Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

Post by mrjones2009 »


Rotterdam, The Netherlands

“Yes, I appreciate that. I have an appointment with Naomi Van den Burgh. My name is Sarah Grant.” Perrie said in response to the security guard’s question about the late hour of her arrival at the office building. The female security guard glanced at her male colleague who picked up the phone and dialled an extension number. Perrie caught sight of her reflection in the highly polished surface behind the desk and hardly recognised the woman looking back at her. The black wig, prosthetic nose, contact lenses and glasses altered her appearance that much she doubted that her own mother would recognise her, which was the whole point on this mission as she had travelled to the building by public transport through the city of Amsterdam. The cover story that she was using was as a reporter for a respectable, upmarket British newspaper doing an in-depth feature on the international justice system. As part of the background for the story she was interviewing prominent members of that system, of which Naomi Van den Burgh certainly was. The Dutch solicitor has earned her reputation by representing a number of high-profile individuals accused of crimes that crossed international borders. These kinds of cases were seen as highly specialised due to their nature. Perrie’s mind drifted back to her current situation as she made eye contact with the female security guard and smiled innocently. There was a hushed conversation between the male guard and someone on the other end of the phone that Perrie couldn’t hear. The male guard put down the receiver and nodded to his female colleague.

“Miss Van den Burgh confirms the appointment,” the male guard said with a visible shrug of the shoulders.

“Follow me and I will show you to Miss Van Den Burgh’s office” the female guard said before turning to her colleague. “Lars, would you lock up.” The male guard headed for the double glass main doors whilst the female guard opened a gate in the front desk and gestured for Perrie to follow her as she walked toward the corridor that Perrie knew from studying plans of the building led to the elevators. There was silence as they waited for the one of the three lifts to return to the ground floor. The guard alternated between staring at Perrie with glancing at the numbers above the lift as they descended. Perrie just smiled and swayed slightly from the balls of her feet onto her heels, then back again, repeating the process until there was a ding that signalled the arrival of the lift. The doors on the centre of the three lifts opened and the guard gestured for Perrie to enter, which she did. The lift ride to the seventh floor went quickly and when the doors opened the guard stepped out but held the doors with one hand. “Down the corridor,” the guard said indicated right with her free arm. “It is the last door on the right. It should be open and Miss Van Den Burgh will be waiting for you in the reception area.”

“Thank you. I assume that all of the other staff on this floor will have left for the evening?” Perrie queried looking at all of rooms lying in darkness.

“I assume so,” the guard replied with a shrug before stepping back into the lift. Perrie watched the doors close and the list numbers above the doors begin to descend before turning and walking along the corridor. The office was easy to find, it was the only one with lights on. Perrie knocked and entered into a small but lavish reception area with a large desk at its centre, the name of the law firm was in bold letters on a screen behind the desk.

“Hello,” shouted Perrie. “Is anyone around?”

“Sarah, it is a pleasure to meet you.” The voice was firm and confident and the English perfect, you wouldn’t know that it was not the woman’s first language. Perrie spun toward where the voice had come from and found a sharply dressed woman in her early forties striding toward her. It was Naomi Van Den Burgh, Perrie recognised the woman from the various photographs and videos that she had watched in preparation for this mission. Perrie extended a hand which Naomi grasped firmly and shook. “Sorry for having to arrange this meeting for this time of evening but I am currently busy working on a couple of cases that are very promising.”

“That isn’t a problem Miss Van Ben Burgh. I thank you for giving some of your valuable time and fitting me into your busy timetable,” Perrie replied. The timing of the meeting couldn’t have been more perfect if she had suggested it.

“No problem. It is always a pleasure spreading the word about our work here,” the lawyer replies, “and Sarah, please call me Naomi.” The woman then indicated back from where she had appeared. “Shall we retreat to my office and get down to it?” Perrie nodded and led the way down the corridor. “It is the last door on the right.” Perrie walked down the corridor admiring the decoration and paintings that lined either side of the corridor before stopping outside the last door on the right. Naomi approached the door and they entered the room and Perrie glanced around, a large desk dominated the centre of the room with a leather chair behind it. To the left there was a round table with a couple of chairs positioned around it. “Let’s take a seat around the table shall we.”

Perrie rummaged through the bag that had been slung over her shoulder and produced a notepad and pen that she placed on the table.

“Ask away,” Naomi said before Perrie found the correct page in her notepad and started to run through the questions that had been written down for her to ask about the international legal system with a particular slant toward the rights of the accused. There were also a series of questions on dealing with deals and agreements for criminals that wanted to change their ways and go straight. The exchange was going well, the conversation was relaxed and Perrie was playing the part of the eager young reporter very well. Then Perrie started to squirm in her seat a little and took a quick glance at her watch to confirm that the time was right. “Miss Van Den Burgh, could I have a glass on water? I suddenly don’t feel well.”

“Of, course Sarah,” Naomi got up from the chair and headed across to the fridge that sat in the corner of her office. Perrie kept an eye on the solicitor and as she went to open the door of the fridge Perrie slumped off the chair and landed heavily on the floor of the office. Instantly Naomi spun round to confirm what had caused the noise and identifying what it was hurried back across and knelt down beside Perrie who was prone on the floor. “Sarah, Sarah can you hear me?” Naomi asked as she shook Perrie’s shoulder. Getting no response Naomi quickly crossed to her desk and picked up the phone and punched in the code for the main reception desk.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Hayley and Kirsty were dressed as ambulance technicians and pushed a large stretcher with Yelena hidden in a compartment under the bed toward the tall, glass fronted building. They pushed the stretcher up an access ramp and were met at a set of double doors by a man wearing the standard uniform of a security guard. Once they had entered the building the guard close and locked the doors behind him

“Follow me and please hurry. Miss Van Den Burgh says that the girl is in need of urgent help” said the male guard. Hayley and Gayle just stood and stared. Neither spoke any Dutch. The male guard was joined by his female colleague and they both stared at Hayley and Kirsty knowing that something was wrong. Before the two guards realized that these were impostors, Yelena rolled out from her hiding place and pointed a pistol at both guards who promptly raised their hands, the international sign for surrender. “Don’t resist and no harm will come to you” Yelena said in Dutch before nodding to her two colleagues. Hayley and Kirsty took this a signal and quickly bound the two guard’s wrists behind their backs with lengths of strong cord. Hayley took control of the female guard and Kirsty the male guard. “Open your mouths” Yelena said again waiving the gun menacingly in the air. Both guards complied and were rewarded with mouth filling cloths being crammed in by Hayley and Kirsty which were kept in place with bandages wrapped around the head several times and held in place with several circumferences of white tape. It was amazing how easily someone could be subdued when they were in shock at the turn of events. Now that both guards were secured and quietened Hayley and Kirsty patted them down to strip them of their keys, radios and mobile phones. Kirsty handed a set of keys to Yelena before depositing the remainder of the items on the large desk.

“Let’s get moving and not waste any time.”

“She speaks Dutch?” Kirsty whispered to Hayley who just shrugged.

“You know her better than I do,” Hayley responded with.

“Quiet you two or I will have you gag each other” Yelena hissed with a scowl before waiving the weapon at the two bound and gagged guards and pointing in the general direction of the elevators. The two guards got the message and trudged in that direction with Yelena closely behind, Hayley and Kirsty brought up the rear with one of them at each end of the gurney. The elevator came and then all got in, it was a tight squeeze with Yelena the last to enter.

“The top floor please.” Hayley said, unable to resist the temptation.

“Nine for me please.” Kirsty commented with a barely contained smile.

“I did warn you about talking, now please gag each other,” Yelena said flatly without turning around.

“Come on, you can’t be serious?” Hayley said with a smile trying to lighten the mood. The only response was a withering glare from Yelena who had now turned to face her colleagues. Hayley turned to Kirsty and found that she already had a cloth and scarf in her hand. “So, you aren’t going to back me up here then?” Hayley asked before opening her mouth and accepting the soft, thick wad as Kirsty pushed it gently into her mouth. Kirsty delicately prodded the entire cloth into Hayley’s mouth before folding the blue silk scarf into band and tying it over Hayley’s mouth. As the gag was being applied Hayley made eye contact with the two guards who were both clearly perplexed about the entire situation and how it seemed to be getting even weirder as the minutes ticked on. It didn’t bother Hayley to be gagged; she had become more than used to being gagged for long durations during her career.

“Now my turn,” Kirsty said with a smile. Before applying Kirsty’s gag Hayley took a brief moment to take in the smile that was playing around the corner of Kirsty’s mouth. Despite their differences the two women had developed a strong relationship over the past months. This may have just been a product of their current situation rather than any personal connection but that would be impossible to tell. They weren’t friends exactly but Hayley would class Kirsty as an ally, well at least Hayley hoped that she was. If there was a chance of getting out of her current predicament Hayley would need as many allies as she could muster. Hayley carefully filled Kirsty’s mouth with a cloth before applying a silk scarf to hold the cloth in place.

The elevator ride to the appropriate floor and walk to the correct door were uneventful. They were standing outside when Yelena knocked, rested her hand on the handle and listened at the door. Obviously hearing what she wanted on the other side Yelena depressed the handle and then flung open the door with force and entered the room, scanning all of the corners of the office for threats. Hayley and Kirsty followed quickly after each pushing their respective captive guard. As the door opened Naomi Van Den Burgh froze in the centre of the room, shocked and confused at this bizarre turn of events, expecting paramedics and not a woman wielding a gun, two bound and gagged guards in addition to the paramedics.

“What is going on here?” Naomi asked in amazement at the sight that had just come through the door.

“Don’t worry Naomi, just relax and everything will be fine. We have no interest in hurting you in any way. Exactly the opposite as it happens. Our employer wishes to discuss a business proposition with you,” Perrie said this from the doorway between the inner and outer offices.

“Sarah…but I thought…” Naomi stammered, trying to make sense of what was happening.

“English, Miss Van den Burgh if you want to say anything whilst you still can. Also don’t move” Yelena said as she levelled the gun at the lawyer’s chest. As soon as she had got her guard down, lying on the floor Hayley pulled a cloth and a bottle of chloroform from her pocket, soaked the former with the latter and made her way across office toward Naomi Van Den Burgh. The lawyer looked on in confusion, her gaze switching between Yelena with the gun, Perrie sitting on the floor and Hayley approaching her wielding a large white cloth in her left hand. Hayley positioned herself beside Naomi and clamped the cloth over the lower half of her face. “Don’t worry it just puts you to sleep for a bit and you have a sore head when you come round by apart from that no problem” Hayley said in her head after she had clamped the cloth over the lower half of Naomi’s face, forcing her to inhale the fumes from the chemical that had been doused on the cloth. Instantly the lawyer shook her head from side to side, trying to remove the cloth from over her nose and mouth. However, this was useless as Hayley was well practiced in the application of a chloroform-soaked cloth, even if most of the practice was from having the cloth applied to her own nose and mouth. You could still pick up tips! Naomi still panicked as she no idea what was on the cloth and there was definitely something on it, continued to struggle against her attacker. The cloth was damp and there were sweet smelling fumes coming from it and invading her nostrils. Naomi thrashed her head from side to side but the cloth remained in place, then her legs and arms started to feel heavy and unresponsive. Darkness appeared at the edges of her vision and she felt her eyelids felt heavy, all she wanted to do was close them over but she knew she had to fight against it. Unfortunately, there was no escape from the fumes coming from the cloth and after another couple of seconds everything went black. Whilst Hayley was introducing Naomi Van Den burgh to the benefits of chloroform induced slumber Kirsty went about the task of securing the two guards by firstly tying their ankles together with a similar length of strong cord that had been used on their wrists.

“Knock them both out.” This comment from Yelena received muffled protests from the guards who were now lying, wriggling on the floor.

“Before you get to upset about that listen to me for a minute. When you wake up you will not be bound and gagged. There will also be a bag with a lot of money lying on the table over there.” Perrie indicated the round table in the corner. “Now you then have two options. The first would be to call the authorities and explain what happened tonight and I would like to see you try with no CCTV pictures thanks for our technical team.” Perrie paused for effect as the guards looked at each other. “The second would be to take the money and pretend that nothing ever happened.”

“Plus, we know who you are,” Yelena added with a certain menace.

“Well….that as well and don’t worry about having to answer awkward questions about Miss Van Den Burgh going missing. We will sort that out as well.” Both guards mumbled heavily behind their gags, obvious not exactly welcoming the prospect of being knocked out. Hayley and Kirsty knelt down to press the chloroform-soaked cloths over the guard’s nose and mouths, pressing the cloths tightly over their faces. It wasn't long before their eyes fluttered and closed. As Perrie started to remove the various bits of the disguise that she had been wearing Hayley and Kirsty set about preparing Naomi for transportation, first stripping the lawyer then applying a diaper and putting her into a down filled suit. Next between them they lifted the Naomi onto the stretcher and secured her in place using several heavily padded leather straps. That job successfully completed they were almost ready to leave. “Better untie the two guards,” Perrie instructed Hayley and Kirsty as she reached into the hidden compartment in the stretcher and removed a small holdall. After that order Hayley caught Kirsty give Perrie an icy glare which she could understand as Kirsty must be used to giving the orders rather than taking them. Perrie deposited the holdall on the table next to the set of keys that they had used, as promised there was a significant amount of cash in the bag, enough to make it worthwhile to the guards to forget this ever happened.

“Do you think that the guards will say anything?” Yelena asked.

“I have no doubt that they will take the money and keep their mouths shut,” Perrie replied. Now that all of their tasks were complete the operatives took a final look around the office suit before heading out with Yelena leading the way and Hayley and Kirsty pushing the stretcher containing Naomi Van Den Burgh. Once in the lift Hayley went to remove her gag but Yelena noticed this.

“Did I tell you that you could remove the gag?” Hayley shook her head in response and lowered her hands from the back of her head. “Well then just do as you are told.” The remainder of the lift journey was made in silence and once the doors opened the group made their way to the main doors. Perrie broke off and ran toward the desk to retrieve the second set of keys that had been left there. Having retrieved the keys Perrie unlocked the door and allowed the rest of the group to exit before locking in and slipping the keys into one of the large plant pots arranged around the entrance. Hopefully the guards would notice and pick up the other set before they were relieved in the morning by the day shift. It was a short and uneventful walk back to the ambulance that they had acquired. “You can take the gags off once you get in the back but remember your instructions.” This time Hayley gave Yelena an icy stare. Once inside the back of the ambulance and having secured their captive and removed their gags Hayley retrieved the required items from their storage place. Yelena and Perrie had gotten in the cab and were about to move away.

“I wish we didn’t have to do this,” Kirsty commented sadly as she watched Hayley place two large wads of cotton wool inside two dust-masks and then pour a generous amount of chloroform onto the cotton wool. That completed Hayley handed one of the masks to Kirsty and in perfect sync the two women slipped the masked over the top of their heads and placed them over their noses and mouths. As Hayley relaxed and prepared to drift off into a chemically forced slumber, she couldn’t help but think that Elizabeth Crawford may have made a tactical error in her treatment of Kirsty. If not, exactly an ally it did give her someone that she could try to build a relationship with and work the long game. Then everything went fuzzy and Hayley let her mind wander toward the blackness.
Last edited by mrjones2009 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

How everyone is well given the current circumstances. Still working on this story but couldn't resist posting the first bit. Hope everyone enjoys.

Can be enjoyed as a one off but if you want it to make sense story wise probably better to read previous part below.

Comments always welcome and any mistakes are my own!
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Post by Caesar73 »

So glad, you continue this Saga [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !!!! I'll read it later and will comment then :)
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Post by scarfgagged »

Very good story!!! Keep going!
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

So there has been a change in the hirarchy. Obviously Kristy has been demoted, for letting Hayley escape from the Island. Hayley has a point here: Treating Kristy that way is not wise a move. This may strenghten the bond between Hayley and Kristy, which may help Hayley in the end. I'm curious how things develop. The Introduction is very promising!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I think Crawford, treats Kirsty that way to make a point: That Kirsty has to earn her trust back. If that gamble pays off remains to be seen. One of Kirsty traits was her Loyality to her Boss.

Treating her most loyal and capable Employee that way may endanger that unwavering Loyality. And that can aid Hayley in the future.

Very intriguing!!!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 1

5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

Looking out from the window of their hotel suite Frankie; or Francesca as her mother insisted on calling her, Saracino took in the picturesque view out from the large patio, across the lake to the rolling fields and tree lined mountains beyond. If she wasn’t here on assignment then she would have spent more time taking in the view but there was other; more important things to do. Although she did allow her mind to drift back almost nineteen years previously, to when she had been recruited into the Section by Jaclyn Sanders and Elizabeth Crawford. That had been back in the good old days, before Elizabeth Crawford had jumped to the other side, a decision that even after all this time Frankie was both perplexed and hurt by. Someone who she would have once called a close friend was now an enemy and she started thinking about the events that led to that, memories that stirred up feelings that she would rather stay buried. Then there was a sound at the door that brought Frankie back into the present. She tensed up at who was on the other side but relaxed as it opened to reveal her daughter and partner on this particular assignment, Sheridan. Her daughter was a taller, leaner and Frankie had to admit a better-looking version of her. Sheridan had joined the Army straight from school and served for four years before leaving. Unknown to Frankie her daughter had been targeted for recruitment by the Section and had joined straight after her career with the Army finished. This was the first assignment that they had worked together and Frankie had to admit the thought made her nervous. She would always worry about Sheridan and hoped that it wouldn’t affect the decisions she made during the assignment. It had made sense to pair the agents on this particular operation as they were posing as a mother and daughter team that ran an international shipping agency based in the Dominican Republic. The real shipping agents were currently having a relaxing stay at a remote location courtesy of the Section. “Is there anything happening outside?” Frankie asked Sheridan.

“It is all quiet, nothing to worry about,” Sheridan responded with a wide smile. As a precaution Frankie had asked Sheridan to take a look around town to check if anything seemed off. They had been sent to the town of Carmichael to gather intelligence on Donovan Carmichael, a very powerful man suspected of involvement in several illegal activities. They, well the women they were posing as, had invitations to a charity ball being held at the Carmichael Estate tomorrow evening. The rumour was that Donovan Carmichael was involved with some illegal activities and was looking for someone to move certain items without asking questions. Feelers had been put out and several organisations had replied, one of which had been the Dominicans, who had been on the Section’s radar. So, the Section approached the women that run the shipping company and made them an offer. Allow our agents to pose as you and we will turn a blind eye to certain activities that you have been undertaking. Unsurprisingly the women agreed. However, before that Frankie and Sheridan planned to take a look in the offices of Carmichael International Trading that night. They had reservations at the best restaurant in town, an advantage of posing as wealthy owners of an international import / export company.

“Good; very good. Hopefully it stays that way. Let’s get ready for dinner,” Frankie said before turning and heading for the bathroom and a long, hot shower.
5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

Despite being a large firm, the headquarters of Carmichael International Trading remained located in the sleepy town of Carmichael, although they did have a much larger office in Chicago where most of their employees were based. The firm liked the fact that they retained a visible presence in the town where it all began. As they strolled past the building where the offices were located Frankie and Sheridan stole glances to see if anything had changed since they had received their briefing before the mission. There were two storefronts, a bookstore and hardware outlet on the ground floor. The main entrance to the offices of Carmichael International Trading was a set of ornate double glass doors between the two stores. However, they would not be entering the office through that door when they returned later that evening, that would be a fire escape in a rear alley. Frankie knew that they had to be careful, as they were strangers in a small town they would stand out plus there was no doubt that with the power and influence that Donovan Carmichael wielded in town that people would be keen to gather favour with him by reporting anything that seemed off. The restaurant that they had selected to dine at that evening was located round the corner from their target. Frankie and Sheridan sat across from each other at a small, square table toward the rear of the space as a waitress was pouring wine into their glasses. Outside the large windows the sun had almost disappeared, turning the sky a dark purple, the street was thick with shadow, the street lights creating dim pools of illumination on the sidewalks. The waitress finished her task and walked away and Sheridan picked up her glass and took a mouthful of the liquid.

“Now, that is a good bottle of wine,” she commented.

“Just take it easy,” Frankie replied. “Remember we have plans later on.” Despite the mild rebuke Frankie had to admit that the wine and indeed the entire meal had been exceptional. A perk of posing as international shipping merchants was that had this opportunity to sample fine cuisine, something that would never happen on a normal assignment. Once dessert plates had been cleared away and the bill settled the two women sat for half an hour at the restaurant bar nursing gin and tonics before making a big show of yawning and discussing heading back to the hotel. After leaving the restaurant the two operatives walked four blocks beyond their target before slipping unseen down an alley and making their way back toward the rear access to the offices of Carmichael International Trading. As they did so they avoided any pools of light that were in the alley to stop any prying eyes from anybody looking down from windows. The two operatives weren’t dressed like they were about to break into a building, well at least not like they dressed in the movies. There were no skin tight black sweaters, balaclavas or large bags with swag written on it. That would have made them stand out, especially in such a small town. However just short of their target they both stopped to slip on flat, sensible shoes that wouldn’t make a sound on hard floors. In addition, they removed lightweight down jackets, clichéd black obviously, from compression sacks in their bags and slipped them on. After taking the tools they would require from hidden compartments in their bags and slipping them into the pockets of their down jackets the operatives carefully hid their bags behind a handily placed dumpster. That task completed Frankie had one last look around and nodded at Sheridan before indicating the rear door to Carmichael International Trading. After getting a confident nod in response, Frankie smiled and set off with Sheridan following closely behind, both of them scanning the alley for threats.

When they reached the rear door and Sheridan went to work on the lock Frankie kept glancing from left to right, looking for potential threats. “What’s taking so long?” Frankie hissed under her breath.

“Patience, this is a high-grade lock.” There were several further seconds of tense silence before Sheridan tapped Frankie on the hip and pointed at the lock before gently nudging the door open and smiling. Sheridan only opened the door wide enough to allow them to slide through; once they had both done that, she silently closed the door behind them. Now inside the building they both stopped and listened for any approaching footsteps from the stairwell in front of them, ready to make a run for it if required. Fortunately, it sounded like the coast was clear, they didn’t expect any interference as they expected the offices to be empty. Sheridan turned toward the alarm panel that was situated in the space behind the door before she realised that there was no tell-tale buzz from the panel of the alarm needing to be turned off. The two operatives shared a glance; Sheridan shrugged to indicate that she didn’t know what was wrong. Frankie held up a hand and looked up the stairwell again, then listened at the door expecting to hear the sounds of people approaching but once again there was nothing. They had expected the alarm to be set when they entered as the offices should have been empty, this was a surprise and on an assignment like this, surprises were not welcome. This meant that Frankie had a decision to make, abandon this section of the assignment or carry on. She took a moment but decided to carry on and made the signal to Sheridan to head up the stairs, they could always abandon later on if they came across something that they didn’t like. The two operatives made their way cautiously up the flight of stairs to the small landing and the door that lead to the second-floor offices. The staircase was typical office fit-out; thin blue carpets and plain white walls. It was well lit however and there were no security cameras, although a PIR caught them at the top of the stairs but Frankie wasn’t worried as they knew the alarm was not set. There was a glass panel on the door into the first floor and Frankie risked a peek through it. The entire floor was in darkness so she was happy that there was nobody there. People who worked in offices didn’t sit in the dark after normal working hours. There was no need to enter the floor; their intelligence told them that what they were looking for was on the top floor. Frankie nodded to Sheridan and indicated with her chin that they should continue to climb the stairs. At the second floor landing the glass panel once again showed no light so they continued to the third floor where this time there was light clearly visible through the glass panel as they approached the landing. As they weren’t interested in this floor Frankie and Sheridan skirted the cone of light coming through the panel in the door and made their way to the fourth floor, which was the top floor of the building. Once again there was no light coming through the glass panel on the door. Frankie decided that there must be someone working late on the third floor. As they reached the door leading to the first floor Sheridan removed her kit and started to work on the lock. “Take your time and be quiet,” Frankie whispered as she kept watch for someone coming up the stair. Sheridan took a deep breath and nodded, thinking to herself that sometimes her mother worried too much. This lock wasn’t going to take as long at the lock on the external door and Sheridan had it opened reasonably quickly. Once the door was opened, they both slipped in to the office and kneeled down to reduce their silhouettes, Frankie closing the door silently behind them. They scanned the floor and listened intently for any sound that could signal danger. When they were satisfied that there was nobody about, they rose and started walking toward the room that contained what they were looking for. In preparation for the operation they had both memorised the layout of the building, form both schematics obtained by the Section and a hand drawn plan supplied by their insider. The part of the office that they were in was open plan with pods of three or four desks pushed together, the far end of the office contained individual offices; that is where they were heading. Then suddenly there was a noise from somewhere on their right and a door opened. Frankie and Sheridan dropped out of sight behind a partition and listened as the unmistakable sound of footsteps got louder as the person approached. The footsteps continued to approach and then suddenly stopped. Suddenly Frankie became aware of how loud her breathing was. After what seemed like an eternity the sound of footsteps started again, this time getting quieter as they headed away from the operative’s position. Frankie risked a glance out and confirmed the footsteps belonged to a woman with short, dark hair. The woman was wearing a grey pant suit and black pumps, Frankie couldn’t tell much more as the woman was walking away from them towards an office at the rear of that floor. Now the lack of an alarm made some sense; there was obvious a twenty-four hour security presence at the offices. This was obviously a random patrol as if they had been caught on CCTV or triggered an alarm more than one person would have been sent to investigate.

Frankie watched on as the woman checked that all of the doors to the offices were locked and then glanced at her watch before reaching into her pocket and producing something. In the low ambient light Frankie couldn’t tell what it was until the small flame of a lighter illuminated the woman’s face for a second; it was a cigarette. The guard had stopped her patrol for a cigarette break. Frankie silently cursed; they didn’t have time for this, so Frankie decided that they had to take positive action. Sheridan who was still hunkered down with no view looked questioningly at Frankie who mimed the act of smoking and pointed in the direction of the guard. Any hope that the guard would move away soon were quashed when she took a seat and put her feet up on a nearby table, setting her cigarettes and lighter down. Is seems that they would have to deal with the guard in order to get into the room that they required access to. Frankie leaned in and whispered in Sheridan’s ear before turning and crawling away. Then Frankie stopped and rummaged about in her pocket and found two stockings and handed one to Sheridan. “Are you serious?” Sheridan whispered harshly. Frankie nodded in response.

“We can’t afford for someone to get a look at our faces with the party tomorrow evening.” Sheridan nodded and began to pull the stocking over her head.
5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

Frankie had managed to scramble across the office unseen and then made a noise in order to attract the attention of the guard. It worked as after deliberating for a couple of seconds the guard rose and the wandered in that direction. As the guard walked slowly toward where the noise had come from Sheridan shadowed her on the other side of a row of desks. Suddenly Frankie popped up in front of the guard and the split second of shock was all that Sheridan needed to strike, steeping out behind the guard, clamping the chloroform soaked cloth over the guard’s nose and mouth whilst at the same time wrapping her other arm around her waist and pulling the guard close to her body. Frankie didn’t waste any time in pouncing to grab both of the guard’s wrists in order to prevent the guard using them to strike out.

“Don’t struggle, it is too late, you are helpless against our combined strength. The fumes coming from the cloth over your nose and mouth will only put you to sleep for a while,” Sheridan whispered into the guard’s ear in what she hoped sounded like a German accent. “We have no interest in hurting you so it would be better if you just close your eyes and drift off without struggling.” However, that didn’t work and the guard tried valiantly to fight off her attackers. Fortunately, the guard had made two mistakes firstly she hesitated before resisting which allowed Sheridan and Frankie to gain the upper hand leverage wise and secondly Sheridan noted the guard had initially taken a deep breath, inhaling a very large amount of the fumes from the chloroform placed on the cloth. Sheridan and Frankie pressed home the advantage that the surprise attack had given them. With the experience that she had with this sort of thing Sheridan managed, despite the resistance and thrashing of the guard, to keep the cloth securely over the guard’s nose and mouth, letting no oxygen in leaving the guard with no option but to inhale the fumes. The guard knew she was in trouble, big trouble with her attackers locking her in place and having full control of her wrists. After about thirty seconds Frankie could already feel the fumes having an effect on the guard as her movements became less vigorous. The guard was going out and there was nothing that she could do about it. Despite meaning that she would take deeper breaths and inhale more of the fumes from the chloroform-soaked cloth the guard redoubled her efforts and thrashed her head from side to side as she tried to shake free of the cloth so that she could gulp in a fresh lungful of air. But it was no use; Sheridan had the cloth smothered securely over the lower half of her face like it was welded over her nose and mouth. The guard could feel the fumes begin to have their effect on her. Her arms and legs were starting to tingle and her head was starting to spin, a dark cloud was beginning to edge its way over her eyes. Despite never having had chloroform used on her before she guessed that these weren’t good signs for her and she would go out soon. From the outside the three women looked to be engaged in some sort of weird dance routine but eventually with the cloth remaining firmly in place the fight drained out of the guard and her eyes closed over and remain closed. Sheridan removed the cloth and moved her hands under the guard’s armpits and Frankie let the woman’s arms fall back to her side before leaning down to grab the woman’s ankles. Together they picked the guard up and carried her into one of the unlocked offices at the back of the floor. The office was in darkness so after gently setting the guard down Frankie turned, closed the door and switched the lights on.

“Let’s get her secured quickly and get what we came for,” Frankie said in hushed tones. Sheridan searched the guard and found a set of keys.

“At least that will save us having to waste time picking locks,” Sheridan commented as she tossed the keys to Frankie who caught them with her left hand and slipped them into her pocket. Glancing around the room Frankie eyes settled on a roll of grey duct tape lying on a desk.

“Use that duct tape to bind her.” Frankie hoped that this would make it look like the intruders hadn’t come that prepared, despite already having used chloroform. After grabbing the tape Sheridan flipped the guard onto her back and pulled both of the guard’s wrists into the small of her back before wrapping the tape around them a dozen times to secure them together. Then she handed the tape to Frankie to bind the guard’s legs whilst looking around for something to use to gag the guard. Although they believed that there was nobody around to hear the guard’s calls it always paid to gag someone when you have them bound, it was all about control. Then suddenly whilst they were dealing with the security guard the door burst opened.

"Hey, that's me almost finished. Do you want to grab a drink back at my place….. What is going on!?" a young woman wearing a white blouse and black skirt, who must have been working late was standing in the door. She was tall and slender with a good figure. Her blonde hair was short and stylishly cut. There was a large silk scarf around her neck; it had large Paisley patterns on a white background. The young woman wore glasses with a modern and stylish design and carried a light jacket over one arm with a handbag over the over shoulder. There was a moment where nothing happened as both the young woman and the Saracino’s assessed the situation, Frankie silently cursed herself at their sloppiness. The young woman froze, taking in the scene in front of her; two strange looking women with wearing black with stockings on their heads leaning over her unconscious and bound colleague. Then Frankie broke the tension by making move, lunging for the young woman. The young woman couldn’t react in time as Frankie caught her wrist and hauled her down to the ground.

“What are you doeemmmm,” the young woman tried to ask a question but Frankie clamped a leather gloved hand over the young woman’s mouth, muffling any sound.

“Gag her quickly,” Frankie hissed at Sheridan who quickly found a clean, white handkerchief in the woman’s bag. After scrunching the handkerchief up Sheridan moved it toward the young woman’s mouth. Obviously, the young woman guessed what was about to happen and began to shake her head. However, Frankie having twisted the woman’s tight arm behind her back levered it upwards and the woman winced as a shot of pain went through her shoulder, the less than subtle threat of comply of we could get mean. The woman nodded her head and didn’t resist when Frankie removed her hand and Sheridan stuffed the handkerchief into the woman's mouth, packing it in thoroughly. Then Sheridan removed the patterned silk scarf from around the woman’s neck, tied a large knot in the centre and placing the knot in the woman’s mouth secured it at the back of her neck. The knot compressed the handkerchief that had been stuffed into the woman’s mouth. The two parts combined to make a very affective gag.

“Nice of her to supply her own gag,” Sheridan commented quietly. Frankie shot her daughter a glance before instructing the woman to put her hands behind her back and then winding the tape around them a dozen or so times to secure them together. They got the young woman lying down before Frankie used the tape to bind her ankles together and then wrap another length of tape around the woman’s ankles. A simple, yet effective method of securing someone. Frankie and Sheridan now found that they were standing looming over the bound woman and noted the look of concern in her eyes.

“We aren’t here to hurt anyone so don’t worry,” Frankie began. “Now we are going to ask you some questions. Don’t worry about being gagged; these will be easy questions that can be answered by nodding or shaking your head.” The young woman nodded that she understood.

“Is there anybody else in the building?” The young woman nodded in response. Frankie and Sheridan shared a worried glance at each other before scanning the main office through the glass partitions for threats. It took Sheridan a couple of seconds before she caught Frankie’s eye and indicated the security guard.

“Do you mean the security guard? Wearing a grey suit with a black sweater?” The young woman nodded again.

“Are there any hidden security cameras anywhere?” The young woman shook her head. Frankie decided to believe her; although it may well be that there were cameras that she didn’t know about.

“Final question, I promise. Do you know what is stored in the locked room on this floor?” The young woman looked at both women and then beyond them into the distance. Frankie knew that she was considering her answer. At a guess Frankie thought that regular staff members weren’t allowed in that room and stories went around about what was actually in the room.

“Thank you,” Frankie said. “Now we need to leave but we also need you to have a nap so that you don’t try to escape whilst we finish up.” Sheridan could see a panicked look come over the young woman’s face. “Don’t worry; I can assure you that it doesn’t hurt.” As Frankie was talking to the young woman Sheridan had been freshening up the cloth with a fresh splash of chloroform before kneeling down and pressing the cloth over the young woman’s nose and gagged mouth. To her credit the young woman didn’t panic and inhaled the fumes until her eyes rolled back into her head and she went unconscious. Sheridan kept the cloth in place after the eye roll to ensure that the woman got a good dose of the drug. Frankie had been digging around in the woman’s handbag and found another handkerchief and stuffed that into the unconscious guard’s mouth, sealing it in place with three strips of duct tape.

Now that they had subdued the two occupants of the building, they switched their attention to why they had broken into the building in the first instance, the job of obtaining the hopefully incriminating information. Using the keys borrowed from the guard Frankie and Sheridan opened the door and stepped inside the room. Once then entered then found only one desk in the room along with a chair sitting adjacent to it. On the desk was a computer, a slightly old computer, not a laptop but a tower unit with a separate screen, keyboard and mouse. They had a look around and confirmed that the computer was not connected to any external device and there were no wires apart from the power cable meaning it could not be hacked externally. An extreme security measure that meant you had to physically be in the building to access the information on it. Sheridan fired up the computer and waited for the password screen to appear. Once it had popped up Sheridan removed a flash drive from her pocket and placed it into the correct port on the computer. “Are you sure this will work?”

“I don’t know,” Sheridan replied with a shrug. “That new tech Danielle said it would do the job.” The pair watched on with interest as the screen came to lift and spent a couple of minutes flashing between images, changing colour and had varying streams of letters and numbers running across it. Eventually the screen went blank and the Section operatives both looked at each other before they heard a whirring noise as the computer came back to lift. There was a message on the screen that said READY TO COPY. INSERT DISK. Sheridan pulled a disk from her pocket, slipped it into the drive that had popped open and gently pushed it closed. Once again, the machine whirred into lift and a bar appeared on the screen showing the progress of the copying. It seemed to take an age for the bar to reach one hundred per cent but it was probably only five minutes.

“Is that it completed?” Frankie asked Sheridan as her daughter pocketed the disk.

“I assume so but we won’t know until the techs back at headquarters have a go at it.”

“Well, let’s not hang about. Lock the door behind us and they we can head back to the hotel.” So, after exiting the room and locking the door behind them they exited the building by retracing their steps. They had discussed taking something to make it look like a break in but now they hoped that they would assume that after encountering the employees whoever had broken in had just panicked and left without taking anything. They had been told that what they had done to the computer would be untraceable. After retrieving their bags Frankie and Sheridan folded their lightweight down jackets into their compression sacks and slipped on their other jackets. As they walked down the alley, stripping off their leather gloves as they did, both were satisfied that the first part of their assignment had been a success. On exiting the alley, they turned and made their way back to the hotel by the shortest possible route. After a couple of minutes of walking they turned a corner and noted a police cruiser sitting at the kerb, motor off and window open. There was a large arm hanging out of the window. As they got closer to the cruiser the door opened and a police officer, unfolded from the vehicle and blocked the sidewalk. The man had to be around six foot four inches in height and almost as broad, his build that’s of an athlete that had let themselves go with too little exercise and too many beers. “How can we help you officer?” Frankie asked, voice clam and even.

“So, what are you ladies doing out at this time of evening?” The large police officer blocked their path, meaty hands on hips.

“We are just getting some fresh air after a nice meal officer. Is there a problem?” Frankie replied.

“What brings you to town?”

“That would be business, well potential business.” Frankie was not put off about the questions. It was a small town and they were new faces.

“What kind of business?”

“Our family is on importing and exporting of goods,” Frankie replied.

“Importing and exporting of good,” the police officer mimicked. The questions were starting to get boring Frankie thought and the attitude of the police officer was starting to annoy her.

“That would be logistics. Moving items from one place to the other as efficiently as possible is our speciality. We have invitations to the reception at the Carmichael Estate tomorrow night.” On the mention of that name the whole demeanour of the police officer changed.

“Why didn’t you mention that you were in business with Mr Carmichael, ma’am? Where about are you staying?” Frankie confirmed the name of their hotel. “Well the quickest way is straight ahead for three blocks, and then turn left. Then it will be another two blocks further over.”

“Thank you, officer,” Frankie said as he moved aside and she hurried past with Sheridan in close attendance.

“No problem ma’am. You ladies have a nice remainder of the evening.” The two operatives didn’t look back or engage in conversation until they had made the left turn and were out of sight of the police office. At least the encounter confirmed one of Frankie’s suspicions. Donovan Carmichael did indeed have a lot of influence in this town.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Hope everyone enjoyed the Prologue

Thanks to everyone who had read and some for there support and encouragement with the writing

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention] [mention]puffalover[/mention] [mention]scarfgagged[/mention] [mention]BoundJana[/mention] [mention]RopemanSteve[/mention] [mention]sarajone12345[/mention] [mention]tieduptee[/mention] [mention]BrittanyBound[/mention]
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Post by scarfgagged »

Love this story!!!!
That's why i love a woman who wears a silk scarf! She briings her own scarf...
And maybe is why a use silk scarves! But nobody has gagged me with it... :(
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

Carmicheal .... that Name sounds familiar, but maybe I confuse him with somebody.

So we learn something about the mysterious Frankie and her connection to Crawford. I have the feeling, that not everything will go as planned later on for Frankie and Sheridan.

Good Improvisation by mother and daughter !!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]scarfgagged[/mention] Thanks for the feedback. Glad that you are enjoying the story.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 2

5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

As Sheridan spun round and struck a pose Frankie had to admit that her daughter was a fine-looking woman, the long black dress showcased her body to perfection. “How do I look?” Sheridan asked.

“You’ll do,” Frankie responded with a smile. Frankie turned away to make her own final preparations for tonight, picking up the royal blue dress that she had chosen for the occasion, slipping off her bathrobe and getting into the dress. It only took her half the time to get ready than it had taken her daughter. Frankie hoped that was experience rather than a lack of effort; however, a quick glance in the mirror told her it was the former. There was no doubt that for a woman of her age she was still in very good condition. Now that they were ready, they turned their attention to tonight’s operation. The flash drive and disk from the previous evening had been picked up by a courier early in the morning and were now safely on the way to Section headquarters. They were using their cover identities to attend a charity event at the Carmichael Estate. There intelligence told them that it was a cover to allow various suspected illegal deals and criminal alliances to be discussed. Tonight, was about observation and maybe gathering information if they had the opportunity. Frankie took another look at her daughter who was again admiring her dress in the mirror before turning to check her that her gab contained what she needed for later. “Just remember that tonight is about business and not pleasure.”

“Can’t it be a bit of both,” Sheridan commented. Frankie shook her head; she didn’t have to turn around to know that a cheeky smile had broken out across over Sheridan’s face.

The large silver car pulled to a stop perfectly so that the rear door would open to let the occupants step onto the red carpet. Exiting the car onto a red carpet first Frankie looked around and casually took in the surroundings, in particular noting the position of the security guards. An interesting point about the Carmichaels was that they had a female only security team. The large grounds were immaculately manicured from what she could see from the large pools of light created by the evenly spaced fittings set in the grounds. The grounds must have been extensive as it had been a long enough drive to the main house once they had been waived through the gate. As she waited for Sheridan to join her from the other side of the car Frankie took in the full splendour of the Carmichael’s house, well house may have been underselling it; mansion or castle might have been a better description. Once Sheridan had joined Frankie, they made their way deliberately up the stairs towards the main door where then were met by a middle aged man wearing a smart suit, white shirt and plain blue tie.

“Good evening ladies,” the man said with a slight bow of the head. “My name is Jenkins and if there is anything that you require tonight please do not hesitate to ask either me or a member of the staff. If you would turn left when you enter my staff will take any coats or bags that you wish to deposit in the cloakroom. After that they will show you to the reception room where a glass of champagne awaits, or maybe more than one,” Jenkins winked. “Mrs Carmichael will undertake some introductions there and when everyone is in attendance you will move to the main room for the night’s entertainment.”

“Thank you,” Sheridan replied as Jenkins gestured for the ladies to enter through the door. Once inside both Frankie and Sheridan dispensed with their large shawls but kept their bags. As they made the sort to the reception room, they admired the interior of the building and the artwork scattered around. Frankie wasn’t any expert of art but knew enough to admire the pieces on show and was impressed. They certainly wouldn’t have come cheap. They entered the reception room and scanned the room and crowd automatically, looking for threats and checking the exit routes. Nothing put their senses on high alert, not even the guards posted in each corner of the room so they each took a flute of champagne and begin to mingle, making small talk with other guests. They each kept one eye on the entrance to track who was entering and exiting the room and after twenty minutes Sheridan noted that Jenkins had appeared at the entrance and was talking to Donovan Carmichael. As they both concentrated on that they didn’t notice someone come at them from the other direction.

“Penelope Carmichael,” Frankie heard from behind her and spun to find a refined, elegant looking woman in her fifties, “a pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine Penelope,” Frankie responded not missing a beat, “it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.” The two exchanged a handshake. “I must thank you for the invitation tonight.”

“Don’t mention it. You might not thank me at the end of the night when I have relieved you of a large amount of cash.”

“All in a good cause I am sure. But hopefully amongst the fun we have an opportunity to chat about potential business,” Frankie let a smile appear on her lips which her host returned. Frankie took this as a positive sign. “Sorry, I should introduce my daughter Elena,” Frankie indicated Sheridan who also shook Penelope Carmichael’s hand.

“Nice to meet you,” Sheridan began, “you have a wonderful home.”

“Thank you very much. Now let’s see if I can find you some people closer to your own age to talk with rather than these rich, old people.” Penelope turned and led the two operatives through the crowd toward the back of the room. Penelope certainly had presence; the crowd just seemed to part and let her through. At the back of room, they found a huddle of people who were bringing the average age of the crowd down significantly. “I would like you to meet my daughters Charlotte and Courtney and my son Donovan Junior,” the woman continued introducing two stunning young woman with blond hair who were stylish dressed in figure hugging black dresses and a slightly uncomfortable looking young man wearing an evening suit, white shirt and black tie. There were introductions then Penelope nodded at her oldest daughter before steering Frankie off to the side, “Let me make some other introductions and leave the youngsters to chat,” Penelope said.

“Don’t worry we will take care of Elena,” Charlotte called. Frankie exchanged a look with Sheridan that hopefully told her to keep her wits about her. Now finding that she was on her own with Penelope Carmichael, Frankie tried to steer the conversation toward potential business but her host objected. “Business later Vanessa, now it’s time for pleasure…or well talking to boring people and pretend that you are amused.” Frankie had to stifle a laugh at that comment.

“This is Theodore Howard,” Penelope said introducing a large man in his sixties wearing a pinstripe suit, white shirt and plain red tie. “This is Vanessa Chavez. We are potentially looking to do some business with Vanessa and her family.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” Howard said as he extended a hand that Frankie accepted and shook. They had a brief, polite exchange before Penelope made excuses and moved.

“I would like you to meet Walter Rhodes and his daughter Florence,” Penelope had introduced Frankie to a man wearing a nice pair of trousers, blazer and a cravat standing next to a young woman wearing a short blue dress looking decidedly unimpressed with her surroundings.

“I prefer Tiffany,” the young woman said. “It’s my middle name,” she added. Once again it was a brief but polite conversation before moving on.

“Alden Alexander,” this time the man-made effort to make the introduction. He was a handsome man in a nice, tailored suit. Understated but stylish would be the way to describe both the outfit and the man. Frankie and Penelope engaged in conversation with Alden Alexander for around fifteen minutes, he was relaxed and entertaining company and didn’t go on too much about his work after confirming that he was in the property business. Penelope finally noted someone else and made excuses with a promise of catching up later. “That is enough of the boring business types for the moment. I have spotted someone far more interesting.” Penelope led Frankie through a crowd before stopping next to a dark-haired woman. “Vanessa, please meet Milena Novak. Who I am reliably informed by my daughter’s, is the next big thing in the world of fashion.”

“That is nothing but flattery at this point Penelope, lovely to meet you Vanessa. How did you get an invite to this gathering?”

“I am hoping to help Penelope with some logistics problems that she has been having,” Frankie answered. The three women engaged in friendly conversation until they were interrupted by a tall, handsome man that Frankie could tell from just a glance radiated class and charisma.

“Marcus St Clare,” the man made his own introductions to Frankie and Milena. “You have put on a wonderful event as always Penelope. It is all in aid of a good cause as well.”

“Well, thank you Marcus. Hopefully I can count on you for a substantial donation,” Penelope responded. “Will you wife be joining us this evening?”

“Unfortunately, not Penelope,” St Clare looked a bit awkward for a couple of seconds. “Emily isn’t feeling that great so stayed in the hotel. However, she did say that she would give you a call tomorrow on working together on that fashion line Milena.”

“That’s great news,” Novak replied, barely able to contain her excitement.

“She seemed very enthused by the idea.” As Penelope and Frankie broke away leaving St Clare and Novak to chat, they were engaged by two women of around forty.

“Good evening Penelope,” the woman with dark hair said.

“Nice to meet you again Judith,” replied Penelope although Frankie could tell that she didn’t really mean it. “I would love to stay and chat but I have to go and check on some arrangements for later on.”

“Well at least introduce us to your new friend,” the woman called Judith replied.

“Vanessa Chavez meet Judith and Louise De Havilland,” Penelope obliged.

“What brings you to this gathering?” Judith directed the question toward Frankie. Penelope glanced at Frankie who read what she was trying to tell her, which was please do not mention anything about business.

“Just looking to back a good cause,” Frankie replied and felt Penelope exhale and relax.

“Well about that business issue you had mentioned. We couldn’t recommend our contact enough Penelope,” Judith De Havilland stated.

“The South African?” Penelope enquired, still trying to edge away. Judith nodded in response. “Well, we can always chat about business after the fun stuff is out of way. Speaking of that I really must go and check the final arrangements….” Penelope grabbed Frankie and quickly headed in the other direction. Once out of earshot Penelope leaned toward Frankie, “Sorry, that was slightly rude but there is something about the De Havilland sisters that gives me the creeps. They both lost husbands to accidents recently.” The look of Penelope’s face betrayed the fact that she didn’t want to say anything further on that topic.

Whilst Frankie was getting introduced around the room Sheridan was having a pleasant conversation with Charlotte and Courtney. Then they were interrupted by a woman with blond hair wearing and looking uncomfortable in a green dress. “Good evening girls,” the woman said to Charlotte and Courtney in a northern European accent. “Who is your pretty new friend?” Sheridan caught the woman looking at her and a shiver ran down her spine, there was something about the woman that was very of putting.

“Elsa Schmidt, our personal physician met Elena Chavez,” Sheridan took the proffered hand and hoped that her discomfort didn’t come across.

“Well I hope to have the opportunity to get to know you better later,” Schmidt said before moving quickly on. Sheridan glanced around and located her mother headed toward the door with Penelope Carmichael. They almost made it before a woman stepped in front of them.

“Maureen Thackeray-Jones, high end jeweller and provision of other services. Maureen is responsible for the fabulous pieces that my daughters and I are wearing tonight.” Penelope said by way in introducing the latest person to Frankie. There then began a conversation about jewellery that Frankie wanted to end quickly so decided to ask for a brochure.

“Perhaps you can e-mail a brochure?”

“Do you have a card?” Maureen asked. Sheridan could tell that the woman was feigning interest, wanting to talk to the potential high-end client, Penelope, but played along by digging through her purse and producing a plain white business card with her fake details on it and handed it across. There was a quick glance before Maureen deposited the card in her own purse. If Maureen did indeed call or e-mail then a full back story had been created by the Section that would stand up to all but the most intense scrutiny. Again, they walked away from a conversation.

“Let’s head to the bar,” Penelope said. This time got to the door but almost bumped into a short but handsome man in his late forties entering the reception room.

“Penelope, such a pleasure to meet you,” the man said hugging Penelope Carmichael. Then he turned his attention to Frankie. “Who is your stunning companion?”

“Finally, well at least for the moment please meet Mark Davenport, a politician with a shady past.” The man smiled at this and raised his hand as if he could bat away the comment, although Frankie could have sworn that something in the man’s sharp green eyes betrayed that there may have been something behind Penelope’s comment. “Please meet Vanessa Chavez.”

“I wouldn’t believe everything that Penelope says,” Davenport said with a light handshake and warm smile. “Are you anything to do with the Chavez International Freight?”

“You are well informed Mr Davenport. That is my family business.”

“Well I see Marcus St Clare is here so I shall go and bend his ear. Good evening ladies and hope to continue this conversation later in the evening.” As they walked away from Davenport toward the bar Penelope leaned in and whispered conspiratorially in her ear. “The rumour is that Mark was some kind of spy. Last introduction for now; and this may be an important one should things progress well between us. May I introduce Fallon Bennett,” Penelope introduced an attractive flame haired woman wearing a figure-hugging green dress that showed off her curves to perfection who was currently leaning against the bar with a short glass in one hand. “Miss Bennett represents our latest business partner. We are hoping that it is a long and mutually beneficial association.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” Fallon Bennett said and offered a hand that Frankie accepted.

“Vanessa Chavez is in international shipping. We are hoping to discuss working together.” There was a bit of small talk and then with the introductions complete Frankie made her excuses and started searching for Sheridan, finally finding her trapped in a corner by Donovan Junior. The young man seemed to be more interested in staring at her daughter’s cleavage than the conversation they were engaged in, which she thought was rude. Not that she was concerned about her daughter’s ability to handle the situation; she had once seen Sheridan take out an All Pro Linebacker who had gotten a bit ‘handsy’ at a party. The guy missed the first two weeks of the upcoming season. Suddenly there was the sound of a gong and everyone turned to where the sound originated and found Jenkins standing in the door way. “I would be grateful if you could now make your way to the main hall where tonight’s entertainment shall commence promptly at nine.” The man turned and left, no doubt to attend to another details of tonight’s events. As the guest filed out of the room Frankie caught Sheridan’s attention and indicated toward a corridor off to the right. “Time to go,” Frankie hissed deciding this was a chance to slip away and do a bit of snooping around. “Head toward the rear of the house, if there is an office or study it will be back there.”
5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

Whilst continuing to glance around for potential dangers the operatives made their way toward the back of the house until Frankie found what she was looking for. It really shouldn’t have been this easy but there was a door with a plaque with OFFICE on it. Frankie nodded after taking one last look around, she opened the door and they both slipped inside. The blinds were closed so Frankie risked putting on the lights, well they would need them look around anyway. They split up and Frankie started looking through the drawers on the desk and Sheridan started with a filing cabinet that. Frankie stopped looking and thought for a second. It was strange that there was so much paper in the office that they would need a filing cabinet, most information tended to be stored electronically these days. Adding this fact to the lack of network access to the computer at the firm’s offices told Frankie that they were paranoid about being hacked. That got Frankie thinking that indeed, perhaps they had something to hide. They didn’t want to hang around for too long and risk getting exposed so once Frankie had finished the desk drawers, she caught Sheridan’s attention and pointed at the exit. Sheridan nodded and headed for the door that led back into the corridor. With Frankie standing a couple of paces behind Sheridan grasped the handle and turned it to open but nothing happened. She tried it again with the same results, then a third attempt this time with a little more force that came with the introduction of some panic and desperation. “What’s wrong?” Frankie asked.

“The door is jammed,” Sheridan responded. The was a hand on her shoulder as Frankie guided her out of the way to allow her access to the door, but after several attempts she gave up and conceded that the door was indeed not going to open. Giving up on that Frankie made her way across to the large window to see if that was open, however it was sealed shut. “What do we do now?”

“All we can do now is wait and see what happens?” Frankie responded with a shrug of her shoulders. The main thing in these situations was to remain calm. You couldn’t change what was going on so don’t worry about it, wait for an opportunity and take it when it presents itself. As it turns out the wait last exactly fifteen minutes before the door opened and Penelope Carmichael entered closely followed by four of the all-female security team dressed identically in grey suits, black roll neck tops with their hair tied back in ponytails. Each had an earpiece in one ear and a taser in a holster on one of their hips.

“Vanessa, Elena,” Penelope began. “What are you doing in here?” The smile on the woman’s face wasn’t reflected in the look in her eyes.

“We were trying to find the toilet and seem to have gotten lost,” Frankie replied making for the door.

“Stay exactly where you are,” commanded one of the security team holding out her hand, palm up. The woman was taller than Frankie and almost twice as broad. There was no way that Frankie could go through the woman so stopped.

“Is there any need for that kind of attitude?” Frankie said hoping that she was convincing as the bumbling visitor.

“Ladies, I am an intelligent woman and I will give you the benefit of the doubt on that score as well and get straight to the point.” The smile had vanished from Penelope’s face; the pretence at civility had gone. “You were searching the study for something. Would you like to tell me why? I don’t have you down as burglars.” Hopefully the shock that Frankie felt didn’t show on her face.

“What makes you say that?” Sheridan asked.

“You tripped a silent alarm Elena sweetheart.” Penelope dug her phone out of her pocket and held it up. There was a live feed showing the seven women in the room. “I got a notification on my phone and the alarm also triggers an automatic locking mechanism on the front door.”

“I assume that local law enforcement is on their way?” Frankie asked more out of hope then expectation. They had been caught, were in trouble and she knew it. The smile returned to Penelope’s face.

“No, we have our own way of dealing with unwanted snoopers around here.” Frankie and Sheridan exchange worried glances.

“I have a party and guests to return to so take them upstairs and secure them. We can pick this up properly tomorrow,” Penelope instructed the security team. “I don’t think that they will cause any problems but if they do feel free to use the stun guns or administer a sedative, chloroform would do the trick.”

“Understood,” the led security team member. The woman had sharp eyes behind black rimmed glasses.

“Thanks Yuki,” Penelope replied.

“Place you bags on the desk ladies and then put your hands behind you back,” instructed Yuki. Sheridan looked at Frankie for guidance; the older woman nodded her head before complying with the instructions. Noting this Sheridan also complied and both found that they were quickly ceased by two security team members each. Both Frankie and Sheridan found that their wrists were secured together behind their backs with padded leather cuffs.

“Gag them both heavily before taking them upstairs. We can’t have them disturbing the guests,” Penelope said as she headed for the door.

“Yes ma’am,” Yuki said with a nod.

“There is no need for gags. We will be quiet,” Sheridan commented.

“I can’t take that chance sweetheart,” Penelope said. “Make sure you put them in separate rooms.”

“Any more complaints and I shall send one of my colleagues to get the chloroform,” Yuki said. Frankie knew that they couldn’t afford to be sedated at the moment; they would lose all sense of what was happening and where they were. “Now open wide ladies.” Although she didn’t want to do it Sheridan opened her mouth and accepted the two large, cotton handkerchiefs that were stuffed inside, completely filling her mouth with soft cotton. Sheridan had been severely gagged in all different manners during training and on a couple of other occasions and was sure that she could endure whatever these women were going to throw at her. Then a knotted cloth was produced and the knot centred on the stuffing in Sheridan’s mouth and the two ends tied tightly at the back of her head, compression the fabric filling her mouth and pushing it deeper inside her mouth. Despite her best efforts Sheridan had to mumble some at the discomfort that this caused. Just as she thought that might be it a thick cloth was folded and positioned over her already well gagged mouth. A folded silk scarf was tied over this to secure the padding in place over her mouth. The scarf was tied that tightly that Sheridan felt that it was welded in place over her face, squashing the cloth against her lips. Lastly a folded silk scarf was folded into a band just wide enough to go from the middle of her nose to just below her chin. Now that her gag had been applied Sheridan looked across at Frankie and confirmed that she had been identically gagged.

“I do like to see a woman properly gagged,” Penelope commented from her position at the door. “Send someone to their hotel to pick up their belongings,” Penelope ordered. “Be sure that they also search the room for any items that they may have hidden.” Frankie and Sheridan exchange a glance over the heavily gagged mouths that they hoped none of the other women in the room picked up on. They were now glad that they had the flash drive picked up that morning. It also told Frankie that the Carmichael’s had pull at the hotel. How else could their security team walk in and leave with people’s belongings?
5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

Now that they had been silenced effectively Frankie and Sheridan were led out of room and along the hallway. Yuki, the head of the security detail led the way with Frankie and Sheridan both securely in the grasp of a guard in the middle and the last guard bringing up the rear. They did not encounter anyone else as they made their way silently along the lusciously carpeted hallway until they stopped in front of a plain wooden door. Yuki produced a card from her inside pocket and swiped it across a black box next to the door, an electronic lock disengaged and Yuki pulled the door open. The order switched as the guard who was at the rear now took the lead with the bound and gagged operatives once again in the middle with their escorts and this time Yuki was in the rear. Behind the door was a landing just big enough for perhaps four people to stand on with a flight of steps on each side, one leading down and the other leading up. The lead guard went up and Frankie had no other option but to follow. There were no windows in the stairwell but it was well lit and there were no issues with footing as they climbed until the stairs stopped, the only noise the sound of their footsteps echoing on the bare walls. At the top of the stairs was another door that the guard opened using another card. Once they had all passed through the door, they were on a landing with four other doors off it. “Say goodnight ladies, you have your own guest suits.” Frankie and Sheridan looked at each other and tried to communicate but it was pointless through the heavy gags that they were wearing. Frankie stepped toward Sheridan but as soon as she made the movement Yuki and another guard quickly grabbed her and began to drag her toward a door over to the left, Sheridan reacted and moved toward her mother before the other two guards started to manhandle her toward the door directly opposite from the door that Frankie was being dragged through.

“MMMEEEWWW,” Sheridan screamed a barely audible mumble under her gag as she was dragged through the door.

“Get me some chloroform, these two are starting to get on my nerves,” Yuki said to nobody in particular. Once Frankie had been dragged into the room and the door closed it seemed to calm her down. They pushed Frankie toward a metal cot that was lying against the wall equal distance from the door and the far wall. The guards held Frankie solidly whilst they undid the padded cuffs around her wrists to allow them to secure them in front of rather than behind her back. Frankie was then shoved down onto the cot bit before she could react Yuki grabbed her arms, raised them towards the top of the cot and secured them above Frankie’s head to the frame of the cot. The other guard then lashed Frankie’s ankles together with rope before using another length of rope to secure her ankles to the bottom of the bed frame. Now that she was bound to the bed frame Yuki placed a quilt over Frankie. “Wouldn’t want you to get cold during the night,” Yuki said. That comment elicited a chuckle from the other guard as they stood over Frankie. Before they left the room, Yuki pulled open a drawer and produced two large cotton wool pads which she placed over Frankie’s eyes, quickly a silk scarf was tied over these to secure them in place and effectively blindfold Frankie. Now left to her own devices Frankie’s mind couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to Sheridan and if she was alright.
5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

Although she had no sense of time Frankie surmised that it had been a couple of hours since she had been left to her own devices when she heard the door opened. Frankie felt someone sit on the edge of the bed. “That’s better,” Penelope Carmichael said. “Sorry, I am being rude; you can’t see what I am doing.” Frankie noted that the woman sounded very relaxed and in control, maybe it was the situation or maybe in was the consumption of alcohol. More likely it was a combination of both. “I have just taken my heels off and it feels so, so good. Seriously Frankie, the things we women do for fashion.” Frankie tensed at the use of her real name. “Ah, I see you noted the use of your real name. Well, you have Miss Bennett to thank for that. You see she has an eidetic memory and she remembered you from her employers files. It didn’t take much digging from there to establish your real identity as Francesca Saracino, an agent of the US Government and that of your daughter Sheridan.”

“HHUURRUUMMPPHH,” Frankie said suddenly thrashing against the bonds and screaming into her gag. Penelope stood up and put her hands on her hips.

“Now stop that or I will have to give you something to calm you down,” Penelope said. “Would you like some chloroform?” Frankie shook her head and was now breathing heavily with the exertion of her thrashing. It also didn’t help being gagged the way she currently was as well. “Good, that’s better. Don’t worry about one thing Francesca. I won’t let my son anywhere near your stunning daughter.” Penelope sat back down on the bed and placed a hand on the bed, allowing her to lean over Frankie slightly. “A mother recognises things in their children and I know that Junior can be a bit creepy with women. It is a cross that we have had to bear over the years. I had hoped that he would grow out of it as her got older, more mature you could say, but alas… Now my own daughters on the other hand, they are much gentler creatures and I know that they have taken a shine to Sheridan……” Penelope didn’t finish the sentence but stood up again and Frankie could hear her bare feet padding around the room.

“MMMMRRRR,” Frankie said something rude behind her gag.

“Now what did I say about calming down. Now our offices in town were broken into last night and a local police officer reported seeing you and your daughter in the vicinity of the offices last night. I would bet that those two incidents are not unconnected.”

“MMMPPPHH,” Frankie was trying to say no.

“I know that you won’t give anything away easily Francesca,” Penelope said after sitting down on the edge of the bed again. “You seem tough and smart. Both are admirable qualities but I will leave you to think about this during the night. We will start with young Sheridan in the morning. You met our personal physician earlier Elsa Schmidt. Well she also has a speciality in obtaining information from people. Not by hurting anybody, psychological rather than physical and she is good, very good.” Penelope patted Frankie on the breast before getting up from the bed and heading for the door. “How will your daughter fair under intense questioning from Fraulein Schmidt?” Penelope then left the room. There was little rest for Frankie that night; all she could think about was what awaited her daughter in the morning. There was one piece of information that Sheridan didn’t know and she wanted to make sure that she didn’t give away, the fact that the Section had an informant within the organisation. Now Frankie didn’t know the identity of the informant; that was above her pay grade, something that she was now glad of.
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Post by scarfgagged »

Great work!!! More, more... :D
If you're not gagged and blindfolded, then you're not tied up at all!!! :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

scarfgagged wrote: 3 years ago Great work!!! More, more... :D
Absolutely! Frankie and her daughter are in a tight spot. That is for sure. I see no way, they can get out of this without help. But who should help them? Another old aquaintance .... Elsa Schmidt.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Fallon Bennett ... that name rings a bell. The former second in command before Kirsty replaced her? And who may be the mysterious Informant? If anyone can save Frankie and her daughter, than the Informant.
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Post by sarajone12345 »

Omg yes it's here!!! Going to read it later this week when I get the chance, thanks for much for the update :)

Been looking forward to reading this for so long!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 3

5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

The sound of the door opening jolted Frankie awake, despite all that was going through her mind she must have drifted off. There was the sound of at least three sets of footsteps on before suddenly the blindfold was removed and the harsh artificial light flooded into her eyes, which she instantly closed and then opened slightly. “Morning Frankie,” Penelope said. “Shall we get you freshened up then take a walk?” Frankie took a look around and noted Yuki and another guard hovering around, obviously waiting for instruction. Penelope nodded and the two guards swooped and untied Frankie. Once free Frankie swung her legs onto the floor and rubbed both her wrists and ankles. In order to dissuade Frankie from making any moves Yuki remove the taser from its holder and left in dangling menacingly in her left hand. “You can take that gag off now if you wish,” Penelope said. Frankie nodded and started to pick away at the knots at the back of her head. It took her some time to remove the various layers of her gag, eventually allowing her to spit out the now sodden handkerchiefs that had been stuffed into her mouth the previous evening. “No need to be too precious with the materials from your gag, there is fresh stuff that we can use when it is reapplied later on.” Penelope was now standing over Frankie offering a bottle of still water.

“Thank you,” Frankie said hoarsely accepting the bottle. Whilst Frankie quenched her parched mouth and throat Penelope explained what was going to happen next.

“We will get you out of that dress and get you freshened up, get you gagged again and then we can go a walk and find Sheridan.”

“Gee, thanks,” Frankie said sarcastically. Having finished the bottle of water Frankie was instructed to stand and strip naked. After thinking about making a run for it she decided that it wouldn’t be the best course of action at this point in time and complied with the instructions. Frankie was then handed a grey jogging suit which she slipped on and when that task was completed Frankie looked up to find Yuki wielding two handkerchiefs and her shoulders slumped. After the gag was reapplied, exactly the same as the previous evening, her wrists were once again bound behind her back with a set of padded leather cuffs. Then the group exited the room and made their way back down the stairs, except this time when then reached the landing rather than go through the door into the main house then continued down the stairs to what Frankie assumed was the basement. At the end of a stone walled corridor was a heavy wooden door. Penelope unlocked the door using one of the ever-present electronic cards and beckoned Frankie and the guards to enter in front of her. The sight that greeted Frankie both saddened and shocked her. Frankie was stood on a stone platform just behind the door and just in front of her was a set of six stone steps that led down to a large room with several stone pillars holding the roof in place. In the centre of the room was a table and on that table was Sheridan and she didn’t look like she was comfortable. Frankie moaned into her gag as Penelope appeared at her side. “I could hardly hear you but young Sheridan definitely couldn’t, almost total sensory deprivation, at the moment. Let me explain what is going on.”

“You will remember our personal physician Elsa Schmidt from last night,” Penelope indicated the white coated woman with her back to them who was currently looming over Sheridan. “Well in addition to being our physician Elsa has other specialities and has developed this, what would you call it, system to extract information from women? Now Sheridan is held in place with heavy, padded leather straps around her ankles, thighs, hips, chest, wrists and upper arms. I wouldn’t worry she is very secure, no danger of accidently falling off and injuring herself. To keep her quiet there is a large foam ball in her mouth which is covered by a strip of white micro foam tape. Although simple the gag is very effective if not as aesthetically pleasing as your current silencer. You can only hear Sheridan’s moan in pleasure if you get really close. You can see the heavy sleep mask over her eyes from here and she also has ear plugs blocking out all noise.” Frankie stared in shock at what was happening to Sheridan. “The rubber mask over the lower half of Sheridan’s face is administering a gas that is a gentle sedative mixed in with a stimulant and a hallucinogen to keep her off balance.” Penelope gently grasped Frankie’s chin and turned her head so that they locked eyes. Frankie noted the wicked smile on the woman’s face. “It’s a ride, let me tell you. Finally, you can see the pads strategically placed on sensitive parts of her body, there is also a stimulation device under the diaper that she is wearing. They are all programmed to deliver random pulses of stimulation to those delicate areas.” Penelope walked down the stairs onto the main flat level of the basement and Frankie felt a nudge in her back encouraging her to follow, which she did. Although in a daze at the situation that she was in it was more of a stumble down the stairs, followed by a slow walk across to the table where Sheridan was strapped down. There was sheen of sweat all over Sheridan’s body and Frankie watched her daughter buck and writhe as the sensations from the stimulations increased.

“MMMMMM,” Frankie moaned into her gag,

“She has been like this for over two hours now, the lucky girl. We like to start early.” Frankie glanced round to find Penelope staring intently at Sheridan. “We had to use chloroform to calm Sheridan down to get her on the table. I hope that when your time comes you will be more sensible Francesca.” Penelope locked gazes with Frankie and neither woman looked away. “I like your defiance Francesca; I really do but let’s leave Sheridan to enjoy this experience for another three or four hours before we break for lunch. Then it will be your turn……unless there is something that you want to tell me.” Frankie would have liked to remain strong but she had to admit that she was nervous at the thought of what was coming. Although along with that came a steely determination to not give these people any vital information.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Hope that everyone is enjoying the story.

Thanks for the feedback [mention]scarfgagged[/mention] [mention]sarajone12345[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention]
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Post by mathe2002 »

good job !!! :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

Elsa Schmidt is really devious :) How long will Sheridan be able to resist? And Frankie? She is in trouble. Forced to watch her daughter being tortured must be a horrid experience. And even more psychological pressure ....
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 4

5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

As Junior made his way along the corridor, he brooded at the lack of trust that his mother had in him. They were all supposed to be involved in all aspects of the family business but it was clear that his mother trusted his sisters more than she did him. Alright, so perhaps he did have a reputation and had done stupid things in his younger days but surely, he should be given the right to prove that he could be trusted. Take the current situation as an example, they hadn’t told him that they had managed to grab two government operatives and were currently questioning them for information. He had to find out when having a kiss and cuddle earlier that evening with Esther, one of the security guards. Well she may not trust him with the codes for the secret upper floors but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t get access. Junior smiled as he fished into his trouser pockets for the card that he had borrowed from Esther as he walked toward the door to the basement.
The ceiling was blank which at this point in time Frankie was grateful for as her head was pounding. Frankie was back in the small room tied to the cot the same way, wearing a grey sweat suit and heavily gagged as before. True to her word Penelope had put her on the table for what seemed like twelve hours but was more like four, it had not been a pleasant experience. In addition to whatever was in that concoction of gasses that had been pumped into the mask that had been strapped over her face Frankie was suffering from the after effects of being dosed with chloroform when she had been dumped back into the room. As she lay looking at the ceiling Frankie tried to piece together what had happened but it was hard, she was confused as when she thought back nothing seemed to fit together. It didn’t help that it felt like her head was filled with cotton wool at the moment and that she was exhausted. They had asked her questions about the break in at the offices of Carmichael International earlier that day, about who she worked for, about what happened to the real Vanessa and Elena Chavez, about where she got information on their organisation and perhaps most surprisingly about Elizabeth Crawford. Anyway, it was now time to get some rest as it would be her time back on the table soon as she wasn’t sure how many more sessions that she could hold out for. Penelope said that they Sheridan and Frankie would take turns on the table until one of them broke. The sessions would be longer and more intense until one of them did. Frankie only hoped that Sheridan was fairing better with the interrogations than she was.
The beautiful young woman lay motionless on the cushioned slab in the centre of the room as Junior walked the short distance from the bottom of the stairs. As he did so he slipped off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt but left it on and hanging open. He thought that was a good look on him. He stopped to take in the machine that was pumping the gas and delivering the electronic stimulants to the young woman. What was her name again, Elena or Sheridan? Well in the end it wouldn’t matter. It took him a minute or so but he managed to work out how to turn both of the gas off and the stimulations off. He then gently removed the mask from over Sheridan’s face and admired the beauty of her face as he slipped off his loafers before clambering up onto the table, knees either side of Sheridan’s hips. He took great pleasure in taking time caressing Sheridan’s naked form. Then he thought it wouldn’t do any harm to loosen her left arm and put it somewhere enjoyable for him, she was that drugged that it wouldn’t matter if she started to come round her could keep her under control so he loosened the leather hoops around her wrist and upper arm. As he was about to slip Sheridan’s hand into his underwear her eye’s opened. There was a moment of shock and Junior paused and this was all that Sheridan required to make her move. Grabbing the front of Junior’s shirt in her left hand and violently pulling him down just as she raised her head. The connection between her forehead and the bridge of nose was perfect and Junior’s nose shattered on impact. Junior’s eyes glazed over and then Sheridan repeated the move for a second time and Junior went out like someone hit a switch and his weight slumped on top of her, pinning her to the table with his head landing on her chest. Realising that she had to seize this opportunity Sheridan took a deep breath and slipped her left arm under the body pushing her down into the padded table and managed to free her right arm from the leather straps. With both arms now free she was able to leverage the dead weight of Junior off her and let him slide down to the floor. After sitting up and shaking her head Sheridan found the edge of the thick tape that had been plastered over her mouth and slowly peeled it off before delicately using two fingers to remove the foam packing that had been held inside.

“Thank you very much dumbass,” Sheridan said to the unconscious idiot slumped face down on the floor. However, she didn’t have time to gloat any further as she had to get out of her current predicament before someone else decided to show up. Sheridan quickly released herself from the other straps that were holding her to the table before swinging her legs down and onto the ground. Taking a look round Sheridan noted a cupboard standing away from the table and decided that the best place to start would be there as she needed a lot of things, including luck but the first of those things was clothes. As she moved her weight away from the table and onto her feet Sheridan took a couple of shaky steps before righting herself and making it across to the cupboard and flung open the doors. Starting from the top Sheridan noted some dark bottles marked chloroform, a bit clichéd but fair enough, a pile of cloths, diapers, spare leather straps, duct tape and various other bondage and sedation implements but nothing jumped out that she could wear. As she was searching deeper in the cupboard there a noise echoed across the basement, Sheridan quickly grabbed the bottle of chloroform and a soft, thick cloth and headed off in the direction of the stairs that led down to the floor of the basement from the entrance door. Sheridan quickly padded across the bear stone flow and hiding behind a pillar Sheridan prepared the cloth by applying a liberal amount of chloroform. The sound of footsteps approached from the bottom of the steps. “Hello; is anybody there?” called a woman’s voice. “Junior, you in here…” the woman walked past on the other side of the pillar that Sheridan was hiding behind and Sheridan noted that the woman was a guard and also that the guard had just noted the empty table and her hand went for the radio on her belt and that is when Sheridan pounced, clamping the cloth over the lower half of the guards face and pulling her tight against her also naked body, just a diaper sparing her modesty. The timing was perfect as the guard was forced to inhale a lungful of chloroform fumes as the cloth muffled her shout. Instantly recognising the scent coming from the cloth the guard writhed against Sheridan, her legs kicking futilely in an attempt to break free. The guard’s frantic efforts didn’t bother Sheridan as the guard foolishly continued to breathe in lungful after lungful of chloroform with her wild efforts. All Sheridan had to do was keep the cloth in place and hold on tight. The end came reasonably quickly, the guard’s eyes began to roll and her eyelids fluttered. Sheridan kept the cloth firmly in place as the guard grunted, then moaned, then whimpered. The guard’s moves became sluggish and uncoordinated, limbs flailing everywhere. Finally, the guard sighed and her arms fell loosely to her sides, her legs couldn’t keep her upright and sensing this Sheridan lowered the guard to the floor just as her eyes closed over.

“Still got it,” Sheridan said quietly. “Now let me take a look.” Taking a step back from the unconscious woman Sheridan carefully took in her dimensions, decided that it was close enough and began to strip the guard of her outfit. First Sheridan took off the shoes and socks, which were quickly followed by the trousers and after some thought the guard’s black panties. All of which Sheridan slipped on after dumping her diaper before relieving the guard of the top half of her outfit except for her bra which was never going fit Sheridan’s more ample bosom. After squeezing into the tight fitting black top and putting in on grey suit jacket Sheridan clipped the radio to her belt and slipped in the earpiece that would allow her to hear any communications over the channel before finally drawing back her hair into a ponytail and using a bauble to keep it in place. Having finished getting dressed Sheridan looked round to find something to bind and gag the guard with before her eyes locked on the table and for the first time since arriving at the Carmichael Estate a grin broke out across her face. It took five minutes but Sheridan managed to drag the guard across the floor and then heft her up onto the table and then she went to work based on her own experience of being strapped to the table.

Sheridan wafted the smelling salts under the nose of the guard, slowly from side to side until the woman’s eyes cracked open and her nose wrinkled. It took a while for the realisation to hit but after a lot of futile struggled and moaning the guard was now in the exact position that Sheridan had been less than fifteen minutes earlier. “Sorry, I had to stuff your mouth and plaster some tape over it.” Sheridan turned and walked over toward the machine sitting on a trolley not far from the table. “Now I don’t know how to switch this on exactly but I am sure that I can work it out,” Sheridan said to the prone guard. “If you give me the security layout, tell me where my colleague is and how to get out of here then I might just not even try.” Sheridan had already found the security access card in Junior’s pocket when she had used the duct tape to thoroughly bind him so thoroughly that he was practically mummified. For good measure she had stuffed a foam ball into his mouth and plastered four strips of tape over his lips. The guard just glared at Sheridan over the top of the thick strip of micro foam tape that had been slapped across her mouth. That was to be expected Sheridan thought as she shrugged and walked toward the machine sitting on the trolley. They both knew that it was a game of time as Sheridan couldn’t afford to wait around for too long. As she reached for the switch Sheridan looked over her shoulder, locked eyes with the restrained guard and she smiled. It was how long the guard could take the stimulations before she cracked. Sheridan hit the switch and cranked the dial up to maximum.

5 years previously – Carmichael, Wyoming

In the end the guard had decided that discretion was the better part of valour and given up the information that Sheridan was looking for. As a thank you Sheridan rewarded the guard with another chloroform induced nap. Having made her way up the stairs from the basement Sheridan opened the door and stepped out into the corridor on the ground floor of the main house. She hated to leave Frankie bound and locked in a room up the stairs but knew that she had to take out the guard looking at the CCTV cameras before doing anything else. The alarm would surely be raised if Sheridan went straight to Frankie’s room and allowed her to leave. Fortunately, it was late at night at the house was almost deserted so Sheridan was reasonably confident of moving around undetected. As she walked around the ground floor following the guard’s directions to the CCTV room Sheridan angled her head as best as possible to hide her face from the CCTV cameras.

There was a camera facing directly down the corridor that led to the security office. Now Sheridan found herself engrossed in the pattern of the carpet and some marks on the pants of the suit that she had taken from the guard. As she approached the door Sheridan casually slipped the access card from the inside pocket of the suit jacket and scanned it across the reader next to the door. The electronic lock disengaged and Sheridan nudged the door open. The majority of the building was carpeted but the security office had laminate flooring so Sheridan was acutely aware of the noise that her borrowed shoes made on the floor. Before she entered the security room Sheridan had quickly but thoroughly soaked a cloth with chloroform, always best to prepare in advance. After entering the room Sheridan softly closed the door behind her and scanned the room, the guard who a pulled the short straw on the nightshift was sitting with her back to the door intently scanning a bank of screens in front of her. “What did that idiot Junior get up to this time?” The guard said without turning her attention from the screens. Sheridan crossed the room as quickly as possible and snuck up behind the guard. “Esther is that you,” the guard went to spin the chair round but didn’t notice the danger until it was too late; Sheridan rammed home her advantage by grabbing her just below her breasts with her left hand and clamping the chloroformed soaked cloth over her nose and mouth. The guard recovered from the shock quickly and tried to twist free of Sheridan’s grasp, but found her efforts thwarted as the arm that encircled her waist only pinned her to the seat and Sheridan had leverage as she was in the standing position. Sheridan could sense that the guard had held her breathe, desperately tried not to inhale the fumes given off from the chloroform having recognised the smell of the fumes. Sheridan’s training kicked in and she didn’t panic and bided her time, waited for a moment, the guard would have to breathe eventually but to speed up the process Sheridan used the arm wrapped around the guard’s waist to force the air from her lungs. The guard gasped as the air was forced from her lungs; the sound dampened by the thick cloth over the lower half of her face and involuntarily took a deep breath, drinking deeply of the drug on the cloth. Sheridan could sense the fight drain from her colleague as she continued to inhale the fumes, her muscles started to relax as the chloroform did its work. As the fight drained from the woman the guard made a last desperate attempt to reach for her radio but fell agonisingly short as Sheridan wheeled the seat back enough to take it out of reach. After that Sheridan felt the guard’s body go limp but held the cloth tight for another couple of seconds. Finally, satisfied that the woman was helpless, Sheridan released her grip and let her slide from the chair to the floor.

“Now to find something to tie you and shut you up,” Sheridan whispered. In the end it didn’t take long to find another role to duct tape. Who was she to judge? Sheridan began by thoroughly wrapping the guard’s wrists behind her back with several lengths of tape before moving on to wrap the tape several times around the guard’s ankles, just below her knees and then around her thighs to secure the woman’s legs together. Sheridan then noticed a coat rack with jackets and bags hanging and decided that this would be the best place to look for something to stuff the guard’s mouth with. A quick search of a nice blue handbag provided the correct material, a fresh clean cotton handkerchief that was stuffed into the guard’s mouth and a nice silk scarf that Sheridan folded into a band and tied tightly over the guard’s mouth to nsure that the stuffing could not be expelled. The job of binding the guard secured Sheridan grabbed the woman’s radio before taking a quick scan around the room. Then something caught her eye on one of the screens, movement on one of the external cameras. Sheridan didn’t really have time but something told her that this may be important so decided to take a closer look. “Now, what is she up to I wonder?” Sheridan said under her breath as she identified Fallon Bennett skulking about in the shadows. Then another figure suddenly appeared in the frame and Sheridan took a greater interest. The person wore a long jacket and the hood was up so their face was hidden from the camera. Judging by the body language the conversation between Fallon Bennett and the hooded figure was pretty intense, Sheridan wouldn’t have minded hearing it but she had to go and get Frankie before the alarm was raised.

After pulling her eyes away from the screen in the security room Sheridan briskly made her way back to the rooms at the top of the house where she and Frankie had been held. The security pass and hour of night made for smooth progress as Sheridan flung open the door to find Frankie lying bound and gagged on the bed. Frankie made barely audible noises from behind her heavily gagged mouth. Sheridan hurried across and set about removing gag from over Frankie’s mouth. It took a while to remove the various layers but eventually Sheridan was able to pick out the sodden handkerchiefs from Frankie’s mouth. “Sheridan, how did you get free?” Frankie asked as Sheridan switched to untying Frankie’s wrists and ankles.

“Not now mother. We have other things to consider at the moment.” Sheridan replied and went back to using all of her concentration back into dealing with the knots on the ropes. Once that had been completed the two women silently made their way down the stairs towards the main house.

“How are we going to get out of here?” Frankie hissed at her daughter.

“Using these,” Sheridan didn’t take her eyes from where she was going but fished in her pocket for a set of car keys and dangled them in the air where Frankie could see them. “The cars are parked round the back. We can work our way round there using the house as cover. I have already taken care of the guard in the security room. Once we get out into the main house stay behind me and out of sight until I call you forward. You don’t exactly blend in with your current outfit.” Frankie had to suppress a smile at how Sheridan had taken control of the situation. They managed to make their way out of the house without being discovered and started to skirt the house as they headed toward the parked vehicles. At about the halfway mark, just before they reached a corner, Frankie noticed Sheridan tense and held up her hand for Frankie to stop, Sheridan took a knee and Frankie closed the three or four paces between them and also took a knee. Sheridan put a finger to her lips and then her ear before indicating round the corner. There was the sound of a strained conversation taking place and Sheridan recognised the voice as Fallon Bennett.

“Elizabeth I really don’t think that this is a good idea,” Fallon said into the phone. It was at this point Sheridan wished that she could hear the other end of the conversation. “I appreciate that you are in charge and that you are normally correct but in this instance…” Sheridan could hear a slight edge of exasperation creep into Fallon’s voice. There was a break in the conversation as the person on the other end, Sheridan was guessing this was Elizabeth Crawford made a point. “Alright, alright I will proceed as instructed. I shall call you back once I have put the plan into operation.” There was the sound of the call being ended and then the unmistakeable sound of breath being exhaled in frustration before footsteps, thankfully receding in the other direction rather than heading toward them. Frankie and Sheridan exchange glances before then mover off again with Sheridan leading the way, scanning in all directions as they crossed the shale car park. About twenty paces away from the row of park silver vehicles Sheridan pushed the remote and the indicator lights of the centre vehicle flashed to confirm that it had unlocked. Sheridan jumped in the driving seat and Frankie slid into the passenger seat. “Better crouch down until we get out of sight of the guardhouse.” Frankie nodded and hunkered down in the foot well. After starting the car Sheridan selected drive and slowly moved the car away from its parking space and toward the driveway. As Sheridan reached the top of the driveway she flicked on the lights and continued calmly on her way. Thankfully the alert hadn’t been raised from the house yet so the guard at the entrance didn’t give them more than a cursory glance as they drove under the arch and out of the estate. There was a junction not that much further down the road and Sheridan stopped the large car at the junction. “Should we go back into town?” Sheridan asked whilst keeping her eyes fixed on the rear-view mirror for pursuers.

“No, not with what we know the extent of Carmichael’s influence in town. Let’s head in the other direction, find somewhere with a public phone and check in.” Sheridan nodded and spun the wheel to send the car away from town. Sheridan pushed the powerful engine hard as she looked to put distance between them and the estate.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Quite ressourceful, Sheridan! The way she surprised Junior? Good job :) And he got what he deserved :) Obviously not the brightest candle of the cake :)

So Fallon had a talk with Crawford. They had
differences it seems.

Sheridan and Frankie escaped, very good! That development was unexpected. Good work!
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Chapter 5

Present Day - East Coast of United States

It seemed strange to not be a police officer any longer. Although it had only been an hour since Natalie Twain had officially handed in her badge and gun, she knew that it would take some time to get used to that fact. It had been a tough to do but some things were more important than what you wanted to do and finding Hayley and stopping whatever Elizabeth Crawford had planned was that something. They were due to fly to London in a couple of days to join up with Christina and Danielle but before then she was looking for something special for her partner Charlotte. So, Natalie decided to visit the jewellery store owned and operated by Rebecca Thackeray-Jones on her way home. They had come across each other when the store was robbed by operatives in the employ of Elizabeth Crawford and Natalie was assigned to investigate. It seemed like a lifetime ago but it was actually only eighteen months. During the investigation it was discovered that Rebecca’s mother, Maureen was running a side-line to her jewellery business by allowing individuals to store documentation and other items in a secret vault in the store’s basement. Now it turned out the legality of some of the documentation and other items stored in that basement vault was questionable. Indeed, on investigation some of it had indeed been reported stolen. At the end of the investigation Maureen Thackeray-Jones had kept quiet, obviously not wanting to risk the wrath of those she was storing these items for and had been sentenced to a considerable prison term for handling stolen goods. Natalie had been involved with the case, another feather in her cap and had been surprised when Rebecca had taken over the jewellery store from her mother despite showing no previous interest. By all accounts it was going well with Rebecca taking steps to modernise the place and attract a younger clientele.

After finding a space and parking her car on the kerb Natalie got out and stretched out her back before glancing at her watch and started to hustle toward the store, her watch telling her that it was almost closing time. Cars streamed up and down the street that was lined with small stores, discount outlets, food outlets and bars. The door opened and Natalie entered the store noting that it had been decorated since she had last visited a couple of months ago. Taking a quick look around Natalie noted Rebecca standing behind the counter and made her was across, breaking into a smile as she did so. It was force of habit that made Natalie scan the store for any other occupants and noted a tall, broad shouldered man wearing a fedora staring intently at a display of watches and woman wearing a headscarf and sunglasses. It may have been the detective in her but Natalie thought that it was strange that both customers had on tan coloured trench coats, especially in this weather. Natalie was wearing a light blouse with a blazer on top with dark slacks and sensible, flat shoes. “Rebecca I was worried that you may have closed already, glad that I managed to catch you open,” Natalie reached the counter and noted that Rebecca looked slightly nervous. “I am looking for something for Charlotte.”

“Um…nice to see you again Natalie,” Rebecca replied. Natalie noted that the young woman’s eyes darted to the other two customers in the store. “Is there…um…anything particular that you were looking for?”

“Is everything alright Rebecca?” Natalie asked before suddenly a large hand was clamped over Natalie’s mouth and she was pulled backward by the force just as something hard was jammed into her back just below her ribs. It must have been the male customer Natalie deduced as she was pulled backward a couple of paces. There was a concerned look on Rebecca’s face but Natalie managed a wink as she reached for her gun before she realised that it wouldn’t be there. Then the female customer appeared in front of her and grabbed her right wrist. “Now what were you reaching for?” the woman asked as Natalie’s eyes widened realising that she was now in serious trouble against multiple opponents. “That is a gun in your back so just relax and play nice.” Deciding against any further action at this time Natalie froze and the woman ran her hands over Natalie’s body with a smile on her face starting with the breasts and working her way down to her hips. Natalie moaned as the woman ran her hand over an intimate area with more force than Natalie considered appropriate but found nothing of interest except her mobile phone and keys which she slipped into the outside pocket of her trench coat. “Now if everyone remains calm, we can all get through this quickly and professionally.” Natalie nodded her head slowly a couple of times to confirm that she understood the situation and wouldn’t try anything silly. “Good. Now my large friend here is going to let you go and then escort you upstairs whilst Rebecca and I complete some business.” The woman reached into her pocket and brought out a large white handkerchief before balling it up in her right hand, Natalie knew where this was going. No sooner had the man removed his hand then the handkerchief was thrust at Natalie’s mouth. Natalie opened wide and accepted the large wad of cloth without complaint, closing her mouth around it once the woman had pushed it all the way in. That job completed the man released his grip and took a step backward. “Then again she looks like a screamer. Does anybody have another handkerchief? I left the rest upstairs, wasn’t expecting a visitor.” The woman looked at the man who shook his head; she then turned to look at Rebecca. The look on Rebecca’s face told Natalie what she needed; Rebecca did indeed have a handkerchief. The woman knew this as well, smiled and held out her hand. To her credit Rebecca reluctantly reached into her blouse and pulled a large white handkerchief from the left cup of her bra.

“Sorry Natalie….I…um…….it’s clean….”

“Interesting place to store a handkerchief,” the woman said as she balled it up and turned toward Natalie. After blowing air through her nose and glowering for a bit Natalie opened her mouth and moaned continually as the woman forced the second handkerchief into her mouth, constantly probing for space with her long slender fingers. Finally, the woman was satisfied that Natalie’s mouth was fully packed so stepped back and nodded to the large man wearing the hat. As the woman stood directly across from her Natalie looked directly into her eyes and saw something pass across them, if she didn’t know better Natalie would have guessed that it was a hint of recognition.

“Through the door on the left then first left and up the stairs. Lace your fingers behind your head,” the man said in a low growl, very television tough guy, Natalie thought but complied with the instruction and placed her hands behind her head.

“No silly games Rebecca. Remember you are insured so it is not worth doing something that could get someone hurt,” Natalie overheard the woman say as the large man escorted Natalie from the store, along a short corridor and up the stairs into the staff room.

When she entered the room, Natalie noted two female store employees sitting on the small couch at the back of the room being guarded by two other women wearing tan trench coats, headscarves and sunglasses. Maybe it was the in-fashion look Natalie thought. Perhaps she would ask Milena Novak if she got the chance to interview her. From where she was standing Natalie could see that the two staff members were Lynne and Kay and that they both wore black sleep masks and had their hands tied behind their backs. At the present time their legs were not bound and neither were they gagged; Natalie knew criminals who would consider that sloppy. “Stand beside that the seat over there,” indicated the woman who was wearing a blue headscarf said. That was when Natalie noted the three women wore different coloured headscarves, one blue, one purple and the woman that had gagged her wore a black headscarf. As Natalie complied with the instruction the large man shuffled across to take a position just inside the door, effectively filling it and stood arms crossed with the gun still menacingly in his right hand, cutting off the only means of escape.

Form her new position Natalie watched on as the two headscarf sporting women walked toward her. Having no clue what their names were Natalie decided to call them after the colours of their headscarf. Purple went into a holdall that was lying on the ground and handed Blue several lengths of white cord, once again Natalie knew what was coming. “Put your legs together,” Blue instructed and Natalie complied. Having knelt down Blue used a length of cord to bind Natalie’s ankles together. Making a loop in the rope, she passed the cord several times around her ankles and then cinched the rope tight. Taking a second length of cord from, Blue then proceeded to tie her thighs together above her knees, cinching the rope again to ensure it was secure. That job completed Blue stood up and walked behind Natalie. “Hands behind you back,” doing as she was asked, Natalie felt her wrists being lashed together and cinched behind her back, the rope work was tight and Natalie winced and moaned a little into the packing in her mouth. She then saw a long length of rope pass over her upper body, and passed several times above and below her breasts, securing her arms to her body. There was a scraping sound and Natalie turned to see that the chair had been positioned behind her. “Now sit down and do not move.” Natalie complied and settled in to get as comfortable as she could in her present predicament.

“I will find something to finish that gag off. Can’t have Miss Unexpected Visitor spitting out that packing,” Purple said and went rummaging in the bag again, this time when her hand emerged it contained a roll of wide white medical micro foam tape. Tearing a wide strip off, she approached Natalie. “Place you lips together,” Purple instructed. That was easier said than down with the amount of fabric that was currently in her mouth but trying her best to play the role of good little captive Natalie tried her best before the tape was plastered over her lips and then smoothed in place. “That is a good look for you.” The stretchy material that the tape was made from allowed it to conform perfectly to the contours of Natalie’s face and the adhesive resisted all attempts to dislodge it by working the jaw. Once that was done the room fell into silence as the all waited for Black to finish her business with Rebecca downstairs.

In the end that business didn’t take as long as Natalie thought as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs ten minutes later, going by the large clock on the back wall of the room. As Rebecca was led past her with her hands bound behind her back by Black Natalie locked eyes with her young friend and saw a look of concern. That was backed up by the stern look on the face of the woman with the Black headscarf. Black marched Rebecca across the room and forced her down onto the couch between Lynne and Kay. “Everyone be quiet whilst I catch up with my colleagues.” After dumping Rebecca Black gathered, Blue, Purple and Mr Hat near the door. Although she craned her neck and leaned to try and overhear what was being said Natalie couldn’t pick up anything but could tell from the body language and urgent whispers that something was wrong. There was some pointing and discussions before the group broke up and headed back toward their bound captives.

“It seems that there has been a mistiming with our operation,” Purple began. “The good stuff is in a vault that is controlled by a time lock which closes for the day at four in the afternoon and doesn’t open again until eight the following morning. It cannot be overridden.”

“It is just a pity that a made that mistake with the time lock on the vault. We could have had a much better haul,” Blue said almost whimsically.

“Maybe we can get that better haul,” Black replied obviously having just had an idea. “It is a bit dangerous but I was thinking that the lock will come off at what eight in the morning,” Rebecca nodded slowly to confirm that she was indeed correct. “I am going to suggest that we take one of these lovely ladies with us and then exchange her for the diamonds that are in that vault.”

“Wait….” Rebecca began before a raised hand from Black cut her off.

“Now, it seems that our unexpected visitor is a police officer,” Natalie groaned and looked at Rebecca who mouthed a silent apology. “And it seems that they have history….”

“Then let’s take the cop with us for insurance and we can get Rebecca to empty the safe and meet us tomorrow,” Blue suggested. Sitting in the chair Natalie didn’t like the sound of that.

“MMRRUUPPHH,” Natalie mumbled almost silently through her gag.

“Quiet or else we will see if that gag can be reinforced further,” Black said. “That sounds like a very good plan indeed. Rebecca we will take your friend here with us and leave instructions about what you have to do to get her back.”

“But…how can I trust you…” Rebecca started.

“You will just have to young lady. That is if you want to see your friend again,” Blue chipped in.

“Now ladies we will give you a choice. We need time to make our escape so that you can’t see where we go or try and raise the alarm before we get far enough away,” Black announced. Rebecca opened her mouth to say something but Black held up hand to silence her. “I know what you were going to say Rebecca, that you will give us time to leave and you wouldn’t take that chance with Natalie health and wellbeing but we have done this before and I don’t believe it for a second. That leaves us with two options, either we tie you all up like Natalie or we use something to knock you out for a while.” There were audible gasps from Lynne and Kay as their heads moved around despite being blindfolded. “Now given our new arrangement I would prefer the sedative option, nice and clean.” Whilst this exchange was going on Natalie noticed that Purple had removed a cloth and a glass bottle from her holdall and was making her way across to the couch where Rebecca, Lynne and Kay sat. Purple finished walking across and removed the sleep masks from over the eyes of Lynne and Kay blinked rapidly as they adjusted back to having light.

“Now ladies this is chloroform. It is a drug that you have to inhale and after a while it puts you to sleep. I will pour on this cloth and then hold in firmly over your nose and mouth,” Purple said as she stood in front of the three women.

“I…don’t know about……” Lynne said nervously.

“I know that it is scary but I think that we should be sedated,” Rebecca stated. “I have been chloroformed before and it isn’t that bad. Plus is may be twelve hours before we are found if they tie us up properly. You can do me first.” That comment got a chortle from Hat standing by the door. Black and Purple both turned and scowled at the man.

“Sensible move Rebecca, especially if you want to help your friend Natalie. Previously, were you experimenting or forced?” Black asked as Purple prepared the cloth with the liquid sedative.

“Previous robbery, I was held hostage and my mother forced to help them.”

“Just relax and take nice, deep breaths,” Purple said as clamped the cloth over Rebecca’s nose and mouth with her right hand whilst simultaneously placing her left hand behind Rebecca’s head to ensure that the young woman couldn’t escape the fumes coming from the cloth. Looking on Natalie couldn’t help but think that the manoeuvre to apply the cloth was very practiced and professional, almost as if Purple had been trained. Once the cloth was applied there was the body’s natural reaction to pull away and recoil from the fumes but with the hand behind her head and her wrists bound behind her back Rebecca couldn’t avoid inhaling the soporific fumes. Both Lynne and Kay looked on at what was happening to Rebecca, knowing the same thing was going to happen to them in the near future.

“Does the cloth put you to sleep?” Kay asked nervously.

“Well it is more the fumes from the chloroform than the cloth. Now be quiet” Black said to Kay before she turned to Purple. “Get on with it then.”

“Just relax and take deep breaths It will take a minute or so but you will go to sleep eventually,” Purple said before adjusting the cloth slightly to ensure that it was securely over Rebecca’s nose and mouth, banishing any fresh air and forcing Rebecca to inhale the fumes from the chloroform on the cloth. Rebecca said something as the cloth was mashed tightly over her face but any noise was muffled by the cloth. As Purple watched on there was a moment of panic in Rebecca’s eyes as she realised the chemical was taking effect, before she relaxed and took steady deep breathes, calmly inhaling the fumes until she after thirty seconds Purple could see that they were starting to have an effect. From further away Natalie could see that Rebecca’s eyelids were growing heavier and she had to fight to keep them open. Natalie watched on as Rebecca’s eyes started to lose focus, her eyelids fluttered and then eventually slammed shut, once that had happened Purple removed the cloth.

“Now that wasn’t so hard now was it?” Black said to Kay and Lynne. “Who wants to go next?”

Once Rebecca, Lynne and Kay were unconscious Purple untied the ropes securing their wrists together before she turned her attention to Natalie whilst the rest of the team packed up. “Now don’t worry you can have your nap in the van,” the woman said as she untied the ropes around Natalie’s legs and threw them into her holdall. “Given that you are a professional I am going to assume that you aren’t going to give us any trouble.” Natalie nodded, not that she was in a position to do anything at the moment but she wouldn’t make a move with three unconscious civilians lying in the room. Purple helped Natalie onto her feet, which was a bit tricky with her wrists bound behind her back and arms pinned to her side.

“Put a sleep mask on her,” Natalie heard Blue say, then not long after everything went dark as the mask was applied over her eyes. The warmth of the mask told Natalie that it was one that had been recently removed from either Lynne or Kay. Natalie felt a strong grip on her arms as she as led out of the room and down the stairs, not easy when you are blindfolded. They walked along the corridor until they were outside, Natalie could tell by the feel of a slight breeze of the bare skin of her face, “Step up,” Natalie heard as she was helped into the back of a van.

After been forced to lie down on some kind of sheet Natalie winced as her ankles were once again securely bound together with rope. Then with no warning a cloth was clamped over the lower half of her face, blocking out all fresh air and forcing Natalie to inhale the chloroform fumes and the familiar scent of chloroform filled her nostrils. Although now used to the fragrance Natalie did recoil as the fumes had a harsher edge than the sedative that Elizabeth Crawford used on her victims, knowing what she did about Crawford that was no doubt intended. That woman did like to make sure that her captives were comfortable. Natalie just relaxed and took deep breathes, she had no interest in fighting or avoiding the impeding forced slumber. In fact, she welcomed it in a way; Natalie wouldn’t admit it to anyone other than Charlotte but for her there had always been a slight thrill when being sedated voluntarily or in this case involuntarily. Drawing another deep breath of the irresistible inhalant and swooning under the resulting loss of sensation. Her body was growing numb, her eyelids fluttering uncontrollably, and the looming darkness was almost upon her. As she slid toward unconsciousness Natalie was less concerned for her immediate future and more troubled by what this could mean for her supposed forthcoming trip to Europe and search for Hayley. That thought followed her down as, with the softest of moans darkness snuck up and claimed her.

An old industrial estate on the edge of town

The ride hadn’t been great fun as when Natalie came round from her chloroform forced sleep, she found that every time the van went round a corner, she slid a couple of feet in the opposite direction of the turn. This just added to the list of items that made this her least favourite abduction experience. The van stopped and Natalie heard the engine cut out, they had obviously reached their final destination. There was the sound of doors opening and closing before Natalie felt a soft breeze against her cheek, indicating that the side door was lying open. “No funny business when your legs are untied. Understand?” Natalie nodded her compliance and felt the ropes around her ankles and thighs release and then felt hands help her up, out of the van and onto a gravel surface. A strong grip was maintained on her upper left arm as Natalie was led a short distance from the van and into a building then up several flights of stairs and into a small room. Once again Natalie heard the scraping sound of a chair being dragged before she was pushed down onto it. Quickly her ankles were retied and then further lengths of ropes were added across her thighs and then around her stomach securing her to the chair.

“That should hold her for the moment until we get organised,” Purple said.

“You can probably take off the blindfold now. Not much for her to see anyway.” There was the sound of steps before Natalie felt a hand brush the back of her head then the sleep mask was removed. There wasn’t much light in the room but Natalie still blinked several times as she watched two female figures leave the room through the door and then heard a faint click as the lock was engaged. After her eyes adjusted Natalie took a look around and found that she was in some kind of office, a small office in some kind of larger industrial unit. Well, that was her best guess. There was standard office furniture scattered around the room, half a dozen chairs, two desks, an old fan and some filing cabinets with drawers lying open. Hopefully there was something lying around that she could use to get free but first she would have to get loose from the chair and after a quick test of her bonds found that wasn’t going to be easy as the ropes were sturdy and well tied. In addition, her jaw ached from the amount of material that had been stuffed in her mouth earlier, despite her saliva having soaked into the handkerchiefs and reduced their size. Dragging her attention back to the room where she was currently being held. There was old newspaper taped over the windows that she guessed looked out into the warehouse area and the windows looking outside had been whitewashed so that nobody could see in or out. Having assessed her currently situation Natalie decided that the only option open to her was to wait until her abductors returned.

Unlike the staff room at the store her current location didn’t have a handily place clock to let Natalie keep track of the time so she had no real idea of how much time had elapsed when the door opened and Purple and Black entered. They had removed their tan trench coats and now both had on black skirts, long boots and figure-hugging v neck sweaters, the sunglasses and headscarves also remained in place. With no option but to remain still Natalie watched intently as both women strode across to stand in front of her, one slightly off to the left and other slightly off to the right. Black leaned down and grabbed the edge of the tape that was plastered over Natalie’s mouth. “It will hurt less if I just tear it off.”

“Oooowww,” Natalie screamed but it was muffled by the cloth packed into her mouth, which with the tape now removed she managed to expel after turning her head. “Thanks,” Natalie croaked with her dry throat.

“Have a sip of water,” Black nodded to Purple who produced a plastic bottle from behind her back, removed the lid and placed it against Natalie’s lips. Gratefully Natalie accepted the cool and refreshing liquid.

“Thank you,” Natalie said after drinking several mouthfuls. “Can I ask what the plan is?”

“I suppose you have a right to know,” Black replied. “You will be kept here tonight. We have given Rebecca instructions on what we need her to do. Then we will make the exchange tomorrow morning. There is nothing particularly complicated or fancy.”

“You mean to keep me here?” Natalie asked. “Tied to a chair?”

“Well we have something slightly more comfortable than a chair in mind. Hopefully it won’t be too bad,” Black said.

“Well, even if it is too bad it should only be for the one night,” Purple said with a cold smile.

“What if Rebecca decides to go to the police?”

“We have plans in place to avoid getting involved with law enforcement should your friend decide to do that,” Black replied.

“Needless to say; it wouldn’t be good for your health if she did,” Purple said with a scowl. Natalie just stared at her in response. It wasn’t the first time that she had been threatened and by bigger and scarier than these two.

“What about going to the toilet?” Natalie asked, the thought just crossing her mind.

“She sure does ask a lot of questions,” Purple commented. “Sooner we get that gag back on her the better.”

“I hadn’t thought about that,” Black almost mumbled to herself. “We certainly won’t be untying you at any point.” Black made this statement loud enough to be heard easily. All three women looked at each other silently for a couple of minutes before Natalie decided to speak up.

“Can I make a suggestion? If there is a drugstore nearby you can pick up some adult diapers and I will wear them.” Black and Purple looked at each other. Natalie couldn’t tell if they thought her suggestion was weird, kinky or just practical. Then again Natalie could tell that the reactions were different as time passed, Purple was totally shocked whereas Black’s had changed to a why didn’t I think of that expression.

“That does seem like a solution,” Black said after a couple of seconds. “You can pick them up when you get some other supplies, Blue wanted cotton wool and that special tape that she likes for gags. Plus, we will need to get some food.” Purple shrugged and nodded her agreement. “Now let’s get you gagged and we can get further organised.” Not seeing a pocket Natalie looked on as Black produced two fresh handkerchiefs from the waist of her skirt. “I have some nice, clean and fresh handkerchiefs for your gag.”

“Gee, thanks,” Natalie replied more than a hint of sarcasm before opening her mouth to accept the stuffing. After the first and then second handkerchiefs were pushed and prodded into Natalie’s mouth a pre-cut length of white micro foam tape was plastered over her lips sealing the mass of cloth stuffing in place. Once again Natalie settled in and tried to get comfortable in the chair that she was tied to as her abductors exited the room before closing and locking the door behind them.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Natalie is in trouble :)

What their captors plan for the night?

Somehow I have the feeling it will have to do with downfilled goodness involved?

Nice gag Sequence, I wonder if Natalie met just an old aquaintance - such a pity, that we have to wait a week, till we learn more, so sad :) Maybe o Master, you can post another update a wee bit sooner - your humble servant asks you :)
Last edited by Caesar73 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

A very funny part of this chapter: The reaction of her Kidnappers, when she suggested wearing a diaper - so Natalie learned a thing or two in her encounters with Crawford :) I still wonder about the Connection between her and one of the kidnappers. Could it be Martinez? That I doubt, she surely would recognized her ... on other of Crawfords People, they left on the Island in Part 3, when they were rescued? :) I´m really intrigued!
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