Actress war: DCEU vs MCU

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Actress war: DCEU vs MCU

Post by nghiaHP72 »


In a beautiful beach far away from the city, there were plenty of apartments and resorts, but there was rarely any tourist. Because this place, called B-Bay, had not opened yet. It had attracted numerous investment to build a top class tourist areas, and waited for grand opening. This is a luxury entertainment areas where celebrity would choose to spend their vacation with their family, friends, and companies.

The first tourist was Gal Gadot, the super-star of DCEU, she was invited to test the quality of facility of this place. She had the wonderful face with gorgeous body, beautiful eye and seductive lips that can attracted any gentlemen. The services was very good, the entertaining amusements were excellent, perfect for any celebrity to enjoy their holidays. As least, the second invited tourist, Brie Larson, had the same thought. She had brilliant face under her blonde hair, graceful body, charming eye, and attractive cheeks, which made her shinning under the sunset.

The actress of MCU had a friendly conversation with Gal Gadot, before arguing about the MCU and DCEU, especially about the actress – their companies. Both of them wanted to prove that their people was better.

“Maybe your friends were amazing, but your performance needed to be improved.” Gal Gadot said.

“You was arrogate just because your movie was better than some other movies in DCEU?” Brie Larson replied.

And they continued to argue about everything, their acting skill, the importance of their roles, the future of DCEU and MCU.
Who know what would happen next?

In the following day,
“Hello, Brie. Please call me as soon as possible. We have much things to discuss about the next project. I tried to call you for a day but didn’t have any reply. If you heard this message, contact me soon. Thank you.”

The voice message form Brie Larson’s phone finished the task.

“I think he will have to wait for more days.” Gal Gadot smiled and talked to Brie Larson, who was totally restrained by plenty of ropes. Her wrists was tightly tied up behind her back, connected to the crotch; her legs and ankles were tied together by several loops of ropes; her mouth was gagged by three layers of tape. Brie Larson couldn’t do anything to free herself from this situation, and left in the pool.
Brie Larson squirmed strongly when she saw her rival coming. She had tied and gagged for 20 hours since their argument ended up by a catfight. And the winner was Gal Gadot, who used to be trained in the military, resulting in the dominant of Gal Gadot and Brie Larson realized that it was a big mistake to mess with Wonder Woman of DCEU. Gal was super strong and skillfully in fighting, resulting in the defeat of Brie Larson. That why Brie Larson was then bound and gagged in the pool, wearing her blue bikini from yesterday, when she had enjoyed the resort’s swimming pool before starting the conversation with Gal Gadot. She had been untied twice since yesterday, but still had her hands restrained behind her back, only remove the bonding in her legs, ankles, and crotch; that when she ate, drank, and have the restroom, with her hands tied up. Therefore, Brie Larson was unable to escape the rope.

Now Gal Gadot came to visit her, in her red bikini. Gal Gadot had just played the canoe amusement service and she was glad to use it in order to go sightseeing around the beach, leaving his poor captives struggling on the cold floor. The resort areas was a place with high security, and thus employee was not allowed to come in unless they were required. No one knew that there was a blonde girl tied up inside it, except the star of DCEU.

“How do you feel, Brie?” Gal Gadot had a smirk on her face.

“Let me go, you ******” Brie Larson shouted out in frustrating.

Gal Gadot clapped her hand to the butt of Brie Larson. “You shouldn’t fight with me, now you are my prison. I don’t want to say impolite word, but may be ‘loser’ is perfect word for you in this predicament.”

“When I get out of these **** ropes, you will have to regret.” Brie Larson threaten her rivals.

“You vacation tour was still long, and if you don’t have good attitude, I will not let you go” Gal Gadot said.

“Fine, your DCEU was the best. Are you happy now? Let me go.” Brie Larson changed her tone.

“I will play with you a little more” Gal Gadot said and began to tickle. Brie Larson couldn’t resist it. Her facial expression was one of laugh and anger, she was humiliated in a ticklish emotion. She tried not to laugh but she couldn’t. She jiggled vigorously but the ropes were very tight, and she was not able to do anything to stop it.

“Please stop it!” Brie Larson cried out.

“OK” Gal Gadot stop tickling her rivals. Instead, she began to touch sensitive part of Brie Larson’s body: the nipples, the butt, the crotch, the belly button…

Brie Larson was very angry, she struggled against her bonds to no avail. On the other hands, Gal Gadot was too cheerful to enjoy this. Both of them were not toxic about the competition between DCEU and MCU, but the situation had brought them here, as the destiny.

“Listen, I will let you go tomorrow, so try to suffer one more night. OK?” Gal Gadot said gently into Brie Larson’ ear.

“You want to keep me as your toy today?” Brie Larson answered.

“Of course, isn’t it obvious? But this is really fun” Gal Gadot reply.

“I don’t see anything funny about this.” The blonde girls talked.

“Why not? Try to imagine, Captain Marvel was defeated and captured by Wonder Woman. It will be an interesting scene that numerous people would like to see it.” Gal Gadot told Brie Larson about her imagination. “Back to reality, you will be my toy until the end of today.”

“No, I refuse!” Brie Larson said.

“You are not at the position that can make a choice.” Gal Gadot smirked.

Gal Gadot brought out a beach chair and made herself comfortable to take sunbath while listening to music and watching her captives squirming in her bonding.

“Can you open another song? I hate this song.” Brie Larson talked while turning her body.

“No, this is my favorite song” Gal Gadot replied.

“I can’t take it”

“Maybe I should shut your mouth up.”

“What! No.”

Brie Larson was gagged again, with three layers of tape, and she could only moaning through the gags.

“The next I put you in bondage, I will put a pair of socks into your mouth.” Gal Gadot said.

“The next time? When I get out of here, you will be my prisoner.” Brie Larson tried to say but she couldn’t speak out because of the tape gags.

Gal Gadot clapped her hand to the butt of Brie Larson one more time, before returning to her chair, turning up the volume of her favorite song, and sometimes watched the helpless efforts of her captives. Her face was happy, and she started to think what she would do with her victim.

The illustration image was created by myself using the DAZ3D software and Photoshop.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice start - I am curious where you will take that Story. Good choice of Characters and nice illustrations [mention]nghiaHP72[/mention]
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Post by nghiaHP72 »

Chapter 2: Failed Revenge

Brie Larson used all of her power to break the ropes; if only she had the strength of Captain Marvel in MCU, she could escape easily. But she isn’t the girl with ultra-power, so it took her 10 hours to loosen the first knot. As she used to say, when she got out of here, her rival, who put her into this predicament, must pay for what she did. After 30 minutes from the first knot, Brie finally release herself from bondage. She thought about a plan for her revenge, in which Gal Gadot would have to cry and beg for mercy. But first, she had to call for her friends.

Gal Gadot was not here, she was preparing her favorite beverages – whatever it is. Brie looked for her bags to find her phone. It was a problem because she had no idea where it was hidden, and her phone must be turned off.

But she eventually found it, under a wooden table at the corner of the kitchen. There were too many missing call to reply, Brie Larson decide to call one of her friend from MCU. Why? Because one of her missed messages announced that the actress in MCU had decide to get a tour to this place, an invitation just like her and Gal Gadot. The first one to come is Scarlett Johansson, aka Black Widow in MCU. Therefore, Brie Larson decided to call Scarlett Johansson so as to tell her about Gal Gadot.

“That’s what happened here yesterday. I need your help to make her pay for it.” Brie Larson told Scarlett Johansson about her predicament.

“OK. I will be there, I think you shouldn’t fight with her.” Scarlett Johansson said.

“She may be better at fighting. But I know some tricks.” Brie Larson replied.

“Don’t let her tie you up again.” Scarlett Johansson advised her.

“If I didn’t call your for the next 60 minutes, it means I was failed.” Brie Larson said.

Brie Larson got a classical plan: she will prevent that she was still be tied up, Gal Gadot won’t be vigilant, and she will attack her. Brie Larson came back the old place, sat down, set the gags to her mouth, and put her hands behind her back. After a while, Gal Gadot came back and though that Brie Larson was still be bound tightly.

When Gal Gadot walked to opposite direction, it’s time for action. Brie Larson quickly punched Gal Gadot’s head from behind. Being attacked suddenly, Gal Gadot couldn’t avoid it, her head was dizzy. Gal Gadot was not able to stand any more, her body fell off the floor.
“Easier than I though.” Brie Larson smirked in her victory.

Brie Larson used her foot to check if Gal Gadot was fainted or not. But Gal Gadot didn’t move, her eyes were closed and her body didn’t have any reaction.

“I will tie you like a frog.” Brie Larson said and started to collect the ropes. She thought about the situation in which Gal Gadot would be humiliated and she enjoyed it. After collecting the ropes, she walked to Gal Gadot, who was still lied next to the pool. When she grabbed Gal Gadot left wrist, her rival suddenly opened her eyes, and immediately wrestled her to the floor.

It’s was a trap. Absoluately.

“You didn’t have any nice intention with me, do you?” Gal Gadot asked her victim.

“Of course, I have already told you that I will punish you.” Brie Larson replied.

“You had a good plan, and I used your plan to defeat you, again.” Gal Gadot said while she began to carry out her wrestling technique: her legs locked the left arm of Brie Larson, while both of her arms locked her rival’s right arm. Brie Larson was not able to resist or escape, she could only suffer. After 10 minutes being wrestled, Brie Larson’s body was so tired that she couldn’t do anything else. Gal Gadot stopped her wrestling and started to pick up the ropes. Once again, Brie Larson was lose and restrained by her rival. She tried to resist, but the pain in her body after wrestling didn’t allow her to do anything. Both of her hands were then tied up behind her back, but Gal Gadot didn’t continued to tie her legs, which meant they would go to somewhere else.

Indeed, Gal Gadot pulled her captives to doorways. Being tied up as prisoner, Brie Larson could only follow her captors though she still tried to resist. She knew that Gal Gadot would do something with her for punishment, and she would be in bondage for at least more several days instead of being untied at the following morning. Gal Gadot took her captives to the bath room, under a shower. Then, the captors carefully connected a knot on the body of the blonde girl to the shower, which made Brie Larson not able to move out of the area of water flowing from the shower above her head. Gal Gadot remove the gags on Brie Larson’s mouth.

“What are you going to do?” Brie Larson had bad feeling about this.

“Just a little water!” Gal Gadot replied and started to turn the switch. Cold water from the shower poured into her victims. The flow of water was intense while the temperature was very cold. This was a punishment for Brie Larson, who was tremulous under the cold water, squirming with all of her power to get out of there but her captors didn’t allow it. She couldn’t open her eyes, couldn’t run away, couldn’t resist, she could only cry out “Stop!”.

Gal Gadot turned off the flow of water. The captives was gasping for air.

“You shouldn’t try to attack me.” Gal Gadot said.

The captors took a soap and begin to rub it onto the skin of Brie Larson. The blond girl shook her shoulder to push it away. Gal Gadot smiled and turn on the switch. This time, the water was adjusted to be hot. The flow of water continue to pour into the body of Brie Larson; she shivered in the hot water for 2 minutes.

Gal Gadot turn of the switch, and rubbed the soap onto her captives again. Brie Larson could only suffer the humiliation while Gal Gadot touched everywhere on her body. Gal Gadot tickled, slapped, and played with the body of Brie Larson while rubbing it with soap, hand, brush, and towels. Sometimes, she opened the switch, randomly choose the temperature to wash the soap; sometimes she punched the belly of Brie Larson, or grabbed the boobs. The pathetic victim suffered it all. She promised by herself that when she was free, she will make her revenge (just like the last time). But this time, she would wait for her friend, and be more carefully. “Gal Gadot had to be punished for everything she had done.”

When the shower time ended, Gal Gadot dried her captives with a hand-drier. After that, she pulled Brie Larson out of the bath room, walking on the hall before going downstairs.

The illustration image was created by myself using the DAZ3D software and Photoshop.
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Post by DuctTapeSilence »

Great story! Love the added illustrations. I’m looking forward to reading more.
Duct tape can't fix every problem, but it can muffle the sound.
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