. And you ignored me, just as I’m going to do to you. OPEN!”

Ben tried to avoid his fate, clamping his mouth firmly shut. But yet again he was reminded that Andrea was no fool. She grabbed hold of his nose, clamping it firmly shut. Meaning it was only a matter of time before he’d have to open his mouth in order to breathe. And guess what? When he was finally forced to do so, IN THEY WENT!

To be tied in place by one of one from another pair of stockings that Andrea had grabbed from her bag, making sure that he couldn’t reject the source of her scent that overwhelmed his entire sense of smell and taste. And the second stocking? Andrea again turned her attentions to his cock and balls, teasing them to ensure that his member was as stiff as possible. And then she tied that stocking around the base of his rampant penis and his swollen balls. Meaning, and Ben was fully aware of the consequences of her actions, that for as long as she chose his cock would remain hard, but he would be unable to obtain any release at all unless she allowed him to. Believe me, Andrea had absolutely NO intention of permitting that!
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Post by LunaDog »

But before Andrea decided to have some fun, she took hold of her ’phone again, and took a few more snaps of her captive, in particular the undeniable fact that he had his mouth stuffed full of her soaked panties, and that his balls and impressive erection were now firmly under her control. Having increased the size of her gallery thus, she showed Ben one snap, one that displayed those two factors beyond any doubt. “Um, I wonder what the lads down the pub will make of this one, eh? The great and mighty Ben Kerry helpless in total Female Domination, absolutely controlled and owned by a mere girlie? Reduced to being the utter sex slave of a woman? I should imagine they’d find it all quite amusing, wouldn’t you?” The look of absolute hated, but also of complete fear in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. His sheer, stubborn male pride would do anything to prevent such an occurrence. She looked him directly in his eyes. “Well Sweetheart, THAT is up to you. You keep everything that’s going to happen here and now between us, involving nobody other you and I, and I give you my word that so will I, and that nobody other than us will ever be aware that these snaps exist and will never know just what is about to take place now. And, unlike you, I AM somebody whose word can be trusted. So, like I say, if you don’t what anybody to find out just what you’re going to now endure, you’d best keep your gob shut. Whilst to be totally honest, in my opinion you’re not the most intelligent male I’ve ever met, I’m sure there’s just about enough upstairs for you to understand just what the score is here? Or have I got that wrong, and you’re going to be VERY stupid?” Again, the look in his eyes answered the question for her.

With all of her preparations now complete, Andrea had considered blindfolding her victim but had decided against it, she wanted him to be able to see just who was humiliating him so successfully, it was time to begin. She climbed aboard the bed, and using her hunches lowered her soaking wet pussy onto his rampant but imprisoned cock. Starting slowly, she began her ride, gradually accelerating the process until she obtained the condition she was seeking, she bought herself to the delicious state of ecstasy! Quite frankly it wasn’t the most fulfilling or earth shattering one she’d ever enjoyed, but hey, she cried out as if it had been!

And it has to be admitted that there was a fair degree of ‘Meg Ryan in Sleepless in Seattle’ present here, as Andrea freely admitted to herself. After all, the whole scenario was being conducted as a punishment, the aim here was to emphasise to her captive that he was being USED by her, she was taking what she, and only SHE, wanted from him, without giving a fig for his desires and needs. Just as he had done to her.

After roughly an hour of simply abusing him, Andrea finally had decided that enough was enough, she’d firmly made her point by now. And yes, whilst she had well and truly exaggerated her ‘pleasure’ that she’d obtained, some of her orgasms had been very enjoyable. This man did, after all, possess a very decent set of equipment. But, for Andrea, great sex wasn’t purely physical, to her emotional considerations were almost as important. For her to have been completely satisfied she needed to be with a male that she truly had feelings for. And, whilst she did have strong emotions regarding this particular specimen, for her to have truly enjoyed the sex, those emotions would preferably have been positive in nature.

Now Andrea once again rose to the occasion, demonstrating that she was completely shrewd and nobody’s fool. For yes, whilst her main purpose of the evening had been well and truly achieved, she fully realised that she still needed to ensure that her departure was conducted under her own terms. If she simply released her captive from his bonds now, might he not use that physical strength advantage to turn the situation around? Grabbing and smashing her ’phone for example, thus destroying all of that damning evidence of her domination of him? Or maybe, she could do to him what he’d done to her? Release one limb, and leave the keys to enable him to escape from bondage himself, but not until she was well clear?

However, that way would present a major dis-advantage. For if he was stupid enough to risk her spraying all of those photos on the web, she’d have handed him some possible evidence to use against her, the sets of handcuffs, panties and the suspender belt and two pairs of stockings. No, she needed to fully release and undress him before she left.

Meaning he had to be unconscious for a period of time. Into her bag her hands went again, emerging this time with a rag, and a small bottle containing chloroform. Soaking her rag with the liquid, she held it just above his breathing tracks, knowing that once she applied it, she’d then be able to unlock him from his bedposts, and remove the cuffs together with the stockings, both on his legs and around his balls and head. Also withdrawing her panties from his mouth. Which, together with all of the stockings used today and the suspender belt would be discarded and actually rather un ceremonially burnt by Andrea later on. Oh, and she had another little surprise for him, when he was to awaken later on, he’d find his torso covered in his own cum. Once he was fully unconscious, she planned to completely release all of that sexual tension within his body, but in a manner where he’d obtain no pleasure from that action at all, being out for the count at the time.

But that was all to happen in a few moments time, for now she taunted him, holding her soaked rag near to him. “Well, I must thank you for a most enjoyable time, Sweetheart! But regretfully it must come to an end. Although I’m sure that you’ve learnt a few lessons tonight, one in particular. Remember,” As Andrea now held her rag in position, and the chemical within began to weave its, well for her anyway, desired effect. Just before Ben’s mind drifted into a sleep induced condition, the last thing he was aware of was her soft voice in one of his ears.

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Post by Oyster stew 2.0 »

Really good story,would be better if she tortured him by tickling or itching powder
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