Old friends M/f

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Old friends M/f

Post by herdfaninrva »

Julie and Kenny had met when they were in first grade and instantly become friends. As the years went by, everyone thought they were boyfriend/girlfriend. They never saw it that way. They were simply two people who enjoyed each others’ company. Both regularly dated others, but when those relationships went sour, they always turned to each other for support. After high school, Kenny got a baseball scholarship at a small college a few hours from their hometown. Julie made the cheerleading squad at the hometown university. With her parents’ blessing, she and two of her squadmates moved into an apartment just off campus. When the school year ended, both of them went home for a few weeks, so Julie had the place to herself. To no one’s surprise, the first place Kenny wanted to head when he got home was to see her. The day started out with the usual small talk then they headed to the pool - Kenny in his red, white, and blue trunks and Julie in her white bikini. By lunchtime they were ready to take a break. “So, from what I saw on Facebook, looks like you had a great freshman year,” Kenny commented.
“I did. They girls on the squad are a lot of fun, and I don’t just mean my roommates. Can’t wait for you to meet them when they get back. I got some good scouting reports from the sophomores on what professors to take and avoid, so my classes went well. Looks like your year was good, too.”

“Academically and friend-wise, yes. Baseball could have been better. I had two guys ahead of me at 3rd, so I didn’t get much playing time. Still, I learned a lot from them, got to work on my hitting in practice against some of our pitchers. They were throwing some things that I hadn’t seen before, and I looked bad at times. Our hitting coach is great, and he worked with me on that. Next year will be a lot better. What do you have planned for the summer?”

“I’ll teach at the gym here, and the girls and I will do work some camps to represent the school. You?”

“Going to play some summer ball, try to get in some hiking, catch up with the family and friends.”

“Like me?” Julie replied with a smile.

“Especially you!” Kenny almost shouted. “I really missed having you around when I needed someone to talk with or help me out with whatever.”

“Speaking of helping out, I have something I want you to help me with today,” she told him.


“Before you answer, I need your word that you won’t think I’m some kind of freak and that this will stay between us.”

“Julie, nothing would make me think you’re a freak, and you know that I would never share anything with anyone.”

“OK, here goes. You can still say no if you want. Remember the picture I posted of me tied up in the play I was in?” she asked.

“Do I?! I knew you were flexible, but I had no idea you could be twisted into that position. It had to hurt!” Kenny commented.

“Honestly, the part didn’t call for me to be tied that way. We were just goofing off in rehearsal and got carried away. The director liked the way our foolishness came across so we put it in. Now, where it gets strange. It did hurt a little, but the longer I was tied the more I started to enjoy it,” she continued.

“You’re kidding! I mean I know it looks hot, but if it hurts, how can you enjoy it?” he asked incredulously.

“I have no idea. I just know that I did. There was something else, too. I was totally helpless - probably for the first time in my life - yet with all those people around I felt completely safe. There was nothing I could do but relax and go with it. By that point in the play, all my lines were over because I was supposedly gagged. I really wasn’t but wished I was, so I just pretended. It was great!” Julie explained.

“That is weird, but strangely, it also makes sense. But what does that have to do with me?” he replied.

Reaching under her chair, Julie picked up a bag and laid it on the table. Inside were yards of rope, padded cuffs, a sleep mask, gause, and pieces of cotton. “Tie me up. You can do it any way you want to. Just make it tight. Blindfold me, and stuff my mouth with the gauge and really tie the bands around my head. You can leave me that way as long as you want. If you want me to change clothes, I will. You’re in charge now.”

“Julie, I can’t. I’ve never tied anyone up. I’m afraid that I would disappoint or hurt you. Besides, you’d have a hard time explaining the rope marks on that beautiful body to anyone who sees you at the pool when we’re done.”

“You don’t have a bad one yourself!” she giggled. “You’re an Eagle Scout, right?”

“Yes,” Kenny agreed.

“Then you learned to tie all kinds of knots. Just pretend that you’re back in Scouts, but instead of tying the things you did there you’re tying me. The only difference is that you have to make sure my hands and feet are getting good circulation. I know you’ve had enough first aid training to be able to handle that,” she assured him.

“But if I made a mistake there I damaged a tree limb or something, not my friend,” he countered.
“Tell you what, make the gag the last thing. I’ll tell you if you’re in danger of doing any harm. Good point about the rope marks. There are some cuffs in the bag that you can use on my wrists. I’ll go put a one piece on over some hose. Deal? Look in the bag and see what’s there.”

“Deal!” he answered.

Now in a bright red suit and tan pantyhose, Julie quickly returned from her bedroom. “How do you want me?”

“On your knees, hands behind your back.” Kenny instructed. “Should I lock the cuffs or do you just want me to clip them?”

“From now on, no questions except asking if I’m OK if you get worried. Lock them. I’m yours for as long as you want, and I want to know it,” she answered adamantly.

“OK. Let’s see how close I can come to your picture. Come up on your toes so I can get under your ankles. Good girl!” It had been a while since he had used his rope skills, but they came back quickly. Within a few seconds, her had her ankles well secured. On a whim, he added a rope just below her knees. Next he added ropes above and below her breasts. “How am I doing?”

“Too loose on my body. Were you trying to avoid touching my tits?” she asked.

“Yes. I didn’t want to get overly personal,” he admitted.

“Don’t worry about that, silly. I’ve got clothes on.” she chuckled. “You can touch me wherever you need to. I don’t mind.”

“OK.” Kenny pulled the ropes off and redid them.

“Much better!” she told him.

Next, he took a long rope, connected the two around her body then ran it to the one around her ankles. Using it as a pulley, he pulled them toward her hands and tied it off to complete the hogtie. “How’s that?” he asked.

“Not even close,” she said. “Thanks for being careful, but remember the picture. Tell you what. Keep pulling my feet until I tell you to stop. See if you can get my heels to touch my shoulders then tie my hands to that rope on my knees.”

Slowly, he did as she asked. Her heels were only about 2 inches from her shoulders when she asked him to stop. “That’s good for now. Let me stay here for a bit. If I think we can finish I’ll tell you.”

“You want me to leave the gag out so you can do that?” Kenny asked.

“No. Go ahead and gag me. I’ll hum the high school fight song if I want to talk to you for any reason.. One thing before you blindfold and gag me. You know how ticklish I am, especially my feet. In this position, there’s nothing I can do if you decide to take advantage of that.”
“You shouldn’t have reminded me,” he laughed. He slid the blindfold over her eyes, but to her surprise the gag did not follow.

She didn’t have to wait long to find out why. His fingers worked their way under her bound arms to the open sides of her suit. Soon, she was laughing hysterically. “This is terrible, and he hasn’t even hit the worst spots yet.!,” she thought, “But I love it!” He soon moved on to her feet, and the sensations doubled in intensity. Occasionally, he would stop and tease her a bit by just touching her randomly. After several cycles, he moved in front of her, gently touched her shoulder, and said, “Julie we need to talk for a minute.” After removing her blindfold, he continued, “Have you ever been tickled with a gag in your mouth?”

“Just the one on stage, and it really wasn't much of one.”

“I thought so. As hard as you were laughing, there is no way you could breathe with your mouth stuffed.” said Kenny. “You said I’m in charge, but you’re going to have to make a choice - gagged or tickled. Which is it going to be?”

“I wish I could kiss you right now! That is so sweet, not that that surprises me. Tell you what. Tickle me hard, and I mean hard, for a few minutes. I don’t care if you tear my hose. Give me everything you’ve got. When you think I’ve had enough, let me settle my breathing down then gag me. I think I can handle this position for about another half hour,” Julie requested.

“That’ll work. Blindfold back on?” he asked.

“You know it. Oh, one more thing. After you gag me, get my DSLR. I want some good pix of this from every angle.”

Before beginning, Kenny took a large pillow and placed it under Julie’s head. While still giving her plenty of room to breathe it would also muffle her laughter a bit. For the next 10 minutes, he did as she had asked. As intense as her enjoyment had been before, this round increased it. When he stopped, it only took her a few minutes to ask for the gag. As Kenny started to put it in, she flashed him the biggest smile he has ever seen from her. She was now more helpless and vulnerable than she had ever been in her life yet felt completely safe. Watching the time and his friend closely, exactly 30 minutes after she had made her comment, Kenny released her. Julie took a moment to stretch out her muscles then threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome! I’ll get you some cold water.”

“Good idea. While you’re doing that, I’ll get back into my bikini. I do need some water, but after that that hot tub would feel really good right now.”

They soon settled into the tub, Kenny asked, “How are you?”

“A little sore,” Julie answered. “I haven’t been working out much because of finals. I’ll be fine in a few minutes. Just need a little warm water massage. I really appreciate you helping me with this. Care to share what you were thinking?”

“Honestly, a lot!” he replied. “I wanted to be sure I didn’t hurt you first and foremost, but at the same time I want to make the experience everything you wanted it to be, maybe more. I can’t say that you didn’t look mighty hot tied up like that. Funny, you are so beautiful on the inside that until today, I never thought about how beautiful you are on the outside. And you know how much I love your laugh. Something else strange that I would never have expected. Once I finished tickling you, I started thinking about how much you trusted me to even ask me to tie you up like that, let alone have me do it. At some point I began to wonder what I could do to let you know that I trust you just as much. Not because I feel like I need to but because I want to. It got even stranger because the only thing I could think of was to get you to tie me up. Not like you were. I’m not that flexible by any means, but to make me just as helpless and vulnerable. The longer I thought about it, the more excited I got about doing it. I know we’re both too tired to do it today, but would you do that the next time we get together?”

“WOW! Your mind was busy!” she said. “Thanks for caring so much about me. As for the part about me looking hot, like I said before, you aren’t bad yourself, and I HAVE thought about that before far more often than I’d like you to know. As for tying you next time, we meet, sure. I’ll give it a try. We’d probably better plan to do it tomorrow if you’re free. Lexi is coming back this weekend, so it’s the last day that I can be sure we’ll have full privacy, not that we’re going to do anything different from things that you see in the movies all the time.”

“That works. I don’t have any plans.”

“I do want to try one more thing before we get completely off the subject of bondage. It won’t take much energy and would be something fun to end the day. You willing?” asked Julie.

“If we can stay in here for say 15 or 20 minutes and just relax and chit chat, sure,” Kenny replied.


A bit later they were back inside. Julie took out the cuffs used earlier and pulled a set of legirons, which Kenny had not noticed, from the bag. “Lock these on me, and tie me to to a chair. Blindfold and gag me then hide the keys somewhere that I can reach them but not easily. Can be anywhere in the living room, kitchen, computer room, or my bedroom. Yes, that’s OK. Make it the last place you think I’d look. Untie me from the chair and take the blindfold off. If I can’t find them in 15 minutes I’ll come up with a way for you to punish me sometime down the road.”

“OK, but you don’t need to plan a punishment,” Kenny countered.

“Yeah, I do,” she politely disagreed. “We always do that when we have our secret no-coaches cheer practices. Even though we know it’s all in fun, it does wonders for our motivation when we get tired.”

“For some crazy reason, that doesn’t surprise me from a group you’re in,” he laughed, “but to make it fair, if you do find it you get to punish me. NO ARGUMENTS!”

Wearing the same huge smile that had melted Kenny’s heart earlier, Julie extended her hands to him, and he secured them, this time without hesitation. After completing the process, he carefully led her to a straight-back chair, took a long rope and tied her upper body to it with coils above and below her breasts. A short rope bound each ankle to a front leg. Now came the hard part. Where would she not expect him to put the keys? After some thought, he settled on putting the keys to the legirons in one of the drawers in the kitchen. “She won’t expect me to take her up on the bedroom comment,” he thought. Taking a deep breath, he slipped in and made his choice: the pocket of a coat in the far back of her closet.

Before freeing his friend, he decided to give her a bit of a surprise. The look on her face when she saw that he had gagged himself was priceless! Though he could have taken it out at any time, she knew that he was telling her she was on her own. As she looked, she noticed that he was never far away. She was having no trouble walking, but as always, he was ready to protect her if needed. Despite his best efforts, she had heard a drawer close so knew that one of the keys was there, and it was a matter of minutes before she found that one and freed her ankles. Since he had not made a sound, she had nothing to go on as to where the other one was. As he had suspected, she really didn’t think it would be in her bedroom so used precious minutes covering the other three rooms. By the time she had searched them to her satisfaction and frustration, she was down to less than 3 minutes. She checked her jewelry box, the top of her dresser and chest-of-drawers, and under her pillow. Suddenly, she noticed that her cheer bag on the floor of the closet had been moved just a bit. Unfortunately, Kenny had started to count, “10...9...Time’s up! You were so close!” After removing her gag, he showed her where the key was and released her.

“Well played, my friend!” she said as she gave him a deserved hug. “We won’t do the punishment tomorrow. I want time to make it worthy of your efforts.”

“I know it will be fun,” he replied as he slipped on his shirt and shorts. “One last hug before I go, OK?”

“How about a kiss, too?” she answered.

His response was silent as he gently took her in his arms and kissed her. Though neither would say so at the time, both knew that their relationship had begun a new chapter. All of the good that they had shared for so many years would still be there, but there would be a new level. Exactly what that would be remained to be seen, but both looked forward to finding out.
Last edited by herdfaninrva 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
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Post by herdfaninrva »

This MAY be the first in a series. I haven't started the next chapter and probably won't for a bit. If anyone wants to suggest additional tags please feel free to do so.
"I can't tell why I love the smell of coal smoke, valve oil, and steam." Johnny Horton
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

This is a fantastic start! Please continue :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I’m really enjoying this!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Caesar73 »

A well told story! :D
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Awesome and Great Story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
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Post by WyattW5 »

Very good story, I hope you continue it.
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Post by Caesar73 »

WyattW5 wrote: 5 years ago Very good story, I hope you continue it.
Me too :D The title of the story reminds of ABBA's "the way old friends do" ;)
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Post by damsel »

Cool story, love how these are old friends to begin with ;)
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Post by Emma »

Very good story!
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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Post by gagged86 »

A lovely story :)
I really like when after the first bondage game they share their thougts and talk about their trust in each other, it's just what I think bondage should be :)
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Post by Emma »

After reading the sequel earlier, I thought I'd come back here and re-read this one :P

As for that sequel....

Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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Post by RopingRingers »

This was a great start :) I like the buildup of trust between the two, and his hesitation for fear of hurting her, not to mention avoiding her chest at first is so sweet :)
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