THE CHAMBERMAID - M/F - Catch the conclusion!

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THE CHAMBERMAID - M/F - Catch the conclusion!

Post by Switcher1313 »


Chapter 1 - The Discovery
Amy felt tired. She had been working as a chambermaid in the hotel for almost six months. She had become quite good at the job and her bosses were very happy with her. Nevertheless, she had been feeling exhausted at the end of every shift in the last week. She concluded that maybe the job was becoming too routine and she was seeking a bit of excitement in her life.

Her social life was not too healthy either. For one thing, she had never seen herself as especially attractive. She felt short at 5 feet and 2 inches tall. She had shoulder-length brown-colored hair. When looking in a mirror, she saw a brown-skinned, somewhat plump woman with too-full legs. In her opinion, her only redeeming quality were her large breasts, which strained against the dark blue uniform she wore. Self consciously, she tightened her abs hoping that they would firm up. She felt the skirt was a bit short although she was lucky that she was wearing black pantyhose to slim her legs somewhat.

She came upon the last room to be fixed up for that day and it turned out to be the businessman's suite on that floor. She sighed knowing that it would take a while to clean and prep the room.

She pressed the door chime and spoke into the panel, "Chambermaid!" With no answer, she let herself in with her key card and went to work. She saw that the bed was unmade, as if someone had jumped out of bed in a hurry. She was just about to fix that when she saw an object on the work table. She went closer and saw that it was a shiny red orb that was set in what looked to be a strap, complete with silver buckle. Beside that were handcuffs, but not the ones typically used by policemen. These were gold-colored with a soft padding within the cuffs. She got a glimpse of the open laptop and it showed pictures of women bound and restrained in various poses. Her eyes widened wondering what all this meant.

"See anything you like?" said a voice behind her. She gasped and pivoted clumsily dropping the pillow that she had gotten from the bed.

Amy saw a tall and handsome caucasian man. He towered over her by at least 5 inches and he was wearing a towel wrapped around his waist. He did not seem angry. In fact, he had a slight smile on his face.

"I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't mean to pry," said Amy shrinking against the wall.

The man went to the laptop, glanced at it and softly closed it. He turned to Amy and said, "I see you've seen some of my work. Let me introduce myself. Robert Cooper, photographer, at your service. My friends call me Rob." He extended a large hand and Amy shook it tentatively, looking at her small hand disappear within his large paw. The skin-to-skin contact sent a jolt of something up her arm. She looked at him and he was beaming.

"It's actually part of a project I'm working on. Don't worry, these women were not forced into anything. They're all models and, believe it or not, people pay money for photos of this sort," Rob explained.

"They agreed to be tied up?" said Amy finally finding her voice, "But doesn't it hurt?"

"Oh no! You wouldn't last long in this business if your models don't trust you to take care of them!" said Rob.

"I wish I could be a model," said Amy wistfully, thinking aloud.

"Why not? You're pretty enough!" said Rob with a smile and Amy felt he cheeks flush at the compliment and that incredible smile. She noticed that he had dimples on his strong and angular face, twinkling eyes, bushy eyebrows and curly black hair. She tried not to look at his tanned and toned torso. For some reason, Amy felt her heart beat just a tad faster as if noticing the handsome man for the first time.

"Oh no! But I'd better get to work now," said Amy evading the conversation.

"Can I at least take a picture of you?" asked Rob.

"Wearing this? But..." demurred Amy.

But Rob had fetched his digital camera and was now pointing it at her. He took several snaps and showed Amy the raw shots.

"See? You are photogenic!" enthused Rob, "Don't sell yourself short. I can see potential, you know."

Surprised, Amy saw the pics and was amazed at how good she looked.

Rob then said, "Tell you what, would you consider doing a pictorial, just to prove your potential?"

Amy was stunned. Never in her life had she thought of being a model, but here was a professional photographer offering her a chance. She nodded and said, "My shift ends in one hour."

"Great! Come back here and I'll take your photos. It shouldn't take more than half an hour."

Amy finished prepping the room in a slight daze as Rob finished his shower. She was leaving as Rob stepped out of the bathroom topless, wearing blue jeans and toweling his hair dry.

"See you in an hour?" asked Rob with a dazzling smile on his face. Amy could only nod and closed the door softly behind her.


Amy went through the last hour of her shift thinking how it would be like modeling and at the back of her mind, she was intrigued by the pictures of the helpless tied up women that she saw. She was excited and yet wondered what it would be like getting tied up.


Apologies for the lack of tie up scenes but I wanted to set up the right mood and ease Amy into the ropes. :D :D :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

This is the equivalent of a delicious hors d'oeuvres, now SERVE THE MAIN DISH, SIR 🔥
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Post by Switcher1313 »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago This is the equivalent of a delicious hors d'oeuvres, now SERVE THE MAIN DISH, SIR 🔥
Let's not rush into things, good sir! We don't want to scare Amy away, eh? :lol:
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Chapter 2 - Easing In

Amy didn't go to Rob's room immediately. She had a late lunch before she went. She hesitated before she pressed the door chime. The door opened immediately, and Rob welcomed her with a cheerful smile saying, "Amy! Come in!"

Amy went in and was surprised to find that Rob had set up lights and other paraphernalia around the suite's common area.

"I thought you just wanted to take my picture," said Amy self-consciously even as she berated herself for her inane statement.

Rob explained, "I could just take your picture, but proving my point needs a proper set up!" and he motioned to the set-up expansively.

"Shall we begin?" asked Rob.

Amy had shucked her chambermaid uniform for jeans and a white tank top. She also wore a nylon windbreaker. She removed her windbreaker and asked, "Where do I stand?" Rob motioned her to a spot on the floor that he had marked with red tape.

"Now just relax Amy," said Rob as he took a couple of test shots. The next twenty minutes went by in a blur and Rob was pleased with how Amy took instructions very well. Amy stood, pivoted, bent, sat, smiled, frowned and did all the things that models did. At the end of that time, Rob offered Amy a soda, which she accepted gratefully as Rob uploaded the shots to his laptop. He fiddled for a bit and then showed Amy the results.

Amy was astounded at how she looked even in her plain attire and she blurted out, "Is that really me or did you use some app or software to enhance the photos?"

"That's all you, Amy! I told you that you had potential!" exclaimed Rob.

"But I'm not that tall, and I'm fat!" said Amy softly, but she was surprised when Rob lifted her chin with his fingers and softly admonished her, "Now see here, young lady! You are attractive, but you just don't know it! My camera and my eyes never lie! Don't you dare contradict me!"

Amy felt her cheeks warm at the complement and the excitement as Rob touched her chin and gazed into her eyes.

"There is just one last shot, but I will do it only if you will trust me," said Rob.

"What is it...Rob?" asked Amy and she could see that Rob was pleased that she uttered his name.

Rob continued, "I'd like to take your photo while you wear this," and Rob dangled the golden handcuffs that Amy saw.

Amy swallowed. She was cautious but also intrigued as to how it would feel being helpless.

"Ok, Rob, I trust you," said Amy and she presented her wrists.

Delighted, Rob snapped on the cuffs making sure they were not too tight. Amy felt the cuffs tighten and it was as if someone had pushed a switch within her. She felt defenseless and yet the excitement at the restraint was beyond anything that she had felt before. Rob quickly took shots as Amy did various poses brandishing her cuffed hands. She even agreed to do several shots with her wrists cuffed behind her back.

When Amy saw the finished shots, she was again astounded. She was helpless, but she looked haughty, even defiant. It was as though something within her had been revealed. A different Amy--more confident, poised and sensual. She giggled at the thought.

"Now do you believe that you have potential?" asked Rob.

"Yes, Rob, thank you for showing me this!" answered Amy. But her smile faded knowing this was a one-time thing.

Rob again tipped up her chin and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Thank you for taking my pictures, Rob, but I'm sure you have better models...prettier models," whispered Amy.

Rob smiled and said, "I can see I have more work to do with you. But first, you have to realize that I wouldn't spend an hour with you if you weren't worth it. Second, I think a full portfolio pictorial will prove once an for all how lovely you are!"

Rob then went to his desk and came back with a business card, "Come to my studio this Saturday at 9:00 AM for your pictorial."

Inside, Amy was elated that she would have another pictorial, but when she reached for the card, she forgot that her wrists were still cuffed behind her. Rob laughed and got the keys to unlock the cuffs.

She took her leave and as she walked down the hall, she heard Rob say, "Remember, Amy, Saturday at 9:00, sharp!"

She pressed the down button on the elevator, already excited for the weekend.
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Post by RopingRingers »

This could either be an honest photographer seeing potential in a young woman, or a very well-thought out manipulation to get her somewhere she can't escape. Either way, please continue :)
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Chapter 3 - One Saturday Morning

Amy stood for several tense seconds at the door. Rob's studio was located in an impressive new condominium in a progressive part of the city. She was surprised to learn that the lobby guard had instructions to let her up. She knocked twice timidly on the classically designed wooden door.

It was opened immediately by Rob with a smile, saying, "Ah, Amy! Very prompt! Do come in!"

Amy felt a bit out of place as she had chosen to wear denim jumper shorts, a plain white t-shirt and flat sandals. Rob ushered her into a cozy pantry where he offered her coffee and doughnuts. Amy gratefully accepted both as she had been too excited to have breakfast before leaving her humble apartment. After a short chat, Rob ushered Amy into the studio proper, where a professional-looking set-up awaited.

Rob had Amy pose in her jumper and she warmed up quickly to Rob's instructions. After a few minutes, Rob came to her with a length of rope and asked her, "Amy, do you trust me?"

Amy saw the length of rope and knew Rob intended to tie her up, but she nodded, albeit apprehensively. Rob requested her to turn around and quickly bound her wrists together behind her back. Rob then took up the camera again taking shots with Amy's bound wrists to the camera and told her to slowly turn as she posed.

"How does it feel so far, Amy?" asked Rob.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this!" said Amy with more enthusiasm as she struck a pose with one hip canted to one side and her legs spread with her chin upraised haughtily.

"I do believe you are, but may I suggest a change of pace?" said Rob as he brought a small stool for Amy to sit on. After she sat, Rob took another length of rope, squatted down, but glanced up at Amy asking, "Pardon me, but may I?"

Amy just nodded as she watched Rob bind her ankles together. She noted that the coils were neathly stacked just above her ankle bones and cinched to tighten them.

Rob explained, "You see Amy, it's better to use more rope so the individual strands don't cut into your skin. The pressure is evenly distributed so the ropes will mark, but not pinch." Amy tested her bonds and found them to be firm, but not hurting. Rob then moved around Amy taking shots as she posed and changed expressions. Rob complimented her on her ability to project anger, fear and defiance.

More importantly, Amy seemed to relish being tied up. With her wrists and ankles tied, she felt helpless, but so turned on as well. Much as she tried to ignore it, she could feel a bit of a tingle between her legs.

Rob then took more lengths of rope and added to Amy's restraints. At the end of an hour, she was bound at wrists and ankles. Rope had been added above and below her breasts. More strands bound her thighs together a couple of inches above her knees. She had come to relax into her current state and she was reassured by Rob's gentlemanly manner even as he was binding her into helplessness.

For the finishing touch, Rob used a length of clean white cloth as a cleave gag so that Amy felt like a bona fide damsel in distress.

Rob then uploaded the pictures from his digicam into his laptop and worked, leaving Amy still bound and gagged. Surprisingly, she did not mind being left tied up and the tickle between her legs had intensified. She wouldn't have believed it a few days earlier, but she liked being tied up.

Rob then came back and set the laptop on a chair in front of Amy and showed her a presentation of shots that he had selected. Amy watched wide-eyed as she saw herself bound and gagged for the first time, as captured by Rob's camera.

"See how beautiful you are, Amy!" said Rob as he clicked the cordless mouse, "Again, I did little to improve the photos. That's all you!" And she felt Rob's arm go around her waist drawing her closer to him. She snuggled up to him, feeling somehow safe and assured, despite being helplessly bound and gagged.

And then, as if noticing her restraints for the first time, Rob said, "Oh, but I must beg your pardon, Amy! I have forgotten to release you from your bonds! Please forgive me!"

Amy giggled at Rob's exaggerated apologies as she truly felt relaxed in his company now. After releasing her, Rob heated some lasagna in the microwave and they settled in for lunch.

"So how did you feel about your very first pictorial, Amy?" asked Rob.

"It was amazing! I felt helpless, but flattered because of the attention you were giving me," said Amy with a slight blush.

"Oh come now, Amy! I've already said you were a lovely woman and I trust I've proven it to you," said Rob.

"Yes you have, good sir," bantered Amy, "But I don't know about letting others see those pictures."

Rob raised his hand and said, "Rest assured, Amy, your pictures will be kept safe. You have to sign a release for me to use them. Until then, only we will get to enjoy them!"

Amy liked that and then boldly asked, "But is that all there is to those pictures?"

Rob knew that the photos that Amy saw showed some scantily-clad subjects, but he was not willing to risk losing Amy by rushing her into it, so he answered, "All in good time, Amy! Let's walk before we fly, eh?" Amy chuckled at Rob's attempt at humor. She was already starting to get a warm feeling with this man.
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Post by Switcher1313 »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago This could either be an honest photographer seeing potential in a young woman, or a very well-thought out manipulation to get her somewhere she can't escape. Either way, please continue :)
Are we getting suspicious there, mate? We shall see, won't we? :D
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago
RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago This could either be an honest photographer seeing potential in a young woman, or a very well-thought out manipulation to get her somewhere she can't escape. Either way, please continue :)
Are we getting suspicious there, mate? We shall see, won't we? :D
Haha im a suspicious guy. If some woman was trying to tell me I could be a model and wanted to tie me up, I'd be sure she wanted to kill me 😂 but he seems to be quite the gentleman, it's just a matter of is it fact, or act ;)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago
Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago
RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago This could either be an honest photographer seeing potential in a young woman, or a very well-thought out manipulation to get her somewhere she can't escape. Either way, please continue :)
Are we getting suspicious there, mate? We shall see, won't we? :D
Haha im a suspicious guy. If some woman was trying to tell me I could be a model and wanted to tie me up, I'd be sure she wanted to kill me 😂 but he seems to be quite the gentleman, it's just a matter of is it fact, or act ;)
Your point is well taken, sir! Let's see how things turn out eh? ;)
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Chapter 4 - As Time Goes By

The weeks went by and things seemed to change for Amy. She was livelier and happier on the job. She did her work with renewed vigor and even her co-workers noticed a change in her demeanor. She had become more confident and seemed to have boundless energy. She was careful to apply makeup and be preentable when doing her job. Despite the physically demanding job, she exercised regularly and watched what she ate. She was becoming a more confident woman.

In all this time, Rob would make his presence felt. He had taken her to dinner a couple of times, they had watched a movie (which Amy hadn't done in a while) and he sent messages when he was on a shoot or out of town.

The best part was that Amy earned a promotion so she became Team Leader in Housekeeping, much to her and Rob's delight.

Then one weekend, Amy went to Rob's studio for another "pictorial" to celebrate her newfound status. She let herself into his office using a key card that Rob had given her (She had become thrilled when Rob did that!). She stopped in her tracks when she entered the studio.

In the center of the scene sat a woman on the floor. She looked tiny and fragile wearing a red and white kimono whose belt was loosely knotted thus revealing her breasts. Her hands were tied behind her and Amy could see rope surround her body. Her eyes were blindfolded and her mouth was cleave gagged. Rob was intently taking shots and then going over to the woman to pull the kimono off one shoulder or adjust a hem to reveal her bare thighs.

Amy's cheeks burned and she felt conflicting emotions. This was supposed to be her time! Why is this woman intruding? Whenever Rob touched the woman, she honestly felt envious or even jealous.

Finally, after many long minutes, Rob said, "That's a wrap! Thank you Mau! Let me get you out of those ropes." As Rob released the model, he finally noticed Amy standing off to one side and he smiled. Amy did not smile back, however. Amy patiently waited until the model had left to get changed. She emerged later wearing ripped jeans, t-shirt and sneakers.

"Thanks, Rob! See you next time!" called out the model as she left.

"Bye, Mau, thank you!" said Rob.

Turning to Amy, he gave her a peck on the cheek and whispered, "I'm so glad you're here! I missed you!"

Amy looked dryly at Rob and said, "Really? You seemed distracted enough!" She walked away with her arms crossed.

"Oh my! Amy, that was a pictorial for a men's magazine! Remember, I told you about it a week ago," explained Rob.

"But who today? It's our day!" insisted Amy.

Rob went to her, turned her towards him and held her shoulders, "Why, Ms. Amy Santos, are you jealous?" Amy looked away pouting.

"My dear girl, that was a strictly professional shoot," reassured Rob, "Besides, Mau's a lesbian! She probably checked you out more than me!" That surprised Amy and she felt reassured.

"I'm sorry, Rob," apologized Amy, "I don't know what came over me." She looked downcast.

Rob gathered Amy in a big hug and she smelled his cologne and manliness as she embraced back, then Rob said, "Please know Amy that our relationship is so much more special. Certainly much more than with any other model I've worked with or will be working with." He smiled his dazzling smile.

Their faces were only inches apart and then, as if a barrier had broken, Rob kissed Amy on the lips. Amy responded. They kissed long and deep.

Amy broke off and said, "Oh Rob! Would you tie me up now?" Rob had to laugh at that.


Amy now sat in the same spot that the model had occupied. She wore a shiny blue blouse and black miniskirt. She wore high-heeled black pumps on her feet. Her wrists were bound behind her and her ankles tied and cinched together. More rope wound over and below her breasts. The first three buttons of the blouse were unbuttoned showing off her cleavage. Her legs were bare and were bound above and below the knees. Her mouth was sealed with a bandanna with a knot in the middle which was lodged in her mouth.

She looked the part of a waylaid secretary and she took to her role with the same enthusiasm that she had done her work for the past few weeks.

"Great! That's a wrap!" Rob announced.

Amy sighed, not in relief but in disappointment, for she would be untied now. But Rob took his sweet time putting away his camera and the other equipment. He came to her, removed the gag from her mouth and kissed her again.

"It seems you're still under wraps, my dear!" said Rob, playing with the strands across Amy's chest.

Amy's heart was nervously thudding in her chest. She was bound helplessly and totally at Rob's mercy. What was he going to do? More so, what was she going to do?
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Post by RopingRingers »

Fact it is then lol unless he playing a LOOOOOOONG con lol. Great part, love the jealousy Amy is starting to have.
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Post by Switcher1313 »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago Fact it is then lol unless he playing a LOOOOOOONG con lol. Great part, love the jealousy Amy is starting to have.
Sorry to keep you guessing, mate! :)
But the story just keeps evolving in my mind. Can't quite see the end yet, y'know?
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Haha no it's good, it's good to not know for sure what's going on ;)
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Wouldn’t trust Rob as far as I could throw him...

Can’t wait - you’re bloody good at the suspense mate!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopingRingers »

Risperdaltied wrote: 4 years ago Wouldn’t trust Rob as far as I could throw him...

Can’t wait - you’re bloody good at the suspense mate!
Haha so it's not just me 😂
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Thanks for all the good reviews, guys! Here's the next installment. Tell me how it goes...

Chapter 5- Far from Help

Amy was slightly disappointed that Rob had proceeded to untie her. She was, however, delighted that Rob had invited her to spend a few days at his private mountain hideaway. Fortunately, she had a 5-day vacation leave coming up so she accepted.

They left early on a Saturday morning for the 2-hour drive outside the city. They arrived mid-morning and the air was cool and clean. Amy looked with awe at the surrounding vista.

Rob put his hand over her shoulder and said, "This view never gets old! It's especially beautiful in the early morning and late afternoon." They spent a few minutes just drinking in the view. Then they brought in their bags and Rob showed Amy her room. They had a quick brunch of sandwiches, soup and juice.

"Now that we're far from civilization, what did you have in mind?" asked Amy.

"Funny that you asked," said Rob, "First, change into your work uniform. You did bring it, didn't you?" Amy nodded and got up to change.

Amy had made a few minor alterations in the outfit. She had shortened the skirt and sleeves by a couple of inches. She shivered wondering what Rob had in mind.

Amy met rob in the living room, that had a big picture window overlooking the awesome mountain view. He had set a chair in the middle of the room and motioned for her to sit down.

"Do you trust me, Amy?" whispered Rob in Amy's ear.

"Yes," answered Amy. She looked down and saw how high her skirt had hiked up her thighs and she wondered if Rob had noticed. Rob took her arms and pulled them behind the chair and he bound her wrists together. The ropes were tight and the knot was beyond the reach of her fingers. Rob added lengths of rope around Amy and the chair pinning her to the chair. The strands were neatly stacked above and below her ample breasts, which served to highlight her assets. Amy felt warmth between her legs as she felt the pressure of the rope on her soft tits.

Having secured her upper body, Rob squatted down to bind Amy's ankles together. He moved up to below her knees. When he started binding her thighs together, he remarked, "Hmmm, I seem to remember your skirt to be a bit longer."

Amy blushed a bit and asked, "I hope you approve of the alterations?"

"I like," said Rob with a smile as he caressed Amy's displayed thighs.

Amy obligingly opened her mouth so Rob could insert a knotted cloth. Now she was thoroughly bound and gagged, and totally helpless.

Rob took up his camera and took his shots. He walked around his subject unhurriedly as if savoring the sight of the helpless female. He then carefully set down his camera and walked around Amy. For her part, Amy was very conscious of Rob's eyes taking in every inch of her bound form. Her pulse raced and the itch between her legs became more insistent.

Towering behind her, Amy felt Rob's hands on her shoulders and heard him say, "You are quite lovely, Amy. By this time, you must know this." Rob's hands caressed her bare arms, playing with the strands of rope restraining her.

"Since the day I met you at the hotel room, I have felt a...connection. At first, I just wanted to help you out, but I had to admit that I find you quite attractive!" Amy was stunned. Rob was professing his attraction to her, of all people!

He continued, "I have wanted to tell you this for a long time, but it is only now that I've had the chance. I find it peculiar that I am pouring my heart out to you while you are bound and gagged, but maybe it's for the best. No interruptions!" He chuckled and Amy giggled with him underneath the gag.

Rob removed the gag and asked, "So what do you say, my Amy?"

Amy looked at Rob, quite flattered and self-conscious. She answered, "Well, since you've taken the effort of bringing me here far from help and tying me up, I guess I'll just have to be your prisoner now, eh?"

Rob's smile revealed the immense happiness he was feeling and Amy smiled back.
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Chapter 6 - Binding Her Closer

Amy spent the remainder of the afternoon tied to the chair witnessing as day turned into night. She sat reveling in her helplessness and at Rob's confession. Rob kept her company and had made "improvements" to her situation. He had unbuttoned all of the buttons on her dress to reveal her lovely breasts clad in a thin bra. He had pushed up her skirt until most of her rounded thighs were revealed.

When darkness was full upon them, Rob removed Amy's gag and kissed her deeply. He then went to work untying the ropes that restrained her. When she was freed, Amy stretched luxuriously, appreciating her freedom, but Rob took her in his long arms and embraced her while kissing her. In his enthusiasm, Rob easily lifted Amy and she wrapped one leg around him. They broke the kiss and he set her down. Rob unbuttoned Amy's uniform and slipped it off her body. She was now clad only in her bra and panties and she felt vulnerable under his hot gaze.

"Wait there," said Rob as he left the room. He came back bearing a duffle bag, which he opened to reveal coils of rope. Amy looked at him and smiled. Her short freedom was apparently going to end. Rob selected a skein of rope, went behind Amy and unclipped her bra, releasing her lovely breasts. He uncoiled the rope and rubbed it slowly down Amy's exposed front. Amy sighed as she felt the rope fibers caress her naked skin.

"Trust me?" she heard softly whispered in her ear. She nodded, not trusting her voice to function properly.

Rob hugged her from the rear, took a step back and swept Amy onto the floor. He had done this so fluidly that Amy barely registered how she had gotten to the floor so fast. She felt Rob quickly rope her wrists togather in front of her and the rest of the rope brought around her naked torso entrapping her hands in front of her as if in an attitude of prayer. After securing the rope, Rob rained soft kisses on her neck and shoulders and Amy swooned at the intensity of affection being showered upon her.

Rob caressed her bare thighs and legs, fascinated at the flawless brown skin. He moved her again, untying the rope only to bring her wrists behind her and then Amy felt her thighs bound to her torso, rendering her into a compact ball. Again, Rob beset her with kisses and caresses as if intent on exploring every square inch of her body.

Amy gasped at every kiss and touch. Her heart was racing at the sensual torment that was being inflicted upon her. She was helpless. She was a marionette trapped in his ropes, afflicted with the fever of passion.

Amy was now bound with her arms trapped in a box tie, with her arms ensconced in the small of her back. Her breasts were framed and highlighted on display. Rob tweaked one nipple with his fingers and she groaned in response. She was slowly set on the floor gently and she felt her final garment being pulled down her legs. She was now totally naked with her entire body bared to Rob's hungry eyes.


It's a short chapter, dear readers, but I have a glimmer as to what the end will be and I wanted to buy some time. :) :) :)
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Chapter 7 - Under His Control

Amy now lay on the floor totally naked. Her arms were tightly restrained behind her. Her left leg was folded with its ankle tied to its corresponding thigh. Her other leg was straight with its ankle tied off to the ceiling. She was tied in a very helpless and revealing position. She moaned helplessly, fully aware that her most intimate parts were fully on display for Rob's eyes to devour.

He towered over her now, shirtless revealing his well-conditioned torso and arms. Amy looked up at him, completely helpless to his every whim.

With trembling lips, she askedd him, "What do you plan to do with me now, Rob?" By now, she had surrendered to Rob's restraints. Rob had snapped off a few photographs but had spent most of his time caressing Amy's immobilized body. She was feverish now, longing for something only Rob could give. She couldn't ask for it yet Rob seemed not ready to give it.

Rob held Amy's fettered ankle in one big hand and caressed her outstretched leg. She struggled in her bonds. The cool mountain air wafted through an open window an caressed her bare skin, which erupted in gooseflesh as Rob's hand traveled down to her knee and her full thigh.

Amy groaned helplessly even as Rob softly kissed the soft and smooth flesh on her extended leg. Finally, she gasped, "Please Rob! I can't take this anymore! Please...!"

"Yes, my dear? You want me to stop?" teased Rob.

"Please, Rob! Please...!" pleaded Amy.

Rob squatted before his helpless prize and said, "Tell me what you want Amy!"

Amy nervously wet her lips with her tongue before slowly saying, "Take me! I'm yours!"

Rob smiled his dazzling smile and proceeded to untie Amy's leg suspended from the ceiling. He also undid her other leg. He did not bother releasing her other bonds, but gathered Amy up in his arms easily and carried her slowly to the bedroom.

Amy gazed at her friend turned captor and soon to be lover and wondered what it would be like.

For unknown to Rob, the young girl was a virgin--to both bondage and sex. She was stepping over the threshold into unexlored territory and she shivered in nervous anticipation.
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Chapter 8 - Taken

Amy watched as Rob tightened the last knot on her ankles. She was still naked and she had lain meekly as Rob fastened attached a thick stack of ropes on her wrists and ankles. Rob then took the other ends of these ropes and fastened them to the four corners of the huge black four-poster bed. Amy was thus rendered helpless anew but this time with her arms and legs flung out and stretched to their limits. Rob had taken a blood-red orb and popped it into her mouth and fastened the strap to make sure she could not spit it out.

Amy looked down at her helpless body and acutely felt her vulnerability. She could not stop whatever Rob had in mind and part of her had already decided to accept what was coming. Rob stood beside her bed, his powerful presence looming over her like a shroud. His hands explored every inch of her exposed body and she writhed as best she could, so tightly bound was she. His hands traced down her neck towards her breasts, where he squeezed, pinched and pulled eliciting groans from the helpless woman. His hand went down her slightly rounded belly and into the down-covere slit, finding it moist and ready.

Slowly, Rob pulled off his shirt exposing his defined and muscular torso. He unbuckled his belt and pulled off his pants. When he pulled down his briefs, his massive erection popped out. Amy stared at Rob's huge tool, knowing it would not be long before she would be impaled upon it.

Rob stroked his erection and said, "Are you ready to receive me, my sweet Amy?" Amy groaned and turned her head away.

"Now don't be shy, my girl, for I will bring you great pleasure with this," said Rob as he got on the bed. He positioned himself carefully between her legs and slowly inserted his manhood into her waiting snatch. Amy groaned as she felt the manly flesh slowly driven into her. Slowly it withdrew, only to stab inward deeper as Amy balled her hands into fists and curled her toes. His cock felt hard like marble and yet so hot like searing lava. As he pumped her, all sorts of sensations washed over her helpless body. Her fear was replaced with pure lust and desire. Her eyes glazed with the need for more. And Rob gave her more. She would never have believed that her first experience could be this amazing.

She gasped and panted as Rob sped up his hip's motion. His control was superb as he played her like a stradivarius. His hands reached for her breasts, kneading, squeezing and pulling. Her thighs were caressed and eased apart a tad wider. Amy's pulse raced and her breathing came in tormented gasps. It seemed that he had been pounding her for hours.

And then, she felt the first stirrings as ripples from her crotch, and the force multiplied and spread throughout her. Her mouth opened in a muffled scream. Her eyes rolled into her head. Her fists opened spasmodically. As if a dam had burst, her climax rolled over her again and again even as Rob expended himself into her. Amy swooned and fainted.

Fuzzily, she awoke and found herself still bound to the bed. Her womanhood still felt the after-effects of being taken by Rob. He looked down and saw Rob looking out at the lovely mountain vista.

Then he heard Rob's voice, but it seemed deeper and resonated from wall to wall.

She heard him say, "So, it is complete, my lovely! You are indeed a virgin and this consummation has fulfilled my need!" Amy wondered what he was talking about and then he turned to face her.

Horrified, Amy looked on as he grew taller and more massive before her eyes. His eyes glowed redly and his skin took on a midnight blue cast. His hands sprouted talons and big leathery wings sprouted from his back.

And then in a deep basso profundo voice, the demon she had known as Rob said, "Yes Amy! I needed a virgin to copulate with to restore my full power! And now, my exile is at at end! I now have the means to return to my realm and you shall be my bride for you will accompany me!"

Amy screamed into her gag as a hole in space opened swallowing her and the bed and the last thing she heard was the demon's victorious laughter.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I surely did not expext that end :) Sounds a bit like some story of the Buffyverse :) At he end :)
Last edited by Caesar73 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RopingRingers »

Holy shitstick, THAT got dark quickly 😂
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago I surely did not expext that end :) Sounds a bit like some story of the Buffverse :) At he end :)
Sorry, not familiar with the Buffverse, but I trust you weren't too disappointed. :)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago Holy shitstick, THAT got dark quickly 😂
Hope you weren't too disappointed with that curve ball I threw. I believe one of your stories inspired the conclusion. Gotta give you credit for that! :) :) :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago I surely did not expext that end :) Sounds a bit like some story of the Buffverse :) At he end :)
Sorry, not familiar with the Buffverse, but I trust you weren't too disappointed. :)
No, I was not disappointed what so ever :) On the contrary. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my favourite Shows :)
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Post by RopingRingers »

Switcher1313 wrote: 4 years ago
RopingRingers wrote: 4 years ago Holy shitstick, THAT got dark quickly 😂
Hope you weren't too disappointed with that curve ball I threw. I believe one of your stories inspired the conclusion. Gotta give you credit for that! :) :) :)
I actually did wonder lol but then I'm like "nah, don't be egotistical" lmao nah mate excellent curveball ;) looks like Amy bit off more than she could chew 😂
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