The Drugstore - CYOA tease

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zerg rush
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The Drugstore - CYOA tease

Post by zerg rush »

Hi everyone.

I noticed a lack of CYOA style stories/games here, so I thought I'd have a go. It's been a lot of work, and there's still a lot of work to go, but I thought I'd give you 3 chapters as a tease. I can't give a date on when it will be done, but it's taken me over 10 hours to get this far, and I reckon it will take at least that again to finish it.

It will be hard. For any Fighting Fantasy nerds (of which I am one) think House of Horrors difficult. With far less chapters because the software I'm using only goes to 100 sections. For non Fighting Fantasy nerds, that means one true path through, and deviation from it WILL lead to a bad ending. If you've played any Steve Jackson (UK) gamebooks, there will be other surprises you recognise as well. If you've never heard of him, to say much more on the subject could ruin the fun!

I removed the choices and the chapter numbers from my preview. No point putting them here now.


Your family runs an independent drugs store, and has done for generations. When your ancestor founded it, it was in a nice area. However, times change. Now it lies just outside the city. Those that have been priced out of the city are homeless, destitute, and have numerous addictions. Being close to the doctor used to be a good thing, but now this means people addicted to drugs get them from your store, with a prescription.

It's been a long summers day, and you and your mom are the only two people in the store. It's coming up to closing time. A man enters the store. He is obviously a junkie of some kind. He is unwashed, unshaven, and his clothes are dirty and frayed. He is swaying slightly.


You decide to stay put for now. You watch as he puts what he can in his pockets.

He moves towards the back end of the store.


Looking at a pair of sweaty bare feet was not what he wanted to see; he was after gagging material. He searches the store for something suitable. You see him return with a large bag of cotton wool. He opens it and tears a huge chunk off, the size of a volleyball.

He slowly pulls the tape off your mouth. It stings. You stretch your jaw and lick your lips. They feel all tingly. He pinches your nose shut, and you open your mouth in surprise. He begins the ardous task to cramming a ludicrously huge amount of cotton wool in your mouth. He stuffs your left cheek with the soft white material, making it bulge. Your right cheek is packed in the same way. He slowly but forcefully crams the rest of the cotton wool in your mouth. Your mouth is completely full, but only half of the cotton wool has made it's way inside your mouth.With 3 fingers, he compresses and compacts the cotton wool in your mouth, making space for more of it. He carries on stuffing your mouth. Whenever he runs out of room, he squashes the cotton wool already in your mouth to free up more space. After the 4th time of compressing the cotton wool, he can compress it no more. Your mouth is completely packed solid with cotton wool. It's been squashed so much it is now the size of 2 fists next to each other. Your mouth is forced wide open, with your cheeks ballooning like a fat chipmunk. The cotton wall protrudes an inch from your lips. It tickles the back of your throat, making you gag and wretch. It absorbs all the moisture and saliva in your mouth., making it feel drier than the Chilean desert. Your mom looks at you in horror and disbelief at the amount of material crammed in your mouth.

The mass is packed so tightly you can't spit it out, or even dislodge it slightly. That doesn't stop the robber wrapping a whole roll of 3 inch wide Porotape over your mouth to keep it in place. You lose count after 100 layers. The bottom of your nose to the bottom of your chin are covered in a thick layer of brilliant white. He winds the tape so tightly the amount of cotton wool not completely in your mouth is forced inside. Your cheeks narrow from the brutality of the tape. With less room for the cotton wool, it can ony go to the back of your throat. The tickling is now constant, and you fight to keep your gag reflex under control. The tape is so tight you can't close your bottom eyelids.

He follows the tape with a roll of gauze. This is completely over the top! Your enormously thick tape gag is reinforced with well over 120 layers of the cream bandage. It's slightly looser than the tape, but to be tighter than the tape on your mouth would defy the laws of physics. 40 minutes after he pulled the strip of tape off your mouth, he completes your new improved gag.

You are desperate for a drink. All the moisture the cotton wool absorbs makes it larger. You are already struggling not to wretch. You hope someone finds you soon, before it expands to the extent it goes down your throat and chokes you.

To test out your gag, he drags your mom towards you by the ankles, and holds her dirty sweaty feet over your face. Such is the thickness of all the tape and gauze, her stinky soles rest on your gag, but the robber has to scrunch her toes to make them touch your nose!
With her toes scrunched, you inhale the fetid stench from under her toenails. Some of her toejam falls from there and goes up your nose. You cough and gag at the disgusting smell, but you hear almost nothing. Your horrifying gag has rendered you practically mute. The robber removes your mom's rancid feet from your face. A partial grimy, sweaty footprint spoils your prestine cream gag.

He looks at your moms nasty feet, and you see something click in his head.

"Wait, why are you taking off my socks? My mouth? But I've worn them all day and they're all sweaty and they're far too big to fi-mmmmpgffph!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good start! Do we learn what happened before? How Daughter and Mum are tied up?
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