Tied Twins: A Yule-Tied Tale (F/ff)

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Tied Twins: A Yule-Tied Tale (F/ff)

Post by OldTUGger »

A Yule-Tied Tale
by OldTUGger
F/ff, Rated PG

Snow flurries swirled in the car’s headlights as the Davises arrived home after spending Christmas at Grandma’s.

“We’re here,” Terri announced from the front seat.

“Yay,” two displeased-sounding voices monotoned in unison. Terri glanced in the rearview mirror to where her 10-year-old twins, Denise and Elise, sat glumly.

“Seriously, girls? Why the attitude? For crying out loud, it’s Christmas Day.”

“Yeah, but all the fun is all over…” said Elise.

“…And we didn’t get one of the presents we asked for,” added Denise.

Terri stifled a chuckle. Being the single parent to a set of twins wasn’t always easy, especially when the girls teamed up on her and finished each other’s sentences.

“I’ve told you a thousand times, I’m not sure you two are old enough for those just yet,” she said. “Now, lend a hand and help me carry these boxes and bags into the house.”

Grudgingly, they did as their mother asked. It took a couple of trips into the house and back to the car, but eventually all the presents and the leftovers from Christmas dinner ended up on the dining-room table.

“Are we finished?” Denise asked.

“Almost. After we get the leftovers stowed away, you two are free to do whatever you’d like.”

“Does that include tie-ups?” Elise queried excitedly.

“Yes. One of you do the other one up, and I’ll come in and do the one that's still free. But if I detect one more shred of attitude about you-know-what, the games are over.”

The twins, smiling at last, nodded and scampered upstairs to their bedroom.

Terri didn’t know where the girls’ predilection for tie-up-games had begun. What she did know was, since the tender young age of eight, they seemed obsessed with ropes, gags, and -- most recently -- handcuffs.

The girls had “learned the ropes” quickly. So had Terri. She had her hands full making sure the twins’ Internet excursions stayed on the innocent side. Parental controls on the family’s computers and devices helped her block searches for terms that might help her adventurous youngsters discover techniques and equipment beyond their current stage of development.

Or so she thought. One day a couple of months ago, a quiet lull in an otherwise chaotic weekend alerted her to check in on Denise and Elise. As she expected, she found them bound and gagged.

Denise, the older of the two by five minutes, had used her seniority to persuade Elise to tie her up first. She lay on her tummy, feet in the air, hogtied snugly but not too tightly. A bandanna, knotted in the middle, tugged at the corners of her mouth. Another bandanna blindfolded her.

A few feet away, Elise wriggled contentedly in her bonds. Having tied Denise, she bound her own ankles, cinched another band of rope above her knees, and wound ropes around her chest and upper arms as tightly as she could. A pair of toy handcuffs kept her hands behind her back. Her gag and blindfold were identical her sister’s.

“Okay, girls, it’s time to wash up for dinner,” she said as she loosened the knots holding them bound. “Ten minutes. Be there, or no dessert.”

Eight minutes, later, the twins careened down the stairs and skidded to a halt in the kitchen. “Since we’re early,” began Elise… “Can we have extra dessert?” finished Denise.

“Nice try,” their mother answered sardonically. “No.”

“Worth a shot,” the twins chorused happily.

A few minutes into dinner, Denise piped up. “Hey, Mom; Elise and I would like to add a couple of things to this year’s Christmas list.”

“Yeah,” continued her sister. “We’d each like a pair of real handcuffs.”

“And a ball gag.”

Terri’s eyebrows rose. “What? Why?”

“Because we only have to flick a little plastic latch to release ourselves from the toy cuffs, and bandannas and handkerchiefs don’t keep us quiet enough,” Elise said. “We’ll be careful, we promise. We’ll never use them without your knowledge or permission.”

“Please? Pretty please?” Denise added.

“I’ll think about it,” Terri said, “but I make no promises. I’ll need to do some research, and that might take me a while. Put those things on your lists, and we’ll see what Santa thinks of little girls that like to play tie-up games.”

Terri knew the girls would be crestfallen when they didn’t find the items among the gifts they’d open on Christmas morning, but she figured they’d perk up when they opened the boxes that contained their spanking-new tablets. She figured wrong. Oh, the twins loved their shiny new iPads, but the absence of cuffs and gags cast a pall over their morning. They’d been so quiet and sullen at Grandma’s that the grownups asked if they were ill.

“Those two redheads aren’t their usual boisterous selves today,” Grandma observed. “Do you know what’s eating on them?”

“I think it’s because they were expecting a couple of gifts they didn’t receive,” Terri explained. “Don’t worry, they’ll get over it.”

In their haste to salvage something out of their Yuletide experience, the girls left their bedroom door open, so Terri felt no need to knock before she entered. Sure enough, she found Elise seated at her desk chair, wrists crossed behind her, ankles bound, torso secured to the chair’s back with a long rope. Her freckled cheeks bulged, thanks to the balled-up crew sock packed into her mouth. A bandanna held the packing in place. She glanced over at her sister, sitting expectantly at her own desk chair.

“Nice work, Denise,” Terri observed. “I don’t think Elise will be getting out of that too quickly.”

She walked over to the twins’ box of tie-up gear and selected several hanks of rope. “Now let’s get you all trussed up. Hands behind your back.”

In short order, Terri rendered her older daughter every bit as helpless as the younger. The twins tugged tentatively at their bonds, and uttered muffled grunts through their gags.

“Enjoying yourselves?” Terri asked.

“Mmm-hmm,” the girls replied in unison.

“Great! Now, as the saying goes, let’s ‘take things up a notch.’”

Quickly and efficiently -- hey, she’d learned a few things in two years -- Terri modified her daughters’ bondage. When she finished, each girl sported snugly cinched bands of rope at their ankles, knees and chests. Their hands had been re-tied palm-to-palm, and a rope from the wrist bonds’ cinching passed under the chair to the ankle bonds. The twins were blindfolded, as well. Denise and Elise were well and truly stuck, and they knew it. They couldn’t raise their hands without pulling at their ankles, and vice-versa. They couldn't see, and they couldn't speak. They loved it.

“Now, is this better?” Terri asked.

“MMM-HMM!” the twins replied.

“Want to take it up another notch?” Terri asked. The question caused both girls to cock their heads quizzically toward each other. Just what was their mother up to?

Terri freed the knots on her daughters’ blindfolds and let the bandannas drop onto the girls’ laps. Smiling, she strode over to the closet and, reaching in, pulled out two gift-wrapped packages.

“Oh, look!” she exclaimed. “You girls must have missed something, despite all the snooping around you’ve done lately. One is addressed to…let’s see…Elise, and the other is addressed to Denise. Santa must have been running late and left them here today while we were at Grandma’s. Want to open them?”

The twins nodded vigorously.

“It’s a shame you’re tied up and gagged. I bet you’d have those packages opened in no time. Tell you what -- I’ll open them for you.”

Terri took her time, watching with glee as the anticipation rose in her youngsters’ eyes. She slipped the ribbons off each package, one after the other. Then, with scissors, she slit open the wrappings. Slowly, teasingly, she unwrapped the two boxes simultaneously. Finally, with agonizing slowness, she held the boxes where both girls could see and flipped open the lids.

The girls were thoroughly gagged, or their squeals might have shattered the bedroom window. There, nestled in the boxes, lay identical pairs of police-issue handcuffs and identical bright-red ball gags!

“Still mad at me?” Terri asked as she removed the items from the boxes.

“NNN-NNNH!” the girls replied.

“And now, young ladies, I’ll help you enjoy your new toys.”

Minutes later, Terri paused at the door and looked back at her pinioned progeny. The cuffs, snapped on just above their wrist ropes, would keep them happily helpless for the next half hour or so. It would be a quiet half hour, too; the ball-gags, seated snugly behind Denise and Elise’s teeth, would see to that.

“Merry Christmas, girls. Have fun. I’ll be back shortly.”
Last edited by OldTUGger 4 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Cool story!!! Can't wait to read and see what happens next to the Girls
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! Good story telling!
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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks for posting, that was a fun story.
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Post by RopemanSteve »

I like this story a lot, but wish the kids were a little older, maybe around 15 or so....but then maybe something would be lost, dunno.

I love the mom/daughters interaction, thanks for that.
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Post by BindPam »

RopemanSteve wrote: 4 years ago I like this story a lot, but wish the kids were a little older, maybe around 15 or so....but then maybe something would be lost, dunno.

I love the mom/daughters interaction, thanks for that.
I can see your point, [mention]RopemanSteve[/mention], about the ages, but.....

1) It's just a story,

2) This could easily lead to a sequel with the girls a few years older.

All good!
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

I second @BindPam comment. And to add to that. Young Kids are more adventurous and eager to try new things. We would have never thought of trying. When we were younger. And without their parents permission or knowledge. My hat to the author. This story was done well!!!
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Post by IrvinKlaw »

Interesting upgrade in bondage materials ;-)
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