The adventures of Katja and Jan FM/FFMM

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The adventures of Katja and Jan FM/FFMM

Post by robleligoteur »

Part I

Jan and Katja were sitting in their newly opened chic office near Düsseldorf's Kö. It was a beautiful day in the early summer and
they looked out their wide seventh-floor window onto the Rhine.
"Heavens, I wish someone would finally call. We've done enough advertising. Somebody in this city must need a detective."
"Patience, darling, all right, if no one calls in the next two hours, we'll go out for ice cream. We've earned it"
"All beginnings are hard. If we at least had references"
"Oh come on, a detective agency lives on discretion, you can't just blurt out the solved cases to the world like that."
"You're right again. But once we've solved a few cases well, I'm sure we'll be recommended."
"Yeah sure...there...finally."
The phone rang.
"Hello my name is Katja Sörensen, Detektei Hansen & Sörensen, what can I do for you".
"Hello, my name is Heinz-Georg Frauenknecht, do you have an appointment available today. My wife and I may have an assignment for you."
"Hm...well, we are pretty booked up at the moment, but...we would still have something free this afternoon. Would you like to come to our office ?"
"Well, if you don't mind, you can visit us at our bungalow. We can show you the...hmm...crime scene right then."
"Crime scene...what, what happened ? "
"Well, my wife and I were robbed, and we were robbed of some valuable antiques that we recently bought at an auction. The objects are very valuable to us and we are eager to recover them. The police has been informed, of course, but we would like to put the
the matter in the hands of a dedicated detective agency. After all, they often have quite different possibilities than the police."
"Alright, my partner Mr. Hansen and I will be happy to drive out to you. When is convenient for you ?"
"Well, if you want, you can visit us at our house in Büderich around 5:00 pm. We live at Geiselsteig 10 right on the edge of the forest."
"Good, then see you this afternoon."
"Very nice, pleased to meet you, see you then."
When Jan hung up the phone, he was beaming all over:
"Give me five, baby, now that's a first job."
"Yes, sounds interesting and our clients seem to be quite wealthy."
"Yes, we should dress up to make a good impression."
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Welcome aboard. I didn't even have to remind you about gender tags. Thank you.
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Post by robleligoteur »

Part II

"Well, my wife and I were robbed, and we were robbed of some valuable antiques that we recently bought at an auction. The objects are very valuable to us and we are eager to recover them. The police has been informed, of course, but we would like to put the
the matter in the hands of a dedicated detective agency. After all, they often have quite different possibilities than the police."
"Alright, my partner Mr. Hansen and I will be happy to drive out to you. When is convenient for you ?"
"Well, if you want, you can visit us at our house in Büderich around 5:00 pm. We live at Geiselsteig 10 right on the edge of the forest."
"Good, then see you this afternoon."
"Very nice, pleased to meet you, see you then."
When Jan hung up the phone, he was beaming all over:
"Give me five, baby, now that's a first job."
"Yes, sounds interesting and our clients seem to be quite wealthy."
"Yes, we should dress up to make a good impression."

A few hours later, Katja and Jan drove in their white convertible towards Büderich. Katja was wearing an olive-colored short-sleeved silk blouse
and beige linen pants and a rainbow-colored scarf. Jan wore a red polo shirt with two breast pockets and light-colored linen trousers.
The Frauenknechts' house was located at the end of the village in a wooded area. It was a modern bungalow surrounded by a large garden with a high wall.
The property was secured by a gate that seemed to be opened by remote control. Above the gate was a video camera.
Jan got out of the car and pressed the bell.
"Yes." A female voice was heard from the loudspeaker.
"Hello, Mrs. Frauenknecht. This is Jan Hansen."
"Ah, there they are.Wait, I'll open the door for you."
The gate opened and Jan rejoined Katja in the car.
"Hm the estate seems to be pretty well guarded. Wonder how the burglars got in here."
"Hm, guess we'll find out in a minute. Ah there's our hostess."
The two detectives drove their convertible up the driveway to the bungalow, which was slightly elevated on a hill about a hundred yards from the front gate.
An elegant looking woman in her early sixties with gray frizzy hair and a round, somewhat southern expression awaited them in the front door. The woman wore an elegant button-through shirt dress
in dark blue color and a pink scarf.
"Good afternoon, my name is Christina Frauenknecht. Please come in. My husband is still in the study and will join us shortly."
Jan and Katja entered the elegantly furnished entrance hall.
"It's best we talk on the terrace. Darling, our guests are here. Will you please come down?"
Shortly thereafter, Jan and Katja sat on marble terraces in comfortable wicker armchairs and looked out into a spacious garden, where several already veryold beeches stood. In the meantime, they were joined by the owner of the house, Heinz-Georg Frauenknecht, a gray-haired gentleman with a friendly expression, wearing an elegant dark red silk shirt with two breast pockets, along with a light blue neckerchief and beige linen trousers.
"So you were robbed," Jan asked, "how exactly did that happen. Your video surveillance system seems to be pretty good, doesn't it ?"
"You'd best tell us, darling," said Mr. Frauenknecht, "we never thought anything like this could happen to us."
"Yes, they waylaid me. In parking garage of a shopping center. Two women. All of a sudden they were behind me and held a hard object in my back. I was so scared. I did everything they asked. They made me drive to our property. On the way, a third woman got on. They had an Eastern European accent, maybe Bulgarian or Romanian.
My husband was upstairs in the study and didn't suspect a thing. I opened the gate with the remote control. Inside the house, they tied me to a chair in the living room and gagged me. Then they went upstairs and brought my husband down and tied him to a chair next to me as well."
"Yes, I didn't have a chance. I was so scared for my wife and I didn't resist. They tied us up and then they started torturing us. It was...hmm...very humiliating. We gave them the combination to our safe."
"And what exactly did the robbers steal?"
"They were just after two antiques we had recently purchased at auction, on behalf of a high ecclesiastical dignitary."
"What exactly were these antiques?"
"A statue of the Virgin Mary and a gold cross set with diamonds. It is said to have come from a Spanish pirate treasure that was recently discovered."
"And you didn't buy it for yourself, you bought it on behalf of a clergyman."
"Yes, he or the institution he represents wishes to remain discreet. We are both in the export-import and antique business and have a variety of relationships. That's why he asked us to act as buyers."
"And the robbers knew exactly what they wanted?"
"Yes, it seemed that way. At first they tried to fake a normal robbery. But then one of them gave herself away when they tortured us. "Where is statue? Where cross?" she asked. That's when we knew the bandits were acting on orders."
"So someone was targeting those very two relics. Were there fellow bidders at the auction. Could someone not keep up with their bidding?"
"Yes, various antiquities dealers. Some of them we know. They congratulated us on the purchase"
"Can you imagine any of them hiring the robbers?"
"It's possible. We can hardly imagine that these women acted on their own. They were hired by someone."
"And why are you turning to us. You've already been to the police, right?"
"Yes and no. We have only reported a normal robbery to the police. Our client values discretion. He wants the relics back as soon as possible and has spent a lot of money on them. It will be very unpleasant for us if he doesn't get them back."
"How ? I don't understand, he is a man of God, if I understood correctly"
"Well, to be honest, we didn't do this job entirely voluntarily. He...he forced us. We spent a few days in his torture cellar."
"What, am I getting this right ? A Catholic dignitary kidnaps a lay couple and forces them to perform transactions for him."
"Unfortunately, that's the way it is. We didn't have a choice. He...he has connections and would otherwise harm persons we love."
"And now someone else has gotten in your way. This story is too great."
"Unfortunately, that's the truth. We can't trust ourselves to the police, I guess there are informers. That's why we thought about hiring a private detective agency. And when we saw your homepage on the Internet, we just trusted. We don't know any other way out. Our client wants to have the relics in his possession. If he doesn't get them back, he has threatened terrible things, to us and our loved ones.
"Heavens, we are honored by their trust, be honest, we are not quite experienced yet, this is our first assignment, so..."
"Now don't be a rabbit, Jan, of course we'll take it from here...The first thing we need is a list of fellow bidders who could be clients, we'll check them out and then we'll go from there."
"Alright, Mr. Frauenknecht, my partner is right. We'll take the job and hopefully help you out of your predicament."
"Heavens, we're glad to hear that, you don't have to worry about your fee, we'll pay you any daily rate. If you'll just help us out."
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Part III

An hour later, Jan and Katja were back in their convertible and could hardly believe what they had just witnessed.
"Heavens Katja, what a robber's tale. Our first assignment and we're in the middle of a church mystery. I wonder if those two told us the whole truth."
"They looked pretty trustworthy and pretty desperate. It's hard to believe that in our supposedly civilized world, a wealthy couple could just be blackmailed and forced to do things they don't want to do."
"Yes. And in your time of need, they turn to us, of all people. So, tomorrow we'll start checking out the suspects. One by one. We'll have to come up with a strategy for questioning them without arousing suspicion.

The next morning, Katja and Jan sat in their convertible in the Flingern district of Düsseldorf, watching Dorothea Falkenstein's antique store.
The antique dealer was one of the five suspects on the list that the Frauenknechts had sent the two detectives by text message. She had
bid on both sacred items until the very end and was therefore one of the prime suspects. She had been an antique dealer for about five years and had taken over the business from her father.
The store would open soon now and Katja and Jan sat in the car and went over their plan again. Katja was dressed very classically in business style with a short gray skirt, tight fitting red blouse with a dark green scarf and a blazer in the same color as the skirt. She wore
Nylons and black high heels. Jan was dressed casually elegant with an open dark blue silk shirt and a beige summer suit.
"Okay, honey, be careful for God's sake. I'll stay here as a back-up, as discussed. You pose as a journalist investigating the case of the stolen relics. If you're not out of the store in an hour, I'll come in and save you. Don't let the lady intimidate you. She looks pretty stern on her website."
"Don't worry my hero, if anything goes wrong I'll be happy to let you rescue me. Heavens I'm excited, this is our first case. We have always dreamed of something like this."
"Well, see you later, dearest, be careful."
A little later Katja entered the antique store, which had opened only five minutes ago. A melodic gong sounded and a stern looking lady between forty and fifty came into the store from a back room. She wore a tight-fitting black skirt that reached almost to her ankles and an elegant vielotte blouse. Her already graying hair was knotted at the nape of her neck.
"Good afternoon, how can I help you."
"Good afternoon, my name is Sabine Bellefleur, I work for a new antiques magazine and am a private collector of sacred art. I hear they have some beautiful pieces."
"Yes, what are you interested in exactly?"
"Well I'm interested in statues of saints, especially Madonnas from all periods and also crosses. Do you have anything there?"
"Interesting, unfortunately I don't have much in stock there. I have a couple of statues from the sixteenth century, one of St. George and one of St. Michael. And also a wood carving of John the Baptist's head, pretty gruesome but with a good potential for development, price-wise."
"Yes, could I perhaps see the pieces?"
"Yes with pleasure, I'll get them from storage. Would you like something to drink, perhaps? A coffee?"
"Yes, with pleasure."
"Have a seat. I'll be right back with you."
Katja sipped the mocha, which tasted strange somehow.
"What magazine did you say you work for again, Ms. Bellefleur?"
"For Antiqua, a new format that aims to report on the antiques market in an exciting and entertaining way. The first article will be about the fabulous gold treasure recently found by divers off the coast of Jamaica. During my research I have found out
among other things, that they recently tried to acquire, a piece from this treasure, a gold cross set with diamonds. Am I correct in that ?
"Yes, you did a good job of researching that, but unfortunately the Frauensteins beat me to it. With the sum they offered at the end, I unfortunately could not keep up. What a shame. But of course I congratulated the couple on their purchase. The two of them are lovely. And very well-versed in the antiques business."
Katja suddenly felt a little woozy.
"Yes, at the same auction there was...oh my God...I...I feel so dizzy. What what..."
"Yes, you are a bit too curious my cutie. I must say, these knockout drops work really fast. When you'll wake up later, then I'll ask the questions.
Katja's eyes went black. She slumped motionless on her chair.
"Okay. Come here, Igor. Take the lady downstairs and tie her up properly. I bet her rescuer won't be long in coming."
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Post by robleligoteur »

Part IV

Jan was waiting in the car in the meantime. He had parked the car in such a way that he could not be seen from the store, while he himself had a good
view of the antique store's front door. He had been glad that shortly after Katja had entered the store, he had received a text message from her
in which she told him that everything was all right and that she seemed to be bought into her story. But now she had been in there
for over half an hour. He was getting nervous. What on earth was he supposed to do? Where was Katja? Either she was very successful
in her research and had really found something out, or something had happened. What had they gotten themselves into?
What should he do ? Call the police. But if Katja was still in there then and everything was fine, then they would have embarrassed themselves beyond belief.
No, he had to look for himself. But he was unarmed. He had some basic knowledge of various Far Eastern martial arts,
but had never made it past the green belt in any of them. Katja at least had the blue one in Jui-Jitsu. She had a friend in the police
who had taken her to the courses. That was the idea, Susanne, Katja's friend, she was still in the police. He could write her
a message before he went to the store or give her a quick call. Hopefully he had the number saved. Yes, there she was. Susanne Hausen,
detective superintendent. He dialed the number.
"Hello, this is Susanne Hausen. Sorry, I'm not available at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Hello Susanne. It's Jan, Katja's boyfriend. We're on our first case and are currently questioning a suspect. Katja is not
not back yet. If you don't hear from us again, we might be in trouble. We're at 22 Rudolf Fessler Street...
at the antique store Falkenstein. We'll be in touch as soon as we get out of there. Love, Jan."
Jan was relieved. He felt much more comfortable with Susanne as backup. Now he could go in there and play the savior. In their erotic fantasies
he and Katja had often saved each other. Maybe that was one of the reasons why, in their early forties, they had both given up their well-paid jobs to
to open a detective agency. He opened the car door and walked slowly toward the antique store.

Katja slowly came to. Heaven, what had happened? Where was she? Then she felt the bonds. She was sitting on a fetch chair. Her wrists were tied with a
hemp rope behind the back of the chair. Her feet were each tied to a chair leg and they had also tied the rope in several
coils around her belly and breasts, so tight that the ropes cut into her soft flesh. Wow! So she had always imagined that in her
erotic fantasies. Only this was reality. Now she noticed that she was also gagged. They had stuffed a ball of cloth
stuffed into her mouth and this was strictly fixed with a silk scarf.
Whoa. She could only make a muffled whimper and moan. She looked around. She was in a musty basement room of maybe 10 square feet
Basement room that was dimly lit by a light bulb. She could perceive some shelves with boxes. And then, diagonally beside her, she saw another
another chair, on which lay a thick bundle of rope and some cloths. Heavens. Her captor seemed to be preparing for another prisoner. Jan. Heavens, if she could only warn him. She tugged at her bonds and whimpered into her gag. She was the perfect damsel in distress.
Jan! He would surely come. And they seemed to be waiting for him. Hopefully he was at least smart enough to call someone first. Susanne. Yes. If he would at least call
Susanne. She was a detective superintendent. She hadn't exactly been thrilled when she had told her that she had given up her well-paid job to open a detective agency with Jan.
She had thought it was a schmap idea. But now...Susanne. She could only hope
that Jan had come up with the same idea. Now she heard voices:
"Come on, move it, snoop, and keep those fins up."
"All right, I'll...I'll do what you ask. Where is my girl friend ?
"Just be patient. She's waiting for you eagerly, hahaha!"
The door of the basement room opened. And then Katja saw Jan, who entered the room with his hands raised high.
"Katja, thank God. Sorry I..."
"Shut up snoop, go sit on the chair."

Katja saw a bald muscular giant enter the room behind Jan. He had a pistol in his hand. Jan obeyed and sat down on the chair.
Katja had to watch her friend and partner being tied up in front of her eyes by every trick in the book. Wow. She had also
fantasized again and again that her boyfriend was tied up in front of her eyes by a strong and brutal guy. It turned her on. But this was no
fantasy, this was reality. She never thought she would ever really experience something like this. Behind the giant had also the
the antique store owner entered the room. With a sardonic smile she looked at her two prisoners, who were now helplessly bound and gagged on their chairs.
struggling in vain at their bonds.
"Haha. What amateurs. We'll have fun with them. Here look, times he talked on someone's machine before he wanted to play the hero"
"Ah. The gentleman wanted to reassure himself. Come on, take off their gags."
The giant loosened first Katja's and then Jan's gags.
"What, how dare you ? Let my friend and me go right now! This is outrageous"
"Shut up, sweetheart. Don't play a comedy for us. Who is this Susanne Hausen ? Come on, talk !"
"You won't get anything from me. Release us immediately !"
The giant moved towards Katja and grabbed her chin with a hard grip:
"Listen sweetie, don't play games, we can really hurt you both otherwise. Talk. Who is that woman?"
"A detective superintendent. So you really better let us go. Otherwise you'll have a task force at your door shortly"
"That might suit you, my little dove. You're going to call your girlfriend right now and tell her everything is fine, got it."
"Go ahead, dial her number."
The giant held Jan's cell phone to Katja's ear and with his other hand held his pistol under her chin.
"Not a wrong word, sweetheart, tell her everything's fine. False alarm, got it."
Susanne's smartphone was still on voicemail.
"Hello Susanne, it's Katja. Jan had just called you. I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. Jan wass too worried. Well, see you soon. Bye."
"Very good, sweetheart. But maybe we should take care of your girlfriend just in case."
"Will you please tell us what this is all about?"
"On the contrary, sweetie, I think you two have something to tell us later. And you should get used to your bondage already. You won't be rid of it
in the foreseeable future, haha."
Before the two detectives could say anything back, they were both gagged again. Then, the antique dealer and her henchman left the
basement room and left the two detectives to an uncertain future.
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Post by Tapedupcouple »

Great story really enjoyed it
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Post by robleligoteur »

As soon as the antique dealer and her henchman had left the basement room, Katja and Jan looked at each other. Jan had been fascinated
when he had seen Katja tied up like that in front of him as he was pushed into the cellar. It had not been the first time he had seen her like this.
They had tied each other up many times before. It was part of their love life. But this now was something completely different. His attempt to play the hero
had failed miserably from the start. He had entered the store and asked for his girlfriend and pretended to meet her in the store.
The antique dealer had told him that Katja had suddenly felt sick and was resting in the next room and offered to take him to her.
to her. She had led him down an aisle and then suddenly a hand had pressed on his mouth and he had felt a hard object
in his back. He had instinctively raised his hands and then the hand released and a male voice with an Eastern European accent had ordered him to
ordered him to go to the basement with his hands up. He was trembling with fear and said he would do whatever was asked of him and asked where his girlfriend was.
And then he had been taken to Katja in the cellar. It was unbelievable, it was their first assignment as detectives and already during their first investigation they were
both bound and gagged in a musty basement room, just as they had often imagined in their fantasies.
had imagined. Only now it was reality! He felt the bonds and he looked over to his girlfriend and business partner, who was sitting a little diagonally opposite him, so that he could see her quite well in the dim light of the light bulb.
quite well. Heavens she looked sexy in her tight fitting costume with the tight fitting blouse that emphasized her voluptuous forms very
advantageously. And then the ropes that were tightly wound around her torso and arms in multiple tight coils. He saw that they
were cutting into her soft flesh and he hoped she was not in much pain. Her ankles were each tied to the legs of the chair so that
her legs were spread a little. She was gagged with a silk scarf that had been wound around her lips several times and knotted tightly behind her neck. Before that she had been
a ball of cloth into her mouth so that she could not make a sound and could only whimper softly. She looked at him with large, helpless eyes.
He returned her gaze. He wonder what she felt. Probably the same as he. Fear and at the same time unbridled lust. If one would untie them now
they would probably immediately fall over each other. But that was it. How many times had they dreamed of someone overpowering them both and tying them up.
It had taken them a while to confess their secret bondage fantasies to each other, and even longer to confess their desire to be tied up together.
They had then fantasized that a burglar would attack and rob them in their apartment, or that during a lonely walk in the woods they would be
they would be overpowered by weird guy. What would happen afterwards, they preferred not to imagine. It had been just fantasies.

And then one day they had decided to both quit their well-paying jobs in sales and start the detective agency. It had actually
been clear to them that detective work would probably often involve only rather boring observations and tailing, but nevertheless
it had something tingling. It could perhaps come to a dicey situation after all. He saw how Katja started to tug wildly at her bonds, it
looked sexy and he did the same now. But it was in vain. Their bondage was too strict and after a while of fierce struggle with the ropes
the two detectives sank back exhausted. One thing was certain. They would not be able to free themselves by their own Power. They were completely under the control
of this antique dealer and her henchman, and God alone knew what they would do to them. Heavens, they had let themselves be
like bloody beginners. On the other hand, their investigation had also been unexpectedly a complete success. The antique dealer had
something to do with the theft of the religious antiques, otherwise she would have simply dismissed the two detectives and not overpowered them without further ado, dragged them into her cellar and tied them up there.
But why ? The idea of pretending to be a specialized journalist and art collector might not have been the best one,
but was that a reason to overpower Katja and tie her up right away. And what would happen to them now. The antique dealer had
been guilty of illegal restraint. So she couldn't just let them go. And what about Susanne? She would surely call back and
wonder if Katja wouldn't answer her cell phone for a long time. Or would this guy actually try to capture Susanne, too.
But maybe she had already told her colleagues about the matter. At least there was still hope. One thing was certain. They were both out of commission for the moment.
It was fascinating, arousing and scary at the same time to be tied up so completely helpless. Katja and Jan were not really believers, otherwise they would have started to pray in this situation...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just discovered this story - and I like it!
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Post by robleligoteur »

Part V

Katja and Jan were still sitting bound and gagged on their chairs in the musty cellar. Every now and then they had tugged at their shackles and then sank back again, weary.
The worst part was the agonizing uncertainty of what would happen to them. This was no longer an erotic fantasy. The longer they thought about it, the more queasy they felt.
The antique dealer could not simply release them again without putting her business and her existence at risk. Unless she decided to go abroad.
And she must have had something to do with it, otherwise she would not have captured them in broad daylight in her store. Had she commissioned the theft of the two religious antiquities
in order. Were the objects perhaps even in her store? Jan suddenly got a completely different human problem. He had drunk another
He had drunk another bottle of water in the car. Heavens, that was embarrassing. He whimpered as loud as he could into his gag to somehow alert the kidnappers up there to his To no avail. What were they doing up there? They could not leave their victims down here forever. Then, at last, a light fell into their cellar dungeon.
And then they lined up in front of their victims. Frau Falkenstein was grinning and had a leather flagellum in her hand, the kind you see in popular S&M videos.
"Take their gags off, Igor, we want to have a little talk with our new friends."
The hunk obeyed his mistress and took the gags off the two detectives.
"Please" moaned Jan, "please untie me, I...I need to go to the bathroom." He felt so pathetic as he said this.
"This could so suit you, snoop, we have other problems now".
"Please, I can't take it anymore, please. I...I'm not going to resist. Please let me go to the bathroom."
"Alright, cut the sissy loose. Tell him to pee in the corner back there. But his hands stay tied. I will assist him."
It was so humiliating. Jan was cut loose from the chair and was grabbed under the arms by the giant and pushed into the corner of the basement.
Then Dorethea Falkenstein made a pass at his fly. It was so tremendously humiliating and he was so ashamed in front of Katja.
"I must say, he is quite well endowed, your friend, hahaha."

A little later Jan was sitting tied up again on his chair next to Katja. He hardly dared to look over at her out of shame. This was no longer really
"So you two, and now you're going to talk. I'll tell you right now, I have certain preferences. You can not imagine how much fun it would be for me to
to torture you. So don't tell me any fairy tales now. Otherwise it will be painful."
Then Dorothea Falkenstein slowly moved towards her prisoners and started stroking their faces with the leather scourge.
"But maybe you guys love to be roughed up. Just as you like. So, what were you doing in my store? Who hired you?"
Katja was trembling with fear. Still, she tried to stay cool and continue playing her role.
"I...I don't know what you want from us. As I told you, I am an art collector and a professional journalist. I have no idea what you want from me and my friend. Please let us go!"
The aniquities dealer looked at Katja with a sneer. Then she approached the bound detective and held the leather flagellum under her chin.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today sweetie. Actually, you deserve a slap in the face. All right. I'll ask you one more time. Who hired you? Speak!"
Jan looked anxiously over at his girlfriend. He saw the antique dealer continue to run the leather flagellum across Katja's face.
"Please, leave my friend alone. We...we will tell them everything. We...we are private investigators. Mr. and Mrs. Frauenknecht hired us
We are investigating the stolen sacred objects. She gave us a list of the auction participants who bid.
We started to check the suspects and came to you first. That's all we know, please believe us!"
The antique dealer looked at Jan mockingly:
"Well honey, you've come across a real hero. I guess he's even telling the truth. Too bad, I would have liked to torture you a little longer.
But we can still make up for that, even just like that, for fun, for no reason at all."
"Please, we told you everything" now they let us go. Jan's voice trembled.
"You don't mean that, sissy. Don't make a fool of yourself. Who else have you told about this. Talk!"
"Only Katja's friend, detective superindendent Susanne Hausen, but you already know that."
"Yes, we'll probably have to take care of that lady. Let's see if she gets in touch with you. I think you're going to make two calls now.
You'll call both the detecitve superindendent and the Frauenknechts into your office."

A little later Jan was gagged again and the giant held a pistol under his chin. Katja had the phone to her ear and a gun was held under her chin.
"One wrong word, sweetheart, and you're both done for. Come on, first the Frauenknechts. Order them to your office at 6:00. Tell them you found out something
that you need to talk to them about in person."
A short time later, Katja had Christina Frauenknecht on the phone:
"Ms. Frauenknecht. Katja Sörensen here. We have initial findings that we would like to discuss with you. Unfortunately, I can't say much on the phone.
Can you and your husband come to our office in Düsseldorf this evening at 6:00 p.m.? We will report to you then and also have a few questions.
Can you arrange that? Wonderful. Then we'll see you this evening."
"Very good, my little dove. And now your friend detective superintendent. Order her to your office for 8:00 p.m."
Karin was also directly on the line this time.
"Hello Katja, you're lucky, you're just catching me on my lunch break. Oh, the antique dealer thing was a false lead.
Maybe you should stay on it anyway. I made some inquiries. The lady has a dubious reputation, but so far she hasn't been found guilty of anything. It's great you got your first case. Yes, today around 8:00 p.m. that's fine. All right, I'll come by your office
after hours. Maybe we can have a nightcap afterwards. So I'll see you tonight."

A little later, Katja and Jan were sitting on their chairs again, strictly bound and gagged. They both felt guilty and miserable. They had been forced,
to trap both the Frauenknechts and their friend Susanne. Fearing for their lives, they had not dared to resist the criminals. Now all they could do was sit here and wait. The antique dealer had said something about a van that would take them away later.
would be taken away later. Heavens, what were the criminals going to do with them now? And what would they do with Susanne and the Frauenknechts.
Once again, the helplessly bound and gagged detective couple tugged at their ropes, but in vain...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good to see that this story continues - I just noticed that the fifh part is up - and the tension mounts :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Excellent story. I am enjoying it very much.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Excellent story. I am enjoying it very much.
I couldn´t agree more.

Good work [mention]robleligoteur[/mention]
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Post by robleligoteur »

Part VI

Katja and Jan did not know how much time had passed in the meantime. At about 10 o'clock in the morning, they had been overpowered and captured by Dorothea Falkenstein
and had thus spent the first day of their work as detectives in strict bondage and gagging. They exchanged glances again and again
but the erotic allure of their situation was increasingly wiped away by panic and pure despair. No, this was not how they had imagined it.
Nevertheless, it still aroused Jan to see Katha like this, with the tightly wound ropes around her curves, which were still visible through the tight-fitting blouse
of her business suit. He would remember this image forever when they were free again.
But would they ever be free again? Was this possibly the end of them? He did not want to think about it. Once again he tugged frantically at his
his bonds. If only he could manage to free himself and then Katja as well and then go upstairs and fight his way to freedom.
If only he hadn't surrendered so easily. But what was he to do against this giant and a gun held out. It was useless to reproach himself.
Now the door opened again and a dim light penetrated their dungeon. Then Dorothea Falkenstein and her henchman Igor stood
stood before them.
"Look what we have for you. I bet you'll like it."
With a sardonic grin, the criminal antiquarian pointed to two ballgags and two black latex maso-masks that Igor held in his paws.
"I bet those will look very good on you, hahaha. Put them on them, Igor"
Katja and Jan had no chance to do anay resistance against the treatment they would now receive.
Their cloth gags were removed and immediately replaced by a ballgag, which was fixed tightly in their necks. Then the latex masks were put on them, which
thankfully had a nose opening so that they could at least breathe freely. But they couldn't see a thing now and the masks were tied tightly at the back of their heads.
"Okay, get the car ready Igor. We'll take them out through the courtyard."
It took a few minutes, then Igor seemed to be back.
"Good. Untie them and take them out to the wagon. There you tie them up neatly again. Preferably back to back. Make sure they can't
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Post by Caesar73 »

Short but to the point :) Glad you continued this story!
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Post by robleligoteur »

Glad you like it. Story will be continued just in a sec
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Post by robleligoteur »

Katja and Jan felt their bonds being cut loose. Then they were both dragged up and grabbed by the upper arm with an iron grip by Igor.
"Come on, move it. And no bitching. Move I say."
Jan felt the hard grip of the giant. He was not bound for the moment but he could not see a thing in the latex mask and
Igor's grip was hard as iron. It would have been madness to offer even the slightest resistance. Then they came to a staircase that must have led from the cellar to a courtyard.
Igor pushed them roughly up the stairs and they stumbled a few times. Then they felt the gentle breeze
of a warm summer evening. And then they were pushed into the van. It smelled a little musty still wood and also of cardboard.
"Come on. Sit down back to back. Get down. Get a move on!"
Jan was glad to finally be able to touch Katja again, even if only his back was touching hers. Then he felt his hands being tied together in front of Katja's pubic
and then he also felt Katja's hands in front of his abdomen. Then both their upper bodies were pressed tightly together with several coils of rope.
tightly against each other. Then Jan's bent lower legs and ankles were bound and tied with a short rope to Katja's also bent and bound lower legs.
Katja's lower legs, which were also bent and bound. Their bondage was so perfect that they really couldn't move a limb, nor could their feet in any way
kick the wall of the van to attract attention. This torturer knew his trade. They were condemned to absolute
They were condemned to absolute immobility. Whatever happened next was completely out of their control. And yet
Jan felt something stirring, because Katja's bound hands were right in front of his abdomen. This was madness. His bound hands also felt something very soft and sensitive.
sensitive. Heaven! This was hell and paradise at the same time. They were so close to each other and yet also so far away. But for this experience
it was all worth it. No matter what would happen to them, it was worth it. Through the masks they could not see the slightest thing.
The giant had closed the door of the van, but he had not yet driven off. Where would they go now? What were they going to do with them.
Katja and Jan didn't care for the moment. Heaven, this was madness. They moaned with delight, but their gags and the masks stifled almost every sound.
No one would be able to hear them. But even that didn't matter to them at the moment...
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Post by Caesar73 »

It seems like Katja and Jan are doomed - at least they have each other.
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Post by robleligoteur »

Yeah, that's it! :D
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Post by robleligoteur »

Then the door of the van was opened again. They heard the antique dealer's voice.
"Go on, search them, we need the keys to their office. They must have them with them"
Katja and Jan winced and whimpered into their gags as they were frisked by the giant's paws. Completely unnecessarily, he also grabbed
Katja's breasts as well. Then he found what he was looking for in Jan's trouser pocket.
"I've got them, boss. The sissy had them in his trouser pocket."
"Yes, they must be. They weren't in his girlfriend's handbag."
"So here we go. We'll pick up the Frauenknechts at the office and then take them down to the van. Later we'll do the same with the female commissioner."
Katja and Jan had listened attentively. So that was the bandits' plan. They intended to overpower both the Frauenknechts and Susanne in their office
and then take them down to the van. To the detectives' chagrin, this was also easy to do. Their office was upstairs on the seventh floor and it was the
only office on that floor. And the lift took them directly to the underground car park. And as late as 6:00 p.m., there was hardly anyone else
in the building. So there was hardly any chance of anyone getting in the way of the bandits. And the Frauenknechts would hardly have the courage
to put up much resistance. And Susanne, even as a trained policewoman, would not be able to do much against the giant and a gun pointed at her.
It looked pretty hopeless. Unless a miracle happened, they would soon have company in the van.
And there was nothing they could do to prevent that. Except hope and pray. But unfortunately they were not very religious.
Then the van drove off. Katja and Jan tried desperately once more struggle against their bondage, but in vain. They were absolutely unable to move.
Their upper bodies were tightly pressed back to back and tied tightly together with countless coils of rope. And their lower legs,
which were bent to the sides, were also bound together by rope, so that they could hardly move their legs either. They had to be very
careful, because any movement that was too violent could cause a very painful cramp in their legs. It was useless. All they could do was to wait and see
what their captors intended to do with them. The journey took about half an hour. That was exactly the time it had taken them
to get from their office to Dorothea Falkenstein's antique shop in the morning. And unfortunately, the underground car park to their office building was
not secured with a barrier, so the bandits had free access to it. Now the van stopped. They should be there.
They heard the doors being opened and closed again. The trap was about to snap shut. If the Frauenknechts were on time, they had no way to escape their fate.
Katja and Jan could do nothing but wait in extreme tension. The initial erotic attraction of their strict bondage had
now given way to pure fear and their position was anything but comfortable in the long run. Besides, it was stiflingly hot in the van.
It had probably been standing in the blazing sun in the courtyard of the antique shop all day and Katja and Jan were sweating pathetically. Katja's blouse was soaked through with sweat and
Jan's shirt didn't look any better. No, their situation was anything but romantic. The only thing they could do was just wait...
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Post by robleligoteur »

Then they heard footsteps and then the door of the van was opened.
"Come on. In you go. Forward." The giant's voice was as cold and menacing as the barrel of the pistol he was probably holding.
"All right please. We...we'll do anything you ask. Don't hurt us please!"
No, Christina Frauenknecht was no heroine either. Her panicked fear was clear in her voice.
"No please. Don't tie us up. We will obey. We will do anything they ask"
"Shut up. Sit back to back. Legs bent in front of your chest. Do it!"
"Let's do what he says, darling, we have no choice"
Heinz-Georg Frauenknecht's voice also clearly showed his fear and complete submission. It became clear to the detectives that the Frauenknecht couple were
not in the hands of brutal criminals for the first time. Then only the sound of a roll of parcel tape could be heard. It sounded as if
tape from a roll was wound several times around a package and this package was probably the Frauenknechts. Sometimes the tape was torn off and several times the Frauenknechts could be heard
whimpering and moaning softly.
"That's it. All that's missing now is the cop bride! See you around, hahaha"
Then the door of the van was slammed shut again. Apparently only Igor had escorted the Frauenknechts downstairs, while Dorothea Falkenstein had stayed upstairs in the office.
Katja and Jan heard the Frauenknechts whimpering and moaning softly and they tried to make themselves heard as well. They didn't know if the man had blindfolded the Frauenknechts as well.
But in any case they were gagged with tape so that their whimpers and moans were barely audible.
After a short while, they too had probably surrendered to their fate and they could, just like the bound and gagged pair of detectives,
only wait and see what would happen next. Katja and Jan now wished very much that they had the faith to pray. Perhaps there was
a higher power that came to the aid of bound and gagged detectives when everything seemed completely hopeless. And Susanne was
experienced policewoman, perhaps she would not be captured as easily as her detective friends, who by now almost regretted ever making the decision
to get into this business. They had let themselves be caught like absolute greenhorns.
And they wanted to live. They loved living. Heavens. They wouldn't really do anything to them. And Susanne, maybe it was better if
she too let herself be captured without resistance. What if she resisted and they did something to her. And Katja and Jan would bear the responsibility for that.
They were sweating pathetically and Katja now also had a very urgent need. No, this was not romantic. This was only humiliating and scaring...
And yet, she and Jan, they had probably never felt so close in their entire lives. If they could overcome this, then...
Yes, if... And then they heard footsteps and voices again...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Excellent continuation and a nice cliffhanger!
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