Charlotte's Big Break (M/F)

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the snarker
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Charlotte's Big Break (M/F)

Post by the snarker »

Author's note: This story was loosely based on the experience of deviantartist I have been intrigued for a long time about the behind the scenes aspect of DiD scenes so this story reflects that. The song referenced by Charlotte is "Shut Me Up", written and performed by Gabbie Hanna. Happy Holidays!

Charlotte Ryder was monitoring a series of broadcast on the computer, happily half-singing to the pop song on the radio. She worked in the master control room for K2SO, a small television station serving a handful of counties. She passed a hand through her long dirty blond hair, taking the time to scratch the back of her head. She has been here for a few hours and was starting to feel a bit restless, anticipating her coming lunch break. She slowly stretched her body, the hem of her white t-shirt lifting and revealing part of her toned abdomen. She was quite an athletic young woman and often went to the gym or run around the park. Her muscled leg hid beneath her dark blue jeans. She slipped her bare feet out of her black ballet flats and rubbed them together.

- Hard at work? A charming voice said.

She turned her chair around, already recognizing Craig Johnson, her co-worker from production. Tall, dark and handsome are three words Charlotte would use to describe Craig, alongside gregarious and approachable.

- You know me. Nothing comes before work. She replied.

- Funny you should say that, because I’ve had an idea.

He took the one other chair in the room and sat right in front of Charlotte.

- Oooh! No way! She said, chuckling.

With Craig close too her, she took the opportunity to put her tanned feet up on her friend’s upper thigh, crossing them at the ankles. Craig was unfazed by this move from Charlotte. He leaned slightly forward.

- I’ve thought about a new promo for the station and I would like you to be in it.

Charlotte perked up at this request.

- Sure, sounds like fun.

- Great, but you have to be tied up.

She laughed heartily, a wry smile forming on her round face.

- And why’s that?

- So, the gimmick, is that you’re a woman whose house has been burgled. You’re bound and gagged in your ransacked living room when your
husband comes home. So, he comes in and sees you. He panics and kneels down to untie you but he accidentally hits the remote and turns on the TV. Of course, it would be on our station and he would be so entranced by our incredible programing that he would just forget to untie you. You would be all pissed off and stomping around, and he would just sit on the couch watching TV. What do you think?

- Sure! Sounds like fun.

- Yes?

- Yes! Instead of being figuratively tied up this chair all day, I’ll be literally tied up to another chair!

Her smile spread from ear to ear.


A couple of days later, Charlotte joined Craig in a small conference room alongside the rest of the production crew. It consisted of Anita Jackson, a forty-year-old black woman as the director of photography. Jim Macready a tall surfer dude from California as the grip and Paco Jimenez, a good friend of Craig who will play the role of the husband. After a sip of his decent cup of coffee, Craig turned to Paco.

- So, clothing wise, I see something clean, but kinda casual. Not a business suit, more like a leather jacket and jeans combo, do you have something like that?

- Sure. I could wear a nice shirt underneath.

- Yeah, good. And you Charlotte, I think some kind of pajamas, or maybe even a bathrobe, to show the audience that you’ve been tied up all day. You know, and damn your husband obsessed with the TV. You get me?

The young woman furrowed her brows.

- Yes, I have a nice lavender bathrobe, very cute and simple.

- That would be good right? Craig said turning to Anita.

- Works for me.

- So, do you want me barefoot too? Charlotte added.

The tall man paused an instant.

- Yeah, sure! It would be natural, casual, and perfect for the effect we want on the audience. We don’t want glamour, we want fun and
identifiable. Good idea Charlie.

She perked up in her seat.


It was decided to film the promo the following Monday, and Charlotte offered the crew to use her own house for the shoot, which they graciously accepted. The day came, with the small crew arriving at 8 am to set everything up. When Charlotte opened the door, she was already wearing the lavender robe, which stopped just under the knee. While somewhat conservative, it still showed off her pleasing figure. Craig took notice of the tanned top of her bare feet and the toes newly painted with a matching lavender colour.

- You’ve got yourself a little pedicure Charlie?

- You noticed? Yes, I had them done yesterday. I gotta look my best for TV!

She took a moment to show off her toes, standing on one foot at a time.

- So come on in! You guys want some coffee?

The group nodded in approval, expressing their thanks to the tall blonde. They placed themselves, cups in hand, in the living room.

- We’ll start by filming the master. We’ll do the whole scene for the front angle. Don’t worry guys, we’ll do a couple rehearsals before rolling, so you can get the gist of it. Said Craig.

- Sounds good to me. Said Anita.

- Now, Charlotte, would you mind helping me “ransack” your place. I want it too look good, but not actually break your stuff you know?

- Sure Craig. As long as you helped put it back up!

They spent the next half an hour taking out objects from the living room, overturning a couple of chairs and a small table, and putting a few worthless piece of junk on the ground.

- Is that good enough for you, because I’ve seen it look worse than that! Charlotte said to Craig, a twinkle in her eye.

- We want ransacked not a warzone.

- Craig, I’ve placed the camera. Are you ready for the blocking?

- Oh? Yeah. Charlotte, would-

- Mind setting myself up to be tied up? Of course not.

Charlotte sat on small wooden chair, putting her hands on the armrests. She was wistfully rubbing her bare feet together.

- So, how does this work?

Craig came forward with a whole bunch of soft white coloured nylon ropes.

- I was thinking of binding your arms to the armrest. Then, tying your torso to the back of the chair. After that, some ropes over your knees here, and to finish with your ankles.

- Well, well, seems like gave it lots of thought. I didn’t you were such a naughty boy.
Craig’s cheeks slightly reddened. He took a brief moment to compose himself and stood up. He swiftly but gently put his put his hand on Charlotte’s
grinning mouth.

- Mmmpphh!!

- And once all the tying is done, we won’t forget to tape that smart mouth of yours, won’t we?

- Mmm mm mmph. Charlotte muffled, shaking her head left to right, still smiling under Craig’s strong hand.

As Craig took his time to bind her body, Charlotte did not refrain herself to make small talk to the crew, and purposefully lacing it with innuendoes about her current predicament. As he finished binding her knees, she egged him on.

- Now, now Craig, don’t tell me you haven’t done this before. Did you practice on your girlfriend in col- ha! Hahhahaha! WHatraahahaah!
Craig was grazing his nails on Charlotte’s bare soles, sending her in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

- OoooHhhhooHHHhHHHAhahahahaHAAAAAstopitstopitspoooooagahahahahaaa!

- Sorry, I’ve got trouble understanding you. You should try speaking more clearly.

- Ticklllllelleeeeeeesssshahahahahahahahahahahhaha!

The rest of the crew were very amused by Charlotte’s ticklish situation.

-Tickles? Yes, I can see that.

- HahahahahMERCY! MERCYYHAHHAHAhhahhahaa! PLealeeaaasSSSSEEE!

- Ok.

Craig let go of her sensitive feet, giving her a chance to catch her breath. She rubbed her feet together, trying to get rid of the ticklish sensation.

- Craig, we’re all set-up here? You’ll be ready soon?

- Yeah, just a couple of minutes to do her ankles.

- Don’t forget, you have to gag me too. Charlotte replied.

- Don’t worry, I won’t. He said, looping the rope around her ankles and up to the middle of her shins.

- Jim can you bring the prop tape and the small clean rag next to it pleasure?

- Sure, dude.

- Prop tape? Charlotte said.

- Well yeah, didn’t think we’d wrap proper duct tape around your face and hair, do you. It’ll be a nightmare to get off. No this tape looks just
like the real thing on camera but it’s only lightly adhesive. And the rag is there to be put in your mouth to make it more legit. You won’t have to fake mumble or scream, you’ll be gagged for real.

- You know I can be real loud.

- We all know that. We heard you at the last employee karaoke night.

- Hey!

Craig finished tying the last knot and stood up. Jim was next to him and handed him the gags.

- Any last words?

- So shut me up! So shut me up! You’ll never hear from me again. My lips are sealed. Lips are sealed. She sang.

Craig chucked and let Charlotte open her mouth so he could put in the rag. Then, he wrapped the prop tape neatly around her head three times,
making sure to smooth the tape over her lips to leave an imprint.

- Feel ok?

- Mmm mm. She nodded

- Ok good, if you feel unwell or uncomfortable, don’t be shy, make a victory sign on both your hands and we’ll stop everything and ungag you no
questions asked. Good for you?

- Ymmm.

- So, crew please come over here.

Craig asked Paco and Jim to position themselves on either side of Charlotte, while Anita and he kneeled to at her feet.

- Now, it’s time for a sound check,

- Whmmph?

The whole crew unleashed a tickle assault on sweet Charlotte, which send her in a ticklish frenzy.


She was flailing about as much as her bindings allowed her (which meant not much). Fingers poking her sides and nails raking the soles and tops of
her feet. The wooden chair creaking slightly as she put as much strain on the ropes as possible, but she was completely trapped. Gagged as she was, the sounds of her muffled screams of ticklish laughter barely reached the outside of the living room.


- Ok, ok. Craig said, motioning the others to stop.

Charlotte took a deep breath.

- Charlie, you ok?

- HmH, Hmm. Charlotte responded, nodding.

- But really, I just need you to look a bit worn out, like you’ve been here for a few hours. Now your hair’s a bit messy, and your robe wrinkled

under the ropes. Perfect look for the shot.

She grunted approvingly.

- Good, everybody in position, we’ll do some rehearsal.

The film crew huddled together while Paco went next to the front door.

- Should I go outside and come in? Pace said.

- Yes, because the sound of the door will be Charlotte’s cue. When we start Charlie, you should be a little limp, like you’ve gotten used to your bonds and are just waiting. The sound of Paco coming in gives you a second wind. It alerts you. Craig said.

- Mmmph. She said, following his instructions.

- Good. Any more questions Paco?

- No, no I’m good.

- Ok, let’s rehearse this. I’ll say action so you know when to come in.

Paco went outside the door and waited for the signal.

- Action!

Paco opened the door and entered the house. Charlotte started stirring about, mumbling through her gag.

- Honey, I’m home!

- MMpppHHhh! MmmPPhh! MMM! MMpph.

- What the?! Honey, what happened to you!

Charlotte was gesticulating on the chair, putting her face forward and looking straight at Paco.

- MMm MMph Mmmmppph. Mmmmph MmmmMmm Mpphmm.

- I’m here! I’m here.

Paco kneeled next to her. His hands were on her ankle bonds, but his knee hit the remote button. The remote that he hit was a prop. Craig used the
real remote to play the K2SO promotional reel.

- K2SO! Everything you need, all on your local channel! Sports, nationwide and statewide, local news, great primetime dramas…

As the announcer’s voice continued the station spiel, Paco turned his attention to it instead of Charlotte’s predicament.

-MmPPmm. MMpphm? MMMpphh! MMMMMPPPhhhHHH!!

Pace slowly got up and backed into the couch, transfixed. Charlotte was shaking about, her hair flailing. She was stomping her bare feet on the floor while moaning and squealing through her gag. Her athletic body was straining against the rope, accentuating her attractive figure.

- MMMPPPHH!! Mmmmmmmm… MPPPHM!

- K2SO! Your local channel, more captivating than ever! K2SO!

- Great! Craig said.

He paused the video.

- Good Paco. A bit stilted at the beginning, but that side-glance you gave before really watching the TV was on point. It won’t take much more warm-up for you get it I know.

- Thanks, man.

- Speaking of warming up, woah, Charlie, anymore and you would’ve burn the whole place down!

Charlotte muffled a hearty laugh.

- No really, you’re a born damsel in distress!

- Tmmph Mmm.

They did a couple of additional rehearsals before deciding to film. Charlotte kept the same level of energy, making Craig wonder if she will tire herself out.

- Ok. Camera?

- Ready.

- Sound?

- All right, all right, all right.

- Ok. Action!

Once more, Paco came in the room calling for Charlotte and she started to thrash about wildly, while ineffectively calling for him. Paco’s line
reading was more natural, his concern convincing. Just like him, Charlotte kept getting better and better at playing the distressed damsel. Her movements felt more intense and desperate. The ropes were continuously straining and stretching against her body. After a particularly powerful stomp of her bare feet on the floor, she swiftly lifted her legs up, stretching them and showed her smooth soles straight at the camera. She even twisted her ankles around, stretched her toes and wrinkled her soles, before stomping again. All of this punctuated by her utterly convincing gagged moans and cries of frustrations for Paco’s unwillingness to turn his eyes away from the television. She rolled her eyes, looked up to ceiling to sent another shout desperation.


- K2SO! Your local channel, more captivating than ever! K2SO!

- Cut! That was perfect you guys. Paco, you got this. You make it believable that you would watch the TV instead of untying Charlie, which is
pretty incredible considering how out of this world you were Charlie!

- Yeah, girl, like I could hear every nuances of your screams in the mic. It was crazy. Jim said.

Charlotte simply giggled, her cheeks red not just from the effort.

- How does it look in the camera?

- Really good, I think one more for safety then we can change angles.

Craig watched the shot play out on the monitor, visibly happy with how it turned out. They did another take for safety, sure that the first was going to be enough, and Charlotte did not disappoint.

After this, the crew changed the camera’s position to cover the alternate wide angles of the scene. Charlotte continued her impeccable damsel work each take, she seemed completely relentless in her bound and gagged fervor. Craig could not have ask for a more compelling captive. He had no idea that she would be so charismatic.

- Cut. Good, now that the wide shots are done, we’ll do Paco’s close-up.

As the crew were placing the equipment, Craig turned to Charlotte.

- Are you feeling well?

- Mmm mm. She mumbled, nodding.

- Great, listen, since you won’t be on camera, you can take a little break. We can use the sound from the other takes to put over the shot in

- Mm. Mm mm mph. She replied, shaking her head.

- You sure? Nobody can see you. You want to do it anyway.

- Mm. She firmly nodded.

- You know, even with pros it is common for the actor to be alone for shots like this. I don’t want you to tired yourself out for no reason.

Charlotte nodded again and started to strain against her ropes once more. Craig smiled, admiring her enthusiasms. As they filmed Paco’s close up,
she put all her heart into it, perfectly timing her performance with where they were in the scene. She convincingly replicated each grunts, each gagged screams. Still kicking and stomping like no tomorrow.


After all the shots of Paco solo were completed, Craig called a lunch break. Though Charlotte still gave a hundred percent each take, she had to admit she needed it. Sweat was glistening on her forehead, upper chest and neck. A single bead was slowly making its way across her tanned skin into her cleavage. Craig approached her with a white towel.

- May I?

She nodded. Craig gently wiped the sweat covering her face and neck, being careful not to make any embarrassing move.

- Mmmph mmm. She muffled.

- You’re welcome. You hungry? Do you want a chicken sandwich?

- Mmm mmpph. She responded, nodding once more.

- Ok, I’ll go get it, then I’ll take care of that gag.

Charlotte gave him a thumbs-up. A minute later, he was back with sandwich in a small paper bag in one hand and a dining room chair in the other. He put the chair down near her and put the bag on the seat. He approached Charlotte’s face.

- Now, let’s free that pretty mouth of yours.

Craig found the corner of the tape and quickly unwrapped it. The prop tape easily unstuck itself from Charlotte’s soft skin with nary a mark. He threw the tape on the ground then took out the saliva soaked rag from her mouth.

- Blahh. She said.

She opened and closed her mouth a few times, licking her lips.

- Can I have some water please?

- Already on it. Anita said.

She held a water bottle in her hand and gave it to Craig, before she returned to the dining room. Craig opened it.

- I’ll help you out. He said.

He held her head back and carefully made her drink the cold water. After a couple of long sip, she shook her head.

- Thanks. Feels so refreshing.

- Well, you have been raising hell the past couple of hours. Don’t know how you developed that much stamina.

- Lots of cardio.

- So, um, for continuity reasons, it’ll be easier if we don’t mess with the ropes so, would you mind if-

- You want to feed me? She said with the hint of a smile.

- It’s not so much that I want to, but-

- You want to keep me tied up. She replied. Eyebrow raised.

- Well yes, but you know continui-

- Sure, I said it before and I say it again, you’re a naugh-mmmpph!

Craig’s strong hand was covering her luscious lips. She mumbled ineffectively under it. Craig was laughing.

- Come on Charlie, do you want the sandwich or my hand over your face for the whole break?

There was a beat. Ten seconds passed before Charlotte nodded. At this point, Craig realised that he didn’t know to what she nodded. He was lost in
her warm chocolate eyes.

- So… sandwich?

Another beat. She nodded. He took off his hands, took the paper bag and sat on the chair. Without prompting, she put her feet on his lap and started to sensually rub them together. Craig was staring at them for a bit when he heard her clear her throat.

- I know my nails are pretty, but I thought you were gonna feed me?

- Huh? Yeah.

They had a pleasant conversation, punctuated by Craig letting Charlotte take a bite of her sandwich. Every time he would close the distance
between them to feed her, Craig felt her feet dig into his abdomen. Then, as he gave her the last portion of the sandwich, his fingers brushed her luscious lips. He froze, but she did not seem to mind. She swallowed the lunch and put her mouth on his thumb. She was sucking the bits of crumbs and mayonnaise left on his hand. As she did this, she moved her feet slightly to go under his shirt and caressed his abdomen with her silky soles. His eyes found hers. She was staring intently at him, rolling her tongue around his finger. His heart was pounding. Slowly, he let out his thumb out of her warm mouth with a light popping sound.

- Thanks for the sandwich. She said.

For a moment, he was motionless. His hand was still only a few inches from her face. He decided to close the gap, covering her mouth once more with palm of his hand, the tip of his fingers reaching her well-defined cheekbones and along the jawline. She moaned as her eyes widened.

- And you said I was a naughty boy.

The way she was laying on him made her robe fall to the side, leaving her strong legs uncovered up to her upper thighs. He put his left hand on her right thighs and slowly traced his nails from the top all the way down to her ankles. She shivered at the sensation, stretching her back and letting out a soft moan. He kept running his hand up and down her leg. Continuously digging into her flesh, massaging her nerve endings. She closed her eyes, moaning once more. Craig’s grip around her mouth became firmer.

- Shhhh.

- MMmmm…mmm.

She was gently squirming in the chair, rubbing her lips as much as she could on his hand. She liked the way he was in complete control of her body. How helpless he made her feel with the hand gagging her mouth, stifling any noise. He was mesmerized. He had never seen his colleague in such a revealing and intimate light. The warmth and desire emanating from her was hypnotic. She had always been friendly, approachable and very cute. Always ready for a laugh. Always putting her beautiful feet on his lap whenever the opportunity presented itself, but now he felt like he was seeing her for what she really was. She was gorgeous. She was sexy. She was fire. Noise was picking up from the dining room. Craig realised that the lunch break was over. He looked into Charlotte’s eyes and saw a mischievous glint. Of course, he figured, Charlie being Charlie, she was going to make a few witty remarks about their lunchtime fun the moment the crew would enter the living room and his hand left her mouth. Craig did not want to deal with such embarrassment in the middle of a shoot, and not before talking with her one-to-one about what had just happened between them.
Craig decided that come hell or high water, Charlotte would be kept gagged for the rest of the day. Not one intelligible word will escape her lips before the whole crew leaves her house and he is alone with her. He put his left hand in his jacket pocket and pulled a small blue silk handkerchief with “K2SO” embroidered on it in white. When she saw the handkerchief nearing her mouth, Charlotte’s eyes narrowed.

- No tongue lashing for a while. Craig said.

- Grmmmm. She grumbled.

The moment Craig’s hand left her face, the blonde saw Anita, Paco, and Jim enter the room. She quickly opened her wide mouth in the hopes of
making a cheeky comment about Craig’s “magic hands” but her remark was lost in the handkerchief filling her mouth.

- Ahrummmppppphhhh!! Mmmph! MMMmmmm. Mmm.

She took her feet off his lap and stomp them on the ground.

- She wanted to warm up before her close-up. Craig said.

- Ommmph! MMMmmm! MMpHHmmmm!

Craig’s hand was once again covering her mouth to keep the stuffing in its place. She was shaking her head, groaning in frustration and stomping on the floor.

- Can you pass me the tape Jim?

- Sure, boss.

With the tape now in hand, Craig wrapped it over her head trying to make it look as close as possible to the first wrapping.

- Should look similar enough to the wide shots. Are you ready Charlie?

There was a beat where her eyes plunged daggers into his, but the shadow of a smile appeared she nodded enthusiastically.

- Hmmm!

- Great! Everybody in position.

The camera was placed close to the damsel allowing her to be framed from the waist up. The boom mic hanging one foot over her head. Craig was next to Anita and the camera, staring at Charlotte’s bound figure.

- Ready for the shot? Anita said.

- Huh?

- Are you ok?

- Yeah, yeah.

As he put his eyes back on Charlotte, she winked at him.

- Ac..action!

Charlotte’s bondage ballet started anew. More than ever, Craig was under her thrall. Examining every contour of her writhing and moaning figure. He never knew until this day how much he wanted her. He looked down when she kicked her feet to admire her lavender nail polish and the tightness of the ropes around her ankles and shins. He looked at her face, at the wrinkles marking the tape due to her stretching and screaming face. At the lip imprint that he desperately wanted to kiss.

- Cut! Anita said.

- What?

- The scene is over Craig. Are you sure you’re ok?

- Yes. I’m ok.

Craig’s stomach grumbled. Reminding him that he had been so distracted by Charlotte that he did not take the time to eat.



- Cut. Is it good?

- Perfect. Anita said.

- Then it’s a wrap. Great job everybody.

The crew applauded for a moment. They had just finished Charlotte’s final close-up of her taped mouth. All the crew successively squeezed her shoulders in congratulations for her magnetic performance. Charlotte was smiling, signalling Anita with her eyes. Craig caught up just as the camerawoman was about to free Charlotte’s tongue and intervened.

- Why don’t Jim and you take care of the equipment and I’ll see to it that Charlotte is untied.

- Fine by me.

- Ommmph! Mmm!

- It’s ok, Craig’s gonna do it.

Anita was already walking away from Charlotte when she started to shake her head. Seeing that the disaster was averted, Craig let out a sigh and kneel down next to Charlotte’s feet. He put his hands on the knot holding her bounds, but merely fiddled with them. She was looking down on him, mumbling unintelligibly. Although he knew what she wanted, he did not intend to ungag her. Paco stood before the group.

- If you guys don’t mind, I have an appointment and-

- Yeah it’s ok Paco, you’ve done your part. Have a nice day.

- Goodbye.

- Yeah dude, see ya later.

- Mmm.

When he left, Craig untied the knot for real, slowly unwrapping the rope around her shins that covered her from her ankles to her knees. He stood
up, went behind the chair, and again faked working the knots. Charlotte stretched her joints. He saw that Anita and Jim were done with the

- I’m almost finished here, you can go and I’ll see you tomorrow for the editing.

- You sure? Don’t need any help? Anita said.

Charlotte’s eyebrow raised.

- Nah, go on. The job’s done guys.

- Sure thing bossman. Said Jim

- Goodbye Charlotte, you were incredible.

- Yeah, super convinving.

- Mmm mmmph.

- Bye.

The door opened, and then closed. They were alone. Craig stopped fiddling with the knots.

- Hmm? Mm mmm?

He stood up and went into the dining room. He came back with the chair and sat in front of her.

- Cmmm? Mpph mmm.

She started to strain against her ropes once more. The sight made him forget what he wanted to say. He watched her squirming in her chair.
Watched her heaving breast and the glistening sweat. Watched her thighs rub against each other. The melody of her gagged moans taking him far away. He did not know how long he had been lost in her bound body when his eyes fell on hers and he saw mischievous gaze. She was teasing him. When she knew that he understood that fact, she put her legs up, bending them at the knees, and put a sole flat on each of his legs. She laughed through her stuffed mouth. It took all his willpower to regain his composure. He took her right foot and gently massaged it. She closed her eyes, moaning with pleasure.

- We… we need to… well I need to talk to you. About today.

She opened her eyes.

- You know, when I asked you to do this promo, I didn’t expect any of this to happen. You have to believe me, I thought it would have been
funny, and you’re attractive, but…

She nodded encouragingly. Rubbing her left foot on his thigh.

- I think I see it now. I want you.

Charlotte paused. She breathed deeply. Her face turned red.

- I. Need. You. I knew this when I wished that our moment during lunch would last forever. I-hmm.

Her left foot was covering his mouth. She rubbed her plump toes around his lips and he opened his mouth to give them access. As his tongue was
rolling around her big toe, she was rolling her eyes and moaning in ecstasy. He wanted her, and she was his.


A few days later, Charlotte was in the master control room of K2SO. She was kneeling on her chair, her bare feet peaking out the back. As usual, she was half singing to the radio when suddenly, a piece of cloth was stuffed in her mouth.

- Mmmmpphhh?!

- Hello there.

She recognized Craig’s voice whispering in her ear. He kneeled behind her, holding her with one arm over her body, trapping her against the chair.

- The editing on the promo is done.

With his right hand, he lightly tickled the soles of her feet.

- Hmmmphh. Mmmm mmmm. Mmmm!

- I’ve just shown it to the bosses and they loved it! It’s going to air tomorrow during the six o’clock news. Do you want to watch it with me live?

- Mmmpph! MM! Mmmmm! She laughed through her gag, nodding rapidly.

- Great.


The following evening, Craig and Charlotte were on her couch, waiting for the commercial to come on, and when it did, she found it glorious. She loved the way the camera showed her athletic body; it made her feel sexy and powerful. She was tickled at the idea of thousands of people seeing her in this predicament and with the internet who knows how many will enjoy her like this. Once the promo was over, she turned to Craig beaming. He smiled at her while massaging her soft feet.

- Mm mmph mmmm!

It was the most she could say with her mouth stuffed and covered by a tight bandana.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very fine story! I like the playful tone and the tickling of course :)
the snarker
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Post by the snarker »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Very fine story! I like the playful tone and the tickling of course :)
Thank you very much. Yes, I try to keep my stories on the playful side of things. If you like tickling, there's more of it in my other stories.
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Post by mtlkrow »

Absolutely love this. Tickling in stories are great
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