Support Your Local Damsel (m/f)

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Support Your Local Damsel (m/f)

Post by Emma »

One of hubby's earliest stories, "Support Your Local Intruder" ( ... 019#p24019 ) introduced Elaine and her teenage daughter, Mandy. Here's a solo Mandy story, with a title that does suggest a sequel to the earlier story, lol!

You might want to read the original first, however ;)

Mandy Carter had long ago told her boyfriend, Carl Ellsworth, her fantasy of being kidnapped, taken somewhere to be interrogated, held for ransom, something; then rescued by a hero. It was a fantasy that would probably never be realized, since there really wasn't anyone either trusted enough to role play the villain.

Until now.

The seventeen-year old Mandy wrapped her fingers in her long, dark hair, lost in thought. "So we're actually doing this," she thought to herself. She smiled. "I'm really gonna owe Carl for this, it can't be easy for him." She took another look at herself in the mirror. A slightly too-tight black blouse, which blatantly showed off the curves of her breasts; a short red skirt, which didn't even go to her knees; tan hose, and black high heels, which matched her blouse.

And then she heard a car honking.

Mandy looked out the window. It was Rick Kennedy, Carl's best friend, and a friend of hers, as well. They both had complete trust in Rick. But that had no bearing on Mandy's now being annoyed. She waved for him to come in. Rick got out of the car, clearly confused and a little annoyed. "What's the matter with him?," she wondered.

Mandy went to the door, opened in, and waved for him to come in. "Just get in hear--God!" She stood aside as Rick hurried over, and in, the house.

Mandy found Rick more than attractive; he was almost a foot taller than her, muscular, wavy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and the brightest smile she'd ever seen. He knew how to dress, too--short sleeved blue dress shirt, black slacks, and expensive looking shoes. Except now he wasn't smiling, He had a worried look instead.

"Don't let his hotness change things, he's already messing up," Mandy thought to herself.

"What's the problem?," she asked, letting him know she was annoyed.

"I dunno, you tell me, I thought I was supposed to be kidnapping you. You ready or not?"

Mandy's jaw dropped. "So, kidnap me, then! Tie me up, blindfold me, gag me, toss me in your car, and take me away! But first," she picked up a medium sized travel bag, "put this in your car."
Rick scratched his chin. "I, um, was gonna tie you up at where we're going, I was just gonna have you wear sunglasses out there."
Mandy stared at him in disbelief.
"Oh, they're taped up from the inside," Rick said quickly.

"All right. I guess that's all right," Mandy said, her disappointment clear in her voice. "So, I'm riding in front with you?"
Rick nodded. "Yep. So, let's get moving." He took Mandy by the arm, and began to pull her. She liked the aggressiveness.

"Wait," she said, planting her feet firmly on the floor. "I still need my travel bag, I have a costume change I wanna do. And something else." Rick let go of Mandy's arm, not sure what she meant. He'd ask later. For now, though, he watched with surprise as Mandy took a piece of rope out of a drawer on a small table with a lamp. She returned to Rick, rope in one hand, and holding the travel bag by the handle with the other.
Mandy put the travel bag on the floor, and offered him, with deliberate purpose, the rope with the other.
Rick just stared. "I...will tie you up when we get to my pla, uh, the hideout. I can't have you tied up in my car!"

Mandy forcefully put the rope in his hand, then spun around on her heel, crossing her wrists behind her back. "Just tie my hands, it'll be fine. If you're standing behind me on the way to your car no one will see they're tied."
Rick paused a moment, then did as she said. "I better not get in trouble for this," he thought. He tied her hands securely. "She won't get out of that," he thought to himself. Mandy, on the other hand, disagreed. "I guess that'll be ok just for the ride over to wherever we're going, but really, you need to tie me tight for Carl."

Rick shook his head, took Mandy's arm with one hand, and took the travel bag with the other. He guided her out of the house, closing the door behind him, and then led her to his car. He was nervous the whole time, standing right behind her, so no one would see her hands were tied. Mandy could tell he was nervous, even though she was in front of him. "No one's behind us," she thought. "I hope he's not like this all afternoon."

After helping Mandy in the passenger seat, then fastening the seatbelt on her, he got in the driver's side. He took the sunglasses he told Mandy about, and put them on her. "How's that?" he asked. Mandy smiled. "Perfect," she said, "I can't see anything. " her smile then vanished. "You know, there's no reason not tie at least tie my ankles. If I was really being kidnapped. I'd be completely tied up, blindfolded and gagged in the back seat."

Rick backed the car out of the driveway, then headed for their destination. "I could have. And I could have spent the night in jail if I got pulled over. Hell, your hands being tied is bad enough!" Mandy began to wonder if this was going to work. "Stop worrying, okay? If we get pulled over, worst case scenario, I'll just tell the cop we're roleplaying. He'll get a laugh out of it. Wow, iI thought all this would be something you would enjoy."

"I'm not sure I understand," Rick said. "Well,", Mandy replied, "okay, look, I'm really wanting Carl to get into his dominant side. And don't be mad, but you know Rhonda and I are friends, so, yeah, I know you're a Dom, so I figured you understood how to tie up someone. I want to be tied good when Carl quote-unquote saves me. I mean, we both trust you, and I know you know what you're doing. At least I hope you do, I don't know anyone else who does."

"Rhonda talks too damn much," Rick said. "Crap, you probably think I'm a woman hater or something," he said. Mandy shook her head. "No, of course not. Rhonda explained it, you're a dom, you need to be in control, and sometimes you need to be rough, and she couldn't go along with getting spanked or having her butt whacked with a belt." Neither of you were wrong, you just weren't suited for each other."

"I guess we weren't," Rick agreed. "Dammit." He stopped the car. "What's wrong?" Mandy asked, concerned that she said too much, and Rick was deciding his involvement in the afternoon's activities was a mistake. But she was wrong.

"Nothing's wrong, we're here," he said. He got out of the car before Mandy could speak. As soon as he opend her door, she interrupted his actions. "Wait," she said, looking up at him, though she couldn't see. "Is anyone else here?" Rick shook his head, then remembered she couldn't see him. "Nope, just us, why?"

"Okay," Mandy said, smiling again. "You should tie my ankles, gag me, carry me to your hideout--" the sunglass blindfold, of course, meant she couldn't see Rick bury his face in his hands--"then come back, "Mandy continued, "get my bag, then bring it in the hideout."

"Or," said Rick, "I could just do this." He helped Mandy out of the car, retrieved her travel bag from the back seat, slung Mandy over his shoulder, and walked the short distance to the outside door to his house's basement. Once inside the basement, he dropped the bag on the floor, deposited Mandy on the couch, and then closed, and locked, the door.

Rick walked over to Mandy and removed the sunglasses. She blinked and looked around. They were in a large room; across from the couch was a large screen TV, which was off. To the far right were stairs going up--"I'm in a basement, or downstairs den" Mandy thought--to her left was the door they must have come through. On both sides of the door were windows, with the drapes drawn. between the couch and the stairs, and the couch and the door, were two posts; at the top of the posts was a heavy beam which ran from under the top of the stairs to just above the left hand window.

Mandy knew where she was. This was Rick's home, and they were in the family den. She had been here, the house, before, but never down in the den. She smiled to herself, knowing what Rick used the beam for, and the post, too. "I better not say anything....yet" she thought to herself. "First things first" she thought. She began struggling against the rope tying her hands.

"All right, we're here, Mister Villain," Mandy said. You better let me go, or..." Rick smiled. "Or what, Mandy? I have you now! " Rick let loose with a fake, maniacal laugh. "Or," continued Mandy, "you'll have to tie me tighter than this!" She pulled one hand free from her rope, showing the loose cord to Rick. "I guess it's time for my escape," she said gleefully, standing up.

All Rick could do was stare. "What do I do now?" he thought to himself. His indecision was clear to Mandy. "Oh, God, this isn't gonna work," she thought. "He's gonna need help, I guess." Mandy thought she had a way to get him to take control. "Look, all you have to do is tie my hands a lot tighter. And just, well, tie me up. Arms, legs, I'm a damsel in distress. That's my role. Your role is my captor, you and Carl already agreed to this, right?"

"Yeah," Rick said. He cleared his throat. "I mean, yes, that's what we said." Rick walked towards Mandy, and pulled out a small bag from behind the couch. He pulled out a long rope from the bag. "if i do this," he said, "you're gonna be tied up for real. Way tight, probably not comfortable. You only get free when I say so, or when Carl shows up. You sure you're okay with this?" Mandy grinned. "Yes, of course," she replied. This was kinda my idea, ya know."

"Okay then," Rick said. He again took Mandy's arm, pulled her up, and spun her around. Mandy felt him run the rope between her back and her elbows, and her elbows begin to move towards each other. "Oh wow," she thought. "He's tying my elbows together, without asking! Hot hot hot!" She forced herself to relax, to make Rick's tying easier. "He knows what he's doing," Mandy thought happily.
Rick tied Mandy's elbows swiftly, and efficiently. "Way better than earlier," she thought. "Wonder if he'll tie my hands right this time?" She found out right away. Rick crossed Mandy's wrists, and began to bind them together tightly. "Keep quiet, and keep your hands still," he said, in a fake, rough voice.

Mandy tried not to laugh at Rick's attempt to sound like a villain. "Yes, sir," she said in mock fear. She didn't test the rope tying her hands; it was tight enough. She knew she wasn't getting loose. Her arms were beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable.

She smiled inwardly; to Rick, she kept her head lowered in submission.
Rick shoved her down roughly on the couch. Mandy knew, of course, he was going to tie her legs, but didn't expect to be shoved down, and didn't expect any roughness like that.

She liked it. A lot.

But she kept that to herself, and managed to have just a shocked expression. "Rhonda was right, this guy's a Dom!" Mandy looked down at Rick, who was now tying her ankles. "Can I make a suggestion?," she asked. Rick looked up. "Yeah, sure," he replied. "What?"

"You're gonna have a harder time tying my legs if you tie my ankles first. You'll need to tie my legs way tight, or the ropes will slide. So tie my legs first, then my ankles."

Rick looked at Mandy's shapely hose-encased legs, then her face, then her legs again.

"Right," he said.

Rick then began to tie Mandy's legs, just below the knees. "Remember, it's gotta be really tight", she reminded him. "Got it," he replied, under his breath. After her legs were tied, he began to bind her ankles....and was interrupted again.

"Wait, " Mandy said. "How much rope do you have down here?" she asked. Rick shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno. Probably enough to tie up three people." He grinned, and looked at Mandy. "That would be tie you and someone else together. Think Carl would let me kidnap you again? And maybe another person?" "Oh God," Mandy thought to herself. "He wants to tie me up next to Pam. Or maybe Mom. Or both? I've created a bondage monst--" Rick saw the look of genuine shock on Mandy's face. "Hey, just kidding. Rhonda's not gonna let me tie her up again now that we're split up." Mandy let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. "Rhonda. No, she wouldn't. Let you tie her up again, I mean." "Whew!", she thought to herself. "Glad I didn't say anything!"

She remembered what they were talking about. "I just asked because you should probably also tie my legs just above my knees, too. And really tight, too." Rick looked up at her. "I know, really tight. You said that already." He then tied her legs just below the hem of her red skirt, pulling the rope as tight as he could, then glaring at Mandy.

She winced.

Rick cinched the rope, then looked at Mandy's face again. "That tight enough? Or maybe...too tight?," he said with an amused expression. Mandy surprised him by saying "No, this is good. " It needs to be tight."
"C'mon, Mandy," Rick said, "I was just making a point. I tied you as tight as I could, that ," he said, pointing at her tightly bound thighs, "has to be uncomfortable."

Mandy nodded. "Well, yeah. It's supposed to be uncomfortable." Rick, who had been on his knees while tying Mandy's legs, almost fell backwards.

Mandy rolled her eyes. "All right, lemme rephrase. It's going to be uncomfortable. Looking good for you is usually uncomfortable, but we do it anyway." Rick regained his balance. "Yeah?," he asked. "What do you mean?" Mandy looked down at her high heels. "Okay, look at my shoes. See how they point in the middle?" Rick did look at her high heels, and nodded. "Do you," Mandy asked, "think my feet are shaped like that? Do you think my toes are giving the finger to anything in front of me?"

Rick laughed.

"Getting tied up for guys is uncomfy too, sometimes. You tied my elbows together, and I guess I look hot like that." Rick nodded. "You do, absolutely." "Was that too much?," he thought to himself. "Can I call her 'hot'? Is that getting back to Carl?"

"Okay," Mandy continued, "That's good. I want to look hot." She blushed. She took a deep breath. I want to feel like...well, a damsel. So I really need to be helpless." She looked back at Rick.

"Damn, she's really getting into this," he thought.

"Um, for Carl, of course," Mandy added.

"Right," Rick agreed. "Of course. Right."

Mandy looked at her feet again. "I guess you should go ahead and tie my ankles now," she said. Rick nodded, and tied her ankles quickly, and exactly as he had her arms, wrists and legs.

Rick then stood up, took a couple steps back, and looked at his work. And his work was good. Mandy was seated on the couch, looking fetching in her black blouse, red skirt, tan hose and black high heels; hands behind her back, and legs and ankles tightly bound.

Rick smiled. She looked fantastic, and he forgot nothing.

"You forgot something," Mandy said.


"My arms. You should tie my arms," Mandy replied.

Rick shook his head. "Damn, I tied her too tight, she's delirious. I'm gonna go to jail." He walked over to Mandy, and sat down next to her. "Your arms ARE tied, remember? You just mentioned it yourself," he said gently. He pulled on her left arm, so she could feel it.

"No," said Mandy. "You tied my elbows. You should tie my arms to my sides. " Rick considered what she said, but saw no reason to. "You can't move your arms, Mandy. I don't have to tie them." Mandy nodded. "Okay...I understand. You don't have to." Mandy sighed. "I thought we were making progress," she thought. "Maybe we are. We'll see."

Rick stood up, not sure what to do next. His cell phone rang, which he was almost glad of. Until he saw the name of the person calling him.


He took a breath and answered. "Hey Ellsworth," he said. "So, do you want to see your girlfriend again? It's gonna cost you megabucks, son." Mandy couldn't resist smiling; Carl and Rick's roleplaying was taking off. "This can still work, then" she thought. She heard a seriousness in Rick's voice, however. "Oh. Well, okay, then," Rick said into the phone. "Just call back when you're on your way."

Rick hung up the phone. "Carl had a flat tire, so, I guess, we have some more time. I can untie you for a bit, if you want."

Mandy shook her head. "No, I want to feel like a damsel first...listen," she said, "if you really don't want to tie my arms, then you shouldn't. I'm supposed to be your prisoner. You're in control, not me."

Rick smiled. He liked that idea.

"Of course, the whole idea is for me to not only be helpless, but to feel helpless. And to be can keep a secret, right?" She furrowed her brow, looking directly in Rick's eyes.

"Yes, absolutly." His expression made it clear he really wanted in on Mandy's big secret.

"Okay," she continued. "You tied my elbows together, and yes, it's uncomfy, but it's also way sexy. At least to me." She tried not to blush again, but failed. "Carl's never done that. I've never asked him, though, I just never thought about it before. So this is new to me."

Rick only nodded. "Carl, you dweeb," he thought. "You don't deserve her." He immediately regretted the thought, but it was an honest one.

"I've never actually had my arms tied, either," Mandy stated, matter-of-factly.

Rick said nothing, not sure what he could say--or do.

"So," Mandy went on, "you don't actually HAVE to tie my arms, since you're in charge, being the kidnapper and everything, and it's all up to you--"

"Carl's a dweeb and I'm a coward," thought Rick.

"--but," said Mandy, looking down, but away from Rick-- "I was kinda hoping for the whole damsel effect, which kinda means getting my arms tied."

Rick took a deep breath. Mandy already looked incredibly sexy, tied the way she was, wearing the outfit she wore. She just admitted the ropes tying her elbows were uncomfortable. She didn't need her arms tied as well...but...he wanted to. And she literally just told him to.

So he did.

He took a long piece of rope from the couch, lined up the ends, and moved towards Mandy.
"Lean forward," he ordered, in a no-nonsense voice. Mandy obeyed, hoping this meant he was getting back into the role, not just saying what she wanted to hear. Rick wrapped the rope around her waist, pulling the ends of the rope through the loop, tightening it, the wrapping it around her waist several more times before cinching it, tightly binding her arms just below her breasts.

Mandy licked her lips. "That's pretty tight", she said.

Rick ignored her, picking up another long piece of rope. "Tough. It's going to get tighter." He began to continue binding Mandy's arms, as before, this time just above her breasts.

Mandy gasped for air, realizing she forgot to breathe. "Oh wow, he's really getting into this," she thought. "Rhonda was right about him!"

She couldn't tell Rick's thoughts didn't match his voice or actions. "Either I'm totally screwed, or she's gonna like this a lot," he thought. "And Carl. Carl too. Or I'm screwed." He stood back again, to admire his work. And there was really only one way to admire it.

"Start struggling," he ordered.

Mandy looked directly at him, shocked.

"I mean, try to get free. It's your only hope of salvation, damsel!" "Did I screw up?", he thought nervously. I think I screwed up. The damsel line won't mean crap. I'm screwed."

Mandy looked directly at Rick. "I call you VILLAIN, Sir! A Villain! Oh, how I need a brave hero!" Mandy's thoughts also differed from her own voice and actions. "God, girl, can you get any more cheesy? He's liable to untie you and toss you out for Excessive Lameness. Struggle girl, if he's a Dom, that might save you!"

And struggle she did. Her wrists, unseen behind her, but still bound tightly; her arms, legs and ankles also tightly bound, made escape impossible. But the point, now, was to give Eric a show. She fought hard against all the ropes. She was glad she wasn't blindfolded, she needed to see Rick's expressions.

She stole brief glances at him as she struggled, casting her eyes down in submission for the most part. She was pleased, but dare not show it, to see he approved. Mandy wondered her outfit of a tight black blouse , almost as tight red skirt, tan hose and black high heels added to how tight she was bound. She hoped--knew--it did.

"I gotta do something more," Mandy thought to herself. Not seeing anything else she could do, bound as she was, she pushed her heels off. It wasn't easy, and did take over a minute, but the heels themselves made it possible.

"Holy crap", Rick thought, as he watched Mandy from where he was standing, just a couple feet in front of her. "Carl is a moron; Mandy could be a bondage heroine." His jaw almost dropped when she got first her left shoe, then her right, off. Her struggling did not let up....not until the phone rang.

"Carl," Rick said, looking at his phone. He answered it. "Your time runs short, Ellsworth!", he said in a menacing voice. "Or maybe I should say Mandy's time runs sho---oh. Well, okay, we'll be here. You understand she's tied up now, right?" Mandy had an idea of what Carl was saying on the other end of the conversation, though she couldn't hear him. "All right, if that's what you want. Call me." Rick hung up the phone, and put it back in his pocket. "Another delay, but everything's fine. He'll get here when he gets here."

Rick sat down next to Mandy. "I better untie you," he said, as he began untying her arms.

Mandy looked away. "If that's what you want," she said. "I was sure he was enjoying this," she thought. "I guess Carl just unnerved him." She realized, though, as her ropes were loosened, she really did need a break. The ropes on her ankles started to feel even tighter, and very uncomfortable. She realized she was so into being bound, she didn't feel the whole effect until now.

Rick untied Mandy fairly quickly; as he progressed, Mandy realized he would rather have kept her bound. That gave her in idea, but it would have to wait a few minutes.

Rick pulled, by the rope binding Mandy's ankles, her legs up, and put them across his lap. "Nice", she thought to herself, though wondering if he had intentions other than just untying her feet.
She leaned back as he undid the last rope.

"How did you dominate Rhonda? She told me a little, but I'd like to hear your side."

"Well," he said, "Sometimes I tickled her. Sometimes I spanked her. I wanted to use a belt on her, but she wasn't--" "OKAY", Mandy said loudly, interrupting him. "Okay. She was kinda evasive about that, but I get it." She swung her legs off his lap, her feet back on the floor. "Was he gonna tickle me? Ugh!"

Rick said nothing in reply. "Good job, Rick," he thought to himself. "Tell her what you really want to do while she's tied up in front of you. She's gonna spill everything to Carl, he'll kick my ass and call the police. Nice job. Well done."

"I'm sorry she couldn't be what you wanted," Mandy said, much to Rick's relief. "I have the same problem, but reversed, when I need to be punished, Carl goes along, but his heart's not in it. "

"Did she say 'punished'? I think she said 'punished'. She said 'punished'!," Rick thought. He began to seriously envy Carl, and was a bit dismayed that he didn't appreciate what he had.

"Let me check something," Rick said. He looked behind the couch. "Yaaaaay", he said quietly. He produced a small ping pong paddle. "Prepare to be distressed, damsel!," he said, looking at Mandy and cackling evilly.

Mandy gave him a look of mock fear. "Oh no!," she said. "Surely not...The Paddle of Doom!" She smiled on the inside "Okay, finally we're getting somewhere," she thought to herself. Rick sat down on the couch, never taking his eyes off Mandy.

"Any last words, Damsel Mandy?," he asked in a sinister voice. Mandy gave him a mock glare. "I'm not finished yet, MISTER Villain! Carl will save me--you are a CAD, sir! A CAD, I say!" Rick smiled. "Meet your doom, Damsel!," he said gleefully.

Rick pulled Mandy down across his lap, and raised the paddle over her butt. "Wait, at least tie my wrists," she said, crossing them behind her back. Instead, Rick grasped them tightly holding them together. "I'll tie you up later, damsel," he said. "We're going this my way." He pinned Mandy's legs with his own, taking a moment to enjoy looking at her legs, enclosed in hose, free of shoes.

Just as he was about to begin paddling her, he stopped himself, and pulled Mandy up, freeing her legs as well.

"Sorry," he said. "Getting kinda carried away. Maybe I should put candles under you, and say they're dynamite or something." Mandy tried to hide her disappointment. "Paddling," she said, "going too far, huh?" Rick raised an eyebrow. "Don't you think so?," he asked. "Crap, he's slacking off," Mandy thought to herself. "Maybe, but there should be some danger of something, if not spanking, something else."

"If she breaks up with Carl, I'm marrying her", Rick thought to himself. "Well, okay, if you're sure about it, but, um, any suggestions?", he asked.

I think I can come up with something," she said, standing up, and walking towards her bag, on the side of the couch. "Let me change into another outfit, and you call Carl." She picked up the bag, and smiled at Rick. "And turn around, please!," she giggled.

Rick turned around, and took out his phone again. As Mandy undressed--quickly--she said "tell him he has thirty minutes, no less, no excuses to show up, or'll punish me." With his back to Mandy, Mandy couldn't see the blood drain from Rick's face. "Did she say 'punish' again? Lord, she said 'punished' again!" Rick felt both dread and joy.

Rick called Carl. "Hey, any ETA?", he asked. Mandy--who had now changed--was worried. "He's slacking again," she thought. And then she wondered if Rick was reading her mind. "Ya know what, Carl?" Rick said, with a touch of annoyance in his voice, "No more games. Be here with the ransom in thirty minutes or less, or I'm gonna punish Mandy." While Rick was listening to Carl's reply, Mandy gave silent thanks that he couldn't see the smile Mandy couldn't contain. But then her smile was gone.

"Hey," Rick said, obviously to Mandy, though he kept his back to her, "he wants to know what I mean by 'punished', hell, I don't even know!" Mandy shook her head. "Tell him you mean you'll hurt me, she said softly, so Carl wouldn't hear, "and he has thirty minutes to save me, then HANG UP!"

Without thinking about what Mandy just told told him, he repeated it in the phone. "I mean you have thirty minutes, like the pizza guys, to get her and save Damsel Mandy," he said sternly, " or I'll punish her, and my punish, I mean I'll hurt her." His eyes widened as he clicked the phone off.

Rick turned around. "What do you mean by I'll hur--" he stopped in mid-sentence, having lost his voice. In front of him stood Mandy, now dressed in a black leotard and black tights. He only now noticed how sexy her long dark brown hair (Hair is sexy? He never realized that before) and dark brown eyes were.

As for Mandy, she was done with hints. "I mean if he's not here in half an hour,"--she looked at her watch--"you'll have to hurt me. He'll have to know. HOW you hurt me if your choice, not mine." Mandy walked towards him. "Damn, is she gonna kiss me?", he thought. When she was just in front of him, Mandy held out several pieces of rope. "You better tie me up now," she said. "He could be here any time."

Rick was relieved she was only handing him ropes. Carl was still his friend, and he still wasn't interested in crossing any lines. He watched Mandy walk away from him, towards the post to the left of the couch.

"You can tie me to this post if you want," she said. She pressed her back against it, wrapping her arms behind her, around the post. "You can tie my hands like this,", she said, " Or like this," she continued, putting her hands behind her back, and again pressing her back to the post. "Or," she continued, looking up, "if you know how to safely suspend someone, you could have me suspended from that beam."

Rick walked towards her. "I don't know about suspending you, I've never done that....but...well" he too, was looking at the beam, lost in thought.

"Okay,", Mandy said, " 'Well', what?"

"I could tie your wrists in front of you, tie another rope over the beam, and pull you up so that, know."

Mandy did know, but wanted Rick to say it.

" don't mean like lynching me, do ya?," she said, trying to force him to say what he really meant.
"NO!," Rick exclaimed, shocked by the thought. "Oh God, hell no." He paced in front of her. "I meant...oh hell." He sighed, and stood in front of Mandy. "Look, a couple of times I had Rhonda's hands tied over her head, and pulled up, with a rope over the beam. So there wasn't any slack in the rope, and...I could tickle her."

"You tickled her," Mandy said, without emotion. "Diet Dom," she thought. "Not good, but maybe...workable? He did almost paddle me."

"Yeah, I know," Rick said. "Sad, huh? She thought so."

"Well," Mandy replied, "A little, yeah." She looked away. "I guess it's up to me," she thought to herself. "I guess I knew it all along." Mandy moved a little closer to Rick, but still looking down, and away from him. "I thought you meant you were gonna use the paddle. I mean, you said you spanked Rhonda before, so...."
Rick took Mandy's arm, and pulled him towards her.

"Be bold, Kennedy," he thought to himself. "Be bold, but be sure." Mandy looked up in his eyes. If she had her heels on, she would still have to look up to him, without them...she liked this. "Listen," Rick said, "I need to be clear. Yes, I'm playing a kidnapper, and I get to tie you up, obviously. "

Mandy nodded.

"And i do want to tie your hands above your head, to that post. And if you're sure, and I mean adsolutly sure you AND CARL are gonna be okay if I wack your butt--"

"--with the paddle," Mandy interrupted.

"--with the paddle," Rick continued, "then....yay. Because that would be hot, and I really want to paddle you, to be honest. I hope that doesn't bother you, but I wanna be honest."

Mandy looked at her watch, took it off, and put it on the couch. She handed Rick a short piece of rope. "You better start tying me," she said. She crossed her wrists in front of her, and he started tying them together.

"If Carl isn't here in ten minutes, you should paddle me," she said, her words making the still-silent Rick look in her eyes a few seconds. He loved hearing that, she knew, and was trying--and failing--not to show it.

"To be honest," she continued, "paddling's better than tickling. Tickling is....annoying. Paddling is...well, it reminds me who is in charge, and it's not me." Rick wordlessly tied Mandy's now bound wrists to another, longer piece of rope, and tossed it over the beam.

"Paddling also lets me know how strong he is, and how helpless I am, " she said, as he pulled her arms up, and tied the end of the rope to a hook, meant for a coat, on the wall farthest away from them.

Rick returned to Mandy, and silently began to tie her ankles together. "Umm, remember to tie my legs first, Rick. Above and below the knees."

"Be bold, Kennedy," Rick thought to himself again. "You're sure, so be bold." "Shut up, Mandy. I'll tie you the way I want. Just accept your fate. Damsel."

Mandy smiled, but quickly glared when she thought he was going to look up, as he moved from her bound ankles to tie her legs. "I knew you were a cad, MISTER Villain! That's no way to talk to a lady! I need a hero!"

"Ellsworth won't make it in time, Damsel," Rick said, as he began tying Mandy's legs, just below the knees. "She was right, dammit," he thought to himself. "Should have tied her ankles last." He still managed to push the two ends of the rope between her legs, pass it through the loop in the middle, and bind her legs together. Then he did the same just above her knees.

Mandy watched Rick's tying her legs in silence. She was impressed; he was very good at tying. He was also doing better at the roleplaying. She also knew something else for certain.

He was a Dom.

Mandy thought about Carl. She thought about Rhonda. She knew that since Rick and Rhonda had broken up, there was someone else she was interested in, a boy who wasn't as Dom as Rick, someone who was way more suited for her than Rick. Rhonda had actually started dating this guy. She knew they were keeping it secret, but secret would be exposed soon.

Finishing tying Mandy's legs, Rick picked up another piece of rope. Mandy wasn't sure what it could possibly be for. She watched as he lined up the two ends.

"Almost done," Rick said, with an evil grin. Mandy cocked her head. "There's nothing left to tie," she said quizzically. "Yeah, there is," Rick said.

Rick began to slide the two ends of the rope through Mandy's upper thighs. The very top of her upper thighs.

Rick was still smiling, but it masked real concern. He half expected Mandy to snap at him, demanding he release her instantly. If she did, he would have to. He was being very careful not to touch anything he shouldn't, but he did enjoy tying her thighs, and couldn't help but admit she looked lovely--and sexy--in her tights and leotard. And tight they were! But he also knew his first time tying up Mandy might be his last.

"Does she think I'm going too far? Would Carl?" Ellsworth would be there very soon. Would he "rescue" Mandy as planned, or would he be pissed off and punch him in the face? Rick had no idea.

Mandy didn't know what to think. Rick wasn't her boyfriend; this wasn't really right. But, she could tell he wasn't trying to grope her, or anything close to groping. He was being very careful to only touch her thighs, and only as necessary. And he was tying her tight, which she was enjoying.

"Oh. Um...well, okay," Mandy said, watching Rick bind her thighs. "Okay," she thought, "I guess he's not crossing any lines." She was also feeling something she wasn't planning to feel this afternoon. Submissive. But to Rick....not Carl. She looked up, away from Rick. "Mind on Carl," she thought. "Rick's not your boyfriend, mind on Carl."

But she wanted Rick to gag her. And she wanted Rick to paddle her. If Rick was her boyfriend, that would be fine, but he wasn't.

Rick stood up, and took a step back, enjoying the sight of Mandy, in her black leotard and tights, standing in front of him, hands tied above her head, with the rope pulled back, taught; Mandy's thighs, legs and ankles tightly bound.

And he frowned.

"What's wrong?," Mandy asked.

"Something's missing," he said.

Mandy allowed herself a slight smile. She didn't care if Rick saw it, but he didn't. His eyes weren't on her, but behind her. He walked past her, and behind the couch. Mandy's smile widen; he was going to gag her, of course.

But then she saw gag materials on the couch. "So is he getting another gag?," she thought, "Ballgag, maybe?" Just then, she felt the rope pulling up her arms so slack. "Oh, God, no," she thought. "He's chickening out. I'm not gonna be tied when Carl gets--" her train of thought was jarred when the rope went taught again...and raised her up so she was standing on her toes. And she realized that was the position he wanted her in.

That he just did it, no asking, pleased her.

Rick walked in front of her. "Bad news, Damsel. Times up, and Ellsworth isn't here. I hope pain is something you enjoy. " he brandished the paddle in front of her, once again with an evil grin.

Mandy found herself falling deeper into submission. She knew she was in danger of saying something that might scare him off. "Gag me first," she said. "Gag me and then do what you want."

Rick's eyes widened. "Damn, she's really getting into this," he thought. "Aw, Carl, you don't appreciate beans, do you?"

Mandy realized she was already saying too much. "I mean, go ahead and paddle me. But gag me first." Was that any better? Did she hear desperation in her own voice? "I'm gonna ruin everything," she thought.

"No gag," Rick thought cheerfully. I wanna hear you cry out. But, if you can NOT cry out, I'll be impressed. Mandy meekly nodded in agreement. Rick walked behind her, and wrapped his left arm around Mandy's waist, tightly holding her side to his. He tapped her rear end with the paddle, then raised it, ready to bring it down hard.

Then he released her, walking in front of her, with a glum look.

"I'm sorry, I'm getting out of line," Rick said.

"No," Mandy said, looking down. "Carl knows I'm getting punished if he doesn't get here in time, and he's late. " She looked up at him. "Do what you need to do...please."

Rick walked directly in front of her. Mandy could no longer think. Being forced to stand on her toes, tightly bound, even for this short time, was beginning to feel uncomfortable. But she didn't care. Part of her wanted to be gagged. Part of her wanted to be kissed. No part of her, none, was thinking about Carl.

Rick took a deep breath, running his fingers through Mandy's hair. " You're...more than beautiful. I really, REALLY want to paddle you. The way you're tied...helpless like this.." He backed away from her. "Listen, if you and Carl ever break up, I'll marry you that night, you'll be tied up every freaking day!"

Mandy smiled slightly. "We gotta graduate from high school first. College and jobs might be a good idea too." She looked over her head, at the taught rope over the beam. "You're good at this," she said.

Rick walked towards her. "Thanks, but it's time to untie you. Standing like that has to hurt like hell." Mandy shook her head. "No. Don't untie me," she replied. "If you're not gonna paddle me, then let me...just leave me tied like this, for Carl to find."

Rick frowned. "Carl. yeah," he thought to himself. "Bastard sees this, either he'll get mad, want to beat the hell out of me, and that's the end of the friendship. Plus, I never get to tie up Mandy again, or he'll grow a brain, see her as bondage babe she is, and they'll get married. God job, Kennedy. Well done."

"I understand," he said. "Mandy, I just want you to know--" a loud, thundering knock on the door interumped him. "Carl," they both thought to themselves, at the same time.

Rick walked towards the door. He looked back and Mandy, and smiled. "Did she just wink at me? I think she winked. She winked!" He opened the door, and Carl strode inside, pushing him aside, and walked right in front of Mandy.

Carl took a few moments, looking at her. Mandy gave him a weak smile. "Hero at last," she said softly. She grasped the rope above her bound wrists, then let go. Rick could tell Carl noticed Mandy was on her toes, and was unable to put her feet on the floor. He had a grim expression on his face as he turned to Rick. "I'm dead," Rick thought. "I went too damn far."

"You're going to prison, Kennedy," Carl said, in a matter of fact voice, as he walked towards Mandy, and began to untie her wrists. "You've gone too far, and WILL see prison!" Rick walked towards them, looking for words. "Um, look, I didn't mean--"

"Quiet Villain!," Carl shouted, as he finished untying Mandy's wrists. "Your days of villainy are...damn, Rick, really need to be this tight? Okay, hands are free," he said tossing the rope aside. "So, you're okay, right?" Mandy smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Rick was confused. "Carl can't see she's not really okay?," he thought. "He sees she's tied really tight, really erotic, and he's not mad?"

Carl untied Mandy's thighs. "You didn't have to tie her legs," he said, then looking at Rick, "THIS high!" He then begain to untie her legs. "Lotta rope here, bro. Above and below the knees? " Mandy finally caught her breath. "Well, I was his prisoner," she said softly.

"I guess...I still didn't need to," Rick said, as Carl untied Mandy's ankles. He could see Carl was having a little trouble untying the last rope. "I did tie her too tight, and that pulling her up...are they still friends with me?", he thought to himself.

Carl tossed the ropes on the couch. "Well, it was your call. You were the kidnapper, how she was tied was up to you." He turned towards Mandy. "Sooo...did you get punished? I know I was late."

"No punishment," Rick said quickly. "It wasn't necessary." Mandy nodded. "He's right, all he did was tie me up." Rick relaxed. Everything was going to be all right after all. "Thank you, Mandy," he thought. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"He almost did though," Mandy said, with a giggle. He didn't, but he wanted to." She looked at Rick, with an amused expression. "He was gonna spank me pretty hard!" The blood drained from Rick's face. "MANDY!," he thought. "You just killed me!"

"Well," said Carl, retrieving Mandy's travel bad, and putting in the clothes she had on earlier in it, "I was late, so you could have. Hell," he said, looking at the shocked Rick, "maybe you should have."

Mandy put her heels back on, stood up, and with Carl, began to head for the door. "Not a bad job as a kidnapper," Carl said. "but maybe you're not cut out for it." Rick nodded. "At least," he thought, "we're still friends, but no, he's not letting me tie her up again. And since she was disappointed I didn't do more, even if they break up, she won't date me." He opened the door for his friends. "Stop it, Kennedy. You hope they split up? You suck at kidnapping, you suck at being dominant, and you suck at being a friend."

"You know, Rick," Mandy said, as she and Carl stood in the doorway, "Rhonda did you a favor by breaking up with you, she's just not into being tied up. Not all girls are. But some are. A lot, actually." Carl took out his car keys. "We gotta go, but she's right. And you spent this afternoon tying up the Queen of the Damsels, so don't get all depressed on us."

Carl and Mandy then left, with Mandy waving to Rick.

Rick closed the door, and walked to the couch, sitting down, and beginning to coil the many ropes next to him. "Was she flirting with me?," he wondered. "Did Carl notice?" He dropped the rope in his hands. "Wait," he said aloud, softly. "He didn't kiss her when he got here. She didn't kiss him." He leaned back in the couch. "They didn't even hold hands when they left."

He leaned forward, and picked up the rope, and resumed coiling. "Doesn't matter," he thought. "She's not going to date her ex's best friend. Even that could end friendships." He looked out the window, knowing Carl and Mandy were long gone. "They're probably telling each other this afternoon was a mistake."

Driving a few miles away, Carl and Mandy both had pleased expressions on their faces. "I told you this would work," Carl said, turning for a moment to Mandy. "I didn't expect him to have you tied in that...position? That had to have been rough. I know you said Rhonda told you he was a Dom type, but...damn." Mandy nodded. "I knew she was serious, but I was a little surprised too. In a softer voice, she contiued, "He's really good at tying, and taking control."

Carl chuckled. "Daydream later, 'kay? " He took a deep breath. "Here's me being Dom." Mandy looked at him in confusion. "I'm making a decision, and you WILL comply. You will submit and obey."

Mandy smiled. She knew what he was going to say.

"Effective tomorrow, we're announcing we're breaking up. Will will NOT announce that we've broken up over three weeks ago--"

"Three weeks and three days," Mandy interrupted.

"Three weeks and three days ago," Carl finished. "Damn well time Rhonda and I go out without worrying someone's gonna see us and think I'm cheating on you.". He took a deep breath. "Still think scamming everyone is bogus."

"Hey, it's over now. I didn't want to either," Mandy said, "but you heard Rhonda. Rick wouldn't ask out his best friend's former girlfriend unless...well..."

"Unless," Carl said, now finishing her sentence, "he got to see her tied up in person, and tied by his own hands. Yeah, I heard her, I was there."

Carl pulled up to Mandy's house. He saw her mother, Mrs. Carter, outside, watering her garden. He noticed she was wearing a short sleeved red dress, tan hose, and flat shoes. "Hey, isn't hose kinda hot for today? Wonder why she has that on."

"She just likes looking nice," Mandy quickly said. She opened her car door, but was stopped by Carl, who took her arm. "Mandy..."

Mandy swallowed hard. "Has he changed his mind?," she thought to herself. "We can't get back together!"

"Yes?," she asked softly.

"Your mom might think it's not too hot for pantyhose, but you're wearing tights and a leotard, she's gonna want answers."

Mandy laughed, relieved. "I'll tell her I was at aerobics. It'll be fine." She got our of the car, and closed the door. "Hey," Carl called out to her, "Remember, we announce tomorrow. And then I get to see Rhonda in public at last." Mandy smiled, and saluted. "Yes, Sir!' Carl shook his head, but also was smiling, as he pulled the car aout of the Carter driveway.

Mandy walked towards the house. "Hey, Mom," she said, nearing her mother. "Carl thinks you look nice. And mentioned hose on a hot day." Elaine Carter straightened up. "And you told him what, exactly.?" Mandy gave her a smirk. "Only that you like to look nice." She folded her arms. "Dad coming home early?"
"Early enough," Elaine replied. "So, yes, you should go change and scoot off to work. And please don't move the ropes where I know you'll see them in living room. They're there for a reason!" Mandy smiled, and went inside.

At his house, Rick was wondering, if Carl and Mandy did split up, would Carl end their friendship if he asked Mandy out? A smile slowly crept across his face. "If I can set up Carl with Rhonda..." he thought to himself. "Damn, I'm sneaky," he thought happily.

The End (of this story!)
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by herdfaninrva »

Great story as usual!
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Post by Mask6190 »

Wonderful story! I enjoyed the interaction between Mandy and Rick :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

Mask6190 wrote: 4 years ago Wonderful story! I enjoyed the interaction between Mandy and Rick :D
Me too! Very well written Dialogues. The reader is able to see in the heads of Mandy and Rick. Very fine!
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Post by Emma »

Don and I thank you, [mention]herdfaninrva[/mention] , [mention]Mask6190[/mention] and [mention]Caesar73[/mention] for the nice words! We're glad you enjoyed the interaction between them :)
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:
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Post by damsel »

Very cool story! Really like how clever and sneaky Mandy is :P

More please!
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story! Easily one of his best! That Mandy is quite a character :p though it is a shame she wasn’t gagged. A terrible shame! ;)
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Post by Amm1973es »

A beautiful story, the only negative part that I find is that sometimes it becomes difficult to understand in some parts if it is a dialogue or not.
I am a man with the role of Rope top/Rigger, I have been attacked by the Tugs since I was a child. Both without sexual components, and with them within my limits.
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Post by damsel »

I think a sequel is now called for
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Post by Deleted User 2217 »

Excellent story! Good characters.
I hope there's a sequel?
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Just found this! Brilliant! Love Mandy and the family!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
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