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Only if you appreciate the usual tying up situations. ;)
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Part 10

Staying On

The dinghy hove to acoustically against the landing stage and the three boys moored it up, unloaded it and unrigged it. All the strange terms that Stewart and Rob used were still a mystery to him but, when combined with a lot of pointing, Trevor was gradually learning that none of those ropes were ropes and that only a landlubber would think otherwise.

They hoisted Trevor’s kit and the loot onto their shoulders and headed for the cannon emplacement where Koff and Roy had obviously already spent quite some time explaining the error of his ways to Dave. Trevor noticed that his black shorts appeared to have been secured in his mouth by one of the usual knotted fabric gags around which they protruded like the worms hanging from the beak of an over-laden blackbird. His hands had been tied in front of him with several parallel wraps of rope before the ends had been slung over the tree branch and tied off so that Dave’s feet barely touched the ground. But there was worse to come: the back of the waistband of Dave’s garish briefs had been hooked onto the block and tackle which had then been used to apply the most monstrous wedgie.

“Hi lads. I hope my little brother hasn’t been too much trouble.”

“Nah. He’s just got his personal hang-ups to deal with.”

Every time Dave wriggled and tried to protest, which he did almost incessantly, he simply increased his own discomfort. Stewart soon found out that his brother had already been tickled comprehensively but he turned down the offer to have a go himself in favour of getting the iced lollies dished out before they melted.

As much as he could in his stretched position, Dave heaved a sigh of relief as his tormentors were seduced away from their entertainment. The boys made much of exaggerating their enjoyment of the confections for Dave’s sake until Stewart said that he thought they were being cruel to his little brother and took a lolly over to Dave. He lowered the block and tackle releasing Dave from the wedgie and leaving his heels nearly on the ground.

“Have they been nasty to you?” Dave seemed to be indicating that they had. “Never mind, I’m here now. Look what I’ve got for you,” and he waved a red, icy confection in front of Dave’s sweating face. “Did the nasty boys give you a wedgie?” Dave nodded and Stewart loosened the front of Dave’s underpants, shoved the still solid lump of frozen fruit juice into the pouch and allowed the waistband to snap back into position leaving the stick protruding. Dave’s squeal could probably have been heard on the mainland, his biceps contracted and his knees raised until his thighs were horizontal. He seemed to be trying to form the most compact ball possible for one who was hanging from his wrists. The other Pirates seemed to consider that to be quality entertainment.

“Oh, you bastard,” announced Koff admiringly, “I was going to let him down soon.”

“No need, they don’t feel anything at that age.” Dave’s squirming and muscular contractions seemed to contradict his big brother’s assertion. “Enjoy the ice lolly. Let me know when you’ve finished it.” So saying, Stewart returned to the cargo and Rob and he gave their attention to stowing it while the others just dossed around with Roy taking the occasional visit to the prisoner to use the lolly stick to re-adjust the position of the instrument of his torment.

“Has he finished it yet?”

“No, he’s got quite a bit left yet.”

“What’ve you brought for lunch?” Rob produced the bag into which he’d loaded the crisps, fizzy drinks, melting chocolate and fruit and everyone except Dave, who was still enjoying his ice lolly, tucked in.

Escaped Prisoners

Over lunch plans were made for the afternoon’s entertainment. The most popular suggestion was a game of “Escaped Prisoners”. It was just a question of deciding who should be the prisoners and what the forfeits should be for the losers. In a spirit of generosity, Stewart suggested Dave for one of the prisoners, after all he did owe him a tie-up following yesterday’s paper-clip shooting contest. All but one of the boys thought that was fair but Rob thought that the condemned man should be allowed some last words.

He untied Dave’s gag and helped him to expel the soggy shorts before offering the younger boy a much-needed drink. “What does the prisoner have to say for himself?”

“Please, I’ve been tied up here for hours. I shouldn’t have to be the prisoner.”

“OK. Fair enough. In that case I claim my tie-up on you and you’ll have to stay there while the rest of us play. Oh, by the way, I think that jasper likes you.”

Dave looked down to where the sticky, red fluid had leaked from his underpants and was running down his thighs as the lolly melted. His muscles spasmed as he saw the wasp hunting its lunch. “Please boys, get him off.”

“No, just stay still and don’t annoy him.”


“Did you boys know my brother’s ticklish? Especially on the insides of his thighs?”

“No! Really?”

Only one of the Pirates wasn’t laughing. Dave tried to stay as still as possible but he could feel the gold and black terror settling to its first course. He panicked and jerked around failing to dislodge the determined diner.

“Careful you don’t squeeze him between those powerful thighs of yours!”

“Ohhurr” came an almost sympathetic exhalation from several of the others at the very idea.

“Bastards!” In his heart of hearts, Dave knew that he deserved the wedgie and even deserved to be hung from the tree but, Stewart was right, he WAS ticklish and he was genuinely scared of wasps. “Alright! Alright! I’ll do it.”

“Do what?”

“I’ll be a prisoner. Just let me down. I need to clean this stuff off me.”

“What do you think, lads? Does he mean it?”

“Looks like he does.”

“Yeah, shame to deprive that poor old jasper, though.” The Pirates were not usually known for their sympathy for hungry wasps but they agreed that Dave should be let down from the tree and be allowed to go and clean himself off.

Koff let him down but didn’t untie his wrists and Dave made off for the creek, stopping only to grab a towel.

That left another victim to select and the rules to explain to Trevor, who immediately offered to be the other escaped prisoner. Decisions had to be made: Dave and Stewart had got away with not being the prisoners when Trevor and his mates invaded their island the other week but it was decided, because Dave was suffering Stewart’s prize tie, that he should not go with Dave this time. Besides, the Lennox brothers owed the others at least half a day as their prisoners. No one thought that either Trevor or especially Koff should have to suffer any longer. Trevor particularly was somewhat disappointed by the decision but it wouldn’t have been good form to show it. Roy had also been tied up and punished even for such a short while so the obvious (to everyone except Rob, that is) choice for the second escaped prisoner was the red-headed kid.

It was a fair cop and Rob submitted with only a token protest.

The game was simple: there were escaped prisoners, with their wrists bound behind them, who had to avoid capture and hunters who had to catch them. Hunters had easily broken woollen “lives” round their wrists; without a “life” a hunter had to return to the landing stage for another. There was considerable scope for cheating there but anyone caught cheating could expect to face the hanging jury after the game. Walking the plank was not the worst fate that could face a condemned man. Any prisoner who could gain the sanctuary of the cannon emplacement was home and had to be untied as soon as anyone was around to do it. No hunter could encroach upon the surrounds of the entrance unless a prisoner had already done so. Any captured prisoners had to be escorted to the landing stage but were not allowed to be tied to anything. Prisoners were allowed to try to free themselves or untie each other at any time. The rules had been developed over several years and most of the snags had been ironed out a long time ago.

Dave returned with his towel wrapped round him and the rope, from which he had freed himself, over his shoulder and he changed into his blue nylon swim briefs and his flip flops before surrendering himself to the inevitable. Everybody else made sure they had something on their feet and Roy ran off to put the dry-bag containing the wool and scissors and other requirements by the landing stage. He might have been the smallest of the Pirates but he was also probably the fastest and was soon back at HQ. While he was gone, Trevor asked about “out of bounds” only to find out that there was no such thing in the game except for the rule about the surrounds of the entrance to the emplacement.

Koff was entrusted with the tying of the prisoners who were then to be given ten minutes to escape before the others set out to catch them.

“He always gets this job.” explained Rob as he submitted himself to Koff’s not so tender mercies, “He’s the best.” Trevor could see why.

“Yeah, they can’t usually untie themselves once he’s done,” confirmed Stewart. “We’ve only got an hour to catch them. Then they’re safe.”

Dave was soon tied up as well but accepted it with worse grace than Rob had done until he was offered the chance to be a wasp’s dinner table again. Once Roy had offered to go and get the jam, an unaccustomed quiet came over Dave.

The hunters went into the cannon emplacement so that they couldn’t see in which directions Dave and Rob would go, Stewart started the watch and the prisoners escaped. Ten minutes later Stewart sounded a whistle and the hunters had to leave the emplacement.

It was decided that Trevor, who didn’t know the island very well yet, should guard the emplacement and would then have to “look after” any captive at the landing stage later. The remains of the surrounding wall clearly marked the embargoed area. Trevor patrolled in case either escaped prisoner tried to gain sanctuary but all was quiet for about half an hour and Trevor once more started wishing that he had been one of the escaped prisoners when Koff appeared, his life intact and with an unprotesting Rob in tow. Koff handed the prisoner over and told Trevor to take him to the landing stage and to use some of the stuff he’d find there to blindfold and gag him and bind his ankles.

Trevor said that he thought that was against the rules but it wasn’t. He was allowed to do as Koff suggested as long as that is all he did. No tethering, no hog-tying and no stripping the prisoner.

Koff ran off to where he thought Dave might be hiding and Trevor escorted the sun-burned ginger to the landing stage. He found the dry-bag and soon had the slender, curly-haired prisoner seated in the shade of the landing stage with his ankles crossed and his eyes covered. He delayed gagging his prisoner for a while leaving the strange situation of two friends swapping small talk amiably while one of them was bound at the other’s feet. With about ten minutes of the game to go, Trevor decided that he ought to gag his captive in case Dave had managed to get free and mounted a rescue attempt. Rob submitted to the fabric and thought approvingly that they seemed to have recruited a useful member; it was a pity he lived so far away.

The next passage of play didn’t encroach on either the landing stage or the cannon emplacement and Trevor spent the time “interrogating” Rob who found himself propped up against the jetty. I say “interrogating” because it wasn’t so much a conversation as a series of questions about the history of the Pirates and Longholme to which Rob nodded or shook his head and made mainly nearly comprehensible muffled noises into his gag.

Eventually Stewart’s whistle signalled the end of the game and everyone gradually returned to the landing stage. Dave was still firmly bound and nobody made any attempt to release either him or Rob until the final inquest into the result had been held. Dave hadn’t managed to free himself but he hadn’t been captured either so he was released. Rob had got himself captured so it was decided that he should suffer a two-hour tie-up on Koff’s demand as he was the one who caught him. The hunters’ team had caught one out of two prisoners so, by majority decision, it was decided that, other than Rob who’d been sentenced already, no-one else should suffer. Isn’t democracy wonderful?

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Post by Gino »

nice story as always :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thank you. I always appreciate your support.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Part 11

Games on the Beach

Everyone decided to go for a swim and Koff decided that Rob might as well pay his forfeit now. Rob didn’t mind particularly because he knew he’d be left in the shade somewhere where the other boys could keep an eye on him. Koff untied Rob’s ankles and looped the rope round his neck while he led his prisoner by the arm as everyone headed for the beach. There followed about two hours of ducking one another, swimming, ducking one another, Frisbee, ducking one another and general roughhousing as Rob sat with his ankles crossed once more in the shade of the dunes.

Eventually someone noticed that it was about time for dinner so Koff released Rob’s ankles and led him back to HQ along with everybody else. By now Rob was starting to object, he was sure his two hours were up. They were, but who was counting? Once back at HQ Koff relented and released his ginger friend who, for once, took a timely opportunity to top-up his sun-block.

Dinner was taken and Koff took his turn on the washing up while the others decided what to do until bed-time. The best suggestion seems to have been a game of murder ball on the beach. Rob collected three tennis balls and Trevor thought that this was going to sting a bit. Everyone grabbed a t-shirt or a vest and, once they had returned to the beach, Trevor asked about the rules. The rest of the Pirates gave him some very funny looks but Trevor soon gathered that there weren’t any. He wished he’d brought his cricket box with him.

“OK, new boy gets to be on it,” shouted Rob, and he threw a tennis ball to Trevor while the other players scattered. Trevor removed the baggy white vest, that always made him look even skinnier than ever, and took aim. He was used to the target area being below the players’ shorts and that’s how he played, very soon hitting Stewart on the knee. Stewart stripped off his sky-blue t-shirt and grabbed another tennis ball. It soon became apparent that, although there were supposed to be no rules, it seemed to be considered cowardly to run into the sea or beyond the end of the short stretch of dunes. Trevor’s gentlemanly instincts were soon overcome when he saw Stewart aiming high and he adjusted his aim to suit the local rules.

They soon “recruited” Roy who dropped his red t-shirt and grabbed the remaining tennis ball. No one was really trying to hurt anybody else but, for some inexplicable reason in between cries of, “Over here!”, “Missed!”, “Useless!” and other such technical terms the following could be heard:

”Oaarr f-u-u-ungghh!”

“Opps. Sorry Dave!”

“Whoaar. Right in the cobblers.”

“Don’t worry, I told you they can’t feel anything at that age.”


“Never mind all that, get your top off, you’re on it.”

Dave doubled up but no one took much notice of him and he eventually joined in again. Rob and Koff were now effectively penned in by the others who kept up an unrelenting barrage of missiles from all points around them until Roy caught his big brother right in the middle of his sunburnt back. That left Koff, still in his white t-shirt, as the winner. The next game followed the same lines except that, as a boy became on it, he replaced his top. Roy was the winner and was the only one left topless as the Pirates lay in the sand to recover for a while.

Everyone compared bruises and Dave still held on to himself at intervals as he hadn’t quite recovered from his mortal blow yet. Things were getting quite mellow until Stewart shouted, “Last one to the rock’s a damned grockle.” And everyone leapt to their feet and charged into the sea heading for a fair-sized rock that now stood well proud of the water. No one even bothered to remove his top before starting. Trevor, having been taken more by surprise than the others, as well as being less experienced as a swimmer, was the obvious loser. The Pirates explained to Trevor what a grockle was and everyone had to agree that the right man had lost because, if he hadn’t been a Pirate, Trevor would indeed have been considered a grockle by the other boys. Everyone gathered their breath before taking a more leisurely swim back to the beach.

After another short rest and two more games of murder ball, a weary band returned to camp. On the way, Koff realised that, if he didn’t claim Trevor’s forfeit, he would get away with it because he would have to go home tomorrow. Arrangements were quickly made.

Trevor’s Forfeit

“OK Koff, you can tie him up now and leave him overnight.”

“That should count as a day if he stays bound in the morning.” Trevor didn’t understand the Pirates’ time scale yet but he would learn it over the next couple of years.

“I ought to be allowed to tie him up with someone else,” demanded Koff. “After all you all owe me a whole day.”

“Not with my sunburn,” said Rob wimping out.

“Bags not I!” said Dave quickly, “I’m too short”

“Me too!” declared Roy.

“Motion passed.” And with that Rob leapt onto Stewart, pinning him to the ground with the aid of Dave who quickly sat on his brother’s legs.

“Do you give?” Stewart kept struggling.

“Roy, persuade him.” The muscular lad could probably have unseated the taller but slighter Rob if it had really mattered but his resistance was really only for show and Roy’s tickle attack on his pinioned feet gave him an honourable way out.

“Yes! Ahh – h – h! Word of honour! Yes!”

“My big brother likes having his feet tickled.” volunteered Dave disingenuously. Truth to be told, neither of the Lennox brothers ever proved to be heroes under such torture.

Stewart and Trevor were allowed some time to prepare themselves while Koff prepared the ropes and other equipment he would need. The rest of the Pirates gave their attention to the inevitable camp fire. The victims took the opportunity to make themselves comfortable, rinse out what they were wearing and change into their overnight clothing of briefs and shorts. Stewart wore his loose, black p.e. shorts and Trevor had a pair of old and now (even on him), rather too tight jeans that had been crudely cut off a bit more than half way down his thighs.

Koff’s voice could be heard from the store room asking if there was any tape left.

“Sorry mate, we used it earlier.”

Roy made for his rucksack “Ta-dah!!” and threw a couple of rolls of wide black gaffer tape to his grinning, broad-shouldered friend. “I was saving them for use on Dave but I reckon you deserve them.”

“Thanks, Mate.” Koff’s grinning thanks were heart-felt.

“Yeah, thanks, Friend!” Dave’s weren’t.

Koff emerged with his trophies and various other items from stores and told Stewart and Trevor to sit down back-to-back on the crates that had been used earlier. That wouldn’t make it easier to tie them up except that it would more or less eliminate the difference in height between the taller slim boy and the muscular dark-haired one. They didn’t exactly make a matching pair.

“Put your hands palm to palm against the other guy.” Stewart and Trevor complied and Koff doubled a long rope and carefully tied Trevor’s right wrist to Stewart's left using four turns of the doubled rope before cinching it and repeating the procedure at their elbows and finishing off at the tops of their biceps. That left a certain amount of the free ends for later use. Koff checked his tying and evened off the pressure at the three points of attachment before repeating the process on his victims’ opposite arms.

“OK?” Both prisoners confirmed that they were before Koff got a shorter rope and looped it twice, quite loosely between Trevor’s right and Stewart’s left wrist before tying a double figure of eight well out of reach of their fingers. He passed the longer free end of the rope between the two prisoners and, after he had pulled their arms closer to their bodies, tied a very similar loose loop and a complex non-slip knot. He threaded the free end up to the rope holding Stewart’s right elbow to Trevor’s left one and tied it firmly but without tensioning the rope. “Just to keep it out of the way of busy little fingers.” Said Koff looking pointedly at Stewart. If Koff was the best tier, Stewart was definitely the best escaper. Koff then did the same with the other free end.

“Roy, remind me not to torture you too much next time,” said Koff, and the grin returned to his face as he searched for the end of the tape. Every time he performed that operation, he wished he didn’t bite his finger nails. The wide sticky tape gave very good coverage in spite of the fact that Koff overlapped the wrappings generously as he started just above the rope connecting Trevor’s right wrist to Stewart’s left one stopping just above their elbows. “Here, hold this.” Koff presented the hanging ends of the rope to Trevor’s mouth. Trevor looked at him open-mouthed with a mixture of confusion and surprise but it did facilitate their easy insertion before Trevor clamped down on them and, for the first time, gave Koff a look that could kill. He was beginning to understand the concept of revenge.

Koff completed taping up to just below the captives’ armpits and, even when he continued back to just above their elbows, the large roll of tape was not even half exhausted. “Make a note to myself” said Koff rhetorically. “Next time, first tape arms, THEN pull wrists towards one another. OK, boys, all done this side. Need release? Both boys confirmed that they did not although Trevor, had more difficulty doing so than Stewart as he didn’t know whether he was allowed to spit out the ropes or not. Koff didn’t bother to disabuse him but, before he started on the other arms, he did give Stewart the other rope ends to hold the same way.

Koff wrapped some of the remains of the tape three times loosely around both necks causing both boys to sit very upright. Once again Koff gave his victims the chance to ask for release but, with his tying and with little stress (yet) on their limbs, he wasn’t expecting any such pleas from these two.

Stewart’s indistinct, “Can I drop these bloody ropes now?” was answered in the negative by his captor as he took a heavy leather belt and buckled it loosely round his subject’s necks.

Koff instructed Trevor to “Give.” And received another of those looks as Trevor disgorged the rope. That didn’t prevent him from saying, “Good boy!” and patting Trevor on the head.

“Don’t forget, Carpet-Head: I’ll be back!” That foreshadowed the great Arnie by a good eight years and both boys were smiling.

Koff finished off his task on the boys’ arms by looping the free ends of the ropes up through the belt and tying the ends off around the ropes themselves. “There, that should stop them slipping.” Koff was somewhat self-satisfied, he liked doing a neat job on co-operative prisoners. “Oh look: there’s some tape left on this first roll. I know!” And. so saying, Koff used the surprisingly plentiful remainder to tape round his “guests’” waists for several rounds pulling their backsides into even closer proximity. “Now to make you comfortable. Stand up.” Trevor and Stewart dug their bare feet into the ground as they pushed against one another to stand uncomfortably with their legs straight and impeded by the crates from which they had just risen. “OK, you can sit down again now.” And Koff pushed the crates out of the way with his feet.

The bound Pirates were left sitting on the ground, back-to-back and unable to move their arms to any appreciable extent. Stewart could see what was coming next but Trevor could not as Koff went to get the sledge hammer and four more of the long stakes of the type that had been used to spread-eagle last night’s victims. The sounds as Koff started hammering two of them near to Stewart’s feet soon informed Trevor of his forthcoming situation as eloquently as if someone had explained things to him. Stewart soon found his ankles wrapped with carefully applied rounds of rope the other ends of which were tied to the stakes. Once Trevor’s ankles had been staked out as well, he found out that Koff had allowed him and Stewart certain scope for movement rather than having pulled their legs rigidly straight. He knew that his captives, who were also his friends, needed to be given some chance of surviving ‘til morning without begging for release.

The Pirates spent the rest of the evening in light conversation and card games until supper time when Koff helped his prisoners to drinking chocolate and biscuits. Eventually, people drifted off to bed (under the stars again) and Trevor and Stewart settled down to an uncomfortable night punctuated with quiet conversation and less quiet imprecations every time one of them moved to the discomfort of the other.

Even as morning broke, Trevor still didn’t regret his decision to become a Pirate.

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Post by Gino »

I'd like to trade places with Trevor now :D :D :D
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I think he'll fight you for it!

I'm glad your'e still commenting. So many views - so few comments.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Part 12

Morning Has Broken

The usual absurdly early morning saw the Pirates, all except Koff’s prisoners and Roy, on their feet and dealing with their usual morning routines. Before doing anything else, Koff checked on Trevor and Stewart. In spite of their discomfort, neither boy opted either for begging for release or for drinking so Koff decided to gag them as there were now several Pirates to keep an eye on them in case of emergency. That wasn’t quite what either Stewart or even Trevor wanted but at least Stewart knew better than to expect anything else.

Breakfast was underway and Rob kicked his little brother with his bare feet until he showed symptoms of vestigial consciousness. “OK, Runt, your turn on washing up so it’d be a shame if you missed breakfast.” Roy expressed his love for his brother, but at least he did rise from his pit.

Four boys enjoyed their breakfasts while two others sat tormented by the smells of frying. “Who wants to help me feed those two?” called Koff once he was replete.

“I’ll feed Stewart.” was the over-keen offer from Dave.

“Owe oo uu-in aaer!”

“Sorry, Big Brother, didn’t get that. Was that a dare?”

“I’uw Unn!”

“You keep telling me I’m not one of them ‘cause they’re useful.”

None of the free Pirates made any attempt to interfere in family matters and, while Koff fed Trevor with few dramatic episodes, Dave closed in on his big brother.

“You know the rules. I’m going to remove your gag and feed you. Beg for release?”

“Nge’ uuff!”

“OK, here goes: eggs just as you like them, runny; lots of tomato ketchup on the sausages; and I’ve even found some HP sauce for the bacon. Open wide!”

Stewart ate his breakfast as best he could even though he knew that he would be wearing more of it than he would have ingested. Etiquette required that he refrained from threats or protests while he was being fed but, following the carton of fruit juice, he just had time to remind his brother of his future prospects before he was gagged again.

By the time breakfast was over and Koff’s prisoners were offered the chance to beg for release, which they refused even when coupled with the opportunity to visit the latrine, Trevor and Stewart were gagged again and the rest of the crew went about tidying their site following the previous few days’ occupation. It was then time to decide upon the morning’s entertainments. If they were to go swimming, someone (Koff) would have to stay with the prisoners. The sense of this was obvious but Rob had an idea.

“Koff, why don’t you untie them from the stakes? Then we can take them with us?”

“I’d better blindfold them then.”

“I don’t see why not. Anyone against?” Only two boys appeared to be against the suggestion.

Koff got a couple of football scarves and blindfolded the unfortunate captives while the other boys helped him to free their ankles from the stakes. He even removed the strap from round their necks thus providing some relief to their arms and he cut the tape from round their necks. He was an experienced tier and knew that it would be difficult enough for two such differently sized boys to stand tied as they were and that it would be positively dangerous if they were still tied at the neck. Helped by Rob, he even cut the tape from their arms leaving them with just his ropework connecting them.

Everyone set off for the beach with Koff bringing up the rear with his hand grasping one of the ropes connecting his prisoners’ elbows. The gagged imprecations of the two conjoined prisoners, who were not only blindfolded but also compelled to move sideways, were various but, fortunately for anyone of delicate sensibilities, not too easily deciphered accurately.

Eventually Koff and his victims reached the beach by which time the other three boys were already splashing one another and squealing like girls. “Kneel down.” Stewart tried to suggest that Koff could go and do something physically impossible. “You’re still my prisoner. Do you want to say the safe word?”

Even gagged, it was obvious that Stewart’s response was not only in the negative but also that it questioned Koff’s parentage. The two bound boys struggled, far from quietly, to their knees on the sand and Koff ruffled their hair (Stewart hated that) and ran into the sea.

Time to Go Home

After an hour or so it dawned on Rob that not only was it time for Trevor to prepare to go home but that his and Stewart’s time as Koff’s prisoners was just about up. The boys soon had Trevor and Stewart free and they headed for the privacy of the primitive latrine with considerable alacrity. Upon their return both erstwhile prisoners decided to take a swim and to try to remove as much of the residual glue from the gaffer tape from their body hair as possible – always a somewhat painful procedure without water. Stewart just ran into the sea as he was but Trevor decided that he’d rather not carry his denim cut-offs home once they had been saturated so he stripped to his briefs before taking to the water.

As he tried to remove the goo in between being ducked by his mates, Trevor couldn’t help but think how comfortable he now felt in the company of these youngsters whom he had known for such a short time. He wasn’t really looking forward to going home but he was resigned to doing so because he knew his mother wanted to win some Brownie points by taking him to visit his grandparents the next day. The ducking, splashing and wrestling continued until everyone was suitably exhausted and the party returned to their HQ.

Trevor changed into his travelling clothes, although he couldn’t bring himself to button his shirt, and the others donned shorts, shoes and t-shirts ready to escort their new friend to the railway station. The old dinghy was quickly rigged and Trevor, once again, was told to take the helm and he steered the old boat rather unsteadily back to the mainland under everybody’s instruction. Five boys who all knew better than anybody else did not make for easily followed instructions and there was much last-minute ducking as an out-of-control boom swung around. The rather too exiting voyage was soon over and, once more, Stewart offered Trevor a piggy back to firm ground. The other four hauled the dinghy higher up the beach and unrigged her.

All six boys formed a noisy, unruly, and not very safe, procession along the country roads until they came to Weston and ultimately to Weston Station. Trevor located the return half of his ticket and the party made their way to the platform. Trevor was a bit subdued as they waited for his train but he cheered up a bit when Koff said that it was his birthday in a couple of weeks and wondered if Trevor would like to return then. That put Trevor in a better frame of mind as the train pulled into the station.

Trevor climbed into the carriage and threw his bag onto a seat before slamming the door shut. “Oh, by the way, catch!” Rob threw a cardboard cylinder to Trevor as he leaned out of the carriage window, “Everyone’s signed it” Trevor caught the denuded cylinder that had once held the gaffer tape that confined him and Stewart so firmly the previous night. It also boasted the inscription: “This is to certify that Skinny Kid (Formerly known as Trevor) is an official member of the Longholme Pirates.”

He leaned out of the window waving his trophy and looking back down the line until the Pirates disappeared from sight.


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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »

Well, that's the end of the second part in the 'Pirates' saga.

I thank [mention]Gino[/mention] for his unstinting support.
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but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Gino »

Thanks Xtc, but I found your story so cool and I'm looking forward to the next parts! :D
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Post by Veracity »

Very happy to read all of this again. Wasn’t this originally posted on DeviantArt, or am I just making things up? I seem to recall downloading these on PDFs.
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Post by Xtc »

They were. I think I posted them separately on here as well.
The fourth tale, "Jonah's Journey" will be new to everybody, though.
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Post by Xtc »

OK. Coming up:
Dave Gets a Little Talking To
any minute now.
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Part 1

The Streaker

It was apparent that Dave was unlikely to be consulted about anything anytime soon. He knew Koff would be gunning for him but he didn’t think that even his big brother would betray him like that. Now all he could do was sit on his own landing and await his execution.


That Sunday the Pirates returned from Longholme following their customary weekend of tying one another up, swimming, sailing and lazing in the sun and all headed for the much-needed showers on the mainland campsite run by the Lennoxes and the MacGregors. Dave’s father only had to go in once to suggest that the boys keep it down so that they didn’t annoy the paying visitors too much and everyone except Koff had left the shower and started towelling off. You know what they say about the quick and the dead? Before Koff could leave the shower, Dave had made off with his clothes and his towel.

All the others had gone and Koff had to make his way somehow to the Lennox household, which was about fifty metres away, just the other side of the boundary hedge, to get dressed again. It’s a good job that there weren’t too many people around as he clasped his hands tightly over his privates and made a run for it. Koff made new fans among one or two girl campers as he streaked past but, by the time he’d got to Dave’s place, Dave had departed for some reason leaving Koff’s clothes on the kitchen table. Koff swore an awful vengeance upon the dark-haired nuisance as he dressed whilst not being able to suppress a sneaky respect for the way he’d been tricked. His time would come.

The Ambush

It was probably appropriate that Koff ambushed Dave as he left his own bathroom that morning having been let in by Stewart. Dave, however, had time to put on his light blue y-fronts before he left the bathroom and was made to taste the landing carpet. Dave was muscular but the twelve-year-old stood no chance against the older boy even if Stewart wasn’t standing by with the necessary supplies. The adults were already at work on the campsite so Koff knew that he had all the time he needed to secure his prize.

Dave and his brother shared a weakness: both of them were extremely ticklish. There was, however, certainly no solidarity over the matter as far as Stewart was concerned as he knelt with his back to Koff securing his brother’s knees between his own and holding his insteps tightly against his torso using his left arm. Koff was feeling magnanimous and offered Dave the chance to submit as he sat on his back and twisted his right arm painfully. Dave should have appreciated the impossibility of his situation but learning the lessons of history was not his strong point. His big brother was delighted when he declined the opportunity. Or, at least I think that’s what the phrase, “Get off me, Carpet-Head, or I’ll rip your balls off,” meant. Koff gave another painful twist to Dave’s arm and invited Stewart to “persuade him”.

It was a good job that there was a house wall and a high hedge between the site and the Lennox house to absorb the squeals, obscene threats and, eventually the breathless begging as Stewart applied himself to his task. It was only about five minutes before Dave agreed to submit but for him that was an eternity.

“Yes, yes, I submit.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Ah-aha-aha, yes, please, - tell - him - to - stop. Aaahhh!”

“And you’ll take your beats?”

“Yes! I’m – aha- goahing to wehet, myself.”

“I think you can stop now, Mate.”

“Are you sure?”


“Oooo, I think so.”

Stewart stopped the tickling and Dave stopped bucking and beating the ground with his free fist.

“Put your hand on your head. - - - Good. - - - now I’m going to let go of this arm.” Koff gave it just one final twist in case Dave didn’t know which one he meant. “Put your hand on your head. - - - Good boy. Stewart, secure the prisoner while I sort out the kit, will you?”

Before Koff dismounted, Stewart raised his bum from his brother’s legs, bent them back and tucked the feet under his armpits. That left the unfortunate younger boy in a classic Boston crab.

“No. You keep your hands on your head and Stewart won’t need to relax too much, will you, Mate?”

“Oh, I think I’ll be alright as long as the worm behaves.”

Dave knew how painful the hold could be from considerable past experience where his brother had practiced his wrestling holds on him before taking on anyone bigger. Fortunately for Dave, Stewart did not feel the need to relax while Koff disentangled the ropes he wanted to use but he couldn’t resist a couple of light bounces.

“Remember, you submitted. Now, I can ask my friend here to put you in an Indian deathlock while I deal with your arms or you can promise to cooperate. What do you want?” Stewart helped Dave to make up his mind with a few more bounces after which Dave wasn’t sure that he wouldn’t prefer to be tickled again. Isn’t brotherly love a wonderful thing?

Stewart released his brother’s ankles and, good as his word, Dave presented his arms behind his back. Koff had already doubled a rope and soon had Dave’s wrists crossed behind his back and skilfully tied. There was quite a lot of rope left and Koff gave Dave the chance to stand up unassisted. Dave had become used to that! The remaining free ends were brought as one round Dave’s waist, pulled tight and secured behind his back. Dave thought the Second Chance Fairy had visited; the knots were reachable. Perhaps she had but he knew that she’d also brought the Shit Fairy with her once Koff had brought the remaining free ends in counter directions round Dave’s waist and tied them off in front of him.

Dave’s wrists were already immobilised to all intents and purposes and it was probably just adding insult to injury when Koff got another rope and wound it several times, none too tightly round Dave’s arms just below his already prominent pecs. All his pleadings were of no avail as Koff took two lengths of sisal and looped them several times between Dave’s arms and his torso, tightening the rope and ensuring that Dave wouldn’t be able to work it up over his shoulders.

Having proved ineffective, Dave’s pleas turned into abuse.

“My mummy doesn’t like me hearing language like that.”

“No, Please, I’m sorry, no” It was no use; as Dave backed away from the knotted football scarf that Koff was holding, his brother embraced him in a far from loving bear hug.

“Don’t forget: you submitted. Now open up!” Dave glared and reluctantly complied. “That’s better.” Dave found the knot in the Bristol City FC scarf being pulled tightly back into his mouth as Koff tied it off behind his neck. The substantial knot in Dave’s mouth hadn’t left Koff enough fabric to bring the ends round and knot them in his mouth again so Koff went to pick up a roll of gaffer tape.


“Too late, you should have thought of that before you taxed my clothes.” Koff was generous with the amount of tape he wound around the lower half of Dave’s face. But he did pick up a marker and drew a smiling mouth on it.


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Post by Veracity »

Xtc wrote: 2 years ago They were. I think I posted them separately on here as well.
The fourth tale, "Jonah's Journey" will be new to everybody, though.
Very much looking forward to that.
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Post by Veracity »

And, since I don’t have a clear recollection of Dave’s talking to, I am looking forward to seeing how that turns out.
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Post by Gino »

I'm also curious how things will continue with Dave, the start is great as always ;)
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, [mention]Veracity[/mention] and [mention]Gino[/mention]
I suspect he might have some trials to come.
He just never seems to learn, does he?
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Post by Gino »

a German proverb says: "if you don't want to hear, you have to feel" :D :D :D
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Part 2

Life’s Choices

Koff read Dave his fortune and offered him a “choice”.

“Alright, we need to get you onto Longholme. There’s not many people around so I thought I’d return the compliment and strip you off and make you run for the boat.” Dave convulsed in his brother’s bear-hug. “Oh, don’t you want people to see you like that? OK, here’s what we’ll do: we’ll wait until there’s a few more people around and still let you run to the boat but in just your underpants.” Dave didn’t seem to like that suggestion either. “Ungrateful little tic, your brother, isn’t he?”

“Always has been.”

“Right then, final offer before you do the nuddie run.” Dave stopped struggling. “We’ll make sure no one sees you but we need time to prepare. Co-operate?” Dave nodded frantically.

“OK mate, drop him. Now, if you know what’s good for you, sit down and cross your legs.” Having considered the alternatives, Dave meekly did as he was advised and didn’t even resist as Koff repositioned his legs so that his feet were more or less against the opposite knees. Stewart supported his legs as he tipped Dave onto his back and after a very few minutes Koff had encased Dave’s lower legs in generous layers of gaffer tape.

“That’s good, just one final touch then we can go and prepare Sir’s transport.” So saying, Koff forced their victim to sit up once more and Stewart handed him another length of rope. The two of them had obviously planned very carefully. Koff laid the rope over the top of Dave’s thighs and threaded the ends round them and up between them. He pulled tight eliciting a pleasing squeal from the unfortunate dark-haired kid before telling him to bend forwards. Dave doubled up rather than waiting for “assistance” and Koff tied the free ends in a figure of eight knot a bit more than a foot from Dave’s calves. He pulled one to each side of Dave’s neck and knotted them pulling the prisoner into a hunched posture. There was no way Dave could slip his head out of the resultant loop but also no way it could tighten round his neck. Koff was renowned for his tying techniques and he’d obviously thought carefully about what he would do to Dave to keep him secure but safe.

“Right then, Little Brother, you behave while me and my friend here go and get your carriage.” Dave had little choice as the older boys left him where he was.

Preparing the Cargo

Just because he had submitted didn’t mean that Dave wouldn’t try to escape while his captors were away but he knew that, tied as he was, all the while his knees were apart, he would find it very difficult to sit up again if he fell over so he concentrated on the vain attempt to force his legs through the gaffer tape and manoeuvre his knees together. Simple engineering considerations should have dictated the futility of his endeavour unless all the tape could be unravelled but that didn’t stop Dave trying.

By the time the two older boys returned, Dave was still as tightly bound as before and had managed to retain his seated posture so his big brother thought he’d just roll him around the landing a bit while Koff supported the giant cardboard tube that they had retrieved and left lying on the stairs.

“Right then, Little Brother, see this? Oh, sorry, of course you can’t.” and indeed, as Stewart had left Dave with his arse in the air and his head on the floor, he couldn’t. “There, that’s better.” And Stewart helped Dave into a sitting position again while he continued with his lecture. “Remember that carpet that Dad laid in the club room last week? Well, this is what it came on. I knew it would come in handy for something.” The substantial salvaged cardboard tube was huge, about twelve feet long and Stewart and Koff had already found it quite awkward to get as far as the staircase. Following his big brother’s explanation of how it was about to be used, Dave knew that he had the choice of co-operating or taking the naked run that he was offered as an alternative. Koff still pretended that he favoured the nude run.

Koff’s knife made short work of the gaffer tape and he re-secured Dave’s ankles and knees with more of it. “OK, Maggot, in you go.” Dave took the hint and shuffled himself across the landing until he was about to insert his feet into the tube. “Hold it a minute.” Koff’s knife was sharp and Dave wasn’t too happy about seeing him insert it between his right hip and the fabric of his briefs. He did his best to keep still. “Now your brother and me don’t quite agree about the next part. I think I ought to just cut your knickers off so that you have to brace yourself against the tube to stop falling out of it in front of everybody and showing them everything you’ve got. Not that that’s much to shout about.” Dave was in no position to protest. “He says you need to keep your underpants in case your parents catch us. What do you think, Maggot?” By a process of nodding and shaking his head in response to Koff’s prompts, Dave managed to convey that he’d very much prefer not to risk being seen naked by everybody and then realised that he’d just asked Koff to tie him into the tube “to protect his modesty”.

Koff threaded a rope between Dave’s shins, pulled it through and fed both ends into the top of the tube, which was just about level with the top of the stairs. The rope snaked down the tube, appearing at the bottom where Koff had gone to collect it.


“Ready.” And Stewart supported his brother’s shoulders while Koff pulled hard on the rope causing Dave to start sliding into the tube. “Woah, woah, hold it.” By the time Stewart had said that, Dave’s bum and even his hands were already in the tube. He dropped Dave and grabbed another rope. The little muscular kid found his larger muscular brother threading the ends of the rope between his very tightly bound arms and torso. Once he was ready, Stewart very gently pulled the rope completely through until it passed across his brother’s chest and under his arm-pits. He did it gently because, although he was happy to help torture his little brother to pay him back for humiliating their friend, neither of the older boys would want Dave to suffer the inevitable rope-burns that would result from his pulling the rope through quickly.

Stewart tied a reef knot between Dave’s shoulders to prevent slippage, a task that was quite cumbersome with such a long, unravelled rope. “OK, all done, haul away.”

Koff hauled and Dave disappeared into the hefty cardboard tube. Stewart squashed his brother’s already well-developed shoulders as he slid down but the ropes round his arms stayed immovably in place as Stewart put light tension on his rope while Koff manoeuvred their passenger so that his feet were within easy reach of his hands.

“All passengers will now fasten their seat-belts.” Announced Koff and he set to work with his famous knife. There were soon two ragged holes about a foot and a half from the lower end of the tube: one in the top and, following a half-rotation of the tube which left the thoroughly jammed Dave face down, one in the opposite side. Koff wasn’t exactly sylph-like but he still managed to thread one end of the rope between Dave’s shins up through the top hole, where Stewart retrieved it, and pulled it a bit further through. The other end was passed through the opposite hole and Stewart and Koff pulled the rope straight, moving Dave a little further down the tube. The kidnappers wound the free ends of the rope in counter directions round the giant cardboard tube and stuffed the ends into the top hole where Koff went tube-diving again and fed them down between Dave’s legs and out of the bottom hole again. Once Stewart had pulled the rope tight and returned the ends round the tube to the top again, he knotted it off leaving Dave hardly any scope for movement along the tube.

A similar, but simpler procedure applied at the same distance from the opposite end of the tube left the “cargo” firmly fixed in position. At least they turned Dave face up again before removing him from the house.

A Short Crossing

“OK, Joker Boy, listen up. We’re going to carry you through the campsite to the landing stage. If you don’t want to be seen, keep quiet. Get it?”

Dave tried to assure Koff that he did, in fact, get it but, as the two older boys slid the tube containing him down the stairs and lifted it onto their shoulders, Dave couldn’t help worrying about how they’d get him over to the island.

Stewart and Koff positively trotted through the site with their burden whilst repeatedly ‘singing’, ”Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest/Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum/Drink and the Devil have done for the rest/Yo-ho-ho, etc.” to cover any inadvertent noises that their passenger might make. They considered it advisable to avoid their obscene version of “What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor?” as they passed amongst the visitors.

They soon arrived at their private landing stage where they laid their package on the slats while they prepared their vessel for loading. They already had a wide framework to which they’d attached salvaged plastic barrels for when the Pirates wanted to play raft battles either between themselves or with the local Scout Troops. As long as they lashed the tube to the top of the framework, Dave should be safe even if the rocking did cause him considerable alarm when he was launched. Both the captors were robust and used to rowing so they coupled the raft onto the pulling boat and had a really demanding workout as they manoeuvred their tandem craft to the island. The journey wasn’t quick and Dave had some trouble controlling his bladder for various reasons during the voyage.

Once near the island, Stewart leapt out of the boat and pulled it inshore while Koff waded out to inspect his prisoner. “You OK, squirt?” Dave nodded. He knew that Koff would never deliberately hurt him. Normal torture didn’t count! “Safe word?” Looking down the tube, Koff could see Dave shaking his head. “Good man. Now you know you’re really going to have to pay for humiliating me?” From the tube came a sound not unlike an escape of gas.

The two kidnappers hauled the raft up onto the beach and ensured that it would be well clear of any rising tide before unlashing the tube and its contents.

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Post by Gino »

I really feel sorry for Dave... that poor boy in the clutches of two teenage boys... who cares, he'll survive hahaha :D
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Post by Xtc »

I tend to feel sorry for the others; they have to put up with him.
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Post by Dominik »

Xtc wrote: 2 years ago I tend to feel sorry for the others; they have to put up with him.
I don't think that's necessary - any problems Dave could make can easily be solved with some lengths of rope and a good gag.
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As has been so often so.
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Post by Xtc »

Last part of "Dave Gets a Little Talking To" coming up in a few minutes.

It's a bit of a long chapter but splitting it sensibly was, in my opinion, impossible.
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