B(DnD)SM (M/M)

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B(DnD)SM (M/M)

Post by bigsmile21 »

"The guard is distracted. Roll a 'Slight of Hand' roll to escape the manacles," Paulo said. "Since they're locked behind you, the number to beat will be high. Let's say '25'."

Alvin checked his sheet. His character was a rogue so he had bonuses to help with this roll. Still, he'd need a 15 or higher on the 20-sided die to succeed. He picked up the die, green and grey, and looked at the number '20', visualizing it rolling in his favor.

"I'll say this, too," Paulo added, "If you fail, it will be bad. The guard will definitely hear the clinking of the manacles and come over to investigate. You know from your earlier taunting of him that he's not fond of your party. You, in particular. You guys are already gagged and restrained, and looking around you see some more serious torture devices."

The air around the table grew tense. Alvin looked at the other two, Tyler and Leonard, who were just as focused. Their party needed this escape to go smoothly. Their characters were set up and were now imprisoned for assault on the visiting prince of the neighboring kingdom. The royal advisor hired the party to clear out a group of bandits outside the castle walls. But the royal advisor did not tell them the prince was being held hostage there, intending for the party wipe him out along with the bandits and kickstart the war the royal advisor had been eager to start. When the party rushed in, swords and spells blazing, the prince was severely injured. Leonard's character practically burst a hole in the cavern roof. Tyler had managed to spot the prince and was able to clue the others in to the complication. They made it back inside the castle walls with the prince in time to begin emergency healing. The royal advisor still found a way to frame the party. He'd find some other way to finish off the prince.

Paulo sat across from Alvin, looking calm. He didn't have to tell the players the roll to beat. He didn't have to add the warning of what could happen if Alvin failed. But he loved adding extra flavor to their weekly DnD game. Getting everyone together, safely and vaccinated, was something he'd been looking forward to all last year. This particular game was on its sixth session, and he already had gears turning in his head for where to take next week's session if the party escaped incarceration or had to stand trial.

"Natural 20!" Alvin yelled. He couldn't believe it. A '20' didn't mean an automatic success, but it was the best possible roll. Most dungeon masters honored that it meant the characters succeeded (in some way at least). Alvin looked at the other players who were smiling wide grins, and then looked to Paulo. There was a moment, just a moment, where Paulo's face was still and his eyes were fixed on the die. Then he blinked and looked up at Alvin with a small smile and began describing the next part of the scene.

"You start tugging at the manacles and realize that your shirt cuff is caught in them." Paulo said. "In the scuffle when confronted by the royal advisor and your party's resistance, the guard didn't notice that your manacles never latched all the way. You quietly pry them open, only moving when the guard's back is toward you." Paulo pantomimed and exaggerated his movements, starting with his hands behind the chair, tugging against imaginary restraints, and then pulling his hands free in front of him. "On a Nat 20 and with the guard turned away, you can try to sneak up on him to make a surprise attack, or wait until he approaches."

Alvin thought for a moment then said, "I want to sneak up on him." Tyler was looking back and forth from Alvin to Paulo. Leonard got excited and bounced in his seat a bit.

"Interesting," Paulo said. "Let's end it there for tonight's game." All the players sighed and groaned, relieved but wanting more. It was late, and Tyler and Leonard had their own commutes home. Everyone started packing up their dice and character sheets. Leonard was chatting about what happened, what could have happened differently, and what could happen starting at next week's game. He was the same age as everyone, since they'd all gone to college together, but had the most energy of the group. Tyler was more laid back, quiet. He packed up his things neatly and listened to everyone else chatter.

A few minutes later, Alvin walked the other two out of the house. Him and Paulo had bought the house together right before the pandemic. He enjoyed having guests over, finally, since they never had a house-warming party. He enjoyed setting out food, making sure everyone had enough to drink; he enjoyed hosting. He turned back to Paulo who was packing away his own notes. He could have left them out until the next week's game, but he liked to keep things tidy. Plus, he didn't want Alvin to take any peaks, being the rogue player and all.

"Great game tonight," Alvin said. "Nice surprise with the set up. Something felt like the royal advisor wasn't telling us the whole story, but didn't help that none of us rolled high enough to pick up on it."

"Thanks," Paulo replied. He had finished tidying up by now. "Tyler's character was perceptive enough to notice the prince during the fight. Otherwise, you all may have cleaned house. I had notes that if you searched the bodies for loot and found the prince, you could have either decided to flee the kingdom or try to confront the royal advisor. Having you guys bring the prince back, alive but unconscious, sets up some nice political intrigue."

"So if we escape," Alvin started, moving closer to Paulo "does that mean we can try to save the prince and expose the royal advisor?"

"Ah ah," Paulo refuted. "No spoilers. Just because you live with me doesn't mean you get any sneak peaks at my notes."

Alvin smiled and went in for the hug. He enjoyed hosting but was a little drained from having guests over. It seemed to take more energy to engage with people after the pandemic. Or just owning a house aged him ten years, though he didn't want to think of himself as "old". "Leonard may have been over-excited, but he raised a fun question: what would we do if I'd failed that roll?"

Paulo looked down at Alvin. "Do you want to play it out?" he asked.

Alvin looked up. "What do you mean?"

"I'll be honest," Paulo started, "sometimes when you guys are playing I'll picture you in your character's places. And it gets me excited when you really get into character, funny voices and all. I know your characters have their own descriptions and backstories, but Tyler is just as stoic as his Paladin and Leonard is sometimes just as scatter-brained as his wizard."

"And me?" Alvin asked.

"You're just as good with your hands." Paulo replied, smiling.

"Smooth," Alvin said. He squeezed the hug a bit. "But what does that have to do with playing out the escape scene?"

"I pictured you in those manacles earlier." Paulo said. "I won't lie. I got excited when you rolled so well. Threw me for a curveball. But we have the bondage restraints in the bedroom. I know it's late, but I'm happy to spend a few more minutes doing some literal roleplay."

Alvin was getting excited, too. Alvin and Paulo would do some sporadic tie-up nights with just the two of them in their house. In their weekly game, his character would flirt with some of Paulo's characters throughout their story. Tame enough for Tyler and Leonard to be at the same table, more for fun and to play to his roguish character. Any times his character would get restrained he'd find a way out of them, and his mind was more in the game than thinking of the bedroom restraints. It seems Paulo would occasionally blend the two in his head.

"I'll grab the restraints," Alvin said.

"No, I'll get them." Paulo said. "You strip to your underwear. Your party had all their gear and weapons removed."

Paulo stepped into the bedroom and started rummaging through their closet. Alvin couldn't get his pants off faster. By the time Paulo returned, Alvin had removed his shirt, his pants, and his socks, standing there in just his underwear with his arms crossed behind him like usual for their tie-up games. Paulo had his hands behind him as well, and Alvin heard jostling of metal.

"Let's move this to the basement," Paulo said. Alvin's smile lessened but he was still excited. The basement was mostly empty, since they'd only been in the house for a year. It was just cooler than the rest of the house, and with him in his underwear on the bare concrete floor and walls it would be even cooler than usual. Alvin opened the basement door, turned on light and walked ahead of Paulo. Halfway down he heard Paulo struggle to hold on to all the restraints and heard a metal clanking noise, followed by a small padlock bouncing down the steps. When it reached the bottom of the stairs, he turned to look and saw Paulo had grabbed all of their metal restraints and locks. Paulo was looking sheepishly back at him. "I should have just left everything in the suitcase. But I wanted to help set to mood with the clanking metal noise as you descended into the 'dungeon'."

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Paulo set all the restraints down. There was a set of Darby handcuffs which had smooth curved clasps joined by a four links of chain. The key was large and to get out you screwed it into the end of the clasps until they popped open. The four chain links kept your hands together but provided mobility. Next to these cuffs were a similar set of Darby restraints, only the cuffs were on opposite ends of a foot-long metal bar with a chain running through them to a larger set of cuffs on a larger bar, meant of one's ankles. The bar kept the hands barely out of reach of each other, but Alvin had escaped from these before. The same key opened all the Darby restraints. There was also a large metal collar, various padlocks (some keyed, some with three different number dials), and nipple clamps. Alvin really hoped the nipple clamps didn't come into play; they pinched tightly and left him sore the next day, but the rush right after taking them off was hard to beat.

"I'll set the scene," Paulo said. "You've just been ambushed by the royal advisor and his guards." He picked up the Darby handcuffs and motioned for Alvin to turn around. "Your party has been stripped of its gear, armor, and weapons. You hear Tyler's character grunt as he's pushed to the ground, his sword and shield clattering to the dungeon floor. Leonard's character is gagged to prevent him from muttering any spells, and his hands are restrained behind him. If I recall correctly, you made some insult to one of the guards as they begin searching for your lockpicks and other thieves' tools."

"Buy me dinner first, ugly." Alvin said, smirking. Paulo was patting him down and now speaking into his ear.

"The guard grunts and then restrains your hands." Paulo says. "For your comment, he also gags you. Remember, if things get to be too much out of roleplay just shake your head left and right repeatedly since you can't speak. I'll be with you the whole time in case you cramp or need out for some other reason." Alvin nodded. He felt the cuffs lock around his wrist. There was just one size but they fit tight enough that his hands couldn't slip out. Paulo stuffed one of Alvin's socks into his mouth, then tightly tied a bandana around his mouth, forming a cleave gag over the sock and between Alvin's teeth. Alvin gave a few grunts but not much sound escaped. No audible words, that was fur sure. Alvin felt Paulo helping him to the basement floor, then turning him around.

"The guard gets you tied up, then moves over to Tyler's character who is giving the other guards some trouble. For now, his back is turned to you. Do you want to try to escape?" Alvin nods his head. Paulo pulls out a 20-sided die from his pocket and holds it up. "Better roll high, then." He places the die in Alvin's hand. Alvin's heart is beating. He'd need at least a 15, still. Rolling another '20' would be rare, and would go against the "what if?" scenario that He dropped the die and heard it clatter against the basement floor. He shuffled around to see it: a '9'. He heard a 'tsk, tsk, tsk' from Paulo. "Not enough, sorry. With that, the guard looks back and sees you rummaging against your restraints. He pulls out another set, this time a set of heavier restraints and chains. He smiles wide, showing gross yellow teeth."

Paulo picked up the Darby bar restraints and locked Alvin's ankles. The chain from the ankle bar to the wrist bar was about three feet long. Paulo turned Alvin on to his stomach and began locking his wrists into the cuffs. It was a rigid fit. The bar was a foot across, so the cuffs attached to them were pulled in to cuff over his already handcuffs wrists. This removed all the mobility the first set of cuffs provided. It felt like his hands were being pulled in two directions: inwards by the first set and outwards by the second. Alvin grunted beneath the gag.

"The guard applies the heavy set of restraints. He looks back to the royal advisor who nods and waves him away. You feel the guard begin dragging you further into the dungeon." Paulo placed on arm on Alvin's shoulder and another on the chain linking his ankle and wrist bars. He skidded Alvin across the smooth basement floor. Alvin tried to wiggle his hands but there was absolutely no give between the two sets of cuffs. He tried kicking his feet, but moving one caused the other to move in the opposite direction. He continued grunting into his gag, starting to work up a sweat. Paulo stopped when he reached the right wall of the basement.

"The guard stops at a large iron door. Looking back down the tunnel you can no longer see your party. The guard pulls out a ring of keys and begins looking for the one to open this door. Do you want to try another escape attempt?" Alvin nodded his head up and down. "Getting free from the restraints will be more difficult. And this time the guard is right next to you. With your stats, you'll need to roll at least an '18' to get free unnoticed."

Alvin thought. There were only three numbers that he would help: '18', '19', or '20'. He felt Paulo put the die in his hand again. He liked the idea of having his fate literally in his own hands. He dropped the die and turned to see it, which took longer this time due to his restraints: a '2'. "Wow. You're all over the numbers tonight. That's almost the worst possible roll you could get." Alvin dropped his head. He'd get to a Nat '1' soon since the dice seemed to keep going down with each roll.

"Okay. With that low a roll, we'll say you've given up all pretense of being stealthy and can't keep your cool enough to start picking the lock. The guard looks down at your struggling and chuckles. He says, 'Ain't no one gets past this door once it locks behind 'em. You're ryght to be afraid.'" Paulo put on a thick medieval accent. He used some voices to help distinguish his different characters the players interacted with. Hearing it come from directly above him, bound and gagged on the basement floor, Alvin for a moment was thrown deeper into the fantasy.

"The guard opens the iron door and you look to see a small cell. One wall is lit by a torch. You see hooks dangling from the ceiling, chains linked to the wall opposite the door, and a metal drain in the center of the room. The guard drags you in and links your chain to the chain against the wall. He then rummages in his pocket and pulls out small metal vices." Alvin's eyes widen at this last sentence. He watches as Paulo walks over to the pile of padlocks and picks up the nipple clamps. He walks back and bends down, flicking Alvin's nipples to prime them. Alvin has started breathing heavier in anticipation. "Hey, do you need to stop? Remember, shake your head back and forth over and over if you want out."

Alvin paused and thought, then gave a quick shake of his head to indicate he was fine to continue. Paulo smiled, then pinched the clamps on to Alvin's nipples. Alvin's drew in a breath for each one. His chest felt tighter, but he was okay. There was a small chain linking the clamps together and Paulo gave a gentle tug, which made Alvin let out his breath. "The guard clamps the metal vices on to your chest and gives you another gross smile. 'Yell all you want. Ain't no one to hear you once I close that door. I'll leave you to settle into your new home.' The guard gives the vices a quick tug, pats your character on the cheek, and leaves the cell. You hear the metal lock latch shut and can barely hear his footsteps as he walks back to the royal advisor and the rest of your party."

Alvin mumbled something under his gag. He wanted to thank Paulo for this little scene, especially since it was all improvised. Paulo started to reach for Alvin's gag and then paused. "This is giving me a lot of fun ideas for next week. How about one more roll? One a '15' to '20', we'll say you notice some loose metal across the room. It will be difficult to reach, but with your character's skills you'll be able to try to pick the locks and escape before the guard comes back. Anything less than a '15' and your character is stuck until either the guard returns or the others in your party make their own escape and rescue you. But seeing as you're the escape artist of the party, that seems unlikely."

Once more Paulo set the die in Alvin's hand. Alvin gripped it tight, trying to will a high roll again. He'd love to act out an escape attempt, with Paulo setting the key a few feet in front of him. He dropped the die and turned to see to number: '4', no '18'! He'd bumped the die trying to look at it. He looked back at Paulo who was standing over him. "Hmm." Paulo grumbled. "Trying to cheat, I see. Always the rogue." He started walking back to the center of the basement. Alvin protested, though he couldn't make much noise through his gag. He honestly didn't mean to bump the die. He tried to explain what happened, but all that came out were muffles and groans.

Paulo stood in the center of the room. He picked up the padlocks and their keys and put them in his pockets. The only thing left was the metal collar. It was two inches tall and hinged at the back. There were holes in the front of it for keeping in closed. Usually they used a padlock to keep it closed. Paulo eyed collar and then picked it up, then looked from the collar to Alvin. "There's not much use for this in the scene." Paulo said. "Unless, the guard comes back with a collar." He paused, eyes connecting with Alvin's. "But you're already so restrained, and he's had a busy day with you and your party. And out of roleplay, I don't want to throw too much at you at once. On a '4' the guard would return and keep add the collar, but on a '18' you would spot something you could use to start your escape attempt. Hmm."

He had Alvin's full attention. Just like in their weekly game, Paulo found a way to add suspense to the scene through his words and his silence. He stepped closer to Alvin and bent down to meet his gaze, holding the collar right in front of Alvin's face. "Let's say that you don't hear from the guard for hours. The iron door across from you stays closed. You've tried squirming in your bonds but there's no give to them. You've felt along the floor and the walls, as far as the chains will allow, but there's nothing within reach that will help. The torch light has started to dim. I hope the guard hasn't forgotten about you." He paused. "Or that your party hasn't killed him and can't find the cell you're in. Leonard is pretty trigger happy. But no, you've listened and haven't heard anything for hours."

Throughout the description, Alvin was pulling at the restraints. He groaned when Paulo mentioned the torch starting to go out, and drew in a breath when he mentioned the guard getting killed. That would be just like Leonard to shoot first and ask questions later. His thoughts started to wonder. Paulo let the collar clank to the floor and that drew Alvin's focus back to the present. "Let's leave it there on a cliffhanger." Paulo said. He leaned in to remove the bandana and the (now damp) sock from Alvin's mouth.

"Wow", Alvin said. "Just, wow. I kind of wish we had played out more of the dungeon scene in tonight's game."

"Me too," Paulo started, "but that would have taken away time from your solo adventure. And I'm not sure how intense we could have made it with Tyler and Leonard at the table." He reached in his pocket and pulled out the key. He started unlocking the Darby handcuffs and ankle cuffs. It took a few seconds on each lock to turn the key enough times to pop them open.

"I'm pretty sure they know we have some kinky fun," Alvin said. "Leonard might have seen our closet when he was coming out of the bathroom a few weeks ago. Not sure how much of the restraints he saw since you keep the suitcase open." He was teasing Paulo. They weren't used to having guests, and despite Paulo's generally tidy mannerisms, a year of having things out in the open was a tough habit to break.

"Gonna be smart with me, huh?" Paula asked. He smiled, then stopped unlocking the cuffs. The first set of handcuffs were removed along with one of the cuffs from the second set. Alvin was still locked in one cuff from the wrist bar and both ankles. And the nipple clamps. "You know, these still need to come off." He flicked one of the clamps and Alvin winced.

"Please don-" was all Alvin got out before Paulo pinched the clamps free. Pain rushed into Alvin's chest and he let out a yelp. He jumped when Paulo gave each one gentle rub. Alvin sat there, partially bound and a little overwhelmed as his partner held him. Paulo and Alvin sat there, in the basement of their house, for a minute. Then Paulo stood, set the key on the ground, and began walking up the stairs.

"See you in bed," Paulo called from the top of the stairs. He left the light on but Alvin heard the door close. Alvin breathed in and out, then started moving his shoulders and knees. He got the creaks out of them after a few movements. He wasn't getting old, he told himself. Sitting on the concrete floor would leave anyone sore. He reached around for the key and began unlocking the rest of his cuffs. He stood, stretched, and yawned. It was late. He picked up the restraints, the clamps, and the key. As he was walking up the stairs, the thought of getting the surprise on the guard popped into his head.
Last edited by bigsmile21 2 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by gag1195 »

[mention]bigsmile21[/mention] that was amazing! the descriptions, the restraints, the banter, all great! the deep, deep tie in to D&D was also amazing! I loved the blurring of the line between fantasy and reality! This is such a cute couple, I already love them! Really hoping the surprise attempt is successful... otherwise things might not go well for the poor rogue! :D
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Post by bigsmile21 »

[mention]gag1195[/mention] greatly appreciate the feedback! Wanted to keep the story simple and focus on the main couple. Rather than adding too much detail like the names of the DnD characters or complicated game mechanics. I have the set of Darby bars and chain, so writing how they were restrictive comes with experience :).
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