Graduating Thrills F/F

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Graduating Thrills F/F

Post by allroadsleadtoRome »

Hey Guys, I wrote this short story at the request of tapetek8. Let me know if you like it and if you have any feedback. I'll be continuing my main story Hentied soon. Thank you.

"See you tonight at Dustin's Jessica," Sandra said.
"For sure babe! Can't wait! Finally Sophomore year is over," I replied.
"Yeah," Sandra giggled, "and all the graduating senior boys will be there too. Can you bring liquor? My parents are home and they won't let me."
"Sure," I replied. "My parents left for some retreat and won't be back until Sunday. I can take whatever I want. My sister will be home from college until my parents get back but she won't care.
Sandra laughed and said "great, I'll text you around seven." She then ran off towards her house, which was in the opposite direction.
I only had a short walk home from school. It usually took around ten minutes. Dustin, a senior, lived more towards Sandra, so it would take me about 30 minutes to walk there. As I walked through the front door, I noticed that my older sister Stacey was already home. Mom and Dad must have already left.
"Hey Stac," I eagerly yelled.
"What's up Jess?" she replied.
"Not too much." I responded in a monotone voice. "Finally done exams and can relax."
"Same," Stacey replied. "I have one more on Monday, but I finished early American history today. I was up at 6am."
"Tired?" I questioned.
Stacey looked up from the tv, with her drowsy blue eyes and said "very. Exams have been so stressful. Just wait until you go to college. Let's stay in tonight and watch some Netflix. Sound good?"
I couldn't hide the look of subtle shock on my face. "I just graduated sophomore year sis. One of the senior boys is throwing a huge end of year party. Everybody is going to be there. How about we chill and watch Netflix tomorrow?"
Stacey's face turned stern. "No way Jessica!" she strictly said. Mom and Dad put me in charge of you. They did not trust you to stay by yourself."
"That's not fare," I screamed. "Everybody will be there."
"Everybody but you Jessica," Stacey said in a low but stern voice.
"Tell me why I can't go?" I snapped back.
Stacey lowered the volume on the tv, leaned forward and calmly stated "I know what goes on at those parties. The senior boys just want to get the girls drunk so that they can take advantage. Trust me I've seen it."
I took a deep breathe and easily replied "I'll be careful. Sandra will be with me and we will watch how much we drink."
Stacey stood up. She was a good inch taller than me. We almost looked identical. Regardless of her being four years older, people often mistook us for twins. We both had straight long blonde hair and a skinny, yet athletic build. However, she was more developed than me. In other words, her boobs and ass were larger and curvier than mine.
As she stood up, her light eye brows lowered and she assertively said "this is not up for discussion. You are not going to a senior party! END OF DISCUSSION."
I was furious and I immediately ran upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the bedroom door. How could she not understand how much this party meant to me? She was in high school once. I jumped on the bed and face planted on the pillow. She must be enjoying this!
The volume on the tv downstairs was turned up again. Seriously, what a bitch. I didn't know what to do. Everybody was going to be at Dustin's and if I didn't go I'd be such a loser. I grabbed my cell phone, from my backpack, and texted Sandra. She must be home by now.
"SANDRA, u there?"
"Yeah what's up?"
"My bitch sister won't let me go."
"What!" she replied.
"Yeah! I can't go. I can't bring any vodka. I can't do anything. She's being such a bitch right now."
After a few seconds Sandra replied, "she used to be so cool when we were younger."
"I know," I replied. "College changed her. What should I do? There's no way I'm not going to that party."
Sandra quickly replied "I know... I know. It's only 4pm now and people won't start showing up to Dustin's until around 10pm, so we should arrive around 11pm. We'll think of something."
"Yeah, we have to," I responded.
"I know we'll come up with an idea," Sandra texted. "I need your parents' vodka. The party is byob."
I sighed in disappointment and wrote "I know."
"Anyways," Sandra quickly shot back, "relax for now and get ready because we'll think of something."
"Sounds good."
I laid down on my bed staring up at the ceiling. There's no way Stacey is ruining my end of year party. I'll take a nap for now and come up with a plan later. I put my head on the pillow, got under the covers and quickly dozed off.
"bbbbzzzzzz, bbbbbzzzzz." What time is it? I quickly shot up. My cell phone was buzzing as I had it on vibrate. Holy shit, it's 9pm already. I was really tired. We had to be up really early today for exams. Sandra had been texting me for the last couple of hours.
"What's up Sandy?" I immediately texted. "I fell asleep... sorry for the late response."
Sandra immediately texted back "what's the situation with Stacey?"
"I'm not sure. I haven't seen her yet. Let me get back to you on that."
I slowly crept downstairs and I saw Stacey passed out on the couch. Perfect I thought to myself. I ran back upstairs and to get ready. What to wear I thought. Hmmmm... I know I'll put on my black leather wet-look leggings and some nice silver heels. To top it off I've got a tight crop top that makes my average sized boobs look huge. I grabbed my phone and sent a selfie to Sandra.
She replied back "damn sexy!!! You look good. What about your older sis?"
"She's passed out?" I'm sure Sandra could feel my excitement just by reading the text. "I'll go down and get the vodka. I'll meet you at your house in twenty minutes."
I quietly walked down the stairs and snuck passed Stacey. She had ordered a pizza. Not being a heavy eater the majority was still there. Even though I was hungry I didn't want to eat it. Don't want to look bloated in leggings.
Once I was out of the family room and into the kitchen I moved more swiftly. I quietly opened the liquor cabinet. Just as I grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose an angry voice behind me said "put that down Jessica."
I turned around. Stacey was standing in the doorframe with her arms crossed.
"You're not going to that party. And seriously!!! You're dressed like a sluttier version of Olivia Newton-John from Grease. Go upstairs, get changed and go to bed."
I meekly put the Grey Goose back walked past Stacey to go upstairs. "What a bitch," I thought to myself. "How could she be so ignorant of my situation?" My face turned beet red with frustration.
Instead of going up stairs I decided to cool off in the garage. "Maybe some cool fresh air will help me settle down."
While I was leaning against the garage railing I notice some silver work-grade duct tape on dad's workbench. "I could tie the bitch up for a few hours," I thought to myself." Stacey, However, is stronger and taller than me though. "How would I overpower her?" Dad had a lot of tools like hammers and screwdrivers, but I didn't want her to get hurt. I just wanted to keep her out of my way. Also, I want to shut that big mouth of hers as well.
I put on my flip-flops and went over to dad's workbench. I grabbed the silver duct tape and went back inside the house.
Stacey heard the garage door shut and yelled "Jessica do you want to watch something quickly or go to bed now? I'm really tired."
I didn't answer and crept around the living room, to the backside, through the kitchen.
Stacey turned her head briefly and said "why haven't you changed yet?"
"I'm just going to stay like this. Let's watch a movie," I replied.
As Stacey was flipping through the channels I quietly snuck up behind her. I had the duct tape in hand. Without even thinking, I jumped over the backside of her chair and grabbed the back of her neck. We both fell to the floor as I pushed her forward. After a brief struggle I finally pinned her down face first. I had my knees holding down her arms. All Stacey could do is kick my back lightly but it didn't affect me at all.
"Jessica, what the f*ck are you doing?"
I Smugly replied "I'm going to that party with or without you permission. If you're not going to let me go, I'm going to make it so you can't stop me."
Within a moment I found the end of the duct tape and began to stretch it out. It was really hard to pull because it is industrial strength. I immediately stuck it to the topside of Stacey's right wrist and pulled that arm behind her back. Without much effort, I got her other hand behind her back and began wrapping the tape tightly. With the weight of my knees I kept her arms in place as they were tied up.
"Jessica seriously stop this," Stacey muttered. Her heavy voice came in pants because she was breathing heavily.
"SHUT UP," I angrily replied. "You don't have much choice about this."
I continued wrapping the tape tightly around her wrists until the majority of her hands were covered in duct tape.
Stacey struggled more intensely but it didn't make a difference as my body weight held her in place. With her hands tied all she could do is roll side-to-side slightly.
I slid down to her legs and began taping her ankles together.
"Jessica please... the tape's going hurt so much to take off."
"You should have thought of that before you were such a bitch," I snapped back.
Once I finished wrapping her ankles I moved up to her knees. The tape stuck so well to her naked skin.
After I finished her legs I pulled Stacey, from her shoulders and upper body, back on to the chair. I then duct taped her to the chair going above and below her large boobs.
"You're going to be in so much trouble once I get out of this," Stacey sternly stated.
"I can live with that," I smugly replied. "I just need to get the finsihing touches on you."
I continued taping Stacey up until she was secure. She could hardly move I reckoned. Stacey didn't say anything in the meantime. She just gave me a stern dagger stare.
"Only one more final touch sis," I said in sarcastic tone.
With a little bit of difficulty (because of the strength of the tape), I ripped off three 6 inch pieces of tape and hung them from the edge of the living room table. I then placed my hands on my hips and arrogantly looked at my helpless sister.
"What the f*ck do you think you're going to do with those?" Stacey's eyes burned with anger.
In a mocking tone I replied "why do you ask such stupid questions?"
I then took the first strip of tape and waited for Stacey to close her mouth. Once I saw my opportunity I quickly slap the first piece square over her lips and stuck it to the side of her cheeks. I then rubbed my hands over her mouth to ensure the tape was in place.
"MMMMMMPPPPHHHHH" Stacey screamed.
"One will simply not do sis. Ready for the second?"
I grabbed another piece of tape from the coffee table and stuck it a little below the first piece so it covered a little bit of her chin.
"Two is for safety," I giggled.
Finally, I grabbed the last piece of tape and slapped it over the top of the other two so that it held her gag in place.
"Three is for good measure hehe."
"MMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHH, MMMMMMMPPPPHHHHH, MMMMMMMMPPPPPHHHH," Stacey continued screaming until she was out of breath.
"What's that sis? I can't understand you."
Stacey's faced turned downward and her look of anger changed to a look of defeat. Feeling satisfied of my work, I slapped my hands on my leather leggings ass.
"Don't worry sis, I'll be alright tonight. You really don't have to worry about me."
Knowing she could do nothing to stop me, Stacey kept her head lowered and accepted her predicament.
I gleefully ran to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of Grey Goose. Without any hesitation I ran past my tied up sister, jokingly smack the back of her head on the way to the closet and grabbed my leather jacket.
"MMMMMPPPPhhhhh," Stacey moaned.
I put on my jacket and said "does this complete my Olivia Newton-John look?" I must have sounded like such a bitch.
All Stacey could muster was a short grunt.
"Bbbbzzzzzz," my cellphone was buzzing. It was Sandy. "What's the deal? You said you'd be here by now," the message read.
"I'll meet you in 20 at your house," I replied. "I was just taking care of something."
"What about Stacey."
I looked up at my sister and said "Sandys asking about you haha. What should I say?"
Instead of texting back I left a voicemail that said "hey babe I'll be over soon. I got the vodka and I'm looking damn fine. As for Stacey... well she got a little tied up with something. She won't be an issue anymore."
"See you later sis, be good."
I ran out the door leaving Stacey by herself bound, gagged and hopeless until I got back.
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good idea! Stacy surely will be pissed of! This story deserves a second part :D Revenge is sweet :)
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