Perils of the Magic Realms (F/F Overall) Ending and Epilogue added

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Post by banshee »

Chapter 16: The New Inquisitor

- Grrr! - Eyiel grunted as she tugged her bonds - Let us out!

Eyiel was tied against the wall with her hands shackled together hanging over her head but her restraints had gone much further since her last escape attempt, she also had her ankles shackled together and tied to the floor and her legs were further restrained with shackles and chains above and below her knees as well as her strong thighs, the icing on the cake for her bondage was the big metal restraint that held her against the wall, a thick iron plating that had the perfect shape to fit around Eyiel’s waist and be nailed to some holes the wall.

- Maybe if you had listened to me you wouldn’t be in that situation - Said Ferine.

Ferine was tied much more comfortably, she was sitting on a hard wooden bench than hanged from chains in the wall and her hands were shackled together hanging over her head.

- Quit it! - Responded Eyiel angrily - You blaming me for this does nothing to help us.

- Neither does you struggling like an animal - Said Ferine in response.

The two adventurers were caught not long after the others left the city, they managed to hide for a couple of hours but once they were caught by whole squads of guards and inquisitors there wasn’t much they could do, they tried to fight but even the brutish Eyiel understood that killing guards would do nothing but worsen their situation. Once they reluctantly surrendered to her captors they were brought in chains and manacles to the Inquisition’s fortress were they were bound in a cell. Initially Eyiel was bound the same as Ferine but she made an escape attempt even though Ferine advised her against it, and as the scout predicted Eyiel’s maneuver went south as it turned out that taking the guard’s key in front of other five guards in a building filled with more and get out of the cell to fight them unarmed wasn’t the best course of action. This got Eyiel to her current situation, new and stronger manacles restrained her limbs and a full plate of iron pinned her to the wall.

As the adventurers were different they took their captivity differently, Ferine knew that she had no current chances of escaping so she just patiently waited for an opportunity, she didn’t liked to be tied up but being tied like she was was better than trying something stupid and ending up like Eyiel did. The amazon had little to no tolerance for being tied up, it brought her awful memories of being humiliated by a goblin and of being tortured by her friend Ferine whom she shared the cell right now.

- How long do you think this is gonna last? - Asked Eyiel as she ceased her struggles.

- Don’t know - Said Ferine calmly - Are you in a hurry or something?

- How can you be so calm!? - Asked Eyiel - I can’t stand being like this but seem to have no problem with it.

- Well I think we have two main differences regarding this - Said Ferine as she crossed her legs - First I have patience something you seem to lack and second I don’t feel ashamed when tied up.

- Don’t think I envy you - Replied Eyiel - I could never see this treatment as something desirable.

- I don’t like it neither - Responded Ferine - But I’m not blinded enough by my pride to try stupid ideas like you.
- Oh you’ll see - Said Eyiel retaining her anger.

- What are going to do? - Asked Ferine in a mocking tone - We’re both tied up, and you seem to be tied a lot more strictly than I.

Eyiel’s only response was an angered grunt.

- Well I’ll try to sleep - Said Ferine as she made herself as comfortable as she could - You should try to, you know, if you can.

- How can you sleep in a situation like this? - Asked Eyiel.

- Probably has something to do with that two reasons I told you about - Said Ferine - And the fact that I’m not standing up and pinned to the wall.

- While you sleep I’ll try to escape - Said Eyiel as she looked to the cell’s door.

- Heh - Ferine chuckled - Good luck with that.

Eyiel couldn’t think of a smart comeback so she remained silent.

Since Ferine was tied rather comfortably and had some slack to move around she managed to fall asleep, she was still tied up and her position may not be the most comfortable but she’d had it worse.

Eyiel looked at the cell’s door and waited for something to happen, what to hope for she didn’t knew. She had come to terms with just stop struggling, she’d experience with being chained so she knew for a fact that there was no way for she to get out on her own.

Hours passed by and nothing seemed to happen, Ferine was soundly sleeping so it didn’t really mattered for her, but for Eyiel it was very different, her legs may be really strong but even her’s had started to feel a bit cramped after standing up for so long, she was loosing the feel of her arms since it was difficult for blood to flow upwards, she had endured much worse pains but being force to suffer through a minor one that she could do nothing about felt somehow different than being struck by an ogre.

Time kept passing and it became early morning, the sun wasn’t yet on the sky but some light entered through the tiny barred window of the cell and through it. Eyiel who couldn’t sleep during the whole night managed to see the grey skies through the window, then she realized how long it had passed since their capture.

A door being opened outside the cell was heard by Eyiel, something was going on outside, she them heard the door being opened, the rusty locks made quite a racket but it didn’t seem to affect Ferine’s sleep.

- Hey! Ferine! - Eyiel tried to wake up her friend - Someone is coming.

- Ugh - Said Ferine without even opening her eyes - Let him come, I don’t care.

- But... - Eyiel was cut by the door finally opening.

A woman in the same uniform as the Inquisitor’s entered the room, although dressed exactly the same, this woman was rather different from the inquisitor, she was shorter, had softer face features, and green eyes with the only real physical similarity between them was their whitish blonde hair color, although this woman had it grown to shoulder length and was somewhat curly.

- Ehm - The woman tried to draw her prisoners attention - Good morning I suppose?

A chuckle was heard from outside the cell, a veteran guard found it quite funny how this new inquisitor handled the situation when he knew very well that had Amelie been there the only greetings the prisoners would have gotten would have been a smack in the face.
- Uh... - The new Inquisitor hesitated - Could you please get out of here?

- Wouldn’t that be to dangerous? - Asked the guard.

- I really don’t want to offend you but you make me quite nervous - Said the woman with a kind but awkward tone.
- Is that an order? - Asked the guard.

- Uh... - This woman really wasn’t used to this role - Yeah I suppose.

The guards nodded at each other and left the anteroom where they were standing guard, the room was left with nobody but the Inquisitor and her two prisoners.

- What’s with you? - Asked Eyiel with a menacing tone although she could only be so menacing when totally restrained - Trying to play nice or something?

- Ehm... Yes! - She said - But I’m not “playing” nice this is just how I am!

- Sure - Said Eyiel - I’m still not giving you anything so maybe you want to start showing your real evil self.

- I’m not like that! - Said the Inquisitor nearly offended - I just want to help us both.

- Sure you want - Said Eyiel in a sarcastic tone - Go ahead tell us how good you are.

The Inquisitor got blushed and angry, she was never taught how to deal with this situations and she certainly didn’t wanted to follow her master’s steps of cruelly torturing people.

- Uf - The inquisitor took a deep breath - How about we start over again?

- If you want me to stop you you can remove this shackles - Said Eyiel as she idly tugged her chains to make some noise - If you don’t want to go ahead, give us your monologue.

- Well - The inquisitor contained her anger, she didn’t like being mocked by her prisoner one bit - I’m the substitute inquisitor Liel, I’m here to solve the matter of how we can save our boss from your friends and what to do with you and your friends - Liel took a deep breath - Is that okay?

- Yeah sure - Said Eyiel, not even looking at her captive.

- Great! - Said Liel oblivious to how little Eyiel cared about her words - So... Wait is she awake? - She said as soon as she laid her eyes on Ferine.

- Nah I don’t think so - Said Eyiel - She was asleep even before you got here, that or your speech was so boring that made her fall asleep again.

- Don’t mock me! - Said Liel trying to sound intimidating.

- Or what? - Taunted Eyiel who was getting a hint of how overly kind her captor was.

- Uh.. i will... - Liel couldn’t come up with any menacing threat - I’ll tickle you!

Somehow it seemed to work and Eyiel backed down, something Liel didn’t expected at all.

- Uh - Liel sounded worried - Sorry if I scared you I just wanted you to stop mocking me - She sounded genuinely sorry.

Ferine bursted in laughter as she heard the conversation, it was comical, a Inquisitor as menacing as a puppy trying to intimidate a woman who could choke a bison with her biceps and getting away with it.

- What’s so funny? - Asked Liel putting her hands on her hips.

- Oh... - Ferine wiped her tears in her arms - Nothing, nothing.

- Well I thought you were sleeping - Said Liel - You heard our conversation?

- Yeah yeah, I sure did - Said Ferine having a hard time to stop laughing.

- Well do you have any idea of where your friends have my boss? - Asked Liel.

- Nah - Said Ferine.

- Wait really? - Asked Liel, she was not prepared for such response.

- Yup - Said Ferine - No idea at all.

- Then what I’m supposed to do? - Said Liel, she sounded as worried as she was and she was very worried.

- I have an idea - Said Ferine - How about we talk about us first?

Liel stuttered by agreed that it was the best choice, at least until she came up with a way of figuring out where the adventurers had Amelie.

- Sure - Said Liel - What do you want to know.

- What will be of us of course - Said Ferine.

- Well from what I have investigated you seem to be not be really evil - Said Liel - It seems you only got on the city a few days ago and the only wrong thing you did was trying to break someone out of here.

- Tell that to your boss - Said Ferine who still had some resentment towards Amelie.

- Oh, that - Said Liel - I’m sorry about you getting wrongly captured by her, I hope she didn’t treated you too badly.

- Don’t worry about that - Said Ferine - Think about what you’ll do with us now.

- People that try what you did usually have it quite hard in here - Said Liel awkwardly - But I don’t know if you deserve that, maybe if I knew bit more of what happened with the woman you rescued.

- Do you want to know about her - Said Ferine - Didn’t knew you people cared so much about prisoners.

- We used to be friends - Said Liel with a bit of shame - And I don’t like how my boss treats prisoners.

- Oh you’re so cute - Said Ferine incredulous to her captor’s behaviour.

- Thank you! - Said Liel as a nearly automatic response - Wait what?

- Nothing, nothing - Responded Ferine - So do you want to know about this friend of yours?

- Yes - Said Liel.

- Well she was supposed to give us... - Ferine thought her words with care - Something let’s say.

- And? - Asked Liel eager to know more.

- The day after we met her in let’s say, not in the best of ways - Responded Ferine - She was captured by your guys, who had her here for a whole day in I don’t want to know what conditions.

- Oh... - Said Liel as she started to think what her friend may have been through - Sorry, continue.

- We still wanted to get that something she was supposed to give us - Ferine talked carefully to avoid giving any important names or details - So we tried to break her out, but alas, here we are.

- If I may ask - Said Liel - How was she when you found her in the dungeon?

- She looked miserable to be honest - Said Ferine - I may not think the best of her but I’m glad we got her out of it.

- Oh I’m so sorry - Said Liel talking to nobody in particular - Can... - Liel was ashamed to ask her next question - Can you tell me in which state she was.

- Do you mean like how she was when we found her? - Asked Ferine a bit surprised by the question.

- Yes... - Replied Liel Awkwardly.

- That’s a kinky question if I ever heard one - Said Ferine playfully - Are you into masochism or something?

- No! - Said Liel, ashamed because her question was taken exactly as she didn’t wanted to be taken - I just care about her!

- Easy, I was just joking - Said Ferine trying to calm down er captor - It’s just that she was shackled to an X cross, gagged and blindfolded and covered in bruises and rope marks, don’t tell me that doesn’t sounds kinky.

- That’s horrible! - Said Liel - How can you find that funny?

- You get bored when you spend your whole night tied up you know - Said Ferine.

- Sorry - Said Liel - It’s mandatory, I have no choice on that.

- What your boss did to your friend was also mandatory - Said Ferine - Does that mean you’ll do nothing about it?

- Uh... - Liel didn’t knew how to respond at all.

- Sometimes we can’t trust norms to guide us Liel - Said Ferine as if she was giving motherly advice to her daughter - And that seems to be the case here.

- I don’t think the inquisitor would like if I do that... - Was the only reply Liel could come up with.

- Is she here to stop you? - Asked Ferine rhetorically.

- No... - Said Liel.

- So you can do what’s right instead of what’s mandated - Said Ferine - You give the orders now.

- But what should I do? - Asked Liel.

- I don’t know - Said Ferine - You’re the boss here, I’m just your prisoner.

- I’ll have to think about that - Said Liel as she was exiting the room - Thanks for the advice.

Liel left the room and left the adventurers alone once again, this time there weren’t even guards to protect the cell’s door.

- We should try to escape - Said Eyiel.

- Nah - Said Ferine - We’re not in any danger.

- But we’re still tied up - Said Eyiel as she tugged her chains with force - This is still awful.

- Yeah I forgot how they tied you - Said Ferine in a sarcastic tone - Sorry!

- I hate you sometimes - Said Eyiel as she pouted.

- Now do you understand how bad Rhys felt when you did this to her? - Asked Ferine.

Before Eyiel could respond Eyiel came in through the door who she didn’t even locked when she exited the room.

- Hey I have made my first decision as the lead Inquisitor - Said Liel - The prisoners will now be fed! And since you’re the one who got me to take leadership and we’re having breakfast down there how about I start with you.

Eyiel didn’t responded, she still thought that this woman was in some way evil and she was only hiding.

- Sure - Said Ferine.

- Do you want anything special? - Asked Liel.

Ferine looked at Eyiel but got no response other than her pouted face and angry look.

- Just bring us the regular food - Said Ferine.

- Okay, I may have to send someone to feed you but he’ll be nice I promise - Said Liel as she closed the door behind her.

- What did you do to her? - Asked Eyiel once the Inquisitor was out the room.

- I’m getting away with my escape plan - Said Ferine as she crossed her legs - A smart one unlike yours.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 17: Tales of the Two Prisoners

In the building’s barracks guards and inquisitors were having breakfast, they ate no fancy food but they ate no rubbish either.

Liel got to a table with many guards, most of them had taken part in the adventurers capture but one had done nothing other than struggling and give muffled moans to the air, Fulk was in that table.

- Men! - Liel drew attention.

- What is it - Said a guard.

- I want one of you to feed the two adventurers we captured last night - Said Liel trying to hide her embarrassment about talking to big groups of people.

All guards on the table turned to look at Fulk, not only he was the only one who had finished his food but becase of what the adventurers had done to him last night.

- Should I do it? - Asked Fulk.

All guards on the table nodded.

- Huh, I’ll go there in a couple of minutes inquisitor - Said Fulk.

Liel nodded and went to Amelie’s office which was now her’s.

- Eager to take revenge Fulk - Asked the guard that sat beside him.

- Uh... Yes! - Said Fulk , he could not under any circumstance show that he was working with them.

- Then go! - Said the guard as he smacked Fulk’s back friendly - I’m sure they’re eager to know who’s in charge here.

Fulk got up and picked a pair of regular meals from the main table and then went upstairs to the high security cell in which the adventurers had been locked.

He had thought a lot about last night’s events, he was happy that he had helped Ann but he felt quite intimidated by some of her friends, but he couldn’t be mad them, they were the ones that gave Ann the idea of tying him up in the first place, and he had liked that so much that the feeling of Ann roping him tightly didn’t hadn’t left his head.

Ann brought old memories to Fulk, he had met her during his training but he always fell short compared to Ann’s prowess, in the end he was but a son of peasants, Ann was the daughter of a royal family of knights. He admired Ann greatly and had a crush on her but she was so out of his league, he could only forget his crush once she spent so many years away from him, but the crush immediately revived when he saw her yesterday.

When Ann tied him up Fulk remembered a long forgotten memory, during her teenage years a training exercise they had to do was a capture the flag game, the opposite team had to capture intruders and it didn’t took long for both teams to realize that tying prisoners up was the best way to prevent them from escaping. Fulk was really worried about getting captured in that game, he knew for a fact that every bigger guy would do short work of him in a fight and would have no mercy with him once he fell prisoner to them but it turned out that was his lucky day. He came across Ann in a small creek, there they fought but he couldn’t do very much against her talent and less when he was permanently distracted by her beauty and soon enough he laid on the floor with Ann’s sword pointed at him.

- Surrender! - Fulk remembered clearly Ann’s words.

Fulk threw away his sword as far as he could, he would willingly surrender before Ann.

- Now put your hands behind your back! - Ann commanded.

Fulk remembered Ann’s orders and how he obeyed them, he remembered how Ann sat on his back as she tied his hands behind his back He even remembered how Ann had tied them, with hempen rope and his wrist crossed, not tight enough to hurt but unescapable nonetheless.
It is not like Fulk would want to escape such predicament, he gladly followed Ann to her team’s camp where she tied him to a tree, his memory faded away from that point on, it was clear that he only remembered the parts when Ann was around.

- Fulk! - Shouted a guard from across the hallway.

- What? - He asked as he came back from his daydreaming.

- The adventurers are in the opposite cell! - The guard said - Don’t you listen to what people tell you?

- Sorry - Said Fulk.

Fulk got the requested cell and opened the door with the key that hung beside it, inside he saw the two adventurers tied up, sadly, none of them was Ann, in fact, they were the two that intimidated Fulk the most.

- Look who’s here - Said Ferine as she saw Fulk entering the room.

- Hello - Said Fulk Awkwardly.

Fulk opened the door that separated the anteroom from the actual cell and got a better look at the adventurers, even when they were tied up they still felt kind of menacing in a way, since Eyiel was tied standing up she stood taller than him and Ferine’s cool was rather unsettling for a prisoner.

- What is it? - Said Ferine - We don’t bite.

- Sure sure - Said Fulk - The new inquisitor asked me to feed you.

- Well you wouldn’t have to if you undid these - Eyiel said as she tuged her manacles to make noise.

- Ignore her - Said Ferine - Just do what you were asked to.

- Okay... - He replied.

Fulk laid down the tray with the food and grabbed a piece of pie, this was embarrassing as hell for him something Ferine found quite funny which made her struggle to hold her laugh.

- Uh... Who want’s to go first? - Asked Fulk.

None of the adventurers replied, partly because they didn’t knew if the other wanted to go first and partly because they wanted to see how Fulk reacted.

- How about you? - Said Fulk as he turned to Ferine.

- Fine for me - Said Ferine - Are you fine with it? - She said as she looked to Eyiel.

- I don’t care - Replied Eyiel - Just make it quick.

Fulk sat beside Ferine in the bench and started to feed Ferine, the situation was incredibly awkward for him and incredibly funny for Ferine, enough for her to find it difficult to eat while holding her laugh.

- So we’re not gonna talk about what we should? - Asked Eyiel - You’re just gonna feed us like we were children and go away?

- Uh... - Fulk was taken aback.

- Come on you know what I’m referring to - Said Eyiel - Or what? You’re afraid of loosing your position in this place?

- What do you want to talk about? - Said Fulk in a more serious tone.

- What are your guys planning to do with us? - Asked Eyiel as she pulled herself forward lightly - Do they know where our friends are?

- I really don’t know - Said Fulk - I’m just a guard.

- Really? - Eyiel pressed further - So you’re a nobody here yet you still act like you’re our captor.

- What do you expect me to do - Fulk started to sound angry.

- Let us out - Said Eyiel - It’s not like you have anything to loose.

- I can’t do that - He said - It’s too dangerous.

- Maybe it is for you - Said Eyiel.

Fulk looked through the small window and made sure none was in hearing distance.

- I still want you to get out but it’s not that simple - Said Fulk - If I did the three of us would end up in this room.

- Maybe only you - Said Eyiel.

- I said It’s not that simple! - Said Fulk in a more angry tone - I’m not underestimating you but there are just to many guards at this time of the day.

- I didn’t asked how many guards there are or how difficult your weak ass thinks this to be - Said Eyiel in a serious tone - I just asked you to get us out, it’s just passing a key through a few locks, it can’t be that hard.

- You cant give me orders! - Shouted Fulk as he stood up from Ferine’s bench.

- Oh? What’s that? - Eyiel started to mock Fulk - Did you just grow your first chest hair?

- Shut up! - Fulk shouted to Eyiel as he stood in front of her.

Eyiel pulled herself as forward as she could, scaring Fulk and making him back down and nearly fall down the floor.

- Or what? - She said menacingly.

It took some time for him to rejoin the situation.

- That’s what I thought - Said Eyiel.

- Quit it Eyiel - Said Ferine as she finished her food - I think you’re scaring him - It wasn’t hard to tell that she was chuckling.

- I won’t feed you anything - said Fulk as he went back with Ferine.

- I don’t care - Said Eyiel - You’re still nothing but a coward.

- Just ignore her - Said Ann trying to calm down Fulk - Just do what you were asked to.

Fulk gave water to Ferine but nothing to Eyiel, he didn’t cared if he was disobeying orders, she had certainly made him angry, Ann’s friends had always intimidated him even more than Ann herself and Ferine and Eyiel were no exception.

- I should leave by now - Said Fulk as he got up from the bench.

- Wait - Said Ferine - I want to ask you something before.

- What is ti? - Fulk sat on the bench again.

- Is there something between you and Ann? - Ferine asked openly.

Fulk was surprised by Ferine’s intuition.

- What? No - He said.

- Sure? - Ferine pressed.

- Totally - He lied - Why do you ask though?

- You know - Ferine crossed her legs and looked down - You complied very easily to be tied up by her, and she seemed to treat you very kindly when you were her “prisoner”.

- Hah - Fulk laughed awkwardly - We’re just old friends - He wasn’t a very good liar and his tone and face betrayed him - Anyway, I have to leave.

Fulk closed the cell’s door and said goodbye before getting out of the anteroom and locking the door behind him.
- There’s totally something between them - Said Ferine.

- What the hell does she see in him? - Said Eyiel.

- No idea - Said Ferine - We all have our guilty pleasures I assume.

Fulk resumed his day normally although he still had some bitterness towards Eyiel for what she did to him, he knew he may not be the most dominant of men but being openly mocked and scared by his own captive was a whole new level of submission he wasn’t sure that he even liked. He still wanted the adventurers to get out but now he was wondering not only how he could accomplish that but also what the captured adventurers would tell Ann once they reunited with her, he really cared about what she thought about him.

Eyiel and Ferine were once again left alone in their room, after almost a whole day of being tied up their restraints had gotten quite uncomfortable, especially for Eyiel who was standing up and pinned to the wall.

- Why didn’t you tried something? - Asked Eyiel.

- To escape? - Replied Ferine - It wouldn’t have worked.

- Then what is your so smart plan then? - Asked Eyiel - Because we’ve had at least two chances of escape and you’ve tried nothing.
- If you think those were escape opportunities you’re really wrong - Said Ferine - Really goes to show that you’ve no experience with this.
- With being captured? - Eyiel asked as she got a bit angry - Of course not! Unlike you I never get captured in the first place.

- Do you really want me to remind you what happened not so long ago? - Said Ferine wanting to get a reaction from Eyiel.

- Shut up - Eyiel backed down.

- Yeah that’s what I thought - Said Ferine - The thing is, If you only have experience winning you’re never prepared to loose.

Hours kept passing by in the cell, Ferine dozed from time to time since there was little she could do in her cell, Eyiel didn’t had that luck she didn’t even managed to relax her legs, she never wanted to sit down so badly.

- Ugh... Ferine - Said Eyiel shyly.

- What is it? - Replied Ferine still sleepy.

- Do you think this guys would let us go to the bathroom? - Asked Eyiel.

- Nah - Said Ferine calmly.

- What? - Eyiel sounded surprised - Then what I’m supposed to do?

- Do you even need to go? - Asked Ferine - You did not eaten or drunk this morning.

Ferine was right, Eyiel was lying but it was just that the truth to her request had a much more embarrassing purpose than just going to the bathroom.

- Well you got me there - Said Eyiel with a nervous chuckle - I just wanted them to let me out of these restraints for a bit, maybe easen them afterwards.

- Oh, you don’t like being tied up? - Asked Ferine in a mocking tone.

Ferine’s words made Eyiel angry, she had been messing with her almost during their whole captivity and it wasn’t getting better.

- Of course not! - Shouted Eyiel.

- Well that really should make you think about what you did to Rhys - Said Ferine.

- Oh come on! - Eyiel sounded genuinely angry - Get over that already!

- Maybe I will once you apologize to her - Said Ferine.

- I’m chained to a wall on a dungeon! - Shouted Eyiel as she tugged her bindings - What do you expect me to do!?

- I know you’re not this stupid Eyiel - Said Ferine as she pulled herself forward to have a closer look at her friend - But when we get out of this, and we will get out of this, I want you to apologize to her.

Ferine sounded very serious and she rarely sounded like that, that certainly clicked something in the stubborn Eyiel.

- It’s not like doing so would get me untied - Said Eyiel as she pouted.

- Is it really that difficult to apologize to her? - Asked Ferine - To admit that you did something wrong?

Eyiel was slowly falling to Ferine’s persuasion.

- But she likes it... - Said Eyiel, running out of excuses.

- Oh you know that she doesn’t mean it like that - Said Ferine.

- Then why she let herself be captured by those goblins!? - Eyiel couldn’t forget that dreadful instance - The whole problem was her fault!

- Did she apologize for that? - Asked Ferine rhetorically.

- Yes... - Eyiel was many things but she wasn’t a liar.

- Then why you can’t do the same? - Asked Ferine - I’m sure that if a weak and shy elf girl can apologize to a strong, big and stoic amazon like you are, you certainly can apologize to her.

- But can you apologize to me!? - Eyiel changed topics to avoid conceding.

- For what? - Asked Ferine taken aback.

- You also tied me up against my will remember? - Said Eyiel - For a whole night you tortured me while I could do nothing about it.

Ferine knew very well what Eyiel was talking about and she knew she was right, she had been wrong and although she didn't wanted to let go of Eyiel and let her avoid apologizing to Rhys it would be dumb not to apologize for something that she regretted doing.

- You’re right - Said Ferine going back to a more humble tone - I feel really sorry about what I did to you that night.

- And? - Eyiel pressed.

- I sincerely apologize for it - Said Ferine - If you don’t believe me ask Ann or Rhys, they’ll both tell you the same.

- Apologies accepted - Said Eyiel as she smiled to her friend.

- Back to the topic - Ferine changed tone quickly.

- Wait! - Said Eyiel - Someone’s coming.

Ferine thought Eyiel was just trying to blatantly avoid the subject but then she heard it, footsteps and then the key going through the rusty locks of the anteroom’s door.

- Hi! - Said the recognizable voice of Liel in a very out of place happy tone.

- Liel? - Asked Ferine.

- Yes it’s me - She said as she looked through the cell’s door window - I got a few things to tell you.

Liel opened the cell’s door and entered the room, she stood in the middle of the room so she was close enough to both of her captives.

- First of all - Said Liel - How have you been?

- Fine - Said Ferine - My arms hurt a bit though.

- Like shit - Said Eyiel bluntly - I can’t feel my arms, my back hurts like if I was an old woman and once I move my legs my knees will crack so loudly that all of you’re men will be alerted.

- Hah - Liel laughed awkwardly - I’m very sorry, I’ll see if I can get someone to easen your bonds soon enough.

- Oh don’t worry, we can take it - Said Ferine.

Eyiel gave Ferine a killing angry look which Liel thankfully didn’t saw, maybe she could stand her bonds but that didn’t meant that she wanted to get free of them as soon as possible, not to mention that Ferine who was tied much more lightly that her saying that only made her more angry.

- Just tell us why you came here - Said Ferine ignoring Eyiel’s prrevious response.

- Well I have good news - Said Liel.

The adventurers hopes raised a bit, this could mean that they were getting out.

- We’ve found your friends! - She continued happily.

The adventurers hopes went down as they started to worry and although it was hard to tell it showed.

- Oh no no! - Said Liel nervously - I don’t mean it like that! Please don’t worry!

- What is it then? - Asked Ferine, he friends being brought into question made her much more serious.

- We’ve comed to terms with your friends for peaceful negotiation! - Said Liel carefully - Basically, we will give you in exchange for our boss, is that good for you?

- It’s not like I have much choice in the matter - Said Ferine as she tried to make some gesture with her tied hands.

- As long as I get rid of these - Said Eyiel tugging her bonds.

- The negotiation will be in a place outside the city at midday so be ready for carriage trip! - Said Liel - now that I think about it that’s in almost an hour, I should hurry up.

- What too you so long? - Asked Eyiel - Too busy torturing people?

- No! - Replied Liel indignant - It’s just that I have to consult my decisions with lot’s of people! - She justified - And that I never got out of the city...

- Wow you’re fitted to your job aren’t you? - Said Eyiel sneakily mocking her captor.

- Eyiel! - Ferine drew her captive’s attention.

- What!? - Eyiel said, a bit angry at her friend defending her captor.

- Anyway I really should get things going - Liel started to get out of the room - I’m sorry that you have to remain tied up like that but I promise that the trip in the carriage will be much more easy on you.

- No problem - Said Ferine before Liel got out.

The already characteristic sound of the doors being locked was heard and the fast footsteps outside signaled that Liel was running out of the room in a hurry.

- Why do you defend her? - Asked Eyiel looking at Ferine.

- Didn’t I told you? - Said Ferine - She’s just so cute!

Eyiel was a bit taken aback by her friend’s words but she couldn’t really care, all she was hoping for now was for her bindings to be lightened a bit, that and reuniting with her friends, she may not show it but she missed them.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 18: Preparing the Ransom

Ann woke up rather late to the scent of incense, she was still in the middle floor of the lighthouse. She saw Rhys sitting down as if she was meditating, it seemed like she was in a trance, the effects of a spell Ann though. The knight stretched her body and limbs, she had slept a lot and had to take some time to fully awaken.

An owl entered through the window and posed itself on Rhys’ shoulder and as soon as it touched her Rhys got back to reality from her trance, Ann finally understood what Rhys had done, she had seen her perform this spell before.

- Rhys? - Said Ann as she saw Rhys opening her eyes.

- Ugh - Rhys rubbed her eyes, her vision was still blurry - What happened?

- Nothing really - Said Ann - I just got up, good to see you’ve already done your magic by now.

- Thanks - Said Rhys.

- How did that went? - Asked Ann.

- Well I have good and bad news - Said Rhys as she stood up - The bad news are that Eyiel and Ferine are indeed in the Inquisitor’s hands but the good news are that with them captured our plan can work.

- Any specifics on the plan? - Asked Ann.

- This guy brought me a note with the Inquisitor’s response - Said Rhys as she took a piece of paper from one of the owl’s talons - If she has any request they should be here.

The owl then made a strange gesture to Rhys, like if it was nodding, and then went out the way he came, this was no owl but a disguised magical creature, conjured by Rhys when she needed to ask him a favour.

Rhys handed the note to Ann who started reading it out loud.

- “I inquisitor Liel accept your negotiations, we will reunite to hand over your friends in the old vildberg state at midday, please don’t be hostile and bring the inquisitor safe and sound” - Ann took a second look at the note - Any idea of where this “vilberg state” is?

Rhys shook her head.

- I assume Zelliria would know - Said Ann - Wait! Where is Zelliria? - Ann sounded suddenly worried.

- I assume she’s upstairs - Said Rhys.

- You’re telling me that she was all night long with the inquisitor? - Asked Ann as she grabbed Rhys by the shoulders - You didn’t took a turn guarding her?

- No I’m sorry i just... - Rhys knew that she had done something wrong but thought than Ann was making a very big deal out of it - Zelliria didn’t woke me up so i assumed she was doing okay upstairs.

- Of course she’s doing okay! - Said Ann - It’s the inquisitor who I worry about!

- Why? - Asked Rhys.

- Didn’t you hear what I read? - Asked Ann as she walked upstairs - They want the inquisitor safely and for some reason i think Zelliria isn’t taking ver good care of her.

Ann busted the trapdoor open and was greeted by a scene she found disgusting, Zelliria had Amelie hanging from the ceiling by her wrists and ankle bindings she was tied in a way Ann hadn’t seen since the goblins tied up Rhys. The Inquisitor had also been almost totally stripped, not by taking off her clothes but by tearing them apart and the exposed skin of the inquisitor left a clear sight of her tied arms and legs that had become purple as well as bruises and rope marks all over her body.

- And now for one of my favorites! - Said Zelliria as she grabbed a lit candle.

- Zelliria put that thing down right now! - Ann shouted at Zelliria.

- You trying to give me orders again? - Said Zelliria - What did i told you about that.

- I’m not asking Zelliria - Said Ann - put it down or else!

- Wow you’re trying to threaten me? - Said Zelliria - What are you going to do? Bore me to death with your speeches?

- I’m giving you your last chance! - Said Ann as she gave one step forward - leave her alone!

- Nah I don’t think I will - Said Zelliria.

Then Zelliria dropped a gout of hot wax on Amelie’s back which got a muffled moan of pain from the inquisitor, Zelliria laughed at her captive’s suffering.

- That’s it - Said Ann.

Ann grabbed Zelliria’s hand and made her drop the candle, this took Zelliria by surprise, she didn’t expected Ann to actually take action.
- Let go of me! - Said Zelliria as he tried to shake off Ann’s grip.

- I warned you - Said Ann - Now behave and let me do this the easy way.

Zelliria’s only response was to try to slap Ann’s face but the knight grabbed her hand before it got her.

- You really want to do this the hard way? - Asked Ann.

- I told you to let go of me! - Shouted Zelliria - We’re in this together it’s stupid for you to defend her!

- It’s because we’re in this together that I’m defending her - Said Ann - Maybe if bothered listening we wouldn’t be having this problem.
Zelliria tried to kick Ann but the only thing she accomplished was falling down on the floor. Seeing this Ann let go of her, thinking she would surrender.

- Go downstairs and let me handle this - Said Ann - We don’t have to fight over this.

Ann started to figure out the knots that restrained the inquisitor, they were the most complex and secure knots she had ever seen and she feared that if untied inappropriately the inquisitor may abruptly fall down.

While Ann was turning her back at her, Zelliria tried to sneak behind her to get her apart from what she felt was her prey, her rightful prisoner. Zelliria jumped on Ann and grabbed her by the neck, they both started to struggle for the control of the fight as Ann risked falling down with every step she took thanks to Zelliria constantly pulling her down.

- Get off her! - Said Zelliria - She’s my prey!

- She’s not anyone’s prey! - Said Ann - She’s our ransom and you’re just a psychopath!

Ann managed to get free of Zelliria’s grapple and returned it, now she was grappling her and Zelliria wasn’t breaking out anytime soon, Ann may not be as strong as Eyiel but she was still as strong as you would expect a knight who spends all day in heavy armor to be.
- Rhys! - Ann screamed for assistance.

It didn’t took long for the mage to arrive since the fight between the adventurers had already made quite a racket. When Rhys got to the room she saw Ann and Zelliria on the floor, the later one being grabbed by the neck by Ann’s arm and by the waist by Ann’s legs.
- Bring the pair of manacles Rhys! - Shouted Ann.

- To use them on her! - Said Zelliria.

Rhys was indecisive, she didn’t know what had happened but she didn’t wanted to antagonize Zelliria since she was kind of crushing on her but neither did she wanted to get in trouble with Ann who she always trusted in her decisions.

Rhys rapidly ran downstairs and got the manacles, she knew very well where they were. Her way upstairs was also quick but when she found herself once again before her friend and her new found crush fighting she was didn’t know what to do.

- Come on Rhys! - Said Zelliria - Use them on her!

- Don’t be stupid Rhys! - Replied Ann - She’s the one causing trouble!

Ann knelled in front of the two girls and thought her decision again for a second.

- I’m sorry Zelliria - She said - I promise I don’t want to have problems with you.

- What? - Zelliria was surprised by Rhys’ words.

- Put her against the brazier Ann - Said Rhys in a serious inexpressive voice.

Ann did as Rhys told her and soon enough Rhys manacled Zelliria’s hands behind her head and the brazier, she was now tied like the inquisitor was last night. Ann gave a sigh of relief and so did the inquisitor although her big gag made it not so relieving.

- I can’t believe you done this - Said Zelliria as she tugged her restraints.

- I’m so sorry I promise I... - Rhys found it difficult to express how she felt.

- Promise all you want - Said Zelliria - You’ll have to speak with actions for me to trust you.

Ann got by the inquisitor once again and started to examine her bonds carefully, meanwhile Rhys was still trying to console Zelliria and herself but her words didn’t got to the bard’s heart.

- Rhys can you help me with this? - Said Ann.

- Sure sure - Said Rhys as she got near Ann.

Seeing the inquisitor’s damaged body made Rhys suddenly a bit scared of Zelliria, she knew she was into tying people up but she had no idea that was into torturing them to such degree, her studies of bondage let her recognize many of the wounds in her body and she wondered if Zelliria would’ve done this to her had she gone to her house that night, she liked to think that no, that she had only done them to the inquisitor because of who she was but the question was in the air.

- I want you to lower this chain - Said Ann as she pointed to the chain from which Zelliria hanged - I’ll hold her to make sure she doesn’t fall harshly.

Rhys did as Ann told her and lowered Amelie with a pulley while Ann held her tightly to prevent her from hitting the floor harshly. Once Amelie was down on the floor Ann further examined her restraints and the fact than Zelliria had done nothing more than cruel tortures to her became clear to Ann.

- Do you like what you see? - Asked Zelliria from the brazier.

- Do you think it’s funny? - Asked Ann - I’ll take care of her downstairs, you remain here.

- Oh really? - Asked Zelliria - Are you truly such a bootlicker?

- Zelliria... - Rhys tried to calm her down.

- Oh shut up - Zelliria interrupted - You sided with her, you’re not better.

- Remain here if you can - Said Ann - I think we need to keep an eye on her.

Zelliria moved one of her feet to Rhys’ face and rubbed it against it.

- Oh you’re staying? - Said Zelliria.

Rhys was suddenly very intimidated by Zelliria, even when tied up she seemed to hace such a power over her.

- We’re going to have so much fun - Said Zelliria.

- Don’t be scared by her! - Said Ann who then went downstairs, closing the room’s trapdoor behind her.

Ann went downstairs carrying Amelie like if she was her bride, she could tell by looking at her face how bad she felt, the bags under her eyes signaled that she hadn’t got any sleep and she could tell how tired her expression was even though she had a massive gag on, the one that Ann had removed but it seemed Zelliria had reapplied.

Amelie was laid down on a bedroll by Ann, she welcomed gladly the soft surface after being suspended mid air for hours.

- I’m really sorry - Said Ann as she started to untie Amelie’s ankles from her thighs - I should have known, this is completely my fault.

Amelie’s Ankles were untied from her thighs, she was glad to become able to stretch her legs once again.

- Sorry I should remove this first - Said Ann as started to untie Amelie’s gag.

Ann finished untying the gag and Amelie spat the two socks dripping in saliva, she then took a deep breath of fresh air, really relieving after hours of tasting and smelling stinky socks.

- Thank you - Said Amelie heavily.

Amelie didn’t cared about how shameful thanking her captor may be, that night her pride had been so utterly outraged that she would gladly welcome any help given by her more caring captor.

- I’ll untie you - Said Ann - I know you’ll behave and it hurts to see you like this.

- Imagine how it hurts me then - Said Amelie.

- Again. I’m really sorry.

Ann untied Amelie’s legs first, then the bonds that secured her arms to her body in the most lengthy of the untying processed and finally he hands which also took her quite some time since they were tied in a way she had never seen before, the inquisitor was very pleasured to stretch her arms, they were cramped as never before and had been numb for so many hours that it would take sometime before she would be able to feel them full again.

- How do you feel? - Asked Ann, anticipating a response.

- Like shit - Said Amelie as she rubbed her wrists - You should tell a thing or two to that friend of yours.

- She’s not my friend - Said Ann - But I know that’s no excuse, and trust me, I’ll tell her a thing or two about this.

- But now - Amelie changed the subject - What are going to do with me?

- We will give in exchange for our friends - Said Ann - Your men have them in captivity.

- And that woman will get away freely? - Asked Amelie lightly offended - Wonderful.

- But so will you - Asserted Ann seriously - I may care about you, that doesn’t mean that I’m not aware of what you had done.

- You don’t care so much if you let this happen to me - Said Amelie.

- Sorry! - Said Ann going back to a more submissive tone - I know, I should have stopped her but...

- Don’t worry - Amelie interrupted - The only thing I want now is for this thing to end.

Ann sighed.

Upstairs Rhys was trying to reason with Zelliria but it was of no use, the only thing Zelliria got out of the situation was that Ann was a bootlicker of the inquisitors which in her book meant nothing more than being as evil as them and since Rhys defended her she couldn’t be much better. The only thing Rhys got out of the situation was that all of her chances with her newly found crush were about to be lost by the decision she took and despite thinking it to be the right one Rhys couldn’t help but regret it.

- I’m not hearing any of your excuses! - Said Zelliria as she crossed her legs.

- But Zelliria you have to understand! - Said Rhys

- I understood everything - Said Zelliria - Your friend Ann would rather side with an evil overlord than side with me just because I gave that bitch what she deserved and you are too much of a coward to go against her.

- I’m not a coward! - Was the smartest comeback Rhys could come up with.

- Said Every coward ever - Replied Zelliria sarcastically.

Rhys sighed and pouted angrily, despite liking Zelliria she was taking out the worst of her and maybe if they were in better terms she’d appreciate that kind of teasing.

Downstairs Ann had started to massage Amelie’s back to relieve the pain caused by hour being tied up so strictly, Amelie couldn’t say that she wasn’t enjoying the treatment, she knew she was still captive but she could get used to have the strong hands of a knight massage her back after a long night.

- Amelie... - Said Ann.

- Yes - Replied Amelie enjoying Ann’s treatment.

- We ought to deliver you safe and sound but you’re rather hurt...

- I’m pretty aware of that - Said Amelie not caring to much about what Ann had said - But that’s your problem.

- I know - Said Ann - But I’d like to ask you something.

- Go ahead, it’s not like I can say no.

- I want to use some healing magic on you, but you have to be willing to be healed for it to work.

- Just to hide the fact that that girl cruelly tortured me all night? - Asked Amelie sarcastically - How funny.

- I know that it’s wrong - Said Ann - But you have to understand, I’m sure you’d do the same for your friends.

- I have not friends, so I can’t really relate.

- Well you should work on that - Said Ann, genuinely caring for Amelie - It really helps sometimes.

- Well you wouldn’t be in this situation if you didn’t have them - Said Amelie - But Anyway, I wont say no to being healed so go ahead, use that magic of yours.

- Thank you - Said Ann.

Ann stopped her massaging and laid her open hands on Amelie’s naked back, she closed her eyes and uttered a prayer in an ancient language in a low voice. Amelie felt her limbs regain strength, her pain be gradually relieved until it’s disappearance and saw her ropemarks and bruises banish before her eyes as a yellow light emanated from Ann’s hands. After a few seconds Amelie was completely unharmed, she was still tired but being tired is much more bearable when you’re not aching everywhere.

- Feeling better? - Asked Ann.

- Indeed - Said Amelie feeling her relived body - Where did you learned that?

- My mother taught me - Said Ann - It runs it my family I guess.

- Which family are you from? - Asked Amelie.

- Well - Ann scratched her head, she didn’t liked to talk about her family fearing it may come off as bragging - The Golbreisk... - Said Ann awkwardly.

- Well well - Said Amelie surprised - Don’t tell me that I was captured by a Golbreisk!

Ann suddenly realized how bad of an idea telling Amelie about her family was but fraternizing with the inquisitor had made her let her guard down. Telling Amelie from which family she was part of was bad not only for her but for her whole family, kidnapping a member of the inquisition and using her as ransom was the worst optics a noble family of knight could get.

- Please don’t tell anyone! - Said Ann - Please please I’ll do everything you ask just don’t do it!

The scene was comical, Ann begging on her knees for to her captive, they both knew how ridiculous their situation was but only Amelie found it funny.

- Easy - Said Amelie as she patted Ann on the head - Somehow being captured by a member of a family of knights makes me feel kind of better about all of this.

- Oh thank you - Said Ann - I don’t know what I would’ve done if you told anyone.

- But hey, hat doesn’t mean that I may or may not us that information to get something out of you - Said Amelie teasingly.

Ann gulped.

- What?

- Nothing you should worry about - Replied Amelie - But you told me that you would do anything for me not to tell anyone so don’t expect me not to use it against you.

Ann sighed.

- Well i kidnapped you - Said Ann - Maybe i deserve it.

Ann was a bit disappointed in her because of her slip up but she actually thought that in some way she deserved to be at the inquisitor’s mercy somehow, in the end, it had been the other way for a whole night.

- When will I be exchanged for your friends? - Asked Amelie.

- Midday - Said Ann.

- Well shouldn’t we get going? - Asked Amelie - It looks like it’s pretty late outside.

Ann looked outside and indeed the sun was near it’s apogee, they had little time to get to wherever that Vilberg State was.

- Well you’re right! - Said Ann as she hurried to get her things together - We should get going.

Ann packed her things and her companion’s, she did it quite clumsily because she was in a hurry and she still had to get Rhys and Zelliria to get going. As Ann was packing the last things she stumbled upon a length of rope, she looked to Amelie.

- Really? - Amelie asked as she saw what Ann was holding.

- I trust you to behave but I don’t know about my friends - Said Ann - I really don’t want to this, you’ve spend more time tied up than anyone should.

- I would tell you that I don’t care about your friends an such but you have been kind to me so I’ll make this easy on you - Said Amelie who then put her hands together in front of her - Come on, tie me up.

- Thank you - Said Amelie as started to tie Amelie’s hands in front of her.

Ann tied Amelie’s hands parallel to each other in front of her with the rope and cinched them in the middle, Amelie didn’t liked to get tied up but compared to the bonds that Zelliria had applied to her earlier this was nothing.

- I’ll go get the others, wait here! - Said Ann as she went downstairs.

- Sure - Said Amelie.

Amelie knew that she could try to escape, her hands were tied in front of her so she could try undo the knot with her moth and even if she couldn’t she could try to run away since her legs were completely free, but she wouldn’t do that to Ann, she knew she could trust her to give her back to the inquisition so escaping when she didn’t even knew where she was and had the most kind of captors she could ask for was a rather dumb idea.

Things had gotten quiet upstairs, Rhys had given up in trying to convince Zelliria that her choice was right and that she wasn’t doing it to antagonize her and was now sitting against the wall, away from Zelliria. Meanwhile Zelliria was sitting against the brazier, tied up, quiet and angry.

- Girls, time to go! - Said Ann as soon as she entered the room.

Both Rhys and Zelliria responded with an angry look.

- Come on don’t give me that look! - Said Ann - We’re about to get out of this!

Rhys sighed and then got up to get by Ann’s side.

- What about her? - Asked Rhys as she pointe to Zelliria.

- Yeah are you going to leave me tied up here? - Asked Ferine tugging her manacles.

- No - Said Ann tiredly - Just behave when untied okay?

- What now I’m the prisoner? - Asked Zelliria.

- No you’re not - Said Ann as she knelled in front of Zelliria - Just promise you wont do anything stupid and and I’ll get you out of these.

- Fine - Said Zelliria - I’ll be a good girl Ann! Please release me! - Said Zelliria overacting submission.

Ann was too tired and had no time for Zelliria’s games so she just unlocked Zelliria’s manacles.

Zelliria rubbed her wrists and got up, ready to go downstairs.

- Well let’s go - Said Zelliria.

The adventurers got downstairs and were met by the inquisitor, just like Ann had left her.

- You really just tied her like this? - Asked Zelliria as soon as she saw Amelie.

- Yes - Said Ann as she helped Amelie get up - And the fact that she didn’t tried to escape should tell you something about how prisoners behave when treated properly.

- Like she deserves to be treated “properly” - Said Zelliria - We should at least blindfold her, i don’t want her to see where she is.
Ann and Amelie sighed.

- If you don’t do it I’ll do it myself - Said Ann as she took a piece of cloth from her pocket - i don’t want her to see where this hideout is.
- Do it Ann - Said Amelie - I want to get out of this.

Ann grabbed the black piece of cloth Zelliria had handed her and blindfolded Amelie. Once Amelie was blindfolded Zelliria faked a punch towards her but the inquisitor didn’t reacted.

- Hey! - Shouted Ann.

- Calm down - Replied Zelliria I was just making sure that it worked.

- Don’t worry Ann - Said Amelie - I’ll find this place regardless.

- Anyway - Said Rhys trying to easen the tension between the other two adventurers - We should get going.

- Sure - Said Ann - Zelliria, any idea of where the Vildberg State is?

- We have to go to that abandoned place? - Asked Zelliria - They really picked a good a place for the deal to be made didn’t they.
The adventurers loaded their equipment on their humble steeds and then mounted them to get going, Ann and Amelie on on donkey, Rhys and Zelliria in the other.

Zelliria lead the way through overgrown paths in the forests to a big but abandoned mansion, the wood had succumbed to rot but the stone structure was rather untouched but covered in all types of plants.

- It seems we’re first - Said Zelliria getting down from her steed.

- Let’s wait then - Said Ann as she did the same - Can’t wait to get past all of this.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 19: Reunited and United

Liel entered the cell in which Ferine and Eyiel were help captive after an hour or so, a few guards waited for her outside as she entered the cell itself and got by her prisoners.

- Everything’s ready on our part - Said Liel - Are you?

Eyiel looked tiredly and incredulous to Liel, what she expected them to respond?

- We are - Said Ferine - You’ll have to untie us though.

- I’m aware - Said Liel - Sadly You’ll have to remain tied in some manner until we give you back to your friends.

Eyiel snorted angrily, she was tired of being tied up, almost as tired as she was that night the bandits captured her but at least this time she wasn’t tortured.

- It’s okay - Said Ferine - We understand don’t we? - Ferine looked at her friend.

- Yes - Said Eyiel tiredly as she sighed.

- Great! - Said Liel cheerfully - Can I trust you to be untied and retied by me right now?

Ferine didn’t responded, she just looked at Eyiel awaiting her sincere answer.

- Yes she can! - Said Eyiel getting a bit angry - Just do it already.

- Great! - Said Liel once again - Those guys outside don’t trust you but I want to prove something to them - She whispered.

Liel got to Ferine first, she untied her quickly since she wasn’t tied in any complex manner, Liel just unlocked the manacles from the wall and Ferine was now able to move freely, she just had her hands manacled in front of her but she could stand that.

- Now to you - Said Liel nervously as she got in front of Eyiel.

Liel had to take some time with the amazon, unlike Ferine’s her restraints were not only secure but also strict and complex, first, she unlocked the chains that held her legs together on the knees and thighs, then she got to the big metal strap that held the amazon against the wall, it had two locks, one of each end and the rusty mechanisms were a bit hard for Liel to get through but in the end she managed to unlock them. Then Liel stumbled upon a problem, she couldn’t reach Eyiel’s hands to untie them from the wall, trying to do so would create some awkward situation if she had ever seen one, but she decided to ignore the problem for now and got to the ankle manacles that held Eyiel to the floor.

- And what am I’m going to do with that? - Asked Liel as she looked up to Eyiel’s manacled hands.

- Don’t worry - Said Eyiel - Just step back and let me take care of it.

Liel stepped back, not really knowing what to do and then Eyiel held to the manacle’s chains pulled her body upwards until her knees were against her face, the amazon’s weight and strength were doing it’s job since the strap that held her manacles to the wall was starting to break apart from it and after a few seconds of Eyiel showing her strength she pulled herself free of the wall, but with her hands still manacled in front of her.

The first thing Eyiel did as she landed on the floor was sitting down, as she did her knees cracked loudly, the effects of spending a whole night standing while tied against a stone wall were showing and Eyiel gave a big sigh of relief as she feel her body becoming almost completely free again.

- Don’t worry I won’t break away from these - Said Eyiel as she idly tugged her manacles - I just couldn’t stand that posture anymore.
- Lady Liel! - the guards broke into the room with swords readied for combat - What was that noise.

- Don’t worry - Said Liel - She just helped me with something.

- Sure - Said a guard sheathing his sword - We should get going Inquisitor, midday is nigh.

Eyiel got up he Inquisitor, the guards and the captives got going but Ferine was worried about something, although it wasn’t so bad it was still something she cared about.

- Liel - Said Ferine.

- Yes? - Replied Liel as she turned back to look at Ferine.

- What about the stuff you took from us? - Said Ferine - Will you give it back?

- Sure - Said Liel calmly - you weren’t find to have anything suspicious so all your things will be returned.

- Good to hear it - Said Ferine, she then got to Liel’s ear and whispered - She’ll get really mad if she didn’t have her axe.

The adventurers continued to follow Liel through the hallways of the fortresses, the didn’t thought about escaping not only because of the four armed guards that would have no problem taking care of two tired, bound adventurers but also becase they didn’t feel the need to, it wasn’t like they were being taken to be executed, they were about ti be given back to their friends.

Liel and the adventurers got on a carriage, not a pretty one, it looked more like a metal box on wheels, surprisingly the inquisitor got in with them with but bars separated the prisoners from the captive.

- Are you sure about this? - Asked a guard.

- Absolutely - Said Liel as she sat on a hard bench fixed to carriage walls.

- As you wish then - Replied the guard.

The adventurers sat on another hard bench on they side of the bars so now they were facing Liel.

Guards closed the door of the carriage and horses started to pull from it, the small barred windows don’t left much to see outside so Liel and the adventurers only knew that the carriage was moving.

- I’m sorry about this - Said Liel - I’d like to be with you but those guys wouldn’t let me.

- Aren’t you the boss? - Asked Eyiel - Shouldn’t they obey your orders?

- I wish it was that simple - Said Liel - But hey, at least I’m with you.

- And I love your company - Said Ferine.

Liel blushed.

- Thank you! - Said Liel - I’m very glad your captivity wasn’t so harsh.

- Well... - Said Eyiel who was massaging her thighs.

- I’m sorry about that - Said Liel - But you could have escaped, that’s why they restrained you that way.

- That still doesn’t explain why you need me standing.

- Well you’re right on that - Said Liel - I should find out ways to restrain people a bit more comfortably, I know my boss has some gear that may be useful for that.

- Oh I’d love to see you use your boss’ gear - Said Ferine in a flirty tone.

Liel gave a nervous chuckle.

- Regarding your boss - Said Eyiel - What will be of you and your organization once she’s back?

- What do you mean? - Asked Liel.

- She’ll be back with you in not so long - Said Eyiel - Once she is will you let her run over all your reforms?

- Do you think she’ll do that? - Asked Liel nervously, knowing very well Amelie will do such thing.

- Do you think she won’t? - Said Eyiel - I saw the prisoner we rescued looked after a night of being her captive and let me tell you, what you did to me last night is nothing compared to what your must must have done to her.

Liel gulped, she knew Eyiel was right but she hadn’t though about what to do once Amelie was back, she just wanted to rescue her but now she was suddenly doubting her willingness to do, but it wasn’t like she could say no to it, even less at this point.

- You don’t have to resolve that now - Said Ferine - But you’ll have to take care of that eventually.

- I guess so - Said Liel.

Meanwhile in the vildberg state ruins the adventurers had readied to welcome the inquisitors and her friends, although they were together they were not doing anything, Ann was forced to stay downstairs with the Inquisitor, they had sat down on old chairs that remained from the building’s furniture, Zelliria had climbed on the roof to look for the inquisitors and Rhys wanted to sit by her side but she feared Zelliria was still mad at her.

- Don’t tell me you fear me - Said Zelliria as she looked to the horizon.

- Huh? - Rhys wasn’t expecting her to talk - No... I.. I don’t fear you.

- Then why don’t you come sit by my side? - Asked Zelliria as she cleared her side of fallen leaves - I know you want to.

Rhys did as Zelliria wanted and awkwardly sat by her side.

- Aren’t you mad at me? - Asked Rhys.

- Of course am I - Said Zelliria - But hey, can’t stay mad forever.

- What do you mean? - Asked Rhys.

- All people have differences - Said Zelliria - And most times we have to live with them.

- So? - Rhys hadn’t got the full picture yet.

- What I’m saying is that me getting mad at you over something isn’t that big of deal - Said Zelliria as she moved her arm over Rhys’ shoulder - And Hey, It’s not like we have better reasons to stay together than to stay mad at each other don’t we.

Rhys hugged Zelliria, her words comforted and she was very happy to know she was still with her.

- What are you planning to do once this is over? - Asked Zelliria.

- We came to this city for you to tell us where that temple in the mountains is - Said Rhys - I guess once you tell us we’ll have to leave - Rhys was sad about having to do so, and it was clear in her voice.

- Maybe I should go with you - Said Zelliria - If the Inquisitor won’t give us the map you’ll need a guide.

Rhys lightened up as she heard Zelliria’s words.

- Really? - She asked - That would be great!

Ann and Amelie where in the midst of an awkward silence, the only sound in the big abandoned hallway of the old vildberg state was the singing of a bird.

- So... - Ann broke the silence - What are you planning to do once we lend you over to the inquisitors.

- Capture all of you of course - Said Amelie Sarcastically.

Ann didn’t quite get the sarcasm and got visibly worried.

- Just joking - Said Amelie - I’ll give you some time to get out.

- Uf, thank you - Said Ann.

- You know, I think it I should thank you too - Said Amelie - It’s a bit embarrassing to thank one’s captor but you treated me with kindness and respect, even more than some of my men.

Amelie’s words made Ann a bit sad, how lonely was this woman that she perceived Ann’s treatment as kind or how bad were Zelliria’s tortures that she felt like her treatment was kind, she knew she was evil but she didn’t thought anyone deserved to be tortured or be so lonely.
- That’s why you should get friends - Said Ann awkwardly.

- Maybe I should take your advice Golbreisk - Said Amelie.

- Please don’t call me like that - Said Ann.

- You’re too humble to be knight lady - Said Amelie - Maybe more knights should be like you.

- Can I ask you something inquisitor? - Asked Ann.

- Sure - Said Amelie.

- Now that you know how bad it is to be tied up and tortured... - Ann made a pause, she wasn’t sure of what she should expect from the inquisitor’s reaction - Will you change your methods.

- Not at all - Said Amelie - If anything, knowing that she’s willing to do such things to me just makes me want to do them to her her more.

- But... - Ann wasn’t sure of how to word her thoughts - Don’t you think that not everyone is like her.

- You know Ann - Amelie sighed.
- What is it?
- I kind of liked you - Said Amelie a bit embarrassed - So don’t ruin that impression I got of you by antagonizing me okay?
- Fine - Ann sighed.
Although Ann wanted to explain that she wasn’t really antagonizing her and that she genuinely believed that she needed to change she wasn’t willing to risk her good terms with the inquisitor for something that may end up with her captured.

Zelliria and Rhys were idle chatting on the roof calmly as the midday sunlight embraced them.

- Wanna know something about this place Rhys? - Asked Zelliria.
Rhys nodded.

- It was from a friend of mine - Said Zelliria - She and I used to spend days here.

- And what happened?

- You wouldn’t believe it.

- You would be surprised.

- So you really want to know? - Zelliria teased.

Rhys nodded in agreement once again.

- Then I’ll tell you - Zelliria made a pause - Dark elves assaulted the place one night.

Rhys was already intrigued by the story, it was normal for a regular elf like her to be fearful of dark elves, but somehow she had always find them strangely alluring.

- The elves pillaged the house, looking for something and they found us, me and my friend - Zelliria made a dramatic pause.

- And what happened? - Asked Rhys eager to know more.

- My friend was too much of a coward, she surrendered and begged for mercy - Zelliria made a pause and laid her hand on her chest - But me, I stood up and fight.

- And then? - Rhys was impatient.

- I got my ass beaten of course - Said Zelliria as she chuckled - Back then I was a young girl with no fighting experience.
- Then how did you survived?

- Well turns out we weren’t the elves objective - Said Zelliria - So they only left us tied up.

- How? - Asked Rhys almost instinctively.

- Of course you want to know that - Said Zelliria.

Rhys blushed, it seemed like she wasn’t even hiding it anymore.

To Rhys’ surprise Zelliria pushed Rhys to her back and got on top of her, now Rhys was even more red than before.

- Let me use you as an example - Said Zelliria as she took off her belt.

Rhys was as blushed as she was thrilled ans she was red as a tomato.

- They told us to roll over and put our hands on our backs - Said Zelliria.

Rhys immediately did what Zelliria said and crossed her wrists behind her back, Zelliria then tied her hands crossed with her belt.

- They tied our hands behind our backs - She whispered into Rhys ear.

- And... Then...? - Asked Rhys with trouble because of how much she was shaking.

- They tied our legs - Zelliria whispered in Rhys’ ear.

Zelliria had ran out of improvised bondage materials so she just grabbed Rhys’ legs by her thighs with a strong grip.

- Then - Zelliria made a pause to strengthen her grip and get closer to Rhys’ face - They gagged us.

Zelliria stuffed Rhys’ mouth with one of her gloves which she welcomed.

- Hghph? - Rhys wanted to ask what happened next but she couldn’t get any words out of her mouth.

- And then...

- What are you doing? - Asked Ann, who apparently had gotten to the roof.

Rhys was now embarrassed beyond all known limits, being caught in the middle of this with Zelliria whom Ann had notorious differences was the last thing Rhys wanted to happen. For his part Zelliria had just gotten a bit angry, being interrupted on the middle of the fun by Ann wasn’t at all what she wanted.

- Do I need to explain? - Asked Zelliria as she turned her now tired look at Ann.

- You know - Said Ann - I’d rather not know.

- Good - Said Zelliria - Then you’ll let us continue?

- No - Said Ann - The inquisition is about to arrive, I was counting on you to let me know but it seems you were... busy.

- Fine - Said Zelliria as she untied Rhys’ hands - Let’s get going Rhys, we’ll have fun later.

Rhys got the glove out of her mouth and handed it to Zelliria.

- Sorry Ann - Said Rhys a bit ashamed of what Ann had just seen.

The adventurers got downstairs where the Inquisitor was still sitting in an old chair, through the big torn door of the main hall in which the adventurers were they could see a carriage and some guards approaching.

- Do we have any plan? - Asked Zelliria.

- Yes - Said Ann - Hand her over, get our friends and get out.

- Boring - Said Zelliria.

Ann gave Zelliria a rather angry look.

- Hey I didn’t say it was bad - Said Zelliria excusing herself.

The carriage arrived after a few minutes and stopped in front of the building in what once was a road, the six mounted guards unmounted their horses and took a defensive stance while the two guards that were in the carriage got down to open it’s doors.

- Well... - Said Liel - I guess this is goodbye.

- It is - Said Eyiel

- I’d like you to know that you’ve been very well behaved and kind to me - Said Liel - I wish you luck In whatever you do after this.

- Thank you I guess? - Said Eyiel a bit confused, being thanked by a captor was one the weirdest things that had happened to her.

- Oh - Said Ferine as she squished her cheeks - You were too, I wish you luck too.

- Thank you - Said Liel as she blushed.

A guard opened the door loudly and brought captor and captives back to reality.

- Lady Liel, we have arrived at our destination - Said the guard as he extended his hand to help Liel get out.

Liel got out of the carriage and then the guards forced Eyiel and Ferine out of it, they treated them with a lot of precautions for a pair of bound captives that had shown no resistance.

Ann and Rhys were happy to see their friends again, especially seeing how they were unharmed since after seeing Zelliria’s condition after a night in the inquisition’s headquarters they were worried about what their friend would have to face.

- Here we have your friends outlaws - Said Liel in a very forced tone of authority - Hand over Inquisitor Amelie and we’ll hand over your friends.

Ann was ready to untie Amelie but Zelliria held her shoulder and stopped her.

- They should give them first - Said Zelliria.

- Wait what? - Asked Ann.

- nothing guarantees that if we hand her over they will hand them to us - Said Zelliria.

Ann nodded and then gave a step forward to face the inquisitors.

- Let’s do it at the same time - Said Ann in a commanding tone - Otherwise we’ll have no negotiation.

Liel looked at her guards for advice.

- I’ll take the prisoners to them - Said a guard.

- No - Said Liel - I’ll do it.

- Wait! - Shouted the guard surprised - It’s too dangerous, let me do it!

- It’s dangerous for me but not for you? - Asked Liel.

- It’s dangerous for both of us but I’m expendable - Said the guard - You’re not.

- Who told that to you? - Asked Liel.

- Inquisitor Amelie - Said the guard.

- I’ll not be the lead inquisitor in a few minutes - Said Liel - But the last thing I want to tell you when I am is that nobody is expendable, not to me.

The guard was left perplexed and Liel took a firm step forward, she grabbed both of her captives by her arms and started to walk towards her boss’ captors.

Seeing Liel’s reaction Ann decided to do the same and she helped Amelie get up from the chair and started to walk towards Liel with her.
When both Ann and Liel and her respective captives met said captives changed sides, Ann and Liel nodded at each other and went back to where they were. Liel also left the bag with Ferine and Eyiel’s equipment on the floor for the adventurers to pick up later.
Once Amelie was with her guards Liel untied her hands, Amelie started to stretch her arms and and rub her wrists, so much time tied up was tiring.

- Lady Amelie - Said a guard - Any orders?

- Nah - Said Amelie - Let’s just get back to the city.

- But lady! - Another guard intervened - What about them? - The guard pointed at the adventurers.

- I think we can afford to give them some days of truce - Said Amelie as she scratched her nape.

- But - The same guard said.

- Those were orders - Said Amelie - Prepare the carriage, i want to leave this place.

Liel was about to get back in to the carriage when she remembered something, she got back down and signaled to the adventurers.
- Eyiel Ferine! - Shouted Liel - I forgot to give you the keys of the manacles, I’ll leave them here.

Ferine and Rhys responded by waving her free hands to Liel, turns out Ann had Ferine’s lockpicking tools with her and Ferine had made short work of the manacles lock with them.

- Hehe - Liel awkwardly chuckled - I’ll leave them here anyway.

The adventurers were finally together and very happy about it, as soon as Ferine had her hands free she jumped on Ann to hug her, a hug that was joined by Rhys and finally Eyiel who embraced tho whole group with her strong arms.

- You can come too - Said Eyiel as she saw Zelliria standing alone - No hard feelings.

Zelliria smiled and hugged the group, a long hug that warmed the hearts and relighted the wills of the whole group.

After that the adventurers sat on the floor, smiling from the happiness of being back together.

- So, how was it? - Asked Ferine.

- How was what? - Asked Ann in response.

- Having the inquisitor captive of course - Said Ferine - Please tell me you did to he what she deserves.

- Of course i did - Said Zelliria - But your friend over here didn’t quite liked it.

- Hey! What you were doing to her wasn’t right! - Ann replied.

- Yeah I should have expected that - Said Ferine - Sometimes Ann can be a bit of a killjoy, but you learn to love her.

Ann was a bit offended by Ferine’s comment but didn’t felt like discussing anything, she was too happy to do so and it would only reaffirm Ferine’s accusation.

- Anyway - Said Eyiel - What’s the plan now? I even forgot what we came here for in the first place.

- Me and Rhys were talking about it - Said Zelliria - And it doesn’t seem like we’ll be able to get the map I promised you, so what do you say about me tagging along?

The adventurers thought about it, all of them except Rhys who had already imagined the whole travel with Zelliria with them and especially with her.

- I think it’s our best choice - Said Ann - It’s not like we can find anyone else to guide us.

- Yeah I agree - Added Ferine - And hey, if you wanted to give that inquisitor what she deserved maybe you and I aren’t so different - Said Ferine as she smiled to Zelliria.

- So it seems - Zelliria smiled back.

- I guess you’re coming then - Said Eyiel as she put her and over Zelliria’s shoulder - I hope you know some good songs on that lute of yours, we could definitively use some music to lighten up the mud.

Zelliria already felt welcomed in this group, the impression that she was getting from them now was much different than the one she got from them in the inn.

- Anyway, It’s getting late - Said Ann - Any idea of where we should spend the night?

- Let’s get back to the lighthouse - Said Zelliria.

- The lighthouse? - Said both Ferine and Liel.

- You’ll see - Said Ann.

The adventurers got out of the ruins and started their way through the woods, this time Eyiel and Ferine were mounted since they were the most tired with the other animal being mounted by Rhys and Zelliria and Ann being willingly left to walk.

Since Ferine, Ann and Eyiel had already engaged in conversation and Zelliria was a bit ahead to lead the way Rhys who was riding with her decided to return to the conversation that Ann interrupted beforehand, she knew this time she wouldn’t have any bondage but she was genuinely intrigued by the story.

- So, what happened after those dark elves tied you up - Asked Rhys.

- Well you should know that dark elf bondage is nothing like regular bondage - Said Zelliria - Their techniques are regarded as the very best and are considered an art by many, so you must imagine that they didn’t tie me with some belt.

Zelliria turned her head over her shoulder and saw a blushed Rhys.

- Something tells me you know a thing or two of dark elf bondage - Said Zelliria.

- Yes... - Replied Ferine awkwardly.

- Hehe - Zelliria chuckled - I supposed, but anyway, the elves left us tied up and ransacked the house.

- What were they doing? - Asked Rhys, intrigued.

- They summoned a demon - Said Zelliria as if it was the most normal of things to say.

- Wait What? Really? - Rhys was very surprised, she kid of doubted Zelliria’s words.

- I kid you not - Zelliria’s voice was beginning to sound sacred - I only got a glimpse of it, but that massive four armed, horned shadow couldn’t belong to anything else.

- A glabrezu... - Said Rhys silently.

- So you know what that thing is? - Asked Zelliria who managed to hear Rhys.

- I’m not sure - Said Rhys - It may be what I say, but I would rather not think about it.

- I understand.

- And what happened to your friend? - Asked Rhys.

- Surprisingly she survived the fire - Zelliria changed her tone, she was less smug or scared when talking about this, she sounded, sad - But I never got to see her again, her parents feared they demon had marked her so they gave her away to the inquisition.

- That’s sad - Said Rhys trying to sound supportive.

- I hope I get to see her again - Zelliria looked at the orange sky - Liel.

By the same way they came Zelliria guided the adventurers to the lighthouse where they left the animals downstairs and went upstairs themselves but Eyiel stopped Rhys from going, Rhys was surprised and so were the rest of adventurers, Eyiel signaled them to go away which they did but both Ann and Ferine signaled that they’ll keep an eye on her.

- What’s the matter? - Asked Rhys.

- I wanted to tell you something - Said Eyiel, her tone was different from her usual inexpressive stoic tone, she sounded caring and showed feeling in her words.

- What is it? - Asked Rhys a bit intrigued.

- I want to apologize for what I did to you that night - Eyiel gently grabbed Rhys by the shoulders - What I did was bad and I’m very sorry about it.

- Oh don’t worry...

- I do worry Rhys - Eyiel interrupted - I worry about you - She hugged Rhys.

Rhys hugged Eyiel back.

- I worry about you too - Said Rhys warmly.

The two adventurers finished their hug and git ready to go upstairs but before Eyiel opened the trapdoor that lead to the upper floor she stopped Rhys.

- Please promise me you wont tell this to the others - The amazon pleaded with her hands together.

- Don’t Worry, I wont - It was quite funny to see Eyiel supplicate in such manner.

Eyiel and Rhys went upstairs and were met by the rest of adventurers cooking something in the fireplace.

- Hello there - Said Ferine - What took you so long?

- Nothing - Said Eyiel awkwardly as she scratched her nape.

- Okay - Said Ferine, clearly knowing more than she lead to.

After a plentiful meal and some idle chatting the adventurers went to sleep, or at least most of them.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 20: A Deal With Not Quite The Devil

2O chapters so far! I'd like to thank all of the people who had been reading this story and commenting on the posts, you really keep it going. Again, if you feel like giving any criticism or a comment about the characters or story feel free to do so, I appreciate it.

Ann, Eyiel, Rhys and Ferine had to make their best effort to explain why they were doing guards despite being in a hidden location in one the safest kingdoms of the continent that didn’t involved explaining that time they were captured by a bunch of goblins but eventually Zelliria gave in, maybe because she was tired, maybe because she was convinced by the adventurer’s reasons.

The first watch was being done by Ann and Rhys. Eyiel and Ferine were left to sleep because they had spent last night chained in a dungeon cell which had left them very tired and Zelliria was left to sleep in order not to have her asking about the reason for the meticulous watches.
Ann and Rhys waited calmly as time passed by. The night was calm with clear skies and a bright moon, much different than last night which had been windy and cold.

Suddenly Rhys, who was looking out the window while Ann got out of her armor, signaled Ann to look out the window with her index finger against her lips signaling her to remain silent.

Just where the treeline ended and the lighthouse’s clear started there was a mounted knight, he was riding a black horse and was cladded in dark plate armor, his tabard had the already recognizable symbol of the inquisitors.

- Who is he? - Whispered Rhys.

- No idea - Ann replied - But he seems to be from the inquisition.

- What should we do? - Asked Rhys nervously - How did he find us?

- I have no idea how he found us - Said Ann - But don’t alert the others.

- Then what? - Rhys was getting even more nervous.

- Let me handle it - Said Ann - If you see anything weird, be ready to blow him up.

Rhys nodded and Ann went downstairs. As Ann opened the door to get out of the lighthouse she faced the mounted knight, there was no fear in her eyes but she wasn’t completely unscared.

- Lady Ann - Said the knight, whose voice echoed in his helm.

- What brings you here inquisitor? - Asked Ann seriously - I thought we were at peace.

- We are - Said the guard - But Inquisitor Amelie still wants to talk with you.

- What does she want to talk about? - Asked Ann, who already had some idea about it.

- You’ll have to come with me to know - Said the knight - I’m not allowed to say that neither do I know it.

- Ugh - Ann wasn’t happy about being taken back to the inquisitor - Will I be brought back here?

- She... - The guard stuttered - She didn’t told me.

- I see - Said Ann - At least can I tell my friends about it?

The knight looked around, as if he was suspect of the trees.

- Sure - Said the guard as he nodded.

Ann went back inside and went upstairs with Rhys.

- What happened? Who is he? - Asked Rhys as soon as Ann got back.

- I don’t know neither... - Said Ann - But I’ll have to go with him.

- What? Why? - Asked Rhys surprised.

- I fear something about me is at risk - Said Ann - But don’t worry, everything will be okay - She tried to calm Rhys down.
- Are you in danger? - Asked Rhys.

- No - Said Ann - Or at least not directly.

- Will you return?

- If I don’t do so by dawn - Ann made a pause - Get going without me.

Rhys was to surprised to reply.

- But don’t worry, that wont happen! - Said Ann before she left the room.

Once Again Ann got by the knight and looked up to him seriously.

- Are you ready lady Ann? - Asked the knight.

- I am - Ann replied.

The knight then grabbed a pair of manacles from his belt and extended them to Ann.

- Is this really necessary? - Asked Ann who didn’t wanted to get tied up under any circumstance.

- Orders - Was the only thing the guard replied.

Ann snorted and took the manacles from the knight and applied them to herself, tying her hands in front of her in the process.
- Is that good enough? - Asked Ann a bit angrily.

- Sure.

The knight then helped Ann to get on the horse which she couldn’t do by herself with her hands manacled, she didn’t liked being helped by her captor one bit but it wasn’t like she had a choice.

- Will you tell me why the inquisitor wants to talk with me or you will remain silent the whole way? - Asked Ann to the knight as his steed began to catch speed.

- Lady I have permission to gag you - Said the knight - And I’ll have to so if you keep talking.

- Fine - Said Ann, who not wanting to be gagged.

The rest of the way was as silent as a funeral, the accompanying sound being that of the horse’s gallop.

Ann arrived to the city which streets were nearly empty at night, good she thought, it would save her the shame of being seen tied up in public. The knight took Ann to the inquisitor’s headquarters fortresses, it’s gate was opened for them to enter and Ann was helped to get to the floor once again by her captor.

While the present guards gave interested looks to the situation which made Ann quite ashamed, her captor took her to the inquisitor’s office, he opened it’s door and signaled Ann to enter, she obeyed and once she was in the doors were closed behind her, now only she and the inquisitor were in the room.

The inquisitor’s office was the nicest room of the building, it was pained in white, it’s floor had red carpet which made it not so cold, a desk stood between Ann and Amelie and fine candles illuminated the room.

- Ann, good to see you - Said Amelie.

- Good to see you too I guess - Ann replied.

The inquisitor got up and started to encircle Ann, she examined her like if she was a fine specimen of something exotic and she even caressed some parts of her body as she did it.

- What are you doing? - Asked Ann as she moved away from the inquisitor.

- Contemplating you - Said Amelie - Tell me Ann, how does it feel to be on the other side?

- You really made me come here to tie me up ad tease me? - Asked Ann offended by the inquisitor’s treatment.

- Well no but I would want to know how you feel about this - Said Amelie - You don’t seem experienced on the loosing end of the ropes.
- Please don’t make me waste my time - Said Ann - If you really want to tie someone up I’m not the girl you’re looking for.

- Oh you are the girl I’m looking for Ann - Said Amelie as she got her face close to Ann’s - I want to tie YOU up.

- So you really made me come here to play with me - Said Ann - Wonderful.

- Actually no but I would’ve liked to! - Said Amelie as she changed her tone to angrier one - But it seems you’re not willing to play along.

- Of course I’m not playing with you - Said Ann as she backed out - This is no game for me.

- Shame - Said Amelie - Then take a seat, let’s talk about the boring part.

Ann sat on one the chairs that were by the desk and Amelie sat on the other, her’s was visibly more comfortable.

Amelie got something from one of the desk’s drawers, it was an old scroll but Ann didn’t got a clear picture of what was drawn on it, that was until Amelie laid it open in the middle of the table for them to see, it was a map.

- Is this what I think it is? - Asked Ann as she got her shackled hands on the table.

- If by that you mean the map that leads to the temple of Belegoch - Amelie said as she played with a quill - You’d be right - She marked a point in the map.

- Don’t tell me more - Ann was quick to respond - You want me to do something in exchange for it right?

- Don’t get ahead of yourself dear - Said Amelie - Why don’t you tell me why you’re going to that temple first?

- Do I really have a choice? - Ann asked rhetorically as she idly tugged her manacles to remind Amelie of her position.

- No - Said Amelie bluntly.

Ann sighed, she really didn’t liked to be in this situation but she knew how worse it could get if she didn’t cooperated.

- Fine - Said Ann - We found about the place after reading about it in an old book that we find in a dragon’s lair.

- So you just learned that it existed and wanted to go there? - Asked Amelie sarcastically.

- We wanted to go for different reasons - Ann made a pause, she didn’t wanted to give details about her friends and put them at risk - I wanted to go because a lost family relic may be there.

- And I hope you realize that it is your place it that family what is at stake here - Said Amelie - I doubt they would want you meddling with a lost relic if they knew what you did.

- What do you want from me Inquisitor? - Asked Ann, tired of Amelie’s games.

- I want too something from that place - Amelie got up and leaned on the desk to get closer to Ann - And you will bring it to me.
- I guess I have no choice - Said Ann - What do you want then?

- Good to see that you’ve acknowledged your place - Said Amelie pleased by Ann’s response - But before I tell you that, I’d like to show you who I have appointed to supervise your mission.

- So you don’t trust me? - Asked Ann a bit offended - Don’t you think I have enough to lose in this deal?
- You do - Said Amelie - But you never know.

Amelie opened the room’s door and signaled Ann to accompany her so Ann got up and do as she was ordered. Amelie grabbed Ann by her manacles chain and guided her through the fortresses hallways.

- Where are you taking me to? - Asked Ann.

- To somewhere you have been - Replied Amelie as she stopped before a big black door - Remember this place?

Rapidly enough Ann remembered what this place was, the entrance to the inquisitor’s dungeon.

Amelie opened the door and then the trapdoor to then lead Ann down the stairs to the dungeon itself. Without having to worry of any golem Ann was able to take a more careful look at the room, to the chains that hanged from the walls and the manacles that were attached to them, beds, chairs and platforms with manacles and leather straps attached stood against the walls of the room accompanied by tables filled by ropes manacles and more and the center piece of the room was still was still the X cross, in which a familiar figure was currently tied to.
The half naked woman in the x cross was tied in the same way Ann had seen Zelliria tied, arms and legs extended tied at the ankles, knees, elbows and wrists and had been ballgagged and blindfolded with a leather mask, so Ann couldn’t quite make her face out.

- Ann, I present to you lady Liel - Said Amelie as she extended her hand towards her prisoner.

- I see you treat your companions with a lot of love don’t you? - Asked Ann sarcastically.

- In some way it is love - Said Amelie as she gave light smacks to Liel’s abdomen - Tough love.

- Sure - Said Ann - Truly lovely.

- What matters about her is that this is the woman that will accompany you to the temple - Said Amelie.

- Shouldn’t you get her out of that then - Said Ann as she tried to point at Liel.

- Not yet - Said Amelie - She still has a long night of learning ahead.

- Then how is she supposed to come with us?

- You’ll find her in the Tiny Shark, a small inn in the outskirts of the city - Said Amelie - You’ll pass by it on your way out of here.

- Understood.

Amelie got close to Liel’s ear.

- I’ll let you have a look at her face but it will be brief, so don’t forget it - Amelie whispered to her prisoner.

Then Amelie removed Liel’s blindfold, the prisoner got a brief glimpse of Ann’s face and recognized her as Ferine’s friend, but her blindfold was quickly put back on.

- When you meet her there she’ll tell you everything you need to know to succeed in your mission - Amelie paused and turned to Liel - And she’ll make sure you do so - She said with a threatening tone.

Then Amelie dragged Ann to the dungeon’s exit by her manacles but she stopped before getting out of the room.

- Ann... - The Inquisitor was a bit ashamed of what she was about to say.

- Make it quick inquisitor - Said Ann - I may be here to do your bidding but I still don’t want to waste time.

- Would you like to stay for a while? - Amelie asked - I don’t mean it for work, just for... you know, fun.

Ann was taken aback by the inquisitor’s words, she may have felt bad for her when she saw her tortured by Zelliria but the fact that she was a horrible woman never left her mind and now that she had seen what she did even to her companions she had this even clearer.

- I have no intent of having “fun” with someone like you - Said Ann - You’re a horrible woman and I’d never...

Ann was cut by a swift smack to the face, her round pale cheek was left red because of the painful hit.

- Apologize at once - Said Amelie.

- I meant all of what I said - Ann replied - I won’t apologize for anything.

- We’ll see about it - said Amelie.

Once again Ann was dragged down to the dungeon, this time rapidly and violently and once she was on the room Amelie threw her to the floor and she fell down to it.

- Nothing that you can do now will change what I think Amelie! - Shouted Ann.

Amelie did her best to ignore Ann’s words as damaging as they were and just grabbed some lengths of rope from one of the room’s tables.
Amelie then got by Ann and pushed her pinning her to the floor.

- Listen Ann - Said Amelie with contained anger - I really don’t want to hurt, but you still have time to surrender, so I shouldn’t have to do so.
- Quit your blackmailing Amelie - Said Ann - if you want to force me into submission keep threatening my family, you’ll get nothing out of threatening me.

- We’ll see about that - Said Amelie - But since I genuinely don’t want you trying anything stupid once I remove your manacles, I’ll remind you that there’s no place in the Golbreisks for someone who attacks an inquisitor.

Ann ceased her struggles, she had her hands uncuffed and offered no resistance to them being tied with rope behind her back, crossed above elbow height.

- You can resume your struggling now - Said Amelie - I love it.

Ann didn’t responded and had her arms secured to her chest above and below her breasts and over her shoulders, with Amelie securing the restraints under Ann’s arms. Amelie finished her ropework by tying Ann’s knees together above which would make it quite difficult for her to walk.

It was the first time Ann had been tied up in this manner, until now only Rhys, that she knew of, had been tied in such a strict way. Ann didn’t liked it, the ropes pressed against her body more than she liked to and being at the mercy of the inquisitor was worse than being at the goblin’s.

- Do you like it? - Asked Amelie.

- Not one bit - Said Ann as she tried to struggle.

- Good - Replied Amelie sadistically.

Amelie got to one table and returned with something, Ann didn’t knew what it was until she felt something soft being put around her neck and buckled around it, she had just been put on a collar.

- Get up Ann - Said Amelie as se tugged the leash.

Ann grunted but was forced to comply and got up with difficulty.

- Good girl! - Amelie cheered.

Ann gave Amelie a defiant look but she could only be so defiant when she was tied up and being carried around in a leash like a dog.
- Now to the last part - Said Amelie as she approached Ann with a ballgag in her hand - But keep in mind Ann, you can still agree to stay here for a while and...

- I wont! - Replied Ann defiantly, succumbing to the inquisitor’s torture would be admitting defeat.

- I see - Said Amelie - Hopefully one day...

Ann was the ballgagged, it was her first time being gagged and she absolutely hated it, the gag made her drool and her jaw ached just a few minutes after wearing it, she imagined herself in the gag based on how she remembered Rhys with one of the same type, she must have looked ridiculous.

- Let’s get going dear - Said Amelie - I’m sure your friends miss you.

Ann was surprised but the surprise wasn’t of the good type, was Amelie actually going to take her out in her state for all of the personal in the fortresses to see? It seemed like it and Ann didn’t liked it one bit.

The inquisitor pulled from Ann’s leash and forced her to start walking out of the dungeon and Ann had to reluctantly obey. Her knee bindings made it hard to walk and even harder to walk up the stairs but she managed to do so.

- Last chance Ann - Said Amelie before opening the door to get out of the dungeon.

This time Ann was actually considering, the humiliation she was about to face would be the greatest she had ever been subjected to. Being dragged around in a leash while strictly tied up was the last thing she wanted. But her will was stronger.

- Mpgh - Ann tried to say no as she shook her head.

Amelie didn’t respond but her angered face said everything. Amelie dragged Ann out of the dungeon through the fortresses hallways which got her quite a few looks from passing guards, this wasn’t a common scene to see.

Ann was finally left in the fortresses bailey where Amelie tied her leash to a stake. Ann wanted to draw the Inquisitor’s attention, she couldn’t be left here, but the moaning that would come out of her mouth would do nothing more than draw unwanted attention from the few guards that were not looking at her.

As Amelie talked with a group of guards near a stable a familiar face laid eyes on Ann, it was Fulk. He and Ann shared an uncomfortable look, for Ann being seen by her old friend in this state was even worse than being seen by the dozens of guards that had already seen her, she ad always projected an image of strength, virtue and prowess to Fulk and now he was seeing utterly defenseless, tied up, gagged and humiliated. For Fulk seeing Ann like that was strange to say the least, he was worried, he didn’t knew what will be of her and even worse, he knew that he couldn’t do anything about it. But somehow, Fulk found the scene of her tied up friend strangely alluring, he felt guilty about that, he was sure that Ann felt really bad about it but he couldn’t help it, the way the ropes highlighted Ann’s most gorgeous features made it nearly impossible for Fulk not to feel something other than anger and sadness. He had never imagined Ann being the one tied up before this point but now he only hoped that he had seen her like this in a better situation.

- What are you looking at? - Asked Amelie as she got back to Ann - Do you want to end up like her?

The guards were quick to return to their matters, even Fulk who couldn’t stop looking at Ann knew that Amelie wouldn’t doubt in putting him her situation.

- We’re taking you back with your friends - Said Amelie.

Ann couldn’t believe it, was Amelie really going to force her walk all the way to the lighthouse like this?

- I may be harsh with you but I know you have an image to upkeep - Said Amelie - You can’t be seen being tied up and gagged by rabble for both your sake and mine.

Ann gave a muffled sigh of relief, maybe she was going to be untied after all.

- But nobody will recognize under this - Amelie pulled a big leather mask from behind her back.

- Hmphgg!? - Ann was unbelieving.

- So I hope you’re ready for a long walk in the darkness! - Amelie said as she pressed the leather mask against Ann’s face.

Ann was submerged in total darkness, nothing got through her blindfold and with it being securely buckled behind her head Ann had no hopes of getting it out.

- Let’s get going men! - Amelie commanded.

Amelie as well as two well armed guards mounted on horses and moved out of the fortresses, Ann’s leash was being dragged by Amelie so the horses had to keep a very slow pace otherwise Ann wouldn’t be able to keep up.

Fulk managed to get a brief glimpse of the bound Ann before she was dragged out of his sight, he felt so bad for her and even worse for him, how could he be so submissive before the inquisitor that he feared to do what he though to be right and even worse, how could he find Ann’s miserable situation as alluring.

Ann’s way through the city was gruelingly painful, she couldn’t stop for a second otherwise she would fall and she was about to do so in may instances which got quite some laughs form the inquisitor, she had to trust Amelie to push the leash in the right direction because she couldn’t see anything through her blindfold, her pace was slow and exhausting since her knees were tied up and her mind was filled with images of people watching and mocking her. This was without a doubt the worst humiliation she had endured.

The walk through the city farms and forests was even worse, Amelie did every sort of torture, tease and humiliation that she could come up with, she spurred her horse to make Ann fall down, she made the animal speed up for some seconds to force her captive to try to run with her knees tied together and not to mention that the way through the narrow paths in the forest while tied up and blindfolded were a torture on itself.

Finally Amelie and her guards arrived to the abandoned lighthouse. There Rhys had been growing ever more nervous because of how much it was taking Ann to come back but seeing the horses outside was more reliving than scary, even if her friend was being dragged tied up behind them.

Rhys ran downstairs and outside to meet the inquisitors with little regard for their intentions, at the moment she was just glad that Ann had returned.

- Ann! - Rhys shouted as she stopped before the inquisitors.

- Hello Rhys - Said Amelie.

Rhys backed down, the inquisitor was ten times more scary and intimidating when she was not tied up and mounted a horse in the middle of the night.

- Don’t worry I’m not here for you or your friends - Said Amelie - I just want to her back to you.

Amelie tugged the leash with strength, Ann was forced to move forward but she couldn’t keep her balance and fell down to the floor, giving a muffled grunt of pain in response.

- Oops - Amelie said playfully - Sorry about that.

Rhys rushed to help her friend, she seemed okay and unharmed, just tied up extremely strictly and somewhat dirty after the whole way.
- How did you find us? - Asked Rhys, getting serious.

- Heh - Amelie chuckled - Next time tell Zelliria that she shouldn’t remove the blindfold of her captives when she’s trying to hide where they are.

Rhys started rolled over Ann to start to work on her arms and was surprised to see how far Amelie had gone with the restraints.
- But don’t worry, I’m not planning on coming back - Amelie turned back her steed and started moving away - Have fun!
Amelie and her guards exited the scene and Rhys started to work on Ann’s arms with little result, she was struggling to find every knot in the whole ropework.

- Mphggg! - Ann drew Rhys’ attention.

Rhys got the cue and helped Ann to sit down and unbuckled her ballgag. Ann took a deep breath as Rhys removed her blindfold.
- Thanks Rhys - Said Ann as she worked on her ached jaw and adjusted her eyes to the minimum light of the night.
- Are you okay Ann? - Asked Rhys notoriously worried - Did they do something to you?

- I’m okay - Said Ann as she struggled - They didn’t do nothing to me except, you know, this - She looked down at her body in embarrassment.

- Don’t worry, let me take care of this - Said Rhys as she got behind Ann and started to work on the knots once again.

- Rhys... - Said Ann as she blushed.

- Yes?

- Can you please keep this secret? - Asked Ann embarrassed, not only she didn’t wanted her friends to know about her deal with the inquisitor but she neither wanted them to know that Amelie had done this to her.

- Sure - Replied Rhys - Can I ask you something too?

- Yes.

- Can I keep this stuff - Said Rhys as embarrassed as Ann - Like, the rope, the gag and the blindfold?

- Uh... - It took sometime for Ann to realize why Rhys would want such things - Sure you can, just make sure to use them in the right situations.

Rhys finished to untie Ann and they went upstairs to sleep, it was already time to change turns in the watch and now Eyiel and Ferine would be doing it. Ann didn’t tell anything about what happened, Rhys remained true to her promise and remained silent about it too.

Ann had some trouble sleeping, she had a lot of explaining to do and wasn’t sure how to do it but she trusted herself to come up with a solution eventually.

The adventurers had a long way ahead of them, their real adventure was only about to begin.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Great continuation as always! Keep up the good work!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 21: Back on the Path

Zelliria, who was the last to perform a guard, woke up the adventurers to a warm sunny day, they have slept until very late but now they were ready to start their journey.

After having breakfast the adventurers went to the lighthouse’s lower floor that served as a stable and find something new, a brown fully equipped horse stood among the two horses and a note hanged from it’s saddle.

“courtesy of your patron”

- Is someone supporting us in this? - Asked Zelliria

- I wish - Replied Eyiel.

- Actually Eyiel, if you hadn’t fallen asleep you would know who brought us this - Said Ferine as she petted the animal.

- Uh... - Eyiel didn’t knew how to defend from that, Ferine was actually right so there wasn’t much she could say - Who was it then?

- Someone who seems to like Ann very much - Replied Ferine as she looked to Ann.

Ann gulped, she was afraid her whole ordeal with the inquisitor had something to do with this.

- And he is...? - Ann asked, hiding her worries.

- Fulk of course - Replied Ferine - Who else could be?

Ann as relieved to know that her deal with Amelie was still somewhat secret.

- Did he say anything when he came? - Asked Ann.

- Not too much, he just asked how were you doing, and I told him you were sleeping so he just went away - Responded Ferine.

Ann sighed, even if this had something to do with the inquisitor her secret was still safe.

- Well thanks to him none of us will have to walk so I guess he helped us - Said Ann.

- Let’s get going then, we slept so much that we don’t have much time until sunset - Said Ann.

The adventurers started their way, first through the forests and the through the countryside, it was calm and gave them sometime to bond together since they didn’t had the threat to worry about.

Ann was thinking about the inquisitor’s words last night, she had to make sure they stopped at that inn she told her about otherwise her place in her family would be none.

Ann also had to think about how to convince her friends to join Liel to the group, she knew that she had to if she wanted not only to conserve her place in her family but also to get all the help that the map would bring them.

As the adventurers made their way through the fringes of the countryside’s farmland they became able to see a seaside Inn just were the farmland turned into woods, that was surely the place Amelie had told Ann about.

It didn’t took much for Ann to convince that staying the night there would be much better than having to camp on the woods or some farmer’s land, and although Zelliria was a bit hesitant about spending money she was more so about sleeping in the wild.

When the adventurers entered the place they were met by the recognizable scent of cooked fish and vegetables, which whetted the appetite of all of the adventurers, who hadn’t eaten anything since the morning.

It was decided that Ann would order the food and that she would have no alcohol seeing how it affected her last time.

- Excuse me lady - Asked the man on the bar after Ann had ordered the food - Are you by any chance Ann Golbrei...

Ann pressed her hand against the barman’s mouth and signaled the him to shut up, the last thing she wanted was for all of the people in the place to know from which family she was.

- What the hell? - Said the barman as he got Ann’s hand out of his face.

- Yes I am - Ann whispered to him - But please don’t tell anyone.

- Uh... Sure - Replied the barman confused.

- Why do you ask - Asked Ann.

- You see, this morning someone reserved a room for you - Replied the barman - It’s room 3 upstairs, it seems you have some sort of admirer.

Ann chuckled nervously, this must be the inquisitor’s plan she thought to herself.

Once the adventurers were eating at their table Ann decided to tell her friend about what was happening, or at least tell as much as she could without creating suspicions or enmities.

- Girls - Ann drew the party’s attention - It seems someone reserved a room for me.

- Let me guess, it was Fulk - Teased Ferine.

- Actually I don’t know - Replied Ann - But I think I’ll take advantage of whoever did it, it’s a free room after all.

Her friends looked at Ann judgmentally, they were not very happy about she getting things by free.

- Well I’ll pay for the food - Replied Ann trying to calm her friends, it seemed to work.

- And Ann - Said Eyiel before taking a bite of a chunk of meat - Any idea of why someone would do that?

- Not at all actually - Ann lied.

- Could it be a trap? - Asked Zelliria - An unknown someone buys her a room that she’s sure to take, sounds like a perfect trap to me.

- Uh I don’t think so... - Ann tried to keep her friends from investigating.

- She does have a point though - Said Ferine - Don’t you think we should investigate Ann?

- Uh... Sure - Replied Ann nervously - Let’s finish eating first though.

Ann’s nervousness was being noted by her friends and Rhys had become incredibly suspicious about what had happened to her when the inquisitor took her last night, it surely had to do something with this he thought.

The adventurers finished their food and asked for some rooms, the rooms had two beds so the only one of them sleeping alone would be Ann since the barman told them that the other bed in her room would be occupied by someone else who he refused to tell the name of, making things even more suspicious.

- I think we all agree that we should inspect that room - Said Ferine as they walked upstairs - This whole thing is very shady.
- Sure... - Replied Ann, she couldn’t prevent her friends from inspecting further.

The adventurers got to room’s 3 door, Ann had been given the key to it so it was her opening or Eyiel busting in. Ann opened the door and she and her friends were met by quite a scene.

A familiar woman was tied to a chair in the middle of the room, she was also gagged which made whatever she wanted to say to the adventurers muffled and unintelligible.

Ropes ran above and below her breast, pinning her arms to her sides and securing her back to the chair, his hands were behind her back, surely bound together, rope also pinned her lap to the chair’s seat and it seemed that whatever his wrist restraints were they were attached to her ankle restraint which bind them together and apparently prevented her from touching the floor. Her gag was a cloth over her mouth but the most experienced in the group, them being Rhys, Zelliria and Ferine, knew that there surely was something more to it, a mere cloth over the mouth wouldn’t be enough to silence anyone otherwise she was just being melodramatic.

The adventurers looked at each other confused and Rhys was the first to jump to action and close the door behind them, being find with a bound woman in some inn wasn’t the optics she or her friends wanted. Eyiel jumped to action to but instead of untying or at least ungaging this woman she inspected the room, she jumped to the floor to look under the beds and out the window to see if someone was lurking outside, but no one was anywhere, the room just seemed normal.

- Everything is right - Said Eyiel as she went back to the group - Everything but her - She looked at the bound woman.

- Mphgh - The bound woman tried to say something but her gag was preventing her. She was visibly blushed and looked down out of shame.

- Eyiel don’t you realize who this is? - Said Ferine as she moved behind the tied up woman, she then grabbed her by her cheeks, squished them tightly, and forced her to look up at the rest of the group - This is Liel! Our favourite inquisitor isn’t she?

Once it was pointed out by Ferine it was easy for Eyiel to notice that she was indeed Liel, but before she could say anything Zelliria jumped to action.

- Liel!? - Shouted Zelliria as she got in front of her bound old friend, she crouched in front of her to look her in the eyes and removed her gag.
Liel spitted a cloth after having the other piece of cloth removed from over her mouth, confirming some of the adventurer’s suspicions about the gag.

- Zelliria? - Asked Liel in response.

As Zelliria saw Liel’s face free of the gag she was overrun by the memories her had with her, she suddenly realized how much she had missed her and couldn’t contain her desire to hug her, but Liel couldn’t hug back, she was still tied up.

- You two know each other? - Asked Ferine as she saw the scene unfold - The world is small isn’t it?

- What happened to you? - Asked Zelliria as she finished her hug and just grabbed Liel by the shoulders.

- You mean now or in all those years we haven’t seen? - Asked Liel playfully.

- I’d like to know both actually - Replied Zelliria.

- So what about how you got yourself in the situation - Zelliria said as she pointed at Liel’s bound body.

Liel blushed a bit as she remembered in what situation she was, tied up and not only with an old friend but also with two woman that she didn’t really knew were her former prisoners, and were in a similar position, not so long ago, not to mention the two woman that held her boss captive not so long ago too.

- Can you untie me first? - Asked Liel awkwardly.

- Sure - Said Zelliria.

- Wait wait - Eyiel interrupted - I think she can stand it a bit more and tell us while she’s roped over there.

- Why? - Asked Zelliria - Are you really suspect of her?

- Not really but... - Eyiel chuckled a bit, she found the reversal of roles quite funny - But don’t tell me she can’t handle it.

Zelliria was ready to confront Eyiel on her stance, she had just met with an old friend and this amazon wanted her to leave her tied up, no way she was allowing that.

- Wait Zelliria - Liel stopped her friend - I understand her.

- Wait what? - Zelliria didn’t get it.

- I’ll just tell you what you want to know, you can untie me later - Liel said before winking to Eyiel.

Eyiel was happy to see the roles from yesterday reversed, she had no real problem with Liel, she just wanted to get some idle vengeance on her. Ferine would’ve defended Liel but she noticed Liel’s compliance, and it wasn’t like she disliked to see Liel tightly tied to a chair.

Zelliria sighed and got back in front of Liel to start her questioning.

- Well, how about you tell us how you got here in the first place? - Asked Zelliria.

Liel looked at Ann, she wanted to know if she could tell anything about what happened yesterday. Ann’s response was to shook her head frantically but stealthy, under any circumstance she wanted her friends knowing anything about what happened yesterday. Liel got the cue and thought her next words more carefully.

- Well... My boss wanted me to give you... something... - Liel was unsure about how to say what actually happened without incriminating Ann.

- Your boss Amelie? - Asked Ferine - What does she want you to give us, an enraged rope golem?

- Yeah I don’t trust her to give us anything either - Said Zelliria - But I’m sure you wouldn't obey her in bad faith.

Ferine and Eyiel chuckled a bit, from what they have gotten to know Liel was really hesitant about taking the initiative and confronting Amelie.

- She wanted me to give you your map Zelliria - Liel made a pause - But asked for something in exchange.

- It must really be important if she’s willing to give us something like that - Replied Zelliria - So what does she want?

- She wants something from that temple you’re going - Said Liel - And she sent me to make sure you bring it to her.

- She must trust you a lot to assign you that task - Said Zelliria.

- That still doesn’t explain why she left you tied up - Said Ferine.

- Well she doesn’t trust me that much... - Replied Liel shyly.

Liel had been left like that not only because Amelie feared that she would run away, actually that was the least of her concerns because she knew how obedient she was. The real reason Amelie had left Liel tied up was as an ending to her long punishment for the actions she took actions while she was in command of the inquisition, but there was no way Liel would tell anyone what Amelie had done to her.

- And surely there’s something for you to get out of this - Said Eyiel.

- Well yes - Replied Liel - But i think we all can gain something about what’s in for me.

- What did she offered? - Asked Zelliria - She told me that she’ll make me lead inquisitor if I give her what she wants.

Ferine and Zelliria looked at each other, they both knew the Inquisitor an d to some degree knew Liel, without word they realized that they thought the same.

- I think you’ll be a better inquisitor than her - Said Zelliria.

- Definitely - Added Ferine - But it isn’t like the bar is too high.

- I know - Replied Zelliria - But I think we all can agree that her goals are compatible with ours, plus, an extra help would be useful on our way to the temple.

- I agree - Said Ferine - I’m eager to have her with us - She scratched Liel’s hair playfully.

- I agree too! - Said Ann trying to get out of the explanation phase as soon as possible.

- I guess I agree too - Said Eyiel.

Rhys was a bit doubtful about this woman, not because she had actual reasons to but because for the first time since very long ago she felt jealous. Until now Rhys had gotten the attention of both Ferine and more importantly Zelliria and now this inquisitor that she only knew for capturing her friends was getting their attention.

- I guess too - Said Rhys as she pouted, she couldn't bring herself to oppose her friends.

- You can untie her now - Said Eyiel.

Zelliria did as Eyiel told him and got to work on the knots that restrained Liel, they were strict and hard to undo but as an escape artist Zelliria had experience with almost every type of knot, an these were no exception.

- Thanks for that - Said Liel as she got up from her chair, freed from her bonds - I’m not ver used to that you know - She stretched some cramped muscles.

- You’ll get used to it - Said Ferine without thought.

Eyiel gave the scout a poke with her elbow that nearly threw her off balance and everyone in the room looked at her suspicion.

- Just joking, just joking - Said Ferine.

- You two can catch up later - Said Ann as she got by Zelliria and Liel - I think we should go to sleep now.

- Can we sleep together? - Asked Zelliria as she grabbed Liel by the arms.

- I wanted to sleep with her! - Said Ferine.

Liel was surprised by how contested she was between the two adventurers. Rhys jealousy only grew as she saw how her two friends that would in other circumstances contend over her were now doing so over this stranger.

- Liel who do you want to sleep with? - Asked Eyiel before Ferine and Zelliria began fighting over Liel.

- Uh... I don’t know... - Liel didn’t wanted to chose, she felt like if she did so one of the adventurers would get angry at her and she didn’t wanted any kind of problems.

- Then I think it’s only fair that you sleep with Ann - Said Eyiel as she turned towards the knight - in the end the room is for the both of you isn’t it?

- Yes, I’m sleeping with her - Said Ann as she got by Liel and grabbed her by the shoulders, moving her apart from Zelliria - I think it’s the best for all of us.

Ferine and Zelliria looked at each other confused by Ann’s words and angered at each other “I’m sleeping with you then!” they said to each other almost at unison.

- Guess it’s me and you on the other room then - Said Eyiel as she patted Rhys on the back - I’ll wait for you there.

- Goodnight girls - Said Ferine as she went out of the room with Zelliria.

- If you hear her scream don’t come - Said Zelliria as she left the room with Ferine.

- You must mean if they hear YOU scream - Replied Ferine.

Liel looked bewildered, what she had seen and heard was alien to her, and this people were about to become her travel companions? She had no idea of how it would turn out.

Rhys said goodbye to Ann and left the room, she looked at Liel angrily over her shoulder as she left. As much as Rhys would’ve liked to spend the night with Zelliria or Ferine at this point she felt that if they choosed her it would be as a second choice, and she wasn’t okay with that.
Rhys entered the room closed the door behind her and dropped herself on her bed with little regard for Eyiel who was undressing to go to sleep.

- Feeling okay? - Asked Eyiel, she recognized Rhys attitude as uncharacteristic.

- Yeah I’m fine - Replied Rhys.

- Something tells me that you’re lying to me - Said Eyiel playfully.

Rhys was indeed lying to Eyiel but not out of malice, it’s just that she’d rather not talk about what anguished her with her.

- It’s none of your business - Replied Rhys.

- Why? - Asked Eyiel as she sat on Rhys’ bed.

- You wouldn’t get it - Replied Rhys as she looked away from Eyiel.

Eyiel scratched Rhys red hair softly, she could notice something was worrying Rhys, she wasn’t very good at hiding her emotions and Eyiel was very good at noticing people’s emotions.

- I don’t like to see you sad Rhys - Said Eyiel.

- But you can’t help me - Replied Rhys.

- You wont know if you don’t let me try - Eyiel said - Come on, tell me what happens.

- Well... - Rhys succumbed to Eyiel - Let’s say that I’m kind of jealous about this new girl - Rhys blushed, she was embarrassed of feeling like that and more about confessing it.

- Let me guess, you think she’s taking Ferine’s and Zelliria’s attention away from you - Said Eyiel.

- Yes... - Replied Rhys shyly.

- Don’t worry about it - Replied Eyiel - It’s just because she’s new so they will get used to her and go back to you when they want to.
- What if they don’t? - Asked Rhys - What if they never want me back? Will I be left alone?

- You don’t have to get constant attention from those two to not be lonely you know - Replied Eyiel - Even if you don’t have them as you’d like to you still have them, Ann, and me.

- It’s not the same - Said Rhys.

- Why? - Eyiel asked back - You’ve lived all of your life without the attention from those two so I don’t see why you worry so much about it.
- It’s just that... - Rhys made a pause and turned to Eyiel - We were starting to be more open about me liking to get tied up, I even got chances to get tied up by Zelliria but now this Liel comes in and takes it all away from me.

- You’re telling me you’re just jealous of her because they will tie her up more than you - Asked Eyiel in disappoint.

Rhys realized that she had just spoken out her feelings and that those feeling she mentioned may not be the best to tell to anyone, especially Eyiel who wasn’t on board with her bondage stuff.

- Well no but... - Rhys had to excuse herself.

- Then why you mentioned that first? - Asked Eyiel.

Rhys remained silent, every excuse she could think of would make her sound worse.

- Rhys if you only care about them tying you up that’s a bit too much egoism, especially for someone as submissive as you- Said Eyiel.

- I know they are my friends too but I’d like them to do that from time to time you know! - Rhys was for the first time since long ago getting angry, and voicing it clearly.

- Rhys if you want someone to tie you up - Eyiel interrupted herself and got on top of Rhys - I can tie you up right now, but you wouldn’t like it.
The chills that went down Rhys’ spine made her forget about her anger and jealousy, she was suddenly thrilled by Eyiel’s proposition. Rhys still had some anger within her, but she preferred to use it playfully on Eyiel.

- Uh? After the scorn Ann and Ferine must have gave you for or last time you still think you scare me? - Rhys said playfully to taunt Eyiel - You wouldn’t dare - She said as she pushed herself up to get her face close to Eyiel’s.

Rhys’ plan was to taunt and tease Eyiel to see how far she could go, she knew that afer that apology she gave her she wasn’t going to treat her as she had done last time but she wanted to know how close she could get. The thing is, the treatment Eyiel gave her that night wasn’t half bad for her, it was only missing the safe and consensual part of the deal.

- Are you daring me? - Asked Eyiel teasingly, she was clearly following Rhys’ game.

- Yes - Replied Rhys smugly.

- Oh you’ll see...

Eyiel flipped Rhys over, she was now laying on her stomach , Eyiel was quick to pull Rhys’ hand behind her back but as she held them crossed she began to worry about Rhys’ safety, she didn’t wanted this to end like last time especially after that apology she gave.

- Uh... Rhys - Eyiel’s change in tone was as abrupt as it was clear.

- What? - Rhys’ tone also changed, one could say that she even sounded angry now.

- I don’t really know how to do this - Said Eyiel a bit ashamed of teasing her friend and not actually delivering - So tell me if I’m hurting you or doing it wrong.

- Ugh - Now Rhys sounded definitely anger, not enraged but just sour about Eyiel’s care, even if it was for her sake - You know Eyiel, sometimes some undeserved pain will help me a bit, and this is one of those times.

- What do you mean? - Asked Eyiel.

- I mean that you don’t have to be afraid of treating me like shit when you have me tied up! - Replied Rhys - Because sometimes... I feel like I may deserve it.

- Rhys you don’t deserve being treated like that - Said Eyiel, worried about Rhys’ words.

- I may not have deserved it then but now... - Rhys made a pause and chuckled - I’ve said and felt quite some shitty stuff, go primal on me, I don’t care.

Eyiel was still unsure about Rhys’ proposal, she wanted to tie her up because she knew that she liked it, maybe as a way to amend what she had done to her that night, maybe as a way to help her to not feel bad about Liel but she never had the intent to “go primal” on her.
- Rhys’ I’m not sure about this - Said Eyiel.

- What? - Rhys was ready to turn her anger into teasing - Too much of a coward to tie me up?

Eyiel knew what Rhys was trying and although her pride wouldn’t let her be called a coward so easily she didn’t knew if it was Rhys’ feelings speaking for her or the effect of a bit too much alcohol on her small body, so she contained herself.

- The big, strong, buff amazon barbarian - Rhys said dramatically - That’s too much of a coward to tie up the little elf mage that she could lift with one arm.

Rhys teases were getting to Eyiel and she was feeling it, she had little patience for mockeries and for mockery made by someone who was already defeated even less.

- So you want to play like this huh? - Eyiel said to Rhys’ ear - Good.

Rhys looked over her shoulder and saw Eyiel uncoiling lengths and lengths of hempen rope and suddenly realized that maybe having Eyiel going off on her without any protection wasn’t the best of the ideas.

- Eyiel can we first... - Rhys changed her tone, she now sounded scared and embarrassed.

- Not so brave now huh - Said Eyiel, already tying Rhys’ hands together.

- Can we establish a safeword? - Asked Rhys in the same tone.

- What’s that? - Asked Eyiel.

- A word that I say it you’ll stop doing what you’re doing - Said Rhys, she had never had to explain this before, mainly because she never had involved in a playful but not so safe tug like this one.

- What about... shark? - Said Eyiel after looking at the inn’s name in a wooden tablet on the wall.

- Fine for me - Said Rhys - Now...

- But wait what if I gag you? - Asked Eyiel with concern.

- Ugh, - Once again despite being for her sake Rhys got angry at Eyiel’s interruption - I don’t know... let’s say that I’ll blink twice.

- Fine.

- You’re ready now? - Asked Rhys as she looked over her shoulder - no more interruptions?

- No...

- Good - Replied Rhys - Go primal on me now.
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Chapter 22: Night Games

Zelliria and Ferine were left together on the same room and the tension between them was easy to feel. They stared daggers at each other as they undressed to get ready to sleep but when they finished they didn’t went to bed, their stare continued.

- Before we get started... - Said Ferine.

- Do you want to surrender? - Zelliria finished Ferine’s sentence.

- What? - Taunted Ferine - Afraid of loosing?

- You know I could beat you with magic.

- And you know I don’t need magic to beat you.

The two adventurers grunted at each other as they retained their stare. Both of them were too cocky to give in.

- How are we going to do this then? - Asked Zelliria - It’d be too easy for me to charm you with magic to make you submit to me.

- And it’d be too easy for me to jump on you and shut your mouth so you can’t do anything - Replied Ferine.

- At least we agree in that we want to see each other in ropes don’t we? - Asked Zelliria teasingly.

Ferine nodded in response.

- Let's leave it to chance then - Said Zelliria.

- What do you mean?

- I know a game we can play to solve this - Said Zelliria as she took a coin.

- Care to explain it?

- Basically you chose heads or tails, if the coin lands in what you picked you get tied up - Said Zelliria.

- And that’s it? - Asked Ferine - Kinda boring.

- The thing is you don’t get all tied up from the beginning - Replied Zelliria - You need to start from the ankles, then the knees, then the thighs and lastly the hands, once you got your hands tied, you loose.

- Now that’s more interesting - Said Ferine as she sat on er bed.

- You can add a crotchrope too if you’re feeling kinky - Zelliria added after sitting by her.

- Should we start? - Asked Ferine.

- I can’t wait to tie you up.

Zelliria was quick to pick heads so Ferine was left with tails. Ferine was the first to toss the coin and the result showed a monarch’s face, a loss for Zelliria. This disproved the suspicion Ferine had about the coin being rigged.

Ferine pulled out a length of rope and Zelliria extended her legs to her with no hesitance and soon enough her ankles were securely bound together by Ferine.

Zelliria idly tested the restraint and was gratefully surprised to see that unlike Ann’s it was effective. It wasn’t like she was eagerly waiting to get tied up, in that case she would simply ask for it, but when there’s risk involved the feelings of winning are much better.

- Don’t get cocky now - Said Zelliria as she got ready to toss the coin again.

The next result made Ferine flinch tiredly for it showed the kingdom’s coat of arms, a loss to her.

- Called it - Said Zelliria - Hand over those feet now Ferine.

Ferine reluctantly obeyed and had her ankles bound with rope, just by seeing the knots and feeling the restraint’s hug Ferine knew that unless she undid the knot she wasn’t very likely to get out of it.

- Not so cocky now huh? - Asked Zelliria.

- Just wait until I win - Responded Ferine as she got ready to toss the coin again.

Ferine’s cocky attitude was punished by the next result, tails again which she wasn’t happy with.

- What was that again?

Ferine only pouted angrily and reluctantly moved her legs over Zelliria’s lap and once she did she had to look at Zelliria securely tying her legs together below her knees, another restraint she wasn’t very likely to get out.

- Hey don’t look at me like that - Said Zelliria teasingly as she scratched Ferine’s head - Maybe it’ll get better for you.

Zelliria tossed the coin again and this time luck smiled to her rival, Zelliria looked at the result and was disappointed but didn’t complained, she just extended her legs towards Ferine and had them tied in the same way she had tied Ferine’s minutes ago.

- Now we’re even - Said Ferine as she finished her restraint.

- Don’t get ahead of yourself - Replied Zelliria - We still have a way to go before any of us win.

Zelliria got the upper hand again as the coin showed its other side, this time she tied Ferine’s legs together above the knees so unless she wanted to add a crotchrope she would loose the game if the coin showed the coat of arms again.

- Only one more try and I’ll win - Said Zelliria - How does that make you feel?

- One try? - Asked Ferine faking surprise - What a coward.

- Don’t try me Ferine - Replied Zelliria - You really don’t want me to put you in a crotchrope.

- That’s a funny way of saying you’re afraid of loosing but okay - Said Ferine.

Although Zelliria was right in that she didn’t really wanted to be put in a crotchrope if Zelliria didn’t do that she’ll lose and that worried her much more.

The coin was tossed once again and to Ferine’s dismay the coin showed her side once again. A smug smile appeared on Zelliria’s face as she looked at the coin and untangled another length of rope

- Hands behind your back Ferine - Said Zelliria as she showed the rope - I win.

- What? You’re really gonna cower? - Ferine had to try this, she was on the brink of loosing.

- I want to but...

- What? - Ferine was quick to interrupt - You’re really afraid of loosing?

- Fine - Said Zelliria before moving behind Ferine - I hope you like it.

Zelliria tied the crotchrope and Ferine was quite embarrassed during the whole process, but the embarrassment or discomfort brought by the process didn’t nearly matched the results. The binding was tight, maybe even too tight, definitely enough for her to feel it under her clothes.
- Comfortable? - Asked Zelliria sarcastically.

- Not particularly - Replied Ferine as she tried to find the least uncomfortable position which seemed to be nonexistent.

- Good - Said Zelliria as she grabbed the coin - Maybe next time you’ll be more careful with what you ask for.

The coin was tossed by Zelliria and Ferine couldn’t help but give an angered snort, the result was tails again.

- See? - Asked Zelliria - You could’ve saved you that if you weren’t such a bad looser.

- Just do it already - Said Ferine as she put her hands behind her back. She had no time for Zelliria’s games nor did she wanted to play along.
- What happened to that attitude of yours? - Asked Zelliria as she began to tie Ferine’s hands crossed behind her back - It’d be fun if you kept it.

Ferine was now effectively tied up, her hands crossed behind her back and her legs bound together and the icing on the cake was the crotchrope, a punishment that she brought upon herself and couldn’t forgive herself for, not to mention that it didn’t even served a purpose other than making her uncomfortable.

Ferine had some hope of escaping, but she needed time which she wasn’t likely to get under Zelliria’s gaze, not mention the crotchrope which made every struggle and squirm extremely uncomfortable.

Zelliria pushed Ferine to lay on her back on the bed which got quite a moan out of her due to her crotchrope and the got on top of her.
- You must be wondering why I haven’t gagged you yet - Said Zelliria as she caressed Ferine's face.

- Because you’re wondering which gag to use? - Asked Ferine.

- Not really - Replied Zelliria - Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see you gagged but first I need to ask you some questions.

Ferine worried a bit about Zelliria’s words, she had taken her by a friend but in actuality she who had her bound was a nearly unknown woman who may or may not have trapped her.

- Don’t tell me you rigged that game to get me like this and interrogate me - Said Ferine.

- No! You should already trust me - Said Zelliria - I trusted you not to pull anything weird on me if you won.

- Guess It’s better to trust you - Said Ferine.

- It’s not like you can do anything about it - Zelliria threatened lightheartedly.

- So, what do you want to know? - Asked Ferine.

- It’s about Liel - Said Ferine.

- The cutest inquisitor ever? - Asked Ferine - What do you want to know about her?

- I want to know what you know about her - Said Zelliria.

- Not much... - Ferine made a pause to think but her thoughts were quickly interrupted.

Ferine felt a strong pull in her crotch, it felt good for a brief second until it began to be painful and made her instinctively squirm, which only made it worse. Between closing her eyes and arching her back to struggle Ferine managed to see the obvious, Zelliria was pulling the crotchrope.

- Answer the question - Said Zelliria threateningly.

- Stop it! - Ferine demanded.

- Only if you answer me.

- I can’t... I can’t talk like this! - Ferine barely managed to say.

- So if I stop it will you answer?

- Yes! Just... Stop it!

Zelliria finished her tug on the ropes and Ferine’s body filled with relief as she took deep breaths, it wasn’t like the hug of the restraint had ceased but now that she had felt how the rope being pulled felt she could bare the regular restraint much more easily.

Zelliria looked at Ferine and run a finger between the crotchrope and her body, scaring Ferine but getting her to speak again.

- No no no please - Ferine pleaded - I’ll tell you.

- Then speak!

Ferine took a deep breath and started talking, she managed to tell Zelliria her whole story with Liel which wasn’t at all long, although she made quite a big deal about how cute she found her gentleness when she and Eyiel were her prisoners.

- So you just wanted to sleep with her because of that? - Asked Zelliria in disbelief.

- What did you expected? - Ferine asked back.

- I don’t know it’s just that my reasons are just so much more complicated.

- What are your reasons? - Asked Ferine - You know, if you want to tell me.

- It’s fine, I’ve already told Rhys so...

Zelliria told her story with Liel to Ferine and her’s, unlike Ferine’s, was quite long. She told pretty much everything she remembered and had already told Rhys, her childhood friendship with Liel, the incident with the dark elves and the demon and their long separation that took until now.

- If you’d told me that I’d have let you sleep with her - Was Ferine’s first response - I’ll admit it, those are much more valid reasons.

- It’s not like sleeping with you turned out badly though - Said Zelliria as she teased about pulling the crotchrope again.

Ferine limited herself to chuckle nervously, she could only hope that Zelliria wouldn’t do it.

Meanwhile on Eyiel and Rhys’ room the two adventurers were having their own bondage game, Rhys had been tied to her bed with her hands tied together over her head to the bed’s headboard and her ankles tied together to the end of the bed end, needles to say she was quite stretched.

It was the first time Rhys had been tied to a bed and although she wanted to try being tied to a chair first it wasn’t like she was the one calling the shots and in the end she was still tied up and in a new position, no way she wouldn’t enjoy it. Her position made her feel quite vulnerable, since she was ticklish this position exposed practically every one of her weak spots, which honestly wasn’t saying much since pretty much all of her body was ticklish.

Eyiel gave the facade of being quite sure about what she was going to do next but in actuality she had no idea. She didn’t knew what Rhys liked about being tied up, she didn’t find it appealing so it wasn’t like she could relate, and was very unsure about what to do without angering Rhys.

- What are you waiting for amazon? - Teased Rhys.

Eyiel had to think of a response but couldn’t, she could only maintain her stare ar Rhys but that clearly wasn’t doing it anymore.

- Uh... Rhys - Said Eyiel awkwardly - I really don’t know what to do.

Rhys snorted in disappointment.

- What do you mean you don’t know what to do? - Asked Rhys.

- Exactly that - Replied Eyiel - I’ve no idea of what to do.

- So you just tied me up for nothing? - Asked back Rhys.

- Well... - Eyiel felt really embarrassed about this, like her friend had said it seemed she had tied her up for nothing - What am I supposed to do?

Rhys found herself in an awkward situation as she felt like explaining what she wanted would be really embarrassing and Rhys being so shy about her whole bondage stuff wouldn’t make it better.

- Uhm... - Rhys gathered courage to speak up - You could like... tickle me?

- Sure... - Said Eyiel awkwardly.

Eyiel proceeded to lightly poke Rhys’ ribs to tickle her, that got quite a reaction out of her, she squirmed and struggled which was of course of, no use.

- Stop it! - Said Rhys.

- Sorry did I... - Said Eyiel as she took her hands off Eyiel.

- You aren’t supposed to actually stop - Said Rhys.

- What? - Asked Eyiel bewildered - Then why do ask me to?

- Because I want to.

- Then why wouldn’t I stop? - Asked Eyiel - I don’t want to hurt you.

Rhys snorted angrily again, it was clear that Eyiel didn’t get in the way she did but she couldn’t expect her to nor she could be angry at her, in the end she was doing this just to please her and getting angry at her would only make her seem really ungrateful.

- You see Eyiel - Rhys got ready to begin her explanation - The fact that I want you to stop means that I like it better.

- That doesn’t make sense - Said Eyiel bluntly.

- I know, I know - - Replied Rhys - But it’s not like you’re the most sensible woman.

Eyiel knew that her friend was speaking the truth and Rhys knew that if she managed to get Eyiel at least a bit angry at her things would be easier and much more enjoyable for her.

- So I am supposed to ignore you if you ask me to stop?

- Unless I say shark - Said Rhys - Which we established as a safeword.

- This is much more complicated than I expected - Said Eyiel.

- You wouldn’t have to worry about me talking if you gagged me - Said Rhys.

- That’s actually a very good idea - Said Eyiel as she grabbed a piece of cloth to gag Rhys with - Wait you actually really want this don’t you? - She said after seeing the expression of pleasure on Rhys’ face.

- What do you think? - Asked Rhys - Come on, gag me.

Eyiel cleave gagged Rhys with a piece of red cloth, the elf moaned in pleasure as she could not speak anymore.

- Let’s see what can I do with you - Said Eyiel.

And on Ann and Liel’s bedroom both of them weren’t sleeping nor playing any bondage game, they had matters to discuss. According to what Liel had told Ann so far, what the inquisitor needed from this mysterious ruined temple was an ancient golden chalice of very big importance to the kingdom’s religion.

Ann had also been relatively open about her goals on the temple, since Liel was about to become part of the party it was appropriate that she knew.

- How does she know that that chalice thing it’s there - Asked Ann.

- I don’t know - Replied Liel - She’s very secretive about everything.

- About her whole tying up innocent people too? - Asked Ann - I hope you ditch that practice as soon as you ascend to her position.

- Yeah I’ve suffered that first hand - Said Liel - I have reasons to want to get rid of it.

- Did she hurt you last night? - Asked Ann.

- No, thankfully - Replied Liel - She hurt you?

- If you count hurting my pride, definitively - Said Ann - It wasn’t the first time I was tied up but it surely was the must humiliating experience of my life.

- What’s worst is that I think that she takes pleasure in it - Said Liel.

- Of course she does! - Replied Ann - Didn’t you saw her face? She’s completely insane.

- I was blindfolded most of the time...

- Sorry - Said Ann - And now that we’re talking about this can I ask you something.

- Sure.

- Please don’t tell anyone about my deal with the inquisitor or what she did to me - Pleaded Ann.

- Don’t worry, I wont - Replied Liel - Most people wouldn’t like to be associated with her anyway.

Liel and Ann went to sleep not so long after their conversation, the next day and the following will be long and tiring. Maybe the others should have done the same but their bondage games were too much fun for them.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

I've commented it like 6 times but again, great continuation! I love the dynamics that we're starting to see emerge between the party and as always I can't wait for what comes next. Fantastic job!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by banshee »

DallasNotAustin wrote: 3 years ago I've commented it like 6 times but again, great continuation! I love the dynamics that we're starting to see emerge between the party and as always I can't wait for what comes next. Fantastic job!
Thank you! For now enjoy chapter 23
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 23: Intruders

Not so long after the adventurers left the capital city they found themselves in a crossroad between the road that lead east lead to the city of Barceciras and the one that lead south lead to the town of Nania, none of them were too far from the crossroad.

- Zelliria - Ferine drew the bard’s attention as they stopped - Remind me where the place we’re going is.

- A whole continent away - Replied Zelliria.

- Yeah but what road should we take now? - Asked Ferine.

Zelliria stopped to think for a bit as she put her hand on her chin and looked up, the temple was east from where they were but that didn’t meant that the eastern road was the right choice.

- Couldn’t that map you have help? - Asked Eyiel as she pointed to Liel.

- Maybe... - Liel replied as she retrieved the map from her bag.

The map was too cryptic for Liel or Ann who was riding the same horse as her to understand, Amelie had told them where the place was and that they’ll recognize it when they arrived there.

- I don’t think so... - Said Liel - It doesn’t quite show where it is.

- Then what’s the point of it - Sighed Eyiel.

- I think we should go south - Said Liel after thinking for a while.

- Isn’t the temple east though? - Asked Liel.

- It is - Replied Zelliria - But the road eastward is too dangerous.

- It sure is faster though - Added Eyiel - And it’s not like it is that dangerous now, I’m pretty sure that a new road was finished a few years ago.

- No matter how fast it may seem all the dangers in it will make sure that it’ll take us longer - Replied Zelliria - And it’s not like we’re in a hurry.

- What is to the east? - Asked Liel.

Liel’s question was met with unbelieving looks by the other adventurers which Liel didn’t quite get the reason for.

- Girls remember - Said Liel - I’ve never got out of the city, what I know of the outside world it’s just from books.

- Have you read about the great ancient forest then? - Asked Zelliria.

- The forest of half naked barbarians that fight bears bare chested? - Asked Liel as she remembered the pages from a manuscript.

- Yeah that one... - Said Zelliria a bit surprised by Liel’s remark - I wonder why you remember that part so specifically.

- Nothing in particular - Liel was quick to respond.

- Well but to my previous point - Said Zelliria - The temple may be east but we can’t get there through the forest, the barbarians Liel mentioned would be the least of our concerns.

- I’ll have to agree - Added Ann - I ventured to the forest once and I think I know what you’re talking about.

- Pansy - Said Eyiel - I bet I alone could get us through that forest.

- Really? - Asked Zelliria - Have you ever been there amazon?

- Have you? - Eyiel asked back.

- Yes - Zelliria opened her cloth’s collar and showed Eyiel a scar that ran from her shoulder to her lower neck, it wasn’t gross nor massive but it certainly was visible - And I don’t want to go back.

- Just because of a scar? - Said Eyiel - If I refused to go places where i have gotten scars I wouldn’t be able to enter my own home!

The adventurers other than Zelliria and Rhys gave Eyiel a dirty look, they could tell that her sarcastic, taunting tone was not a well measured response to whatever Zelliria was trying to say.

- We’ll go south then - Intervened Ann.

- What? - Asked Eyiel.

- It’s a decided Eyiel - Ann replied - Let’s get going.

Eyiel snorted and made her steed, which Rhys was riding with her, follow behind the rest of the group. Eyiel really thought that her friends were making too big of a deal about the eastern road, she, being a what many would consider a wild woman from uncivilized lands, was very convinced that the place wasn’t that bad nor that dangerous and her friends refusing to listen to her didn’t made her any happy.

- Don’t worry Eyiel - Said Rhys as she hugged the amazon from behind - I think that you’re right.

- Good to hear it - Said Eyiel - But I don’t think they care about it.

During the time the adventurers had moved away from the city Rhys and Eyiel had grown closer while Rhys moved further from Zelliria and Ferine who used to be the closest to her from the already tightly knit group.

Rhys distancing from Ferine and Zelliria had certainly something to do with how close these two had become with Liel. The newcomer seemed to swing from her childhood friend Zelliria and the roguish yet charming Ferine whom she seemed to be driven to when remembering innocent memories with Zelliria bored her.

As Rhys observed this she grew not only jealous of Liel but also angry at herself as she blamed herself for apparently not being able to keep Zelliria and Ferine to herself, for a submissive, Rhys was finding out she was quite possessive.

- Why do you want to go through the forest Rhys? - Asked Eyiel, bored by the silence of the long journey.

- Well uh... - Rhys thought of an answer - I just think it’s faster and not that bad as they make it seem.

Truth is that Rhys didn’t cared that much for the way they took, she was just supporting Eyiel out of her spite with Zelliria and how close she had become with the amazon.

- Have you ever been there? - Asked Eyiel.

- No... - Replied Rhys awkwardly.

- It shows - Said Eyiel.

- How is it? - Asked Rhys.

- Harsh, but not bad - Replied Eyiel - Once you get to know them, the so called “barbarians” aren’t that bad, neither are the “ferocious” beast of the forests which can be pretty cuddly if you treat them right.

- I’ve heard bears are pretty comfortable to sleep with - Said Rhys.

- More than you imagine - Said Eyiel.

- What other things are to the forest? - Asked Rhys - I can’t get everything from books you know.

- Unlike her - Teased Eyiel as she pointed to Liel from afar, she knew very well how Rhys felt about her.

Rhys didn’t replied, she just pouted and gave a playful slap in the back of the head to Eyiel.

- Hey, you treat me like I was lying - Said Eyiel.

- Just tell me about that forest - Rhys changed topics

- Well you’d love it some ways - Said Rhys - If you know what I mean.

- It’s about getting tied up isn’t it? - Replied Rhys - Remember, I have no interest in being captured for real.

- Sure you don’t - Replied Eyiel sarcastically - But you’ll get many chances to get tied up in that place.

- How?

- I thought you were not interesting in getting captured - Said Eyiel.

- Well no but...

- Don’t worry, I’ll tell you anyway - Said Eyiel.

Eyiel’s explanation was long winded, maybe even romanticized, but Rhys loved it. The elf listened with attention at Eyiel’s words and Eyiel made sure that Rhys was caught in her explanation. Rhys heard everything from barbarian ceremonies that involved tying up people in many ways, the parties of wood elves that capture humans along the road and of course tie them up, not to mention the stories about dryads wrapping people in vines, even Rhys who was skeptical about the existence of such creatures wanted them to be real this time.

The day passed by like many others, the adventurers ended their day camping in the wilderness and continued to travel south on horseback during the day.

When the adventurers reached the crossroad of the town of Nania the decided to head east to save some time. Eyiel wasn’t happy with her friends decision, not because she wanted the other road but having the excuse of saving time presented to her once she had given the same reason to take the way through the forest made her friends seem, to her, like hypocrites.

The other towns in the adventurer’s way were pretty irrelevant other from the fact that they gave the adventurers a better place to sleep in and better food. Every town from Leomeria to Mállane barely had stone structures and paths, let alone some of the commodities adventurers like Ann, Zelliria and Liel who were well accustomed to cities expected.

Regarding bondage the adventurers almost left that aside, they barely had time and the distancing between the main sub and the main doms wasn’t helping. Rhys avoided bringing up the topic out of fear of finding out that Liel had been tied up by Zelliria or Ferine but she had nothing to fear for that didn’t happen as much as the two would have liked to. What Rhys didn’t avoid was trying to get Eyiel to her up, she stopped trying to convince her while in camps because Eyiel said it was too dangerous and the others could notice them which she really didn’t wanted but on towns the story was different.

Every time the adventurers reached a town Rhys and Eyiel slept together, while in their room Rhys managed to always convince Eyiel to her up but she could notice that she did so reluctantly most of the time. Eyiel’s attitude towards bondage made their games not that fun, once Rhys was tied up, and Eyiel didn’t put much effort in the restraints so they ended up being effective but crude, Eyiel would just left Rhys to herself and when she moaned under her gag it meant that she wanted out, Rhys didn’t told it to Eyiel but all she did was struggle idly to enjoy herself and ask to be let out once she got bored, thankfully the distance between towns made the games quite enjoyable for her.

The scenery of the adventurers travel changed once they arrived to the big city of Valerrol, the capital of Turus’ neighbour kingdom of Athor. Here the adventurers could get some rest from their travel as the city did provide the commodities and luxuries that Ann, Zelliria, Liel, and the other three to some extent, expected, they showered in the most expensive bathhouse of the city and reserved rooms in the best Inn. The split between the adventurers was the usual they made when they had to divide in pairs it was the same they had done in the Tiny Shark inn.

Ann and Liel went to sleep together, this should calm Rhys down as in no way Zelliria and Ferine would get to her but in Rhys’ mind they could do it and they did it. Zelliria and Ferine were in the same room which left Rhys and Eyiel together again.

Rhys was eager to play one of her bondage games with her roommate, every day she spent on the road only made her long more for the sensation of being tied up, even if there was not anything more involved. But she had a different idea for today, seeing how Eyiel seemed tired about tying her up, Rhys had come up with an idea that may spark some more interest in her.

The two adventurers got on their sleeping clothes, Eyiel was ready to go to sleep and hoped that Rhys didn’t wanted to be tied up by her again.

- Eyiel - Rhys drew the amazon’s attention.

Eyiel snorted and rolled her eyes.

- Make it quick - She said - Do you want me tie you up?

- Actually no - Replied Rhys as she sat by Eyiel on her bed.

- What is it then?

- Well... - Rhys blushed as she readied herself to speak - I want to tie you up.

Eyiel was surprised by Rhys’ words, she didn’t expected at all that she would propose that. She thought about the proposition for a bit, she was very sure that unlike Rhys she didn’t liked to get tied up but she also felt kind of bad for her, that’s why she went along with her games.
- Fine - Said Eyiel.

- Great! - Replied Rhys happily.

Rhys went to get the ropes and Eyiel thought further about what she had just gotten into. She didn’t liked to get tied up and she knew it, she disliked it so much that she was considering turning down Rhys proposition but she felt some guilty curiosity about getting tied up, maybe if she felt it she would know what made Rhys like it so much she thought.

- How are we going to do this? - Asked Eyiel as Rhys approached her with plenty of ropes.

- How do you want it? - Asked Rhys as she went back to sit by Eyiel.

- Uh... - Eyiel hesitated - I don’t really know...

- I think we should start easy - Said Rhys.

Rhys grabbed Eyiel’s strong arms and put her hands behind her back, she grabbed rope and wondered about how she would tie them. Tying her hands parallel could be too hard on her since her back was very wide so the obvious choice for Rhys would be to tie her hands crossed, but since she wanted to try something different she went for a box tie.

- What are you doing? - Asked Eyiel as she felt Rhys pulling her hands up.

- Calm down - Said Rhys - Just let yourself go.

- Okay...

Eyiel was doubtful about this, the experience she had with being the one tied up was not the best but she wanted to trust Rhys not to make it so bad.

Eyiel ended up with her hands tied up in a box tie which wasn’t very secure because it was nothing more than the hand restraints.

- You know I can get out of this right? - Asked Eyiel as she struggled weakly enough not to break free.

- I supposed so - Replied Rhys - Just wait until I add some more rope.

Eyiel gulped and Rhys proceeded to secure her further, she ran ropes to pin her arms to her chest above and below her breasts and she ran ropes above her shoulders and tied them to her hands in order not to have her pulling down her hands.

- Is that better - Asked Rhys as she went back to Eyiel’s side to look her in the face.

- I think so - Said Eyiel as she tested the bonds - If by better you mean less escapable.

- Of course! - Said Rhys.

- Well I think they are quite good then - Said Eyiel awkwardly.

An awkward silence followed for a few seconds.

- And... How does it feel? - Asked Rhys, breaking the silence.

Eyiel thought for a bit, more silence.

- Weird - Said Eyiel.

- How?

- I mean, it’s not bad like when Ferine did it - Replied Eyiel - But I still can’t see what you see in this.

- So you don’t feel anything? - Asked Rhys - Helplessness, impotence, anything?

- Uh... no - Replied Eyiel - Why would I?

- I mean you’re tied up, you can’t do anything about whatever I want to do with you - Said Rhys trying to sound intimidating.

- Sure - Eyiel chuckled - But I know you’re not like Ferine, that and... - Eyiel stopped herself - That and why would I want to feel helpless or impotent?

- Well... - If the feelings that made the experience so good for Rhys meant nothing for Eyiel she would have some trouble getting her more involved in her games and it was showing - I don’t know but...

As Rhys struggled to explain herself someone entered to the room, but not through the door which was locked but through the window, and the room they were was on a third floor. They didn’t heard the window being opened but they heard the sound of the intruder landing not so gracefully on the floor and that alerted them.

Eyiel moved back against the wall pushing herself with her strong legs as she cursed internally for being tied up, Rhys stepped back and readied a spell.

Meanwhile on Ferine and Zelliria’s room the two were playing their own bondage game.

- Me again!? - Asked Ferine.

- You know the rules - Said Zelliria - One town I tie you up, the other you tie me up.

- Pretty sure last time you tied me up too - Said Ferine.

- Uh... No! - Said Zelliria.

- Sure?

- Of course I’m sure! - Said Zelliria - Don’t you remember? It was when you hogtied me on my bed!

- Pretty sure that was the town before it - Said Ferine.

- No, there I tied you to your bed - Asserted Zelliria.

Both scout and bard grunted at each other staring at each others eyes.

- Ferine it’s either you get tied up or we play my game again and you get tied up regardless - Said Zelliria.

- Don’t be so sure about it - Said Ferine - Bring a coin, and be ready to lose.

- Yeah just like last time - Said Zelliria sarcastically.

Before Zelliria could reach for the coin the creak of the window being opened was heard by both Zelliria and Ferine who turned to look at window and were met by a dark hooded figure.

- Change of plans Zelliria - Said Ferine - Bring the rope, but not for me.

As soon as the hooded figure noticed the two people in the room were perfectly awake it tried to jump down to the street but he was paralyzed as soon as it gave a sign of trying to do so, work of Zelliria and her magic.

- Good job - Said Ferine - Bring a chair and let’s get to work.

Zelliria did as Ferine told her and put a chair between the two beds facing the window and Ferine sat the now paralyzed hooded figure in the chair.

- Be quick, I can’t concentrate in this forever - Said Zelliria.

- Don’t worry - Ferine replied - Soon enough he’ll be paralyzed in other ways.

- How are you so sure it’s a he? - Asked Zelliria.

- Good question - Said Ferine - How about we reveal who this is?

Ferine pulled down the intruder’s hood and revelad a male face covered by a cloth from down his nose.

- Well it seems he already gagged himself - Said Ferine.

- Don’t be stupid - Said Zelliria as she pulled down the cloth to reveal the face.

The intruder was definitely a man but not a human, at least not fully, his features were too soft and he had no facial hair to speak of but the thing that gave it away were his pointy ears like Zelliria’s, they were in presence of another half elf.

- Something makes me suspect someone wants us dead - Said Zelliria as she looked at the intruder while Ferine tied him.

- What is it? - Asked Ferine as she tied his hands behind the back of the chiar - Are you telling me half elves are killers?

- No - Said Zelliria - But they are usually left out of society and when they are they recur to dirty business to make a living.

- Like killing people? - Asked Ferine - Well I would be lying If I said that I didn’t knew a handful of half elves criminals.

- We make good killers because of our elvish ancestry - Said Ferine - We see in the darkness and are pretty dexterous.

Ferine gave a strange look to Ferine.

- Don’t worry I haven’t killed anyone - Replied Zelliria - But something tells me this guy has.

When Zelliria ended her spell the intruded found himself tied to a chair, he had seen the process but not very well since he couldn’t move, it wasn’t like now he could but at least he could struggle. He found his hands tied behind the back of the chair and his torso tied to the back of the chair, regarding his legs they had been tied to the chair’s legs by his ankles.

- What the hell!? - Asked the intruder as he struggled.

- I think we should be asking that - Said Ferine.

- And quit struggling - Said Zelliria - Those restraints are as bad as my magic.

The intruder calmed down and took a deep breath when he ended his struggles.

- Okay - He said - What do you want?

- The question is what do you want - Asked Zelliria - You’re the one that tried to break in.

- I’m... - The intruder stuttered - I’m not telling you.

- Sure you’re not - Said Zelliria.

- Tell me - Said Ferine as she walked up to the prisoner with a dagger drawn out - Are you alone?

- No! - Replied the prisoner in fear.

- Huh? - Mocked Zelliria - I though you were not telling us anything.

The intruder blushed and looked away ashamed of being forced to confess with so little.

- Let’s check on the others - Said Ferine.

- Good idea - Replied Zelliria - But we have to do something first.

- Are we are thinking the same? - Asked Ferine.

- Indeed - Said Zelliria as she knotted a piece of cloth.

The half elf intruder was gagged with a knotted cleave with little fight and left the room to make sure they friends were safe, they had inspected the intruder and made sure that he had no way of escaping, two experts in getting out of knots trusted their words.

On the neighboring room Rhys was struggling to dodge the dagger slashes of the intruder, whoever it was it was certainly more dexterous than her and it was showing. The intruder had dodged Rhys’ first spell and gave her no time to cast another one.

Rhys was finally pinned against the wall by the intruder, she was filled with fear as the intruder’s dagger was approached to her neck. Rhys couldn’t scream for she had been hand gagged by the intruder and she was using both hands to try to keep the intruder’s dagger at bay.
Just when Rhys thought that she had lost the intruder was struck by something so fast that Rhys didn’t saw it clearly and it was not only fast but also strong for the intruder didn’t got up again.

- Eyiel? - Asked Rhys as she caught her breath.

- Who else?

Rhys hugged the amazon tightly, she had never felt so relieved to see her.

- I didn’t wanted to tell you - Said Eyiel as she stroked Rhys hair - But thankfully I could easily break out of those ropes.

- I don’t care - Said Rhys as she tightened her hug.

- But I think that the one tied up here shouldn't be me - Said Eyiel as she looked down to the intruder - Nor you.

After having Ferine pick the lock she and Zelliria entered Eyiel and Rhys’ room in a hurry.

- Everything okay? - Asked Ferine.

- Totally - Replied Eyiel as she moved away to let Zelliria and Ferine see the fallen intruder.

The fall and Eyiel’s hit had removed the intruder’s hood and it was revealed to be a half elf woman of short brown hair.

Both Ferine and Zelliria gave a sigh of relief.

- What happened - Asked Eyiel.

- Someone entered our room too - Replied Ferine.

- And since he said he wasn’t alone we wanted to make sure you were safe - Said Zelliria.

- Have you checked Ann’s room? - Asked Eyiel

- No...

- Let’s get going then - Said Eyiel as she got ready to left the room.

- You go take this girl to our room with the other intruder - Said Zelliria - Rhys, come with us to Ann’s room.

- I’ll do that, go with them Eyiel - Said Rhys.

- Rhys - Eyiel said seriously - Go with them.

- But.. - Eyiel whispered to Eyiel.

- Get going, we don’t know if they are in danger! - Said Eyiel.

Rhys snorted and followed Zelliria and Ferine to Ann and Liel’s room were Ferine began to pick the lock.

Needless to say Rhys wasn’t very happy about being with Zelliria and Ferine although she understood how severe the situation was her feelings were getting in the way too much.

Ferine opened the door and the adventurers were met be the sight of another hooded figure standing in the middle of the room with a drawn out dagger. Liel and Ann were sleeping.

- Ferine? - Asked the intruder.

- Norward? - Ferine asked back as she lowered her guard.

Before the two could continue their conversation Rhys blasted the intruder with what admittedly was an over the top spell. The intruder was forcefully shoved against the wall by a strong wind like force and he passed out after the blow.

- Rhys! - Screamed Ferine as she ran to the intruder.

- What? - Asked Rhys with mockingly - Isn’t he an intruder?

- I had it under control - Said Ferine as she made sure that the intruder was alive.

- Sure you did - Said Rhys.

Ann and Liel were woken up by the loud noise, they were alarmed but Zelliria was quick to calm them down and explain the situation to them.

- What are we going to do with him? - Asked Zelliria.

- We’ll have to take him to our room too - Said Ferine - I may know him but I want him to tell me what’s with him and his “friends” trying to kill us.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 24: Zone of Truth

The three intruders sat on chairs on Ferine and Zelliria’s room, they were tied to the chairs much like the first intruder, with their hands tied behind the back of the chair and their ankles tied to the legs of the chair. In the middle was Norward, the only human among the intruders and the one who Ferine seemed to know, to his right the half elf male and the female to his left.

The first intruder was the only one that was awake and limited himself to look at his bound companions, he remained gagged and so were his friends.

The adventurers waited for the rest of intruders to wake up an the first that did so was the female half elf that had broken into Eyiel and Rhys’ room.

- Mphgg! - Were her first words.

The half elf struggled as much as she could, it was easy to tell that she wasn’t liking being tied up one bit. Her struggling continued until she made more noise than she should by trying to move the chair which drew the adventurer’s attention and Zelliria was quick to stop her.
- Calm down - Said Zelliria - Unlike you we´re not going to kill anyone.

The half elf snorted under her gag as she looked angrily at her captors.

The noise made by the half elf woke up the other intruder who unlike his companions was human.

- They’re all awake - Said Zelliria as she noticed him waking up.

- Good, let’s begin this - Said Ferine as she stepped forward..

- Mpgh? - Said the human as he looked to Ferine.

- Hi Norward - Said Ferine - Good to see you.

- Do you know him? - Asked Zelliria as the rest of the group looked at Ferine in intrigue.

- Kind of - Replied Ferine - We did a few things together when I was part of the syndicate of crime.

- Guess you didn’t expected to see him again, let alone like this - Added Eyiel.

- Not all - Said Ferine as she looked at her old friend.

Ferine stood in front of the three captives and looked down at them.

- Will any of you tell me what you’re doing here? - Asked Ferine.

- Mphgg - Replied the half elf female.

- How are you supposed to interrogate them if they are gagged? - Asked Ann.

- You wouldn’t get it - Replied Ferine.

Norward nodded in agreement and Ferine smiled in response before removing his gag. The man worked on his jaw and began to talk.

- Hi Ferine.

-Yeah yeah I’m not interested in emotional reunions - Ferine said Mockingly - Just start talking.

- Hey, what’s with that attitude? - Asked Norward teasingly.

- I don’t know - Said Ferine - Maybe it has something to do with you trying to kill my friends.

- It’s not like you weren’t like this not so long ago - Said Norward.

- Keep going and I’ll gag you again - Threatened Ferine.

- Fine, fine - Norward gave in - What do you want to know?

- Do you wanted to kill us? - Asked ferine.

- In our defense, I’d never taken the job if knew you were involved - Norward explained.

- So you did wanted to kill us? - Ferine pressed further.

- Yeah kind of - Said Norward maybe too lightly.

Of course none of the adventurers was happy about hearing this nor were Norward’s companions who seemed angry at him.

- Hey you would do the same for me - Said Norward to his friends who of course couldn’t respond - At least I hope so.

- Tell me that at least someone is paying you - Said Ferine.

- Of course - Replied Norward - You should know that I never work for free.

- So now you’re gonna tell me who’s paying you - Said Ferine.

The two half elves stared daggers at Norward, apparently they didn’t wanted him talking at all.

- It seems my friends wont let me - Said Norward as he shrugged.

- What are they gonna do about it? - Said Zelliria - Can’t you see them?

- Well now there’s little they can do but once they get out...

- Bold of you to assume they will - Interrupted Zelliria - Now start talking before I lose my patience.

- I’m afraid I won’t be able to - Said Norward.

- That’s it, patience lost - Said Zelliria.

- Hand me the gag Zelliria - Said Ferine - Let’s make him unable to talk for real.

- Wait! - Intervenid Liel - I can take care of this.

Everyone stared expectantly at Liel.

- What can you do exactly? - Asked Ferine.

- I can make them tell the truth - Replied Liel.

- Well that’s just what we were about to do - Said Zelliria - Unless you’ve come up with an extremely efficient interrogation method we already know how to handle this.

- It’s not that! - Said Liel

- Then what is it? - Asked Ferine - This is serious so your solution better be serious too.

- I can use a spell to force them to tell the truth - Whispered Liel on Ferine’s ear so that the captives wouldn’t hear it.

Zelliria and the other adventurers as well as the captives looked at Ferine and Liel intrigued.

- Can you blindfold them? - Asked Liel.

- Sure - Replied Ferine - Help me out with this Zelliria.

The assassins were blindfolded by Ferine and Zelliria with little resistance and Liel sat on the floor closed her eyes laid her open hands on the floor.

- What is she doing? - Asked Eyiel confused.

- No idea - Replied Ann.

- Trust her - Said Ferine - I think she knows what she’s doing.

Rhys made a disdain gesture as she heard Liel casting a spell. As she uttered a prayer in an ancient tongue he gaps in the wooden floor started to dimly glow and the assassins started to shake their heads struggling except Norward who sat calmly in the middle.

- That should do it - Said Liel as she got up to a dimly lit room.

- What did you just do? - Asked Eyiel.

- Everyone in this light is forced to tell the truth - Said Liel - And I doubt they were able to resist it, they couldn’t even see it coming.

- How can I know if it worked? - Asked Zelliria as she looked at the assassins.

- Just ask them anything - Said Liel - If they reply they are telling the truth, if they don’t speak they managed to resist it.

- How can you be so sure - Asked Rhys with kind of mean intent.

- Because I’m standing here - Replied Liel stating the obvious.

Rhys recognized the stupidity of her question and blushed in shame as she looked down, Eyiel chuckled not so silently.

- Even I noticed that - Said Eyiel.

- Shut up - Replied Rhys, which only made Eyiel laugh more.

- We don’t have much time though, this circle will only last for ten minutes or less so we better hurry - Ordered Liel.

Zelliria nodded in response and removed the gag from the half elf male.

- Alright, who is paying you? - Asked Zelliria.

- Dark elves - Replied the half elf instinctively and as soon as he did he looked strangely at himself, he wasn’t expecting to say that.

- It seems this actually works Liel - Said Ferine - We should start using it more often.

- And who are these dark elves - Zelliria inquired further.

- I don’t know - Was the instinctive reply of the half elf.

Zelliria made and angered gesture but Liel grabbed her by the shoulder.

- He’s not lying, he cant - Said Liel.

- Right - Said Zelliria as she calmed her expression and gagged the assassin again - Let’s see if Ferine’s boyfriend knows something.

- My what? - Asked Ferine.

- You can’t blame me, you really give that image - Said Zelliria.

- Yeah whatever you say - Replied Ferine - I don’t care.

- Let’s see what he has to say about it - Said Zelliria as she grabbed Norward by the gag.

Ferine got suddenly very nervous and grabbed Zelliria’s hands by surprise.

- Actually I think we should as the other half elf first - Said Ferine nervousely.

- What? You don’t want me asking him about that? - Asked Zelliria teasingly.

- It’s not that it’s just that... - Ferine rapidly thought of an excuse - It’s just that I think he may have resisted the spell, he has experience with that.

- I’ll pretend to believe you - Said Zelliria as she let go of Norward’s gag - Let’s get to the lady then.

Ferine ungagged the other assassin.

- I assume you’re going to tell me who were these dark elves - Said Ferine as she encircled the half elvish captive - Who were they.

- I don’t know - She replied like her male companion.

- How can you not know who’s paying you? - Said Ferine angrily.

- Should we ask him? - Teased Zelliria as she pointed to Norward.

- Wait - Interrupted Ferine - Do you at least remember how they looked?

- They all wore black and purple cloaks, the leader carried a staff with a spider carving on the tip - Replied monotonously the half elf.
Shivers went down Zelliria and Liel’s spine, they were very sure that they had seen these dark elves before, almost for sure they had been responsible for the burning of the vilberg residence.

- Why do they want us dead? - Asked Liel suddenly.

- They didn’t told us....

For the first time since they met her Liel was looking angry, especially at the response she was just given by the half elf. She turned to look at Zelliria but the bard shook her head at her, signaling her to calm down so Liel just put the gag back on the assassins mouth and stood back.

The adventurers looked at each other in confusion for a minute, not one of them knew what the assassins were talking about.

- I think we should get out of this city - Said Ferine.

- Hold up there - Said Zelliria - I think we have to ask someone else.

- Ugh - Ferine grunted, thinking Zelliria had forgotten about Norward - But be quick, this thing is about to be dispeled.

- Sure... - Replied Zelliria.

Norward had his gag removed by Zelliria.

- Tell me, what history do you and Ferine had together? - Asked Zelliria.

- What!? - Asked Ferine offended while her friends laughed at the question.

- Oh she was really into me - Said Norward.

- What!? - Ferine interrupted - You were into me you liar!

- Then explain what was that that look you gave me that time I rescued you - Replied Norward - If that wasn’t being into me I don’t know what it is.

- Like I never got you out when you were captured - Said Ferine - Remember that time you were captured by a countess and didn’t wanted me to get you out because you were that horny? - She asked mockingly.

- No - Replied Norward with forced sincerity.

- What do you mean you don’t remember? - Asked Ferine offended - I almost die for you that time!

- I don’t remember and I can’t lie - Said Norward nonchalantly.

- Ferine wait! - Said Liel interrupting Ferine was ready to aggressively reply to Norward.

- What!? asked Ferine angrily.

The dim light that came from the floor cracks disappeared and that was the response Ferine needed to know that she ended up being the one getting carried away with her old friend and not Zelliria trying to humiliate her.

Everyone apart from Liel and Norward’s companions were audibly laughing at Ferine which deeply angered her.

- Didn’t you said we needed to be quick - Said Zelliria between laughs.

- Shut up - Said Ferine.

- Can you do that spell thing again? - Asked Eyiel - Or I have to start punching faces.

- Don’t worry - Said Norward - They told you everything we knew.

- Did you told them everything you knew Norward? - Asked Ferine, trying her best to sound threatening.

- I don’t know, the spell didn’t affected me - Replied Norward calmly.

Everyone in the room, even the stone cold assassins and the distant Rhys laughed at Ferine after hearing Norward’s remark. Ferine got even more angry and her face became red as fire.

- Okay okay - Said Zelliria as she tried to go back to speaking normally after minutes of laughing - What are going to do with them?
- Hand them to the guards - Said Ferine bluntly.

- Are you really going to do that to me? - Asked Norward faking sadness comically.

- Yes - Said Ferine - And I wont be there to rescue you this time.

- How sad - Said Norward comically.

- Come on Ferine - Said Zelliria - This guys can’t be that bad.

- They tried to kill us - Said Ferine unbelieving of Zelliria’s words.

- Well it wasn’t like you were like them in the past - Said Zelliria - I think we can afford to give them a second chance.

A brief silence followed after the short discussion until Eyiel stood up by Ferine.

- As a pathetic of a spectacle she made this night I think I’ll side with her - Said Eyiel - These guys tried to kill us, they need to learn their lessons.

- I too said Liel - As she moved to stand by Ferine.

- From my point of view... - Norward was rapidly interrupted.

- Shut up, you don’t have a say in this - Said Ferine as she shoved the cloth in Norward’s mouth.

- I’m with you Zelliria - Said Ann as she moved - They’ll have to promise a thing or two before we let them go.

- Do you really trust their word? - Asked Ferine.

- I trusted yours so yes - Replied Ann - Rhys, what about you?

Rhys though about the situation for a second, she wasn’t very fond of standing for Zelliria nor standing for Ferine but it seemed like she had to chose and since she wanted this to end already she went for the obvious solution.

- I’m with you Ann - Said Rhys without getting up from the bed.

- So we’re in a perfect split - Said Ann as she scratched her chin.

- What do we do then? - Asked Liel.

- Mphgggg - Said Norward under his gag.

- Should we let him speak? - Asked Zelliria.

- No - Replied Ferine bluntly.

- Yeah he can - Said Eyiel as she shoved Ferine aside - She’s just pissed about what he told us.

Seeing this Ann removed the cloth from Norward’s mouth, ungagging him.

- What I wanted to say is that there is no use in turning us to the guards - Said Norward.

- You convince me so easily? - Said Ferine - Maybe if you beg for it a little I’ll take that seriously.

- What I wanted to say... - Norward ignored Ferine - Is that the we have an agreement with the guards so they’ll just let us out in few days once the dust has settled.

- What? - Asked Ferine bewildered - Is it really so easy now?

Norward nodded in response.

- Things like this make you appreciate the inquisitor - Said Eyiel who quickly noticed the look her friends, especially Ann, Ferine and Zelliria gave her - Just a little bit though.

- If that’s the case I see no reason not to let them out - Said Ann - If the city guards are really that bad this city has problems than these three.

- They’re not that bad - Said Norward - The agreement we have says that we can only mess with outsiders.

- That doesn’t make it better - Said Ann.

- But anyway, how about we just forget this and you let us out - Said Norward cheerfully.

- Shut up - Said Ferine - We’re still turning you over.

- Really Ferine? - Said Eyiel - After knowing what they said doing so would be a waste of time.

- But they deserve it - Said Ferine.

- I don’t care - Replied Eyiel - Best thing we can do is getting out of the city as soon as possible.

- Don’t worry about that - Said Norward - We can give you time until you leave the city so don’t stress over it.

- You’re not the problem - Said Ann - The problem are your patrons.

- I can lie to them for an old friend - Said Norward before winking at Ferine.

Ferine blushed and got even angrier at her “friend”.

- Do whatever you want with him - Said Ferine as she walked away - I no longer care - She got out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

The adventurers shrugged at Ferine’s reaction.

- Guess she doesn’t like you very much - Said Zelliria.

- It’s just her way of showing it - Replied Norward sarcastically.

- Sure - Said Zelliria.

- Before we let you go I want to ask you something - Intervened Ann.

- Whatever - Said Norward.

- Promise me you won’t try this ever again - Said Ann.

- That’s a hard promise you’re asking for - Replied Norward.

- Just try to - Said Ann with genuine care.

- I’ll think about it if you ask so nicely - Said Norward - But you’ll have to let us out first.

The adventurers reluctantly released the assassins with care, making sure they didn’t gave them their weapons until they were about to leave. The first assassins to leave were the half elves who jumped out the window with no word but before Norward did he stopped.

- Can you tell Ferine something? - Asked Norward.

The adventurers nodded and awaited.

- I loved seeing her again - Said Norward before jumping out the window.

- Guess he likes her maybe - Said Zelliria.
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 25: The Lord of the Bog

The adventurers continued their way eastward to wherever this mysterious place was. After that incident in the city of Valerrol they were much more careful about their moves, one could say they were even paranoid.

This whole increase in paranoia between the adventurers meant that sadly for Rhys her games with Eyiel had ceased and so did Zelliria’s and Ferine’s, they missed them but they expected to be able to get back on them soon enough.

The paranoia was easy to understand, once could even say they had gotten lucky because who knows what would have happened if Ferine didn’t happened to be an old friend of one of the assassins.

That didn’t mean that the way was all dark, sad and filled with fear, it was to a degree but it wasn’t like they hadn’t anything to distract themselves with, for example, everyone seemed to enjoy quite a bit teasing Ferine about her relationship with Norward.

After a few days of traveling on horseback on the road the adventurers got by the small town of Adure, where they took the weird decision of sleeping in the only Inn that had a room for six people, decision that after their experience in Valerrol seemed sensible to them and a few days after getting through the small town they arrived at Swampcross.

Swampcross was a small town too but it was much more relevant than Adure, not only for historical reasons but because it was easy to recognize, although maybe not for the best of reasons.

The town was sited in the swampy cross of two rivers, a land so ugly and with such a bad reputation one could only wonder what drove people to remain within the palisades walls of the town.

- How can people live here? - Asked Zelliria as she tried to scare away some mosquitoes.

- No idea - Replied Ferine with a funny voice since she was pinching her nose not to smell the awful scent that filled the air - I’d rather live in hell.

- I’ve seen it worse - Said Eyiel - You’re just too soft.

- Or you’re too hard - Said Rhys, who was also struggling against the smell in the air.

- Well if you think about it, we wouldn’t be here if you had taken my advice and we had gone through the forest - Said Eyiel confidently.
- Don’t dare to fight girls - Ann intervened - I’m really not in the mood for it.

The adventurers continued their way through the boggy and misty surroundings of the town, scaring away insects and holding their breath whenever they could.

- What’s with animals here? - Asked Ann as they passed by a fox that had stopped on it’s tracks in the middle of the road - They are acting so weird.

- So you notice it too - Said Eyiel - I thought I was just being paranoid.

- Just more reasons to just keep going - Said Zelliria.

- I’m afraid that can’t be so - Said Ann as she pointed to the sun which was about to banish in the horizon.

- Whatever - Replied Zelliria.

- Rhys, can you try to see if there’s magic in these animals - Said Eyiel as she stopped her steed by a bare tree filled with crows - That may be making them act so weird.

- Sure - Replied Eyiel - But it’ll take some time.

The rest of adventurers stopped alongside Eyiel and Rhys as the elf started to utter magic words while the gem at the tip of her staff began to dimly glow. Just when it seemed like Rhys was about to end the spell the crows flew away at unison.

- Weird - Said Rhys as the crows fled the scene.

- Maybe too weird - Said Eyiel.

- Let’s get going - Said Ann - If sleeping in the wilderness is bad I can’t imagine how bad would it be to do it here.

Eventually they got to the town, they crossed the gates of the rotten palisades wall and were met by a town of mossy wooden houses and mud roads, not the ideal city for any of them.

- If you want to keep going I’m all in for it - Said Zelliria.

- Don’t be stupid - Said Ann as she got down from her horse - It will only be one night and believe me it will be better than spending it in the wilderness.

- At least I don’t believe this city has any members of the syndicate in it - Said Ferine as she followed Ann’s steps - It would be too petty to steal from someone here.

The adventurers looked for a place to sleep in and only found it in the shape of someone who offered an empty house, it was good enough for them since after the events of Valerrol they were more careful even when sleeping.

- What a nice place - Said Ferine with audible sarcasm.

To her credit the place was indeed awful and they could clearly see why the owner offered to them, it’s wooden floor was rotten and filled with mud and the beds looked like they could hide a snake in them.

- We better get to sleep soon - Said Ann - The less we think about it the better.

- Fine - Said Ferine as she got by one of the beds - I’ll have to make sure these aren´t but a roach nest though.

Ferine removed the blankets and a rat ran away from beneath them, she audibly gagged.

- I really hate this place - Said Ferine as she shook the blanket to remove any bugs that were living on it.

- We all do - Replied Ann - But I’m sure we could have it worse.

- Hopefully never but sure - Said Zelliria.

It took some times for the adventurers to reluctantly lay on their beds, they weren’t very welcoming to say the least, it took some time for all adventurers except Eyiel, who really didn’t seemed to care about the aspect of the bed.

Hours passed by and darkness engulfed the room, the only light came from outside the windows from the few lamps that the town had. Although it was dark it was hard for the adventurers to sleep, the buzzing of bugs and the croak of frogs and toads only added on top of the already horrible sleeping conditions.

- How can she sleep like that? - Asked Liel.

- Eyiel? - Asked Zelliria.

- Of course Eyiel! - Replied Liel - She’s the one that snores like a bear!

- Well I think she’s used to sleep in poor conditions - Said Ann - But she isn’t helping us with all that noise she’s making.

- What do you do when you can’t sleep? - Asked Zelliria as she rolled on her bed and covered her ears with the pillow to try not to hear the buzzing of the bugs.

- Close my eyes - Said Rhys with passive aggressiveness.

- Very funny - Said Zelliria.

- Everything I used to do isn’t working so - Added Ferine.

Time passed by and the conditions didn’t got any better, one could even say that they had become worse since now, on top of toads and bugs the adventurers had to try to sleep over Eyiel’s loud snoring.

- Girls... - Said Liel awkwardly.

- Yeah I can’t sleep too - Said Ferine.

- It’s not that it’s that... - Liel kept an awkward tone.

- Say it already - Said Rhys - This is too bad already for you to be afraid of saying something.

- Angry Rhys? - Asked Ferine teasingly.

- Of course I’m angry! - Said Rhys as she sat up on her bed - But hey at leas I can speak normally.

- Getting angry won’t help you sleep - Said Ann trying her best to remain calm - What do you wanted to say Liel?

- Do you think there’s a toilet in this place? - Asked Liel shyly.

- For some reason I doubt it - Said Zelliria as she rolled over on her bed.

- What should I do then? - Asked Liel.

- I’m sure there’s at least one in the town - Said Ann - Try asking one of the guards outside, I’m sure they’ll know.

- That would be so embarrassing - Said Liel.

- I get it, you never got out of Bosport until not so long ago - Said Ann.

- Yeah that doesn’t help - Said Liel.

- I’ll go with you - Said Ann getting up from her bed - It’s not like I can sleep anyway.

- Thank you - Said Liel - I really don’t know if I would be able to do it alone.

Ann and Liel said goodbye to the rest of the group and left the house, the environment outside the house was even worse than it, rats and crows fought over food leftovers and Liel and Ann quickly became a magnet for mosquitoes.

Liel and Ann found a shady looking guard atop one of the not so high platforms that guarded the town walls.

- Go ahead, ask him - Said Ann patting Liel on the back.

- Do I really need to? - Asked Liel.

- I mean if you want him to tell you - Said Ann.

- But I...

Ann sighed, she found Liel’s shyness a bit annoying but she understood it.

- Guard! - Called Ann.

- Huh? - The guard looked down.

- My friend over here wants to know if there’s a toilet in this city - Said Ann grabbing Liel by the shoulder.

- Uh sure, It’s in the main square - Said The guard pointing somewhere in the city.

- Understood! - Replied Ann, moving away from the wall with Liel.

- You didn’t need to tell him that it was me who was asking - Said Liel.

- Well I didn’t lied to him - Said Ann - Eventually you’ll learn not to be ashamed of this stuff so don’t worry.

The two adventurers got to the place they were looking for and it wasn’t very welcoming to say the least. The toilet was a minuscule shack with a big pit in it, Ann could tell by the way Liel looked at it that she wasn’t eager to get to bushiness in there.

- It’s that or the swamp - Said Ann.

- Huh ...fine - Said Liel as she stepped forward.

- What is such a nice young lady doing in there? - Asked a man that passed by just before Liel entered the shack.

- You are? - Asked Ann as she turned to look at whoever this man was.

- Oh, where are my manners - Said the man taking off his fancy hat - I’m Goronwy Blevins, mayor of this lovely town, and I couldn’t help but wonder, what is a nice young lady like her doing in there? - He continued as he pointed to Liel.

Now that he had pointed that out Ann could notice that this was not the average townsfolk, he was somewhat fat, had a nicely trimmed hair and beard and a was dressed with fine clothing.

- Well i think it’s obvious - Said Ann, seeing that the blushed Liel was too embarrassed to reply.

- Why don’t you come with me to my manor? - Asked the mayor - I can assure it’s bathroom is much more fit for you than this place.
Liel nodded to Ann, she would take anything over this place.

- Fine - Said Ann - Lead the way.

Ann and Liel followed the mayor to his manor where he told the guards to let the adventurers come in. The manor was far better than every other house in the town, it was made of stone, clean, well illuminated and free of bugs and their noises.

Ann was suspect of this man, strangely nice middle aged wealthy men rarely gave her a good impression but she wasn’t going to make Liel us that toilet just because of a suspicion.

- You should thank him - Whispered Ann to Liel.

- Uh... Thank you... - Said Liel awkwardly - For bringing us here.

- Oh there’s no need to thank me - Said Goronwy - The bathroom is at the end of that hallway lady, you can wait for her with me - He said to Ann.

Liel went where she was told to go and closed the door behind her, leaving Ann and Goronwy alone together in the main room.
- Take a seat lady - Said Goronwy warmly.

Ann obeyed and sat on a couch, Goronwy went by a wardrobe and took two fine silver cups out of it.

- Wine? - Offered the mayor.

- Sure - Replied Ann.

- By the way lady - Asked the man as he prepared the drinks - Your name is?

- Ann.

- Beautiful name - Complimented Goronwy as he sat in another couch in front of Ann and handed her the wine.

Ann took the cup and before sipping it she smelled it, she thought this man was acting weirdly nice so she was suspect of him and his intentions. Ann being from a noble family was well acquainted with the smell of wine and she quickly noticed that something was weird with this one, but she drank it anyway.

- This is definetively the best I have got In a long time - Said Ann as she left the cup back on the coffee table - Is it okay if I ask for more?

- Uh... Sure - Replied Goronwy noticeably nervous.

Goronwy filled Ann’s cup again and she drank it all in a few seconds.

- M... More? - Asked Goronwy, sweating out of nervousness.

Ann only extended him the cup which Goronwy filled while he slightly shacked. Ann wasn’t malicius but she was getting a kick out of seeing this man have his poisoning attempt fail again and again as he filled her cup over and over.

- Oh... It seems you’ve drank it all - Said Goronwy as he saw how only one drop of wine left the bottle - You want more?

- Sure - Said Ann as she slouched against the couch and crossed her legs calmly.

Goronwy went to the wardrobe again but apparently there was no more wine in there.

- It seems I’ll have to go to the warehouse - Said Goronwy as he went to the exit door - Just wait here.

- Wait! - Said Ann before Goronwy opened the door - I want you to tell me something first.

- S... Sure - Said Goronwy with fear in his voice.

- What did you put on the wine? - Asked Ann as she got up from the couch.

Goronwy was to scared and surprised to respond.

- Come on, tell me - Said Ann as she approached Goronwy - You weren’t afraid of talking to me when you found me outside.

- Stay back! - Said Goronwy as he found himself cornered against the wall.

- Oh you’re afraid? - Said Ann.

- How the hell are you still awake? - Asked Goronwy shaking - That poison should have put you to sleep long ago!

- Oh is that what you wanted? - Said Ann - Too bad it was me you came across with.

- Who the hell are you? - Asked Goronwy with audible fear.

- I usually don’t tell this but... - Ann made a pause and drew her sword, pointing it to Goronwy who appeared to be about to break down - I’m Ann Golbreisk, you should know our sacred oaths make us immune to any foul poison.

- Put that thing down or... - Goronwy was about to break down.

- Or what? - Said Ann as she got her sword dangerously close to Goronwy’s mouth.

Goronwy just shivered where he was, not knowing what to say and too afraid to run away and literally risk his life.

- That’s what I thought - Said Ann - You’re too much of a coward to back up your bullshit.

- Or else your friends will suffer the consequences! - Said Goronwy trying to show defiance but still sounding fearful.

Ann suddenly became worried, her grip on her sword became less firm and her expresion changed from sumg and dominant to a more doubtful one.

- What the hell are you talking about? - Asked Ann as she got her sword a few inches away from Goronwy’s neck.

- Oh I’m talking about the rest of your friends that came here today - Said Goronwy, still nervous but more confident - I already have them so be careful with what you do!

- Don’t you dare... - Said Ann angrily.

- Well if you kill me my men will definitively dare to do whatever they want to your friends - Said Goronwy, stepping forward as Ann stepped back - The elf will probably get the worst part, these people have never seen one.

Ann made grimace of disgust, her friends being brought up in such way made her feel angry and disgusted but the worst part was that she was impotent to do anything about Goronwy’s threats.

- But don’t worry, all of them will get their part - Said Goronwy - The half elf, the amazon...

- Shut up! - Said Ann angrily - What the hell do you want?

- First, don’t speak to me like that - Said Goronwy - Second, put that thing down.

Ann looked defiantly at Goronwy and thought about his orders, surrendering to him made her incredibly angry and embarrassed but she couldn’t risk her friends’ wellbeing out of pride.

- Promise me one thing and I’ll do so - Said Ann.

- Whatever you want lady Ann - Said Goronwy.

- Let my friends go - Said Ann - Promise it to me and I’ll surrender.

- Take my word for it then - Said Goronwy.

- Do it then - Said Ann - I want you to see you free them.

- Well you don’t expect me to go with you to the dungeon like this - Said Goronwy - You’ll have to take my word for it.

- Do it or we’ll be like this forever - Said Ann.

- Forever? - Asked Goronwy as he encircled Ann who kept pointing at him with his sword but was too afraid to attack him, he was more confident but still to afraid to try to run away and risk being slashed by the knight’s sword - We can’t be like this forever, eventually you’ll have to either kill me or put that sword down, and you know what happens if you kill me.

Ann was thinking of a plan and an answer at the same time, she was getting angrier and more nervous every second and that lead to she becoming distracted. Distracted enough for Goronwy to ring a bell that stood in the opposite wall, while she became less confident in her threats Goronwy moved to the opposite wall while Ann kept him within the reach of her sword.

- What did you do!? - Asked Ann.

- Go ahead, kill me now - Said Goronwy - Guards are already coming, you’re done for.

- Will you keep your promise? - Said Ann.

- Maybe... - Said Goronwy smugly.

- Please, please - Ann shamelessly pleaded to the mad that she had at her mercy seconds ago - I’ll do whatever you want.

- Put that sword down and I’ll think about it - Said Goronwy.

Ann immediately obeyed and threw her sword away, seconds after guards entered the room, pointing crossbows and spears at Ann.

- Everything alright m’lord!? - Asked a guard.

- Yes... - Said Goronwy moving away from Ann - Just women things.

- Need us to do something - Asked a guard giving a nasty look at Ann.

- Restrain her if you please - Said Goronwy.

Ann looked angrily at Goronwy while his men forced her on her knees and tightly manacled her hands behind her back.

- Do we take her to the dungeon m’lord? - Asked one of the guards once they had finished restraining Ann.

- Nah - Said Goronwy - Leave her here.

- Are you sure? - Asked a guard - Don’t you think that’s too dangerous?

- Now that you point that out maybe she could use a bit more restraints.

- What do you want us to do m’lord?

- Put a some ropes on her - Said Goronwy - I want her here but I don’t want any funny bushiness with her.

Ann continued to stare at Goronwy in anger as she struggled to prevent herself from insulting him. She felt how the guards run ropes above and below her breast to pin her arms to her sides, she hated it but there was nothing she could do about it.

- Tie her knees - Ordered Goronwy - I don’t want her to use those legs for anything I don’t want her to.

The guards obeyed as they creepily chuckled at Goronwy orders. They violently pushed Ann to the floor and one of the guards sat on her back as he tied rope above her knees together.

- I think that’s enough - Said Goronwy - You can leave.

The guards obeyed but just as they were about to leave Goronwy drew their attention.

- Actually I think there’s something else I need you to do - He said.

- What is it? - Asked the guard who seemed to be the leader.

- There’s another girl in the bathroom...

- You bastard... - Ann muttered after hearing Goronwy’s words.

- Don’t lay a hand on her though, just bring her to me - Said Goronwy as he looked at Ann - Make sure to put her on ropes, I wonder what she looks like tied up.

- Right away m’lord - Said the guard as he went to the door that lead to the bathroom with his men.

The men left the room and the bound Ann was left alone with Goronwy. She had managed to get on her knees, the fact that she seemed to kneel before this disgusting man made her blood boil.

- What did you call me before lady? - Asked Goronwy as he encircled Ann, contemplating her gorgeous bound body.

Ann didn’t replied, she didn’t wanted to engage in any conversation with this man.

- Oh that’s right, a bastard - Said Goronwy as he grabbed Ann by the shoulders from behind, which she didn’t reacted to - I wanted you to know that you were right about that - Goronwy continued to encircle Ann - I’m indeed a bastard, unlike you I was not born at the top of anything so you can imagine how much I enjoy having a privileged, entitled, spoiled bitch like you at my mercy.

Ann bit her lips, she was about to reply in anger but anything she could say was meaningless coming from her position. She may not like being called an privileged, entitled, spoiled bitch but she knew that as much as it angered getting back at him would only make things worse.

- Angry? - Asked Goronwy teasingly - Good.

- Will you at least leave my friends alone - Said Ann as calmly as she could, ignoring Goronwy annoying tone.

- You’re really stupid aren’t you? - Asked Goronwy rhetorically in the same annoying tone - I don’t even have them, but you’ll certainly help me get them.

- You piece of...

- Hey don’t get mad at me - Said Goronwy - You put yourself in this predicament.

- What the hell do you even want with us? - Asked Ann, continuing to ignore Goronwy’s tone and remarks - What even are you? A slaver? A murdered? Or just a mere degenerate?

- Nah none of those - Replied Goronwy - It offends me that you think that of me.

- Then what do you want with us? - Ann kept pressing further.

- Well I...

- M’lord! The girl has escaped! - Said the guard leader as he abruptly broke into the room.

- What? How!? - Asked Goronwy with a voice filled with anger and surprise.

- The bathroom was empty... - The guard sounded angry, he looked down and closed his fists as he spoke - We found an open window, she may have...

- Go look for her now! - Ordered Goronwy - We can’t afford to lose her!

- Right away m’lord! - The guard and his men ran out of the room.

Goronwy shook his head in anger and kicked the table after his men left, apparently hurting himself which made Ann wonder how could such a pathetic man have her like this.

Liel was hiding in the bushes of the manor’s garden, she had just managed to jump down from the bathroom before the guards saw her. She heard the loud noise of the guards busting into the living room so she decided to take a look at the scene through the keyhole and saw Ann being captured. Once the guards came for her she ran out as fast as she could to get away from them before they could see her and hopefully manage to alert her friends and with their help rescue Ann.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

I'm still reading! Great continuation and I'm still waiting for more! I also love the introduction of a main storyline for all the characters to follow and again, can't wait to see what happens next. Great job as always!
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Post by crow3467 »

Really great story! Waiting for the next part
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to part 26! Good job :)
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Post by banshee »

Thanks for all the replies! It's really satisfying to see you're enjoying the story, you really keep it going.

Chapter 26: The Lady of the Bog

Liel hid in the bushes as she saw guards leave the building, she couldn’t afford to be spotted because if she was there will be no escape for her, Ann and probably not the rest of her friends.

If she wanted to save Ann she needed the help of her friends so she needed to get to where they were staying as soon as possible which would have been much more easy if the guards hadn’t closed the gate of the fences that surrounded the building.

She could try to climb them but being as clumsy as she was the risk of being spotted was too high, so she started to think about other options at her disposal. Waiting for the door to be opened was too risky since she didn’t knew when the guards will return, so it was either climbing or making use of magic but she knew no spell that would open a lock.

Liel looked around to make sure she would not be seen by anyone and then gathered enough courage to silently get out of the bushes. She stealthily walked to the iron fence, fearing the mud would make her slip at any moment but she was lucky and got to the fence uneventfully. With the little flexibility Liel had she began doing her best to climb up the fence, almost falling with every step up she took. But Liel’s clumsy climbing was interrupted by someone, she suddenly noticed a woman looking at her from the other side of the fence, she stood there still in the darkness and it wasn’t until now that she noticed her.

- What are you doing over there - The woman’s tone didn’t sound intimidating at all, it sounded calm, maybe even motherly.

- Uh... - Liel was caught in the spot so she struggled immensely to found an answer.

- Were you doing something bad? - Asked the woman in the same eerie motherly tone.

- Uh... No! Not at all - Replied Liel awkwardly - I was just leaving!

- Why were you there? - Asked the woman.

Liel was shaking out of nervousness, in her position she was completely exposed for anyone to see so she could be spotted at any moment and to add on top of it she was now being addressed by this fey woman.

- Can I leave first? - Asked Liel - This is a really uncomfortable position....

- I don’t know... - Replied the woman calmly - Can you? - Her tone sounded suddenly threatening in subtle way.

Liel immediately got the change of tone of the woman and shivers ran down her spine as she was suddenly filled with fear, a threat from this mysterious woman couldn’t mean anything good and it was certainly scary enough for her to start climbing the fence again.

- You’re running away? - Asked the woman - That certainly doesn’t make you look good.

Liel ignored the question and kept clumsily climbing the stairs, she got to the top quickly enough but when she did her clumsiness played a trick on her, making her trip and have a rough fall on the other side of the fence.

It took some time for Liel to recover from the painful landing, her head was shaking but she immediately jumped back to action when she remembered that she wasn’t alone, in fact, she was in company of whoever that stranger woman was.

Liel sat up and reached for her sword in her waist but as she looked around she noticed that the woman was nowhere to be seen. Seeing this, Liel relaxed , she stood up and started to walk away from the scene, still recovering from the fear that filled her body seconds ago.

Liel needed to get back at the place where her friends were staying but her pace was slow due to the fall, even her vision remained somewhat blurry. She had made she was unharmed but still, the fall had been considerable. The priestess turned around a corner and as soon as she did she found she came across the figure of the same woman she had met on the manor, standing in the middle of the road she needed to take.

- You thought you could get away? - She asked.

Liel was again overrun with fear as she saw the woman and heard her words. Liel ran away in the opposite direction in fear, not hearing any steps behind her gave her enough confidence to keep running thinking that she will get away.

- Liel! Help me! - Said Ann from behind Liel.

Liel should have known that it was a trap but the adrenaline wouldn’t allow her any thought that wasn’t rushed, she turned back but only came across with the woman’s face in front of her’s. Liel was grabbed by the neck by the woman who’s strength was apparently very misleading since she was able to lift Liel above the floor with ease.

- Now Liel - Said the woman, surprising Liel by saying her name - Do you understand how things are.

- Who are you? - Asked Liel with difficulty since she was nearly choking.

- Oh, how rude of me - The woman said politely - I’m Agatha Darkmore, the local....

The woman was interrupted by sacred flames engulfing her body in a blazing pillar of white light, she had made the mistake of not taking care of Liel’s hands which allowed her cast a spell on her. The heat of the flames weakened her grip, allowing Liel to escape and keep running away.

- You’re lucky I’m not supposed to hurt you - Said Agatha as the flames faded away - Otherwise you’d have better reasons to run away.
Liel kept running and although she heard no footsteps behind her something inside her told her that the woman was still behind her, she felt her presence, her gaze piercing her back like a spear.

Liel’s strength was starting to fade as she ran faster and for a longer distance so she started to look for a place to hide, but no place seemed safe from whatever that woman was. Liel saw a big, almost ruined stoned structure with it’s big door opened, the street she was running was a dead end beyond that structure so she had to hide there.

Liel busted in and lost her balance because of how tired she was, she struggled to catch her breath as she turned to face at the door, and there she was, Agatha, just like when she last saw her, without a single wound.

- Smart girl - Said Agatha as she smiled at Liel - This may delay your fate, but just a bit.

- What are you talking about? - Asked Liel in fear.

- Don’t you see where you are? - Agatha asked as she pointed at the whole place.

- A temple... - Muttered Liel as she took notice of the place she had chosen to hide in.

- I wont tell you why, but I can’t enter this sacred place - Said Agatha faking disappointment - But that wont save you.

Agatha whistled and Smiled at Liel who watched her expectant, scared and confused. Liel’s fear grew when she saw the silhouette of a massive hound appear behind Agatha. It was bigger than any dog she had seen, it had a flat face and two small red eyes. Liel’s fear grew even larger when another one appear besides Agatha, of the same shape and size.

- Don’t be afraid - Said Agatha as she petted one of the creatures - They can’t enter too.

That would have made Liel feel better if it wasn’t because the monsters were now facing her and she could see their faces. They had a face like that of a man although covered with fur and with a mouth from which sharp fangs sprouted, a terrifying sight, especially for her which the most terrifying thing she had seen outside a book until now was a somewhat big spider in the inquisitor’s library.

- But if you try to escape while I’m not watching... - Said Agatha - Well, let’s say that they wont be as gentle as me if they found you trying to sneak out.

- What are you? - Asked Liel, utterly terrified.

- That’s none of your interest - Said Agatha as she walked away - For now, I’ll go deal with your friends.

Agatha left but the hounds didn’t. The beasts started to encircle the temple, Liel could hear their heavy steps, their heavy breathing and their their awful growls.

Needless to say Liel was as scared as she could be, not only was she suddenly trapped by this terrifying beings but also her chances of saving her friends were nearly gone. But there was some hope within her, she knew about these creatures from her studies in Turus, and she knew one weakness of them.

Meanwhile, on Goronwy’s manor, Ann was still on her knees, with her hands tied behind her back and, her arms pinned to her chest and her knees tied together.

- So, Ann - Goronwy broke the silence in the room by addressing Ann from his comfortable position on the couch - How does it feel?

- Feel what? - Ann asked back, not even looking at Goronwy.

- Being on the other side - Said Goronwy - A few minutes ago you were pointing at me with a sword, threatening to kill me, now you’re on ropes and I can do whatever I want with you.

Ann didn’t replied, there was no answer she could give that would make her feel good about it. Plus, that question reminded her of her night with the inquisitor, not the fondest of her memories.

- Not answering? - Asked Goronwy - What is it? Too ashamed?

Again Ann gave no response, but Goronwy's guess wasn’t very far from the truth, in fact it was pretty close.

- That’s what I thought - Said Goronwy - You’re probably too used to call the shots that when you find yourself subdued you can’t even speak.

No response from Ann. Goronwy may have gotten close to reality with his last guess but this one was far from the truth, Ann was not a stranger to being tied up.

- Well if you’re not speaking I don’t see why I shouldn’t gag you - Said Goronwy as he pulled a handkerchief.

- Really? - Asked Ann, more unbelieving than angry - Isn’t that supposed to work the other way around?

- It works however I want - Said Goronwy - So if you don’t want me to shove this in your mouth you better start talking.

Ann sighed, being told what to do was only further humiliation to her already shameful predicament.

- What do you want me to say? - Asked Ann.

- Tell me about those friends of yours who came to the town with you - Asked Goronwy.

- If that’s what you want me to talk about you can gag me right now - Was Ann’s blunt response.

- Not in that way - Said Goronwy - I will get them regardless so I don’t care about that.

- Then what do you want me to talk about? - Asked Goronwy - I hope you don’t mean...

- Just tell me something about them - Goronwy cut Ann off - I mean I’m going to capture them, I should at least know a thing or two about them.

Ann chuckled, she feared her friends being captured but she wasn’t going to show it, she would rather try to show confidence.

- Do you doubt it? - Asked Goronwy.

- Of course I do - Said Ann - I doubt you even have a chance.

- Well tell me why then - Said Goronwy - I’m eager to know more about them.

- Well, I’m not even the strongest from all of my friends, and I am already stronger than you - Said Ann - So you can imagine what Eyiel would have done with you.

- So that’s the amazon’s name - Said Goronwy - Don’t worry about her, we have especial restraints just for her.

- I doubt you’ll get the chance to use them - Ann boasted.

- Enough about her - Said Goronwy as he changed his position - What about the elf?

- You’re really interested in her aren’t you? - Asked Ann mockingly.

- Of course I am - Replied Goronwy with no shame - It has been years since I’ve seen one of her kind.

- Too sad you won’t the chance to lay your hands on her - Replied Ann.

- You’re acting with too much confidence - Said Goronwy as he stood up from the couch.

- A You have a problem with that?

- Yes - Replied Goronwy as he walked to a wardrobe - But don’t worry, I’m going to fix it - He took coils or rope from the wardrobe and showed them to Ann.

Goronwy pushed Ann to the floor and she grunted angrily in response.

- I’ll show you your place - Said Goronwy as he untangled the coil or rope.

Ann could already feel the rope being run through the manacles on her hands and being pulled back, she was expecting to be tied up like Rhys had been long ago but the loud noise of the door being opened interrupted the scene.

Both Ann and Goronwy looked at the door, there stood a woman in weird purple robes and a hood. She seemed calm, calmer than one would expect from someone who loudly busts open a door.

- Lady Agatha I... - Goronwy said awkwardly as he stood up.

- What? - Asked the woman in a calm yet serious tone.

- I was just... - Goronwy struggled to find an answer, he seemed intimidated at this woman’s presence and he was - Making your prisoner ready!

- How nice of you - Said Agatha as she walked towards Goronwy - But you know what’s not very nice of you?

Goronwy gulped and nervously looked at Agatha, but he could give no answer.

- Letting one of them escape! - Agatha shouted at him.

- I’m sorry... My men are already looking for her - Goronwy replied with fear in his voice.

- Well It seems that they aren’t looking hard enough because I found her before them - Said Agatha.

- What? Where is she? - Asked Goronwy.

- She hid in the temple, but don’t worry, she won’t be leaving any time soon - Said Agatha as she encircled Goronwy and Ann - But I still think you should demolish that thing.

- We will get her, don’t worry - Said Goronwy trying to calm down.

- And what about the other four? - Asked Agatha menacingly - I don’t see them anywhere here.

- They are still on that house - Said Goronwy as he looked down in shame.

- That’s enough from you - Said Agatha as she smiled sadistically at Goronwy.

Suddenly Goronwy ran away and hid behind the couch as he screamed in fear. Ann couldn’t comprehend what had happened to him.

- Make it stop! - Pleaded Goronwy.

- Don’t be such a coward, it’s only ten minutes! - Said Agatha teasingly.

Goronwy continued to hide and mutter incomprehensibly, his fear was visible and it looked miserable. Ann felt no pitty for him, but neither did she feel any sympathy for whoever this woman was, her words didn’t made her seem like if he was any better than Goronwy .

- He’s now being stalked by his worst fear - Said Agatha as she crouched besides Ann - I hope that makes you think carefully about your next move.

- Who are you? - Asked Ann as she rolled over to look at her new captor.

- We’ll have time for presentations later - Said Agatha - Now I need you to come with me, care to stand up?

Ann was not going to risk ending up like her previous captor, so she stood up with difficulty and faced her captor. Agatha was as tall as Ann, actually taller since the heels on Ann’s boots made her a few inches taller. She looked mature, but she looked gorgeous and even Ann could admit that. Ann couldn’t help but wonder who this woman was.

- What are you going to do with me? - Asked Ann.

- You’ll see - Said Agatha as she grabbed Ann by the arm, her grip was surprisingly strong - For now start walking.

Agatha guided Ann outside of the manor. Ann hadn’t walked with her knees tied up since that dreadful night with the inquisitor, she had forgotten about how hard it was, which was no surprise since she tried her best not to remember that night, so she struggled to keep pace with Agatha who didn’t seemed to care.

- Before we leave... - Agatha stopped in front of the closed main door of the manor and Ann stopped beside her - I can’t have you talking for what I need to do with you.

- Really? - Asked Ann tiredly after she sighed.

- Yes, I’m going to gag you - Said Agatha as she pulled out a handkerchief - And I hope you don’t resist, otherwise...

Ann sighed and reluctantly opened her mouth, ready for the handkerchief to be shoved between her lips.

- That’s what I thought - Said Agatha as she moved behind Ann.

Agatha put the handkerchief between Ann’s lips just like she expected and then tied it behind her head. Then she moved Ann’s hair from the gag’s grip so it could flow normally.

- You look more presentable like that - Said Agatha as she grabbed Ann by her arm again.

Outside of the manor Agatha and her prisoner came across two guards defendig the entrance, they corrected their stance as soon as they saw Agatha so Ann could already tell that she was in a position as high as Goronwy, maybe even higher.

- Where’s your boss boys? - Asked Agatha as she stopped between the two guards.

- Looking for an escaped captive! - Replied the guards at unison.

- Can you by any chance make him come back? - Asked Agatha in an almost seductive tone.

- S.. sure - Replied the guard nervously.

The guard ran away to look for his companions, the other guard was bout to go behind him but Agatha stopped him.

- I have a different job for you - Said Agatha - But first tell me, are you afraid of dogs?

- Of course not, I love dogs - Was the guard’s response - What do you want me to do?

- I know where the escaped prisoner is - Said Agatha - Maybe if you bring her to me you’ll have a better reward than your friend.

- Of course I will! - Said the guard motivated - Where is she?

- In the temple - Said Agatha - And I hope you didn’t lied to me about not fearing dogs.

The guard nodded and ran away in direction to the temple, leaving Ann and Agatha alone.

As they were left alone Ann began to consider escaping. Agatha’s grip may be strong but she was certain that she was stronger and she didn’t seem like she could chase her if she started running.

- Now that we have a little time together... - Said Agatha - I should reply to some of your questions.

Ann looked at Agatha in the eyes but gave no response.

- It seems like you want me to - Said Agatha - Well, first things first, I think I should tell you who am I.

Ann waited eagerly to know what her for Agatha to speak. Agatha giving her a log winded explanation and getting distracted would be the best chance she could get to escape.

- I’m Agatha Darkmore, a witch if you couldn’t already tell - Said Agatha as she laid her free hand on her chest - And regarding you, well, you don’t need to worry about being boiled in a cauldron for a potion or any other folk tale about witches.

Ann was still staring at Agatha, wondering what she had planned for her.

- Turns out that someone is offering a very important reward for the one who delivers you and your friends to this someone - Agatha grabbed Ann by both of her arms - Since they want you in one piece you don’t have to worry about being harmed, at least not by me - She smiled at Ann.

Ann heard someone approaching, she looked over Agatha’s shoulder and she saw the guards returning. Her chances of escaping had disappeared again, and she could only blame herself for not trying.

- Lady Agatha, what’s the matter? - Asked the boss guard.

- I need you to do something more important that catching a single escapee - Said Agatha - I need you catch them all.

Ann grunted under her gag and looked angrily at Agatha, knowing perfectly well that there was nothing she could do about it.

- To make that easier for you, you can have her - Said Agatha before pushing Ann forward. Ann almost tripped and was only prevented from falling by the boss guard who caught her.

- What about the one that escaped? - Asked the guard.

- One of your men is already taking care of that - Replied the guard - Well, one of them and two of my own.

- I see - Replied the guard - What should we do with them once we have them?

- Bring them in ropes to my lair - Said Agatha - Get to work now, or I will reconsider sharing the payment with you.

- Understood - Replied the guard - You! Get going! - he said as he grabbed an by one of her arms and then started walking.

As Ann walked she realized that maybe she didn’t had a chance of escaping before, with her knees tied up she was doubting that she could have ran away from Agatha. But what Ann was certain about was that she was that now, her chances of escaping were none, tied up, gagged and surrounded by guards, there was nothing she could do to escape.

But what angered Ann the most was not that she had been captured, after all what Amelie had done to her this was nearly nothing. What angered Ann was that because of her capture her friends were going to fall captive too, and she couldn’t help but blame herself.

The guards lead Ann to the house her friends were staying, they seemed to know where it was perfectly well since they arrived there very quickly.

Once on the door the boss guard grabbed a dagger and got it against Ann’s neck, forcing her to look up at him. Her look was no longer angry nor defiant, she felt defeated and ashamed and it was easy to tell by looking at her face.

- If your friends cooperate his won’t go any further - Said the guard as he looked at Ann. Then he knocked the house’s door.

- Well it seems like they finally came back - Said Ferine as she stood up from her bed.

- Didn’t they take a key? - Asked Zelliria, who was also still awake.

- It seems like they didn’t - Said Ferine as she dressed up - I’ll go open the door for them, wait here.

Walked to the door and opened it, but she wasn’t met by Ann and Liel on the other side like she expected. Nearly a dozen of guards were pointing their weapons at the door and one of them had Ann tied up and gagged, he was grabbing her by an arm while he pointed a dagger at her neck.

- Surrender and nothing happens to her - Said the guard as he yanked Ann’s had back, exposing her neck, Ann grunted in response.

- What the hell is this? - Asked Ferine.

- You heard right - Said the guard - Surrender if you don’t want anything bad to happen to her.

- Okay I surrender, I surrender - Said Ferine as she put her hands up.

The boss indicated to one of the guards to grab Ferine and so he did. Ferine was pushed to the floor as the guards started to tie her hands behind her back.

- Hey! Watch it! - Shouted Ferine angrily.

- What the hell is happening? - Asked Zelliria as she entered the room and saw the scene unfolding. Behind her Rhys was looking in morbid fear at the scene too.

- You too! Surrender to or else your friends will pay for it - Said the boss as he showed Ann to the newcomers.

- What the hell? What did we do now? - Asked Zelliria, unable to believe what was happening to them.

- Don’t ask questions, surrender or else! - The guard threatened.

Zelliria sighed and putted her hand up, a gesture mimicked by Rhys. They received the same treatment Ferine had received, being pushed to the floor and bound against their will.

- What the hell are you doing!? - Asked Ferine as she struggled against her restraints and a guard’s grip - Let us go no... mpgh!

Ferine was gagged mid sentence by the guard grabbing her, and the other guards did the same with Rhys and Zelliria. Zelliria did her best to try to keep that piece of cloth out of her mouth, but it was fruitless for she ended up gagged just like her friends.

- We need to use this one on the elf - Said the boss as he handed a ballgag to the guard that was pinning down Rhys - She’s the mage if i’m not mistaken.

- With pleasure - Replied the guard as he grabbed the gag from his superior’s hand - Now elf girl, open wide.

Rhys obeyed in fear, not offering any resistance at all, and soon enough she had the gag’s ball right behind her teeth and the leather strap buckled behind her head.

- Bring those special restraints - Said the boss - If I’m not mistaken, the only one missing is the amazon.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That looks bleak for our heroines :)
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Post by crow3467 »

I wonder how will they get out of this one
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Post by banshee »

Again thanks for the replies! Hope you like this new chapter and what it has for the party

Chapter 27: The Witch’s Lair

Eyiel woke up slowly as she always did, she was a heavy sleeper so it usually took her time to get completely awake. As she slowly woke up she started to notice that her situation was not exactly the one she had fell asleep in.

Even though her vision was still blurry she could clearly see that the place she was in was not the house she and her friends went to sleep in. This made her nervous, she tried to get up from bed, although she didn’t feel like she was laying on one, but found it impossible, something was restraining her.

- What the hell? - Said Eyiel tiredly as she looked around her.

Eyiel looked down at her body and saw herself completely bound. Above and below her breasts were leather straps that pinned her upper arms to her chest. Her hands were tied together behind her back by more straps of the same type and attached to her waist by another strap. Her legs were bound at all possible spots with both rope and leather straps.

Eyiel started thrashing fiercely, being tied up was something she didn’t missed at all but it seems she had ended up in this situation somehow. She didn’t seemed to be able to break out of the straps so it seemed that she would remain like that whether she liked it or not. Eyiel would have thought that this was some Rhys idea, wasn’t it for when she looked around her, she saw Rhys, tied up and gagged, and not only her but Zelliria, Ferine and Ann too.

Her friends were bound much like her, hands behind their back, arms pinned to their sides, legs bound together and such. The only difference was that they were bound with regular rope, no fancy leather straps for them, that made Eyiel angry for she knew that if she had been bound with rope too she wouldn’t have any problem breaking out.

- Don’t bother - Said Ann, drawing Eyiel’s attention away from her restraints to her.

Eyiel saw Ann, she was lying on the floor against the walls, her legs were thoroughly tied up at the ankles, above and below the knees and at the middle of her thighs. Her chest and upper arms were encircled by ropes, they ran above and below her breast and were cinched at her armpits. It seemed like her hands were tied behind her back.

- What happened? - Asked Eyiel as she sat up with difficulty due to the restraints on her.

- I’m really sorry - Said Ann as she looked down in shame.

- We were captured - Intervened Ferine.

Eyiel looked around, she was still trying to figure out what was happening, she couldn’t believe they were captured. The place seemed like a dungeon, a dark, cylindrical, room made of stone bricks and little light provided by candles on the wall, the only exit seemed to be a heavy wooden door which was obviously closed.

The amazon also noticed something else, she and all of her friends were chained to the walls by a shackle on her ankles. Eyiel noticed it as she moved her legs struggling and heard he noise of the chain that attached her to the wall. But one of the chains was missing a prisoner, that was what made Eyiel notice that Liel was not in the room with them.

Rhys and Zelliria were awake too, but the ballgag on her mouths wasn’t helping them talk. It seemed like whoever captured them was well acquainted with their abilities since anyone else would’ve made the mistake of leaving the two mages ungagged.

- Just tell me what happened! - Said Eyiel, getting angry as she started to see how futile her struggles were.

- It’s a long story - Said Ferine.

- Do we really need to tell her? - Asked Ann.

- Of course we do - Replied Ferine - Stop blaming yourself for it.

- But it is my fault... - Said Ann.

- Blaming yourself wont help us to get out - Said Ferine.

- Can you tell me what happened already!? - Said Eyiel, angry at her apparent inability to break out of the leather straps.

Ann sighed and looked up, ready to face Eyiel.

- Just promise you wont get angry at me - Said Ann.

- I wont, just tell me - Replied Ann.

Ann proceeded to awkwardly tell Eyiel how they ended up here, everything from she and Liel going to Goronwy’s house and how that ended up with her captured. Ann was deeply ashamed of telling Eyiel how she was used as ransom to get her friends to comply, that made her feel guilty about their current situation.

- So, no idea where Liel is? - Asked Eyiel.

- No - Said Ann - I only hope she’s okay.

- Anyway we can’t count on her to free us - Said Eyiel as she gazed over her bound friends - It is on us then.

- How do you expect us to get free? - Asked Ann, bewildered at her friends optimism.

- We’ve had it worse - Said Eyiel - I’m sure we can’t get out of this one if we try.

- Told ya Ann - Said Ferine - I rarely agree with our barbarian friend over here but she’s right about this one.

- Still It’s too risky - Said Ann - This Agatha told me that she's a witch, we can’t fight her like this!

- It wouldn’t be the first time we slay one - Said Eyiel as a smile appeared on her face, she loved to defeat smug mages with her raw strength - She may have tied us up but we still have a chance.

- It’s too risky - Said Ann - She could have any spell on these ropes.

- Better to try than to stay here - Said Ferine - Come on Eyiel, let’s try something.

- What do you have in mind? - Asked Eyiel - You’re the one that has done this before so I’ll do as you say.

- If only you were like that more often - Said Ferine teasingly - “I’ll do as you say” - She mimicked Eyiel.

- This is no time for your jokes! - Said Eyiel angrily, not comprehending how Ferine was able to make jokes in a situation like this.

- Sorry - Said Ferine not genuinely apologizing - What we need to try to get back to back, then we can untie our hands.

- You’ve already tried that - Said Ann - It’s impossible, these chains won’t let you reach her.

Indeed Ferine had tried to get back to back with Zelliria and Rhys but soon enough she found out that just like Ann had pointed out reaching them was impossible due the chain attaching them to the walls that only allowed to them move a little away from the wall until they became stuck. She had tried everything but had only ended up being painfully close to her friends but in the end unable to reach them. Not only that but her friend’s inability to speak made the whole situation more difficult than it already was.

- It surprises me how much you underestimate Eyiel’s strength - Said Ferine - Maybe you’re jealous of she being stronger than you but I know for a fact that she can break out of those chains if she tries to.

Ann just looked away and pretended to ignore Ferine’s remark. She had practically admitted defeat to the point that she wasn’t even trying to escape.

- Okay, let’s do this - Said Eyiel as she managed to grab the chain with her hands behind her back.

Eyiel layied on the floor and grabbed the chain with force as she pushed against the wall with her strong legs. It took her a while because of the awkward position but she finally managed to break the chain out of the wall, just like she had done in the inquisitor’s dungeon.

-Mphg! - Rhys cheered Eyiel’s escape as much as her gag allowed her to.

Eyiel took a deep breath and started to crawl towards Ferine and she managed to get back to back with her, just like they needed to be.

- Now try to found the knot and untie it - Said Ferine.

- Let me try... - Said Eyiel as she twisted her fingers looking for a knot in Ferine’s wrist restraints.

Eyiel tried for a while and found the knot, but she kept loosing it as she tried to undo it, it turns out that untying a carefully tied knot with her hands tied behind her back was even more difficult than it seemed.

- Stop it! - Said Ann after minutes had passed without Eyiel being able to free Ferine.

- Are you really with us Ann? - Asked Ferine, angry at Ann’s command.

- It’s not that! - Said Ann as angry as Ferine - It’s that someone is coming!

- That’s right Eyiel, get that knot undone quickly - Said Ferine - Do you think I can’t hear the footsteps? That’s why I’m trying to get out, to catch that bitch when she enters this room.

- What if she founds out you’re trying to escape? - Asked Ann, getting progressively more nervous as the footsteps approaching.

- At least I will know that I tried something - Said Ferine confidently - Unlike you.

Eyiel kept trying her best, despite her hands not being not being as dexterous like Ferine’s or Zelliria’s she was managing to make progress and with every attempt the knot kept getting weaker and just when she was about to finish untying the knot something surprised her enough to accidentally let go of the rope, it was the door opening.

- Well well - Said Agatha as her figure emerged from the darkness - What do we have here?

Ferine and Eyiel turned to Agatha and gave the dirtiest of looks to her. Zelliria also looked at her with with the same anger, but the gag on her mouth didn’t made her too intimidating to say the least. Rhys and Ann also looked at her, but with fear rather than defiance.

- Care to explain? - Asked Agatha.

Nobody in the room replied.

- So you’re playing hard huh? - Said Agatha - Well it’s not like I need you to explain anything, you were not very subtle with your escape attempt.

Again Agatha was met with silence, the three prisoners that could speak had no interest in doing so.

- First of all I’ll need you two to get away from each other - Said Agatha as she grabbed Ferine by the shoulders and tossed her away from Eyiel.

Eyiel fell to the floor and grunted angrily at Agatha who stepped on her chest like if she was standing over a prey she was proud of. Eyiel was so close to finish untying Ferine when Agatha tossed her away. The amazon was angry enough to resume her struggles, squirming with all the strength she had against her restraints.

- It’s of no use dear, those straps were made out of a roper’s tentacles, exclusively for you - Said Agatha - Do you like them?

- Fuck you! - Said Eyiel, once again realizing how futile her struggles were.

- What was that? - Asked Agatha mockingly - Not used to loose?

Eyiel no longer replied, she was just too angry at this woman and wasn’t going to give her the pleasure of replying to her questions.

- I assume not - Said Agatha - You seem more used to solve things by brute force, sadly for you, that wont be enough for you this time.

Agatha gazed over her prisoners, she was proud of their capture so she couldn’t help but smirk at the scene.

- To where I was, I wanted you to know that.... - Agatha was suddenly interrupted, Ferine lunged towards her by surprise, she was free of the ropes.

Eyiel may not have completely undone the knot but she did enough to make Ferine able to untie herself, once her hands were free and with the help of a hidden dagger in one of her boots the rest of restraints were easy to get out of. The only restraint she still had on her was the shackle at her ankle, but that didn’t mattered since Agatha had made the mistake of standing within Ferine’s reach.

Ferine tried to stab Agatha but she managed to barely dodge it, but she wasn’t unharmed, behind her now torn clothes red blood could be seen, Ferine had managed to harm her.

Ferine was ready to keep fighting but Agatha had no intention to do so. Agatha simply stepped back gracefully and when Ferine was confident that her dagger would land directly on Agatha’s clavicle the shackle on her foot made her fall to the floor.

Agatha had stepped out of Ferine’s reach and the scout now laid on the floor after a harsh fall. The witch stepped on her hand, preventing her from grabbing the dagger again.

- Now that was very naughty of you - Said Agatha as she crouched to take the dagger from Ferine - You must be punished for that.

- Do your worst I don’t fear you! - Said Ferine from the floor.

- Really? Are you really that brave? - Asked Agatha threateningly.

- Do not dare to hurt her! - Said Eyiel as she tried to crawl towards Ferine.

- Was that a threat? - Asked Agatha as she turned towards the bound amazon - Because you're not in a position to threat anyone.

Eyiel just looked angrily at Agatha, she knew that the witch was right and that angered her even more.

- I was going to ask you who wants to be interrogated, because as you may notice, one your friends is missing - Said Agatha as she looked over her prisoners - But since you two already deserve punishments I think I don’t need to ask.

Agatha’s gaze was met with the angry look of Zelliria, who couldn’t get more angry at Agatha now that she had brought up her childhood friend.

- Well, Ferine, Eyiel - Called Agatha as she looked at the two adventurers - I hope your ready to answer some questions and endure some punishments.

- We won’t tell you anything - Said Ferine.

- We’ll see about that after some torture - Said Agatha - But first I’ll need you to keep still - Agatha grabbed the ropes Ferine had taken off from the floor.

- I won’t let you - Said Ferine as she stood up from the floor.

- Please stop this! - Shouted Ann as she saw Ferine’s defiance - I don’t want you to get hurt!

Everyone in the room turned towards Ann. Agatha looked at her in amusement, but Ferine looked at her in anger, she could not understand why she had become so docile before this woman.

- Oh so you really care about her - Said Agatha as she started to walk towards Ann, interrupting Ferine before she could say anything - Tell me Ann, how much are you willing to do for those two? - She crouched by Ann and grabbed her by the cheeks, forcing her to look at Eyiel and Ferine.

- Everything - Said Ann meekly - So please just don’t hurt them.

- I’m afraid I have no choice - Said Agatha as she stroked Ann’s blonde hair - They were very naughty and they must pay for that.

-Really? - Asked Ann - You really can’t spare them?

Agatha shook her head in denial as she smiled smugly at Ann, she took great pleasure in hearing the knight’s pleads.

- I’ll take their place - Said Ann confidently but seriously.

Ferine and Eyiel looked at Ann in surprise they shouted at her not to do it but neither Ann nor Agatha were listening. Agatha still looked smug and confident while Ann maintained her seriousness.

- I’m afraid that your just one girl Ann - Said Agatha - You’ll have to choose who to take the place of.

Again, Agatha grabbed Ann’s Face and forced her to look at her two friends.

Ann was now faced with a difficult choice. Both Ferine and Eyiel asked Ann not to do this but Ann wasn’t letting Agatha torture one of her friends if she could prevent it.

- Choose already! Otherwise the three of you will be tortured - Said Agatha - And you two, shut up! - She shouted at Ferine and Eyiel.

After saying that Agatha laid Ferine’s dagger against Ann’s neck, a gesture that made Ferine, Eyiel and the rest of prisoners who had been trying to make noise under her gags shut up immediately, just like Agatha wanted them.

- Good girls - Said Agatha as she took the blade away from Ann’s neck.

Ann was now thinking nervously, no matter who she took the place of one of her friends will suffer and the impotence that made her feel was dreadful. Ann couldn’t decide but when she looked at Eyiel the amazon nodded at her, giving Ann a clear message.

- I’m sorry Eyiel - Said Ann - I’ll replace Ferine.

- Oh so you’ll let Eyiel suffer? - Asked Agatha mockingly - Doesn’t that tell you something Eyiel?

- That I have the best of friends - Replied Eyiel confidently.

- How cute - Said Agatha - Let’s see if you think that about her once you have endured my tortures.

Agatha approached Ferine but made sure to stay out of her reach.

- Can I trust you to behave if I give a step forward? - Said Agatha.

- I don’t know, can you? - Asked Ferine with defiance.

- Think of it this way - Said Agatha - Every misbehavior of yours will be paid not for you, but by your kind friend over there.

That made Ferine recoil, she didn’t wanted to be to blame for whatever Agatha was going to do with Ann. But she didn’t wanted Ann or any of her friends to be tortured by this woman in the first place.

- Fine - Said Ferine as she raised her hands over her head.

Agatha gave a step forward and asked Ferine to turn back. Ferine obeyed and felt her hands being pulled behind her back, the rope was coming next but she wouldn’t allow that.

Ferine turned back and kicked Agatha’s legs making her harshly fall to the floor and before she could crawl out of Ferine’s reach she had her neck grabbed by Ferine’s legs.

- Change of plans - Said Ferine.

Agatha may have been taken by surprise but she started to laugh smugly as she regained her composure.

- Still smug huh? - Said Ferine as she strengthened her thigh lock.

- You’re being so naughty right now - Said Agatha still as smug as before.

- I think you don’t realize in what position you’re in - Said Ferine strengthening her grip even more, enough to start choking a regular person - You better get us out of these chains right now.

- I think the one that doesn’t realize in what situation she’s in is you dear - Said Agatha as she grabbed Ferine’s legs.

- Huh? - Ferine was surprised by Agatha’s calm, she shouldn’t even be able to breath and yet she kept her calm, smug tone.

And slowly but surely Agatha started to pull Ferine’s legs apart, getting out of her grip. Ferine, like all of her friends at the moment, was as surprised as she was terrified, a woman of her complexion shouldn’t be able to do what Agatha was doing right now, yet she did it almost effortlessly.

Agatha got out of Ferine’s grip but kept holding to one of her legs. She stood up and had Ferine hanging upside down from her ankle, she looked down at her face, filled with anger and fear and a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

- If only you had listening - Said Agatha faking a lament.

- What the hell are you? - Asked Ferine.

- I assume you all are asking that at this moment - Said Agatha - So I’ll have you know, I am a green witch, not a mere human who knows about magic, I come straight out of the darkest corners of the darkest places, and you’ve had the misfortune to come to my realm.

Now all made sense, Agatha’s magic abilities, her unnatural strength and even the fey aura that seemed to surround her.

- But to where I was... - Agatha laid Ferine on the floor carelessly - You can struggle all you want now, you’re not getting out.

Ferine did struggle, she tried to hit Agatha, to squirm away but the grip with which she pinned her to the floor was too strong. Ferine’s body filled with impotence as she felt her body being bound again, her hands behind her back, pinned to her waist, her upper arms pinned to her chest, and she couldn’t do anything about it.

- I know that you are no mage - Said Agatha - But I’ve had enough of you talking.

As soon as Agatha let go of the bound Ferine she turned back to see Agatha taking of one of her thigh high boots.

- Unlike your friends, I don’t think you deserve a clean gag - Said Agatha as she took of one of her thigh high socks and then balled it up.

Ferine knew what was coming next perfectly well so she shut her mouth, but that didn’t help her. Agatha grabbed her face with enough strength to force her mouth open and shoved the sock inside.

Ferine was ready to spit the sock but before she could she saw Agatha, grabbing a strap of bandage and the putting it over her mouth from ear to ear. Ferine was shocked to find out that the bandage stuck to her skin perfectly and prevented her to spit the socks.

- Those are mummy bandages, I got them just in case one of you became too noise and well, you gave me the perfect opportunity to use it - Said Agatha as she looked down on the now gagged Ferine, who was still looking at her defiantly.

Roper made leather straps and mummy bandages, this woman was definitively well equipped for tying people up which only made the prisoners more scared of what she had planned for them. But Rhys couldn’t help but feel just a little exited, she felt horrible and very guilty about that, but she couldn’t help it, she had read about mummy bandages and now the only thing she wanted was to be gagged by the witch with one.

Agatha untied Ann’s ankle restraints and with a spell unlocked the manacle that held her to the wall. Then she unbuckled the strap that held Eyiel’s ankles together, both adventurers looked at her bewildered.

- I want you girls to follow me, I hope that you don’t get any crazy ideas about it because if you cause me any problems... - Agatha made a pause and smiled - Well you don’t want to know what happens if you do.

Reluctantly, both Ann and Eyiel got up and waited for Agatha to walk away and then followed her.

- Ferine, you may have noticed that I didn’t tie your legs - Said Agatha - Do you have any idea of why I left those beautiful legs of yours free.
Ferine looked away and didn’t answer, but the sound of the shackle in her ankle being unlocked caught her by surprise.

- Because I want you to come with us Ferine - Said Agatha - I want you to see what your friend will have to endure because of your misbehavior.

- Mphg! - Screamed Ferine under her gag, just showing defiance just for the sake of it.

- What? Do you think it’s unfair? - Asked Agatha as she pulled Ann towards her and showed her to Ferine - It is Ferine - Then she smacked Ann’s buttocks, making her squirm.

Ferine grunted angrily under her gag as she stood up.

- If you don't want me to hurt them, think that if you had behaved better I wouldn’t have to - Said Agatha with a smile on her face - For now start walking, you may learn a thing or two after you see what will happen to her.

Rhys and Zelliria tried to get Agatha’s attention but their gags made all of their pleads muffled moans. Both of them wanted to stop Agatha from leaving with their friends, although Rhys wouldn’t mind if she decided to use some mummy bandages to gag her, but the witch only gave them a sadistic smile after she closed the room.

Rhys and Zelliria were left in utter silence, everything seemed to be lost.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Indeed everything seems lost now. Who should save our heroines? What is in store for Ann? Agatha is pure evil. Great Chapter, the Tension builds up nicely! :) Good work [mention]banshee[/mention] ! Keep it going!
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Post by banshee »

Thanks [mention]Caesar73[/mention] I'm glad that you're enjoying the story
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

I fell a bit behind for a little, but I'm up to date and really excited to see where it goes! Great work as always!
Your local catboy maid & sock enthusiast.

If you're reading this, you can do me a huge favor and have a great day!
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Post by banshee »

Chapter 28: The Crooked Tower

In the abandoned temple of Swampcross Liel was still trapped, listening to the growls of the monsters around the building every minute. She had been trapped there for long enough to get her head filled with thoughts of what could be happening to her friends, none of them was good.

Her only hope was to banish the monsters with a spell, something she knew how to do, but was much harder than she thought. She knew that sunlight would banish this type of creature, but they were proving to be more cunning than any animal, and wouldn’t fall for the any trick Liel could think of and she feared that if she failed to banish them once, she would never manage to do so.

The dark monotony of Liel’s confinement was broken when she heard another set of steps approaching, these were not of a monster, she could tell by the sound. She looked eagerly at the door, expectant of who would come to this dark place and why was he doing so.

- Huh... hello? - Asked a trembling voice as the figure of a guard made itself clear in the gate - Anyone here?

Liel did not reply, she knew very well that the guards of this town were not to be trusted. She hid behind a broken bench, which made her very hard to see in the darkness.

The guard entered the temple and looked around with fear in his eyes, he pointed his spear at seemingly random directions, apparently trying to scare away something.

- I know you’re here, come out! - Said the guard, trying to hide his fear, something he did poorly.

Liel remained quietly in her hiding spot, coming up with a plan to get out of the temple with the help of the guard, although she was sure that he wouldn’t willingly agree to it.

- You are literally trapped! - Said the guard as he stood in the temple podium - Come out already!

With magic Liel made the light’s of the temple blink, the guard screamed in fear and dropped his spear to the floor, this was Liel’s
opportunity. With the same spell she had used a long ago on Zelliria she paralyzed the guard, when in fear it’s nearly impossible to gather the will to resist such magic so he just froze in place.

As the lights gained their glow again Liel came out of her hiding spot, trying to look intimidating, but nearly tripping on her way to the guard. Not that he cared, he was too scared to even notice.

- I’ll be taking this - Said Liel as she picked up the spear from the floor - And I’d like you, I mean I’ll need you, to answer some questions - Liel wasn’t at all used to this stuff.

The guard tried to nod but his condition didn’t allowed him even that.

- I know you can’t reply right now so I’ll end this spell, but just to be sure - Liel took the manacles that hung from the guards belt.

Liel manacled the guards hands behind his back and ended the spell, letting the guard harshly fall to the floor.

- Sorry are you okay? - Asked Liel almost instinctively - I mean, ready to talk?

The guard looked at Liel confused, the behaviour of this woman who a few minutes managed to scare him now seemed strangely kind, and he couldn’t tell if he should be pleased or scared to know that.

- Yes I guess... - Said the guard awkwardly.

- First of all I want you to tell me the truth and only the truth! - Said Liel the best imitation she could give of her master, which was still rather poor.

The guard kept looking at her in confusion, he knew that he shouldn’t give any information to her but he couldn’t tell if he had just been threatened.

- Will you? - Pressed Liel.

- Yes...- Replied the guard slowly.

- Because you must know that my magic can force you to do so! - Said Liel - It’s just that I’d like to save it because I think I have a big battle ahead - She continued, her tone getting lower as she realized how out place her words sounded.

Again the guard gave her a weird look.

- But know that I can use if I need to! - Liel tried to threaten.

- Okay, I wont lie - Said The guard as he sat down - What do you want to know?

Liel thought about all of what happened this night and she definitely had a lot of questions, maybe more she had time to ask them.

- First of all, why are you doing this to me and my friends? - Asked Liel as she encircled the guard, mimicking something her master used to do with her prisoners.

- Lady Agatha asked us to - Said the guard simply.

- And you do whatever she asks you to? - Asked Liel - I though the mayor was Goronwy not her!

- Well... - The guard looked away, seemingly with no intention to reply.

- Hey! Answer! - Said Liel.

- He is the mayor, but he obeys Agatha - Said the guard - Well, everyone in the town does, she has been here since before any of us.

- What is she? - Asked Liel.

- A witch - Replied the guard - That’s all I know.

Liel looked closely at the guard, uncomfortably close.

- Well it doesn’t seem like you’re lying - Said Liel as she backed away from the guard - But you still haven’t answered the question.

- Didn’t I?

- You told me that you’re doing this because Agatha told you - Said Liel - But any idea of why she needs you to do this?

- I really don’t know...

- Is that so? - Asked Liel as she pointed to the guard and the tip of her finger glimmered with magic golden light.

The guard squirmed away in fear, but he couldn’t get too far, definitely not far enough from Liel.

- Remember, the truth and only the truth - Said Liel as she pointed to the guard.

- There’s a bounty on you! - Said the guard, closing his eyes like expecting to be killed.

- What? - Asked Liel as she lowered her finger ending the spell.

- Someone has put a bounty on you and your friends - Said the guard as he recovered from the scare - Agatha promised us a part if we helped her get it.

- Any idea of who put it up? - Asked Liel.

The guard shook his head in denial.

- It’s fine, I believe you - Said Liel as she stroked the guard’s hair, noticing how scared he was - And don’t worry about the spell, it was just light! - She produced the same spell again.

The guard looked at her in disbelief, but was somewhat happy that he hadn’t been threatened with death.

- One more question and I’ll leave - Said Liel - Just please answer truthfully.

The guard looked at her and awaited for the question.

- Where are my friends? - Asked Liel.

- In Agatha’s tower, It’s north to the city in the middle of a lake - Said the guard.

- In the middle of a lake? - Asked Liel, hoping to have misheard that - how I am supposed to get there?

- There are boats.... - Replied the guard awkwardly.

- Oh that’s right, I should have assumed that - Said Liel as she got up and faced the door.

- What are you doing? - Asked the guard.

- Well I have to rescue my friends from that witch don’t I? - Said Liel with a smile on her face - Don’t worry about you, I’m sure your friends will find you.

- But those monsters! - Said the guard - they’ll kill you if you step outside.

- Good to see that you care about me - Said Liel - But don’t worry I’m not in any trouble.

Liel firmly grabbed the spear and walked to the door in front of the unbelieving eyes of the guard, this small woman was going to face these two monsters by herself? In the door, outside of the temple and hidden in the darkness were the hounds, only their red glowing eyes giving away their position.

Liel closed her eyes and took a deep breath before stepping outside, she didn’t even entered a defensive stance when doing so. The beasts were quick to start encircling her while growling menacingly, but she just strengthened the grip on her weapon and gazed upon them.
Just like Liel had suspected, Agatha wanted her alive so her beasts were not willing to just pounce on her to kill her, giving her the perfect opportunity to get at them.

The hounds were making the circle smaller, trying to force Liel to walk forward but she didn’t move, she instead waited for the two monsters to be close enough to her and then tapped the floor with her spear. The weapon shed golden light and the hound growled in pain, before banishing in a cloud of black smoke.

The spear stopped glimmering and Liel smiled at the guard who was looking in disbelief from inside the temple and then ran away. Her first destination was the place she and her friends were staying, but as soon as she saw it she also saw the guards protecting it, she would have to manage without any of her equipment. Her next destination were the stables which were being protected by only one guard who seemed to be falling asleep on his spear. Liel had no problem escaping with one of their horses and once she was rapidly fleeing riding her steed nobody managed to stop her, few managed to even tell who she was.

At all speed Liel went to the lake north of the town, but the horse couldn’t keep it’s pace and Liel couldn’t blame it. As they approached the lake the air became fouler and the swarms of mosquitoes and flies grew in number, but eventually, the horse took Liel to a small dock in the lake.

The lake itself seemed to be the source of every bad thing about this swamp, it smelled horribly, worse than the whole swamp, and its surface was filled with swarms of insects that laid their eggs on the foul green water. And in the middle of that pool of pestilence laid a crooked tower, hidden in the mist and only revealed by the yellow light that came through it’s windows.

Liel pinched he nose and took a deep breath, then walked to the small docks to get to a small rowboat that seemed to be the only way to get to the tower that hid in the fog in the middle of the lake.

Liel grabbed the oars and started to move the boat with difficulty, she wasn’t weak but rowing in this waters felt like doing so in honey, pestilent, reeking honey, not to mention she was reading off theory from books, for she had never been in a boat before. Liel gave a last look to the horse as she lost sight of him in the mist, she felt bad for leaving the animal in such place but the lake itself was definitively worse.
After minutes of rowing in almost absolute silence Liel heard and saw something in the water. She thought that she imagined it, silence can sometimes be so deafening that it makes people hear stuff but the she heard it again, and it was closed.

Liel gulped and started to row faster, “nothing can live in these waters” she thought, and that made sense, other than the offspring of mosquitoes what could be so wretched to inhabit such a place.

Liel heard it again but this time the noise was accompanied by an even worse visual, something had touched one of the oars. She tried to move the oar again but quickly she realized that she was struggling against something holding it. Liel wanted to think that some algae was to blame, but even she who had never seen it knew that it doesn’t grab things.

The grip on the oar was strong that Liel was forced to use both hands to hold it but as soon as she let go of the other oar it was pulled out of the boat and thrown far away into the mist. Fear filled Liel’s body as she struggled to hold to the oar that she still had, but she wasn’t strong enough. Liel had to let go of the oar when she realized that if she kept holding on to it, she would fall to the lake, now she was on a boat in the middle of a lake, and had no oars.

The shaking that the struggling for the oar left the boat in was suddenly ended when a pair of hands grabbed the boat from an edge and carefully stabilized it. Liel watched in fear as a figure started to emerge from the water, it was humanoid, but definitely not human. The creature fully came out of the water and showed itself.

What Liel was seeing was a half naked woman that reeked of fish, her ears were much like fins, her hands were webbed like the feet of a duck and her hair looked much more like algae than it looked like hair.

- Hi - Said the creature.

Liel was too scared to reply, she crawled back but being in a small boat gave her little to no room for doing so.

- What? Are you scared? - Asked the creature as she leaned forward into the boat - People usually are, I don’t know what they expect to see when they come to a witch’s lair to be honest.

- Are you with her? - Asked Liel, regaining composure.

- What do you think? - The creature asked - Of course I am.

Liel was starting to realize how bad her situation was, stuck in the middle of the lake with no rows and on top of that an aquatic creature that served the witch.

- What are you? - Asked Liel hoping to get an advantage like the one she got against the hounds.

- A Cecalian - Said the creature as she rested her elbows on the side of the boat - But you can call me Talisea.

- What? I thought Cecalians lived in the sea! - Said Liel.

- We do, but I was an unlucky one - Said Talisea.

- What do you mean unlucky? - Asked Liel, more concerned about gaining time than about the question itself.

- That’s not your problem - Replied Talisea.

- If it is a problem I can help you with it - Said Liel - I’m a priestess, I know white magic...

- Don’t make me remind you what the other half of my body is - Threatened Talisea.

Liel knew exactly what she was talking about, so she made the conscious decision to remain quiet.

- Now, shall I take you to her? - Said Talisea as she faced away from Liel to look at the tower.

Liel took this opportunity to take her spear from the floor of the boat, she readied an attack towards the creature, it didn’t matter to her if she had to row with the spear afterwards, she just couldn’t be taken to the witch.

- Sly bitch - Said Talisea as she grabbed the spear before it struck her head - But you give me the perfect chance to make use of that other half of me.

Liel struggled for the hold of the spear for a few seconds but then Talisea broke the tip, and Liel just threw the stick that she was left with to the floor of the boat.

- Can you please tell me your name? - Said Talisea as she crawled on top of the boat.

- Liel - She replied with a shaking voice.

- Liel, I was planning to just leave you with Agatha and forget about you, but now I want to spend a little more time with you - Said Talisea as she got close enough to Liel for her to smell her breath - Remind me Liel, one half of my body is human, what is the other?

- O... Octopus... - Said Liel with fear.

- Exactly - Said Liel as a sadistic smile appeared on her face.

And like Liel expected, tentacles came out of the water, two grabbed her hands by the wrists and other two her feet by the ankles. Liel tried to dodge them but in the small space of the boat and the darkness of the night it was nearly impossible.

- Hng! Let me go! - Said Liel as she struggled against the tentacles.

- Plead all you want Liel - Said Talisea - Nobody but the mosquitoes will hear you in this place.

- Don’t do this! Please! - Pleaded Liel without ceasing her struggles.

- You can’t stop me now - Said Talisea as she put herself above Liel - All you can do now is relax and try to enjoy this - Talisea licked Liel’s cheek, filling her with disgust.

- Enjoy? - Asked Liel, disgusted by Talisea.

- Yes, enjoy - Said Talisea.

And before Liel could keep complaining Talisea kissed her in the lips, she was a good kisser but the taste of her lips didn’t help in any way. Liel tried to make noise and to get away but Talisea’s strong hands firmly held her head, this was her first kiss since she had joined the inquisition and she wasn’t liking it at all.

- What was that!? - Asked Liel after spitting to the floor and seeing the smile Talisea had on her face after that kiss.

Instead of replying Talisea stealthily moved other of her tentacles aboard and rapidly wrapped it around Liel’s mouth, effectively gagging her.

- Mpgh! - Moaned Liel under her disgusting gag.

- Shh - Said Talisea as she pressed her index finger against her lips - We don’t want to wake up the mosquitoes - Then she winked at Liel.

Then Talisea nearly laid on top of Liel, getting her face really close to the priestess’s. Liel had to admit that Talisea was in no way ugly, but her smell was horrific and above all else the context didn’t help her at all. All myths of lustful Cecalians that Liel had read on books appeared to be about to become true in front of her eyes, and she wasn’t eager for that to happen.

But as Talisea looked Liel in the eyes the priestess noticed something, a yellow glimmer in the Cecalian’s eyes, a sign of a charm. Liel knew herself to be more than capable to break it, all she needed, was a chance.
Last edited by banshee 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by banshee »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]DallasNotAustin[/mention] chapter 28 is up! It's a bit slow but i hope you like it and as always thanks for the comments.
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