Binding Miss Harot m/F

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Binding Miss Harot m/F

Post by WyattW5 »

story idea by Noggip

In Weichsler Private school where thousands attend it was a well regarded facility with a number of good programs. Including the drama department lead by Miss Harot a long time acting coach and teacher. She was excited to guide students through plays and theatrical projects.

However she was faced with a conundrum she was part of a book club in school and one of the clubs activities was to relive a scene inside the book. The book she had been reading for the story was quite interesting but yet very hard to re-enact.

Enters Jeremy Richardson, he helped out in all her plays and productions working behind the scenes setting stage decorating the costumes all the fun stuff. Today she had called him into her classroom during the lunch break.

Jeremy was tall for his age a top volleyball player for the school team, he had short brown hair spiked at the front and smoothed down the back. She smiles looking to Jeremy. His brown eyes fixed on her. She had dressed in usual attire a black pinstripe pencil skirt and a blue blouse with a decorative black satin ascot. Smiling she told Jeremy to sit down.

“Thank you for helping the school plays Jeremy it means so much to have help around the school once in a while and you didn’t even ask for community hours”

“Doesn’t matter to me Miss Harot I got my community hours over with last year”

“Of course you did, I was wondering you know I am part of the book club?”

“Yes head of it if I recall”

“Correct, for a club project I asked the students involved to try and reenact a scene from their books so they can try and gain scope for the characters they are reading about, let them know what they are thinking getting inside the mindset as it were”

“Sounds unique but cool at the same time”

“You see my book is about an heiress who gets captured by a desperate man who wants to ransom her off”

“okay, what can I help you with exactly I am not going to try hold you ransom”

“Oh no course not Jeremy, I am asking you to reenact a scene this is the scene I have chosen”

handing him the book Miss Harot watches intently as Jeremy reads it over carefully letting each word sink in so he could understand the plot of the scene. Looking to her “are you sure about this?”


“Do you not have someone else you trust with this perhaps another teacher friends someone maybe more trust worthy?”

“The fact you ask that question makes you most trust worthy, now I tomorrow after school I will bring the supplies I want you to use on me, meet me after the bell in here”

“Alright Miss Harot”

“Make it good and tight, I’ll make sure you are rewarded for all your effort”

“As you wish Miss Harot”

He leaves the room allowing Miss Harot to breath a sigh of relief now she hoped he would follow through with his promise only had to wait another day to figure it out.

(Next Day)

Friday afternoon the school day has begun and Miss Harot is excited for the weekend but not as much as to try her scene from her story. Miss wearing a black pencil skirt with blue roses as decorative embroidery on her left thigh. A white blouse buttoned up to the top two. A black and gold silk scarf hanging from her neck. Her red hair tied in a pair of strict braids pinned in a bun at the back of her head.

Jeremy nervously knocks on her door before entering “Miss Harot”

“Come in Jeremy are you ready?”

“I think so Miss I’ll be honest it has been a while since I have tied any kind of knot”

“oh I trust you besides I brought duct tape just in case”

Jeremy let a faint chuckle as Miss Harot retrieved her bag of goodies retrieving ropes and tape

“how shall we begin?”

Jeremy asks looking half lost at the supplies she hands him a coil of rope reassuringly smiling at him.

“start with my ankles”

nodding Jeremy took the coil unravelled it before kneeling down beside his teacher

“cross your ankles please”

doing as instructed Jeremy began to wrap the rope around before looping the rope between her ankles taking a moment to admire her legs in the black opaque tights she wore feeling the soft nylon complimented with the skin below

“hows that?”

“Good next my wrists please”

Crossing them behind her back Jeremy began to bind them behind her back. Ensuring they were secure

“I would like the blindfold first”

“You mind if I use your scarf?”

She nods indicating her willingness. He took the soft fabric from her neck winding it between his fingers the fabric smooth and soft even warm from her close contact Jeremy struggled to regain control before fixing the scarf over her eyes.

“Not too tight?”

“It’s perfect, next a gag”

“I am gonna use my necktie”

“good thinking”

Knotting the tie down the centre he placed it between her teeth before tying it around the back of her neck. Looking down at his watch Jeremy smiles

“I am gonna give you a half hour to get into character before I come in as Mr. Bad guy okay?” she nods

“Mmhm hmm”

Walking away Jeremy watches his teacher test the bonds loosely not trying to escape but seeing how restrictive they were. Jeremy could see the curiosity in Miss Harot as she tried to pick the knots on her hands trying to nudge the ropes with her feet and ankles.

The half hour passes and Jeremy commences in his mean bad guy voice

“alright lady I have a bottle of water for you, I will remove the gag make a single squeak I promise you will regret it”

pulling the knot from her mouth she tried to look up at him making her voice soft and pitiful.

“Please sir, my family doesn’t have much money I cannot be worth all this I ahphf”

“I warned you, now be quiet” Jeremy almost threw Miss Harot to the floor before taking a third rope connecting her ankles to a rope around her elbows making it strict.

“Now your gonna stay like that until I decide to release you”

this rope was much stricter then the others this did not allow her elbows to spread apart, nor did it allow her to move her legs. Her hands bent the rope making her head and feet lean back more awkwardly groaning into the gag. She had been struggling shuffling across the floor for the better part of an hour. Her story had the heroine tied up for three or four hours but as he watched his teacher Jeremy knew she would not handle it that long.

Jeremy watches her struggle and groan trying to fidget her way free. No avail any way she tried lowering her head she commenced to sobbing into her gag even a tear down her cheek. Believing the experiment had gone far enough Jeremy knelt down removing the bonds helping circulation back into her limbs she looks to Jeremy.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No, well the hogtie was a little extreme I don’t know she could handle it for three hours”

“Do you have enough experience for you book club project?”

“Yes, thank you Jeremy, can I offer you a ride home”

Jeremy nods helping Miss Harot clean the supplies and place them back in her back unwinding his tie she walks him out to her little car. Driving him home.

(Monday Morning)

Jeremy walking into school Miss Harot had been awaiting him by the cafeteria. Approaching calmly she smiles

“remember I told you if you helped me, I would reward you?”

he nodded looking to her before she handed him a little bag smiling she rubbed his shoulder

“come back to my classroom after school anytime” she whispers walking away to his locker he opened the bag to reveal a little note

“there was no book club project I just wanted to see how it felt, thank you for the feeling, and I could tell you liked feeling my legs in these so I figured you could keep them”

Pulling her nylons out Jeremy quickly ducked the bag into his school bag and threw the bag inside unbelieving his luck.

That was the first afternoon Jeremy had spent Binding Miss Harot.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Good story with a fun twist. Thanks for posting!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! I guess, if this is the first time the teacher gets tied up, there will be a second :D
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Fun story Wyatt!
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 382
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Post by WyattW5 »

Mask6185 wrote: 5 years ago Fun story Wyatt!
thanks mask
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