The best human pilot in the galaxy (ILLUSTRATED) MM/M

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The best human pilot in the galaxy (ILLUSTRATED) MM/M

Post by Carnath »

Chapter 1

On a remote space station, in a dark and seedy bar, Jeff ‘Joker’ Moreau leans back in his chair, his left hand clasped around a tall glass cup of something bright pink. Tall, pale, with a close-trimmed beard, he wears a baseball cap, a black flight jacket with yellow and white piping from his shoulders running down his arms, a tight black shirt underneath, heavy black serge pants, and tall black boots laced up to the knee, his legs spread wide beneath the hexagonal table. He looks exactly like what he is: a hotshot pilot, one of the best pilots in the galaxy, though he’ll rarely admit to any other who can match him, and only with a grimace.

Beside him, Kaidan Alenko sits, dressed very similarly to his partner, in a blue flight jacket partly unzipped with blue piping, a blue shirt, heavy blue pants and black combat boots almost up to his knees, laced tightly. He takes a drink from his own glass, eyes scanning the room cautiously.

Joker hears a loud, arrogant voice, raised in a laugh from the far corner of the room, and his hand tightens around his glass in anger; he know that voice. The voice of the only pilot to ever beat him, humiliate him, on his first ever mission: Peter Quill.

Fresh out of the academy, the younger Joker was assigned the mission of interdicting a particular planet, but the showy smuggler slipped right by him, mocking him over comms the whole time.

When they met in person some time later, things did not improve; the smuggler taunted Joker, insulting his piloting skills and his career before escaping away right under Joker’s nose.

And so now, when Joker heard some intel on the rogue human, that he’s be here, out on the far edge of civilized space, working to set up a deal with a particular group of aliens, he leaped at the chance for both revenge and vindication, to capture the wanted outlaw and prove himself better. His partner, Kaidan, was all too happy to go along with it, so now they sit here in this seedy bar on the far edge of space, watching Peter Quill as he sits at a table with a group of aliens, laughing at his own jokes, acting just like the arrogant bore that he is.

A deal is struck, a bunch of currency changes hands, and then Peter Quill rises to his feet and walks across the bar, looking back, he raises his right hand in a wave, grinning his smug idiotic grin. Tall, with bright blonde hair and a collection of scraggly stubble, he wears a heavy brown flight jacket worn open, a dark heavy shirt beneath with a high collar. He wears a broad brown belt around her waist, clasped in the front with a wide buckle, a strange boxy piece of equipment handing from his belt. He wears thick spacer’s pants of a dark blue, alternating patches of material all in shades of blue being tucked into tall brown flexible boots, the heavy heels holding steady on the smooth floor.

Joker glances at Kaidan out of her corner of his eye, meeting the Biotic’s eyes with a meaningful glance. Kaidan nods his understanding, and Joker reachesinto his pockets, checking to make sure his ‘tools’ are ready: a roll of silvery tape, some rolled-up cloths - Kaidan looks down as he checks his own pockets to ensure the several sets of cuffs and shackles are ready.

Ready, the two of them watch as Peter Quill swaggers to the door, then out, and they jump to their feet, Kaidan dropping some bills and coins on the table, then they hurry out after their quarry.
Quill swaggers down the station’s broad thoroughfare, not paying any attention to behind him, clearly too self-obsessed to wonder about others, or to think that someone else might be following after him.

Joker and Kaidan follow him through the station crowds, easily keeping track of the swaggering pilot for his getup and appearance as he walks into some of the lesser-traveled portions of the station. The two pursuers drop back further and further as the crowds thin out - with fewer people around, they don’t need to be so close to keep track, and also it is better to keep inconspicuous as there are thinner crowds to hide in.

Whatever it is Quill is after, he soon moves into even darker portions of the station, where the crowds vanish entirely, leaving the three men walking alone through the silent station corridors.

Joker glances sidelong at Kaidan, who looks back. “We good?” Joker asks softly.

Kaidan throws a quick glance over his shoulder, then forward at Quill, who still swaggers on, apparently blissfully ignorant that anyone could possibly have it in for him. Kaidan allows himself a grin. “Yeah,” he says. “We’re good.”

Joker grins back. “Alright,” he says, reaching into his pockets and pulling out his ‘tools.’ Kaidan reaches down to his hip with his right hand, drawing a short black dangerous looking pistol in his hand; his left hand reaches into a pocket of his flight jacket and comes out with a pair of shackles.

The two men lengthen their strides, drawing closer and closer to Quill, ready to take their quarry.
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Oh, this is spectacular! I never even knew I wanted this, but yes, I did. A Mass Effect/Guardians of the Galaxy TUG-crossover? Count me in! I am very, very interested to see where this is going! And yes, Joker is definitely the perfect person for this, and teaming up with Kaidan is even better! If James would swing the other way I would imagine he would be on board as well. Now I'm imagining what the Mass Effect squad mates would do :D

Keep it up, very nicely done!
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Post by Carnath »

LockedCheeseBird wrote: 3 years ago Oh, this is spectacular! I never even knew I wanted this, but yes, I did. A Mass Effect/Guardians of the Galaxy TUG-crossover? Count me in! I am very, very interested to see where this is going! And yes, Joker is definitely the perfect person for this, and teaming up with Kaidan is even better! If James would swing the other way I would imagine he would be on board as well. Now I'm imagining what the Mass Effect squad mates would do :D

Keep it up, very nicely done!
Thank you :D I'll continue to post more chapters then!

I thought I'd just post it without explanation; as for my other stories, I think you don't really need to be familiar with the characters to understand the plot and enjoy the bondage :)
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 2

Peter Quill swaggers along through the dark station halls, heading toward a piece of dirty business that will get him in good with some very good business beings. Despite being undeniably brilliant, Peter Quill does have a tendency to be careless, especially when he is thinking of a bright future ahead of him. So wrapped up in his own head, Quill doesn’t even hear the quickened footsteps behind him before the two heavy bodies crash into him; shocked, Quill is unable to resist as he is borne down, landing hard on his chest on the floor.

Kaidan lands on top of the breathless Quill, his heavy weight holding the renegade human pilot down while Joker kneels by Quill’s head. “Hey, Quill,” he says with a wide wicked grin. “Remember me?”

Quill looks up at him, his lips moving silently for lack of breath. Behind his panicked eyes, a shock of recognition hits him, and his face turns pale Before he can get his breath back and say something, perhaps to activate some of his hidden gadgets, Joker reaches down and pulls out a small glob of spongy cloth-like material. He grabs Quill by his short hair, making his lips part in a silent cry, and then forces it into Quill’s open mouth. Quill’s eyes open even wider as the spongy substance comes in contact with his saliva; it inflates rapidly, sucking in the moisture to expand, filling his entire mouth in seconds, packing itself in too thickly to ever be dislodged by his tongue.

Joker watches Quill’s face gloatingly, as the gag fills his mouth to bursting. To be extra sure, and to muffle his irritating voice even more, Joker produces his roll of silvery tape. He pulls off a length of it and slaps it over Quill’s bulging lips. “Ghmph!” Quill moans, his voice barely audible as he regains the breath to cry out.

Joker just grins at his helpless cry. “Not such a hotshot now, are ya?” he says mockingly, and tears off another piece of tape that he adds to the first, forming a broad silvery band across Quill’s face. His grin widens, reveling in the look of helplessness that races across Quill’s face as it crashes home to him just what is happening to him.

“Mhmoh!” Quill groans, struggling weakly to escape his captors He thrusts out his left arm and right leg, scrabbling at the deck. “Ymph ghnt goo dish!” he cries out through his gag. Before he can muster the strength to really fight, though, Kaidan has grabbed Quill’s left hand and slapped one end of a pair of rigid cuffs around his wrist. “Nmmph!” Quill moans, shaking his head helplessly as Kaidan grabs his right arm and forces it behind his back. Quill writhes beneath him, but Joker reaches down and braces his hands on Quill’s shoulders, forcing him down flat to the deck; Quill jerks his arms one way then the other, but Kaidan looms over him, holding the advantage of leverage and still has all of his breath, while Quill gasps through his nose for air; Kaidan forces Quill’s hands together behind his back and latches the other end of the rigid cuffs closed.

His two captors relax slightly, now that Quill’s hands are restrained. They let up on him a little, and watch him struggle. “Ghmph!” he grunts, kicking out with his legs, the toes of his boot scrabbling at the floor, but they slip easily across the smooth deck. “Nm! Gh’ll ghll oomh!” he shouts. He arches his back, trying desperately to throw Kaidan off, but the heavy man just laughs at him, then shoves him back down to the floor with a grunt. “Mhmph!” Quill grunts painfully as he is slammed back down to the floor.

Finished laughing, Kaidan turns about, still pinning Quill beneath him, and grabs up a set of leg irons connected by a short chain. He grabs Quill’s kicking left leg, and drags his foot up. “Nmm!” Quill cries out, kicking his leg out, struggling to get it out of Kaidan’s grip, knowing what must be coming, but Kaidan easily rides out Quill’s hopeless struggles, and slams the cuff closed around his ankle over his heavy boot.

“Kmmph! Imph Lmgh Ymph!” Quill cries out, kicking his legs as hard as he can - the only result is the clattering of chains, which does nothing to help him escape, or make him feel better. His cheeks burn red with humiliation at his predicament, by the humiliatingly easy way Joker and Kaidan captured him, and are still binding him, all his struggles are useless to stop Kaidan grabbing his other leg and slapping the other shackle closed around his booted ankle.

Kaidan releases Quill’s leg, but that’s not really released, his chain clinks as Quill squirms beneath the heavy man, to no avail. Grinning, Kaidan turns to glance at Joker and gives him a nod. “That’s it, we’re all ready to give him the finishing touch!” he declares.

Quill freezes for an instant, staring up at Joker with wide terrified eyes. The ‘finishing touch?!’ What could that possibly be? he is left in mounting terror for a few seconds as Joker grins back at Kaidan, then glances down at Quill with that same gloating look burning in his eyes. He reaches into a pocket and pulls out a folded black material.

“Gmph?” Quill moans through his gag, staring at it worriedly. It unfolds int Joker’s hand to become a blackl blindfold that he takes in both hands and, still grinning wickedly, lowers it down to Quill’s eyes.

“Nmph!” Quill cries out, jerking his head from side to side, bucking his bound and helpless body desperately, but all to no avail, as Kaidan reaches down and grabs him by the hair, holding his head painfully still as Joker readies the blindfold. Helplessly, Quill waits for the final touch, fear and shame, humiliation and dread filling his mind as he watches the dark cloth lowered before his eyes. Two tears slip out and roll down his cheeks the second before Joker presses teh blindfold home.

“Oh, look at that! He’s crying!” Joker calls out mockingly.

Quill ducks his head, his cheeks blazing, moaning in shame as his two captors’ cruel laughter rolls over him. He Pushes at the gag filling his mouth with his tongue, to no avail. he bites back a sob, and goes limp, waiting helplessly for whatever his two captors have planned for him. Firm hands grab a hold of him, and raise him to his feet. Quill wavers blindly, then Joker and Kaidan each grab a hold of him from both sides. “This way, boy!” Joker says with a mean chuckle, and they pull Quill away toward whatever fate now awaits him.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Just love intergalactic spacenappings of hot shot pilots, smugglers, and assorted men -- earthlings especially! 8-) :twisted: 8-) :twisted:
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Post by gag1195 »

I've been following this story on Deviantart! So glad to see it here too! Love this concept and the artwork for it is great!
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Very curious to see where this is going, really liking it so far! And the art is great, really adding to it! Nice job!
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 3

Quill stumbles blindly, his boots ringing on the station deck beneath him as his two captors drag him mercilessly toward his new fate. “Wemph rr hmo fakingh Mph?” he moans through his mouth-filling gag. He pushes on the sponge like material filling his mouth, but it is stuffed in so tightly that he can’t get it to move at all, much less get it to push against the bands of silvery tape that are stuck across his bulging lips.

Joker and Kaidan, who each hold one of Quill’s bound arms, look at each other past their helpless prisoner and share an evil grin. “We’re taking you to a nice little quiet place,” Joker says, with almost mocking solicitude to his bound and gagged prisoner, who can’t even see where to place his feet, and must depend on his two captors to lead him. “A private little hideout where we can get to know each other better before we take you off to your new home,” Joker adds with a cruel laugh.

“Nmmph!” Quill whimpers, shaking his head helplessly. He tries to dig in his heels, struggling against his bonds and the cruel grip of their hands on his bound arms, but the bonds have no more give than they’ve ever done - bound as he is, he can’t make a move against their strong hold on him, and they simply drag him, o he needs to walk or fall, and blind and bound as he is, Quill is afraid of falling to the hard metal deck.

His chain hobble jangles with every step he takes, and he takes many, because the short chain keeps him to short quick steps, so his heavy boots rattle on the floor, each rapid step rocking his slim bound body in his captor’s grip. He presses against his gag once more - if he could just say a single word, utter a sentence. . . but his gag is as immovable as it was ever since Joker stuffed the sponge gag in his open mouth, what feels like an eternity before, an eternity of darkness, of helpless shame and humiliation at the hands of his nemesis, a fearful blackness behind the blindfold as he shuffles along in their arms, afraid of being taken away, ashamed, humiliated, silently praying, begging that someone would find him and rescue him from the two captors who hold him helpless between them, afraid of the humiliation of being seen like this. But fear and shame aside, no one has seen him, or at least, he hasn’t heard anyone. All he’s heard is his own hobbled footsteps and those of his captors, the mocking voices of Joker and Kaidan openly discussing him, insulting him, mocking him, his own breath gagged breath coming in gasps through his nose, and his heartbeat that hammers in his ears, louder and louder every second that passes from his attack and capture to- whatever is coming.

Joker and Kaidan share another glance as they lead Quill their helpless prisoner farther and farther through the deserted portion of the station. They start to relax the further they go, almost certain that they’ve gotten away with it. They only need to bring Quill the few mintues distance to their hideout, and then they’ve completed their self-appointed mission to bring him in. Their grip on him loosens slightly as Quill goes along with them, his head hanging, shamefully acquiescing, seeing no other possibility, no chance of fighting or escape.

His cheeks burning with mounting shame as a sense of his helplessness once more crashes down on him, Quill tries one more time to push at his gag, but still nothing comes of it.

“Hey, what’s this?” Joker says aloud, looking down at Quill’s belt, where his Walkman hangs. The square boxy music player is far out of place in this futuristic setting, and Joker leans down curiously to look at it closer.


Quill can’t see, but can feel Joker’s motion through his grip on Quill’s bound arm, and he shivers with a mix of anger and fear. “Nnn!” he grunts, shaking his head, realizing what it is Joker must be looking at. “Gt fmph gwy!’ he shouts angrily through his gag. Quill fumes hotter as he feels Joker’s fingers fumbling at the Walkman, plucking it from his belt. “Gmpoh!” he curses, throwing himself at Joker.

“Hey! Whoa!’ Kaidan shouts with a laugh, tightening his grip on Quill and hauling him backward.

“Gmm mhp ghff!” Quill screams through his gag, writhing helplessly in Kaidan’s grip as Joker holds up his Walkman, staring curiously at it.

“What a primitive little thing,” Joker pronounces on it. He grins at Quill’s red-faced gagged protests. “What kind of meaning does it have for you, Quill?” he asks.

“Nmnn ff Yrrffuhffness!” Quill roars through his gag, still struggling uselessly against Kaidan’s hold.

“Hmm. . .” Joker murmurs, staring at the Walkman. he leans down and places it on the floor.

Quill freezes at the soft ‘click’ of his Walkman on the metal deck, then he hears another sound, and realizes that Joker had places his boot on top of Quill’s delicate Walkman.

Joker grins, watching Quill’s frozen horrified face. “Maybe I’ll let you keep the pieces,” he says, a little savagely, the chance for revenge on the criminal who beat him and humiliated him bursting forth.

“Mhmmm!” Quill moans pleadingly.

With a grin, Joker pulls his boot away, then leans down and picks it up, “Maybe I’ll give it back to you,” he tells Quill, slipping it into one of his capacious pockets in his spacer’s pants. He grabs Quill by the arm again. “Come on!”

Quill heaves a sigh of relief as they drag him on again to their hideout. He pushes at the gag filling his mouth, and almost cries out with surprise - he can feel the sponge gag shifting slightly, the tape moving slightly against his skin. . .

He follows along where they lead him, his pulse racing even faster now, waiting, hoping.
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Post by gag1195 »

yay! More of this great tale and accompanying picture! keep up the great work!
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Yeah, this keeps being amazing! I can totally see Joker being this teasing and 'mean', you really paired the best characters with each other! And the art is amazing too :D
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 4

The three men walk down the deserted station corridor, the third tugging at his bonds, fighting against the thick gag filling his mouth.

Peter Quill fights to keep his blooming hope off his face as he pushes at the gag, though he feels it coming looser and looser incrementally by the second. Blindfolded, he can’t see where they are taking him, he can only follow as they lead him, his heart beating fast in his ears.

Just as Quill is starting to hope it will come away, Kaidan and Joker pull him sharply to the side, and Quill hears the unmistakable sound of a warehouse door sliding open, then slamming shut behind them, the sound echoing hollowly in a large empty room.

His captors pulls him across the room, boot heels echoing in the silence, then sharply turn him about and forces him down into a chair. “Mhmph!” Quill grunts angrily as he lands painfully on his rear.

Joker, standing over his captive, reaches down and removes his blindfold; Quill flinches at the bright light, blinks his eyes, and looks up into Joker’s smug face, still holding Quill’s Walkman in his left hand. “Welcome to your temporary home, Quill,” he says as Kaidan crouches behind Quill; he reaches up, a long rope in his hands, and wraps it across Quill’s chest, over his arms and around behind him. He pulls the rope around several more times while Joker reaches down and with a careful but deft motion, removes Quill’s gag.

“Gmph!” Quill cries out in pain as Joker tears away the silvery tape, then reaches into his open mouth and plucks out the packing behind it. “Blah!” Quill groans as the large wad is pried loose. “Gah!” he moans, working his sore jaw. “Look, Joker. . .” he says, looking up at the soldier. “I know you guys make but. . . how about I give you both your yearly salary, and we all just forget about this? And I get my Walkman back,” he adds angrily, his eyes narrowing.

Joker laughs in his face, then glances past Quill to Kaidan. “Do you hear that, Kaidan? He thinks he can buy us!”

Kaidan, who has wrapped several coils of rope across Quill’s chest, laughs, pulling them all tight, then wraps the rope under Quill’s armpit, wraps it about the chest ropes, then up over the back of Quill’s neck, and down the other way.


Joker crouches down to put his head level with Quill’s. “We’re not in this for the money, Quill,” he says, reaching out and grabbing Quill by the chin. The smuggler jerks his head away, but Joker tightens his grip, forcing Quill to face him. “You’d understand that if you were a soldier, but you’re just an egotistical smuggler, about to get exactly what you’ve got coming to you!” He jerks Quill’s head, then lets go, and rises back to his feet.

“All right,” Quill says desperately as Kaidan wraps another band of ropes across his chest, his arms pinned ever tighter in place. “I can get you something else - I know things, I know a lot about the smuggling underground, I can get you the information to make a hundred busts! You’d both be heroes!’ he cries out, turning to glance back at Kaidan.

Kaidan pauses for a moment, and seems to consider it, then he looks past Quill up at Joker.

Joker shakes his head. “Nah!”

Kaidan shrugs and goes back to binding Quill tighter and tighter.

“You see, Quill. . . this is personal. We’re gonna get you out of the picture, and we’ve got the full force of the law behind us!” Joker says. Neither Quill nor Kaidan notice the metal spider gag dangling from one of the back pockets of Joker’s jacket as he taunts Quill.

He turns and reaches for a table and grabs another set of binders, these a pair of tubes mounted parallel to each other. He tosses them to Kaidan, who catches them out of the air with one hand. He pulls Quill’s ropes tight with the other and ties them off. Without a word, he slips the cuffs off of Quill’s hands, but before Quill can react, or even make some attempt to escape, Kaidan snaps the new cuffs on his wrists. Quill grunts as his shoulders are pulled uncomfortably back, his forearms forced parallel to each other in a sharply uncomfortable pose.

“Oh, come on, guys!” Quill tries desperately, his voice rising shrilly. “This can’t be legal! There’s no way you guys could be authorized to do this! If you two take me away like this, you guys will be in even more trouble than me!”

“Yeah, somehow, I don’t think so,” Kaidan says; he stands and walks around Quill to grab his booted legs and forces them together. He takes more rope and wraps it around Quill’s legs, turn after turn of rope he pulls tight, cinches, and ties off around Quill’s ankles, then another piece of rope the same below Quill’s knees, and a final piece Kaidan binds above Quill’s knees.

“Kinky enough for you?” Quill asks with a sneer, looking down at Kaidan.

Kaidan stands to his feet and looks past Quill at Joker. “I’ll go make sure our transport is on time,” he says.

Joker nods. “Good, you do that.”

Kaidan turns away and walks for the door - he stops there and turns to glance back at Joker. “Don’t leave him alone,” he says.

Joker nods, then turns to look down at Quill with a grin. “Oh, don’t worry,” he says. “I’ll keep a real good eye on him!”
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Post by privateandrews »

Loving this story, please keep it going. so getting in to the characters,
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Post by Carnath »

Chapter 5

As Kaidan steps out to see to their transport, the door slides closed behind him with a loud thunk! that echoes through the empty warehouse.

Quill stares after him, at the empty door, then turns his head, craning his neck back to look up at Joker, who still looks down at him with a grin, his eyes gleaming in a way that makes Quill want to back away slowly.

“We’re taking you to the Alliance prison in the local military post,” Joker says, starting to walk around Quill.

“That sounds like pretty far away,” Quill says, turning his head, following Joker with his eyes as the Alliance pilot walks around him. “How do you guys figure on getting me there without being seen on the way there?”

“Never you mind that,” Joker says, walking around behind Quill. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the spider gag. Holding it tightly in his hand, he approaches his captive from behind.

“Yeah, well, maybe you should- Ghhjk?!” Quill starts to say something, then ends the sentence in a garbled mess as Joker forces the gag into his wide-open mouth. He bucks in his bonds, jerking his head in surprise, then shaking it from side to side, trying to throw Joker’s gag out of his mouth, but Joker grasps hard and holds him still long enough to adjust the gag, forcing Quill’s mouth even wider. “Grbl-Whff?!” Quill cries out. “Wagh rr ou’ oo-ii?!”

“Did you really think I’d just hand you over without taking just a little payback?” Joker asks scathingly as he pulls a strap about Quill’s head, pulling the gag even further into his open mouth.

“Gh-hgh?” Quill asks worriedly, his face turning pale, his eyes wide.

“Yup!” Joker says with a laugh. He comes back around to in front of Quill, looking him right in the eye. He grabs Quill by the chin once more and leans close. “I’m gonna use that big mouth of yours for just the only thing its good for, Quill, and I’m gonna record every second for posterity!” Joker waves his omni-tool in Quill’s face for emphasis.

“Nghh!” Quill screams. He bucks about in a frenzy, throwing himself from side to side, but the bonds hold, and Joker only laughs at his desperate struggles.

Joker straightens up, then grabs Quill and tilts him backward. Quill grunts and cries out as he falls backward, suspended on two chair legs by Joker’s grip on him. He stares up, shocked as Joker straddles him, pants down, his manhood pressing toward Quill’s open mouth.

Of course Quill has been with men, women, aliens, but as his rival’s hardened cock is forced into his open mouth, the smuggler feels dirty, slimed. He grunts and struggles to no avail, then he looks up and meets Joker’s eyes, and Joker grins back, thrusting into his open mouth, his cock swelling longer and harder as he drives it into Quill’s open wet warm mouth. filling his throat as he goes deeper and deeper - Quill struggles not to gag, his cheeks burning with humiliation as he is used.

He tastes Joker’s cock running over his tongue, and the first drops of pre-cum drip into his open mouth. Despite himself, Quill moans, feeling a strange warm pleasure rising in him. He closes his eyes, his cheeks flaming as his own prick presses out hard and swollen.

JOker pumps himself in and out of Quill’s mouth, grinning as he feels Quill’s tongue move, running over the length of his manhood - he wanted to dominate Quill, to humiliate him, but somehow this feels even better.

“Gngh!” Quill gurgles, sucking at Joker’s cock as it drives in and out of him - Joker groans, then suddenly reaches down with one hand to grab at Quill’s left nipple through her dark shirt, and gave it a tweak. “Ynf!” Quill yelps, jumping, his soft wet mouth closing around Joker’s cock as it thrusts into him again.

Joker huffs and puffs, his own cheeks burning now with effort as he fucks Quill’s mouth hard. he stiffens suddenly, the throws his head back, his teeth gritted, groaning as he cums hard, right in Quill’s mouth.

Quill moans as the hot salty cum pours over his tongue and down his throat, he swallows it down, lapping at Joker’s cock as it throbs and pulses, pouring more cum down his throat.

Joker waits a minute, then pulls himself out of Quill’s mouth, then reaches out and pluck at the spider gag, drawing it out of Quill’s mouth.

Quill gags, and works his aching jaw, then glares up at Joker, his cheeks flushed with anger and shame. “You- you piece of shit!” he spits and roars.

Joker ignores the histrionics, pulling Quill back up to an upright position.

“You fucker!’ Quill rages, tearing at his bonds. “You’re dead meat, do you hear me? You’re dead! I’m gonna get out of this, then I’m gonna tear you limb from limb-”

Joker casually puts his pants back on, pulling them up and securing them with his belt again, then he turns back to Quill.

“-ending with your microscopic cock, you cocksucking-gmph!”

Joker easily forces a panelgag straight into Quill’s open mouth. “No, YOU’RE the cocksucker!” he says with a chuckle as he buckles the panel gag around Quill’s head.

Quill growls and moans, but the panelgag presses into his mouth, forcing his tongue down, muffling his speech to unintelligible moans. He glares bloodily up at Joker, vowing revenge, if it takes ever so long.

The door slides open, and Quill and Joker turn to look as Kaidan walks back in. He stops as the door slides shut behind him. “Everything’s set for departure,” he says. “Everything good here?”

“Hmphg!” Quill cries out through his gag, jerking helplessly at his bonds.

“Oh, yeah,” Joker says, casting a grin Quill’s way. “Everything’s good!”
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