Repost: Hostile takeover (M/FF)

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Repost: Hostile takeover (M/FF)

Post by Fesselfan »

Welcome to another repost of my old stories...

Welcome to my next story.

The personas are the same as in my last stories, to recap:

First it's me, Matt, 24 years back then, 6'3'', blonde, solidly built, called affectional "my bad guy" by my sweethearts.
Talking about them, the first one was Angela, 22 years old, Blonde too, with long hair, lovely brown eyes, about 5'11' and a nice built, everything placed on the right locations on her body. She is a rather extrovert person, carrying her heart on her tongue. She's experienced in tie-up games, and really loves to be tied up.
The other one is Jasmine: slightly smaller than Angela at 5'9'', brown hair of medium length, brown eyes, 21 years and a slim build. Although a shy person, she discovered she loves to be tied up as much as Angela, and that her slim body can take quite some time in tight bondage.
In case you wondered: yes, we had a threesome relationship back then. If you want to know the background for all this- read the older stories. Else just stay here and read on.

This story may need a little explaining:

The girls and I had agreed upon that we wanted to do a little role play. In this "play", I would be a burglar robbing an office. The girls wanted to play employees who crash the scene- and of course get tied up by me (as you may guess, I was not against this).
Jasmine wanted to portray a secretary, while Angela (with her usual, bossy attitude) insisted that she would be the local department's boss.
If you know us a little, this will surely not surprise you.

For the location: I can't go into detail here, to protect the involved persons (and company). It's sufficient for my readers to know that a good friend of us gave us a small office of his company for this. It was located in an outskirt of the city, and (especially in the evening) nobody would be there.

The first thing you would see once you leave the hall on the appropriate floor of the office building was a lounge, which contained a copycat machine, several plants, a wardrobe, a desk (for the secretary) with pc, phone and assorted stuff on it, plus a small area for guests to wait till somebody has time for them- equipped with a couch, a table and some chairs.

Several other rooms were departing from this lounge: a small kitchen, where employees could prepare tea, coffee or small meals, a small restroom, a large storage room and two smaller offices (one of them would be the "boss' office" for us). More detailed descriptions of them will come when they appear in the story.

As for the telling of the story... I will try to tell it "in character", meaning as if I really were a burglar robbing that office.

All what happened was agreed upon by us three, and it was all consensual, even if it might sound differently.

The story starts...

I had already watched the office building for some time, observing as employee after employee left. I touched the keys in my pocket...these would safely get me in there. My contact had done good work.
All I would have to do would be to wear a ski mask, so I could not be recognized on the surveillance cameras. The mask was stuffed in another pocket. Just to be on the safe side, I took some rope and tape with me...just in case someone would still be in that office.
Hey, I am a burglar. I just want some money and company files, I surely don't want to hurt or- god beware- kill someone if I get surprised.

Just in case it matters to you, I was wearing an old, black leather jacket and blue jeans; nondistinct as it can be. I already stored a set of new clothes in my car, so after the burglary I could just change my gear and drop the old one in a trash bin somewhere far away.

The time had come, everyone had left the building; the whole area was deserted. So, with the knowledge that from now on there would be no turning back, I donned my ski mask and approached the front door.

My contact had done good work- the keys opened the door without any problems. Nobody was inside. I entered the elevator and, after verifying that my target company was indeed located there, pressed the appropriate button.
The hall on that floor looked deserted, too- which was just the way I like it. I prefer to do my work without any interference. I noticed the security camera in one corner, and smiled to myself- all they would record was a picture of a masked man in nondescript clothes.

The keys were worth their weight in gold, as they opened the company’s door, too, without any problem. I entered the office's lounge- when something surprised me. The lights were still on. Suppressing a little panic, I looked around- gladly, no one was there. Someone must have forgotten to switch them off...

Suddenly, I noticed a low hum coming from the PC at the secretaries' desk, so I decided to take a look at that. I noticed that the monitor was still switched on, displaying some office screen safer! Something was going terribly wrong...

"Excuse me, Sir, but our office is closed." A female voice came from behind. And, with a little more surprise "What are you doing here, anyway? And how did you get in?"
I turned around and looked at the secretary, who obviously just had left the restroom (to my readers: this was Jasmine).
She was wearing a light brown business suite- a skirt which ended just above her knees (the matching jacket I noticed at the wardrobe) - with matching shoes, nylon stockings and a dark blue satin blouse.
She looked really hot, but I could not let myself get distracted by that or my whole plan was doomed to fail. She would just need to alarm somebody and I would be in trouble...

-to be continued-

I welcome you back to my story. I know it has been a while, and I am sorry for this delay. Without further adue then, here is the next part.

Sometimes, when needed, I can be really fast. And at that time, it was surely needed! I rushed over to her and grabbed her, pinning her arms close to her body.
She led out a small cry of surprise, which I quickly muffled by placing a hand over her mouth. She "hmmpfed" at me and tried to whiggle out of my arms, but I was clearly stronger than her.
"I don't want anything from you, personally." I whispered into her ear. "Cooperate, and you won't be hurt. you understand?" She ceased to stuggle, and nodded- well at least as much as she could, with my hand still firmly over her mouth. Not that I would really hurt I said, I am just a burglar. But that she couldn't know.
I removed my hand from her mouth, ready to silence her again as soon as possible if she would make a sound. But she remained silent- this would make things easier for both of us.
"What are you going to do to me?" she whispered softly, a look of fear in her eyes.
"I will have to tie you up", I replied, "but else, you will suffer no harm if you don't make any trouble".
I looked around the room, and then dragged her to the place behind her desk.
"Now lie down on the floor," I commanded. "On your stomach, please." and released her from my grip.
Gladly (for both of us!) she complied without any complaint. I kneeled down beside her, took a hold on her arms and placed them behind her back. She did not resist, so I proceeded and fetched a piece of rope. She led out some heavy breath while I was tying her wrists together, but otherwise resigned into her fate.
"Sorry my dear, but I have to make this secure" I said to her while knotting of the rope at a position she would never be able to reach with her tied hands. "After all, I can't take the risk of you running around while I do my job here."
With a sigh she nodded. I proceeded to tie her up; her elbows where next. I noticed that she was very flexible, it was no problem to tie her elbows together. That way she would surely be completely unable to free herself.
"Ouch!" she shouted, as I finished the last knot, which pulled the elbows completely close to each other.
"Sorry again..." I said "but I can't have you cry around like that, either." With these words I fetched the duct tape and used a big strap of it to tape her mouth shut. She breathed heavily through her nose, but otherwise seemed to accept her mistreatment.
Using more rope, I tied her feet together and her thighs- just above the knees. It felt quite good to touch her there...but I reminded myself that I came here for something different.
With a final piece of rope, I tied her hands to her feet, turning her position into a tight hogtie. In fact, it was so tight that her hands almost touched her feet. She led out a muffled "hmmoupf"; but there was little else she could do.
I stood up, and took a look at my victim, lying on the ground and tied up like a package...
"This should be enough to keep you from doing anything stupid. If you continue to be such a good girl, nothing bad will happen to you."
With these words, I started to search around the office for valuables (or valuable information), starting with the lounge, which contained a beautiful tied up damsel.
I did not find anything, however; the next logical choice was to search the bosses' office.
Taking a last look at the secretary, assuring myself that she was still well tied up and would not be able to escape if left alone, I entered the aforemetioned office and started my search.
After some minutes, I thought I had heard a sound and stopped all my activities, listening. Indeed- it sounded like someone was coming down the hall! I rushed into the lounge again, hiding next to the door to the hall... just in case someone would come in.
And really...the door opened and someone came! (To my readers- this was of course Angela). She was dressed in a purple blouse, a black miniskirt, stockings and high heels. I was amazed at how attractive the people in this office were...I was awaken out of my little daydream by a loud "Hmmmmppf hmmmpppf!!!" coming from behind the desk. Of course, the secretary! I had almost forgotten about her...I had to act quickly, else I would have a big problem at hand...

Feedback welcome!

-to be coninued, hopefully....-
Welcome back to the last part of my little story...

"What the...?" these were exactly the words this woman managed to speak out before I grabbed her from behind, placing a hand over her mouth. However, this lady did not surrender..she wiggled around in my arms like mad, hhmpfing into my hand. Although I was able to hold her tight and silence her, as I was really stronger than her, tying her up without her alarming the whole building would be an entirely different task..
Giving my best bad-boy voice, I tried out a "Shut up...or else". But that only motivated her to only more struggling and hmmpfing.
Now I had a problem at hand- or, to be more specific, in my hands. After all, the last thing I wanted was to hurt someone.
Something had to happen, though, so I removed my hand from her mouth to quickly fetch some duct tape.
"You will not get through with this", she used her regained speech ability. "The police will be here instantly, and you will rot in jail, you looser".

---small interlude---
Did you ever wanted to know how many words you can get out before someone manages to slap a piece of duct tape on your mouth, silencing you? Well now you know. Twenty-one. After that stream of bad words coming from her, she was only able to produce "hmmmpf" sounds, a fact that I was very glad of by now.
---interlude ends----

She still tried to free herself from my grip, wiggling and trying to kick me. Time to stop this...I thought to myself.
I lifted her up a little (I am not Hercules, but she was not that heavy), and while she screamed into her gag and kicked air, carried her over to the desk. Behind it, the secretary now was making noises again, but frankly that was nothing compared to her boss.
Talking about her, I pushed her onto the desk with her upper body. She was now standing bent over, her stomach and face pressed on the table, with me holding her arms and upper body down.
An evil little voice told me that this would be the perfect position for some fun...however, I didn't have time for that, and additionally this would not belong here, either.
To cut a long story, despite her struggling I managed to tie her up. Her position in the room had not changed; she was still standing in front of the desk, bent over, with her upper body placed on it. However, her hands and upper arms were now tied tightly behind her back, plus a lot of ropes held her upper body placed in that position on the table. Her thighs were tied together. So were her feet; additionally, they were bound to one leg of the desk. Overall, beside some struggling and wiggling, she couldn't move much anymore. Despite her limited possibilities, struggling she did a lot.
"Time for me to finish my work", I said. "If you both behave, this will be over quickly. And no harm will be done to anyone."
Both women "hmmpfed" at me in protest, but my binds and gags looked pretty secure, so I decided it would be safe now to search the rest of the office.
I could still her them screaming into their gags (the boss especially) while I searched the other rooms, but mentally ignored these sounds pretty soon. No one would be able to hear them anyway.
Maybe ten minutes had passed when I noticed that it was silent. Suspiciously silent. I rushed back into the lounge...only to see that the hogtied secretary had wormed around the desk and was now trying to loosen the bounds tying her bosses’ feet to the desk.
"Looks like I have to take even better precautions" I said, while both looked at me in terror.
Despite many more muted protests, I picked the secretary up and carried her over to the wardrobe, placing her there with her back against the pole. As she was still hogtied, this of course put her in a kneeling position.
"Now DONT do more stupid things" I hissed, hoping that she would be easier to intimidate than her boss. This proved to be true; as I searched for my last ropes, she did not dare to move.
Using the aforementioned ropes, I tied her upper body tightly to the pole. She would now be forced to kneel upright, her back to the wardrobe. Has to be not very comfortable, I thought; but tough luck, she did not have to make that much trouble.
I still had two short pieces of rope left; but as I took some time looking at my two captives, I realized there was no need for these now. Both women were tied up tightly, and could not move over to free each other. To get free all by themselves would surely take them hours- if they manage it, at all.
"Well" I thought, "if they don't get free, their co-workers will surely find an interesting sight here tomorrow."
I smiled to myself and then finished to search the rooms.
Maybe an hour later I was finished. The two ladies, despite some struggling, wiggling and gag-talking, were still tied up tightly at the same spot I left them. Obviously, my bonds were secure now...

"Well, ladies..." I said, ignoring the hmmpfing coming out of them, "looks like now our ways will part. I thank you for your cooperation."
"However..." I waved with the remaining short ropes, "I will give you a little departure present."
Now they "hmmpf"ed even more, but of course they could not prevent what was coming now. The secretary was first... I tied a piece of rope between her legs, pushing her skirt up while I pulled it tight. She "hmmmpf"ed as loud as she could- maybe out of anger, maybe even out of pleasure. Honestly, I didn't care.
The boss got the same treatment- I pushed her skirt up and tied the remaining rope between her legs. Thinking of all the trouble she gave me, I gave her an extra strong pull on that rope before knotting it off, making her crotch rope extra tight. The sounds coming out of her, however, where now definitely out of pleasure...
"Looks like you even enjoy this." I said. "I can leave you here for the rest of the night without any remorse then". With these words I gave her a strong slap on her almost completely exposed...backside, making her scream into her gag again and finally left the office and the building, leaving behind two well tied damsels.

I entered my car; after all that action I finally took a deep breath. The car's clock caught my attention- morning was still far away, and it would be hours before anyone would come and find these two cuties, bound and gagged.
I recalled the positions I left them in- one bend over on the table, the other one kneeling, tied to the wardrobe; both a little horny from the crotch ropes. I decided to change my plans, and entered the building again, satisfied at the thought that sometimes profession and pleasure can fit together perfectly well.

However, the story of what happened then in that office would be much more adult in nature, and therefore will remain untold here.


Well, that's it. I hope you liked our little roleplay. I cannot point out strong enough again that this was agreed upon by us three in advance.
I would appreciate feedback very much


Rope is the sexiest lingerie. And there is only one thing better than rope- even more rope.
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Post by BoundJana »

First of, good and well-written story.

Second, you forgot to properly gendertag your story, please remember it the next time you post a story here.
What are you waiting for? Finally put a gag in my mouth and play with me!
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Post by JohnnyRockets »

Great story!
Deleted User 1665

Post by Deleted User 1665 »

I remember this story, ans the others from the old board. Thanks for bringing them back :D
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