My aunt the cowgirl (mmm/F)

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My aunt the cowgirl (mmm/F)

Post by quietman »

Hey everyone, here is another story about my aunt. I'm glad you enjoyed the other ones.

This is fictional. Supposedly takes place when I was middle-school aged. The character Justin is based on a real friend I had. One time when we were about 14 or so we got home to my house and my aunt was laying in the backyard in a bikini.

Characters based on reality, but fictional events, with names all changed.


The day began like a normal summer day for us, and I already couldn’t wait to get home. It was the middle of July and my friend Justin and I had just finished the last session of our summer open mat wrestling camp. His mom dropped us and Justin’s brother Russell off at my house after a short drive from the high school a little before noon. Russell was only 9 and had watched the clinic. Then their mom was to go right to work. She dropped us off and quickly pulled back out, and thinking we’d have the afternoon and the house to ourselves; we were itching to get inside and get some lunch. We were still kids, but we were at the point where we could be home alone without a “babysitter” anymore.

“Don’t worry, my mom said she left lunch for all three of us before she went to work this morning,” I told the two of them as we approached the door.

Now my friend Justin I considered a decent friend, but he had his quirks. He was hard to categorize, we did sports together but he also had a lot of other interests. He was the kid in middle school who “liked” a different girl every week, and he also was the one who wasn’t shy about telling other kids that they had hot moms. Despite his interest, the girls at school didn’t consider him particularly handsome nor did they usually reciprocate his feelings. Now luckily for me, he never said anything about my mom, probably because she had some health problems, and was generally a very matronly, old-fashioned lady. He also knew I’d probably beat him up if he said anything, even though it would probably be a joke. His brother was pretty quiet but they were pretty similar and got along well.

As we were scurrying around our kitchen table enjoying the lunch my mom had prepared for us, we were surprised by the sound of the backdoor closing. This was quickly followed by the familiar voice of my Aunt Chrissy.

“Oh hi guys, I didn’t think you’d be home yet! Your mom told me you had wrestling this morning.”
We were surprised not only by her being there, but also by her appearance. We all kind of just stopped and looked up, realizing all she had on was a bikini and sandals. She lived in the city so she would often come out to our house to sun in privacy and a lot of times would go to the pool with us. She must have had the day off and decided to come to our house, and parked her car in the garage. I broke the brief silence
“Oh hi Aunt Chrissy! We didn’t know you were coming, we’re just hanging out here until evening when our parents get home.”

I then introduced my friend and his little brother to my aunt and everyone greeted each other.
“Well I didn’t mean to ruin your afternoon, you boys probably thought you’d have the house to yourselves.”
“No,no… not at all, we’re fine” I responded quickly.

“Well don’t mind me. I know you boys are older now, but if you need anything please tell me.”
She then asked us if we needed anything else for lunch and offered to go to the grocery store. She also made sure Russell was okay, since he was younger, and told him that if his brother and me weren’t fun enough for him he could hang out with her. Then as she was preparing to turn back outside.

“Well, I’ll be outside guys, and remember if you need anything don’t hesitate!” She wasn’t babysitting us per se but was obviously the only adult in the house.
I responded quickly,
“Sure thing auntie, actually we’ll join you outside soon!”

“Okay!” she smiled and seemed happy that we were home and she could kind of look after us. The door had barely closed and my friend Justin was just staring at me with a stupid grin.
“What’s with you?” I said a little sarcastically.

“Nothing… just never met your aunt before. Are you sure she’s your aunt? Because she’s really hot.” I just smiled a little and shook my head.
“How did I not ever know her?” he asked, still interested.

“I don’t know. She’s been around, she used to babysit us a lot but not as much anymore since we’re getting older now.” Justin was intrigued,
“Oh man I wish I could have been there. She must have been a cool babysitter.”

Russell then spoke up, “Did she ever play games with you like Cowboys and Indians?”
Justin responded, “Yeah, she should play now!”

I kind of paused, debating whether I wanted to indulge them. “Yeah we did, we played it a lot when I was younger. She makes a good cowgirl.” I didn’t want to egg him on too much but I also wouldn’t turn down a chance to possibly tie her up. Then Justin turned to his brother, “Come on Russell, let’s go outside. She seemed to like you!” Then to me, “Don’t worry if you don’t ask her to play, we will. I’m sure she won’t turn down Russell.”

The three of us then made our way outside to the back. My aunt was laying out on a lawn chair, still just in her black bikini, with her dark hair in a ponytail. We of course had showered earlier and had on mesh gym shorts and t-shirts. We talked with her casually, and she asked about a sprinkler or taking us to the pool. After a few minutes, Russell asked her, “Can you play a game with us? Cowboys and Indians?”
Justin then added, “James said you used to play it together, and my brother really wants to play.”
She looked around at us for a second, maybe a little surprised “well I didn’t know I was ‘babysitting’ you guys today. I figured you’re older now and don’t like that stuff anymore… well, why not? I was getting bored all by myself anyway.”
“Yes! I haven’t gotten to play this in a long time!” Russell said. This was followed by his brother, “we get to be the Indians.”
My aunt responded, “I figured. I’ve played this before. It should be renamed cowgirl and Indians!”

My friend then added, “well you're deep past the frontier so it is 3 against 1, paleface.” This was kind of ironic since she had been tanning all summer and we had spent weeks inside a dingy wrestling room. Then he added, “now cowgirl, if we capture you on Indian lands, we can do whatever we want to you.” Aunt Chrissy kind of raised her eyebrows and but smiled a little, “oh no, well I must avoid capture then!”

We then set up the rest of the rules. The backyard is where we would have the battle, but we could also go around the front yard and catch each other from behind. We decided to pull out water guns since it was July. Since it was 3-on-1, Aunt Chrissy got a “base,” a tree by the side of the house, and Justin and Russell were “enemy tribes” while I was just “neutral.” This meant they got water guns while I could only “scout” and cause diversions and refill their guns. We then explained the objective. If she soaked the two enemies, the entire frontier was hers, but if she got soaked, she was a prisoner of the enemy tribe. We then explained our soakers were special arrows dipped in a tranquilizer which would knock her out if she was soaked.

“Okay guys, we’re all set, but if you win, you can’t keep me prisoner for too long.”
“Don’t worry,” I said, “we only have a few hours before our parents get back anyway.” Justin smiled, “plenty of time to take this cowgirl back to our village!” She smiled back, “well it won’t be a problem because I will win anyway!”

I thought out loud, “shoot, what can I wear?” We were about ready to start and I realized we didn’t have much to put on. I was 99% sure my mom didn’t own any cowboy boots and didn’t know what to give my aunt. Then she gave me a pleasant surprise.

“I actually wore cowboy boots here before I changed. So I guess I was meant to be the cowgirl!” I smiled inside and couldn’t wait to see Aunt Chrissy in a pair of cowboy boots and her bikini. She went inside and re-emerged a minute later with cowboy boots and very short shorts and kept her bikini top on. In the meantime, the three of us had taken off our shirts, with tennis shoes.

We filled the water guns and went to opposite ends of the backyard and the game began. For a decent amount of time there was a lot of long-range spraying with little contact, maybe a little squirt but nothing official. Aunt Chrissy was mostly staying near her base. We stopped the game once for everybody to refill. After this began again, my friend called me over after a minute with an idea, “you need to make a good distraction or diversion and we can get her from up close. We have to capture her!”

“Alright I think I have an idea.” I went into the garage and got a fishing net on a pole and walked out. Justin and Russell disappeared for a moment and I approached my aunt with the net and started reaching above her head with it, forcing her to evade.

“Hey come on! Your supposed to be a neutral Indian!” I responded saying it technically wasn’t against the rules. She responded, “well I’m going to have to soak you then!” She gave the water gun a pump and then soaked me right in the middle of my body. Just as this was happening, Justin and Russell had snuck up behind her and both soaked her back and shoulders.

“GOTCHA! You’re ours now cowgirl.”

The water soaked her bare back and ran down onto her shorts, and also the bottom of her hair had gotten wet. Aunt Chrissy kind of giggled and dropped her water gun to her side. “Oh no! The Indians got me!”

“Yes, and you should be passing out cowgirl! We tranquilized you.” Justin said excitedly. My aunt them seemed to remember and dropped to her knees before gracefully falling onto the grass. For a couple of seconds, she lay motionless on her back with one leg bent to the side and her arms out and closed her eyes. The three of us boys just watched for a few moments.

“What are we going to do with her?” asked Russell. Russell was enjoying the actual game more, while Justin was obviously looking forward to having aunt Chrissy as a tied up cowgirl captive. My aunt was just kind of lying there comfortably playing along. Justin responded, “We will bind her and take her to the village… uh, but hold on a minute.” He turned to me and realized we didn’t have anything to tie her with. “Stay here Russell, we’ll be back. Don’t let her go anywhere!”

We ran to the garage and starting rifling through shelves and scanning the pegboard. Justin was annoyed, “How do you not have any rope?”
“I’m sure we have some somewhere. You’re the one who wanted to play so quickly!”
We were getting ready to go in the house and check the basement when something caught my eye. “Never mind, we don’t need to find rope.” I tapped Justin and pointed up to some nylon dog leashes hanging on a hook. “We’ll use these.” “Good idea!” The two of us then ran back out and Russell was in the same spot. My aunt was now laying on her front but wresting on her arms with her chest off the ground, letting the sun dry out her back.

“Are you awake cowgirl? You look too comfortable!” Justin said. My aunt looked up and said in a dramatic voice, “Yes, I’m awake. How about you Indians let me go and we can go back inside or something.”

Justin responded, “No way cowgirl! You’ve been captured in our territory. You shouldn’t have ventured so far away from the cavalry! Stand up, we’re taking you to the village.”

My aunt moved to get up. Most of the water had run off, but her tanned back still glistened in the summer sun, as did the bottom of her ponytail. As we pulled out the leashes, she pleaded, “Oh no, don’t tie me up, you don’t have too!”
Justin was now completely into it, “yes we do. Russell, help tie her up!”
I added, “don’t worry auntie cowgirl, we’re in a good mood today, I don’t think it’ll be too bad.”

Justin took one leash and wrapped it around her arms just above her chest, fed the hook part through the loop, and tried to tightly press it against her while he tied a knot at the end of the wrist loop of the leash. There were a couple feet of slack left with the hook on the end which he could hold onto. I repeated the same process around her toned stomach, free of the arms. Russell just sat down and held onto her legs the whole time.

“Let me take it,” Russell said. I handed him the end of the leash.
The blue nylon was pretty tight around her bare skinned arms and stomach. The bonds were not inescapable, but they worked provided she played along. We also needed something for her hands and after a moment, I went behind and pulled the band holding her ponytail in place off of her. Her dark locks now fell free onto her shoulders. I worked them around her wrists in the style of “rubber-band handcuffs.”
Her bare legs and still booted ankles were free for her to walk.

“Okay, this isn’t so bad” my aunt said, “a few minutes like this and then you’ll untie me and let me go, right?”
I smiled at her, “ehhh, we’ll see. Remember, I’m supposed to be neutral. They’re the enemy tribe.”
“Yes that’s true. We are taking you to our village cowgirl Chrissy, but first we’re going to parade you through our territory as a captive.” Justin said with a fiendish smile.

“Cool! Like a victory celebration,” Russell again was trying to really enjoy it as a game.

The two of them each had one of the leashes and began walking her around the backyard and with occasional whooping and hollering. I followed closely. They were walking on either side of her leading her along, so occasionally, they’d pull against each other. “Hey come on boys, watch it!”

Our little “war party” then turned the corner and started doing the same in the front yard. After a minute or so, my aunt hadn’t said much but was somewhat enjoying playing along. She then asked us, “hey uh… my little Indians, it looks like you’re heading toward friendly territory for me. One of these neighbors might see us and come over and free me.”

We stopped and thought about what she said. The neighbors’ houses weren’t terribly close but they were certainly within eyesight. It probably would look a little off to have a scantily-clad woman in her 30s tied up by a bunch of kids.

Heeding her advice, we pulled her back into the backyard, “good, now the cowgirl can’t be rescued!” We were enjoying having my aunt tied up, and were having a good time, but I figured we were done. It was getting pretty hot. A moment later, my aunt asked, “okay, okay, you’ve paraded me around, seems like the game is over now.”

I was preparing to agree with her. Justin spoke first, “This is no game paleface! You’ve been taken prisoner and you said we could do whatever we want to you!” I kind of smiled to myself, thinking, “I wonder what he has in mind!” Russell added, “Justin, we should perform a ritual with our cowgirl prisoner!”

“Good idea bro! Stay here and don’t let her escape!” He then pulled on my arm and we started back toward the garage. “What do you want to do?” I asked curiously but with a little bit of caution. “I don’t know… tie her to a tree or something. Just help me find more rope.”

We again started going through the garage and were having trouble finding suitable material to bind her. I looked through some plastic bins and didn’t find much. Then inside one of them was tent supplies. There was a draw-string bag filled with small curved metal stakes with a short loop of bungee-type rope attached around them, about a 10 inch loop. The loops were meant to attach to hooks on the tent. I looked at them and started getting an idea but paused. I loved seeing my aunt bound and helpless, but I also didn’t want to go crazy and get us all in trouble or harm her. After a little bit of debating it, I called Justin over. He just looked down at them, “Perfect!”

The two of us ran back out, me holding the bag, and him holding a roll of duct tape. I said kind playfully, “ok cowgirl Chrissy, we’re taking you to the village for our victory ritual.”

“Victory ritual?... oh boy. Fine, as long is doesn’t involve anything gross!”
We decided our “village” was a spot on the grass next to the deck. Justin and Russell pulled aunt Chrissy along to the spot and then Justin ordered her to spread her legs. “You’re losing your boots cowgirl!” She smirked out of one side of her mouth, “they were getting hot anyway.” I leaned down and gripped each calf, pulling her left and then right boot off, down to her bare feet. Now de-booted, she was curious.
“What now, are you going to tie me to a tree?” she said skeptically. Justin smiled wryly and responded, “no, you see the Comanche had a way of torturing prisoners. We will stake you out cowgirl, before we perform our ritual.”

My aunt squirmed a little as we held onto her arms. We had taken off the leashes and now held her by hand. “I don’t like the sound of this.”
“Quiet cowgirl! Or we’ll have to gag you.” She rolled her eyes, “okay, okay. But not for too long. And seriously no gagging, I hate that.”

Russell continued to tightly grip her bare arms while I pulled out the draw-string bag and emptied the stakes and rope onto the ground, as well as a rubber mallet. Aunt Chrissy was having fun so far, but she looked a little taken aback when I emptied the bag.

Justin commanded “Okay, Russell keep holding onto her arms, and you cowgirl, don’t move your legs. And remember, if you protest too much, we’ll gag you!”

Aunt Chrissy stood in place while we fastened the rope loops around her wrists. Since they were about 10 inches long, I would hold it against her wrist while twisting the small stake until it was tight. At that point, Justin would wrap duct tape around the twisted rope to secure it and keep it tight. We repeated the process around her ankles, and after a minute, she was standing with 4 dangling stakes.

“Okay down on the ground cowgirl,” Justin said as Russell tugged down on her arms. She acquiesced and went down first to her knees and flipped her hair a little. “Okay, but if you guys do anything gross, you’ll be in big trouble!”

Justin grinned back, “well, we’ll see cowgirl, we can have you for hours if we want.”
Russell and I pulled her arms out and laid her on her back. I didn’t want to stretch her out too much, so I put her wrists a little bit above the ears with her elbows easily able to bend and squirm, and then pounded each stake in nice and tight.
“It’s not cutting your circulation, is it?”
“No it’s fine, just not any tighter, okay?”

I tossed the mallet to Justin at her feet. He pulled her entire body down a little bit, taking some of the slack I’d given her in the arms, and causing her very short shorts to ride up a little. They were almost as high as her bikini bottom had been. He pulled the right leg straight, a little wider than shoulder width and the pounded the stake in. Then he repeated with the left. She struggled against him a little with the left leg so Russell lay over her stomach for a minute while his brother finished the binding.

Chrissie the cowgirl was now bound spread eagle on the grass, almost completely helpless, other than being able to talk and lift her head. She had not resisted much under the threat of being gagged, but now that the stakes were in, she began to struggle a little. She could still move her arms a little at the elbow but her legs were pretty much taut. The bonds were holding up well. There was a little gap in the ankle rope and tape, but not enough for her to get free. After a minute of struggling with her head up and her hips and arms moving, she relaxed and laid back, the only movement being her breathing, and then some wiggling toes.

Satisfied with our work and with our cowgirl cooperating, I ran inside to get mine and my friends water jugs. “Where you going?” Justin called as a ran in. “I’m thirsty!” I came back out with the two jugs. Justin and his brother shared his, and after having some myself, I knelt down and lifted my aunt’s head. “Are you thirsty cowgirl?
“Yes. Thank you. You’re a kind captor!”
Russell looked over, “The Comanche never gave their prisoners water at a time like this!”
“Well… remember I’m not Comanche!” I retorted.
Justin then thought for a minute, “hey Russell, this water reminds me we need to perform our victory ritual over our captive. Let’s do the rain dance!”
“Awesome! What are we going to do to her?”

My aunt lifted her neck and head up, “It better not be anything bad, because when I get free, you’ll all be busted!”
Justin poked her thigh with his foot, “Sure thing, cowgirl.” Then turning to me, “can I go into the garage?”
“Yeah, sure.”

He sprinted into the garage and a couple of minutes later returned with a full watering can.

“Russell, time for the rain dance… cowgirl, you’re gonna get soaked again!”

Justin took the watering can and sprinkled a good amount first on her stomach, and then later on her legs.
My aunt’s stomach initially contorted and she pulled against the stakes trying to move her body, “Hey that’s cold!... ahh… actually…that feels kind of nice. It’s getting hot outsie.” He poured the water over her as Russell kind of danced and ran around her making noise, and proclaiming victory, and calling it the “rain dance.”

He finished the can off around her shoulders and breasts. Most of the water ran off of her tanned body but her bikini top was soaked and the bottom of her hair got wet. Her contortions stopped and she seemed to be enjoying it.

“Ahhh, this is nice. I’m starting to enjoy being a captive. You Indians are sweating in that sun while I get to cool off! … that reminds me, you all should reapply sunscreen soon, it’s been a while. And here’s another idea; if you free me, I’ll drive us all to the pool.”

“Good idea auntie, I’ll free you!”
“Whoa, hold up!” Justin interrupted. “I get a say in this. Technically, she’s Russell and mine’s prisoner.”

My spread-eagled aunt raised her head as much as possible and chimed in, “well technically, I’m the only adult here,” she said with a chuckle.
Justin thought for a moment, “We’ll wrestle for it. I win we keep this up, you win we go to the pool.”

“Oh man, you’re going down. And I’m a weight-class higher!”
He smiled, “well now I have some extra motivation!”
My aunt was already cheering, “Yay! Go James!”

Justin shook his head and walked over and picked up the duct tape, ripping off a piece. My aunt resisted a little and tried to turn her head, but he got a good piece over her mouth and slowly flattened and smoothed it over her pretty face. “No cheerleaders!.. and by the way, if I win, we keep her gagged.”

We got a stopwatch for Russell and after the first 1:30 period there were a couple of takedowns and escapes. Even though I was wrestling to free her, I was enjoying the sound of my aunt’s muffled cheers for me through her gag. I thought, “gee, maybe I should lose.” But I had too much pride and knew I could beat my friend. Within 30 seconds of the 2nd period, I took down Justin and had him pinned to the grass. His brother Russell took forever to hit the ground with his hand, but I goaded him after about 5 seconds.

Exhausted, we both stood up, the only sound being my aunts giggles and muffled cheers through her gag. I rested a minute and then picked up the rubber mallet.

I started whacking the stakes from side to side to loosen them up a little bit and then pulled with all my strength. One by one the stakes came up. I freed my aunt, first her legs and then her hands, and then as she sat up, knelt next to her and pulled the gag off as gently as possible.
Slightly panting, she looked at me with a smile, “my, what a brave young wrestler! Thank you for freeing me from these Comanche!” She hugged me tightly with her head against me and her warm but still-wet skin pressing tightly to me. I blushed a little.

After a few minutes we were starting to clean up.

“Well since my nephew freed me, now I can drive you all to the pool… although Justin said he doesn’t want to go.”
He stuttered a little, “no, no, uh… I’ll go along… Please take me along. I-I’m sorry for putting the tape on your mouth. I was just having fun, you know?”

She smiled back at him, “that’s okay. I won’t tell anyone. Let’s pack up for the pool.”

“Thanks so much, You’re really cool Aunt Chrissy!”
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Post by Ianc1980 »

Wow! Amazing follow up! Great job and thank you for sharing!
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Post by Nainur »

Yes. Liked esp. the building up, the improvisation and so on.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Aunt Chrissy is a great character :)
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Amazing story. Hope to hear more soon.
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Post by quietman »

Thanks for the feedback, glad you’re all enjoying these. They are fun to write, they really take me back to my boyhood years.

How would you like to see her in pantyhose next time?

The next story is almost done, but if you have anything you’d like to see or want to add or ask feel free to pm
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Great story - good fun!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by Dpsiic »

Great story, can’t go wrong tying up a cowgirl.
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Post by quietman »

AuntMary wrote: 3 years ago Another great story and would love pantyhose.

Was thinking if your stories are fiction then you could actually KO her instead of pretending to tranquilize her.
That would be quite a story. Maybe I could find a way to work that in!

Thanks for you feedback Aunt Mary, and thanks for all the stories you post!
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Post by Reyez8123 »

Thank you, great story
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