Agent 38: Choose Your Own DID Adventure

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
Deleted User 2217

Post by Deleted User 2217 »

Number 2
Love the idea, btw!
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Post by BobaFettish1 »


“Your identification, please, Mademoiselle.” The security guard said, holding out his hand. He stood at a security checkpoint just outside the main entrance to the mansion. The exterior of the house was bustling with activity as hundreds of guests arrived for the party and were funneled through security. Party goers arrived via stretched limousines, ridiculously expensive sports cars, and some even came in horse drawn carriages. All of the guests were dressed immaculately in a wide variety of dresses and costumes. For the men, it was perfectly tailored tuxedos in various colors and styles with top hats and sashes. For the women it was everything from elegantly styled evening gowns and victorian hoop dresses to skimpy mini skirts and cocktail dresses. Many wore shimmering masks of every color that covered portions of their faces, further embracing the “masquerade” theme of the event.

Standing in front of the mansion I began to fully grasp what I was up against. The Chief’s description of the security detail here had barely scratched the surface of all the effort the doctor had gone through to protect her residence. The house was less a mansion and more an elegant fortress that could hold off a full on military assault if it came to it. The mansion sat on the outskirts of Paris and the faint glow of lights from the city poured over the horizon. The entire complex was bordered on all sides by an eight foot brick wall. Inside security was incredibly tight, although much of the security measures were subtle enough for a majority of the guests not to notice. Cameras were hung in every nook and cranny; from ceilings, to window ledges, to tree limbs, and everywhere in between. And the amount of guards on the premises was ridiculous. Some were skillfully placed as a show of force, such as the guards stationed at the front door. Others were less conspicuous, but still obvious to anyone that paid attention.

After stepping out of the black limousine the Agency had provided I made my way down the pathway to front of the mansion where the security checkpoint had been placed. After presenting my identification to the guard, as requested, I stepped forward to another guard who held a small metal detector wand in his hand. He waved it all around my body until he was satisfied, then motioned me through. It had been decided that I wouldn’t be carrying any concealed weapons on this mission due to the security measures in place, and the guy with the wand was the least of our worries.

Intelligence had indicated that Doctor Blanc had gone to many extremes to protect her home. Apparently there were even advanced X-Ray and infrared scanners hidden throughout the mansion that were scanning those who made it past the general security. It was obvious Doctor Blanc had something to hide, or was just really paranoid(or both). Regardless, the intense security forced me to go in unarmed, but I still had a few tricks up my sleeve.

Speaking of sleeves, I haven’t even gotten to what I’m wearing. I was thankful that the Chief had not only allowed me to attend this party as an official guest, and that she’d also let me pick my wardrobe for the evening. And besides, there’s no one else in the Agency that has an eye for fashion like I do.

I had chosen a two tone dress that featured a large maroon hoop skirt that spread out around me on all sides at least a half meter and went all the way to the floor. The top half of the dress consisted of a black low cut sleeveless corset with lace fringes. The outfit was topped of by matching black long gloves the stretched above my elbows, as well as a deep red half-mask that covered my eyes and featured black feathers at one side. My red hair had been woven into an elegant bun on the back of my head.

I got a hefty tongue lashing from Gordon when he realized I had chosen such a seemingly obtrusive and impractical wardrobe, but I assured him I knew what I was doing. Of course he didn’t believe me, and I didn’t care. The most important thing to me was that I looked absolutely stunning in this thing, and apparently I wasn’t the only one to notice. A few thirsty stares from various men in the crowd, as well as a few women, made me start to think I might have overdressed a bit for this occasion. After all, my mission WAS to keep a low profile, and I was doing a pretty lousy of job of it at the moment.

I ignored the stares and pressed on through the crowd. I first found myself in the parlor at the front of the house, which was relatively small compared to the rest of the rooms in the house, but was still bigger than most normal people’s houses by itself. I continued through the parlor and into the adjoining room which was an enormous atrium called the main hall. It was at least three stories tall, featured huge marble staircases on either side, and massive floor-to-ceiling windows on the far side. The windows opened towards the rear of the mansion which was positioned on a hill overlooking Paris. The Eiffel Tower twinkled brilliantly in the distance as the many party guests carried on enjoying themselves, seemingly unimpressed with the view. The massive floor area of the great hall featured a large dance floor in the center of the room, and beyond it were tables and chairs, an open bar, and a gorgeous baby grand piano being played expertly by a young woman seated in front of it.

I made my way up the stairs on the left and stopped when I reached the first landing which hung nearly four meters over the ground floor. I stopped briefly to admire the sights and sounds of the party. For a fleeting moment I soaked in the ambience and imagined myself simply being here to enjoy it all. No spying, no missions, no plotting, just... fun. Occasionally I did miss my old life. Sometimes you don’t realize how uncomplicated your life is until it gets even more complicated. Devoting your life to making the world a safer place, and occasionally saving it altogether, took its toll. No matter how much I told myself I was right where I needed to be, the yearning for the simple life always came back to haunt me.

Suddenly I snapped back into Spy mode. I then remembered why I’d come up here in the first place; to get a better vantage point. My first objective was to locate Doctor Blanc. This was her party, after all, so she had to be here somewhere. At this point in the night most of the guests had already arrived and the party was beginning to liven up. I expected Blanc to be down there somewhere rubbing elbows with her guests, and maybe having a few drinks. I scanned the crowd over and over trying to locate the woman among the hundreds of other faces. Before long everyone began looking the same, and it didn’t help that some of the more elaborate masquerade costumes were good at concealing the identity of the wearer. But I was sure that Doctor Blanc would not be trying to hide tonight. Based on all the information the Agency had on her, I knew she was a show woman. Being a well known philanthropist and socialite in Paris meant she was something of a local celebrity. She would want to be seen, especially on a night like tonight.

Finally, as if on cue, I spotted her. She was wearing an olive green evening dress with knee high Egyptian style sandals. Her blonde hair cascaded freely and elegantly across her left shoulder and she had sparkling jewelry adoring her neck and wrists. She was dancing with another woman, her wife, Laina, I assumed. The noticeably younger woman was a redhead who wore a fluffy purple dress with a mini skirt, along with black fishnet stockings and a pair of high heeled black knee high boots. I made a mental note of her taste in women, considering that it might be something to exploit in the near future. It was no secret that Blanc had many mistresses, and perhaps tonight she’d be interested in one more? I was curious to find out.

As suspected, neither Iris or Laina Blanc wore masks, obviously wanting to make themselves as noticeable as possible. And boy, were they noticed! As I carefully made my way down the staircase, being extra careful not to trip on my cumbersome dress, I noticed a large crowd had formed around the couple. As the two danced the crowd clapped along to the music and cheered them on as they went. I reached the bottom and made my way towards the dancing women as fast as I could, all while giving the appearance that I was just on a carefree stroll.

Given my large dress it made working my way through the crowd fairly easy. My hoop skirt seemingly cleared a path for me. But suddenly I bumped shoulders with a man walking in the opposite direction. He was young and thin with brown skin and a goatee. He wore a burnt orange tuxedo that was slightly disheveled. As soon as he turned to face me his face lit up.

“Why, hello beautiful!” He said with a sickening grin and a slurred British accent. I answered his catcall with a look of disgust and I attempted to keep walking. But the man wasn’t finished with me as he managed to grab my wrist and keep me at bay. I glanced back over my shoulder towards where I last saw the Blancs, my spy senses screamed that I needed to maintain visual contact with them as much as possible. But the horny, and probably drunk man refused to give up. He had my gloved hand in a death grip and was reeling me in with a puzzling amount of strength. I was now close enough to smell the alcohol on his breath, confirming my earlier assumption. It took me only a couple of seconds to realize I was definitely losing this silly game of tug of war, and my target was in danger of getting out of my sight. Instead of continuing to fight, I decided to try a different strategy.

“Hey, listen, baby...” The man began, but couldn’t finish because just then I leaned into his pull and lunged towards him. As soon as I got within range I threw my head forward and nailed him with a quick head butt. The action was so quick that no one in the belligerent crowd around us even noticed the skuffle. They did, however, notice the man as he dropped to the floor flat on his back, out cold. The crowd around suddenly parted and several shocked gasps could be heard in the crowd.

“I think he’s had a few too many!” I called out in French over the roaring crowd. Taking my assessment at face value, the partygoers went back to dancing, drinking, or whatever they were doing. Many of them of them even casually stepped around and over the unconscious man’s body.

I continued on across the dance floor, keeping the casual pace I’d adopted previously. On the outside I looked as if I hadn’t a care in the world. But on the inside I was slightly panicking due to spending several seconds searching the crowd for Doctor Blanc but seeing nothing. Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief upon catching sight of the couple. Doctor Blanc and her wife had moved towards the edge of the dance floor, leaving their crowd of admirers behind. They made their way through the throng of people but we’re suddenly stopped by an elderly man and woman. I slowed my pace and crept closer and closer to them. As I did, I quickly made a mental note of the security personnel in the immediate area, just in case the situation went south. The closest guard to me was a burly man doing his best to blend in while standing up against a wall near a stairwell that led to a lower floor. He wouldn’t be a threat, at least not yet. After a few moments of strategically moving my body through the crowd, I sidled up next to the older couple who were currently making friendly conversation with the Blancs. I positioned myself with my back facing them and listened intently to what they were saying. Unfortunately the conversation didn’t reveal anything useful and was mostly boring gossip. As the conversation wound down I could tell that the Blancs, Iris in particular, were sounding increasingly exasperated and restless. I heard one of them make mention of taking a walk outside and I perked up.

In order to complete my mission I needed to keep Doctor Blanc indoors, preferably in a more private area, and away from her wife. With only seconds to play with I had to act fast. Just then, I saw a waitress coming towards me. It was a young light skinned woman with brown hair, and she wore the standard uniform that all the other female wait staff at the party wore. The uniform consisted of a white button up shirt with a black bow tie, a black pencil skirt, pantyhose, and black flats. The waitress was carrying a tray over her shoulder with two drinks in martini glasses resting atop it. The waitress was walking at a quick pace through the crowd, on a trajectory that would take her just past me and Doctor Blanc, who was directly behind me. I swiftly but subtly moved into the waitress’s path, just enough that my large hoop skirt would brush by her. Then, just as the girl attempted to walk by, I jutted my leg out in front of her. The gesture was just subtle enough that it couldn’t be seen under my dress, but it was solid enough to catch the poor waitress right in her shin. The motion caught the waitress completely off guard and sent her, and her drink tray, into tumble. A tumble that ended right where Doctor Blanc was standing. Lucky for her the falling waitress and her tray missed Blanc, but the martini glasses, and the liquid within them, did not.

Suddenly Doctor Blanc gasped and shrieked loudly as the drinks spilled onto her dress. A large portion of the olive green colored outfit darkened as the fabric soaked through with the alcoholic beverages. Doctor Blanc immediately became hysterical in reaction to her ruined dress and began yelling at the “clumsy” waitress. The security guard that had been standing at attention near the wall rushed over to asses the situation, as did many other partygoers. After quickly realizing that the mishap was causing a scene in the middle of the party, one that many of the attendees were eager to watch, Blanc waved everyone away and calmed herself while using a small napkin to futility dab at the large stain. I pretended to be another curious onlooker myself and not only watched the spectacle but listened intently to the conversation that developed between Blanc and her spouse. Iris was now planning to return to their bedroom to change into a new dress, and she insisted that Laina go outside where she would meet her afterward.

I did a mental fist pump realizing that my meddling had accomplished exactly what I’d hoped it would, and more. Not only would Doctor Blanc be staying indoors, but she would also be separated from her wife, which made her an easier target.

But just then a thought occurred to me:

While my primary objective was to capture Doctor Blanc, I also needed to learn more about the weapon she was developing, and it wasn’t going to be easy. Acquiring Blanc and her device might require a more indirect approach.

Instead of perusing Iris Blanc to her bedroom, my time might be better used by following Laina Blanc instead. If the young woman was heading outdoors there was a strong chance I would be able to subdue her in a secluded area. While Laina wasn’t the target, she could be a useful bargaining chip for myself and the Agency. It was likely that Doctor Blanc might be more cooperative if she knew her better half was a hostage. But, of course, going after Laina meant passing up on a prime opportunity to confront Iris.

Just then, I spotted the burly security guard moving away from Doctor Blanc and back to his original post. Only this time he didn’t stop there and made his way down the stairway which lead down to a lower floor of the mansion. I also noticed that the guard held a key card in his hand, which most likely aided him in accessing more private areas of the compound. I knew the key card, as well as the sidearm holstered at his hip, would come in really handy for me. If I was going to do some snooping around the mansion before the night was over I would need a way to get downstairs. Based on Agency intelligence, Doctor Blanc’s laboratory was somewhere in the lower levels of the mansion. The device I came here for would most likely be down there. Following that guard would help me get that much closer to retrieving the weapon, but I would have to find another opportunity to retrieve Doctor Blanc herself.

As the women parted ways in the great hall, heading in opposite directions, and the security guard walked further down the staircase, I realized I had to make a decision… fast!



What should be Agent 38’s next move?

#1 - Follow Laina Blanc outside and attempt to capture her.

#2 - Pursue Doctor Iris Blanc to her bedroom and try to subdue her.

#3 - Shadow the security guard and infiltrate the downstairs laboratory.

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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

1 sounds fun
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Post by noggip »

#3 sounds like an interesting option
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Oh, and just for the record; EVERY option will include bondage, it’s just a question of WHO is gonna get tied up. 😉
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Post by Caesar73 »

Difficult choices .... :) But I'll go with Number 2 :)
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Choosing between option 1 and 2 is difficult, 1 sounds fun but a cozy bedroom sounds more fun then an old storage room outside the mansion.

I think I'll go with 1.

I'm really enjoying these stories. Would love to read more.
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

You continued the story! Yay! I’m gonna say 1!
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Post by Macher »

Option 3.
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Post by TightsBound »

I say 3, but it sounds like every option will be a winner!
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Post by Corrigon »

I am going to go with 1
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Post by BobaFettish1 »

Thanks for all the votes, guys! This is amazing! 😁

I will leave voting open for a couple more days then I’ll dive into writing the next part. 😉
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Post by DTbound »

This story is getting interesting! I'm gonna go with #1
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