Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by Caesar73 »

To see Nikita that happy and content is a good thing - because we see it not very often. After all she had suffered and gone through that moments of bliss how short they may ever be are well deserved.

It will be interesting to see where you will take this outstanding saga next @wolfman :)

I wonder how Nikita´s family is doing we haven´t seen them in a while. This a mere obversation :)
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita has paid a high price in her life. She deserves something good for a change. Soon more will be revealed.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 11 months ago Nikita has paid a high price in her life. She deserves something good for a change. Soon more will be revealed.
You are absolutely right my friend. Nikita went through hell and back again. So any moment of bliss is well deserved!
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Post by GreyLord »

Hear! Hear!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita takes a deep slow breath and opens her eyes. She lays on her back naked save for a thin silk sheet. She sinks into the soft bedding and allows herself the luxury of waking naturally.

Without the urgency of an alarm or siren and just the sound of the breeze she allows the world to enter her senses at their leisure.

“I actually feel pretty good this morning.” She checks her cells and raises her eyebrows, “I think I must have had a solid ten hours. Don’t remember the last time I slept that long.”

Thinking of all the things that she can do, she decides to stay in bed, “If I stay still the day won’t know that I am up and won’t come for me.”

The time on the phone her Heralds gave her reads a little after half ten. What is more interesting is the message flag showing on the home screen.

She clicks on the icon to show a message from Halpron, “Good morning. I hope you slept well. I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend much time alone together yesterday. Alas, this afternoon I have a lot of video calls to make with our allies. I would really like to see you. I know it is not ideal but would you be able to come over so we could at least have a late breakfast or early lunch together?” She smiles to herself, her heart skipping just for a moment, when another message pings, “Sorry for the awkwardness of my message. I hate texting. I would really like to see you.”

Nikita gazes at her phone for a moment, trying to second guess any hidden meanings from his messages before sending, “I would really like that. Have just woken up. Will have a shower and pop up to your chambers.”

As she leaps out of bed, and bolts for the bathroom, her phone pings again, “Fantastic, see you soon.”

In the shower, Nikita scrubs her skin hard, with a pumice stone, then produces a straight razor with a flourish. With practiced strokes, she shaves her legs, privates and armpits.

She towels her body and hair dry, weaving her long dark locks into a plait, to give her hair waves when dry.

“Now for the hard part. What the hell do I wear?” Nikita says breathlessly to herself.

Halpron almost leaps from his seat hearing a knock at the door to his chambers. His large frame, elegant in a tailored dark blue silk suit, crisp white shirt and aquamarine tie.

He opens the door with a warm “So glad you could come” before he gasps.

Before him stands Nikita, wearing a red figure hugging maxi dress, with a neckline just teasing her cleavage. The three inch heels complete the effect.

“Hi, I wasn’t sure what to wear. I wanted to look nice, but not too showy. I didn’t think jeans and a t-shirt would be quite right and I didn’t want to go full ball gown.” Nikita says while thinking “Shit, I am rambling.”

She pauses for breath and finds her next words swallowed by his lips as he softly kisses her. The meeting of their lips sends a shudder through her and when their lips part she is flushed.

“You look stunning.” Halpron says, looking deep into her eyes. “Please come in.” He gestures towards the sumptuous sofa, speaking nervously.

“Why, thank you, your majesty.” She says, playfully.

He softly closes the door and turns to watch her cross the room, thinking “Like two hard boiled eggs having a fight in a handkerchief.” His breathing slows, as he feels the first stirring from his loins.

She smiles up at him as he crosses the room to join her, “If ever there was a way a man should look. Damn.”

“Can I get you a drink?” He asks, smiling at her.

“You are a King. Shouldn’t I be serving you?” Nikita asks, moving to get up.

“Being a King, means that I am a servant to my people.” He says, gently.

“Am I one of your people?” Nikita asks, in a playful tone.

“No, but you are honoured by them and indeed me.” He says, with a fond smile.

“Why thank you.” Nikita says, thinking to herself, “I wonder if he wants to rip my clothes off as much as I want to rip his off.”

The moment hangs in the air, until a soft knock at the door signals the arrival of lunch. “Just a moment, sorry I took the liberty of ordering to give us more time after we eat.”

Nikita beams a smile and nods, watching as he crosses the room to get the door, “I hate watching him go, but I love watching him leave. Mmmmm mmmm buns of steel.”

Halpron thanks the catering intern and brings the tray over to the sofa, setting it down on the coffee table. He removes the cloche revealing the meal.

“Duck and spring onion risotto with garlic focaccia.” Halpron announces, “I hope it is to your liking.”

“It certainly smells delicious.” Nikita says, glad of the food to distract from the feelings stirring in her.

Nikita takes the offered bowl and savours the first spoonful, slowly pulling the spoon out of her mouth and moaning with pleasure at the rich wonderfully flavour of the dish.

To Halpron’s eyes, the sight of her with her head tilted slightly back, eyes closed, moaning softly, is the most beautiful thing her has ever seen. He can’t find the words to express how he feels, so he raises the spoon to his mouth and takes his first mouthful, to cover his speechlessness.

The sight of this handsome and powerfully built man eating with such care and poise stirs something deep inside of Nikita. She tries to slow her breathing, and think of folding a bed sheet, or making a stew. Anything to distract from the swarm of butterflies she feels inside.

The pair eat in silence, almost racing to finish, but at the same time reluctant to stop. Nikita finishes first, taking a sip of wine, “My compliments to the chef.” She exclaims sinking back into the sofa.

“I’m glad you approve. Fancied something hearty but not too heavy and easy to eat.” He says between mouthfuls.

“I most certainly do.” Nikita says, brightly.

Halpron sets his bowl down with a smile, “I would be honoured, if you chose our next meal.”

Nikita smiles at the prospect of spending more tine with him and a return after his calls. “I would be delighted.” She says, with a wink.

Halpron stretches for a moment and Nikita takes the opportunity to snuggle against him, with her head on his shoulder. She sighs softly feeling his powerful arm wrap around her and pull her tight.

He settles back onto the sofa, enjoying the comforting weight of his companion against him. Softly, he kisses the top of her head and closes his eyes and allows the sensation to wash over him.

Nikita feels herself relax, resting against Halpron. “This is nice.” She says softly.

“I could stay here all day.” Halpron says, wistfully, “

“Me too.” Nikita says, raising her head and looking up at him

Halpron looks down at her an places a gentle finger under her chin, subtly lifting her lips and he leans in to plant a soft peck.

She turns herself more towards him and places a soft kiss on his lips and feels her pulse racing.

At the same moment, they move closer. Nikita wraps her arms around his neck, while he wraps his arms around her pulling her close. Their lips meet in a hot frenzy. Her full soft lips against his. Their tongues entwine and time seems to stand still.

Nikita moans softly, feeling the urgency of her kisses increase. Halpron grips her tightly with his left arm and runs his right hand down her back to trace the outline of her perfectly round behind before grasping a cheek and pulling her into him, pressing her groin into his.

She feels his manhood press into her and purrs softly. She throws her head back, when he leans in and nuzzles the soft skin of her neck. She grinds her hips into his, hugging him tighter, pressing her breasts into his chest.

A soft ping from the office pulls Halpron from his passionate reverie. “Wait. Slow down.” He says, between kisses.

Nikita looks up her eyes wide and tinged with fear, thinking “No. Please don’t tell me that you think this is wrong.”

He pulls her close and kisses the top of her head, “I wish we could do this all day. But I have a call in ten minutes and had better start getting ready.” He says, his face twisted, the words leaving a taste of bitter regret in his mouth.

Nikita nods sadly, “I understand. Duty calls.”

“I am so sorry.” He says, feeling an ache in his heart. “I will be tied up in meetings all afternoon.”

Nikita chews her lip and looks up at him, her blue eyes, wide and bright, “Are they back to back meetings?”

“Not quite. I have a few minutes between each call until about seven.” He says sadly.

“Interesting.” Nikita says, playfully, “Why don’t I stay here? Keep off camera for some time between calls.”

Halpron smiles, “I must admit, it would be great to have your company. But, won’t you get bored.”

Nikita smiles mischievously, “Not at all, while you are tied up in meetings, I will be tied up in your bedroom.”

Halpron stands at the threshold of his bed chambers in rapt fascination at the sight before him.

Nikita lays back on the bed, her hands poking through the bars of his headboard and locked in place with handcuffs. She wears matching red thong, bra and stockings.

Halpron tentatively approaches the bed, trailing his fingers up her legs, across her stomach and then along her ribs, before cupping the back of her neck. He looks down at her with a look of both concern and wonder, “Are you sure you will be alright like this?”

Nikita smiles, “Yes Your Majesty. I can escape when I wish, but I will not as I know you will be returning for me.” She says, thinking, “I can’t believe, I am doing this.”

Halpron shakes his head, unable to believe his luck. “And when I return, what then?”

“I am all locked up and yours to do with as you see fit, until you grant me my freedom, Your Majesty.” Nikita says, wondering, “I have had so many chances to taste his essence but haven’t, what if I have made a mistake and he is a wrong ‘un?”

Halpron looks down at Nikita and strokes her cheek with the back of his hand. “This is a wondrous gift you give me. I swear not to squander it.” He says earnestly.

“Thank you.” Nikita responds, a part of her feeling his honesty and vulnerability in this moment, “I swear that I will do all I can to make this gift worthy of the man upon whom it is bestowed, Your Majesty.”

Nikita lays back, feeling the cool steel of the cuffs encircling her wrists. She closes her eyes, listening to the distant burble of conversation from the other room.

“Am I a fool for offering myself like this? Will he think less of me because I am giving myself on a plate?” She thinks, beginning to listen to her self doubts.

The room is cool, but by no means cold. Nevertheless, a thin sheen of sweat, graces her skin. She inhales deeply, enhanced senses, savouring the remnants of his scent in the air.

In her mind she imagines him returning to the room cruelly mocking her, “Stupid girl. I am a King, you will serve me like any of my subjects.” Mercilessly taunting her, “You did us a favour, so I will fuck you, but I want you gone before there is a scandal.” She slows her breathing, as a single tear traces from her eye to the pillow languidly, “You are nothing but a hole and heartbeat to me, how can you possibly think this will lead to anything? I will take what I want from you and then you can leave.”

Nikita doesn’t notice the end of the conversation in the other room, and nor Halpron does notice the track of a tear on her cheek, when he silently leans in and softly places a kiss on her lips.

Surprised, she opens her mouth slightly, accepting a more passionate kiss. Halpron shows a tenderness in this intimacy that is at odds with his size. Nikita feels her doubts chased to the four winds as he tenderly kisses her lips and moans softly at her hand on her breast.

Time again stands still in this moment as they lock lips with more urgency and he fondles her with more passion. Nikita’s moans become something more primal and she feels something stir from deep inside her.

Halpron feels it too, the insistent press of his swelling member straining the cut of his trousers, the quickening of his breath signalling the last in his heart.

Then there is a soft ping from the next room. They both know what it means.

“I am sorry it is so short. I will be back again soon, I promise.” He says, regretfully.

Nikita licks her lips, lustfully, all doubts quelled, “I’ll be waiting.”

Halpron climbs off of the bed, giving her breasts a gentle squeeze before sliding her stockings slowly down her legs one by one. Her bends her left leg at the ankle and presses it to her right before using the stocking to hold it in place. Her other leg is soon similarly secured.

Nikita smiles at him, then clicks her fingers and her bra disappears “Play your cards right and something else will disappear when you come back.”

“You are going to get me in trouble.” Halpron chuckles, backing away with a slight stoop to stop himself being crushed, within his trousers.

“I sure hope so.” She whispers, under her breath, when he exits.

Nikita lays back on the bed, this time filled with hope in place of doubt. She lays back once more, however this time a smile graces her lips.

At the same time, Halpron settles at his desk and logs on to the next call. In the momenta that he waits, his thoughts are racing though his mind and his manhood threatens to split his trousers.

Two hours without a break Halpron rises from the chair, head foggy from staring at a screen for so long. His body aches from the activity of the last few days and he stretches feeling tired.

“Short break until the next, got to make it count.” He thinks, then he smiles, hearing a sigh from the bedroom.

Silently, he crosses the room and watches Nikita from the doorway. His eyes follow the muscular curves of her legs up to the rounded perfection of her hips and on to the soft curve of he breasts constrained in her bra.

From this angle her face is obscured but, he can imagine the smile on her luscious, full lips.

He slowly approaches her, feeling an ache in his heart at the sight laid out before him. “You are so beautiful.” He says, the words coming unbidden.

“You are the most handsome man, I have ever met.” Nikita says, he breath ragged and her chest heaving. “How long do we have?”

“Meeting in twenty, so we have fifteen.” Halpron says, removing his jacket and slipping off his tie.

She swallows hard and licks her lips, “That should be plenty of time.” She says, huskily.

Halpron approaches the bed and Nikita lifts her hips slightly, as her thong vanishes.

She purrs feeling his strong hands, gently caress the soft skin of her inner thighs.

He places a tender kiss on her lips and whispers in her ear, “Within these four walls, I come to you, not as a King but as a man and I give you my word, that by morning, you will feel like a queen.”

She gasps, feeling his hand slip between her legs and tease the lips of her labia, drawing a moan from her throat.

Before she knows it, his tongue is slowly tracing the line of her womanhood, blood sings in her ears, with the soft kiss of his lips on her tenderness.

With a thought, she can increase her strength to several hundred times that of a normal man, but with the feather light sweep of his tongue on her clitoris, she is weak as a kitten.

Every ounce of strength in her body is instantly pulled to her core into the primal vortex of emotions building within her. With each sweep of his tongue, it grows. With each caress of his hands on her breasts and squeeze of her nipples, it spins faster.

Nikita closes her eyes, imagining herself flying through the air at impossible speeds, held aloft by the vortex of passion within her.

On the bed she writhes, thrusting her hips up to meet his hungry lips and tongue. Soft moans escape her lips and Halpron doubles down, becoming more gentle and soft with his ministrations.

Nikita gives a silent scream as the vortex of pent up sensation within her explodes and fills her body and mind like never before. She rides waves of pleasure, breathing deep and hard in the aftermath of the most powerful orgasm she has ever had.

Halpron wipes his mouth and lays next to Nikita, softly kissing her cheek, holding her until she recovers.

“That was like nothing, I have ever experienced before.” Nikita says, dreamily, “You are amazing.”

He places a soft kiss on her cheek and holds her close, “You opened yourself to me, I just listened to what your body told me.”

“Thank you. Not sure what I did to deserve it.” Nikita says, sinking into the afterglow.

“Well, you gave me a sixty eight and I owed you one. I wanted to make sure you were paid back in full.” He says with a wink and a cheeky smile.

She smiles back and licks her lips, “Might have to give you another, so you can pay me back again.”

“You have no idea what it means to me that you talk to me like a person and not a King.” He says, warmly, “Although I daresay you have tasted my essence and know exactly how I feel.”

“I have held back from tasting your essence, because I trust you.” Nikita says softly.

“Please do it. I don’t want any secrets between us.” Halpron says, thinking, “I want her to know all of me. She has the power to know everything about me and there is no one else I would want to see it.” He leans in and places a soft kiss on her lips.

Without thinking she tastes his essence and is flooded with every part of him filling her mind for a moment.

A soft ping from the other room, pulls him mind from the moment and either a heavy heart, he says, “I am sorry Niki, I have to get back to it. But in a couple of hours, I will be done and I am all yours.”

Nikita lays back on the bed and stares at the ceiling, shocked to her core by what she has just seen in his life essence.

She hears the soft murmur of conversation from the next room, taking comfort in the tone of the King’s voice, but still unable to process what she has just seen.

Resting on her back with her wrists still locked to the bed. For a moment, she considers feeling herself and stretching her legs, however pushes the thought aside.

In time her mind becomes stilled, focused on one thought, instead of dozens. “He is a truly good man. There is no malice or viciousness in him. His heart is pure.”

For the second time that afternoon a tear rolls down her cheek. “I felt everything he felt. The pain of losing his mother and father. The guilt for all those that have died in the war. The helplessness in the face of the Annunakin. The way he loves his sister. How he cares about me and thinks of me. The dreams he has for the nation. Dare I dream that we could have a future?”
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

Incredible chapter again - Nikita gives her herself total to Harpron. Without any reservation. The End of this chapter is a striking contrast: Nikita overwhelmed by Harprons emotions. What a ride!
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Post by GreyLord »

Tenderly and exquisitely written, Grand Master. Thank you for this. That was as loving a bondage scene as I have ever read.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Thank you @Caesar73 and @GreyLord for your humbling words.

I wanted to show a glimpse of how Halpron feels about Nikita and what she is prepared to do for him.

That said, where this chapter is about tenderness, the next will be about passion
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Halpron ends his last call of the day and breathes a sigh of relief. “They all seemed to go well. The news of our victory was well received, but some of my counterparts comments, indicate that they might need help from us.”

He hears a soft sigh from the bedroom, “However, that is a problem for another day.”

Quietly, he pads across the room and stands again in the door way of his bed chambers, shrugging off his jacket and undoing his top button. His heart leaps seeing Nikita laid out waiting for his return.

With her wrists still locked in place, she spies him watching her and gives him a slight jiggle of her breasts and a wink, “Don’t tell me that you are just going to watch.” She says, playfully spreading her still bound legs.

“I’m worried it is a dream and I want to savour the vision.” Halpron says, with a smile.

“I promise you, I am as real as the feelings I have for you.” Nikita says, earnestly. “All joking aside, this is like a dream for me too.” She removes the handcuffs with a flourish and sits up on the bed, “I tasted your essence and know everything. You are a truly beautiful man. In every way. I just hope in time, I can become a woman who is worthy of your love.”

Halpron sees the pain in her eyes and snatches the robe from the back of his door and joins her on the bed. Gently he wraps the robe around her shoulders and pulls her close to him. He plants a soft kiss on the top of her head and whispers, “No Niki. It is I who must strive. You saved my life and fought a war that was not your own and helped us in so many ways. You give freely and ask nothing in return. You are amazing.”

Nikita wipes a tear from her eyes before the floodgates open and she begins to softly cry. Halpron hesitates for a moment, unsure, before wrapping his arms around her and holds her close, “Shhhhh. It’s OK. Let it out. I am here.” He whispers.

For moments that stretch to eternity, he holds her close until Nikita dries her eyes. “I’m sorry. I am no good at this.”

“Hey, come on now. Why don’t you tell me all about it?” Halpron says, gently.

“I have only really had one relationship and that was because his life didn’t flash before my eyes when I kissed him. I think what we have together now, could be really special.”

“I do too.” Halpron says, with a sigh, “I haven’t had many relationships either. Between a relentless education, basic training and military service, I haven’t exactly had much opportunity.” He pauses, softly kissing the crown of her head, “There isn’t an instruction book for relationships. My dad used to say, that the secret was, facing each day together and going to bed with more love than you woke up with.”

Nikita beams a smile and looks up at Halpron, “I really like that thought.”

“He was a hard man in some ways, but he knew how to treat mum, Angela and I well.” Halpron says, lost in memory for a moment, before snapping back to himself, “He would have liked you.”

Nikita frowns, quizzically, “Really? You think so?”

Halpron laughs, “By the gods he would have loved you. A strong, ultra capable, smart and beautiful warrior woman, who leaps into danger without a thought for her own safety. He would have had us up the aisle by now.”

Nikita blushes, “I don’t know what to say.”

Halpron squeezes her shoulders gently, “Don’t worry, my actual proposal will be much more romantic than that.”

“I would expect nothing less Your Majesty. Rest assured that my acceptance, will be worthy of your proposal.” Nikita says, as seriously as she can.

Nikita’s composure doesn’t hold and soon she is uncontrollably giggling. Feeling the break in tension Halpron cannot help but join her.

They lay back on the bed tired from laughing. Both panting heavily. Their eyes meet. Something passes between them, something beyond words.

Nikita leaps at Halpron, throwing her arms around his neck. Halpron pulls her close and their lips meet hungrily. Nikita reaches down squeezing his firm, tight buttocks, while Halpron fumbles with his belt.

Just as Halpron kicks his trousers across the room, Nikita wraps her legs around his waist and begins unbuttoning his shirt. Nikita throws her head back and purrs feeling his strong, powerful hands on her breasts, kneading them and worshiping their soft flesh, teasing her nipples with a promise of delights to come.

He bends down, taking her right nipple into his mouth and wrapping his tongue around it like a snake. Nikita, grinds her hips against his and bites her lip feeling a frisson of pleasure wash though her.

Halpron spins her around so she is under him on the bed and his lips once again find hers. Surprised, she lays back on the bed and closes her eyes, losing herself in The feel of his touch and the passion of his kiss.

She pulls off his shirt and leans up kissing and nipping his chest. With a tearing of fabric his underwear flies across the room. Their naked bodies press again each other.

Their eyes meet. They gaze hungrily at each other. “Do you want this?” Halpron asks, with equal parts nervous and lustful.

“More than you know.” Nikita whispers, her voice husky, she gazes deep into his eyes, “Go as hard as you like, I don’t break.”

He doesn’t hesitate. He finds no resistance plunging into her slick womanhood right down to his root. She sighs, feeling him fill her up. Between ragged breaths, her vagina closes around his member, squeezing gently, when he pulls back to thrust into her.

Halpron bears down on her, as he thrusts. Burying his face in her neck, passionately kissing her delicate skin and pistons into her, hard.

Nikita's eyes roll back and she loses herself in the sensation of his large manhood inside her and the press of his body against hers. The walls of her vagina begin to pulsate, when he thrusts they undulate outwards and when he withdraws they ripple towards her core.

Halpron feels his heart race and his senses go wild and while he is inside her, he wraps his arms around her and scoops her off of the bed. Her legs stay wrapped around his waist, ankles clamped behind his back, staying firmly in place. Even when he stands with her in his arms and puts her back to a wall, she grunts from the impact, but her legs stay in place.

He ploughs into her, with wanton power and undeniable lust. Hungry lips meet again, tongues dance around each other and lips taste heaven.

Nikita feels an explosion building inside her, growing with each slam of his hips into hers, thrusting deep into her core. Off of the bed and against the wall, she grinds into him matching his power with her own. The room fills with the primal grunts and moans. Time has no meaning, as they seek Nirvana in each others arms.

Neither speaks. Neither thinks. All they do is devote themselves to the act and the passion.

Faster and harder, they slam together. Nikita is washed away in the deluge of sensation, climaxing with full throated screams and tears in her eyes from the power of her orgasm.

Halpron pulls her away from the wall and lays her on the floor, to pile drive her into the carpet. Nikita moans, as he maintains and quickens the pace of his thrusts, inadvertently pushing her and the rug upon which she lays, moving it slightly with each slam into her.

Nikita opens her eyes wide, before they rolls back and she is overwhelmed with her second climax. But no matter what he gives, her body craves more. “Harder.” She cries between moans.

Lost in sensation, with waves of pleasure crashing through her body. Distantly she feels herself lifted from the floor and placed on the bed.

With her grip on him loosened, from her climax, he lays her on the side of the bed and rolls her onto her stomach, leaving her legs hanging off of the edge of the bed. He takes a moment to caress and kiss the perfect peach of her behind, then slips his manhood between her legs once again, to resume their powerful lovemaking.

Nikita arches her back and purrs, the change in angle allows him to push deeper into her. She feels the gentle press of his right hand on the small of her back and the caress of his left hand on her buttock, while he finds his rhythm.

Soon he is slamming into her again, each thrust drawing a rising cry of pleasure from her throat. Without warning he shifts his hands, with his left by her left shoulder, bearing his weight, as he leans into her. She feels the rock hard muscles of his chest and stomach pressed into her back almost massaging it, with each thrust.

But it is his right hand, that draws her adoration the most. His arm is wrapped around her waist and his fingers tease the lips of her labia and write the feelings in his heart, on her clitoris.

The pace of his thrusts begins to slow in speed but increase in power. His breathing becomes husky, as the heat of his passion gives way to the longing he shares with Nikita. Not some mere gratification of base desire, but something deeper. Something primal, something eternal.

Nikita gasps, her body feeling too small for the sensation that is building within her. She twirls her hips rolling onto her back with her feet on the floor and her hips over the edge of the bed, so he can take her from the front and she can look into his eyes.

He rests a hand on her hips as he ploughs into her, his other hand on her breasts, caressing, squeezing and teasing. He looks into her eyes, feeling the first stirrings of love in his heart.

Their gyrations slow, becoming more gentle. His caress softer, exploring her body, while her hands explore the rippling muscles of his chest and stomach.

Halpron’s senses are alive like never before. His whole body burns with pleasure, as he feels a tightening at the base of his shaft. His thrusts, become faster, but lighter.

A guttural moan escapes Nikita’s throat building, with the rising wave which grows within her, ready to engulf her

Halpron roars and Nikita screams. He explodes into her at the same moment, as the wave crashes in her and blasts through her body and mind. They collapse into each others arms, on the bed.

Slow kisses. Gentle caresses. Whispered nothings, that mean everything. Two hearts beating as one. These are the things that fill their world on the afterglow.

Nikita and Halpron doze in each others arms, bathing in the warmth of their love making. Halpron wakes slowly, relishing the warmth of Nikita’s body against his. He leans down and rakes a deep breath, inhaling her scent, before placing a kiss on the crown of her head.

She sighs softly and curls into his body. He smiles to himself, gently stroking her back. “This feels right.” He thinks, allowing himself to relax.

He closes his eyes and dares to dream of peace in his time and love in his heart.

Nikita wakes to the soft of Halpron’s soft snoring. She feels herself gently raised and lowered when he breathes in and out. She tentatively reaches down and pinches her left leg with a soft grunt, “OK, this isn’t a dream.”

She looks up at him, keeping her head on his chest and deeply inhaling his musk. She trembles at the memory of their lovemaking and places a soft kiss on his chest.

For a moment she presses her hand tenderly against his chest, feeling his heartbeat and softly whispers, “I could never tell you this if you were awake, but you have awakened something in me. No man has ever made me feel, the way you do. I think I might be falling for you.”

Nikita closes her eyes and rests her head back on his chest, using the rhythm of his heartbeat to guide her back to her dreams.
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Post by wolfman »

Nikita wakes slowly, the day gradually entering her senses. She rolls onto her side and her arm falls across Halpron's chest. Feeling his muscled chest, she snaps awake.

Halpron feels the brush of her arm on his chest and opens his eyes slowly. He gazes warmly into her eyes, “Good morning, Niki.”

Nikita smiles back, “Good morning, Hal. How did you sleep?” She asks, unsure what to say.

“I slept very well, thank you.” He says, before pecking her softly on the lips. “Thank you for last night too.”

Nikita can’t put her finger of whether it is his voice, his eyes or his presence, but whatever it is, melts her a little inside. “Thank you. You were amazing.”

“It was my hope to make you feel like a queen.” He says, stroking her hair.

“You certainly did that.” Nikita says with a gulp, before nervously asking, “How was it for you?”

He stretches on the bed and beams a grin at her, “Honestly, it was the most intense thing, I have ever experienced.”

“I can honestly say the same.” Nikita says, biting her lip as she feels doubt creep into her mind, “Was it just the heat of the moment?” She asks, regretting it the moment the words leave her mouth.

He pulls her close and kisses her deeply, then cups her cheeks so she is looking into his eyes, “We shared a perfect night.” He takes a deep breath, “However, I want more than a few hours with you. Yes, we may have been caught up in the moment. But, I have been feeling a spark between us since we met.”

“I have felt it too, but was scared it was just me.” Nikita confesses.

“No. It wasn’t just you.” Halpron says, placing a soft kiss on her crown. “I’m sorry to talk business, but I have a few engagements today. I need to shower and get ready soon.” He says, sadly, “I wish we had more time, I hate to break up the moment.”

“I understand.” Nikita says, gently, “Your nation is at a cross roads and needs its leader to guide it and keep it on the right course. I am here for you, in whatever capacity you need.”

Halpron doesn’t hesitate for a moment, before “I need you by my side. Ever since we met, you have made everything and every day better.”

Nikita blushes slightly and smiles nervously, “Thank you Hal. That means more than you will ever know. You make me feel like a better person.”

“You have always been amazing. I just hope in my own way, I have helped you to see it.” Halpron says, before pulling her close and kissing her deeply.

“I am beginning to believe it. “ Nikita says, sadly, “I guess we had better start getting ready.”

“I suppose we should.” Halpron says, already missing Nikita’s touch, as she rolls off of him. “I should jump in the shower.”

“I should probably go back to my chambers and get ready.” Nikita says conflicted, rising from the bed.

Halpron feels an ache for her, watching her perfectly toned body cross the room, “You probably should.” He pauses for a moment “Although, it may save time if you join me in the shower.”

Facing away from Halpron, Nikita stops in her tracks and smiles.

Nikita closes her eyes letting the powerful jet of hot water blast her chest. Halpron’ wraps his arms around her from behind. His soap slick hands, gently squeeze and knead her breasts. Her glorious mounds, slip effortlessly from his grasp, teasing his palms with her rock hard nipples.

She moans softly under his touch and presses her back to his chest, relishing the feel of his hot wet skin against hers.

Nikita is many times stronger than her Regal lover, however in this moment, with his arms wrapped around her, holding her arms to her side, she is weak as a kitten.

Halpron brushes the delicate skin of her neck with his soft lips. Just the merest touch, but it is like a lightning bolt, sending shivers through her.

Halpron presses his groin against her, trapping his manhood between their bodies. His ragged breaths caress her neck, between kisses.

She feels him press against her lower back and grinds back against him. Halpron moans lustfully. Whilst she is not tall enough for her grinding to bring him off, her buttocks press urgently on his balls and the base of his shaft, while his fingers teases and squeeze her soaped nipples.

Halpron shudders, feeling a wave of pleasure pass through him. Nikita turns to face him and drops down in a squat. She places a hand on each breast and presses them either side of his shaft. She locks her little fingers together, trapping him against her chest. Locking his manhood in a warm and wet mammary prison.

The sensation of her soft luscious mounds either side of his shaft, is like nothing her has experienced before, forcing him to lean back on the wall to steady himself, once she begins pumping her body up and down.

He throws his head back and gasps feeling a building up of pressure in the base of his shaft. Nikita releases, him from her breasts and takes him into her mouth. Her full soft lips slowly engulf him from tip to base and back again, before she begins pumping her head back and forth.

Without warning, he scoops her up, so they are eye to eye and they lock lips passionately. She wraps her legs around his waist and feels his girth enter her.

Nikita buries her head into his neck and gives a low guttural moan feeling him inside her once again. She grinds against him, moving her hips in a figure eight as she rides back and forth on his mighty steed.

Hot water cascades over their glorious bodies, soaking, cleansing and invigorating them. Halpron feels himself getting close and from her moans feels his exquisite warrior woman is too. He twists the shower control, turning the hot water to an icy jet.

They both gasp from the cold shock and climax together, pressing tighter together, driven by passion and the cold. Halpron reaches up again and turn the temperature back up.

Their motions slow in the aftermath of their shared orgasms, allowing the warm water to caress their invigorated bodies.

Slow kisses. Warm embraces. Loving touches.

Nikita rest her head on his chest, thinking, “The ritual helped me to believe in myself in terms of my value to the world. However, Halpron makes me believe in myself as a woman. He gives me the strength to do the things I have always dreamed of.”

Halpron shuts off the water and snatches a towel from the rail, wrapping it around Nikita and gently rubbing her dry. She shudders with pleasure, when he chases the stray droplets of water from her skin with his lips.

Two hours later
Pillars Conference room, The Atlantean Royal Palace.

Phobos’ eyes shine with an excitement, at odds with the intravenous drip in his arm. To his right, Neophytos allows her gaze to flick between the three tablets before her, scouring the feed with a satisfied smile. Galton sits opposite, taking a moment to appreciate the sound of the breeze without, the percussion of artillery that has marked so many years.

Angela nods to her from the King’s left, looking tired but relaxed. To her left, Cassius stretches in the seat trying to work the kinks out of his back after a third night without sleep. Corven sits back in his chair, his arms resting casually on the arms of the seat, portraying an image of relaxation, spoilt by the glint in his eyes. Whilst behind him stands a technician holding a large brief case.

Nikita sits to the King’s right, sat up straight, dressed in a fitted dark red trouser suit, with a black satin blouse.

Seared at the head of the table, the King’s presence leaves no one present in any doubt that he is in charge here. Even dressed in a charcoal grey suit, instead of military regalia, he has the air of a field commander.

The King leans forward, looking around the assembled pillars and smiles warmly, “So?” He asks playfully, “How is everyone’s week been, so far?”

Just a few short words, to diffuse the tension in the air. He sits back, feeling a confidence, he has never had before, “Sorry, that we couldn’t meet yesterday, but matter of state required my attention. That said, I have spoken to the heads of our allies nations and confirmed that The Unwinnable War, is over.”

Nikita keeps her composure, feeling the toe of his shoe, stroke the back of her leg for a moment.

“How are we all?” He asks, warmly nodding to his sister.

“Orichalcum production is strong and our medical teams are taking a long overdue break with the cessation of hostilities.” Angela says, with a smile. “Also the orphanages are reporting dramatic improvements in behaviour. With one reporting that the residents, replanted the grounds and redecorated yesterday.”

“Excellent. Please pass my personal thanks to your alchemists and nurses. The military protects our nation, but your people protect the future of our nation.” The King says, with unbridled appreciation, “Your order are heroes in their own right.”

He nods seeing the ascent in the room and nods to Galton, “How fare ye?”

“Yai, we fare well. The new wells are up and running and the stockpiles of wine, spirits and grain are lasting well despite the celebrations.” Galton says with an air of pride.

“If the military is the strength of a nation, its farms, nourish its body and soul. You have been stalwart in your care and provision of sustenance for the nation and your people should be celebrated.” The King says, solemnly.

When the burbles of ascent due down the King turns to Cassius, “Speaking of the military, how are our troops?”

“In short, the troops are doing well, Your Majesty. Morale since the end of the war is sky rocketing. However, many are asking what happens now?” Cassius confirms.

“The war is over but we need to be ready for the next threat that we face.” The King says, solemnly.

“Very true. To that end, I have received a number of requests for aid from our allies. So much so that I am considering the formation of a first response battalion to assess threats to our allies and intervene where appropriate.” The General, confirms, before turning to Nikita, “Under the terms of many of the treaties we have with our allies, we have an obligation to support the regimes in times of war. Up till now, we haven’t been called out on it. However, with peace the requests are trickling in.”

The King nods gravely, shifting his gaze between the assembled attendees, each in turn, “We have won an Unwinnable War. Our allies will look to us to show them the way. We need to be ready to answer the call.”

Corven purses his lips and smiles subtly, but holds his tongue in that moment.

The King turns back to Cassius and proclaims “We can meet later to discuss the set up and any resources that you need.” To which, the General nods softly.

“Corven, how fares the forges?” The King asks, keeping his tone light, but sensing something on the engineers mind.

The older man smiles warmly and rises to his feet, “Things fare well, Your Majesty. You mention a need for readiness.” He nods to the assistant accompanying him, who opens his jacket and pulls out a submachine gun. “I present the Nikita two smg. This fires from a closed bolt and the slide no longer moves, meaning that the sights don’t move. With a longer barrel it is more accurate out to three hundred metres. It has a rail on top and can be fitted with any optics required. The barrel is threaded for a silencer and the under barrel rail can hold anything from a grenade launcher to a grappling gun, however as you can see from the model Arrun is carrying, the default is a fore grip.”

“That is impressive.” The King says, with a pause, before continuing, “This is the kind of thing we need.”

As the King is about to turn away from Corven, the older man, raises his hand nervously, “There is something else.”

“My apologies. Please.” The King says, leaning back in his seat.

“We have been working on a streamlined bodysuit, that could be worn by our forces to provide a level of protection. While Nikita was recovering from saving you om Daemos, we had a look at her NAKI suit and were able to reverse engineer the design, with some modifications.” He beckons his assistant.

The younger man steps forward and allows the gun to rest on its sling, when he passes the guild master the brief case.

Corven clicks the clasps on the case and opens it, pulling out a bodysuit. “May I present the Sheath. Each layer is made from woven spider silk and Orichalcum thread and between the layer is an application of impact absorbing gel.” He pauses for a moment, noticing both Cassius and the King leaning forward to take a closer look at the garment. “The inner layer is a breathable neoprene and the outer layer is treated to resist water absorption and chemical damage. Extra padding has been contoured to provide additional protection for sensitive areas.”

He holds up the suit to show it clearly, “It is lighter than the NAKI suit offering assault armour levels of protection. We are also able to use the base fabric to make civilian style clothing for covert protection.” He nods towards Nikita, adding, “If we can have your measurements and specifications, we will make you a few custom Sheaths and a full wardrobe.”

“Marvellous.” Cassius says under his breath, before asking, “When could we start an issue of these?”

“We project commencement of production within the week, with a view to each soldier having at least three within four months. The final version will have integrated holsters, sheaths, pockets and a built in heating and cooling system. The full kit includes optional additional webbing providing additional protection and load out options. Similarly constructed boots will also be supplied.”

“This is beyond what I was hoping for.” Cassius says appreciatively, “When can we have some for testing?”

Corven shrugs, “A hundred by the end of the week?”

“Perfect.” The General days, warmly.

Corven nods, with a gently smile, “The real use of this will only be apparent if a soldier’s NIAG fails.”

The King frowns, “What is a NIAG?”

Corven takes a dust pan and brush from the case, before he steps away from the table and stands against the rear wall of the suite. He nods to his assistant who snatches up the smg and opens fire at the older man.

Arrun drops the weapon once empty and drops to his knees. The shocked attendees all look stunned at Corven who uses the dustpan and brush to sweep up the bullets from the ground. Casually, he sets the pan on the table and returns to his seat.

“Nikita spoke to me and planted an idea. The idea that arresters could be recalibrated to slow incoming objects, instead of just slowing the wearer when they approach the ground.” Corven explains, barely containing his pride, “The maths was tough, but my top team hit it hard. The results are that an incoming projectile is slowed to a stop and the kinetic energy is harmlessly dispersed. This effect also applies to any form of high powered incoming energy, from thermal to sonic.”

“Are you joking?” Cassius asks, aghast, “We have a effectively got high spec body armour and a protective shield? This is a game changer.”

“No jokes, General. It is a software upgrade which can be rolled out in about a week or so.” Corven replies, then turns to Galton, “I will be sending a consignment for you to distribute to your teams. Should help with fire suppression duties.”

Galton smiles and nods a thank you whilst everyone else sits stunned at the display, until the King breaks the silence, “So, what does NIAG mean anyway?”

“Nikita Is A Genius.” Corven says, winking at the Saviour.

“Neophytos, can we rely on your discretion on these devices until they are formally announced.” The King asks, without threat.

The media Pillar, smiles and nods, “Of course Your Majesty. These devices would interest the public, but it is not in the public interest that they do just yet.”

“Thank you, for your understanding. How are the tides of public opinion?” The King asks, leaning forward intently.

“Short version. The military are heroes. Phobos is legendary. You are the greatest King ever and The Saviour is the pin up of the nation.” She outlines, in a light friendly tone, “Public trust is at an all time high in the Pillars and the monarchy. However.” She pauses, turning serious, “The release of some photos of Your Majesty and Nikita dancing during the celebrations, are fuelling speculation of an affair.”

“I see.” The King says, inscrutably, whilst stroking Nikita’s leg with his foot.

Unsure of herself, she continues, “Overall, there is support for our allies and providing assistance to them. However this may be buoyed by our victory. There is also some talk of opening ourselves up to the world.”

“I think we are some way away from opening ourselves to the world. However, assisting our allies when we are in a position to do so is definitely, a very real possibility.” The King says, calmly and warmly.

The upbeat feeling of the meeting, continues through the lunch of seared tuna and grilled vegetables with lemon cous cous.

Nikita sits back after her fourth serving thinking, “Atlantis really does have a future. Halpron has a vision and the strength and support to see it through.” She subtly gives him the side eye and thinks, “He is not only a great man, but he is a good man. The more I see, the further I fall for him. I hope he feels the same way.”

Halpron notices Nikita looking and gives her smile, thinking, “I have never felt this way about anyone before. All my life I have waited to meet someone like her. I hope I don’t mess this up.”
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Post by GreyLord »

Great writing, @wolfman. That shower scene was hot. Sizzling hot!
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 10 months ago Great writing, @wolfman. That shower scene was hot. Sizzling hot!
Thank you @GreyLord, i take that as high praise, given how hot some of the scenes are in your tales.

Thank you for your kind words
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Post by Caesar73 »

I can only repeat @GreyLord here: The shower scene is incredibly hot, hot and sensual. In my personal opinion a true piece of art. Nikita deserves all this, after all what she went through as this Saga began. These moments of bliss and happiness - one hopes they last forever. But I fear they will not. So Nikita; Enjoy the moments while they last. Somehow I have the feeling trouble is looming at the horizon ....

Chapeau @wolfman !
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 10 months ago I can only repeat @GreyLord here: The shower scene is incredibly hot, hot and sensual. In my personal opinion a true piece of art. Nikita deserves all this, after all what she went through as this Saga began. These moments of bliss and happiness - one hopes they last forever. But I fear they will not. So Nikita; Enjoy the moments while they last. Somehow I have the feeling trouble is looming at the horizon ....

Chapeau @wolfman !
Thank you for your very kind words @Caesar73, with all Nikita has faced and suffered, i wanted to make sure that the balance is at least partially restores with good things.

As for the future, who knows what may come?
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 10 months ago
As for the future, who knows what may come?
That is a good question :) Definitely Nikita deserves any moment of happiness she can get. Repeating myself here but you created a wonderful character - with so much potential.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 10 months ago
wolfman wrote: 10 months ago
As for the future, who knows what may come?
That is a good question :) Definitely Nikita deserves any moment of happiness she can get. Repeating myself here but you created a wonderful character - with so much potential.
I am working on paying back all the hardships she has faced and all the good she has done. Hopefully you will like what i have planned.

In the mean time, here is the next installment.

Nikita slips her shoes off and flexes her toes, reclining in the sumptuous arm chair. Halpron enters the room and beams a smile at Nikita. “Well done. That was a full on day.” He says, before pouring two glasses of a deep, dark red wine.

“Pillars meeting, two schools, a hospital and a war veteran’s home.” Nikita recounts, rubbing the back of her neck, “Plus, the orphanage.” She gazes up at him, “Thank you for that, I know it wasn’t on tour schedule.”

“My pleasure and thank you for suggesting it. The children have been looked after by the state, but in many ways forgotten by the people of Atlantis. It was nice to showcase them and their stories.” He says, handing her a glass of wine and setting his down on the table in front of her, before moving behind the chair. “That said, I think the orphans, got a lot out of it too. They hung on to your every word.”

Nikita sighs, feeling Halpron’s large, strong hands on her shoulders, with his thumbs kneading the muscles of her neck, “Damn, you have magic hands.” She purrs letting him work the kinks out of her neck, “I think, that the young ladies only had eyes for their ruggedly handsome king.”

“I may have had their eyes, but their ears were definitely yours. Both the boys and girls, were entranced when you spoke.” He pauses, just changing the position of his hands slightly, “Can’t say I blame them. You looked amazing.” With the middle and forefinger of his right hand he begins a pressure point massage of each of the meridians of her neck, “Mind you, you always look amazing to me.”

In Nikita’s mind, it feels as if Halpron is turning a series of keys, unlocking the knots in her neck and shoulders, “You have no idea how good that feels.” She confesses.

“It is my thank you for staying with me today. It meant a lot to have you with me.” Halpron says, gently. “I am still learning how to be a King, having you with me gives me strength.” He shifts from her neck and shoulders, guiding her back to rest her head on the chairs back. “Who am I kidding? I just love being near you.”

Nikita frowns for a moment, feeling his fingers on the top of her head, until she feels him massaging her scalp with powerful, yet tender motions, stretching and pulling the skin of her scalp enough to begin releasing its tension.

“You are amazing and you make me a better man, with every moment we share.” He says, gently feeling the tension release from her scalp.

Nikita almost feels the tension from her body, rise up to be taken away through her scalp, “Ever since we met, you have made me feel worthy. You talk to me and treat me with respect. Even in your position, you never talk down to me or seek to belittle me and you treat me as an equal.” She pauses, her words catching in her throat, “Even this massage, which is amazing by the way, make me feel worth something.” She struggles to find the right words, “Ever since I came here, I have fell better about myself. I think that maybe, just maybe I am not a monster.”

Halpron leans over the back of the chair and gently lifts her chin with a finger. “You were never a monster.” He says, softly before leaning down and tenderly kissing her lips.

Nikita pulls away and leans forward in the chair. She closes her eyes and speaks slowly and deliberately, “I have done terrible things.”

Halpron moves from behind the chair and sits on the edge of the coffee table, before her. He cups her face in his hands and softly kisses her lips, “The woman I have seen is not capable of terrible things.”

Nikita cannot stop herself from confessing, “Kim had been kidnapped and I found those that did it and slaughtered them. I took the lives of over three hundred people at Lund’s facility, I mean yes I brought them back, but I still did it. Worst of all, I killed the woman who pretended to be my brother’s girlfriend in a horrific way.”

Halpron smiles gently, “To be fair, I knew about what happened in Central Africa and even though you killed those people you brought them back. As for the people who kidnapped Kim.” He shrugs, “You killed a group of child kidnappers, it may not be a legally sound way of doing it, but at the end of the day I would have done the same. With Ivy, I don’t know the circumstances.”

“That witch killed Natalie. A wonderful, sweet girl who Jim loved and gave Sasha’s newborn son the flu, which could have killed him.” She confirms.

“You attack a child, your life is over as far as I am concerned.” Halpron says, solemnly.

“I turned her into a shoal of fish, on dry land and watched as seagulls devoured her.” Nikita confesses, fearing the worst.

“Dark, but I get it. The truth is, you want to see yourself as a monster. You have abilities which allow you to do terrible things.” He pauses, “But you have a good heart and even if you do something questionable, you do it for the right reasons.”

“Why didn’t my Mirrored Self confront me about her death?” Nikita asks, with a stark realisation.

“I don’t know for sure. But maybe sometimes, it is not enough to find the truth yourself, you have to hear it from someone else.” He offers, “Maybe a part of you, wants to believe that with all of your abilities, you must be some kind of monster.” He leans forward and hugs her tenderly, “But nothing, I have seen from you, says that is true.”

Nikita returns his embrace, wondering if there may be something in what he says. “You may have a point, the first thing I ever manifested were fangs like a vampire.” She pauses, nervously before asking, “Why are you so good to me?”

“You came to us with no reason to help us and over and over, you have given freely of yourself and changed the course of this nation. More than that, you have helped me to be a King, a warrior and a man. You light a fire in me and I feel myself falling for you.” Halpron confesses, with a peck on her cheek.

“You talk of what I have given. What about what you have given to me?” Nikita whispers, “You have believed in me, given me your trust and listened when I spoke. The ritual gave me my life back and the people of Atlantis have welcomed me without question.”

“I have to ask at this stage, what will you do once the dust settles?” He asks nervous of the answer.

She shakes her head subtly and sighs, “I have no idea. I think about going home, but I am not sure I want to go back to that life. I think about staying and wondering if I could make a life here.”

“You have a life here, that is yours for the taking. However, that doesn’t mean turning your back on your family.” He takes a deep breath, “I am here for you.”

Nikita’s breath catches in her throat, “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, just give me a chance. That’s all I ask.” Halpron says, earnestly.

Halpron wakes slowly, looking around confused. The room is dark, only illuminated by the moon hanging low in the sky.

He smiles, feeling Nikita’s body pressed against him, dressed only in a long t-shirt. Tenderly, he kisses the crown of her head, before rolling her off of him. He rises quietly to his feet and then gently scoops her up in his arms and carries her from the sofa to his bed.

Nikita murmurs softly, when he lays her down in the bed. He takes a moment to brush a stray hair from her face, then strokes her cheek with the back of his hand.

She rolls onto her side facing towards the window, as if waiting to greet the day upon her awakening. Halpron lays down behind her and wraps an arm around her, covering them both with a blanket, pulling himself close to her.

He smiles remembering the conversation on the sofa which led to the dozing in each others arms. “We have shared our hopes and dreams. Our fears and every thing in between. Talking to her is so easy. I can tell her anything without fear of judgement.” He thinks, before closing his eyes.

Softly he whispers, “I lay with you in my bed and will see you soon in my dreams.”

Sleep claims him soon after and he smiles in his bed, as he dances on a beach, with Nikita.

Nikita slowly let’s in the day, feeling the warm kiss of the sun on her face and Halpron’s warmth against her back. She snuggles into the crook of his arm and sighs to herself, “This feels so good, I want to wake every day like this.” She thinks warmly, leaning her head back on to his shoulder.

She softly kisses his arm and stretches a little, “I wonder what today will bring.” She kisses Halpron’s arm and smiles, “Whatever it is, if we are together it will be amazing.”
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Post by GreyLord »

This is sweet, @wolfman. It would be nice to keep this flavor while Halpron ties Nikita up and they have great fun together.
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Post by Caesar73 »

This is such a sweet scene Halpron massaging Nikita´s shoulders - for me this scene shows us the development of their relationship. The conversaation demonstrates that Nikita trusts Halpron: She opens up. Whatever happens: Nikita gets some recompence for all she went through - and that is a good thing to see.
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Post by wolfman »

Thank you @GreyLord and @Caesar73, I have always found in larger stories, that the quiet moments are key and i wanted to give a moment of peace for them and let their relarionship breath a little.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 10 months ago Thank you @GreyLord and @Caesar73, I have always found in larger stories, that the quiet moments are key and i wanted to give a moment of peace for them and let their relarionship breath a little.
I agree @wolfman - amongst all the action such quiet moments are important for several reasons. And surely Nikita and Halpron deserve those moments,
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Post by wolfman »

Cassius lays down the topmost file on his desk, seeing an incoming call from the King onscreen.

He smiles and opens the call, with a hearty, “Good morning, your Majesty. How does the day find you?”

The King smiles warmly on screen and returns a warm, “Very well General. What news have we?”

The General leans back in his chair and exhales slowly, “Things are going well. The first shipments of Sheaths have been received and upgrades to arresters are ahead of schedule. I must say, Corven has really done an excellent job so far.”

The King smiles and nods, “That is excellent news. Throughout the conflict he has consistently delivered and in peacetime he is just as effective.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Cassius agrees, “Phobos and his people are really stepping up as well. We have several units trained on the use of dimensional pockets and we have set up a joint military and esoterican academy to research military applications of magic.”

“Well that is interesting.” The King, says with an appreciative nod, “That would most certainly be an edge moving forward. Keep me informed, if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Of course, your Majesty.” Cassius says, before stroking his chin, “I am in the process of shortlisting recruits for a new special forces unit, with a working name of the King’s guards. We have a wide skill base but we are lacking in certain areas.”

The King shifts slightly in his seat, before answering, “What skills are we lacking? What are the options for getting them?” The King, leans forward, slightly trying to read the General. He thinks to himself, “He is touching his face. Self comforting, perhaps. He looks a little uncomfortable.”

“We are strong in most fields, particularly CQB and FIBUA through battles with the Annunakin. We lack combat engineers, small unit tactics against armed foes and number of modern warfare disciplines that the world’s militaries take for granted.” The General confesses.

The King shifts again in his seat, “We focused on what was important at the time. Now we need new thinking. What are your thoughts?” The King leans back on closes his eyes for a moment.

“I am thinking that while we are stood down from normal duties, I rotate one unit per battalion out per week for leave. I am also considering rotating out a further two per week, to assist Galton in the fields. This would also give some construction experience.” The General explains.

The King, closes his eyes for a moment considering the possibilities, “I like the idea, but rotate one to Galton and one to Corven, to widen the skills transfer. The option is there to expand the rotation of units to include secondments to the phlogiston order for medical and alchemical instruction.”

Cassius exhales slowly and nods, “That works. I will work on setting up the rotations.”

“Maybe push the ones on your shortlists to rotate first. To get a head start on technical training.” The King suggests, “When were you planning on launching the new elite forces units?”

“There is a lot to organise. Need to get a supply of weapons from earth in case we have to operate on earth. As well as full kit for various theatres of operation. Need to set up a core operational, training and deployment facility among other things. Potentially two months for formation and up to a year to operational readiness and full stockpiling.”

“That sounds ambitious but achievable. What resources do you need?” The King asks, inhaling slowly.

“I have a training cadre I can build on. We have had officers serve in world militaries and are in a place to roll out best practice to our troops. We will also begin working on our own updated manual.” Cassius confirms, cautiously.

“Sounds good to me.” The King narrows his eyes slightly and then relaxes, “General, I think we know each other well enough, that I can guess when there is something on your mind.”

Cassius has a faraway look in his eyes for a moment, before taking a deep breath, “I am thinking of asking Nikita to lead the team and pass on her knowledge. She has most of the skills we lack, plus a lot more. She is decorated back on earth for her bravery and actions and celebrated here. As a leader of the new unit, she is someone, everyone can rally behind. At this point she is a natural choice.”

The King opens his eyes and focuses on the screen again, “An interesting suggestion. I can speak to her and sound her out, see how she would feel about it.”

“Thank you, your Majesty. Any assistance you can provide in convincing her is greatly appreciated.” Cassius says, visibly relaxing.

“Of course, General. It would be my pleasure.” The King says, with a warm smile.

The back and forth continues for another half hour revolving around readiness drills, updating the civil guard and keeping the men busy now that war is not their only focus before they sign off.

The King pushes his chair back slightly and looks down between his legs. “I have no idea how you got down there after I started that call.”

Nikita kneels under the desk on her knees, her wrists cuffed together, teasing his exposed member with her tongue. She looks up with her big blue eyes and smiles playfully. “I’m sorry. I thought you might want my company. Was I mistaken, your Majesty?”

“I always want your company, but sometimes, I need to focus.” Halpron says, with a playful smile.

“Am I to assume that you would prefer me out of the way?” Nikita asks with feigned innocence.

“I would prefer you by my side.” Halpron says, reaching down to caress her cheek.

“I know that isn’t possible at the moment. But I would like that too.” Nikita says, with a touch of sadness.

“That day will come.” Halpron says, with a smile.

“Until that day, here is something for us both to think about “ Nikita says, softly.

Before he can protest, she has taken his length into her mouth and her throat engulfs him, Squeezing as she works his shaft with her mouth and tongue.”

Halpron’s eyes roll back and he places his hands on the desk. He gasps, thinking, “Oh my Gods, the things she can do.”

In the aftermath, Nikita licks him clean and wipes her mouth, before kissing him deeply.

“You are amazing.” He pants, still out of breath.

“You are my everything.” Nikita says, shocked by the confession, once made.

Halpron gets up from his chair with a troubled expression. Nikita’s eyes follow him when he steps through the door to the living room. “Would you mind joining me?”

Curious, Nikita slips out from under the desk and crosses the room, divesting the handcuffs. The long t-shirt she wears hangs loosely and ripples slightly as she moves across the room, “How may I assist you, your Majesty?”

“I need you to be serious for a bit.” Halpron says, patting the cushion next to him. “I would like us to talk in less formal surroundings than the office, but more formal than the bedroom.”

Nikita takes the seat next to Halpron and sits nervously. “About me leading the new Special Operations unit?” She asks, chewing her lip.

Halpron turns to her and nods slowly, “From our perspective it makes sense and you would be perfect for the role.” He sighs, gently, “The question is, how do you feel about it?”

Nikita closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose, before speaking, “It is flattering that you think of me for this role and hold me in such high regard.” She pauses, gathering her thoughts, before continuing.

Halpron, gently strokes her arm and softly whispers, “Whatever you say will not upset me and I support whatever decision you make.”

Nikita hangs her head and breathes out, almost as if purging her doubts, before speaking, “I had the option to join the operational side of Nirvana. I chose the rescue side, because I didn’t want to be a soldier.”

Halpron nods and closes his eyes, “I can respect that. You have the skills of an elite soldier and much more besides. However, I feel it is in the best interests of Atlantis, that you assist us on your terms. If you choose to decline this role, I will inform Cassius and it will be fine.”

“You don’t mind?” Nikita asks, genuinely surprised.

“I respect you enough to accept the path you choose. You have given so much, we cannot ask for more.” Halpron says, with a gentle smile.

“I am conflicted, I wish to help, however, I don’t want to lead an offensive unit.” Nikita responds, regretfully.

Halpron strokes the stubble on his chin and shrugs, “Most of the action we get will be in response to requests for aid. How about a unit focused on rescue and disaster relief, whatever form it takes?”

Nikita pauses thoughtfully, “Maybe.” The runs the thought, through her mind, mulling it over before adding, “I will need to think about it.”

Nikita sits quietly for a moment, before rising to her feet, “I am really sorry. Would you please excuse me for a moment? Xang has returned.”

Halpron gazes up at her somewhat confused but nods, “Yes of course. I don’t wish to capitalise all of your time.”

Nikita’s eyes go wide, fearfully, “No, no, no. Sorry, but he has been on an errand for me and I need to make sure he is OK. I shouldn’t be long, if you would have me back in your chambers.”

Halpron relaxes his posture, “Of course. You are in my heart always, you are welcome to enter my chamber, whenever you wish.”

“I will return soon. I promise.” Nikita says, moving to leave, “I really am flattered. I will consider it and give you my final answer.”

“Hey Chief. How is it going? Can’t leave you alone for five minutes, without you raising hell.” Xang says, reclining on Nikita’s sofa, his hand resting on a large suitcase.

“Welcome back. How are you?” Nikita asks, beaming a smile.

“Seems I missed out on all the action.” Xang says, taking a sip of beer from a frosty bottle. “Been busy, I hear.”

“Yeah. It has been a little rugged. We could have used you to be fair.” Nikita confesses, with a shrug, “How was the trip?”

Xang taps the case, “Was just where you said it would be. Had a few problems with connecting flights through Jakarta. Was glad of being able to hide it away.” He takes another draught from his bottle, “What is it any way?”

Nikita winks, crossing the room to pick it up. She gently lays the case down on the counter then unlocks it with her finger print. “My past.” She says enigmatically, before checking the contents.

Xang let’s the answer hang in the air, sensing that Nikita will speak when she is ready. Meanwhile he surreptitiously glances over her shoulder at the machine in the case.

Nikita silently crosses the room and pours four fingers of ice cold scotch from a bottle in the freezer and sets it before her Herald. Then she explains what he has brought back and why secrecy was paramount.

By the time she has finished, she has poured him another two glasses of scotch and confirmed that the machine works.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by GreyLord »

Great build-up leaving us, in the end, wondering what was in the suitcase. As always, wonderful writing Grand Master @wolfman.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

My personal favourite? The dialogue between Halpron and Nikita. Halpron acts sensitive, caring, not building up pressure. Excellent.
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 10 months ago Great build-up leaving us, in the end, wondering what was in the suitcase. As always, wonderful writing Grand Master @wolfman.
All will be revealed soon enough. Thank you for you kind words.
Caesar73 wrote: 10 months ago My personal favourite? The dialogue between Halpron and Nikita. Halpron acts sensitive, caring, not building up pressure. Excellent.
Nikita and Halpron have a relationship based upon mutual respect, both personally and professionally. This is where we start ro see it grow a little.

More will come about how tis manifests in their daya and how their relationship is deepening
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Millennial Club
Posts: 4992
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 10 months ago
More will come about how tis manifests in their daya and how their relationship is deepening
I am looking forward to wherever you will take us on this journey!
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