Swan Song (MMM/M) (Chapter 7 Update 11/25)

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Post by Jason07 »

It's a Thanksgiving Miracle! Seriously though, I'm sorry this took so long to put out. Hopefully the few of you who read it still find it relevant.

Chapter Seven

The trip back to whatever building Xander and his friends had taken over was pretty uneventful compared to the walk to the dorm building. I was still absolutely terrified of someone stumbling on us, but I had no way of knowing if it would occur, thanks to the new strip of duct tape plastered over my eyes. My poor balls and shaft felt like they were being squeezed and squashed into oblivion, as the continual eroticism of the situation and constant tugging didn’t allow for it to go soft at all.

I had to give it to Xan and his friends, whoever they were, they knew how to pull a caper. Clearly I was in way over my head with this debacle. Yet, I’d still said yes in the end. . . . Well figuratively anyway.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Xander had guided me to his intended destination. I didn’t really need to concentrate on what I was doing too much, and I only had him to guide me. Probably intentional on his part. He helped me up some steps and through a door. Once it closed behind us I let loose a sigh of relief at not getting spotted walking around town in this getup. A slight smack to the back of my head brought me out of whatever daze I was in though.

“Yo Jase! You got no time for daydreaming, I said you can take the shoes off.”

Had he said that? I didn’t recall. But I did as I was told. This time.

Off came my Converse, then I could feel Xander unbuttoning my pants and belt and pulling them down. That was one inconvenience out of the way, thank god. The teeth on the pants zipper had been starting to dig into the sides of my dick a bit painfully.

With my pants done away with the leash was pulled taut yet again and I was forced to follow along wherever Xander was leading me. As usual he expertly led me around corners and through a couple doorways until the texture of the floor suddenly felt different under my feet. It felt more like hardwood. I was led more carefully in this room for whatever reason. But then I was forced to stop for a minute or two. Then something was pushed into the back of my knees which almost made me fall, but two pairs of hands seized me and pushed me back upright.


That was Xander’s voice. But that did not sound like a request. I tried to look at where the voice had come from, then started lowering myself wearily. Once I was sitting, hands pushed me further into the back of the seat, then I felt more hands wrapping my legs to the chair legs with rope. It was at least relatively soft for rope. But it was all still pulled tight enough to keep me pinned to the legs. Then I felt more rope wrap around my chest to the back of the chair. It was tight, but it could have been tighter I guess.

“Now Jace, we’re going to feed you some dinner, some water, then we’re putting you down for the night. We got rules for you though. We have to take your gag off in order for you to eat, but no talking from you. In addition to the punishment you experienced earlier this evening, you won’t get any food or water tonight, and trust me, it’s still a long way till breakfast. Do you understand?” He asked, with a much more serious look on his face than I’d ever seen. It was almost scary, but I nodded along. Truth be told I would have done anything to get that “thing” out of my mouth as soon as possible.

Next thing I knew I felt someone picking for the end piece of the massive amount of duct tape around my head. After a little poking and prodding they found it and started unwinding it from around my head. It was still painful to feel it try and take my skin with it, but for the promise of food and freedom from this cum laden mass, I stayed as silent as possible. When the final layer was finally free from my face I was ready to open my mouth. I immediately spat the sticky, salty sock out onto a waiting hand and started working my jaws to sort out the stiffness that had set in. I wasn’t given much time to revel in my small amount of freedom as someone grabbed my hair and pulled firmly, but slowly, making me open my mouth in surprise. Something was immediately wedged inside, but the pressure from the top of my head ceased, allowing me to close and chew normally. It repeated like that for three whole slices of pizza, with them pulling my hair, allowing me to chew, then repeating the process until I was full. Then they made me drink a whole bottle and a half of water. Once that was done I heard a scraping of chairs and then I felt hands on me as I was undone from the chair and lifted to my feet.

Once more though I felt the fiddling of a leash being attached to my poor balls and we were off once more, with Xander, or at least I hoped it was Xander, started dragging me down the unknown hallways.

We eventually made our way to a flight of stairs that Xander decided to carry me up, hobbled as I was, and set me down to continue on. Eventually he made me stop and I heard the sound of a door creaking open. I was pulled through the doorway and I heard it close behind me. I felt the leash on my balls come loose, thank god, and I felt the presence of Xander move around behind me, where he grabbed my shoulders and proceeded to lead me away from where I’d been standing to somewhere off to my left.

Then I felt him reach around to my face and pull my taped blindfold free. I could hear him whisper into my ear as he did this.

“Don’t turn your head around, and do not attempt to look at me. Nod if you understand.” I internally rolled my eyes, but did as he said. When the tape was finally free and I could blink them properly for the first time in who knew how long. I didn’t turn my head, as instructed, but I did focus on what was in front of me. It was a door. A simple plain door. The whispers in my ear returned.

“Before you is a bathroom. You will enter, stretch out, do your business, wash up, and brush your teeth, everything you need is in there. You have 15 minutes. At the end of those 15 minutes, I’m coming in and getting you. Nod your head if you understand.”

Seeing little other choice, I did so. He then started undoing the buckles behind me, and I sighed internally. Oh thank god, sweet release was coming! As the buckles fell away, one after the other, and the jacket began to slide away, Xander helped me step away from it, but grabbed my arm and forced it behind me painfully while keeping a hold on my shoulder to make sure I didn’t turn around.

“Don’t move.” He said simply as he took his hand off my shoulder and I heard clicking, clinking sounds behind me and then I felt something being wrapped around the wrist Xander was holding. It felt soft and cool, but felt like it had a little bit of weight to it. It was pulled tight and I felt like he was fiddling with something. Probably a buckle. When I heard one last click he placed that hand up and behind my head. He then grabbed my other wrist and repeated the process. He then turned me around to look at him, and grabbed both my wrists to bring them in front of me. I could now see them. They looked like cuffs, as I’d suspected, made of soft black leather with silvery buckles and. . . . Padlocks? He’d padlocked them on so I couldn’t just take it off! Asshole! He took some simple chain link out of a pocket and used more padlocks to lock it onto some D rings on each cuff. Damn, how did he think of everything!

He turned me around again and pushed me gently towards the door. Taking the hint I grunted and opened the door and went inside.

It was a fairly plain bathroom. Relatively clean, but not sparkling (definitely cleaned by dudes) and featured a toilet, a sink, and a small shower. I could see my own toothbrush on the sink. Xander must have brought my toiletries from the dorm. Knowing I was on a time limit I immediately got down to the business of taking off my boxers and jumping into the shower and turning on the water. While the hot water was bliss on my skin, oh god was it divine, I focused and quickly rinsed and washed my hair and body quickly (my own shampoo and body wash were even in the corner!) I hopped out and toweled off with a serviceable but thin towel that was sitting on the toilet. I immediately opened that and relieved myself, then moved to brushing my teeth. Thankfully Xander had left enough slack in my wrist restraints to not make this too difficult. I was rinsing and gargling when the banging on the door started, announcing that my time was up. I panic-spit whatever else was in my mouth all over the mirror that sat above the sink, It made me jump so bad. Unfortunately I had no time to worry about it as the door opened immediately afterwards.

My hands reacted like I’d suffered a shock of electricity, shooting downwards to try and cover both my crotch and my buttcrack, a futile task with them being shackled as they were. I turned my head to see who had entered, only to see Xander looking thoroughly bemused as he gazed thoughtfully at the now sodden mirror. The slight curl of his lip told me he had an idea about something, but I could not fathom what.

“Right then,” he pressed on, “let’s get you ready for bed. Turn back around and place your hands behind your head, kid.”

Kid? He’d never called me that before. But I did as bid, as reluctantly as I could manage without being openly defiant. Xander grabbed me by the hair and, rather painfully, marched me around and out the bathroom where I could finally see the rest of the room. It wasn’t any more exciting than the bathroom had been.

Plain, unadorned walls painted a boring big tan color, a dark linoleum floor that looked like dark brown wood, but I noticed several peeling corners. There were a couple things of furniture, a plain wooden chair, a table, a stool, but the bed was a little weird. It was a bed, but it seemed to have a frame attached to it at each corner. It actually looked like a giant metal cube with a mattress at the bottom. And there was something on the bed too.

It looked like a sleeping bag, but it was thinner, and looked to be made of some smooth stretchy material. But I knew what it was. I could see the armholes and zippers and D rings. That was a sleepsack. Xander wanted me to be barely moving tonight, and I wasn’t thrilled. At all. I was starting to realize that maybe I might have bitten off more than I can chew. Now, with my hands all done up behind my head Xander had all the leverage, and height, and weight, and strength, to keep pushing me forward towards my inevitable fate, but I resisted and desperately as I could, because this seemed like overkill. Xander, damn him, noticed pretty quickly and pulled out his phone from his pocket. I could hear him hit a speed dial button and start speaking into it.

“Yep, it's me. Kid’s not really feeling it, gonna need your help for a sec before you head home.” I heard him say. Oh thank god. At least I wasn’t small enough that he’d be able to wrestle me into that sack with impunity. That would have been humiliating. All the same Xander had no trouble keeping me in place while we waited.

We didn’t wait long though. In the next ten minutes or so the door to the room opened to reveal a husky, but very well muscled black man. He looked young, clean shaven, and quite attractive in his black jeans and tight, blue tee-shirt. He smiled as he took in the situation and spoke.

“Ben owes me five bucks. Said you wouldn’t need any help.” He said. Omg his voice! This was the guy with the baritone sultry voice who helped grab me! I could also practically feel Xander roll his eyes behind me.

“I could get him in there, but it would take way more time and effort then I am willing to expend, and he’s being a bit obstinate.” Damn right I was being obstinate! Do you have any idea how hard it’s going to be to sleep in that thing?!

Mr. Dark and handsome just chuckled and went and fetched the sack from the bed and brought it closer to Xan and I. Xander had this guy beat in height, but not by much, and this guy absolutely beat out Xander in physical fitness. He bent down with sack in hand towards my feet and grabbed one of my ankles. I resisted as much as I could but it wasn’t helping me much, the guy was so strong.I turned my head to look like leadingly at Xander. He had the temerity to smile at me tenderly before giving me a stinging slap to the ass, making me yelp. This also gave the guy at my feet time to grab my other foot and bring it into the sack. Then he started pulling it up my body. Xander started undoing my wrist cuffs and tossed them to the floor. He then moved them with a little effort towards the armholes as the sack moved farther upwards. I should mention I was still pretty naked at this point. Xander hadn’t given me new underwear, the heartless bastard. Finally my arms slid into their holes, and the sack was brought all the way up to my neck. The zipper was grasped and pulled upwards, sealing me inside. I was whimpering slightly as its tight confines claimed me to my neck. I couldn’t move my arms at all and I could finally feel my dick stirring back to life below. Ugh, how infuriating!

Xander clasped hands with Mr. Smooth Talker as he stepped around me.

“Hey, thanks for your help Zeke. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. I can handle it from here.” He said.

“I should hope so, he’s tiny enough.” I glared at him when he said that. I couldn’t help how short I was! He just ignored me and walked back out of the room, probably to go collect his five bucks. I was saved the effort of worrying about it as Xander bent down behind me and lifted me back up, princess style, and placed me on the bed. He then bent down and picked up something by the bed and showed it to me. It just looked like a dangling piece of cloth to me, but then he approached me and bent over to start pulling it over my head. I protested. Vigorously.

“Ahh, dude what the fuck?! Didn’t you put me through enough already?” He just chuckled at me before responding.

“Today was just the introduction, Kid. You’ll find out more tomorrow, but for tonight I need you well rested. So I’m making sure you actually sleep. It’s nice and breathable, so you’ll be fine. And I’m not gagging you either, and I’d say that’s a lucky break for you. Now stop struggling so much.”

“You are going to pay for this in spades when we’re done.” I growl at him as he pulls the whole thing over my head, completely covering it. There was some kind of padding where my eyes were, so I couldn’t see through it, but I could talk and breathe just fine, so it’s the little things that count.

I felt Xander shift my bundled form about on the bed till I was, near as I could tell, smacked dab in the middle of the bed. I then heard rustling sounds and then felt tugging sensations around various places on my body. Then those sensations turned to outright pulling.

“Dude! You don’t need to tie me down to the bed! Where am I going to go! I could barely move as it is!” I complained.

“Just making sure you don’t roll around in your sleep and fall off the bed you goober! Now pipe down or I will put a gag under there!” He replied.

And so I hushed up. I REALLY didn’t want to wear a gag while sleeping. So I clammed up, but I did so under protest!

I could feel every rope added, and how it pressed me even more firmly into the mattress. It took effort to move now, so there was no chance of me moving anywhere. Which really sucked. I didn’t even know if I could go to sleep at this point. The inescapable feelings and immobility certainly had me feeling excited. I could feel my dick trying to stand up under the sack, but I knew that if I focused hard enough, I might be able to calm down. I started breathing. Going in and out, as slowly as I could. It was working thankfully. But my focus was shattered with the next few words I heard.

“Sleep well Kid. We’ll deal with your punishments for spitting on the mirror and speaking without permission tomorrow.”

These words were followed by the sound of a door closing and a lock turning.

Last edited by Jason07 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by wataru14 »

YES!!! Another installment! So happy to have you back, man!

It looks like Jace is in over his head and I wouldn't have it any other way. It looks like Xander has been planning every second of this adventure for a long time. Can't wait to see what else he has in store.
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Post by NeedControl »

Yessss!!!!!! This continues to be incredibly hot, and leaves me wanting more! 🥵🥵🥵🤤🤤🤤🍆🍆🍆🔒🔒🔒
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Post by gag1195 »

Boy Xander sure has everything under control, doesn't he? It's great to have you back and writing! Another great update!
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Post by Jason07 »

Thank you very much for holding on hope I’d finish another chapter, because I started suffering writers block about halfway through this chapter. XDDD Not because it was hard, but inspiration crumbled to a halt and I was left scrambling. Thanks for holding out. ^ ^ I’ll continue to try and keep this tale going for as long as I can.
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Post by Jb99 »

Great update and well worth the wait.

I much prefer a well written and thought out update to one that is rushed simply to get it published.
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