mrjones2009 : Nothing Personal 3 - Criminal Intent (F/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

I like your style of writing. The Story is thorougly thought through and very well written! Good work!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the insights, we get, of the thoughts and feelings of our heroines. For example: Haleys and Natalies Frustration over the dire situation, they are in. Haleys last thought at the end of this chapter, about getting a fresh diaper, shows this clearly. The Situation must seem hopeless.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 17

The door opened and Louise Williams strolled into the cabin, all three of the bound captives lying on the bed reacted to the noise. “Nice to see I can still make an entrance. Please don’t get up” Louise said. “Ladies please untie our captives but leave the gags in place at the moment. Quickly the cords were removed from all three captive’s wrists and ankles and they found themselves standing at the end of the bed facing Louise Williams with Munroe, Garrett and Martinez standing behind her to dissuade any of the captives making any kind of move. “Ladies in the interests of maintaining good relations I have decided to grant you a brief period of relief from restrain. There is food and drinks on the table in the corner, you can use the toilet to freshen up and there are fresh diapers and down suits in the cupboard. You will have thirty minutes until we return to restrain and sedate you for the remainder of the journey. How you use that time is your business but it will be the last time that you are not bound and gagged until we reach our destination.” Louise turned and left the cabin with the other three women trailing shortly after. On the way out Martinez

“Those bags look very comfy and cosy all lofted up like that, don’t they detective I bet that you can’t wait to get inside them again. They should be fully puffed up by the time we come back” Martinez said quietly into Natalie’s ear. “It will happen soon, something to look forward to.” Natalie had noted that for some reason Martinez now was taking particular pleasure in tying and restraining her.

After door was closed then locked Hayley pointed at her gag and Natalie took the hint and untied the scarf allowing Hayley to spit out the cloth.

“At last half an hour without being bound and gagged” Hayley said as she untied the knot and removed Natalie’s gag after which they hugged.

“MMMMMMMMMMM” mumbled Gayle.

“Sorry honey; got a bit carried away there” Hayley replied and hurried across to untie the scarf used to gag Gayle. Once the knot was loosened enough the scarf slipped to around Gayle’s neck and Gayle was able to use her slender fingers and removed the scrunched up cloth from her mouth. Hayley was already on her way to the bathroom, down suit already half undone and thrown from her shoulders.

“Thanks for that. Could someone explain what the hell is going on hear exactly” Gayle said with exasperation. “I seem to have been abducted for some reason and I have no idea why!” Gayle heard the sound of running water and turned to see Hayley’s head peak out from behind the door frame.

“First things first, let’s all grab a two minute shower get dressed then have a chat” with that she was gone into the shower.

“You can go next whilst I look out the costume change……..sorry what was your name again” Natalie said heading for the wardrobe.

“Gayle Hutton.” Gayle sat and wondered exactly how bad her current position was.

The three women had showered and were all standing in a rough circle wrapped in the large fluffy towels, Hayley held three large thick diapers in her hands. “Anybody know how to put one of these on?”

“I have a young nephew. I will put the clean diapers on you two if you promise to do mine” replied Gayle lifting a box of talcum powder. “Just lie back on the bed with your head on a pillow and lift your hips when I tell you.” Hayley and Natalie both complied and Gayle quickly applied the diapers. Hayley got up and walked around and patted her diaper in various locations making slight adjustments to make it more comfortable.

“Fits perfectly, thanks for doing that Gayle.”

“Snap” Natalie seconded.

“Now your turn” Hayley reminded Gayle waiving the diaper in the air. Gayle turned red. “I know it is embarrassing honey but, better than the alternative.” Gayle nodded in agreement and lay down on the bed. With that job complete all three put on the spare down suits.

“Now will you tell me what is going on?” asked Gayle. Natalie and Hayley looked at each other before Natalie signalled for Hayley to start, so she did with introductions then Hayley quickly ran through the ancient history then the more recent stuff about the kidnappings and property deal and her investigation and getting grabbed at the charity ball. Natalie chimed in occasionally with comments or other details. “So I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?”

“Looks like it Gayle, it happens to the best of us” Hayley said with a reassuring smile.

“So you two have history with these criminals?” asked Gayle.

“Yes well some of them” Natalie replied.

“Do we make some kind of escape attempt before we get to where they want to take us?” Gayle asked.

“I don’t think so Gayle” replied Hayley, that response brought a slump in Gayle’s shoulders. “Purely a strategic decision at the moment Gayle, there are three of us and at least ten of them. I don’t fancy our chances for overpowering some or all of them then getting off the boat. We could be miles from the coast.”

“So we just let these women bind us again?”

“No other options” Hayley replied.

“Knuckle down and hope that our friends come and find us whilst trying to come up with our own plan to escape when we get the opportunity” Natalie said. Hayley only hoped that Natalie was correct as until now their abductors hadn’t made a mistake that would allow an escape attempt. Suddenly the door opened, half hour must be up. Louise Williams entered the cabin followed by Peel, Munroe, Garrett and Martinez. They have come mob handed thought Hayley to try ensure that we comply.

“Play time is over ladies, back to business. Full restrains obviously ladies but you can forgo the blindfolds and gags at the moment. I will leave this to the professionals” Statement of intent over Louise Williams exited.

“Stand up ladies, hands out in front” Martinez seemed to have taken charged following the exit of Louise Williams. Martinez, Peel and Munroe approached the three captives, each held a bag containing the supplies that they would need to bind there respective captive. Garrett had entered carrying a collapsible bed and was currently in the process of putting it together. Two on the bed and one on the cot Hayley assumed. Her attention was soon back to the person in front of her as Munroe approached and produced a pair of thickly padded finger control mitts from the bag and placed them on each of Hayley’s hands in turn, securing each mitt at the wrist using the small leather straps. Next the padded leather cuffs were placed on Hayley’s wrists and bucked tightly, securely binding Hayley’s wrists close together allowing little movement. Then Munroe produced two of the now familiar nylon straps and used them to ping Hayley’s arms to her body. A quick glance to her left told her that Natalie and Gayle had been restrained in identical fashion. Hayley and Natalie were them moved away from the bed, passing Garrett on the way carrying two of the large, thickly down filled restraining bags which she place carefully onto the bed. Hayley and Natalie watched as Peel made Gayle sit her diapered bottom on the inside of a bag and secured her legs with three of the nylon straps. Gayle then swung her legs up and into the bag which Peel closed and zipped up. Between them Peel and Garrett picked up the outer restraining bag and slipped the inner bag that contained Gayle into a further down filled cocoon. Then to Hayley’s surprise Garrett produced a bottle of chloroform and poured the liquid onto a cloth which she wasted no time in placing over Gayle’s nose and mouth. Hardly any movement was visible from within the restraining bags as Gayle succumbed to the fumes. Peel and Garrett then picked up the down filled package that contained Gayle and carefully placed her onto the cot bed, her head on two pillows that had been put at one end.

“Was there any need for that?” Hayley asked.

“Unfortunately there is” Martinez replied “we need to show you how helpless your current position is. Don’t worry Natalie. I will be attending to your restraint and sedation personally.”

“Me next” Hayley volunteered. Hayley relaxed as she went through the same process as Gayle. Once the restraining had been completed they didn’t knock her out but went straight to restraining Natalie as she could feel or perhaps a better description would be sense that Natalie was now lying beside her on the bed. It was really hard to tell inside the down filled cocoon she now found herself. There was also now the familiar noise of small movements against the smooth fabric of the restraining bags rubbing. “Time for a nap ladies, when you wake up we shouldn’t be far from our destination.” With that Hayley saw a pad of cotton wool come towards her and face. There was nothing that she could do as the pad was placed over her nose and mouth. Even before she could smell the fumes Hayley knew that it would be doused with chloroform.

The ceiling above her was still moving but to Hayley it felt that it was just bobbing about, there was no real motion as if they had stopped. Hayley had woken around ten minutes previously having no idea how long she had been out. Garrett, Munroe and Martinez had all come into the cabin and knocked all three of them out at least once each during the journey. Martinez took great glee in confirming that they were having a party in the main cabin to celebrate. Great Hayley thought. Then the door to the cabin opened again and the now familiar voice of Louise Williams said “Ladies we have arrived at your final destination.” When there was no response from the three cocooned women she continued “Well it may be your last chance to chat for a while but it is your choice. Garrett I will leave it to you to get the captives to their room in the main house. I have a catch up with the boss in ten.”

Hayley could hear footsteps then heard a zip and felt the pressure release over her body, then her outer restraining bag was slipped away and removed and the inner bag unzipped and flipped open. Without having to be asked Hayley swung her legs out of the bag and onto the floor. The nylons straps were removed and Hayley stood up. Before she could say anything a cloth was stuffed into her mouth and a silk scarf used to keep it in place. Next a sleep mask was placed over her eyes and everything went black. “Hayley unfortunately the boss insists on this for all new guests.” It was Garrett doing the talking. Guests, Hayley thought that was a quaint way to describe the current situation. “I have to insert earplugs to block out clear noises.” This really was taking it to extreme measures Hayley thought but in her present condition wasn’t in any position to argue. Hayley stood still as she felt Garrett insert the earplugs delicately into first her left then right ear in turn. Once they had been out it every sound took on a quality like Hayley was underwater. Hayley stood perfectly still and assumed that both of her fellow captives and been given the same treatment. Then Hayley jumped as without warning she felt someone grab her upper arm and push her along. Taking the subtle hint Hayley kept her feet moving and allowed herself to be lead out of the cabin, along the short corridor, up a set of stairs and out onto the deck of the boat, not that Hayley could be 100% sure where she was at this point.

Hayley, Natalie and Gayle were lead from the boat onto the dock. On the dock they were then stopped and stood still for a minute whilst all of the straps and cuffs on binding their arms were removed before being forced down into a large, old fashioned style wheelchair with raised backs that went above the head of the person in them. Each wheelchair had heavy, padded straps strategically located to secure someone into the chair. There was nothing that Hayley, Natalie or Gayle could do to resist so they sat in complete stillness as thickly padded leather straps were used to secure them into the wheelchairs. The straps were located at both ankles, across the thighs, stomach, chest, wrists and upper arms. Once the buckles had been tightened on the straps there was absolutely no room for movement, it was as if they were part of the wheelchair.

Before they were wheeled off a thin band of hard plastic was secured around each of Hayley, Natalie and Gayle’s left ankle. A small light blinked on each of the bands to indicate that it was operational.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I always wonder about the name of Elizabeth Crawfords Island 😉 I think of it as Alcatraz or Chateau d' If of Alexandre Dumas. That leaves only one Question open: Where is Abbe Fariah? :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 18

The three women had been sitting in the room strapped to the wheelchairs for around an hour when the door opened. Louise Williams entered and walked up to Hayley. Louise could tell that despite being blindfolded and having earplugs in Hayley could tell that someone had entered the room. Louise removed Hayley’s gag, blindfold and earplugs before moving on and doing the same with Natalie and Gayle. As she walked behind the wheelchairs Louise noted that the pairs of restraining bags were already lying out on the beds lofting up nicely. Louise felt three pairs if eyes staring at her as she went to the corner of the room to fetch a chair which she positioned in the centre of the wheelchairs which has been left in a rough half circle.

“You girls sure don’t take any chances with possible escape attempts” Natalie said. Louise met her gaze and just shrugged by way of a reply.

“Ladies we have already met but to confirm my name is Louise Williams and I suppose I am here to give you the standard introduction. Welcome to Tranquil Island, a paradise on earth. We hope that you enjoy your stay with us” Louise said changing the tone of her voice to match a rep at some cheap holiday resort. Taking a pause Louise continued, her voice taking on a slight air of menace “in all seriousness listen carefully. I shall say this only once. You are on an island, the only practical way off is by helicopter or boat. There is always the option of swimming but even I don’t know exactly how far away the next inhabited piece of land is.” Louise paused to let that sink in. “There will be times when you will be restrained and also sedated however if you behave you will be allowed to roam the island relatively freely and gain privileges such as use of the beach and if you so desire some of the sports facilities. We aren’t monsters. Lastly I would like to draw your attention to the band around each of your left ankles. It is a tracking device that is monitored by our security team so we know where you are at all times. Someone will be along to take you out of those chairs and into the comfort of the now familiar restraining bags shortly. Anybody have any questions?” There were no responses. Louise stood up and moved the chair back to the corner of the room. “Unfortunately the gags and other stuff have to go back before I leave.” Louise made her way across and began the process of gagging, blindfolding and replacing the earplugs. Louise started with Natalie and once the task was completed stood behind Gayle.

“How long will we be kept here?” Gayle finally asked.

“I honestly don’t know Gayle. The boss makes those decisions. The good news is I think that she wants to keep you rather than send you on so that’s good news.” Before there could be any kind of response Louise forced the cloth into Gayle’s mouth and tied a scarf to secure it in place. Louise finished with Gayle then completed the task with Hayley without any further interruptions.

Louise exited the room and found Garrett and Munroe standing in the corridor waiting for instructions. Louise picked up her phone and watch from the table outside the room. You weren’t allowed to take either into a room where a captive was held. Glancing at her watch she issued instructions. “Another hour in the chairs and then get them fed, watered, freshened up, in the bags and onto the beds. The boss wants full restrictions with only the minimum breaks for a week before she even considers granting concessions.” Garrett and Munroe nodded confirmation before Louise turned and walked down the corridor. It had been a long and stressful job and she was planning to unwind in the spa with a bottle of wine.

Chapter 19

6 days later at the offices of King & Co Investigations

There was a knock on the door and everyone turned toward it. Christina, Gillian, Michelle, Rhiannon and Jane looked at each other before Michelle walked over and opened the door. The group had been sitting around for what seemed an eternity. They had all been brought together in the common cause for locating and rescuing their abducted friends Hayley King and Natalie Twain.

Michelle had become concerned about her employer and friend when Hayley didn’t respond to her texts or telephone calls. After they had went unanswered for a day Michelle decided visit Hayley’s loft apartment. Using the set of keys that Hayley had given to her for emergencies Michelle entered the apartment and had been very surprised by what she had found in the kitchen / dining area. Christina Howard and her sister eating breakfast from bowls. Michelle stood still and Christina stood and approached, reading the body language Christina managed to clamp a hand over Michelle’s mouth in time to smoother the scream. “Hayley has been abducted. Calm down, have a seat and I will explain everything. Then I need your help.” Michelle nodded and once Christina’s hand was removed the two sat down. Christina then ran through what had happened and what she knew from beginning to end, missing out the part where she had betrayed Hayley to the kidnappers in exchange for her sister. When Christina had finished Michelle considered what she had just heard and pulling out her phone said “I think I know someone who can help.”

The sky darkened and then the rain started to pound against the window. The weather reflected Gillian’s mood at the present time. Gillian had done some further digging on the irregularities with the paperwork as Section 10. They were there and they seemed to point toward Martinez. However before Gillian could present her case to the top brass Martinez launched a pre-emptive strike, fabricated evidence against her and prompt suspended Gillian with immediate effect. Martinez even had two security team officers around to revoke her security clearance and escort her off the premises. Martinez even threatened to detain her in the facility if she didn’t leave peacefully. That was before Martinez went on annual leave last week, leaving Gillian in limbo. Nobody above Martinez would trust what Gillian said even if she did have copies of her evidence on her personal computer. Then her mobile rang, the display told her it was Michelle calling. After answering the phone Gillian was greeted with a stream of words that she could only pick out some important words like, Hayley, abducted and another name that she hoped never to hear again. “Michelle, calm down and start again.” Michelle finished. “Put her on” Gillian said and waited as the phone was handed over “Christina I am on my way over. Your story better be convincing.”

Rhiannon Scott who shared a flat with Natalie returned from vacation to find Jane Robbie coming out of her bedroom. Rhiannon picked up a handily placed hockey stick and waived it in the general direction of Jane who held up her hands, trying to look unthreatening. “Who the hell are you?” Rhiannon shouted. Jane didn’t answer right away. The sneaky hot babe with the hockey stick didn’t look that intimidating.

“Could ask you the same questions?” Jane retorted.

“My name is Rhiannon Scott and I live here. Where is Natalie?”

“I haven’t seen or heard from her for more than a week. If you stop wielding the hockey stick I will tell you the story.” Rhiannon lowered the stick but kept it by her side. Jane realised that this was as good as it was going to get and began her story.

The group had joined forces and investigated but without Hayley and Natalie’s instincts and contacts they didn’t make any progress. That was where the group found themselves, sitting around the table in Hayley’s office when Detective John Smith entered the room and took one of the seats around the table. The women could tell from the detective’s demeanour that things hadn’t gone great. Eventually Michelle decided to ask the question. “So what happened?”

“Well we brought Alexander in but he didn’t spill anything.”

“What do you mean? Why didn’t you confront him?” Rhiannon asked.

“What with? Trust me we got the full court press but there isn’t real evidence. The only two things that we have are Christina seeing him at the gala ball with Louise Williams and somebody who may be Elizabeth Crawford plus that he got permission for his development. Neither of which are really caught red handed stuff” Smith explained calmly. “His lawyer got him released pretty quickly.”

“There must be something that you can do? We need to find something that will give us a clue to where they have taken Natalie and Hayley” Michelle chipped in.

“Not really. The alleged victims, including your sister” Smith pointed at Christina “aren’t willing to make a statement.”

“Well even if they did what could they tell the police. I went through it with my sister and she couldn’t describe any of the people that took her accurately and had no idea where she was kept. Plus that wouldn’t give us a direct link to Alexander” Christina replied. The room fell into a resigned silence.

“What’s the plan of action then?” Rhiannon asked of the group.

“Crawford would be too careful to leave anything incriminating lying around” Smith said.

“You’re right detective. But what about Martinez?” it was Christina again.

“Searched her house but didn’t come up with anything. She had cleaned it pretty well.”

“What about her office?”

“We would never get authorisation to search a federal facility on what evidence we have at the moment” stated Smith,

“What about an unofficial search?” Christina just let the idea float out there.

“Christina my electronic pass was cancelled by Martinez when she suspended me after framing me for the missing supplies and dodgy paperwork” Gillian was almost shouting. “Even if I could get into the facility my pass wouldn’t get me into her……” Gillian trailed off as if something had just come to mind.

“What is it Gillian?” asked Rhiannon.

“Martinez kept a room in on the top floor of the Section 10 facility. She used it occasionally for staying overnight. It was the only room in the entire place that had a traditional lock on it. Martinez kept the only key. If she left in a hurry there might still be something left in there.”

“How do we get into the room if we don’t have the key?” Michelle asked.

“If only we had a professional thief that could pick locks……..” Rhiannon said whilst staring at Jane who hadn’t said a word during this entire exchange.

“Leave me out ladies! It sounds like there could be a lot of law enforcement interest here. Which is something that I try to avoid at all costs” Jane replied.

“Look you owe Natalie and Hayley. If it wasn’t for them you would either be in a cell or maybe captive at the hands of Crawford right now” Rhiannon replied her voice rising slightly.

“Alright but if you are serious then we…”

“Stop right there ladies” Smith interrupted. “I need to leave now before this discussion goes any further. I can let myself out.” With that Smith got up from his chair and hurried out the door. All of the women had turned to watch Smith leave.

“I was going to say we need a plan. And probably a bit of luck” finished Jane.

“We will need a security card to get into the building and through most of the doors. They won’t be easy to come by” Gillian chimed in.

“How would we get one Gillian?” Christian asked. Gillian started to pace around the room thinking things through.

“We would need to take a chance. If we just steal one it will be deactivated as soon as it is reported missing.”

“What about stealing one from somebody that is on holiday?” Michelle chimed in.

“Policy is that if you are going on holiday then the security card has to stay at the facility after your last shift. We are going to have to take one from someone who stays off-site then keep them from reporting it.”

“How do we do that?” said Jane, running both hands through her hair.

“Ladies I think that I have a plan.” Everyone stopped and look at Christina. “But I don’t think that you are going to like it.” Christina explained her plan to the others. Nobody said a word as Christina ran through her plan. Halfway through Gillian grabbed a pen and paper and started listing names and working out shift patterns. By the time Christina had finished Gillian had circled a name on the sheet of paper. “Gillian you can’t go in. They know that you are suspended. It would raise too many red flags.”

“That leaves us one short. We need somebody to cover the security desk on the top floor whilst Jane takes on the locks.”

“What about me?” Rhiannon offered. Christina looked her in the eye.

“You sure you are up for this?” Gillian asked whilst at the same time scrolling through her phone.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Rhiannon answered.

“Good” Gillian replied holding her phone up so that everyone could see the photograph that she had brought up “because I picked this lady for a reason. She looks very much like you.” The rest of the group crowded round to take a look. The consensus was that the resemblance was uncanny.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, and now the rescue Mission is one the way. Let's see how it unfolds :D Louise Williams is an interessting character. I find her the only villain in this Story, I can in some ways sympathize with. She is not an Uberbitch like Martinez or especially Crawford.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 20

The door opened and in entered two women, one was the woman Hayley knew as Garrett or Kirsty, the other one, the woman with the Russian accent was pushing one of the large old fashioned wheelchairs that had been used to transport the three captives from the boat. All three women looked at each other after taking in the strange attire of the women. Hayley, Natalie and Gayle had been free of their restraints for about an hour. It was a bit strange as they had been kept bound for virtually the entire time that they had been held captive, now after being knocked out they had come round to find that they were not restrained within large down filled bags. They had looked around the room for a way out. The windows didn’t open and the glass was very thick, nothing doing there. The door was blank on the inside, no handle to turn of hinges to tamper with. Natalie had commented that they seem to have thought of everything. Hayley commented that they had obviously prepared well. There were three double beds in the room, the wardrobe, in addition to spare down filled suits contained clothes that would fit all three women; there were even three toothbrushes in the ensuite bathroom.

“Hayley the boss wants to see you” Garrett announced. The reason that Hayley, Natalie and Gayle glanced at each other was that both women wore old fashioned style large ball gown style dresses, well at the least the skirts of the dresses. The top half of any dress would be obscured by the down coat that Garrett and the Russian were wearing. Although the outfits were identical in nature the colours were different, pastel shades of blue for Garrett and pink for the Russian.

“What’s the wheelchair for?” asked Hayley

“We aren’t carrying you” replied the Russian.

“I am capable of walking” retorted Hayley

“Not when you are sleeping” replied the Russian as she reached into the pocket of her down filled coat and produced a bottle and cloth. “Don’t worry is only chloroform.”

“Look I had worked that one out. Not my first time at that rodeo. Come on ladies no need for that. I will comply.” Hayley was trying to negotiate not being knocked out yet again. “Besides if you keep using the chloroform you will soon need to hold the cloth over my nose and mouth for five minutes before I enter the land of nod.”

“Sorry we have orders from Ms Williams. For the moment nobody leaves this room without being knocked out.” Whilst talking the Russian doused the cloth with chloroform, “We can do this the easy way where you just let me put the cloth over your nose and mouth and you relax, take nice deep breaths or you can struggle and have a fight. Either way you end up out.” Hayley resigned to her fate nodded and the two women approached, the fabric of their large dresses swishing as they walked. The Russian who had the cloth walked behind Hayley.

“Shouldn’t we get to know each other better first? What’s your name anyway? We can’t keep calling you the Russian.” Hayley questioned. Suddenly the woman brought the cloth around and clamped it over Hayley’s nose and mouth. Although she knew it was coming Hayley still recoiled slightly. “If it makes you feel better then you can call Yelena. Just take the deep breathes and inhale the sweet fumes” said the Russian. Hayley relaxed and inhaled the fumes from the cloth. After several breaths Hayley felt herself starting to relax and felt a tingle in her arms and legs. Her mind started to get confused and her eyelids went getting harder to keep open. Eventually she couldn’t stand any longer and fell back into Yelena. Yelena had been practising and was now skilled in the art of sedation and kept the chloroform cloth clamped over Hayley’s nose and mouth until Hayley went all the way out.

“You pair keep back unless you want to us to use the cloth on you.” Garrett growled. Natalie and Gayle both nodded and looked on as the two women wearing the large dresses lifted Hayley and put her in the wheelchair. Garrett and Yelena worked methodically to secure the padded straps to Hayley’s wrists, upper arms, chest, stomach, thighs, and ankles. After completing that task Yelena wheeled Hayley out of the room closely followed by Garrett.

“Where do you think they are taking Hayley?” Gayle asked Natalie.

“I have no idea but hopefully they treat her alright”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t think about it Gayle. Let’s try and keep positive. Control what we can.”

“Like what. We are their captives. They have total control!!” Gayle was starting to get hysterical. Natalie had to keep her calm. Get her focused on something.

“Well like gather all the information we can. Even something that seems like a negative can be useful.” Natalie could see that she was winning the fight to calm Gayle down. “We know that we are being held on an island, we know that there are at least six of them, we know the names of those six and we know that they are professional. The more we know the better our chances of one those bits of information being useful.” Gayle nodded and headed for the bathroom. Natalie wondered if it was Gayle’s spirits she was trying to keep up or her own.

Half an hour later

Hayley came round and shook her head clear. Hayley’s body was starting to get used to her being chloroformed now as they after effects were not as severe. She didn’t know whether this was a good or bad thing. Hayley assessed her situation. She was lying on a large four poster bed. There were padded cuffs around both of her ankles and both of her wrists. Each of these cuffs was attached by black rope to each corner of the bed meaning that her arms were in a slightly awkward position with her hands just above her shoulders and her legs were spread open. Hayley tried the bindings, there was bit of give in the restraints, she could move around and squirm but there was no chance of getting off the bed. Hayley also noted that she was naked apart from the fresh diaper that had been put on whilst she had been unconscious. This diaper was different to the previous diapers that she had been forced to wear. This one looked and felt thicker and a floral patterned design on it. Looking around the room Hayley couldn’t see much as the heavy drapes were closed over the window and the lighting was at a very low level but from what she could see would describe the room as opulent. The thick pillows and duvet on the bed were covered in silk bedding.

“Nice to see you are awake Ms King” said a voice from the other side of the room. Hayley guessed the owner of the voice from the accent, it was Elizabeth Crawford. Hayley saw the woman approach from the out of the gloom as she made her way to the bed and sat gown near the top. Hayley decided to get straight to the point; then noticed that Elizabeth was wearing a long down filled coat. What was it was these people and down filled clothing?

“How long do you plan to keep us hear Mrs Crawford?”

“Please call me Elizabeth”

“Alright Lizzie! How long do you and your creepy sidekicks plan to keep Natalie, Gayle and I captive on your weird little island?” Hayley’s voice took on an angry tone and got louder as the sentence went on. Something crossed Elizabeth Crawford’s face and Hayley instantly regretted what she had said. Lesson learned; don’t talk back to the boss.

“I heard that you were feisty and had a bit of a mouth. Let’s see if we can do something about that.” Hayley didn’t like the sound of that and watched on Liz opened a drawer in the bedside cabinet and produced a cloth and a large pillow gag with a leather strap. Hayley had managed to raise her head enough to get a look at the other contents of the drawer and didn’t think she liked where this was heading.

“Look can’t we discuss this. Not a fan of foreign objects in my mouth” Hayley said.

“Unfortunately no” was the reply as Liz lightly grasped Hayley’s chin, “now open wide. I thought that you would be used to this by now.” Hayley found the cloth stuffed into her mouth this was then supplemented by the pillow gag to hold it in place. Liz reached round and tightened the buckle on the leather strap at the back of Hayley’s head to keep the gag in place which forced the cloth deeper into Hayley’s mouth. “There that’s much better.”

“MMMMMPPPPHHHH” was the only noise that Hayley could make as the gag was effective.

“Hayley you are a very, very beautiful woman and I think you and I are going to have lots of fun for as long as you are a guest here.” Liz stood up and ran a finger slowly down Hayley’s body from just under her chin to where the diaper started then unzipped her down coat and let it fall to onto the carpet, exposing the fact that she was only wearing skimpy red lingerie. Hayley closed her eyes, now she was sure that she wasn’t going to like where this was going.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Lizzie is an absolute bitch. She reminds me of Dolores Umbrige - well Crawford is prettier, I have to admitt. Poor Haley ......
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the short Dialogue between Natalie and Gayle after Haley was carted of to Crawford. It shows how difficult it is to keep morale up in this situation. No chance für escape. Not knowing what the Future will bring. The doubt, on the verge of dispair. Good work!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 21

The last thing that Hayley remembered was the smell of chloroform coming from the dust mask that Elizabeth Crawford had placed over her nose and mouth. For a change Hayley had welcomed the fumes and gladly taken deep breaths welcoming the darkness when it had come. To Hayley’s surprise when she found that she was not bound to the bed or gagged. There was a patterned silk gown on the bed next to her. Hayley assumed that this was for her so decided to put in on. It felt very smooth against her skin, which at this point didn’t feel at its best. Hayley walked around the room, her feet digging into the deep carpet to see if she could find anything useful. Her search was not fruitful and was interrupted by the door opening. Elizabeth Crawford entered carrying what Hayley could tell was a down suit and a diaper. “I hope that you enjoyed that as much as I did Hayley” Elizabeth said as she made her way to the bed to deposit the items on it. A shiver ran down Hayley’s back. She also noted that Elizabeth had changed into clothes and judging by the condition of Crawford’s hair was freshly showered. God, Hayley thought there was a good chance she would kill for a shower right now.

“Can’t remember a thing actually” Hayley replied. Hopefully that sounded more confident than it felt thought Hayley. Elizabeth Crawford moved away from the bed and toward a door. Hayley watched as the door was pushed open to reveal a large bathroom.

“I have a treat for you Hayley; a nice hot bath to soak in, soothing oils, fancy bubbles, aromatics, the works.” Hayley looked on stunned. This woman that had used her just a couple of hours ago was now offering her a reward.

“I would get into the bath before it cools down Hayley.” Crawford must have seen the look of confusion on Hayley’s face. As if this would explain it Crawford said “remember what Louise said about behaving and privileges. You have forty five minutes until the guards come to take you back. Be diapered and suited up when they arrive” With that Elizabeth Crawford turned and left the room.

Hayley thought about refusing the luxury on principal but personal hygiene got the better of her. Hayley entered the bathroom to find a large bath filled with steaming hot water, bubbles and judging by the gorgeous smell that greeted her lots of relaxing aromatics as promised. Well Hayley thought no point in letting it go to waste and she had definitely earned some reward. Stripping off her diaper and throwing it in the waste bin she plunged in. Lying back and trying to relax Hayley noticed a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates on a shelf within easy reach and decided to help herself.

The bath was heaven sent; it even had a massage setting. Hayley enjoyed the luxury for as long as possible before stepping out and drying off with a large fluffy towel. Hayley made her way reluctantly to the bed and picked up the diaper that Elizabeth Crawford had left. Hayley had never even put a diaper on a baby let alone herself, her only experience was being directed by Gayle on the boat earlier this week, or was it last week. Hayley unfolded the large, thick diaper and laid it flat in the middle of the bed. With a bit of effort Hayley managed to position her bottom over the centre of the diaper, sat down then lay flat on her back. Craning her neck to get a good view Hayley fumbled about with the front and sticky straps until she was satisfied that it was securely in place. Given how long she had been kept restrained for long periods of time and leakage was not an option. Hayley climbed off the bed and unfolded the down filled suit, stepped into the legs and put the suit on, zipping up the front. Hayley then sat on the bed and awaited the guards.

A couple of minutes later the door opened and the same two women who had brought her to the room appeared to take her back, again with the large old fashioned wheelchair. Hayley lay down on the bed. “Hit me with the chloroform ladies. A nap would be great right now.”

“Not this time Hayley. Mrs Crawford said that there would be no need for the return trip as long as you are blindfolded and gagged. Mrs Crawford said that it was your decision.” Hayley sat up on the bed.

“Wait, I get to choose?”

“Correct. What will it be; chloroform or blindfold and gag?” said Garrett

“Tough choice but I will go for blindfold and gag combination.” With that Hayley surprised her two captors by bounding across and sitting in the chair. “Strap me in ladies.” Taking great care with her dress Yelena kneeled down and stared to strap Hayley into the chair starting with the ankles straps. Although the straps were padded Hayley winced slightly as Yelena tightened the buckle on the strap. They did like to make sure the straps were secure Hayley thought. “Ladies are those outfits comfortable? Used to wear something similar at work, always liked it very lady like I thought.”

“Going to hurry up and gag her Garrett” said Yelena without looking up. “All this talk is bothering me.” Hayley made a mental note that Yelena may have a short fuse.

“How do you get that billowing effect on the dress? Is it a light frame or underskirts?” Hayley continued to talk before a cloth was forced into her mouth silencing her. This was followed by a pillow gag that was buckled behind her head. Hayley shrugged as Yelena secured the strap across her thighs that secured her to the seat of the chair then the strap across the stomach that secured her to the back of the chair, pressing her into the soft padding. Next Yelena secured Hayley’s wrist and upper arms to the chair using straps. Finally Garret lowered the blindfold or more accurately sleep mask over Hayley’s eyes blocking out the light. Hayley felt the brakes release on the chair as she was wheeled away. Hayley assumed that they would not take the most direct way back to the room to try and disorientate her; it is what she would have done in their position. Hayley was felt that she was wheeled down a corridor then stopped. Hayley was spun round and then moved backwards into a lift. Hayley was trying to take in am much as possible with her ears. At the moment all she could hear was the swishing and rubbing of fabric from the dresses worn by her captors. Hayley was guessing that it was underskirts rather than a frame under the outer skirts at this point. After the lift had gone up, down and back up again they exited and after another period of movement paused. Hayley heard a door open and was wheeled forward.

“Hayley!” Natalie and Gayle chorused.

“Back up ladies” Garrett said with menace. “Sit down on your beds. It’s time to get you restrained for the night. We will do Hayley first then you two so get prepared. It is lights out when we are finished until morning so if you need a diaper change get it done now.” Hayley assumed that they would be going into the restraining bags again for the duration. Hayley didn’t like being bound but this system was certainly better than rope and when you were in it you were far more comfortable than any bound person had the right to be. Hayley felt the straps loosen one by one as she was released from the wheelchair. Hayley felt a hand help her up from the chair. “Stand still whilst I remove the gag and blindfold” Hayley was happy to comply. Hayley blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light again. Hayley noted that two of the large restraint bags were already positioned on each bed, waiting to encase their captive in an inescapable cocoon of down then turned to see Garrett remove three small clear bags from a bag hanging on the rear of the wheelchair and hand them to Yelena Hayley could see that they contained the other instruments that would restrain them, the heavily padded gag, cuffs and straps. At this point Hayley was resigned to her fate and would not resist in any way as she was restrained.

“Let’s get on with it ladies. I am starting to feel a bit tired.” Hayley said to keep up the bravado. Any thoughts of more chat were ended as Garrett applied the gagged, jamming the soft ball into Hayley’s mouth and using the buckle to press the thick pad onto her lips. Next the finger control mitts were put on her hands followed by her wrists being secured with the padded cuffs and arms pinned to her body using a couple of straps. Once Hayley’s arms had been secured Yelena moved on to start securing Natalie whilst Garrett indicated the bed and Hayley gladly sat her rear on the first restraint bag and allowed Garrett to secure her ankles and legs with further straps. Once this was complete Hayley swung her legs onto the bed and get ready to be cocooned in down as Garrett flipped over the top of the bag and zipped it up.

“Thanks for the help. We will get the second bag once your friends have been restrained” Garrett said to Hayley over the top baffle of the bag and moved off. Due to the high collar Hayley couldn’t see what was going on but could follow the progress using sounds as Natalie and Gayle were bound for the night. Hayley felt her feet get lifted and helped as much as possible as she was slid inside the second bag. Once fully inside Garrett secured the centre zip on the bag. Hayley had to admire the way that the woman performed this task given what they were wearing. Hayley could hear Yelena and Garrett move around the room checking and tidying before the door opened and closed in quick succession. A couple of seconds later the lights went out and the room plunged into darkness. Hayley relaxed and got set for the night. Hopefully tomorrow would bring some opportunities to find a way to escape.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Think of it! How frustrating this must be for Haley, Natalie and Gayle? No Chance of escape what so ever. The restraining System is foulproof - and Crawford does not leave anything to chances. And so the Ladies have to hope for a wonder - with a little help from friends ;) Let us hope, they will get it.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Many multipart Stories have a problem: Sometimes they have no end at all - and sometimes the structure is lacking. Nothing Personal on the contrary is perfect. Every piece falls into place. That is quite a Feature for so long a story.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 22

The next couple of days fell into a routine for the three captives. The lights came on early in the morning then soon after they were released from their down filled cocoons, freed from their bonds and allowed to freshen up. Their captors then brought them breakfast and then left them alone for rest of the morning. The next time they saw anybody was when lunch was delivered early afternoon. Unfortunately after lunch it was back into the restraint bags for several more hours. Natalie had thought about this and they must have restrained them for a reason. Something must be happen during the afternoon that meant that they had to make sure that Hayley, Gayle and herself couldn’t cause any trouble; another piece of information to file away for future use. They were freed again for dinner and again left to their own devices for a bit until they were again bound, gagged and put into the restraining bags for the night. It was much better than when they were first brought into the room when they were kept in the bags for what felt like twenty three hours out of every day with the only short breaks for food and diaper changes.

Louise Williams enter the room and stood facing Gayle, Natalie and Hayley. This time she was wearing one of the large dresses that were worn by the other women who were there captors, Peel, Garrett, Jackson, Munroe, Martinez and Yelena the stern looking Russian. Hayley decided it would be best to get in first and straight to the point. “When are you going to let us go?”

“Afraid that’s not my decision Hayley” Louise responded shrugging her shoulders. “I just work here. Maybe you can ask the boss when you see her later.” Louise knew that Hayley was trying to unsettle her so fired back with that comment. Louise could see Hayley visibly retreat as what that meant sunk in. “I know that it can be boring stuck in one room for a long period of time so I have spoken with Mrs Crawford and she had decided that if you continue to behave for the next couple of days then you will be allowed outside.” All three women smiled at this.

“I assume that we won’t just be allowed to wonder free” suggested Natalie.

“You are indeed correct. In addition to the tracking anklets there are some other conditions.”

“Like what?” Gayle enquired.

“Well you would have to wear finger control mitts and gags……..” Louise didn’t get the chance to finish before Gayle interrupted.

“That’s ridiculous. You claim that we are on an island so why do we need to wear those?”

“For your own safety” was Louise’s reply. Hayley stifled a laugh but had to admire the smart thinking of their captors. Hayley and Natalie had been careful not to discuss too much in the room as they were sure that the room would be bugged and all of their conversations would be monitored and recorded. Gagging them outside the room would mean that they couldn’t communicate freely there either.

“There is something else isn’t there?” This was Natalie again.

“Correct Ms Twain. As you will have noticed all of the women that you have seen wear these dresses. If you want to leave this room you will have to wear them. It’s a non negotiable requirement from Mrs Crawford. I will give you an hour to think about it” and with that Louise turned is swish of fabric and left the room. Hayley turned to the other two.

“I don’t know about you lot but I am in all the way. I want out of this room.”

“I don’t like the conditions attached. The more we agree to what they want the more control they have over us. I think that we should resist as much as possible” was the reply from Gayle.

“Where would that get us?” Hayley said. Gayle didn’t have an answer to that question.

“Hayley is correct Gayle. Plus it will give is more information. Like I said any bit of information could be useful in helping us escape. So I am in.” Hayley made her way across and set down on the bed beside Gayle and put her arm around the smaller woman.

“Look the three of us are in this together. We have to assume that nobody is going to ride in on a trusty steed and save us. We are going work our own way out of this. Now Natalie and I have a certain skill set but there might be something that you see that can help us out.” A smile started to appear across Gayle’s lips. “Beside it will be nice to get out of these puffy suits and put on one of those dresses. Every girl likes to get dressed up.” Hayley was trying to be positive, she thought that they would need a mistake from there captors in order to escape and up until now they hadn’t made any.

An hour later Louise Williams returned to the room and Natalie told her that they would agree to the terms and get to venture outside. With a smile on her face Louise informed them that she would make the arrangements for tomorrow afternoon. “Fingers crossed for nice weather.” Louise then threw something that she had been hiding behind her back to Natalie, although not expecting it Natalie managed to catch the item. “That’s the control for the television on the wall. You can watch for a couple of hours until the ladies restrain you for the afternoon later.”

As promised by Louise later that evening the door opened and the two women called Duncan and Munroe entered with Munroe pushing one of the wheelchairs. Duncan stood next to the chair and tapped it her hand. “Do you want to jump in Hayley?” At the same time Munroe was pouring what everyone assumed was chloroform onto a cloth. Hayley paused at the edge of her bed. “We could come over there and knock you out then carry you to the chair but this way works better for us.” Hayley slowly got up and sat in the chair. Munroe handed Duncan the cloth and went to work securing Hayley into the wheelchair with the heavy straps.

“Is there any need to use the chloroform?” Natalie pleaded.

“We’ve been good. We even get to go out tomorrow.” Even as she said it Gayle knew it sounded pathetic. It drew a smile from Duncan and Munroe as if they had won a small victory. Hayley could feel the effects of the chloroform start to kick in as she heard Natalie and Gayle complain on her behalf. Hayley’s head started to swim and her vision blurred, her eyelids got heavier. The thing was it wasn’t the chloroform that bothered her it was where she was going to wake up that was the problem. That was the last thing that went through her mind before everything went black.

Same room, same bed and same position Hayley thought as she again found herself naked apart from a diaper and with her wrists and ankles secured to the four corners of the large bed. Hayley was not exactly looking forward to what she assumed was going to happen over the next couple of hours but couldn’t really do anything about it. Hayley heard movement and watched Elizabeth Crawford walked toward the bed. Hayley decided to get on the front foot or maybe some would call it trying to delay inevitable “Good evening Liz. Can I call you Liz?” Hayley saw something flash across the woman’s eyes.

“I prefer Elizabeth or Ms Crawford. Nobody calls me Liz” was the reply as Elizabeth Crawford sat down on the bed, her eyes lazily taking in Hayley’s naked form.

“Sorry.” Hayley make that sound as sincere as possible. “Can I ask some questions?”

“If you want to ask questions you had better get to it before I gag you.” Hayley took that as a sign that Crawford may actually give some answers. Beside she must be in a good mood. Right let’s start small. “How long have you lived here?” As Hayley asked the question Elizabeth got up from the bed, took a couple of steps and dropped the down filled coat that she was wearing down to the floor.

“It is just coming up for five years now but my family has owned the island for longer much longer than that.” Hayley liked the answer as Elizabeth had given more information than was asked. Hayley went for another question.

“So we are on an island?” Hayley said more to herself. So Louise Williams had been telling the truth.

“Yes, surrounded by the beautiful ocean” replied Elizabeth as she made herself busy lifting items from drawers and putting them on the table top. Hayley heard a buzz and looked around. Elizabeth caught the look, “just checking the batteries.” Concentrate Hayley.

“What’s with the big dresses as employee uniform?”

“It’s a personal preference of mine. I think that women look great and project strength and elegance wearing that style of dress. And as I write the cheques it’s my rules. But I thought you would have already been aware of that from your time in government employment.” That last comment puzzled Hayley and it must have shown.

“What do you mean by that? How did you know I worked for the government?”

“You don’t know do you?”

“Know what?” Hayley had the impression that she was missing something.

“I thought that Martinez would have told you.”

“Told me wwhht………” Hayley was cut off as Elizabeth pushed a cloth into her mouth. Dam Hayley thought. Annoyed with being gagged and not being able to ask further questions. The pillow gag was locked in place next. Elizabeth turned back to the chest of drawers beside the bed and picked something up, Hayley started to struggle against her bonds, out of frustration more than expectation that they would loosen.

“I like it when girls get feisty……..let’s have some fun.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you for posting the next part :) My favourite sequence in this part are the two conversations between Hayley, Gayle and Natalie. The two detectives trying to keep morale up, even if the situation is difficult.

One thing I don't understand in the dialogue between Crawford and Hayley, but maybe I have not read carefully: Who is Carla?

Crawford clearly likes to dominante. She enjoys playing with Hayley. Crawford is Controllfreak and enjoys every moment of it.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 23

The next day once they had lunch there was a prevailing sense of excitement amongst the three women in anticipation of being allowed out to get some fresh air. Louise Williams and a couple of the other kidnappers had brought in large garment bags whilst Gayle, Hayley and Natalie were eating breakfast and put them in one of the two wardrobes in the room. “When you finish eating put on the dresses and then we can get this show on the road” Louise said before leaving. Hayley brushed the crumbs from her suit, got up and headed for the wardrobe. Eagerly Hayley looked through the garment bags, they had been labelled and she removed the bag with her name it. Quickly Hayley unzipped the bag and removed the dress. Hayley hung it up on the outside of the wardrobe and looked at it. It was beautiful full length white ball gown style dress. Hayley ran her hand down skirt and savoured the smooth feel of the fabric. Hayley did have to admit that she did miss wearing garments like this since she had left Section 10. Hayley unzipped the down suit and let it fall to the floor before stepping out and hanging it up in the wardrobe.

“Can you give me a hand getting into the dress?” Hayley said over her shoulder. Gayle and Natalie made there was over to help Hayley get dressed.

“Aren’t you going to take off the diaper?” Gayle asked.

“As much as I would love to probably best to keep it on. Our hands aren’t going to be of any use and we will be gagged. Who knows how close we will be to a toilet. Do you want to try and mime I need the loo?” Gayle could see the logic in that. With some assistance Hayley got the layers of underskirts on before putting on the remainder of the dress. Natalie did the zipping up duties for the bodice. Hayley stood in front of the mirror and gave herself the one over. She looked good even if she did admit it herself. The dress fit her perfectly and accentuated her curvy figure. The skirt flowed beautifully from the bottom of the bodice. Crawford obviously had a skilled seamstress hidden away in the basement.

“How does it feel Hayley?” Natalie asked. Natalie had to admit that she was a bit nervous about wearing a dress like this. Natalie had always been a bit of a tomboy and had worn a dress maybe three times since her eighteenth birthday and nothing like the dresses that they were now expected to wear. Also Hayley looked unbelievable in the dress and Natalie had no idea what she would look like.

“I wish it didn’t but it feels great. Now let’s get you two looking fabulous.” With that the three women set about getting Gayle and Natalie into their dresses. When Gayle looked in the garment bag with her name on it in addition to the dress there was also a smaller bag inside. Gayle opened it to find two large white clothes, two large silk scarves and two pairs of finger control mitts with a note that read: Please feel free to use these on your fellow captives. Gayle’s shoulders slumped and she handed the note to Hayley who then passed it on to Natalie. “Don’t worry chick” Hayley said with a smile. “Don’t let them get to you.”

Once Gayle, Hayley and Natalie had got into the dresses Gayle emptied the contents of the bag with the note onto the middle bed. “Should we wait or just get on with it” Gayle said aloud to know one whilst playing the various items on the bed. Hayley picked up one of large silk scarves and played ran it through her fingers. The quality was very high.

“Let’s just get on with it Gayle. You can do me first” Hayley said and handed a scarf and cloth to Gayle. Natalie wasn’t paying attention; she had wandered off to the full length mirror and was admiring how she looked in the dress.

“I haven’t done this before Hayley, not even messing around as a kid or you know for……”

“I get the idea Gayle. It isn’t that complicated just scrunch up the cloth and stuff it in our mouths. Then fold the cloth into a band and over the mouth gag us to keep the packing in place.” Gayle scrunched up the cloth and hesitantly edged it toward Hayley’s mouth. Hayley opened wide and let Gayle force the cloth in her mouth. Gayle made sure that the cloth was entirely in Hayley’s mouth. Gayle then walked behind Hayley and folded the large silk scarf into a band then reached round and carefully laid the entre of the scarf over Hayley’s mouth. Gayle then tied the two ends of the scarf in place at the nape back of Hayley’s head sealing the cloth in her mouth.

“Is that alright? It’s not too tight is it?

“MMMPPPHHH” Hayley mumbled then gave Gayle the thumbs up which quickly morphed into Hayley waiving her fingers at Gayle.

“Yes, the finger-control mitts.” Gayle picked up the first pair of thickly padded mitts and separated them, sticking one under an armpit. Hayley held out her left had and Gayle slid on the mitt, careful that each finger was in a separated into a space, so that the padding would prevent Hayley making a fist leaving her unable to pick items up or push buttons with her fingers. Gayle tightened the Velcro strap around Hayley’s wrist to secure the mitt in place. Gayle then repeated the procedure with Hayley’s right hand. Hayley tried flexing her fingers but they padding prevented any movement. Natalie had watched on without comment using the time to look at what she was wearing in the mirror.

“I guess it’s my turn” Natalie said finally leaving the mirror and moving toward Gayle. Once Gayle had gagged and mitted Natalie they set about waiting for the door to open; which it did almost immediately. Louise Williams entered with carrying a pair of mitts. Gayle assumed that they were for her. Looking over Louise’s shoulder Gayle could see Yelena and Garrett standing with arms crossed just inside the room. Gayle was very compliant as Louise put the mitts on her hands then stuffed a cloth in her mouth. It was then that Louise paused.

“I see you have gone with over the mouth with the scarf rather then cleave. If you promise not to try and remove the gag’s I can let you away with it.” Louise saw three heads nod almost in unison. Louise finished gagging Gayle and then took a step back. “Right I will lead the way and then you three follow. Yelena and Garrett will bring up the rear. Just remember ladies that any funny business will not be tolerated.” With that Louise turned and headed toward the door. Hayley signalled with her mitted hands for Natalie and Gayle to lead the way which they did with Hayley bringing up the rear. Louise turned left once she had exited the room with Gayle, Natalie and Hayley following in single file. Although the corridors were wide the large skirts made walking side by side impossible without banging the dresses against the walls. Hayley was trying to take in as much information as possible but there wasn’t a lot except from the fact that the building that they were being held in was large and also tastefully furnished. Hayley didn’t realised that she had slowed down but felt a prod in the back.

“MPFT” Hayley involuntarily mumbled and spun round to find Yelena smirking at her.

“Keep moving blondie” was the taunt. Hayley ignored this and carried on down the corridor.

“Watch your footing on the stairs ladies.” Gayle, Natalie and Hayley carefully made there way down two flights of stairs to what was obviously the main entrance. Natalie glanced around to get her bearings but all of the doors from the entrance foyer were closed. Bugger they were good Natalie thought. Louise continued straight for the main front doors and flung them both open, gesturing for the three women to exit. Hayley was the first to step outside and found that she was standing on a large porch that ran the full width of the house. There was a short set of stairs down onto the paved driveway. Hayley made the short walk into the sunlight, closed her eyes and tilted her head back, enjoying the feel of the warm rays on her skin. After full minute Hayley opened her eyes and joined Natalie and Gayle who had walked ten yards off the porch and onto the driveway which was circular in shape at the top to allow cars to turn. Hayley, Natalie and Gayle stood and looked at each other before Hayley shrugged and decided to head down the driveway. As they walked Hayley looked left and right taking on the large, manicured lawns and flower beds. At the end of the driveway there were open gates that allowed access through the metal fence Hayley paused and turned to look at the house. It had originally been a large two story colonial style house but obviously it had been extended and altered over the years as there were extensions on either side.

At the end of the driveway all three women looked at each other. It was clear that there captors were not going to allow them much leeway. The three women were following closely behind Hayley, Natalie and Gayle. Despite that Hayley was resolved to enjoy the freedom. Looking left she could see that the road sloped away and round a corner on the left. Hayley remembered the sensations from being wheeled around when they first arrived at the island and believed that this is the direction that they were brought from. So Hayley thought that there wouldn’t be much to see in that direction beyond the dock so headed off the other way. Carefully walking along what was now an unpaved road the trio found themselves striding along with Yelena and Garrett keeping a respectful distant behind. As they continued along the road they got the general feel of the island. To the right where the house had been was open land and to the left were trees and a large bank. Hayley could feel a light breeze and combined with the light scents made her conclude that the sea was in that direction. Soon on the right a group of small buildings came into view, looking at them Hayley guessed that these were used as storage and also staff quarters. There was a turn off coming up from the road leading to the group of building which would make them easily accessible from the docks. As they approached this turn off Hayley noted that the banking and trees ended and there was a path. Looking to her left she guessed that the pathway lead down to a beach or shore. About five minutes after passing this crossroads the three captives heard a whistle from behind them. They all turned to find Garrett pointing at an imaginary watch on her wrist and they back along the road where they had come from. With a resigned sign Hayley started trudging back toward the large house, quickly followed by Gayle and Hayley. Yelena and Garrett watched as the three women approached, allowing them to pass before following at a discrete distance.

All three enjoyed the freedom that they were experiencing during their walk back to the large house. As they approached the driveway Yelena and Garrett got noticeable closer, although that might have been due to an involuntary slowing of the pace from Hayley, Gayle and Natalie. On arriving back at the house they found Louise Williams waiting for them at the door.

“Ladies I hope that you enjoyed the walk. Take note this is what comes with good behaviour.” Louise paused and scanned the faces of the three captives. “You will no doubt be tired after that walk so I think that a lie down and a nap is in order.” A smile crossed the face of Louise Williams “I am sure that Yelena has something that will help you relax.”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

<3 this so much!
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Post by Caesar73 »

The remarks of Louise at the end are so typical: First the reward, than the reminder who is in controll. The proverbial Stick and Carrot And Yelena enjoys the chloroform way to much.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The strategy of their captors is obvious: To subdue them, to demoralize the girls. To show them, there is no chsnce of escape what so ever. So I find it remarkable, Hayley and Natalie manage to keep their cool. But even they are struggling. Gayle shows signs of Resignation. Which is absolutely plausible. The way, the characters behave and act, is very well written. Oh, and I have to correct myself: Louise may behave more friendly, but her statement a few chapters earlier, that she and her staff are no monsters? They are not openly cruel, but their subtle approach is much more devious.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Imagine the psychology at work here: The Girls come home from the walk outside, refreshed, elated maybe, their spirits raised - and then stands Louise there and bringing them back to reality with a bang. Out of the dresses, back in suits and sleeping bags again.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 24

The light was starting to fade as Gillian, Christina, Jane and Rhiannon sat in a car round the corner from Kirstin Chandler’s bungalow. Gillian had been quiet on the trip across and Christina could tell that she was uncomfortable with what was about to happen. Christina hoped that Gillian could get over that and concentrate on the task at hand. They waited until the exact time that they had agreed before three of the women exited the car, leaving only Christina left behind the wheel. The other three made there way along the sidewalk until they reached the fence line of the row of bungalows. The gardens of the bungalows backed onto a wooded area which was a bonus. Just before the fence Gillian, Jane and Rhiannon broke off the sidewalk and headed into the woods. Gillian led the way and counted down five houses until they were standing behind the correct house. All three women were dressed head to toe in black, leggings, tight sweaters and assorted caps. Jane and Gillian each had small backpacks on there backs containing the tools of their respective trades. Carefully and with Jane now leading the way the group vaulted over the fence into the rear garden, quickly making their way toward the back door. A security light came on and all three women pinned themselves against the back wall of the house. After the light went off and nobody investigated they relaxed and Jane had a good look at the rear door and the locks. Jane could see alarm contacts through the window but with the house occupied they had to assume that the alarm was not on. The first bit if luck that they would need tonight. Jane pulled her picks from her rucksack and went to work on the lock on the rear door. It was a good lock but shouldn’t provide her with too much of a problem. Suddenly Jane felt the lock release; then tried the handle slowly and with a soft click the door opened. Before entering the house all three of the group removed their hats and but on balaclavas to hide their faces. Jane entered the kitchen first followed by the other two women, Gillian closing the door softly behind her. All three crouched on their haunches looking at the light spilling from under the door from the kitchen and listening intently. Gillian could hear a couple of faint noises from the other side of the door, the first was the television and the second was… Jane had put her hands above her head and mimed washing her hair. Gillian nodded in agreement. The second noise was a shower. Perhaps their second bit of luck tonight. Gillian opened the door from the kitchen and stepped into the main living area; she had been in the house before for a party and remembered the layout. There was a corridor at the back with all of the other rooms off it. Gillian indicated and the other two followed her quietly down the corridor to the main bedroom at the rear of the house past the bathroom where the shower was running. When they entered the room Gillian took off her rucksack and opened the small pocket to retrieve a cloth and the bottle of chloroform that Christina had kindly supplied. Pouring a healthy amount of the drug onto the cloth then handed it to Rhiannon and gave her the thumbs up. Rhiannon nodded and took up position on the far side of the door just as the shower stopped. Gillian took up position on the near side of the door whilst Jane crouched behind the bed. They all heard the door open the door to the bathroom open and then the light footsteps on the carpet as Kirstin padded down the corridor. As Kirstin entered the room with only a towel wrapped around her Jane sprung up from behind the bed. Kirstin took a further step into the room and then stopped in shock.

“What the h……..” Kirstin never had the chance to finish as Gillian and Rhiannon grabbed her from behind, Rhiannon clamped the chloroform soaked cloth over her nose and mouth whilst Gillian garbed her in a bear hug to pin Kirstin’s arms to her body. “HYRGATT” Kirstin mumbled from behind the cloth, throwing her head from side to side to try and dislodged the cloth. Jane hurried across to grab Kirstin’s legs, between the three attackers then picked Kirstin up, carried her across and dumped her on the bed, pinning her down whilst all the time Rhiannon kept the cloth pressed over Kirstin’s nose and mouth. Kirstin knew from the smell that the fumes from the cloth belonged to chloroform but couldn’t escape them as the three black clad women had the upper hand. Rhiannon watched on her Kirstin’s struggles started to wane, eventually stopping altogether as her eyelids fluttered and then closed over. Gillian, Rhiannon and Jane all took a seat on the bed and took off there balaclavas to catch their breath after the struggle.

“Right lets get a move on” Gillian said in a stern voice. Rhiannon made her way across to the wardrobe, pulled out an outfit and laid put it over a nearby chair. Rhiannon stripped off her clothes and started to put on the outfit from the wardrobe. Gillian emptied the items from her rucksack onto the bed then went through a chest of drawers and found a set of pyjama’s and placed them on the bed. Jane headed to the front door to let in Christina. Christina entered the house dressed in skin tight jeans, tight white sweater, boots and a standard issue Section 10 full length down coat that Gillian had given her. Christina and Jane sat down on the small couch and waited in silence for the other two women to appear.

In the bedroom Gillian went about securing Kirstin. With Rhiannon’s help Gillian was able to remove the towel that Kirstin had wrapped around her body then picked up the thick diaper, unfurled it and slide it under Kirstin’s bottom then used the sticky straps to secure it in place before putting the pyjama’s that Gillian had taken from the chest of drawers on the unconscious woman. Next Gillian untangled the seven nylon straps and used the shortest to secure Kirstin’s wrists before using the two longest straps around the body to pin Kirstin’s arms tightly. Finally using the remaining four on Kirstin’s legs at the ankles, just above and below the knees and then around the thighs. Gillian watched on as Rhiannon finished off her outfit by pulling on the standard full length down jacket. Gillian hoped that Rhiannon could pull this off as it was too late to pull out now. Both women made there way into the living area to have a final chat with Jane and Christina.

“Here are the keys to the house” Jane said passing them to Gillian.

“Thanks. Have you got everything?” Rhiannon responded by pulling the security passes from the inside coat pocket and waiving them in the air. Jane checked her rucksack and nodded; the tools of her trade in place.

“There is plenty of binding stuff and chloroform in the car” Christina indicated with her head, hands buried deep in pockets. “Lets get moving” and with that Christina headed out the door followed by Rhiannon and Jane. Gillian watched them walk to the car where Christina got in behind the wheel and Rhiannon and Jane got in the back then closed and locked the front door.

In the front of the car Christina was calm. It was good to get down to a bit of action again rather than sitting around. Catching Rhiannon’s eyes in the rear view mirror Christina said “About ten minutes away better get the burglar tied up. Don’t forget the gag and blindfold.” Rhiannon found a set of padded cuffs with a small chain between the two sections that went round the wrists. Jane helpfully turned round and put her arms behind her back allowing Rhiannon to put the cuffs on both wrists and secure them in place. Next Rhiannon pulled out two of the nylon straps and secured them around Jane’s body to pin her arms into her back, positioning the straps just above and below Jane’s breasts. Rhiannon pulled a thick sleep mask from a bag and placed it over Jane’s head and placed it over her eyes. Finally Rhiannon balled up a cloth.

“Open up Jane” which she did and Rhiannon stuffed the cloth into Jane’s mouth, securing the cloth in place with a silk scarf. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine thanks” Christina said from behind the wheel, indicating to make a right turn.

“I wasn’t taking to you” Rhiannon said with a smile.

“Well she shouldn’t be able to answer you back!”

“MMPPHH, HURRPH” Jane mumbled and nodded. Everyone then sat silently and waited until they arrived at the Section 10 facility.

Back at the house Gillian saw that Kirstin was starting to stir so had put on her balaclava again and taken a couple of items from her rucksack and sat on the bed waiting for Kirstin to regain her senses fully. Once that happened Gillian firmly hand gagged Kirstin and place the middle finger on her free hand over her mouth. Kirstin nodded her understanding. Gillian removed her hand, grabbed a cloth that was lying on the bed and forced it into Kirstin’s mouth then used a scarf to hold that in place. Finally Gillian put a thickly padded sleep mask over Kirstin’s head, placing it over her eyes. Gillian was then able to remove the balaclava again, checked her watch then sat the chair in the corner of the room and waited. There was nothing else to do.

The car made the turn into the street that led to the Section 10 facility. Christina held her hand back and Rhiannon passed on the recently procured security card. Edging up to the barrier that was the only entrance in the tall wall Christina rolled down the window and pressed the pass against the Perspex section and waiting, the light changing from red to green then the three solid steel bollards slowing lowering into the ground. Christina slowly pulled the car into the car park, careful to pick a space where there would be less chance of the car getting blocked in. Christina got out, opened the rear down and helped the bound Jane out of the rear seat. Rhiannon got out the other side. Christina flipped up the large hood of her down coat before clutching Jane by the upper arm and leading her round the car. Rhiannon also flipped up her hood, took the proffered security card from Christina and led the way toward the front door.

“The first door should be easy. Keep your hoods up and avoid looking directly at the camera. The guard won’t be that interested if you just swipe through using your card.”

Rhiannon hoped that Gillian was right. With confidence Rhiannon approached the external door and swiped the card. After a split second that seemed much longer Rhiannon heard the lock disengage and pushed the door open. She entered a corridor that was probably wide enough for two people to walk side by side.

“The guard will be too interested in the screens to pay you too much attention. Just acknowledge them with a wave and carry on to the second door.”

Onward Rhiannon walked past a glazed panel that looked into the guard station. As Gillian had predicted the guard didn’t take much notice and was engrossed in the CCTV screens. Rhiannon raised a hand and quickly moved to the door at the end of the corridor where she swiped the card again and opened the door, this time holding the door open to allow Christina to lead Jane through.

“Once through the second door you will have reached the holding area. This could be the main area of concern for you. At that time of night there might only be a single guard in that area and certainly none at the desk. However that guard will probably recognise or in your case not recognise everyone that works in the facility.”

Christina held Jane by the upper arm and took a look around the holding area. Fortunately the guard was not sitting at the desk. Rhiannon quickly joined Christina and indicated toward a corridor off to the right. Christina nodded and headed toward it.

“Make your way down the corridor on your right. It leads to the offices, storage rooms, holding cells and changing room. Use Kirstin’s card to open her locker and put on her uniform, the locker number will be on the card.”

Rhiannon and Gillian both heard the footsteps behind them and paused before continuing on their way. They had to get to the locker room.

“If you have to make a move wait until you get to the locker room where there is no CCTV coverage.”

The footsteps continued behind them, getting louder. As they entered the locker room Christina snatched a glance over her shoulder and saw the approaching guard about twenty yards away and approaching fast. Christina turned hard right and helped Jane into a seat and then made herself busy removing items from the pockets of her jacket, Rhiannon west straight ahead looking for number 33. A couple of seconds later the guard burst into the locker room.

“Ladies you know the rules. Prisoners have to go into the holding cells.” The guard said following Rhiannon but pointing to where Jane was seated. Rhiannon ignored the woman and continued to lock for locker 33. Eventually locating it and using the card to open it up. Rhiannon was slightly taken aback by what she found in the locker.

“Did you not hear me?” Rhiannon heard the guard’s voice from the other side of the locker door. Suddenly the guard slammed the locker door shut which made Rhiannon jump. Rhiannon spun to face the guard. The guard was wearing sensible boots, skin tight black leggings, and a black sweater with a long black down coat finishing the ensemble. The guard also wore a belt around her waist with various pouches on it. “Wait. Who are you exact..MMPPHH” The guard never got the chance to finish the sentence as Christian clamped a thick white cloth over her nose and mouth. Rhiannon watched on as the guard, after getting over the initial shock struggled against Christina’s grip. Rhiannon knew from first hand experience that this was pointless.

“Bit of help?” Christina said and Rhiannon responded by grabbing the guard’s wrists so that she couldn’t use them to fight against Christina. “Just relax and enjoy the nap” Christina whispered in the guard’s ear. Eventually the guard’s struggles subsided and her eyes closed over. Christina kept the cloth in place to give the guard a good dose of the sedative. Rhiannon let go of the guard’s arms allowing Christina to lower her to the ground.

“What do we do know?” Rhiannon asked pointing to the guard now lying on the floor.

“Slight change in plan but we will just have to play the hand that we are dealt.” Christina said whilst glancing between the guard and a mirror beside the door. “You think that I could pass for the guard?” Christina asked Rhiannon.

“What do you mean?

“Rolling with the punches, adjusting the plan, thinking on my feet” Christina said with a smile whilst searching the guard and finding her security pass. Rhiannon and Christina both turned as they heard Jane mumbling.

“First thing first Jane, Rhiannon get changed and I will take care of the guard. There must be something in those pouches that I can use.” Rhiannon quickly stripped down to her underwear before opening the locker and pulling out an elegant light blue dress with a large bell style skirt.

“How do I even get this thing on anyway?” Rhiannon said out loud. “I have never worn a dress like this before.”

“Easiest way is just to let the dress fall to the floor, step into it and pull it up. I will fasten the zip.” Christina replied whilst searching through the pouches to find something to bind the guard, eventually finding some padded cuffs and a set of nylon straps Christina set about using them to bind the guard. Once that was completed Christina looked up to find Rhiannon struggling to get into the dress. “Thought that you some kind of super brainy freak.”

“Well I haven’t done this before. Just give me a hand will you! We haven’t got time to waste.” Christina had to agree with that sentiment and helped Rhiannon get into the dress. Once that was done Rhiannon couldn’t help but grabbed a quick look in a nearby mirror and had to admit that she loved the way that she looked in the dress. But they didn’t have time to admire themselves at the moment. Rhiannon quickly pulled a matching short down jacket from the locker and slipped it on, followed by a utility belt that Rhiannon snapped on and tightened around her waist. Christina then walked across and removed the blindfold and gag that they had put on Jane in the car. Jane clocked the guard lying on the floor.

“I take it things not exactly going to plan then?” Jane asked.

“Not exactly” Christina replied whilst counting the lockers as she walked down the length of the room.

“We’re improvising” Rhiannon chipped in, walking past Jane and taking a quick look down the corridor. “Hopefully Gillian is right and there is nobody else around.”

“Nice outfit.” Jane commented.

“Thanks.” Rhiannon turned round. “Christina. What are you doing?” Christina had opened a locker and was just taking a dress out of a locker.

“Change of plan. I am going to come up to the fourth floor with you.”

“I thought that it would be better if you stayed behind and kept an eye on things.”

“Gillian said that it was only the two guards in this area. Sleeping Beauty over there plus Little Miss Sloppy on the main door who just sits and stares at the CCTV screens.” Whilst talking Christina had stripped off and put on the dress. Christina turned round “Zip me up would you.” Rhiannon paused, unsure of this change to the plan before striding over and zipping up the dress. “Rhiannon you gag and blindfold Jane again and I will take care of Sleeping Beauty.” Rhiannon did as requested while Christina picked up the guard under the shoulders and dragged her across the floor toward the back of the locker room and a large washing basket. Dropping the guard back to the floor Christina flipped open the lid of the basket and peered inside. Seeing the basket around half full of towels and other items waiting to be washed Christina decided that this would do. Christina turned back and beckoned Rhiannon across. Looking through the utility belt to find something to gag the guard with Christina found a cloth and silk scarf and used them accordingly.

“You want a hand Christina?” Rhiannon had made her way across the locker room and now stood next to Christina.

“Please. Grab her legs.” With some difficulty the two women lifted the guard, Rhiannon lifting her by the legs and Christina under the arms and tossed her into the laundry basket then closed the lid.

“Once you get through onto the main building there are living quarters, a canteen, storage and other facilities on the first two levels with the prison levels above. During the night there will only be one guard on each level at the security desk and a couple of others roaming the floors. Martinez’s office was on the fifth floor.”

Rhiannon could hear Gillian’s voice at the back on her head talking them through the procedures as they waited for the lift to arrive. It seemed that Christina had pushed the call button an age ago. Eventually there was a soft ping that heralded the arrival of the lift. Rhiannon looked around nervously. As the doors opened Christina looked at Rhiannon and made a calm door gesture. Rhiannon guided Jane into the lift; Christina followed and pushed the button for the fifth floor. The lift car was spacious but Rhiannon supposed it had to be to accommodate the dresses worn by the staff. Rhiannon watched as Christina prepared a cloth with chloroform. “Always be prepared” Christina said in response to Rhiannon’s unasked question. The lift stopped and the doors opened to reveal a corridor which has been nicely decorated with carpet and a nice coat of light blue paint. There were even pictures placed at intervals on the walls. The group walked along the corridor lead by Christina who seemed to know where she was going. They rounded a corner and found the security desk for the fifth floor. It was basically a desk with some monitors for the CCTV system. There was a guard sitting at the desk with her back to the group. Christina held up a hand for Rhiannon to stop which she did. Jane also stopping as Rhiannon had hold of her arm. Christina approached the guard as silently as the possible given her apparel. The guard seemed to sense her presence at the last moment but by then it was too late. Christina pounced from a couple of yards away; grabbing the guard pulled her onto the carpet. The guard would have cried for help but for the thick chloroform soaked cloth that had been clamped over her nose and mouth. Rhiannon watched on as the guard struggled but it was no use, Christina knew what she was doing and also had the advantage of surprise and leverage. The guard’s struggles continued but got progressively weaker and eventually stopped.

“Just wait here for a moment” Rhiannon whispered into Jane’s ear before heading across to a nearby door and using her stolen key card to disengaged the electronic lock and open the door. Christina dragged the unconscious guard into the room and dumped her on the carpet.

“You look more like her than I do so you take the position at the desk and I will sort out the rest” Christina was now in full take charge mode.

“What if the one of the roving guards turns up?”

“Improvise. Beside you will see them coming on the CCTV screens long before they see you. It should give you time. Remember a girl’s best friends in this type of situation.” Rhiannon looked at Christina blankly “the element of surprise and chloroform.” Christina had already made her way across to Jane and guided her into the room before Rhiannon took her seat at the desk and studied the monitors intently hoping that nothing would happen.

Christina closed the door on the room and quickly set about untying Jane. Jane rubbed her wrists and allowed her eyes to adjust to the light before she took a quick look around the room. “Doesn’t look like any cell I have ever seen.”

“That’s exactly the point but we don’t have time to talk discuss that now. Give me a hand to lift her onto the bed then you better get going.” Jane nodded and helped Christina hoist the guard onto the double bed in the centre of the room. After that Jane quickly checked that she had the tools of her trade and headed toward the door.

“Bottom of the corridor, turn left then right and the office should be at the end of the corridor” Jane said out loud.

“Yes that’s right. Rhiannon and I will be waiting hear for you back.” With that Jane opened the door and after taking a glance in either direction slipped out. Christina went about binding, gagging and blindfolding the guard who was lying on the bed. After that task had been completed Christian exited the room and headed toward the desk where Rhiannon sat nervously watching the monitors. Rhiannon turned and nodded as Christina took a position leaning on the wall with her hands behind her back.

“How can you be so relaxed?” Rhiannon asked.

“Where is worrying going to get us?”

“Well we could end up locked up in here for a lengthy period if things go wrong.” Christina had to concede that point but things had gone well so far and as she had already said there was no point worrying about it now so she shrugged and settled in to wait for Jane to return.

Jane made her way cautiously along the corridors, staying close to the wall although it wouldn’t really matter; the corridor was well lit with nothing to duck behind. She followed the directions that Gillian had supplied and found the door into the office easily. It wasn’t identified by any plaque but as promised it was the only door with a manual lock. Jane crouched down and identified the make of the lock. It was a good lock and would provide a challenge but not an impossible one. Pulling out her kit she selected the correct picks and went to work.

To pass the time Christina asked Rhiannon to pass a clipboard that was lying on the desk. The first page, Christina guessed was a rota of who was working that night. Not interested in that she flipped the page and found something more interesting. It looked like a list of women who were being held at the facility against room numbers. Christian took care and scanned through the list once, then went back and did the same task again. Now that was strange Christina thought. What puzzled her were the names that were missing, no Victoria, no Kirsty and no Linda. It seems that some of her former colleagues had either escaped or been set free. Both of these possibilities seemed unlikely. It was something to think about later. Christina tore the top couple sheets of paper from the clipboard and not having pockets stuffed them down into her bra.

“What’s that about?” Rhiannon had been looking on with interest.

“I will explain later. We have other things to focus on at the moment.” Christina said pointing toward the end of the corridor where Jane had just appeared round the corner with a laptop bag slung over her shoulder. Jane made a move out signal with her hand and taking the hint Rhiannon and Christina turned and headed toward the lift.

“It is actually harder to get out of the facility than into it. To exit you have to swipe a key card to get a set of doors to open. Well I say doors but its more like a turnstile at a baseball ground. And it is only one person per card so you will have to acquire one for each of you before trying to get out. I suppose you could always use a fire escape but that will set off all of the alarms.”

Christina, Jane and Rhiannon waited for the lift to reach the ground floor. When the doors opened they walked quickly toward the locker room. Jane paced across the floor as Rhiannon and Christina took off the dresses that they were wearing and got changed back into their normal street clothes. When they had finished getting changed the three women walked silently toward the exit. As they approached the narrow opening they funnelled into single file, Christina approached first and swiped her card. The doors opened. Jane went next and swiped her card and again the door opened and she passed through. Jane brought up the rear and swiped her card, after a slight pause the door opened. As they walked passed the Perspex window they all looked in and saw the guard raise a lazy hand in a gesture of recognition. Once outside they headed for the car and got in, this time with Jane in the front passenger seat bedside Christina. Nobody spoke until they were safely out of the car park and away from the facility. “What did you find?” asked Rhiannon from the back seat.

“Let’s wait until we pick up Gillian and get back to the office to see what we have.” The all sat in silence as they made there way to pick up Gillian. “Send her a text one of you.” Rhiannon reacted quickest, her thumbs dancing over the screen of her phone writing the message before pausing to read the completed message and then sending.

Gillian punched her security code into the phone and opened the message that had just arrived. Scanning the contents of the text Gillian allowed a smile to break across her lips. They had actually managed to accomplish the mission and get back out again. To be honest she hadn’t expected them to get out without getting captured. Gillian finally felt that they were gaining some momentum in the search for their missing friends. Gillian was sitting at a stool at the breakfast bar in the small kitchen of Kirstin’s house. Once the rest of the women had left Gillian had spent her time tidying up and making sure there was nothing in the house that could give them away. After quickly checking Kirstin’s bindings she had left the bedroom once Kirstin had shown signs of coming round and settled in at her current location to wait for word from her friends. Snatching a cloth and bottle from the breakfast bar Gillian made her way through the house toward the bedroom, checking as she went that nothing had been left behind. Pausing at the entrance to the bedroom and taking a deep breath Gillian entered and found Kirstin lying where they had left her, on the bed. Probably not surprising as they had left Kirstin bound, gagged and blindfolded. Kirstin sensed that someone had entered the room and squirmed against her bonds. Gillian made her way across and sat on the edge of the bed next to Kirstin. “Relax Kirstin, my friends and I have no intention of hurting you. In fact we have finished what we had to achieve and thank you for your help.” Kirstin stopped squirming against her bonds for a second and following the sound turned her head towards Gillian. Gillian opened the bottle and poured a healthy dose of the drug onto the cloth. Gillian knew that Kirstin would be able to smell the scent of the drug and guess what was coming next. “I have to leave now but need to drug you again so that I can untie you. Don’t want to leave you here until someone finds you.” Kirstin nodded her head in agreement. “Lean forward so that I can get that gag off.” Kirstin leaned forward and Gillian undid the knot at the base of Kirstin neck and removed the silk scarf that was holding a rolled up handkerchief in Kirstin’s mouth. Kirstin instantly spat that out.

“You don’t kthey….” Kirstin didn’t get the chance to finish as Gillian quickly clamped the chloroformed soaked cloth over Kirstin’s nose and mouth. Kirstin didn’t struggle against the cloth of the fumes, there was little point bound like she was. Gillian kept the cloth carefully pressed over Kirstin’s nose and mouth and kept a close watch as Kirstin went under. Gillian stuffed the cloth into her jacket pocket and then removed all of the straps that used to be secure Kirstin, then the blindfold. As Gillian was doing this she felt her phone vibrate again. It was the signal that Rhiannon, Jane and Christina had turned onto the street. Gillian picked everything up and carried then through to the kitchen and flung them into a rucksack. Taking a final scan around the room she was satisfied that everything that they had brought had been picked up. Hoisting the rucksack onto her shoulder Gillian headed for the front door. Opening the door she saw Christina’s car idling at the kerb a couple a houses up and across the road. Christina flashed her lights to acknowledge that she had seen Gillian and then stared the car at a gentle roll. Gillian turned, locked the door and put the keys through the mailbox. Casually Gillian made her way down the footpath just in time to meet the car as it pulled to a stop and hop in the rear seat.

“Everything went well then?” Gillian enquired.

“Golden” Christina said from over her shoulder. “Hopefully have something very interesting to look.” Excellent Gillian thought. Maybe this adventure had been worthwhile and they would finally have some progress with finding their friends.
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Post by Caesar73 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Awesome!
I totally agree. Nice change of scenery. I enjoyed the twist and unexpected turns of the heist. Christina was quick on the uptake and had a good grasp of the situation at hand. A piece of luck did not hurt either. Let us hope, they hit pay dirt and found something. I did enjoy this chapter very much. Very good, that Christina did good on her promise to find Hayley and Company! Keep up the good work mrjones2009!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Some thoughts about Christina. At first I disliked her very much, after the first two parts of the series. But in Part 3 my Sympathies grew. Hers was a though choice to make. To choose between her sister and Hayley, or being made to choose by Liz Crawford and her Cronies. Who knows, what we would have done? One must hope never to get in a tough situation like this. I think there is no right or wrong here. It is a bad or worse kind of situation. I think, Christina knows, that she is in Hayleys debt, owes her.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 25

Back on the island

It was there third day of being allowed out of their room and Hayley, Natalie and Gayle were relishing the relative freedom that they had been given. During their previous late morning strolls it had been a combination of Louise Williams supervising with Yelena and either Garrett or Munroe as the guards. Now Yelena seemed to have the least experience but was easily the most intimidating of their abductors so was not to be messed with and Garrett and Munroe were the most professional, they didn’t make mistakes. Today it had been left to Yelena and Peel to look after them on their walk without Louise William supervision. On the first occasion their abductors had made Gayle gag and then apply finger control mitts to Hayley and Natalie. This time and on the previous occasion the abductors had done that deed, today Amber had been assigned that job. Once out of the house around the island Hayley, Natalie and Gayle had previously kept together but on this occasion they split up slightly and wandered in slightly different directions. “Should we get them closer together?”

“No it will be fine. Where would they go and what would they do. There is no chance that they would risk the freedom that they have been given” Amber replied. “Just make sure that we can see them all.”

Natalie had strolled off on her own down the hill on a path toward the beach and noticed that the buckle on the mitt on her right hand hadn’t been done up properly. Natalie wondered whether this was the mistake that they were waiting for. Checking round Natalie noticed that Amber would not notice if she slipped away into the trees. Natalie decided to take the risk; it may be the only chance that they get. Entering the small grove of trees; which wasn’t easy with the undergrowth and the dress that she had been made to wear, Natalie leant against one of the trees, pinning her right hand between the tree and her body. Natalie then pulled her right arm backwards with a lot of force. After a couple of attempts Natalie felt some movement and her hand popped free of the mitt. Checking that their abductors hadn’t come looking for them Natalie quickly removed the mitt from her other hand then untied the scarf from around her mouth and removed the thick cloth that the scarf held in her mouth. Natalie took a deep breath and hitching up her skirts exited the grove of trees. Natalie made her way back to the path and glanced right. That direction took her back to the house. She would have no chance of getting help in that direction so that meant the beach or make her way through the woods on the other side of the path. Knowing that time was her enemy with the anklets she decided on the beach. Decision made she made her way as quickly as possible in that direction.

Back in the main house

“I think that you should take a look at this Louise” said Susan. Louise walked across the small security control room and looked over Susan’s shoulder at the screen.

“What am I looking at?” Susan pointed at the screen. “The red dots are the prisoners and the green dots are us.” Louise thought she got the idea but Susan could read the slight look of puzzlement on the facial expression. “I know the topography of the island. There is no way that the green dots can see that red dot from where they are.”

“Who is it? And where exactly is she?” Louise asked already making form the door.

“It’s Natalie and she is on the beach.”

“Thanks. And get Kirsty down there with a wheelchair.”

On the beach

It was just out of shear desperation and she knew it but she had to try something so Natalie was waiving and shouting at a couple of ships or boats or whatever they were far away on the water. There was absolutely no chance that they could see or hear her. They she heard movement behind her spun round to find Louise and Yelena making their way toward her, one slightly from the left and the other slightly from the right. “Natalie that was naughty. We have been treating you and your friends well” Louise said.

“What by drugging us, kidnapping us, keeping us bound and gagged and holding us against our will for weeks” Natalie replied. It was at this point that she noticed the white cloth in Louise’s hand and started backing up. “I don’t want that stuff again. If I promise to surrender without struggle can we bypass the knock out? You must admit that I had to try and escape.”

“Understandable. Yet still against the rules. So you will have punished. Just relax Natalie and let us use the chloroform” Louise Williams said as both she and Yelena closed the distance between them on the beach. Natalie turned and fled along the beach but wearing the dress with the large skirts she didn’t have a chance against Louise who was wearing sneakers, jeans and a sweater.

Louise took off after Natalie and after thirty or so paces Louise launched herself at Natalie’s lower half and managing to get a grasp a handful of the soft material of Natalie’s skirt and hauled her down. There was a noise as Natalie hit the firm sand. At that point it was over, there was a slight struggle between the two women as Louise crawled up Natalie’s body before Yelena made her way across and grabbed both of Natalie’s arms. “Get off me you bitches” Natalie managed to growl before Louise managed to get the chloroform soaked cloth over Natalie’s nose and mouth. Natalie struggle valiantly but with the weight of two women on top of her she didn’t stand a chance. The fumes from the cloth quickly had an effect and Louise looked on intently as Natalie’s eyelids closed over.

Louise and Yelena picked up Natalie and carried her the distance to edge of the beach where they had left the wheelchair that Kirsty had brought. Dumping Natalie into the chair Louise fastened the wrist and ankle restrains, purely just to keep Natalie in the chair. Yelena took the grunt work of pushing it back up the path. At the top of the path they found Kirsty and Amber standing with Hayley and Gayle who now had their hands bound behind their backs and blindfolds over their eyes. “Sorry Ms Williams” Amber said.

“Take all three back to their room whist I report this incident to Ms Crawford. Once you have put them back in the room report to my office, all of you.”

When they go back to the room Kirsty and Amber removed the bindings from Hayley and Gayle and pushed them into the room. “Ladies your friend made a mistake and will get punished for it. Hopefully you don’t get the same treatment. If I were you I would behave for the next couple of hours. Get out of those dresses and into the down suits” Kirsty said with authority. Hayley and Gayle both nodded. Kirsty and Amber parted to allow Yelena to wheel Natalie into the room. Yelena undid the straps holding Natalie to the chair and put her onto the bed. “You might want to help your fried out of her dress as well.”

After the three abductors had left Hayley and Gayle helped each other out of their dresses, hung them up in the cupboard and quickly got back into down filled suits. Then they turned their attention to the unconscious Natalie and with a bit of difficulty managed to get her out of the dress and into a down filled suit. That task completed they sat down and awaited their fate.

Louise William’s office

“You know the rules that Ms Crawford lays down Amber” Louise Williams said, her face reddening with anger. Amber lowered her head to avoid Louise’s glare. “As you made the error you must accept the punishment.” Amber glanced round and notices that Kirsty and Yelena were now standing wither side of her. Without warning they grabbed one of Amber’s arms each and wrenched them behind her back.

“Hey come on guys, take it easy” Amber protested as thin cord was wrapped around her wrists several times and knotted securely in place. Before Amber could complain further Kirsty stuffed a thick white cloth in her mouth then producing a light blue silk scarf tied it over Amber’s mouth to keep the cloth in place.

“As I said Amber you know the rules. You are to be confined in full abductee’s restraints for sixty hours.” Louise heard Amber moan lightly through her gag. “Take her away and restrain her in room two. At least that way you can check on her at the same time as the others.” Kirsty and Victoria nodded and led amber away, the fabric of their dresses swishing as they went. “Kirsty” Louise shouted. Kirsty stopped and turned round. “The boss wants to see Natalie in the bedroom. Would you ask Yelena to see to that?”

“No problem” Kirsty responded. Kirsty caught up with Victoria in the corridor as she guided Amber toward the second room that had been fitted out to hold captives. “I don’t think that there are diapers in the room. I will go past the store cupboard and pick up a box.” With that she walked past Amber and commented. “That was sloppy Amber, very sloppy.” Amber glared at her in response.

Kirsty entered the second room carrying the box of diapers and found Yelena standing over Amber who was sitting on the central bed. Yelena had already removed the two down filled restraining bags from their sacks to allow them to loft up. “The boss wants to see Natalie in her suite Yelena. If you could see to that I will finish with Amber.” The Russian nodded and headed out of the room.

Yelena wheeled the wheelchair into the room to the side of the bed where Natalie lay sleeping off the chloroform. Hayley and Gayle looked on from one of the other beds as the athletic Russian easily manoeuvred the unconscious Natalie from the bed and into the wheelchair, this time securing Natalie with all of the straps. Nothing was said as Yelena wheeled Natalie out of the room to where Elizabeth Crawford received her special guests. “Perhaps we should have done something” Gayle asked, looking at Hayley.

“Like what?” It was a good question. After a short pause Gayle asked.

“Where do you think they are going to do with Natalie?” Hayley didn’t answer the question but she had a fair idea.

The room started to come back into focus as Natalie shook her head to clear it. Looking around Natalie confirmed that she was lying on a large four poster bed and unfortunately her arms and legs were securely bound to each corner of the bed. There were leather cuffs around each of her wrists and ankles which were connected to the corners of the bed by tough, red nylon rope. Natalie almost didn’t notice as she was now used to wearing a diaper but this one was slightly different. It felt thicker and had a floral design on it and apart from the diaper she was naked. Natalie looked around trying to establish what was going on when she notices a figure walking toward her from the gloom. The woman gracefully made her way and paused at the top of the bed. Natalie looked her up and down, a fine looking older woman wearing a small, clingy silk gown and by the looks of it not much else. “Elizabeth Crawford I presume?” Natalie asked. The woman nodded whilst looking Natalie up and down.

“I hear that you have been a naughty young woman and broke the rules.” Elizabeth said “Unfortunately breaking the rules has consequences.” Elizabeth Crawford removed a thick white cloth and a blue silk scarf from the pocket of her silk gown. “First thing is to get you gagged Natalie.” Natalie looked on as Elizabeth scrunched up the cloth and brought it toward her mouth.

Back in the room

The door opened and Gayle and Hayley looked on as Natalie was brought into the room strapped into a wheelchair by Yelena, followed by a stern faced Kirsty. Natalie was conscious but was gagged with a white cloth stuffed into her mouth which was held in place by a light blue coloured silk scarf. Instantly Hayley knew where her friend had been for the past couple of hours. Hayley locked eyes with Natalie and nodded to say that she understood and pass on strength. As she looked back Hayley found Kirsty standing with arms folded in from of her. “Your friend is being put in full restraints for sixty hours for her breech of the rules earlier today. Fortunately for you Ms Crawford has decided only to punish Natalie. I assume that you have no objections? If you let her out of the restraints I assume that Ms Crawford wouldn’t be so lenient.” Whilst making that little speech Kirsty had pulled a cloth from her the pocket of her down jacket and poured a decent amount of chloroform onto it. Hayley assumed that it was to be used on Natalie so that there wouldn’t be any issues when they bound her. Hayley was wrong. Kirsty suddenly clamped the cloth over Hayley’s nose and mouth with her left hand and used her right to ensure that Hayley couldn’t draw away from the fumes.

“MMMMMPPPPPPHHHH” Hayley muffled from behind the cloth. As she wasn’t expecting this turn of events Hayley’s natural reaction’s kicked in and she began to struggle.

“Hayley just relax and breathe in the fumes, let the chloroform do its work. I promise that when you come round you won’t be bound” Kirsty said calmly. Hayley’s eyes burned with indignation but what could she do. Hayley did as instructed, taking deep breaths until everything went black. “Gayle now time for your nap” Kirsty said as she spun round to face the other woman. With the other two women subdued Kirsty went to assist Yelena, who had already let Natalie out of the chair. Still stunned from her recent experience Natalie didn’t resist as the two women bound her and put her into the two restraining bags.

Three days later

“Unfortunately I have some bad news ladies” Louise Williams had entered the room and instantly this opening gambit had got the attention of the all three captives. Natalie had been released from full restraints a couple of hours ago. Natalie had been put in restraints as punishment for her pathetic attempt to escape or get help. Since then all three captives had been on their best behaviour. “There will be restrictions on your recent freedom privileges for a while.” There was a moment of silence before someone spoke.

“Is this because for what Natalie did?” Hayley asked Louise. Louise noticed that Gayle and Hayley had both stolen a quick glance at Natalie when she had mentioned the restrictions on freedom of movement.

“I don’t believe so. Miss Crawford has a quick job for a couple of the girls that requires them to return to the mainland” Louise responded.

“How long will that be for?” Gayle finally asked.

“I can’t divulge that detail for operational reasons” Louise replied. “On the plus side I will be helping out more so we will get to know each other better.” There was another spell of awkward silence.

“When will this restricted period start?” asked Hayley

“Once again I can’t divulge…”

“That for operational reasons” Hayley interrupted. “We get the picture Louise.” There was a hint of resignation in her voice. Once again a period of awkward silence ensued. Louise felt the need to break the tension.

“Don’t worry it won’t be for long and it will just mean that you have to spend a lot more time in the restraining bags for perhaps three or four days. If you think about it like that it’s not too bad really.” Louise stopped and to her surprise noticed that the three women were nodding almost imperceptibly, a tacit agreement.
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