The Witch f/m End

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The Witch f/m End

Post by fulleclipse »

The witch

It all started in the 80s.
The world was fine.
There were no cell phones, no internet ... People still had to chat and meet.

I just turned 18 and thought I want to live my life the way I want it. I was a little rebel. I often argued with my parents and at one point I dropped out of school.
When they finally kicked me out, I bought a motorcycle with my last money and moved from town to town. I kept my head above water with doing odd jobs.

I was very handsome and had a great body so I had no problem picking up girls either. I enjoyed standing in front of high school on my motorcycle and picking up cheerleaders. I was like a star to the girls and the boys envied me.
I've had a lot of girls and I've broken a lot of hearts, but as I was moving to the next town soon it wasn't really a problem.
After my last ONS, I got up and away and moved on.
My next destination was the city of Salem.
I've always been fascinated by the history of the city and I loved films about witches.
So this city was on my list.
Once there, I took a room in a cheap motel and started looking at the sights.
I visited the witch museum and learned a lot about the witch hunt back then.
I loved my life, I could do anything and see everything.
Of course, I had to see the high school too.
I checked out the cheerleaders and chose my next target.
The girls were beautiful and it was hard to choose.
The head chearleader then enchanted me.
I've never seen such a beautiful girl.
Dark long hair, piercing blue eyes and a dream body.
She wore a black and red uniform with long sleeves and, of course, a short skirt.
Most of all, I was drawn to her shiny tights and the white socks she wore over them.
I had to have her.
Of course, I took my bike in front of the school and waited for school to end.
It didn’t take long before it was time.
The students came out.
Some girls came up to me and started talking to me.
But then she came.
The sight of her was indescribable.
She was now wearing normal clothes. A white tight shirt, tight jeans and sneakers.
I could see that she was still wearing the tights underneath.
It was pretty hot that day and she looked a bit sweaty.
I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back and came up to me.
The other girls moved aside.
She was the boss or something.
She spoke to me.
"Well, honey, who are you?"
I told her a lot about myself, of course I embellished the truth a bit.
We had fun and laughed a lot.
At the end she asked me if we could do a lap on the bike. Of course I said yes.
She got on the back of the bike and hugged me tightly.
It was a great feeling.
We drove around for a while.
I only wore a leather jacket and no shirt underneath.
She opened the zipper a little and began to caress my chest while driving and to play with my nipples.
It was incredibly exciting and I knew it would be an easy game from now on.
We stopped at a remote parking lot and started to touch each other. We kissed and made each other hot.
She then asked me where I would sleep tonight.
I replied that I hadn't thought about it yet and that I would find something.
She then said if I would like to come with her, her mother is away today and won't come back until tomorrow.
I gladly accepted the offer.
But she warned me: "I'm not a girl for one night".
"Of course not," I said.
She smiled and we drove off.
We drove to her house.
When we got there I was surprised. It was a big old Mansion, out of the way.
Kind of nice but you could also shoot a horror movie here.
I told her it was nice and we went into the house.
The lobby was large and there were portraits of women everywhere.
She then told me that it was her ancestors and that they were all witches. I laughed out loud. I thought she was kidding.
She looked at me angrily and said: "So, you don't believe in witches !?".
"No, not really," I replied.
She came close to me and whispered in my ear "You should, maybe I'm one". She nibbled my ear.
"That would be cool," I said and laughed.
"All right," she said. "Let's eat something".
We went into the kitchen and she made us something to eat.
We ate and drank. It was fun with her. She was so beautiful and I couldn't wait to spend the night with her.
When it got late she said: “Well, do we want to go to bed? I have school again tomorrow ”.
"Sure honey," I said.
She led me up the stairs and we walked down a long hallway.
There were a lot of statues around.
All male statues in grotesque positions.
We stopped in front of a statue.
"That's my dad's statue," she said, running her hand over it.
The statue looked like it was tied up, hands behind its back and elbows touching.
The head was bent back and stared at the ceiling. The legs were also welded together.
I looked at her in surprise.
She smiled and said, "My mother has a little bit extraordinary taste".
"Interesting" I said and we went on to her room.
For a moment I thought the statues' eyes would move.
But I didn't think about it any further.
Her room was cute. Most of it was pink. She had a big bed with a lot of stuffed animals on it.
On the walls were posters of 80s stars like Patrick Swayze or the young Madonna.
She turned on an old radio and looked for a station.
We then went to bed and listened to music.
We talked for a while and then got intimate.
We spent a wonderful night together.

I woke up early.
She was still sleeping.
I almost had a guilty conscience about running away but then thought "Everything nice has an end".
I tried to be quiet.
I put the Leather jacket on and the biker boots.
I wanted to put the pants on outside and so I only went to the door in my underpants.
I was almost there when I heard her voice.
"Where are you going?". I turned to her.
She still looked sleepy and stretched.
I then went back to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"I have to go on, honey, it was nice with you".
She looked at me in surprise. "What do you mean? Where do you want to go?".
I said: "Well, I'll move on, I still want to see a lot".
She got angry.
"You can't be serious," she said.
"It was nice with you and you knew that I was moving around."
"I said that I'm not a girl for just one night and you still took advantage of me," she said angrily.
"You will survive" I replied and went back to the door.
Suddenly the door in front of me slammed shut and I heard the lock being locked as if by magic.
I was scared and looked at her. She grinned.
"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you something important".
I was scared and tried to force the door open.
I heard her voice.
"Do not move".
Suddenly I was frozen there.
I couldn't move anymore. I was still holding the doorknob.
"What the hell ..." I said.
She laughed out loud.
"You still don't believe in witches?" She asked.
"What the fuck, let me go," I yelled at her.
She got up and came to me.
She removed my hands from the doorknob and pushed me into the center of the room.
She put my hands on my hips, lifted my head a little and pushed my legs together, shaping me like a doll.
I now stood at attention like a soldier.
"Please ... what is that supposed to mean? Who are you? ”I asked.
She laughed again. "Well, I didn't quite tell you the truth either, I'm older than you think."
"What do you mean?" I asked
It was very uncomfortable to stand in this position, I could still feel the strain and the tense muscles but couldn't lift a finger.
She walked around me a few laps.
"Well, I'll put it this way ... My mother and I were lucky to escape the witch hunt years ago. Since then we have been living here unrecognized. We just have to adjust the look and change the name every few years. "
"Omg, so witches really exist?" I asked.
"Well, your position answers your question I think". She laughed.
"Please let me go," I pleaded with her.
She grabbed my chin tightly and squeezed.
"I'm old, but no one has ever dared to treat me like that, you will regret it bitterly," she said.
"Please let me go," I begged her again.
"I'll come up with something special for you, but now I have to go to school soon". She said.
"You won't leave me like this, will you?" I asked her anxiously.
"Of course not sweetheart, I'll make it a little more comfortable for you until I'm back".
She went out of the room.
I tried desperately to move, but I was frozen.
I could only move my eyes and mouth.
So all I could do was stand and wait.
After a while she came back.
When she got into the room she started laughing.
"You should see yourself," she giggled. I stood there in my boxer shorts, leather jacket and boots.
I sure looked ridiculous.
"It's kind of hot," she said, stroking my body.
I became angry. "OK you had your fun and now let me go".
"Oh no sweetie, the fun is just beginning," she said and kissed my cheek.
She took her school backpack and rummaged around in it. I couldn't see what she was doing but shortly afterwards she was standing in front of me and holding something in her hand.
She showed it to me. It was her socks. It must be her cheerleading socks.
They were dirty and I could smell them from afar.
"What are you going to do?" I asked her.
"Ohh just a little present so you don't forget me while you wait for me." She laughed devilishly.
"Don't you dare ..." I hissed at her but she came up to me with a grin.
"I don't think you can do anything about it," she said and pressed one of her socks onto my nose.
The smell was disgusting, she must have worn it several times.
There was nothing I could do about it, I couldn't turn my head.
I tried to hold my breath. She took her hand away and the sock stuck to my nose as if by magic.
"No please ..." I pleaded with her.
I was able to breathe through my mouth, but still inhaled the stench through my nose several times.
"You should see yourself now," she said and laughed out loud.
"Enjoy it until I get back," she said and went to the door.
She couldn't be serious. I screamed angrily after her.
"Stop that bitch, you can't do that".
She stopped and turned.
She looked at me very angrily.
"What did you say?" She asked.
I was afraid.
"Please, I'm sorry ..." I stammered.
The scent of the sock was unbearable.
"It seems to me we have to do something about your cheeky mouth."
She came back to me and picked up the other sock.
"Open your mouth" she hissed at me.
"No please ..." then she was already stuffing the sock in.
I couldn't do anything about it. The sock was large and filled my mouth completely. My cheeks bulged outward.
The taste was gross.
When she was done she ran her index finger over my lips and my mouth disappeared.
Omg I didn't had a mouth anymore. The sock was locked inside.
"Mmmmmmmm" I tried to scream.
"What do you say sweetheart? It seems to me you are a little speechless, "she said and laughed again devilishly.
"I like you much better that way," she said and kissed me where my mouth used to be.
"You kissed better once" she giggled.
"So don't go away and wait for me until I'm back," she said and went to the door
She couldn't do that.
But she just went out.
The disgusting taste of sweaty socks ran down my throat and I could only inhale the scent of their sock.
I hoped she would come back, but after a while I realized that she was serious.
So I stood there like a tin soldier with no mouth and could only wait.
Did i deserve this?


It was a sunny day.
I could hear the birds chirping outside.
But all I could do was suck and smell a sweaty sock.
I was sweating under my leather jacket.

It took me some time to organize my thoughts.
So there really were witches.

When she comes back I had to try to get out somehow.
I had to persuade her to let me go.

It would be a bit difficult without a mouth.

I also thought of all the statues and didn't hope that they were real people and that I would have to share their fate.
Some time passed when I heard footsteps in the hallway and a female voice sang.
I just thought "thank God" it will be over soon.
Shortly afterwards the door was opened.
A woman came in and she was shocked when she saw me.
She was maybe 30 years old. She was beautiful too.
Black hair, a dream body.
She almost looked like Kim Basinger, only with dark hair.
She was wearing a pink leotard and black tights.
She must have just done a workout.

"Mmmmmmmm" I made noises in despair.

Her surprise turned into a smile.
She came to me.

"Well, who are you sweetheart?" She asked.
She gently stroked my chest.
“Looks like you’re speechless”.
I hoped she would help me.

“Looks like you made Lilith angry. That was not a good idea."
She said.

"Mmmmmmm" There was nothing I could do but ask for help with my sad eyes.

"I`m her mom” my name is Jennifer".
Her mom? It couldn't be possible.
She looked so young.
Then it occurred to me that they don't age.
I couldn't expect any help from her.
"All right, don't let me bother you any further. I just clean up her room a bit.
She's pretty sloppy. ”She said and went to the radio.

She ignored me and turned on the music.
Then she started cleaning up. She made the bed and put this and that away.
Meanwhile, the Radio played songs by Madonna, A-ha, Cyndi Lauper etc ...
She sang along with most of the songs and paid no attention to me.
I grunted in my sock a lot but it didn't help.

About 1 hour passed before she stepped in front of me with a mountain of clothes in her arms.
She threw it on the floor in front of me.

"Now look at this," she said.
"Most of it she had only worn once and then she just throws it on the floor." She looked a bit angry.
She started to grin devilishly.

"I have an idea," she said.
She took my arms and stretched them out to the sides.
Then she squeezed my legs together and bent my head back a little. There was nothing I could do but stay in that position.
I had to look like Jesus on the cross.

She started picking up the clothes and hanging them on my arms.
Pants and shirts, Jackets. Quite a lot.
I became a goddamn coat rack.

"MMMMMM". I screamed desperately.
The awful taste of the sock ran down my throat.

When she finished she laughed out loud.
"Looks a lot tidier, I hope you don't mind," she said.
"Mmmmm" ...

My arms were heavy but I couldn't move them.
I was sweating terribly.

She bent down and picked up one last piece.
I couldn't see what it was.
Then she waved it around in front of my face. It was Lilith's tights.
She held it with 2 fingers and covered her nose.
"Puhhh, I think she wore it more often," she said

She thought for a moment.
Then she asked:
"Would you like me to remove the sock from your nose?"
"Mmmmmmmm" ... I tried to nod. I finally wanted to breathe fresh air again.
“Well, honey, but where should it go? I assume that you have the other one in your mouth ”.

She ran her hand over my slightly arched cheeks.
"I don't want them to be separated and then I can't find the other one anymore"
"Mmmmmm, nnnnnn"
"What do you think? Do you still have space in there for the second one? "
"Okay, let's try it".
She snapped her fingers.

The sock from my nose disappeared and my mouth was suddenly so full that I thought it was going to burst
Since I didn't have a mouth, I couldn't open it to make space.
One sock had shrunk a bit because it was wet from my drooling, but there was definitely not enough space for the second.

They pressed painfully against my cheeks.
I could only grunt.

"Omg," she said.
"That must be pretty uncomfortable," she said, feeling my cheeks.
"Can you take it?" She asked
The taste was cruel. It tasted of grass, salt and vinegar.
"Good boy," she said

"Here's a little present for you".
She took the smelly pantyhose and started to put them over my head.
The crotch part was just above my nose and she started wrapping the legs around my head.
When she was done she knotted it and the tips of the feet were right under my nose.
The stench was unbearable.
I just sighed because with my mouth that full I didn't have the strength to give a peep.

"Perfect," she said
“I have to go again, you can listen to the music so you don't get bored. I'll see you later for sure ”.
Tears ran down my cheeks but were immediately absorbed by the pantyhose.
She went out singing and closed the door.

How did I end up like this?
As a coat stand. I had a good life.
On the other hand, I was presented with the bill.
I stood there and listened to the music and sucked on dirty socks ...

Part 3

Her mother didn`t came back.
I could only wait and come to terms with the uncomfortable position I was in.
A few hours had passed when I heard someone in the hallway again.

Lilith came into the room.
School was probably over.

She was wearing jeans and a black top.
She also wore pantyhose underneath.
She laughed out loud when she saw me.
"Looks like my mother was here," she said.
"How do you like her?" She asked.
"Yeah I know she's cool," she said.

She gently stroked my chest and slowly drove down to my underpants.
Then she grabbed my balls and squeezed hard.
She held them tight and said "I hope you like the role as a coat stand because you will be my guest for longer".
"Good, nice to hear that"
She let go and I snorted in relief.

“All right, I'm going swimming with a couple of friends now. I'm not assuming that you want to come with us? ”She asked playful.
I just grunted.
"Ok, as you want sweetheart".

She got her bikini out of the closet and began to undress in front of me.
Shirt, bra, jeans, tights and her panties.
Most of it she hung up on my arms right away.

She was beautiful.
She was now completely naked in front of me.

"Do you like what you see?" She asked

“Well, you didn't want me. It`s your own fault". She said.
She put on a white bikini.

Then she took the panties and pantyhose in hand.

"So that you don't forget me," she said.
She put the panties over my head. With the crotch part over my nose, of course. Then she did the same with the pantyhose.

I could only see blurred. The smells mingled.
It was difficult to breathe through my nose.

"Pretty," she said.

Then she packed up a few things.
Shortly before she went out she said, “Don't wait for me, honey, it'll be later for sure. Have fun".

She went out and closed the door.

I tried to stay calm and come to terms with the situation.
I breathed calmly through my nose and tried again and again to position the socks more comfortably in my mouth.
But unfortunately no success.

I could only stand there and think about how to get out of this situation.

Part 4

She came back late that day ...
I made noises in the socks but she completely ignored me.
She just hung her wet bikini over my arms and went to bed.
I lost all hope of freedom.

Nobody knew where I was and nobody was looking for me.
Also nobody knew that witches really existed.
Who should help me

The days passed ... Then weeks ...
I got used to the situation and the constant pressure in my mouth.
Lilith and her mother ignored me most of the time.

I also gave up every attempt to draw attention to myself.
Every few days they put sweaty panties or pantyhose over my head.

There was only a silky ball where my face used to be.
I didn't know which pantyhose stank more ...

It must have been about a month later when she came back into the room.
She stopped in front of me and looked at me for a while.
Then she started pulling the tights off my head.
It took a while.

When the last one was removed I was able to breathe fresh air for the first time in a month.
I took a long breath.

She then asked: "Have you learned your lesson or would you like to serve as a coat stand for longer?"
"Do you promise to behave?"
"Okay, let's try it"
She ran her finger over where my lips were and suddenly my mouth reappeared.
I tried to spit out the socks but my mouth was so packed that it was not possible without help.
She giggled.

Then she began to slowly pull out a sock.
When the first was outside she said "iihhhhh, that must have been disgusting"
I grunted.

Then she removed the other one.
I had to cough when it was outside.
It was a great feeling. I had to get used to the feeling first.
The disgusting taste was still in my mouth.

"So honey, are you sorry or do you want a fresh pair in?"
"No please ... I'm really sorry". I said when I could move my mouth again.
"Good," she said, snapping her fingers.
Suddenly I was able to move again.

I immediately fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
"Ouuuch" I shouted

"Oops, I'm sorry," she giggled ...
“I'll give you a few minutes then we have to talk. Don't even think about running away or you will regret it bitterly ”.
She gave me an angry look.

It took me some time to be able to move fully again.
Then I sat down on the bed with her.
I didn't dare to say anything.
I looked desperately at the door.
But I didn't dare to flee.

"I'll make you a suggestion," she said then.

"Which one?" I asked her in a shaky voice.
“My friend Vanessa is having a pool party tomorrow and I said I was taking a hot friend with me. Well this hot friend is you. "

"Why should I do this after what you did to me?" I asked her.

"Well, you deserved it and if you behave maybe I'll let you go."
It didn't take me long to think about it.
This was my chance to escape and get on with my life.

"Okay ... Deal ..." I said.

"But I warn you, if you try to escape or tell someone a word about us, you will spend the rest of your life as a piece of furniture, I promise you that."

She said. Her eyes bored into my eyes.

"No, of course not," I assured her.

"Well then let's have something to eat," she said.

We then went downstairs, ate and drank and actually had fun again.

We did another lap on the bike and it was like nothing had ever happened.

But in the back of my mind I was scared all the time and thought about the past month.

The sun was shining, children were playing outside, you could see people barbecuing in the garden, and now and then you could hear music coming from the houses.
People waved to us.
Nobody knew that I had a real witch in the back seat.

I often thought of fleeing somehow, but i thought it`s the best to keep the deal.

At night we lay in bed together and talk.
I often said I was sorry for what happened and she said she had forgiven me.

The next day came then.
We had breakfast and talked a bit more.

Around noon we got ready for the party that should start in the afternoon.

She had bought me tight black swimming trunks
She put on a pink bikini herself.
She looked hot.
Even after what I went through, I couldn't resist her.
I walked up to her, kissed the back of her neck and finally her lips.
It was beautiful and my little member got hard instantly.
She giggled. "Well, you have to wait for it," she said.
"But we have to go now honey"
I put on my leather jacket and boots
She also put on a black leather jacket and sandals.

Then we went on the bike.
We drove to the address she gave me.

During the ride she touched me all the time
I had to keep my little member under control.
I had already completely forgotten what had happened and who she actually was.
When we got to the party there were already some people.

There was loud music, the song "Self Control" ... How ironic.
The party was awesome.
Lots of people came
Hot girls and well, more or less cute boys.
I stood out from the crowd.
I didn't have that much chest hair and my body looked muscular too.
Most of the guys looked like Austin Powers.
What can I say ... sex, drugs and rock`n roll ...

We were having fun and were drunk.
Nothing reminded of the last month anymore.
Lilith didn't take her eyes off me for a second.

But later she went swimming with her friends in the pool and had a few drinks with friends.
It didn't take long time and some girls came to me.
We had fun and drank.
Everyone was already drunk, they hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.
I laughed.

But only until Lilith suddenly stood in front of me and looked at me angrily.
I stuttered "Hey honey ... what's up?"

Her angry expression turned into a fake smile.

"Would you have a minute for me, honey?" She asked.
"Of course," I said and we went into the house.
We went into the bedroom from Vannessa`s Parents and she locked the door.

I asked with a trembling voice "What's going on?"
She came to me and whispered in my ear "Nothing, I just forgot something"
She snapped her fingers and suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my cock.

"Ouuuch" I shouted
I pulled down my swimming trunks.
I was now wearing a chastity cage with spikes.
My cock was bent down and attached to my balls. There were small metallic spikes everywhere.
It hurt like hell.
She snapped again.
Suddenly I had something in my bum.
A big metallic plug.
It probably also had small spikes on it. It stung terribly and it was very big ..
"What the hell ..." I yelled.

"Enjoy the rest of the party," she said and went out.

I tried desperately to remove the items but it was not possible.
After a while I pulled my swimming trunks back up.
There was nothing to see through it.
I tried to deal with it and went back to the party.

I stopped talking to girls and just stood around in a corner by myself.
Lilith often looked at me and laughed.
She was having fun.
I couldn't sit anymore and I was happy when the party was over.

My cock was already hurting because of the spikes were constantly pushing in my member.
We said goodbye and jumped on the bike.
I groaned loudly as the plug was pushed in further.
She sat behind me and laughed.

"uncomfortable?" She asked me.
"Yes, you know that very well ... you can remove these things from me now," I said angrily.
"No Honey, where would the fun be? Maybe at home". She said .

She was apparently quite drunk, she leaned her head on my shoulders.
I just sighed and drove off.

Needless to say, the ride was pretty uncomfortable.
When we arrived we went into the house.

I couldn't wait to get rid of the nasty Things.
We went to her room, past the grotesque statues and finally to her bed.
She threw herself on her bed.

"Sit down with me she said".
I sat down carefully, the thing in my bum digging further into it and the spikes pressing against my cock.
"Ummmphhhh" I groaned.

"What`s wrong? Does something bother you? ”She asked.
"Yes," I said

"It is now time to keep the deal and let me go," I told her.

"Yes, you are right," she said.
She grabbed my hair tight and gave me a long sensual kiss.
My cock tried to get hard in the cage.
It was very painful but erotic at the same time.
She let go of me and looked into my eyes with a grin.

"Well, you know that I'm a Witch?" She asked.

I looked at her fearfully and stuttered ... "Yes".

"Well honey ... Witches lie ..."
Last edited by fulleclipse 2 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by fulleclipse »

again sorry for my english...
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

SO HOT, I think I'm in love with her already, that cheeky/snarky mouth of his sure got him gagged, didn't it? Looking forward to the next chapter.
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Post by Markymark790 »

I love where this is going PLEASE continue!! Image
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Post by fulleclipse »

Wow... That's how I picture him :o
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Post by Markymark790 »

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Post by Canuck100 »

Very original... Loved it!
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Post by fulleclipse »

Part 2 added
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

Mmmm, great, can't wait to read more.
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Post by fulleclipse »

part 3 added
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

Another great chapter, looking forward to more soon.
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Post by fulleclipse »

Part 4... What should happen to him next? Any ideas,suggestions?
She`s a witch everything is allowed ;)

Post by arizzle34 »


I loved part 4!!!

Maybe in the next part she gives him a challenge of not cumming. She teases him and gives him all the attention and if he can not cum he gets to walk free, but if he does than he is bound and gagged again with the cage returning around his member.

He becomes her sex toy forever only to be released when she craves him ;)

Just a thought, but I’m sure you’ll write a great part 5!
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Post by fulleclipse »

Part 5

For me, a world collapsed.
For a moment, I was nearly free.

I didn't want to end up being a piece of furniture again.

I still didn't dare to run away because I knew I had no chance.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked her

"Well that's up to you, if you are a good boy and obey me we can have a good time together.
If not…. Well I'll think of something. "

"Please just let me go," I begged.

"I will give you the chance to come free several times, but now I want you to do what I say".
I sighed.

"Kneel down" she said then
I looked at her ...

"I said ... kneel down ..." Her voice get loud
I knelt in front of the bed.
It hurt with the cage and the thing in my butt.

She held out her feet to me.
"Kiss them"

Her feet weren't clean after the party, but I started kissing them softly.
She seemed to like it.
hen she started sticking her toes in my mouth.
"Suck on each one," she said.

I did as she said.
I sucked and sucked.

She made noises of satisfaction

After a while she pulled her feet away and said:
"Good boy," she patted my head like a dog.

"I like the idea of having a slave," she said

"Please just let me ..."
I didn't get any further.

"Shhhhhh" she ran her finger over my lips again and my mouth disappeared.


"Slaves only talk when asked"
I sadly lowered my head.

"What are you saying? Do you want to be my slave? ”She asked.


"Hmmm, I take that as yes".
She snapped again.

Suddenly my body was wrapped in ropes.
My hands behind my back, my elbows almost touching, and my whole torso was tied. My legs were tied in a kneeling position.
I couldn't get up.
The plug was pushed in far.
I groaned loudly.

"I like it a lot better that way and you can move around a bit too," she said mockingly
“I grunted at her.

The spikes poked mercilessly into my cock.

"Try to sleep now, I'm tired," she said and after undressing she went to bed naked.
I knelt there in front of the bed and could only look at her feet, which were just in front of my head.

"And not a peep ... don`t you dare to wake me up," she said and yawned.

The light went out and shortly afterwards she fell asleep.

I tried to find a more comfortable position somehow, but it didn't work.

Everything was tied tightly and there were no knots that I could untie.

A bad night awaited me ...
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Post by milagros317 »

Great story! Where can I meet a witch like her? :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Markymark790 »

Great story so far!! Maybe next chapter he wakes up free of the ropes to an empty house and has to find his way out of the witch's enchanted bondage house! 🤤🤐😈
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Post by SupermanFan522 »

Very good 4th and 5th parts, hope they'll be more soon.
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Post by fulleclipse »

Part 6

Needless to say it was a sleepless night ...
The position was quite painful, but I didn't dare to wake her.

The minutes passed like hours.

I could only think about one thing ... How can I escape?
I couldn't find a way.
I had to play her game and hope that one day she would let me go.

I somehow managed to get through the night and morning came.
The birds were twittering outside.

After a while I saw Lilith moving in bed. She finally woke up.
She stretched and made sleepy noises.
Then she straightened up a little and looked at me.

She started to smile.
I looked at her with sad puppy eyes.

"How was your night cutie? Did you sleep well?" she asked teasingly.

A tear ran down my cheek.
The position was almost unbearable.

The cage, the plug and the strict Ropes.
I had to kneel all the time.

I didn't dare make a lot of noises.

She put her foot in my face and wiped the tear away with her big toe.

"Awww, you poor thing, was it that uncomfortable?"

I just nodded silently.
"You did well," she said, and ran her foot several times over my face.

Then she ran her toe over the place where my mouth should be and my lips suddenly reappeared.
I sighed in relief.
"Thank you," I said.

She put her foot in front of my mouth and said, "Be a good boy and suck".

I started sucking her toes.

She made satisfied noises.
After a while she changed the foot.

It was very humiliating but there was nothing I could do.

After about half an hour, she pulled her foot out of my mouth and stood up.
"You did well," she said, patting my head.

She then just walked out of the room and left me tied up.

I wriggled a little on my ropes but I knew I had no chance of escaping.

After what felt like an eternity, she came back.

She was already dressed.
She was really hot if only she wasn't such a bitch.

She wore a skin-tight shirt and ripped jeans.

She wore skin-colored tights underneath.
It was a breathtaking sight.

She held out her nylon foot and said, "Kiss it".
Without arguing, I started kissing her foot.

After a few minutes, she pulled her foot away.
"Good boy," she said.

"You can repeat that in the evening because they will be pretty sweaty then".
I hung my head.
Suddenly she snapped her fingers.

My bonds were gone and immediately I fell to the ground.
I groaned with relief.

It felt good to be able to move again.
The plug and cage were gone too.
"Thanks Lilith," I moaned.

"You're welcome," she said.

I got up and stood naked in front of her.
"All right, I have to go then, but I want to give you the chance to be free ...

Follow me, "she said, snapping her fingers again.

Suddenly I had a collar around my Neck with a chain. She took the chain and pulled on it.
I had to follow her.
I didn't say anything the whole time.

She pulled me along the corridor with the statues and then down to the basement.
We arrived at an old rusty door. It was pretty dark.
She snapped again.

The collar was gone.
"I've conjured up a game for you, if you pass you're free," she said.

I could hardly believe it.

“What do I have to do?” I asked her.

"Not much, you have to go through 5 rooms. There are 5 doors in each room. You just have to choose the right one." she said and giggled.

"That's all?" I asked puzzled.

"Well of course there are rules.
You have 5 minutes to choose a door.
You have 3 attempts to find the right door.
If you choose 3 times wrong you will stay here as my guest. "

"Doesn't sound that difficult," I said.
"All right, then let's start".

The old door opened.
I saw a huge room. There were a lot of candles burning in it.
I went in and turned back to Lilith.

"Oh yeah, before I forget ... every time you pick the wrong door you get something that makes your way harder". she said and laughed out loud.
The door closed with a loud bang.

I now stood in the room and looked around. Everywhere red candles were burning and stone walls. I went forward.
Then I stood in front of the 5 doors.
Suddenly I heard a female voice. "Choose your number, the time is running".
I looked around but couldn't see anyone.
I looked at the doors.
All were identical. They were old wooden doors with a doorknob. All doors had a big number on them. 1-5.

I thought about it and wondered what Lilith meant by choosing the wrong door.
Then I heard the voice again.
"There are 4 minutes left".

I had to choose if I wanted to be free.

"Number 1" I said ...
My heart was pounding.

The voice came again.
"Your choice was wrong".

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my nipples. OMG I was suddenly wearing nipple clamps.
They were very tight.
I screamed in pain and tried to remove it, but I couldn't.

"Choose your door, 3 minutes".
I tried to cope with the pain and then groaned "number four".

"Your Choice was wrong" said the voice again.
"Oh no," I thought.
Then I felt something very uncomfortable on my feet.
I looked down.
I suddenly wore ballet shoes and stockings.

"What the hell ..." I yelled.

I could hardly stand. The shoes were very high and I had to fight to keep my balance.
They were locked and I couldn't remove them.

"Pick a number, 2 minutes," said the voice.
"Fuck" I thought.

I had one more try.

"Number 5" I said in a shaky voice.
Suddenly the door opened.

"Your choice was correct," said the voice.
I was relieved.

I tried to walk through the door somehow with the shoes on.
My nipples were burning like fire and my feet were already sore in this position.
I balanced myself through the door.
The door closed behind me.

"Welcome to room 2, 5 minutes, choose". said the voice again.

The room looked exactly like the previous one, candles and stone walls.
I struggled to the doors in my boots.

"4 minutes"
I was afraid to choose but I wanted to be free.

"Number 3" I said.

"Your choice was wrong," said the voice.
Suddenly one of the candles hovered over me and dripped wax on me

"Ouch, what the hell ..." I tried to hit the candle but it moved like a fly.
It flew over me and slowly dripped wax on me, it hurt ...

"3 minutes"
I was shocked when I heard the voice.
I couldn't take care of the candle anymore.

It was hard to concentrate when something hot was dripping on your body all the time. The candle followed me everywhere.

"Number 2" I said and waited anxiously.

"Your choice was wrong".
I closed my eyes in disappointment and anger and expected the next evil.

I felt a familiar pain in my bum.
The plug was back. Only this time it was bigger and had long hair on it. It looked like a ponytail.

I groaned, the wax was still dripping on me, my nipples burned, my feet hurt and now the plug too.

"1 minute" said the voice.

"Number 1" I screamed.
The door opened.

"Your choice was right". said the voice.

Slowly I believed that this was a nasty game by Lilith and that I always had to choose twice wrong.
So I fought my way through the door again.

The candle followed me of course.
I already had some wax all over me.
The door closed behind me again.

"Welcome to room 3, 5 minutes"

I went in front the doors again.

I knew right away that I would choose twice wrong and I shouldn't be disappointed.
"Number 2" I said.
Then I heard the familiar sentence

"Your choice was wrong".

My arms were forcibly pulled back and something made of leather lay over them.

They were tied tightly together. My elbows touched.
It was an armbinder. I groaned loudly. My legs were also laced together. I could barely move.

That could only be a joke. How should I go on like this now?
The candle continued to drip mercilessly on me.

"Fuuuuck ..." I shouted out of desperation

"3 Minutes" ...

I had to go on. Maybe I had a chance.
"Number 5" I said.

"Your choice was wrong" ...

Of course...

I felt a pain on my cock.
The cage was back, tighter and more spiked.

"2 minutes"

I hardly paid any attention to the cage because it was the smallest of my problems.

I chose "number 1" again

"Your choice was correct" and the door opened again.

What a coincidence.
She apparently loved to torment me.

I could only take very small steps because my feet were welded together.
The candle followed me again.
Shortly after the door I fell down. I hit hard.

"Fuck" I screamed.

Of course, I couldn't get up without help.
The door closed behind me again.

"Welcome to room number 4," said the voice.
"Shut up" I shouted angrily.

I crawled to the doors like a worm. You can imagine how painful it was with the cage, the nipple clamps and the candle.

"4 minutes," said the voice.

"Number 1" i said

"Your choice was wrong," said the voice.

I now felt something metallic close around my head
It was very tight.
My mouth was opened wide and my tongue was pressed down with a plate that had spikes on it. Every movement of my tongue hurt.
It was a devilishl device.
I couldn't speak anymore. I
t was very tight.
Metal was wrapped around my head. under my chin, over my nose and everything closed up at the back.


I tried to speak but it was only painful.
I was already drooling.

"3 minutes" said the voice mercilessly.


I tried to say number 3.

"I can't understand you" said the voice "choose"

I wriggled wildly. T
he bloody hot wax kept dripping on me and I got angry.
How should I speak properly now?

"Aweeeeerrrrrreeeeeeeee" my tongue was already hurting.

"2 minutes" was the voice's answer.

I drooled like a pig
I tried to shout the number several times but it was impossible for me to speak intelligible words with this device.
The voice just counted down mercilessly

"1 minute" and then ...

"Your time is up"

I dropped my head in exhaustion.

I didn't know now what was going to happen.

I just knew that my chance at freedom was over. I just lay there. the candle flew back and forth.
She must have planned the game that way ..

I lay there for hours and could only wait.
I hoped she would at least remove these diabolical devices from me.

I didn't know what was more painful ...
The Candle, the armbinder, the cage, the plug, the boots, the clamps ... I was in a terrible situation.

Then finally a door opened and Lilith came in. She grinned.

"Looks like you want to be my guest for longer," she said and walked around me.
"aaaaawww" I was drooling to myself.

"I'm a little disappointed that you only made it to room 4," she said. "I expected more"

"aaaaarrrrrr" I could only gargle. My tongue hurt like hell and my jaw ached from being open for so long.

"Look at yourself, you allowed yourself to be turned into a pony boy. And as a punishment you will stay like that for a while" ...


"Shhhh, you had your chance".

She snapped her fingers.
I was suddenly in a cage. It was very tight and i could only stand in it.
The cage was in a stable.
Lilith stood in front of the cage and smiled.

"aaarrrrrrr" I gurgled.

"That's the right place for my pony," she said.
The candle was still on top of me and slowly dripping on me.

"Well my sweetie you will stay here for a while, let's say for ... a year, then you will get a new game"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa" I screamed ...
She couldn'tbe serious. A year? in this situation?

The shoes,clamps, cage, plug, armbinder, gag and candle, no way ...

She looked up at the candle.

"Hmmm, maybe you'll just be a mass of wax then, but ... we'll see". She laughed out loud and went out of the stable
I was facing a bad time ...
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Post by Markymark790 »

Love it!! So glad you continued this one!!
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Post by fulleclipse »

Part 7

How could I end up like this

Time no longer mattered.

I didn't feel any pain anymore.

My thoughts always revolved around one thing ... how could I escape?
But after months I gave up on this too.

My body had long been a sculpture made of wax and the world became dark for me.

In order not to go crazy, I escaped in another reality where everything was fine. Where I was still the cute independent boy.

Lilith didn't come back.

She was probably serious about the one year.

At some point I heard dull noises in the stable and then in front of my cage.

Then suddenly the wax disappeared and I could see again.
Her mum was standing in front of the cage.
She looked very surprised.
I was still in Bondage in front of her.

"Wow, Lilith is really mean. I was wondering what happened to you.
Let me help you".

She snapped her fingers ,my bonds and all the other nasty stuff was gone.

If the cage hadn't been so tight, I would have slumped, but I had to stand still.
I moaned loudly with relief.

"How long have you been here?" she asked.

It took a while before I could speak again. My tongue hurt a lot.
"I don't know," I said then.

"All right, we'll ask Lilith when she's back. She snapped again.

The cage was gone and I was lying on the floor in front of her ... naked.
"I'll help you up".
She helped me up and took me inside.

I was allowed to sit down at the dining table.
It must be early in the morning.

She made me coffee and pancakes. All the time I didn't dare say anything.

"Relax," she said. "I will not harm you".

"Please ..." I stuttered.
"Let me go".

"I know you had a bad time but you shouldn't have played with Lilith, she gets angry quickly. But I'm trying to persuade her to let you go".

My freedom seemed to be within reach again.

After a while I heard the front door and Lilith came in singing.
She was probably in a good mood.
But when she saw me she stopped in shock.

"Fuck ..." she said, startled
"I had completely forgotten about you".
"Mum ... what is he doing here?" she asked her mother.

"I found him by accident. How long was he there?" she asked Lilith.
She thought for a while.

"Pooh, it must have been a bit longer than one year ..."

I was shocked.

Her mother gave her an angry look.

"But mum ... he lost a game and that was the consequence ...
I admit that I forgot about him ".

"Well, you can't imagine what it's like to be in such a position for one year," she said to Lilith.

"it seems he survived it," she giggled.

"What are you going to do with him now?" asked her mother.

"I don't know, a new girl came to school and I invited her, and her mum to dinner.
He's in my way ".

I rolled my eyes, knowing that she would find a nasty way to get me out of the way.
"Why don't you just let me go? I won't tell anyone ..."

"Do you think I'm stupid? Besides, you don't deserve to go. Nobody treats me like that". Her eyes bored into mine.

I became angry.
"I paid enough for this..." I couldn't get any further because she slapped me in the face.

"How are you talking to me?" she asked angrily
Her mother intervened.

"Calm down you two fighters. We will find a solution".

She thought about it for a while.

Suddenly she said "Omg, I have a wonderful idea ..."

She asked Lilith: "What do you think if we have our butler serve the meal tonight?" Lilith looked surprised.

"But mum, we don't have a butler".

She turned to me and looked at me with a grin.

"Now we have a butler ..."

Lilith seemed to understand and laughed out loud.

"Mum ... that's a wonderful idea.
We will make a good impression. "

That couldn't mean anything good to me, but there was nothing I could do.
I just looked at them fearfully.

Her mother said, "Awww, don't worry, it's only for tonight."

"Then we have to do something about his cheeky mouth ...
not that he betrays us. " Lilith said.

"You are right, but we cannot make his mouth disappear ... That would be noticed".

Lilith thought for a moment.
Then she started with an evil smile…

"He may need his mouth ... But he doesn't need his tongue".

Tears filled my eyes.
"Please don`t..."

"Good idea" said her mother and didn't waste time.
She snapped her fingers and my tongue was gone.

I didn't feel anything in my mouth anymore.

"Try to speak ..." said Lilith.

I tried to say something but only unintelligible sounds came out.
The two laughed.
A tear ran down my cheek.

"You see Lilith ... Now we have a servant who unfortunately lost his tongue as a child." said her mother and winked at me.
"One thing is still missing ...". Lilith's mother snapped her fingers again.

Suddenly I was wearing a tuxedo.

"Wow you look hot" said Lilith.

"Ok, if you work well we can talk about your release after dinner. If not ... Well I think you know what to expect ..."
I nodded.

During the day I tried to get used to the situation.
I practiced serving so as not to attract attention.
There was another glimmer of hope to escape if I do my job well.

Then the evening came and there was a knock on the door.

Lilith glared at me again and said that I shouldn't do anything stupid.

Meanwhile, I was standing in the kitchen waiting for instructions.
I heard voices and laughter.

After a short time I was called.

I went into the dining room.

I had my arms folded back and was looking at the floor.
Like a servant.

Lilith began to speak: "This is our butler James, if you have any wishes you just have to tell him".
OMG they called me James ... what a cliché.

I looked at the guests.

There were 2 dark-haired women, beautiful. one of them was older. It was probably the mother.

Lilith said to me: "This is Alice and her mother June, I want you to take good care of them".
I just nodded.

The two wore nice dresses but something was different about them.
When they saw me, the two looked at each other and nodded.

Alice then asked, "Can't he speak?"

Lilith made up a story of how I lost my tongue.

The evening took its course.

I served food and drinks that Lilith and her mum had conjured up.
I kept calm.
Like I had a choice ...

Alice always looked at me and seemed to feel sorry for me.

They drank a lot and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

After a few hours June and Alice said goodbye.

Maybe my Torture was over now.

Lilith and her mum talked a bit and then came over to me.

"You did your job well," Lilith said to me.
I nodded.

Her mum then said to Lilith: "We should keep our promise and talk to him about his release". Lilith nodded.

Her mum looked at me and said, "This is your chance now my dear, you just have to say “I want to go".
She grinned devilishly.

How should I say this without my tongue?

I made unintelligible sounds and pointed to my mouth.

"Well what`s wrong? We're waiting".

I got nervous and tried desperately to get the words out.
But impossible.

"Well don't say we didn't give you a chance, it seems you want to be our guest for longer".

I fell on my knees and started begging. I would rather die than be tortured any longer.

Her mother just snapped and suddenly I had a leash around my neck.
"Lilith ... bring our guest back to the cage".

Lilith grinned and picked up the leash.
She pulled me after her. I did not fight back.

"But don't torture him anymore, he was a good boy," her mother shouted after us.

"Yes Mum".

She led me back into the stable.
Once there, I knelt down in front of her like a Puppy.

I didn't want to spend another year like this.

She stroked my head.

"Don't worry, you were a good boy and you will get a reward for it".

She started to take off her Pantyhose and her panties.

Then she ran her finger over my lips again.

My mouth disappeared again.

Why? I couldn't speak anyway.
I looked at her in surprise.

Lilith saw the surprise at me.

"I just want you to enjoy your reward".
Then she pulled her panties over my head.
With the crotch just above the nose.
Then she pulled the Pantyhose over my head and wrapped the foot parts around my head.

I had to inhale her scent.


"I knew you would like this".

She snapped her finger.

I was back in the fucking cage.

Naked, my hands were cuffed behind my back.

I saw her blurred through the Pantyhose. She grinned and was satisfied.

"Have a good time, honey, I'll see you again soon."

She then went out of the stable.

So there I was, back in the cage and calmly inhaled her scent.
I've been in more uncomfortable situations.

How long did I have to stay here this time?
And how the hell can I escape?
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Post by fulleclipse »

The End

The Cage was tight.

Too tight, i can`t understand how i made it at least one year in this Thing.

Maybe because i couldn`t anyway move a muscle but this time only my Hands were tied behind my back.
I would gave everything only to be able to sit for a few minutes.
I only could lean on the cage to have a bit relief.

The skin tight Pantyhose pressed the panties against my nose.
The only thing i could smell was Lilith.
This Bitch.
I would kill her if i could.

What should i tell you about time now? You can`t move, only stood still and think about your life.
I don`t know how much time passed, days,weeks,months… until i heard something.

Maybe they need me again for some work.

I heard voices and then a few people came in Front of my Cage.
I could only see blurry through the Pantyhose.

Then i was shocked.
It was Lilith and her mum.

But this Time they were both tied.
Hands in Front and their Fingers taped together.
They both had a piece of Tape on their lips.

Behind them were two other people and holding guns to their head.

Alice and June…

„OMG i knew it… what have you done to him?“ screamed Alice.
I made Noises without my Mouth.

„Don`t worry we are here to free you“ she said to me.

Lilith and her mum only stood there and looked at me with the Guns on their head.

My Torture would have an End…
After years of suffering.

June said then to Liliths Mum : „Let him go…immediately”

She made noises in the Tape and showed her fingers.

Maybe it was not possible because she need her Fingers to snap or her mouth to say something.

Alice and June looked each other.

“Fuck, we have to release one of them to free him”.

Alice said then to me: “You are safe… we are Witch hunters and we`ve been watching them for a while but we had to be sure first before we intervene”.


I never heard such good news.

“ OK Alice, have an eye on Lilith”.

She began to cut the Tape on Jennifer`s hands with a knife.
As she was free she rubbed her wrists.
She still had the tape on her Lips.
Jennifer snapped her fingers.

Everything dissapeared and i lay in front oft hem naked.

„ omg thank you „ i said.

I stepped in front of Lilith and slapped her hard in the Face.

„Bitch, this was for everything you did to me“.

She looked very angry at me.

„What should we do with them now? It`s not easy to kill such powerful witches.

We should lock them away until we find a way…“ June said.

Then suddenly Lilith and Jennifer started to giggle under their tapes.

„What`s so funny?“ June asked and ripped of the Tape from Jennifer`s Lips.


„Why did you laugh?“ asked June and aimed the gun at her.

„Well, i think you don`t do this Job for very long…“ said Jennifer.

„My Grandparents teached us the most things but they dissapeared …“

„Really? Maybe you find them in the Corridor between the other Statues“. Jennifer laughed out loud.

„What?“ June and Alice looked shocked

„Yes the statues … the most oft them were Witch Hunters once…“

„Bitch…free them“ Alice yelled at her“.

„Awww… my dear…why should i do this?“.

„Because otherwise i kill you“ she said.

„But you can`t, you made the same mistake as the other Hunters…“

„What?“ June asked.

„You think we need our Hands or Mouth for our Power but… Lilith… show them.“

Lilith had still taped Hands and Lips.

She just blinked and the Guns in their Hand were hurled away.

"Fuck" Alice screamed.
Lilith blinked again.
Both witch hunters could no longer move.
They stood there as if frozen.

"Shit" I thought and started running away naked.

Something inside told me that I had no chance but I had to try.

"TsTsTs" Jennifer said and rolled her eyes.

It's not really a surprise that I didn't get very far.
An invisible force grabbed my hair and pulled me back to the witches.

I was lying there in front of them ... naked.

Lilith still had the tape on her hands and lips.
I didn't dare to move.

Lilith sat on me and gave me a long kiss through the tape.
I did not resist.
she made happy noises. I could feel the contours of her lips through the tape.
I have to admit that I found it very erotic.
My little friend was starting to get hard.

Then she stopped and blinked.
The tape disappeared.
She grinned at me and hit my face hard.

"I tried to shake her off of me.

"Fucking Bitch" I yelled at her.

She pressed her index finger against her lips and made "Shhhh"
My lips were glued together.


"Much better," said Lilith and got up.

She then grabbed my hair and forced me to stand up and placed me next to the two immobile witch hunters.

Alice and June could only whimper.
They could only move their eyes.

Lilith stepped in front of me and hit me hard in the face again.


"Where's your big mouth now?" she asked scornfully.


"I thought so". she said.

She stepped back to her mother who had been quietly watching everything.

"What do we do with them now?" Lilith asked her mother.

We were scared and whimpered.

"I don't know ... they were very naughty ..." her mother replied.

Lilith walked around us thoughtfully.

She then stopped behind Alice and June, grabbed their hair, and yanked it hard.

"uuummmmmphhh". They couldn't do nothing against it.

"I can tell the rest of your life will be pretty uncomfortable.”she said then.

She let go and made a movement with her hands.
Immediately the witch hunters' hands began to bend backwards into a very uncomfortable position.
The hands were between the shoulder blades and the elbows were touching.
A strict Reverse prayer.

They cried and tears run down their faces.

„Awwww what`s wrong? Does it hurt?“ Alice ask.


„Good“ Lilith said and laughed.

I could only watch in fear.
Lilith grabbed them by their hair and forced them to kneel down.
They whimpered in pain.

Her mom watched with a smile.

„Don´t worry, i know you love each other so we make sure you don´t get seperated fort the rest of your Life“. Lilith said and snapped her fingers.

An invisible force pressed the two together, very tightly. their breasts were compressed.
Their mouths were opened wide and their tongues stuck out
Then their heads were forced together.
Their tongues slid into each other's mouths and their lips were pressed tightly together.

They whimpered during this process.

More tears run down their faces…

Lilith was satisfied with her work and grinned.

I must confess it really looked hot.

A Kiss between 2 hot girls.

Their arms were in an unnatural position and it had to been painfull.

They tried to make sounds but only dull sounds came out.
Drool running out from the corner of their mouths.

Lilith looked at them

“ What do think mum? Do you like it?”

“Its beautiful” she said.

“Well then let`s add them to our collection…”
Lilith snapped her fingers

the whimper stopped immediately.

They were turned into stone.

I looked at them shocked.

The stone looked like black and white marble.

Beautiful… a masterpiece…

Lilith went to the statue and kissed the cold stone.

“Enjoy your new life” she said then.
The eyes of the statue moved a bit.

She snapped her fingers again and the piece of art disappeared.

I guess they are now a part of the collection in the hallway.

Lilith and her mum turned to me.

I was afraid.

“What do we do to him?” Lilith asked her mum.

“Well he shouldn`t get away that easy” her mom replied.

Tears run down my face.

I know my fate was sealed.

“mmmmmmmmmm” came from my glued lips.

They both stepped in front of me and grinned


40 Years later…

A lot of things have changed…
The town, the fashion, cellphones,the music and movies…
And of course the Pandemic…

The museum had also changed
A Lot of new artefacts and Visitors

On a day like any others a highschool class visited the Museum.

They took a tour through the Museum.
A lot of fascinating things and soon they came into a room filled with grotesque statues.

The guide explained that they were a donation to the museum and the Legend tells that the people are still alive inside and will be forever trapped in stone.

Many of the kids giggled.

One of the girls stood in front of statue and looked at it for a while.

It was plain white stone and looked like a muscular man in strict bondage.

Tied in a very tight hogtie, Arms welded together behind the back and arched back that the feet touched the head.
It wouldn`t be possible to bring a human in such a position wouldn`t it?

Another girl joined the young girl watching the statue.

“What do you think Lindsay? Do you believe there is a human inside?” she asked the girl.

“Yes, it seems he pissed of a witch and now he has to pay the price”.

The girl giggled…”I don`t believe in this, witches don`t exist and this is only a story to bring more visitors to the museum”

Lindsay turned to her girlfriend and looked at her angry.

“You should believe in this”

She turned back to the statue

“Seems like someone have to learn a lesson, what do you think cutie?” she said to the statue

The other girl laughed

“You are crazy Lindsay” she said and walked away.

“We`ll see” she said

She blew the statue a kiss and wincked with an eye...
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 194
Joined: 6 years ago
Location: Michigan

Post by Scottstud94 »

Great story, and a happy ending for our witches!
Forum Contributer
Forum Contributer
Posts: 11
Joined: 1 year ago

Post by SupermanFan5220 »

I forgot this was even still, I ended up having to change my account (long story), but I LOVE how this got continued and finished!
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