Whitefire, Knowing is Half the Battle. Part 9 posted (M+F+/M+F+m+f+)

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Whitefire, Knowing is Half the Battle. Part 9 posted (M+F+/M+F+m+f+)

Post by chaos846 »

Part 1: In this part, Jake and Cynthia start the morning strong.

It was about the middle of the morning, and Jacob Whitefire is not a morning person. He was just barely opening his eyes, and when he looked outside, It was maybe about ten o'clock in the morning. He figured it was only a matter of time before his wife came in to scold him for being lazy, so against his body's deepest wishes, He got up out of bed.

He had just gotten his trousers on, when He saw his lovely elvish wife, Cynthia, enter the bedroom. She typically takes the opposite approach to him. Whenever it's just them alone in the house, She's usually completely nude. So it was no surprise for him to see her lovely face, and those perfect breasts greeting him, as she opened the door.

“Well, it's about time,” She snapped, as She crossed her arms in front of her. Her accent still makes him melt a bit inside, even after all this time.

“You have something in mind?” He asked her. She frowned at me.

“Yes! You need to go chop the fire wood,” She stated, in a scolding tone.

“At least let me wake up first,” Jake pleaded. She sauntered up to the bed, and sat down on it beside him.

“Look at you. Are you just gonna sit there, and let Your Wife freeze?” She then asked him. Jake blinked at her.

“Cynthia, its almost summer time,” He told her. She just shrugged.

“Well, you never know,” She said, in a tone that told him she was just playing around now.

“I'll tell you what I do know,” Jake stated, in a mischievous tone. Now she blinked at him.

“What?” She asked, with very round eyes. Her Husband grinned at her.

“Come here, You,” He then demanded, and took hold of her. She let out a yelp as he pulled her on top of him on the bed. She laughed, and they began kissing each other all over.

“I wish you'd do that more often. Very assertive of you,” She said, in between kisses.

“Are you sure it's only because you're on top?” He asked her. Her stare intensified.

“Maybe,” She said, with a very naughty smirk, and went back to kissing him.

“Uh huh,” Jake responded, getting the hint. He then had another idea though. He nudged her up a bit, and cupped her breasts in his hands. He then used my thumbs to rubs circles around the middle of them. He could tell this was working, cause she let out a deep, and meaningful sigh of bliss.

“You still have such a wonderful touch,” She complimented, and not in the common tongue, but in Elvish. Jake smiled.

“I've had a lot of practice,” He then responded, also in Elvish. She then started kissing him on the neck and face again.

It was at this moment The Couple heard pounding on our front door. Cynthia went from bliss to pissed in a fraction of a second.

“Oh, now what?!” She growled. She got off of Jake, so he could go see who was at the door. He got up, threw on his shirt, and left the room to answer the door. He opened it, and saw a Man about his height with blonde hair, and a nicely trimmed beard. He was dressed in clothes of noble quality, and had a long sword strapped to his side on a belt.

“Hello, Jake,” He greeted.

“Hello Captain Alder,” Jake greeted back. “Tell Rowan I'll be there as soon as I can,” He then added, guessing the reason for his visit.

“He wants to see both of you,” The Captain stated. Jake blinked for a second.

“Oh,” He said. “Go let him know I'll be there as soon as I can,” He then told him. The Captain gave him a quick bow, and left. Jake then closed the door. As he turned around, he saw his lovely wife coming out of the bedroom.

“Who was it?” She asked.

“It was Alder,” Jake answered.

“Oh, an assignment,” Cynthia stated, knowing that a visit from The Captain of the City Guard could only mean that The Prince wanted to see them, or well, Jake at least.

“An assignment for both of us, actually,” He corrected.

“He wants to see me too?” She asked, as Jake began walking back to the bedroom.

“Apparently,” He answered.

Jake went back to the bedroom to put on his boats, as well as his favorite Coat and Hat. As he left, he saw Cynthia in the kitchen pulling out a few fruits, and putting them in a pouch.

“Don't want you going to The Castle on an empty stomach,” She stated.

“What about you?” Jake asked. This earned him a frown.

“I had breakfast while you were still sleeping, Lazy Bones,” She answered. She then did a small hand gesture, and spoke a couple strange words. Her voice was melodic and soothing. For a moment, it sounded as though she was singing. Energy began to surround her, and it soon materialized into an outfit.
A lovely slate blue gown...
https://cdna.lystit.com/1040/1300/n/pho ... kleid.jpeg
And a pair of Sandals on her feet...
https://i.pinimg.com/736x/03/13/32/0313 ... 71e124.jpg

The spell had also put her hair into a half up half down hairstyle with a thin braided crown. Her hair was tucked behind her pointed ears, now putting her elvish heritage on full display. Cynthia then casually clasped her hands behind her back.

“Shall we?” She asked. Jake opened the door, and allowed her to exit the house first, and he followed soon after.

Although the streets of Aeries were bustling with activity, a traveler might not get this impression given the sheer size of the city. Unlike most cities which consist of a set space with as much crammed into it as possible, Aeries had a lot of space to it. This was largely due to the fact that the city was built around it's natural environment, rather than having a space carved out for it. Also, while most cities are filled with the sent of smoke and mud, the sent of pine trees, crystal river water, and mountain flowers filled the air.

Jake and Cynthia made their way down the road through the Market District on their way to the palace. As they passed, Jake earned himself a few dirty looks from anyone passing too close to him. He usually just responded with a snarky look of his own, and then paid it no more attention. The Market circle was massive, and for good reason. One of the City Guard Mages was drawing ring of bright light around the center. All the local people knew to get out of this circle, and told any travelers to do the same.

The reason for this became apparent very soon, as a low roar was heard over the air. Everyone looked to the sky to see the great copper dragon flying passed. Evidently this was normal, because no one in the area seemed bothered at all. Well, none of the local people were bothered by it. Some of them were currently trying to calm down a few frightened travelers. The Wyrm circled around, and saw the empty spot, and with a few beats of his wings, landed within the lighted up area.

“Welcome back, Copper,” The Mage greeted. “Any luck?” He then asked The Dragon.

“Found a few, but nothin great to be honest,” The Dragon answered. A whirl of energy and wind surrounded the beast, and within a few seconds, he had assumed his human form with the copper poncho and western hat.

“Another one of your fantastic projects?” Cynthia then asked, with a hint of sarcasm. Copper looked over to her.

“Somethin like that,” Copper responded, ignoring her little jab at him. “Where are you two Love Birds off ta?” He then asked.

“Rowan wanted to see us,” Jake told him.

“Hmp, well, tell him I said Hi,” Copper responded, and gave Jake a tip of his hat. Jake tipped his own, and the couple continued on their way to the Palace.

“Have any of his inventions ever worked?” Cynthia then asked Jake.

“He has that...what was it called...The Revolver,” Jake responded. Cynthia scowled at him.

“That filthy thing wasn't made by him,” She pointed out. Jake blinked for a moment.

“Well, you may have a point there,” He stated.

Cloudpeak Citadel was a very impressive structure. The main structure was built into the mountain side while the courtyard leading to it was almost large enough to be it's own town. It was also the only area in the city to have a stone wall built around it. As one would expect, the front gate had two guards standing at either side of it.

“Morning Jake, Cynthia,” The Guard on the Right, greeted.

“Morning Lancel,” Jake greeted back. He couldn't help but notice the guard shiver a bit as he met eyes with him. “His Grace wanted to see us,” Jake then explained. The guard nodded, and motioned for the gate to be opened. Jake gave Lancel a nod, and he, along with his wife, made their way inside the Palace.

The inside was just as impressive. The crystals lining the walls were all natural, and the furnishings were expertly crafted. One thing that seemed to be missing however were Palace Guards. Sure there were quite a few servants tending to the place, but not much in the way of protection seemed present. Jake and Cynthia soon heard the sound of Prince Rowan's voice, as he seemed to be arguing with someone.

Off to the Left, The Prince was having a heated discussion with what looked like one of the Noblemen. The Nobleman had a full entourage of armored men at his back, and the man himself was dressed in a fine sir-coat.

“Your Grace, I don't understand, I have made you a very generous offer,” The Nobleman pleaded.

“I don't give a shit how generous your offer is, Lord Baashlee, I'm refusing it, just as My Father did twice before,” The Prince responded. By now the Nobleman looked ready to rip his hair out.

“Baashlee, are you trying to pawn your daughter off again?” Jake then asked. All eyes turned to Jake.

"My name is Lord Baashlee, and i expect you to address me as such, Peasant" Lord Baashlee protested, in an effort to sound impressive. Jake just smirked at him, as he was clearly not impressed.

"Make me, Asshole," He responded.

“How dare you!” Lord Baashlee shouted, and marched over to Jacob. By this point, several of the servants were watching intently, as if waiting for something to happen. It was likely they were more than mere servants. Cynthia then interjected as well.

"Do you actually love your Daughter?" Cynthia then asked him. He then turn his attention to her. Lord Baashlee sighed.

“My Daughter means the world to me, but I don't want her making the wrong choices,” He then stated.

“Yes, You don't want her making her own choices. You want her making your choices. Your Daughter is just a political tool for you. Nothing more,” He then stated. Cynthia then added in her own statement...

“I remember King Nelson telling you no, twice, so you were hoping that His Grace would accept your offer where The King did not,” She guessed. Lord Baashlee looked over to her, clearly steamed at the statement, but he knew he was beat.

“This isn't over!” He bellowed. By this point, several of the servants were looking on, as if they were waiting for something to happen. It was almost as if they may not have actually been mere servants.

“Yes it is! Now get out!” The Prince bellowed back. Lord Baashlee turned on his heel, and he, along with his men stormed out of the citadel. Prince Rowan gave a nod to the servants that were watching. They nodded back, and went back to what they were doing. The Prince then approached the couple.

“My apologies for that,” He said.

“Some people just don't take 'no' for an answer,” Jacob told him.

“Indeed,” the Prince agreed, and gestured for them to follow him.
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Post by GreyLord »

A very promising start, [mention]chaos846[/mention]. I do want to see where you might take this. Will Jake and Cynthia play with each other or only with others? I do get the feeling that Jake wants to play.
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Post by chaos846 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago A very promising start, @chaos846. I do want to see where you might take this. Will Jake and Cynthia play with each other or only with others? I do get the feeling that Jake wants to play.
this one's gonna be a bit of a roller coaster. It was imspired by my favorite episode of the old Mission Impossible TV series. Also, as far as "playing the game" goes, yeah, Jacob is the guy in the lobby playing with hacks and mods, if you get my drift.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 2: In this part, Jacob puts a puzzle together...

Jacob and Cynthia followed the Prince up a flight of stairs and into a large room with a large stone table in the middle. The room also had a large window carved out of the back wall that overlooked the city. The table had about twelve chairs surrounding it, and some of these chairs were filled with what looked to be more Lords and Ladies.

“Somehow I knew these two would be showing up,” One of the Lords stated.

“Is that a problem?” Jacob asked him, but the man simply shrugged.

“Please don't mistake my husband's tone for dejection. He's just not doing well at the moment,” One of the Ladies then spoke. Cynthia decided to stand off in one of the corners with her hands clasped behind her back again, while her husband just strolled around the room a bit.

Within a few moments, another man had entered the room. The first thing anyone would have noticed was the crown he wore atop his head. It was a very bright silver, and instead of jewels, it had two wings on either side that looked to be made of a vibrant obsidian. The front of the crown the face of an eagle.

As for the Man's attire, he choose something a bit more on the simple side like Prince Rowan. A simple black robe with a gold tunic underneath, and a pair of gray trousers. He was a bit more on the portly side, but not enough to really be noticed. Although his hair wasn't turning gray, his face was starting to show signs of aging. This man was King Nelson, not Ruler, but Leader of Aeries. As soon as this man entered the room, The Prince took a knee.

“Rise, My Son,” He said to The Prince. Prince Rowan rose to his feet, and gave his father a hug. The King turned his sights to Jacob and Cynthia. The Elven Lass did a quick curtsy while Jake tipped his hat to him. The King simply nodded.

“Do you not bend your knee to your king?” One of the other Lords asked. It was the King who answered. King Nelson simply walked over to a stone table off to the side, and opened up a cupboard that was placed upon it.

“Jacob bends his knee to no man, nor does he expect it from others,” The King stated, in a tone that almost sounded as if he was referring to An Equal to himself. He pulled a jug out, and poured himself a drink into one of the tankards that was beside the cupboard. Some would assume this was alcohol of some kind, but it was actually chilled tea. How did the cupboard keep the tea chilled? Magic, of course.

With his tea in hand, The King took his seat at the head of the table. “Now, to the matter at hand,” He then said, and gestured to one of the men at the table. “Lord Greenburg,” He added, as if expecting him to say something.

“Yes, all of us here have had people going missing in the night. Mostly farmers, but a few of our merchants as well,” He had explained. “All of us here have experienced this in one way over the past two months, and it's getting out of hand.”

“What do you think the cause of it might be?” Prince Rowan asked.

“It's obviously bandits. I told you this was a waste of time!” One of the Lords blurted out.

“Peace, Lord Fredrick,” King Nelson stated.

“If you say that people went missing, then it's not bandits,” Jacob then stated. “Bandits would just kill their victims, and leave nothing of value in tact,” He then explained. Cynthia then spoke up.

“Was anything of value taken?” She then asked.

“That's the odd part, there were many valuables left in the victim's homes. I think a few might have been missing, but most were still there. It's as if it was the people were the important part,” Lord Greenburg answered.

“Was anyone killed?” Jacob then asked. Lord Greeburg sighed, and nodded.

“Sadly yes. Almost all of them were men,” He answered. Lord Fredrick then opened his mouth again.

“I still don't see how this meeting will get them back,” He snarled. Jake began to pace again, as his mind was rolling. People going missing from multiple holds, and the Hold's respective Lords all gathered here to inform The King, and try to resolve the matter. Surly these all didn't happen overnight.

“Did any of you document the times in which these disappearances happened?” He asked. Lord Fredrick just folded his arms.

“What good would that do?” He asked back. Jacob turned to him with a scowl.

“It would have done me a lot of good, you moron. People within your hold, and under your protection went missing, and you didn't think to document it?” He scolded. Lord Fredrick stood up.

“I will not be talked down to by you, Peasant! You are no lord, you have no titles, and no lands!” He bellowed.

“You're the second idiot to call me 'Peasant' today,” Jacob snarled. His wife was also giving Lord Fredrick a frown. King Nelson then stood up, and all eyes turned to him.

“As of right now, Jacob is Lord of: 'When he speaks, you shut the fuck up and listen'. Now be seated, Lord Fredrick!” He snapped. Lord Fredrick did as he was told, and sat back down.

“Did anyone send guardsman out, or anyone else to look for them?” Cynthia then asked. Lord Greenburg held up his hand, and pulled a scroll out.

“I did, and they gave me this report,” He said, and held the scroll out for Jacob to take. Jake took the scroll, opened it, and read it's contents. The report was indeed dated, so while it may not be the night of the attack, it still gave him an idea of when the attack took place. It had a detailed path of the search, but they came up empty handed.

“Lord Greenburg, When were you approached by the other two men here declaring the same problem?” Jacob asked, seeing as Lord Greenburg was the only nobleman at the table displaying a brain so far.

“Lord Harold here, arrived about two weeks after the search party returned to ask if we had seen anything, and told us that his land had been ravaged as well,” Lord Greenburg answered. The Last Lord at the table, who was the agitated one, nodded yes.

“I'm sorry I don't have much for you to work with, Jacob,” The Lord told him. “We found no trace of anything either,” He then added.

“Actually, there is a trace,” Jacob stated. “Do we have a map somewhere in here?” He then asked. Prince rowan walked over to the door, and called one of the servants over. He asked the Lady to go fetch a copy of the Regional Map. Within a few moments, she had returned with the map rolled up in her hands. The Prince thanked her, and spread the map across the table.

“The first hit was here in Hellenhold. That's Greenburg's Hold. Next was Harold here in Saffron, and I'm assuming that Fredrick in Freebird was last,” Jacob pointed out. He then showed that there was indeed a pattern in the fact that the hits started on the eastern edge of the kingdom, and were making their way south.

“If the pattern stays it's course, the next Hold will likely receive it's visit in about four days time,” Jacob stated.

“What is the next Hold?” Cynthia asked.

“Leadingray Hold,” Jacob answered, as if he was really hoping it was somewhere else. Cynthia felt an appalling feeling within her stomach when her husband revealed the location.

“Of course, it had to be Crahvan's Territory,” She spat. Leadingray Hold is right on the Boarder of Heathergreen. The Great Forest Realm of the Elves, and House Crahvan has very little fondness of elves due to several wars lost. The last of which claimed the Patriarch of the Family. Elias Crahvan has been rather bitter towards the elves since. If it wasn't for the fact that Leadingray Hold was on Aeriesian Kingdom Territory, any Elf venturing into that part of the country might be killed on sight.

“Well, at least we have something to work with,” King Nelson stated, and stood up. “I think this concludes the meeting, Gentlemen. You can rest assured that If we can't find all the missing people, we will put an end to the party responsible,” He then declared. The other Lords and Ladies nodded, exchanged their farewells, and left the room.

“If you'll excuse me, Father, I have other duties I must attend to,” Prince Rowan stated. His Father gave him a nod, and with a quick bow, The Prince left as well. Jacob and Cynthia, however, stayed behind.

“I can't make any promises, but i'll get as many of them back as I can,” Jacob told The King.

“I know that Jacob,” He said, as he took a sip of his tea. “You know, you really don't visit as often as you used to,” King Nelson pointed out.

“Cynthia and I, both, show up every time you need advisory,” Jacob said in response.

“Nah, that's work. I mean you don't visit as often as a friend,” The King then explained.

“I always thought you were to busy, too be honest,” Jacob said.

“Maybe so. I don't have the free time that I used to when I was younger,” The King acknowledged. “Rowan certainly gets out more often,” He then added.

“I'm surprised The Prince doesn't get that same feeling around Jacob that everyone else does,” Cynthia pointed out.

“I think The Blessing might be a part of that,” King Nelson answered. He was referring to the day that Prince Rowan was born. He had asked Jacob to give his son a Blessing, given his divine heritage. Jacob didn't really know what to do, but look at the baby, as it cried. After a moment or two, He took on his ghostly form which wreathed him in the white flames. Everyone present backed away, but The King or wasn't frightened at all. He gestured for The Queen to hand the baby over. His wife handed the baby over to Jacob, and although the infant was engulfed in the fire upon reaching Jacob's hand, no harm was done.

Upon being held in Jacob's arms, the Baby Prince had stopped crying, and opened his eyes. He looked straight into Jacob's eyes with amazement. Jacob gave the infant a loving smile.

“Chin up, Kiddo. You have your whole life ahead of you,” Jacob told The young Prince. After which, the fire had faded, and he handed the Baby back to The Queen...

“And I'm glad he has such a friend in you,” King Nelson said. Jake smiled fondly at the memory as well. The two then embraced as if they were brothers for a second.

“Well, I have a job to do,” Jacob then told him. The King nodded, and then looked over to Cynthia.

"I'm sorry you have to venture into Elias's Territory, My Lady," He then told her, in a sympathetic tone. Cynthia just smiled.

“It's alright, I'll deal with it," She responded, showing no sign of bother. "We'll be ready to leave within an hour,” Cynthia then informed him. Jacob blinked for a moment, as this was not part of his plan.

“Why an hour?” He asked. Cynthia scowled at him.

“You still need to chop the fire wood,” She stated. Jacob let out a grumbling sigh, as The King couldn't help but chuckle.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Great story so far, I really love the setting! Hopefully you will continue!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Looking forward to the next Chapter!
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Post by slackywacky »

Very interesting story. Looking forward where this will lead.
And somebody has a bald spot on his head from a woman's thumb ;)
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by chaos846 »

Author's Note: Just wanted to post a quick Character profile, before we get into part 3. this is Jacob's standard outfit...

a pair of gray trousers, black boots, and that was paired with a cream colored shirt...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/73/39 ... d73e98.jpg
long black duster range coat, and a black western hat with a wide brim...
https://www.heritagecostumes.com/images ... /18787.jpg
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/f6/b2 ... a0955a.jpg

I envision him as the only character who speaks with an "American" accent, but that's just me.

As for Copper, just look up any picture of Sam Elliot's characters, and give him a copper colored poncho with a matching cowboy hat as well, and you'll have a pretty good idea. As you may have guessed by the spelling and phrasing i use for him, he speaks with a Texas accent.

As for Cynthia, she speaks with an "English" accent, and her voice doesn't carry like Arwen's. I like to think of her as a bit more happy-go-lucky, and of course she brings the elvish sass with it. This is her standard outfit...

Ranger's outfit...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e8/f1/7f ... 6fb795.jpg
paired with a set of black trousers, and fine leather boots...
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/66/29 ... a19e78.jpg

this way i won't have to post this every time. thank you all, and now...for a VERY LONG part 3...
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 3: In this part, Jacob and Cynthia encounter Hostile Locals, as well as Hostile Outsiders.

1 hour, and a log chopping job later...

Jacob had just finished setting the last log on the pile, and then re-entered his house for a drink. He entered the kitchen, and opened up what looked like a wardrobe that had too many shelves in it. This very large cupboard also had a chilling mist coming from it. It was likely the same magical effect that was keeping The King's Tea cold as well.

Jacob poured himself a drink of cold water, and downed it in a single gulp. Cynthia must have heard him, and came downstairs to check up on him. Jacob looked over at her, and saw that she had changed out of her dress, and into her ranger's outfit. She was armed with a bow, arrows, and a long sword strapped to her side.

“Finished?” She asked, crossing her arms in front of her with an almost mocking grin on her face.

“I wouldn't be back in if I wasn't,” Jacob responded, choosing to ignore her little jab at him. He gave her a nod, as he walked over to the rack to put on his coat and hat again. As before, he allowed his wife to exit the house first, before he followed, and locked the door behind him.

“Do you have your scarf?” He then asked her. Cynthia sighed.

“Yes,” She sighed, through gritted teeth. Cynthia had a linen green scarf with her that would serve a purpose when they reached Leadingray Hold. She was hoping that maybe one day, she wouldn't need it anymore...

As The Couple made their way to the stables near the City's Main Gate, they heard the Voice of Prince Rowan calling out to them.

“Jake, Cynthia, hold up a moment!” He called out to them.

“What is it?” Jacob asked, as he saddled up his hose.

“Father wanted me to ask if you needed any extra hands to assist you before you left?” Prince Rowan asked him. Jake thought for a moment.

“It'll take about a day to reach Leadingray, and maybe a few hours after that to get to Centergale,” Jacob stated. “I don't want to draw too much attention, but let Copper know I'd like for him to meet up with us tomorrow,” Jacob then requested. The Prince nodded.

“I'll do that. God's Speed to you Both,” Prince Rowan told them. They all exchanged a wave, and The Couple set off to intercept the next attack...

1 Day Later...

Jacob woke up earlier than his wife the next day, which was very rare for him. The sound of a bird had woke him up, and he just couldn't get back to sleep. He scanned over the small camp site that they had set up. He was very glad that Cynthia could disguise it so well. Anyone passing by would either see just a rock, or a dirt mound, and have no clue that there were people inside it.

He looked over to his wife, and couldn't help but smile at the almost blissful expression on her face as she slept. He moved over to her, and shook her on the shoulder a bit. Cynthia groaned a bit, woke with a dreary look in her eyes, and then over to the source of what was touching her. Jake gave her a nod, and she gave a nod back. It was time to get a move on.

“So, what do we do first?” She asked, as they got out some road rations that would serve as breakfast.

“First we need to try to enlist a bit of help from the local guard,” Jacob answered. “We have a lot of ground to cover, and the more people in the area searching for anything out of place, the better,” He then added.

“While I agree with that, I'm not too hopeful,” Cynthia groaned.

“Neither am I, but you don't know till you try,” Jake then pointed out, and his wife agreed.

2 Hours Later...

As the two of them raced along the road through the woods, they finally crested a hill that lead to a very large, clear valley. Within the valley was a very impressive city with a full fort wall surrounding it. It paled in comparison to Aeries' size, but it was still a sight to behold, especially from their current vantage point.

“Well, you may want to put the scarf on now,” Jacob sighed. The Elven Lass also let out a sigh.

“Yeah, I know,” She moaned, and pulled her scarf out. While Leadingray is under the laws of the Aeriesian Kingdom, and Lord Crahvan is not allowed to enact hostilities, he still had his ways of tormenting his elven enemies. One law in effect is that all elves must wear a face covering so that they can be easily identified, and so that “they won't be able to seduce his citizens with their beauty”, as he puts it. Anyone else outside of Leadingray knew he put it into effect just to be an Asshole.

Cynthia rubbed the scarf across her green shirt, and with a simple spell, the scarf had changed color to match. She then cast another little enchantment, and the scarf folded itself to form a perfect formfitting face mask that covered her nose and mouth. The two tales magically worked their way under her hair and ears, and behind her head where they knotted together to secure her mask in place.

“Alright, let's go,” She sighed, Her voice now ever so slightly muffled by the mask. Jake smiled at her.

“I know you hate that thing, but I have to say, it really brings out the beauty in your eyes,” Jacob complimented. Cynthia looked at him, her eyes gleaming over her mask.

“You're just saying that to make me feel better,” She snarled.

“No, really,” Jake insisted. His wife gave him a shrug.

"I don't really hate it, as much as the reason for it," Cynthia told him. Jacob gave her a smile and a nod, and the two of them made their way to the front gate of the city...

* * * *

“I'll need to take her weapons,” The gate guard stated, as they passed through.

“Figures,” Cynthia said, as she decided to not cause trouble. The guard moved to take them from her, but she slapped his hand away. She then put them down at the Gate herself.

“Enjoy your stay,” The Gate Guard said, with a sickening grin. Jacob simply blinked his ethereal eyes at him. Those glowing golden white orbs of light. “What the hell are you?” He choked out in response, as he felt his body temperature drop at the sight of this horror. Jacob simply chose not to respond, and instead...

“Her stuff better be here when we get back,” Jacob instructed. The Guard just nodded yes, and with that, Jake and his Wife made their way through the city.

The streets were dusty, but not really in bad shape. He made out several elves in the city by their own face coverings, as well as them trying to dodge assaults, or having to endure insults. At some point a few of these assailants tried to make a move on Cynthia, but Jacob's ghostly aura kept them at bay. At the end of the road stood Crahvan Manor.

Crahvan Manor was, as one would expect a very impressive structure. A stone wall surrounded it, and a large courtyard lead up to it's huge front door. The couple made their way through the courtyard, and up to the Door Guard.

“I represent the King,” Jacob told the Guard at the door.

“Is his Lordship expecting you?” The Guard asked him.

“No, but I won't take no for an answer,” Jacob insisted. The Guard let out a sigh, and went inside the house. A few minutes later, he had returned, and Lord Crahvan was with him. Elias Crahvan was a younger man with his hair slicked back, and a very handsome face. His smirk was insufferable, and his wardrobe could only be described as...experimental.

“Well well, The Elf Lover. I have nothing to say to you,” Lord Crahvan stated, as he turned back inside his house. Jacob through his arm into the door jam to stop it.

“I'm not here for pleasure. I'm here to warn you of something,” Jacob stated.

“And what would that be?” Lord Carhvan asked. Jacob then relayed his story. He explained about the missing people, and the fact that the pattern extended to His Territory.

“Hmph, if the people are too weak to defend themselves, then it's their own damn fault for being weak,” His Lordship dismissed.

“You have no concern for your own people?!” Cynthia shouted at him. Lord Crahvan turned to her.

“Weaklings, Elves, not much difference in my eyes,” He pointed out. Cynthia's eyes narrowed over her mask.

“I'm sure your Father would agree,” She stated. This struck a nerve, as Lord Crahvan began to seethe at having an old wound brought up again.

“Get out! NOW!!” He then barked.

“You heard him, now move!” The Guard barked.

“One day...one day,” Jacob seethed. He turned on his heel, and headed back to the gate.

“I'm sorry, Jacob,” Cynthia said, as they made their way down the street again.

“It's not your fault, he wasn't gonna do anything anyway,” Jacob responded. Cynthia reclaimed her equipment, and the two of them left the city to set up a new campsite a little ways down the road within the woods above the valley.

A few hours later...

So, we're on our own,” Cynthia stated. Copper, who was currently in his human form, had found their campsite at last, and She had relayed the whole story.

“Well, we got two days ta come up with somethin,” He stated.

“Where do we even start?” Cynthia then asked.

“This is the most Southern Hold, so I think we should start from the north, and look out west, and then south,” Jacob suggested. The other two agreed, and they were off.

* * * *

For the next two days, The Trio followed as many roads as they could starting from the north, and working their way west, and south. No signs of anything unusual yet. They made their way through a few towns, and spotted a few lone farmhouses as well, but there were no signs of disturbances. After passing by Centergale again, that left only one town they knew of remaining...

“Well, if we don't find anythin in Jeffer's Town, we may have to restart from the top, and pray,” Copper said. It was early in the morning on day three, and everyone had just woken up, and gotten dressed for the day. After a spot of breakfast, they broke camp, mounted up, and headed out of the woods, and back onto the open road again.

“Finger's crossed,” Cynthia said, in a slightly worried tone. She also put her mask back on, so as to avoid trouble from any Leadingray personnel they might pass along the trip. As they got to the clearing, they saw what looked like a Grain Transport. At least, the wagon had a sign saying “Grain” along the side, only...

“That's not the right kind of cart for carrying grain,” Jacob pointed out.

“Not only that, since when does a Grain Transport need that many people protecting it?” Cynthia then asked, as one of the wagons was open, and had what looked like at least ten to twelve people inside it. All of them were armored in leather, and appeared to have access to quite a few weapons. More of these men could be spotted on the other two wagons as well. They also appeared to have extra horses trailing behind. At least they had one cart filled with grain that looked like the kind of flat walled wagon that the grain should be in, and sure enough, it was carrying grain.

“I think we may be on ta somethin here,” Copper said, also noticing the four hundred pounds of wrong that was moving down the road.

“Cynthia, duck down here behind the bushes with your bow ready,” Jacob requested. Cynthia nodded, and dismounted her horse. She then crouched behind a bush, as Jacob and Copper also dismounted, and approached the Caravan.

“Hello, Travelers,” One Man greeted, as he gestured for the Caravan to stop. He was seated next to the Driver of the Front Cart, and looked like a Merchant type man with a nice outfit, well groomed hair, and a charming face. Copper responded to the man...

“Howdy Strangers. We couldn't help but notice that's a hell of a security detail fer some grain, Son” Copper pointed out. The Man nodded to him.

“Indeed it is, Sir, but you can't be too careful with the bandit activity on the rise,” the Merchant explained. Jacob smirked at him.

“I know grain is valuable, but it's not expensive, and it's not paying for all those mercenaries, nor is it paying for that outlandish outfit you're wearing,” Jacob then told him. He couldn't help but notice that the Man's eyes were growing a bit fearful. “Make's me wonder what's in those carts,” He then added. The Merchant let out a sigh.

“Listen, we're on a top secret mission for the kingdom, and I'll thank you for not blowing our cover,” The Merchant then revealed. Both men almost burst out laughing at this statement. If there was anything top secret happening in the Aeriesian Kingdom, Copper and Jacob would be among the first to know about it.

“Your first lie was better,” Jacob stated. The Merchant then huffed a bit. His face turning red from anger. He raised his hand, and the mercenaries in the cart began reaching for weapons.

“You should have kept your nose out of our business,” The Merchant stated. One Guard had aimed a crossbow shot right at Copper's heart just before an arrow had ripped through the air, and nailed him squarely between the eyes. It was on now. The men jumped from the carts while Jacob shed his hat and coat, and was ready for a fight. Copper had pulled a buoy knife from his hip, and was ready as well. The Merchant jumped off the cart, and and ran for cover.

Jacob and Copper knew they had to split up to also split up the number of people on them at once. Copper was using his Dragon Strength and Endurance to overpower his attackers. He had forced three of them back, and with a very swift motion, he whipped out something from his right hip, and it let off three very loud, and very fast bangs. All three of them had been introduced to His Revolver...the hard way.

Jacob used the knowledge that Master Yomimoto had taught him. He dodged swing after swing, and landed punch after kick. Bare flesh upon leather surely should have injured Jake's hands, but his divine blood connecting him to the ethereal plain allowed him to strike the spirit directly, and deny the material. Jake was also far stronger of soul than these men, and the force of one of his hits sent one Mercenary flying into the side of the wagon.

One man decided to set up a crossbow shot at Jacob from behind one of the grain transport carts. Until he realized that Copper had flanked him. He pointed his crossbow at the old man, but Copper was a bit faster on the draw, and with one more shot of his revolver, The crossbowman fell to the ground.

While Copper and Jacob of them fought up front, Cynthia was picking off attackers with her bow as they tried to flank the pair. Eventually they got wise, and three of them ran over to where the arrows were coming from. Cynthia dropped her bow, stood up and drew her long sword. All three men stopped just short of her, as she readied for the fight. They only now noticed that she was, in fact, a woman.

“Why don't you show us that pretty face of yours, Love,” The Man in the middle taunted, making mention of the mask covering her face.

“Fuck you!” Cynthia responded. The three of them laughed at her defiance.

“That was very unladylike. You need to be taught some manners,” the Mercenary stated, and then charged her with his sword at the ready. As he swung it down at her, Cynthia parried the hit, and with a graceful spin, and flash of steel, her attacker fell to the ground, dead.

“Lesson learned, Idiot,” She taunted back, and looked over at the other two. They both took a step back, and with a turn, they bolted down the road. Cynthia smirked, and picked her bow back up. She knocked two arrows at the same time, aimed, and fired. An arrow for the back of each neck, and the two runners fell.

Satisfied, she looked over to see that the numbers were dwindling, so she decided to head over to the wagons to see what was so damn important. The Canvas covered wagon was her first target. She approached it from behind, and with her sword, slashed it open. Upon looking inside, she was horrified. Inside was indeed no grain, but people. Women, Children, and a few Men. All of them had been bound and gagged.

“By the gods,” She said, in awe of what she was looking at. It was enough to distract her, and at that moment she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. She let out a growl, as she struggled to break free of whatever brute had grabbed her, but she was pulled from the wagon, and thrown to the ground. Whoever had done this quickly regretted it, as they instantly began screaming in pain. Cynthia turned to see that Jacob was wreathed in the White Fire, and had shot a stream of this ethereal flame at her attacker.

The Ethereal Plain came alive with what sounded like spirits yelling, hurling insults, and screaming for justice. The Mercenary screamed and writhed as the fire tore away at him until his body could no longer stand the pain. He finally went limp, and the fire receded back to it's source. With her attacker dispatched, Cynthia kipped up, and reclaimed her sword that had fallen.

With the battle won, Jake allowed his ethereal power to fade, and he returned to normal.

“You alright?” He asked her, and she nodded yes.

“It's a fucking slave caravan!” Cynthia snapped.

* * * *

The Trio opened up the wagons to see the prisoners. Well, Jacob and Cynthia did. Copper was busy pulling The Merchant from his hiding spot, and marched him out in front of everyone.

“We'll need to take this one back with us,” He stated, and Jacob nodded in agreement, as he cut another captive loose with one of Cynthia's knives. Cynthia then felt a nudge at her side. She looked down, and saw a young human girl who looked no older than nine years old. Her hands were bound behind her back, and her eyes were pleading over her gag. Cynthia nodded, and knelt down. She very gently cut the pour child free, and removed her gag.

“You're an Elf,” The Young Girl stated, seeing Her Rescuer's pointed ears. Cynthia just sighed.

“Yes, I am,” She confirmed.

“I was always told that elves were evil,” The Young Girl then told her.

“Well, I hope I've proven whoever said this wrong,” Cynthia then responded. The Child then did the unthinkable. She gave Cynthia a big hug, as she sobbed into The Elf's shirt.

“Thank you,” The Child sobbed. Cynthia was not expecting this, and was taken aback by it at first, but she decided to return it, and gave the child a few pats on her back. The Child's eyes then lit up.

“MOMMA!” She cried, and rushed over to see her parents. Cynthia stood up, and saw the girl rush into her Mother's waiting arms. Her Father than approached.

“Thank you, Elf,” He said.

“You're welcome,” She said back, and then walked over to where Copper was holding The Merchant.

“I say we give this Son of a Bitch a taste of his own medicine,” Copper suggested. Cynthia scowled behind her mask.

“Indeed,” She stated. She took a few pieces of the cut rope, and then spoke a few words. Within a few seconds, all the pieces had formed one long piece of rope. She spoke again, and the rope flew into action to self bind the Merchant for easy transportation.

“Can you guys make your way back?” Jacob was asking one of the Former Captives.

“We have three carts, we'll manage,” He responded.

“Two carts,” Jacob then corrected.

“Why two?” The Man asked.

“We need something to transport This Piece of Garbage back to Aeries,” Jake explained. “May the Gods watch over you,” He then said.

“They certainly did today,” The Former Captive stated, proudly.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

I really love this story, it's so different from the rest of the site! Please continue!
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Post by chaos846 »

FabianStr2016 wrote: 2 years ago I really love this story, it's so different from the rest of the site! Please continue!
sorry it's taken me a while to post the next part. I got a bit sick, and i'm also trying to work out a plot hole in it. thankfully this is early on, and the rest of it will flow as normal. It's in the works, and i'll hopefully have it out soon.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 4: In this part, A Prisoner plays Poker with someone who can see his cards.

author's Note: Sorry this took so long. anyways, here it is...

The Journey back to Aeries was uneventful. Cynthia was finally glad to be out of Leadingray, and could finally take the mask off of her face. She also took advantage of a small moment of privacy, and switched out her Work Attire for her Lovely Blue Dress again. Copper and Jacob were busy ensuring a nice dank cell for their new prisoner. It was after dark by this point, so anything else would have to wait for the next day...

“So, when do you plan on questioning him?” Prince Rowan asked them. All of them were seated at the Banquet Hall enjoying lunch.

“I want to let him stew for a bit more. Make him think about what's coming next. I'll likely get to it after lunch” Jacob then explained.

“Does this False Merchant know what you are?” Prince Rowan then asked.

“The Son of a Bitch was hidin under one of the wagons while the figthin went on. He's a damn coward,” Copper then answered.

“Which is good, because I may have to look into his eyes to find out who, and where, he makes his deliveries to,” Jacob then followed up.

“And you're sure that all the other mercenaries he had with him were dispatched?” The Prince then asked.

“Copper or I would have seen any stragglers making a run for it. We killed them all,” Cynthia confirmed.

“So far, so good. Keep me updated,” Prince Rowan then stated. Copper then spoke up again.

“By the way, Yer Grace, give my compliments to Mortimer. He cooks a mean roast turkey leg,” He requested. The Prince nodded, as he was finishing his own bite.

“I'll do that,” Prince Rowan told him.

* * * *

Everything was now on hold until Jacob could acquire the next piece of the puzzle, and that was exactly what he intended to do. He made his way to Fort Ridgeback within the city. Fort Ridgeback was another large castle like structure, although this one was actually made of wood. The wood used to build it was treated with some special properties that made it immune to most things that wood is vulnerable to.

The Fort was a base of operation for the Military, Guardsman, and Rangers. It had a full training yard, barracks, and it was also where the city Prison was located. The Guard up front just allowed Jacob entry when he saw who was approaching. As Jacob entered the building, he spotted the Prison Warden at his desk.

“You ready?” The Warden asked him.

“Yep,” Jake answered. The Warden then stood up.

“He's all yours,” He told Jake, as he took out a set of keys to unlock the doors.

Within a few minutes, the door to the Slaver's Cell was opened, and Jacob slowly walked inside. The Warden then closed the door behind him. Rather than cutting right to the chase. Jacob simply leaned against the wall, and just stared at the man.

His outfit was still as ridiculous as ever, although he had some new jewelry to go with it. His hands and feet were shackled to the wall, although the chains did have some length to them. He was laying on the bed, and when he saw Jacob, he gave him a smirk.

“I suppose this is where you start asking questions,” He guessed, in his smarmy voice. Jacob didn't respond. He just continued to stare. With each passing second, the Slaver's smirk sunk a bit lower. Jake just took in a breath, and let it out, as he continued to stare. He was waiting...waiting... After a few more minutes, the False Merchant finally broke his gaze with his guest. Now it was time.

“I guess I'll start with something simple. I'd like to know all about...A Day...in the life of A Merchant,” Jacob finally answered.

“I know where this is going, and the answer is no. I'm the one holding all the cards right now,” The Slaver insisted.

“Is that so?” Jake asked him. The man blinked at him. Jacob then continued. “You know nothing about this kingdom. I figured that out on your second lie. Also, your raid routes started at the top of The Aeriesian Territory, and worked south. Based on the time in between your raids, You wouldn't have time to make those kinds of trips if you were from the south, so you must be from one of the Eastern Kingdoms,” Jacob told him. “Shall I continue?” He then bluffed. Jake was hoping he revealed enough that The Prisoner simply knew there would be no point in holding the rest back.

“You're very observant, I'll give you that,” The Merchant confirmed, not knowing he had actually given Jake a vital piece of info.

“Why grain though?” Jacob then asked.

“It worked perfectly fine until we met you,” The Slaver told him. “Look, I know why you're keeping me here. You need me alive, cause you need what I know,” He then claimed. Jacob nodded yes. There was no sense in hiding it.

“Tell me, how many criminal activities are legal in the Eastern Kingdoms?” Jacob then asked.

“If you know the right people, anything is legal,” The Slaver answered. Jacob acted with anticipation, and the Man saw it. “Oh, have I sated your appetite?” He then asked him. Jacob just blinked, acting as if at a loss for words. “I have a list of demands that I will name to your king. Adhere to this, and I might be in a more divulging mood,” He then offered. If he had any idea of who he was talking to, he never would have said a word to Jacob at all. Such was not the case.

“I don't need your demands. You've given me everything,” Jacob said, now chuckling. The Slaver looked bewildered. All he told Jake was that he had what they Aeriesians needed, but nothing was revealed.

“Who are you?” He then asked, now sounding a bit worried. Jacob locked eyes with The Prisoner.

“My name is Jacob Whitefire,” He stated, and The White flame erupted around him. His ethereal eyes now piercing into his prey. He then walked over to The Slaver. The Prisoner was transfixed with terror, as this fiery ghost approached him. “You said a lot with words, now let's see what your soul has to say,” Jake growled, and Jake looked past the Man's Eyes to see what his past held...

* * * *

Jake was now seeing through His Captive's Eyes. He saw the Grand Palace that a meeting was taking place in. He saw the two men who were talking to each other in what looked like a throne room. Both of them looked like royalty.

“Tyrone, I need to know the truth,” The more regal of the two said.

“My Dear Brother. I assure you that they are just rumors meant to discredit you as a ruler,” The other man said. “If it makes you feel better, I've had my men looking into the matter. You and your wife can sleep peacefully,” He then assured. His brother gave him a nod, and left the room. Jake's host then spoke.

“What do you think, My Lord?” He asked him.

“Carl, My Brother is still as clueless as ever. His lack of ambition will be our advantage, and I'll soon have what I need to claim the throne of Emperor in the East,” The Man named Tyrone then claimed. Jake also now had the name of his captive.

“I think I may want to branch out to other areas just to be safe. Let the rumors fade a bit,” Carl then suggested. Lord Tyrone turned to him.

“Like where?” He asked him. Carl smirked at him.

“I'm going to begin raids into the Aeriesian Kingdom,” He answered.

“The Free People of Aeries. It's almost poetic in a way,” Lord Tyrone said, with a sickening grin. “Very well, begin at once,” He then added. Carl gave his liege a bow, and then turned to leave. “Oh, and Carl,” Lord Tyrone then called.

“Yes, My Lord,” Carl answered.

“Aeries is known for having very beautiful women, so keep your eyes open,” Lord Tyrone insisted. Carl gave him a nod, and then left...

* * * *

the vision faded, and The Prisoner, who Jacob now knew as Carl, looked milky white in the face. Jacob's power had faded, and Carl was now breathing fast and heavily.

“Wha-what-what did you do to me?” He asked.

“I looked into your eyes, and I saw what you didn't want me to see. Nice to meet you, Carl,” Jacob told him. Carl's eyes grew wide with fear upon hearing this Monster use his name. A name he never gave. “I'll be meeting Lord Tyrone real soon, as well,” He then added with a sickening grin of his own.

Jacob knocked on the door, as Carl could only lay in the bed. Every few seconds, he'd twitch a little bit.

“Did you get what you needed?” The Prison Guard asked, upon opening the door. He then looked over to the prisoner to see the condition that Jake had left him in. “That would be a yes,” The Guard said, answering his own question. Jacob gave him a tip of the hat, and then left the prison. His next stop was Cloudpeak Citadel to deliver the news.

“What did you get?” Prince Rowan asked him.

“Our Prisoner's name is Carl, and he serves a Slaving Lord to the East named Tyrone,” Jacob answered. “Do these names ring a bell?” He then asked. The Prince paced a bit, as if trying to remember anything about such a name. Cynthia and Copper also looked as though they've never heard this name.

“Can't say it does,” Prince Rowan answered. “Even knowing this, the search will still take too long,” He then pointed out.

“Chester might know a thing er two about these men,” Copper then suggested.

“I was thinking the same thing. I think I need to go pay Chester a visit,” Jacob agreed.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

I really hope this will get a continuation, but Im wondering if there will be more bondage as well
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Post by chaos846 »

FabianStr2016 wrote: 2 years ago I really hope this will get a continuation, but Im wondering if there will be more bondage as well
Oh, yes, indeed.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 5: In this part, Chester gives them all the juicy details, and a plan is made.

Jacob left the Citadel, and made his way past the Market District. He then made a left, and soon was standing in front of a mountain lodge looking structure. A large rocky archway on the path had a sign labeled “The Riverside” featured at the top of the arch. Aeries had a good handful of Inns, but The Riverside was the most popular. This was in part due to it's location overlooking the Golden Rock River as it flowed through the valley, and the large assortment of evergreen trees that surrounded it.

The Building itself was actually not the biggest, but the atmosphere around it made this Inn a must see for any visitors. The inside felt like an over sized mountain lodge with a stone fireplace against the wall to the right hand side. Jacob made his way past a few tables, and to the bar.

“Do you have a bottle of the Red Stuff?” He asked the bar keep.

“Let me check,” The Bartender asked, and made his way through a backdoor. A minute or so later, he came back out, and gave Jake a nod. “He'll be out in a sec,” He then told him. Jake nodded back, and waited at the counter.

A minute or so later, another door opened, and Jacob was greeted by a sharply dressed man who looked to be in good shape for someone in his mid forties. He had a sly look about him with his hair slicked back, and a thinly trimmed goatee.

“Hello Jacob,” He greeted with a smirk.

“Hello Chester,” Jacob greeted back, and they exchanged a tap on the shoulder.

“So what brings you here to see me?” Chester then asked.

“Do the names Carl, and Lord Tyrone ring a bell?” Jacob then asked. Chester's smile dropped instantly, and his eyes grew wide with a mixture of fear and anger. “I'll take that as a yes,” Jacob responded.

“Tell me everything you already know!” Chester demanded, in a frantic tone. Jacob relayed his story that had transpired so far. Each word spoken made Chester increasingly more agitated. He looked ready to start throwing things, but held back.

“I looked into his eyes, and that brings us to now,” Jacob finished.

“Son of a bitch!” Chester barked. By this point, the Bartender looked quite concerned as well.

“Chester, what do you know about this?” Jacob asked. Chester let out a deep sigh, and then turned to face The Demigod.

“I need to contact a few associates, and gather a few documents. This will take some time, but I'll get you everything we have on this,” Chester insisted.

“How much time?” Jacob asked.

“Six hours at least. Meet me back here,” Chester instructed. Jacob nodded to him.

“We'll do that,” He said, and then left.

“Boss, what is it?” Jacob heard the barkeep ask.

“We have work to do,” Chester answered.

6 hours later...

Jacob had relayed the news to everyone involved, and had met up at The Riverside during about mid evening. The Establishment also had quite a few more people active as well. It was apparent at this time that some of the tables were used for card and dice games, while a few people were playing chess. Jacob and company were seated at a large table that had a chessboard brought over see he and Chester could play while waiting for the last person to show up.

“Copper's sense of timing is so bad,” Prince Rowan moaned.

“He is a Dragon, Your Grace, He does see time differently than we do,” Chester pointed out.

“This is different,” His Grace responded.

“He's lived around humans long enough, he should have a clue by now,” Cynthia then added, and Chester just shrugged.

“Don't know what to tell you,” He sighed.

* * * *

Time seemed to drag on at this point, and minutes felt like hours. Cynthia had finally had enough, and broke the silence herself.

“What is keeping that Old Coot!?” She finally snapped, just as Copper had arrived at the table.

“The Old Coot's here,” Copper responded. Cynthia felt so embarrassed.

“Oh, Copper, I'm sorry,” She sighed. Copper simply dismissed it in an almost loving way.

“I know, Darlin, it was meant with affection,” He insisted, as he took his seat.

“You took your sweet time getting here,” Jacob snarled.

“A couple knuckleheads delayed me on the road, Son,” Copper said.

“It's alright, we're all here now,” Prince Rowan stated, and then gestured to Chester to begin. Chester laid a few pieces of Parchment on the table.

“So, we'll begin with Lord Tyrone DeKwah. He's a Slave Lord who plans on using the money gained from the trade to buy what he needs to eventually take control of the eastern Kingdoms,” Chester explained. “We had an operation staged there to put a stop to this, but unfortunately we had a few issues.”

“What kind of Issues?” Prince Rowan asked.

“The first issue was finding out in the first place. Bend is a small hold that doesn't get a lot of attention. The money made in Slave trade was how Tyrone and his Brother were able to rise to power within the hold.,” Chester answered.

“And you didn't think to inform anyone of this?” Jacob then asked.

“They've only been in power for about six months, and at the time, it a was a small operation. It was dumb luck one of my agents spotted suspicious activity going on within the City Guard. I had the men planted to take care of it, but then came Lewis,” Chester explained.

“And Lewis is..” Cynthia trailed off.

“Lewis is Tyrone's Brother. He's the true Lord of Bend while Tyrone is the Captain of the Guard. Tyrone insisted on this, as it gives him A Ruler to hide behind, and then overthrow when the time is right,” Chester told them.

“That actually makes a lot of sense,” Jacob admitted.

“Well, then it's easy. Ya take what ya have ta Lewis,” Copper insisted. Chester just sighed.

“That's the problem. Lewis isn't in on the scheme, but he refuses to believe that Tyrone is the man behind it,” Chester answered. “My men were the ones who started up the rumors of slavery to get it some attention, but this only made things worse, as the locals who started spreading them started disappearing.”

“Can't say that's too surprising,” Prince Rowan grunted.

“So, we have to find a way to find where our people are being kept, prove that Tyrone is behind the slavery, and put a stop to it,” Jacob summarized.

“That's about the size of it,” Chester said, as he then castled his king. “You know the old saying: Knowing is only half the Battle,” He then stated. Jacob spotted this, and smiled. “What? Did I somehow give you the means to win in two moves?” Chester then asked, as he thought that Jake was referring to the Chess Game.

“For this game, no, but for the mission, yes,” Jacob answered. Everyone blinked at him. “Chester, Lord Lewis is Married,” He stated.

“Yes he is,” Chester confirmed.

“Tyrone is looking for a prize female to sell off. I could perhaps offer him one. Not only would this allow me to get in good graces with him to learn about where he keeps his merchandise, but it ties into how we get him busted as well,” Jacob explained.

“How do you plan to do that?” Cynthia asked him.

“I'm sure Carl will vouch for me,” Jacob answered, giving Chester his own sly look. Chester caught his drift instantly.

“Very good, I'll notify Delryn once we're done here, and he'll meet up with you all in the morning,” Chester told him.

“Who's Delryn?” Cynthia asked.

“Delryn is Chester's top Disguise Artist,” Jacob answered. Cynthia's eyes widened.

“Oh, Delryn poses as Carl, and gives you the stepping stone you need,” She stated, now catching on.

“Exactly,” Jacob confirmed. “I just need a striking young lady to pose as a slave to be sold,” He then mentioned.

“Before we get into volunteers for this, what is it you intend to do?” Prince Rowan asked.

“A good old Bait and Switch,” Jacob answered. “First we present the Girl to Tyrone, we then kidnap Lewis' Wife, next we switch our volunteer for the Wife, and we make sure Lewis is present at the auction, or whatever, to see it happening.”

“Kidnap his Wife?” Cynthia questioned.

“Look, he refuses to properly acknowledge the problem, so we force him to. It's a bad habit of humans to only recognize a real threat when it's right on top of them, so we need to bring the threat to him directly, and maybe after that, he'll cooperate,” Jacob explained.

“Can't argue with that,” Cynthia sighed, in spite of the bad feeling it created. Performing the kidnapping kinda goes against the Aeriesian way afterall.

“I don't like the idea of it either, but unless anyone has anything better, I think this is the play,” Jacob stated.

“The next question is: Who do we get to play the role of the Slave Girl?” Prince Rowan asked.

“Well. I know of one, but you'll just say it's weird,” Cynthia responded. Jake turned to her, and noticed she was blushing slightly.

“Cynthia, if you know of someone willing to do this, just say it,” Jacob insisted. Cynthia sighed.

“I'll do it,” She stated. Everyone now blinked at her.

“Cynthia, that's weird,” Jacob told her. Cynthia rolled her eyes.

“I knew it,” She groaned.

“As odd as it is, I can't see this slave lord turnin down an Elf Maiden,” Copper added. Jacob sighed. This wasn't the first time Cynthia had taken a risk, but he just didn't like the idea of his wife being in a position where she likely would have no means to defend herself if something went wrong.

“I'm not against it, but I just don't know,” He said, in response.

“Kinda reminds me of the time my Aunt Cary was doin one of her heists,” Copper started, and everyone began to groan. “It was Her Husband posin as a Law Man that faked an arrest, and it allowed them to escape,” He then added.

“He made an arrest in the middle of nowhere?” Jacob asked him.

“Whaduya mean?” Copper asked back.

“I thought Aunt Cary was a Brigand,” Jacob said. Copper frowned at him.

“No, Aunt Cassey was the Brigand. Aunt Cary was the Bank Robber,” Copper stated, in a tone that said Jake should know this.

“Oh, excuse me,” Jake snarled.

“Do we have the plan set?” Chester asked him.

“I think so,” Jacob answered. Chester nodded.

“Then we'll meet up tomorrow,” He said, and with that, the meeting was over.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Another good written chapter which could have an interesting continuation!
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 6: In this part Cynthia makes herself Irresistible, and Copper shows off a fun new toy.

Jacob and Cynthia had both adjured to their home, and got ready for bed. Jake was laying face up on the bed staring at the roof, and was trying to figure out how this was all going to work. Cynthia, now that she was back in the privacy of her own home, cast her spell that dissolved her clothes, and left her completely nude once again.

“Jacob, what's wrong?” Cynthia asked her husband.

“As I said before, I don't have a problem with you doing this, I just can't help but wonder if Tyrone will believe that we captured an Elf,” Jacob answered.

“Oh, I don't think that will be a problem for you,” She told him, in a reassuring tone. “Besides, I don't think he'll be able to resist me,” she then said, with a slight giggle. Jake turned to face her, and blinked.

“What are you getting at?” He asked her. She huffed a bit.

“Look,” She instructed. She then walked over to one of the dressers. Jacob just watched as his wife then pulled out the scarf that she uses to cover her face in Leadingray. She spoke a few elvish words, and then allowed the magic to take effect. Cynthia clasped her hands behind her back, and the scarf magically flew behind her as well. It then began wrapping itself around her wrists to bind her hands behind her back. Jacob was in awe at what he was seeing.

“Why do you know a spell that does that?” He asked her.

“My People actually use it for rope work on wood beams to support buildings, but as you can see, it has other uses,” Cynthia answered. She slowly turned around, showing her bound hands, before turning back to face her husband. “Now then Jake, name one Slave Lord that can resist this poor, helpless, Slave Elf,” She then challenged. Jacob was at a complete loss for words. The fact that his Wife was willing to do this to herself. “I'd say you are having trouble resisting it,” She stated, seeing that he was almost completely entranced at the sight of this bound, and naked elf maiden.

“You're right, I am,” Jacob admitted, finally finding his voice.

“Then it's settled,” Cynthia stated, now wandering over to him, and kneeling down on the bed beside him.

“Can you act the part of a Slave?” Jacob asked her. Cynthia just shrugged.

“I don't know, can you act the part of a Ruthless Slaver?” She asked back, with a naughty look in her eyes. Jacob gave her a loving smile.

“I guess we'll find out won't we,” He said, as the couple inched closer to each other, and began to kiss passionately. Cynthia crawled on top of her husband, as the kiss continued.

“Are you gonna try to (kiss) seduce him like you are with me right now?” Jake asked, breaking the momentary silence. Cynthia paused for a moment.

"No, I'm gonna be feisty and defiant. I'm sure Tyrone will enjoy that a bit more," Cynthia answered, and then went back to kissing her husband.

“Sounds good to me,” Jacob answered. They continued to kiss until Cynthia realized one small problem.

“Um, Jake?” She asked, as the hugging and kissing still continued.

“Hmm?” Jake asked back.

“Can you untie me, please?” She begged. Jake didn't respond with an answer, but rather traced his fingers down his Wife's arms until they finally found her bound hands, and he untied them. With her newfound freedom, Cynthia gave her husband a hug, and the two eventually drifted to sleep.

The Next Morning...

“So, what's the verdict?” Copper asked. Everyone was at The Riverside enjoying breakfast on the house, courtesy of Chester, as they waited for Chester to arrive with Delryn.

“Cynthia is gonna be our ticket in,” Jacob answered.

“I'm fairly certain that Lady Dekwah is not an Elf,” Prince Rowan pointed out.

“Oh, I got some stuff that we can use to make a pair of fake ears,” Copper answered.

“And what about her height, or dare I say...width?” The Prince then asked. A new voice answered.

“She's only a little taller than Cynthia,” A Man answered. Everyone turned to see who it was, and walking up to them was Chester, and he was not alone. An Elf man walked with him dressed in a nice tunic, and a fine pair of boots.

Hello Chester,” Prince Rowan greeted, and then turned his attention to The Elf Man. “And you must be Delryn,” He then added.

“That I am, Your Grace,” Delryn greeted back.

“Has Chester briefed you on what's going on?” Jacob asked him.

“Yes, I'm going to be an old colleague of yours from a while back, and you gave me refuge while I was hiding from the authorities, which is why I took so long to get back to His Lordship,” Delryn explained.

“Sounds perfect,” Jacob responded.

“And the rest pretty much writes itself,” Delryn told them.

“That it does, and now for the best part,” Chester stated. Delryn snapped his finger, and a shimmering watery sound surrounded him. The form of Delryn quickly faded to reveal the form of none other than Carl.

“The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it,” Delryn stated, in the same voice, and the same smarmy accent as well.

“We paid him a visit in the prison. All Delryn needed was his voice, and to sample him through touch,” Chester explained.

“Quite impressive,” Cynthia stated, her eyes still wide at what she had just seen.

“How do I best contact you once I set things up with Tyrone?” Delryn-now-Carl then asked.

“I'm glad ya asked, cause I have just the thing,” Copper chimed in. “Follow me to my place, I wanna show y'all somethin real nice,” He then added, and got up from the table. Everyone else looked at each other, and followed him out of the Inn.

Copper's Home was built into a cliff side, and much like Cloudpeak Citadel, it had all the furnishings of a fine mansion house. In fact, the home looked more suited for human habitation rather than that of a dragon, but that's just how Copper roles. Again, it was one of very few Cave like settings that Cynthia didn't mind too much given that there were plenty of windows about for viewing the city. The place of interest, however, was the basement where all manner of oddities lurked.

Various potion bottles, liquids that defied description flowing through them, and a few kettles steaming on burners. Prince Rowan took interest in one of them that looked a bit out of place, as it was on a lone burner off in the corner.

“Copper, what's in this one?” He then asked.

“Oh, that's a potion that boosts energy throughout the day,” Copper told him.

“Really? What do you call it?” The Prince asked, sounding interested.

“Coffee,” Copper answered. Prince Rowan blinked a bit upon hearing the answer.

"Oh," He chirped, as he looked back at it. Copper walked over to a nearby desk, and held up two rings that had emerald gems embedded in them.

“Yer Grace, take this one, put it on, and tap the stone once,” Copper instructed, as he held one of the rings out Prince Rowan. The Prince took the ring, put it on his finger, and tapped the gemstone. Copper then headed up the stairs out of the basement. A minute or so had passed...until...

“Can y'all hear me?” They heard him ask. The sound came through the ring. Everyone's eyes lit up with amazement.

“Yes, we do hear you,” Prince Rowan answered.

“Well, go ahead and tap it again, to turn it off,” Copper then stated. Prince Rowan tapped the gem, as they all heard the basement door open again, and Copper came back down to rejoin them.

“Copper! This is amazing!” Cynthia complimented, her eyes gleaming.

“Thank ya kindly, Darlin,” Copper responded. “Every so often my fantastic projects, as ya put it, do work,” He then added, making note of her little jab at him from a few days ago. She gave him a slight scowl which only made Copper chuckle a bit.

“Copper, do you realize what something like this could do for our military?” Prince Rowan then asked him.

“I did, but it's not quite ready yet,” Copper then answered. The Prince took the ring off, and handed it back to him.

“I don't see anything wrong with it,” Cynthia pointed out. Copper sighed a bit.

“Well, to be honest. Only the two people wearin um are supposed ta hear each other,” He then explained.

“I see,” Prince Rowan said, noticing the flaw.

“So we'll need to be a bit on the careful side, but this should be perfect. I'll make my way out to see His Lordship, and I'll let you know the results soon enough,” Delryn stated.

“Best of luck to ya, Son,” Copper told him.

“And in the meantime, we have a few other things set up back here,” Jacob then stated. The plan was officially underway...
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by chaos846 »

Very sorry this took so long...

Part 7: In this part, The Team puts on a show for an undeserving audience

It wasn't as if Jacob and Company were just standing around, and twiddling their thumbs, however. While Delryn was off to make Lord Tyrone an offer he couldn't refuse, Jacob and Cynthia needed to look the part of their respective rolls. While Cynthia was looking over a few of her dresses to see which one would fit the part of a Slave Girl, Jake had to have something a bit...nicer...tailored to him for his part.

“It needs to look worn down, but still on the upper scale side,” Jake told the Seamstress.

“Anything you need from me?” Prince rowan asked him.

“Yeah, I need one of the Armored Carts. The ones used for prisoner transport, and I need the assistance of two of our Rangers if they're around,” Jake told him.

“I'll get on it,” The Prince answered.

The next part of the plan was to find a place that could act as a hide out. Leadingrey was the location of choice based on the fact that Jake's cover was that he was hiding out here, and it just so happened that Copper was using an abandoned Mine as a safe house of sorts. The mine itself looked to be in fairly decent shape, at least on the first level. It also had a couple of cabins just outside that everyone could bunk down in for the time they were spending here. It was the perfect spot for their plan. Within a few hours they were met by two men on horseback.

“Ah, Markus and Edward,” Copper greeted.

“Captain,” Markus greeted back.

“I trust y'all know what's happenin here?” Copper asked them.

“Yes, Prince Rowan explained it,” Benny answered.

Over the next several days, Jake and Cynthia were going over what was expected of each other.

“Just remember, I want to spit in your face at some point, and that's when you slap me,” Cynthia reminded him.

“And then you start putting up a massive struggle, and-” Jake trailed off, as he pulled out a small vial of clear liquid.

“Right,” Cynthia stated.

“Out of curiosity, what's in there?” Markus asked him.

“Oh, it's just water, but it's gonna act like something to knock her out when placed at her nose,” Jacob explained to him. Markus nodded, and it was at that moment, they heard what they had been waiting for.

“Jake, it's Delryn,” They all heard from Jake's Ring. He was speaking in a hushed voice, as if he was making very certain no one else could hear him.

“We on?” Jake asked him. He heard a snort.

“I wish you could have been here to see his reaction,” Delryn told him. Everyone was now grinning from ear to ear. “We also averted a crisis,” He then added.

“What?” Jake asked.

“The auction was supposed to begin today, but when I told him about the Elven Prize, he put it off till next week,” Delryn then explained.

“That gives us two days to put our plan in motion when we get there,” Jake stated, as he did the math.

“His Lordship doesn't want to leave the city at this time, so I've been instructed to bring you to him, along with the prize. I'll have a small entourage with me as well,” Delryn then mentioned.

“We're good to go on our end,” Jake told him. “Ridgewood Mines is the location,” He then added.

“I'm on my way,” Delryn stated, and with that, the conversation was closed.

2 days later...

The sound of Horse hooves could be heard, and everyone put on their game faces. It was time to make an impression. Cynthia was inside one of the Cabin with Markus. He was going to be the one to “drag her out”. He heard the noise and looked out the window to see six men on horseback dismounting and greeting Jacob. He turned to Cynthia and gave her a nod. Cynthia had already taken all the leather pieces, as well as any weapons, from her outfit off, and left just her green shirt and trousers.

Markus then pulled out a small length of rope from his belt. Cynthia put her hands behind her back, so Markus could bind them at the wrists.

“How is it?” He asked her. Cynthia tested her bonds briefly. She knew she wouldn't be trying to struggle for real, but perception plays a big part.

“Should be fine,” She told him.

“Hey Markus! Bring her out!” They then heard Jake yell. They both approached the door, and Cynthia then had an idea.

“Markus,” She whispered. “I'm going to stumble out the door. When I complain, wrap your arm around me, and put your hand over my mouth,” She told him.

“Will do,” Markus whispered back. As soon as Markus opened the door, Cynthia “stumbled” out, and crashed her side into the railing. Markus followed, and grabbed her by the middle, as she had requested.

“No! I will not-mmpp!” Cynthia started to protest, until Markus had clamped his hand over her mouth, and forced her head against his chest. Cynthia pretended to struggle, as she was marched down the stairs of the cabin. She saw all the men present turn to each other and whispering.

“I honestly didn't believe you, but there's no mistaking those pointed ears,” One of the men said to the Fake Carl.

“It was only too easy. Elves are arrogant, and this one is going to pay for such arrogance,” Jacob claimed. Cynthia was glaring hard at him. She mmphed a bit more and wriggled against Markus' grip. “Put her in the back,” Jacob commanded, and with that the Elf Maiden was dumped into the back of the prison wagon with Markus following close behind.

“Lord Tyrone is going to be very pleased with this,” Another Man mentioned.

“I'm sure he is,” Jacob said to him with a fake smile. A smile that faded as soon as the man turned around to mount his horse. Jacob walked back to Copper. “Hold down the fort for us,” He stated, obviously intending for the foreigners to hear it. As he then handed Copper his ring, Jacob then switched to a whisper. “Get her stuff back to our house, and Delryn will tell you where we are,” He then requested.

“Right, it shouldn't take long,” Copper told him. Jacob then turned back to face Fake Carl and his entourage.

“I'm ready to go meet His Lordship,” Jacob stated, as he then climbed aboard the front of the wagon with Edward serving as his driver. As the journey began, he smiled to himself. “Great job, Cynthia,” He whispered to himself.

* * * *

The Trip to Bend was not without a few issues. Markus would release Cynthia from her bonds as long as they were moving, and they knew that no one was looking. When the wagons had to make stops, however, she had to be tied up again. Jacob would also sneak visits to see how she was doing.

“Cynthia. I just want to remind you again. This Monster is not going to treat you like a lady,” Jacob stated.

“I know. I'm a big girl, Jake. I can deal with it,” Cynthia insisted. After a few days had past, the group of horsemen made a turn off the main road, and down a thick forest path. The Wagon followed, of course, and within a clearing was A Man waiting for them in a royal looking robe, and flanked by two men wearing some very expensive looking armor.

Fake Carl road up to greet the man, and soon He signaled Jake over. Jacob dismounted the wagon, and walked over. A sick smile had crossed his face.

“Sire, I'd like you to meet the Man who's done the impossible,” Fake Carl told him. “Joshua Michael, I'd like you to meet Lord Tyrone of Bend,” He then introduced.

“A pleasure to meet you at last, Your Lordship,” Jacob greeted. The words words almost breaking his heart. “Carl has told me much of you,” He then added.

“He's told me much of you as well, Lord Joshua,” Lord Tyrone greeted back. “He told me you have what he calls The Ultimate Prize.” He then added. The fact that he was this anxious told Jake they were in business.

“I think you should see for yourself,” Jacob said to him. He then turned his attention to the wagon. “Mark, Bring her out!” He then called. They heard the door open, and out came Markus hauling Cynthia. A bag had been pulled over her head as well. Cynthia was pretend struggling as she was brought in front of everyone. “Behold: An Elf of Heathergreen!” Jake claimed, as he removed the bag from his wife's head to reveal her identity.

Everyone present was aghast with shock. Jacob was a bit dismayed to find that on top of having her hands bound, Markus had also gagged her. Cynthia's green scarf that she usually uses as her face mask had been pulled between her teeth, and tied behind her head.

“Exquisite, oh my heavens,” Lord Tyrone praised, as he was now seeing a massive profit from this gem. “How in the world did you manage this?” He then asked.

“That's my secret,” Jacob stated.

“Alright, what's your price?” Lord Tyrone asked, as he continued to examine the Elf Maiden.

“I don't intend this as a one off,” Jacob then told him. Lord Tyrone then turned his attention back to Jake. “I want to get back into the game, and know how I can get more of these prizes,” He then explained.

“You want to work for me?” Lord Tyrone asked.

“I can vouch for him, and you can see what he can provide,” Fake Carl then urged.

“Yes indeed,” Lord Tyrone praised, as he then crossed a line. He began groping Cynthia's breasts. Jacob knew this was a possibility, and fought his instincts to fry him on the spot. Cynthia was not so self-controlled, though this was to be expected of a future slave.

“Yhh wwll nht prrfft frrm mh ppllhh!” She snarled into her gag.

“Oh, you have something to say?” Lord Tyrone taunted. “Let's see those pretty lips of yours,” He then said. As he pulled the gag down, Cynthia took her opportunity to spit into his face instead. Jacob saw it happen, and used that as his que instead. He gave her a hearty slap across her face. Cynthia let out a yelp, and for a moment Jake was worried he might have hit her too hard. Cynthia had a look of sheer hate on her face, and tears streaming from her eyes.

“You will not profit from me! You will not profit from my people!” She shouted, in her elvish language. Markus handed Jake the little vial, and Jake held it to Cynthia's nose. Cynthia's eyes faded, and closed. She then fell limp.

“Very high spirited,” Lord Tyrone pointed out.

“Means her master will have the pleasure of breaking her,” Jacob told him. This earned him a smile.

“I like the way you think, Joshua,” Lord Tyrone stated. “Come, I must introduce you to my brother,” He then said. With that, Jacob mounted a nearby horse, and then followed Lord Tyrone, Carl, and the other locals from Bend. It looked as though phase one was a success.
Last edited by chaos846 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Mister The Edge
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Post by Mister The Edge »

I like how you jump into the story and let the reader figure out the background and setting.
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Post by chaos846 »

Mister The Edge wrote: 2 years ago I like how you jump into the story and let the reader figure out the background and setting.
I think it's better to just get to the point, and let the reader's imagination fill in the details. While the author has a vision of what is happening, It's also important for the Reader to have their own vision as well.
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Post by chaos846 »

Part 8: In this part, Jacob just can't let Tyrone have all the fun.

Bend was a land that was green, and beautiful, but something about the city seemed...wrong. It looked nice enough, but Jacob could feel that the people were scared, and angry. As he rode through the town with Lord Tyrone, he noticed that he was getting dirty looks from everyone. Or was Tyrone getting the dirty looks, and he was just in proximity. Regardless, it was unsettling.

“Pay them no mind. Ever since the rumors started, they've come to distrust me,” Lord Tyrone assured him. Jake couldn't imagine why.

They rode up to the Palace, and a Horse-hand took care of their horses for them while Carl, Tyrone, and “Joshua” entered the Palace. It was indeed a grand sight, both on the outside, as well as the inside. A door opened, and guardsman walked through it. He was followed by a man and a lady. The Lady was about Cynthia's height with similar hair length, though her hair was blonde. She was wearing a fine silk light blue gown. Jacob recognized the man from his vision from before. This was Lord Lewis.

“Tyrone, you've returned with company, I see,” His Lordship proclaimed. Lord Tyrone smiled, and nodded.

“Indeed, Brother, This is Lord Joshua,” He introduced. “A friend and colleague of Carl's,” He then added. “Lord Joshua, This is my Brother, Lord Lewis Dekwah, Ruler of Bend, and Lady Lydia, his wife,” Lord Tyrone then introduced.

“A pleasure, Lord Lewis and Lady Lydia,” Jacob greeted.

“Likewise, My Lord,” Lord Lewis greeted back. “You're a friend of Carl's?” He then asked. Fake Carl then spoke up.

“Yes, he was a merchant by trade, but also criminal investigator for Aeries a while back, and we did some work together,” He informed them. Delryn looked to Jacob to see his follow up.

“Carl and I met up a little while ago, he told me about your current...problem, and I offered to assist if I could,” Jacob explained.

“It's actually been a lot more quiet as of a couple months ago. It shows that what Tyrone is doing is working,” Lady Lydia stated. “What does he need you for?” She then asked.

“We don't know that for sure, M'Lady,” Lord Tyrone said to her. “Truth be told, I haven't found much, but given that it's died down a bit, it's possible that we're close, and that they're just laying low for a while,” He then presented.

“If you say so,” Lady Lydia dismissed. Lord Tyrone then shifted his attention.

“Brother, may Lord Joshua use the guest room during his stay?” He asked.

“Certainly,” Lord Lewis answered.

“What about my associates?” Jake then asked.

“I'll have rooms paid for at the Inn. They can stay there,” Lord Tyrone told him.

“Enjoy your stay,” Lord Lewis said, and with that, he and his wife went back to what they were doing...

“The Fool,” Lord Tyrone said, after they were out of ear shot. Jacob just snorted, as he was thinking the same thing, but for a different reason. “Timothy!” He then called. Within a minute, a short plump man came rushing over. “Show my guest here to one of the guest rooms,” his Lordship demanded.

“Follow me, Sir,” The Plump Man stated.

After climbing a flight of stairs, and taking a left down a hall, they came to a door, and Jacob opened it to reveal a finely furnished bedroom.

“Very nice,” Jacob complimented.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Timothy asked.

“No, thank you,” Jacob answered. Timothy bowed, and then left, closing the door behind him. Jacob took a seat on the bed. He had a plan to abduct Lady Lydia. He knew the time it needed to happen. He knew how to set up the attack. All he needed was to ensure he could get into their chambers. It was at that minute he heard a knock on his door. He walked over, and opened it to see Carl, and a Guardsman.

“Jacob, meet Lenny, He's our operative here,” Delryn stated.

“I'm the one who found the evidence that Lewis dismissed, and started the rumors to get it noticed,” The Guardsman informed him. Jacob nodded, and looked back to Delryn.

“Did you inform him of why we're here?” Jake asked him.

“Yes, and I'm going to make this a lot easier. I volunteered to be on patrol outside of the Royal Chambers tonight,” Lenny told him.

“Which will give us a way in to enact our plan,” Jacob finished. Lenny nodded to confirm this. “I have Two Aeriesian Rangers with me, they'll perform the deed,” He then told him. “Where are the chambers located?” He then asked.

“The Western Tower. Near the middle,” Lenny answered.

“Still a long fall, I hope Copper's Feather Fall Hex can catch all of them,” Jacob said. “Thank you, Lenny, I need to go inform my team of what's going on,” He then stated. Everyone then parted ways afterword...

Back at the Wagon...

Copper had rejoined them by middle afternoon. He didn't have his horse with him which could only mean that he flew as close as he dared to, and then walked the rest of the way. He also had a large sack with him that had everything they'd need once they had Lady Lydia in hand. Jacob was now filling everyone in.

“What will you be doing while all of this is going on?” Cynthia asked.

“I have to be in my room, otherwise, His Lordshit will suspect something,” Jacob answered.

“Lordshit, I'll need to remember that one,” Markus then noted. This got a chuckle out of Cynthia. Jacob then lamented about earlier.

“Listen, Cynthia, about earlier,” He said, to which his wife just blinked at him. “sorry if I hit you too hard,” He told her. Cynthia just scowled at him.

“Jake, I'm a Big Girl,” She insisted. Jake nodded, and turned to leave with Copper. Not a second after he turned, He felt a sharp jab of a fist into his left shoulder. He turned, and saw Cynthia give him a perky little smile. He couldn't help but return a smirk.

While Cynthia was currently getting things set up for Lady Lydia's transformation. Copper and Jacob took this time to scout out the west tower.

“Will your Feather Fall catch everyone?” Jacob asked him, as he looked up at the window.

“Shouldn't be a problem, Son,” Copper responded.

“Well, I have to go back, and be a proper guest,” Jacob told him.

“I'll be waitin right here, Partner,” Copper told him.

* * * *

At early evening, Jacob enjoyed a banquette of fine food while He and Fake Carl invented a string of lies about each other's pasts that both Lords ate right up as readily as their food. Eventually nighttime rolled around. and it was time for the people of Bend to go to sleep. Jacob decided to wake up just a tad earlier than everyone else. It wasn't even dawn yet, as the night sky was barely beginning to fade to blue again. He made his way to his room window, and lowered a length of rope that Copper had given him out of it. The length was about two feet, but as Jake tugged on it, it extended until it had reached the ground outside.

Jacob felt a tug at the other end, and was now looking for something to tie his end to. He spotted a spear among a few weapons on a plaque. He removed the spear, tied the end of the rope to the middle of it, and placed it at the window. Within a minute or so, Jacob was now helping Markus and Edward into his room. Once they were inside, Jacob untied the rope, and squeezed the end of it. The rope retracted back to its original length.

“Copper's inventions are so simple, yet so genius,” Edward stated.

“No one said genius had to be complicated,” Jake pointed out. “Do you have everything?” He then asked them.

“We're ready,” Markus told him. Jacob nodded, and gave them the directions they needed.

“This is your moment,” Jacob stated. They both nodded, and left the room.

The Pair crept their way through the castle. Sneaking passed the patrols was absurdly easy. these guards were clearly not trained very well. When they reached the guardsman outside the royal Chambers, they gave him a couple hand signals. He gave them a few signals back, at which point, they both knew who was who. Lenny allowed them to pass, and Edward began to pick the lock to the door.

“Show Time,” Markus hissed, once the door was opened. Edward moved over to where Lady Lydia was fast asleep. Markus pulled out a vial from a pouch, and dropped the liquid onto the floor. The room instantly began to fill with smoke. Within a few moments, Lord Lewis and Lady Lydia awoke. They both began couching, and began screaming for help. Lydia felt herself being pulled from the bed.

“Let me go!” She screamed. Edward pulled out a vial, and placed it under her nose. This one had the real knock out scent. Lydia felt her eyes roll up, and her world go black from the effects. The two rangers made their way to the window where Copper was waiting.

“Here we go,” Markus stated. They both jumped out the window with their prisoner in hand. Copper made a hand gesture, and the three jumpers landed inside a vortex of magical energy that slowed their fall to a flutter.

“Mighty fine work, both uh ya,” Copper proudly claimed, with the two rangers looking quite pleased with themselves. “Let's get her back,” He then told them, and they both left with their new prisoner in hand.

* * * *

“What happened!?” Jacob yelled, as he bumped into Lord Tryone on his way to see what all the noise was about. They both ran down to the chambers, and began helping the Guardsman fan the smoke away.

“Lewis, what happened?” Lord Tyrone asked him.

“They've taken her! They've taken my wife!” Lord Lewis yelled.
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Post by chaos846 »

sorry this part took so long. i had a ton of stuff that needed my attention. anyways, here it is...

Part 9: In this part, Businessmen do business

It was a long morning for everyone. Lord Lewis was beyond distraught, and for good reason. His Wife trusted him to keep her safe, and he had failed this. Lady Lidia was literally snatched away right under his nose. He also didn't know who did this, or why, though he was beginning to have his suspicions.

No one was above reproach. He had everyone in the palace questioned heavily. Guards, servants, cooks, and then it was Jacob's turn.

“I was in bed, I heard the yelling, and I came out to the hall to see that Lord Tyrone had noticed, and we both ran to your room to see what had happened,” Jacob told him.

“Damn it to hell!” Lord Lewis roared. Both in anger, and sadness.

“Brother, we will figure this out. I promise you that I will find out who did this, and they will pay through the nose for this insult,” Lord Tyrone seethed. Jacob then added his two cents worth on possible culprits.

“You said the Slavers haven't been active for two months. They must have been planning this,” He suggested to them. A couple guards in the area nodded in agreement, as it was a logical possibility.

“It is a big possibility,” Lord Tyrone then agreed, getting in on the act.

“It also shows that what Lord Tyrone is getting close to solving the problem,” Jacob then mentioned. “If they'd try a stunt like this, he must be really close,” He then added. Lord Lewis just balled his fists in anger.

“I just can't fathom it: People being bought and sold like animals!” He yelled in frustration. “And now they've taken my wife to keep this disgusting.....market going,” He then seethed.

“As Lord Tyrone said, we will find the responsible party behind this,” Jacob then insisted. Lord Lewis nodded, and then turned to everyone. An expression of anger, sadness, and failure adorned his face.

“Leave me, I need to be alone for a while,” He told them. Lord Tyrone, and Jacob looked at each other, and nodded. Both of them left the room, but not before Lewis' Brother told the guard to stay close by at least.

Jacob joined Lord Tyrone in his chambers. They were just as luxurious as his Brother's. His Lordship poured himself a drink of water while Jake put on a look of confusion.

“Unbelievable,” Jacob told him.

“I was supposed to do the showcase today, and now this happens,” Lord Tyrone stated.

“The Showcase?” Jacob asked.

“Our customers will be arriving today to see what merchandise is available for them,” Lord Tyrone explained. This was perfect, as it would reveal where the slaves were being kept.

“Are you canceling this showcase?” Jacob asked him. Much to Jacob's relief, Lord Tyrone shook his head.

“I can't, and the auction must happen as well,” His Lordship told him. “But now I have to find the kidnapper of my Brother's Wife as well,” He then added, showing his own frustration.

“Any idea who it is?” Jake asked. Lord Tyrone turned to him, and clapped his hands twice. The door to his chambers opened, and two armored guards stepped inside. Both had spears pointed right at Jacob.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Lord Tyrone told him. Jacob was in a spot. He knew Lord Tyrone never saw him. Did someone tip him off? Never the less, Jacob knew what he had to do.

“You think it's me?” Jake questioned. He didn't show fear, but anger. Anger at being insulted in this manner.

“Why not? You're a foreigner, you try to gain my trust as a colleague, and as a guest within the palace, it would be only too easy for you,” Lord Tyrone pointed out. Although he had a point, Jake picked out a ton of flaws in it.

“First of all, I'd have to dump her out the window to get her out of her husband's sight quick enough,” Jacob explained, all while knowing that was exactly what he did. “Then I'd then have to dash all the way back to my room without being seen, just so I could be shocked at what had happened!” He then barked.

“Unlikely, but not impossible,” Lord Tyrone told him.

“Even if I had managed to pull this stunt off, why would I settle for a slab of trout when we have a giant rack of ribs on the table?” Jacob then asked, in a loud tone. Lord Tyrone blinked, as he didn't quite understand what he meant.

“I don't follow,” He mentioned.

“I'm saying that any ransom I could get for Lady Lydia pales in comparison to what that elf will make us,” Jacob told him, with a scowl. Lord Tyrone had to admit that it made sense. Bend was still a small kingdom, and it's economy was still young. Lord Tyrone let out a huff, and nodded to his guards. They responded by raising their spears back up.

“I suppose you're right,” He finally said. Jacob nodded to him. Jake knew that being insulted was the best way for him to sell his story, and it was a story that made perfect sense.

“Let's focus on one thing at a time: Elf first, Lydia second,” Jacob suggested. Lord Tyrone took another sip of his water, and sighed.

“North of here is a small clearing in the forest with a large rock covered in red moss. I expect you and the Elf to be there at noon,” Lord Tyrone instructed.

“Showcase?” Jacob asked.

“Just be there,” His Lordship stated. Jacob gave him a nod, and then left the room. It was time to relay his information

* * * *

Back at the wagon, Copper, Cynthia, and the two rangers were getting everything ready for Lady Lydia's disguise. The two Rangers were disposing of something from a pot while Copper was messing around with something that looked like human skin. Upon closer inspection, Jake saw it was an elf's ear...or at least what looked like one.

“You let him touch your ears?” Jacob asked, as he turned to his wife. Cynthia frowned at him.

“Of course not,” She stated. Copper gave her a nod, and with that, Cynthia began to peel something off of her left ear. She revealed it to be the second fake ear they would use for Lady Lydia.

“Where is she?” Jacob asked. Cynthia nodded to the back of the wagon.

“She's in there. I have her bound and gagged, so she doesn't make any trouble when she wakes up,” She then told him. Jacob took a look in the back of the wagon, and saw Lady Lydia with her hands bound behind her back with a brown bag over her head. She wasn't moving which meant she was still out cold from the mixture.

“Well, you'll need to resume your role as a slave in a little bit, and if I'm right, we'll have the location of where he's keeping the slaves soon,” Jacob informed them.

“Good,” Copper said. “Does Delryn still have the other ring?” He then asked.

“He better,” Jake stated, with a scowl.

“You know son, I've been thinkin,” Copper then said.

“Oh no, we're all doomed now,” Cynthia then claimed. Copper made a couple mocking faces at the elf which only made her giggle.

“Son, once we expose that bastard, what's gonna stop Ol' Lewis from bustin us as well?” Copper asked. “I mean, he's gonna see that we were involved,” He then pointed out. Jake just smiled.

“I have an idea about that,” Jake answered.

“What do you have in mind?” Cynthia asked.

“Lady Lydia is sure that Tyrone and her husband are going to save her,” Jake mentioned. The Old Man and His Wife nodded to show they were listening. “When the time is right, I'm going to tell her our whole story...well, almost the whole story,” Jacob explained. Copper and Cynthia looked at each other, and then just shrugged. When Jacob had a plan, it was always a good idea just to trust it.

“Well, it might be a good idea for us to get going to this location Jake mentioned," Cynthia then suggested.

“Right," Jacob agreed, and then he turned to Copper again. "Copper, will you be able to take care of her on your own?” He then asked.

“Yeah, I'll keep her safe,” He told them. With that, Jacob, Cynthia, and the other two rangers lifted Lady Lydia out of the back of the wagon, and then boarded it themselves. Markus gave the reigns a snap, and they began their journey to the destination that Lord Tyrone had given them.
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