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Just Hanging Around

The garbled words as George unbuckled James's ankles and Aiden and Jamie helped him to his feet sounded even more desperate than they sounded angry but, let's face it: appealing to their better natures was pointless. As far as anyone dissing the Scouts was concerned, they didn't have one better nature between the three of them. Scott expressed his disappointment that he wasn't going to "get a go" with the slanderer and Harry seemed to agree with him.

"Sorry, boys; too many cooks."

"Yes, don't worry, we'll enjoy ourselves for you."

"Yeah, we'll just have to give him extra for you." At that stage James couldn't even imagine what "extra" might entail.

George had scouted the immediate site for a suitable location and everyone (except James) agreed to try the fence-post near the gate to the bailey surrounding the keep. James adopted the "let's see if they'll take things easy on me if I cooperate" approach. He knew he had no chance of escaping but really didn't want to find out what Aiden meant by "extra".

As the "execution party" got to within a few metres of the fence-post, Jamie spotted the snag. "Can't we find somewhere else? He could use his feet on the wire or even on the bars of the gate."

"You're right. Now where?"

"How about over there?" George indicated an oak tree towards the pond.

Scott wasn't pleased. "Oh come on, you guys, I'm not going to be able to see him from here." Harry would have echoed the sentiments but, you know what I said about those in charge not having a better nature?

"That's OK. You'll probably still be able to hear him." James didn't think George was even remotely funny.

James and his escort disappeared from both Scott's and Harry's sight behind the castle masonry and James's breathing became more laboured once he'd caught sight of the stump. Someone had obviously tidied up the remains of where a substantial branch had to be removed from the ancient tree leaving a prominent upward pointing stub about forty centimetres long and about eight thick. The tip must have been about a metre and a half from the ground. Excellent! Even though no one had ever done it to him previously, James knew that the next few minutes were going to be uncomfortable if he was lucky.

Jamie forced his Champion to back up against the stub and asked him if he was ready. James took a deep breath.

"Hang on, just a little check." George undid the drawstring of James's Speedos, pulled it tight and tied it off very securely indeed on the grounds that, "He wouldn't want to slip off, would he?" James did try a final plea but, upon having it turned down, he resorted to mangled abuse once more. "That's better. I wondered where the real James Hill was."

When I said back there that James had his appeal turned down, it wasn't exactly explicit but was certainly implicit in the actions of his tormentors as Jamie and Aiden lifted the newly struggling blonde off the ground and George hooked the back of his swimming costume over the stub. "OK, lower away."

Isn't it convenient how the human body balances like that? Poor James hung in the wedgie frantically thrashing his feet around and gradually moderating his language to pleading once more.

"Can you understand him?"

"I think he's saying, 'Thank you for the Speedos.'"

"Yes, could be. He'd've settled down lower in those boxers of his."

"They might even have torn."

"Yes, how thoughtful of us not to let him fall."

James continued to plead with hardly any swearing at all and so George decided to take pity on him - sort of. He took Aiden's ever-ready penknife and carefully slit the drawstring just beside the knot he had recently so carefully tied.

The squeal, as the garish garment stretched and the wearer came to a sudden halt with his feet still clear of the ground, effectively covered the sound of nylon threads splitting. James continued pleading (as far as the Scouts could tell) until Jamie thought he'd had enough. He could simply have cut the stretched gusset of James's briefs but he did think that, with more torments to come, even his Champion had been tormented sufficiently in his current situation and called Aiden to help him take the struggling boy down. They lifted and George unhooked the rapidly disintegrating garment which did very little to conform to its original form.

A Changed Man

James was marched back to the keep while he tried to hold the multi-coloured wreckage in place behind him although it wasn't actually much use in preserving what was left of his dignity. Jamie asked if he needed to visit the low-hanging branch to tend to himself and change. "Yeff, pweeve."

"Since you asked so nicely, we'll even leave you in privacy." Jamie gathered up another of James's identical pairs of loose white boxers and some of that soothing lotion that he'd had the shrewd idea might come in useful before the end of the weekend. He stuffed some useful items into his duffel bag and took James by his firmly bound, and increasingly uncomfortable arms. He declined the help of his companions and I think he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of a word with his Champion in private. What he said will probably never be known but it was remarked upon for some time afterwards, even but adults, how James seemed to have changed in school; he was less cocky, nowhere near as mouthy and he even worked harder. He was even seen to give precedence to other people's needs over his own wants. I suppose that, being a Scout, Jamie had simply done his good deed for the day.

Jamie soon allowed James to walk unassisted to the facilities and the blonde could be seen nodding and heard trying to communicate until they were out of earshot. Once at their destination, Jamie made James kneel while he padlocked one end of the chain round his right ankle and, after a careful inspection, threaded his boxers onto the chain before attaching the other end to a branch leading from the main bough. It was far too twiggy for James to be able to slip the chain free.

Jamie told James to try to keep still while he untied his arms and wrists. Still is one thing: quiet was another as James felt the circulation returning to his tortured arms. "OK?"

James nodded and Jamie worked on his wrists. A newly freed James spent quite some time rotating his shoulders and rubbing his rope marks before getting down to the matter in hand. Jamie waited. "Eyowa fai' I coulve fanve in pfry-vu'."

"It's OK, I'm going to leave you to it for about ten minutes, that should give you a chance to change and do anything else you might need to do." James looked at his mop-headed Owner, trying to spot the snag. "Oh, if you want me to be out of sight, there's just one more thing." James knew it, there had to be one. "You'll have to remove your gag." Surely that couldn't be it. "Go on, just pull it out and give it here." James was still suspicious as he did what he was told.

Jamie stowed the stick and its binding into his bag and withdrew a referee's whistle. "Open." James bit down on the "Acme Thunderer" and knelt awaiting further instructions. "Once I've got up, you can take it out if you want to but, if I don't hear it blow every thirty seconds, the pain of that wedgie will be like eating ice-cream compared to what happens next. Got it?"

"Rrhh – rrhh." James nodded.

"Ten minutes, understand?" another whistle confirmed James's understanding.

Meanwhile Back at the Castle

By the time Jamie had returned to the other four boys, Harry and Scott had been untied but Harry still had the padlock in the strap round his ankles whereas George didn't think that was necessary for Scott. Harry had been allowed to remove his gag and, being Harry, he immediately demanded that Scot be padlocked as well because Scott owed him a penalty and it would have been no skin of the noses of the other boys if he escaped.

"Harry, this is Scott you're talking about." George knew his protest was silly.

"Nah, fair's fair, lads: sauce for the Sailor sauce for the Farmer."

"He's right, George. Just lock him up for a while." Scott made no resistance.

The council needed to come to a decision. They even thought Scott and Harry should be allowed to contribute. The situation was as follows:
• James had paid for dissing the Scouts but Harry demanded revenge for the disrespect to the Sea Scouts as well.
• That reminded the Scouts that Harry also had to suffer for his remarks about Farmer Boys. He'd hoped they'd forgotten about that.
• Harry needed to pay his forfeit for losing the scavenger hunt. That could be interesting; either they all got a fresh fish supper or Harry could look forward to unimaginable torments (unimaginable, that is, to anyone who wasn't in the Scouts)
• Scott had to pay for losing the private bet with Harry.

All the above entertainments were in addition to the main event: Jamie had lost the bet with Aiden. He would have to suffer - so would his useless Champion. It looked as if the event was going to last into a third day. What a good job they'd brought a lot of food. There was even that tap that was used to fill the cattle trough in the field just the other side of the Light Water Gutter.

It was getting on towards dinner time so the obvious first to pay his forfeit should be Harry; then, if he got it wrong there would be plenty of time to torment him after a rather lesser dinner than if he was as good as his word.

Jamie went to collect James and George adjusted the fire.

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"Eyowa fai' I coulve fanve in pfry-vu'."
I didn't know gags taught you Welsh! :D

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blackbound wrote: 2 years ago
I didn't know gags taught you Welsh! :D

Nid wyf yn siarad Cymraeg.

The Other Person is a Cymraeg speaker!
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A New view of Tickling

Jamie brought his Champion back to the Keep. James was attired in a clean pair of boxers and had to walk with his ankles hobbled, his hands strapped behind him and carrying Jamie's duffel bag. He was quiet and seemed to be impeccably behaved. Jamie sat him down, unbuckled the strap round his wrists and replaced it, and the padlock, in its customary position. He then removed the chain and James removed Jamie's duffel bag and returned it to him.

Scott asked Harry what his penalty was likely to be and asked the others (not all that seriously) if having been tied up for so long would count. Nobody even bothered to reply.

Harry, being used to Sea Scout "sports", decided to return the compliment and offer Scott a bet. After the explanation, Scott accepted. The others didn't see how they could lose by it.

"OK you two, on your bums, shuffle over." George had certainly got into the spirit of the contest by now even if he wasn't initially involved and he prepared to put the chain to good use as Harry and Scott used their hands to help them work their way towards one another.

Look, I'm pretty sure that all readers will know that neither Scott nor Harry would attempt to avoid their obligations but it wouldn't be as much fun if they stayed on their honour all the time and, all the while they were bound, they had licence to try to escape and the others needed to ensure that they didn't. The same went for James really, he knew the repercussions of his escaping but the others could never be quite sure that he wouldn't try to do so in spite of any assurances he might give.

George chained Scott's right ankle to Harry's left leaving them about forty-five centimetres between each other. He could have left more but, you know . . . . As George removed the strap that was keeping his friend's ankles crossed, Aiden did the same for Harry. Before long both defaulters had their wrists strapped together behind them once more. There was some discussion as to whether they should be gagged but, for once, the other boys thought that Harry would need to be able to speak. Scott was disappointed.

OK, so Scott, George, Harry and Aiden needed to go to the river but James didn't. Jamie, however, wasn't going to miss out on the fun so he made a proposition to James. James chose not to be hogtied like he was before with his gag back in place and the compression sac from his sleeping bag tied round his neck by the drawstring.

"Good choice, Blondie. Behave?" James assured his benefactor that, in return for his kind consideration, he would, indeed behave. In return Jamie bound his hands behind him with his wrists crossed. Not to use the rest of the rope would, In Jamie's opinion (and that of all the others), have been a shame so he wrapped both free ends round his prisoner's waist and tied them in such a way that, when pulled tight, they made James breathe in somewhat. Jamie secured them finally against James's wrists leaving him with very little scope for movement of his arms.

"Hang on, if he's coming with us, he'll have his ankles free. What's to stop him running away?"

"Yeah, how do we know he won't?" James was starting to feel even more wretched. He knew he was the only one whose word none of the others would trust. He had started re-evaluating his image from the perspective of others some time ago; he was caused to continue to do so by George's and Aiden's reactions.

"Blondie, look at me, I'm going to hood you. No, don't worry, I promised I wouldn't leave you like that. It's only until I can strap your ankles again. Ready?" James nodded and Jamie slipped the compression sac over his head without bothering to secure it. "OK, now as long as you behave, I'll keep my promise. Scout's honour." He removed the strap that was preventing James from standing and all three bound boys were helped to their feet.

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Harry, with Scott in tow, lead the way. After a very short while, he and Scott managed to work together in rhythm to work up a very respectable pace. All the way Harry was assuring Scott that, yes, it did work, and all Scott would need was patience. That was the bit that amused the others: Scott - patience; patience - Scott. Nah! He was stuffed. The procession was completed by George and Aiden discussing whether Harry would be able to work his way out of his forfeit and whether Scott would still need to surrender to Harry having failed his challenge. Jamie was leading James like a dog using the drawstring of his hood by which to lead him. He was being surprisingly gentle and brought up the rear by some way.

Harry led the way down the dry causeway and turned right long the tow-path until it crossed over the White Water. Jamie explained to his charge what was happening so that there was less chance of his losing his footing as they went along the tow path and down the worn informal path to the gutter.

Harry and his entourage waited for Jamie and his charge to arrive. When he started explaining, those who were in swimming gear rejoiced in the fact. Poor James, not again! Harry ostentatiously havered between crossing the water and passing under the bridge. He chose to pass under the bridge to where he thought the better spot would be found.

The bridge wasn't exactly very high and everyone had to crouch with their faces only about twenty centimetres above the flowing water as they negotiated the uneven floor of the gutter. Harry was more used to this than the other boys and even little victories counted! James needed a great deal of reassurance from his Owner but, upon standing upright again, he received a slap on the back and a congratulatory word from his unseen guide.

Harry said that there was no way the people who were tied up would be able to climb out of the water for a good two hundred metres so the party waded on. You know, I swear he knew about that hole in the riverbed that swallowed Aiden temporarily, at least he and Scott seemed to have avoided it. The party carried on until the river took a bend to the left leaving a deposit on the inside of the bend that made a ramp up to the bank. George and Aiden, who had temporarily lost his sense of humour, (I wonder why he was so suspicious?) knew they'd have to help the two chained boys to climb up to the bank and supported them by pushing between their shoulders as they tried to coordinate their efforts. Aiden was very tempted to let the giggling, bickering pair fall backwards. No, he was an honourable man. And besides he could wait. There was that combined camp coming up in a few weeks and Harry's guard would be down by then.


The party walked back until there was a wicker bank retainer on the outer curve of the river. Harry announced that that was the place.

"OK, Sailor Boy, on your bum, cross your ankles."

"And you Scott."

"No, wait a minute. Yes, tie our ankles, I suppose you've got to, but not crossed, do it side by side. Please." Following his explanation, what Harry said made sense; it would be much easier for Scott and Harry to complete their task like that. Soon the prisoners’ arms were free and their ankles strapped together again. Harry thought the padlock was a bit unnecessary. The chain connecting them was removed and James was sitting on the bank cross-legged once more but without the compression sack on his head.

Most of those present had heard of trout tickling but, other than Harry who was an expert, no one had tried it before. If Harry could make sure everybody had a fresh trout for supper, his forfeit would be considered to have been paid. I think he's going to be a car salesman in future, he even argued successfully that any trout Scott managed to catch should count to his tally as well because, after all he would be teaching Scott the art.

The others had seen the snag some time ago, if Scot wasn't successful or if, as was likely, he didn't try his best, their gourmet dinners were in danger and it would be back to ‘dog-food’ from the tins that their Champions had to carry to site.

"Hey, Scott."


"You know your little brother?"

"Yeah, he's a shithead." Scott loved his little brother. Well, he did actually - as long as he was kept in his place.

"You reckon he'd like to come and join us for the evening?"

"Oh, come on. Maaate! You wouldn't."

"That sound like a challenge to you, boys?"

"Sounds like one to me, George, perhaps you'd better invite him."

George said that he'd have to wait 'til they got back to site because there was no way he was going to take his phone paddling. Scott didn't even stop to think that, although George was his best friend, he probably wouldn't have Luke's number on his phone. However, the threat certainly helped Scott concentrate on the task in hand. Although Luke enjoyed being tied up by his big brother because it helped him keep out of trouble by taking away his responsibility for his own behaviour, he also enjoyed torturing Scott whenever he got the upper hand and, under the tutelage of his Sea Scout Troop, he was becoming an expert.

"OK, Farmer Boys, let a Sailor Boy show you how it's done." Harry laid himself along the barrier with his right arm dangling in the water. He told everyone to keep quiet (yes, I do know that's not necessary) and to stay still while he cupped his hand with his fingers towards the bank. In less than ten minutes, he swore vehemently as he made a grab and came up with little more than river water.

"No, no, it's alright, I was just too impatient. Settle down lads, all in good time." By this stage, Luke's Sea Scout Troop would have been placing all sorts of bets but even the eternal optimist that was Scott thought he was stuffed. If the experienced tickler (and suspected poacher, but no one was asking about that) came up empty-handed, what chance did he stand? He could just imagine the humiliation of being tortured by his little brother in front of his friends. And, what was worse, in front of James.

Another five minutes passed and Harry could be seen gently nodding. The eventual successful catch wasn't even spectacular but the brown trout was certainly a fair size. It lay flopping on the bank until Jamie picked it up and bashed its head against a stone.

The arrangement was simple, if Scott caught more trout than Harry, he would have paid off his forfeit, if not, then Harry could make other arrangements for his further entertainment.

"Think of poor little Luke. I'm sure he'll want to come over this evening."

"Yeah, what did you do to him in last weekend's feuding?"

"Woa yeah! He must REALLY want a little word with you without your parents being around."

"Just shut up, you guys. Now let me in there." Scott manoeuvred himself to be just behind where Harry was and draped his right arm in the water.

"Land Farmers know nothing." Harry moved out of his place and told Scott that he stood more chance of a catch if he positioned himself on the bend. There followed detailed (and almost non-stop) instructions from the skinny motor-mouth as Scott lay along the bank, cupped his hand and waited. You might think that fifteen minutes or so of watching Scott lying on the bank and catching nothing would be a bit boring. Not with Scott's increasingly frustrated outbursts it wasn't; he must have had three unsuccessful grabs until Harry persuaded him to calm down, not to rush and just let the fish position itself.

The cheer from his friends as Scott eventually flicked a glimmering fish onto the bank was as sincere as Scott was surprised.

Harry took over again as Scott shuffled out of his place. Very soon a third, but smaller, trout needed Jamie's attention and Scott shuffled over to replace his mentor. This time his intelligence over-rode his impatience and a fourth, prize-winning fish was lying on the bank. Harry took no more than five minutes to secure his third prize and Scott positioned himself as he had been shown so that he was unlikely to be spotted from in the water. HIs bound legs kept fidgeting and the other boys were now getting nearly as impatient as Scott himself.

"That's it. Times up." And Harry gave Scott just a little push. With his legs straight, Scott couldn't stymie Harry's intentions and rolled into the water with a resounding splash that would certainly have frightened off any fish in the vicinity.

"We didn't say anything about a time limit." Jamie was nearly as surprised as Scott and the other chi-iking boys.

"I know, but - you know . . ." Harry's mouth split his face as the Joker's grin appeared once more.

Scott was not impressed but he soon used his arms on the wickerwork to help him stand steadily. "Come on, lads, help me out." Without his ankles fastened, it would have been easy for someone as athletic as Scott to lift himself out of the water but in his situation, there was simply no way of getting one leg on the bank and rolling out of the stream. "You know what you lot are, don't you?" None of their suggestions matched what Scott had in mind.

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Thanks must go to [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], who managed to get me to understand how to post an image successfully. Without the maps, I don't think certain aspects of the story would have been easily comprehensible.
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Back to the Keep

As Scott worked his way downstream to the deposition that allowed him to reach the bank, the others assessed the situation. Scott still had no idea how he'd get out of the water.

So . . .
- Harry and Scott had not provided a trout for each of them. Therefore, Harry had not fulfilled his promise and therefore he should suffer a further penalty.
- Scott had failed to beat Harry's total. Therefore, he should have to surrender to Harry.
- Harry had cheated. Nobody (except Scott) cared.

Harry suggested that everybody except Aiden and he should return to the keep and get ready for dinner and he would still keep his promise because, as Jamie said, "We didn't say anything about a time limit." That sounded reasonable and, if Harry failed, he could always go without and watch the rest of them eating from a hogtied position on the ground.

George went to help Scott out of the water and bunny-hopped him back to the others. Scott knew he had little option but to accept the verdict of his ‘friends’ that he was still in debt to Harry but he was used to such ‘justice’ and knew that he would have passed the same verdict upon any of them if the roles had been reversed.

It was decided that Scott should be James's ball and chain for their walk back to the castle keep and his right ankle was shackled to James's left one. James didn't even bother to protest when George left only about thirty centimetres of chain between the two prisoners. Mind you, that might have had something to do with the compression sack, the willow stick and the hank of paracord that George placed ostentatiously in front of him before he started. "In fairness to James", Scott had his wrists padlocked into the strap that had been taken off his ankles once more and James had the strap removed from his ankles allowing him, somewhat clumsily, to stand up. That process nearly brought Scott down. Once both captives were stable, Jamie buckled the redundant strap loosely round James's neck and hung his duffel bag over his right shoulder and clipped the rope by his left hip. George grinned; James still managed not to react.

Aiden had, meanwhile, settled for pulling the belt that he'd removed from Harry's ankles tightly round his upper arms forcing them firmly against his bony torso. He didn't think his Champion would make any serious escape attempt and it would render their progress through the water easier. James wondered what had happened to the "in fairness to James" consideration. When he gets older, he might understand the difference between Statutory Law and Case Law.

Before he and Harry entered the water again and made their way upstream to where there was another bank retainer, Aiden had threaded the catch onto a long piece that he'd cut off the paracord and left it on the ground before departing to supervise Harry as he decided where he would try to fulfil his contract.

George threaded the cord that held the fish up under Scott's armpits, leaving the fish hanging down his back and over his padlocked hands. He then twined the free ends behind Scott's neck and separated them, lifting the fish heads up between his shoulder blades, before tying them off with a reef knot. Scott was not best impressed!

Jamie gave his companions the choice: "Jump in here or go in gently further down?" James chanced expressing his preference for walking down the bank and getting in the water via the deposition they had used previously. That probably swung the decision. They decided to jump in from where they were. James didn't even object on the grounds of safety; he was mistakenly under the impression that safety didn't matter at all to this group of lunatics. In fact, they were safety conscious but they didn't let such considerations get in the way of their fun and only allowed such things to moderate the way they tortured their friends and rivals to the extent necessary to avoid serious injuries. Or, at least, that was the theory. Scott and Harry understood that. James did not.

"Easy, mate, it's good." Scott tried to reassure James as they walked carefully to the edge of the bank. "Ready? One, two, three." Both boys jumped and, in spite of having their hands out of action, managed to remain vertical with only minor splutterings. George and Jamie followed shortly afterwards and adjusted their Champions' burdens before starting to wade back upstream.

When they reached the worn path, Harry, who was lying on the bank again with his ankles fastened (not that he would try to escape but just because he hadn't yet acquitted himself of his obligations to the party), waved before returning to his task left-handed this time. Scott gave the instructions that he thought would help James and himself to get back to dry land. With the path having been well worn into the bank, it would be reasonably easy for a single bound boy to negotiate it. But there were two of them without enough chain between their ankles to allow them to go in single file.

James and Scott stood as close to one another as they could and, on Scott's call of "Inside, outside, inside, etc." tried to climb up the steep path. Jamie and George thought they'd help. Jamie pushed one hand into the small of James's back and another between his shoulders allowing him to lean back slightly and get better purchase on the ground. George acted in a similar manner. Scott appreciated the help but didn't really appreciate the grinning George's hand on his bum. The four boys made it to the top of the bank and, rather more easily up to the tow path and back to the castle keep. On the way, Scott made an attempt to talk to James as though he was just another of his friends who had willingly become involved in one of their tie-up games. James still felt uneasy; he knew he still had significant forfeits to pay.


Aiden had followed Harry as they made for where he thought he would be likely to find more success with his trout tickling. With the wicker bank protector Harry had to ask Aiden to help him out of the water. The skinny kid was so light that the muscular Aiden lifted him like a baby and more or less threw him onto the bank before levering himself out. Aiden pointed out that he ought to strap Harry's ankles together and Harry accepted the reason for the decision. He made no attempt to escape as Aiden unbuckled the strap clamping his arms to his body, thus freeing him completely, and padlocked it round his ankles once more.

Harry positioned himself and waited. He withdrew his left hand from the water to wave at the other four boys as they emerged from under the bridge. His inevitable idiot grin seemed to indicate that he wasn't too unhappy with his situation. He'd just have to wait until things settled down again once the others had cleared the water.

Aiden spent the next forty minutes or so either watching Harry or taking his own turn under instruction. By the time Aiden had decided that they'd been long enough at the task, they'd taken another large trout (Aiden's to his delight) and two smaller ones. Harry knew he'd fulfilled his contract and waited to be unlocked.

"Sorry, Harry mate, if it was my decision - - - but, you know." Aiden was, of course, being completely insincere but it was all in the game.

Harry was never one to give up and continued to negotiate. However, with the need to atone for his sins when he frequently described "Farmer Boys" in less than complimentary terms, he had no real hope of reprieve. It was just a question of whether he was going to allow Aiden to fasten his wrists behind him or whether Aiden was going to have to find some other way of getting him all the way back to the keep. The interchange was somewhat surreal; Harry was summoning arguments, some of which sounded quite reasonable, and Aiden was simply continuing a list. "Let's see: bunny hop, fireman's chair, dragged by the ankles, yeah, I reckon dragged by the ankles is easiest . . . or . . ." Aiden soon had Harry's wrists securely in place.

It was a good job that Harry was cooperating because, with fresh trout hanging from his fingers, Aiden wouldn't have been capable of doing much to keep him in line as they waded across the gutter and a little way downstream.

Harry climbed out of the water and up to the tow path with relative ease and he even jogged back to the castle with Aiden some distance behind carrying the trophies. He arrived to find Scott and James sitting against the keep, with their hands free and the inevitable straps round their ankles. He soon found himself in the same condition.

Post Mortem #5

Before George got round to organising the fish dinner, a review of the situation was necessary.
- Scott still owed Harry as a result of the lost bet (ignoring the fact that Harry had cheated by calling "time").
- Harry still owed the Scouts because of his disrespect of non-Sea Scouts.
- The Scouts, including Scott, decided that James had only paid for disrespecting Sea Scouts and ought to suffer in the same way as Harry for disrespecting them. So much for the solidarity of the oppressed.
- Jamie still had his penalties to serve as a result of losing the main contest with Aiden and he was going to take James down with him. Aiden was to decide the nature of the forfeits. He said he would decide later. The others said he was a bastard. Aiden said, "Yeaaah!" and certain people grinned.

George said that they'd need firewood unless they were going to try to cook fair sized fish on small camping stoves and Jamie said they'd all need water. The decisions were soon made.

Harry said that, rather than suffer the same wedgie torment that James had been through earlier, he would agree to work alongside Scott as long as he didn't have to suffer more than Scott did. The whole group had proved easier to negotiate with than Aiden on his own had been.

So that James didn't have to wait around worrying, he agreed to collect the firewood. Jamie said he'd supervise just in case James seemed to be straying too far. There was some discussion as to whether Jamie or Aiden, who would see to the safety of the water carriers, would have use of the chain. Once more James was reminded of how untrustworthy he was considered to be by the others as Jamie prevailed. He also "borrowed" Scott's padlock. Scott thought that spoiled the fun a bit but he did understand the situation.

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James Makes a Plea

Jamie approached James and explained that, once he had cuffed his ankles so that he could walk, he would use the redundant strap to bind his wrists behind him. He also pointed out that, if he didn't collect enough suitable firewood, there was plenty of time before tomorrow, when they would both have to suffer for his failure to win the challenge, for him to think up something even more unpleasant than the wedgie.

James was confused. When Jamie had spoken to him earlier, he thought that, as long as he was obedient and quiet, he wouldn't be treated quite so badly. He thought that Jamie was also starting to have more respect for him even though more than none at all wasn't a great deal. He thought he could appeal to logic. "Jamie, listen, please, just hear me out. Yes?" Jamie nodded. "I know you lot won't accept my word of honour not to escape even though you know I can't afford to do so but I've got a proposal to make. If you don't like it, you can still do what you just said. 'Right?"

"Carry on. You've got one minute." Jamie didn't appear to be timing things but James continued. By the time he'd got to the "On my mother's life." bit, he had successfully negotiated improved working conditions. Jamie had agreed to tie James's wrists in front of him so that he would find it easier to collect the wood. That didn't seem to be too much to ask especially as he would be able to perform his task much more quickly or get more done for his oppressors.

Jamie produced a long rope and told James to hold his fists out in front of him. and not to let them move. Initially James thought that the hemp rope was much too long; after about five minutes he realised that it wasn't. Jamie wrapped four turns of rope between his Champion's wrists, paying out the rope as he went along and leaving the end dangling. He completed the loops with a reef knot and warned James about what would happen if he relaxed and let the ropes slip off. "OK, keep this lot tight, got it?" James nodded. "Got it?" said Jamie more emphatically.

"Got it." James even considered saying, "Sir."

Jamie worked carefully without letting more rope unfurl than was necessary as he wrapped it round the original loops trapping James's right wrist and completing a semi rigid rope cuff leaving James' hands about twenty centimetres apart with about a metre of rope hanging from his left wrist. Jamie simply shortened it with a few interlocked loops and left it dangling. James thought that he might be able to reach the final knot but he knew that Jamie would notice and he didn't fancy being able to outrun him once he had been shackled. He thought he'd try something else.



"Thank you." Jamie nodded.

When Jamie turned to grab the chain, there was just the faintest hint of a smile on his rather prominent lips. It was gone by the time he turned back again. Two padlocks soon ensured that James couldn't separate his feet by more than fifty centimetres even without the strap that Jamie had removed. That would leave a lot of trailing chain but James thought he'd just have to put up with that.

Jamie called across to Aiden and asked if he could borrow Harry's padlock. It was obvious that Scott wasn't likely to help him escape any more than he would ask Harry to release him in turn. Aiden unlocked it and threw it across to Jamie with the key still in place. "James, mate, stand up."

James scrambled to his feet in a somewhat undignified manner and Jamie gathered the unused chain from the ground. "Breathe in, Blondie." Jamie grinned and, without leaving too little chain to allow James to stand easily or too much to provide a trip hazard, he formed a fairly tight belt round James's waist and slipped the hasp of the padlock between two links. Three more rather snug circuits of James's slightly constricted waist left only about twenty centimetres of chain hanging beside his hip once Jamie had slipped another link onto the hasp and locked the padlock closed.

James was told that he wasn't allowed across the canal or the river or even the footpath and that he'd better not take more than one minute on each foray. James said that he understood and realised that, as long as Jamie was outside the keep, he could never be out of sight except when he passed briefly behind one of the larger trees scattered thinly around. James went in search of firewood.

Jamie had a decision to make. He delayed making it and sat himself against the keep to maintain surveillance on his slave worker.

Getting Ready for Work

While James was being prepared, so were Harry and Scott.

Harry considered that Scott owed him personally but he was prepared to trade that off, especially as he'd cheated. In spite of that, he could have insisted that Scott be kept tied up until he had fulfilled his own obligations and was available to deal with him personally. Harry, however, was not unintelligent in spite of his devil-may-care attitude to life. He reckoned that, if he didn't have Scott to work with him, he'd probably have to make two journeys.

Scott, on his part, didn't resent the fact that he didn't really deserve to be in Harry's debt but Scott is Scott is Scott. He was usually happy enough to be tied up and had never been known to make any serious attempt to avoid it or any subsequent tortures except for the sake of form or to try to provoke even more severe treatment. The two of them were quite well matched.

Their task was to collect water for the entire camp. The nearest water source was in the cows' field just downstream a bit from where Harry started his trout tickling and not far from the opposite bank. Obviously, George and Aiden had no intention of making things too easy for Harry, and Scott would just have to put up with it. Aiden went for a rope.

Upon his return, Aiden had formed two blood bytes about two metres apart in the middle of the rope but had not tightened them. He slipped one over Harry's neck and adjusted it until, the loop could not be passed over his head. He then tightened the knot so that it wouldn't slip, leaving Harry's neck unconstricted. Scott was treated in a similar way while George removed the strap from his ankles and used it to strap Harry's hands behind him. By inserting his hands in opposite directions through the prepared belt, George ensured that Harry would be reasonably comfortable unless he allowed his wrists to drop. Some favour. His mate was soon treated in the same way.

George threw the padlock that Jamie wanted across to him and Harry realised that their wrists weren't going to be padlocked. That shifty look came across his face. He looked sideways at Scott. No, no hope. Scott would never agree. In any case, Aiden would probably be with them. Harry shrugged his shoulders. It was only then that he questioned the need for more water with what was left in the aqua roll. He should have known better. "Because we might need all of that if we have to waterboard a reluctant slave." Yes, that seemed to explain things so Harry said how keen he was to get started.

Just a Busy Evening

Once Scott and Harry had departed for their task accompanied by Aiden, George addressed the cooking fire. He needed to fuel it and then get the flames down to a good glow. James started delivering fuel and left it in one of three piles as directed by George who seemed to be following some sort of arcane system of his own. Nevertheless, he soon declared that the embers were suitable and went for the supply of oil and the kitchen foil that all good Scouts use to avoid the worst of the washing up of the Trangia stoves. Harry wasn't the only one who knew his countryside and George ripped up a handful of ramsons which he proceeded to stuff into the cavities of the fish that he'd just gutted. He liked garlic! The usual tiny salt and pepper sachets that had been "borrowed" from various fast-food joints yielded their contents which George massaged into slashes he'd cut into the skin of the trout before rubbing them with oil and sealing them in a double layer of foil.

George didn't see why his mates and he shouldn't eat well. No, I don't mean properly with "five a day" and all that nonsense, I mean the enjoyable stuff. Veg. was simply too much like health food.

He lodged the individually wrapped fish carefully in the embers near the edge of the fire and set about making what the Scouts called "proper" custard; you know: the unfeasibly bright yellow stuff from a packet. The boys didn't care that they couldn't use fresh milk as long as there was plenty of yellow gunk for dunking cake in and flicking at one another.

George settled back for a bit of demanding fuel pile supervision.

Jamie still had that decision to make. He'd been keeping an eye on James for about twenty minutes and, so far. he hadn't put a bare foot wrong and the water carriers would be back soon. He thought he'd take a chance. He couldn't see James wanting to be seen in chains and probably still tied up but worst of all he wouldn't want to be seen in those not yet dry boxers that were doing little to provide the concealment that he wished they would. All that coupled with the dishonour of welching on a bet seemed to Jamie to be good enough reasons to join George in the keep. It was a good call and James continued his task without complaint.

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Playing the Concertina

Aiden had rounded up Jamie's precious and somewhat battered old Sigg bottle, George's plastic water bottle, his own platypus pack and two concertina containers that he'd made Harry bring. They were useful; they packed small and they held over five litres of water each. He turned down Scott's request to be allowed a back pack to carry the containers in but, in an act of true magnanimity, he offered to carry his platypus himself. He checked Harry's and Scott's wrists and gave each porter a canteen and a concertina each. He borrowed Jamie's small duffel bag of supplies "just in case someone needs to be gagged or something" but he made no attempt to put the containers, other than his own platypus, in it. He gathered the loose ends of the ropes, coiled them and secured them individually, leaving them resembling lassos hanging down the worker's backs. "I don't think I'm going to need the reins, am I?" Scott and Harry reassured him that he was not.

The three boys headed for the tow path conversing more or less like any normal group of teenage friends. Being separated by so much rope made walking down the worn path and into the White Water Gutter fairly easy for the two bound boys and there was certainly little reluctance when it came to jumping in. The day had not yet got much cooler and the cold of the peaty water was actually quite welcome.

Conversation continued and both Scott and Harry laughed like lunatics when that hole in the river bed claimed Aiden again. Unfortunately, when he surfaced, he still had his bag of supplies. Scott realised that there were advantages to following Harry closely. The boys waded on and even Aiden couldn't help smiling wryly at the thought of his having fallen (literally) for that again. He also decided to follow Harry much more closely.

The water level was almost up to waist level most of the time but the banks were usually at about chest level. The party waded until a right-hand bend in the river gave a convenient, easy climb up to the bank close to the cattle trough they were looking for.

"OK slaves, get on with it."

"Aren't you going to help?"

Aiden looked around as if looking for someone else. "Oo sorry, were you speaking to me?"

"Come on, mate, let's get this done." Scott dropped the bottle and the concertina that he was carrying and turned his back on the tap that hung over the trough. The height wasn't much of a problem but the fact that Scott had to reach his bound wrists half was across the trough was! He did manage to open the tap without falling in much to Aiden's disappointment. Harry didn't bother to point out that, with his long limbs, he might have found the task easier. He was also disappointed that Scott's bum had not just slipped off the rim leaving him folded double in the slimy trough. Oh well, a man can hope.

Scott dipped to the ground and picked up the concertina and told Harry to unscrew the tap while he attempted to hold the container still. Neither boy could see clearly what he was doing and Aiden was being royally entertained by their bickering and mutual recriminations as they made several false starts to their task.

"Come on, Aiden, it'd be much easier if you helped."

"Yes, it would. - And your point is?"

Aiden got no answer as Scott and Harry returned to their task.

Scott was eventually left holding the open, and slowly expanding container by slipping the fingers of his right hand through the handle next to the threaded aperture and he perched his bum precariously on the edge of the trough once more. He was aided by Harry's directions until he'd managed to pull the opening up round the end of the tap. Whether he fell in or not was an even nearer thing before Scott slipped to the floor this time.

Now the real problem started. Scott tried to hold the grounded concertina still while Harry tried to locate the thread with the tap. As Harry fumbled and Scott inadvertently pushed the container down in an attempt to hold it still, the concertina effect cut in and the water started to exit the container.

"Um, boys, it's not full, you know." This time neither water carrier managed to hold back with his opinion. "My parents WERE married but at least they never had a useless moron for a son. Fill it up, please. Harry, remember, there's always that wedgie to look forward to."

"Come on, I give in. Harry, I'll get in the trough, you hand me the concertina. Aiden, if I do that, will you screw the taps back on?"


"Ahh, come on, - Maaaate!?"

"Tell you what, if the Sailor Boy gets in that scummy trough, I'll consider it. But you still have to deal with the bottles and my platypus without my help."

"I bid we only have to close the canteens." Harry never knew to quit when he was winning. It was as if he'd completely forgotten Aiden's "bargaining" technique from earlier.

"Fair enough; if you don't want to accept my kind offer," Aiden started ostentatiously rummaging through the duffel bag, "I could probably find something," he withdrew a nearly new roll of gaffer tape, "to make your life more interesting. Now which one is going to be blindfolded?" There was a sudden silence. "Ah, both of you, then?" Aiden was always considered such a "nice young man" in school. He was hard working, intelligent and worked as a volunteer in a youth club for disabled youngsters. If only his teachers and his father knew how he took his relaxation.

Harry had a change of heart. "Alright, alright, I'll do it."


"Come on, never mind pride, on your knees." Scott knew that they'd bid their hands to the maximum and now Aiden was calling them. Harry saw the sense of it and both water carriers prepared to start begging. Following some completely insincere (and totally transparent) flattery, Aiden generously agreed not to blindfold either of them as long as they both climbed into the trough, knelt down and sank themselves up to their necks.

"It's alright, you can wash it off in the river on the way back. Tell me how kind I am." Aiden was left none the wiser concerning his kindness.

Harry and Scott stood and approached the cattle trough and Harry's long left leg easily straddled the rim of the trough. He seated himself somewhat uncomfortably on the rim, got himself suitably balanced and swung his right leg high and slipped into the trough, completely out of control. Aiden conceded that that would count as ducking himself up to his shoulders as his head broke the surface once more. Harry knelt spluttering having found that the water really wasn't that scummy but he still really wouldn't want to drink it.

"You OK?" Harry had to agree that he was and Aiden waited for Scott to follow suit. He perched his bum on the rim.


"Yeah, what?"

"Look mate, Scottie's in debt to me not you. He doesn't need to do it." Harry was trying to be magnanimous.

"Don't Sailor Boys believe that people should honour their promises, then?" Harry had no answer.

"Don't worry about it." Scott just slipped his bum into the trough using Harry as a landing mat. That settled that.

"Shoulder deep." reminded Aiden and Scott ducked himself completely. Scott didn't do subtle.

"Thanks for trying, mate but you know as well as I do that I couldn't chicken out. Not once I'd promised."

"I've always said Land Farmers had no sense." All three boys were grinning and Aiden decided to let Harry get away with that one.

"OK, get on with it. Scott, out you get. Spider Boy, you stay in there." Scott clambered clumsily out of the metal trough and Harry positioned himself on his knees with his back to the tap.

Scott slipped the fingers of his right hand into the handle of the no longer full concertina and heaved it over the edge of the trough. He hadn't really thought it out and, following considerable foul language and mutual recriminations during which Harry failed to get a grip on the elusive object secure enough to allow him to manoeuvre it under the tap, Scott moved away from the trough with the now mostly empty container. He dropped it on the ground, knelt and forced the object of his ire between his wrists and his back and stood once more. He rested the concertina on the edge of the trough and Harry felt his way to inserting the fingers of his right hand into the gap under the handle. He would now be able to support the weight of a full concertina. Scott turned round and guided the skinny kid as he knelt up and pulled the opening up over the spout of the flowing tap.

The container soon filled and it was Aiden's turn to keep his side of the bargain. "OK, Aiden, come here and screw the tap on."

"Sorry, couldn't quite hear that."

"Please, Oh Great Aiden, come and screw the tap on."

"I want to hear it from the Sailor Boy."

Harry made his disingenuous request and Aiden wasn't the only one hoping that someone would be off his guard during the forthcoming combined camp.

"Over." Harry tried to move his hands sideways. "More." Harry growled and turned his back to the side of the trough "Further." Aiden was making no effort to make things easy for the Sea Scout and Harry's wrists were starting to feel the strain of the strap biting into them and his shoulders and hands were feeling the strain of being extended. Aiden rather gingerly started screwing the fitting onto the aperture, having made sure the tap was closed first. Once it had bitten, he worked more positively until the whole thing was watertight once more.

"OK, Spidey, drop it." Harry let the insult go. He was only too ready to release his burden. He let that go as well. There was a pleasing "gloomp" sound as the concertina hit the floor.

The second concertina was filled with less palaver and landed on its predecessor before rolling off onto the ground. Aiden offered his platypus accompanied by some very credible threats about what would happen to "his slaves" if they didn't keep it out of the water in the trough. Scott passed up the opportunity to point out that he was Harry's slave and not Aiden's as he weighed up the advisability of "accidentally" contaminating Aiden's precious hydration pack at the risk of accepting the inevitable penalty. Even if it was Harry, his companion would have to suffer as well and Scott did care about others, it was just his own well-being that he so often disregarded.

Both boys trying to work with their backs to one another and their hands bound so that they could get no clear view of what they were doing convinced Aiden that he'd have to follow through his threats. He thought that the risk of what he described as contamination was certainly worth it not only for the chance to get even more revenge on Harry but for the entertainment that Jamie and George were missing. He waited until the intractable and rather too flexible, under the circumstances, bladder was as full as he could expect.

"OK boys, hold it there." Aiden graciously sealed the container with the drinking tube and closed the valve. He placed it safely in the duffel bag.

After all that, filling George's and Jamie's bottles was uneventful and Harry dutifully turned off the tap afterwards. He stood, straddled his way out of the trough and examined his feet. That trough can't have been all that dirty after all.

Aiden Demonstrates His Skills

The ropes that Aiden had coiled were still in place except that Harry had worked his round to the front where it caused less inconvenience while he worked. Aiden gave some overtly verbalised thought about the advisability of tying their burdens to his pack-mules. Harry objected - bad move. That gave Aiden the opportunity he wanted.

"No - Aiden - no, - please - mate?"

Aiden uncoiled the rope near Harry's neck. "Alright I'll give you a chance: all you have to do is repeat after me: Scouts are better than Sea Scouts. In comparison, Sea Scouts are useless girlies but Scouts rule all. That's all. Ready?"

Harry considered the offer but even having knelt and begged previously, more on Scott's behalf than his own, a man has his pride. "Nah. Don't think so, sorry Scottie, mate."

"Typical Sailor boy." Scott didn't sound too disgruntled.

"You sure?"

"Do your worst." even now, Harry had that wry half grin on his face.

"Well, if you're not going to say it, I might as well use some of these supplies. Sure you're not going to say it?"

The more Aiden gave him the opportunity, the more determined Harry became to tough things out for the honour of his Troop, even when he saw the roll of gaffer tape in Aiden's hand. "Last chance?" Harry shook his head and Aiden dropped the tape and fished a length of nylon rope out of the bag. "Just thought I'd show you some Scouting skills."

Aiden left a generous standing end and wrapped the rope three times around his rather stubby extended fingers. "Ever seen a monkey's fist? Goes like this." Even though Harry was used to using and having a double layer coil used on him in his own Troop's games, he thought he could figure out what the elaborate knot was going to be used for. And it wasn't a throwing line! Aiden slipped the coils from his fingers and wrapped three new coils none too tightly around them. He threaded the long end of the rope between the two sets of coils and pulled it right through to start another set of three coils round the first set.

For someone who didn't look that delicate, Aiden worked carefully and neatly as he firmed up the knot until he had what looked like a fair-sized ball threaded on a rope. "That's a monkey's fist." announced Aiden, displaying it with some pride. "Open wide, please."

Harry could have resisted but Aiden could probably have thought of something else even more unpleasant if he had. He was crediting Aden with having a mind as creatively "evil" as his own. The ball fitted behind Harry's teeth with no difficulty and Aiden tied it, perhaps more tightly than necessary, behind his neck, leaving two long trailing ends hanging down Harry's back. He hadn't even started on securing Harry's burden to him yet.

"Oh, come on Aiden, don't be harsh." Scott seemed to think that Harry wouldn't be prepared to pay for his principals; a somewhat naive supposition from the Scouts' own bondage pig.

"Don't forget: he said that he'd agree to working with you as long as he didn't have to suffer more than you did. So, I suppose . . ." Harry tried to object. "Oh, OK, as long as you insist." Aiden was deliberately misinterpreting what Harry was trying to say (how unusual!) because he knew he didn't have another suitable rope in the bag. But he did have the tape.

A further interrogation of the contents of the bag produced a roller bandage still in its packaging. It was typical of the sort of thing Jamie would squirrel away for use in the inter-Troop feud or even in his own Troop's tie-up games. Aiden stripped off the cellophane and bound the bandage with tape. I told you that they weren't totally indifferent to safety and Aiden didn't want the end of the roll coming loose inside Scott's mouth. Once inserted, it was long enough to intrude into Scott's cheeks and was unlikely to provide a choking hazard. There were always times even in such games as these, when safety had to be addressed. "OK, Scott?" Scott was almost affronted as he nodded. "Ready?" Another rather cursory nod and a somewhat annoyed grunt preceded Aiden's wrapping of about five layers of the black tape tightly, and rather neatly, round Scott's unresisting lower face.

"Ngghhh?" Harry asked solicitously.

"Mnnng." Scott nodded. I told you those two were well suited.

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I have no pithy comments but please rest assured I'm still reading this!

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Such remarks are still very welcome. Thank you.
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Loading Up Again

Aiden went into thoughtful mode. If it had been James in the position of porter, he might have been less considerate but he needed to find a way where Harry's, and perhaps Scott's, burdens were not putting too much stress on their necks. With Harry, that would be quite easy but Scott's attire lacked the same facilities. Aiden measured the rope hanging by Harry's neck informally after he had uncoiled it and as he gathered it for use. Yes, he had plenty.

Aiden slipped the length of rope between Scott and Harry over Harry's head so that the knot was the still in front of him. He threaded the end through one of the front belt loops of Harry's long jean shorts, across the front of the garment, through the other front belt loop and pulled all the loose rope through and returned the rope to the knot. He pulled tight!

Harry grunted as he was forced to hunch his back. Aiden released the rope a bit and tied it off to the original knot. "Stand up!" Harry stood straight and Aiden checked his work. Harry could stand easily, even though it forced the crotch of his jeans uncomfortably high, and the rope collar was held well out of the danger area of Harry's throat. Harry was going to be left with the choice: either he could stoop uncomfortably or he could put up with the stress on his scrotum (unless he could wriggle himself free).

It was unusual to see the easy-going Harry deliver a "death glare" like that one; it was nearly as impressive as one of Jamie's. Aiden ignored Harry's incomprehensible good wishes and fed the free end of the rope round to the back of Harry's rope collar where he secured it once more. He tied the free end onto the back of the collar again leaving a loop of the doubled rope hanging nearly to the ground and only about sixty centimetres of free rope.

"Don't go away." Aiden left his victim, who was starting to believe that suffering a wedgie like James had done might have been the better option, to collect the concertinas. At least that gave Harry a few seconds' wriggling time.

Aiden returned with the two concertinas and put it to Harry that he might like to sit down. Common sense dictated that he would be wise to do so. Scott was then invited to lie down behind his fellow water carrier and he could see no point in refusing, especially as he was intrigued to find out what Aiden had in mind. "Belly up, please, mate."

Scott was slim and athletic but even the additional height provided by Scott's belly would be useful as a work surface. Aiden placed the two containers carefully on Scott's abdomen with threats about what would happen if he decanted them. He grabbed hold of the bottom of the loop in the rope which he threaded through both handles twice and drew back upwards again. He threaded the bight through Harry's collar, pulled tight enough nearly to lift the water from the living table in spite of the friction, and tied it off.

"OK, Scottie, out of the way." Scott shuffled backwards and the containers dropped to the ground and slid towards one another pulling Harry backwards and leaving him lying on the concertinas. The resultant imprecations would have made a magpie blush; what a good job Harry was gagged.

Aiden thought it was necessary to check on the skinnier of his prisoners to see that he was OK. Harry nodded but the response was more than somewhat angry. He had finally been tempted to play the safety card and withdraw even with the subsequent loss of face and, more importantly: dishonour. Tempted, yes, but as he recovered, (un)wiser decisions prevailed. It was only part of the game and he'd embarked upon the game willingly; now he had to pay the penalties. Aiden repeated, "You need to quit?" Harry had calmed down and simply shook his head quite slowly several times. By now he even felt quite apologetic. Aiden helped him to sit once more.

"OK Scott, sit up." Scott guessed what was about to happen but his jammers didn't have the same properties that Harry's former jeans enjoyed. At least he only had about two litres of water to carry. Perhaps Aiden would allow him to carry one canteen in each hand, hooked onto a finger. No, he knew better than that! "Sorry man, if it was my decision, I'd let you off but, you know, you owe Harry and . . ." Christ, this guy could bullshit for England even in response to an unstated request. Harry was wondering if Scott would care to join him in a plot later on.

Aiden had still not really thought how he was going to make Scott carry his burden but he knew he wouldn't need to be as careful as he had been with Harry because: a) it was Scott, b) he only had a couple of litres to carry and c) it was Scott. Nevertheless, he still passed the rope connecting him to Harry over his head so that the knot was high on Scott's chest. Once the rope by Scott's shoulders was uncoiled and "measured", Aiden decided that he had more than enough for what he'd just decided to do.

"Well Scott, mate, it's a shame you've only got jammers on. I'll just have to improvise. Up you get." As Scott struggled to his feet, he was wishing Aiden would just get on with it and stop the verbal diahorrea. Aiden attached the end of the rope to Scott's collar. That left a surprisingly long loop of rope for him to work with.

Aiden picked up the battered, old, red drinks bottle and threaded the bight through the hole in the stopper and fed most of the rope through it before forcing the loop through once more. That was quite a tight fit but, when he let go, the bottle swung to rest between Scott's pecs. It certainly wouldn't slip down without assistance so he picked up George's white, plastic bottle and threaded the rope through the loop that retained the stopper when it was removed. That was easier as he treated it as he had the Sigg bottle. Scott now had two water containers hanging like the start of a string of onions against his front.

"Right, now what am I going to do with the rest of this rope? Ah! I know: You don't want those bottles bashing against your body all the way back to the keep, do you?" Harry could see what was coming as Aiden moved round to be beside his victim. He shook his head. If only Harry hadn't been gagged, that grin would certainly have been in its accustomed place.

Scott wondered what it had to do with Harry as the awful truth dawned on him. An outraged "Mmmm" escaped from his gag but it was too late. Aiden had already handed the rope from his left hand to his right so that it passed between Scott's legs. He gave a mighty pull upwards. Scott was dancing round like a puppet on tiptoe. Aiden twisted the strands a couple of times and fed the bight between Scott's wrists and his back. A couple of turns round the strap holding Scott's wrists and it was secure but not quite as tight as it had just been - but it was a close call. Aiden maintained the tension as he knotted the doubled rope to the back of Scott's rope collar. That left a handle hanging nearly to Scott's wrists "just in case it was needed".

Aiden looked smug as he came round in front of Scott to examine his handiwork. Scott was still dancing around a bit and looking down and nodding while he tried to make a plea. "Oh, sorry, mate. Hang on." Aiden separated the two strands of rope that were causing most of Scott's discomfort so that they passed either side of his assets. He chose to interpret what Scott said as thanking him.

Jammers are so often less discrete than briefs and that was certainly the case with Scott's at the minute. He would dearly have liked to rearrange himself but there was one other thing he knew: he didn't want Aiden's hand down there doing it for him! More wriggling didn't make his bits any less prominent but the twisted rope did settle further into his arse-crack. He wasn't sure whether that was better or not. At least the cold river water might alleviate his other embarrassment soon.

Another River Journey

Aiden told Harry to stand again, not something he found easy with his burden but the two porters were soon on their way again. Harry wondered if Aiden would be able to avoid the deep hole on the way back but he couldn't do much to steer him into it because, if Scott went into it as well, he would follow him. He decided to give it a wide berth.

Aiden pointed out that Scott didn't seem to be carrying his share of the burden and was about to hang the duffel bag over his left shoulder when he remembered his platypus. He covered himself with more of his waffle as he tried to persuade Scott that he was doing him a favour by taking it himself. Harry and Scott both thought they'd prefer not to be able to hear rather than not to be able to talk.

Harry's burden settled a bit more in spite of the friction until the bottoms of the concertinas bumped rhythmically against the bottom of the skinny porter as he made his way into the river once more. Scott's bottles weren't shifting downwards in any way but they still waived around in an unstable manner as Scott walked. He was glad they weren't slipping because he could imagine where they'd end up! He was also glad that the coldness of the water soon made him take up less room in his jammers.

The wade and walk back to King Stephen's Castle was uneventful but Aiden did support Harry as he climbed out of the White Water this time round. He followed the water carriers back to the keep where Jamie and George were taking their rest and James was obviously still engaged in his assigned task.

Decisions, Decisions.

As the water collecting party arrived, Jamie called James off and produced the stick that he'd removed from the firewood pile some time ago and that he'd spent the interim shaving clean of bark and cutting off any knobbly bits and shaving them smooth.

"RIght then, James, want that chain off." James was very careful how he answered. "OK then, sit down over there." Jamie indicated the wall of the keep. "Now, we've got some business to sort out, Jamie indicated George and Aiden, "so push your knees up between your arms. That's it, wrists right down to your ankles." James was puzzled but he was learning that it was wiser to do what he was told than to do otherwise. "OK, that should hold you while we make some decisions." That wasn't what James had wanted at all: Jamie had threaded the stick upon which he'd been working between James's forearms and the backs of his knees. Now he couldn't straighten his legs or move his wrists. When he objected, he ended up with the willow gag in place again and regretting his poor decision. "We shouldn't take too long. If you manage to keep quiet while we make our decisions, I'll take that nasty stick out of your mouth. If not . . . Well, it'll be a long night, especially if you don't get any dinner."

Other than a despairing snort, James settled down. But Jamie did remove his hobbles.

Aiden ushered Scott and Harry over to the wall and left them standing but he made no attempt to untie them and, when Jamie had finished dealing with James, he explained the situation. He didn't usually chunter as much as Aiden but then, few people do. There were, however, occasions . . .

The Owners had to decide what they should do next although the former Champions could have made one or two suggestions. (There are more reflexive verbs in the English language than you might believe!) Updates were due in respect of the Champions and Jamie although it was generally agreed that Aiden would extract his forfeit after dinner. James didn't get a say in it.

It was generally agreed that both James and Harry had paid off their debts for the bad-mouthing of the Scouts and that Harry had kept his promise as far as the fishing was concerned. So, it was just Scott to answer to Harry for failing to tickle more trout than he had and Jamie could wait until after dinner to discharge his obligation to Aiden. That left the unfortunate James surplus to requirements until Aiden had decided Jamie's fate. Then Jamie would want him to "apologise physically" for failing to win the contest.

The New Situation

Aiden relieved Harry of his burden and completely released him from everything except the gag that he was so proud of. Harry wasted no time adjusting his shorts. "Harry, mate, throw 'em away. Get something bigger." Harry just made himself more comfortable before he struggled to untie his gag.

"What are you going to do now you're free?"

Harry could have just collected his shorts and footwear and headed off home. Other than the fact that he would be displaying his alarmingly skinny torso to the world, he wouldn't look too odd and the neighbours were used to seeing him like that in any case in the summer. "Well, have you got another of them plastic bags?"

George looked puzzled. "Yes, why?"

"Well, I can't leave that dirty jockstrap behind and then I thought I'd come back and stay with you mateys overnight if that's OK." George, Aiden and Jamie went into council. The decision was made. "As long as you wear that gag as a necklace to remind you about rude language. Why don't you get your dinner first and then collect your undies?" Left-handed handshakes were exchanged and attention turned to Scott.

"What about him?" The situation was complicated but Harry wasn't convinced that Scott had acquitted himself completely and the others decided that he hadn't.

The decision was easy: put off dealing with Scott until after dinner. George had already removed the ropes (and the water bottles) from his best mate and, after a token protest trough his gag, Scott allowed himself to be locked into one of the straps again once he had sat himself against the castle wall. Harry didn't want to tie his wrists because, if he did, he'd only have to feed him by hand so he told him to remove the gag himself - a far from quiet process as the tape provided its own unique brand of hair-styling.

Jamie, who, now that he had dried out, had changed his jammers for clean boxers and what he called his "camping shorts", thought he ought to reassure James that he hadn't been forgotten. He had been unbelievably "good" throughout the decision-making process that Jamie offered him a choice. Either he could stay as he was or he could have his ankles crossed again but keep the cuffs. Jamie pulled the gag out of James's mouth and James made it clear that he didn't want to stay hunched over that lump of wood. "Right, here's the deal: I'm going to pull that little twig out from under your knees and you're going to cross your ankles like a good boy. Got it?"

James agreed and honoured his agreement. He was soon immobilised and padlocked securely but decided that it would not be wise either to try to free his wrists or even to ask why it wasn't good enough simply to padlock his ankles as usual.

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but little Speedos always rule.
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A Fish Supper

George thought the fish should be ready and he had boiled up some tinned veg. to go with it. Well, somebody might want it. At the other end of the fire, like the good Scout he was, he had arranged the discarded trainers on stakes so that they would dry out. Only Jamie had resorted to flip-flops and everyone else except George, who had needed to adjust the fire with his boots, was barefoot. George hadn't bothered to change out of his now comprehensively soiled new shorts but Aiden had hung his swimming shorts up to dry and changed into his usual loose boxers and those trackie bottoms with the single black stripes down the outsides of the legs. George had pulled on a t-shirt as protection while he cooked; the fire and the warm summer evening obviated the need for any further clothing even from the inactive captives.

Everybody settled down to dine. Most boys ate straight from the foil but Scott and Aiden decided to use plates so that they could take some of the veg. Aiden just dumped James's fish next to him and left him to it. He eventually managed to undo the hot silver parcel and left it to cool sufficiently to be able to transfer morsels of food to his mouth. Eventually, Jamie took pity on him and untied his elaborate ropework and gave him a fork and a plastic plate. He even gave him one of the left-over smaller trout to make up for what he had unavoidably dropped on the way to his mouth - as long as he agreed to eat all the veg. that was piled on his plate as well. James even thanked Jamie; he still lived in hope that his Owner would be merciful when it came to his inevitable, impending suffering.

The ubiquitous cake and custard followed and mugs of hot chocolate were enjoyed by everybody. Jamie even gave James a mug. Any plates and cutlery were licked clean and wiped over, the nearest that anyone intended to get to washing up, James and Scott were allowed to visit the hole in the ground under the usual conditions and the jury settled to its deliberations.

Harry, the Bondage Master

Harry was invited into the decision-making group. He accepted. Scott's case came up first. Following much legal argument, it was decided that he still owed Harry due to having lost the swimming challenge and not having beaten Harry's haul in the subsequent trout ticking event. Scott thought the appropriate time had come to point out that not only had Harry cheated by calling "time" and kicking him into the water but that the scrawny scarecrow was also a Sea Scout. The jury came to the only fair decision.

"All yours, Harry, boy." Scott was soon sitting with his arms bound in a way he'd not met before and the ball gag back where he liked it.

"Where'd you learn to do that?"

Harry was gratified by the reactions of his companions. "Saw it on YouTube. You know the Chinese? Well, their police mateys do it to criminals out there." Harry graciously agreed to provide a further demonstration. James felt very uneasy again. Rightly so. Jamie handed Harry a suitable rope and he moved towards James. James was about to protest but thought better of it.

"That's good, Blondie, don't worry, it doesn't hurt - - - necessarily." Harry doubled the rope and approached James while Jamie pulled him away from the wall. "Slave!"

Scott could take a hint, especially as Harry was looking directly towards him. He did a bum-shuffle across to where Harry was pointing and, following instructions, forced his feet backwards, rocked forwards and struggled onto his knees. Harry told him to wait while he had a word with James. He explained that his ankles would be freed but James was still suspicious. It was only a few seconds before he found the compression sack forced over his head once more and tied, none too tightly round his neck. Even with his hands free, he stood no chance either of seeing where he was going or removing the hood before he could be stopped.

Jamie unlocked his prisoner's ankles and Harry and he helped him to his feet. Under Harry's instruction James was taken over to where Scott was kneeling and told that he would be helped to climb up on Scott's shoulders. The others were starting to appreciate the evil mind they had just adopted into their group. By the time Harry had tucked James's feet behind Scott's back (his arms being conveniently out of the way) and Jamie had cuffed his ankles with the chain, he had no way of escaping without either enjoying Scott's cooperation or risking injury to both himself and Scott.

Harry went to work. He passed the doubled rope over James's neck and tied a loose loop round it with a secure knot behind it. He then asked Jamie to help and repeat what he was doing on the opposite side of their subject. Both James and Scott tried to hold very still. Harry fed one section of the doubled rope forward over James's left shoulder and returned it under his left armpit. He waited for his pupil to reflect his actions. He then wrapped the prisoner's left arm firmly in five rounds of rope ending by his left wrist, where he tied it off. Jamie did the same to his right arm and Harry took all four rope strands and pushed them up through the loop of rope round his neck. He pulled tight enough to pull James's wrists nearly up between his shoulder blades.

James couldn't resist a protest. "It's OK, mate, that's as high as they're going. One more word and I'll get Jamie to gag you again. Got it?" James snorted and nodded. By this stage of proceedings, it was a good job that Scott was fit and strong as he tried to keep still, with his thighs as near vertical as was possible. Even so, he was relieved when Harry told him he could sit back while he finished off. Keeping the ropes tight, Harry wrapped James's wrists with two rounds of rope, tied off and then secured it once more following a couple of rounds between them. Continuing by forcing all four strands between James's neck and the rope collar once more, Harry pulled tight and asked Jamie to separate the strands into pairs (the bight and the free ends) and tie off round the vertical strands between James's wrists and his neck.

When Harry let go, James's wrists dropped only slightly but they had certainly been forced relatively higher up his back than Scott's had been, but he did have to tie them without assistance. There's no justice; the less slim boy had been put under greater stress than the more supple one. Scott would have probably appreciated it more.

"OK, Jamie, all yours." Harry indicated that he was done with the loan of Jamie's prisoner and Jamie released his ankles and marched him back to his place by the wall of the keep. He strapped his ankles once more but didn't bother to padlock them. He then removed the compression sack. James didn't look particularly grateful as he leaned back and tried to make his arms comfortable against the wall.

Harry now had to decide what was to happen to Scott. Should he release him or should he keep him bound? As he deliberated out loud, he observed his prisoner's face assiduously as well as taking notice of what he said or rather what he was trying to say. The end result was that Scott ended up bum-scrambling back to his place after Harry, having summed him up efficiently, tightened the gag, that he had previously not wanted to apply too strictly, by one more hole.

George's Request

George has a younger brother who needs more watching over than most and he knows that his parents can't always avoid having to ask him to baby sit. His family situation is one of the reasons he's one of the better organised of the boys. His parents know that, even at his age, he is better aware of his brother's needs than anyone from outside the family would be. This weekend was one of those times when George had to split his time between his friends and his family.

"Aiden, can I ask a favour?"

"Well, you can always ask."

"I need to go soon and I'll probably have to release Scott." Scott was disappointed but, after all the years they'd been best friends, he understood.

"'S OK, I'll be nasty to him for you." What it is to have friends.

"Ngghh! Nggh!" Scott nodded enthusiastically at Harry's selfless offer.

"Thanks, mate, but . . ." George really didn't like asking for special treatment but he'd put all the work into "looking after" Scott and now he was likely to miss out on what was going to happen to Jamie and James. ". . . Aiden, could you decide what Jamie's forfeit will be so that I can see at least some of it before I have to go."

"Thanks, friend." Jamie was not best pleased; he had envisioned an evening of persecuting James before surrendering himself to Aiden in the morning.

Aiden, however, thought that George's request was more than reasonable and called Jamie to get on his knees in front of him.

Aiden's Decision

Being an honourable man, Jamie did as he was told. Nobody had expected those old shorts of his to outlast the recent camping competition, let alone that they would make a further appearance because they were now so tight on their adolescent owner. However, Jamie didn't like throwing things away even though they must have been impeding free movement. Their legs weren't even the same lengths where he'd just roughly hacked them off where they had previously torn. It would surely be just a matter of time before they split completely. Jamie even had to kneel upright to relieve some of the tension (and pressure).

"Want to change out of those nut crackers, Jamie?" Even if it wasn't a rhetorical question, reality set in; Jamie didn't know what postures he would be made to adopt, the only thing he could be sure of was that they would almost certainly be rope assisted and protracted. He indicated that he did. "OK, just get 'em off. I can see the outline of your boxers, hope they're decent." Jamie could take a hint and asked for permission to stand.

Once he'd peeled off the remains of his venerable, and somewhat well ventilated, denims, Jamie knelt again wearing just his long, white, button-fly boxers. James thought that was poetic justice but at least Jamie didn't have to try to keep his thighs vertical any more. He was instructed to link his fingers, put his hands on his head and get his elbows back.



"Wan' a go with 'im before you leave?" George said that Aiden was all heart. "Has Jamie got anymore ropes in that bag?"

George went to check. "Now let's see. What religion is the Pope? Yes! He's a Catholic!" He decanted a veritable treasure trove of items for the entertainment of captives right in front of its custodian's knees. Jamie gave his brother Scout (and, therefore, supposed friend) one of his burning looks. George grinned.

Aiden was getting into his stride. "Why don't we get Harry to remind us how to do that tie again?" Jamie included Aiden in that look. Harry sat behind Jamie and recommended that Aiden allow him to stand to make his and George's task easier. Jamie stood.

Being a muscular boy, Jamie wasn't anywhere near as flexible as Scott but, even so, Aiden and George between them did manage to force his arms higher up his back than Harry would have thought possible. George assured Aiden that, knowing Jamie well, it would be alright. Jamie told George how much he loved him.

Aiden gave Jamie the opportunity to say, "Harry Potter", which had become their agreed safety word over the past few years of tie-up games. It was a word that was unlikely to come up in conversation between a captive and his captor and its rhythm was distinctive even if the captive was gagged. Jamie declined and walked over to the wall of the keep. He could guess what was coming next so he sat and crossed his ankles and Aiden allowed George the honour of binding his ankles while he prepared something else.

One of the advantages of having a captive, who was honour bound to accept his fate, was not only the physical restraints that could be applied to him but also the right to taunt one's prisoner whilst going about it. Jamie expected it, he knew it was par for the course and also that there would be little real animosity in it. The right to gloat was one of the prizes. If Jamie and Aiden had hated one another, neither one would have taken the chance of losing such a challenge to the other one. So Jamie expected something like the course of action upon which Aiden was embarking.

While George immobilised the mop-headed prisoner, Aiden reminded Jamie how cruel he had been to "that poor blonde kid next to you with that nasty, chewed stick". Jamie opened wide. He now regretted bringing that second stress ball; but at least Aiden wiped it on the legs of his trackies before inserting it. He didn't need to hold it in place while his bitten finger nails struggled to huck-up the end on the roll of micropore tape. Neither did he need to apply so many very tight layers of the white sticky medium round Jamie's head to retain the ball. He didn't *need* to but . . . Once the stuff had settled and stuck to itself, to Jamie's face and to his hair, Jamie was unlikely to be able to expel the encumbrance from his mouth for several hours. Jamie thought he'd venture an opinion of Aiden.

James grinned.

Not Another Challenge?

"When you got t' go?"

"Oh, a couple of hours yet. Need to be home by about half-ten so that my folks know I'll be there when they need to go in the morning. Thanks for starting early.

"Mmm, mmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmm mmmmm!" (1)

"Jamie, don't be sarky."

"Anyone got any ideas what we can do with them now?" The floor was open for discussion and most present were glad that Harry wasn't involved in their usual feuds. Eventually it was decided to hold a sort of wrestling contest between Jamie, Scott and James. Each bout that James won would make his imprisonment less strict. If he could win one bout, he would not be gagged overnight. James, who was not gagged at the time, understood what that implied if he didn't win any bouts. If he could win two bouts, his hands would not be bound overnight. His attempt to extend the contest to three wins so that his ankles could be free as well, was seen through immediately and denied.

Aiden declared that James's attempt to extend the challenge implied his acceptance of the conditions and George called on Harry to help him mark out the ring. James knew he had no choice but to take part and tried to assess his chances:
- He was lighter than Jamie but heavier than Scott.
- Jamie was strong but not very agile.
- Scott was fast and athletic.
- If there was a penalty involved for losing, it seemed that Scott might not try very hard.
- They'd have to untie him so that he could wrestle. (He really didn't understand the nature of the contest!)

Harry, Aiden and George also assessed the potential outcomes:
- Jamie was sure to want to extend James's suffering
- Scott wasn't!



"You know your little brother?"

"Nga, - ngaaa, Ngggo!" (2)

"I wonder whether he's busy tonight? I think you know how to make sure George doesn't invite him over. OK, that should sort that." Aiden's negotiating skills had become no more subtle.

"Hi'-enng!" That was certainly Scott's usual epithet for his brother but this time it probably referred to Aiden.

(1) I think that was, "Yes, thanks for starting early!"
(2) That was definitely, "Oaahh, - Maaate, Noooo!"

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but little Speedos always rule.
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Preparing the Arena

George and Harry had found some ground that was free from tree roots and neither as hard as the inside of the keep nor as boggy as the old moat. Using high-tech methods, they selected it as a suitable area for the wrestling ring. The technology consisted of a stick and a short rope. Harry held one end of the rope down and George stretched it and scribed a circle on the ground with the stick which he'd tied onto the other end. If they could see the trace of the stick clearly, then the ground was neither to hard nor too boggy. Well, that was the theory.

Once George had reinforced the mark several times and Harry had marked one of the diameters, they ended up with a reasonably accurate circle of about four metres diameter with a scratch line across the middle of it. "Do you want to invite our guests now, or should I?" Harry was pleased with their work.

"'S alright, I'll call them." It was a good job the site was reasonably remote. "OI, YOU LOT, OVER 'ERE!" Harry was quite taken aback by the volume that the rather slim George could generate. "That should get 'em."

Only Aiden was available to supervise the prisoner transport because it was obvious that the two "surveyors" had no intention of helping. "LAZY BASTARDS!"


The Gladiators' Journey

Aiden knew he'd have no trouble with Jamie and that Scott was unlikely to create any difficulties so it was just a question of optimising his resources to deal with James.

At the time, with their arms securely bound behind them, there was no need to padlock the captives' ankles so that meant that there were three padlocks going spare and one reasonable length of chain. Adam was in chuntering mode again as he discussed his potential courses of action with himself. Only one of his customers was able to express a preference but, at the time, he considered that it would be unwise to do so especially because "someone" always seemed to leave *that* stick and a hank of paracord just in front of him.

"Sorry lads, I wouldn't do this if it wasn't necessary but, you know . . ." He was such a bullshitter. Aiden folded the chain to locate the middle which he passed over James's head, leaving the ends hanging over his shoulders and trailing on the ground. James had accepted the inevitable and made no attempt to dislodge the chain as Aiden turned to pick up one of the padlocks. James's necklace was soon completed; it was snug but certainly not dangerously tight.

"Sorry, Jamie, honest," lied the smiling Aiden as he wrapped one end of the chain twice round the losing contestant's neck and padlocking it, again somewhat snugly. That up-coming combined camp could be more like a grudge match than a band of brothers. Scott was soon attached to the other end of the chain.

Aiden's monologue continued with the advisability of blindfolding Jamie, as was his right, and James, because he thought Jamie would want him to.

". . . Now, do I need to blindfold you?"

"No, I'm good, thanks." Aiden already had James's compression sack in his hands.

"No, I suppose not, really." James sighed with relief. "But we might need it later." Aiden grinned again, he was doing a lot of that lately, as he pushed the bag over James's head but didn't bother to tie it. "A - a - a, I could always remove it again . . ." James stopped his long-repressed stream of abuse, ". . . so that I can gag you before I put it back." There was an exchange of "looks" but James's couldn't penetrate the fabric that was blindfolding him. He thought he'd cut his losses and settled for a resentful silence. Aiden thought better of blindfolding Jamie as well as James on safety grounds but he did tie Jamie's discarded shorts round his right arm "just in case they come in useful later".

Aiden removed the straps from the wrestlers' ankles and said that he would count so that they could coordinate their efforts to stand up. He knew that, if anyone stumbled, he would probably take down the person(s) beside him. "On my count of three. One - two - three!" Jamie and Scott had already prepared themselves, being used to such indignities, and stood with very little difficulty but Aiden pushed his powerful hands under James's armpits, grabbed his torso and more or less lifted him to his feet. He ignored the surprised exclamations as James steadied himself. Aiden buckled the ankle straps and hung them round the prisoners' necks as if they were dog leads. Jamie gave him one of those looks again.

"OK, Scott, you're leading. I'll just pick up some things we might need. James had a good idea what some of those things might be.

Scott led the coffle off down the dry causeway, turned left on to the tow path and turned off it towards where he could see George and Harry idly sitting on the ground. It was all very well for Scott, who could see where he was putting his feet and could appreciate the nature of the ground, but James moved in a far more tentative manner. Consequently, the chain between his neck and Scott's tended to remain in more tension than either he or even Scott was enjoying. Scott regulated his progress to match what James seemed to be able to manage. Jamie would have liked to have been able to reassure his ex-Champion as he had done while they were wading but, of course, he was not able to do so and James was finding real difficulty in avoiding being gagged again. His mind went into overtime. Wouldn't Jamie "pardon" him if he only made an abject apology? After all, he didn't have to mean it. Nah, he was tied up behind him and so far had shown absolutely no sign that he didn't think he deserved his treatment so how could James expect to enjoy any mercy? He decided to continue trying to tough it out. Maybe that would earn him at least some respect from the rough-arses who were keeping him captive.

After a journey that took only a few minutes but which seemed like half an hour to James, Aiden told his charges to sit and cross their ankles. This time they would have no wall to support them once their ankles were bound.

Into the Ring

"OK, listen up, you three. Now, I can't be arsed to strap your ankles together if I only have to undo them again straight away so that you can fight, so we're going to decide who goes first now. Jamie, Scott, I don't think we need to involve James in this. Scissors, paper and stone. Ready?" Aiden didn't wait for a reply, "One, two, three!"

Both Jamie and Scott extended two fingers. Aiden declared a draw and counted again. Another draw. "Come on, boys, play fair," as if they had a choice, "one more draw and I'm going to ask Harry to carry out one of his suggestions from earlier. Unlike Scott's it was impossible to interpret Jamie's reply but it was no longer than Scott's and was unlikely to have been "front". Aiden was enjoying himself.

The next game resulted in "paper wraps stone" and Scott was to be the first contestant. Aiden lifted the strap from Jamie's neck and secured the non-combatant.

James waited to be untied. How trusting.

Aiden unlocked all the wrestlers from the chain and Harry whipped off the bag from James's head and the straps that hung round James's and Scott's necks and told them to stand up. James was gobsmacked when he asked if he wasn't going to have his arms freed only to be told, "No, just get yourself into that ring and brace yourself," while the other boys laughed as if they couldn't believe such a silly question. Scott stood, walked into the ring and waited.

"Come on, man, at least tell him the rules." In spite of what he now knew about Aiden and his friends, Harry still seemed to expect James to be treated fairly. He'll learn.

"Is that blonde kid a friend of yours?

"No, but . . ."

"Oh OK, seein' as you ask so nicely. Tell 'im, George."

George explained that, to start each round, both wrestlers had to "come up to scratch" and touch the line that Harry had marked across the circle. After that:
- any contestant who kneed, kicked or otherwise assaulted his opponent in the balls lost the whole bout
- any contestant who stepped outside the ring lost that round
- any contestant who touched the floor with anything other than the soles of his feet lost that round
- rounds would last until there was a score
- each bout would be best of three

Normally, Scott would have been able to rely on any opponents, even his troop's Sea Scout rivals, to fight clean but he couldn't help wishing that he'd had his cricket box stuffed down the front of his jammers against this tyro.

James knew he had no chance. His opponent was obviously practiced in what he considered to be such "pervy games". It was just a question of balancing self-respect against possible injury. Scott had one foot on the line ready to go. James realised that, if he lost his balance, he was unlikely to avoid falling. He took his lead from Scott and touched his right foot to the line.

"Ready? Round one."

As soon as George cued the contest, both wrestlers crashed into each others' chests. Scott could have been quicker but he had a plan. He let the heavier boy make good contact. He then twisted to his left and allowed James's own weight to take him down.

You know how, when the adrenaline starts to flow, time slows down? Well, that was happening to James. As he fell forwards, he knew he had to protect his head and managed to turn himself onto his right-hand side for his impending extended contact with the ground, thus avoiding the worst of the jarring sensation that would otherwise have ensued.

The spectators expressed their appreciation of Scott's tactics but not of James's reactions.

Harry thought that was somewhat unfair. "Oh, come on, guys, someone's got to be his second."

"Suit yourself, Spider Boy. We won't hold it against you." Aiden was feeling magnanimous.

"Honest!" Why didn't Harry think George was being sincere? Maybe it was that evil grin. Nevertheless, he knelt down, sat James up, put an arm round his shoulders and offered him a drink from the bottle that Aiden had included amongst the "things that we might need". James accepted and Harry tried to give him some coaching. Yes, I know: really good idea while his opponent could overhear everything he said. I wonder if Harry had another agenda?

Scott, who could probably have accepted some water as well as long as it was trickled round the sides of his favourite ball gag, was kneeling against the opposite side of the ring from where his opponent was now sitting and talking to Harry. He knew the rules of old and was waiting to be called to come up to scratch.

George called, "Time." although he didn't seem to be applying any rules that there might be too strictly, "Come up to scratch." Scott positively sprung to his feet, swivelled round and positioned himself ready to start. About the only thing that would ensure that he would try not to lose was the possibility that he would be placed at his little brother's mercy. And, being his best mate, he was sure that George would follow up his threat. You can always rely on your friends.

Harry helped James to his feet and the sturdy blonde determined not to over-balance this time. George checked to see that both contestants were still efficiently bound and called, "Ready? Round two."

Perhaps James should have been suspicious when, after a short pushing session, Scott moved his right foot, tumbled to the ground and rolled nearly out of the ring. But he wasn't.

James yelled as Scott rolled on the ground. Any triumph, no matter how small, meant a lot at the minute. Harry put his arm around him and guided him to the opposite side of the ring from where Scott was now sitting and snorting. George kept his opinion to himself but he thought his friend was overdoing it.

Harry explained that James had to kneel against the ring facing out with his ankles crossed until the ref. called him to come up to scratch again. He also gently explained various aspects of the contest that he thought James ought to know.

"Oi, Harry, is he your boyfriend?" Harry knew he was asking for that and he just let it ride.

"Nah, it's just not sporting otherwise. It's like the way they used to throw sticks at tethered chickens for sport." Harry was not only a countryman; he was also a history nerd. "You might as well tie him to a tree and throw stones at him."

"I've just had an idea!" George didn't mean it. - Really!

So, one fall to go. Was Scott going to allow himself to be humiliated by being exposed to Luke's tender mercies or was he going to get it right this time?

"Ready? Round three." Let's face it, even though James was heavier than Scott there was no way he was likely to be able to overcome the more practiced boy and so it proved. On the first sound of the word "three", James lunged forwards but extended his left foot to ensure that he wasn't going to fall if Scott backed off. Scott simply whipped it from under him with his right leg before he could even ground it and dodged aside.

"Two falls to one. The winner is . . . Scott!" The crowd went wild. Well, sort of. Aiden told him off for conceding a fall. He obviously didn't understand the tactic.

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but little Speedos always rule.
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The Second Bout

James had lost and Harry helped him to sit once more. James risked thanking him before again considering pleading for mercy. If he couldn't defeat the lighter Scott, how the hell was he going to prevail against Jamie? For God's sake, if the guy wasn't as smooth-chested as he was, he'd look as though he could probably peel bananas with his toes.

Just for form, George strapped Scott's crossed ankles again while Aiden released Jamie's legs and allowed him to loosen up. He "discussed" whether he ought to remove Jamie's gag and give him a drink. Jamie knew that wasn't going to happen even before the totally insincere assertion that keeping him gagged might give the "blonde loser" a fairer chance. Jamie knew his time would come.

Both wrestlers were called up to scratch and stood facing one another. Both boys were well matched for height but James lacked Jamie's impressive musculature. The start of round one was called and Jamie stepped back, drawing James forwards and kicking him up the arse in passing. James stopped well short of the edge of the ring. The next couple of minutes were spent trying to trip and kick one another without losing balance but, with the heat and the exertion, Jamie's effectively airtight gag was now causing him breathing difficulties. He spent a few seconds avoiding James's attempts at engagement and just skipping lightly round the ring.

James suggested that Jamie was chicken. Jamie snorted and charged him. James stepped aside and Jamie was too near the edge of the ring to avoid overstepping. Gorge announced the score and, neither contestant having fallen, called both of them up to scratch. Both boys stared into their opponent’s eyes. Who would make the first move? Jamie did; he took the chance of barging his opponent and tripping him for good measure. James fell flat on his back and lay there winded as Jamie tottered unsteadily. He managed not to lose his footing for long enough to allow George to announce the score. He considered walking over to his fallen competitor and stepping on his belly as he made his way to the other side of the ring. Normally the other boys would have turned a blind eye but there was his situation with Aiden to consider. No, Aiden would probably pretend to be outraged and to be concerned about sportsmanship and ungentlemanly conduct. Jamie made the wise choice and walked round to his kneeling place.

Once more James's second helped him to sit and catch his breath while Jamie knelt facing away from them taking stock of the situation and wondering whether the decision he had made earlier was a good idea. George called the start of round three.

The initial impact certainly stopped James in his tracks; he felt as though he'd run into a wall. Jamie's feet remained planted firmly and he didn't even seem to be breathing heavily any more. James didn't think he really wanted to be gagged with his hands bound overnight. Jamie made no move and was involved in a staring contest with his prey. Or at least that's what it looked like. The two boys backed off. There was more of what Harry described as "fairying around" before Jamie went in for the kill. Then he tripped.

James only had to avoid him and stay on his feet to win the bout. George announced the result. James was jubilant. All the other boys were silent. James wondered whether they were going to be able to find a way to cheat him out of his victory.

Jamie got to his feet, approached the suspicious victor, grunted twice and nodded once in his best attempt to say, "Well done." James still felt uneasy. He had won one bout; would that mean that he wouldn't be gagged overnight or that his wrists would be free? His brain was working overtime: they couldn't gag him and keep his hands free, so it looked as though he'd have to get used to having his arms bound overnight. Or would Jamie just do whatever he wanted to in any case?

There was soon a predictable round of ridicule aimed at Jamie but he didn't react. Aiden got the chain ready. Harry had another suggestion to make before the three captives were prepared for their return trek.

"Lucky win, Blondie, how'd you like to win the chance to be let off this," and Harry presented the compression sack for James's inspection, "while you walk back to the castle?" James was suspicious again. All the others wanted to hear the suggestion. Other than what remained of his dignity, James had nothing much left to lose.

Harry suggested one more bout against Scott. If James won, they'd blindfold Jamie "because he was a useless wrestler who'd spoilt their fun with James." If James lost, they'd blindfold him as they were going to do in any case but he'd have to stay like that for longer. Jamie objected to being described as useless so Aiden hooded him in any case. He took up what were once Jamie's jeans, fed the longer leg through the shorter one and jammed the result firmly over Jamie's head. As soon as Aiden had felt resistance, he stopped and Jamie resigned himself to his suffering, sat and presented his ankles for binding. Aiden obliged.

Obviously, Scott was to be the other contestant and James didn't hold out much hope. He objected and asked why he couldn't go up against Jamie again and Aiden said that there was no way he was going to remove Jamie's blindfold until after the bout. Harry suggested that the bout might be more fun with the shorts in place!

"Oh, there's just one little change I'd like to suggest for the sake of variety." The others liked Harry's suggestion. Well, all except one of them.

Jamie regretted not being able to see what was about to happen but he could hardly beg and, Aiden was unlikely to ease his conditions in any case. He would just have to settle for comforting himself by planning future revenge.

James had made no attempt at resistance since the end of his last bout and Aiden told him to get his feet together so that he could strap them. James felt very unsteady afterwards. George released Scott's ankles and made him put his knees together so that he could strap his ankles alongside one another. You'd think a real mate would have allowed him to make his way to the ring before using the strap, wouldn't you? Let's put it this way: George - & Scott! Scott had less difficulty standing up than you might expect; it was far from the first time he'd had to do so. At least George followed his mate very closely in case it looked as if he would fall as he bunny-hopped his way to the scratch line.

Harry had done the same for James and announced loudly that previous rules applied. The contest was a total lottery and there was a severe danger of there being a result before there was any bodily contact at all. George thought it would be better if both contestants started from opposite ends of the scratch mark. The others agreed so Harry and he hopped their charges over to the designated starting points.

Harry took over refereeing duties and called the competitors to start. By now James knew better than to try robbing his tormentors of their entertainment and both contenders hopped round one another waiting for what they thought might be a chance to topple the other. Being used to such challenges, Scott bounced like Tigger but James was much more tentative. Scott almost danced round his opponent before launching himself against him - and losing his footing on landing, leaving the more solidly grounded James wobbling but not looking like falling any time soon.

The sportsmen honoured Scott with the benefit of their opinions. No one made a move to help him up. Scott looked pleadingly towards George who said he didn't help losers. James even made his way to the opposite side of the ring but Harry told him just to turn round and not to bother trying to kneel. Following an unintelligible grunt from Scott, he struggled to his feet once more. That always looked impressive when Scott did it; I wonder why?

Harry called the two contestants to the ends of the scratch line and the bizarre pas des deux recommenced. Following a contact of chests, both fighters fell to the delight of the spectators and Harry declared that they had to stand up without assistance. As usual, following a short recovery time, Scott managed to kneel, tuck his toes under and balance as his legs gradually straightened. In comparison, James's attempt was a real dog's breakfast - one consisting of multiple courses. After about five minutes, and somewhat to his own surprise, James managed to regain his feet no thanks to most of the "helpful" suggestions from the spectators.

Even sightless, Jamie managed to get a very accurate idea of what happened as Scott fell again and he realised that he could look forward to remaining hooded for at least the walk back to the keep. George stated how much he appreciated his mate's fighting skills. It didn't take long. Then he pulled the compression sack over the loser's head. He thought it was only fair and he said how glad he was that he could stay for long enough to "entertain" his friend.

Scott offered his opinion of George, who looked around and replied, "No, I don't think we're anywhere near Spithead." The whole event was turning into a grin-fest.

The Journey Back

Aiden locked the chain round Jamie's neck but somewhat less snugly than he had for the outward journey and added James to the other end. There had been much nodding and shaking of heads and putting fingers to lips but even Scott soon realised that he didn't seem to be included in the coffle. As Aiden ostentatiously announced that he would just tidy up a bit before they left, Scott tried to ask what the hell was going on.

"Well," announced Harry, "We thought we'd leave the useless loser to find his own way back."

"Yes, once you've rubbed that compression sack off your head, don't leave it behind, will you?

James even ventured a, "Yeah, I'm going to need that."

That was risky but the others didn't seem to object and everybody pretended they couldn't understand Scott's appeal of, "Cunn ong, Vorve, teuuu ing."(3) Jamie was quite pleased.

Aiden freed Jamie's ankles and added the strap to his bag of toys before securing it over his prisoner's right shoulder.

"OK, James, you're leading. Up you get, Jamie." Jamie got to his feet without difficulty and waited to feel the tug on the chain. Aiden walked beside the blindfolded muscle monkey and talked quietly. "Come on, you let him win, didn't you?" Certain human reactions are so automatic that, even though his head was shrouded and his expression invisible, Jamie bowed his head and looked up and to one side. He was trying to look innocent. "I mean, nobody likes him and it's only because Harry's a decent bloke (for a Sea Scout) that anyone helped him at all. Oh well, suit yourself." TUGgers are inscrutable at the best of times and, as far as Jamie was concerned, as long as his companions didn't let James go, this certainly wasn't the worst.

The main party had an uneventful journey back to the keep and James even sat and presented his ankles for binding without having been asked to do so. Having padlocked him, Aiden asked Jamie's permission to undo his arms. James thanked him following his muffled reply which was accompanied by an unmistakeable nodding of Jamie's shorts.


Once he had heard his "friends" depart, Scott simply grunted in disgust and set about trying to dislodge the bag from his head. At least George hadn't tied it on. Scott scraped the bag along the ground until the draw-string caught against his chin. I suppose he could have eased it back down again and tried to twist it round but Scott took the alternative route and pushed the sack backwards up his face until he could force his face between the cord and the split down the side of the bag. It meant that he still had the thing hanging round his neck but, being Scott, he thought it would be quicker that way. It also meant that he would not have to pick it up again but I don't think that dawned on him.

He regained his feet in his practiced manner and started hopping determinedly towards the keep. A real friend wouldn't take photos as he approached but there was no point in George bringing his phone if he wasn't going to use it. Scott knew that what was done in the keep would stay in the keep but he did appreciate the odd souvenir, not that he'd admit it to George - or anyone else for that matter.

When he'd got to where James and Jamie were sitting, he sat and crossed his ankles. George obliged and asked, "Need that gag out, mate?" By this time, even Scott needed relief and he looked at Harry and raised his eyebrows.

Harry responded to his "Phweeese, Hawee!" by giving Gorge permission to unstrap the now very unsavoury device.

"What about his arms?" George was aware that Scott was obliged to Harry until such a time as the skinny kid considered his bet to have been paid off. Scott said that he was prepared to stay like that before Harry could even reply. George shrugged and locked his ankles.

(3) "Come on George, tell him."

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Thanks for all the views. They are coming at a very gratifying frequency.
Please, though, the occasional comment/constructive criticism would be appreciated.
( No, the demanding source that described me as "whining" need not reply.)

OK, here's the next part.

Enjoy! (I understand that is what I am supposed to say.) ;)
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Still Some Time Before Bed

So the situation was:
- Jamie was still bound, gagged and blindfolded, wearing just his formerly white boxers and likely to be subject to Aiden's will for the rest of the weekend.
- James was still in his grubby, white boxers with his ankles strapped and padlocked across one another and still likely to be subject to Jamie's will until Aiden released Jamie
- Scott could have been released having discharged his obligation to Harry but had chosen to remain bound hand and foot wearing his black jammers
- George was going to have to go and had consigned Scott into Harry's "care", but he did remove the bag from his mate's neck "just in case Aiden needs it for James".
- Harry was feeling very much at home with this group of youngsters, even if they weren't Sea Scouts and had made him wear a monkey's fist gag as a necklace. He'd even forgiven Aiden for not allowing him any boxers to go underneath his long, but rather too tight, denim cut-offs
- Aiden seemed to be Cock-of-the Rock. This was even better than torturing and humiliating his little brother and his mate, Max. He had allowed himself the luxury of a t-shirt that announced that the cartoon character adorning it was "Mr. Lucky". It wasn't the sort of design he would have worn in front of his granny.

George collected up all the rubbish, put it in his day-pack, donned a green sweat-shirt and his trainers and prepared to go while Harry went to collect his jockstrap while he remembered it. He promised he'd be back before George had to leave, "So that Scott wouldn't feel as though he'd been abandoned". George hitched his bag onto his back and left somewhat sadly without having bothered to change his now very grubby new swim shorts.

Aiden and Harry had some domestic decisions to make. Were they going to keep the fire going? Silly question. Who was going to collect the fuel? Jamie had a shrewd idea that he knew the answer to that one.

Harry announced that, as Scott was now a "voluntary prisoner", he should not be condemned to slavery. Scott agreed. So, all that was left was to decide upon Jamie's and James's conditions of employment. They obviously had to involve the chain, which was conveniently still in place, but it remained to be decided if both boys should be pressed into service and how they should be bound if so.

Following a long list of suggestions, whose merits warranted protracted discussion, Harry got out a stove and brewed water to make coffee for two. Scott was permitted to forward suggestions but Harry couldn't be arsed to serve his former prisoner sip by sip. The only contribution James was allowed was the initial plea not to have his wrists tied behind him as Harry suggested. Aiden asked Jamie for permission and he nodded. James thanked him.

In the end, it was decided that James would do the work with Jamie acting as his ball and chain. There was certainly enough chain between the boys to do what Aiden had suggested. Jamie didn't approve. Aiden didn't care.

Following the last mouthfuls of coffee, it was time to prepare the working party. Scott had to relinquish his padlock but, with his arms still bound, he couldn't free his ankles if he wanted to even if he wasn't, in theory, a free man in any case.

Aiden removed the chain from Jamie's neck and released his arms. In truth Jamie was ready for that and Honour demanded that, due to the terms of their bet, he make no attempt to take advantage. Aiden said he'd allow a minute or so for Jamie to enjoy his relative freedom before getting him ready to be a ball and chain. Jamie worked his elbows and his shoulders and massaged his wrists and arms and Aiden regretted that they no longer had the camera on George's phone to capture the spectacle. The unrecognisable, tanned and muscular teenager certainly looked comical exercising and kneading his arms while sitting wearing only his grubby underpants with his ankles forcibly crossed, but the piece de resistance was the tightly fitting denim object that was disguising him by shrouding his head.

Jamie presented his arms behind him to indicate that he was ready and Aiden took the chain, wrapped it once round his right wrist and inserted the hasp of Scott's newly relinquished padlock to hold it firmly in place. An equally "snug" loop was wrapped round Jamie's left wrist and a link of the chain was threaded onto the hasp before Aiden locked Jamie's wrists behind him. That looked tight even though Jamie was trying to tough it out (as usual!) so Aiden put a hand on Jamie's shoulder and asked, "What's the safety word?" The denim shorts shook emphatically. "Good man." Having checked upon his prisoner's well-being, Aiden unlocked his ankles. He lifted the chain, threw a loop over Jamie's head and secured it with the padlock. He'd made sure that his chaining hadn't lifted Jamie's wrists more than minimally and didn't think it had put him in any danger of choking.

Harry thought he'd check with an "OK, mate?" and the shorts nodded again while Jamie stretched his legs. "In that case . . ."

An indignant "mnngh!" escaped the fabric encumbering Jamie's head as Harry pulled the shorts back down towards his shoulders, squashing his nose once more.

"Can't have you working your blindfold off, can we?" The indignant snort demonstrated that Jamie could at least still breathe.

Scott thought it was time to make a contribution. "Come on, boys, tape 'em on." Jamie's deliberate head-shaking and determined mumble was taken at face value and the tape remained unused.

Aiden moved over to James and left him in no doubt that Jamie's blindfold and gag were to stay in place but Harry pointed out that, in spite of that, his well-being was the most important amongst James's concerns. James still couldn't understand how these youngsters could treat one another as harshly as they did without causing serious injury or, seemingly, having any real dislike for one another. Aiden unlocked James and told him to take his ball and chain and not to return until he'd collected the most firewood that the two of them could carry.


James took off gently, taking hold of Jamie's arm and providing a running commentary to help him avoid the worst of the snags in their way. He couldn't really figure out why he was being so considerate to the boy who, until he was free from his own obligations to Aiden, was going to make him suffer alongside him but there was much about the situation that he didn't understand. There was no point in trying to remove Jamie's blindfold or gag unless he could separate himself from his Owner because as well as collecting firewood and Jamie's well-being there was something else that he considered to be foremost among his considerations: not getting treated any worse than he could avoid! His running commentary continued alongside questions that Jamie simply couldn't answer distinctly even if he wanted to.

James led Jamie across to where Scott had told him he would find the fallen tree that had yielded his scavenger hunt prize. The shattered branches had obviously been lying on the ground for some time and were certainly suitable for use as fuel. There would even be some substantial boughs to provide logs. It was just a question of logistics; James did not want to give his oppressors any opportunity to be dissatisfied with his efforts. He explained to Jamie that, even though he was chained, he could still help convey their treasures back to the keep.

James found a large bough which he hooked round the chain leading up Jamie's back. He probably wasn't going to be able to load much more onto him and his hands were now more or less inaccessible. Jamie knew this wasn't going to be comfortable as his wrists were forced away from his body and the sheared end of the bough dug into his back.

James selected another two large boughs, took one in each hand and called his ball and chain to follow him. Jamie wished he had been allowed shoes as he constantly encountered the branches that James was dragging in spite of his attempts to hold his arms wide. He found himself frequently apologising to his Owner and he even considered abandoning his own burdens and returning for them later. It has always amazed me how much negotiation is possible between two people when they can't make eye contact and one of them can't even speak. In this case, Jamie was regretting that he couldn't ask to be relieved of his cargo because of the way it was obviously jabbing and abrading his back but he didn't need it badly enough to succumb to the use of the safety word and, being in front of him, James would be completely oblivious of any injury being caused.

When they returned, Scott was free and, unlike James, having been responsible for his own packing, had managed to find on old pair of black swimming shorts to change into. He was still loosening up and doing rather more calisthenics than were strictly necessary. Harry wasn't in the least surprised when Aiden produced a felling axe with its head in a leather sheath from the large rucksack that he'd made him carry nor about the hand axe that followed it. James wasn't the only Champion who had been treated like a beast of burden.

Some discussion followed about the advisability of making James prepare the firewood but wiser counsels prevailed and it was decided that Jamie should be allowed his boots before being made to do the job while James was chained and made to keep it tidy. James thought better of appealing; then he caught sight of Jamie's back. "Oh shit, Jamie, I'm sorry. . . ."

Jamie couldn't respond even if he had managed to figure out what James was referring to. Actually, he had figured it out and was glad to be unable to respond or else he would have had to handle things very carefully. He wasn't that badly injured, it was more spectacular in extent than truly painful and he'd suffered worse in former games but he had to think what line to take with James. He decided to leave him hanging. The kid was starting to show concern for others and seemed to be starting to understand what trust friends can place in one another. His little unspoken plan was working. Now the theatricals could start.

James continued his protracted apology and it seemed to be more sincere than just being offered out of fear for what Jamie and his friends were likely to do to him. Scott thought he'd let him off the hook, "Don't worry, Blondie, he's suffered worse than that at the hands of the Sea Scouts." Harry grinned. Jamie snorted; he didn't really want him let off the hook quite so soon. He had a careful game to play.

Aiden gave his permission to Scott to free Jamie; even that group of lunatics didn't think it was safe to make a bound man use a felling axe and Jamie was soon free from all ropes, chains and adhesive tapes. He warned James that he had a reckoning to pay but that it could be moderated if he did his job well. Just to make his point when he said that James should "stop whining", he reinstated the willow stick, with extravagant promises about what might happen if it somehow came adrift, before hobbling his ankles about forty-five centimetres apart.

Life was full of uncertainties for James.

Harry took the hand-axe to strip the larger boughs of their minor branches and Jamie and his debtor worked away at both Scott's scavenged trophy and James's and Jamie's recent haul until there were three piles of firewood including a heap of kindling just in case anything went wrong overnight. This was really a case of "Be Prepared" because any Scout (including Harry) would have been ashamed if he couldn't re-ignite warm embers in the morning without having to start again.

Having split the thicker logs, Harry wasn't at all surprised find that he'd also had to carry a wet & dry stone as part of his burden. Harry and Jamie sharpened their axes. Their job finished and the axes sheathed, Jamie submitted to Aiden once more. That left James unsure about what he ought to do to make the others happy enough with him to treat him gently. He decided to wait as quietly as possible. Jamie couldn't help thinking "this kid's learning" as he kept a surreptitious eye on his captive.

Negotiations took place between Jamie and Aiden who allowed his defeated opponent to "make his Champion comfortable" before submitting himself again. As he did so, there was no shortage of suggestions as to what Aiden could do to Jamie when he had finished. He wasn't surprised by Harry but he'd always thought Scott was his friend!

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Getting On Together

By now James was getting used to having to cross his ankles prior to having them strapped together and padlocked and he almost automatically made his way over to the stony wall and crossed his already enchained ankles ready for Jamie to make up his mind.

Jamie thought he would practice the tie that Harry had taught him earlier but that he'd be merciful enough not to draw James's snugly wrapped forearms quite as high up his back as he had previously. He didn't know it yet but that was a poor decision. Of course, the blonde prisoner's ankles were soon padlocked securely and Jamie didn't bother to remove the gag that, by now, made James wish that he had been given a safe word. It might have made him less determined not to speak. He still hoped that his good conduct would earn him a reprieve. Perhaps if he'd only not made Jamie graze and bruise his back like that? He'd have to be more aware in future. Hang on, he was thinking about being in his current state in the future!

Jamie said he was ready for Aiden either to tie him up or find him some other task to do. Ross collected something from his rucksack as Jamie knelt as he was instructed. He showed it to Aiden. "Yes, good move, thanks, man." When Jamie caught a proper look, he repeated his thanks as Scott went to get his water bottle.

Scott got to his knees behind Jamie and ignored the cathartic swearing as he cleaned Jamie's wounds first with water and then with a wipe over with his hand. (I'm not sure that's too hygienic but Scott hadn't finished so he thought that it wouldn't matter much. Anyway, he'd always remembered Sam's description of a CLEAN* cloth when he was studying for his first-aid badge.)

"OK Jamie, hands on your head, no more swearing." Jamie gave Aiden one of his looks.

"Sorry mate, this might hurt." Jamie knew why Scott had that twisted smile just beneath his sparkling eyes. He braced himself. Scott got to work with the antiseptic wipes and then the antiseptic cream on a couple of the more prize-winning scratches. He declared that there wasn't enough damage to warrant a dressing and Jamie felt grateful for that slight relief. He thanked Scott and allowed himself a long, noisy intake of breath and an equally noisy and slow exhalation. He had managed not to swear but really resented being denied that small comfort but, honour demanded . . . "OK, he's all yours."

Aiden instructed Jamie to crawl over to where James was sitting but denied him the opportunity to remove his hands from his head. "Tell your prisoner to get away from the wall and turn to his right." The instruction could, of course, have been delivered directly to James but manners in all things and James was, after all, Jamie's prisoner and not his. Jamie redundantly relayed the instruction and James did a clumsy bum-shuffle until Aiden was satisfied with his position. Jamie had a very good idea of what was about to befall both himself and his Champion.

"Aiden mate, you know he's my prisoner?" Aiden confirmed that he was aware of the situation. "Can I remove his gag before you tie me up as well?"

"Have I ever told you you're all heart?" Jamie put on the traces of a wry smile. "Go ahead." James was suspicious. Jamie asked Scott to pass him his knife and he made short work of the paracord that was tormenting James's face and neck.

James risked a "Thanks, mush." Jamie didn't demand a more dignified form of address.

Aiden told Jamie to turn around to be back-to-back with James. So far Jamie's 'good idea' was being proved right. "Shouldn't have been so soft with this kid. If you'd raised his hands more, I wouldn't be able to do this to you." Jamie snorted. "Just slip your arms though his, please. The inter-troop feud had found Jamie in this situation more than once and he was perfectly aware of what was expected of him. It was just quite difficult to achieve.

Jamie's difficulties proved entertaining for all present except himself and James (who didn't count) and, before too long and with surprisingly little noise from James, Jamie had forced his arms between James's arms and his torso and was attempting to hug him. He had also treated himself to a sit down without thinking to ask Aiden first. Aiden, being well enough entertained, let it pass in a moment of generosity.

"OK Jamie, you know the drill, hold still." It took Aiden about five minutes to secure Jamie's hands to his satisfaction with a rope cuff but, once he'd finished, there wasn't a great deal of scope for independent movement on behalf of either of the "J's". Jamie rather hoped Aiden had finished at that stage but without any real expectation of his having done so. His shoulders still fell as he saw the old-fashioned wooden tent pegs arriving. James had still not seen them.

Scott took the long mallet off of the back pack that he'd had to convey to the site and James got his first sight of the long, wooden pegs. "Your honour, I think, mate. Then I'll deal with the loser." Aiden nodded towards Jamie and handed Scott two of the pegs.

Scott discussed with himself how he was going to secure James's ankles with rather too many mentions of the pain of having a strap digging into one's ankles if one's captor should pull one's legs too straight for James's liking. Eventually he angled one peg into the ground about 60 cm in front of James's left knee and drove it most of the way home. Another peg in front of the trepidatious blonde's right knee allowed Scott to allow himself a self-satisfied, "Yesss", as he relinquished the mallet in favour of Aiden and took a shortish rope in hand. "Hold still, and I'll be nice."

James was determined to hold as still as possible but he was less than sure what Scott meant by "nice" as he knelt in front of him and reached for his ankles. Scott threaded the rope through the shackle of the padlock securing the strap round James's ankles and pulled it through to about half its length before tying a loose overhand knot in the paired free ends about ten centimetres from the padlock. He adjusted the knot until it was only about five centimetres from the shackle whereupon he pulled it tight. The ends were then separated and looped individually round the pegs without being wrapped round them securely. By the time Scott had threaded the ends of the rope in opposite directions through the shackle again, there wasn't much room left but he did manage to pull them tightly enough apart to force James's feet forwards but not enough to make him slide forwards on his bum.

"Oo-woarrh, close! Nearly swore there, Blondie." Harry's eyes lit up again. James ignored him and settled for looking pleadingly at Scott.

"It's OK. I'm just going to tie it off but, if you slide forwards . . ." James nodded his understanding and made no attempt to slacken the ropes pulling his ankles forwards as Scott secured the ends with a very un-scoutly double granny. It would do in the circumstances. "OK, Aiden, all yours." So saying, Scott stood once more.

Aiden set to work on his prisoner's ankles. He inserted two more tent pegs about a metre apart near Jamie's outstretched legs. Harry passed him a longish rope that he doubled and wrapped three times round Jamie's left ankle, just above his boot, before tying it off and evening out the tensions. Aiden pulled his prisoner's ankle quite gently towards one of the pegs and wrapped the doubled rope round it twice and fed it across to the other peg where the process was reflected. That left Jamie straight legged but not pulled extremely tight.

Harry noticed. "Come on, man, they can still make themselves more comfortable. If they each do a bum-shuffle, James might be able to shake his ropes free from the pegs." In truth, there was a chance of his being able to do that but not a great one.

"He's right, you know. Here, I'll use this. Scott earned himself another of Jamie's burning looks. He was used to them. Scott had taken a long rope which he doubled and wrapped twice round the seated prisoners' waists forcing them even closer together. He pulled tight.

Jamie offered a, "You . . .", an imprecation that he didn't complete. Let's face it, if the roles were reversed, he would certainly have done exactly the same to Scott, who secured the rope belt in front of Jamie, his mischievous eyes livelier than ever, leaving a considerable length of rope unused. Harry had an idea.

"Go on, between his legs, under their bums and tie it off in front of James. They won't be going anywhere then."

"Nah, crushed nuts'd be alright for James but Jamie's a mate." James still didn't get it. How could they habitually treat their mates like this and still get on afterwards?

"I know. Won't be a mo." Scott brought the ends of the ropes round to Jamie's right flank and threaded them between the two subjects over the waist ropes and back again beneath them. One more threading to bring the ends up inside the rope leading from Jamie's belly and a substantial pull preceded not only a secure knotting off but a unanimous opinion of Scott's parentage on behalf of the victims. "Laaads?" Scott looked pleadingly towards the giggling Aiden and Harry.

"They're right; you are."

"Yeah, just what I was thinking myself."

Scott knew that he'd enjoy no justice for the outrage against his character.


There was some time to go before the three unfettered boys would want to go to bed and Jamie knew that he'd just have to put up with it. That didn't stop him trying to make himself more comfortable but with only limited success.

CLEAN* "In a REAL emergency, almost any cloth that isn't actually covered in poo." A bit of an exaggeration, perhaps, but even for such a robust statement Sam's language was often somewhat reserved.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Evening Draws On

As it gradually became darker, three of the boys simply slowed down and settled to desultory conversation by the camp fire that naturally included Jamie as well while James was, at least initially, very conscious of minding his place. As the idle, and often far from decent, conversation continued, James was sporadically included but he was frequently reminded of his situation should he be too presumptuous. There was still that willow stick to consider and it always seemed to be kept unnervingly not quite out of sight.

By the time anyone made mention of wanting to turn in, both Jamie and James were finding their legs being pulled less strenuously away from them. Jamie could bend his knees noticeably and the strap could at least be said not to be digging too painfully into James's ankles. James, however, didn't dare to ask whether Jamie and he were to be kept as they were overnight.

Aiden started stretching and yawning; his evening routine was rather like his morning one but without the scratching and with rather less farting. It was obvious that, for him, bedtime approached even if Harry and Scott could have kept going for ages.

Aiden got up and addressed his prisoner. "OK, Jamie, need the bog?" Jamie confirmed that he did and Aiden set about untying his wrists. It was a cause of some relief to both parties as Jamie was able to withdraw his arms from between James's torso and arms. "OK. Get on with it." Aiden sauntered back to where he had been sitting on his sleeping bag leaving Jamie to finish releasing himself. Undoing the knot holding the waist rope tight wasn't easy as Jamie couldn't see it very easily and he had to work mainly by touch but, as soon as he had succeeded, both seated boys "filled out" withdrawing a considerable length of the rope between them.

With little ceremony, Jamie pulled the ends through between himself and James. James yelped. It was less spectacular as Jamie retrieved the ends once more and addressed the problem of untying the knot at his belly. Jamie and James were still propping one another up even after Jamie had undone the belt of rope until he slid his bum forwards and bent his legs to be able to reach his right ankle. James fell backwards with a yelp. He had to shuffle on his back to relieve the pressure on his ankles. No one made any attempt to help him sit up.

Once he was completely free, Jamie made for the makeshift loo. James was confused again. "Aiden, can I ask you something?"

"As long as you don't expect me to let you go."

"No - - it's just - - well, you know that Jamie's your prisoner?"


"Well, why did you just let him go? I mean, he could just run away?"

"He wouldn't do that."

"How d' y' know?"

"He lost a bet, just like you. He's on his honour to submit whenever I tell him to. I can trust him."

Scott interrupted, "Yes, but then Aiden has to make a good job of it when he ties him up and he needs to keep an eye on him afterwards. Once he's tied up, Jamie's allowed to try to escape. Wouldn't be any fun otherwise."

"So why can't you do that for me?"

"Two things: a, you're Jamie's prisoner, not mine . . ."

"And b," continued Harry, "He couldn't trust you any further than he could see with those shorts over his head." James had no argument. He didn't feel good.

Jamie returned, knelt in front of Aiden with his hands on his head and asked for permission to put his prisoner to bed. Aiden told him to remove his boots and then to sort James out.

"Thanks, mate." Jamie removed his boots and went across to have a word with James. "Right, now where were we? Gagged? Hands bound? Now what was it? Tell you what: you choose."

"Please, can't you just strap my ankles like last night? I can't run away like that."

"Yes, I could . . ."

"Oh, thanks."

". . . but I don't see why I should. You owe me for losing those contests." James managed not to give Jamie the benefit of his opinion. There was no shortage of suggestions from the others.

"Why don't you just tie his elbows back?"

"Yeah, good idea."

"Nah, too dangerous. We couldn't leave him like that all night.

"You spoil that kid."

"How about strapping his wrists just like his ankles?

"Or blindfolding him as well.

By now James had managed to sit himself up but he wasn't seeing much light at the end of his own personal tunnel. He was starting to understand, however, that the tunnel was of his own making.

"Alright, tell you what, then: you go across to the low branch and I'll make up my mind." Jamie hobbled James's feet no more than 40 cm apart and unlocked his ankles. "Oh, hang on, take these with you." Jamie produced yet another clean pair of James's white boxers. James decided that, perhaps, he wouldn't let his mum buy his underwear in future.

"How am I going to get them on over the chain?"

"Oh, silly me, hang on. Who's going to show him?" Like the others, Harry was used to playing silly games involving clothing and handcuffs so he volunteered to give the demonstration. He cuffed his own ankles tightly enough to make the rope inescapable but loosely enough to be able to do the job.

"Right then, can you get two fingers between your ankle and the chain?" James tried it and, with some difficulty, found that he could do so as long as the chain was just above his ankle. "Good, now watch." Harry took the clean boxers and fed them up round his right foot and through the loop round his right ankle until they were above the connecting rope. He pushed the left of the waist band down through the left cuff, over his foot and up again until the garment was lodged correctly round his legs. He then pulled the shorts up round his waist. Aiden thought it was a shame that George wasn't there because they could have done with a photograph. Harry was standing wearing an oversized (for him) pair of white boxers over his long denim shorts. "Ta-daa!" As soon as Harry raised his hands in triumph, the waist band of the boxers immediately fell to the same level as the hems round his legs and the garment then proceeded on its downward journey until Harry's spread legs prevented any further movement. Harry shrugged. closed his legs and the white underpants fell to the ground.

Harry got a round of applause. He then reversed the process. "Don't forget to remove the ones you're wearing first."

"Now who's spoiling him. That could have been fun."

Harry handed over the boxers to James and the others promised that, as long as they could hear the whistle every thirty seconds, no one would be watching him change. Harry and Scott couldn't see what all the fuss was about because it was only like being in the gym changing room together. Aiden inserted the whistle and made to dismiss James.

The sound of James, with the whistle in his mouth, asking whether anyone was going to free his arms was considered to be good value. Jamie freed his arms and Harry repeated his assertion about Jamie spoiling both James and his entertainment as a consequence.

James hobbled off to the low-hanging branch and, as he had been instructed, kept up the humiliating whistling noise at intervals calculated to avoid any unwanted consequences. At least he didn't have to keep the thing in his mouth all the time.

Aiden's prisoner returned to the submissive pose while awaiting the return of his own captive. The approaching whistling noise soon announced James's return. He had managed to change his boxers but, not having noticed that they were inside out until he'd lodged them round his hips, couldn't be arsed to replace them and just hoped no one would notice. He obviously didn't know the others very well.

"Like the new style, Blondie."

"It'll never catch on."

"What are those washing instructions?"

James thought it would be safer to insert the whistle in his mouth than to risk a rejoinder.

As James reached his captor, there was a short hiatus. James soon cottoned on; he knelt beside Jamie and raised his hands to his head.

Time For Bed

"Permission to put my prisoner to bed?" Aiden assented.

Jamie collected the willow stick, the strap and padlock and various other items that might come in useful. James tried not to look round.

"I thought I'd be nice so I won't gag you."

Before James could thank his captor, the protests started.

"Supposing he snores?"

"I don't snore."

"Yea, right, and Aiden doesn't fart."

"Oh, I don't think he'll spend much time on his back. Wait and see." Jamie had obviously made some decisions. "Sit down." James did as he was told as Jamie picked up the strap and padlock that usually prevented him from standing. "Knees together." James soon had his ankles strapped and padlocked and the chain hobble removed. "Right, in the light of what my friends said, maybe I have to reconsider that gag."

"No, Jamie, you promised. Pleeease!"

"OK, I'll give you a choice: gag," and Jamie held up the stick and a hank of paracord, "or blindfold?" and Jamie held up yet more of the white micropore tape. "Well?" A dejected James chose the blindfold. "You do realise that you've just chosen to have your hands tied behind you, don't you?"


"Well, you just said you wanted to be blindfolded," Jamie should really consider becoming a politician, "So you have to have your hands bound to stop you removing it. A - a - ah, language, it's not too late to gag you as well." James knew he was beaten.

Before long James had his ankles padlocked, his discarded boxers folded and taped extensively over his eyes and his wrists skilfully rope-cuffed behind him. All that was left to decide was whether to use one of the redundant straps to pinion James's arms. Jamie put it to the vote. The people spoke. James wasn't pleased with the decision that had been so democratically made.

Harry laid out James's sleeping bag and Jamie and Scott carried him over to it and zipped him in. Being so tightly bound and without a pillow, James could look forward to a uncomfortable night.

Jamie submitted himself to Aiden once more. "It's OK mate, just get to bed."

"What? Aren't you going to tie me up?"

"Nah, you're not going anywhere until the morning and, besides, if Blondie causes any trouble in the night, someone needs to get up to deal with him." That sounds unkind but, actually, it made sense; someone needed to accept responsibility for James's safety even though no one liked him.

Aiden quickly stripped down to his boxers and retired with a bundle of clothes in the hood of his sleeping bag for a pillow and was soon snoring. It wouldn't be long after the others had retired before the traditional footwear was heading in his direction.

Scott, Harry and Jamie spent nearly an hour putting the world to rights before deciding to call it a day. Jamie banked up the fire while Harry stripped and got into his sleeping bag and Scott climbed in as he was. Before getting into his own sleeping bag, Jamie went to have a little word with James. I don't suppose we'll ever really know what he said but I suspect that most of our guesses would be near enough. There's one thing for sure: James certainly didn't spend too much time sleeping, let alone sleeping on his back.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


Another Day

By the time eight o'clock came, James thought he would soon break his neck, he really needed to relieve himself. He was just about to call for help and damn the consequences when Jamie sprang unexpectedly into what passed for life. He was heading for a discrete piece of wall that looked as if it was in urgent need of irrigation. James risked a quiet call when he heard someone passing.

"Shit or just a piss?" asked the somnambulant Jamie as he crouched down. James assured him that he only needed a pee. "Right, hang on a minute."

"Please, just untie me. You can trust me. Please." Jamie was still unconvinced. He picked up the discarded chain and locked it onto his prisoner like a collar and lead before unzipping the sleeping bag. James was hoping against hope that Jamie wouldn't take too long doing whatever he intended to do to him. Even though James was very quietly repeating his assurances and pleas to be given the chance to be trusted, Jamie was never exactly a ray of sunshine in the morning, especially when there was somewhere else he urgently needed to be.

"Stick? Mouth?" James managed to understand Jamie's implication even though it was somewhat terse and, wisely, he shut up immediately. Jamie unlocked James's feet and removed the strap from his arms. He then dragged the desperate boy to his feet. Having been bound all night, James immediately fell back onto his sleeping bag. Jamie gave him a little more time and helped him rather more gently, but tacitly, to his feet the next time round. "Come on." Jamie led his prisoner round behind the ruinous wall of the keep.

"Slip your cuffs under your bum and get on with it." Jamie wrapped the end of the chain round his wrist and held onto it while he got on with his own business. James was rather taken aback by the suggestion but quickly saw that he had the choice: either wet himself imminently or try to do what he was told. By the time Jamie was putting himself away James had forced the rope cuff behind his knees.

"Sit down, I'll lend a hand."

James was suspicious but he was left with no choice. He sat and raised his feet. Jamie pushed his left foot back and forced it down past the cuff before doing the same with his other foot. James got to his knees but didn't bother to go further before freeing himself from his boxers and making with what he had without regard to either privacy or the slope of the ground. His knees got only slightly wetter than the dew had already made them. Jamie ostentatiously looked the other way not that James could see him. James just about got away without wetting his boxers. He tucked himself away and risked a, "Jamie? - - - Thanks." from where he was kneeling.

Jamie didn't respond. There was a short hiatus. "Do I have to get my hands behind me again?" Jamie didn't answer. "Jamie, pleeease!" Jamie grunted. James started to force his knees through the cuffs.

"Wait. Listen." James waited. "You've got a choice: work or get completely tied up again. You keep the blindfold, get the gag again, hands behind you, arms and ankles strapped and I expect there are other things that my friends could suggest as well. Or, as I said, you could work." James expressed his preference and Jamie told him that he needn't force his hands behind him again but that, if he so much as lifted them towards his blindfold, he'd end up hanging from his wrists. James said that he understood and Jamie buckled the strap tightly around his chest and biceps.

The two boys arrived back inside the keep and Jamie hobbled James before ripping his blindfold off rather unceremoniously. The resultant yell as a certain amount of hair was ripped from the back of James's head efficiently brought Harry and Aiden to consciousness. Scott slept on.


"Aiden, is that your prisoner making that row?

"No, but he did cause it."

"Tell him!"

"Naughty boy, Jamie. There, I've told him."

"So sorry!" replied Jamie in a completely insincere manner. For some reason no one seemed to be taking Jamie's transgression too seriously. "Should I gag him?"

"I would if I was you."

"Nah, come to think of it, we don't want him drooling in the food." That, at least, was some sort of reassurance for James even though he didn't quite get the implication.

"How's your back, Jamie?" Jamie turned round for inspection and everyone agreed that he wasn't too badly hurt. "OK, you're on firewood. He's on breakfast. Put your boots on, it'll be safer."

Jamie couldn't quite believe his luck. OK, he was going to have to work wearing just his boxers and his boots but he wasn't going to have to work tied up. He didn't think he'd apply to be allowed to change his underwear and replace his disreputable denim shorts; they would probably still be damp in any case.

James waited. Harry banked up the fire and got it going properly again. Scott slept, snoring softly.

Breakfast Time

Breakfast was not going to be the usual fry up. The boys knew full well that keeping sausages over that period of time would be asking for trouble so it was a choice: dehydrated or tinned. Dehydrated food is easy to prepare but tastes of cardboard, tinned food takes more care and tastes of dog food. James was going to have to do the work so dog food got the vote.

Various boys completed their morning routines with Aiden even going so far as to take soap and a flannel across to the Aquaroll and giving token attention to his face, neck and armpits. Harry asked if he was expecting his girlfriend or something. Aiden ignored him and cleaned his teeth as well.

Even the slight chill of the Summer's morning was not enough to persuade Harry to want to resort to a top, which was just as well because Aiden had not allowed him to pack one. He did, however, throw him a surprise pair of boxers that he knew would fit him. Harry grinned broadly and, stopping only to say, "Thanks, mate," he peeled his newly re-applied shorts off without ceremony or any consideration for concealment, and put on the welcome undergarment before replacing what was basically a pair of spray-ons. Jamie and he shared a stylist in that respect in spite of their contrasting physiques. At least the legs of Harry's shorts were the same length and not so extensively arrayed with horizontal tears.

Aiden had dressed more or less completely, having first changed his boxers inside his sleeping bag; he was a bit more coy than Harry and Scott. He then invited Jamie to change his boxers and replace his own ragged denim cut-offs. Jamie accepted and, as he drew the damp, asymmetric wreckage none too carefully in place, further stitches could be heard giving way.

"Jamie, get some new ones."

"Nah, there's plenty of life in this pair yet."

"Yea, but most of that's vermin." Jamie's evil look isn't much different from his amused one.

The morning's activities had raised Scott from his slumbers and he was soon on his flip-flop clad feet. There were some advantages of having been able to do his own packing but, like Harry, he eschewed the t-shirt he had packed for himself.

That left just the unfortunate James bound and wearing only his boxers.


Jamie freed James's arms and wrists and went on the forage for firewood. Eventually he brought back more fuel than the fire would need before they had to strike camp and prepared it. It could always be used the next time they or their mates used the place. James used the Trangia stoves to bring several more tins of "The Full Monty" than there were boys to boiling point and put three of the associated small kettles on the fire. He had a good idea of who would be cleaning them afterwards.

Once he had served the other boys, including Jamie, James was allowed to eat before making the tea. Aiden stated that he even preferred the tinned milk they were using to the fresh stuff. Scott said that he had the taste buds of a starving polecat.

"Nah," opined Harry, "That's just the smell. That's why he had to wash just now." He ducked the beans and the mushroom that Aiden flicked at him from his spoon.

The boys took a leisurely breakfast but James still wasn't too sure of whether or not he was welcome to join the conversation. Eventually Aiden announced that it was time to get down to business and that Jamie needed to decide what was to happen to James before he started paying off his own bet.


Jamie told James that he was responsible for the washing up and Harry produced a folding bowl from the backpack that he had brought with him. James made for the Aquaroll. "Oh, no you don't. get it from the canal." James looked at Jamie to see whether he had to obey Aiden's order. Jamie tilted his head towards the canal. That wasn't going to be too easy really but at least James didn't have to hobble down to the river.

James approached the bank, laid himself face down and dipped the rubberised fabric container into the water. He could only just reach and had spilled over half of his catch before grounding it near the fire. Aiden granted him permission to use the remaining hot water in the kettles and threw him a small plastic bottle of washing up liquid. James set to his weary task and was about to embark upon the mugs.

"Wha' you doin'?"

"Washing the mugs."

"NObody washes the mugs. Just rinse them out from the Aquaroll." Aiden had conveniently 'forgotten' that his dad and the rest of the boys' mothers (except for Scott's) always cleaned the messy stuff that they simply dumped on their return home. Once the mugs were rinsed, James could put it off no longer, it was time for the soot-encrusted kettles.

"Should have used whiting." remarked Harry, not very helpfully. Not being the outdoor pursuits type, James didn't even know what it was. He wondered how soot could be so greasy as he took the proffered Brillo pad and set to work.

So far Jamie had not been called to account by Aiden, who was quite content to let him deal with his own slave first. He was all heart as he was fond of pointing out. Jaime busied himself drying and stacking the stoves after ostentatiously checking James's work. James was determined that those pans - and even the kettles - would sparkle by the time he had finished. They did!

When James had finished, his arms were grey most of the way to his elbows. Jamie told him to empty the bowl NOT in the canal but somewhere that they were unlikely to tread in it. and then to jump in the canal and wash himself. James was just about to question his orders but one look at Jamie and Aiden made him swallow his words. He picked up the bowl, moved towards the canal and tipped out the contents before dropping the bowl and continuing his walk to the water dragging the chain behind him. Jamie let him reach the bank.

"Oi!" James turned around. "Come back and pick it up." James stood open mouthed. "Take it with you and rise it out." James obeyed. He got to the canal bank. He wasn't happy about the next bit but, when he looked round, he could see the others watching him. He sat on the bank and shuffled into the water. He was relieved to find it only came up to his bum. That rendered another pair of boxers useless for preserving his privacy. He swilled out the bowl and threw it onto the bank.

"Don't drink too much of it, James."

"Nah, rat's pee." That made him feel better! Oh well, he was there now so he addressed his stained hands and arms. It did seem to make a certain difference but, if anything it had also spread the now fainter grey stain towards his elbows.

He raised his arms and called out "Jamie!" in desperation.

"OK. come back here."

James pulled himself up onto the bank, retrieved the trailing chain from the canal and struggled to his feet once more. He hadn't had the practice in dealing with short hobbles that the other boys had gained from their previous games and he didn't really appreciate the derisive remarks and "helpful" suggestions from his distant tormentors. He tried to tell himself that, if only he could hold on for a few more hours, he would have paid off his debt and the others would not be able to hold him up as a welcher. He tried to tell himself that but, not being a particularly honourable boy himself, he could not completely convince himself that they would keep their words. I suppose you could say that he was hoist with his own petard.

James picked up the bowl and dragged the chain trailing from his ankles disconsolately back to the keep. "Please lads, . . ."

"Are you pleading?" James stopped in mid sentence. By now even he could take the hint. He took to his knees. "Hands". James had nothing to lose and was soon kneeling with his hands on his head and his elbows back just like he had seen Jamie do previously.


"Please Jamie, have I got another pair of boxers?" Harry opined that he couldn't see what all the fuss was about. James certainly seemed to be learning his lesson as far as not retaliating was concerned. However, he couldn't resist a poisonous look in Harry's direction that would have been worthy of Jamie himself.

Jamie took pity on his captive; not that James was convinced when he heard the offer. Jamie took Aiden's towel and threw it towards James. "Here."

"Oi, that's mine!"

"Yeah, thanks, mate! OK Blondie, round your waist." Because Aiden wasn't going to have to carry his gear to the site, he'd allowed himself a generously sized bath sheet, one with penguins on it. James simply stood open mouthed until Jamie explained more clearly.

Before long James had the towel wrapped round his waist and doubled over a tightly cinched belt like a kilt. "OK James, get 'em off." James wasn't as sure as he had been a couple of minutes no mood for contradiction. James clumsily lowered his underpants and even remembered how to remove them in spite of being hobbled. He would have found that easier if he had sat down. but it was more entertaining like this.

"OK Jamie, how do you want him?" Aiden was keen to get on. "I've got a suggestion. Just get yourself ready if you want to hear it." Jamie knelt in the submissive posture.

"You too, man." James knelt beside him.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »


The Games Aren't Over Yet.

Aiden made his proposition. Jamie accepted the challenge. He had nothing to lose, really. James wasn't quite so sure.

The deal went as follows:
1) Aiden would tie Jamie and James together - he was not allowed to use the chain.
2) The others would be allowed to help.
3) Jamie was then allowed to try to escape.
4) The others wouldn't try to stop him.
5) James would have his fingers bound with zinc oxide tape from the first aid kit (They'd already used nearly all the micropore.) before they started.
6) If Jamie could escape inside an hour, Aiden would consider that his bet had been paid off.

Jamie wasn't even interested in the implications of his failure to escape, especially after he'd managed to bid the time up to an hour and a half. Aiden drove a hard bargain.

Harry and Scott made a side-bet on whether Jamie would succeed. Harry thought there was no way, especially if he had a hand in the binding.

Aiden went to work. He told James to tuck his right thumb under his fingers and used far more wide, pinkish tape than was really necessary to wrap the resultant fist until he was satisfied. Once both his fists had been immobilised, James got the distinct impression that he was not supposed to be using his fingers for at least the next ninety minutes.

Aiden got his trekking poles, that he'd extended to their maximum length, and he bound them together with what was left on both the rolls of tape so that the result was about as long as he reckoned Jamie could reach with his arms outstretched.

"OK you two, back-to-back, please. Scott, Harry, give us a hand here, please." Jamie and James obeyed and Scott, and Harry stepped up to the plate. Aiden's day pack yielded several more lengths of rope. The others wondered what else he'd brought.

"Arms out." Jamie was quicker to comply than James but, give or take a centimetre or so, Aiden soon saw that their arms, when straight, were near enough the same height from the ground. Aiden picked up a long rope and located the middle of it. He lodged the bight over the victims shoulders so that it hung down beside James's left pectoral and then threaded the ends though the bight, pulled tight, wrapped another turn round both boys' armpits, taking in the trekking poles that Scott and Harry were supporting, and tied off the result. He tidied his work and forced it closer to his subjects' necks.

One strand of rope found its way in front of Jamie's neck and another in front of James's before Aiden tied them together close to the left of Jamie's neck and the right of James's. Jamie, being used to similar treatment at the hands of his Scout Troop's rivals during their ongoing feud, greeted his situation with stoicism but James allowed himself several yelps as he felt his skin being pinched.

Jamie thought it was time his fellow sufferer manned up and suggested that it was about time the willow stick came back into use.

"Nah, I'm alright, thanks."

"Then stop squealing like a little girlie. Ooow!" Aiden thought he'd make a point and deliberately pinched some of Jamie's flesh between the rope strands as he tied off the next two rounds of rope a bit further from his subject's necks. He had embarked upon something like blanket stitch with each stage being knotted off as he worked his way towards the victims' wrists. Scott made sure they kept their arms straight, not that Jamie needed much help in that respect but James did. Harry had told them to put their free hands on their heads until Aiden was ready to secure them. There was a minor entanglement of hands as they achieved it. Aiden tied off the ropes round James's and Jamie's wrists and once more around just the pole.

"Clever." said Harry approvingly. He realised that, with the ropes bound onto the grip of one of the poles, there was very little chance of the tie-es working the ends of the rope up their arms. Aiden adopted a smug smile as he dropped about a metre of doubled rope from his hands.

"Right you two, stretch 'em." It took about five minutes for Aiden to bind Jamie's right arm to both the trekking poles and to James's left arm. With six "stitches" on each side, anyone else would be satisfied but not Aiden. He had a bet to win even if he didn't have a penalty to pay if Jamie succeeded. He produced something else from his bottomless bag.

"Oarrh maate!" Jamie thought the big roll of gaffer tape was overkill. Remembering the willow stick, James decided that he would be unwise to join his fellow sufferer's protest.

"It's alright, Jamie, I haven't got any more gaffer tape after this. Don't worry."

"Thank fuck for that."

"Ah - u - ah, language. I'm sure James wouldn't mind you borrowing his willow stick." Jamie's single word rejoinder just made Aiden's grin spread wider. He used his well bitten nails to locate the end of the tape and, starting near James' right wrist, he mummified the conjoined arms as far as the armpits. Following a few more circuits, Aiden worked his way back to his victims' wrists.

"Oh look, there's lots of tape left!" Aiden sounded delighted.

"Oh, whoopee doo." I get the impression that Jamie was being sarcastic.

Aiden repeated the mummification procedure on the other arms and James prepared to start the escape attempt. Jamie knew better.

OK lads, walkies." Aiden led James and Jamie away from the keep and under a strong tree branch. It was all very well for James but Jamie was forced to walk backwards all the way. When Aiden came back into his field of vision, he bestowed upon him one of those burning looks. Aiden looked happy with his work.

"Hey, spider Man?" Before thinking, Harry responded and then gave a subdued snort. "Can you tie a figure of eight?" Harry confirmed that he could but that he wasn't surprised that a Land Farmer like Aden couldn't. Honours even. While Aiden sorted out yet another rope, Harry fastened the ends of one of the ropes while Scott dealt with the other. It was obvious even to James why he had been positioned under the hefty branch and Aiden attached the new rope using a blood bight round Scott's figure of eight.

"OK, who's the lightest?" That was no contest and Harry climbed up onto Aiden's shoulders. Scott handed him the new rope and he threw the free ends over the major branch just above a minor one sprouting from it. Aiden adjusted one end of the poles for height and Harry completed another round of the rope round the large bough on the other side of the minor branch. He pulled tight and let the ends drop to Scott who threaded them through the loop formed by Harry's figure of eight, pulled tight again and tied them off. There was very little slack in the ropes that were supporting the poles and, in consequence Jamie and James as well. They didn't have much scope for doing anything other than keeping their legs fairly close together.

"Jamie, you know I said I had no more gaffer tape?"

"Don't tell me, I know, 'I lied'." Jamie used the sing-song intonation that normally indicates a lack of sincerity.

"Not at all. I wouldn't lie to you. Scout's honour. No more gaffer tape. But I do have - - - this!"

Jamie and James groaned in unison as Aiden produced an easily identified new roll of gorilla tape from THAT bag.

"I'm feeling generous. Scotty, unlock Blondie's hobbles please. Say, 'thank you'." James thought he wouldn't bother.

While Aiden scraped way trying to free the end of the tape, Scott removed the chain that James had been dragging round behind him and this time James did say, "Thank you."

"Now, who's first? Eeny, meeny, miny mo, you are not it!" Aiden poked each boy annoyingly in the side in turn until he ended with Jamie. "OK, the winner is - - - the boy in a skirt. Feet together, Jimmy boy."

James couldn't get his feet much closer together and wouldn't be able to part them until the nylon ropes had stretched a bit but Aiden did expect his victims to try to edge away from one another. Jamie, being ever so slightly the taller could just about do so. Aiden knelt down and, starting at his ankles, worked the tape round James's ankles, up his calves and tightly round the towelling kilt until he reached his bum whereupon, predictably, he worked his way back down to his ankles again. Jamie then got a similar treatment and Aiden examined his tape supplies. He pronounced himself satisfied.

"Shuffle back a bit, Muscle Man." Jamie did his best. Aiden decided to start just below his victims' buttocks this time and wrapped the tape with a considerable amount of overlap right down to their ankles leaving all four of their legs as closely confined as possible. He even had enough tape left on the roll to get as far back up as their knees.

Aiden lamented that all the tape he had left was the remains on the gaffer tape roll. He cheered up when he saw how much was left. "Harry, mate, give me one of James's shoelaces will you?" Harry sat and unthreaded the required cordage while Jamie protested that he thought Aiden had done enough already. Aiden was unimpressed and used it to tie his big toes together

"Want the other one as well?"

"No, this one'll do thanks." Aiden made a guess and tied a knot in both free ends where he thought it should go. He slipped the ends under Jamie's left foot, under James's right one until the knot sat just about where James's big toes met his feet. "Oh yes! This boy's good!" James soon had his big toes tied as well.

"You finished now? Can I start yet?"

“Oh, I don't think we want you two discussing the situation, do we boys?" Scott and Harry gave the only answer possible.

"Thanks - - - friends."

"You're welcome."

"No trouble. What a good job I washed this. Don't worry; it's clean." Jamie opened up and Scott relinquished his favourite ball gag. He didn't buckle it as tightly as he could have done but there was no way that Jamie would have been able to expel it.

Harry was keen to help as well. "Want me to fit James with his stick?"

"No, Aiden, Harry, please. Not that. I've been good. I've tried to be quiet. That thing fucking hurts."

"I'm feeling generous. You can always borrow mine." Harry produced his 'necklace' which he had discarded overnight. "There's not much slobber left on it now." James's reaction was not much more horrified than Scott's and Aiden's. "Alright then, I'll tell you what: I'll make you a special one. Would you like that?" James had been left with no acceptable answer; if he said yes, he didn't know what he would be presented with, if he said no, he might still end up with the monkey's fist with Harry's dried slobber all over it. "Or there's your lovely stick." James certainly didn't want that. "Your choice."

James opted for the 'special' gag. At least it wouldn't have been in anyone else's mouth and surely it couldn't hurt as much as that willow bit gag. Fortunately, (or not) Aiden had another rope and Harry went to work lecturing as he worked. He started forming what looked like being a hangman's noose some distance from the end of the rope. He threaded the working end through one of the protruding loops and pulled it tight before wrapping it back round the spiral so formed and threading it through the other loop and pulling it tight again. "Ta-da!" Harry stood and took a bow in response to the brief round of applause.

James regarded the result with suspicion. It was thicker than the willow stick but surely it wouldn't be as painful? Aiden invited Harry to fit is masterpiece. He did so and he even knew a way of tightening the device unknown to the others. "You can always trust a Sea Scout." he gloated. He had made the gag long enough to stick out on either side of James's mouth thus avoiding the pain of James having a single strand of rope digging into the sides of his lips. Even the thickness of the knot was preferable to that. Harry knew that from bitter experience. James just hoped he wouldn't be kept like that for too long.

In an act of generosity Aiden said that he would not blindfold Jamie but that he couldn't see any reason to extend the same courtesy to James who found his wet boxers jammed over his head and held into place with several rounds of gaffer tape. Aiden knew that the tape wouldn't adhere very well to the wet garment but would adhere to itself and that it would be very difficult to slip the result up over James' brow ridge and his nape. "Say, 'Thank you, Aiden, for protecting my lovely, girly, blonde hair.' Oh sorry, forgot, you can't."

"OK Jamie, your time starts - - - NOW!"

Junior Houdini?

Aiden, Harry and Scott settled down to enjoy the spectacle and discussed the advisability or otherwise of tying the victims as Aiden had. Harry thought that it would have been better if they'd been supported under their armpits so that they couldn't use their combined weight to employ the laws of leverage (Harry IS a bit of a nerd). Scott thought that, all the while their legs were almost incapable of flexion, it wouldn't make much difference.

The initial movements of the "entertainers" were strictly limited and there were many almost comprehensible outbursts from James as the ropes dug into his arms due to Jamie's manoeuvrings. Jamie kept trying to lift his legs to stretch the ropes but he had limited success due to the way James and he were taped together.

The spectators watched for about fifteen minutes as Jamie made very little progress until Harry turned to Scott. "Scott." He nodded towards the hanging boys. They stood up and went over to the taped-up bundle. As Harry took one end of the poles, Jamie seemed to think that whatever was likely to happen contradicted the rules. Scott took the hint and took the other end. Harry started to revolve the poles and Scott went with him. "Just thought we'd help you to get your feet off the ground." They wound the supporting rope into a spiral of about four turns and, even though the last turn especially took some effort, four feet were quickly raised from the ground.

Following much girly giggling, Harry gave the countdown. Scott and he stepped back quickly and the two prisoners spun their way back to the ground. Jamie was not happy!

"What was that? We weren't supposed to stop you escaping?" Aiden had deliberately interpreted Jamie's imprecations incorrectly even though some of the more Anglo-Saxon words could be deciphered with some accuracy. "They weren't; they were trying to help you loosen the tape and stretch the rope."

"'Hu'in' uunn'!"

"That must be you he's describing." said Harry as he looked at Scott.

The swearing gradually subsided into grunts and attempts to make suggestions. Time dragged for the escape artists as they made very little progress towards their aim. At least they could stand more easily and wobble somewhat towards the end of their time and both boys had worked up enough of a sweat to avoid some of the potential pain when it came to time to remove the tape from their limbs later.

After Jamie and James had been struggling in an increasingly coordinated manner for well over an hour, with intermittent rests, George arrived at a jog. His auntie had arrived and relieved him of his domestic duties. He wanted to see what had happened to his mate, Jamie and to James. "Hi, boys. How's it hanging, Jamie?" Even through a ball gag, a grunt is a grunt. "I bring supplies."

George had been waylaid by Scott's mum on his way home the previous evening. She suggested that he call in if he was going back and take some luxuries to her son and his mates during what she seemed to believe was an extra practice expedition towards his Duke of Edinburgh's Award. George threw the usual stash of health food on the floor, it seemed to address all the major food groups: chocolate, sugar, food colouring, salt, MSG, etc. Jamie started protesting.

"Don't worry, there's plenty here, you know Scott's mum."

"Yeah, we'll leave you something." Amongst other things George had even brought some of what his auntie called 'proper food'. At least they wouldn't have to eat the cardboard rations that remained. Certain boys were glad that Zac wasn't involved, any one of them could cook better than Zac even though he always insisted on 'taking his turn'.

Jamie's expressive gruntings seemed to be encouraging his fellow sufferer to work cooperatively and their struggles seemed to be building up a rhythm. Eventually James seemed to be making suggestions through his manoeuvrings. Jamie was into tugs and, other than for the obvious discomfort, he didn't really resent how he was being treated because he knew his time would come. He actually thought it was worth it all the while James could gradually see the error of his ways from the way he was being treated in contrast. He even seemed to be coming round to more civilised behaviour as he tried to cooperate. Jamie was putting some work into James.

The ninety minutes expired and far more before Aiden called 'time' on the escape attempt. Jamie got the distinct impression that Aiden's, "Sorry mate, looks like you're still my slave." wasn't exactly sincere, especially in contrast to Harry's assurance that he needn't worry because he'd keep James safe for him. James gave a resigned, whole-body sigh.

"Want down?" Aiden was asking Jamie. "You can keep trying if you like." Having made so little progress between them, and as a result of James's desperate head shaking, Jamie called off the hunt.

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Domestic Arrangements

Plans were drawn up on the hoof; Aiden didn't think he should have to help any more than was necessary and Harry started making suggestions for accommodating James, "Just to keep him safe until Jamie can spare the time to look after him."

Aiden held up the knife so that Jamie could see it. James would have to take Aiden's word for it when he advised the two prisoners to keep as still as possible. Aiden had calculated carefully; if he slit the tape round Jamie's right arm and James's left and untied the underlying rope first from the one by which the boys were hanging and then from his right arm, Jamie would still not be able to do much towards freeing his other arm so Aiden committed heresy: he cut the loops under Jamie's right armpit allowing him to reach the end of his left arm.

Harry took a redundant short rope from Aiden's bag of 'supplies' and tied a cuff just above James's newly freed left fist. He allowed James a few seconds to shake his arm before tying a loop in the rope and slipping it over James's neck, not too tightly but, if he tried to slip it off, he could be prevented from doing so before succeeding. When Harry let go, the prisoners started wobbling as the rope round the branch slowly started unravelling.

Jamie started getting vocal as he pointed at his gag. It was obvious that he was asking permission to undo it. The others thought it would be funnier if he was unable to give instructions to James during the process of freeing himself and Scott offered to padlock it for him. Jamie declined the offer.

Jamie had to decide: falling was inevitable and he had to decide which way he wanted to fall before it was too late. He just had to hope that James wouldn't fight him too much. James, being completely unable to protect himself during the landing, was in some danger. That had happened to Scott more than once and, as an act of mercy, George and he lowered the still conjoined boys to the ground. Having heard their reasoning, James tried to thank them. Jamie nodded.

James ended up underneath as Jamie went to work. His nails weren't much longer than Aiden's and it took him quite some time to lift the end of the tape. Undoing the upper layer was time consuming, especially as he couldn't persuade James to help him to keep his arm raised, but at least it was painless. The under layer was less so. Jamie was glad of the sweat he had worked up and he knew the pain could have been worse. James probably didn't.

Undoing the knots near the end of the extended stave one handed wasn't easy and Jamie couldn't advise James of how he could help. Each knot as he worked his way up towards his left armpit seemed to take forever to loosen before Jamie could slip the free ends though and, because Aiden had tied off every loop, things got no easier as the job proceeded. Jamie would remember this.

As soon as James's right arm was free, Harry incorporated it in the rope he had previously used leaving James lying on his wrists in a "King Tut" pose. Jamie pushed himself up and gave his abs a workout as he tried to reach his toes. He realised that he couldn't release them until he had untied James's big toes first. His exertions caused a lot of interaction with James, who started to feel grateful that he was face down even with his legs padded and bound as tightly as they were.

Jamie was hardly able to bend his knees at all and it took great effort to lift both his legs and James's off the ground. At least James seemed to be trying to help and eventually the two boys worked out a system of "Awny? Ugh!" and, between rests, as soon as Jamie asked "Ready? Up!" James would do his best, if not to assist, at last not to resist. Between unwrapping and lateral tearing, James's and Jamie's legs were separated in about twenty minutes. Jamie climbed off James and started scrabbling round to loosen the knot tying his big toes together. James was probably lucky that Jamie would find things easier if he untied his toes before being able to untie his own, otherwise he probably wouldn't have bothered.

"OK Jamie, I'll look after him for you like I said." Harry approached James and picked up the trekking poles that he had already separated. He started securing James more reliably as Jamie set about the remaining black adhesive tape that was holding his own legs together. It must have taken him nearly fifteen minutes to remove both layers. He exercised with some relief before asking once more if he could remove his gag.

"Weeeell, I don't suppose that I need to stop you talking to James now, do I?"

Jamie shook his head and made some noises that might have been, "Uh - uh."

"Oh, go on, Aiden, you must be able to find SOME excuse.”


"Yes, after all, he is still your slave."

"[disgusted snort!]"

"Yes, I'll find him something to do but I don't see why he has to be gagged." Jamie nodded enthusiastically. "Owah, I don't know, though. Come here Jamie. Take this. Padlock your ankles. Good now just turn round." Jamie could see where this was going. He shouldn't have expected anything different, really. He bum-shuffled with the assistance of his hands until he was facing away from Aiden who padlocked the gag. At least he didn't tighten it first and Jamie could still massage his aching arms.

James cold still not see what was going on around him and Harry had no intention of altering that situation. Making James stand would have resulted in a very unstable subject. Unless . . . He threw one of the ropes that was lying around over the branch of the tree "Scotty, give us a hand mate." Harry tied both free ends of James's gag together in a blood knot and tied one end of the rope through the resultant loop. Scott and Harry hauled the desperately pleading James to his feet.

The others could see what was about to happen. "Oh, come on, you two, that's a bit harsh." Scott didn't think so and Harry pointed out that, as long as James didn't struggle too much, they'd soon have him tied up safely and would then let him down. James decided, not for the first time that weekend, to try to be as cooperative as possible. Harry pulled the hanging rope tight pulling James onto tiptoe with his head bowed before threading the free end trough the loop in the gag rope and tying it off. James's heels returned to the floor but he made a real spectacle as he swayed. What a good job that George had his phone!

"OK mush, listen carefully." I'm going to undo your arms and then re-tie them. If you resist, we'll lift you off the ground. Understand?" James wasn't to know that that was just a bluff and he did his best to nod his somewhat constrained head.

Harry freed James's fists and allowed him some much-needed recovery time for his arms. After a few minutes Harry told James to extend his arms. James did so and Harry positioned the trekking poles against his back. "'K, hold that with your elbows." James brought his arms down behind the poles, trapping them between his back and his arms. Scott adjusted the position of the poles while Harry picked up one of the pieces of the rope that Aiden had cut.

There was plenty of rope to attach James's right elbow to the pole. Harry was showing off and he made an elaborate job of it; even so, there was some rope to spare. Scott asked to be allowed to do the same with James's left elbow. Harry instructed. Scott learnt. James tottered.

Harry started to let James down. That puzzled Scott. "Aren't we going to tie his wrists too?"

"Nah, not necessary, once he's down I'll just draw his elbows a bit closer with the ends of the ropes, he won't be able to do much then. Besides, clamping someone's elbows too firmly can be dangerous." Scott had to give him that and they helped James gently to the ground. James noticed that his captors were lately taking at least some care for his safety.

If proper attention was to be given to the supplies George had brought, the four unfettered boys thought that they would be more comfortable back at the keep where they could sit on their carry mats and sleeping bags. Harry resented having to untie his latest masterpiece so soon so a council was called for. There was, of course, an obvious solution: James was Jamie's prisoner so he could look after him.

Aiden unlocked Jamie's ankles and told him to pack all the stuff they'd left littered around into his 'supplies' bag and to put it on his back while George loaded the sweetie supplies again. Aiden then hung the strap that would be used to immobilise his prisoner again round his neck and pulled it tight enough so that it would not slip. George, Harry and Scott headed back for the keep leaving Aiden on escort duty.

It was clear that Aiden expected Jamie to get James to where the others were so he had to consider his options. Being strongly built, the easiest option seemed to be just to sling the blonde loser over one shoulder. Jamie thought he'd better explain first. Having done so as best as he was able to in the circumstances, Aiden helped Jamie to get James onto his feet and supported him while Jamie prepared to drive his shoulder into his passenger's midriff. Jamie pushed, James flopped over his shoulder and Jamie stood up. Strong as he was, Jamie was glad he didn't have far to go as the unfortunate blonde flopped against the day pack as his mount jogged quite gently back to base.


Once he'd got back to the keep, Jamie sat James against the wall (at least he could bend his legs somewhat now) and then crossed his own ankles and used the "necktie" he was wearing for its customary purpose. From where he was sitting, he could see the remains of the devastated pile of chocolate, salty snacks and packets of garishly coloured sweet things on the ground. Even so, this was provided by Scott's mum, remember; there was plenty left even after Aiden had taken his pick. He threw a Lion bar over to Jamie. Lions were not the boys' favourite but, as far as Jamie was concerned, chocolate was chocolate and the pack of Haribo cola bottles would help to take the hurt out of it. There was just one snag.

Jamie thought that perhaps Aiden had not noticed the snag or, at least, that's the way he was trying to put it - I think! Aiden made his completely insincere apologies and unlocked the strap holding the slobber-covered red ball in such a place that Jamie would not have been able to enjoy his share of the spoils. James? No, he was simply ignored while plans were made for what remained of the day. Ignored, that is, except for when the others allocated future tasks to him.

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Fine Dining

First order of the day was obviously lunch and George's auntie had insisted on preparing some ingredients for George to take to camp and cook. She was one of those adults who didn't believe that boys could do anything for themselves on the culinary front and, all the while she was prepared to wield the vegetable knife, George wasn't about to disabuse her of the fact. By the time he had listened to her completely redundant instructions and left, he had all that he and his mates would need for a feast.

Harry and George set to with a will. There was always something satisfying about preparing a meal on an open fire and they didn't think they'd trust the job to a less experienced boy such as James, but they did reassure him (and Jamie) that they could do the washing up afterwards. James was aware that he still bore the symptoms of his previous encounter with the cooking vessels up his arms and this sounded like being even worse.

The meal was prepared in the time it took; there was no hurry and eating fresh food made the wait worthwhile. Jamie and James, however, were not much comforted by the suggestions that they might have to make do with the, now redundant, cardboard meals. After all, Jamie could always be released to boil a kettle and feed his prisoner the resultant re-hydrated sawdust.

Aiden and Scott enjoyed a relaxing time, a rare event for the hyper-active Scott, discussing anything that came to mind while James and Jamie became increasingly tormented by the smell of what Jamie assumed would have been a George-strength chilli that they weren't going to be allowed to enjoy. This was a delicacy renowned within the Scout Troop, it was a matter of honour to pretend that it was not ferociously hot even if one didn't really enjoy it. A man is a man after all. George wasn't really in a merciful mood that day, it was simply that his auntie had measured out the ingredients and, as far as he was concerned, this was going to be a "women's chilli". Aiden was somewhat relieved but, obviously, he could never admit it.

When Harry and George had things ready, Aiden put it to Jamie. "OK, slave, cardboard or chilli?" Jamie expressed his preference and Aiden told him that in that case he'd have to feed James by hand first. Jamie accepted the condition, not that he had much choice in the matter, and Aiden threw a small key for Jamie to catch. Jamie unlocked his ankles and even hung the belt and padlock round his neck as a "necktie" once more and went over to his prisoner.

By now, James was desperate to be able to flex just about every part of his body. He had managed to loosen the tape round his legs but not by enough for Jamie to need to do anything about it. In any case shouldn't the normal rules apply to him: once a prisoner is tied, he is allowed to try to escape, right? I know, I know: if it looked as if James was about to free himself, one of the others would have done something about it. Isn't justice amongst the young so wonderfully even handed?

Jamie spoke somewhat reassuringly to his former Champion before pulling the white boxers rather unceremoniously from his head. The rope gag that had been stressing his jaws for some time did little to stifle the resultant yell. James blinked in the afternoon sunlight while Jamie inspected his prisoner to make sure that he was still secure. Harry's roping, and even Scott's, had shown no sign of shifting even though the tape holding James's legs had enough 'give' to allow him to bend his knees nearly to a right angle by now. James could still hardly flex his fingers even though the tape mittens no longer adhered to them and his thumbs were still completely immobilised. Once he had checked the colour of James's forearms (ignoring the metallic grey streaks), Jamie was happy with his prisoner's status. HIs prisoner was less so.

"Right then, mush, you're not going to give me any trouble when I untie that gag, are you?" James shook his head. "OK, bow your head." Jamie undid the rope and James couldn't resist the cry of relief as he was able to close his poor jaws once more.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean . . ." Jamie knew that and placed his hand over James's mouth.

"It's OK. Wiggle it round a bit." Jamie removed his hand. "OK?" James thought that nodding would be a wiser choice than speaking. Jamie received a mess tin containing two sporks, chilli, rice and even white cabbage salad (Someone had to eat it!). There was plenty for two and eating out of the same vessel as someone else was an accepted practice on camp although it came as a surprise to James.

Jamie made sure that his prisoner was replete before presenting him with the empty spork with the instructions, "Open up. Close. Hold it." leaving James with the fork end of the blue plastic implement protruding from his mouth. He didn't bother trying to spit it out. Jamie took the other spork, (sharing spoons was NOT a normal practice!) mopped up his portion with indecent haste and went to see if there was any more. There was and he continued eating while the others, already having finished their seconds, were behaving as though they were in polite Arabic society.

"Open." Jamie held the fork end of the spork that James was holding for him and dropped it alongside his own into the mess tin.

"You know my auntie?" The others sounded puzzled. "Well, she's useless." They thought that was a bit unfair. "Yeah, she didn't pack any ginger cake." The others now agreed with George. "She gave me these instead." George produced three packs of individual apple pies. The others made noises of mock disappointment.

"What? No ginger cake?"

"Oh maaan." etc

"But she did pack - - - THIS!"

"I love your auntie."

"D' you reckon she'd have my babies?" etc. George had produced a fresh canister of squirty cream. Everyone cheered up instantly. Well, everyone except James whose recent past started flashing before him.

Everyone who was capable of doing so slathered one of the small pies in the white foam and made their best attempts at stuffing the entire confections into their mouths at once. Their pleasures were simple and watching their mates snorting cream from their noses and spraying the adjacent area with pastry and fruit purée was one of them. There was always another pie each to eat properly. James didn't look too happy when he saw Jamie generously adorning a third pie. It was the only time he wouldn't have minded being left out.

James had a decision to make. Should he cooperate or should he refuse? There was no point refusing because Jamie would probably only smear the whole lot over his face and in his hair if he did. James braced himself.

Jamie prepared another pie and approached his captive armed with both confections claiming that they represented a balanced diet. "Open wide." James opened wider than he had ever done before. Jamie presented the first pie to James. James hesitated. Wasn't he going to have the thing shoved as far into his mouth as possible? No, perhaps not. He took a bite. "Chew." Alright, he was adorned to a certain extent with the cream but so was everyone else. What had happened to the real Jamie, the one who had tormented him the whole weekend? Jamie helped him to finish not only that pie but the other one as well. He did not bother wiping his face for him afterwards.

"Did your auntie pack any drinks?"

"No, sorry lads." There followed mild sounds of disappointment. "But Scott's mum did!" George produced a two-litre bottle of Coke which the boys passed round between them. They didn't seem to care about backwash because, of course, a wipe of the neck of the bottle with their grubby hands was all that was traditionally needed to ensure its hygiene.

The inevitable results of swigging fizzy drink rapidly from a bottle soon echoed round the keep but, without Alex from the Sea Scouts, they all sounded like amateurs. James's eyes followed the progress of the bottle optimistically but, although the other boys were treating him a bit less harshly now, there just wasn't enough (or so they claimed) to share with him. Following a satisfying belch, Jamie offered him a drink from the first water bottle he could lay his hands on. A defeated James drank slowly.

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James Sees His Chance

The boys couldn't go home for quite some time, mainly because of the size of the fire that George and Harry had banked up to get good, hot embers for cooking but there was plenty to do or, more accurately, plenty for Jamie and James to do before they could leave the site. Jamie didn't fancy doing any more chores than he could get away with, not all the while James owed him, so he decided to reason with him.

"OK Blondie, this is where you are. You haven't got long to go now but I think you're going to be busy."

"Does that mean you'll have to untie me?"

"Why should I?

"It would be safer and I could get more done."

"Or you could run away."

"Look Jamie, I don't want anyone to see me dressed in a towel, I can't afford to have you lot telling people that I welch on my bets, I don't want to have to start paying all over again and I don't want anyone to see any of George's photos."

"How do you know he won't show anyone?"

"I'll have his word."

"And you know you can trust that?" James was knocked back by that. Yes, he COULD trust George's word but why wouldn't anyone accept his? There was an awkward silence.

"Look, - Jamie, give me a chance. If I don't get it right, I know what'll happen." Jamie waited, staring calmly into James's eyes.

"Word of honour?"

"Word of honour." The two boys couldn't shake hands but James was surprised how relieved he felt about having his word accepted even though he knew that Jamie and his mates had a sword to hang over his head.

Jamie told James that he would start untying him but that he'd have to finish the job himself and then present himself for work. "Look Jamie, you've got my word, no problem." Did James notice Jamie's expression change then?

Jamie unwrapped James's right fist. Yes, he knew he was left-handed but there was no point in being too nice. James started flexing his digits and even managed to say, "Thank you." again while Jamie started untying his right arm from the trekking poles. Once the arm was free and James was gratefully flexing it, Jamie turned away to join his mates in a game of 'Limbless'*. (That's the game with a tennis ball where anybody who fails to catch it has to limit his mobility progressively before continuing.) He had nothing to lose and, even if James did escape and he had to do all the chores himself, that was the price to pay, he was used to it and it wouldn't be too bad in any case.

Various boys knelt on one knee, recovered, knelt on both knees, recovered and so on as the ball was thrown at random around the circle. No one failed once he had both knees on the ground and one arm behind his back, not even Scott. This was a game that involved a ball and not even he could bring himself to lose a ball game deliberately just to get tied up. He could always remind Harry that he'd lost that bet with him when he was ready for that.

Having freed himself, James spent some time flexing and massaging himself. He kept a careful eye on the ball game in case anyone was keeping an eye on him. Actually, everybody was deliberately ignoring him again; not one of them would mind helping Jamie if James needed to be 'spoken to' again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*Rules of "Limbless" - their way
Players form a circle and throw a tennis ball between themselves. Every time a player misses a catch, he has to carry out one of the actions listed below which make catching increasingly more difficult. Every time a player who is not standing makes a successful catch, he goes back up one step. For example, a person on both knees and with one hand behind his back who catches the ball regains the use of that hand and goes from position 3 to position 2.
1) On the first miss - Player gets down onto one knee.
2) Second consecutive miss - Onto both knees
3) Third consecutive miss - Both knees, one hand behind their back
4) Fourth consecutive miss - Player is out and pays a forfeit

As readers will appreciate, it is a gentlemen's game.

More Post Prandial Activities

The fire burnt, George banked it up, the fire burnt, James did the washing up, the game concluded, the pile of comestibles got depleted, the fire burnt and James was kept busy packing anything that would not be further required. He was even allowed to visit the low-hanging branch un-fettered. Jamie asked if anyone else was likely to need the facilities and, when no one said they would, George told James to use the trenching tool and to fill in the hole, replace the turf and mark it properly. James didn't have the vaguest idea of how to do that so Harry got two unused bits of firewood and did it himself. James returned no cleaner than he was before.

"OK Blondie, shoes on. Time to spread the fire." James didn't really understand but, when he'd had it explained to him, he became even more aware of his sartorial state. It was a fine, warm afternoon but James was more aware than the others of where that cooling breeze was blowing.

"Jamie, please . . ."

"Are you begging?" There was a short hiatus before James took the hint. He knelt in front of Jamie and even adopted the accepted hands-on-head pose of a supplicant. "Ask." For someone who would do anything for the Scout Troop from which he was soon to graduate, Jamie could also play the cold-hearted tyrant when he thought it was called for.

"Jamie, please, I feel a right prat in this towel . . ."

"Well, you can always take it off." In fact, Jamie was quite good at the 'cold-hearted ' bit.

"No, no, listen, please. If I have to do what Harry's just shown me, I'm not going to be decent most of the time".

"No one's going to see you." Obviously James didn't agree with Jamie's concept of 'no one' but he'd run out of arguments or, at least, arguments that he thought it would be wise to employ. He went across to where his walking shoes had been left, sat down and tried to preserve his modesty as he started to pull one of his shoes onto a bare foot.

Suddenly George piped up, "Ho, ho, ho, let's see what I've got here." He was using a strange, deep, projecting voice as he went over to his day pack.

Harrry asked, "Hey Twiggy," as if he could talk, "Why are you being the Jolly green Giant?"

The admittedly slender George carried on regardless of Harry's deliberate obtuseness, "Ho, ho, ho, let's look to see what's in Santa's present sack, shall we?" While he was at home, George had been thinking. "Now James, have you been a good boy this year?" James didn't answer. The others did so for him, "Ta-da!". George had kept his old swimming shorts but, being quite short, with a truly garish pattern, they weren't as cool as his nice new white ones. He was brandishing them for James to see. "Now, all you have to do is ask Jamie nicely and I'll lend you my old swimmers."

James would clutch at any straw. He was even prepared to beg. Jamie graciously assented but not until after making play of asking Aiden for permission, as his slave, to give his own slave permission blah, blah, blah. . . . ." The theatricals played out and James grabbed the shorts from George's hand. He made sure to thank everybody profusely. He would probably even have been grateful for a pair of bright pink Speedos as long as they covered his arse and possibly even if they didn't.

James pulled the garish shorts up his legs like someone on the beach hiding under a towel. It got a bit difficult towards the end but he soon lifted the outer layer of towelling and unstrapped his improvised kilt. George had guessed that his shorts would be tight on James and he was right. James thought that he would be well advised not to protest. He sat and put his shoes on.

Harry and George moved the largest logs that kept the cooking fire within bounds and they immediately burst into temporary flames before settling back down to glowing once more. That left plenty of room for James to spread the embers. He was glad to have his arms free for balance as he swept the glowing debris wide of the original space. The centre of the keep was a long-established fire space and there was no combustible material for a two-metre radius or more.

It would still take some time before the embers were safe so Jamie thought he ought to tie James up again. James was about to object before he looked round at the other boys. He sat and soon had his ankles strapped cross one another and padlocked. Jamie went to tie his hands and James appealed in the light of is recent trustworthy behaviour. "Ask Aiden nicely if I have his permission to leave your arms free."

Within what James was coming to understand to be the rules, that seemed fair and James asked nicely. "OK by me, now ask the others." James could have asked what it had to do with them but he wasn't that stupid and soon had permission from all, even Harry, not to have his wrists bound.

Jamie should have seen it coming when Aiden pointed out that it would only be fair if he was secured as well. His necktie was soon relocated. The pile of gourmet food had been depleted until all that was left was a packet of hard toffees. Even James turned them down.

It was a calm time when the boys discussed plans for the future (optimistically), girlfriends (not always truthfully) and spread any juicy slander that they thought was in urgent need of sharing. They kept an eye on the embers. Eventually it was time to go. The fire needed to be safe and the porters had to be prepared. Harry had not forgotten that Scott had lost that bet.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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The Slave Traders' Caravan

Jamie and James were freed and used the contents of the almost full Aquaroll to extinguish first the large logs (nearly) and then the embers that had cooled considerably. Jamie had replaced his boots and both he and Aiden gave the logs a good kicking to loosen some of the glowing fragments before giving them and the logs another good dousing. The two most experienced boys then kicked the logs back into the centre of the keep. The remaining water was then applied; it would hardly be needed on the journey out. Aiden decided that the slaves would not need to be sent to the cattle trough for more water (They wouldn't put non potable water into the Aquaroll.) so it was time to go.

Jobs were allocated:
- Jamie would take the heavy rucksack that Aiden had forced Harry to carry to the site
- Harry would take Jamie's day-pack
- Aiden would take the dreaded 'supplies' bag - minus anything he could jam into the bag that Jamie was carrying!
- James would carry the rucksack with all the large pans hanging from it again.
- Scott would carry the pack that he brought with him.
- George would be left with his almost empty day-pack.

George offered to take the litter but was over-ruled all the while one of the losers could take it. That just left the Aquaroll.

Aiden had already decided that the losers should be tied together "like proper slaves". No one that mattered objected so it was just a question of the order in which they would go and whether any of them should be blindfolded. That sounded ominous to James and even Scott didn't fancy that a lot.

The journey to the Estate gate wasn't a long one and, all being well, shouldn't take much longer than half an hour; the tying up was more a matter of form than anything else but James couldn't really be expected to understand that.

By the time it was decided that Jamie would go first with Scott at the back, Harry had taken a long rope and tied three loose blood bights into it spaced about two metres apart with plenty of rope left over at each end. Before he could use it, Aiden told Jamie that he had to secure James before being tied to the other prisoners.

Jamie took one of the ropes that Aiden had cut and bound James's wrists simply behind him before binding them to his back with a couple of tight turns round his waist. Jamie then lost the ends by winding one of them up each of James's arms, under his armpits and over his shoulders and knotting them behind his neck. Harry slipped the middle loop of his rope over James's neck, adjusted the position of the knot until James would, in his judgement, not quite be able to slip his head out of it, and tightened the knot.

Scott declared that, as slaves, he thought they should all be gagged. He would!

James didn't agree. That settled it and Jamie went for the willow stick, the paracord and the clasp knife. James clenched his teeth. "Tight? Or Loose?" Jamie tilted his head to one side and James opened up. The dreaded bit gag was soon in place but Jamie had been as good as his implied word and had tied it nowhere near as tightly as he had in the past. He knew that, if he tried, James could, with some difficulty, have expelled the humiliating device; he was interested to see whether James would discover that fact.

Jamie pushed the heavy rucksack against his slave's back after warning him to brace himself and buckled the waist belt into place before threading the straps between James's arms and his torso. "OK, now clamp and lean forwards." James felt, justifiably, very unstable as he did so. Jamie came round in front of him and fastened one of the straps. James could now stand up. I know, I know, a rucksack should support itself the right way up with only the waist belt in place, but this was a heavy mother that had large pans attached to the outside of it. James clanged in a most satisfactory manner as he stood up again.

Before Jamie had finished, Scott had not only replaced his boots but had also lodged his favourite ball gag where he believed it belonged. He'd had plenty of time to clean it during the idle part of the afternoon. Jamie realised that at least he wouldn't have to wear that thing. Harry got to bind Scott, something neither boy minded and George helped him to get the pack on his friend's back. Scott found his arms rather 'snugly' tied compared to the rather merciful technique George had employed for the outward journey. His wrists were quite high up his back and, if it wasn't for the breast strap, the pack might have not wanted to stay in place.

Scott was soon incorporated into the coffle at the back.

That left the recently booted Jamie to deal with. Aiden said he couldn't be bothered to lace him into the rucksack and that he could put the thing on himself. Harry pointed out that, if Jamie thought it was bloody heavy, he was just being a wuss and that he should think about the poor, skinny little kid who had to carry it to the site. There was a chorus of air violins.

Jamie was too experienced in these games to believe that he'd be allowed to get away without being tied up and was just wondering how Aiden was going to achieve that. The answer was quite simple and Jamie was made to hold his hands out in front of him after drawing them as close together as he could. Aiden then tied a simple rope cuff that gradually pulled his subject's hands close enough to touch as he bound round the loops between them.

While Jamie was being added to the front of the coffle, Harry found another rope in Aiden's bag of surprises and offered to tie a nice clean gag for his prisoner, an offer that was accepted. Jamie was forced to watch as Harry followed the same procedure that he had adopted when tying James's rope gag. That was OK, thought Jamie. Until . . .

The muscular kid hadn't noticed the subtle differences in Harry's two creations until it was too late. Yes, that upcoming combined camp WAS going to be interesting! Harry Jammed the thick coil into Jamie's mouth but he simply hadn't made it as long as he had made the previous version. and it slipped right inside the tanned youngster's mouth leaving his lips being tormented by the single strands of rope hanging out of each side of his mouth once they had been tied tightly behind his neck. Jamie said how much he appreciated Harry's skills - sort of.

Aiden claimed the honour of leading the prisoners off the Estate. Harry made another bid for torment by pointing out that they didn't really need leading but, if they were blindfolded . . . Three muffled voices were raised in protest. No, they didn't really need leading but it was a bit humiliating and it recognised the superior status of the slave driver. Besides, as George pointed out, Scott and Jamie were his mates. That was another way of reminding James of his status. Harry's renewed bid for blindfolding James was turned down on safety grounds, specifically that, if he slipped, he could pull one of the others down with him. For what is basically a group of very nice kids, they can be real bastards when the occasion demands it.

Before the boys could leave, there had to be a final litter pick, not that there was much that had previously eluded either George's collecting bag or the fire, then it had to leave the site with them. George's pack was almost empty so he put the bag of litter in it and offered to take it with him. Aiden wouldn't hear of it. "Jamie. Got something for yuh." One of those looks again! Aiden ignored it.

Jamie continued to look daggers at Aiden while he undid the straps from George's back pack and smirked in his face. Aiden held the back pack to Jamie's body and threaded the top straps down between his forearms and his abdomen. "Don't drop it now." Jamie wouldn't have done so deliberately but Aiden did hold onto the hanging loop with his left hand whilst buckling the first strap back together. With the other one fastened safely as well, Aiden couldn't resist it: he let the bag drop downwards and back towards Jamie's tender parts. Jamie squealed; Aiden grinned. Pictures of an unfortunate accident with an axe came, just briefly, into Jamie's mind. It was a good job they hadn't created much litter!

Aiden waited for a few seconds, while George and Harry took noisy and exaggerated intakes of breath, then checked his captive. "OK mate?" After the initial shock and passing pain Jamie knew that, if their situations had been reversed, he would have done exactly the same to Aiden. He nodded but he didn't smile. Aiden clapped him on the shoulder.

"Right, who's going to take the Aquaroll?"

A quick survey of the prisoners clearly showed that Jamie was out of the running. Scott's hands were clamped inaccessibly between his rucksack and his back so that left one candidate, really. Just when James had come to believe that there was nothing more they could do to him.

"Nah, it's not fair on the poor bastard. I'll take it." Harry spoke up. "Look, it's been a great weekend even if you lot aren't proper Scouts. I've really enjoyed myself - well - most of the time. I'll drag it; after all, it IS empty."

Homeward Bound

It was with mixed feelings that the three prisoners waited for the last-minute checks to be completed. Scott, of course, was more than content with his lot. After all, he had packed that bag originally and all the food had been used since then and there was even one set of boxers fewer! (He had dumped them in the hole, plastic bag and all.) So if the rucksack was too heavy, it was his own fault. He would, however, have liked to know how Harry had tied his wrists. Jamie knew it was the chance he took when he made the bet with Aiden but he knew he probably only had one such event left before he became too old to be involved. It was a cause of regret for both himself and his Scout Troop. He wasn't quite convinced, however, that he would enjoy whatever they might have in mind for his 'goodbye celebration'. James was just glad that he was nearly at the end of his torments and would never understand how the others could get involved in such activities voluntarily.

The fire site was inspected and passed as safe and Aiden took the coffle in hand. "Come on." He pulled on the lead.

The three prisoners gradually settled into a rhythm that caused least pulling on the rope around their necks and George and Harry brought up the rear. Harry being Harry, he couldn't resist the temptation: he decided to push the Aquaroll for a while and to let it roll into Scott's calves every so often. The resultant indignant "Woonv, ee iin" was, due to over familiarity, quite easily understood by George who 'told him' with the predictable result. That is to say that George said, "There, I told him." and Harry took absolutely no notice.

Being in the middle, James probably had the worst of it and he certainly gave his bit gag several workouts on the way. He did make more of an effort to quieten down when Harry offered to show George how to pick stingers safely so that he could whip him with them. George was quite glad that he didn't need to learn that particular skill. The skinny Sea Scout and the willowy Scout enjoyed their conversation and Aiden just enjoyed gloating and saying that Jamie really should take more care before challenging someone as splendid as he in the future. Only one and a half people were really upset with their situation and for that half it was only because he might not get the chance to get his own back on Aiden.

Eventually the Estate wall was in sight. That along with a fair amount of shrubbery often provided privacy for the youngsters' nefarious activities and it was time for the endgame. The whole party was going to head for the Cottage before breaking up. Jamie, James, Scott and George had embarked from there in the first place and it didn't matter to Aiden, who was already fully dressed and Harry wasn't the sort to object to walking back to Aiden's place afterwards dressed as he was on a summer's evening in any case. It was just a case of whether they should keep their prisoners bound as they made their way along the Forest paths. Those particular paths were known for not being very well frequented until they approached the Cottage and, even then, there were alternatives to the paths frequented by cyclists, dog-walkers etc.

James was not pleased with the decision. The reasoning went that, if they were unlucky enough to encounter nosey adults, Jamie and Scott would merely confirm that it was a game and would invite them to meet up at the Cottage to check on them. If James didn't toe the party line, they would just let him go. Easy as that. James didn't need the consequences spelt out for him. Aiden and George did, however, think it would be a good idea to remove the gags (especially Scott's) so that the situation didn't look as extreme. Some of them had got away with it before in previous games and as part of the Inter Troop feud so James's fate was sealed.

Careful listening and holding back at path junctions along with excellent local knowledge, especially on the part of George, Scott and Jamie, resulted in an uneventful thirty-minute hike before the Scout's property was reached. Obviously even Jamie and Scott wanted the party to be unobserved and, after his options had been explained to him carefully, so did James.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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OK, just one more part to come now.

If anyone remembers the stories from the old site, which one would they like to see next?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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