Scottstud94 : 02 - Soccer and Chains of Adoption: Part 2 (Mm/m)

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Scottstud94 : 02 - Soccer and Chains of Adoption: Part 2 (Mm/m)

Post by Soraka »

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02 - Soccer and the Chains of Adoption: Part 2
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By [mention]Scottstud94[/mention]

by Scottstud94 » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:15 pm

It was Sophomore year for myself Jacob. 9 months after my terrifying ordeal between me, my so called "Brother" AJ and my first adoptive father. I was finally settling into my new home. A 3 person home in a small South Oregon town called Oak Rapids.

Of course during my Sophomore year my soccer plan was all-state, state titles, glory all that. However as I walked onto the practice field for the first time my heart sank. The soccer field was brown, the only brown grass I'd ever seen in Oregon. Torn nets, no paint. Of course overshadowed by the multimillion dollar football stadium prided by the Oak Rapids alumnus. Like 99% of American cities football came first, soccer last. The soccer team went a solid 1-17 last year so my work was cut out for me.

My coaches were in awe claiming me to be easily the teams best player much to the Seniors dismay. My adoptive parents were quite happy they had adopted a future star... Or so they hoped. In our first game I led the team onto the field. I clearly counted 12 fans. Soccer in America at it's best. Our teams Blue and white uniforms sharply contrasting the fields dirtlike appearance. I scored 3 goals in our team 7-3 loss to Salem High School who I heard had missed the playoffs last year.Our defense looked terrible, our goalie looked blind, and I was the only offense.

In the small locker room I waited until after everybody had left to change. My medium length brown hair sticking up in the hot humid locker room. My coach patted me on the back saying good game, to the frustrated jealous glares of others.

When everybody was gone I pulled off my blue jersey with "Jacob Marlin" and "Captain" written in white on it. I just took off my shorts when suddenly something went over my head...

"Helppmpphh! I shouted as I was tackled to the ground with some sort of bag yanked over my head, only in my grey boxers and Blue Adidas soccer socks.

"Listen up!" A unknown voice scolded me as my hands were held down by a set of hands, another tied the bag around my head. I struggled against my captors.

"A lot of the players aren't happy with how you think you own us! We are older than you and your making us look bad, so watch yourself and share the ball ehh?!? I was warned, then released as feet ran off. Doors shutting behind them.

I pulled the bag off my head which ended up being a soccer ball bag. Shaken I worried. The Seniors were just... Jealous I thought shaking it off. I put on my street clothes and began to walk home.. Confused.

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The next game was more of the same. A 9-4 blowout loss to defending champion Portland Heights. I had scored the 4 goals for our team, of course not by accident. Grant it I was more talented but after the Locker Room incident, I got a little payback with the 4 goals. To the scowls of my teammates.

I began to walk to the locker room when I felt a palm grip my shoulder... "Ah!" I jumped and turned. "Oh hey Sean," I said to the black-haired kid who located me.

"Woah didn't mean to scare ya," Sean said, "4 goals, you're like Beckham can I have your autograph?"

"Uhhh... Sure" I said, the kid was in my grade, in my Biology class, but mentally he was back in Middle school, in a t-shirt, jeans, somewhat chubby, and a bit annoying.

I handed him the signed piece of paper. "Thanks... Ugh hey, my brother's a Senior on the team... Just watch out he doesn't really like you. There's some plan they got for you in the locker room. Stay golden pony boy," he said walking off, leaving me blank.

I decided to wait this out, sitting under the bleachers, still in my cleats, blue jersey, black shorts, and blue socks. Just sitting, waiting, watching under the rickety wooden bleachers. About a half-hour later I heard cars leaving being the sign people were leaving.

In my boredom I pulled my right sock up and down until I decided to take the back way home, yanking my socks to my knees, slipping into the woods behind the stadium and trying to get home.
I trumped through the Oregon woods. Halfway through. I heard a noise behind me. I picked up my pace as the rustling came and went nowhere in sight.

In front of me, I saw a creature, a big hairy, apelike man. I pieced it together... Oregon, woods, ape, Bigfoot! I panicked trying to find the dirt road my house laying on. Another rustle behind me as I began to run hurdling logs, stumbling, when suddenly a creature jumped from the trees tackling me.

"AUGHHHH!!!" I screamed as a Sasquatch hit me with full force taking me down. I began to fade as the creature held me down, I couldn't believe this was happening. 3 more creatures came, I
two looking down, one videotaping me struggle, crying out of fear, thrashing and... Wait a minute...

"Guys this ain't funny!" I yelled as masks went off my senior teammates burst into laughter as the masks came off. I was let up still terrified. 15 yards from my road I walked to the dirt road humiliated hearing laughs and things like "That's going on YouTube. "Great another web hit of mine" remembering my viral video of me stealing AJ's car.

A van rolled up out of nowhere with two men in ski masks in front. One pointed a gun at me to get in the van.

"Very funny guys," I said turning to the group of seniors in Bigfoot costumes. The 4 were seen sprinting away.

"GET IN!" I heard as the van door opened.

"Cute guys," I said, "What is this a water gun nice almost pra... POW! A bullet went near my foot and ricocheted somewhere. My ears rang, "Ok ok guys I'll play along getting into the van.

Two more guys in ski masks brought me in. I felt a gloved hand cover my mouth, I heard one man say "Keep your mouth shut and you'll stay alive. I felt my cleats get taken off revealing my dark blue soccer socks. One man began to tie my ankles together, while a second man crossed my wrists and tied them together with white nylon rope. I felt the cold steel of a magnum at my temple held by the van's passenger. My chest laying on the van's floor.

As one man finished tying my hands, the man tying my ankles moved up tying my k
above my knees around where my socks were pulled up to. My hands were reinforced with duct tape and my knees were tied off. I was impressed with my teammate's effort as the van rolled along. This seemed so real.

"Open up!" I was told by one of my captors. With a gun to my head, I had no choice so I opened it as a bandana was stuffed in and the tape was wrapped around my head 3 times.

Now the gun was taken away from my head. The masks were taken off.

"Good job boys," the driver unknown to me said. I didn't recognize the passenger either.

My heart sank.

"Hey "bro" that was too easy." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned my head. AJ. My old adoptive father. My heart was already sunk but now it was in my stomach.

How did this happen?!? AJ's supposed to be in a Detention centre, and "Dad" in a prison.
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I kicked and struggled in my bonds to no avail, 2 pairs of happy eyes gazing at me in the back. After a while, I dozed off. Awaking to a shaking, "Hey Jacob check this out." I looked at the small television in front. The van had stopped.

I heard NBC News's music on the TV as the music faded. My mouth tightly gagged, heads and feet once tied with rope, now replaced with handcuffs and iron chains in a hogtie.

Brian Williams began with his report, "On tonight's episode, down again goes the Dow Jones after reports that the bipartisan effort in Washington to raise the debt limit has failed, also how Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin may only hurt the Republican 2012 effort, and Aftermath: Joplin a stunning look at the turnaround"

"From NBC News World Headquarters in New, this is NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams."

"First off tonight 2 pieces of breaking news from a small Oregon community. Two FBI fugitives are on the loose tonight after a daring escape from Salem Jail and detention centre. AJ and Robert Petrin a father and son co-planned the first-ever separate planned escape today and are on the run from the law, kidnapping a young soccer player named Jacob Petrin. If you think this is familiar it is because AJ and Robert tried to sell Jacob earlier as a bondage slave. If you see either call the FBI and also in the same town a farmer shoots 4 teenagers in Sasquatch costumes because they had trespassed and he believed they were real..."

The tv was then changed to CNN, the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer and shockingly my picture was breaking news, with AJ and Robert right next to me. The headline was "Convicts kidnap "family" Again".

"See Jacob?" Were famous AJ said... "Were camping for a while and your gonna pay just like we did in prison. Oh yeah, this is Zar and Ray," he pointed to the bald men in the front, who nodded.

"We escaped with them. I'm a good guy, I get charged with murder and Casey Anthony gets acquitted. What a bullshit system!" He said in a Russian accent. We all nodded in agreement.

"That Casey Anthony... Now she's the real devil." Robert said.

I was pulled from the van by the 4 men who had gotten out.

"Nice uniform bro," AJ said punching me out of anger.

"Hey!" Robert said, "You'll get your chance once Zar gets our helicopter to Russia. A big mansion, all sorta stuff to torture him with."

I groaned as a heavy-duty chain was wrapped around one of the large trees near the van. I looked at our surroundings. Woods. Woods. More woods. No way we could be found.

"K I'll give you some water if you stay quiet," AJ said.

I nodded happily as the tape was removed. I spat out the rag jumping at the chance... I opened my mouth and before I could yell help AJ stuff a sock in my mouth and hold it in.

"Dad!" AJ yelled, get the heavy-duty tape quick.

"Hold on AJ they are still searching for us in Salem can you believe it?"

"Dad!" The now 17-year-old yelled still with that brown Beiber hair in black clothes from earlier, soccer clothes of course. Except his soccer dreams were all but gone now.

The 42-year-old Robert got out of the van, his greying hair made him look like an attorney but his prison tattoos showed his toughness. He took out a roll of black tape...

"Super tape," he said, " strong as super glue. We may have to cut this out of your hair." He said putting it to my head wrapping it around as my hands were chained behind the tree and together, he wrapped the tape around my head and the tree to keep my head still. And taped my eyes shut.

Now with my feet, arms, and waist chained heavily to the tree. Mouth and eyes taped. I could only wait for the opportune moment to escape this walking tabloid story that was getting kidnapped. Again.
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Soon night came... the chatter between the 4 felons quieted, the crickets and frogs had come out. Any attempts to yell or draw attention was useless. Even I knew this.

Chained, blindfolded, gagged like I was, all I could do was rest my back against the harsh bark of the tree. Trying to nod off as bugs crawled near, twigs snapped in the distance, pine needles jammed into my socked feet. Sometimes I did end up nodding off.

I woke to a cloth blocking my nose, I twisted and turned to gasp for air, but my bonds kept me still.
I heard AJ "Yes breathe in that chloroform...". Yet again I dozed off.

Soon I had awoken. I had been stripped to my underwear, my bare legs now chained together, hands cuffed behind me. The tape previously wrapped around my head was gone, but some sort of medical gauze tightly cleave gagged me. I lay inside what appeared to be a sleeping bag. Zipped up tightly, belts, and ropes tied around it insuring I would remain still as I lay inside the van.

The van was now moving slowly through the wilderness. To where I wasn't sure.

I heard the maiming voice of AJ near me. "Morning! A little uncomfortable in that bag huh?"

I mmpphhed my unappreciation.

"Let me fix that," he said as I heard tape come off the roll. I sprung into action, using my bound feet to forcefully kick in the direction of where AJ was. I struck an object hard.

AJ being hit fell from his crouched position back into the front, where distracted, the driver lost control of the van.

From there... it was all a blur.

I remember the rip in the sleeping bag. Pulling myself out of the bag, into a wrecked upside down, broken glass covered mess. It was... dark out. But I knew little else.

"This is your fault!" AJ yelled as I heard him near. He grabbed one of my soccer socks tying it around my head to further seclude me from reality. I could feel myself getting dragged to a tree as a chain was wrapped around me, a nearby tree, my neck, and a lock put on it.

"Stay there", AJ warned. Not that I had a choice.
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I struggled against my bonds. Tree bark jamming into my bareback. I heard AJ rustling around during the van, unsure of the fate of my other three captors. I had been lucky just to avoid injury, the sleeping bag I was bound in combined with being in the back of the van helped.

Using my head I managed to scrape the blue soccer sock tied around my eyes just up so I could see what was going on. We were right next to a very rural road in the middle of a forest. Had to avoid cops I suppose...

I turned my attention to the mangled van. The vehicle had smashed into a tree on the side of the road, clipped another smashing on its side. Looking at AJ in the limited light provided by the dusk appeared to have a badly hurt arm. With the amount of Tv's in the back, we were both lucky not to be hit. Robert crawled out of the wreckage and I saw him talking to AJ. Robert looks gravely injured.

"AJ, my legs hurt. I'll go down into Maravo, the town down there. I'll be alright. Nobody will recognize me. You take the prisoner on foot. Were only 25 miles from the transaction sight." Robert said.

I safely assumed the other two died in the crash.

"Yes, Dad."

"Take the GPS, some money, stuff to keep... him from speaking, talking, seeing, hearing, moving. All of it. Stay off the road. We can get $60,000 for him." I heard Robert tell AJ, as they said goodbye and Robert limped toward the city of Maravo, Alaska.

It was mid-September so not too chilly. AJ, having changed from his detention uniform to jeans, a black shirt, and Nike tennis shoes... Approached me noticing my blindfold having been moved. He left the chain connecting my neck to the tree connected, also leaving the medical gauze cleave gagging me in. However, he unchained my bare ankles and removed my blindfold. Then uncuffed my hands forcefully cuffing them back in front of me.

He thrust some clothing into my hands.

"Put em on," he said. I knew I had no choice here so I looked at the clothing I was presented. Diaper, sweatpants, my blue soccer socks (one having just blindfolded me), and a white shirt and sweatshirt with a hood on it. I obliged, putting on the diaper, pulling my socks and sweatpants on, and needing AJ to help me with the shirts.

Quickly my hands were cuffed behind a tree. AJ pulled out a bag full of ropes, tape, and chains. It was almost completely dark. He shackled my socked feet, looking around cautiously as if somebody was watching. I was uncuffed and immediately cuffed again, hands behind my back, not around the tree this time.

AJ tightly wrapped my cuffed hands in heavy-duty duct tape until my hands looked like a ball of tape. No finger untaped. He lifted me up. Wrapping tape around my shoulders, and upper body.

AJ smiled as he pulled out another roll of tape from his bag... "Alright time to seal your eyes, mouth, and ears." He began to put the tape to my eyes but abruptly stopped. A pair of headlights rolled over the rural road the van crashed on.

"Frick!" AJ said and scooped up the bags pushing me deeper into the woods tackling me down. 50 yards from the road behind a fallen tree. He sat and lay on top of my holding his hand over my cleave gagged mouth. Using his other hand to press a knife to my neck. Not that it mattered, the gauze dried up my mouth severely, I couldn't speak if I wanted to. I looked through a gap and saw the headlights stopped. Flashing red and blue lights were on top of this car. Cops!

I turned and saw AJ slipped on his ski mask. He put one on me as well but the eyeholes had previously been taped over, effectively blindfolding me.

"Trooper 24 to headquarters over." I heard one of the cops say.

"Go ahead trooper." Responded to his police scanner.

"We got a single-vehicle crash on Marbury road 1 mile north of Marvalo at least 2 fatalities, it is the van of the breakaway prisoners from Oregon over requesting immediate backup. Engine still warm, 2 kidnappers and hostage still at large near Marvolo."

"10-4, all squad cars on their way." Responded to the scanner.

AJ whispered to me, "keep your feet quiet or your dead." I felt a rope being tied around my neck like a dog leash. We quietly slipped deeper into the woods, I prayed an officer would hear the rustling but to no avail. Soon after being dragged with a rope around my neck like that. My ski mask was pulled off.

AJ looked at me. There's a large cabin home near us, but it'd be the first place cops would look. AJ debated and put my mask back on, tying off the neck leash to his ankle. I could hear a window being craftily cut off, being plastic it fell to the basement floor silently. It was small but AJ pulled me in.

He pulled off my mask. And expertly put the plastic window to where it seemed normal.

Feet still shackled AJ dragged me around the unfamiliar house, empty but fully furnished. A summer cabin?

AJ pulled out some more tape from his bag. The last thing I saw was AJ's smiling face as he wrapped duct tape around my eyes and head. Tape wrapping over my already gauze filled cleave gagged mouth. Earplugs shoved in my ears. Soon my head was encased in tape except for my nasal holes. I felt my feet taped, first my socked ankles, then my knees. Soon my entire lower body was taped. Then AJ used another roll of tape... Completed my mummification. Arms pinned behind me. Torso wrapped in tape.

AJ stood back to look at me. Mummified completely from head to toe. his former brother completely encased in tape, gagged, muffled, blindfolded. Not a single piece of clothing was shown. Dogs could be heard by AJ in the distance. Dragging me to the attic, he sprayed me with some sort of professional scent-lock. Himself too. He put my mummified body into an empty toy chest, drilled some small holes in the back. And locked it shut.

He slipped into an armoire in the attic after locking the attic entrance. Then locking himself in the armoire. And waited. One hoping to be found, one hoping the cops wouldn't find him. The waiting game began as one lay silently in an armoire, one not knowing cops were near silent in a chest.
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Post by alkaid_ »


could you gonna upload the story ending???
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