Tau Upsilon Gamma [M+/M+] [update - 3/15/24] NEW POLL

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.

Who should Mason save?

NATE: plug gag, gorilla tape bonds, nipple clamps
CODY: duct tape gag, handcuffs, Icy Hot
LEO: Hoss' sock gag, rope bonds, tickle torture
RAY: bandana gag, slave harness, in his underwear
Total votes: 26

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Post by wataru14 »

Interlude: Strip Poker – part 2

Scott struggled and grunted from his velvet-topped prison while the group gave him one lasts round of taunts, playfully slapping his gagged face and caged member, and then got back to their game. “One loser down” Danny said, straightening his hat a cracking a beer. “And you three assholes will be joining him soon enough.”

“Dream on, gymrat,” Hoss snorted as he spit into his bottle. “But if you keep running that dainty little mouth of yours I’m gonna shove something in it. Shut you up real fast. And I don’t mean socks.”

“Are you going to grunt all night, big man, or are you going to deal?” Shane teased. “Scott’s looking real lonely over there and you’ve only got one round left before you join him.”

“Heh, you’re going down next, Barbie,” Hoss said as he dealt the hand. But deep down he was nervous. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, but there’s no way he could show fear. It was weakness. He’d never admit it out loud, but sometimes it was hard always being an alpha. When you were as big as him, people expected you to be a certain way. Always surly, but otherwise emotionless. Always "on." Sometimes he just wanted to say “fuck it” and… before he zoned out completely, Hoss blinked a few times, spit into his water bottle, and checked his cards. Shit again. This wasn’t good.

Hoss decided to fold, and Brett won the next hand soundly. Danny tossed his hat aside and Shane slowly and deliberately removed his TUG T-shirt. The same red one he had worn during the ritual two days ago. You almost could hear 70’s wacka-chicka porno guitar in the background. He wasn’t worried, though. Both Danny and Hoss were one loss away from defeat. Only Brett was a real challenger. Shane watched Brett pop open the second case of beer while he dealt the next hand.

Hoss’ luck finally ran out. Shane and Danny quickly folded, but Hoss thought his straight could top Brett. He was so happy to finally get a good hand that he let overconfidence get to him. He thought he had it in the bag, but Brett’s flush begged to differ. “Fuck this game,” Hoss said with a forced snort as he kicked off his odious dirty boots. He was secretly relieved. Poker wasn't his game and at least he wasn't out first. He usually was. Now he had something to hold over Scott. He and cocky party boy were actually quite close, which is why they enjoyed teasing each other so much. But every now and then Scott needed something to keep him humble and grounded. This would do nicely for a while. There was a chorus of shouts and feigned puke noises as Hoss did his lap around the table, his massive member flopping around like a firehose and his musky foot odor wafting around the room.

“Hmmmm, what to choose?” Brett said as he got up to inspect the case. Scott nodded and grunted vigorously from his position on the pool table as Brett paused over a set of heavy chains. Brett agreed. “Big animals need the big guns,” he said, retrieving the thick steel manacles. Hoss rolled his eyes and yawned jokingly as he held his hands out in front of him. The burly chapter president secured Hoss’ giant hands in heavy-duty handcuffs around his wrists. The bracelets were two inches wide and large circular link formed the middle of the connecting chain of the cuffs. These things looked like they were meant to hold elephants! Brett led Hoss over to the middle of the room and locked his meaty ankles together in prison-grade shackles with a short hobbling chain. He locked another thick chain to the circular link in the handcuffs and threaded it through a D-ring embedded in the beam running across the middle of the ceiling. As Brett pulled down on the slack, Hoss’ titanic arms started to raise up and up until he was standing almost on tiptoe. His arms were stretched above his head, causing his entire body to flex and bulge. The chains jangled and clinked with every move Hoss made.

Brett secured the end of the chain to another D-ring in the wall, leaving Hoss hanging on full display. He looked like a barbarian slave on a Roman auction block. Going back to the cabinet, Brett removed a thick leather bit gag. Like a horse’s bridle. “A horse gag for Hoss!” he joked. He held Hoss’ spitter up to his mouth and mercifully allowed the big man to expel his chew before he shoved the leather-coated metal bit between Hoss’ teeth. A sturdy buckle behind Hoss’ head kept it in place and that was it. The big animal was subdued like a bull for market. Brett gave Hoss’ enormous cock a teasing stroke or two, eliciting groans and huffing grunts from the big man, before returning to his seat. Only the first out could be really tormented, but the rules didn’t say you couldn’t play a little!

Danny dealt the next hand, determined to win. He hadn’t won a hand in a while and that infuriated him. He hated losing, especially to Brett. He had his sights set on the presidency last year, but Scott had thought it would be fun to shit in his brother’s cereal and cast the tiebreaking vote against him. Of course, Danny was gracious in defeat, but he held a grudge and raised acts of petty defiance whenever he could. His treatment of Scott on the pool table was a every bit revenge for that betrayal.

Danny furrowed his brow in concentration as he studied his cards. But the fates were again fickle and he saw himself eliminated from the game by his rival’s four Jacks after Shane folded. “Of course it had to be Brett,” Danny thought to himself. “Fuck me!”

Danny removed his jockey shorts and did his naked lap before meeting Brett by the couch. When he got there, he saw Brett didn’t need suggestions this time and had already laid out a set of implements on the floor. Leather cuffs, buckles, straps… it looked like Folsom exploded in the rec room. Danny’s eyes grew wide before Brett playfully swept his leg and set him careening face-first to the couch. The president affixed a thick leather collar to Danny’s neck and laid the long, wide tailing strap down the length of his back. Danny felt his hands getting pulled behind him and shoved into leather mitts. They were stuffed in so tightly he could barely wiggle his fingers! The mitts were connected together with a locking clasp and the end of strap was looped around the chain and buckled back onto itself. Brett cinched it tight and Danny’s entombed hands were wrenched halfway up his back before the strap was buckled into position. Danny grunted as the it was secured, trapping his arms up near his mid-back.

“Jesus, brah!” Danny howled. “You’re lucky I’m so limber!” Craning his head back to see Brett circling behind him, Danny felt a pair of leather cuffs being slipped over his ankles and tightly buckled closed. His legs were pulled back and connected to his mitts with a short chain, leaving him in a tight, inescapable leather-and-metal hogtie. Danny was pulled back into a tight bow shape that would have been agony on anyone of lesser athleticism. Brett grinned evilly as he advanced towards Danny’s contorted face, holding a thick black ballgag in his hands.

The normally calm and collected Brett looked almost demonic in his intensity. With Hoss it was all fun and jokes, but this time, Danny could see Brett’s “Mr. Hyde” side coming up. The side that took command at the ritual and could bow the head of the toughest sonnufabitch with just a stare. This was payback for him trying to upset the established order, Danny thought. Danny tried to turn his head away and avoid the rubber ball from going in his mouth, but Brett anticipated his movements and was prepared. In a jiffy, Danny felt the wide, intractable rubber ball pass behind his teeth and fill his mouth to capacity. This was a long time coming, Danny sensed. With a celebratory slap on Danny’s plump, toned ass, Brett buckled the ballgag in place. And with that, Brett switched back to his normal demeanor and rejoined Shane at the table.

“Looks like it’s just you and me, pretty boy!” Brett gloated.

“Bring it on, boss man,” Shane replied as he dealt the cards. “Nice work on those two, by the way. Some very creative choices.”

“You’ll be joining them soon enough,” Brett said with a wink. Shane just ran his hand through his perfect hair and said “I’m sure.”

For all his bravado, Brett’s luck didn’t hold, however. Shane was more than just a pretty face and knew when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, as the song says. After two rounds, Brett’s overconfidence had caused him to lose his sneakers and his sweatpants, leaving him only in his black briefs. Shane had both pants and underwear left. Brett had to play it cool or he would lose!

He dealt the cards and looked at his hand, finishing his beer as he did so. Shane’s face was unreadable. But he was a master at playing people, so Brett wasn’t surprised. He kept three 8’s and ditched the rest. He barely hid his glee as he drew two Aces. Full House! Dead Man’s Hand! No way he was going to lose this hand! After this there was just one more round and Shane would be bound and gagged at his feet. “Call,” he said and slapped his hand down on the table with a pompous smirk.

“Pretty good,” Shane said, before laying out his four 9’s. “But not good enough! I win, brah!”

Brett pounded the table in mock frustration, but smiled as he shook Shane’s hand. “Great game, man,” he said. “Masterfully played.” Inside he was seething, but a leader needed to be gracious in defeat. If he was a crybaby like Danny, the other guys would lose confidence in him. And Brett couldn’t allow that! Not with DIX planning to... Never mind that now. Plenty of time to worry about them later. Brett stood up and dropped his drawers before doing his lap of shame past his three bound brothers, two of them done up by his own hand. When he returned to the table, Shane had moved a chair to the middle of the room between Danny and Scott, not far from Hoss.

“I think we’ll go with the classics,” Shane said, holding several cordons of silky white rope in his hands. “Have a seat.” Brett sat on the chair, flexed and stretched out a bit, and put his hands behind the back of the chair. Shane positioned Brett’s hands with wrists crossed and applied the ropes like a Shibari master. Firm and snug, but not so tight as to cut off circulation. Intricate crossways loops and complex knots kept just out of reach of prying fingers. He was slow, deliberate, methodical. Brett tested the bonds and found them completely solid. No escape until he was let loose, it seemed. But Shane didn’t let it rest there. He wound more ropes around Brett’s ankles, knees, lap, waist, and chest, completely securing the Chapter President to the chair with band after band of the sturdy fibers. And this wasn’t $1.99 clothesline from Walmart, either. This was top-quality stuff. Designed for play like this and to hold knots like a dream. In a matter of minutes, Brett was bound helplessly to the chair. Ropes covered nearly every inch of his body from ankles to collarbone. Only his head, bare feet, and groin were unfettered. He looked a little like a sausage on the grill.

“Now for the piece-de-resistance,” Shane said. Taking a thinner rope in hand, he started securing it around the base of Brett’s balls. After he had made a secure anchor knot, he started winding a column of rope around and around, teasingly stretching Brett’s sack farther and farther away from his body. Brett convulsed with excitement and felt himself rising to full arousal. “Easy tiger,” Shane taunted in his smooth baritone. He gave Brett’s engorged stones a gentle squeeze as he tied the knot off. “But there is one more thing.”

Shane reached down to Hoss’ clothing pile and snatched up his sweat-soaked flannel boxers.

“No, man,” Brett pleaded. “Not those nasty things!” This drew howls of muffled laughter from the three other bound men in the room. Even Hoss chuckled. “Use mine or Scott’s. NOT THOSE!!!”

“Sorry boss man,” Shane taunted. “You know the rules. I knocked you out, so I choose and there’s nothing you can say or do about it.” Brett knew he was right. The forms had to be obeyed. If he pussied out, how could he expect the others to follow him? Danny would jump right on that show of weakness. So Brett grimaced and opened his mouth.

Without wasting a second, Shane stuffed the putrid undergarment into Brett’s mouth. It was far too big to fit, but that didn’t stop Shane from trying. He managed to get about half of the sweaty boxers into Brett’s mouth before stopping. Any more and he would choke. But Shane had made his point. He grabbed a roll of thick black duct tape from the cabinet and wound it around Brett’s head several times, sealing the funky drawers in his mouth. Flaps of fabric were sticking out the top and bottom of the tape, so Shane decided to inflict one more indignity on Brett and taped a stinky leg loosely over his nose. Whenever Brett inhaled, he would be forced to get a full load of Hoss’ putridly rank ball sweat. He blanched as Shane laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. "Enjoy, Mr. President," Shane chuckled.

Satisfied in his work, Shane fired up the Playstation and loaded Call of Duty. He grabbed the bong and plopped into the recliner a few feet away from Danny. “Looks like I get first pick,” he grinned before taking a hit. “Hmmmm. So many choices…”

Coming Soon: Bid Night

POLL: Who should be assigned to whom?

So now, dear readers, you have gotten a basic idea of who the pledges and Senior Brothers of TUG are. The decision of which pledge is paired with which Big Bro is now in your hands. Clearly, some are designed to be compatible with each other, and others less so. Do you want to see likes with likes? Or do you want to see nontraditional pairings? Do you want to see party boy Scott paired with a fellow free spirit like Leo or try to bring someone reserved like Nate out of his shell? Would Mason, desperate to change from the uber-nerd to a “real man” be better served in the gym with Danny or learning social graces from Shane? Do you think beefy Hoss would get along better with fellow country boy Cody or find a kindred spirit in intense Alpha man Ray? The right combinations may bring out hidden sides to certain people. So comment and tell me which Senior you want to see matched with:


In the event of a tie, the Bro who did better in the poker game will win out. Have at it, you crazy kids!
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Post by Volobond »

Mmmmm, I'm still distracted visualizing the results of Strip Poker Plus and all those naked hunks in bondage, especially Hoss and Danny!

Nate - Scott
Cody - Shane
Leo - Hoss
Mason - Brett
Ray - Danny

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by wataru14 »

[mention]Volobond[/mention] With the poker game results, character stats mattered. I want to use them as more than just flavor. I rolled for their starting hand, modified for intelligence, and the winner was the one with the highest total. I also allowed people with poor hands to get bonus points for bluffing using Charisma. Shane actually won fair and square. And Scott's surprise at losing so fast was partly my own shock at the dice gods.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Nate - Shane...because Nate has the makings of a take charge kinda guy

Cody - Hoss...because Hoss finds it difficult being an Alpha all the time and Cody liked the feel of leather and has the makings of a fine Leather Daddy

Leo - Scott...I just think they mesh well

Ray - Brett...Brett's kinda cocky and Ray's adorable who will be puddy in Brett's hands

Mason - Danny...Mason can turn the tables and teach Danny some humility.
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago
Ray - Brett...Brett's kinda cocky and Ray's adorable who will be puddy in Brett's hands

Mason - Danny...Mason can turn the tables and teach Danny some humility.
I think you have Mason and Ray backwards? I never pictured Ray as "adorable."
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

I think you have Mason and Ray backwards? I never pictured Ray as "adorable."
No, just the way I read it.
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Post by wataru14 »

KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago
I think you have Mason and Ray backwards? I never pictured Ray as "adorable."
No, just the way I read it.
Iiiiiiiintetesting. I like that take!
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Iiiiiiiintetesting. I like that take!
Maybe I should explain...

Ray is a hunky jock who is kind to Mason. He accepts his friend the way he is. In the first part of the chapter where you introduced him, he appeared to be a Lunkhead who was about to bash the gay kid for sniffing his stuff. Then, you showed how it was all role-play, and Ray became this adorable, lovable Alpha male with a heart of gold!

The cherry on top of all this would be if Ray were a Redhead! 😍

And I want to see Cody break Hoss in!! Ride him, Cowboy!!! :evil: :evil:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Yes! Just finished Chapter 4 and what an awesome introduction to Ray and Mason that was!

Alright, so the current through poll. Sheesh.
First, let me start by saying that I really like all five pledges.
They're all fairly interesting, with Cody, Ray and Leo toping it for me.

Leo I find very cool and quirky, and as for Cody and Ray, I feel I can both relate to them.
Having said that, if you're asking which of the five characters I'm most looking forward to learning more about, I'd have to say: a tie between those three.

Cody's already got a lot of votes and Leo is in 2nd place.
So I'm going to go ahead and show Ray some love.
Ray gets my vote.

I'll admit, I was really turned on by the first half of chapter four.
What a hot scenario and what a hot thing for a straight bloke to agree to do for his twinky gay friend.

I can definitely see Ray as the sort of de facto pledge leader.
And I'll be very interested to see what sort of chemistry will reign between himself and Cody.

Loving this!

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Post by gag1195 »

This is an incredibly tough decision. As you mentioned, lots of compatibility to play around with.

Nate- Brett: I think slightly shy Nate could benefit from the confident persona Brett projects. Brett already caught Nate snooping on them, and seemed interested, so this could lead to a great dynamic of Nate trying to prove himself and impress the chapter president.

Cody- Scott: While Hoss is probably the obvious choice for Cody, I'm choosing Scott instead. I can definitely picture a sort of brotherly relationship between the happy-go-lucky Cody and the laid back Scott. Cody could definitely help Scott with some rodeo themed events! Plus, Cody is a champion competitor, which I'm sure Scott will appreciate, since he seems to have a bit of a competitive side to him!

Leo- Shane: I'll admit this one is purely selfish on my part. Leo is my favorite pledge an Shane is my favorite senior, so I want to see them paired up. But I also think Shane's charms and social graces could help Leo with his pranks. Giving Leo the tools he needs to talk his way out of (or into) situations would be great. Plus, Shane looks to be a bit smaller than the rest of the seniors, so there's a chance that Leo may be able to occasionally overpower and rope up his senior.

Ray- Hoss: A potentially unorthodox pair, since they both seem to be the biggest of their respective group. I've paired them up because I think they'd be good for each other, balance each other out. Hoss is quieter, more reserved, so Ray might be able to to coax him out of his shell more. Meanwhile, Hoss' quiet strength and control would be good to deflate Ray's ego a bit!

Mason- Danny: Mason has expressed desire to bulk up more, so who better to help him than the gymrat? Plus, Danny is "the himbo", so he may choose Mason because of his GPA? Maybe we could see some bondage based studying sessions?

I know your amazing writing will shine through regardless of the pairings, especially if they continue to use that fully stocked bondage cabinet! The tie ups we got during this strip poker game were so creative and well done, I'm looking forward to more from the TUG house!
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Post by george_bound »

Ummm... hmm... ahem... oula... yeah... [clearing throat]... soooo, what exactly did you want us to do again? Sorry, I'm just a little distracted by all that trussed up meat over there... somehow you've managed to transport us from a frat house rec room to the finest butcher shoppe (minus the knives, cleavers, etc. but plenty of other appropriate paraphernalia although you might need a knife to cut through all the testosterone up in there)... sale in sausages... today only... rump roasts too while they last, haha :P

So yeah, my pairings are as follows:
And of course, I know it's cliché but as I originally speculated... Hoss/Cody
KidnappedCowboy wrote: 2 years ago And I want to see Cody break Hoss in!! Ride him, Cowboy!!! :evil: :evil:
[mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention] beat me to the punch but:
🎶 Save a Hoss, ride a cowboy 🎶 :twisted:

... And I just have to comment on this too:
wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago With the poker game results, character stats mattered. I want to use them as more than just flavor. I rolled for their starting hand, modified for intelligence, and the winner was the one with the highest total. I also allowed people with poor hands to get bonus points for bluffing using Charisma.
Of course you did, I wouldn't have expected any differently from you, fine sir... always the fine but thoroughly important details with you... you never disappoint ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

It looks like the vote count on the first poll is slowly starting to pick up!
I have a feeling that several readers are going to be catching up to this over the course of the weekend.

As far as the current reader poll (about who should be paired with who) goes, I'll be submitting my answers later today, but will refrain from reading the answers that have already been given. I don't want to read the other comments until after I've cemented my choices.

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Post by bondagefreak »

First thing I wanna say is that [mention]socjuc[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]OrdinaryWorld[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] [mention]squirrel[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] [mention]CrownedLoy76[/mention] [mention]Pup[/mention] [mention]Whitestorm[/mention] and our other M/M regulars into socks, feet, bondage & big hunky dudes are SERIOUSLY missing out right now!

[mention]wataru14[/mention] Ouf! What a chapter!
Just witnessed Scott's loss and demise 8-) Absolutely loved that pungent gag and the ensuing tickling he was exposed to.
I must say that the added chastity element is bound to excite quite a few readers on here. There are many closeted fans on that particular kink on here.

Man, the sheer fun that Hoss, Danny and I would have together... It leaves me wishing I could take my place in this storyline and join their ranks as T-U-G Seniors.

I won't make a huge post lavishing your writing this time, but will instead let you ponder on the effects your hot AF story is having on me.
I actually have a notepad out and have the names of all ten guys written down as well as notes scribbled down next to them.

Ex: Danny: Muscle, self, ego, bossy, raunchy socks.
Nate: Photo-twink, wealthy/posh upbringing, into bondage and Alphas.
Brett: Boss, driven, organised, fierce, leader.
Shane: Suave, hot, peacemaker, charismatic, diplomatic.

In anticipation of my catching up to the most recent chapter (and the dilemma you've given us!) I'm already hard at work trying to pair the ten guys up like you've asked us to. This is gonna be a HARD one, bro! I already have some good pairing ideas though 8-)

P.s- If I tagged your name on this post, it means I know this new saga will be up your alley.
Some of you have recently told me the forum was getting boring and that too few M/M stories are popping up.
Give this one a chance. I promise you'll not be disappointed.
Last edited by bondagefreak 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]wataru14[/mention] I forgot to mention that your attention to certain...details I am fond of has not gone unnoticed.
I've not read all of your previous tales, but the ones I have read from you didn't feature nearly as many tasty sensory details as what you're blessing us with now.

The creaking of Leo's heavy leather jacket as it strained and fought to accommodate Cody's buffer torso, the swooshing of Ray's red athletic shorts, Danny wearing those shiny blue track pants...it seems you're trying to press a lot of my buttons, mate 8-)

I'm not sure whether or not such details are being added most for my benefit, but whatever you're trying to do, it's definitely working.
You've got my full attention ;)

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Post by wataru14 »

Not for your benefit, per se, but definitely from your example. Reading B+G allowed me to see how erotic senses other than vision can be when used as descriptors. And I wanted to explore more of than myself.
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Post by bondagefreak »

What a surprise ending that was to the strip poker game!
I should've known you'd pull a last-minute surprise! Having sexy Shane win the match was fuckin' brilliant considering he's the least imposing of the bunch.

Was also very intrigued to learn about his excellent roping skills, as well as his absolutely delectable choice of gag!
Chew on that, Boss-man! Haha 8-) Love it. Shane's got a lot goin' for him I see.

Alright, so after cementing my choices I went ahead and read all of the answers that have been provided so far.
Suffice to say that none of them are even close to the pairings I have in mind. I guess that says something about the diversity on this board.
Lets hope more of those 16 (so far) registered readers come out of hiding and decide to post theirs answers as well.

With that being said, here are my answers:


Leo is a prankster and a devious one at that. He's brilliant in his own right, but his craftiness demands a very firm and strict mentor. Someone who won't fold and let him get away with being a brat. Verdict: If it were up to me, Leo would be assigned to Boss-Man himself. I can't think of anyone more suited to Leo than Brett. I'm kind of perplexed that only [mention]george_bound[/mention] and I see these two as a match made in heaven.

Our scrawny little photo-twink isn't just the shortest of the entire group, he's also into big guys and powerful men. That much was made quite clear by his ejaculatory "accident" in Chapter 1. If I understood correctly, he also comes from a somewhat well-off/posh background and probably isn't accustomed to oafish Alphas who suffer from terrible foot odour and who have no qualms about letting rip gas. I would LOVE to see him assigned to Hoss. I'm sure the colossal muscle-brute could use himself a cute twink like Nate. Having such a small guy under his control would also require him to be gentler and less brutish than he's no doubt accustomed to being. So much potential there. Again: Match made in heaven.

Another cute twink, albeit a super smart one who apparently has a huge thing for big straight blokes with smelly gym/workout gear. He liked sniffing Ray's crotch and pouch? Fine. Give him to Danny. I'm sure our egotistical muscle-jock will put cute Mason to good use, as well as provide the brainy twink with more raunchy workout gear than he can handle. That would undoubtedly be an AWESOME pairing.

Cody has an air of positivity, joviality and innocence about him. He's also proven mighty good with rope. I can definitely see party-king Scott potentially corrupting some of Cody's innocence, but I can also see righteous Cody driving some sense into party-crazed Scott and forcibly roping the party-king up to prevent him from attending questionable gatherings or indulging in hard drugs and substance abuse. Basically, I see the potential for a great role-reversal relationship between those two...something truly different from the other three pairings mentioned above. Who says pledges are always the ones who need to be "educated"?

Lastly, I'd like to see our big, buff, aggressive, testosterone-filled wrestler paired up with our diplomatic and sexy Shibari Master. I can already see Ray angrily steaming against Shane's dreadfully inescapable knots, but more importantly, I think those two would make a brilliant and logical pairing considering Ray is hot-headed and rash, and Shane is diplomatic and reasoned. They'd complement each other well. I genuinely believe Ray could grow and even out a little if he was mentored by Shane. On the flip side, I also have images of Ray using his brute strength, taking control and shutting the smooth-talking (and possibly manipulative) "secretary's" yap with some of that raunchy stuff from his gym bag. Hmmm...so many possibilities.


So there you have it.
Anxious to hear everyone's thoughts on all this!

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Post by george_bound »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years agoI can't think of anyone more suited to Leo than Brett. I'm kind of perplexed that only @george_bound and I see these two as a match made in heaven.

Well 1 out of 5 ain't bad SirBFreak :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by wataru14 »

george_bound wrote: 2 years ago Well 1 out of 5 ain't bad SirBFreak :lol: :lol: :lol:

You agreed on two out of five.

[mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]Jason07[/mention] [mention]DeeperThanRed[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Wedgieboy69[/mention] you all commented earlier. What are your opinions? I'd love to hear what you think!
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Post by george_bound »

wataru14 wrote: 2 years ago
george_bound wrote: 2 years ago Well 1 out of 5 ain't bad SirBFreak :lol: :lol: :lol:

You agreed on two out of five.

What do you know, we did indeed... I think I was distracted by the senior citizen sized large format font size :shock: :lol:
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

That's a hard question but I'll try to answer it the best of my ability:


I'm curious how the mass vote will result. :x
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]george_bound[/mention] Hey buddy-boi.
You and I both agreed on Shane/Ray & Brett/Leo

[mention]gag1195[/mention] and I both agreed 2 out of 5 times as well:
Mason/Danny & Cody/Scott

As for those of you pairing Leo & Scott together, I personally find that's just a terrible idea.
What is Leo going to learn being paired up to Party-King? How to gamble, do drugs and get into even more trouble?

I realise that pairing two guys who'd probably hit it off has an appeal, but [mention]george_bound[/mention] and I cannot possibly be the only ones who think Leo needs some strong guidance and supervision! The entire purpose of this pairing is to get the pledges to grow and better themselves.

Scott is the King of Debauchery. He IMHO should not wind-up with a troublesome prankster or a weak-willed subby pledge. He needs a pledge brother who can step up his game a bit and act as a moral compass. Cody all the way!

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Post by george_bound »

bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago As for those of you pairing Leo & Scott together, I personally find that's just a terrible idea.
What is Leo going to learn being paired up to Party-King? How to gamble, do drugs and get into even more trouble?

I realise that pairing two guys who'd probably hit it off has an appeal, but @george_bound and I cannot possibly be the only ones who think Leo needs some strong guidance and supervision! The entire purpose of this pairing is to get the pledges to grow and better themselves.

Scott is the King of Debauchery. He IMHO should not wind-up with a troublesome prankster or a weak-willed subby pledge. He needs a pledge brother who can step up his game a bit and act as a moral compass. Cody all the way!
This is the reason I put Scott with Mason... Mason needs to loosen up and explore whilst Scott needs to be grounded and maybe even be taught some math from Mason. Plus I can't look beyond the giddy-up cowboy pairing and all the hot bondage scenarios that could (will) stem from it :twisted:
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Post by bondagefreak »

george_bound wrote: 2 years ago This is the reason I put Scott with Mason... Mason needs to loosen up and explore whilst Scott needs to be grounded and maybe even be taught some math from Mason. Plus I can't look beyond the giddy-up cowboy pairing and all the hot bondage scenarios that could (will) stem from it :twisted:
Sad thing is, Mason's a nobody. He's cute and smart, but has expressed a strong desire to change because he's tired of basically being a nobody. He'll admire Scott, want to emulate him and most likely end up falling into Debauchery King's downward spiral of non-stop partying, substance abuse and smoking. Not the kind of educating or exploring Mason-boi needs. I also doubt he'll be teaching any math to his "big brother".

I personally would rather see him hit the gym with self-loving muscleman Danny than see him get sucked into Scott's pit of debauchery ;)

I really do think that Scott needs a strong-willed, goody-two-shoes pledge and not some flimsy twinkster to manipulate and corrupt.
Mason wants to put on weight and get in shape. He sure ain't gonna do that with the likes of Scott keepin' him busy.
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Post by OrdinaryWorld »

Hiya [mention]wataru14[/mention] !
[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] brought this tale to my attention, as he thought I'd like it. I must say, I don't really have that big of a fetish for bondage (funny, considering I'm on these forums lmao) and am more of a nasty and sweaty feet/socks/shoes person, but this is pretty damn enjoyable! Loved the Leo-Nate-Cody dynamics, along with the twist regarding Mason and Ray.

I must say though, I much preferred the pledges section at the start as opposed to the frat section. For me, all the pledges seem like distinct, unique and interesting characters, whereas I kinda just glossed over the frat section and the 5 people just blended into the same strange, malicious, dark person for me. Also doesn't help that while frats aren't a thing here in Australia I'm deeply opposed to them anyway! To me, they just embody binge drinking, social impropriety and immorality, nepotism, and abuse. Might make reading this series a bit awkward for me if there isn't enough foot fetish material + interesting relationship dynamics to counterbalance! :lol:

Though I'm confused as to why they're already picking people to pair up with when none of the pledges have even decided to join or not??
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Post by bondagefreak »

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Though I'm confused as to why they're already picking people to pair up with when none of the pledges have even decided to join or not??
Heya buddy!

I think it's safe to assume that all five are going to agree to join.
Who in their right mind would refuse such an offer!? 8-)

As for the frat Seniors, keep in mind that what you saw was them horsing around and competing to get first pick.

OrdinaryWorld wrote: 2 years ago Also doesn't help that while frats aren't a thing here in Australia I'm deeply opposed to them anyway! To me, they just embody binge drinking, social impropriety and immorality, nepotism, and abuse.
Then this series will be a perfect mind-opener for you.
One that'll allow you to shed some of those misconceptions, my young friend.
Watch and learn 8-)
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