The Bandit Scout on Newhome (M+F+/M+F+) primarily (M/F) - Chapter 94 - 05/30/24

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Post by Nainur »

Our damsels seem to have a premontion: "please, hold me...".

I thought that Summmer Johannson wasn't to be underestimated, and I hope a rescue can be staged soon!
And we learn that in the Argo-storyline indeed lot's of bloodshed was the tragic result. It has to be said: the Colonists are the intruders - to a good deal by accident, but the fact remains. To take by force what never was there's is a strong reminder of events in the history and it's the good fortune for the 'bandits' that no more Colonists arrived.
And we learn that the Johannsons do have a tradition there...

All in all: exciting read, if a bit on the 'non-bondage'-side.
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Post by Caesar73 »

This was a pretty intense and dramatic Chapter [mention]GreyLord[/mention] It looks our Damsels in Distress are in for an uncomfortable Ride and it seems to be a safe assumption that Summer will treat them harshly and like [mention]Nainur[/mention] I hope for a speedy rescue operation - Stella had it very rough already once ....
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Post by Bandit666 »

Once more a wonderfully descriptive chapter. Such well thought out developments. Although I’m not sure I can share the thoughts of either [mention]Caesar73[/mention] or [mention]Nainur[/mention] with regards to a speed rescue. I’d kind of like to see just a little more torment and restraint first ;)
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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago Our damsels seem to have a premontion: "please, hold me...".

I thought that Summmer Johannson wasn't to be underestimated, and I hope a rescue can be staged soon!
And we learn that in the Argo-storyline indeed lot's of bloodshed was the tragic result. It has to be said: the Colonists are the intruders - to a good deal by accident, but the fact remains. To take by force what never was there's is a strong reminder of events in the history and it's the good fortune for the 'bandits' that no more Colonists arrived.
And we learn that the Johannsons do have a tradition there...

All in all: exciting read, if a bit on the 'non-bondage'-side.
Sometimes the story line just demands a bit of verbosity without tugs. Hopefully, you will agree that we make up for that soon, [mention]Nainur[/mention].

I agree with you, that it was good fortune for the Bandits that the flow of Colonists ended.

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago This was a pretty intense and dramatic Chapter @GreyLord It looks our Damsels in Distress are in for an uncomfortable Ride and it seems to be a safe assumption that Summer will treat them harshly and like @Nainur I hope for a speedy rescue operation - Stella had it very rough already once ....
It is getting intense as we wind our way to the end of the second arc, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I had not aspired to achieve the level of dramatic. Thank you very much.

Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago Once more a wonderfully descriptive chapter. Such well thought out developments. Although I’m not sure I can share the thoughts of either @Caesar73 or @Nainur with regards to a speed rescue. I’d kind of like to see just a little more torment and restraint first ;)
Those are very kind words, [mention]Bandit666[/mention]. Thank you for them. As for your wish, things may well work out that way.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have kindly posted comments on my story. That is appreciated very much. Please continue to tell me what you think about The Bandit Scout on Newhome. If you would like your tag removed from this list, send me a PM to that effect.

We are coming to the end of this arc, dear readers. This chapter contains the end of the Argonaut thread. The next episode will be the last in this arc.


Chapter 43 (M+/F+ F/F) – Rider and McTavrish in Pursuit

Jack Cook led the Lou’s Ride as fast as the horse team could manage for half an hour. They had exited the flats but were careful to stay in the tracks the Diamond Bar army made going to the flats. Finally, he called a halt, ordering the men to water the wagon team and their horses. “Get that woman down off of that pole! Summer will be more than pissed if we have damaged her in any way. If she is alright, tie her back up like the other women.”

When Carmen was released from the pole, she wasn’t sure she could stand. But after several attempts, she found that she was able. Bruises were marking where the ropes had suspended her as the pole jerked her from side to side and back and forth. But fortunately, nothing was dislocated, and she didn't have any internal injuries. “Could I have something to put on please,” she asked the men who released her.

One of them replied, “No, Miss, you will be lucky if you get a blanket when it gets cold.”

They pushed Carmen down to the wagon floor, and soon she was hogtied and gagged like Stella and Helen.

Cook told the men, “Rider will be after us soon unless Carl has defeated him, which I doubt. We will continue following these tracks for another hour. Then, as I recall, we will come to a place with hard rocky ground. There we will abandon the wagon and cut across to the Winters Ranch. We will make the best time possible, but we will still have a two-week journey. Let’s head out.”


Boss Rider and his posse arrived at the place the tracks disappeared into the hard rocky ground in the late afternoon. Lt. Daley said, “Boss, I have scouted in this area before when I was stationed at Cold Water Springs. I have a recommendation for you to consider.”

Ralph said, “Speak up, Lieutenant. We desperately need a good idea right now.”

“Yes, sir. So far, these tracks are taking us due west. Soon the tracks will have to turn more northward to get to the Cold Water Springs/Diamond Bar area. I think we need to stop for the night and let my squads scout ahead and to either side while daylight remains. While they are scouting, we need to hear everything that Boss Carlos can tell us about his time in Cold Water Springs and at the Diamond Bar. Anything might give us a clue. We need to get inside Summer Johansson’s head to figure out what we should do next.

“If we go north about a kilometer from here, there is a stream. We need that for the horses. If you agree, I’ll send my squads out to scout, and they will meet us at our camp by the stream when it is too dark for them to see tracks.”

“That sounds good to me. Carlos, Jackson, do you agree?”

Jackson said, “Getting into Summer’s head is my specialty. Yes, I think Lt. Daley has a good plan.”

Carlos added, “My head still hurts enough that I am ready to fall off of this horse. It won’t be long before night. Get your troops going, Tom. Then let’s find that stream.”

It was still daylight when they stopped by the stream and got a fire and a pot of coffee going. Jackson started telling about the Cold Water Springs arrival of Carlos and Stella. “You wouldn’t believe the spectacular entrance they made in town. Carlos had Stella tied up like a tick. She was dressed scantier than a dancing girl in a bawdy house. They were letting everyone know they had arrived. Summer was sure to hear about it immediately.”

Carlos and Jackson both continued the tale with an occasional question from Tom Daley. When Carlos got to the part about taking over the Winters Ranch, Tom said, “Yes, I remember Winters. He was always a worthless son of a bitch. He hated to work. I'm sure the only reason he kept the ranch was that the Johannsons wanted it.”

Jackson exclaimed, “That is it! I think Summer is having Carmen and Stella taken to the Winters place. She will want to abuse Carmen as much as she can without marking her up enough that she will lose value. But she will torture Stella without worrying about her value. That is how Summer gets her kicks. I’m sorry, Carlos and Ralph. I think you need to know the situation.”

It was dark by then, and the troopers were returning. One squad leader reported that they had found the Lou's Ride abandoned. Ralph said, “Carlos, you and I are the ones with the most at stake here. I think that we are losing ground on the abductors. We could scout for days before we pick up their tracks again. I think that we should sleep until moonrise and then head for the Winters place. It is a terrible risk. If we are wrong, the fate of Stella, Carmen, and Helen is unthinkable. But if we are right, I am betting that we can move faster than the Diamond Bar bunch and can save the women. But I won't make this decision by myself.”

Carlos groaned, “I know, Ralph. Stella has been tortured once. She doesn’t need that again. Jackson, you are a Unihold Master. What is your estimate of the probability that they are going to the Winters ranch? I’m not trying to put this all on you. I know that I am asking you for a guess.”

Jackson said, “I have a stake in this too. Helen and I were close for a short time. I know that I am much too old for her, and she and Mike Mullins have my blessings. But, like you, I would do anything to save them. It is better than a seventy percent probability that they are going to the Winters place. Summer will not want Carl Johansson to interrupt her fun. She thinks he is still alive and probably thinks he has won.”

Ralph then said, “All right, it is settled. The moon will rise in about five hours. Chew on some hardtack and get what sleep you can. We will move out when the moon appears.”


Stella, Carmen, and Helen had endured a long hard ride tied to the backs of horses that had been pulling the Lou’s Ride. They had been given freedom briefly to relieve themselves and eat. Now they were bound hand and foot once again. They were all tied to each other as well. Jack Cook came over to them and said, "I know this isn’t fair to you. Carmen, you have been a prisoner for a long ride, and we have further to go. The Lou’s Ride is challenging, and you must be hurting from it. Stella, you took a hard blow to the head. I wish we had something to ease that for you, but we don’t. Helen, I know you from the Drop In Tavern. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

““It’s getting cold at night. I've brought some blankets for you. And I told the men not to gag you unless I say so. My job is to deliver you to Summer Johansson unharmed. You can talk to each other. Just don't make any loud noise, or the gags will go back. Okay?”

Helen answered, “Thank you, Jack. You always seemed nice at the Tavern. I’m glad to see that you still are. There is no way we can wrap up in those blankets, tied up like we are.”

“I’ll help you with that.” Jack covered them and tucked the blankets around them. With Carmen, who was still naked, he was careful that the blankets protected her modesty. “Helen, you wouldn’t happen to know what happened to Dingus Dean, would you?”

Helen answered, “I haven’t seen Mr. Dean in a while now. What happened to him?”

Jack said, “He disappeared. I would like to know what happened myself. Carmen, I will get you a shirt and pants in the morning. I will do what I can to make this trip as easy on all of you as possible. We have a long way to go, almost two weeks. We will start early. Try to sleep.”

Jack left, and Carmen said, “He is right. That wagon was hell on wheels. Helen, thank you for trying it out and ensuring the troopers knew how to tie a girl on that pole in a way to give her some protection and support. Stella, is your head alright?”

“Let me get my hands on a katana, and I will show you alright,” Stella answered. “I would be happy to take on this whole lot. But I don't think that will happen. Our situation doesn’t look good.”

Helen replied, “No, there has been talk in Cold Water Springs for years about Summer. Some think that she was behind the disappearance of several women over the years. And that she is a die-hard sadist. I am afraid to think about what may be ahead for us.”

Stella said, “Don't give up yet, Helen. You just met Carlos and have only said hello to Ralph at the Ranch. They will move Heaven and Newhome to get to us. Now we should get some sleep. It’s our job to be rested and strong, so we can take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way. Helen, Carmen, and I sleep tied up often enough that this is not a hardship. Will you be alright?”

“I’ll be fine, Stella. Thank you for asking,” replied Helen.


Lou awoke slowly, her eyes opening to darkness. No, there was a faint glow which she realized were instruments. There was an instrument panel in this strange bed. Her eyes focused on it and the clock/calendar it contained. Headmaster Kennedy had told her that it was calibrated to Newhome time. She was in a suspended animation sleep pod.

She saw that over four hundred years had passed. Lou’s mind didn’t want to wrap itself around that fact. She started flexing her muscles without moving, using dynamic tension. It appeared that everything was working as it should. She was very thirsty and was feeling hungry. With a slight movement of her head, she closed her lips over a tube that she recognized as a water tube. She was able to suck water into her mouth and gratefully drank.

She thought, “Headmaster Kennedy could have killed me more easily than putting me here. He must have provided me with what I will need to live. No battery would last four hundred years. He must have installed photovoltaic panels to produce power. I must try to get up.”

Lou found that nothing hindered her from getting out of the sleep pod. The top had opened wide for her. More lighting came on as she climbed out of the pod and onto the floor. It was low lighting but enough for her to see around her. She was naked, but a table held clothes for her to wear. She dressed and saw that there was a paper with printing on it. And there was a chair in which she was grateful to sit. Her body was functioning but weak.

Reading the papers, she realized that they were instructions for her. They started with information about food. There were containers of freeze-dried meals and means to prepare them for her to eat. Then there was a recommendation that she stay near the sleeping pod for three days, resting and doing very light exercise. That should bring her back to almost normal.

For the next three days, she should make her way during the day to the entrance to the cave and begin exploring the mountainside. Once she was fully mobile, her objective would be to contact the Aztec people. The papers suggested that they were likely to be as isolated now as they were at the time of first contact. Headmaster Kennedy had inserted a legend about Lou that foretold that she would return to the Aztecs one day. Then the Aztec people must help her return to Kennedy. The Aztecs had only a vague idea of where Kennedy was.

The papers directed her to containers that held all the gear she might need for her journey to Kennedy. Layered clothing to accommodate different seasons. Cooking utensils and some freeze-dried meals. But it was clear that she would have to hunt for most of her food. And there were weapons. She had a sword, a knife, and a laser pistol that would recharge in the sunlight.

Seven days after she awoke, Lou started down the mountain to find the Aztec people. She came across a mountain stream and followed it down into a valley where it ran into a small river. Lou followed the river until the day was almost gone. She stopped for the night. She kept a watchful eye for any of the large predators she knew were around.

Continuing downriver the following morning, she caught sight of a group of women bathing in the river and washing clothes. She approached openly, not wanting to appear suddenly and frighten them. When they saw Lou, they picked up spears and formed a line facing her. When she drew near, she saw looks of astonishment on their faces. They dropped their spears and fell to their knees, bowing to her. She heard one of them say, “It is as foretold. Lou has returned.” She was speaking English.

Lou said, “Arise, dear friends. You do not need to bow to me. My name is Lou. Would you take me to your Chief?”

One of the women looked older, only because of a bit of gray in her hair. She stood up and said, “Stand up ladies and welcome Lou, who has returned to us. It is as the legend foretold. Secure our wash so it won’t wash away in the river. Then we will take Lou to see Chief Suwannee. Lou, we are thrilled to see you, and it is an honor for us to take you to see our Chief.”


Chief Suwanee said, "Lou, welcome to the Aztec tribe. I regret that I cannot answer most of the questions you have asked me. We Aztecs have always avoided contact with people from beyond our region. And those people stay away from here because they do not know how to survive the predators that thrive here.

“The legend said that you would return. Of course, I did not expect it to happen while I was Chief. But here you are, and I must help you return to the outer world. Is it true that you have been asleep for all of these years?”

Lou replied, “Yes, I have been asleep. Before I was put to sleep, I was friends with the Aztec people of that time. That was about four hundred years ago. Joseph Chimalli was the Aztec chief then. It is wonderful that you are willing to help me return. How much planning and preparation will that require?”

“I would say fifteen days. If you are not used to our environment or your long sleep has taken your edge away, you can use that time to train with the raid that will escort you. I think that you will find the training valuable in the journey that you will undertake. The trip will be difficult. The raid will have to hunt for food as you go.

“Our legend only tells us the direction, northeast, and that it will take up to half a year. I have a ritual that I must follow. I have a device that has been handed down from Chief to Chief since you were among us before. On your return, I am to turn a dial on the device. I will do this now.”

The sleep pod had performed excellently. Of course, Lou was not at her peak after four hundred years of sleep, but she snapped back incredibly fast. She trained daily with the team that would escort her to what the Aztecs called the outer world. The Aztecs called this team of eighteen a raid.

A raid was organized for a particular purpose and could consist of six to sixty Aztecs. Chief Suwanee organized this raid to survive the trek to Kennedy and to protect Lou. For the first five days of training, Lou was at the bottom in performance at every exercise they undertook.

During the second five-day period, Lou held her own. The raid’s team leader, Pat Katzman, told Lou that they had been concerned that Lou’s weakness would put her at risk and that they were all relieved to see her able to keep up with the team. Jan Jones, the senior woman in the raid, was in the group of women that met Lou when she first came down the mountain. She was particularly pleased to see Lou’s improvement. The tribes’ legends had painted Lou as a superwoman. Now they were seeing that she was at least above average.

Then, during the third five days of training, they saw the Lou of legend. Lou outperformed every Aztec at every exercise. Katzman reported to Chief Suwanee, “Chief, I have never seen anyone get back into physical condition as fast as Lou. She is absolutely ready for her journey. We have been checking our supplies again and again. There is no reason that we cannot leave in the morning.”

That evening, the Aztecs had a going away dinner for the raid. It ended too early for them to call it a feast. And it was somewhat subdued as no one knew if any of the raid team would return to them or not. Jan was seated next to Lou. As everyone was leaving the dinner, Jan asked Lou if she could join Lou for a talk.

In Lou’s lodge, Jan said, "Lou, you know that you have been made into a legend. After training with you, it is clear that you are the person described in those legends. This is my last night at home. It will be a year before I will have any chance of seeing home again. There is no certainty that I will ever see home again.

“I have always been more dom than sub. But I would be very proud to sub for you. If what I am saying is unwelcomed, please excuse me, and I will leave quietly.”

“Jan, this is unexpected but not unwelcomed. I will have to tell you that my experience has been with men. But I cannot imagine a woman more beautiful than you. On Earth, we have an expression for someone like you. We would say that you are ripped.”

“As I am your sub, Lou, you can have a better look if you wish.”

“I do wish. And Jan, thank you for offering to be my sub tonight. Does that offer extend to our journey too?”

“Oh, yes. As long and whenever you wish.”

“There might be times that I would want to switch roles. Would that be acceptable to you?”

“A chance to top the Great Lou. That would be more than acceptable. That would be heaven.”

“Wonderful, then we have a long time to get to know each other. Tonight, we need our sleep. I would like to sleep next to you, holding you. Is that satisfactory?”

“You are the top, Lou. If that is what you want, it is satisfactory. I assume that you would like me to be naked and that you will tie me up?”

“Yes, Jan. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful journey together.”
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

Outstanding Chapter [mention]GreyLord[/mention] ! At least Stella, Carmen and Helen are alright and are treated with respect for the time being. And Stella had it right. They must biding their time - much can happen in two weeks, though following the Trail for the Rescue Party might be more difficult than it seemed at first. Let us hope the best!

And the second Story Arc was equally good, so Lou meets the Aztecs :) I always liked the ancient indian cultures, Mayas, Incas - and Aztecs!
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Post by Nainur »

what can i say? It is such a catching tale!

(however, I am a bit sad that the Argo-storyline is about to be concluded: following Lou is awesome, though I needed a bit to get into this thread, I admit. Lou rules!)
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have kindly posted comments on my story. That is appreciated very much. Please continue to tell me what you think about The Bandit Scout on Newhome. If you would like your tag removed from this list, send me a PM to that effect.

With this chapter, we come to the end of the second arc of The Bandit Scout on Newhome. I thank each and every one of you that have read all or part of my story. I hope that that you will be interested in reading more in the future.


Chapter 44 (MF/F+) - Summer’s Play Time

As they rode up to the Winters’ ranch house, Helen thought, “I went to the Rider Ranch tied up, and I came back tied up. This is getting to be a way of life for me. Not exactly what I had planned for myself. It would have been more fun if Mike had been in charge of me. I would have gotten a lot out of that.”

After their first ride on the horses, tied laying across the horse’s backs, Stella, Carmen, and Helen had been allowed to ride a little more normally. They were still riding with their hands tied behind their backs. They did not have saddles, but Jack had improvised saddle blankets with stirrups. Their ankles were lashed to the saddle blanket’s belt with only enough freedom for them to use the stirrups.

At the house, their feet were unlashed, and they were taken off of the horses. The guards hobbled their legs and thoroughly checked their wrists’ ropes. Each woman had a man on each arm to usher her into the house. Jack said, “Summer, here are the packages you requested plus one surprise package that I think will please you, Helen Wayne.”

Smiling big, Summer said, “Yes, indeed, Jack. That is an unexpected and very wonderful surprise. Thank you for delivering them in such good condition.” Pointing to a door, she said, “Take the women into that room. You can leave them on the floor in a good hogtie. Jack, I know you will be in a hurry to get on to the Diamond Bar. You have performed very well on this assignment. Keep in mind that Carl is not to know that we are here. He will think that I am in Cold Water Springs hiding Carmen.”

“Thank you, ma’am. Goodbye for now.” Jack walked out the front door, mounted his horse, and departed. If anyone had been paying attention, they would have noticed that he did not seem to be heading directly for the Diamond Bar.


Summer walked into her playroom. The three women were on the floor, hogtied. She saw that her security guards had thoughtfully gagged them. She wondered why they weren’t gagged when they arrived. One security guard, Charles, was with her. She had picked Charles for his great strength and his low intelligence. It was nice that Charles seemed to enjoy special assignments like this. The rest of the security guards would be outside, ensuring that Summer had her privacy.

“Charles, this one is named Carmen. We have to be sure not to mark her in any way. I intend for her to be a bondage slave in the brothel. Let her out of the hogtie and stand her up under that pulley.” Summer pointed to one of the pulleys hanging from the ceiling. As Charles completed that order, Summer lowered the pulley to shoulder level. “Now help me lift her hands and place them over this hook on the pulley.”

Carmen was very used to stringent strappado bondage and was not bothered by her present position. For effect, however, she cried and groaned around her gag.

Summer said, “Charles, you should enjoy doing this for me. Take your knife and cut off those ridiculous men’s clothes she is wearing. Don’t slip and cut her, mind you.”

Leaving Charles to his assignment, Summer knelt beside Helen. “I don’t know why it has been so hard for me to get a meeting with you, Helen. Never mind, we are together now. I think that you know what happened to my friend Dingus. Nod your head if you want to tell me, and I will remove your gag. No, well, that is alright. I have some exceptional entertainment for you that will help you see things differently. You wait right here until Charles has finished with Carmen.”

Helen said, “Hmmmph.”

Summer went over to Stella, “And you, Stella, you are the queen bitch, are you not. We will provide some first-class entertainment for you as well.”

Stella looked Summer in the eye, at least as well as she could from her hogtied position.

“Your eyes tell me that you think you can defy me. Oh, I do hope so. Defy me for a long time. I heard that some Comanche worked you over for a while. Well, they were amateurs. You will find me a lot more exciting. I see that Charles has Carmen properly naked now. Charles, let’s take care of Helen next. Release her hogtie and stand her up next to the post in the center of the room. Fine, thank you. Now you can tie her neck to the post to keep her from moving while you cut off her clothes too. Isn’t this exciting? You get to cut the clothes off three women this afternoon.”

Summer picked up a flogger and stood beside Carmen while Charles did his work on Helen. “I don’t want you to feel neglected over here, Carmen. I’ll just warm your skin up until Charles finishes with your friend.”

Summer struck Carmen’s butt with the flogger, and Carmen screamed as loud as she could with her gag. Summer did deliver a good blow, but it didn’t hurt that much. Carmen acted as if it did.

Stella was doing everything that she could to escape. She was not having any luck at all. The security guard that hogtied her knew what he was doing.

Helen’s hands were still tied behind her back. Her ankles and knees remained tied together. And if she did not stand up straight, the rope around her neck would choke her. She cried, “Hmmmph,” as Charles cut away her clothing.

Summer did not think of what she was doing as torturing Carmen. She was merely occupying time until Charles had Helen naked. She used the flogger several more times, waiting about a minute between the strikes. She did pay enough attention to what she was doing to hit a new place on Carmen’s body each time.

Seeing that Charles had finished, Summer forced Carmen’s head up by pulling her long blonde hair. “I’m so sorry, but it’s Helen’s turn now. You can be confident that I will get back to you.”

“Charles, I want to untie her hands and retie them behind the pole. You stand behind the pole and hold her arms. When I’ve untied her, pull her arms behind the pole so that I can retie her. Okay?”

“Yes, Miss Summer.”

Soon, Helen was securely tied to the pole with loops of rope around her chest, hips, and legs. Helen looked hatefully at Summer and got several lashes with the flogger for her trouble.

“This last one is the most dangerous of all, Charles. I want her strung up on the X-cross. Release her hogtie and stand her with her back to the cross. I’ll hold her while you get behind her and the cross. Put your wire garrote around her neck. You will use the garrote to force Stella to let me tie her arms to the cross once I untie her hands.”

Stella struggled, but bound and against Charles’s great strength, she could do nothing. It did not take Charles long to get Stella placed as Summer wanted. Summer untied Stella’s hands, and Stella thought that this was her chance to act. But the moment she moved her hand to grab Summer’s throat, Charles tightened the garrote enough that Stella knew she would die if she continued. Stella had no choice but to allow Summer to put a single-column tie on her right wrist and attach it to the pulley on the top right arm of the cross. She did the same with Stella’s left wrist. Next, Summer untied Stella’s ankles. Kneeling where Stella couldn’t kick her, she levered Stella’s right leg flush to the right leg of the cross where she tied it. Stella’s left leg soon followed, and Stella was spread eagle on the cross.

“Keep the garrote in place until I stretch her good and tight, Charles.” Summer used the pulleys to pull Stella so tight that her feet were off of the floor and held down by the ropes. Stella was pulled very tight, but she would not give Summer the satisfaction of making a sound.


When Jack Cook mounted his horse to leave the Winters Ranch, his eye caught a movement in the treeline to the southeast. He veered his path to take him nearer to the movement that he had observed. His mind was in turmoil. He knew what was going to happen to the three women he had delivered to Summer, and he knew that it was wrong. He also knew that Summer’s security guards would cut him down like a dog at a word from Summer. He planned a path that would get him out of sight of Summer’s guards and take him to where he saw the movement.

It took him nearly an hour to work his way out of sight of Summer’s guards until he was approaching the spot in the woods where he saw activity. He was making a lot of noise on purpose. Assuming he was approaching Rider forces, he did not want to cause any surprises. Suddenly, he was surrounded by men on horseback with drawn swords of the type that Carlos and Stella had. Jack pulled his horse to a stop and raised his hands. “My name is Jack Cook. If you are Ralph Rider’s people looking to rescue the women, I can help you.”

One horseman approached him. “I am Ralph Rider. Why would you help us, and why should we believe you?”

“I replaced Dingus Dean as the Diamond Bar foreman, and I was put in charge of the kidnapping by Summer Johansson. She is a bad woman and what she will do to those girls is not just wrong, it is evil.”

Ralph asked, “What do you suggest? It would be easy for us to ride up and overwhelm the guards we see. But they would raise the alarm inside the house. We think it is too likely that our women would be killed.”

Jack replied, “I will take one of you back to the house as a prisoner. It will be past twilight with no moon by the time we get there. The guards’ attention will be on me. I can sketch a path for you to follow to get almost to the house unseen. You can finish your approach on foot while the guards are focusing on me.”

Carlos spoke up, “Jack, I wondered why a good man like yourself was with the Johanssons. This will work, Ralph, particularly if I am the prisoner. Dismount and sketch the approach you suggest. Then let’s get going.”

Jack said, “Yes, we must hurry. Stella, Carmen, and Helen will be having a hard time as we speak. But Summer won’t do any serious damage until it is dark. Dingus described her methods to me in detail.”

When Ralph was sure that he understood the approach to the ranch house, he addressed his men. “Lt. Daley, give me a squad to come with me to attack on foot. Capt. James, you will be with me. Sgt. Mullins’ squad, I know you want to be in the first wave. But I need troops who are experts with their katana for this. Lt. Daley, when we have taken out the guards outside the house, we will light a lantern and wave it as a signal for you to come on to the house. Are there any questions? No, then let’s get started.”


Summer moved the thick curtain over the window to the side and saw that it was now night. This was the time that she was most creative with her toys. Having three at once was a special treat. She had not paid much attention to Helen during the past few years. She developed into a fine-looking woman. As fine as Carmen, truth be told. Both were prime material for the brothel. That meant that she would have to be careful not to mark them in any way that would not heal without flaw. That was alright, though. She could cause a lot of pain without leaving a mark.

“Carmen, I will start with you. The first step will be to raise your arms a little higher. Summer worked the pulley lifting Carmen’s hands twenty-five or thirty centimeters higher. Carmen arched her ankles as much as possible to keep some of her weight on her tiptoes. There was still a lot of pressure on her shoulders.

“You have wonderful tits, don’t you. They will be even more beautiful when I attach these clamps to your nipples.” Summer tweaked Carmen’s nipples and attached clamps to each. The clamps were connected by a light chain that dangled below Carmen’s breasts about forty centimeters. As the night progresses, we will add weights to that chain. Don’t you find that exciting? But let’s let you get used to your position while I give Helen some of my attention.”

“Dear Helen, you haven’t been made uncomfortable at all, have you? Your body, tied on that post, just invites the use of a single tail whip. But that is much too likely to mark you. I think a wider leather belt will do just fine. So that you can tell me how I am doing, I will remove your gag.”

Charles was standing guard by the door and was observing the torture with total concentration.

Summer said, “The belly, the stomach, and the tits are so much more sensitive than the back and the butt.” Summer whipped the belt she had selected across Helen’s tits. Helen was determined not to scream, and it took all of her willpower to stay silent.

“I really did think that you would be gracious and comment on my technique since I removed your gag. I must not be doing this effectively, or I would hear from you.” Summer struck four more times in quick succession. Once on Helen’s groin, two more on her midsection, and the last returning to Helen’s tits.

Helen said, “Dingus did much better than you, Summer, right before I castrated him and cut off his dick. I may not be the one to get you. But it is coming. It is coming much sooner than you think possible.”

Summer gasped and stepped back astride. “You foul bitch. You may not make it to the brothel after all. I am going to cut you to ribbons. Think about what is coming while I take a turn working on Stella.”

Turning to the X-cross, Summer slammed the belt across Stella’s abdomen. Because Stella was stretched so tight on the cross, the pain was even worse than it would have been. Stella was impressed with Helen’s stoicism and would not cry out either.

A knock on the door interrupted Summer. “Charles, see what they want! They know not to disturb me.”

Charles cracked the door open and slipped out.


Leading Carlos’s horse with Carlos on its back, Jack Cook rode up to the ranch house. Carlos’ hands were behind his back. “I have another present for Summer. I know she doesn’t like to be disturbed, but I think this will make her happy enough that we should do it.”

A squad of highly trained troopers with drawn katanas descended on the guards out of the pitch-black night. And Carlos’ hands were suddenly no longer behind his back. He had his katana drawn as well. Mere seconds later, the guards were dead. Carlos leaped to the porch and knocked on the door. A wide, powerful-looking guard came out only to have his severed head roll to the ground. Carlos sprang through the door with troopers right behind him.

Carlos placed the point of his katana at Summer’s throat and backed her against the wall. Grabbing the nearest trooper, he said, “Keep her here. If she moves, kill her. You two! Get Helen free from that post.”

Before he could direct anyone to Carmen, Ralph rushed in to take care of that problem. Carlos freed Stella from her ordeal. He yelled, “Get us some blankets, now!”

Moments later, Carlos held Stella in his arms, wrapped in a blanket. Ralph did the same for Carmen. Lt. Daley said to Helen, “You don’t know me, but you need a hug too.” Helen gratefully let herself be enveloped in the arms of this older man. Tom said, “Helen, Mike Mullins was wounded trying to prevent you from being taken. But he is going to be alright. He is under the care of Medico Stevens, the best medico on this planet.”

Stella said, “We are alright. Summer was just starting to get serious. You got here in the nick of time. Thank you for rescuing us. For me, this is getting to be a habit.”

Carmen and Helen echoed a thank you each.

Ralph brought up the problem facing them. “What do we do with Summer?”

Helen responded, “Well, I think that we should sleep on it overnight. Summer was showing us some fascinating techniques. She even removed my gag so I could talk to her about them. Carmen, what do you think?”

Carmen added, “Yes, she did seem to want a dialog. What is new, at least to me, is this X-cross. Stella, do you have something to add?”

Stella replied, “Sleeping on the question of what to do with Summer is an excellent idea. But I know what you are thinking, girls. Summer would keep very well overnight on the cross while we consider what to do with her. Lt. Tom, can your men keep the prisoner while we find something to wear? Be careful not to let her take the easy way out.”

Summer was keeping silent. No one had asked her anything anyway. She thought, “There is no way that I am getting out of this alive. The only question is: How bad are they going to make it for me before they let me die? The truth is, I am terrified. I have given these three women plenty of reason to hate me and want payback. If I see any chance to kill myself, I will take it.”

The three women returned to the playroom with Ralph, Carlos, and Tom. The women weren’t dressed elegantly, and they certainly wouldn’t get upset if blood splatter got on them. Stella said to the troopers guarding Summer, “Thank you. We will take it from here.”

With a nod from Lt. Tom Daley, the troopers departed.

Helen spoke to Summer, “You are dressed very well. I will give you a choice. Remove your clothes, or we will cut them off of you.”

Summer knew that she must do as they said. It would be the lesser of the evils. She was still proud of her body. Regular exercise kept it in prime condition. There was always a chance that one of the men would take a fancy to her and, in the process, give her the opportunity for suicide. She removed her clothes while looking each man in the eye, one after the other.

Looking at Tom Daley, she said, “I know you. You are Tom Daley. You used to be stationed in Cold Water Springs.” She figured that she would have a better chance with him than she would with the mates of Stella and Carmen.

Carmen said, “Summer, while we were looking for some clothes, Stella was wondering if you have tried out your X-cross yourself. You know that is the only way to know for sure how effective it is. Back up to it and spread your arms and leg, unless you want us to do this the hard way. It’s your choice.”

Summer complied and let her wrists be tied to the pulleys by Stella and Carmen. They used the pulleys to stretch Summer out until her toes could just touch the floor. Helen commented, “You know, folks, when we pull her ankles out to strap them to the feet of the cross, she won’t be able to touch the ground any longer.”

Ralph said, “That is tough!” as he took one ankle and pulled it to the side. Carlos did the same with the other one. Summer cried out, “Oh, this hurts. Please have mercy.” Stella and Carmen tied Summer’s ankles to the bottom of the X-cross.

Carmen said, “We had better make sure. Let’s tie her to the beams just above her knees too.” And they did.

Summer continued to cry and moan, “Oh, please, I have gold. You can have it if you just won’t torture me.”

Helen said, “Did you notice that she is not begging for her life. She knows she is going to die. She is just trying to avoid pain’.”

Stella said, “As Ralph said, tough. I notice a big difference in the way she hung me on that cross and the way she is hung. Ropes on my ankles held me down while she used the pulleys to put a lot more tension in my body. She is not pulling against the ropes around her ankles because we tied them after she was suspended. I think my ankle ropes will hold this side down while we raise her arms a little higher. That will stress her a lot more.”

“My side will hold as well,” added Carmen. “Let’s stretch her.”

Summer screamed. “Stop, please stop. I will do anything you want.”

“Helen, Summer had a rather large gag in you, didn’t she? Do you think you could find it and use it to keep Summer quiet?” Stella asked.

“Yes, here it is. Summer, I am going to put this in your mouth. Before I do, why don’t you tell us how you killed my father? You said you would do anything.” Helen stood before Summer, holding the gag up to her face.

“I had Dingus do it. He ambushed your dad returning from town. He broke his neck and then turned over the wagon to make it look like an accident. Hmmmph!” Helen pushed the gag in Summer’s mouth and tied it tight behind her head. Tears rolled out of Summer’s eyes.

Ralph put his hand on Carlos’ shoulder and said, “I don’t think we are needed in here any longer. They can call us if we are required.

“You hit me with this belt. You need to see what that is like.” Helen proceeded to give Summer twenty intense lashes up and down Summer’s body.

Stella asked Carmen, “Didn’t Summer put clamps on your nipples, Carmen?”

Carmen answered, “Yes, she did, Stella. Thank you for reminding me.” Then she noted, “And, Summer, you taught me the value of this flogger. Now it is your turn.”

When Carmen attached the clamps to Summer’s tits, Summer cried, “Hmmmph! Hmmmph!”

Then Carmen took up the flogger with a will. She lost count but finally threw the flogger to the floor, saying, “I’m sure you deserve more, but my arm is getting tired. Stella, do you have anything to add?”

“No, I think you ladies have been very clear. She is stretched, whipped, and flogged. Unless you need me, I am going to bed.”

“We are going to leave her on the cross all night, right. Should we lower her enough to get the balls of her feet on the ground?” Helen asked.

“Unless Stella objects,” said Carmen.

Stella shook her head, indicating that it was okay with her.

Stella and Carmen pulled the ropes to the pulleys to release them. Summer groaned, “Hmmmph,” at the added tension, then the tension lessened, and her feet reached the floor once again. Even her heels touched.

“Don’t worry ladies, she will still have a huge amount of pain before morning,” Helen commented. The trio wanted to punish Summer but did not want to sink to her level of depravity.

Leaving Summer stretched on the cross, Stella went to find Carlos. Carmen went looking for Ralph. And Helen went to look for Jack Cook.


The trip back to the Rider Ranch was long. It was enjoyable for everybody but Summer Johansson. Summer spent each day tightly hogtied in the back of the wagon. Yes, it was the Lou’s Ride. But Ralph said they would not mount her on the pole, even though she deserved it. At night, Summer was either staked out in a spread eagle or stretched tight between the wheels. She was given little more than rags to wear.

After returning to Rider Ranch, they would turn her over to Sheriff Matt Crosby in Round Rock. The Sheriff and Unihold would work out what would become of Summer Johansson.

On their arrival at the Ranch, they found a message waiting. Headmaster Lee Chang was on his way from Unihold. He wanted to meet with Ralph and Carmen Rider, Carlos and Stella McTavrish, and Medico Stevens. The news did not say what he wanted, only that there had been startling new developments.


Thank you, my friends, for staying with me to this point. For personal and family reasons, I am going to take March and April away. In May, I plan to begin a new story, Tale of an Archer. This is a story in the time frame of the Argonaut that was proposed by [mention]Nainur[/mention] as a Role Play. If it turns out to be a good story, much must be credited to him, both story and dialog.

Tale of an Archer is now complete. The Bandit Scout on Newhome will continue with a third arc. But I recommend that you read Tale of an Archer at this point to give you the best view of the story
Last edited by GreyLord 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »

yet another awesome chapter with a new climax of suspense and tight bondage! Superb!

Farewell untill then, sir!
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Post by Nainur »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago ... I plan to begin a new story, A Tale of an Archer. This is a story in the time frame of the Argonaut that was proposed by @Nainur as a Role Play. If it turns out to be a good story, much must be credited to him, both story and dialog.
... and I shall be very honored by this when the day will come!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear [mention]GreyLord[/mention] - some congratulations are in order for the grandiose Finish of the second Arc of the Bandit Scout. I would not mind to read more about thisi fascinating Storyverse you created.

And I am looking forward to your new project as well!
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Post by wolfman »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] my apologies for not commenting more often. I have finally caught up with this breathtaking tale. I am blown away with the clarity and power of your story telling. All the way through on this journey, you have owned the canvas and painted a masterpiece. Thank you very much for sharing.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago @GreyLord my apologies for not commenting more often. I have finally caught up with this breathtaking tale. I am blown away with the clarity and power of your story telling. All the way through on this journey, you have owned the canvas and painted a masterpiece. Thank you very much for sharing.
[mention]wolfman[/mention] says it all: "The Bandit Scout on Newhome" is a breathtaking tale and a masterpiece - and I am looking forward to the Point, when [mention]GreyLord[/mention] will grace us with a Sequel!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Damn. What is there I can say that hasn’t already. This tale is breathtaking. In so imaginative. And most certainly deserving of the term “masterpiece”. The descriptions. The settings. The events. Fantastic. So worthy of all the comments and support it receives. Magnificent.
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Post by slackywacky »


I made it, finally. That was one (several?) big tale of bondage and adventure. A very enjoyable read with extreme bondage. Thank you GreyLord for writing this epic tale. Can't wait for May to come around...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago yet another awesome chapter with a new climax of suspense and tight bondage! Superb!

Farewell untill then, sir!
Similar to the sound of one hand clapping, a story is nothing until it is liked by readers. Thank you, [mention]Nainur[/mention], and all of my readers, for making something out of my tale.
Nainur wrote: 2 years ago
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago ... I plan to begin a new story, A Tale of an Archer. This is a story in the time frame of the Argonaut that was proposed by @Nainur as a Role Play. If it turns out to be a good story, much must be credited to him, both story and dialog.
... and I shall be very honored by this when the day will come!
And I am honored by your participation, [mention]Nainur[/mention].
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Dear @GreyLord - some congratulations are in order for the grandiose Finish of the second Arc of the Bandit Scout. I would not mind to read more about thisi fascinating Storyverse you created.

And I am looking forward to your new project as well!
The new project is embedded in the same Storyverse, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. I can only hope that it will be as well received as The Bandit Scout on Newhome.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
wolfman wrote: 2 years ago @GreyLord my apologies for not commenting more often. I have finally caught up with this breathtaking tale. I am blown away with the clarity and power of your story telling. All the way through on this journey, you have owned the canvas and painted a masterpiece. Thank you very much for sharing.
@wolfman says it all: "The Bandit Scout on Newhome" is a breathtaking tale and a masterpiece - and I am looking forward to the Point, when @GreyLord will grace us with a Sequel!
Thank you, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. It has been a pleasure to write for all of you. More is under development.
Bandit666 wrote: 2 years ago Damn. What is there I can say that hasn’t already. This tale is breathtaking. In so imaginative. And most certainly deserving of the term “masterpiece”. The descriptions. The settings. The events. Fantastic. So worthy of all the comments and support it receives. Magnificent.
WOW, [mention]Bandit666[/mention]. I hope that my future work will please you as well. Your comments make my heart sing.
slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago YES!

I made it, finally. That was one (several?) big tale of bondage and adventure. A very enjoyable read with extreme bondage. Thank you GreyLord for writing this epic tale. Can't wait for May to come around...
And thank you, [mention]slackywacky[/mention], for your comments. They mean a lot to me.
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]slackywacky[/mention], [mention]banshee[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention], [mention]Boundcurious[/mention], [mention]Nainur[/mention], [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], [mention]Damsel-Dilara-Dee[/mention], [mention]Jake78045[/mention], and [mention]Bandit666[/mention]

You have kindly posted comments on my story. That is appreciated very much. Forgive me if I impose on you once more. I am working on The Tale of an Archer with [mention]Nainur[/mention]. This is a Newhome story in the time of the arrival of the Colonists. When this story is complete, I will continue with the third arc of The Bandit Scout on Newhome.

For any of you willing to do so, it would be very helpful if you would tell me 1)who is your favorite character and why and 2)what was your favorite scene with that character.

You are welcomed to reply even if you are not in the above list. Thank you all in advance.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Dear [mention]GreyLord[/mention] my favourite Character is Stella, a strong reilient Woman - to name a specific Scene I find difficult, I hope it is okay for you, if I answer your Question that way: All bondage Scenes with Carlos and Stella. I find it impossible to single one out :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Dear @GreyLord my favourite Character is Stella, a strong reilient Woman - to name a specific Scene I find difficult ... :)
Of course that is alright, [mention]Caesar73[/mention]. Your answer was informative.
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Post by Nainur »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Dear @GreyLord my favourite Character is Stella, a strong reilient Woman - to name a specific Scene I find difficult, I hope it is okay for you, if I answer your Question that way: All bondage Scenes with Carlos and Stella. I find it impossible to single one out :)
I have to follow those words, I simply have to.

While Carmen added lot to the story and I was amazed by Helen and what a woman Lou harriman was on her mission, I have to stick to Stella!

And, indeed, I cannot chose a single scene, but I like the concept of 'submissive mate' so very much and the journey to it - and was repeated in different ways many a times - caught me most!
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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Dear @GreyLord my favourite Character is Stella, a strong reilient Woman - to name a specific Scene I find difficult, I hope it is okay for you, if I answer your Question that way: All bondage Scenes with Carlos and Stella. I find it impossible to single one out :)
I have to follow those words, I simply have to.

While Carmen added lot to the story and I was amazed by Helen and what a woman Lou harriman was on her mission, I have to stick to Stella!

And, indeed, I cannot chose a single scene, but I like the concept of 'submissive mate' so very much and the journey to it - and was repeated in different ways many a times - caught me most!
Thank you, [mention]Nainur[/mention]. Your input is also helpful.
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Post by slackywacky »

Unfortunately, I did not like any of them... I liked them all. And now you want me to single out a single person and a single scene? Geez.

As with the other answers from my fellow readers, Stella is the most important person in this story, without her this story would never have taken place. Her bondages are varied, but always restrictive and it is indeed hard to single one out.

But that answer would diminish the role of the other women, like Carmen, Helen and the others. All suffered/enjoyed some very tight and difficult bondages. If you really want me to pick a scene, than the ones where a woman ties another woman would be at the top of my list. These scenes were less focused on the love relation between, for example Stella and Carlos, but more on the bondage itself.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
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Post by GreyLord »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago Unfortunately, I did not like any of them... I liked them all. ... These scenes were less focused on the love relation between, for example Stella and Carlos, but more on the bondage itself.
Thank you [mention]slackywacky[/mention]. You have given me a good insight.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Although I haven't read this story in some time and I'm trying to get back into it I have to agree with Caesar, Nainur and Slacky and say that Stella is hands-down the best character in this tale.

She's the first and best damsel out of all the others while still being a believable badass.
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Post by GreyLord »

TayDay95 wrote: 2 years ago ... Stella is hands-down the best character in this tale.

She's the first and best damsel out of all the others while still being a believable badass.
Thank you, [mention]TayDay95[/mention]. So far, it is unanimous for Stella.
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