A Scout's Honor (f+/f+) - Chapter 5

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A Scout's Honor (f+/f+) - Chapter 5

Post by AlexUSA3 »

After the strong and positive reception to A Scout's Life, I decided to write a sequel to the story. :D

A Scout’s Honor Part 1

“Are you saying you watched internet p-rn?!” Grace asked in shock.
“I think so. The girl wasn't naked, so it's not p-rn, right?” Fiona replied sheepishly.
“Let's drop this,” I suggested, “And don't do it again.”
“Joyce is right. Don't ever do that again! That's unhealthy!”
“It was months ago,” Fiona blushed, “It was embarrassing saying it in confession.”
“Then let's forget it and move on as a silly mistake!” I encouraged my friend.

To explain, Fiona, Grace, and I were among the many scouts from the same church as this Girl Scout Troop was partially founded by a large contingent from there but open to all. Those of us from the church therefore shared church, scouts, and school alike, but we never hampered girls like Ruth-Ann, my most recent new friend, who were of different creeds in any regard. We just happened to have a slanted demographic.

Grace was the girl that stood out in our walking trio. She was 15, 5’6” tall, and had a red bandana kerchief holding her hair back. She had brown hair, a pretty, dark color, and hazel eyes that sparkled with a positive spirit. Grace was what is best termed the “good girl.” Despite a German surname, she had a decent tan from a lifetime in the Florida sun.

We all had scout uniforms, and to my left was a girl taller than me only by virtue of being a year older than me. Fiona was chestnut-haired, blue-eyed, and pale, as her Polish surname suggested, and built like an absolute stick in stark contrast to my average size (but Italian grandma strength) or Grace’s natural thick bones.

I was a hybrid of them. My hair was dark blonde, or brown at one angle and blonde at another, and my eyes were a lovely brown. Like I said, I have an average build but an Italian grandma’s strength like the Verdi ending of Joyce Verdi indicated. I didn't play in the kitchen too much except that I loved doing any kneading and rolling my mother needed done.

We all had the girl scout uniforms. Khaki shorts and button-up shirts were matched by a typically orange large bandana we almost all usually wore as neckerchiefs. Grace’s usual use of it as a kerchief was instead replaced by the red bandana, and I suspected it had to do with the recent introduction of rope games to our troop. Our troop had at least one outing per month in addition to at least one day trip. To my parents, it was a way for me to spend time with other girls my age, learn, and have fun, and I was ever so grateful for that.

There were problems in the troop though. I had resolved my conflicts with Ruth-Ann, a typical red-haired Irish girl with freckles. Our love-hate relationship had settled into a friendship since the last trip and benefited from us being the same age and size. The last outing saw Ruth-Ann and two other girls, Becky and Hallie, abandon me deep in the forest after tying and gagging me. I showed them up and offered peace; Ruth-Ann had apologized, but the others hadn't and avoided me like the plague since then.

Rope had become an important part of our troop from the last outing. Human subjects worked great for practicing different techniques and skills, and as long as no one was getting hurt we older girls were allowed to keep at it even though it wasn't encouraged or discouraged. Yes, we bound and gagged each other under the guise of “practicing knots.”

“Making a serious note of it, was it as fun as you hoped?” I asked Fiona.
“Things were so tense,” she grimaced, “I didn't have as much fun as I could have.”
“Things will be better this time,” Grace smiled, “We'll be able to enjoy ourselves!”
“Hey! Girls!” we heard Ruth-Ann’s voice calling out to us from camp.
“What is it?” Grace called back from our perimeter walk.
“It's dessert time!”

Not that I could usually enjoy dessert time because of my diabetes. Little ketchup on a hotdog, or none at all even. No s’mores. No maple syrup on pancakes. It could be a hassle for the people around me especially since I had to monitor my blood sugar and get my injection based on what the machine said.

Grace, Ruth-Ann, and I were sharing a tent tonight, to my relief. After our last outing, it was decided to group based on protecting me from my enemies instead of by age, lest Hallie attempt any form of revenge. There was not liking someone, but Hallie genuinely hated my guts.

Hallie was a big girl, bigger than Grace, and she had long blonde hair. Well, all of us girls had long hair except me, Ruth-Ann, and Fiona; we had it close to shoulder length or just past the shoulders. Hallie's size and strength allowed her to take down any one of us at will. She wouldn't look at me.

Becky was a short thing from the west coast. Her brunette hair was straight as an arrow; rumor was that she was part Shoshone Indian. If she were a Shoshone, her body didn't show it; then again, I wouldn't know a Shoshone if I met one! Her eyes were an unusually pretty green. Her innocent face hid the coward inside of her.

They made a perfect pair of rats. The big girl was offensive, and the short girl was cowardly. I saw a respectable person inside the short one, but she was too cowardly to let herself bloom. The bigger girl, on the other hand, had been too much trouble already, and I could do anything scout related with her as long as we didn’t talk beyond what was absolutely essential. I prayed that one or both would change, but I wasn’t holding my breath either.

Something meant more than badges to a good scout: honor. This had been instilled in us from our first days here. We had to pass a quick oral exam on this before we were allowed to take our oaths. That’s what this tale is really about: how one scout proved she had no honor and how one discovered that being honorable meant more to her than being a winner.

“Imagine a sniper is lurking outside the camp,” I said as I sat down, “He has one bullet. He must kill one of us. Who’s the dead one?”
“Grace,” Isabella responded without a thought.
“Grace?! Wouldn’t it be Mrs. Pulaski?” Fiona asked in surprise.
“No, Isabella’s right,” I turned to Fiona.
“They’d see this firecracker from a mile away,” Isabella giggled.
“Becky, you and Fiona could join me and make it a trio of girls for him to aim at.”
“They can pull it off unlike me!” I laughed at this; Grace wouldn’t die alone if she could help it.
“Tomorrow, Grace, tomorrow. I promise,” Fiona laughed as well.

Grace smiled and leaned back to howl in laughter. No one could take a joke better than she and Isabella. There must be a joke in our group including girls named Grace, Hallie, Isabella, Joyce, Karen (Mrs. Pulaski), and Lexi. At minimum, we represented the alphabet well; Jessica doubled that J for good measure.

Jessica and Lexi didn’t get into the rope games like the rest of us, but there were games they still found fun that weren’t TUGs. They’d participate in tying up a person for practicing tying logs, but a few of us, namely Fiona, Grace, Isabella, Ruth-Ann, and me, enjoyed the TUGs enough to play on our own.

“Yeah, get yourselves each a bandana,” Hallie feigned a smile, “And gag yourselves.”
“Hey!” Isabella snapped, “I’d say you should start first!”
“I know not to talk all night long unlike you cackling hens. Blah blah blah!”
“Sometimes I want to give you a black eye!” my friend was losing her temper.
“Girls!” Mrs. Pulaski stopped them, “Apologize.”
“I’m sorry,” Isabella blushed.
“I’m sorry,” Hallie lied, “We’ll talk later.”

The important thing was that we were scouts, and we had honor. That meant we played within a set of rules by which we all agreed to abide. Some rules were common sense, like not leaving a gagged person without someone to watch them. Others were just plain reasonable, like limits on the types of gag allowed. A few were personal, like not stuffing dirty socks in my mouth since I couldn’t stomach them too well, although I didn’t barf unlike Isabella.

Mom was Daddy’s second wife, so my older siblings were so much older that I had a niece who was a member of a different scout troop and older than me. Thus, these girls were like sisters to me, and I really cherished them. Everyone loved gathering at my home because of the cookies my mom made. In fact, upon this occasion, Mom sent me off with some regular chocolate chip cookies for the troop and diabetic friendly ones for me. They’d have to wait for lunch because we had plenty for now; nothing beats fire-melted s’mores even in a forest near Ocala, Florida.

Isabella was the girl who got picked on the most in school; after me, she got picked on the most. I got it the worst because I had the best grades in every class I took. I didn’t even boast of it; the other kids just would find out by word of mouth from the one or two souls who’d ask me how I’d done on the assignment. Then I’d get called “Nerdi” because I wore glasses. Isabella had classic Coke bottles on her glasses because she had a lazy eye. Isabella was the third-generation from a family of Cuban immigrants, and she had jet black hair and a slight tan to accompany her height, which was just a little taller than me. She had a heart in the right place although it got the best of her at times.

Isabella and Fiona had a question to ask of Mmes. Hughes and Pulaski before we went to bed for the night. Ruth-Ann and I helped Jessica put out the fire while Lexi, Becky, Hallie, and Grace went to the tents for the night. I wished I had paid more attention to what was going on around me, but Ruth-Ann and I were talking to Jess. Jess was a nice and, as a good scout, honorable girl. She was homeschooled; we did not get to see her as much. I had the best friends, really. Isabella had a big heart; Grace was the fun one; Fiona was the sneaky one; Ruth-Ann was sweet; I was practical. We brought out the best in each other once Ruth-Ann and I learned how to settle our differences maturely.

“Ruth, I need you for something,” Becky said as she exited my tent, “Come on.”
“Oh, all right,” Ruth-Ann looked at me and rolled her eyes, “I’ll help you.”
“No problem,” I brushed it off as they entered the other tent.
“See you soon,” Becky’s tone was foreboding.
Weirdo, I thought as I approached my tent.

From the distance, in the darkness, I could see the bright red kerchief of Grace in the door of the tent. She was still and lying down, and I wondered if she'd fallen asleep just from exhaustion. I entered the tent and was grabbed in a brutal grip. A strong hand clamped over my mouth to gag me, and I now realized that Grace was tightly bound and gagged.

“Behave yourself!” Hallie's voice snarled in my ear, “Payback's a b-tch!”
“Mmmm!” and into my mouth went Hallie's dirty socks.

Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 month ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by hafnermg »

Uh-oh Hallie has her now. I can't wait to see her situation this time.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

A Scout’s Honor Part 2

Hallie’s socks tasted awful. I only knew they were hers because I saw the crayon blue color before it entered my mouth. I was no match against the big galute. Red duct tape, just like that which gagged Grace, began wrapping around my head and crushing my cheeks down more and more. I tried to let out a yell, but nothing came out. I looked down and saw that Grace was also bound with the tape; Hallie began exhausting the roll to bind me too! She started by gently kicking my knees from behind so I’d kneel on the ground and then taped my crossed wrists behind me. My wrists were in an ‘X’, and she made a ‘+’ with the red tape.

“You girls are in for a long night,” Hallie sneered.
“What are you doing?” Ruth-Ann interrupted us after returning from Becky’s sham errand.
“Just playing a game,” Hallie lied.
“Hel- uth!” Grace groaned into her gag.
“Quick, Becky, Joyce's socks!” the bully ordered her loyal minion.
“MMMMM!” Ruth-Ann was grabbed now as well.

I tried to get up and run, but Hallie tripped me again. I fell with a squeak while Ruth-Ann ate the filthy socks that had been on my own feet. Thankfully, no one here barfed from such things, but we had experimented to know I could at least handle it. What if they did it to poor Isabella? The thought of her getting hurt by them was enough to make me want to cry.

Hallie sat on me while blue tape wrapped Ruth-Ann’s mouth. Ruth-Ann, however, got lashed up with rope. They lashed her up, too, because they tied her arms like they were tying logs instead of practicing their diagonal lashing. I knew Ruth-Ann had done gymnastics, but I didn’t know that people could be that flexible. The ropes tied her wrists and just above her elbows with rope connecting the too bonds. The rest was typical stuff with rope below her boobs and her legs tied like logs in three places. When they finished, they took off her sneakers and socks and mine too. This meant they returned to me to resume taping me. Well, Hallie taped my arms to my waist and below my boobs, but Becky tied my logs together. They hadn’t finished with us three: they hogtied us. Ruth-Ann and I were hogtied with rope, and Grace was hogtied with tape. How was I supposed to get out of this now?

“Becky, go distract Isabella now. I want to take Fiona next. Wait until the spanking comes!”
“Yes, ma’am!” Becky was such a coward who thought she was taking the winning side.
“Gmmm mmmmm!” Ruth-Ann groaned sadly.
“Shut up, Woodlands Wendy!” Hallie spanked her fiercely.
“Mmmmmm!” my friend was ready to cry.
“Not such smart little goody two shoes scouts now, are ya?” Hallie repeated the act.

At that moment, I hated Hallie. Grace was genuinely crying. It hit me that she had a latex allergy and had reacted badly to tape one day when we were practicing our knots at her house, and she was reacting to the tape. She had a medical bracelet that said so much even because she had so many medicinal allergies. Few people are as genuinely good as Grace, and she deserved this less than anyone.

I knew there was no escaping this as long as Hallie and Becky were awake. Just as I had this thought, Fiona entered the tent and was grabbed by Hallie. Again, the bigger yet younger girl had taken down one of the high school girls. Poor Fiona liked eating my socks as much as I’d enjoyed eating Hallie’s. Bean pole had no chance against anyone, even me. Blue tape wrapped her head to seal Ruth-Ann’s socks in her mouth, and I worried about Isabella while I watched my friend get torqued with rope just like Ruth-Ann. Seeing the touching elbows made me grimace a bit, and now four of us were hogtied, gagged, and helpless at Hallie's hands.

“Where's Fiona?” I heard Isabella asking in the darkness.
“Maybe she’s talking to the twits or her crush,” Becky cruelly insulted us and Grace.
“Fiona doesn't have a crush… Hallie, you scumbag!” Isabella said when she saw us.
“In you go!” Becky shoved Isabella from behind.
“Why you!” Isabella came out swinging and hit Hallie on the cheek.
“You little b-tch! Becky, get the gray tape!” Hallie ordered her goon.
“Hold still, you crumb!”

Grace was crying because she was suffering, Ruth-Ann and I were crying because we felt bad for her, and Fiona was crying because Hallie used her socks to gag Isabella in spite of the dangers that were known by even Jessica and Lexi. Insults, genuine harm, and violation of boundaries: Hallie was a scout without honor.

I felt a righteous indignation within me watching Isabella’s face turn blue while tape wrapped up her body unlike anything we’d ever seen. Tape wrapped her wrists like mine, but her torso was thoroughly encased, then her thighs, and then her legs. Hallie used almost an entire roll of tape just on Isabella, who was groaning from the flavor of her friend's socks. We had crossed the line from petty tit-for-tat. Hallie was a monster who needed to be put in her place, but how could I escape? Poor Isabella looked like an Egyptian mummy.

“Like Grace’s socks?” Hallie taunted Fiona, “Admit it, you’ve got a crush on her!”
“Noooo!” Fiona shook her head in anger; Hallie was a liar, too.
“Well, well, Joyce, looks like you and your little gang are in trouble.”
“Mmmmm!” Grace and Isabella were genuinely suffering.
“Ah, boo hoo,” Hallie pretended to wipe tears from her eyes, “Serves you right!”
“Mmm ah eh ou! Mm unna eh ou!” I promised her.
“We’ll see, Nerdi!” SMACK! “Does your shriveled up grandpa dad know you're such a jerk?”

She falsely accused Fiona of being lesbian; she used tape on Grace despite knowing she's allergic; she put dirty socks in Isabella’s mouth knowing she can't stand them for a reason; and now she just insulted my dad. I shrieked into my gag with anger surging through my body, but that only spurred Hallie to spank me some more.

Isabella was groaning and trying so hard not to notice the taste in her mouth. Grace’s eyes were wide as saucers and begged for mercy; from her squirming I knew she must be itchy from the tape. Ruth-Ann, poor thing, was also getting spanked and told how she was a traitor for apologizing to me and becoming my friend. Fiona had to endure the continuous insults about her friendship with Grace. Through it, we all received a continuous array of spanking. but I was the middle spank. Ruth-Ann, me, Fiona, me, Grace, me, Ruth-Ann, me, Isabella, me, Ruth-Ann, me… Ruth-Ann got a lot, too.

Blindfolds followed. Each of us had her orange scout bandana removed, folded into a wide band, and used to blindfold her. For Isabella and I, this meant having our glasses removed. I think Becky took them. Fortunately, Becky did this part, and her skills for this part weren't too good. She sat cross-legged on the floor and took it all in. She seemed so empty that you’d think she was a clone or a zombie or something of the kind. I couldn't tell if she hated or loved what was happening to us. Perhaps she was getting more than expected from luring some of us into this trap and acting as Hallie’s minion. Disdain was written on her face, but was it disdain for us or Hallie.

“There, Becky! We can leave these things to suffer,” Hallie stood and dusted herself.
“You're going to abandon them like this?!” I heard fear in Becky’s voice.
“You were sharing your tent with Isabella and Fiona. No one will know.”
“Well…,” Becky’s soul seemed to be awakening.
“Come on!” Hallie yanked Becky off the ground.
“Hey!” Becky slapped Hallie on the arm, “Want a second haymaker?”
“Like you could do that! I’d break you over my knee before you could make a fist.”
“You say that…,” Becky and Hallie left us behind.

What could we do? I had to save Grace and Isabella before anything bad happened. Except for Isabella, we all were hogtied, and Isabella was the worst of us at escaping even simple wrists-only ties. We'd done timed races; I was always the fastest, and Grace was second fastest. But that was rope. Grace and I were taped on our trunks. Immediately I rubbed my face on the ground to try to remove the blindfold, and with minimal effort I did that much and saw Grace had done the same. Ruth-Ann struggled more, so maybe Hallie had blindfolded her because it looked tight.

The girl with the red bandana seemed to be eyeing something though. Fiona would have been great to have helping us, but she was too distraught by Hallie’s cruel biting insults. Isabella also seemed a tight blindfold from what I could see; she was too far away. I peered into the darkness following Grace’s eyes, but I couldn't see it despite my efforts. My eyes were just bad!

“Oythe, han -ou unherthanh he?” Grace asked me as best as her gag allowed.
“Mmm hmm,” I nodded.
“Ah hahe a hife in ah hag. Ih he han geh ih, he han huh the hape.”
“Hare ith hour hag?” I asked her as best as I could, “Are -ou ohay?”
“Necthh ho hour heah. Ah’ll he hine. Heh uth ou-!” she had confidence in my abilities.
“Ohhhhhhhhh!” I turned and saw it, “Are -ou ohay?”

Hallie knew what she had been doing when she tied us up. She’d taped the escapists and roped the contortionists. She mummified the strong girl so that if we did escape we would have to work hard to get her out. Smarts are scary when used for evil. Grace, the sweetheart, was a contortionist too, but we didn't push her so much since we wanted a fair competition when she and I were racing each other. In fact, it was an idea for a day of ropework that gave birth to the TUG Olympics I eventually brought to college with me. She kept saying “Ou han ho ih!” to encourage me. I had to roll onto my side and pull the knapsack towards my hands. Slowly but surely, my hands opened the bag, and I started rifling through the knapsack as fast I could while hogtied. I heard a sickly groan from Isabella and knew she had to come first before I chopped at any other tape besides my own wrists. I think Isabella must have been saying Hail Mary’s because she kept a rhythmic groaning going.

Where is it? Rope. Bandana. Bandana. Socks. More rope. Bloomers. Yet another bandana. T-shirt. T-shirt. Where is the bloody knife? Come out, come out, wherever you are, Mr. Knife! Is this another rope coil? OK, Grace, I think you have a problem with TUGs, or you just really enjoy them even more than I do. T-shirt. Shorts. More socks. It had to be in here. Grace was a meticulous packer. She could make a mental list of 75 items and not forget a single one of them, and she’d make a physical list just so she wouldn't miss anything. Rope. Tape. Rope. Socks. Really, Grace, another bandana? Are you planning on gagging a lot of people? Yep, another roll of duct tape. Sorry about ruining your orderly arrangement. Finally, I touched something cold.


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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

This is turning into an interesting little group. It'll be nice to see how they all develop as the story goes on 😊
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by hafnermg »

I hope Grace gets free soon having her allergy triggered is torture and cruel. They do have the knife now does this mean escape is at hand?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to the next Part!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Lucky Lottie wrote: 1 month ago This is turning into an interesting little group. It'll be nice to see how they all develop as the story goes on 😊
They're quite the varied personalities. We have hotheads, control freaks, and quiet rope bunnies all in one place.
hafnermg wrote: 1 month ago I hope Grace gets free soon having her allergy triggered is torture and cruel. They do have the knife now does this mean escape is at hand?
Having suffered adverse affects to tape, I feel for Grace as well. It's no fun, especially when it blisters.
Caesar73 wrote: 1 month ago Looking forward to the next Part!
Soon, my friend!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

A Scout’s Honor Part 3

Holding the knife was one thing; using it was another; using it without chopping myself to pieces was an altogether different matter. I had to open the darned thing, and then I had to rescue these two. Who was more of a priority? Grace, or Isabella?

I have never so gingerly opened a knife before. I was slow because of the duct tape and hogtie at work, but I went even slower. I carefully rolled onto my stomach and back to being side-by-side with Grace. There was an increasing amount of distress from Isabella, and Ruth-Ann and Fiona seemed to be making their own slow progress towards release. My freeing them would burn up Hallie even more, though.

With gritted teeth, well, really, biting harder into Hallie’s toxic socks, I took a little nibble out of the tape. Then another. I was sweating bullets and sincerely scared about what might happen if I hurt myself. One nibble at a time meant more time before I could help Grace and Isabella out of their prisons; I couldn't help them if I bled to death first though. This was truly awful, though, as that plus made it so much harder to get out than a regular taping of the wrists together.

I couldn't get anywhere on this tape job. I would have to struggle to get my wrists free, or… I’d be better off cutting my hogtie! That was easy! Now I could sit up. I slowly squirmed over to Ruth-Ann and cut her hogtie too, and then I cut her wrists and elbows free. Why hadn't I thought of this before? I must have been panicking a bit.

Ruth-Ann quickly sat up and removed her blindfold. She was thinking of something since she grabbed her cell phone and took 15-20 photos of us, her bound and gagged friends! Taking the knife, she cut my wrists free in a professional manner; yes, we scouts were good with knives, too. She also cut my torso out of the tape. I took the knife and turned to Grace while Ruth-Ann focused on Hallie. Sorry, Fiona, but you are my last priority at the moment.

“Blegh!” Isabella spat out the socks, “That was awful!” she was ready to punch Hallie again.
“Ohhhhh,” Ruth-Ann felt bad for her and unwrapped her own face.
“Gmph!” Grace grunted while I pulled the tape off her wrists.
“Thorry!” I said and then began unwrapping my own face.
“Hallie is a total psycho!” Ruth-Ann said quietly while untying herself, “Wasted good rope, too!”
“Is it blue?” Isabella asked.
“Yes, actually,” I responded.
“Dang, that's mine! Oh, well. Better free faster than waiting for someone to get out.”
“I couldn't cut the tape on my own without cutting myself,” I explained.
“I’m so itchy!” Grace was crying, “Why does she hate me so badly?!”
“I oughta give her another haymaker! She thought we'd stay like this all night, and then she’d tell Mrs. Pulaski I punched her first, so she tied me up first and y’all followed!” Isabella opined.

We all worked together to get free. Taking count concluded that the ropes I cut off Ruth-Ann’s body were indeed Isabella’s, and the pink one I’d cut off myself was Grace’s. These two took it all quite seriously as a sport, it seemed. I had regular old brown scout style rope like Ruth-Ann and Fiona. We were out, though.

Grace was thoroughly reddened everywhere the tape had touched her, and I knew she was going to blister. She played games with full consent of her parents, and all of us knew not to tape her for any reason. Hallie, not being part of our inner circle, might not have been aware, but we’d all been given strict instructions concerning allergies in the troop, especially Grace’s.

“How do we get her back?” Fiona asked.
“I beat the snot outta her!” Isabella clenched her fist.
“No! We take Becky first! She's alone,” Ruth-Ann reasoned, “Then we have the trio to handle.”
“Right. After Becky is secured, we go to the other three,” I agreed, “Isabella and I will take the bully. Grace, you’ll get Lexi. Ruth-Ann and Fiona, you'll get Jessica and then help us.”
“Why that way?” Fiona always seemed to be asking questions.
“Because she’ll quickly understand and not fight. Lexi might need to be tied up too just to shut her up.”

While we silently stepped into the moonlit night, Grace took off her socks. Hers were crew socks and would nicely fill up a human mouth. She’d been gagged with Becky’s socks. and now she had a revenge quest. Our friend with the red bandana was taking it all quite personally, but she only wanted to respond in kind. Again, Ruth-Ann took a picture of things before we struck; she explained that she suspected Hallie had taken photos of us before leaving the tent.

Becky was in a fitful sleep; guilt will steal your peace. Grace looked at us and used a finger to motion for Ruth-Ann to follow. Ruth-Ann had improved knot tying skills; I think I saw a mischievous grin forming on the face of the red bandana girl. A silent count followed, and then Grace pounced on Becky in the darkness. Of course, Becky was a coward and a short stick; unsurprisingly, she was easily subdued and eating the socks. One of Grace’s many bandanas, a yellow one, held the socks in the traitorous lying mouth.

With one rope binding Becky's wrists and one on her ankles, we all carried her back to my tent. There, Ruth-Ann continued tying the logs of Becky’s legs while I worked on the diagonal lashing and securing the mast. Grace took Becky's scout neckerchief and tied a tight blindfold. A tight hogtie ensured she'd stay put; more photos continued the saga Ruth-Ann was making for Mmes. Hughs and Pulaski.

“My pleasure,” Isabella handed me her socks.
“Let's do this,” Ruth-Ann smiled with confidence before we rushed the tent.
“Wait!” I changed my mind, “Ruth-Ann, will you film this?”
“What changed?” Grace asked me, “Same thing I’m thinking?”
“That attacking her while she sleeps is as dishonorable as what she did to us?”
“All right, we’ll let her make noise,” Ruth-Ann grabbed her phone, “And force her hand on my theory. The time stamps will tell the truth. And Grace’s wounds will be our proof .

We remembered an important truth we had been taught: that a scout without honor is not a scout at all. This was more important to me than revenge. I took a deep breath. This was my battle first, and Grace and Fiona were tied for second. It had to start on my initiative.

What would Mrs. Hughes think when she saw Grace? I feared her reaction would be to outright ban our games even though, among us five, they were harmless methods of us making scout skill-building more fun. Mrs. Pulaski encouraged us to have fun with it because she wanted us to learn the skills and value each other. Except for Ruth-Ann and I, all of us five had gotten along since the respective days we joined the troop. No way was I risking my friendships or my position in the troop on pettiness, but if did it all properly then I knew Mrs. Pulaski would see the truth.

Fiona showed pain unlike any other I had seen. Hallie’s words hurt her deeply. Those kinds of insults had no place in any aspect of life. It would be one thing for Ruth-Ann or I to teasingly joke she thought we looked pretty, but the mean-spirited accusations had struck a nerve. There was joking among friends, and then there was hate. Hallie had crossed the line not only to hating me but also to hating my friends just because they were my friends. Hallie had to pay while I was emotionally ready to do this.

“Go!” Ruth-Ann started her phone recording us, and we rushed into the tent.
“Isabella, get that big bully!” Fiona ordered while pouncing Jessica.
“Mmmmmm!” the girl woke.
“What the heck?!” Hallie exclaimed with surprise.
“Get off me!” Lexi ordered before Grace overpowered her, “Mmmmm!”
“Know your place!” Grace warned her.
“What is going on out here?!” Mrs. Pulaski’s voice boomed like thunder.

We all froze in position and waited for Mmes. Pulaski and Hughes to arrive. None of us even stopped what we were doing. The three girls were still gagged by the hands of those who held them down. Flashlights flickered on in the darkness. It was time to keep calm. I took a deep breath and watched the lights brighten as they drew near; the beams then narrowed to a strong beam before the tent opened. Mrs. Hughes flashed a bright fluorescent light onto us to illuminate us really well. Some squinted, but I kept my head held high because at least I knew we were in the right.

“Why are you grabbing these girls in the night?” Mrs. Pulaski was calm and firm.
“Hallie tied us all up, and we were getting her back,” I said confidently.
“Liars! You're trying to blame me for your rope games!” Hallie shrieked like a harpie.
“Grace, what happened to you?”
“Hallie duct taped me. I’m so itchy! All my friends know that tape makes me itchy.”
“I have proof we're telling the truth!” Ruth-Ann held both her own and Hallie's phones.

Mmes. Hughes and Pulaski listened with a careful ear. They first listened to Hallie’s version of the events, and then listened to Ruth-Ann’s. Hallie’s story was some sort of crazy frame-up tale in which we taped up Grace and were clueless about our friend with the medical bracelet. There were so many obvious holes in the tale, but we were just young teenagers.

Ruth-Ann was correct; Hallie had indeed photographed us after we were all bound, gagged, and blindfolded. The timestamps showed it all without a doubt. Hallie had taken her photos at one time, and then all of Ruth-Ann’s photos were timestamped 35-45 minutes later, including those she took of Becky. The Becky issue was an odd one, but Becky was part of Ruth-Ann’s brilliant narrative. We had done what we had done, but we truly believed that there was still some good in both Becky and Hallie. Hallie, however, already believed that she as the good one.

“Remember that ‘A scout without honor is not a scout at all,’ and taping Grace is not honorable when we know the risks, and when we came in here,” I said knowing Lexi and Jess were still in the tight grips of my friends, “We intentionally let them make noise because I knew grabbing the girls in their sleep was dishonorable, even more dishonorable than what Hallie did to us.”
“Then why did you grab Becky?” Mrs. Hughes challenged me as a test.
“Because,” I gulped nervously, “I knew we could talk sense into Becky. Inside, she’s good.”
“And these two?” she saw me holding Grace’s socks in my hands, ready to gag Hallie.
“I expected Lexi to be a fink because she is one,” I didn’t mince my words.
“Do you believe this can accomplish something positive for everyone?” Mrs. Pulaski asked.
“It’s our last effort to stop Hallie from being a bully to us and show her we don’t have to be good friends as long as we respect each other,” I responded nervously.

You could have heard a pin drop while Mrs. Pulaski thought about it. What was she going to say about this? It was certainly a most bizarre issue that had grown from being just a spat between me and Hallie to being a controversy gripping the entire troop. We all froze… and waited…

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Post by Caesar73 »

That was quite the ride. So I wonder what is in Store for Hallie!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

I probably should have tagged @Caesar73, @hafnermg, @harveygasson, @Lucky Lottie, @tiedinbluetights, @TamatoaShiny123, @Canuck100, @GermanTUGFriend, @Dreamerforever2004, @Mineira1986, @TklToy, @Windrunner, @Alisonlovesropes, @Gaggedcowgirl, @beeblebrox883, @lanadelgagged, @DommeKirsten, @LunaDog, @GreyLord, @charliesmith, @silvertejp590, @SquidIncMaster, @Switcher1313, @The G-Man, @Phantomette, @0Kay, @Yewteed, @Kinky_boi, @johopp, @Bilmik

Since most of you all on this have consistently expressed enjoyment of my stories over the past 2 years, I thought I'd tag y'all in this tale that hasn't received much love but is at the same standard, if not at a higher standard, as my other stories. It's a brief and simple tale. I will gladly take you off the list. A lot of new stories are going to begin in the next few weeks, including two stories that will be either directly driven by reader input (polls) or have a discussion component to go with each chapter to try to help bolster the story as it goes along.

Like I said, just tell me to take you off the list, and I will do it. Otherwise, buckle your seatbelts and get ready to have lots of fun! :D

A Scout’s Honor Part 4

“Carry on what you were doing. Hallie, this is your last chance before we expel you. Joyce, I’m a bit surprised, really. You’re not the kind of girl to do something like this. Do what you need to do, and come see me and Mrs. Hughes.”

That was the greenest light any of us had ever seen. Mrs. Pulaski had seen it from our side; even more important, she understood that my peace was severely disturbed by it all. I was acquiesced with teasing and torture in school; scouts was the extent of my friendships. In school, I was just “Joyce Nerdi” without any respect except from the same girls present. The comment about my father had been too personal, indeed, and it burned me up whenever anyone took a shot at me on account of him.

“All right, Lex,” Grace took over once we were alone again, “Cooperate or get tied and gagged!”
“MMMM!” Lexi pouted, but she didn’t want to get tied up. Decisions, decisions.
“GMMPH!” Hallie got no choice and ate Isabella’s socks.
“I’d like to whip you MMA style!” Isabella said while I tied a black bandana cleave gag.
“Let’s find out how flexible you are,” I screwed up my face, “But I won’t hurt you trying.”
“For crying out loud, Lex!” Grace laughed a little, “Stop being a brat!”

There was a glow in Grace’s eyes. As my plunge through her bag indicated, she genuinely loved the rope games. She never changed, either. To this day, she loves clean, fun TUGs with escape challenges and the like, and she subtly propagated the love into her own scout troop as an adult leader. Those will make for a fun story when we hopefully get to the TUG Olympics one day.

Jessica sat and watched with a disapproving shake of her head. Jessica and Lexi would never see the rope games the way the rest of us did, but we at least had moderators who we could trust in a time like this. An impartial judge was a good thing during forest rope games. Lexi never calmed down when you needed her to do so; she always went to “chicken with its head cut off” mode.

Hallie wasn’t bendy; too bad. I went for a crossed wrists tape job then; that would teach her! If I couldn’t escape it, then she certainly wouldn’t. I roped her elsewhere though. That chest and leg binding was just what she deserved. I’d never been so satisfied with a rope job. I’d secured the mast and tied the logs with a careful efficiency like never before; Hallie was going nowhere fast. The hogtie ensured she’d go nowhere unless we carried her! Her ankles, knees, and thighs were nicely secured, and I looked forward to tickling her exposed, helpless feet. I could be twisted in my own way.

“Shall we bring her to join Becky?” Fiona asked us.
“No, I don’t want to talk to Becky in front of her,” I responded, “Intimidation.”
“Your call, chief,” Ruth-Ann let me lead, “I think Fiona should stay here with Lexi, Isabella, and Hallie. The rest of us can talk more calmly to Becky and not get so bent out of shape.”
“Let’s go then. Grace? I’m sorry about the mess I made of things.”
“I’ll get it back to the way it was easily enough. I should have told you where the knife was.”
“Have fun?” Fiona wasn’t sure what to say as we departed.

It was really hard for me because Hallie and Becky were part of that large contingent with whom I also attended church. It seemed Hallie never listened during mass or catechism classes. Really, I was only concerned with this: that Hallie and I could peacefully be scouts without having to be friends. I wasn’t friends with Jessica or Lexi, but we got along. It wasn’t too much to ask.

We strode into the tent and sat down on the floor with the helpless Becky. I gently unknotted the big orange scout bandana that blindfolded her and then the standard yellow one that gagged her. I kindly took the sock out of her mouth, and I could tell she wanted to say something. We let her take her time; she shook in fear; she knew she’d done something wrong for real.

“Hey,” Ruth-Ann kindly rubbed Becky’s back, “Are you OK, short stuff?”
“No,” she said curtly and turned away from us out of shame.
“Becky, I’m sorry. You’ve probably had no fun at all today.”
“Nope,” Becky continued looking away from us and didn’t struggle in her hogtie.
“If you look at us, it’ll make things better for all of us,” Ruth-Ann encouraged her.
“I guess,” Becky rotated her head and looked at us, “I’m sorry for how I’ve been to you all.”
“I’m sorry too, Becky,” Ruth-Ann responded, “I haven’t been a good friend to you.”
“I’m sorry,” I added, “For not trying harder to end this little war, and I forgive you.”

Becky’s eyes widened at those statements. She wasn’t prepared for this, and she seemed ready to end the war, more than me. She sighed and didn’t know what to do anymore; I gently rolled her onto her side and decided to play nice with her.

“Becky, would you like to be untied?”
“I deserve it for being such a jelly belly and listening to Hallie,” she made herself clear, “No.”
“What would you like then?” I asked her, “No worries.”
“I’d like to get out of this hogtie and get some sleep. I’m really sorry, Joyce. You’re not the jerk that I thought you were.”
“This won’t end overnight, but sleeping it off will help,” I said with an encouraging tone.
“It’s only right I should be gagged since I was going to let you sleep gagged.”

We didn’t know about the risk of choking while sleeping even though we generally did not sleep while tied up. She was choosing her own punishment for her own crimes, and it was admirable to see that she had seriously thought about all that had gone down and felt bad. There was much hope for Becky, indeed, and I fulfilled her request by putting the socks back in her mouth just as before, pulling the yellow bandana between her teeth and knotting the cloth. I put the big orange scout bandana back over her eyes and knotted the blindfold.

Grace said nothing but maintained an optimistic smile on her face while she fixed the disheveled mess I had made of her knapsack. She was older, so I looked up to her especially since we went to the same church. I likes when she gave her approval; it meant something. Grace was like her name, always willing to extend peace and a second chance even to those who seemingly did not deserve. She practiced our faith seriously, too. With confidence, I left her in charge of Becky so I could return to Hallie.

I could see Isabella at a distance being held down by Fiona and Jessica. The big girl was maybe the most real of us all. She tried to pray and forgot; she had a sharp tongue and was wrathful; in a moment, she’d forget something sworn to do. She meant well, she failed at times, and she did not hide her faults. There were reasons she and I were good friends when we shared a spiritual battlefield and, now, an interpersonal battlefield as well. She so badly wanted to spank Hallie; I did too and admitted it to my friend.

“Ruth-Ann, I want to go in there and be just as bad to Hallie as she was to me. I’m Sicilian! All I want is revenge on one side, and on the other I want to forgive and move on.”
“One side of you wants to be worse than she is, and the other wants to be a good scout,” she responded, “Honorable, Joyce, honorable. Remember your honor. Just like Becky did.”
“That was honorable of her to say she was sorry, that she had done bad things to us, that she felt sleeping while bound and gagged was just and fair! Joyce, she learned from it! We should too!”
“You're right!” my eyes brightened, “We took the path of honor, and she decided to take it too!”
“Go see Mrs. Pulaski now.”
“All right,” I started to walk away, “Hey, Ruth… Thanks for teaching me what it really means to be sorry.”
“Thank you for teaching me true forgiveness.”

There were lessons for me to see. It took a lot for Becky to decide she'd rather be on good terms with me rather than Hallie; it was big of her to decide that she felt her time in ropes was deserved for what had happened; she was thinking and learning. What Hallie had done to us was wrong in many ways, and I had to restrain myself from responding in kind. My forgiveness had to match the size of Becky’s apology. Since we shared a catechism class, the stakes were much higher for Becky; there was a moral side to it. She’d seen honor and dishonor, right and wrong, and she’d discerned both sides of it. This was my opportunity for peace with her, maybe friendship. I did not want to let this opportunity go to waste.

“Mrs. Pulaski?” I asked outside the tent.
“Joyce, what is going on between you and Hallie?” she asked me, “Personally.”
“I don't know. It started with my fight with Ruth-Ann, and she really just hates me.”
“You've done nothing to her directly?” she pressed me for info.
“Nothing, Mrs. Pulaski! Nothing!” I was candid, “Nothing I’ve done to Hallie is different from what I’ve done to anyone else.”
“Try to not be vengeful. You're a scout,” she encouraged, “Remember what we've taught you.”
“‘A scout without honor isn't a scout at all,’” I reiterated the words.
“Be honorable and try to prove to her that you're really good.”
“Mrs. Pulaski, you wouldn't throw her out, would you?”

Mrs. Pulaski wouldn't answer me. It was indeed a point of concern. Sometimes, a person simply decides to hate another person with every fiber of their being; unfortunately, not all people learn to overcome this. It was up to me to prove if Hallie was capable of learning true honor and, most importantly, true forgiveness towards her fellow scouts. Ruth-Ann and Becky forgave me when I acknowledged I could be an arrogant know-it-all.

I slowly walked to the tent where Isabella, Ruth-Ann, and Fiona were with the helplessly bound Hallie. Nothing was said because of the stress written on my face. Hallie had duct tape wrapped around her head to stifle her yelling and her own big orange scout bandana as a blindfold. I had to be honorable. Honor was hard to maintain at this moment.

“I have to do this, but I will be nice about it!” I spanked her two times, one on each butt cheek, for each time she spanked me and my friends, or ten total.
“No more spanking,” I announced, “I just wanted you to see how unpleasant it is.”
“Grrrrrrr!” she snarled into Isabella's socks.
“Now what will we do?” Fiona asked me.
“I need Ruth-Ann’s help,” I looked at her, “To make this special.”
“My help?” Ruth-Ann looked at me, “For what?”
“You and I are going to tickle Hallie; I want us all to be laughing and happy!”

Never had any of us been tickled while bound and gagged; I could see Fiona loved the idea. We suspected that Grace would enjoy receiving it. Ruth-Ann and I weren't sure how we felt about it, and Isabella liked the idea of dishing it out for sure. Giving and receiving are very different, and I, in my eyes, had to take it if I could dish it.

I reached a finger out to Hallie's exposed feet…

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Post by hafnermg »

Very honorable to give Hallie one last chance. Keep it up!!!!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

hafnermg wrote: 1 month ago Very honorable to give Hallie one last chance. Keep it up!!!!
It's all about the honor in this story! :D
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Post by harveygasson »

Definitely a great story!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

@Caesar73, @hafnermg, @harveygasson, @Lucky Lottie, @tiedinbluetights, @TamatoaShiny123, @Canuck100, @GermanTUGFriend, @Dreamerforever2004, @Mineira1986, @TklToy, @Windrunner, @Alisonlovesropes, @Gaggedcowgirl, @beeblebrox883, @lanadelgagged, @DommeKirsten, @LunaDog, @GreyLord, @charliesmith, @silvertejp590, @SquidIncMaster, @Switcher1313, @The G-Man, @Phantomette, @0Kay, @Yewteed, @Kinky_boi, @johopp, @Bilmik

A Scout’s Honor Part 5

“Hallie, why can’t we be friends?” I asked the captive, “Or at least co-workers?”
“-ecauthe ah hahe -our -uts!” Hallie snarled back at me, “An- -uthee hoo!”
“But why?!” Ruth-Ann was dumbfounded.
“You’re not nice!” Isabella escaped the restraints and spanked Hallie.
“No, no,” I paused and took a deep breath, “Fun, girls, fun. Have Grace bring Becky.”

I stroked Hallie’s feet the best I could, and the others sent Isabella to retrieve Grace and Becky now that we had Hallie where we wanted her. I hate to be gentle, kind, and fun. I wanted her to see that I wanted to be at peace with her. Friendship wasn’t essential; being able to smile at each other and mean it was.

So I laughed with Hallie and told her how much fun it was, how happy her laughter made me. I implored her to let this be the start of peace not only between us but also for herself. She was an angry person. We were kids; we didn’t talk about such serious matters as would lead a girl to be like Hallie.

Tickling was fun; I liked hearing her laugh. Grace was just as eager to extend an olive branch to the angry girl, and she expressed her hope for friendship with Hallie. Then Jessica expressed her own similar desire. Soon, we had all expressed our desire to be friends with Hallie if only she would give us a chance. In my case, if she would give me a chance to prove that I can be humble and kinder.

For Grace, Ruth-Ann, and me, it was the discovery of a new way to have fun in TUGs; for Fiona, it was the birth of a foot fetish in TUGs. Someone had to be the wild one, and Fiona was the one who would one day be the only one being forced to sniff other’s feet and socks and such. Yes, I was blessed with interesting TUG buddies in Grace and Ruth-Ann. Grace, you can see, is what we call the “rope bunny” of the group, and Isabella was the wild and unpredictable one.

We were all happy; we forgot about the anger. Becky was getting tickled too now. Becky liked it and laughed in a genuine spirit of TUGs. The repair between us and Becky was well underway to go down as the greatest triumph of my scout era. Becky began to bloom that night, and I’m so glad to say that. This story is about the resolution of conflicts, and they resolved all right.

“Ah hahe -ou! -eh -e -o!” Hallie whined loudly.
“Are you sorry?” Ruth-Ann asked her, “You were worse to us than you claim we were to you.”
“NOO! Huthth unhie -e!” snapped the desperate captive.
“Grace, tickle her belly!” Isabella rolled the girl over, “Joyce, you play with Becky now.”
“All right!” Grace said, and we switched places.
“We’ll be friends soon, Becky!” I smiled and removed her blindfold.
“Unhag -e, hleathe!” she asked, and I felt compelled.

I unknotted Grace’s yellow bandana and pulled the socks out. I didn’t have to do this, but she wanted me to do it. We had discovered the workhorse who could take anything like a champ and not really complain about the bondage itself. We were a dynamic group for sure.

“I’m truly sorry for betraying you. I thought you were the jerks when in reality it was Hallie and me.”
“You already apologized,” I smiled, “You’re forgiven!”
“If I’m getting tickled, I don’t want to be gagged. Let’s hear it all!”
“You asked for it! Fiona, I think this is your territory!”
“With pleasure!” my friend eagerly came over.
“Oh, no!” Becky officially became one of the girls tonight.

The laughter, that howling laughter. That was the laughter of a girl who was getting tickled and liking it too. It was the sound of passion, of lessons learned, of a changed heart. We all had fun, those of us tickling Becky, and she had fun too.

Then there was Hallie. It was over. Throughout each stage of the tickling, even with the lovable Grace in control of her, Hallie refused to be anything but angry and profane. Playing rough with her had failed; humiliating her had failed; playing nice had failed. I felt there was nothing left to do with her. It made me sad, in a way. We surrendered, and we took Becky back to our tent and untied Hallie. The big bully wouldn’t talk to us no matter what we said; she chose to sulk and be bitter about her defeat.

Becky slept like a precious doll that night. It was the beginning of a very special member of our scout troop growing to be someone amazing. She continued to be timid, but in private she was a true friend and ally. When things went bad for any of us, she was one of the first to actually call and be a comforting ear.

“Well?” Grace asked me in the morning while she tied a bright green kerchief on her head.
“Well, what?”
“I’m sorry, Joyce. You’re angry at yourself, aren’t you?” she knotted the bandana.
“Yes,” I groaned in frustration, “It’s all my fault.”
“Joyce, I’ve never had a conflict with her, and she’s just as angry at me. It’s not you.”
“Joyce, I heard about last night,” Mrs. Pulaski entered the tent with the two of us, “Sit.”
“I tried so hard to put us at peace,” I said while Grace put an arm around me.
“Instead of being sad about friendships that can be, enjoy the ones that you’ve made the past month. You were friendless, too, when this tiff began.”
“Mrs. Pulaski, why is Hallie so angry at us? Is it us, or something else?” I asked her.
“Joyce, Hallie’s dad passed away two months ago, and it’s ruining her according to her mom.”
“Then I know what I need to do!” I jumped up and grabbed Grace’s hand, “Come on!”
“Girls, be careful what you say!” Mrs. Pulaski warned us.
“We’re going to do what good Catholics do,” I assured her, “A scout’s honor!”

Grace almost fell on her face from how quickly I was bouncing along as we went to the tent to find Hallie. The rest of the troop was eating breakfast; it was just me and Grace now. There, in the tent, I saw the angry girl pouting over her defeat. Grace and I walked over to her but kept a slight distance.

“Hallie?” I tried one last time.
“What do you want now?” she grumbled and squirmed.
“We just wanted to say we’re sorry about your dad,” Grace dared get closer, “We didn’t know it. Would you like to go on a woodlands walk with us and pray a rosary for your dad’s soul?”
“You don’t have to come,” I reasoned with her, “But we’ll pray for him and you regardless.”
“I…,” she looked at us and started crying, “Who told you?”
“Mrs. Pulaski called your mom at some point and found out,” I explained, “Hallie, I’m sorry you lost your dad. You’re angry, wondering why he died,” I held out my hand, “A scout’s honor?”
“I want Dad back more than anything,” she took my hand, “A scout’s honor.”

Friendship won that day. No, love won that day. We had separated into groups of TUG girls and non-TUG girls, but we had peace both in Girl Scouts and at church. With permission, we took a rosary walk with Hallie. She didn’t open up, but she finally was able to apologize to us, forgive us, and, most of all, forgive herself. The strife finally had ended, and we had peace in our troop after that. I’d maintained my honor, and Hallie had found hers after all.

I did eventually become good friends with Hallie. After this trip, she withdrew from Girl Scouts for good. We had peace between us at church and could talk both at church and at school. Later, in 2022, Hallie got married and now is the mother of a child of her own and quite happy, and she invited me to her wedding. Jessica became the baby's godmother. Hallie came to both funerals when my parents died, and she was a source of comfort especially after my dad died. She’s not into TUG stuff at all, but we are friends at least. We’re not the best of friends, but we can at least comment on each other’s Facebook walls when it’s appropriate and call each other every once in a while. I’d say we both won our respective battles.

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Post by Caesar73 »

This is a very fine Finish of this Tale. Reconciliation at the End. I like that.
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Post by hafnermg »

I'm glad it all worked out!!!! Great ending to a great story!!!!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 month ago This is a very fine Finish of this Tale. Reconciliation at the End. I like that.
I had to find a happy way to end it. :D
hafnermg wrote: 1 month ago I'm glad it all worked out!!!! Great ending to a great story!!!!
Thanks. I'm glad I decided to explore this oft-mentioned and never explored part of this one Cool Girls' past.
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Post by harveygasson »

A good ending to another well put together story.
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