A Lad in Distress (M/M) - Endless Plight - Complete - November 27th

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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Boundcurious[/mention] Watch out! Who knows what may happen if you say it three times in a row, aloud, while watching a mirror. You could end in a dark, damp cellar in inescapable bonds!
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Post by Boundcurious »

Oh goodness [mention]Bondwriter[/mention] now I’m both tempted and terrified!
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Boundcurious[/mention] Don't do it, or there will be less hits on the story on Sunday. I can't have readers disappear.
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Post by Boundcurious »

[mention]Bondwriter[/mention] - thank you for your honesty in why you suggest not doing it? haha
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Post by george_bound »

Hmmm, I'm liking that Zach's gonna find himself in lots of lots of predicaments... so far so good :)

And I didn't catch the title play on words at first but eventually did, it took me just a little longer than it should have, lol.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Boundcurious[/mention] You're welcome. Hit numbers are the measure of success.
[mention]george_bound[/mention] Will Zach eventually escape? He's a plucky young man, luck should come his way at some point.

Here is another chapter, then, showing Ted and Bill help Zach developing his acting skills.

Chapter 22 – Video Star

It was long before Zach had to submit to such indignity; having forgotten about the camera, he now focused on pleasing the two goons to avoid being punished. Being their bondage mannequin wasn’t too bad compared to the alternative scenarios they could put him into.

The two large cocks smelled of cum and precum that had marinated inside their nylon undies while the men toiled and sweated. The members were big, but not huge, and Zach managed to take them in his mouth. He engulfed Ted’s dick first and worked his glans with the tip of his tongue. He didn’t to go down on the shaft all the way, but Ted being horny, Zach’s warm mouth soon sent him to climax.

Zach had no choice. The men took turns kneeling beside him, ready to handgag in case he would utter a word and to prevent anything stupid like trying to bite their cocks. They thought it unlikely, but they’d had some bad experiences in the past.

Once done pleasuring Ted and Bill, Zach was given a snack. They shot close-ups of his face as he was fed a sandwich and had to drink apple juice from a baby bottle. Then the goons started gagging him anew, his eyes looking straight into the lens as they repeated the head mummification. They replaced the turns of tape around his head and the rubber swimming cap with Coban wrap. The constrictive effect was as stringent, if not more, than the athletic tape they’d used before.

“Well, boy, say goodbye to the camera. Your time’s up, and we’ll get you back into more regular clothing.”

“Mmmm! Mrgmmph! Mmmgn!”

The goons beamed; the whole project had gone so smoothly. Although they had planned, they hadn’t thought they could get such a cool video done so quickly. Zach was the proverbial golden goose; they could get excellent results from him if they were cautious. Considering all the days they would be on their own in the mansion while Shaun travelled east for a shooting, more exquisite scenarios to enact were in order.

The one they’d just played, once edited, would turn into a wonderful one-hour video. Back to the grind, then; they got Zach back into his Aladdin clothes before taking him back down to his cave, where Shaun expected to find him when he got back in a couple hours.

Zach ended up bound to his pillar again. Ted and Bill were kind enough to wrap him in a blanket, which meant he fell asleep in his dainty costume. He barely registered Shaun’s visit, late into the evening or maybe early in the morning. The bondage-crazy director uttered few words, but the weight of his gaze fell over his helpless shape.

“I see you’ve benefitted from Ted and Bill’s care. You seem less eager to escape, more reasonable even. I’ll let you catch more sleep. You will need the energy tomorrow to shoot more footage of my masterpiece. There are lots of ideas to pick from Aladdin to make great scenes for you to appear in all your bound and gagged glory!”

Zach was left in darkness and silence again, only to fall into a deep slumber full of dreams of captivity and distress. When he woke up, Bill was standing in front of him, his face a foot away from Zach’s.

“Wakey, wakey, sweet prince. We’re here to make you handsome this morning. Aren’t you glad?”

“Mmmmph!” Zach replied. He was genuinely upset to have Bill’s breath wake him up this way.

His muffled pleas only triggered more passion from his minders, who undertook the cleaning up, clothing, and binding session gleefully. They were used to Zach now, or maybe he was getting used to being handled by them. He was dressed to undergo some exercise in a gleaming kid-leather outfit that the three men loved. It wrapped the young captive tightly and got him to smell a stimulating scent once he would start sweating.

The navy blue shorts had a fine cut that enhanced Zach’s curves. Looking at himself in the mirror while the two goons got him into the outfit with more care than usual, he could see how good he looked. They’d bound him in ways that had been worth lots of workouts, stretching him and developing his muscular body. The tightness of the garments left no room for imagination, and his anatomy shone through.

Cuffs at knees, wrists, and elbows were the final touch. Zach’s chest stuck proudly forward.

His cock was semihard inside his Lycra bikini, which was underneath the wrapping shorts.

“You’re looking great, kid. It’s perfect you wave such a huge boner first thing in the morning.”


The two accomplices framed and grabbed him under the armpits.

“No fuss! Shaun’s waiting for you upstairs. We have to hurry!” Ted said, looking at his watch.

They marched on, and ten minutes later they were in the big library on the second floor. Shaun was sorting out items of various sizes on a small table. He turned towards them.

“You made it, finally. I woke up early to think about the scene. A workout is in order, first, to warm you up. You’re just hobbled, and your jersey and shorts look just great. To get you to exercise your calves and put up a worthy fetish show for me, Ted and Bill will get you in some adapted footwear.”

Shaun brandished a pair of boots. They seemed shapeless from a distance; the leather had a sheen that attracted the eye.

“More kid leather. Made to your measure. A deportment lesson is a great way to start the day, don’t you think?”

“Grmmm rphh!”

Ted and Bill took one each and kneeled at Zach’s feet.

“It’s not too clever to tell us to fuck off, kid.”


“Yes, if you aren’t nice, there’s no need for us to be either. Let’s make the lacing tight, Bill.”

Ted and Bill removed Zach’s slippers and pulled silk stockings that came just under his knees. The kid leather then slid effortlessly over his feet. Shaun helped out, holding Zach’s shoulders as his balance was compromised by the high heels. The boots were large enough but could be laced up front in a restrictive manner. No item made for Zach would be anything but highly confining.

The goons pulled on the laces from Zach’s ankles to his knees. They made sure that the tension from grommet to grommet was maximal; Ted and Bill were always conscious of their employer watching, and they didn’t disappoint.

The four-inch heels were a novelty. They felt strange to Zach. He saw in the large mirror how much it enhanced his ankles and calves—hardly manly, yet it still fitted his overall silhouette. His feet and lower legs were highly compressed within the footwear. Zach wondered how he would fare trying to walk in them.

“The lacing looks superb,” Shaun said, standing in front of their captive, with Ted and Bill tightening the knots at the top. “Now, will you help our young model take his first steps? Or maybe we should gag him with something that matches the boots and shorts?”

He barely had time to make the suggestion. Ted had already gotten a Gwen hood made of the same material and placed it over Zach’s already plugged and taped mouth. Ted took care of the lacing too. Zach couldn’t help but feel a rush of adrenaline the leather hood coming over his head. There was an opening for his eyes and nose, but as the tightening of the lace at the back went underway, Zach felt his head being slowly caged inside unrelenting leather.

“This really ties the whole outfit together.” Ted chuckled.

Zach wailed inside the tight gag, which brought only mockery from the men.


“If you say so! Now, let’s get you started.”

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Post by Boundcurious »

Bondwriter wrote: 2 years ago @Boundcurious You're welcome. Hit numbers are the measure of success.
Oh I know. Not something I've ever had much success with.

I particularly enjoyed the one-sided conversations. I could almost hear them :D
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Post by Jb99 »

Is Zach being lined up for Princess Jasmine's role as well?

Another great chapter, shame there's only 2 more to go!
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Boundcurious[/mention] Glad Ted and Bill entertained you.
[mention]Jb99[/mention] Not to worry, it's 10 chapters for this story, and the sequel is on its way, its first ten chapters already written. So, Zach's adventures will continue.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 23 – Escape from the Library

With his two dreadful captors at his sides, Zach had to move forward taking little steps. He didn’t want to give them the pleasure of assisting him, so he was extremely cautious. He was in decent shape to handle this; plus, he enjoyed exercise. There was something fascinating about the way the gleaming kid leather looked. And the hood did make the whole ensemble kinky.

Shaun relished the show. From behind, the motions of Zach’s legs grew more assured. His calves perched on top of his heels were appetizing.

“Alright, boy, you’re doing great. You really are a natural, Abooboo. Let’s go on, then.”

After half an hour being accompanied by the trio in his wandering around the large room, Shaun called his goons off.

“Take five big turns around the library while I discuss technical issues with Ted and Bill.”

Shaun quickly showed Zach the course he was to follow. His walking resumed. The trio gathered around a large desk at the back of the room, close to the window, in what was arranged as a lounge. Zach had to go around shelves, getting him out of sight of his captors. During his first ‘lap,’ the men were busy looking at some storyboard, from what he could get from afar.

Right at the beginning of his second lap, Zach noticed a door at the back of the room. When he couldn’t be seen, he turned the doorknob. It was a wonderful opportunity to escape and a mistake that would cost Shaun dearly.

He did another lap to make sure the men were really engrossed in their job. Another look at the exit revealed it led inside a hall, but it could be a dead end. He passed the group some six or seven minutes later; they were still as absorbed in their task. Zach figured he could go unnoticed for a while. The high heels didn’t make an escape easy, but the relatively long hobble at his knees compensated for that inconvenience.

He had left the door ajar and slid inside the dimly lit hall, closing it slowly and softly behind him. There was a spiral staircase at the end of the narrow hall. He slowly took the first step down, holding the rail with his wrists, twisting around to ensure he wouldn’t fall.

He made it to the bottom of the stone staircase safe. Another hall opened in front of him. At the end, a door with a glass panel let daylight in. Zach rushed to it. Of course, he was slow, but the effort, the heat, and the heavy sweat made his move a feat.

The key was in the lock! He turned it with his back to the door; as it opened, air from outside rushed over his body. Freedom!

He recognized the back of the manor, not too far from the kitchen. From his previous exploration, he had spotted a small wooded area over the moors—a good place to find cover until he could attempt a getaway more successful than his previous one.

He looked around, making sure his foes weren’t watching. He started over the gravel path leading to the moors. This was really difficult with such shoes, and Zach had to use all his muscles and strength to prevent a fall. He was in sight of the coppice when Ted and Bill appeared from behind the last of the giant rocks he was walking between.


Zach was awestruck. How did they manage to be there so fast?

“Hello, Abooboo! You must have thought you were very clever?”

Ted’s wide smile didn’t convey anger; he was amused by the prank they’d just pulled on Zach.

“Shaun, of course, left all those doors open. And we have a new secret passage with an exit right behind the boulder over there.”

The two fiends had caught up with Zach. They grabbed his arms and turned him around, leading him to where they’d come from. His high heels and hobbles made resisting vain, and he was soon facing the entrance to the subterranean pathway.

“I’m afraid you don’t appreciate how much effort and care we spent on you. This is very ungrateful of you.”


Zach’s wail of despair echoed across the deep rocky bowel they were getting into. After climbing down a flight of high steps carved into the granite, they got to a tunnel; Bill opened the way, and Ted was on Zach’s heels to prevent a fall or an escape attempt. Their presence would deter both.

Zach was busy keeping his balance and following the commands about not dawdling. They reached a new set of spiralling stairs climbing up. Bill pressed on a button at his left and a curved panel slid open. They were in the middle of the hallway leading to the library. Zach had no awareness of this secret passage; a few steps were enough to get him back into the room where Shaun waited filing his nails.

“You found him, then. I knew he didn’t get lost. But there will be time for plenty of punishment later. We still have some filmmaking to do—some preparation, at least.”

Ted and Bill had set Zach standing in front of the desk behind which Shaun was lazily resting.

“Your outfit is a masterpiece. Expensive, but no regrets at all. I want to shoot this parade with Aladdin trying to play Prince Abwabwa. Thanks to the magic of video editing, you will play all the characters and the whole parade. You’ll just wear different kinky outfits I’m looking forward to choosing for you. This fine kid leather should be on film for future generations. After your practice walk, you’re going to be filmed pulled by a leash by our fine guards.”

Shaun had a clear idea of how to best shoot such a scene. He first walked around the pair, with Bill starting to march the captive. The director and videographer focused on Zach’s face and the tight grip of the leather hood that imprisoned his head. His eyes really bulged and looked pitiful due to the pressure and the heavy mass compressed inside his mouth.

“Mmmmblllmmmm …”

“You don’t sound happy. Well, the more moans, the better our audience will like it, so please go on.”

Zach’s pled for mercy after over an hour of strenuous walking, his every move recorded in high-definition video. The material made for an amazing small feature that could stand just on its own. Ted and Bill marched Zach and had him perform a demonstration of his deportment skills.

His feet hurt, and his leg muscles felt like stiff cardboard. Shaun relentlessly prodded Zach into taking daintier steps or acting like a more helpless captive. The whole trio cheered at his progression, Ted and Bill lacking no stamina when it came to having Zach on a leash.

His shapes and curves were enhanced wonderfully by the thin layer of animal hide. He felt stiff, but his efforts yielded the sexiest of results in Shaun’s viewfinder. Zach was now flexible enough to play the part perfectly, wriggling in the gleaming outfit wrapped around him.

Ted and Bill goaded him with lots of advice; most of it would sound great in the soundtrack. So would Zach’s relentless replies, his heavily muffled attempts at getting their attention and mercy.

“Well, I’ve got his costume from all angles and more! I think you two won’t be needed anymore, ” Shaun said, looking at Ted and Bill. He pointed to Zach, standing precariously between them.

“Our young friend and I need a private moment. He’ll get back inside his Cave in due time.”

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Post by Boundcurious »

Poor lad!
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Post by Jb99 »

Zach's turning into more of a object that can be whatever Shaun wants him to be.....

Wonder what's happened to Zach's companion in captivity?

Another great chapter!
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Boundcurious[/mention] Thanks for the empathy.
[mention]Jb99[/mention] Not to worry, Marty and Sean are well taken care of!

Thanks again for the comments, they make posting rewarding.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 24 – In the Depths of the Manor

Shaun’s feral smile displayed his canine teeth. His goons knew better than to mess around with him when he was in this state. They looked at Zach with regret for not having all their fun with him while they could. They would have to find solace in handling Marty or the other captives within the mansion.

They left nonchalantly after wishing Zach a pleasant night.

“We a matter have to settle,” Shaun said as he approached Zach.

The director went around Zach and grabbed his waist with the right hand while laying the left one on his shoulder, pulling Zach against him.

“Why do you have to try and escape, Abooboo? You can’t help it, can you. How many times should I let you try? I’m at my wits’ end with you. I think the special features of the Cave of Wonders will have to be exposed to you sooner than I planned.”

He grabbed Zach’s leash and dragged the helpless boy across the hallway. Zach was grateful they used the elevator to get back to one of the lower floors.

They were soon back into the place that featured the marketplace set. Shaun pulled his prisoner to the corner with the jail setup. He pushed on a remote control’s switch, and a deep click was followed by a perfectly concealed door opening within the wall.

“You thought you’d seen it all around here, huh? This was one of the first fixtures I had built. Entrances and exits need to be planned very early on …”

A wide hallway with wood panelling on the walls appeared. Small light bulbs adorned all the length, so it was not dark. Shaun tugged on his charge’s leash; Zach’s heels tapped loudly on the wood floor.

“This is the second level. The doors to our right are entrances and exits to the maze behind these walls. You will get to know the maze later on. We can play many games in there. We’ll restrain you lightly and give you a lead before we start chasing you. Every time the chasers catch you, they add to your bondage and put you at another point in the maze. It’s a game Ted and Bill can’t seem to get tired of, by the way.”

At the end of the hall, Shaun opened another door. He had a panel slide out.

“And last, a place you will discover real soon, the Cave’s Dungeon!”

Shaun must have pressed another button. A soft glow from above turned into a warm, yellow light that illuminated what looked like a cave. The light grew as if the sun was rising. Being used to theatre or even live-action stages, Zach could tell Shaun’s place had been equipped professionally.

But it wasn’t the mastery of the lighting system that flabbergasted Zach the most. Rather, it was the range of gear: cages, racks, trolleys and carts, wheelchairs—this place could host tens of people (young men, if he had an accurate opinion on Shaun’s tastes).

Zach followed Shaun down a staircase that got them closer to some sort of torture museum exhibits.

“Here, my little birdie, we have all sorts of stuff to make sure you don’t unfold your wings and try to get away from your master Shaun. Look at the gibbet cage. It’s a hassle to fit someone inside, but once done it’s a delightful way to keep people. You’ve tried one before, so I won’t bother with it.”

Shaun’s eye was getting dark.

“No, I want to make sure you stay where I want you to stay. Here is some news you may not like, Zach. You haven’t had enough training to play the part. You need to be made more helpless; I’m starting to realize you need to feel real sorrow.”

After passing stocks, a large cross, and a torture rack, Shaun reached the back of the cave.

“We’re deep inside the mansion. I have a storage facility here that can turn the most adventurous escapists into the tamest of pets.”

They were facing an iron door. It was the gate to a prison cell, no doubt. Shaun needed a key to open it. He flung the door open, revealing a large armchair with tubes and wires.

“The latest in high tech when it comes to restraining Houdini wannabes for good! Cooperate, if you don’t want this to be more unpleasant than it should be.”

Zach was exhausted, and his limbs didn’t have enough strength to fight Shaun. The contraption was similar to the crates they’d transported him in. He realized, as his leather outfit was removed and he was made to sit on the chair, that the tubes were meant to go inside him—to collect his waste.

Once in the nude, Zach had a plug at the end of a tube stuck up his bottom. Straps made it water-tight. A rubber codpiece was slapped onto his crotch and kept there by straps around his waist and thighs, much like a jockstrap.

“This is better than a diaper, Abooboo. Right behind the wall is a marvel of technology that will feed you and rid you of your pee and poo without any need for human intervention for up to three weeks straight.”

Shaun used wide leather straps with steel buckles to keep Zach’s arms pinned to the armrests and his legs to large footrests. No motion was possible, but the straps didn’t exert too much pressure over his limbs.

The chair was a sturdy piece of engineering, Zach soon realized. It stretched automatically, subtly changing the position of the wearer and thus providing some motion for muscles, preventing atrophy during long stays.

“You’re the first one I get in here to keep for more than seventy-two hours. I’m not sure how you will do, but you’re not going to give your opinion, so it doesn’t really matter. The last thing, the feeding tubes …”

Shaun removed Zach’s Gwen hood and then applied the contraption’s large mask and its clever appendix. The rubber bulb slid inside Zach’s mouth after some fighting, but by now Shaun knew all the pressure points to get Zach to open his jaws. It fit snugly.

“Let’s do a demonstration. I’m triggering the feeding cycle. See?”

Machinery noise echoed behind the wall, and some bland and vaguely sweetened mush started dripping inside Zach’s mouth. The lad gulped and started sucking. He swallowed it. Considering he was hungry, it didn’t taste bad. A sip of water was then pumped through the gag, which Zach appreciated. Being rid of his boots and sitting somewhat comfortably inside the large armchair, he felt relief. There was more mush fed to him and more liquid.

“This state-of-the-art equipment is programmed to deliver meals at random intervals. You’ll get enough calories for the day, but don’t count on these feeding moments to track time. Oh, the feeding cycle is over. The muzzle is coming.”

After more pumping and rattling, Zach felt the bulb inside his mouth inflating. The shape unfolded inside his mouth, filling his cheeks so they’d bulge.

“I won’t have time to stay until the enema cycle kicks in, but I trust you’ll enjoy it!”

With a snarl, Shaun closed the door to this large closet. Zach sat still. The light switched off, and he was left alone in the dark. Zach braced himself for the long stay.

Shaun climbed back to the library. He made a quick call asking Bill to bring him Marty for a relaxing evening.

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Post by Jb99 »

Great chapter again - bondage is getting darker, I wonder if Zach will learn his lesson? Looking forward to seeing how long he'll be left in isolation
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Post by privateandrews »

such a great story. The poor lad has no hope , love all the different bondage and realy love the gags. more more more please.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]privateandrews[/mention]
Thanks for commenting, and I can't answer Private Andrews' comment without spoiling the story! Find out on Sunday.
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Post by Bondwriter »

Chapter 25 – Side Project

Fifteen minutes later, Marty was at the director’s feet trussed up properly, his ears plugged. Ted and Bill waited for Shaun’s set of instructions. He was to leave for Toronto to shoot a TV series, and as was customary when he left for more than two days, they held a meeting to make sure everything was tended to.

As for Zach, being thoroughly restrained and hooked to a machine that fed him and rid him of his waste was a new experience. It wasn’t necessarily more unpleasant than being the toy of lecherous men. The slight motions did make for a more bearable stay. Nevertheless, disorientation was total. Zach had quickly lost track of time.

The light that shone inside his cell came from a mild light bulb in the other room, but it seemed as bright as several suns when the door was pushed ajar.

“Hey, Abooboo. It’s us. We’ve come to see everything’s fine,” Ted said.

Zach wondered what plans the fiend had for him. He didn’t have to wait for long, as Bill, who tagged along, was always willing to spill the beans.

“We’ll take you upstairs and have another filmmaking day! Our site members can’t wait for more adventures!”

Zach wondered if it wouldn’t be better to just stay where he was. He was released from the crate carefully, cleaned up with wet wipes, and hobbled to be taken back upstairs, to his quarters, a rubber plug on a strap silencing him.

When they reached the large room, Shaun wasn’t waiting for them, but three cameras, a chair, and a table full of rope and supplies were.

“We got a request for a video focused on how we gag you. This fan would love to see you gagged many different ways so he can hear the differences. It beats spending your day bound to Shaun chair, doesn’t it?” Bill gloated.

“You can’t say we don’t entertain you,” Ted added. “And you’ll entertain our client for sure. This man makes producing an extra gagging video worthwhile.”

The duo wasted no time. They dressed Zach up in sports gear and trussed him up to the chair.

“We’ve used only eighteen coils, Abooboo.”


Ted set the cameras closer to their subject. He motioned to his accomplice when it was ready. They grabbed the accessories needed to start shooting.

“Rolling,” Ted said, checking the viewfinders one last time.

He moved to get his hands in the frame along with Bill’s. They slid smooth kid leather gloves on. Zach watched, mesmerized by the fingers’ reflections.

“Our friend is being too loud. Maybe the gag he got isn’t enough.”

“You’re right, Bill. It’s time for an experiment: how to best shut the whiner up.”

“We’ll start cramming his gob with fabric.”

“Scarves and hankies.”

Bill showed them to Zach, one by one, while Ted handgagged him over the plug gag. Zach felt the buckle loosened at the nape of his neck, but the hand was relentless.

“We’ve planned to keep you our prisoner, but it’s out of the question someone else in the mansion finds out,” Ted whispered in Zach’s ear and into the microphones—he was trained to deliver his lines well.

They made a great show out of having Zach comply to make no noise when they changed the stuffing. Zach knew his lesson, displaying a stunned face when the two rolled pieces of silk slid between his lips.

“Nice scarves we’ve used many times. Enjoy!” Bill said, applying his gloved hand to keep the soiled material in.

“The client asked for a Nautilus. It’s painful after a while, but it shouldn’t last—if you cooperate, that is.”

Ted had a roll of tape less than an inch wide. Bill pinched Zach’s mouth, bringing its corners together with his thumb and middle finger. His accomplice stuck them together and wound three turns of thin tape around his head, making a harelip.

It was soon concealed by the wide surgical tape, the stretchy, hypersticky one. An arm’s length went around his head.

For the next ten minutes, Zach had to read text to the camera. The crushing gag made all his deliveries the same, but Ted and Bill paid close attention to the output.

“OK, it doesn’t work, Bill,” Ted said abruptly, switching the cameras off. “We should have him practice more. He doesn’t put enough emotion into it.”

Zach looked with fearful eyes. He was trying!


“I’m tempted to have another go. I’m a bit soft, maybe. Let’s go over your lines again: ‘My name is Zach and I’m kept bound and gagged because it is the only way to have me quiet.’ Of course, this one is informative, but the next one demands more effort: ‘Please, Sir, let me go! And if you don’t, take this horrible gag off, I promise I won’t call out for help!’ This line you should be able to act out. With worried, frightened eyes.”

Ted coached for another ten minutes before he got the cameras rolling again. Ted kept off-screen, but he traded looks with his trainee, mouthing the words and mimicking the acting.

Bill required the actor to start over twice, but Ted assisted their performer all the way through the half hour it took to have Zach ‘speak’ his silly lines.

“We’ve got a good recording in the can, finally,” Bill acknowledged.

“This means he’ll be glad what comes next,” Ted smiled. “What if there was someone just behind the door?”

The burly man’s gloved fingers folded a black silk scarf into a bandage. Ted then moved behind his victim and laid out the middle of the scarf over Zach’s taped lips, making sure the silk touched his nose.

He mastered the scarf-tightening. The silk adapted to the face’s contours, getting it into a grip.

“Wow,” Ted exclaimed. “This is spiffier. One way to limit the noise is to hamper his nose. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to breathe.”

Bill had the white hood ready. Made up of three thin layers of silk, it was cut to Zach’s skull measurements. It had no hole. Zach looked reluctant, so both accomplices collaborated. The triple layer of fabric slid easily over Zach’s head. There was space for the stuff already underneath, and though the fabric clung to his face when he drew air in, it inflated when he expired.

“See, you get air.”

“Not much, so don’t waste it on useless noises.”

Zach took in long, slow breaths. The layers were thin; air could flow, but it required effort.

“Getting used to it?” he heard Bill ask a moment later. “You’ve got to say ‘Please, Ted, free me, I can’t stand these bonds and this big gag anymore!’ a few times, with a convincing tone. The extra silk won’t make it easier, but I’m sure Shaun will like you even more if you ace these scenes.”

Zach tried to be as loud and expressive as possible. Ted had him start over, giving directions like ‘more scared,’ ‘more mad,’ or ‘less scared.’ Zach’s ears being covered, the sentences sounded strange, and so did the sounds he emitted.

The game lasted for a while until Ted agreed that at least one of the takes was good.

“Not done,” Bill said loudly. “Now you’ll say ‘Bill, this is unbearable, I’m bound and gagged much too tight.’ Don’t be half-hearted; I’m more demanding than Ted. Let me get it done.”

Zach felt long, wide strips plastered over his lower face in an X. Then came their usual trick when adding silk over silk to prevent it from sliding down: a loop of tape. A band of dark silk then swathed his lower face, concealing the white hood. Bill tightened it slowly, pulling the silk closer and tighter against his nostrils.

Zach protested, only to hear Bill scold him.

“I didn’t tell you to start the scene, did I?”

“Mrrmmmmmff …”

“You’re feisty. Put the same energy into your scene!”

It went on for what seemed to be an eternity to Zach. He could barely breathe and had to repeat the same dumb line with the second-rate coach goading him throughout.

At last, Bill let him rest, only to have Ted take over.

“Our client wants one last shoot, the Easter egg!”

Zach felt the middle of a scarf cup his chin. Ted pulled and tightened the pliable fabric so it would imprison and lock Zach’s jaws.

“It doesn’t block your nose, so you’ll get to act really scared. Say ‘Have mercy, Ted, remove this hood and all these scarves you’ve used to gag me.’ I want conviction, and I’ve got all the time in the world.”

Ted and Bill were almost scarier apprentice directors than captors.

“Mrggmmm! Grmm … Rmmmmgrmmmbmmmmmm!”

Zach felt like fainting, but Ted had him repeat his line several times. Eventually, he got what he wanted.

“You did OK, but we wish you could be good on the first take. It would save us time and trouble,” Ted commented.

“We’ll leave you on your own for a short while. The camera’s still on, so you can struggle if it makes you happy. The client will certainly love it.”

The door slammed shut, and the blind and dumb captive focused on getting his breath back. He got his thoughts back and felt for knots: they were tight and out of reach.

The key in the barrel woke Zach up; the tight hood was a bad surprise, and he got agitated.

Ted and Bill laughed, but they removed the layers one by one.

“Someone is happy to see us,” Ted said, pulling the hood off Zach’s head, his eyelids fluttering. He nodded heavily, glad to breathe normally again.

“It took us longer than planned, Abooboo. Glad you didn’t croak on us. Let’s get you back to your cell.”

The move downstairs was predictable. Half an hour later, Zach sat on his throne strapped, plugged, and gagged, having to endure Ted’s and Bill’s scatological jokes. They made a second pass on the buckles to warrant their effectiveness and wished him good night.

Left in the care of a programmed system, Zach felt despair. His life was one of total helplessness, with maniacs using him for their sadistic purposes. The feeding system gave him food and drink; when nourished, the hygiene procedure got him to feel better and relax somewhat. The liquid pumped into his colon was filled with narcotics; he managed to sleep that night.

In the dark, with drugs changing his mood and sleep patterns, time lost its meaning to Zach. He was glad when he heard the metallic noise coming from the door.

Ted and Bill entered without saying a word. They stopped in front of him, a smirk on their faces.

“Good morning,” Ted eventually greeted him. “You’re up for a busy day. I’m sure you’ll enjoy some action!”

Zach wondered whether he would like what they had to offer; he let them run through their routine without causing any trouble. One hour later, he was relieved, watered, fed, and dressed up in a fancy costume—a clean one, its silk gleaming from the pressing.

“You’re very elegant, Abooboo,” Bill praised, kneading Zach’s silk-clad behind. “Shaun should like it.”

Cuffed, hobbled, and muzzled, he was dragged to the Cave.

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Post by Jb99 »

Interested to see what happens to Marty - after all, Zach has come along and it seems that he's been relegated.

Will Shaun find someone more to his liking than Zach?

Will Bill and Ted be caught moonlighting - will their client actually turn out to be Shaun?

Have to wait another week I guess
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Post by Boundcurious »

I echo all of [mention]Jb99[/mention]’s questions!
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Jb99[/mention] [mention]Boundcurious[/mention] Less than 24 hours to get partial answers to your questions!
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Post by Bondwriter »

Here is the continuation!

Chapter 26 – Another Sidekick

“You’re going to have friends to play with today,” Ted whispered in Zach’s ear as they crossed the threshold.

Zach spotted a shape bound to the pillar; it couldn’t be Marty, who was strapped to a wheelchair next to it. Wrapped in dark green silk satin and trussed up in white rope, the new prisoner displayed green eyes and a strand of red hair.

“Let’s get you acquainted with our apprentice,” Bill said, tugging on Zach’s leash and forcing him on his knees in front of the bound shape. His nose was an inch from the man’s crotch.

“You’ve seen him already,” Ted explained. “His name is Sean, and while Shaun is away, we’re giving him his first acting lesson. You see, this young man came for a weekend but decided to stay and work here and do the same job you do.”

“For his first role, he’s going to stay there as a prop to make you and Marty look good. We have another request from our clients to have you frolic with him. I’m sure you’re happy!”

Zach gave a faint nod; he wouldn’t rejoice until the thugs told him what the ‘frolicking’ implied.

It was more of the same: being posed in tight Lycra and trussed up in various positions, but with Marty. And making sure one of the young men’s genitals always rubbed against the other’s soft spots. They even filmed a scene facing each other, their rods touching, free of a chastity cage, and eager to spurt out juice.

They endured the sneers from their tormenting duo.

“Grind your hips! Get your behinds rolling!”

The two protagonists grunted and complied as they could.

“In the can! I think it’s good enough, but we’ll give it another go with our third actor somewhat more active.”

Ted went to Sean and unknotted a ribbon that crossed his lower face and pinned his head to the pillar.

“You’ll have to move you head and make noise, young man. Show you’re agitated and frustrated by not being able to share your friends’ erotic activities,” the man explained.

For the scene, Zach knelt in front of Marty and had to masturbate his fellow-prisoner with his hands cuffed in front until Marty copiously creamed his swimsuit, which made Ted and Bill happy. Sean rolled his head and pled through his thick gag, which made for a great background.

“Cut!” Ted announced. “You’ve done well, boys. To reward you for your efforts and obedience, you will get a small break and entertainment: you’ll be our help today—we ourselves don’t feel like cooking or cleaning.”

Bill brought the straps, chains, and padlocks needed to restrain their waiters. Zach noticed how careful the goons were with Sean, tightening cuffs at his joints and linking them with chains before they removed the existing bonds.

Bill led the party with Ted behind. They climbed a flight of stairs and got to a large kitchen featuring a comfortable dining space. Ted and Bill leisurely lay down in armchairs and gave instructions. The three prisoners traded glances when turning their back to their foes, but no one had figured how to fight the goons and use the opportunity to escape. They focused on cooking, table dressing, and attending to the two ‘guests.’

“Aren’t you having a great time?” Ted asked Sean, who filled his glass with lemonade. “We’re nicer than Shaun. We don’t keep you bound all day long.”

“Just restrained a little,” Bill added. “No cramps, and you may exercise these fine bodies of yours,” he said, kneading Marty’s satin-clad bottom as the lad walked within his reach.

The prisoners spent the whole afternoon in the room, standing at attention when not needed by the goons; Zach suspected they were asked to face the wall so the duo could ogle their shiny bums.

Ted had a handheld video camera to record the three waiters toiling.

“You’re hard at work, and the chains and gags make you look real sexy.”

Despite plenty of lecherous remarks and feeling demeaned for waiting on these men, time went by faster for the boys than when they were locked up in a cell, all by themselves.

“It’s getting late … we wouldn’t want you to miss your bedtime,” Ted said, triggering the move to get the captives back into storage.

Zach learned the two other boys were kept on the same floor as the Cave. He was last to get back to his room, strapped to the chair and linked to the feeding and cleaning machine.

“Sleep tight, Abooboo. Shaun might be back tomorrow. If he is, you’ll have to put on a great performance, and we know a rested and relaxed actor does a better job.”

The duo checked twice that the straps held and that the tubes were plugged correctly—none of them felt like cleaning up a mess—before they exited, switching the light off. Immobilized and kept silent, Zach didn’t feel like sleeping yet; he wondered about Sean. Was he a willing guest, or had he been abducted too? He could be an extra ally to flee this madhouse.

Zach’s mind was occupied with the map of the manor. He had developed a knowledge of the location, knew of some of its secret passages, and he could use this experience to design and enact an escape plan. He had to communicate with his fellow-prisoners, even in a minimal way, so they could be associated to his scheme. One of them had to contact the outside world, and three runaways would put the odds in their favor. His mind reeling with escape plans, Zach drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the blinding light accompanied by Ted’s booming voice woke him up.

“Rise and shine, Abooboo! We have another great modelling gig for you today. Aren’t we the kindest?”

The two guards merrily handled their charge. An hour later, cleaned, fed, and dressed, Zach was prodded into the Cave wearing a blue silk waistcoat and red Speedos. Sean and Marty were strapped in wheelchairs, waiting for them.

“How are you, boys? Had a nice chat?” Bill asked, pointing to the glimmering mouth corsets both captives wore while he bound Zach’s legs. He got dark stares in return, which made him smile.

“Your acting partner is ready! We’ve got another request for a video, and since Shaun won’t be back until tomorrow, we may as well get it done now,” Ted explained. “The patron who likes your shiny asses would like to see them paddled. We’ll warm up your butts, then.”

Marty was first; he looked great in his tight nylon jersey and his navy blue Lycra swimwear. The filmmakers had brought a trestle, and they moved him to it from his chair. They folded him at the waist and bound his limbs to the trestle’s legs. The goons adjusted the ropes, raising his ankles and forcing him to be on tiptoe, which made his bottom look plumper.

The victim showed reluctant, but the men’s firm grip held, and his grunts didn’t prevent them from immobilizing him fully.

“You’re giving us a hard time, Marty, though we’ve proved nicer than TJ. We won’t feel bad reddening your ass!” Bill told him.

The goons set up three video cameras, adjusting them to get the three frames they wanted.

“We’ll do paddle, riding crop, and slipper, Marty, so brace yourself.”

The men took turns lashing out at Marty’s butt, working to get the best sounds from the fleshy behind and the various impediments they used on him. They would tip each other on the best angle and the best distance, and were only glad if the spanking sounds were followed by gagged cries of pain.

The audience watched in awe, knowing their turn would come. Ted and Bill were done torturing Marty’s derriere and watched Sean and Zach.

“Let’s spank the ginger next, though I’ve got an idea for an extra scene the client will love.”

They released Sean and had him stand. His Speedos were purple; Zach was mesmerized by the round, sexy lobes swathed in gleaming, elastic fabric.

“You’re hard, naughty boy,” Ted told Sean, feeling the prisoner’s package. “You’ll have the privilege of emptying your balls before we take care of your backside.”

His wrists were cuffed behind, and the two villains had no problem initiating contact between Sean’s throbbing boner and Marty’s navy blue buttocks. They took a step back and the cameras recorded Sean’s reaction: he ground his hips and wriggled, the swishing sound telling of contact between the two pairs of Speedos.

At first, Sean cast short grunts, which turned into moans as seconds went by. His body moved more and more frantically, and the sounds he made got longer and high-pitched until he orgasmed.

The poor lad had been denied sexual release for days, and lust had taken over. When he stood still and stopped shouting in his gag, Ted and Bill spun him around, displaying the wet and dripping pair of Speedos.

“A dirty little boy, isn’t he? How do we handle them, Bill?”

“We get medieval on their asses!”

The devious guards set to work. They found a surprise when they freed Marty from the trestle to make space for Sean.

“He’s squirted his load too!” Bill exclaimed.

“Marty, our little masochist,” Ted commented. “We need to find better ways to punish him, I guess.”

They strapped the humiliated twink back to his wheelchair before they set Sean in position over the trestle. As soon as blows started landing on the swimwear-clad butt, Zach became aroused, which made him feel guilty, but the squirming ass and the gagged moans made him hard.

Ted and Bill were happy with the scene, and they turned to their last victim.

“You’re up, Abooboo,” Bill said, releasing Zach’s hobbles at knees and ankles. “Do we go straight to the whipping?”

“We could have him rub against the ginger’s pert butt. It wouldn’t hurt to have more footage of our kinksters having fun.”

Bill prodded Zach forward until his swimwear made contact with Sean’s.

“It must be warm, right?”

Zach could feel the heat coming from the inflamed buttocks and Sean’s mounds rubbing through the Lycra. His dong grew, and when Bill kneaded his own butt, he ground his hips as expected.

Ted and Bill stood apart, taunting and coaxing their victims. Bill zoomed in on Zach’s butt to get the reflections over the fleshy behind; the gleam changed faster and faster until a gagged moan gave Zach’s orgasm away.

Bill grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face the camera so Ted could focus on the jizz squirting and seeping through the fabric, then dribbling over Zach’s thighs.

“And cut! Nice job, guys,” Ted praised. “Seeing you have fun makes me want to share the moment … ”

“Same here,” Bill replied. “We’ve got three mouths to choose from. I’ll take Abooboo to suck my cock!”

“Safe choice,” Ted agreed. “I’d love Sean’s mouth to cum in, but don’t worry, Marty, I feel horny enough that you might get a piece afterwards.”

His cellphone vibrated and he looked at the screen, frowning. He waved to Bill and fetched earplugs and blindfolds for all three captives, whom they made blind and deaf without an explanation.

“Shaun is back early,” Ted told his mate. “He just texted me he’d gone out the highway, so he should get here in a few minutes.”

“So, should we hide them?” Bill asked, pointing to the prisoners.

“We hardly have time. We’d better come clean; I’m sure Shaun will like the initiative.”

Ted’s confidence convinced his accomplice. The leader texted Shaun to greet him and let him know they were in the Cave of Wonders. He explained Bill what to tell Shaun about their endeavor.

The three prisoners squirmed and moaned, wondering what was going on. They couldn’t hear the men’s conspiring words, and they remained unaware of Shaun’s arrival fifteen minutes later.

“Welcome back, boss! How was the job?”

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Post by Boundcurious »

No rest for the poor lads!
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Pup Wingletang
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Finally managed to read another few chapters (just completed 11). I very much enjoyed Zach's introduction to Marty and they both seemed to enjoy it as well!

Loved the different variations on hanging storage the pair experience overnight in the cave of wonders. Love the tight bondage mixed with suspension. I'm looking forward to finding out what else is hidden within the newly constructed cave.

Really love the theatricality of the whole thing. Theatre automation is kind of my thing even getting the chance to play with a certain magic carpet!

I also enjoy the multiple near misses - so close to rescue but so far! Loving the guys current predicament - stored in boxes able to see what's going on but unable to call for help. Brilliant and can't wait to read more.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

All my M/M stories can be found HERE.
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Post by Bondwriter »

[mention]Boundcurious[/mention] Ted and Bill have projects that involve their guests, whom they don't leave idle. Not all of them at the same time, at least.
[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]Thanks for the detailed comments! I like the near-miss situation a lot too, and yes, being the helpless witness to what's going on without a chance to attract attention is a great kick.
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