The New Housekeeper (f/fff) (featuring Alisonlovesropes)

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The New Housekeeper (f/fff) (featuring Alisonlovesropes)

Post by ishfet »

It was the final days of summer, and Alison had fun going for a walk in the park with her sister Kerry, and her mom Rebecca. Despite the judgemental looks of a few prudes who've never seen a barefoot lady walk around the park before, it was an overall pleasant time: stretching her legs, feeling the grass under her toes, and catching up with her sister and mother: She mentioned what was new with her and Hals, Kerry talked about her work at the office, and Rebecca told her daughters about her new hobby: gardening. Taking advantage of the hot days of summer, she had gone to her small garden and worked on planting a new rosebush, as well as an assortment of potted plants. It was a lot of dirty work (specially on her feet, since she often went to the garden barefoot) but thankfully she had hired a new maid, a Mrs. Footwangler, and she had been amazing at keeping the house spotless, she was adamant on making sure not a spec of dirt remaind on any surface, and would be confounded and irritated if more dirt would show up on the floor.

After a few hours, Kerry had to go back to the office to take care of some pending tasks, and Alison hadto run a few errands first, but they agreed to meet again tomorrow at their mother's flat.

The next day was Alison's day off at the fitness centre. They never agreed at a specific time to meet, so she took her morning slow: enjoying her breakfast, and the company of Hailey. She was half tempted to cancel her plans and tie her wife up and keep her for the day, but she knew she had something important to do today... she will have to wait, for now.

Alison dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a black sleeveless shirt and walked barefoot towards her Mom's flat. Noticing the unlocked door, she asumed her sister had just arrived; and true enough: found her mom and her sister snuggling on the couch in the living room. A blanket was covering their entire bodies, except for her mom's dirty feet and her sister's tan, high-heeled ankle boots: sticking out of the coffee table as they rested on the coffee table.

“Mom, Kerry, I know you're in there...” Alison said playfully

Alison walked towards them, she could hear them mumbling and fumbling under the blanket, but couldn't understand what they were saying. Rebecca's toes were slowly flexing, so they couldn't be unconscious. What sort of game were they playing, Alison wondered. In one swift movement, she lifted the blanket revealing her mom, still wearing her rolled-up jeans and t-shirt, and her sister: clad in her ruffled summer dress and colorful-patterend leggings, fully awake... tied up and gagged!

Green clothesline bound their ankles together as well as their legs above and below their knees. More clothesline was tied above and below their chest, framing their chest in a harness tie. Their hands were behind their back, so she could assume they were tied as well. A long white cotton fabric was tied tightly between their mouths, and a few hints of colour exposed the sponges that were used to stuff their mouth, turning all their warnings into unintelligible murmurs.

Before Alison could take in the image in front of her, a hand clasped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her arms, pinning them to her torso

“So sorry, miss” said the lady behind her “but I'm afraid ye will be joinin' yer mum and yer sister...”

“Mmmphh!” Alison tried to yell, but the hand over her mouth prevented any sound to come out any louder than a murmur.

It was also holding something over her mouth: a rag, humid with some sort of sweet smelling liquid. The scent was familiar, yet Alison could not determine what it was, her limbs began to feel numb, but as she whiffed more and more that rag with the unusual smell, she could not determine what it was, her body felt heavy, but rather than falling, the person holding her kept a tight grip, she could feel herself being dragged, but she was unable to determine where because her eyes felt heavy, and in a matter of seconds everything became dark...


Alison woke up groggy, her limbs felt heavy... she couldn't move them at all. At that moment the image of her mom and sister tied up came back to her and her eyes open up wide, taking in the state in which she was in: she could feel her wrists behind her back were bound together, most likely the same clothesline that encircled her torso above and below her breasts, pinning her arms. Her legs were tied together above and below her knees. The rope that bound her bare ankles together, was also keeping her feet propped on the coffee table in front of her, next to her mother, and onther end of the couch her sister, both tied up exactly the same as her. Not only that, but her left elbow was tied to her mother's right elbow, and in turn her sister's right elbow was tied to Rebecca's left elbow. This resulted in Kerry and Rebecca being jerked around every time Alison struggled, much to the displeasure of Kerry, who in turn tugged in her direction, leaving poor Rebecca jerked and tugged around by her two daughters. She tried talking to them, but feeling the sponge-like material and the tight pulling sensation at the corners of her mouth, it did not take long for Alison to deduce that talking was not going to be an option. But that did not stop her from trying:

“Mrr yph Mkmph?” she asked to her fellow captives, who were sucessfull in interpreting her message and nodded.

There was no sign of their captor, but they could hear someone walking and moving stuff behind them. Alison imagined they have been captured by a robber, that once they're done ransacking her moms flat, they'll turn their attention on the three helpless women they left bound and gagged on the living room...

Before she could attempt to question her sister or mom about the identity of their captor, high heeled steps closed iin on them as she made herself present:

“I see you are all awake, now” said a female voice, who once she stepped into Alison's view, she recognized as her mom's housekeeper: Mrs. Footwangler.

Towering in front of them was a tall, slim woman in her mid-40s. Clad in a maid's outfit and tan stockings, her short, wavy read hair neatly pulled by a thin black hairband. Her blue eyes glaring at her three captives, who look at her attentively.

“I'm sorry it had to come down to this, lasses, but you see...” she pointed to the entrance “Yer mum keeps trackin' mud back to the living room whenever she goes out gardenin'...”

Rebecca sheepishly looked at her own feet, true enough her soles were dirty with mud from the garden. She shrugged apologetically while her daughters glared at her.

“Now I asked ye multiple times to wipe yer feet before enterin' the house, but since ye won't...”

Mrs. Footwangler knelt in front of the three pairs of bare feet and dragged her bucket of cleaning supplies next to her. Rebecca shared nervious glances with her daughters, uncertain of what was going to happen to them next.

The housekeeper swiped a dry rag over the six dirty soles in front of them, causing them to jerk.

“Ticklish, are we?” asked the woman with a mischiveous smile on her face.

Rebecca's eyes widen: she had an idea of what Mrs. Footwangler was going to do to her from the moment she had overpowered her, but would she dare? She quickly shook her head in disbelief but from the bucket, the housekeeper pulled a scrubbing brush soaked in soapy and whit one hand she held a foot firmly, ensuring this one wouldn;t wiggle away, while the other began scrubbing the brush vertically, from her heels moving up to her arches.

Bex, as Rebecca was commonly known, screamed in her gag as soon as she felt the bristles scrub her heels and navigate throught he wrinkles of her soles. She shut her eyes hoping her mind could shut out the overbearing stimulation on her feet. Mrs. Footwangler, however, was diligient, and once she was done with one foot (which felt like an eternity for Bex!) she moved to the next leaving no inch unscrubbed, no crevice unlathered with soapy foam. She took her time, and both Alison and Kerry could not look away, dreading the moment the brush would come down on their defenseless soles.

“Yer soles are done, miss. But we still have to clean yer toes now, don't we?” the housekeeper asked, but got no response from the now dishevelled, sweating Bex except for heavy breathing

“But for now, let's take care of these big stompers over 'ere”

She was now in front of Alison, how stared at her captor with wide eyes.

“Another barefooter!” she scoffed as her captor grabbed her left foot “This is goin' to take a while...”

The poor girl shut her eyes and screamed her lungs out in laughteras soon as the bristles began brushing off the dirt off her soles, she struggled and jerked violently hoping to at least break loose from the hand gripping her foot, but Mrs. Footwangler had a very tight grip on her. That did not meant she was going to just let her captor tickle her insane: with her free right foot, she tried to fend off the srubbing brush and even tried to grab it with her toes and pry it away from the house keeper.

“Oooh, feisty, are we?” her captor retorted and moved to clean the sole of the right foot.

Alison still tried to resume her tactic, but by now the stimulation had been too much and couldn't concentrate on fighting off the brush and their horribly tickling bristles. She ler her laughter burst out and her toes wiggle wildly as the brush worked on scrubbing off the dirt off her soles.

By the time Mrs. Footwangler was done, Alison was sweating and panting just like her mother.

“I suposse I have nothin' against ye lil' miss...” said Mrs. Footwangler to Kerry

Kerry batted her eyes with a sad puppy look, hoping she could persuade her captor to let her go.

“...but I bet yer feet are just as dirty under those boots”

With that said, she pull off Kerry's ankle boots one at a time, despite the blonde girl's protests. True enough, Kerry was not wearing socks at the time and a ring of black grim could be seen around her heels and the balls of her feet.

“Hmm, size 5...” Mrs. Footwangler sighed as she looked at Kerry's boots “Too bad none of ye are size 8.5, otherwise i might've tried them on”

Kerri protested with a long moan, her sister and mother however were too tired to even register what they just heard. The housekeeper diped the brush back on the soapy water. Kerry shook her head and pleaded her captor to leave her feet alone, emmited a high pitched squeal in while giggling uncontrolably long before the brush would touch her soles (the housekeeper was even delaying. Once the scrubbing began, she roared in laughter and jolted like a million volts ran through her entire body. Her struggling was so hard she even jerked around her sister on the other side of the couch.

“Oh, quit yer fussing, its only a little scrubbin' ” said the housekeeper

Kerry was not able to fight as hard as her sister, but she still made it difficult for her captor to keep her feet still. Nonetheless, she was determined to get her soles clean, and one by one she scrubbed Kerry soles from her heels to the balls of her feet, making sure her sensitive arches weren't left unlathered with soap. Once she was down, the poor girl had tears began streaming down her cheeks, and just when she felt she was running out of breath, Mrs. Footwangler stopped.

“Now it's time to take care of yer toes...” announced the housekeeper, causing her three captors to moan in unison

“Well, now!” said with fake indignation “if yer goin' to be this feisty...”

From her pocket she pulled she pulled out five pieces of string. All three captives looked at each other puzzled, but soon it became evident what those strings were for. One by one, the pieces of string were tied: the first one was used to tie Kerry's toes together, the second one was used to tie her right pinky toe to her mother's left pinky toe. Kerry looked concerned, but was to exhausted to do anything but look with sad doe eyes as the next pair of toes were tied. The third piece of string was used to tie Bex's big toes together, but before the fourth piece could be tied, Alison scrunched her toes hard, making it impossible to pass the string between them. Rather than fight her, Mrs. Footwangler had a better idea...

“I s'pose she wants both of ye to take her punishment for her...” she said sarcastically.

Bex and Kerry glared at Alison, and after a few seconds of silent persuation, she reconsidered and unclenched her toes. Concerned as she was with what her cpator had in store for her, she was more concerned about what her mother and sister will do to her for revenge of whatever the housekeeper does to them.

Finally, the fourth string was used to tie Rebecca's pinky toe with Alison's, and the final piece was used to tie Alison's big toes together.

Alison tested her new ties: sure enough, she was now unable to shield one foot with another, and whats worse, everytime she wigled her toes, she pulled her mother's and vice versa.

Mrs Footwangler replaced the scrubbing brush with a toothbrush, which she used to scrub the front, back and even the space between the toes of her three captives. Squeals and giggles soon turned to screams of laughter, the toothbrush's small size made it easy to travel to cornersof their feet the brush could not go to, discovering new sensitive areas even they did not know they had. Kerry dug her head on her mother's shoulders, who in turn shut her eyes hard in a poor attempt to tune out the tickling sensation jolting from her toes and traveling all over her body.

Alison did her best to fend off the toothbrush and even tried to pry it from the housekeepre's hands, but with her toes tied as they were, it was really hard to move them, not to mention her captor had a free hand with which she could pry her toes open to let the toothbrush in.

Immediately after finishing scrubbing everyone's toes, she worked on removing the soapy foam of the three pairs of feet, not with a towel, but rather with a pair of gloves she put on, made out of towel fabric. Of course, rather than trying to clean the feet as gently as possible, she used her towel-covered fingers to explore every wrinkle on those helpless soles, every space between those wiggling. A chorus of three helpless women screaming in muffled laughter filled the room, but the gags efficiently reduced their screams to mumbles that would not be audible outside the living room.

“I suppose ye have all learned yer lesson and will keep yer feet nice and tidy from now on..?” asked the housekeeper.

She could see her three captives still panting, their faces red, their hair dishevelled: completely exhausted from their tickling ordeal, yet she could almost discern behind those gags a smile. Maybe they were still laughing from the foot cleaning they received... all three looked at each other and quickly nodded to their captor. Unkown to her, however, they all had their fingers crossed behind their backs.

Mrs. Footwangler smiled, and as peace gesture, she undid all the toe ties, which was received by all thirty toes wildy wiggling, enjoying their newfound freedom. The housekeeper then took a bit of baby oil and massaged all three pairs of bare feet. It was hard to get angry at the housekeeper once she worked on those tired and over estimulated feet. After all, not only was the house spotless, but ion the end: their feet never looked, or felt, better.


Alison must have dozed off, because by the time she opened her eyes, Mrs. Footwangler was gone, and all three of them had been untied and ungagged.

With her sister and mother still dozing off, Alison covered them with a blanket, then took her things and quietly left, leaving them peacefully nap one over the other.

Once home, she was greeted by Hailey

“Hey Ali, you've been gone the entire day, did you had fum at your mom's flat?”

“Yeah... hey how do you think about hiring a housekeeper?”
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Post by JulieG »

That's a great story and an original idea too. Nice housekeeper has a cool idea to keep Jer floors clean. 8-)
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Post by Caesar73 »

JulieG wrote: 1 year ago That's a great story and an original idea too. Nice housekeeper has a cool idea to keep Jer floors clean. 8-)
Couldn't agree more - a pleaure to read!
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Post by Jennyjay »


Excellent story.
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