A to Z Bondage (F/F) COMPLETE

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A to Z Bondage (F/F) COMPLETE

Post by BeautifulHeart »

Asmara’s Arrest

“I take it you’re more into metal bondage?”

“Yeah, handcuffs are way more my thing. Is that alright?”

“Oh yes, it’s fine,” Asmara, dark-skinned, black hair, wearing a purple tank top and a green skirt, is accompanied by Jet, fair-skinned, black hair, wearing a black turtleneck and blue jeans. “I’ve just never tried it before, is all.”

“Trust me, you’ll like it,” Jet takes Asmara’s arms, and cuffs her wrists behind her back. “How’s that?”

“Feels okay,” Asmara looks back at her cuffed wrists.

“Good. Could you lay on your stomach for me?”

“Sure,” Asmara lays down on the floor, raising her feet in the air.

“And you raised your feet up! Even better!” Jet takes another pair of handcuffs, and cuffs Asmara’s ankles together.

“I must ask, where are you going with this?” Asmara looks back at her cuffed ankles.

“You’ll see. Watch this,” Jet takes a pair of handcuffs, and connects the handcuffs on Asmara’s wrists to the handcuffs on Asmara’s ankles. “They call this a ‘hogcuff’.”

“I see,” Asmara struggles, feeling at her bindings. “Is that it?”

“Not yet,” Jet takes a harness ball gag, and puts it in Asmara’s mouth, tightening all the straps. “And you don’t have to keep asking.”

“Mmm,” Asmara looks back and wiggles her feet.

“Wiggly feet, are they?” Jet puts handcuffs over Asmara’s soles, then puts toe cuffs on her big toes. “That will keep your feet still!”

“Mmph!” Asmara looks back, trying to wiggle her far less mobile feet.

“One last thing,” Jet takes another pair of toe cuffs, and puts it on Asmara’s thumbs. “There! Now we’re done!”

“Mmgh…” Asmara struggles, prying at her cuffed thumbs with her free fingers.

“And there you have it! A hogcuff just how I like it!” Jet lays down, her face in front of Asmara’s. “How is it?”

“Mmmt’s mmkm,” Asmara shrugs her shoulders, to the best of her ability.

“Hmm, what to do with you…” Jet rolls onto her side, thinking. Then she rolls back over. “I just got an awful idea!”

“Hmmgh?” Asmara lifts an eyebrow and tilts her head.

“I think I’ll take you back to my place!” Jet gets up. “Be right back!”

“Whht?” Asmara resumes her struggle as she watch Jet leave. Jet goes out to turn on her car, and open the back.

She goes back inside, and lifts up Asmara. “Relax, my back isn't too big. You won’t move a muscle in there.”

“Mm shmms,” Asmara tries to look up at Jet as they head out the front door.

“What about your shoes? Too careful about your feet to walk a small distance barefoot?”

“Mmrgh…” Asmara rolls her eyes as Jet places her in the back of the car.

“There we go,” Jet shuts the back, and gets her shoes, locking the door behind her. She gets behind the wheel, and drives away to her house.

“Nnnrgh…” As Jet backs out of her driveway, Asmara looks down at the drool dripping down her chin, and braces herself for the drive to Jet’s house…
Last edited by BeautifulHeart 2 years ago, edited 26 times in total.
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by BeautifulHeart »

This is planned to (hopefully) be a collection of 26 short stories, each one being centered on a different girl, going down the alphabet.

Wish me luck that I can get to all 26 :D
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by Lucky Lottie »

A fun start. Can't wait to read the rest :D
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Location: Tied up and spanked over your knee, or in the dungeon tormenting you!

Post by JulieG »

Sounds an interesting excellent plan. Good luck x25.
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Post by NotSeen »

A bold concept - but I really, really hope you get all the way through. The first one certainly is promising. It'll be interesting to see what kind of titles you come up with.
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Betty’s Burial

“Who could it be now?”

Betty, a woman with dark skin and pitch black hair, wearing a simple black dress, is sunbathing outside on her patio, listening to the nearby waves, when her phone vibrates. She reaches over to pick it up.

Taryn: Where are you, I need to know :(

“Better be important,” Betty hastily responds.

Betty: I’m at home. What’s the trouble?

Taryn: Nothing, just curious ;)

“Oh, Taryn,” Betty turns onto her back. “You and your texts,” After she looks through certain sites for notifications, she puts her phone back down.

Soon, Betty closes her eyes, and drifts off to sleep.

While she’s asleep, the door to the patio slides open, with Betty completely unaware…


“…nn-hmm…huh!?” Betty stirs, then jolts awake. She looks forward, finding herself far away from her patio, in a secluded part of the beach, buried in the sand. Only her head and feet are exposed. “Hey, who did this!”

“Quiet down!” Taryn stands with her feet flanking Betty’s head.

“Taryn!” Betty looks up at her fair-skinned friend. She has dark red hair, and is wearing a white bikini. In her hand is a small picnic basket. “Thank goodness it’s only you!”

“Somebody might hear you and get interested in your feet, you know!” Taryn walks over to Betty’s exposed feet.

“First of all, how did you get me all the way here without waking me up?”

“I honestly was totally surprised at that myself. Looks like you’re one heavy sleeper,” Taryn kneels down near Betty’s feet.

“God, I hate that about myself,” Betty looks to the side.

“Don’t, sleep is good for you!” Taryn reaches into her basket, and pulls out a black ball gag. “Now, will you open up for me?”

“Taryn, have I ever shown you my special room that I keep locked?

“I don’t know,” Taryn crawls over to Betty’s head. “What’s in it?”

“My torture chamber. Which you’ll be spending a few nights in if you put that in my mouth!”

“Hmm… I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Open up!” Taryn buckles the ball gag in Betty’s mouth.

“Ymm mmsked fmm mm!” Betty yells out from behind her gag.

“I did indeed, so let me really deserve my ‘torture’,” Taryn crawls back to in front of Betty’s feet. “How ticklish are your feet again?”

“Mm cmm m-nmhmhmhmhm…!” Taryn scratches at Betty’s feet, who bursts into laughter.

“Very ticklish, it seems!” Taryn spiders up Betty’s soles, ascending to her toes.

“Mhmhmhmhm…” Betty twists her head back and forth, while her feet flop around.

“Oof, too much movement,” Taryn pulls her hands away from Betty’s feet, and reaches into her basket.

“Wmmt nmm?” Betty stops moving, and catches her breath.

“Good thing I brought this!” Taryn holds up some string.

“Mm plmms,” Betty smirks as she holds one foot in front of the other.

“‘Yes please’? Why, I’d be happy to!” Taryn holds Betty’s feet side by side, and ties the string around her big toes. “How’s that,”

“Mmmm….” Betty grumbles as she tries to wiggle her toes.

“And now let’s try it out!” Taryn claws up Betty’s less mobile feet.

“Mmm-hmhmhmhmhm!” Betty closes her eyes and shakes her head, as drool starts to seep out of her mouth.

“Yeah, this is working out much better,” Taryn grabs Betty’s tied toes, and dusts her feet with her fingers.

“Stmmm-hmhmhmhm!…” Betty leans her head back, tears coming out of her eyes. She tries to pull her toes out of Taryn’s grip, to no avail.

“Oh, I’m not stopping anytime soon,” Taryn claws up and down Betty’s feet with her nails. “Except I guess to reapply sunscreen, but that can be your break. We have all afternoon to experiment with your feet,” Taryn leans back and dusts Betty’s soles with her toenails.

“Mmmmrgh!-Nmmhmhmhm…! As drool flows down her chin, Betty tosses her head back and forth, and braces herself for the long, ticklish afternoon to come…
Last edited by BeautifulHeart 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Cassandra’s Capture

“So, what’s the story here?” Fair-skinned Cassandra, with red hair and wearing an emerald green dress, walks out onto the deck.

“The story’s simple. We’re going to tie you up…” Delilah, a tall, dark-skinned woman, wearing a cream-colored dress, sits at the table with her feet up, and points to the ropes, string, and other items on the mat. “…and take a few pictures,” Delilah points to Harriet, also sitting at the table.

“Hi!” Harriet gives a light wave. She’s fair skinned, with brown hair and glasses, wearing a grey tank top and jean shorts. In her hands is an expensive camera.

“Fine, then, but no one but me sees them, right?” Cassandra crosses her arms.

“You have our word on that,” Delilah uncrosses her ankles, and gets up from her chair. “Let’s get started, then.”

“Alright,” Cassandra kneels on the mat. “What now?”

“Just sit there, and keep your feet side by side.” Delilah picks up a bundle of rope. “Harriet, you ready?”

“Yes,” Harriet kneels down, and takes a picture of Cassandra’s whole body, then of just her feet.

“Now,” Delilah unwinds the rope in her hands. “Could you lay on your stomach, facing the camera?”

Cassandra lays on her stomach, feet raised in the air.

“That’s perfect. Go ahead,” Harriet snaps another picture of Cassandra’s whole body, then of just her feet.

“Good. Now the interesting part,” Delilah ties Cassandra’s wrists behind her back.

“Do you normally take things this slow?” Cassandra looks up at the camera as Harriet takes another picture of her whole body, then of her tied wrists.

“You keep asking so many questions, I may just have to gag you early,” Delilah taps the ball gag with her foot, before tying Cassandra’s ankles together with rope.

“Well, you’re gonna gag me anyway,” Cassandra looks forward as Harriet snaps two more pictures.

“Indeed I am,” Delilah connects Cassandra’s wrists and ankles with another rope, and Harriet takes two more pictures, one of Cassandra’s hogtied hands and feet.

“Going to gag me yet?” Cassandra looks up.

“I think I will,” Delilah takes the ball gag, and buckles it in Cassandra’s mouth, then Harriet takes two more pictures, one a close up of Cassandra’s gagged mouth.

“Mmph,” Cassandra sucks on her ball gag.

“Now then,” Delilah ties rope around Cassandra’s elbows, and Harriet snaps two more pictures. “What next?”

“How about her toes? Big toes, then all ten later?”

“Perfect. I’ll take the camera,” Delilah takes the camera, and Harriet ties Cassandra’s big toes together, and Delilah takes the two pictures. “What would you like to put on her next?”

“How about this?” Harriet ties rope below Cassandra’s knees, and Delilah takes the two pictures.

“Here,” Delilah hands the camera back, and puts the blindfold over Cassandra’s eyes, while Harriet takes the two pictures. “You don’t need to see what’s next.” She takes the camera back from Harriet, who ties rope around Cassandra’s elbows and shoulders, and Delilah snaps two more pictures.

“Mmmgh,” Cassandra begins to drool, and turns her head in Delilah’s direction.

“Looks like she can still hear us, Harriett,” Harriet moves to put earplugs in Cassandra’s ears, while Delilah takes two more pictures. “That’s better.”

“Mmm…” Cassandra rests her head down.

“Go ahead and apply the finishing touch.”

“Sure thing,” Harriet takes the string again, and ties all ten of Cassandra’s toes together, while Delilah takes the last two pictures.

“That should be good,” Delilah gets up, and sits down at the table, putting her feet up and looking at Cassandra.

“So, what now?” Harriet sits down at the table and puts her feet up as well.

“There’s no rush,” Delilah leans back, putting her hands behind her head. “Let’s enjoy ourselves.”

“Mmm?” Cassandra looks up in confusion, wiggling her tied up toes.

Later that evening…

“They really didn’t have to keep me tied like that for so long,” Cassandra says to herself, at home in her own bed.

Her phone vibrates. A picture of Delilah and Harriet together, along with a file. All the pictures of her are in there.

“Hey, these look really good. She did a nice job,” Cassandra scrolls through the file’s content, looking for a while at each picture.
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by Caesar73 »

Indeed a bold concept, as [mention]NotSeen[/mention] pointed out, but so far you are doing great! Carry on!
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Delilah’s Domination

“Don’t worry, I got you!” Harriet carries a hogtied Delilah into the house.

“Mmm…” Delilah, tall, dark-skinned, curly black hair, wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and blue jeans, hears nothing. She is hogtied, and also panel gagged, blindfolded, and her ears are plugged, leaving her blind and deaf to the world.

Delilah feels herself being lowered to the ground, on a mattress with the bottom sheet still on. She lowers her head, the sheet still smells okay.

Harriet pulls one earplug out. “The other two will be here shortly. I’m gonna tie your toes now, okay?”

“Mmkm,” Delilah nods, and Harriet puts the earplug back in. Delilah feels her big toes being tied together with soft string.

It’s nothing but silence for several minutes. Delilah wiggles her fingers and toes…

Then, two pairs of lips kiss each sole, while a third kisses her panel gag over her mouth.

“Mmm?” The lips at her feet begin sucking on her toes, while a pair of feet stick themselves over her feet. “Mm-mm!?” Delilah tries to move her head, but the feet hold firm.

“Mm…” Two pairs of feet rest atop Delilah’s back, while two tongues lap at her bound feet. The third pair of feet rests on each of Delilah’s shoulders.

“Hmmph,” Two toes rub at Delilah’s ears. Meanwhile, the other two pairs of feet get off her back. “Mmm!?” All three pairs of feet stick themselves in Delilah’s face, wiggling their toes. She could feel one of the pairs has toe rings on, another has long toenails.

“Hmmrgh…” After a few minutes of the feet prodding at her face, one pair of feet slides under Delilah’s chin, another’s toes grope her butt through her jeans, the last on her arms, by her shoulders.

“Hmm…” After several minutes, a tongue takes two long licks up her soles, then all the pairs of feet get off her body.

“Mmm!” After a few minutes of nothing, a riding crop smacks her sole. Then again. Delilah tries to roll away, but two pairs of feet at her sides hold her still.

“Mm-mmmgh!” The riding crop smacks her soles lightly, but quickly, typing out Morse code for “count”. “Cmmnt?” Delilah turns her head back. The riding crop resumes hitting her soles, spelling out “yes.”

Then, a hard smack on her left sole. “Mmn.”

A smack on her big toes. “Tmm!”

Two quick smacks, on the balls of her feet. “Thrmm fmmm.”

Several seconds of silence, then a hard smack in the middle of her feet. “Fmmv, mmgh…”

A minute or two, then three quick strikes. “Smmx smvmn mmmt.”

A smack on her soles, with what feels like the handle. “Nmm.”

Then, a hand, slapping her soles. “Tmm, mmgh…”

The smacks stop. Three pairs of lips kiss and caress her feet, lapping at where Delilah was hit with tongues.

“Mmmm…” Delilah closes her eyes under her blindfold. The tongues take long licks up her soles, sticking themselves in between her toes.

Two pairs of lips kiss each sole, then plant kisses on her cheeks.

“Hmph,” A single pair of lips sucks on her big toes, then starts licking up and down her feet.

After several minutes of the one mouth worshipping her feet, Delilah’s earplugs and panel gag come out. “How are you?” Harriet’s voice.

“Doing well, thank you,” Harriet takes the blindfold off, and Delilah looks up at her after adjusting to the light.

“I assume you want to be untied now?”

“Not yet, I could use a little more foot worship,” Delilah wiggles her toes. “But before that, perhaps you could let me in on the secret?”

Harriet whispers in her ear, “Asmara and Nadine.”

“Thank you. Now please, worship my feet,” Harriet crawls back to Delilah’s feet, and continues lapping at her soles for a while.
Last edited by BeautifulHeart 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by NotSeen »

Oh wow, you're working really fast on these... and such good little stories. Looking forward to the next ones.
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Post by JulieG »

I love that foot worship.and torture . is the secret leading to.an underlying theme in these stories?

Well done. Four down, 22 to go.
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Post by slackywacky »

Enjoying these stories. Great concept. A few more to go...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by SinfulSloth »

I love this concept! The stories are short, sweet, and very well written. Only 22 more to go
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Emma’s Escape

“You’re certain Harriet and I are both tied up the same.”

“Trust me on this. I’d never cheat her like that. Nor you.”

“Good to know,” Emma, fair-skinned, with blonde hair, wearing a white T-shirt and skinny blue jeans, is hogtied on the floor in a bedroom by Delilah, who’s wearing a black T-shirt and jean shorts. In the other room is Harriet, hogtied just like Emma is.

“You’ll have 20 minutes to get as far as you can,” Delilah grabs a ball gag from the dresser. “The loser gets tortured by the winner. Understand that?”

“Yeah, I got it,” Emma looks up, and Delilah puts the panel gag in her mouth.

“Good. I already gagged Harriet,” Delilah steps into the hall. “Twenty minutes, you two!” She calls out. “Starting…now!” Delilah starts the timer on her phone, and shuts both doors.

“Hmm…” Emma feels around at her bindings, feeling for any knots in reach.

“Mmmgh!” Emma feels a knot. She then feels around her any strand to pull. She can’t feel any, so she claws at the knot.

After a few minutes, the knot loosens enough for Emma to pull it away.

“Mmm!?” As Emma pulls away the knot, her feet pull away from her hands. She realizes just another rope was undone, and nothing else was freed. The ropes around her wrists, torso, and ankles, and her hogtie rope, are still as tight as ever.

“Hm,” Emma rolls back onto her stomach, and pulls her ankles up to her hands, feeling for any knots. She can’t reach any.

“Mm nm…” Fearing she’s running out of time, she tries to get her gag out of her mouth by scraping it on the floor. When that doesn’t work, she tries to push it out of her mouth with her tongue.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually, the ball gag pops out of her mouth, and hangs around her neck.

“That’ll show her,” Emma crawls toward the dresser, and tries to get on her knees. “Damn,” She’s not close enough to reach the knobs with her teeth.

She scoots, ever so slowly, forward, so she can lean forward and pull on the knobs of the highest drawer she can reach with her teeth. Eventually, she pulls a drawer far enough to stay… and nothing is inside.

“Come on!” Emma pushes the drawer shut with her nose. “Running out of time…” She leans down to pull open the next drawer.

“Yes!” Inside the drawer is a pair of scissors. She leans down and pulls them up with her teeth, and throws them onto the floor.

“Now to use them,” Emma gently lowers herself down to the ground, then slowly scoots herself toward the scissors, turning around to grab them with her hand.

“There we go…” Emma feels for the hogtie rope with the scissors. “Almost… got it! Yes!” Emma successfully cuts the hogtie rope, and stretches her feet out. “Now to get the other ropes…”

At that moment, Delilah opened the door. “Well done,” she leaned over and untied the ropes. “You’re the definite winner.”

“Nice,” Emma stands up, and unbuckles the ball gag from her neck. “How did Harriet do?”

“Come see,” Delilah leads Emma into the other bedroom. Inside, Harriet remains completely hogtied and gagged, a puddle of drool forming under her chin. “I don't know if she threw it or what, but she’s all yours.”

“Well, isn’t this a nice reward,” Emma leans down by Harriet’s feet. “You happen to be ticklish?” she strokes up Harriet’s soles.

“Mmm!” Harriet struggles, but Delilah sits down in front of her, and sticks her feet in Harriet’s face, keeping her still.

“You want in on this?” Emma claws up Harriet’s feet.

“I’m good over here, thank you,” Delilah wiggles her toes.

“Mhmhmhmhm…!” Harriet giggles into Delilah’s feet as Emma tickles her for a long while…
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Farrah’s Float

“Are you sure about this?”

“Would you rather spend the day in my special room?”

“Good point,” Farrah, dark-skinned, hair in two braids, wearing a blue two-piece swimsuit, follows Betty, who’s wearing a black two-piece, out to her pool deck. They both sit on the pool’s edge.

Farrah tries to look away from Betty’s toned abs, but can’t for long. “Something caught your eye?” Betty turns her body, and kicks her feet up on the pool’s edge.

“What? Oh, no…” Farrah looks away, blushing, still stealing glances at Betty’s abs and feet.

“Hey, you’ll get there someday,” Betty pats Farrah’s stomach with her foot.

“Anyways, what are we doing, exactly?”

“Go ahead and get in the water,” Betty gets up, and grabs a few waterproof belts from the table.

“Okay,” Farrah slides into water, fully submerging herself. “Okay…” she braces herself against the chill upon entering the water. “Now what?”

“Now put this over your ankles,” Betty hands Farrah a belt, and Farrah straps her wrists together. “Good, now put this around your thighs,” Betty hands Farrah a bigger belt, and she buckles it around her thighs.

“Good, now go climb on the inflatable.”

“Oh boy…” Farrah hops over to the inflatable lounge chair floating in the pool, and pulls it over to where Betty is sitting. She takes one big hop, and successfully stays on it. “Hey, first try!”

“Well done,” Betty pulls the inflatable onto the side. “Now turn around and give me your wrists.”

“Okay,” Farrah turns herself around, and Betty straps her wrists behind her back. “What now?”

“Roll over on to your stomach,” Betty takes the last belt in her hands.

“Hold on…” Farrah rolls around, and lays on her stomach, backwards on the inflatable lounge, legs near the headrest, and facing Betty. “Got it!”

“Good. Now lift your feet for me,” Farrah raises her feet in the air, and Betty connects her wrists to her ankles with the last belt.

“Question,” Farrah looks up at Betty, while feeling at her bindings.

“You won’t if you just hold still,” Betty pushes the inflatable back in the water, anchoring it with her feet.

“Right, then,” Farrah looks at the pool bottom, in between glancing at Betty’s feet, doing her best to keep still.

“Hmm…” Betty crosses her ankles. putting a finger to her chin.

“What is it?” Farrah looks up at Betty, still stealinf glances of her feet.

“You can’t seem to get enough of my feet, can you?” Betty scrunches and sprawls her toes.

“Oh, sorry,” Farrah closes her eyes.

“It’s okay, girl, I was just thinking that while we’re here in this position, maybe you could worship them for me.”


“Licking, kissing, you know the type, right?”

“I guess I could try,” Farrah scoots forward slowly, and takes a small lick up Betty’s sole.

“Not bad, keep going.”

Farrah closes her eyes, and takes longer licks up Betty’s soles.

“That feels good. Now try kissing them next.”

Farrah kisses all along Betty’s feet, from the toes down to the heels. Eventually, she interchanges her licks and kisses, eyes slightly open. The licks become deeper, the kisses grow longer…

“Alright, I think you’ve proved yourself,” Betty pulls her feet away and gets up.

“No more?” Farrah swallows, and licks her lips.

“Sorry, no more. Was that your first foot worship?” Betty gets up to get a ball gag off the table.

“Yes,” Farrah calls out, looking at Betty’s soles as she walks.

“And how’d you like it?” Betty walks back toward Farrah.

“It wasn’t bad, actually.”

“Good,” Betty pulls Farrah toward the side.

“Is that going in my mouth?” Farrah looks up at the ball gag.

“Yes it is. Open up!” Farrah opens her mouth, and Betty buckles the ball gag behind her head. “How’s that?”

“Mmms gmmd,” Farrah nods.

“Alright then, you’re all set!” Betty pushes Farrah into a spin.

“Mmmph!?” Farrah tries to turn her head, but the inflatable is spinning so Betty is already out of view.

“Don’t worry, I’m still here!” Betty crosses her ankles.

“Hmmph…” Farrah bows her head down. As the inflatable spins, she gets a good look of the pool bottom, and keeps statue still.

“You look pretty cute over there!” Betty calls out.

“Mmmph!” At this point, the inflatable has stopped spinning so that Farrah is stuck facing the away from Betty. She doesn’t move, looking again at the pool bottom.

Then, a splash is heard. Then, the inflatable is pulled backwards and turned around. Farrah looks back behind her.

“This looks big enough,” Betty’s gotten in the water, and is looking at the inflatable’s size.

“Hmm?” Farrah raises an eyebrow.

“Big enough for this!” Betty climbs onto the inflatable, while scooting Farrah over. “Now we can’t leave each other’s sight!”

“Mmm!” Farrah smiles under her gag, looking at Betty’s feet.

“But that also means you can’t escape me,” Betty spiders Farrah’s feet with her nails. “Try not to rock us too much.”

“Mmmrgh…” Farrah squeezes her eyes shut, trying her hardest not to squirm.

“I think I like us like this,” Betty crosses her ankles, planting a kiss on Farrah’s sole.

So Farrah lays there, hogtied and gagged, next to Betty and her ticklish hands, while stealing glances at her feet, all afternoon.
Last edited by BeautifulHeart 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by Rdo4y8 »

Ambitious and excellent. Looking forward to the rest!
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Post by banshee »

Good stories so far, and like you have already been told a pretty interesting idea
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Gail’s Gluttony

(As in ‘glutton for punishment’)

“You ready for this?”

“Yes, I am ready,” Gail, of Asian descent, with dark hair and caramel skin, toned body, wearing a white thin turtleneck, and blue jeans, is standing up with her hands already tied behind her back. With her is Xena, tanned skin, black hair, toned arms and legs, and wearing a white T-shirt and athletic shorts.

“Alright, tell me when to stop, I guess,” Xena ties Gail’s ankles together. “Is that good?”

“Keep going, way more than that,” Gail looks down at her bindings.

“Where do you want them, then?”

“Tie up my legs, first.”

“Okay, got it,” Xena tied ropes around Gail’s thighs and above and below her knees. “Is that it?”

“Nope, I need more.”

“Okay then,” Xena ties ropes around Gail’s calves. “How much more? Let me rephrase that, where are you going with this?”

“I want you to mummify in ropes. Make it tight enough that I can barely move!” Gail looks back at Xena. “Can you do that?”

“I can try,” Xena ties more ropes around Gail’s calves.

“Still want more,” Gail looks down at her tied up legs.

“Fine,” Xena ties even more ropes around Gail’s calves, which are mummified in rope at this point. “How’s that?”

“Good enough, I suppose. Now work your way up.”

“Right,” Xena begins tying ropes above Gail’s knees, and around her thighs. “How is that? Tight enough?”

“Yes, you’re making it tight enough. Keep going.”

“Okay then,” Xena ties more ropes around Gail’s thighs, making the ropes tight.

“Good work, now make me a crotch rope.”

“Coming right up,” Xena ties a rope around Gail’s waist, and threads a rope between her legs, tying it off to her wrists. “How’s that?”

“Nngh,” Gail pulls on her crotch rope. “Feels good. Now tie my thumbs and fingers.”

“Let me see what I can do,” Xena takes some of the string, and ties Gail’s thumbs together. Then, she ties all of Gail’s fingers together. Finally, she takes more rope, and ties Gail’s palms together. “How’s that?”

Gail feels at the bindings on her hands. “Feels good. Get going on my upper body.”

“Okay, then,” Xena takes more ropes, and starts tying them around Gail’s arms and torso. “Hold on, I want to do this first,” she ties rope over Gail’s shoulders, then around her breasts and back, creating a complex breast harness. “Wanted to do that before I cocoon you in rope.”

“Feels good,” Gail looks down at her breast harness.

“Now I can continue,” Xena takes more rope, and continues tying up Gail’s arms and torso, taking another rope to tie Gail’s elbows together. “How does that feel?”

“Feels great,” Gail pulls at her elbows, to no avail.

“I’ll keep going,” Xena takes more rope, and ties further up Gail’s arms, up to below her breasts. She takes a few more ropes, and ties above her breasts. “Phew,” Xena stands back. “That’s a lot of rope on you.”

“Eh, I could use a little more.”

“Fine, but after these, I’m lowering you down,” Xena takes more ropes, and ties them in various places, her legs, arms, and another wrapped around Gail’s fingers. “There. Now I’ll lower you,” Xena lowers Gail to the ground, on her stomach. “How do you feel? Can you breathe?”

“Yes, I can breathe fine,” Gail feels at her bindings and wiggles her toes. “Keep going.”

“Alright, I will,” Xena lifts Gail’s legs up, and connects them to her wrists with rope. Then, she takes another rope, and connects Gail’s ankles, wrists, and elbows. “Okay, now for your wiggly feet,” Xena takes the string, and ties all ten toes together. “How’s that?”

“Nngh, feels good,” Gail tries to pull at her big toes. “I’m ready for that gag.”

“Sure thing,” Xena takes Gail’s socks and stuffs them in her mouth.

“Ymmrs tmm.”

“Mine too? Okay then,” Xena stuffs her socks in Gail’s mouth, then puts on a harness ball gag, buckling it behind her head and trapping the socks inside. “That good?”

“Ymms, thmmk ym,” Gail tries to struggle, to no avail.

“I’m not done yet,” Xena ties rope to the back of Gail’s ball gag, and ties it to her ankles. Then, she takes another rope, and wraps it around Gail’s eyes, and ties the other end around her soles. Finally, Xena ties more string around Gail’s big toes, and ties the other end to the ring at the top of Gail’s harness gag.

“There. Now I’m done. Like that?”

“Mmmhmm…” Drool starts to seep out of Gail’s mouth as she keeps still.

“Don’t worry, I’ll still be here,” Xena lays down next to Gail, and looks up certain sites.

“Mmm…” Gail struggles, tightening the crotch rope. She tries to wiggle her toes, but the ties hold firm. Her fingers and hands are held still. The tight ropes around Gail’s body encase her utterly, and drool seeps out of her gag.

She remains bound in her many bindings for hours. Just the way she likes it.
We have a long night ahead of us…

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Post by Caesar73 »

Gail is definitely going nowhere :) Fantastic tie up Sequence!
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Harriet’s Hole-Up

“Geez, do I really have to be tied up the whole time?” Harriet’s wrists are tied behind her back with a belt by a red-haired maid. She’s wearing a black and white striped T-shirt, and black jeans.

“I’m sorry, but that was the Mistress’ request,” The maid does not even look up as she locks the belt, then ties another belt around Harriet’s ankles.

“Does Delilah know about this?”

“I don’t know, the Mistress will likely inform her. On the bed you go,” the maid lifts Harriet up and places her on the bed on her stomach.

“When do I get let out?” Harriet looks back as the maid takes a thinner, and connects her wrists and ankles, before locking it.

“At meals, and other important events,” the maid takes a ball gag, and buckles it behind Harriet’s teeth, locking it behind her head.

The maid places a towel under Harriet’s chin before getting off her bed. “Enjoy your stay,” she leaves, and closes the door behind her.

“Mml trmm,” Harriet rolls her eyes, then starts to feel at her bindings. They’re nothing like anything she and Delilah have ever used, and the locks have no give.

“Hmm…” Harriet looks around at the room. There aren’t any clocks on the walls. “Mml bm hmm m wmmm…”

Some time later…

“Mm?” Knocks can be heard from the other side of the door. “Harriet?” Delilah’s voice.

“Dmlmmlmm!” Harriet smiles underneath her gag.

“Huh?” Delilah opens the door a crack. “Harriet!” Delilah enters the room. She’s wearing a black, long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. After seeing the locks, she pulls the ball gag down around Harriet’s neck. “Who did this?”

“The maid did.”

“What?! What for?”

“‘The Mistress’ request’, she said.”

“Mother…” Delilah looked away.

“The maid thought you were supposed to know about this, apparently.”

“Well, I’m going to go have a talk,” Delilah gets up and heads for the door. “I’m gonna close this. Try not to attract any unwanted attention, got it?”

“Got it.”

“I’ll get you out as soon as I can,” Delilah leaves and shuts the door.

“And now, we wait, again,” Harriet looks out the window. It seems the sun has moved…

Some more time later…

Harriet lifts her head. Footsteps can be heard outside the door. The doors open, and two maids enter, one with a tied up Delilah over her shoulder.

“Wonder how that went,” Harriet said aloud, looking over at Delilah’s bindings. Her legs from her ankles to her thighs were encased in a leather sleeve, sealed by several locks. Her arms were locked behind her back, elbows bent at right angles and hands sealed in leather pouches. A thick chain connected her wrists to her ankles.

“Mmgh…” A harness ball gag ensnares her head, complete with another lock.

“She will be staying with you,” the black haired maid sets Delilah down next to Harriet on the bed, while the red haired maid unlocks Harriet’s ball gag and takes it away.

“You two will soon have a personal talk with the Mistress,” the red haired maid locks a harness ball gag in Harriet’s mouth.

“Also, a gift on the house,” the black haired maid takes two strings, and ties Delilah’s and Harriet’s big toes together. “Enjoy yourselves,” the two maids leave, closing the door behind them.

“Nmmt wmml?” Harriet looks over at Delilah.

“Nmm,” Delilah looks back. “Mm smmry.”

“Dmmt bm, mm lmmm ymm kmmpm mm cmmpnm.”

“Lmmk mt ms,” Delilah looks forward. “Fmms tmm gmmtmmk lmk thmms.”

“Mm cmm mn, ymm knmm mms fmmn,”

“Fmmn,” Delilah looks back. “Sm, wmmt dm ymm wmmt tmm dmm wmmn wmm gmt bmmk?”

“Mm dmmt knmm…” Back and forth, Harriet and Delilah exchanged words from behind their gags, for the remaining hours they were hogtied together.
We have a long night ahead of us…

Also check my DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/mostbeautifulheart
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Ida’s Ice

“Okay, it’s ready.”

Ida, fair-skinned, dirty blonde hair, wearing a dark grey T-shirt and bleach-white jeans, looks in the freezer. An ice cube with a key inside has solidified, so she takes it out of the freezer and to her room, where a towel and a few pairs of handcuffs lay on the floor.

“Here we go,” Ida sits on the towel and sets the ice cube down. Then she puts handcuffs over her ankles.

“Nice,” She connects the handcuffs with another pair with a third pair of handcuffs, then she rolls over and lays on her stomach, facing the ice cube.

“Now for the hard part…” Ida reaches for the last pair of handcuffs. When she finally grabs them with one hand, she slots her hand through it, and locks it in. “Almost got it…” When she slots her other hand kn, she reaches over and clicks it in.

“Okay, now that’s done!” Ida smiles and looks back. The handcuffs hold firm. “And now we wait.”

Ida rolls onto her side, looking at the ice cube. She looks up at the clock hanging on the wall. “No idea how long this will take. Probably should have kept myself occupied…”

She rolls onto her other side. “Maybe I’ll doze off, and when I wake up, it will be ready,” She closes her eyes, hoping she falls asleep.

Some time later…

“…hm?” Ida snaps awake, and rolls onto her stomach. The ice has partially melted, but not enough. “Hm… Didn’t think this through, did I-…”

Ida hears the front door open. She freezes.

Footsteps are heard coming up the stairs. The door opens. “There you are!” Jet enters the room. “What are you doing?”

“Thank goodness, it’s just you,” Ida drops her head.

“Aw, worried about an intruder- ow!” Jet steps on the half-melted ice cube. “Ice?”

“Yeah, saw it online, thought I’d try it,” Ida looks up at Jet.

“And just wait out the melting with nothing to do?”

“Yeah, that was a mistake on my part.”

“Well don’t you worry! I’m here now! Let me get some more stuff first,” Jet turns around and leaves the room.

“Oh boy,” Ida looks at the melting ice cube, then up at the door.

The door opens again. “Okay, I’m back,” Jet enters the room, with some items in hand.

“What do you have there?” Ida looks up at Jet.

“Oh, just a few things,” Jet walks around Ida to her feet. She takes a pair of toe cuffs, and snaps them around Ida’s big toes.

“My toes?” Ida looks back at her bound toes.

“Yeah, it’s prep for what I’m doing next,” Jet crawls toward Ida’s head, and takes a ball gag in her hands. “Open up!”

“Mmgh,” Jet buckles the ball gag in Ida’s mouth.

“I’m going to get one last thing. Be right back!” Jet gets up and leaves the room. Footsteps can be heard heading down the stairs.

“Mm…” Ida rolls onto her side, looking at the still-melting ice cube.

Footsteps can be heard coming back up the stairs. The door opens again.

“Okay, back again!” Jet enters the room, and sits by Ida’s feet.

“Whm- hmm?!” Ida’s eyes widen at the item in Jet’s hands. It’s a full tray of ice cubes.

“Oh, these?” Jet pops one of the ice cubes. “This is a fresh batch! Good thing I kept your feet nice and still.”

“Mm-mm!” Ida tries to roll away, but Jet puts her legs at Ida’s sides, keeping her still.

“Nice try, but I’m not letting these things go to waste!” Jet rubs the ice cube on Ida’s sole.

“Mmm! Cmmd!” Ida wiggles her feet, but Jet’s hand remains firm.

“Of course it’s cold, but you’re a tough girl. You can take it!” Jet pops another ice cube out, and holds it against Ida’s feet.

“Nmm!…” Until the key melts, Jet rubs ice cube after ice cube on Ida’s chained up feet.
We have a long night ahead of us…

Also check my DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/mostbeautifulheart
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Location: Tied up and spanked over your knee, or in the dungeon tormenting you!

Post by JulieG »

Ice and bare feet. A winning combimation
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful series! So far, G is my favorite. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Jet’s Journey

The door to Jet’s room opens. “Hey Jet,” Ida enters, wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans rolled up to her knees.

“What’s up?” Jet is sitting on her bed, wearing a black T-shirt with black jeans.

“Thinking about cashing in payback for the ice, you up for it?”

“Sure, I’m down,” Jet gets up from the bed, and puts her hands behind her back. “What’d you have in mind?”

“I was thinking of using your collar, where’s that?”

“I’ll get it,” Jet goes into her closet, and pulls out a box of all her items. She takes out a collar and leash, and hands it to Ida. “All yours.”

“Thank you,” Ida buckles the collar around Jet’s neck, letting the leash dangle. “Keep your hands behind you,” Jet puts her hands back behind her while Ida pulls out a pair of handcuffs, putting a key in her pocket.

“So, where are we going?” Jet looks back as Ida puts the handcuffs on Jet’s wrists.

“You’ll see. Now come,” Ida walks ahead of Jet, pulling her forward with the leash, down the stairs.

“Not going out the front?” Jet looks back at the front door as they walk past it.

“My shoes are at the back door,” Ida walks toward the back door, then slips her shoes on. “Turning around,” Jet moves out of the way as Ida leads her back to the front door, grabbing her keys on the way.

“Do I get my shoes?”

“Nope,” Ida opens the front door, and holds it for Jet. She shuts and locks the door.

“Didn’t think so,” Jet follows as Ida unlocks Jet’s car and clicks open the back.

“You’ll be sitting here,” Ida points to the back of the car.

“Right then,” Jet gets in and sits down, and Ida throws the leash in and shuts the back. Ida walks around to the driver’s seat, and starts the car.

“Gotta make myself comfortable…” Jet lays down on her side as Ida backs out of the driveway, and drives down the road.

One thirty minute drive later…

“Hm?” Jet lifts her head up. The car turns onto a driveway and slows to a stop. The engine shuts off, and footsteps can be heard heading toward the back.

The back opens. “Come on, girl, let’s go,” Ida grabs the leash, and Jet turns her body and slides out of the car. Ida closes the back and locks the car.

“You brought me here?” Jet gets a good look at the house. It’s Betty’s.

“Not quite. Betty was just kind enough to let us park here,” Ida leads Jet away from the house, down to the sidewalk.

“You’re taking me to the beach?” Jet can hear the waves as she is walking. Looking at Ida, she notices she’s walking barefoot as well.

“Yeah, is there a problem?” Ida and Jet turn onto the path leading down to the sand.

“No, not really,” They eventually reach the sand, and Ida leads Jet to the left, and they walk along the beach for a while. Jet looks out at the ocean.

After several minutes of trekking on the sand, they reach a bright red umbrella. “About time you two got here!” Betty calls out from her lounge chair. “I was just about to fill this pit back up!”

“We’re here now!” Ida stops once she’s under the umbrella. “Welp, in you go!”

“Okay then,” Jet lays in the pit dug out, head and feet above the sand, facing away from the water, and Ida starts to bury Jet. “What now?” Jet sprawls her toes after Ida’s finished burying her.

“Now, we relax,” Ida sits in the other lounge chair.

“Feel free to put these on her,” Betty hands Ida a panel gag and blindfold.

“Thank you!” Ida takes the items, and puts them on Jet.


“My pleasure,” Jet can hear the lounge chair creaking, Ida must be laying back.

“Mmhm!” Fingers spider Jet’s soles.

Jet leans back, listening to the waves, feeling Ida and Betty’s ticklish manicures, all afternoon, until she feels a cooler breeze, and hears Ida and Betty talk of the sun having long set.
We have a long night ahead of us…

Also check my DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/mostbeautifulheart
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Post by BeautifulHeart »

Kahini’s Keenness

“So, are you ready for this?” Asmara, wearing a white shirt and a blue skirt, sits on the bed, unwinding rope.

“Yes, I am so ready,” next to her on the bed is Kahini, of Indian descent, dark skin, wearing a white and yellow striped shirt and blue jeans.

“Is this your first time ever tied up?”

“Yes it is, actually,” Kahini looks over at Asmara.

“Okay then, I’ll take it easy. Go ahead and put your hands behind your back.”

“Okay,” Kahini puts her hands behind her, and Asmara ties them, palm to palm, with rope.

“How does that feel?” Asmara gets more ropes ready.

“Feels quite snug,” Kahini looks behind her at her tied wrists. “I like it!”

“Glad you like it,” Asmara gets off the bed, and kneels in front of Kahini’s legs. “Can you keep your feet together?”

“Sure,” Kahini holds her legs together, and Asmara ties her ankles.

“How is that?” Asmara gets more ropes ready.

“Feels good,” Kahini wiggles her feet and toes.

“Good, just a few more ropes around your legs,” Asmara ties below Kahini’s knees. “Could you lift your legs up?” Kahini lifts her legs, and Asmara ties her thighs. “How does that all feel?”

“It feels really good,” Kahini moves her tied legs around. “You’re doing a good job tying me up!”

“Thank you,” Asmara gets back on the bed. “Now,” she gets a few more ropes unwound. “Do you want to do the hogtie or the balltie first?”

“The… balltie?” Kahini looks back, raising an eyebrow.

“Okay! Can you fold your legs against your body for me?”

“I’ll try,” Kahini raises her legs against her body. “Is this good?”

“Perfect,” Asmara wraps a rope around Kahini’s arms, torso, and thighs. “How’s that?”

“Feels okay,” Kahini raises her bound feet.

“If you want, I can add one more rope.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Okay,” Asmara takes another rope, and connects Kahini’s ankles to the rope tied around her thighs. “How is that?”

“It feels good,” Kahini wiggles her toes.

“That is a balltie. How do you like it?”

“I like it,” Kahini wiggles her body.

“Do you want to try the hogtie now?”


“Right,” Asmara unties the rope connecting Kahini’s thighs and ankles, then unties the rope wrapped around her arms, torso and thighs.

“There we go,” Kahini stretches out her legs.

“Now, let me get you set up,” Asmara turns Kahini around, and rolls her onto her stomach.

“Like this?”

“Yes. A hogtie is very simple,” Asmara takes a rope, and ties it around Kahini’s ankles. She lifts Kahini’s feet, and connects her ankles to her wrists. “Just like that. How does that feel?”

“Feels good,” Kahini looks back at her tied feet.

“Do you like that better than the balltie?”

“A little bit, yeah.”

“Alright. Before I forget,” Asmara takes some string, and ties Kahini’s big toes together, then her thumbs. “How do you like that?”

“It feels okay, but what’s it for?” Kahini wiggles her bound big toes.

“It’s just something we do,” Asmara lays down next to Kahini, raising her feet in the air.

“I see,” Kahini looks over at her and Asmara’s feet.

“Is it alright if you stay tied up for a little longer?”

“Sure, that’s okay.”

Asmara lays next to Kahini, who lays hogtied for several minutes until Asmara unties her.
We have a long night ahead of us…

Also check my DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/mostbeautifulheart
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