First Ties: Prologue and Elaine's After Hours (MM/FFf; M/F)

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First Ties: Prologue and Elaine's After Hours (MM/FFf; M/F)

Post by Emma »

Not long ago, my husband wrote a story for here, which I posted ("Support Your Local Intruder") which had a woman, Elaine, and her daughter, Mandy, confronting a burglar at home; Mandy insisted the thief, whom she felt bad for, tie them up and make his escape.

Hubby has now written the first part of a three part story, in which Elaine and her daughters (Pam and Mandy) discuss the first time each of them was tied up. Elaine has part one, as you will see... :lol:

Elaine Carter, 41, her college-student daughter, 21 year old Pam, and her 17 year old daughter Mandy were all tied up in the basement of the old building Elaine's husband, Don, had bought, and was planning to rent out. The trio had decided to look at it themselves, and found themselves face to face with a pair of young hoodlums, men in their mid to late 20s, wearing dark shirts and pants, and bags of stolen items they've taken from other homes.

The men weren't worried about the fact the women saw their faces; the police already were searching for them.
They would leave the ladies tied up in the basement, and leave for their new hideout. The criminals told the three they could yell for help all they wanted, in the countryside where they were, no one would hear.

As soon as the men closed the basement door behind them, Mandy, the seventeen year old, started to talk, but was interrupted by her mother. Elaine was dressed in a maroon dress, tan hose, and matching maroon high heels. She was sitting at the foot of the post, her hands tied behind it. She was also tied to it at her waist and her chest, just above her breasts. "Wait until we hear them leave," she said in a loud whisper.

Pam, the twenty-one year old, wore a black sweater, a red skirt, black tights, and white high heels. She was tied to a table, face up, with her hands tied above her head, with a rope tied to her wrists running under the table and tied to a bar halfway to the other end. Her ankles were tied together, with another rope, attached to the ankle rope, running under the table in the opposite direction, also tied to the bar. Her legs were tied just above and below the knees, with more rope attached to them, running to opposite sides of the table, and tied off at two more bars under the table. Ropes had been tied just above and just below her breasts, and also ran to opposite sides, and tied off at two more bars underneath the table. With the telltale sound of a second door closing, she spoke up. "I think they're gone, how long before we yell for help?"

Mandy wore a white sweater over a black collared shirt, , navy blue skirt, white hose, and black high heels. She was in a restrictive hogtie, her hands tied behind her back, her ankles crossed and bound, and her legs tied below her knees. "At least an hour, just to be sure," she said. She had been been struggling hard even before the men left, now she redoubled her efforts.
Elaine gave Mandy a disapproving look. "Of course we're not waiting that long. We'll wait until we hear a car leave. They must have one behind the building." As soon as she spoke, they heard a car in the background. Elaine and Pam began yelling for help, while Mandy struggled in silence.

After a few minutes, Elaine and Pam quieted down. "We'll kill our voices this way, Elaine said. "We'll take turns. Let's wait fifteen minutes, then we'll start up again." Pam looked at her sister. "Good idea, Mom. I vote Mandy be the first screamer." Mandy rolled over so she could--almost--face Pam. "Or we could just keep trying to get free", she said, then rolled away again.

Pam looked up at the ceiling. "We're not gonna get free on our own. She looked towards her mother and sister. "C'mon, we've all been tied up enough to know when someone knows what they're doing." She looked up at the ceiling. "These guys knew", she said.

"They didn't know enough to try to find gags for us," said Mandy. "Just assumed we wouldn't yell. And i still think we shouldn't, anyway. " Elaine gave her another disappointing look. "Mom, you know probably no one will hear us yell. And Dad's certain to look for us when we don't show up."

"Honey, that's over two hours from now! What will we do for over two hours? I know, keep trying to get loose." Elaine shook her head in defeat, and began testing her bonds. "This won't work. We'll just have to wait."

Pam smiled, and giggled a little, causing Elaine and Mandy took at her in surprise. "What's so funny?," demanded Elaine. Pam looked in their direction. "It just occured to me, those guys had no idea they tied up three women who really enjoy being tied up!" Mandy smiled. "Or that we're used to being tied up. Yeah, that is kinda funny."

Elaine looked back and forth at her daughters. "Look, obviously, I'm not going to tell you not to pursue tie up games. But I really hope you're both taking precautions. Yes, of course it's exciting, but it can be dangerous."

Pam was still looking at the ceiling. "Good morning, class. Today's lecture is bondage safety. Please take out your notebook, a pencil, and your ropes" Both Pam and Mandy laughed. "I wasn't that bad!, exclaimed Elaine.

"Never allow anything to be tied around your neck. Never play bondage when one of you have been drinking or are under the influence of drugs." Elaine nodded. She knew Pam was lightly mocking her, but she was glad her daughter had paid attention.

"The guy tying you has to check your hands and feet every so often to make sure your skin isn't getting discolored, and he needs to have a knife or heavy scissors to cut you free instantly if they are," Mandy said, in mock seriousness. "And always have a safeword. Even though that kind of defeats the purpose of being a submissive."

"Safety first, every time," Elaine said sternly. "And know who you're letting tie you up. Don't just let anyone tie you. Even if you think they're safe, it might not be appropriate." she sighed. "You're both still really just starting. I remember what that felt like. careful, that's all that I'm saying."

"Mom, " asked Mandy, "if it's not too, um...creepy, or icky, what was it like for you when you got tied up the first time?" Pam, who had been looking at the ceiling this whole time, now looked at Mandy. "Oh, I did NOT hear that! REWIND! Lalalala! Mom, you got the wrong baby at the hospital! She is SO not related to us!"

"Hey, if it's steamy, no way, of course not," said Mandy. I just meant if it was, you know, romantic. Or just goofing off, maybe. Or if you were doing something, and things got out of hand."

"You mean like this?," Elaine asked, looking around the surroundings. " wasn't steamy. Or romantic. Or goofing off. Or like this...." Her daughters could see their mother was getting lost in thought at a memory. "Okay," Pam said. "You can't say that and not spill. Just remember, if we're creeped out....Mandy's fault."
Elaine chuckled. "All right, if you really want to know......"


At 18 years of age, Elaine already had a couple jobs under her belt. But now, as the bookkeeper of the Acme Hardware in her town, she felt she was going places. She had a good boss, Mr. Hamilton, and really hoped he would be there for some time. At thirty years old, he should be.

He should, that is, if he could stay away from porn sites on the internet. Elaine discovered he was looking at bondage sites on the computer. She explained to him the computer was set up with the company's system, and his bosses could see what websites he was visiting, on the company's computer; and on company time, to boot.

She had already warned him of this. And now, here she was, working online, and discovering he was at it again. Scores of young women, bound and gagged, in various outfits. Elaine shook her head. "He's gonna get fired, and who knows who my next boss will be." Elaine realized she had to talk to him again.

Elaine poked her head out the door, and saw Hamilton talking to Henry, who was re-arranging garden tools. "Um, Mr. H., could I see you a sec? I think there might be a problem." Hamilton excused himself, and walked towards Elaine. "Shouldn't be," he said. "I know all our bills are paid up." He walked past Elaine into the office. He didn't notice her close the door. She now walked past him.

"It's not bookkeeping mistakes I saw, Mr. H.," she said. It's another mistake, that you made before. " Hamilton sat down in front of the computer, and looked at the spreadsheet on the screen. "This looks fine to me, Elaine," he sad. Suddenly, without warning, Elaine roughly hit a key on the keyboard. Instantly, the image of a pretty young blond woman, wearing a black corset, fishnet stockings, and black high heels appeared.

She was tied up with white ropes, and gagged with a white ballgag.

Hamilton looked down at the keyboard. "How did you find that?," he asked. Elaine, standing next to him, sighed. "I found that, and maybe a dozen more in a subfile. I thought it had to do with payroll. Look, Mr. H.," she said, her voice rising. "We already talked about this! The company can track everything we do on this computer! You have to cut this stuff out! Look up this crap on your own computer at home!"

Hamilton looked up at Elaine. "I can't so that, not anymore. I finally got custody of my kids. They know not to get on my computer, but I can't risk them seeing anything like this. I'd lose them. That's worse than losing my job." Elaine rubbed her eyes. "So, you're telling me, you'll go ahead and risk getting fired just so you can look at pics of women in bondage? Really?"

Hamilton looked away from her. "I don't expect you to understand. Please just keep this to yourself. Who knows, maybe after I'm gone, you'll be running this place."
That wasn't what she wanted to hear. She wanted to work there a couple years, find a better job, and use him as a reference.

She had an idea.

"Mr. H....could you give this up, if you had someone you could tie and gag on a...somewhat regular basis? Would that, um, take care of your , uh, addiction?" Hamilton wasn't sure he understood. "What are you getting at?," he asked. Elaine pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "If there was a girl you could tie up, gag, maybe blindfold, maybe not gag, but just talk, but at least tie up, could you give up looking at these pics on the company computer?"

Hamilton looked as though he was in deep thought, contemplating Elaine's suggestion. "I guess so...yes, I'm sure I could. Of course. But I wouldn't know where to look." Elaine slightly smiled. "Just look at me," she said. You can tie me up."

Later, that night...

Elaine's shift ended an hour later, and she left as scheduled. Hamilton stayed until after closing, as he was scheduled to do. But he wasn't going to go over reports as planned.

He watched for Elaine, and hurried to unlock and open the front door for her. She smiled as she was let in. She had on a long coat, but he could see she was wearing fishnets and black high heels, like the woman in the picture Elaine saw. She took off her coat, and draped it over the chair. She was wearing a low cut, one piece black swimsuit. "i know this isn't exactly what that girl in the one picture was wearing, but I just felt more comfortable with this than a corset. Hope that's all right with you. She was a blond, after all, and I'm a brunette, anyway."

Hamilton nodded. "Um...all right, how should we do this? I have rope here," he pointed to a small table that usually held ordering books. Elaine looked at the ropes, wondering if he planned to use all of them. "Have you done this before, Mr. H.? I mean, tying up someone?" Hamilton took a deep breath. "Yes. No. Well, yes, but not in a few years. Not many times."

Elaine walked over to the love seat and sat down. "Okay, here's the deal. I'll let you tie me up any way you want, as long as it's not really sexual. Anything you've been looking at, that I saw, at least, is fine. With my legs tied together, no nudity, and no accidentally on purpose groping. Just harmless tying. " Hamilton sat down in the chair by his desk. "Of course, absolutely." Elaine sat up straight, looking him in the eye. "And you're done using the office computer for porn! That's what you have to do for me. You should do it for yourself! Deal?"

Hamilton smiled. "Deal," he said. "So, how do we begin?" Elaine shrugged. "So, you tie me up. Whatever you have in mind. Maybe like in the picture?" Hamilton moved to the small desk, and picked up a small piece of rope. "Could you stand up, please, and cross your wrists behind your back?" Elaine stood up, and turned her back to him. "Of course," she said. She felt rope being tied around one wrist, and circling both wrists, and finally tightening. "Feels snug enough. Mr. H."

"You know, Elaine, I think I'd prefer you just called me Andy. Not at work of course. I mean, when we're working. But doing this..." Elaine didn't know how she felt about that, but somehow she thought she should obey. Not because he was her boss, but because...something. She couldn't quite articulate it, but she knew it was related to her being tied by him.

Elaine felt Hamilton tying a rope just above her right elbow. She remembered the girl in the picture had her arms tied to her sides; this was what Hamilton was going to do. or so she thought.

She was wrong.

Hamilton wrapped the roped around her right arm twice, then around her left arm, above her left elbow. He moved her elbows closer, then tied them together. This forced Elaine to stand straighter. The ropes were pretty tight, and she found herself taking in a deep breath, involuntarily. She found herself feeling a bit more submissive, too. She liked that feeling, and smiled.

Hamilton then threaded rope around her waist, just below her breasts, and tied her arms to her sides. He took a shorter piece of rope off his desk, and turned Elaine around. "Ok, you can sit down, now, and I'll tie your ankles." Elaine furrowed her brow. "Wait, aren't you going to finish tying my arms?" She glanced down at what he had already done, as if to point out he wasn't finished. "Your arms are tied, your elbows are tied, what do you mean?" asked Henderson. "My arms are tied at my waist, but not above my breasts...I mean, you don't have to, of course, you're in control," she said, feeling herself blushing, "but I thought you wanted this to be like that one picture."

"Oh", said Hamilton, "well yeah, I would, I just didn't want to go too far. If you're sure." Elaine turned around, her back once again to Hamilton. "I'm sure," Elaine said, smiling. "I'll let you know if I'm not comfortable." Hamilton put down the smaller rope, picked up a larger one, and tied Elaine's upper arms exactly like he did her lower arms, taking care not to graze her breasts, covered only by her swimsuit. Then he turned her around again.

"I think now we're ready for your legs," he said, helping her sit down on the love seat. Elaine nodded. "Sure. Do you want to tie my ankles side by side, or crossed?" She crossed and uncrossed her ankles, as if demonstrating. "Side by side, for now," Hamilton said. Maybe crossed later." He knelt by Elaine's legs, and began tying her ankles, tying the end of one rope around one ankle, wrapping it tightly around both, and then tying it off. He then began tying her legs, just below her knees. He took his time, tying her slowly, but tightly. When he finished, he looked up at her. "Okay if I tie above the knees?," he asked. Elaine nodded. "Sure, you can tie me any way you want. I'm not sure I should have a say in this, anyway." She wondered if that was too much. he looked at her in surprise, then finished tying her legs above the knees.

Hamilton slid his chair near Elaine, and sat down. He took in a deep gaze at her slender form, enjoying the pretty brunette, in her all black outfit--swimsuit, fishnets, and heels, tightly bound in front of him.

By him.

"When you say you shouldn't have a say in how I tie you, is that because I'm your boss? Or another reason?" Elaine struggled against her bonds; she wasn't going anywhere. She tried not to smile. "No, Mr. H., it's not that..." Henderson interrupted her. "Andy. Off the clock, if I'm tying you, it's Andy," he said slightly grinning. Elaine nodded. "Andy, right. And no, I didn't say I don't want a choice in how I'm tied because I work for you, I just think you should be in control. You're giving up looking at girls tied up online, so, yeah, you should tie me as you want."

"What if I wanted to hogtie you?"

Elaine continued to struggle. "I don't know what that means," she said, matter-of-factly." Then, lowering her voice, looking down, she said "But go ahead, if that's what you want." Hamilton leaned in a little closer to her. "It just means tying your ankles to your wrists," he said. Elaine looked up at him. "That's all?," she asked. Hamilton nodded, smiling. "Well, sure, I can do that," Elaine said, relieved. She began to stand up. "I think I'm gonna need help sitting on the floor." Hamilton took her arm and helped her sit down. Elaine immediately laid on her stomach, and bent her knees, raising her feet near her rear end.

Hamilton wasted no time in securing her ankles to her wrists. He took a piece of rope, threaded it though the rope tying Elaine's ankles, cinched it off, then slid the other end under her bound wrists, bringing it back to her ankles, pulling it behind the rope tying her ankles, which forced her legs behind her to the point the rear of her heels almost touched her rear. Then, he cinched the rope.

Hamilton sat back in his chair. "Any chance you can get free?," he asked. Elaine struggled as much as she could, but she was having trouble moving at all. "No," she said, "But I'm going to try anyway." Hamilton grinned. "Good girl," he said. "Try to lie on your side, facing me." Elaine did as she was told, with some difficulty. "You're really good at tying," she said. "If you ever turned to crime, you could be a professional kidnapper." Hamilton laughed. "I'll keep my day job, but it would be interesting," he said, laughing. "Okay, then, he said, his voice getting serious. "How you you feel about this? Being tied up, in that swimsuit, fishnets and heels, alone here, with me?"

Elaine tried to struggle again, and took note of Hamilton's obvious pleasure. "I'm fine with it", she said. "I did come here so you could tie me up. It's really...I don't know, it's an interesting sensation, an interesting situation, too." Hamilton frowned. " 'Interesting' as in, not good?," he asked. "Oh no," Elaine replied. "I mean it's not what I expected. I thought it would be pretty silly, to be honest, but it's...interesting," she said, again testing the ropes. She looked directly at Hamilton. "It's fun. I like this. We should do this some more."

Hamilton let out a sigh of relief. "I wasn't sure," he said. He scratched his chin. Would you mind trying another position?," he asked. Elaine nodded. "Like i said, tie me up anyway you like,, Andy."
Hamilton quickly untied her, and led her to a post near the corner of the room.

"You want me tied to this?," Elaine asked, gesturing to the post. "That's right," Hamilton said. With no further instruction, Elaine stood in front of the post, her back up against the wood pole. She crossed her wrists behind her back and the post; Hamilton quickly bound them together. He then tied Elaine's waist to the post, and then her upper chest. Elaine was pleased Andy didn't ask permission this time.

Hamilton got on his knees, and started tying Elaine's legs to the post, by simply wrapping rope around both. She could see he wasn't used to putting all his weight on his knees. "You know, Andy--", she could tell he liked hearing her use his first name--"maybe you should just sit down, tie my ankles together, then tie them to the post." Hamilton silently considered this, then nodded in agreement. "Good idea," he said, and then tied her ankles as she suggested. He then started tying her legs the same way. "So, do you get tied up a lot,?" he asked.

"Nope," she said, without hesitation. "I've never been tied up before," she said, watching him bind her legs. "Really?," Hamilton said, surprised. "You're impressive. You're not uncomfortable with this at all, and you have some good ideas. . Anyway, how do you feel about this? Tied to the post?"

Elaine started to struggle. The ropes were as tight as they were before. She wasn't going anywhere. "This feels pretty good. " She looked directly at him. You're really good at this. Seriously, you don't need to look at pictures of women tied up, you can just tie me. I bet other girls would let you too, as long as this is all you did."

"You think so,?" asked Hamilton. "Well, I'll just stick with you for now," he smiled. "But please, keep trying to get loose." Elaine grinned, and did so. As she did, Hamilton picked up a roll of red duct tape, and moved towards her. Elaine stopped, held out her face as much as she could, pressing her lips together. Hamilton applied a thick piece of duct tape across her lips. He stood back, and watched her begin to struggle again, enjoying the sight of the bound beauty, tied to the post. She wasn't getting free on her own, that was obvious.

After about twenty minutes, Hamilton untied her. Elaine was obviously getting tired, and it was getting late. After she was untied, she sat down on the love seat. Hamilton almost joined her, but sat down on his nearby desk chair instead. "Letting me tie you up is really great of you, Elaine, but I don't think we should do this anymore. This has to be demeaning to you. I know those models don't enjoy it, they do it for money. "

Emily was tired, but this energized her. "Why do you think it's demeaning," she asked. Hamilton shrugged. "Women, in costumes and even dressed up, bound and gagged..that has to be demeaning."

Elaine shook her head. "I don't think so," she said. "I guess it COULD be demeaning, depending how how I'm treated, but just tying me up...." she looked into his eyes. "Okay, yes, this was my first time tied up. I thought it would be a little silly, and maybe weird. But it wasn't. It was fun. She spread her arms, gesturing to herself. "Look at me, at this outfit. The swimsuit, fishnets, heels... Andy, I look good in this!" Hamilton laughed. "You do indeed!," he said.
"And you liked seeing me tied up in this, right?"

Hamilton nodded.

"Great," said Elaine. I don't feel demeaned. I had fun. And I have other outfits I bet you'd like to see me wearing while tied up. Leotards and tights, blouses, skirts, and hose, all kinds of outfits. AND...we have a deal. You tie me, and you save our jobs by staying off bondage sites when on the company computer!"

Hamilton leaned back in his chair. "all right," he said. "All right. But you have to promise me something. If you ever feel this is demeaning for you, I want you to tell me. Consider it an order. Clear?"
Elaine stood up, gave a mock salute, and said "Yes, SIr!" Then, she added, smiling, "Not gonna happen."
Hamilton said nothing as Elaine left. He just thought how lucky he was. He reached over to the computer to shut it off..but then sat down, and took a deep breath.

He went in the computer's directory, and deleted his hidden folder. Deleting the images on his computer.
Deleting the website address.

"Thanks for being there", he said silently, to the models he wouldn't be looking at anymore.
Then he left his office, picked up his own jacket, and left the building, wondering what outfit Elaine would be wearing next.


While she was relating her first experience with being tied up, Elaine was also taking in her daughter's reactions. She had the attention of both girls. Mandy had even stopped struggling.

"So," asked Pam, "How long did this guy tie you up?"

"Your boss?," asked Mandy. "Did you get a raise?'

"MANDY!" Elaine snapped. "Of course not. That would have been illegal. I think. But,", she continued, looking at Pam, "We did play tying games for nearly a year. Then I was in college, and started dating...boyfriends don't really like the idea of you letting other men tie you up. He understood, but it was still difficult."
Pam was again looking up at the ceiling. "No, they really don't." Mandy again rolled over to try and see her sister.

"Wait," she said, "You let guys tie you up while with a boyfriend? Which boyfriend?" Before Elaine could tell Mandy to mind her own business, Pam answered. "Eric Simpson." You remember him. Elaine tried. "I can't say I do," she replied. Mandy also was thinking. "Was he the one who was always making home movies?" Now it was Elaine's turn to interrupt. Straining against the ropes tying her to the post, she leaned towards the girls. "You got tied up a lot in one. We had to talk to you about that!"

Pam smiled, and looked at Elaine and Mandy. "He's the one, and yes. But if you remember that film--" Elaine interrupted again. "He's not the one who kept tying you up, is he..." "Nope," said Pam. That was my next boyfriend, Dave Clark."

"Dave used to tie you up a lot," said Mandy. Elaine began to struggle more. "Maybe we should just try to get free, like Mandy said," offered Elaine. "Mandy, you start to yell for help, then I'll--" Elaine was cut off by Mandy. "Dave tied you up even before you dated him! That's pretty cool, actually." Elaine was about to try and steer the conversation back to their immediate predicament, but Pam stayed on topic. "And you saw it when you saw that film. Not only that, but that was the first time I was tied up."

Elaine stopped struggling. "We all saw that film. Your father saw that film. I'm sure your friends all did. Those boy's parents..." Mandy smiled. "There's gotta be audio commentary you can give us." Pam looked at her mother. "It's not a bad story," she said. Looking around the room, testing her own inescapable restraints she added, "And we seem to have the time."

Elaine continued to struggle. "Go ahead, if you want," she said. Pam nodded. "Okay, about five years ago, I was riding my bike to Dave's house....."

To Be Continued....
Last edited by Emma 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

Thanks for sharing this Story with us! Very good Idea. St first I was a Bit disappointed that the Girls were not gagged. But when I realized why, I was really fascinated. The dialogue between Elane and her Daughters was very amusing. The Interactions between Elane and her Boss? Very good! I'm looking forward to the next part!
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Post by Emma »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 years ago Thanks for sharing this Story with us! Very good Idea. St first I was a Bit disappointed that the Girls were not gagged. But when I realized why, I was really fascinated. The dialogue between Elane and her Daughters was very amusing. The Interactions between Elane and her Boss? Very good! I'm looking forward to the next part!
Thank you, Caesar! I'll pass that along to the author :D

When he ties me up, I'm often gagged at some point, but more often than not, I'm bound but not gagged. We talk a lot when I'm tied :lol:
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Post by Canuck100 »

This side-story was a great idea : well done!
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Post by TightsBound »

I LOVED this story! The fun banter between the ladies. The descriptive details of the ties. The outfits. I loved it all. I would say I wish they were gagged, but then we wouldn’t have the dialogue and backstories :p

I already want to read more! :)
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Post by BindPam »

Looks like it's Pam's turn next....great name! :P
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Post by zarquon »

This was a wonderful story! I can't wait to read more of it.
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Post by Emma »

Thank you, Canuck, TightsBound, Pam and zarquon!

Hubby is working on the next chapter now :D
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Amm1973es »

A great story.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

An excellent tale thus far. Really looking forward to ‘hearing’ the audio commentary track,.. ;)
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Post by takimn22 »

Love your stories Emma! I enjoy stories where everyone is just having fun.
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Post by damsel »

Hope the next chapter is coming soon :P
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Post by Emma »

It will, hopefully!
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'm sure it will be worth while waiting, [mention]Emma[/mention] :D
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Post by Emma »

Part 2 (Pam's Binding Role) is now posted :D
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Great bondage story.
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