Nothing Personal 5- Spies Like Them Part 2 (F/F)

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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 26

Belgian / French border

The scenery changed over time from the wide-open spaces of the autobahns in Germany to the more closed in forested roads of Belgium and France. Christina looked out the front passenger side window of the big German car as it smoothly made its way across the tarmac with Natascha behind the wheel. In the back was Charlotte beside a bound and gagged Emily St Clare. Now, Christina hadn’t really wanted to keep Emily in bondage but after thinking it through she thought it was for the best. After getting an early breakfast they had packed up and prepared to leave before releasing Emily St Clare from her bindings. Their disgruntled guest, and Christina did consider her willing participant rather than a captive, in this venture had taken a shower whilst the group had attempted to find her some clothes to wear. With Emily’s height and build that wasn’t possible with the options before Gayle had the brilliant idea of just ordering some clothes, a nice knee length skirt, turtle neck sweater, boots and a suede jacket from the store that was in the hotel. The best bit was that they could charge it to the room and Elizabeth Crawford would pick up the bill. When the clothes were delivered Emily St Clare was actually was actually happy with their choices until Christina informed Emily that she would have to put a diaper on. “There is no way that I am letting you anywhere near a public restroom,” Christina explained.

“You can’t be serious!” Emily exclaimed.

“I think she is deadly serious,” Natalie chipped in and tossed a diaper at Emily who caught it.

“Well, I am not putting this on myself,” Emily said indignantly, some of her old confidence and attitude coming back.

“Come into this bedroom and I will put it on,” Charlotte offered and the two of them disappeared off into the bedroom that Natalie and Charlotte had shared.

“Wonder if those sheets will be clean enough for Little Miss Haughty?” Natascha commented, Christina chuckled and Natalie blushed.

“We had better get going if we are going to meet Victoria and catch the train,” Natalie stated as she and Gabriela picked up their bags and headed for the door. Charlotte and Emily had just emerged from the bedroom when there was a knock at the door. Gayle opened it to find Rhiannon standing there with a bag in each hand.

“Nice to see you all,” Rhiannon called. It had had a quick round of hugs and introductions before turning straight back around and heading back to the airport with Gayle to jump onto a flight to Copenhagen. Danielle had left with them but wasn’t going to Denmark. Instead, Danielle was flying to England to pick up Natascha’s contact and bring her to meet them in France. Natascha didn’t want to say too much over the telephone so had actually written a note that Danielle was going to deliver in person that would hopefully convince her contact to make the journey and assist them. Having checked her watched five minutes ago Christina knew that both flights would still be in the air. “Have you made that call yet?” Natascha asked as she smoothly pulled them into the fast lane and around a slow-moving heavy goods vehicle. Once they had left the Christina swept the suite for anything that they had left lying around before taking a firm grip of Emily’s St Clare’s upper left arm.

“No funny business,” Christina said as she marched Emily toward the door.

“I promise to be on my best behaviour,” Emily said with a smile. To be fair to the woman she was that, not even complaining when Christina bound her wrists together before putting her in the car, until about half an hour into the journey when Emily started talking, asking questions, and then talking some more. Eventually Christina snapped.

“Gag or chloroform?” Christina asked swivelling around in her seat.

“What?” Emily asked.

“Do you wish to be gagged or knocked out for the remainder of the journey?”

“Are you serious?” Emily replied.

“Deadly,” Christina.

“Gag then,” Emily decided. Always prepared Christina went into her pocket and came out with a handkerchief and a silk scarf both of which she handed to Charlotte.

“I will let you do the honours.” Charlotte wadded up the handkerchief and stuffed it into Emily’s mouth before adding one of her own.

“MMMMOOONN UUNN,” Emily moaned into the stuffing.

“They are clean,” Charlotte added as she folded the silk scarf and tied it over Emily’s mouth. Now that Emily had been made quiet for the remainder of the trip the rest of the occupants could enjoy the ride in silence. The continued with just the sound of the radio for another half an hour until Natascha asked Christina a question.

“Have you spoke with Monique yet?” Natascha asked.

“Not yet, but I suppose I can’t keep putting it off forever,” Christina replied ass he pulled out her mobile, found the number that she needed and pressed the button to make the call.

“Monique, I need to ask a favour of you,” Christina said into the phone.
Ninety minutes earlier, outside the hotel

“Boss,” Horace began once the call was picked up. “There may be an issue.” Horace had taken up station earlier that morning in a coffee across the street from the hotel entrance on order to check on who came and went. It hadn’t been the most exciting job of his career but he did what Elizabeth Crawford wanted him to do. Initially he had been watching Emily St Clare, which was almost as boring but then he was switched to Gayle Hutton. He would never have guessed that the two would cross paths.

“What is that?” Elizabeth replied knowing that Horace would not have called unless something serious had happened. Although something had obviously happened Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile to herself, she couldn’t believe that they had been so sloppy as to not think that having placed Gayle Hutton in a specific hotel that she would not have set up some kind of surveillance to see who turned up and what happened.

“Well, the person that was initially watching is taking a trip with some people and it doesn’t look voluntary.”

“What makes you say that?”

“The person didn’t look that happy about making this trip. Like they were going to the dentist for a filling.” That didn’t sound good to Elizabeth Crawford.

“Could you be more specific than some people?” Elizabeth Crawford appreciated Horace not wanting to speak directly on an open line but just on this one occasion she wished that he would be precise.

“A former employee of yours, the female James Bond and the one of Europe’s finest financial investigators,” Horace responded. That would be Christina Howard, Natascha Taylor and either Gabriela Vasquez or Charlotte Saltzman.

“Where are the rest of the group?” Elizabeth asked.

“They left separately and went their own way over the last fifteen minutes of so,” Horace responded.

“Boss, speaking of old employees, another of yours made an appearance yesterday. Even had a nice chat over coffee with a former colleague.”

“Who might that have been?” Crawford asked.

“The Giraffe,” Horace responded using his pet name for Victoria. Crawford didn’t reply but thought that was an interesting development. Victoria had worked for her and then had made the decision to go her own way whilst at the same time screwing her over. It would be nice to have an opportunity to get even with Victoria if the chance presented itself.

“Do you think that it would be possible to follow the group that just left?” Elizabeth asked. This was what Horace would good at, he could blend in and not be noticed in any situation. Someone once said of Horace that he could walk across the field at any time during the Superbowl and nobody watching would be any to describe what he looked like accurately.

“I will try,” Horace replied. “I shall have to move n….”

“No, wait,” Elizabeth interrupted having changed her mind, she was now cursing herself for not putting more assets in the field. “Just try and find out where they were all going and call back form a secure location. I am also going to send a team to meet up with you.”
French Intelligence Safe House, Bergerac, France

As they pulled off the main road and into the yard of the old farm building Christina noted the large motorcycle parked up next to the entrance to the main building and relaxed a bit as their contact had already arrived. Natascha stopped the car about twenty yards short of the front door of the main building and killed the engine. Everyone in the car looked around for anything that didn’t seem right and found nothing. There was also no sound, this did slightly unnerve Christina but that might just have been her city girl upbringing. “You wait here whilst I have a look around,” Christina said as she opened the door and got out of the car, slipping on her down jacket over her light black v neck sweater as she did so. Scanning the whole area as she went Christina approached the door, knocked and stepped back. When the door opened Christina found a familiar face staring at her.

“Nice to see you again,” the woman offered by way of a greeting.

“Nice to meet you again Lauren,” Christina said as they hugged and kissed. “Thanks for coming down and setting the place up for us.” As she was having the conversation Christina signalled for the rest of the group to join her. “Lauren, you have meet Natascha Taylor before but probably not Charlotte Saltzman and Emily St Clare.” The introductions completed they group moved inside. Lauren didn’t even blink at the fact that Emily was gagged and had her hands bound.

“I will show you straight to the guest suite,” Lauren said to Charlotte and nodded toward Emily. Christina nodded at Charlotte and she followed Lauren up the stairs nudging Emily in front of her. They followed Lauren up the stairs, turned right before heading along a short corridor toward a door. “Toilet and a couple of bedrooms back there,” Lauren pointed behind them. As they walked toward the door Lauren produced a card and swiped it against a small black box on the wall. There was an electronic buzz and a light appeared on top of the box and Lauren pushed the door open and entered the room, Emily followed after a nudge from Charlotte. As they entered Charlotte took a look around, plain white walls and ceiling, blue carpet with a bed, chest of drawers and small table and chair as it’s only furniture.

“Basic,” Charlotte commented.

“It is designed that way,” Lauren replied. “There have been a few upgrades. The door can only be opened from outside with the card,” which she then handed to Charlotte. “The window is bullet proof glass and us one way, the door over there is to a small toilet and there are cameras in two concerns which are linked to monitors downstairs and the main bedroom.”

“MMUUPPHH,” Emily moaned into her gag, indicated toward her bound wrists.

“Sorry,” Charlotte said before removing the rope wrapped around Emily’s wrists and then untying the scarf and removing the gag.

“That’s better,” Emily commented rubbing her wrists. “What now?”

“You relax in here for the night and we will bring you some food later,” Charlotte replied.

“That’s it?” Emily said. Charlotte nodded; she wasn’t too sure what was next anyway. Better to leave that to Christina and Natascha.

“There will be nightwear and some other items in the drawers,” Lauren said as she headed for the door and beckoned Charlotte to follow her. Once outside they headed straight down the stairs where Christina and Natascha were waiting for them.

“How is Emily?” Christina asked.

“Settling into her new surroundings for the evening,” Charlotte commented as she slipped off her jacket and hung it up on a line of pegs just as Lauren removed her leather jacket from a neighbouring peg.

“I shall leave you ladies to it,” Lauren said picking up the crash helmet from the cabinet in the hallway.

“Leaving so soon?” Christina asked.

“Yes, the boss said that it was better that I not hang around. If there are any problems call Monique and she will let me know. I will not be far away.” Lauren smiled before she put on her helmet so that all you could now see of her was the section of face around her eyes. Slipping in a pair of gloves before leaving Lauren waved without looking around as she exited the house. Natascha, Charlotte and Christina stood in silence until they heard the bike’s engine burst into life and then leave the grounds.

“Let’s see what there is for dinner around here,” Natascha commented before they all made their way into the kitchen.
The following day

They had risen early and Natascha had left to pick up Danielle and her fellow passenger from a small local airfield around thirty minutes away. It had been decided that it would be better for them to fly privately rather than commercially and Natascha had been able to call in a favour and get the use of one of the private jets that her agency had on standby for this kind of thing. Christina and Charlotte were sitting having a coffee and tea respectively when they heard the faint engine noise followed by the sound of three car doors opening and closing. They looked at each other with a sense of excitement about what or more accurately who the car would be delivering. When the door opened, they both rose to greet the new arrivals, Danielle was first in carrying a computer case in one hand and her case in the other. There was a broad smile on her face. “I got a new toy,” Danielle said gleefully as she put down both bags and hugged Christina and then Charlotte.

“Made you a space in one of the bedrooms. Top of the stairs, turn right, first door on the left,” Charlotte replied and Danielle hurried up the stairs clutching a bag in each hand. With that reunion completed Christina and Charlotte turned their attention to the new arrival.

“Ladies, please meet doctor Melanie Leonard,” Natascha said introducing a short woman in her early forties with short brown hair and a pair of wire rimmed spectacles. The woman wore a brown cardigan with a matching tweed skirt and jacket. Melanie nodded and offered her right hand which both Christina and Charlotte shook. “She specialises in this kind of thing with the British Secret Service,” Natascha assured the rest of the group after seeing the slight disappointment in the faces of her colleague.

“Natascha’s letter and Danielle filled me in on the details,” Melanie said. “Definitely an interesting case.”

“It is,” Christina commented.

“Well, its been a journey,” Melanie said. “Should we have some tea and a chat.”

“Why not,” Charlotte pointed toward the kitchen. Charlotte filled the kettle and put it on as the others took chairs around the large wooden table that dominated the kitchen. The women made small talk and Christina filled in Melanie on some of the finer details of what had happened as Charlotte waited for the kettle to boil before making the teas and coffees to order. Charlotte noted that Melanie had produced a small notepad and pencil and was making the occasional scribble in it. Then having stowed her things Danielle bounced back into the kitchen with a smile on her face and took a seat at the far end of the table. Charlotte crossed her arms and leaned against the kitchen worktop. The conversation stopped and Christina asked the question that had to be asked.

“Is this even possible?”

“The recovery of repressed memory,” Melanie replied. “The short answer is yes, assuming that your assumption is correct and Ms St Clare have been the victim of some form of mind control or alteration technique of process.”

“Could Elizabeth Crawford even have achieved what we have said?” Natascha asked.

“The human mind is a wonderous place,” Melanie replied somewhat cryptically. “Given the right conditions, right techniques and enough time you can program the human mind to do most things,” Melanie replied whilst slipping off her glasses and cleaning them on a handkerchief that she had taken from the pocket of her cardigan. As she slipped her glasses back on Melanie looked around to find blank expressions staring back at her. “There is both the conscious and unconscious mind. Memories can be hidden, locked away but never really fully erased. It is a bit like a computer hard drive when you delete a file. The file can usually be recovered with the right program.”

“Alright, I think that we get that part,” Christina replied. “But how are you going to unlock those memories?”

“I plan to hypnotize the subject and they then try and unlock the supressed memories. That is assuming that you are right in your assumption.” Melanie took a large mouthful of tea. “That is a good cup of tea.”

“Thanks, speciality of mine,” Charlotte commented with a smile.

“What we really need to know if what Elizabeth Crawford got her to do,” Christina said.

“I can only get what I can Christina,” Melanie replied, a serious expression crossing her face. “You have to remember that we cannot go poking around in there too much. It could be dangerous.”

“I understand and apologies if I was being pushy, it’s just that this could really give us a boost with our operation.” Melanie nodded and stood up.

“Where are you going?” Natascha asked.

“I was going to prep my equipment and then get started.”

“So soon?” Christina asked.

“No time like the present. Can’t sit around here all-day drinking tea when there is a job to do.” Melanie said. “Despite how good that cup of tea may be.”

“Alright then,” Christina said also rising to her feet. “Do you need assistance setting up?”

“An extra pair of hands is always useful. Perhaps young Danielle can assist.” Danielle hopped up and almost sprinted for the door. “I must insist that you turn off the monitoring devices. I have my own equipment to record the session and we can go through it later but I need privacy.” Christina nodded to confirm that they equipment would be turned off. “Well then, no point in hanging around. Shall we get started with the introductions.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

A most intriguing update, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] Things went smoothly for the Good Guys - too smoothly :) Now that Crawford is aware of their actions, there will be another confrontation coming up soon. One question remains: Which Group is Horace following? Christina´s Group or Natalie? Can you clear that up?
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Post by MrBind »

No idea when I'm getting this who saga read, but I will!
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Post by Caesar73 »

It will be interesting how things will develop further. Crawford seems ever to be a step ahead or able to counter the moves of her Opponents. So far it seems to be an uphill battle. What a fascinating tale [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] tells us.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] Thanks as always for the positive feedback.

Horace was following Christina's group.
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Hope that you find the time to read the whole story! It would be appreciated.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Apologies for note posting an update for a while. Have been re-writing a bit of the story.

Hopefully you all enjoy the latest updates.

As always comments are welcome!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 27

An island in the Mediterranean

Following her telephone discussion with Horace and the information that he had provided Elizabeth Crawford had gathered Harper, Louise and Vernie in her study for brief council. “Ladies, I have had some information tonight that dictates that I may have to escalate the plans that I had in place.” Elizabeth had decided to get straight to the point. The other three women were sat in chairs in a rough semi-circle on the other side of the desk from Elizabeth who decided to get up pace whilst talking. “It seems that there is a growing force working against us and they have lucked into finding Emily St Clare. I need to come up with ways to interfere with their investigation.”

“How did you find this out?” Harper asked as Elizabeth Crawford walked behind the chairs that the three women were occupying causing then to shift uncomfortably. There was obviously something going and on and none of them wanted to feel the dampness of a chloroform-soaked cloth pressed over their nose and mouth before waking encased in a nylon and down cocoon.

“I tasked Horace with occasionally dropping in to keep a watch on St Clare and she was involved with dodgy financier Jean Boulanger who got sloppy and allowed an undercover operative from the International Financial Fraud Agency to infiltrate his inner circle.”

“That was sloppy,” Louise commented.

“Indeed, it was,” Elizbeth replied still moving around behind the chairs, the swish of the fabric in her skirt giving away her location. “That operative was Gabriela Vasquez, who is well known to us.” Elizabeth paused to let that revelation set in. “Now, it turned out that Boulanger and his daughters managed to neutralise the threat but Gabriela managed to make contact with her Christina and her group, who, fortunately for Gabriela happened to be nearby and managed to improvise a rescue mission.” Louise had to wonder at how exactly Elizabeth Crawford managed to come by her information. “They happened to find Emily St Clare at the location of the rescue operation and have taken her along rather than hand her over to authorities.”

“Do we know who they are?” Louise asked. “And if they got anything from St Clare?”

“Both excellent questions Louise.” Elizabeth responded as she walked back around the desk and stood in front of her chair so that she was silhouetted by the large bay window. “We have our old friend Christina Howard, the aforementioned Gabriela Vasquez and her partner Charlotte Saltzman, Hayley’s best friend Natalie Twain, Natascha Taylor of the British Secret Service and a Section IT expert.”

“Quite a big crew for a secret mission.” Harper commented.

“It gets better. They have recruited another of our former colleagues, Victoria to help them out.” Elizabeth paused to let that set in before continuing. “To answer Louise’s second question, I don’t know what or if they got anything from St Clare. Not that she would be able to tell them much.”

“It would also be good to know what they know,” Harper added.

“Or what they think they know?” Elizabeth replied with a smirk taking her seat on the opposite side of the desk.

“What does your inside source say?”

“Sanders is keeping things very close to her chest,” Elizabeth replied.

“Should we make arrangements to disappear them?” Louise asked.

“That would be a large operation and we don’t have the room at the moment to hold them all on the island…” Harper stopped when she realised that Elizabeth Crawford hadn’t said anything in response to Louise’s question and turned to look at her. Having retaken her seat Elizabeth was now sitting with her chin perched on top of steepled fingers.

“Now, that would be too easy. Where would the fun be in doing something that obvious?” Elizabeth Crawford said with a wicked smile starting to form on her lips.

“I think it is time to crack open The Broker’s box of goodies and see what we have.” The three women took that as a sign to leave and they all stood up. “Before you go Vernie could you arrange a team to meet up with Horace, I promised that I would send him someone.”

“Of course, I will make contact with Horace and make the arrangements.” Vernie replied and turned her back to Elizabeth and was following Harper and Louise toward the door when Elizabeth called out again.

“Thinking on it again. Harper was correct it would be good to know what they know, especially if they have managed to get some information from Emily St Clare. If the opportunity arrives make a snatch and conduct a field interrogation.”

“I will make sure I am on the team and take care of it personally.” Vernie turned around headed for the study door determined to repay the faith that Elizabeth Crawford had shown I her by bringing her into the leadership group.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 28

Chernov residence, outskirts of St Petersburg

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the late news. I trust that you are all well. Now, to a breaking story in the financial world coming out of Geneva, Switzerland. In has just announced that Jean Boulanger, who is a leading figure in the international banking and finance world was arrested forty-eight hours ago on suspicion of a number of crimes related to embezzlement, money laundering and other related crimes. Our sources tell us that the arrests followed an undercover operation by members of the International Financial Fraud Agency. I will hand over to our Financial Editor Monica Clinton for more in-depth comment.”

“I don’t believe it,” Chernov exclaimed as he watched the news report. “He was going to clean our money.” After the meeting with Jean Boulanger at his warehouse Chernov and his group had headed straight for a small airfield, jumped on his private jet and flown to his home to celebrate the conclusion of a potentially lucrative business deal. That happened to coincide with a planned meeting with another associate, Irina Bicondova to discuss another potentially beneficial business deal. It was during this meeting that Chernov had glanced at the telephone where he had muted the news and recognized the man in the picture in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

“Better now than three months from now when you were doing business with him,” Irina Bicondova commented from where she was sitting on one of the large leather couches in Chernov’s study. Chernov liked to hold meetings in his study, which doubled as a games room. He felt you could discuss business and when that was over you could relax with a drink and a game of pool or snooker.

“I need something stronger than this,” Chernov said as he placed his flute of champagne on a table and headed for the bar. “Anyone care to join me in a whiskey?” In addition to Irina and her associate Ksenija, Victor and Austin were also in the meeting but for whatever reason Austin had run out of the room the moment Chernov had unmuted the television.

“Go on then,” Irina replied in a nod of the head. “You had a reputation for having the best.”

“Thanks boss,” Victor said. Chernov pulled four glasses out of a cupboard and set about pouring healthy measure of whiskey into each of them. The fourth was for Austin, the man would not miss a chance to drink good whiskey, Ksenija didn’t drink alcohol. A silence descended over the room whilst Chernov poured the drinks and they all glanced back to the television screen as the anchor came back onto the screen.

“Thanks for that Monica, as you say I am sure the banking sector will feel the repercussions of this for some time to come. And in other breaking news there is an update on the alleged disappearance of former model and wealthy socialite Emily St Clare. Our sources tell us that Emily St Clare was last seen leaving a party with Jean Boulanger the evening of his arrest. If our sources are to be believed at this time, then the International Financial Fraud Agency were assisted at the end of their investigation into Jean Boulanger by intelligence operatives acting on behalf of the American government who have taken Emily St Clare into custody. I must stress that this story has not been officially confirmed, or for that matter denied as I speak.”

“It, really is just bad timing,” Victor commented as Chernov handed him a hefty glass containing a measure of whiskey and a single cube of ice.

“Maybe not,” Austin said striding back into the room carrying a laptop. He walked straight to the bar and set the computer down.

“What are you talking about?” Chernov asked.

“I mean, what if it wasn’t just bad timing with Boulanger?” Austin tapped on his keyboard and the screen burst into life with slightly grainy but clear enough to make out what was in them images. “Gather round and take a look.”

“What are we looking at Austin?” Chernov asked as everyone huddled in behind Austin to get a clear look at the screen.

“I took the liberty of leaving a camera in the warehouse after we left. It was set up to take pictures every thirty seconds and upload them to a cloud storage device. I decided to take a look at them when I saw the news story.” As Austin turned and looked at the screen, he caught a glimpse of the look on Chernov’s face. “Sorry boss, but just trying to protect your interests. Just scroll through and take a look.” Chernov did just that and saw the evening’s events unfold in a series of still images until Austin spoke up.

“Wait,” said Austin. “Scroll back to the previous photograph.”

“What are you looking at Austin?” Chernov asked. The other man studied the previous photograph and pointed at a face over the shoulder of the women at the front of the image.

“Does she look familiar to you?” Austin asked. Chernov used his fingers to enlarge and focus in on the face. “That looks like our little warehouse snoop from France to me.” Chernov looked at the photograph before nodding his head slowly in agreement. “Didn’t Alessandra take care of that problem….” Austin could barely hide the contempt in his voice. Although Chernov knew that that Austin didn’t like Alessandra he was correct on this.

“You are correct Austin,” Chernov said then followed it softly with. “What have you done Alessandra?”

“What is going on here?” Irina asked seemingly confused at the conversation.

“We had an issue with someone snooping around, don’t worry, it was on another job in France. My associate was supposed to have taken care of that problem but it seems to have reappeared,” Chernov tapped his index finger on face that was currently almost filling the screen.

“I hate to tell you Sergei but the woman in that photograph works for British Intelligence,” Irina said. “Our paths have crossed previously.”

“Are you sure?” Chernov replied. Irina just nodded her head.

“It seems that we have a decision to make,” Chernov commented.

“Do you want me to take care of the problem?” Victor chipped in having overheard the conversation. Chernov almost replied in the affirmative but caught himself. Despite what he had learned in the past couple of minutes he still didn’t think he could bring himself to give the order. Irina must have read the body language as she cleared her throat to indicate that she had something to add.

“Can I make a suggestion?” Chernov nodded.

“I know someone that can make Alessandra disappear but not in the way that I think Victor is suggesting.” Chernov indicated that Irina should continue. “This person would take Alessandra to their base, which is an island, and she would be held there as a captive for as long as you wish. There would be no contact with the outside world.” Irina turned and walked across the room.

“What are the conditions like?” Chernov asked.

“It isn’t a prison but my understanding is that captives are treated reasonably well but kept in locked cells, restrained for most of the time and also sedated or punished if they do not behave themselves.” Irina crossed her arms and leaned back against the wall, letting Chernov mull this over in his head. “The woman is also a master of interrogation without resorting to torture so if you need to know what Alessandra was up to, I don’t think that would be a problem.”

“How do you know about this?” Chernov asked, clearing warming to the idea.

“Boss!” Austin almost shouted. “You can’t seriously be considering this?”

“Quiet Austin,” Chernov growled. He was not a man who liked to be interrupted and second guessed by subordinates.

“My sister now works for this organisation,” Irina replied. “I must say that I am impressed with my dealings with them. They are very professional, very adept at making women disappear.”

“Is there a fee involved for this service?”

“What is she escapes?” Austin chipped in, almost pleading with Chernov.

“HAHAHAHA!” a deep laugh erupted from Irina’s mouth before Chernov could rebuke Austin. “Nobody ever escapes from this place.” There was an uncomfortable silence for a couple of seconds. “To answer your question Sergei, yes there would be a fee involved. No promises but I should be able to get you some kind of discount. Let me make a call.” The decision seemingly made Irina exited the room to find somewhere to make the telephone call in private with Ksenija following closely behind.
They eventually decided on making the call whist walking around the garden so that they had some privacy. Irina pulled her mobile from the pocket of her jacket and dialled the number from memory. “Elizabeth, how are you?” Irina asked when the phone was answered.

“I am fine Irina. What can I do for you?”

“Straight down to business with you as always Elizabeth.” Irina responded.

“I am sure that you will be busy as well so let’s get straight to the point. Anyway, chatting about the weather is boring.” Elizabeth responded. Irina knew that there were always two levels to any conversation with Elizabeth Crawford. It was just a matter of finding a balance between the two.

“Have you any spaces available at the moment? I have someone that would be interested in having a special friend be your guest.” There was silence at the other end of the line that seemed to go on for a long time. “Are you still there Elizabeth?”

“Yes I am. It is just that at the present I don’t know if I am still interested in receiving guests.” This response did shock Irina a little, this kind of request was usually easy money for Elizabeth.

“I would consider this a personal favour Elizabeth,” Irina continued, trying to convince the woman. It would be slightly embarrassing for Irina to make this suggestion to Chernov and then not be able to make it happen. “It could be of benefit to both of us in the long term in making and firming up new business alliances.”

“Alright, I will take your friends guest. Never hurts to make some money and a new acquaintance. Plus, your sister has proved an excellent addition to our team.”

“Thank you very much Elizabeth,” Irina said with a smile and thumbs up to Ksenija.

“When can we expect this guest?” Elizabeth asked.

“That’s the other thing. It is quite urgent. Could you possibly make the arrangements tonight?” Irina almost squirmed when she asked the questions. There was an audible sigh at the other end of the line.

“Luckily we have some space at the moment,” Elizabeth replied. “I will ask Harper to call you on this number to make detailed arrangements.”

“Thank you, Elizabeth. Oh, and one last thing. There would be an element of information recovery. My friend needs confirmation on a couple of points. My acquaintance would be willing to make a substantial payment to confirm and then make sure that you take the best of care of this guest.”

“I am sure that we can do that,” Elizabeth Crawford said and hung up the phone. A slight tingle ran up and down Irina’s spine at what Elizabeth had planned in order to obtain the information from Alessandra, but then again that wasn’t her problem. Now, it was time to break the good news.
“What is going on here Sergei?” Alessandra continued to struggle against the powerful grip of the large Russian. “Ivan! Would you let go of me!” The grip did not relent despite Alessandra continuing to squirm. Alessandra had been enjoying a nap in her private bedroom when the door burst open. Luba and Ivan had burst in and dragged the still groggy woman from the bed and basically carried her out of the room, down the stairs and into Chernov’s study. Fortunately, she had been fully clothed at the time. Luba had grabbed Alessandra’s bag from the room and handed it to Chernov.

“We need to have a talk,” Chernov replied whilst rummaging through the bag.

“Who are these women?” Alessandra asked indicating Irina and Ksenija.

“This is Irina Bicondova, an old business associate.” Chernov pulled Alessandra’s mobile from the bag and handed it to Austin. “See what you can get from this.”

“Why is she here?” Alessandra was still squirming and trying to get free from Ivan’s grip. “Will you tell this ape to get his hands off me?”

“Alessandra, please stop and listen to what I am saying, it is important.” Alessandra could tell by the look on Chernov’s face that he was serious so stopped struggling and focused on what he was saying. “I know that you didn’t deal with that snoop that we discovered in the warehouse,” Alessandra opened her mouth to interrupt but Chernov raised a hand to silence her. “Don’t try and talk your way out of this. I have seen the photographs and the woman is definitely alive Alessandra and to make your position worse Irina has confirmed that the woman works for British Intelligence.” Alessandra looked around and knew that she was in trouble.

“Look, alright, so I didn’t kill her but she was just a stupid girl in the wrong place at the wrong time and it didn’t seem right to kill her for that.” Alessandra was desperately trying to dig herself out of a hole.

“That is not what Irina says,” Austin chipped in from over Chernov’s shoulder.

“So, you are going to take the word of this woman over me?” Alessandra asked, jutting her jaw out defiantly.

“Irina and I have been doing business for more than a decade and I trust her, well as much as I can trust anyone in our line of work. Obviously, this raises the question of how we proceed?”

“But, um, what do you mean?” Alessandra stumbled, her nervousness at the situation growing.

“Now Austin wanted me to let Victor deal with you but Irina convinced me on an alternative arrangement.”

“Alright, I will bite. What are you talking about?” Alessandra asked.

“Irina is aware of an organisation that specialise in making people disappear.”

“So how is that different from letting Victor deal with me?” Alessandra interrupted, putting a disdainful twist on the word deal.

“Well, this organisation will keep you captive with no contact with the outside world. From what I understand from Irina you will be treated well.”

“So, you expect me to thank this woman?” Alessandra spat back at Chernov.

“I would if I were you,” Irina chipped in. “Given the two choices I would say that my suggestion is definitely the better of the two.”

“Alessandra has something that may be of use in her bag Irina.” Chernov said throwing the bag at Irina. “I will leave you to it.” Chernov walked over to Alessandra and planted a tender kiss on her forehead before turning away and leaving the room. “Just remember that you brought this on through your own choice of actions,” Chernov said over his shoulder. Austin followed closely behind and when the door closed Alessandra looked around, it was still four against one if she decided to make a break for it. Silence descended on the room as they all sized each other up as Irina delved into Alessandra’s bag and came out with a dark bottle. Irina gave Alessandra a look then unscrewed the cap and wafted it under her nose. After wrinkling her nose up Irina looked around. As if reading her bosses thoughts Ksenija handed over a folded white handkerchief.

“Now this chloroform seems a bit rough,” Irina said getting a strong whiff of the substance as she poured a lot of it onto the handkerchief, almost saturating the folded cotton handkerchief.

“What do you mean?” Alessandra asked, her voice shaking from fear, her head shaking from side to side involuntarily moving it to avoid the chloroform-soaked handkerchief even though it wasn’t yet heading toward her nose and mouth.

“You will find out. Where you are going, they have a far nicer variants on chloroform, or so I understand.”

“Sorry, I don’t understand,” Alessandra said.

“They have refined chloroform so that it works quicker, has none of the nasty side effects and has a nice fragrance, several different fragrances in fact. Apparently, the sensation is more like slipping into a deep sleep rather than being forced into unconsciousness. Well at least that what my sister tells me.”

“Your sister?” Alessandra said backing away from Irina as she advanced but only hitting the stone like physique of Ivan. “You are really freaking me out lady.”

“Wait until you meet your host for the foreseeable future,” Ksenija said from off to side. That distracted Alessandra and she turned away from Irina long enough to close in.

“At least tell me where you are taking me?” Alessandra asked as she turned back to Irina and was met with the chloroform-soaked handkerchief forced over her nose and mouth. “HHAAMMPPHH,” Alessandra mumbled from behind the handkerchief as Ivan enveloped her in a bearhug and easily lifted her off the floor. There was an explosion in her head as she senses were assaulted by the hard fumes from the cloth. Alessandra struggled to try and escape the clutches of her attackers but it was no use.

“I wish I could tell you,” Irina said and that was the last thing that Alessandra remembered before her eyelids became too heavy to keep open and she slipped fully into the darkness.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you for two Chapters in this update dear [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !

It seems, that Crawford is always a step ahead of her opponents, and this makes me really wonder if Christina and her Friends not just only fight an uphill battle, but a for a lost cause. So far Crawford´s Girls nearly always completed their missions successfully . Pesonally I would welcome it if some woud throw a wrench in the works :)

And there is the mysterious Alessandra. It seems she will enjoy the pleasures of the Enhanced Restraining System for the forseaable future. I wonder about her real identity. If she is Fallon Bennett then this would be another backlash for Crawford´s opponnents. IF she is not Fallon Bennett, who is she then.

All in all: At the current stage it seems, that Crawford holds all the aces, at least most of them. Looking forward to the next update!
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Chapter 29

French Intelligence Safe House, Bergerac, France

There was silence and a feeling of tension in the kitchen as Christina, Natascha, Charlotte and Danielle sat around the large wooden table. Danielle was engrossed with something on the new laptop that she had acquired during her trip to England, Charlotte was reading a book whilst Christina and Natascha both sat staring into space. “I wonder how it is going on up there,” Christina wondered out loud before silence fell again. “It has been nearly three hours.” Then there was the sound of soft footsteps on carpet. Natascha looked at Christina, then they both sprung to their feet. They had both heard the same thing, two sets of footsteps. They were both tense until the footsteps stopped outside the kitchen and Melanie’s voice called.

“I am here with Emily. We have had a remarkable breakthrough.” Christina and Natascha exchanged a look and shrugged.

“You had better come in then,” Christina said. As Melanie and Emily entered the kitchen they looked around and found four sets of eyes staring back at them.

“I would suggest that we take a look at the recording of the session that I have just had with Emily, assuming that she is happy with that.” Melanie looked at Emily who nodded. Christina noted that Emily St Clare had a look on her face that was part shock, part bewilderment. Something had clearly knocked her as from what Christina had read Emily St Clare was a very forthright and confident woman who liked to be on the front foot. “Let’s have a strong cup of tea and have a look shall we.” As Danielle played around with connecting the camcorder to her laptop Charlotte boiled the kettle and made a round of teas and coffees.

“That should be us,” Danielle announced as she spun around the laptop so that the screen was in front of where Melanie was sitting. It was blank at the moment and Daniele took a moment to explain the controls, start, pause, rewind and fast forward to Melanie. The teas were handed out and they all crowded around the screen and watched the recording with a mixture of intrigue and shock. “For obvious reasons I won’t show you the entire session, only the section relevant to your current operation.” Melanie said as she started the recording and Emily St Clare filled the screen sitting on a char.

“Are you sure this will work?” asked the on-screen Emily.

“If you trust me then I have confidence that it will,” Melanie replied. The look on Emily’s face gave away her scepticism. “Let’s begin, shall we?” Emily nodded and Melanie started off slowly, trying to build a rapport. It was subtle yet well done as you could see Emily start to lower her defences, answering questions more readily and giving longer answers. The screen blurred as Melanie fast forwarded a good fifteen minutes of footage. “I think is the relevant section now,” Melanie commented as she paused the recording before looking around and hitting play. There was a hush in the room as everyone concentrated on what was about to happen, Emily appeared on the screen with a slightly far away look in her eyes.

“I was at the health spa in Austria. I remember feeling a bit uneasy as the receptionist was new. Then I walked through the got changed before heading to the private treatment room. I opened the door and…..”Emily stopped.

“What happened Emily?” Melanie encouraged her gently to continue.

“It was me,” Emily said. “I was looking at another version of me.” There was silence both on the screen and in the room as Christina hared a look with Natascha.

“What happened next?” Melanie encouraged Emily to continue.

“Someone grabbed me from behind and a damp cloth was pressed over my nose and mouth, someone else, a woman stepped in front of me and grabbed my wrists. I tried to get free but couldn’t. There was something on the cloth, a strange smell and I was starting to feel odd, like I couldn’t control my body. I was frantic, struggling, looking around for help. There was al least one more person in the room, an attractive woman with dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had on a long, down jacket and I remember looking at her and wondering why she wasn’t trying to help me. Then everything seemed to slow down and I remember being very tired and not being able to keep my eyes open. I mean it was all confusing.”

“That’s alright Emily,” the onscreen Melanie as she reached out a hand and touched Emily’s knee. Christina looked at Emily and realised that this would be the first time that she would be seeing this as well and felt sympathy for the woman. Melanie then hit the stop button again on the recording and indicated to Danielle that she could shut down the program.

“Is that it?” Christina asked.

“Yes,” Melanie stated. “Unfortunately, Emily cannot really remember that period when she was missing or held captive.”

“She is correct,” Emily confirmed, finally breaking her silence. “It is very hazy. I assume there was a lot of drugs involved. I remember a padded room and certain experiences, like floating, not being able to move and having something repetitive played into my ears.”

“Any idea where you were during this period of time?” Christina asked, drawing a scalding look from Melanie. Emily just shook her head.

“Nothing solid between arriving at the spa retreat and then waking up at the hotel. Everything is juts vague.” Emily replied, clearly confused and upset by the whole experience.

“Did you overhear anything that was said?”

“Nothing,” Emily said shaking her head.

“Sorry, I had to ask,” Christina said apologetically, standing up and walking around the table trying to hide her sense of disappointment at the lack of solid information that had come from this. “It’s just that Elizabeth Crawford wouldn’t pull something like that without having a pay-off. She obviously wanted something.”

“What is your interest in this anyway?” Emily asked. Natascha looked at Christina and got a nod.

“It’s only fair that we tell her,” Charlotte chipped in.

“There is a woman called Elizabeth Crawford who runs, and I know this sounds a bit dramatic, an international criminal organisation. Now, she has fingers in many pies so to speak but we believe that, in addition to kidnapping one of our close friends, is planning something,” Christina stated.

“And you are trying to stop her?” Emily asked.

“That and rescuing our friend,” Natascha added.

“Judging by what has gone on so far I guess this is a private enterprise?” Emily asked. “Not officially backed by any Government?”

“It’s complicated,” Christina replied. “Let’s just say that you wouldn’t find any official records of what we are doing.” She had decided that it was best to be honest with Emily as they couldn’t expect that in return if they weren’t open as well. “Had you heard of Elizbeth Crawford before today?” Christina asked leaning against the doorframe. Emily nodded.

“Yes, she was an investor in that fashion house with Milena Novak. I don’t remember ever meeting her but her name was definitely mentioned either in discussions or on paperwork somewhere.” This was an interesting development for the group but it didn’t really get them any further with trying to establish what Elizabeth Crawford had been after.

“So, she would have known who you are?” Christina asked.

“Yes, she would,” Emily replied. There was silence around the room as they all considered what this revelation meant.

“Well, we have all had a bit of a day of it. I would suggest that we all take a break and relax for a while before dinner.” Melanie had made this suggestion. “I think that Emily and I will go for a walk around the grounds to get some air if that doesn’t present any issues?” Christina shook her head and watched as Melanie and Emily stood and walked past her on leaving the kitchen.

“So, you have no idea why Elizabeth Crawford would want to replace you?” Christina asked Emily as she walked by. “Nothing in the diary during that period, no events.” Emily shook her head again and went to carry on before Danielle said something from the table.

“Better check you bank accounts or anywhere you keep your valuables.” On hearing this Emily flinched slightly and Christina caught that. Once Melanie and Emily had slipped on their coats and exited the house the rest of the group reconvened around the kitchen table.

“What do we do now?” Charlotte asked.

“That doesn’t seem to have got us any closer to finding Hayley or confirming what Elizabeth is up to.” Natascha commented. Christina just seemed lost in her own head. “Do you think that it is a good idea to let them walk around?”

“As long as they stay within the grounds then there won’t be an issue,” Christina replied. “Charlotte, we hope that Natalie and the girls are having slightly more luck than us in Hamburg. That reminds me. Danielle, can you e-mail the relevant section of the recoding along with a brief covering note to Natalie?” Danielle nodded and began to punch away at the keyboard on her laptop.

“And Emily?”

“We send her back tomorrow.”

“What do we do?”

“Wait and see what happens in Hamburg and then make our decision.”
Later that evening

The door opened and Natascha carried the two wine glasses into the living room and handed one to Christina before sitting down in one of armchairs. “I decided to check the doors, windows and camera’s before I put the alarm on.”

“Thanks,” Christina asked accepting the glass.

“What are you watching?” Natascha asked.

“Nothing much, I was just flicking through the channels the news will be on soon. I like to keep up with current affairs,” Christina replied. “Charlotte was tired and went to bed, asked me to pass on her goodnights and Danielle is playing about with her new toy in the kitchen.” Melanie and Emily had turned in much earlier meaning that the two women could now talk freely.

“Are we really not going to hand over Emily St Clare to the authorities?” Natascha asked. They were aware that in addition to her recent relationship with Jean Boulanger there was her connection to Milena Novak and now Elizabeth Crawford plus the rumours about her husbands dealing. No doubt the woman had questions to answer but now was not the time.

“We are an unofficial operation so who do we hand her over to?” Christina asked.

“Very good point,” Natascha replied. “Besides, she might be an asset later on.” Christina nodded. They could use all the friends they could get at the moment.

“Something bothering you?” Natascha asked.

“It was just that Emily reacted when Danielle made that comment about bank accounts and safe deposit boxes,” Christina commented.

“You think that she was lying to us?”

“Not so much that as I think that she thought of something, maybe something that Elizabeth Crawford would want and it just crossed her mind. More not mentioning it to us than lying.”

“Maybe I should follow her and see where she goes.” Natascha suggested. “If you are correct and it was something important then I would want to check on it right away.” They had made arrangements for Emily St Clare’s driver to pick her up at an agreed rendezvous point the following day.

“That might not be a bad idea. We are after all waiting on word back from Natalie in Hamburg before making a decision on our next move.” The two women chatted for another five minutes until the news started and Christina unmuted the sound once the anchor appeared on screen, a serious looking man in his early fifties with a blue suit, white shirt and red tie.

“Welcome to the news and tonight’s lead story is the preparation for the elections. To take up the story I will pass you across to our Political Editor Richard Cockburn.”

“Unfortunate name,” Natascha commented, unable to stifle a giggle.

“I thought you were a professional Natascha. For a second there a thought I was back in high school,” Christian smiled as she took a mouthful of wine. It certainly was good wine but that was surely to be expected in France.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the late news. I trust that you are all well. Now, to a breaking story in the financial world coming out of Geneva, Switzerland. In has just announced that Jean Boulanger, who is a leading figure in the international banking and finance world was arrested forty-eight hours ago on suspicion of a number of crimes related to embezzlement, money laundering and other related crimes. Our sources tell us that the arrests followed an undercover operation by members of the International Financial Fraud Agency. I will hand over to our Financial Editor Monica Clinton for more in-depth comment.”

“Thanks for that Monica, as you say I am sure the banking sector will feel the repercussions of this for some time to come. And in other breaking news there is an update on the alleged disappearance of former model and wealthy socialite Emily St Clare. Our sources tell us that Emily St Clare was last seen leaving a party with Jean Boulanger the evening of his arrest. If our sources are to be believed at this time, then the International Financial Fraud Agency were assisted at the end of their investigation into Jean Boulanger by intelligence operatives acting on behalf of the American government who have taken Emily St Clare into custody. I must stress that this story has not been officially confirmed, or for that matter denied as I speak.”

“S**t,” Christina said softly as she placed her glass on the table.

“I assume that could be a problem,” Natascha commented.
The following morning

They were all gathered around the car saying their goodbyes as the disagreement started between Emily St Clare and Christina. “Look, we cannot let you see where this location is. There is no further discussion about this.” Christina said firmly. The discussion had started when Christina and informed Emily that they intended to bind and blindfold her for the duration of the journey to the agreed location. The plan was for Natascha to drop Melanie off at the local airfield before going on to drop Emily off at a hotel in Clermont where her driver would pick her up.

“Alright then,” Emily said. “What about you just give me another dose of that sleepy stuff?”

“Chloroform,” Christina stated. “You would prefer to be knocked out?”

“If I had the choice then yes,” Emily answered. Christian looked at Natascha who was standing with the driver’s door open, leaning with her arms crossed on the roof. It was Natascha who was taking the risk so it would be her decision to make. Natascha nodded that she was happy with that decision.

“Is chloroform not a bit primitive,” Melanie commented.

“We work with the tools that we have,” Natascha commented.

“That’s fine. Charlotte, could you go back into the house and grab a bottle of chloroform and a cloth?” Charlotte turned and headed back into the house. “Shall we get into the back seat whilst we wait.” Christina opened the door and indicated for Emily to get in, which she did and slid across the seat all the way to the other side so that she was sitting behind the driver’s seat allowing Christina to get in beside her.

“I owe Elizabeth Crawford for this,” Emily commented.

“What you are going to do is go home, forget about her and leave this to us,” Christian responded.

“It doesn’t sound like you are making much progress.” It was a harsh comment but Christina couldn’t really disagree.

“Emily, whatever your thoughts are about Elizabeth Crawford leave this for us to deal with. We are the professionals.” Christina hoped that she said this with enough conviction to convince Emily St Clare.

“If you need any help then please give me a call. Give your phone.” Christina hesitated before pulling her mobile from a pocket in her jeans. Emily reamed off the number and Christina entered it into her contacts. “That is my personal number, it will get you straight through to me rather than my assistant. I would be grateful if you didn’t give it to anyone.” Just as that exchange finished Charlotte appeared, leaned into the car and handed a bottle wrapped in a cloth to Christina.

“Thanks Charlotte,” Christina said before turning her attention to Emily. “Are you ready?”

“As I will ever be,” Emily replied with a sigh as Christina opened the bottle and poured a liberal amount of its contents onto the cloth and allowing it to soak in. The close confines of the rear seat of the car the smell from the fumes were quickly evident. Having put the top back on the bottle Christina placed it between her feet and manipulated the cloth so that it fitted comfortably in her hand. Then she moved over so that she was right beside Emily and started to move the cloth toward Emily’s nose and mouth. Christina could see the nervous look that was now on Emily’s face.

“It’s not too late to change your mind,” Christina said. Emily shook her head and then went still as Christina applied the cloth firmly over her nose and mouth. Emily moved her head back and then from side to side slightly, this was a natural reaction once the fumes from the cloth started to assault your senses, even if you had volunteered to be sedated and Christina expected it. “Just relax and take nice, deep, even breaths,” Christina said in what she hoped was a soothing tone. That’s exactly what happened as Christian held the cloth in place and watched closely as Emily’s eyes fluttered and then closed over. Once Emily was unconscious Christina exited the back seat and closed the door.

“That didn’t look as bad as I thought it would be,” Melanie commented.

“It’s not that barbaric,” Christina replied.

“Well, its time for us to get going,” Natascha said as she slipped in behind the wheel.

“Make sure that you leave the window down for a bit to let the fumes dissipate,” Christian shouted before turning her attention to Melanie. “Thanks for all of you help.”

“No problem and good luck.” Christina smiled and held the door open for Melanie to get in. As soon as the door was closed Natascha gunned the engine and steered the big car out of the yard, onto the road and toward the airfield. That left Christina, Charlotte and Danielle watching the dust settle.

“What’s the plan?” Charlotte asked.

“I couldn’t tell you earlier but Natascha is going to follow Emily St Clare for a bit and see where she goes, what she does and who she meets. I think that she knows more than she is letting on. After that news story last night, I need to find a public phone and check in with Jaclyn Sanders in exactly,” Christina glanced at her watch, “two hours and thirty-three minutes.” Already that morning Christina had called Lauren and asked if a car could be dropped off at the house. Thankfully Lauren had said that would not be an issue and it should arrive in half an hour or so.

“What about us?” Danielle asked.

“If you could continue researching and also try and get an update from Natalie.” They all nodded and headed back inside to get started, hoping that a break was on the way.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Most intriguing update - so Christina and Friends made some Progress, but Crawford is still a few steps ahead and has already set steps in motion to counter the moves of her Adversaries. And Christina is right: They are no step nearer finding Hayley. It will be a race against time, I think. The Question will be: Will Christina and her Friends be able to thwart Vernies Team. Just read Chapter 27 again: If there is anything that could throw a wrench in the Works it is Crawfords Overconfidence, she is way to sure of herself. Another fantastic update [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] !
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 30

Section Headquarters, East Coast of America

“Reports have the disappearance of Emily St Clare linked to rogue elements with the American Intelligence community,” the reporter said. Jaclyn paused the recording and cursed under her breath. It didn’t matter how may times she watched the report, it didn’t get any better. In fact, it had gotten worse with the calls that she had received that morning regarding the report asking pointed questions on whether the Section had any involvement with the abduction. It was her good fortune that she could reply honestly and say that she wasn’t aware of any involvement. Although that didn’t matter as she had been advised to send operatives to investigate the situation in order to ‘assure our European partners that American was not conducting unauthorised operations on their soil.’ Jaclyn had tried to protest but that had become an order so she had no choice but to comply. She didn’t know why but Jaclyn sensed the fingers of Elizabeth Crawford pulling stings in the background with this. There was a knock at the door, then a three second pause before it opened and in walked in two women wearing the standard on duty uniform of large, bell style gown with a short down jacket on top. “Frankie, Sheridan, please take a seat.” Jaclyn indicated toward the two high backed wooden chairs sitting on the other side of her desk. There was a swish of fabric as the two women took a seat and got comfortable.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Frankie Saracino said.

“Now, I am sure that you will have seen the story in the news about the possibility of American involvement in the disappearance or abduction of one Emily St Clare.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Frankie confirmed.

“Frankie, I appreciate the show of respect but how long have we known each other? Jaclyn will be sufficient. I realise that you both have been somewhat frustrated recently with the lack of operations but,” Jaclyn sensed an objection was coming and raised her hand to cut it off, “I have been ordered to send someone to investigate the validity of these accusations and I would like you to pick this up.” When Jaclyn as weighing up who to hand this task she had finally decided on the mother and daughter team of Frankie and Sheridan Saracino. They were both experienced operatives and had an almost blemish free track record with Section so nobody could point at their appointment and say they were not up to the job. On the other hand, their background was mostly in undercover and espionage work rather than investigation and neither of them spoke French of German.

“Glad that you thought of us Jaclyn,” Sheridan said with a smile on her face.

“That would be ma’am to you Sheridan,” Jaclyn send looking at from the file on her desk. “Given the nature of the operation it will be strictly off the books so you will have no official help from our European element, unless this allegation turns out to be true and we need to mount an operation.”

“Understood,” Frankie said. “In that case reports come straight to you?”

“Yes, everything should come straight to me on this.” Jaclyn replied. “I will e-mail you across what little information I have before you fly out.”

“When would that be?” Sheridan asked.

“You are booked on a flight leaving in six hours so I suggest that you go and get ready.” Frankie and Sheridan exchanged a look and rose from their seats. Before heading for the door Frankie had one last thing to say.

“I take it from your tone that you don’t expect us to find anything.” It was more a statement than a question. Jaclyn leaned back in her chair as if considering her answer.

“It seems like Emily St Clare was involved with some dodgy people so her disappearance could have something to do with that or she could have just fancied a couple of weeks holiday without any interruption. If I was a gambling woman, I would have some money on the second of those. I believe that she will turn up at some point and wonder what all of the fuss was about.” With that Frankie nodded her head and hurried to the door, Sheridan following closely behind. When they were out of Jaclyn’s office Sheridan looked like she was about to say something but Frankie gave her a look that told her to keep any comments to herself until they had some privacy. They would have plenty of time during the flight, for now they had to prepare for the operation.

Back in the office Jaclyn played around with her tablet and sent the information and operation brief by secure e-mail to Frankie before glancing at her watch. It wasn’t that long until Christina was due to contact her on the emergency number and she had to make sure she got to the location without being followed.
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Post by roguehorseman »

This story continues to be top notch.
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Post by Caesar73 »

roguehorseman wrote: 2 years ago This story continues to be top notch.
I could not agree more, [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] ! So we see Sheridan again. Nice move by Crawford - and it will remain to be seen, if Jayclin finds a way to counter Crawfords actions. At the moment it seems, that Crawford is always a step ahead, and Crawfords Mole in her Organization is still active.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 31

A small village near Bergerac, France

The telephone box was thankfully still empty as her watch ticked toward the agreed time for the call. Christina had no intention of being confined in the telephone box for longer than was necessary. The telephone box was in a small village and everyone that walked past was giving her a look, well it was only to be expected as she was probably the only unknown face in the village. Christina checked her watch again and counted down the seconds, at exactly the agreed time the telephone rang and she snatched up the receiver. “Hello,” Christina said.

“Hello, nice to hear from you,” replied Jaclyn Sanders.

“Did you see the news reports last night?” Christina asked getting straight to business.

“Yes, I watched them with interest. What part of under the radar and off books did you not understand?” Jaclyn asked with tension in her voice.

“None of what happened was planned. A mutual friend got into some trouble and we offered to help. It actually turned out to be beneficial to us as we stumbled across one of our primary targets who has been cooperative,” Christina responded with, hoping that Jaclyn would see the positives. She didn’t want to use names on an open line but was sure the Jaclyn would be able to obtain copies of the official reports from the relevant authorities.

“Well, that was a bonus but I have been fielding calls non-stop since that report. I have been put under extreme pressure to investigate. They think that there are rogue elements within the organisation that I need to deal with.”

“Who exactly are they?” Christian asked.

“Our paymasters on the hill,” Jaclyn replied and sighed. Christina didn’t like the way that this conversation was heading. “I have been advised to put a team in the field to investigate.” The way that Jaclyn had said the word advised told Christina that what it really meant was ordered.

“Who?” Christina asked.

“It is the Saracinos. So that you know to keep a lookout for them.” Christina knew them by reputation rather than from the personal experience of working with them. They were tough and smart, a mother and daughter partnership with lot of good work to their names. “They fly out for Paris later today so you have a head start.” There had been something at the back of Christina’s mind during this conversation that suddenly burst to the front.

“Wait a second. Why did they call you? Why not one of the alphabet soups?” Christina was refereeing to the FBI, CIA, NSA or DEA. There was silence as Jaclyn considered this, that was a good point that Christina has just made. “It smacks of a game that our former friend and current opponent would come up with to put us under pressure.”

“I can see where you are coming from, I had the same thought” Jaclyn replied. “If it is then is means she knows that you are investigating so be careful.” As she said this Jaclyn cursed her luck. The only way that Elizabeth Crawford could have found out about this off the book operation was through the leak in the Section.

“Agreed,” Christina replied. “I have to go but will try and get you an update later this week.” Christina hung up the receiver and exited the telephone box. There was a small market across running in the village square and she spent twenty minutes seemingly walking aimlessly around the stalls picking up supplies for tonight’s dinner along with bread and cheese for lunch but what she was really doing was checking to see if she was being followed. Once satisfied that she wasn’t, or they were that good that she couldn’t spot them anyway Christina headed back to the car, put her purchases in the trunk before heading back toward the safehouse always keeping an eye on the rear-view mirror for any vehicles that could be following her.

On the other end of the line Jaclyn Sanders hung up the receiver and exited the small office at the end of the bar. As she walked through the bar Jaclyn couldn’t stop the thought at the back of her head that Elizabeth Crawford was ahead of them, predicting their every move. Stopping just at the entrance to the bar, Jaclyn turned around and headed back to the office to make another call. There was perhaps something that she could so to tip the balance back in her favour. It would be a bit of a longshot, but at the present time that may be all that she had.
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Chapter 32

Clermont, France

Having dropped Emily St Clare off at the agreed location, a hotel in Clermont, Natascha drove round the block and parked the car where she could sit and watch the entrance of the hotel. There was a coffee shop nearby and Natascha decided to treat herself to a latte and a sneaky chocolate muffin. Waiting for something to happen was not glamorous but it had to be done so after stretching her legs on the walk to the coffee shop moved the seat right back and got comfortable. Sometimes it as even worse waiting for something that you knew was going to happen. It the end it was only another fifteen minutes before a large silver car pulled up outside the hotel just as Emily St Clare burst purposefully through the main down and hurried down the steps. As Natascha pulled the seat forward and started the engine she kept her eyes firmly on the large silver car. It had barely stopped before Emily St Clare pulled open the door and clambered into the rear seat. No sooner was the door closed again than the car pulled out, performed a U-turn and headed back from where it had arrived. Natascha carefully pulled out from her parking space and fell it a discreet distance behind the silver car.
The second that the car stopped the driver had disengaged his seatbelt and was reaching for the door handle when the rear door was flung open and Emily St Clare almost launched herself into the rear seat. That was unusual, normally he had to open the door, “Where to Ms St Clare?” the driver asked as he scrambled to put his seatbelt back on.

“Hauser and Mettler bank, Geneva,” Emily responded settling into the seat. “Did you bring the items that I asked for?”

“Yes, Ms St Clare,” the driver responded as he pulled the car into a wide turn. “In the bag on the seat next to you.” Emily looked around, noticing the bag for the first time. She used the zip to open it and delved inside to find what she wanted, a replacement mobile phone. “This will be a private call.” Having said that Emily pressed a button and there was a whirring noise as a screen rose that would separate the front and rear of the car. Once the screen was in place Emily placed the call. It rang four times before the person that she was looking to speak with answered.

“Hannah,” Emily said. “Nice, to speak with you.” There was silence from the other end of the line as Hannah Stanley-Ramos wondered how to respond.

“Ms St Clare, a pleasure to hear from you,” Hannah responded. “What can I do for you?”

“I like it when people get straight to the point,” Emily responded. “As I happens, I will be in Geneva tomorrow and would like to inspect the contents of the safe deposit box that I held with my husband.” Once again there was silence from the other end line as Hannah’s brain worked overtime to come up with something that would allow her to deny that request.

“Um,” Hannah mumbled into the receiver.

“Is there a problem Hannah?”

“No, no, of course not. I will make the arrangements.” Hannah hoped that the panic that she was feeling didn’t transmit to her voice. “When can we expect you?”

“I have had a long couple of days so she we say noon.”

“That would be fine. Look forward to seeing you then.” The arrangements made Emily terminated the call and then made further calls in order to make a booking at her favourite restaurant and hotel in Geneva for later than evening. With all the arrangements made Emily pulled up the search engine on her phone and typed in Elizabeth Crawford and spent half an hour looking through the results whilst the landscape of central France flew past the window. None of the people, images, videos or news stories that she looked at suggested anyone who would be leading an international criminal organisation so she stopped wasting her time and put her phone away.
Natascha followed the car as it powered onto the main A road that led to Lyon, from there it was either a turn south and Marseilles or east toward Switzerland or Italy. Is she was to hazard a guess, Natascha would have said Switzerland and more specifically Geneva would be their final destination? However, she didn’t want to pre-empt that so settled in just far enough behind her target not to be spotted and bided her time. Eventually the silver car bypassed the turn to head south and powered toward the Swiss border. Satisfied that she was correct Natascha called Christina to give her an update and to ask her to get Danielle to book her a hotel room.
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[mention]roguehorseman[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention]

Thanks for the positive feedback!!
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Chapter 33

Hamburg, Germany

There was a cooling breeze as the two women walked along the street with the large, traditional stone buildings on either side of wide well-maintained pavements. “Do you know this place?” Natalie asked Victoria as they casually walked by on the opposite side of the road from the building that they were targeting. Victoria didn’t answer just continued to steal glances at the building before they turned the corner and were out of sight of any potentially prying eyes. This would have been the third sweep of the street that they had made, each time they have changed partners so that it wasn’t the same couple walking along the pavement. They had discussed that morning over breakfast and decided that despite that would be the best course of action so that everyone got a look at the building whilst also helping to through off anybody that took any interest in them. It wasn’t until they were a further block away that Victoria stopped and decided to respond.

“No, I don’t,” Victoria said with a slight edge coming into her voice. “Look, just because I used to work with Elizabeth Crawford doesn’t mean I know everything about her operation. I was pretty low level, operations only really. It was Christina, Kirsty and Louise that dealt with the larger pieces of the operation, logistics, other operatives, things like that. Even then Elizabeth kept everything compartmentalised. If you didn’t need to know you, you didn’t know. It was all about control for Elizabeth. Even with that there is the chance that Elizabeth and her organisation aren’t directly involved with this enterprise. She may have just used this place as a one off, rented a room and a no questions asked arrangement specifically for Hayley and Gayle. The people in their might not know anything.” During that statement Natalie had taken a step away from Victoria to give the woman some space.

“Alright then,” Natalie replied with a shrug. That did make sense. Why risk an important part of your network when it could be getting compromised? But they did have to know.

“Are we going to have a problem?” Victoria asked, an edge to her voice that surprised even her. “Because I am not doing this for the good of my health, I am helping you out here.”

“Well, you did recently abduct me during a robbery and hold me hostage so yes, I think that we do have a problem.” Natalie replied her voice also starting to rise in volume.

“If it helps you can tie me up tonight. I hear that you like that kind of thing,” Victoria said with a wicked smile breaking out across her lips. Natalie stopped, grabbed Victoria’s arm and spun her round so that they were now facing each other.

“Would you two pack it in,” Gabriela said. Both Natalie and Victoria turned to face Gabriela. “I know that you are hardly bosom buddies but you at least act professionally for the duration.” They both looked at each other and nodded before they turned and headed back to where they have left the car.
Hamburg, Germany

Amber Carter couldn’t believe the predicament that she now found herself in. Having lost all track of both time and her current location she had no idea of either how long it had been since she had been grabbed or where she currently was. After glancing down Amber was able to confirm that her legs had been securely tied with rope, a nice silky black rope at the ankles and also around the thighs. There was also a length of rope from the ropes around her ankle tied to the frame of the bed. A quick investigation told her that her wrists were also bound behind her back with what Amber assumed was the same rope, it certainly felt like it against her skin. Glancing down Amber noted that she was wearing matching grey jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, hardly fetching. The bindings didn’t bother her, however the packing in her mouth and the tightly knotted white scarf between her jaws was more of a concern as she was felling nauseous from the amount of anaesthetic she had been giving to keep her unconscious. With that Amber began to take in as much air as she could through her nose. After ten minutes the sickness began to recede. That was when Amber realised. She was not alone. “MMUURRPPHH,” Amber mumbled as she raised her head and looked at the two figures standing at the end of the bed that she was lying on.

“Finally awake then,” one of the women commented.

“MMUUMMHH,” Amber moaned into her gag as she eyed up the two women. They were both tall and leggy, the woman standing on her right had short dark hair and dark eyes, the woman on the left had shoulder length blond hair and blue eyes. They were both wearing figure hugging dresses that showed off their respective assets gloriously.

“She is cute Lola,” the dark-haired woman said. “We could have some fun.” The woman actually licked her lips.

“Better not touch the merchandise until the boss has inspected. You know better than that Sapphire,” the blond replied. They both stood again just staring at Amber for another couple of minutes. “Lady, I am going to untie you but no funny business or Sapphire here gets to use one her toys.” Sapphire held up her hand so the Amber could clearly see what was in it, a taser. No seeing any other option Amber nodded her understanding of the situation. With that agreed Lola went about releasing Amber from the ropes that bound her leg and wrists Once they were removed Lola stepped back from the bed. “I will leave you to remove the gag yourself.” Listening to them Amber noted that Lola had a German accent and wondered f that was a clue to where she was. As she was picking at the knot that held the scarf between her lips Lola walked over to the wardrobe in the room, opened the door and looked around inside. It took a bit of effort but eventually Amber managed to loosen the knot and removed the scarf which allowed her to pull a sodden wad of cloth from her mouth and throw it onto the bed. Now free of her bonds Amber started to stretch out before freezing when she noted what Lola was now holding up.

“Take off those clothes and put these on,” Lola said. Amber looked at the outfit and her eyes almost popped out of her head. It was a set of underwear, basque, panties, stocking and suspenders set. All in black. The outfit was like nothing she had ever worn before, not even when trying to impress or seduce a member of the opposite sex.

“Why?” Amber almost croaked because her mouth felt dry.

“Because we told you so,” Lola replied.

“And, you would look good in it,” Sapphire said.

“Lola and Sapphire. Are those your real names?” Amber asked just as a delaying tactic.

“What do you think?” Sapphire asked. Obviously, a rhetorical question. As she started to reluctantly strip off her current clothing. As she did so Amber caught a strong odour from her own body.

“Any chance that I could grab a shower?” Amber said and nodded at the bathroom with no door. “I am a bit smelly over here, wise that you keep distance.” Sapphire and Lola exchanged a glance and both shrugged.

“I don’t see an issue with that,” Sapphire said. “Only, ten minutes and we will come back and we expect you to be ready and wearing that outfit.” Amber nodded and waited until they two women had left before stripping off completely and making her way to the bathroom.

In the end Amber only used half of that time for a shower and after wrapping a large towel around her torso and still a little unsteady on her feet Amber walked over to the door and reached for the handle before noting that there was no handle on this side of the door. Even though she tried pushing the door open, hope of the best, prepare for the worst, but it didn’t budge. There was a window, that was next on the list to check. Having made her way over Amber noted that the window didn’t open and that the glass was thick, maybe even bullet proof. At least certainly too thick to smash. The view from the window told her nothing about where she was, it could have been any city or large town in the Northern hemisphere, the only clue was the accents of her two captors. Then her mind drifted to the way that they were dressed and their attitude and Amber wondered what their profession was, something about them didn’t think they were professional criminals. Another professional occupation, maybe. Then she remembered that she was expected to be dressed when Lola and Sapphire returned and hurried back to the bed to pick up the hanger with her outfit in it. Once again Amber looked at it questioningly and as she let the towel slid down to the carpet Amber hoped that she would be able to work out how to put everything on. For some reason she didn’t want to embarrass herself like that in front of these women.
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Chapter 34

An island in the Mediterranean

The world had started to come into focus about five minutes ago as Alessandra found herself sitting looking out of the window of a plane sitting on a slab of tarmac. What made it worse was that she recognised the view so Alessandra knew exactly where she was and was not looking forward to what was going to happen next? Alessandra offered no resistance at all as she was led bound and gagged from the plane to a waiting car for what she knew was the short drive to the main house. Now would be the time to try and make an escape attempt, before she would be severely restrained but she knew that there was no point. There was nowhere to hid on the island. The car pulled up outside the main house and Alessandra was helped out, up the stairs and though the main entrance into the reception foyer, still as impressive as always As Alessandra took it in, familiarizing herself the room Alessandra heard an unfamiliar voice. “Now usually Miss Crawford would like to greet all new guests personally but unfortunately she had a prior appointment with her legal representative,” the voice said. Alessandra was glad of that, there was no way that she wanted to meet Elizabeth Crawford. The longer that was put off the better, although it was probably unavoidable. Turning to find the source of the voice Alessandra found a woman in a grey business suit carrying a tablet waking her way across the room toward her. This woman was flanked by two tall, imposing looking woman wearing the standard uniform of large dresses and down jacket. “Good evening Alessandra, my name is Harper and my two colleagues here are Tahani and Yelena who will be taking care of you.” Alessandra glanced at the two women as they walked past Harper and took up positions on either side of her. Alessandra wondered what the turnover of staff, if that was the right description was within Elizabeth’s organization. So far, she had been lucky, no Kirsty, Vernie, Louise, Nicole or Christine but surely that couldn’t last forever. Alessandra’s mind must have drifted as she only caught the tail end of the introduction speech. “Please remember that the guards are here to ensure your comfort and safety so please do as instructed, do not resist in any way. If you obey then your stay with us will not be unpleasant. Now, take her to her room.”

“Come on,” Tahani said as she grabbed Alessandra’s upper arm. Yelena led the way as the small group made their way from the reception room to the secure wing of the building where the guests were billeted. When they arrived at the secure wing Yelena used her card to unlock the door and she held the door open as Alessandra and Tahani entered. In the other side the group made their way along to the far end of the corridor to the last door on the left. Once again Yelena used her card to open the door and the other two women stepped inside.

“You have been compliant so far and that is good,” Yelena said. “Just stand a minute whilst we make final preparations.” Alessandra had no intension of causing any problems, that would just bring the application of a chloroform-soaked cloth over her nose and mouth and she didn’t want to experience that any more times than she had to. As she stood motionless in the room Alessandra looked around, it was a large space with two double beds, one of which was occupied by an unusually large down cocoon. On the other bed sat two restraining bags, open, over-stuffed and obviously waiting to welcome her into their embrace. That fact that there were two would explain the size of the cocoon on the occupied bed. The second bag must have been a recent upgrade to the restraining system. The outside and inside shell of both restraining bags was orange. Alessandra gulped in anticipation of the fate that no doubt awaited her. In addition to the two beds a single stand-alone wardrobe, the light came from a couple of bright led fittings in the ceiling. There was a window over to Alessandra’s right but it was covered by curtains. Tahani and Yelena had obviously finished their preparations as they come back to stand in front of Alessandra.

“We are going to remove your gag and bindings now. So please do not try anything of we will administer a sedative. Do not speak unless asked a direct question.” Tahani said. Alessandra nodded her understanding and Tahani leaned round and undid the knot that kept the silk scarf tied tightly over Alessandra’s mouth. As that slipped off Tahani stuffed the scarf into the pocket of her down jacket and then used her finger to pick out the saliva sodden cloth from Alessandra’s mouth. Then Tahani undid the straps on the cuffs around Alessandra’s wrists. It allowed Alessandra to rub her wrists and work her jaw a little.

“First things first Alessandra you will have to strip off all of your clothes,” Yelena said. There was nothing that Alessandra could do to resist now so she complied, stripping off, starting with her socks and moving up and leaving them sitting on a neat pile next to her. “Now, if you would like to lie down on changing mat on this bed, we can apply your diaper. Don’t be embarrassed by this, it is a purely practical issue.” Once again Alessandra complied with the instruction. From her prone position was able to raised her head enough to watch Tahani walk across to a large box sitting in the corner of the room and pulled a large, thick adult diaper. Whilst lying there Alessandra noted that the smooth external shell of the diaper was also orange. Nice that they were keeping it colour co-ordinated Alessandra thought. After a couple of seconds Alessandra felt a tap on her hip and took this as a sign to raise her bottom from the bed. Alessandra then felt her bum and private area being wiped with something damp and tensed before a cool cream was applied over her delicate areas and then talcum powered was sprinkled over her and then gently patted in.

“Good girl Alessandra. Don’t worry it is just to clean the area and help avoid diaper rash. You can lower your bum back down now” Tahani said. When she did Alessandra felt her bum land on the centre of the soft, thick diaper. Alessandra lay perfectly still as Tahani finished the process of putting on the diaper by bringing up the front and securing the sticky tabs to keep it in place. After that process was completed, Alessandra took the hand that Tahani offered and helper her off the bed, only to be instantly handed the down filled suit by Yelena. Alessandra studied the suit for a second, before taking it from Yelena and slowly putting it on. First the left leg then the right before slipping her arms through the smooth nylon arms and shrugging the suit over her shoulders and zipping it up fully to the neck. Despite her current predicament Alessandra couldn’t help but run her hands over the smooth surface of the suit and admire how comfortable it was, also the fact that it fit her perfectly, almost as if it had been made to her exact measurements but that was surely impossible.

“Hands out in front Alessandra.” This time the instruction came from Yelena who produced a pair of finger control mitts and proceeded to put one of each of Alessandra’s hands. The mitts had a small buckle at the wrist section which Yelena tightened to lock the mitts in place. Alessandra winced slightly as the buckle was secured and attempted to wriggle her fingers. The mitts were thickly padded and severely limited the movement of her fingers. That combined with the silky smoothness of the fabric on both the inside and outside of the mitts meant that trying to pick something up almost impossible, rendering her hands useless. Then Alessandra watched as Yelena placed padded cuffs on her wrists, just above the end of the mitts, locking them together with not much of a gap, restricting independent movement. “Open your mouth,” Yelena next instructed and picked up what Alessandra recognised as one a large padded gag with a ball in the middle. The large soft ball at the centre of the gag was forced into Alessandra’s mouth, almost completely filling it. Alessandra instantly reacted and closed her mouth around the ball as the pad was pushed against her lips. Alessandra felt it push down on her lips as Yelena used the buckle at the back of Alessandra’s head to secure it in place, Tahani kindly held Alessandra’s hair out of the way before the buckle was tightened completely. Then Tahani used two long, padded straps to bind Alessandra’s arms tightly to her body, Alessandra grunted into her gag as each buckle was tightened but die to the size and thickness of the gag the sound was barely audible past her own throat. Tahani then indicated for Alessandra to sit on the edge of the bed with the restraining bags on it. Once Alessandra had sat down Tahani quickly used three more straps to secure Alessandra’s legs together at the ankles, just below the knees and around the thighs, leaving Alessandra securely bound. Alessandra noted that there was slightly less discomfort around her groin when the thigh strap was buckled so she thought that they must have made improvements to the design of the diapers over the years.

“Now let’s get you into the restraining bags and comfortable” Tahani said. With Alessandra’s movement extremely limited by her bindings her two captors had to assist her into a standing position next to the bed before Yelena manoeuvred the internal bag into position, running her hand over the nylon shell to check the smoothness and loft of the bag. Once the bag was in position Tahani and Yelena moved Alessandra into position and sat her onto the centre of the bag. Without having to be instructed Alessandra swung her legs up, round and slipped them into the bag. Yelena quickly folded the top of the bag over onto Alessandra, trapping her inside and zipped the bag all the way up and closed. Taking the opportunity whilst the external bag was prepared Alessandra had a wriggle around to get comfortable; she knew there was no chance of getting free. Alessandra noted that the thickness or filling of the sleeping bag seemed to more than the other bags that she had been restrained in previously as the bag felt tighter around her body when she wriggled about.

“Alessandra please do not struggle whilst we put you in the second restraining bag.” Alessandra certainly wasn’t to struggle now and just lay still as she felt her legs get lifted as they were slid into the second bag. Alessandra heard the sound of the two nylon surfaces against each other as the women went about the business of slipping the rest of Alessandra’s nylon and down encased body into the larger, second bag. Finally getting the hood under Alessandra’s head Tahani with some assistance from Yelena managed to bring the two halves of the external bag together and fighting against the loft of the internal bag managed to get the centre zip up to the top before locking it off. “Job done, now that wasn’t so bad.” Tahani commented. “Now feel free to squirm about and get comfortable within the bags themselves but don’t try to move around on the bed as movement will be restricted. No means of escape but you will be very comfortable for the duration of your captivity.” After a quick tidy up, including putting Alessandra’s clothes in a bag to go to be laundered and the two women exited the room and Alessandra heard the door close behind them. Left to her own devices Alessandra had another wriggled about, well as much as the loft of the down compressing against her body would let her in order to get comfortable. Alessandra knew from experience that the loft would increase over the hours and the nylon would get more restrictive.
An island in the Mediterranean

The sun was setting as Elizabeth Crawford turned around and surveyed the view from the large bay window in her office. It was a spectacular view out toward the far end of the island, especially at this time of the day. Having spent most of the afternoon and early evening she was just about to go and have some dinner before making arrangements to have Hayley brought to her suite later when the telephone rang. “Good evening,” Elizabeth said on picking up the receiver.

“Hello Elizabeth,” Naomi Van Den Burgh replied. “I trust that things are going well?”

“Yes, just trying to keep out of trouble.” Elizabeth pulled out her large, leather chair and after making the necessary adjustments required to her dress and sat down.

“I hope you are,” Naomi replied with a chuckle. “Have you had the chance to review the documentation that I sent through?”

“I have Naomi.” It had even stopped her from meeting the new arrival to the island that they she had agreed to take on for Irina Bicondova. There would be time to catch up on that later.

“What did you think?” Naomi asked.

“Well, apart from the tedious nature of legal speak it looked fine. I have made some amendments and notes. I will scan everything and get it back to you tomorrow.” Elizabeth gave a slight sigh at the end of that sentence which Naomi picked up on.

“Things are proceeding well,” Naomi said. “I know that it isn’t moving forward as quickly as you would like Elizabeth but these things for take time. It is a delicate matter and we need to be sure that everything that is agreed with each agency works for you.”

“I understand that Naomi and please be assured that I appreciate your efforts on this. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances have arisen that might mean that we do not have as much time as we would want or need. It may mean having to take direct action.”

“As your lawyer I would advise that you stop there. This is one of those things that I do not need to know.” Elizabeth sensed the amusement in Naomi’s voice when she said that. “Did you read the brief from the Americans?”

“I did,” Elizabeth replied. “No surprise that they are putting up the most resistant but the offer of face-to-face discussions was interesting.”

“Yes, that did surprise me as well. Usually, all meetings are conducted through intermediaries such as layers,” Naomi commented.

“Who is the Senator sending to the island to negotiate?” Elizabeth asked. Naomi paused, there was something in Elizabeth’s tone of voice that suggested to Naomi that she was ahead of her on this.

“Believe it or not Senator Davenport is sending his daughter…” Naomi replied. “I must admit I was surprised when you agreed to take the face-to-face meeting.” On the other end of the line Naomi couldn’t see the wide smile that had spread over Elizabeth’s face. When she had been looking through the information that she had obtained from the Broker’s secret files Senator Davenport had some skeletons in the closet that could be exploited.

“Is this another one of those things that I shouldn’t ask questions about Elizabeth?”

“As your client I would advise that you cease to ask any further questions,” Elizabeth commented. There was an awkward silence on the call. “Something else you need to talk through?”

“Um,” Naomi mumbled. “I know that you weren’t going to undertake any further activities of a certain nature but your earlier comments about taking action…”

“This sounds interesting,” Elizabeth interrupted. “The line is secure if that is what is worrying you.”

“No, well, another client mentioned having a job that may well be right up your street.”

“You have me intrigued,” Elizabeth said and leaned back into her chair. “Do carry on.” Naomi had bene correct, Elizabeth wasn’t planning on undertaking any operations unless her hand was forced, which was Christina and her little gang was close to doing. There was no point in doing anything that could affect the ongoing negotiations. However, the more that Naomi told her about what was required and who was involved the more she was excited by the prospect of one last job for the road. It would certainly be going out with a bang.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thank you for this Update [mention]mrjones2009[/mention]! I just gave it a quick once over, but I will read it more thorougly tomorrow and comment in Detail. It is fascinating how the Story unfolds.

One thought:

If anything will bring Crawford down it is her overconfidence hovering on arrogance. "Christina´s little Gang?" That Crawford underestimate Christina still may prove costly. And honestly? I think by now Crawford deserves Payback in spades.

Too bad we haven´t seen or heard from Hayley in a while - but that is just sentiment no critic :) Just carry on the way you do!
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Post by mrjones2009 » ... 175#p90175

Hi! A new character pops up in the story, the delicious Penelope.

Not just looking for more hits on my other stories but might help to understand where the character comes from.

Hope everyone enjoying the story so fat.
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Chapter 35

Somewhere in rural England

When Penelope regained her senses, she found that she was now staring at a different but not much more interesting ceiling. It wasn’t until five minutes had passed that she realised that wasn’t bound or gagged. “Well, that is a nice surprise.” Penelope swung her legs off the cot style bed that she was lying on and placed them on the ground. Looking around Penelope took in the decoration, or lake thereof in the small room. Slightly off-white walls were complimented by a light blue carpet with quite a few stains, Penelope didn’t like to think what those stains were. That was when she realised that her feet were bare and pulled them and crossed her leg, that reminded her that she was wearing a diaper. Continuing to scan the room there was a wardrobe, a table that had been bolted into the ground and two chairs. There was also a door, well a doorframe, the door was missing that led to a small bathroom. Intrigued Penelope decided to brave the carpet again and plonked ger feet down and winced. When she stood up Penelope actually noticed the end of a pair of slippers lying under the bed. They were wrapped in cellophane and Penelope pulled them out put them on. Then she waddled over to the door. There was nothing on the inside of the door, not even hinges. No way out there. She threw open the wardrobe next to find a selection of leggings and vest tops, all in black. Penelope didn’t know if this was a good or bad sign. Also, on a shelf at the top of the wardrobe were two compression sacks and a pile of towels. Grabbing a towel and a full outfit Penelope made for the bathroom. There was a shower cubicle and Penelope stripped off and hit the button to start the flow of water and was surprised to find that it was warm. After dumping her clothing and diaper into a bin Penelope jumped into the cubicle and used the non-branded shower gel to scrub herself thoroughly.
When Penelope exited the bathroom drying her hair with the towel there was the sound of a lock disengaging and then the door opened. Penelope paused her walk and turned her attention to the door. It opened and in stepped carrying a tray. There was a bowl on the try with steam rising from it, the smell caught Penelope’s nostrils and her stomach began to rumble. Rogue put the tray on the table and took one of the chairs; beckoning Penelope to take the other. Slowly, Penelope walked across and sat down, never taking her eyes from Rogue as she did so. With her stomach rumbling Penelope grabbed the fork and go tuck into the bowl of pasta. It wasn’t as good as her boss’s but it was good enough. “What was your name again?” Penelope asked between mouthfuls of food.

“Rogue Hart,” the woman responded. Penelope coughed as she choked on some pasta.

“That is really your name?” Penelope asked having recovered after taking a mouthful of water from a bottle that was sitting on the tray. Rogue just gave her a stare that told Penelope that the woman had been asked that numerous times before. “Alright, alright.” Penelope went back to eating as silence descended again. “Where are we?”

“I can’t tell you that,” Rogue replied.

“This obviously isn’t some random grab,” Penelope commented. “How long were you watching us?”

“A while,” Rogue responded vaguely. “I suppose I should go over the rules.” Penelope just continued to eat. “There is no point in trying to escape, so don’t try. Attempts will be punished.” Penelope nodded. “You can keep your freedom during the day if you don’t complain or resist when you get restrained at night.” Penelope didn’t really see any other option so just nodded. “Glad that we can see eye to eye on that. Three meals a day. If you want anything ask. And, before you ask no mobile phones or other electronic devices.”

“Why am I here? Who are you people?” Penelope asked

“All will be revealed in good time.”

“Oh, I love a cryptic response,” Penelope replied not trying to hide the sarcasm in her voice.

“How long will I be kept here?” Penelope asked, finishing the food and wiping her mouth.

“I can’t tell you that,” Rogue replied. Penelope rolled her eyes. “Not like that. There is someone that wants to talk with you. They need to make the trip but without anybody knowing. Timing is tricky, four, five days.”

“Great,” Penelope said looking around.

“I will get you some books to read.” Penelope gave Rouge a thumbs up as the woman got up from the chair and left.
Somewhere in rural England

In the end it took five days for the door to open and anybody but Rogue Hart to walk in. Well, on this occasion Rogue Hart did walk in when the door opened but this time, she was closely followed by a woman in her late forties with shoulder length black hair. Penelope swung her legs off the bed and onto the carpet. The new woman was confident, calm and had an assurance about her. Also, definitely American, the light brown coloured raincoat gave it away, above a dark blue suit and white blouse. The woman made her way across to the table and took a seat. Without having to be asked Penelope rose, walked across and took the other seat. It was game time. Rogue leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. Penelope caught her out of the corner of her eye and had to admit that the woman possessed a certain amount of cool. “I apologies for the delay Penelope but it couldn’t be helped,” the woman said. “My name is Jaclyn Sanders and I need you to do something for us.”

“Straight to the point,” Penelope said, “I like it.” Jaclyn smiled as she worked on a tablet.

“Do you recognise this woman?” Jaclyn flipped the tablet around and showed Penelope a photograph of a woman. Penelope’s heart missed a beat and her expression must have betrayed something. “I see that you do.”

“Who wouldn’t?” Penelope replied. “That is Elizabeth Crawford.” Jaclyn nodded.

“I am going to come straight to the point Penelope, do you the courtesy of not insulting your intelligence. I want you to help us take her down.” Penelope managed to supress a laugh but not a smile.

“How would we go about that?” Penelope asked. “The best of the so-called good guys have tried that and failed, on numerous occasions is the rumours are to be believed. She always seems to be a step ahead of you lot.”

“Yes, indeed she does….” Jaclyn says quietly and looks away into the distance for a couple of seconds.

“So, just say that I am interested,” Penelope leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table, “how would we go about it?” She heavily emphasised the ‘we’. Silence descended and Rogue and Jaclyn looked at each other. Penelope could tell that she wasn’t going to like this. “What?” Jaclyn sighed and played with the lapels on her coat.

“You go undercover,” Jaclyn stated.

“You want me to apply for a place in her organization?” Penelope said, her eyebrows shooting up. Jaclyn nodded. “From what I can tell you don’t apply. You have to be invited.”

“That is why we have to come up with something that will catch her attention.” Penelope couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This was the most dangerous and stupid thing that she had heard. There was a reason that not a lot of people knew much about Elizabeth Crawford’s organisation. The woman played her cards close to her chest. Those that crossed her tended to disappear never to be seen again. That was something that Penelope was keen to avoid. “All of our previous attempts to infiltrate the Crawford organisation have failed.” Jaclyn continued.

“To right!” Penelope exclaimed. “Crawford is well known for secrecy and guarding access to her organisation carefully.”

“That is why we need to take a different angle, something new, a Trojan Horse, someone that she won’t suspect.” Penelope laughed.

“That suggest you have made previous attempts that have failed,” Penelope commented. Jaclyn didn’t reply. “There is a reason that nothing has worked before. The woman is borderline paranoid.”

“I think that you will be able to achieve what those before you haven’t.”

“You are talking like I have already agreed to this Jaclyn.”

“What are the options for you Penelope?” Jaclyn asked. Then something clicks in Penelope’s head.

“Wait, you are desperate. This is some kind of Hail Mary play and you are wanting me to play the ball.”

“There was a rumour that you were smart,” Jaclyn said. “That is why we picked you. I believe that Elizabeth won’t suspect someone who has a reputation for being in the same business at her.”

“My organization wasn’t at her level. We were strictly local, Sunday League Amateur stuff, Elizabeth Crawford is Champions League winning material. She will know that something is wrong.” Jaclyn gave her a bemused look. “Sorry, I forgot that you wouldn’t get the football,” Penelope looked at her, “soccer references.”

“That’s a chance that we are willing to take.”

“Easy for you to say Jaclyn, not your neck on the line”

“As I said earlier Penelope,” Jaclyn started, ger voice taking a harder, more concentrated edge that worked its way up to her eyes. “What options do you have?”

“Take my chances with you guys,” Penelope retorted. Jaclyn smiled.

“There will only be four people that know about this operation and three of them are in this room.”

“There you go assuming that I will say yes Jaclyn,” Penelope replied. “Oh, and that little stat about only four people knowing isn’t exactly comforting. That is only a couple of accidents away from me being on my own.”

“Well, the alternative is probably spending the best years of your life in prison. With your record you will be pushing sixty before the parole board lets you out. We can make sure of that,” Rogue said with a smile.

“What is to stop me just going straight to Elizabeth Crawford and telling her about this?” Penelope asked. Jaclyn just smiled and crossed her arms. They both knew that wouldn’t happen. Penelope would just disappear. There is no way Crawford would take a chance with anyone admitting that.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the Idea of this Crossover - very much so, Penelope is an interessting character. The Question will be though: Crawford has a mole in Jaclyns Organization: Gilian. If Gilian knows about Penelope, the Plan is dead on arrival. On the other side: it would be a nice change, if Crawford would be not one step ahead again. Her Arrogance has grown, and she has a way too high opinion of her own superiority.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 36

Hamburg, Germany

This is not a good idea. That was the thought at the forefront of Natalie’s mind as she took the stairs up to the door of the establishment. After a slight pause at the door to steel herself Natalie pulled the door open and entered. Once inside the lighting was dull, some would say moody, and the decoration was interesting with a splash of the Pacific Ocean thrown in. Behind a couple of fake palm trees to her left was the reception desk. Natalie closed her eyes for a second and thought back to her the story that she had agreed with Victoria and Gabriela over breakfast that morning, making sure that it would sound right when she used it. “Can I help you?” asked a female voice in a German accent from behind the fake palm trees.

“Yes,” Natalie said and walked across to the desk. Behind the desk sat a skinny young woman of about twenty with blue hair. There was an uncomfortable silence, then Natalie felt that she had to say something. “Um, I am looking for a woman.” Having, not done this before she was a bit unsure of how to broach the subject.

“Of course,” the young woman with blue hair with a smile, obviously picking up on Natalie’s discomfort. “Do you have any preferences?”

“You mean looks wise?” Natalie asked, somewhat shocked by the question. Blue Hair smiled and nodded. They hadn’t gone over this question this morning. “I suppose I like that classic German look, tall, blond and blue eyes. Opposites attract and all that.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem. Why don’t you take a seat and let me make a call?” Blue Hair pointed diagonally across the room to a L-shaped settee in red leather.

“What about payment?” Natalie asked.

“Is this your first time?” Blue Hair asked.

“Here or anywhere?” Natalie said without thinking before cursing herself.

“You agree any potential exchange in private,” Blue Hair replied, her smile widening. Natalie nodded and made her way across to the L-shaped settee and took a seat. Fortunately, there was nobody else sitting on the settee at that time. Natalie crossed her legs and nervously picked at pieces of lint on her trousers. It wasn’t long until Natalie heard footsteps coming from door that was just beside the reception desk, raising her eyes just in time to see an attractive woman stride confidently through. Tall and rangy, check, blond, check, blue eyes, check. She was wearing a long silk gown, with who knew what underneath. It was as if they had a machine and just pressed buttons that spat out the woman that you had asked for. The woman stopped and spoke to Blue Hair behind the desk, who got up and came round to make the introductions. “This is Ingrid. If you go with her Ingrid will take good care of you. Isn’t that correct Ingrid?”

“Of course,” Ingrid said and offered a hand to Natalie. The outstretched hand floated for a couple of seconds before Natalie reached out and took it. Ingrid gave her arm a gentle pull which helped Natalie to her feet. “Come with me,” Ingrid said and led Natalie back from where she came, along a corridor. As they walked Natalie tried to take in her surroundings, although there wasn’t much to see as all of the doors off the corridor were shut. After a short walk Ingrid paused and pushed through a plain white door and into a room. Once inside the room Natalie looked around, a large King size bed dominated the centre of the room and there was a dresser in one corner and a large wardrobe in the other. The sheets on the bed was black silk but thankfully there wasn’t a mirror above the bed. Ingrid let go of Natalie’s hand and closed the door behind them before heading for the bed. “You look nervous. Is this your first time?”

“In this context, yes,” Natalie replied.

“Is there anything in particular that you like?” Ingrid asked as she sprawled on the bed. Despite the situation Natascha had to admit that Ingrid was a striking woman.

“Well, I kind of like tying up and being tied up.” That was the first true thing Natalie had said since entering the establishment.

“That is something that we can look at,” Ingrid said patting a space on the bed. “Why don’t you take a seat and relax.” There was a bit of small talk before they went about the business of agreeing the services that would be rendered and the associated fee. Natalie thought that it was expensive but she had a feeling that Ingrid would be worth every Euro. “Now, that the business is out of the way let’s get to the fun.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Natalie replied and forced a smile.

“Would you like it if I tied you to the bed,” Ingrid said as she got up from the bed. Natalie nodded. “You want me to take charge, be in control,” Ingrid gave Natalie a look and a shiver ran done Natalie’s spine. Something told Natalie that Ingrid really would be good at taking charge.

“Very much so,” Natalie replied and also got up. Natalie watched as Ingrid walked around the bed, stopping at each corner to set up a length of nylon with a cuff at the round. “Looks like this will be fun.”

“I will show you things you have never seen before,” Ingrid said with a look on her face that made Natalie swallow. “Now, have you any last requests before I take charge?”

“Do you have a nurses’ outfit that you could put on?” Natalie asked going all coquettish ingenue.

“I have just the thing. You will like it very much.” Ingrid said with a wicked smile, turned and headed for the wardrobe. As Ingrid was distracted looking through her rail of outfits Natalie used the opportunity to slip a small bottle containing chloroform and a large white cloth that had been pre-folded from the pocket of her down jacket. Quickly Natalie unscrews the top from the bottle and deposited the chloroform onto the cloth. “Here, it is!” Ingrid exclaimed and turned around holding up a skimpy, obviously figure hugging, white nurse’s uniform up in front of her. As Ingrid made her way back to the bed Natalie hid the handkerchief behind her back. “Why don’t get those clothes off whilst I slip into this.”

“Sounds like a great idea,” Natalie said. Ingrid was now had her full attention on the outfit sitting on the bed. Perfect positioning as far as Natalie was concerned. “Do you smell something?” Ingrid asked crinkling her nose.

“No,” Natalie replied.

“Not to worry. I will put on some candles, burn some incense.”

“Sorry about this,” Natalie said and pounced quickly, wrapping her left arm around Ingrid’s body to pin both of the woman’s arms then clamped the chloroform-soaked cloth over Ingrid’s nose and mouth.

“THESY MMPPHH” Ingrid mumbled from behind the cloth and Natalie’s hand. Natalie leaned back so that Ingrid was slightly unbalanced which would help Natalie subdue her. The tall German struggled against Natalie’s grip but Natalie now knew what she was doing and was in a good position.

“Sorry about this Ingrid, but this is about my best friend. One of these days I will come back and explain” Natalie whispered in Ingrid’s ear as she continued to hold the cloth tightly in place. Natalie gripped Ingrid tightly as she tried to throw her off by rocking from side to side but as the drug started to have an effect, Ingrid’s struggles meant that she inhaled more of the drug. After about thirty seconds Natalie could feel Ingrid’s struggles subside until she was almost taking all of Ingrid’s weight. Natalie removed the cloth and flung it onto the bed so that she could use both arms to carefully lower Ingrid onto the bed softly. Ingrid wasn’t all the way out yet and was mumbling quietly. Once Natalie had positioned Ingrid on the bed with her head resting on the large, soft pillows she picked up the cloth again the carefully held it over Ingrid’s nose and mouth until Ingrid’s eyes fluttered then slowly closed over. That job done Natalie removed the cloth and slipped it back into her pocket. Next, Natalie quickly ran round the bed and secured Ingrid in place by slipping her ankles and wrist into the cuffs and tightening them to hold her in place, careful to tug each nylon strap tightly to make sure they were fixed. Lastly Natalie took a clean handkerchief from her other pocket and stuffed it in Ingrid’s mouth, then slipped off the silk scarf that was around her neck and folded it into a band. That was tightly tied over Ingrid’s mouth to lock the handkerchief in place. After a quick look around to make sure that she had left nothing behind Natalie headed for the door. Having paid for a ninety-minute appointment she had well over an hour left to look around the place and find out whatever she could about its links to Elizabeth Crawford before she had to worry about anyone missing Ingrid.
Hamburg, Germany

Taking a glance in each direction to make sure there was nobody about Natalie started to work her way down the corridor trying the doors. All of them were empty and the layouts were al similar to that of Ingrid’s, large in the middle, dresser, wardrobe although some of them were a bit more specialized if that was the correct word. Natalie had expected it to be quiet, that was why they had picked this time of the day. She needed to find a room, or perhaps an office that may have some useful information in it. A big file that read Elizabeth Crawford Information would be a handy but as a police officer she knew that was rarely the case. As she moved down the corridor toward the reception area Natalie had to be more careful but as she reached the second last door on her left she was rewarded, it opened into another corridor which wasn’t as nicely decorated. Careful to close the door behind her Natalie slipped into the second corridor and stopped to listen. Hearing nothing but silence she walked along the corridor looking into rooms. This looked more promising as the rooms were clearly back of house, there was a couple of storerooms, a laundry and a toilet before Natalie found what she assumed would be her best chance of finding useful information. A locked room with Manager’s Office written on the door in flamboyant stenciled writing. Even her basic German stretched that far. Delving back into the pocket for her down jacket Natalie found her lock picking kit and went to work on the lock on this particular door. Not something that they taught at the academy but a useful skill that she had picked up. The lock wasn’t complicated and Natalie made short work of it. There was a soft click as the lock disengaged and she slipped inside the office. Once inside Natalie took stock of the layout, the office was spacious with enough room for a large desk, couch and coffee table along with two filing cabinets. There was a laptop computer sitting on the desk and Natalie made a note to grab it on the way out, these days it was probably their best chance of getting some information. But she had to be thorough and check everywhere else first. As she walked across to the filing cabinets Natalie also noted a second door in the corner that must led to another corridor. Always trying to thinks ahead Natalie walked across to the door and unlocked the door form the inside. Fortunately, the filing cabinets weren’t locked so Natalie was able to make short work of looking through them. Most of it was paperwork, invoices and the link and in German which wasn’t that helpful so Natalie moved quickly to the desk Natalie once again had to use her lock picks to open the drawers. The top drawer contained only standard equipment that you would expect to find in an office, a stapler, ruler, hole punch and similar items. The next drawer however was much more interesting. There was correspondence in the drawer from several companies including The Almost Famous Fashion House, Rineia International Developments Limited and Carmichael International Holdings and thankfully they were all in English. That engrossed in reading them was Natalie that she didn’t hear the door open. “Can I help you?” Natalie heard a female voice with a Scandinavian accent say from in front of her. Natalie lifted her head slowly and found a woman in her early fifties standing in the frame of the door. Natalie was angry at herself for allowing the woman to sneak up on her. “This happens to be my office,” the woman stated as she took a couple of steps forward. As she did Natalie could just make out other human shapes behind her.

“Would you believe that I got lost?” Natalie asked. Before the woman could answer Natalie took off at a sprint through the other door, now glad that she had taken the time to unlock it.

“Lola, Sapphire get her!!” Natalie heard the woman shout. With no real time to think Natalie turned left out of the room and ran along the corridor. There was another junction coming up and Natalie had to make a decision so turned right this time and found herself in another corridor, this time there was a set of steps at the end that no doubt led to a basement and a door off to the right. This place was like a warren. Natalie slowed slightly to allow her to assess her options, as the footsteps behind her got louder she decided to take the door option and burst through it, on the other side was a corridor with that went round a corner. Just before the corner Natalie risked a glance over her shoulder at her pursuers and suddenly came to a sudden stop as she crashed into something or someone coming the other way.
Hamburg, Germany

After getting a flight, renting a car and booking into a hotel Sasha Conteh and Nazia Goraya had made their way directly to the address of funeral service supplied by Cambridge Police. A couple of days staking out that address hadn’t led to a sighting of Amber Carter, not that Sasha had expected one. “They couldn’t keep anybody here,” Sasha had explained to Nazia, “at least not for any length of time. This is just a stop on the journey.” They had then followed several of the vans to see where they went. Most trips were to places that you would expect, hospitals and morgues but there was one trip that Sasha found strange. It was along what seemed like a quiet residential street. That was until they had rolled past the residence where the funeral parlour’s van had stopped that Sasha managed to get a look and explain to Nazia just exactly what kind of establishment it was. Nazia had looked at Sasha with a look that was part confusion and part shock.

“Are you sure?” Nazia had asked as they had parked up a couple of streets away.

“Pretty sure,” Sasha had replied. “It would also be a better place to hide abducted women. However, there is only one way to really find out.”

“Get a look inside?” Nazia offered and Sasha nodded.

Sasha suggested that they wait until later that day to undertake a scouting trip of the area so they went and got something to eat and returned a couple of hours later. Under the cover of approaching darkness Sasha and Nazia took a stroll around the neighbourhood passing the target building on two occasions, both the front and the side. The buildings and streets were all well maintained and if you didn’t know what kind of trade went on here you would have said it was a respectable residential neighbourhood. There were people wandering around, some looked furtive and avoided eye contact while others looked you up and down from head to toe. Some of the looks made Nazia decidedly uncomfortable. When they got back to the care they sat in silence for a while before Sasha spoke. “We can’t just walk in and ask if they have a kidnapped and trafficked police detective being held against her will in the basement.”

“I guess not,” Nazia responded. “There was a lot of people around as well.”

“There were less people about earlier in the day,” Sasha said. “I suppose that makes sense with type of business that takes place in this neighbourhood.” Stating this Sasha turned to face Nazia and raised an eyebrow. “It might be better if we try something during the day. I noticed a couple of fire escape doors down the side and back. I would say it would be better to try one of those.” Nazia nodded, it did make sense. “Let’s get an early night and come back tomorrow.” Now that they had a plan of action they headed back to their hotel.
Hamburg, Germany

After having persuaded Nazia to stay in the car Sasha walked around the block as casually as she could with a crowbar hidden under her jacket. Thankfully she did not pass a single person on her journey and was able to get round to the back of the target building unseen. With a quick glance up Sasha confirmed that there were no cameras covering the alley and had to supress a laugh, then slipped the crowbar out from under her jacket and into the slim gap between the door and the frame. It took a bot of effort but eventually she felt the door pop open. A final look in each direction confirmed that there was nobody watching and she slipped inside.

Once inside Sasha paused for a second to allow her eyes to adjust to the change in light levels from early morning sunshine to the darkness of a tight corridor. Not hearing anything Sasha ventured cautiously along the corridor toward a right turn with faint light appearing around the edge of the wall. When she reached the turn, Sasha pressed her back against the wall and peeked around. There was just another corridor with some doors off it. Taking a deep breath Sasha crouched slightly and turned the corner keeping close to the wall as she stalked along the corridor. There were three doors on her right and she tried each of them as she passed, keeping her eyes fixed forward for threats as she did so. All three doors were locked so she carried on toward another turn. Repeating the same procedure as before Sasha negotiated the turn again and walked up the corridor. The floor sloped upward as she walked suggesting that she was heading for the next floor up. There were two doors off the corridor the first was locked and they as Sasha was halfway between that and the second door, the second door opened and out stepped a woman wearing, well, not very much at all. Sasha stopped dead and looked at the woman for a couple of seconds before she heard a faint snick and spun around as the door behind her opened and another woman stepped out. This woman was large than the one in front of her, at least six feet tall which an athletic build wearing black jeans and a matching sweater. “Um, hello,” Sasha stammered.

“No cameras on the outside, but we have them on the inside,” the woman in front of her said as if reading Sasha’s confusion at what had happened. “Helga, grab her and we will take her to the boss and she can decide what she wants to do with our little snoop.” Sasha looked at Helga, then the woman in front of her then back to Helga. Deciding that she didn’t ant to meet their boos and there was no way that she was going to get past Helga she decided to break into a sprint and barged past the woman in front of her. “Get after her,” Sasha heard the woman say and they heard heavy footsteps behind her. Making a quick plan as she ran Sasha decided to head for the front door and exit that way, the only problem was that this building was a warren of corridors. It was one similar corridor and turn after another. She could hear her pursuers getting louder, they were starting to gain on her so Sasha redoubled her efforts and put in a burst just as she rounded the bend in the corridor when suddenly there was a blur coming the other way and before she could take evasive action Sasha smashed into that blur, which turned out to be the solid form of a woman. Natalie Twain to be precise. They both ended up in tangle of limbs on the floor. As they were sprawled on the floor, Natalie and Sasha were both easy prey for the group of women that pounced on them from both directions. They were swarmed upon, hands everywhere and Natalie felt her arms being wrenched behind her back. “Hey, what are you doing?” Very quickly Natalie felt something being wrapped tightly around her wrists several times before it was tied off. “Wait, you can’t be doing this. Untie my wrists right now.” As Sasha was hauled to her feet an older woman appeared round a corner.

“I think that we can do exactly as we want,” one of the women who had been chasing her said.

“You are making a big mistake here ladies,” Sasha stated as her own wrists were being lashed behind her back with thin but strong cord.

“Quick, keep them quiet.” The older woman, finally having caught up to the action. Before Natalie could react, a hand appeared in front of her face and stuffed a cloth in her mouth. Before she could expel the cloth, a scarf was tied over it to prevent that course of action. As she glanced across Natalie noted that the other woman had been gagged in the same manor and that one of women subduing her was Blue Hair from the reception desk. Natalie was taking deep breathes from the exertion of running and she inhaled the strong scent of perfume from the scarf that had been tied over her mouth.

“Take them up to the secure room,” the older woman said.

“Getting pretty crowded up there,” Blue Hair commented. Then she remembered something. “I had better go and check that Ingrid is alright.”

“After you get these ladies settled Phoebe,” the boss woman said. Natalie and Sasha were roughly dragged to their feet and forced along the corridor in the direction that Natalie had come from. Retracing her steps Natalie couldn’t believe that she had allowed herself to be captured again. The only positive was that any captivity shouldn’t last too long, after all Victoria and Gabriela were waiting for her outside. As Natalie was pushed and prodded up several sets up stairs from behind as she followed Phoebe led the way until the group found themselves packed tightly onto a landing, waiting as Phoebe found the correct key to open the door. In addition to wondering what was beyond the door Natalie was thinking about who her fellow captive was and how the woman had ended up running around an establishment like this in Hamburg at the same time as her. That train of thought was broken when Phoebe managed to find the correct key and fling the door open. When they entered Natalie instantly noticed the woman lying bound and gagged on the bed. The woman was tied spread-eagled with black rope wearing an outfit that left little to the imagination, when the bound woman raised her head Natalie could see that that a scarf was tied over her mouth, there was no doubt packing inside the woman’s mouth as well. Even with the gag Natalie could tell that the woman was attractive, auburn hair, green eyes and sharp features.

“MMOOUUMM,” there was an excited moan from the woman on the bed as she raised her head.

“MMMMMM,” Sasha moaned when she caught sight of Amber Carter lying bound to the bed. Well, at least that was one part of the job completed, they had found Amber. Natalie looked from the woman on the bed to the woman that had run into her and then back again. It was clear that they knew each other.

“Helga, Lola would you calm them down,” Phoebe commented. “I can’t be bothered with any nonsense.” All of the bound and gagged women watched on as Helga produced a bottle and a cloth from a pocket and handed them both to Phoebe.

“MMOOHH,” all three gagged women moaned in unison.

“It is just chloroform ladies, something to keep you docile and confirm who is in charge. How often we use it depends on how compliant you are?” Those words could have come straight out of the Elizabeth Crawford handbook, Natalie thought. Natalie watched on as Phoebe smothered a cloth with liquid from the glass bottle.

“Wait, there are only two beds,” Lola commented. Phoebe paused and they looked at both beds, then at the Natalie and Sasha as if doing the simple maths in her head. It seemed to totally perplex her form a minute as Natalie looked on, then a smile crossed spread across her lips. “I think I have an idea on how to solve that for tonight at least.”

“How?” Lola asked.

“You two secure the burglar to the other bed and we will take care of the other one a different way.” Natalie watched on as Helga and Lola dragged Sasha over to the empty bed and threw her face down onto it. After untying Sasha’s bound wrists, they turned her over and tried to secure her to the bed but Sasha was writhing around. “Let me help you out ladies.” Phoebe walked across, leaned down over Sasha and then clamped the chloroform-soaked cloth over the lower half of Sasha’s face. Natalie watched on as Sasha tried in vain to fight off both her attackers and the chloroform laced cloth, neither was going to be successful and eventually the struggling stopped and Phoebe removed the cloth and headed over Amber and gave her the same treatment as Lola and Helga secured Sasha to the bed using black ropes. “Don’t worry, plenty to go around. It will be your turn soon,” Phoebe said to Natalie as she discarded the cloth and headed for the door. “Amelie, help me take this one downstairs.”
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