In Sexual Slavery to Lucretia ( F/M )

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In Sexual Slavery to Lucretia ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

You know the great thing about fiction is that is, well, fiction. It’s NOT true. It can be, and often is, just the product of somebody’s imagination rather than an actual real life experience, although it might be based upon some of those. But that means that an Author CAN base a story centered within a different period of time other than their own lifetime. Almost every story I’ve read here, including ALL of the one’s that I’ve penned myself, are based around NOW, the period of my own life, in other words either the late Twentieth Century, or early in the Twenty First. I mean, has bondage sex only just recently started to be practiced, or does it go back a little further than that?

Roughly two thousand years ago, most of what is now Europe was dominated by the Empire established by the now Capital City of Italy, Rome. And from some of the remains of the Roman City of Pompeii, destroyed by a volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, it’s clear that the “Ancient Romans,” as they are now referred to as, weren’t beyond practicing in some sexual games, and that almost certainly would have included bondage. So, for THIS story, I’m going back to the “Glory that was ROME!”


The Slave Market was packed to the rafters when I was brought onto the stage. “So Ladies and Gentlemen, a fine specimen we have here. Former Germanic Tribe Chieftain, so would make a fine Gladiator or Sex Slave for the Ladies amongst you, and as an extra bonus can converse fully in Latin too!” Dressed only in leather shorts, my wrists bound behind my back I began to scan my potential new owners. There were some Gladiator School representatives present as well as some rich Roman Matrons, and I realised that this was a real crossroad moment in my life. In a few minutes time my future would be decided and I was either going to end up in a Ladas or in some spoiled woman’s bed. Fighting or shagging? In which direction would be the rest of my days be heading?

One of the Matrons in particular, a stunningly beautiful blonde woman dressed in a gorgeous red stola clearly made of expensive silk material, who completely oozed real sex appeal, caught my eye and we did actually make eye contact after which she smiled giving me hope that I was to end up as HER property. As the bidding rose and people began to drop out I noticed with relief that she was not one of them. Before long only one of the Gladiator School men and herself were left. The bidding rose higher and higher, when finally the Gladiator man shook his head, meaning that she had won and to my complete joy, she was now my Domina and I now absolutely belonged to this utterly gorgeous woman. Her name was Lucretia and what I didn’t know is that she was recently widowed, having being left very rich indeed. From the look she gave me upon securing ownership of myself, what I DID know was that my primary duty in her servitude and the ONLY reason she had purchased me was purely and simply going to be - SEX!

A few months earlier, as the Slave Agent had announced, I had been a Chieftain in a Germanic village and a re-known warrior. Against my better judgement I had joined in an attempt to destroy the Roman forces present just across the River Rhine, to stop them raiding our territory which they did on a frequent basis. But, with knowledge of Rome, their army and tactics and being able to speak Latin, I knew that we were too weak to succeed in the hothead’s aims. Fighting them whilst on our side of the river was one thing, which is the path I argued we should take knowing they would accept that as fair warfare, but if we crossed into their “space” that would push them too far. But I’d been outvoted and had to go along.

So I found myself in a boat along many others crossing the river, and landing, unopposed on the Roman side. Gathering together, several thousand strong we moved towards the nearest settlement, the idiots expecting easy pickings. But it wasn’t long before my fears were to be realised very shortly a line of Roman Legionaries appeared in front of us, in their normal disciplined formation. The hotheads launched themselves against the line but very soon discovered why that was exactly the wrong thing to do as the short swords of the Legionaries started to take their toll. The piles of German dead soon began to rise and it wasn’t long before our line broke with tribesmen running headlong for the boats. The Romans began to rapidly advance to cut us down on the riverbank, but I managed to gather a group of our more resolute warriors and we formed a shield wall to buy our colleagues some time. The Romans found my group a little more difficult to brush aside and we really put up a decent fight, enabling most of the German tribesmen to escape. But we were soon surrounded and doomed, we were going to die where we stood.

However the Senior Roman Commander halted his men, recognising the financial potential of my group in the slave markets, and having been impressed with the fight we had shown, invited us to surrender, promising to spare our lives. Thankfully my command of Latin enabled myself to understand him, as I explained his offer to my men, their nods assured me that they were going to be sensible and they started to drop their weapons. A short period afterwards we were all bound with our arms behind us and tied in a line together to begin our new lives as captives of Rome.

I knew that for many of them this would mean a life of back-breaking labour either in the fields of some farm estate or in the salt mines, but my status as a Chieftain and my ability to speak Latin meant I faced a better prospect. And that’s how I came to be sold in the Slave Market in Rome itself and to become the property of my new Domina, Lucretia.

Following the auction I was handed over to her people and marched back to her extensive and expensive Villa in the really affluent part of the city, without meeting or speaking to the Domina herself. Arriving back at her house it wasn’t long before I was summoned to her presence where she soon discovered that the Slave Agent had not lied, I could speak Latin and so began to explain how my new life was to take shape. “I have brought you for one main purpose and one purpose ONLY, to service my sexual desires! If you do so well and obey all of my commands you will be able to have a good and comfortable life here, that much I can assure you. But NEVER, EVER forget that I am your Domina, NEVER forget your status, because if you do forget that you will soon realise I can be as hard and ruthless as ANY man. Do you understand?”

“You have made yourself very clear Domina. I promise to always try my best to do precisely what you require of me.”

“Good. I’m pleased to see that my thought upon my first sight of you, that you have a brain in your head was correct. I mean what I say, serve my desires well and your life WILL be good. Go and take a bath now, wash all that stink of the Slave Pens away, and I think it will be time for me to sample my new purchase!”

After a good bath, which I both needed and enjoyed, I reported to her bedroom for our first session together. And she was insatiable and VERY highly skilled in bed. Making sure I put her needs first, which I was VERY careful to do, didn’t mean I couldn’t also enjoy the experience. What a fantastic few hours and I had managed to both please and satisfy her completely, thoroughly enjoying myself too! She dismissed me with a large smile upon her face and a comment of “if you carry on in that manner you will do very well here!” And so I returned to my slave quarters, far larger and more comfortable than the normal found in Roman houses, indicating the truth of her promises.

Lucretia was NO fool. As a widow, particularly a rich one, that meant a certain level of high respect in society and whilst there were areas of life where she would not have the same powers as a man, she did have total control of her domestic and financial affairs, control she would lose to a man if she remarried. So she had NO intention to do so, despite the many suitors to her hand. And now, with her purchase of myself, her carnal desires could be satisfied whilst she retained full control. Especially as I proved fully able to satisfy those desires and to enjoy myself very much doing so. Which pleased her, because it did make the sex even more passionate and fulfilling for her too. But I NEVER forgot the warning she had given me when I first became her slave and NEVER over-stepped the mark, always putting HER enjoyment before my own. For example, I NEVER initiated any kiss between us. Oh, such kisses happened, believe me, and some were VERY passionate indeed! But none, NONE, were ever started by me. Because I was no fool either and I knew precisely where my bread was buttered. When I wasn’t in her bed I was allowed to do almost ANYTHING I wished with very little duties other than sex. After a few weeks when it became clear to Lucretia that I could be trusted I virtually ran the household. Standing in that line of captives after my surrender I had never hoped to have a life of servitude as pleasant as this, which I was grateful to have been given and was NEVER going to put at risk. Very soon the armed guard standing by the door during our sessions was no longer present, and I, as a former warrior became her bodyguard, escorting her everywhere, quite prepared to lay down my life for my Mistress should I need to, a fact she recognised completely. My loyalty and devotion to Lucretia was TOTAL and ABSOLUTE, she both knew and appreciated it. However, this very satisfying state of affairs for me, considering the fact that I actually was a slave, was all before Lucretia allowed actual physical bondage to enter into the equation!
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Post by LunaDog »

Because Lucretia was invited to dine with one of her good friends, and during their meal, as I stood by the wall in sentry mode, I noticed the pair of them glancing in my direction and giggling uncontrollably. Unbeknown to myself that friend was planting the very idea of tying me up into my Domina’s head. Whilst I didn’t know exactly what it was they were plotting, Lucretia’s smile did let me know that I was going to be subject to some new sexual experience in her hands in the near future. But not tonight, too much wine had seen to that, as she went to bed alone upon arrival back at her house.

So in the ’morrow towards the evening when all of the daily tasks were done and dusted, and her hangover had receded, I was summoned to her bedroom. Ordered to lie on her bed, she climbed on top of my body pinning me to the bed. She grabbed both of my arms and spread them open, both towards the outer corners of the solid bed frame. Suddenly she reached under the pillow supporting my head and withdrew two silk bondage ropes. Very shortly one of them found itself coiled around my left wrist and then tied securely to the outer bed post of the aforementioned frame. Escape was completely impossible, especially as it wasn’t long before the right wrist was in exactly the same position. My Domina smiled at me, as she stroked my arms. “That’s better” she commented, “but I’m not finished yet! Your legs are still free! And that will NEVER do!” laughing as she said these words. Shortly she had “corrected” her mistake and I was completely bound in spread-eagled bondage to her bed and desires. Exactly as she had wished for!

Lucretia was delighted at the present situation as she sat on top of me again and proceeded to give me a long, passionate kiss which seemed to last forever! “And so now, everything that has happened in this bed before will be like a walk in the park compared to what I’m going to do to you today! For I’m in the mood for some really serious sex, and that will be in the form of COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! That’s purely what you exist for until I decide otherwise, SEX! SEX! and more SEX! By all the Gods I’m going to keep you at it again and again and again until you can take NO more and beg me for mercy! Which you will NOT receive as I will demand even more SEX, and shag you yet again!”

With that she proceeded to kiss me again, and then placed a silk blindfold over my eyes, reducing my world to total blackness. And I knew that, even more than normal, I was totally, utterly and completely helpless in the hands of this sexy, gorgeous and completely stunningly beautiful woman, who wanted nothing more than to shag me absolutely senseless! Which I could do NOTHING to stop, NEVER, when I surrendered my sword to that Roman Officer all those months ago did I think that within my life as a slave I would ever be about to experience what Lucretia had planned for me.

She started slowly, she had plenty of time in which to torment me after all, as much time as she wished to take to be honest. And she commenced by rubbing her hands all over my bound and helpless body. “Oh yes, I like the feel of what I have here! You are MINE, every part of you belongs to ME, Big Man! You’re now secured, complete at my disposal, unable to resist my intentions in ANY way!”

Lucretia then straddled my body, placing her pussy right by my mouth, and commanded. “Eat me out! Lick me there, and take me to the Gods!” With pleasure Domina, I said to myself as my senses became overwhelmed by her very real arousal, and with her beautiful thighs holding my head in position, I took to my task in hand. To be rewarded by the feeling of her squirming and writhing uncontrollably within minutes of this activity commencing, clearly enjoying the fruits of my labours. It didn’t take long before her movements became even more frantic as her climax approached, and then it hit, and Lucretia screamed with an intensity that I’d heard seen her emit before, and I’d witnessed plenty of excitement within her during our time together.

When she calmed down a little, she kissed me frantically again, before allowing her hands to attack my “tools,” delighting in the fact that my cock was standing at “full attention!” She bent down to one of my ears and gently whispered, “mustn’t leave this “chappie” out now, should we?” As I stated before, Lucretia was no idiot, although there was NO question whatsoever just who was in charge in our situation, she knew fully well that allowing me into the pleasure part of our equation would increase the level of hers. By now she knew she could fully trust me, she knew that I accepted her dominance of myself, and by making our sessions enjoyable for me would result in an increased level of performance from me, with the consequence of a higher degree of pleasure for herself. And funnily enough being bound made the pleasure greater for me, because it relieved me of the responsibility of keeping my emotions in check. In bondage I could not initiate any “moves” that I shouldn’t do, so it allowed me to relax and simply enjoy the “sexperience!”

She guided herself down on my cock, and yes, it felt utterly delicious! And then Lucretia began to frantically pump herself up and down upon my member, and it wasn’t long before she bought us both to a shuddering climax, her screams completely drowning out my own calls while in the total grip of ecstasy! And we both shook uncontrollably for a while, obviously Lucretia to a larger degree than me, as she was able to move about!

Lucretia had promised right at the beginning of the evening to keep this going for as long as it took for me to beg her for mercy, and it soon became clear that she’d meant EVERY word of that wow. As her own strength began to fail, she simply resorted to giving me “handjobs” and it dawned on me that I’d just HAVE to plead for mercy from her. So I give in. “Domina, please, I can take NO more, I beg you for mercy!” And in return I received an almost evil smile!

“So, I have taken you to your limits and beyond! Although I must admit, you’ve REALLY impressed me, and gone far further than I believed you could. And now, didn’t I promise that when you did beg for mercy as I just KNEW that you would, I’d ignore those pleas and continue to shag you? I mean, I’m your Domina and you wouldn’t surely expect me to break my word, now would you? But, it’s just going to be the once, and I’ll grant you a little rest first!”

Lucretia was as good as her word, and it was just the once more, after that promised rest period, before she undid my bounds and allowed me to settle down, still in her bed, to sleep. And, because of the combination of that short break and the full knowledge that it would be the LAST time, we did finish the night on somewhat of a “high,” that final shag returning to some of the intense level of the couplings earlier in the night.

And not only did Lucretia allow me the privilege of sleeping with herself in her bed, she also allowed me to sleep as she awoke first before me. Mind you, once I did awake her lust took over again, and she soon commenced shagging me, even if I wasn’t in any bondage this time! By Jupiter, this woman was TOTALLY insatiable! Later in that same day, she tied me to her bed again and subjected me to another really long sex session, with me completely helpless in her hands and power. It seemed that having me tied up had given her even stronger sexual desires!

And her tying up of my body soon extended to not just include being fastened to her bed. Lucretia developed a taste for tying me in all sorts of positions, sometimes simply tied up without actually being secured to anything else, and then at other times tied to other pieces of furniture outside of the bedroom. I found myself bound to various couches, to pillars, even to a chariot! And once helpless and bound, and believe me Lucretia ALWAYS made sure that I could NEVER escape from her handiwork, she then set about me in any way she chose. Very often she also blindfolded me, as she attacked my body in various ways, tickling, teasing, rubbing me over, and VERY often making me suck and lick her nipples or pussy at will, and bringing her to some outstanding climaxes. And, on the very few occasions that she didn’t desire the attentions of my mouth, then that particular orifice found itself filled by some of her panties, almost always after she been wearing them while she stoked herself up for the sexual pleasures that she sought, ensuring that my senses of taste and smell became FULL of her arousal! And once there, these items became secured in place by my Domina tying a silk scarf around my head, and over my mouth, giving her underwear NO escape route from their confinement! She delighted in having me completely in her power literally as well as metaphorically, and it seems to me that for a few weeks after that dinner party at her friend, Livia’s home, I never saw her without ropes in her hands, intending to imprison me in her sexual captivity.

Daft thing is, that I found that I thoroughly enjoyed being tied up and subjected to her will, it REALLY turned me on, obviously as much as it did her, as clearly she was utterly thrilled at putting me through it. To be honest I found that being subjected to the whims and will of a stunningly sexy and gorgeous woman, completely in her hands and power wasn’t exactly an unpleasant experience, and I actually began to look forward to being bound by her. As stated earlier it absolved me of any responsibility of “setting the tone” for our sex sessions, I just had to endure what particular mood she was in that day. And, she NEVER once put me in any real danger, remember she’d spent quite a large amount of money in order to purchase me, so was careful to protect her “investment.” And I also genuinely felt, correctly by the way, that she was by nature, a kind, decent and loving human being, there was NO way that Lucretia could be described as cruel or vicious. Her games were far more mischievous in nature rather than nasty.

And there was something that I knew and whilst she might have guessed, after all we are talking about a VERY astute and highly intelligent Lady here, she could never have been told so by myself. I was totally and utterly in LOVE with her. On the same token, with me also having NO knowledge of this, again the rules of the society she lived in meant she could never be expected to disclose it, she was also completely in love with me too. Life can be SO cruel sometimes!
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Post by LunaDog »

Now. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you could bear with me for a while, because there won’t be any real bondage action itself in this next part. But what DOES happen is a major shift in the nature of the relationship between Lucretia and I, one that allows that unstated love to emerge and opens up all sorts of possibilities including FAR more tying up. So I hope you don’t mind TOO much!

How you ever heard the expression “a blessing in disguise?” In other words a situation that appears to be all bad, but in fact leads to good things. Well something meeting that description was going to happen to us. Lucretia was a rich widow, and that meant to a very large extent she controlled her life. And she had NO intention of remarrying, such an act would pass control of her financial affairs completely to her “new” husband. So, as you can imagine, especially as she was stunningly beautiful, there were a string of men who desired her hand. One of these, the sort of idiot who thought he could obtain her hand by force had decided to push the issue using such means. Desperate at her constant rejection, he engaged a group of thugs to kidnap my Domina, to seek his aims through threats. He had reckoned without me though. After all, I hadn’t become a German Warrior Chieftain without being able to fight. And I would willingly lay down my life for Lucretia if need be. So when the thugs struck, I was able to guide Lucretia into a shop doorway where I could stand in front of her, and very shortly three of the thugs had cause to regret their actions, two lay dead at my hand, and the other had a serious leg wound that effectively put him out of the fight. Unfortunately numbers did eventually tell, and I received a blow on my head that soon delivered me into the world of the unconscious. The last sight I had before that state claimed me was a thug grabbing hold of my beloved Lucretia, meaning I thought I was going to my death believing that I’d failed her. Something that was far WORSE than death, believe me.

Fortunately, although I had no knowledge of these events, the sound of hobnailed boots and shouts was rapidly approaching, a squad from the Garrison of Rome had been alerted by the sound of the fight. The thugs soon showed their true colours leaving like the rats that they were, not even taking the wounded thug, despite his cries begging them not to leave him. Upon release Lucretia immediately rushed to my side, clutching my body in her hands and screaming “No, don’t go, I LOVE YOU!” The Garrison Commander gently pulled her off of me, and then in a slight state of shock suddenly exclaimed “I know this man!”

“Please Sir is he dead? I can’t lose him” The Commander, a Centurion felt my pulse. It was there.

“No Ma’am, but he soon will be if we don’t get some quick medical attention! Lads, get this man back to the Surgeon back at Barracks. And bring back that “THING,” pointing at the wounded thug; “we’ll soon see who is behind this! We better also get rid of those pieces of offal,” as he pointed at the thugs that I had killed.

“Sir!” cried Lucretia, “We’re civilians, surely we can’t be treated at an Army Barracks?”

“Not normally Ma’am,” as we moved off, “but like I say I’ve met him before. I was in the Legions based in the Rhineland when a bunch of Barbarians crossed the river obviously with mischief in their minds. But we trapped them. This man, who was obviously some sort of Leader put up a real fight, just like he clearly did for you back there, but his men were soon out-numbered and he was clever enough to realise when the game was up. But he REALLY impressed the Legate, and believe me Ma’am there’s not many people who can do that! He must have become a slave and I guess that you, you look rich if I may say so Ma’am, must have bought him. Anyway the best Doctors are all in the military, especially for injuries involving fights, and the one at our place is particularly good. So that’s why I taking him there Ma’am, if I’m right about your wealth, then I’m sure a donation to the Garrison fund can take care of any “paperwork,” Ma’am. Oh and don’t worry about anything you said back there, nobody will hear anything about that from the lads or me.”

“Thank you Centurion. Yes I did purchase him, purely for sex I admit. Guess my feelings towards him have grown a little stronger since then.”

“Like I say Ma’am your secret is safe with us.”

Thankfully we were soon at the Military Camp, the sentries allowed us entrance and I was soon in the excellent care of the Main Surgeon there. He managed to reassure Lucretia that there was to be no lasting injuries and there was no immediate danger to my life. Relief flooded through Lucretia’s body and as she sat down the Centurion sat next to her. “May I be so bold as to make a suggestion, Ma’am?” he said softly.

“Of course. I owe my life to you and your men too, so please speak freely.”

“Thank you Ma’am. Yes, now my lads and I did play our part, that’s true; but the REAL Hero, the main reason you’re not dead or in those thugs hands is lying in that room there,” pointing at the treatment room where I presently lay. “Now if you meant what you said in that shop doorway, and I don’t doubt that you did, hasn’t he earned his manumission? Give him the right to CHOOSE his path, and I’ll bet my last sestertuis he’ll choose to stay with you. I’ll also bet he’s in love with you too Ma’am after all he put his life on the line for you, he was prepared to die for you and who could blame him? And here’s my point, if the sex between you both is good now, another bet, I’ll bet it’ll become even better with the two of you on a partner rather than a Mistress and slave basis. May I ask you, Ma’am, if you’ve ever wanted HIM to take the lead in bed?”

“Oh, yes, often, but he never has!”

“And why do you think that is Ma’am? Because he’s understandably scared of “crossing the line” is my guess. But what if he wasn’t a slave but your partner? Wouldn’t the sex between you both be far better if he’s in your bed because he has CHOOSEN to be instead of because he’s been ORDERED to be? Just a thought Ma’am.”

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart Centurion. Because that’s probably the best advice I’ve EVER received in my entire life. I will do that. As you say, he deserves his freedom, he’s earned it!”

“Glad I could be of help, Ma’am.” And he left Lucretia to her thoughts. And the more she thought about it the more she was determined to take his advice.

The next day I came out of my coma, and the first sight I saw was the tear stained face of Lucretia, which immediately burst into a huge smile as she noticed my eyes open. “Doctor!” she cried her voice full of joy and relief, “he’s awake!” The surgeon soon entered, gently moving Lucretia aside. “Please Doctor, I’ve SO much to say to him!”

“I know Ma’am, but I need to make sure he’s medically stable, he’s been through a lot. Please, give me some space, I give you my word that as soon as I’m satisfied as to his condition, I’ll send for you straight away, and you can tell him anything you like!”

Lucretia knew he spoke sense and she left him to do his job. But soon he sent for her, as I was stable and in no danger whatsoever. I just needed rest. As she entered my room the smile on her face told me all of sacrifices of that other day had been worthwhile. I smiled back at her and she started to speak.

“Please listen to what I have to say Darling,” I’d NEVER been called that by her before, “and please let me finish before you say anything. Trust me you’ll have your chance to speak, but let me finish what I have to say.” I agreed to so she continued. “Well, the first place we are going to once you’re fit enough to leave here is to the Magistrate, to formalise your manumission. I’ve already started the process. And then you will be a free man. And that means that it will be for you to choose what or where you wish to be or go. And that includes leaving me if you wish.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, not that she was setting me free from slavery but that she was suggesting I leave her and I tried to speak, “Dom..” “Please, I did ask you to allow me to finish, I promised I would let you speak and I WILL. But please.” I nodded to her to allow her to continue. “Please believe me the very last thing I want is for you to leave. What these last few days have taught me is that beyond any doubt I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART! And it would break that heart if you were to leave. But, after you laid your life on the line, like you did I have to allow you to follow YOUR heart. For all I know you may want to return to Germany, and I’ve NO RIGHT to stop you if you wish. And now Darling I’ve said what I wish to. You may now have your say.”

“I can NEVER leave you Domina!” She went to speak and I held up my hand. “No please listen to me now. Like I say I WILL NEVER leave you. You ARE my life now! May I speak freely, I’m still technically a slave?” She nodded. “Because I’m in love with you too Domina, have been for a while now. So if I may, I want to stay with you. You told me to follow MY heart, did you not? And my heart belongs with and to YOU!” She smiled and I returned it.

“By the way that’s another thing Darling. You’re going to have to stop calling me “Domina!” Please, you’re going to be my partner and not my slave so please from now on call me Lucretia. It is my name after all.”

“Yes Domi.. sorry I mean Lucretia. Old habits die hard, it might take a while for me to get used to that, I’ve HAD to call you Domina for a while and I’m used to it. So I’m bound to slip a few times and I apologise in advance for that!”

“Apology accepted, and now my Darling you need to rest. I’ve said all I want to for now anyway. So welcome to your new life as my partner. Doesn’t mean though, that I won’t tie you up any more though!” With that she left, winking at me as she did so.

A couple of hours I had another visitor, the Centurion. He walked right up to me, offered his hand and said, “may I shake the hand of a brave and lucky man, Sir?”

I took his hand asking in return, “brave? And lucky? And Sir? You are a Centurion and I am a slave, admittedly not for much longer.”

“Sir, and yes I MEAN that, firstly I’ve now seen you in action twice now. Obviously the other day, but, well Sir, I used to be in the Second Legion, Sir.” The frown on my face must have made him realise the reference to his Legion number meant nothing to me. “The Second was based in the Rhineland, Sir.” In my mind the sestertuis dropped. “Oh, yes Sir I was there. And please believe me, my Legate that day isn’t the sort of man who’s easily impressed, but you DID so Sir! So that’s the brave bit Sir. As for lucky, your Lady, well you only have to look at her Sir. And as you’ve just said she is doing the right thing. As are you by staying with her, as you ARE going to aren’t you Sir? You were in the land of nod Sir, but when I arrived she was holding you as she declared her love for you Sir.”

“Oh yes Centurion, nothing will make me leave her, I fully realise how lucky I AM, although I know we will never be married! Oh and by the way, I was very much against that action in the Rhineland, but the tribal hotheads outvoted me. But now I’m glad they did, otherwise I would NEVER have met my Lady!”

“I guessed so Sir. But let me tell you something, in my position in the Garrison I’ve learnt a lot about knobs Sir. And one thing I can tell you, whilst your Lady can NEVER marry you, the “Political Elite” will NEVER accept you as her husband; but the hypocritical sods WILL accept you as her partner and lover, as long as you stand one step behind her. You can attend most of the social events with her as her partner. Oh, one house you both will be DEFINITELY be welcome at Sir, is that of my old Legate Sir. Is the name of your Lady Lucretia, Sir?” I nodded indicating that he was correct. “Thought so Sir. My old Commander knows her, and is a Senator now. I met him yesterday, and told him what had happened the other day. Anyway, I know he’s going to invite Lucretia and yourself to his place and you will be sitting at the main table Sir, as like I say you impressed him Sir. Which is NO more than you deserve by the way. Although please don’t tell anybody what I’ve told you, you know what the knobs are like, he’ll have to “officially” send the invite to your Lady Sir. Oh and by the way I understand that the Garrison fund has just received a donation of two hundred thousand sestertii from an “unknown source!” I gave him my word that I would mention NOTHING of this conversation. And with that he left after shaking my hand once again.

It wasn’t long before the Surgeon was satisfied that I was fit enough to leave his hospital, and totally true to her word Lucretia took me straight to the Magistrate where my manumission was officially confirmed. I was now a free man. And we soon entered her house again and she invited, not ordered me into her bedroom. Which she stated was to now be “our” bedroom, I was going to spend EVERY night there. And whilst, despite my freedom, our status wasn’t equal, in THAT room she told me that we were to be EQUALS. On that first night back together, she asked me to tie her up as she had done to me. But I declined, politely of course, stating that my strength had yet to recover to the extent that I could subject her to the type of pure RAW sex that had happened whilst I was in HER bondage. Instead I suggested that we do something that our previous Mistress and slave relationship had prohibited, making love, in a gentle manner featuring gentle caressing instead of raw sex. Which we did, and enjoyed it almost as much as the really passionate stuff. And a few days later, my strength HAD returned so, as I had promised, I DID tie her up and subjected her to really long night of raw sex in MY bondage!

Anyway we were soon invited to dine with her friend Livia, the same friend who had lit the touch-paper of our bondage sex life. And this time I didn’t stand by the wall, but joined them at the table. Both of us sitting together facing Livia, who suddenly looked at the pair of us and smiled, a VERY dirty and suggestive smile, and asked “so how did the bondage go? No, don’t bother to answer, the look on both of your faces tells me all I need to know on that score!” Laughing as she did so. “Have you tried it both ways, yes again your faces tell me you have! OK, one more variety, how do fancy both of you being tied to a bed AND to each other?” the puzzled look on our faces told her, “no you haven’t considered that one have you. May I ask why not?”

Lucretia answered, “how the hell can we do that? Surely we’ll need a third person present?”

“Yes you will won’t you? Just as well you have a good friend in me isn’t it? Not here tonight, too much wine again, but I guess I’ll just have to be at your house tomorrow night wont I? So which one of you will be on top and which underneath?”

It was my turn to contribute to this discussion. “Have you a coin Livia?” She did, and thankfully it had an image of Caesar, i.e. a male on one side, and Juno, a female, on the other. So I asked Livia to throw the coin high into the air and whichever side landed face up, male or female, would indicate which one of us would also be on top of the other? She did and Juno was the face showing, meaning that I would be tied to the bed, and Lucretia tied on top of me. So we left to return home, both looking forward with mounting excitement to Livia’s visit tomorrow where she would bind us to our bed and each other in secure bondage. Despite the wine, our excitement at that prospect meant we were still able to have a real good shag that night, awaiting the ’morrow!

When, Ladies and Gentlemen, bondage WILL return!
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Post by LunaDog »

Livia was true to her word and arrived at Lucretia’s house just as she had promised. She was in NO mood for mucking about and soon suggested, having both answered any potential “calls of nature” that we both went to the bedroom, and we were far too excited to argue with her. Once we had entered Livia locked the door, ordered us both to strip and produced a bunch of bondage ropes. Firstly she tied my hands behind my back and ordered me to stand against the wall, after a gentle tickle of my balls. Now she tied Lucretia, facing away from the bed, to the lower bed frame, her arms secured to each corner. She was helpless and while she later would be turned around so she would be forced to watch as Livia tied me to the bed, that would happen later. For this devious minx, whom my partner and I had both allowed to take full control of us wasn’t going to rush into things. “You,” pointing directly at me, “over here! Now!”

For you see, Livia wasn’t going allow Lucretia just simply watch as I was tied up. Oh no, she was going to do so in a state of REAL frustration and arousal! For once I’d obeyed that earlier order I was ordered on to my knees, and Livia guided my head right into my Lucretia’s pussy. “Lick her out, take her ALMOST there, but then I ORDER you to stop just before she obtains release! In fact, I’ll tell you when to stop, which you MUST do when I say! Otherwise you WILL be severely punished. I don’t want her to cum before I allow it! Do you understand?”

“Perfectly, Livia.”

“What did you just call me? Tonight, you address me as “DOMINA!” Both of you! For this night you both BELONG to me! Understand?”

“Yes, Domina.” Forced to use a term I’d thought I’d left behind in my life, once again. But somehow I didn’t mind, I KNEW it was only temporary. Or was it? After all, who knew when the devious and utterly kinky Livia was concerned? Because, she was completely correct about one thing, we were both firmly in her hands and power now, and until SHE chose otherwise, she WAS the Domina here!

So there I was, on my knees in front of my beloved Lucretia, arms tied in secure bondage behind my back, and being directed to lick out her pussy. Her gentle moaning gradually increased in volume and intensity as the point of her release neared, and then, the command rang out, “STOP!” I will willingly admit that I did consider disobedience and taking my Love to the Gods, but in the end I complied.

Much to the displeasure of Lucretia, of course. Almost shaking in pure frustration, instead of directing that at our captor she aimed it in my direction. “THAT wasn’t what I freed you for!” Thankfully Livia herself relieved me of the need to reply, “he is just obeying the order of his Domina! Who happens to be yours too! And don’t you forget it. Understand?”

“Yes Domina.” Lucretia clearly “getting” Livia’s game.

I was ordered to my feet and to back away from my Lady, as Livia released her, turned her through a half circle and re-bound her arms to the outer bed posts of the lower bed frame again. So now she was facing the bed, so she would be forced to watch as I became the helpless prisoner of that particular item of furniture.

Having unbound my arms again, Livia ordered me onto my back lying on the bed and to spread out my limbs. Having, naturally complied, very shortly she was at my right wrist. She looped it skilfully with bondage rope, then VERY securely tying the rest of that around the outer bed post. Until she said so, that arm was going NOWHERE. Especially as she moved across my body, to the other side of the bed and bound my left arm in an identical manner. Ignoring the helpless Lucretia close by, she then also looped and fastened both of my ankles to the outer bed posts of the lower bed frame. I now belonged ENTIRELY to our bed, my wrists and ankles bound inescapably to its bedposts, for Livia knew exactly what she was doing when it came to the subject of bondage!

But just as Livia had teased Lucretia, well no actually she used me to tease Lucretia, leaving her totally frustrated and begging for the release of being able to cum, so she planned to reduce me to the very same state. Although this time she would be doing so directly herself.

Next Lucretia was released from her present bondage situation, but that was only a temporary state of affairs, especially as Livia had left bondage ropes coiled around her wrists. Lucretia was soon lying on top of me, and we straight away started kissing passionate, as first Livia bound her ankles to mine, moving up the head of the bed to tie our arms together. She did this expertly, firstly she looped the ropes presently around Lucretia’s wrists around mine, and then using the length of rope left over, bound our hands together with our fingers interlocked, and then tied the remaining rope back around the bedpost, making escape completely IMPOSSIBLE!

So there we were, both of us bound absolutely to each other and to the bed. We were going NOWHERE, helpless in the total power and control of Livia! Who very soon had us both blindfolded meaning neither of us could see anything at all. And so our captor began to inform us of what was going to happen. Although her tone was stern and sounded threatening, it wasn’t, she was playing the game and just adding to our passion and excitement!

“Right the time for faffing about is over! I’m the Mistress now and you both BELONG to me! You’re totally in my hands, completely in my power and utterly at my mercy! And I’ve not come here for any gentle “making love” I want to see COLD, HARD, RAW SEX! I expect to see some REALLY serious shagging from the pair of you, SEX! SEX! and more SEX! is the order of the day here, make NO mistake! Because until I AM satisfied as to your performance the pair of you are going to be in complete bondage to that bed and to each other. SO GET SHAGGING NOW!” We knew she meant EVERY word, and Lucretia and I had a long, hard night of exhausting but totally exciting and passionate sex ahead of us. Believe me neither of us wanted to be ANYWHERE other than tied to the bed and each other under Livia’s TOTAL control!

To this day I don’t know just how both Lucretia and I managed to contain ourselves until Livia had finished this little speech of hers, remember she’d stoked us both up in frustration, I guess it must have been sheer respect for her, but we did so. However once the final words had left her mouth, my TOTALLY erect cock found its way home into Lucretia’s SOAKING wet pussy, and we WENT FOR IT! Hadn’t we just been ordered by our Domina to shag? Well I’m not sure that, in the WHOLE history of mankind, an order has EVER been complied with in such an instant, vigorous and exuberant manner! Lucretia and I went at each other in a form that make rabbits look docile, such as the condition of frustrated excitement that Livia had placed us in, it took less than two minutes before we both exploded in sexual ecstasy! My own cries of pleasure were loud enough, but were completely outclassed in both pitch and volume by the cries of my fellow captive!

Livia did actually allow us a little time to calm down from the “high” that she had caused, before informing us. “Well that was a very good start, but THAT is ALL it was, a start. You two have got far more to do before I’ll be satisfied and even start thinking about letting you go. So I suggest that you take it easy for a bit,” we were completely ignoring her at the present, and kissing frantically, “so that you can show me what you both have, come Round Two.” Somehow her very sensible words did penetrate our lust, and we did slow things down a little.

After about fifteen minutes our batteries were to a large extent, “recharged,” and we set about each again. With slightly less gusto than before, and naturally, without having been “wound up,” we made things last a little longer this time. However, even if it took more time we bought each other to THAT point, and if anything the longer time had allowed the feelings to be even more intense, and our cries of ecstasy with we both climaxed at roughly the same time again, myself literally exploding down there as I shot my load into Lucretia at a speed and force that I wouldn’t have believed humanly possible, were at a substantially greater level than before!

And once we’d calmed down a little, Lucretia made a request to her friend, one that was asked very respectfully, and therefore was granted. “Domina, could you please lift our blindfolds, just on a temporary basis you understand, I wish to look my fellow slave in his eyes, as I say something to him?” As stated, Livia agreed.

“Well then My Darling, we have been ordered to carry on ALL night like this! I’m up for it, are you?”

“VERY much so, My Love.”

“So, then lets’ give our Domina just WHAT she’s looking for, let’s show her just what we’re made of. She wants SEX, so let’s give her SEX!” And with that our lips met again, resuming the very REAL level of sexual energy and TOTAL passion demanded of us, as the blindfolds were replaced in their correct position, shutting out ALL light for the pair of us. It was absolutely clear to EVERYBODY in that room that Lucretia and I were going to our VERY best to meet the demand placed upon us. And thoroughly ENJOY it in the meantime! “After all,” she continued, “you’re now....” pausing to kiss me again before finishing,

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