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Part 3

After the Voyage

It was still that August of ’76 and Stewart had stripped down to his favourite black football shorts and Koff to his pale blue hi-leg swimming costume. Both boys took a break while they sat on the tube that still secured their victim, and applied sun-block from their rucksacks that they’d lifted from the bottom of the pulling boat. They then entertained themselves by rocking the tube backwards and forwards somewhat as they sat on it while pretending to ignore the indignant, muffled protests from Dave within.

“Shall we?” said Stewart nodding his head down towards the tube.

“Why not?” Koff’s knife appeared from his rucksack and he cut the knots that were making sure Dave couldn’t slide along the tube. Once the ropes had been unthreaded, the two boys entered upon a discussion of whether Dave should be pulled out head first or feet first.

“He’s nearer this end.”

“Yes, but that wouldn’t be as much fun.”

The sounds that were emerging from the tube seemed to indicate that Dave wasn’t too happy about his having to take the longer route. Even though his broad shoulders were jammed reasonably firmly in the tube, the ropes round his arms remained in place throughout the manoeuvre. True to their Pirate calling, Koff and Stewart extracted the youngest boy to the accompaniment of “Heave-ho. Yo- ho, etc.” until the sweating and volubly complaining Dave was left lying on the beach frantically trying to pull his briefs, which had been dragged somewhat below his bum, back into place. The entertainment was too good for either his brother or his brother’s mate to help him but, by a process of shuffling, arching of the back and desperate clawing with his fingers, Dave was decent again (or at least as decent as his sweat-soaked underpants allowed) in little more than ten minutes.


“You’re going to need this” said Koff as he approached his victim with his knife. Dave wasn’t sure how to take that as Koff cut the sisal securing the ropes around his arms and slipped the rope over his shoulders. He then untied the rope securing the victim’s wrists to his waist but left his wrists still tightly bound. There had to be a snag, it seemed as though Koff was releasing him. “Got that stake we were talking about, mate?”

“Got it here,” said Stewart as he returned from the old gun emplacement carrying a three-foot metal “T”-section stake and a sledge hammer. Although learning from the mistakes of history was not Dave’s strong point, some experiences left their imprints on his memory and Dave started squealing as he realised what was about to happen to him. “Wouldn’t want you going anywhere, would we?”

Once more Dave started to think that he’d prefer to be tickled until he wet himself but he didn’t have the ability to express his preference to his tormentors even if he thought they’d take any notice of him if he could. He just hoped that his desperate head-shaking and muffled pleas would make them relent. I told you he didn’t learn the lessons of history.

Koff dragged the younger boy across the sand and up onto firmer ground by the rope that was still attached to his ankles until he found a site that he considered suitable for securing his prisoner. Now, Dave was muscular rather than supple and Stewart knew that Koff would need his help as he went about his business. The stake was threaded between Dave’s arms, twisted until the leg of the “T” was towards his bum and levered upright forcing Dave, with his brother’s help, to arch his back considerably. Koff made a few tentative blows to the stake before releasing it by which time Dave could not lever it away from the vertical. Once he could use both hands on the hammer, the broad-shouldered Koff made short work of burying half the stake in the ground. The stake now pressed not far from Dave’s most delicate area while pulling his chest from the ground. Dave knew they hadn’t finished with him yet.

“Stop complaining, at least we’ve let you keep your underpants. That’s more than you did for Koff.”

“Yes, I wonder if we could thread your feet onto the stake as well. That should hurt after a while.”

“Nggg, eeef!”

“Sorry, too late to plead.”

Koff made play of trying to pass the rope connecting Dave’s ankles over the stake without having any real intent to cause him that much discomfort but Dave didn’t know that. “Pity the little tyke’s not more flexible; I suppose I’ll just have to settle for this.” Koff hogtied Dave by threading the ends of his ankle rope each side of the stake and between his wrists before pulling him tight enough for him to be able to touch his ankles with his fingers. The rope was then threaded between Dave’s ankles and tied off against the stake so that the final knots were out of range of his fingers. That was what the Pirates referred to as “hog-staking” a prisoner.

Dave knew from experience that there was no way he’d be able to find a comfortable position and remembered with horror that prisoners who were to be subjected to that particular torture didn’t usually have their wrists crossed before being secured.

Stewart and Koff went over to a tree trunk that had been felled and took their ease in the sun while their prisoner tried vainly to find some ease and pleaded for release. They kept a careful eye on him but didn’t want him to have things too easy. I think they succeeded in that aim.

More Choices

Once Dave’s squealing had subsided into a sort of sighing noise, Koff went over to him. He was quite impressed; the little guy had held out for about half an hour before giving up. He knew that Stewart and he would have to release their subject soon as the stake was digging unpleasantly into Dave’s wrists not to mention certain other parts so he gave him a choice.

“Now, you know how nice I am.” Koff couldn’t accurately interpret the subsequent grunt. “I’m going to give you the chance to take some exercise. What do you say?” Koff paused, waiting for the suspicious Dave’s answer. “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’. The trouble is that I haven’t returned the compliment you extended to me the other day yet.” Dave didn’t get it. “Oh sorry, I mean that you’ve been allowed to keep your y-fronts. Now, how did you leave me?” Dave should have seen it coming. It wasn’t as if the Pirates had never seen one another naked in the past but it was always in a situation of equality: in the showers and changing rooms. Dave knew that he’d be the only one naked this time and that made a difference. He started protesting again.

“Well, Little Brother, that’s the offer. Take it or leave it. Personally, I think my friend’s being very generous.” Stewart wasn’t sure what he’d do if Dave hadn’t accepted the “offer” because he knew he couldn’t leave his brother hog-staked in the sun for much longer and he was quite relieved when Dave nodded his acceptance of Koff’s generosity.

Koff explained to Dave that he didn’t have enough sun-block to share with him and that they’d have to improvise. He knew a way that Dave could combine exercise with working towards something that could serve as sun-block.

“Pity there’s no mud; he could just do press ups in it.”

“No, I think he ought to dig his own grave.”

“Good idea, burying him would cover him up against the sun.”

Not for a minute did Dave believe that the two older boys would really bury him alive but he still couldn’t figure out what they really intended to make him do. Koff untied Dave and warned him about the dire consequences of touching his gag without permission while Stewart went for a spade and a tarpaulin. Dave looked puzzled and stopped massaging his aching limbs for long enough to look questioningly at the others. The look was ineffective.

“OK, lose that gag and get a drink. First sound and it’s back to the stake. Understand?” There wasn’t much squealing as Dave removed the tape securing the football scarf in his mouth but he did accept the bottle gratefully from Stewart.

“Right, pants off, over here. Start digging. Long enough for you to lie in. I’ll let you know when it’s deep enough.” Dave tried pleading not to have to strip but the sight of the, by now dirt-encrusted football scarf being toyed with by his big brother was enough to silence him. Dave sighed deeply but he was soon naked and trying vainly to preserve his dignity. That was obviously a lost cause and the bare-footed Dave found the digging quite demanding but he soon had a sort of trench dug to a depth of about two feet with the excavated soil piled alongside it. “That’ll do. Over here. On your knees.” Dave could no longer keep his back to the other two boys and he didn’t even bother to try to cover himself up. It was much too late to worry about that.

“You know you said there was no mud?”

“Yeees?” Koff was intrigued.
“Well, I reckon he could make some.” Dave was puzzled. “It’s like this. Watch and learn. OK, maggot, time to line your grave. Use that tarpaulin then go and get a bucket and bring it back here. If you’re VERY quick and do a very neat job, I’ll allow you to beg my friend here to let you put your pants back on. GO!”

That was hardly a guarantee of even a partial reinstatement of Dave’s dignity but he would clutch at any straw and he didn’t need telling twice. He rose to his feet and ran back to the trench. He laid the tarpaulin in it and arranged the excess neatly round the outside. He looked hopefully at his big brother who merely jerked his head towards the store. Dave got the idea and ran to get a bucket and brought it back to where his captors were sitting and sharing a bar of chocolate.

“Please (pant) Koff . . .”

“Woah, w-w- woah, I haven’t granted my permission yet. Put the bucket down and get on your knees.”

Dave did as he was told and waited for permission to speak.

“That’s better. Now beg me for permission.” Stewart moved his right foot towards Dave. Dave looked daggers at his brother but decided that he had no dignity left to lose. He kissed Stewart’s foot and then the other one when it was proffered.

“Yes, worm, what do you want?”

“Please may I ask Koff if I can put my cruddies back on?”


Dave took a deep breath and tried again. This time Stewart was more pleased with his form of address. “OK, now ask nicely.”

Dave shuffled across to Koff and he knew he’d have to kiss his feet as well and wait for permission to speak. He only hoped he wouldn’t have to lick his foul, dirt encrusted feet. He was in luck.


“Please, Koff, - Sir, . . .” Koff was looking unimpressed, “ Your Majesty, - please may I put my underpants back on?

Dave knew that he’d left a pair of running shorts and various other garments in the store on a previous visit. Was it worth a try? Why not?

“Sir – Your majesty?

“Speak, worm.”

“Please, Your Majesty, may I get a pair of shorts . . .”

“So you don’t want to put those on then?” said Koff looking at the discarded y-fronts.

Dave considered carefully. Even he caught the implication “The underpants?”

“Crawl over and get them.” Dave did as he was told and waited for permission to “dress”. The garment was not only still damp but was by now absolutely filthy. Dave stood, pulled up the blue nylon y-fronts and waited to learn his fate. He learnt that he had a “choice”: either he could be hog-staked again or he could get back to work. Dave chose not to be tortured. How trusting.

Following instruction, Dave must have shovelled nearly half the excavated soil back into his hard-won trench before Stewart declared himself satisfied. “That’ll do. Now get the bucket, take it to the creek and get some water. Pour it in the hole. I’ll let you know when you’ve got enough.” Now Dave knew what he was going to be made to do. It probably wouldn’t be so bad, he enjoyed gym. He sauntered off to the creek and came back with a bucket more or less filled with water.

“Hold it! That wasn’t quick enough. Pour it away over there and go back for more. Quicker this time.” Dave managed not to swear. He emptied his burden and ran back to the creek. It must have taken him over twenty trips before Stewart pronounced himself satisfied. “OK, Mud Puppy, get in.” Dave looked puzzled. “In there and mix it up a bit.” Dave climbed in the mud-filled hole and started stirring with his feet. “Use your hands too.” The poisonous look was still not working as Dave got down on all fours and started moving around the trench making disgusted-type noises. Stewart had judged things well; Dave’s face was still well clear of the surface but his entire face got a comprehensive splashing with mud as he worked.

Koff looked on, happy to see his erstwhile trickster looking more pathetic with each task. “OK, that’s enough. Who told you you could stand up? Go on, get down again.” The rims of Dave’s eyes showed pink through the grey-brown mask. “OK, gym-bunny, give me ten.” Dave took a deep breath and started the press-ups by the end of which there was only a minimal area of his back, on his shoulder blades, that was not covered in mud. “Enough.” Dave sighed with relief. “Come and get this bucket.” Dave climbed out of the trench, collected the bucket and awaited further instructions. Stewart was impressed by his friend’s ingenuity.

Dave was made to fill the bucket with mud before up-ending it towards one end of the trench. “Use that as a pillow, bend your knees and give me twenty sit-ups. . . . Unless you want to go back to the stake. Even that was starting to sound inviting by this time. Koff and Stewart really put Dave through it over several rounds of press-ups (“And make sure you get right down.”) and sit-ups with reminders that he still had to make his way from the boat to his home once they had finished with him. He didn’t think that wearing nothing more than a layer of drying mud would provide adequate cover for his embarrassment as he did so.

“Think your brother’s had enough yet?”

“You know your trouble? You’re all heart.”

“No, seriously?

“All that mud must support him, those press-ups can’t be that hard.” Stewart didn’t seem to take into account the effect of the mud up his brother’s nose or what sounded like a sucking effect as he tried to curl his back to touch his elbows to the opposite knees.

“Feel like asking me nicely if you can stop? No – keep doing the press-ups while you beg.”

Dave managed to suck up to Koff sufficiently for him to be allowed to get out of the pit and kneel before the two older boys.

“Now we’ve got to get you home before your parents start to worry.” Dave cheered up.

“Don’t bother, I told them we were camping on Longholme tonight.” Dave became miserable again. He looked at each of his tormentors alternately, his mood lowering all the time as the two boys pretended to be discussing the increasingly unpleasant things that they might do to him in transit and whether he should be made to run across the campsite naked. They wouldn’t do that to him but, after what he’d done to Koff, Dave certainly believed that they would.

“Ok worm, I’m feeling generous. Would you like to cross back to the mainland in the pulling boat or on that lovely raft?” There would normally be no choice even if Dave did see himself having to do all the rowing. Despite being suspicious, Dave chose the boat.

“Sorry, you can’t get in our nice, clean boat like that.”

“Then why did you ask?”

“That wasn’t very humble!”

“Sorry, sorry, . . . Your majesty . . . I didn’t mean . . .”

“Silence worm! Face down on the ground. Hands on your head.” Dave prostrated himself before the others could think of something even more unpleasant that he could do for their entertainment.

“Alright, I said I was feeling generous. Pull that tarp out of the pit and lay it out flat. Go.”

Dave raised himself, rushed over to the pit and pulled. There was no way!

“Oh, you’ll probably have to empty a lot of that mud out first. Get on with it.” Dave’s eyes glared through his mask of mud as he collected the bucket.

“Why didn’t you make him do it with his hands?”

“Because I’m the nice guy. And anyway, there’s something on the telly tonight.”

“Have I ever told you you’re all heart?”

Dave worked away taking buckets of mud out of the trench and dumping the contents far enough away for his brother not to be able to see where he was disposing of it but at least he was allowed water to drink. The layer of mud he was wearing did, in fairness make a quite reasonable sun-block but Stewart decided that, when he used some of his drinking water to clean his face, he was no longer adequately protected. “Back in that trench and face down. Duck yourself.” Dave tried but there was no longer enough mud to submerge even his face completely. “OK, just shake your head in it. SLOWLY!” Dave’s face was soon sufficiently, in his brother’s opinion, covered to be “safe” again.

“OK worm,” they just didn’t stop to think that Dave’s physique made the “worm” form of address singularly inappropriate to describe him, “try pulling the tarp out now.” Dave climbed out of the trench and pulled. He soon had the sheet arranged to his “superiors’” satisfaction.

“We can’t have a muddy little squit like you in our nice, clean boat so we’re going to protect it a bit. Lie down.” Dave looked around somewhat confused but following further explanation and a few renewed threats concerning a possible future run in the “nuddie”, he quickly laid himself on the tarpaulin, near to one edge, and drew his arms to his sides. There was still a considerable amount of mud on both sides of the fabric. Dave guessed what was about to happen.

Stewart and Koff went to work rolling Dave in the stiff tarpaulin. They soon had him “nicely parcelled up” with ropes round where, roughly, his shoulders, elbows, wrists, bum crease, and knees were. They then doubled the fabric back from the foot end before securing it round his ankles and around his legs once more. They didn’t bother even threatening to do the same at the head end.

“Breathe OK?” Dave affirmed that he could. “Safety word?”

“Fuck oooorf.” The rising inflection in Dave’s voice indicated that that was a silly question, he was in no real danger and, if they did untie him now, he knew would be socially excluded until he’d finished “paying his debt to society”.

“Good kid.”

“You’re not supposed to call him that.”

“Sorry. Forgot.”

Stewart and Koff tidied up the site and left Dave unattended while they transferred some kit to the pulling boat. When they returned, Dave’s journey to the boat was probably the most uncomfortable one he had ever undertaken. Stewart threaded some ropes through the eyelets near the head end of the tarp; one for him and one for Koff. The two boys then took one rope each and dragged their very noisy passenger to the shore. The tide was out so there was no point using the landing stage. So Koff released the mooring line and pulled the boat up onto the beach. Dave then found himself hoisted by the ropes that surrounded his shroud and dumped unceremoniously into the boat.

“Stowing the cargo” took quite some time as Stewart held up the head end of the package while Koff slid the other end under the middle seat. Koff then laid the head end down and adjusted the cargo until Dave’s hidden face was positioned under the fore seat. The cargo was then threatened once more with being made to streak for home if it so much as shifted during transit.

Stewart and Koff launched the boat and brought it about before jumping in. Stewart sat in the stern, taking the tiller and Koff sat on the middle seat facing him with one leg on either side of their victim. With one final threat about it’s being lovely weather for naturists, he took the oars and stroked for the mainland.

Back on the Mainland

Koff wasn’t as muscular as his dark-haired co-conspirator but he was certainly very sturdy and those great, square shoulders made easy work of the rather long journey back to the campsite. Dave required very little “adjusting” (with Koff’s bare feet) during the journey, he REALLY didn’t want to run from the pier, through the campsite to his home wearing just the abraded remains of Longholme mud. Eventually, he felt the boat bump into the jetty with the cry of, “Woahh! Acoustic parking!” from Stewart, “What was that? Ramming speed?”

Koff merely instructed Stewart to make love elsewhere and suggested that, if he could do better, he could row next time. “Besides, who was facing the right way? YOU never told me we were so close.”

As the friendly banter and mutual blame-fest continued, Dave couldn’t care WHO was to blame for the spectacular berthing; he was busy wondering how much protection from the eyes of strangers his by now filthy but still wet briefs would provide. They were certainly accentuating his assets earlier and, whatever the other two said about them, he was a growing lad.

Dave was dreading all sorts of retribution from Koff (Would they tie him up and make him run? Would they strip him and tie him to the pier? . . .); many things went through Dave’s mind as Stewart and Koff undid the ropes securing their cargo while they continued apportioning blame to one another. There was a rocking as Stewart jumped out of the boat and Dave found himself being slid towards the stern of the boat before his head was raised and he was pulled backwards and made to sit up. He couldn’t figure out how his “carers” managed the next part but he was obviously pulled out of the boat and thrown across someone’s shoulder. There was then another splash and Dave was almost immediately laid across the arms of his captors still in the slightly unravelling tarpaulin.

“Arrrr lads, over the soid!” Dave just about had time to take in what Koff the Pirate was saying before he was decanted into the water like Cleopatra rolling out of her carpet. There was then much laughter but only from two of the boys. Dave soon surfaced and all three boys were standing in water that was about thigh deep to the older boys and little deeper to Dave.

Koff reached into the boat and grabbed something red. “OK. Move into deeper water and swap those knickers for these. No one can see you.” Dave had never been more pleased to see his second favourite pair of “three-stripe” running shorts. OK, he wouldn’t usually go swimming in them but other people did and at least he wouldn’t look too weird as he ran for home.

As Dave was busy protecting his modesty, his big brother told him that he had to clean out the pulling boat because he was the one who had “filled it with mud”. In the circumstances, Dave thought that was fair enough, especially now that he was more-or-less decently attired.

“Oh, by the way, well done, maggot.”


“Quits!” Koff and Dave high fived with their right hands.

Koff and Stewart departed to take a shower (Koff took his hi-legs into the shower with him this time – just in case.) and to watch the Lennox family’s telly while Dave set, more or less happily, to work thinking that perhaps he’d learnt his lesson. No – only kidding about that last bit. He was busy plotting his revenge.


They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Gino »

cool dave got over it hahaha... and it's all good great story :D
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Post by Xtc »

Oh, I suspect it will always be good for the Pirates - - - unless someone REALLY nasty comes on the scene.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »

OK, next story coming up.
It's a sort of race: can enough readers make me post episodes before all the ones already written run out.

Map is by Glurpy
Other illustrations are by Jason Toddman, AndySanderson, and LK3869

The start might be a little slow but bear with me, it should be worth it.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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(Map by Glurpy)

Part 1


Readers must remember that all the events in the “Longholme Island” stories took place in 1976, the hottest British summer on record, and such activities as Jonah’s journey were not even considered to be ill-advised at the time.

The tying-up in this story is a while coming; just bear with me, please.

So, having got that out of the way, on with the story - - -
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Part 1

Jonah Accepts the Challenge

Jonah was fourteen years old and a keen walker and camper. Well, not so much keen as obsessive. He’d been on Scout camp late in July, camping with his best friend, Jake, over the first two weeks of August and, all the while he had to spend a week at home, he was getting itchy feet again. He had this idea: he would hike to a grockle site that his family knew, row out to the island that he had seen from there, and camp there for a couple of nights before navigating his way home again. He would take most of his food with him and be as self-sufficient as possible. (Of course, that would not preclude his buying such essentials as ice cream and carbonated drinks. He was keen, he was not stupid!)

Problem: Jonah could not persuade any of his mates to come along. Predictably, his parents got fed up with having a moping teenager under their feet even before the week at home had elapsed. So the solution was easy. His mum said she would give him what she considered to be enough money to last him for four days. That meant that Jonah would not need to carry a lot of bulky food, which was necessary because he would have to carry all his kit due to having no one to share the burden with. There was, however, an important condition attached: he had to ring home at certain key times. Remember: there were no mobile phones in 1976!

His dad said that, if he obeyed his mum’s condition and could furnish proof that he had carried out his planned venture successfully, he would give him £5. Doesn’t sound like much, does it? But at that time, it represented more than two days’ wages for a labourer. Jonah wasn’t expecting that and spent a day with his mum’s old typewriter (’76, remember) constructing certain documents which he then showed to his mum. She was quite impressed and his dad was gob-smacked. The boy had obviously taken things seriously.

Jonah Gets Ready

Jonah was an expert camper, a skilled navigator, and he had all the latest gear even if the term “lightweight camping” was somewhat of a misnomer at the time. At least it didn’t look like he would need to take too much clothing. He decided to settle for sleeping in a mozzie net to provide some protection from the biting insects, and to take only a very feeble sleeping bag. A Trangia 27K stove was a bit of a luxury but it didn’t weigh too much. Once he had packed, his father insisted on checking the pack for weight. Jonah weighed less than nine stone and his dad wouldn’t let him carry more than a quarter of his bodyweight. He nearly made it inside the thirty-one-pound upper limit. Jonah suggested he take out the first-aid kit but his dad made him take out the Polaroid camera and gave him an “Instamatic” instead. After a bit more negotiation, and the removal of several tins, (after all, his mum had been quite generous – Dad’s version) Jonah had a pack weighing only slightly more than it should have done. He was fit, if not exactly beefy, and he was experienced. His dad was more concerned about the effects of heat exhaustion and sunburn so he gave him a few more quid so that he could buy sun-block on the way.

Jonah had planned his route well, even in those days there was good walking in Somerset and the family knew the campsite at Weston. He’d always wanted to explore Longholme Island, as most non-locals called it, and had bought his railway ticket before setting off.

Eventually, the Monday came.

Jonah Hikes Out

Jonah appeared in the kitchen with his rucksack and clad in only his hiking boots, the customary two pairs of socks, an old pair of footy shorts, and one pair of yellow swim-briefs. That was the most clothing that he thought he could tolerate.

“Dad, give me a lift to the station.”

“Hang on, aren’t you supposed to be hiking?”

“Muuum, pleeease.”

“You heard your father.”

At that stage, Jonah gave up. He hitched his rucksack onto his bare, sun-block-smeared shoulders, secured the waist strap, went outside, and posed while his mum took a photo.

(Artwork by Jason Toddman)

Having jammed his battered old bush hat on his head, the walk to the station only took about half an hour and Jonah’s early arrival made the ideal opportunity to buy an emergency ice cream. The dusty smell of the old train carriage was in no way mitigated by all the windows being open but, with his adventure in front of him, Jonah stayed wide-awake throughout the journey.

As the train pulled into his destination, Jonah leaned out of the window and took the door handle ready to open the door as soon as the train came to a halt. He threw out his rucksack, jumped down to the platform and searched for his camera to take some evidence photos to include the station clock and the station nameplate. He found a member of staff and asked them if they would sign the record card that he had designed. Once he had shown the letter his dad had signed and explained his challenge, the necessary signature had been obtained. Jonah used a handy seat to support his rucksack, strapped it on and headed off into the Mendips.

OK, I won’t spend too long describing the hike but Jonah got to the campsite that was run by the Pirates’ parents well before dark. He pegged out his mozzie net, supported it with two alloy a-poles, and arranged his equipment as soon as he had obtained the next photographic evidence (a snap of Dave’s and Stewart’s dad) whom he asked if he could keep an eye on his stuff. Mr. Lennox was impressed by the youngster’s efficiency.

Jonah went outside and posed while his mum took a photo
(Artwork by Jason Toddman)

Jonah Makes Himself At Home

With temperatures in the thirties, what else was a boy to do? Yes, strip off his shorts and footwear, leaving him in just the yellow swim briefs that he was already wearing instead of underwear, and jump into the outdoor pool. Once he’d had enough of that, he flopped down on his towel for a while but he was never one to stay still for very long and went to see if he could get a game of table tennis. That’s how he met Dave. That might also have sealed his fate for the next few days.

Dave was a muscular lad of nearly thirteen years old
(Artwork by AndySanderson)

Dave Lennox, for those who have not met him before, was a muscular, dark-haired lad of nearly thirteen years old. He was part of the local tie-up club of friends who, because certain of their parents owned Longholme as well as the campsite, considered the place to be their kingdom. They tended not to welcome uninvited guests.

Dave was deeply tanned and favoured wearing just baggy black shorts for the day. Jonah was older and somewhat taller but Dave was stronger. It was a good game and Dave invited Jonah to join him for an ice cream. There were advantages to having your parents in charge of the site shop.

Jonah explained his dad’s challenge and asked Dave about the island. Dave was very careful about what he said. He could see himself and his mate, Roy, having some fun with his recent acquaintance tomorrow. He did, however, tell he innocent visitor where he could hire a pulling boat.

Dave eventually had to go in and, before making his dinner, Jonah took another dip. He had plenty of time to air dry before going to bed. He pulled on a precautionary t-shirt while he cooked only to dispense with it immediately afterwards. While the happy camper used the site facilities to do his washing up, he met a friendly young guy called Roy. He was slim and fit looking with curly blonde hair and looked to be younger than Jonah but he seemed to be interested in his challenge. Washing up done, Jonah visited the toilets where he took the opportunity to swap his swimmers for a not very secure pair white cotton gym shorts, but he didn’t have too far to go to get to his accommodation. He rinsed out his swimming costume and hung it on an improvised line between a nearby tree and the site fence and climbed into his tiny tent. It had been a very good day and tomorrow held so much promise.

Jonah Gets Up Early

Jonah got up early the next morning. Dave and Roy got up earlier!

With both Dave and Roy living next to the site, they had been talking before going to bed the previous night. Roy was as sure as Dave that the next few days should be fun!

Roy rigged their old family dinghy while Dave loaded the supplies. Even in those days, it was an ancient old tub and it was big but the two boys could handle her easily. What she lacked in speed, she more than made up for in space and stability.

The boys had dressed practically for the climate: just their swimming costumes, shorts that could be discarded later because it was easier than carrying them, bush hats and footwear. If the weather changed, they always had the t-shirts which they always kept in their island HQ but they were more likely to need the sunscreen which they had also taken to keeping in previously unheard-of quantities.

The early morning tide was favourable and their journey to Longholme was quickly accomplished. Koff was there already; he wanted to get away from his parents the previous day and had taken a kayak round to the north of the island and tethered it to the landing stage. With his broad shoulders, he made very easy work of the short voyage. He simply used the time sorting supplies in the old gun emplacement and making minor repairs before taking a dip in the Channel. He used the stores to provide himself with a meal before doing a little self-bondage to comfort himself when he retired into the old gun emplacement. He felt better after that.

Roy and Dave noticed the kayak. They were glad Koff was going to be involved as well. They visited the well and ran to the gun emplacement where they woke a happily sleeping, and still comfortably bound Koff. His sleeping bag would soon dry out and he was only using it to lie on in any case. They also chided him about not having done a very good job of binding himself. Yes, he DID know what he was saying when he said, “Well if you can do any better . . .”

Dave and Roy considered that it was certainly going to be a good day! “OK, mate, let’s get you untied then you can go to the bog and we’ll make you comfy again, promise. The grockle’s going to be some time yet before he gets himself sorted out.” That was a bit of a mystery to Koff but the others said they’d explain after he had seen to his morning routine.

Koff visited the ‘facilties’ and then helped the other two unload the dinghy and stow the supplies while they filled him in on the details. Dave suggested that the Pirates shouldn’t treat the ‘spy’ too harshly because he seemed to be a nice bloke, but all three agreed that such a planned intrusion onto their ‘manor’ could not be tolerated.

Work done, it was time for recreation. It was too hot to stake Koff out in the sun, even he agreed with that. It would be boring just to hogtie him or, at least, that’s what Koff said, and all agreed that he should not be gagged in case there were any group decisions to be made. Koff swapped his running shorts for his usual blue hi-leg swim briefs and got himself ready for whatever his mates had in mind for him. He was like that!

It would have been boring for Koff to have been tied up in the gun emplacement where he wouldn’t have been able to join in discussions very easily so he obviously had to go up against a nearby tree. Roy had an idea; if they timed things carefully, Koff would be fairly comfortable for most of the time. Koff agreed.

Dave selected a small birch tree and Koff knelt with his back against it and placed one leg on each side. Roy tied Koff’s right wrist in several turns of rope which he evened out to equalise the pressure. Koff then reached up and backwards. Dave grabbed his wrists from the front and pushed them backwards. Roy completed the rope cuffs behind the tree and tightened them up by wrapping the unused rope around the linking strands. “Too tight?”

“Nah, I’m good.” Koff sounded almost insulted.

The three lads discussed potential scenarios. By the time it became necessary to complete tying Koff, they thought they’d covered all eventualities. The plan was to cuff Koff’s ankles behind the tree and then, at the last minute, or the last half-hour if Koff had his way, Dave and Roy were to link a rope through the connecting sections of both hand- and foot-cuffs and pull – hard! That should force Koff’s hands lower and leave him with just his knees in contact with the ground. They’d not tried that particular piece of engineering before and were eventually quite pleased with the result.

Dave and Roy agreed that it was a shame to waste such a fine torture posture and gave their victim’s armpits and belly a few minutes special attention. Anything for a friend. At least Dave gave Koff one of his own disgusting gym shoes to bite on so that he would not attract too much attention too soon. Anything for a mate.

Koff thought that, if their strategy was to work, he really ought to be gagged so Dave produced a bandana but Koff insisted, “No, I said, ‘gagged’. I meant gagged properly.” Dave grinned.

By the time his friends left him, Koff had his own discarded shorts rolled and forced into his mouth and held into place by a few rounds of gaffer tape from stores. His good friends didn’t bother to protect the short hairs on the nape of his neck but, “Just to make it look real”, Dave used the bandana to blindfold him. “OK, Koff?” Koff grunted and nodded.

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Part 2

Jonah Braves the Waves

Seeing the pulling boats that were for hire, they all looked a bit like hard work. However, the place also had canoes for hire. That was more like it, especially when Jonah produced his Charge Certificate from the Scouts. Jonah was used to paddling a canoe on his local canal and often played canoe games with his Scout troop. The owner said he wanted to watch Jonah in action before he would agree to the hire but, in spite of not being the beefiest of boys, he proved to be a skilled paddler and the hire was agreed. More photographic evidence was captured.

(Artwork by LK3867)

Jonah stripped down to his yellow swimmers and his flip-flops, slathered himself with sun block and loaded all his kit into the canoe. He is one of those show-offs who can kneel in the stern and paddle the vessel in the classical way. The canoe made good, bow-up headway towards Longholme and headed up the creek that flowed down to the nearer coast. Jonah pulled the craft to safety and moored it to a protruding tree root. He thought he would explore before deciding where to pitch camp.

Stopping to pull on a bush hat, Jonah noticed that there were scattered trees over a lot of the island. To get a better view, he decided to head for higher ground. He worked his way through a stand of beech trees and, when he reached the highest point, he could see some intriguing sights that he thought he should investigate. Even the highest point on the island was not exactly a mountain and the dunes on the far coast of the island hid the landing stage and the Pirates’ vessels.

Jonah could see the gun emplacement but he didn’t know what it was so he thought he would find out. As he approached, a very strange sight met his eyes and he ducked down while he took a more careful look. He really didn’t believe it at first. The kid looked a bit younger than him and had a tight thatch of mousey curls but the really weird thing is that he was tied to a tree and didn’t seem to be exactly comfortable.

Once he had crept forward until he could be sure of what he was seeing, Jonah just didn’t stop to think. He wouldn’t; he knew someone who needed help when he saw one and he would always fly to provide that help.


The canoe made good, bow-up headway towards Longholme
(Artwork by LK3869)

Jonah Flies to the Rescue

Our explorer shed his flip-flops as he ran towards the captive boy yelling that he was not to worry and that rescue was on its way. Koff attempted to look towards where his knight without any shining armour (or much other clothing for that matter) was charging down the hill. He played up to his assumed role by trying, although not too hard, to call for help just to make things look more realistic.

As Jonah cleared the thinly dispersed trees, he did stop briefly to look around in case there was any sign of the unfortunate captive’s kidnappers. Having decided that there was no one around other than the prisoner and himself, Jonah ran to the captive.

Whilst reassuring him all the time, Jonah gave Koff an investigative looking over to see how he should start his rescue. Koff upped the volume as much as he could.

Jonah slipped the blindfold off Koff’s head while Koff kept making as much noise as possible. The knight-errant decided to try to remove the gaffer tape so that he could understand what the unfortunate captive was trying to say. Before he could start, though, the pirates, who had been hiding in the gun emplacement, struck.


Jonah Meets the Pirates

Jonah found himself face down with an unseen assailant sitting on his back. That assailant knew that it would be a good idea if he could remain unseen until his oppo and he had secured their quarry. An old tent bag that Roy had retrieved from their store achieved that with very little trouble. As Dave pinned the visitor to the ground, Roy tied the drawstring none too tightly round Jonah’s neck. Jonah’s hands flew straight to the improvised orange hood.

It wasn’t the first time the youngest of the Pirates had pulled the next manoeuvre and, in a practiced manner, Dave slipped off his captive’s back taking his right wrist into a lock and using his bare feet to force Jonah’s arm straight. Roy dug his feet, into the left side of Jonah’s neck and under his left armpit leaving him more or less crucified on the ground before he could even react. The Pirates knew they had to act quickly because, even though Dave was somewhat of a muscle monkey, both assailants were younger than their victim.

“You are a damned grockle spy and you are trespassing on our island.” With Roy’s West County twang, he sounded like a pirate to Jonah even before he had introduced himself as such. Jonah started using some unparliamentary language concerning what he would do to the ‘yokels’ if they didn’t let him go immediately. Roy and Dave applied a little more tension and a lot more torque.

“If you’re not a spy you have nothing to worry about – unless you are a raiding pirate.” Jonah tried pulling himself free again. The Pirates employed even more torque.

Jonah decided to stop struggling. “What do you mean, a spy?”

“We are the Longholme Pirates and you are our prisoner.”

“Yeah, matey, we need to interrogate you.”

“Then, if you’re not a spy or a pirate, we’ll let you go.”

“Sound alright?”

It didn’t sound at all alright to Jonah but, being unable to see to defend himself, he relaxed his slender muscles somewhat. Dave and Roy were taking no chances and Jonah had not noticed that the erstwhile focus of his rescue attempt had stopped shouting.

Roy released the arm he was holding and collected the rope that he had discarded while Dave and he had crept up on their victim under the cover of Koff’s cries of pretend distress. Dave made a quick move to get Jonah’s right arm in a back hammer and, before he could fight off the dark-haired boy, Roy had trapped his right wrist in a very effective clove hitch. Dave slipped the rope round Jonah’s neck and made him an offer. The adventurer didn’t really fancy being strangled and surrendered his left arm to be bound as well. At least his wrists dropped to the small of his back once they had been secured.

By now, Jonah realised that his assailants must only be boys no older than himself and he was starting to realise where he had heard at least one of those voices before. He was now more pissed-off than scared.

One of the Pirates explained that they still needed to make even more sure that the potential spy could not escape and that it was not too late to loop the free rope round his neck again. Jonah swore but he did agree not to resist as he felt his ankles being wrapped in rope. Then the hood was untied and removed from Jonah’s head.

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Post by Gino »

wow xtc, you have outdone yourself again! what a great start!! These pictures are really cool, many thanks to all participating artists! You get a completely different perspective on the story thanks to the illustrations. :D
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks, I have been lucky to have the artists on board.
Unfortunately, [mention]LK3869[/mention] seems to have disappeared since the pandemic but [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] is still around.
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Post by Veracity »

Great! Fantastic! Amazing! Wonderful!
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Nice to hear from you again.
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Part 3

Jonah Meets Koff

Jonah turned himself over and looked from one of his captors to the other. No one said anything for quite a few seconds.

“Look, you know who I am, we spoke yesterday. I’m just visiting. I’m on a sort of challenge.”

“Ah, (or more nearly, ‘Arrr’) but that’s what a spy would say.”

“My dad would say that you’re an infiltrator.”

“I – am – NOT – a - spy! Come on, be sensible, how could I be?

“Then you must be a pirate come to steal our treasure.”

“What treasure do you have that would interest me?”

“See? He IS a spy!” Roy was almost delighted.

By that time Koff thought he had been forgotten.


“Opps! Sorry Koff, almost forgot you.” So saying, Roy went to see what his friend wanted and Dave dragged a complaining Jonah over to where Koff was tied to the tree.

“Wanna be untied, mate?” Koff shook his head.

“What?!! Is he a friend of yours?” All three boys nodded and Dave let Jonah’s feet drop.

Roy started to loosen the end of the gaffer tape from Koff’s face.

“Do you always treat people like that?”

“No, only our mates!”

“And our brothers.”

“And spies!”

Roy took a grip on the tape holding Koff’s discarded shorts in his mouth. “Ready?” Koff Nodded. “On three. One, two, three!” Roy gave a mighty heave that removed most of the top layer of tape. Koff hardly flinched but Roy knew that the next layer would be less pleasant, at least less pleasant for his friend. Roy grinned.

The blonde used his nails (such as they were) to loosen the end of the tape that was still stuck to Koff’s cheek enough to get a good grip. “On three.” Koff nodded cursorily. “One, two.”

“Nggggg! Ngaaa-ung!”

“I lied!” The grinning Roy had given a mighty tug to each end of the tape and lifted it forcibly taking not a little curly hair with it. He thought it might not be a good idea to untie Koff for at least the next half hour or so.

Koff spent some time working his shorts out of his mouth before reasserting his previously muffled allegation concerning the marital status of Roy’s parents. However, Koff knew better than not to expect treachery from his good friends, after all it was no less than he would have done to either of them; and all hurts were soon forgotten.

“Jonah, meet Koff; his mum calls him Kevin. Koff, meet Jonah.”

“Yeah, we think he’s a spy.”

“I am not a spy!”

“Or, perhaps, a pirate come to steal our treasure.”

“Oh, give me strength.”

Dave dragged Jonah over to a tree and left him sitting against it while Roy dealt with Koff. After a few minutes, he was feeling brave. “Wanna be untied?” There was a certain feeling of relief when Koff said that he could stay like that for some time yet. He settled for having the rope connecting his wrists to his ankles removed so that he could kneel without pain. Obviously, he could not be gagged again because the Pirates had some decisions to make.

Jonah Is Put To Trial

Dave went for supplies and gave Koff a drink and then offered Jonah a pull from the canteen as well. Jonah was suspicious (perhaps he was taking things too seriously?) but, once Dave had drunk from the vessel, – and wiped it on his shorts – Jonah accepted.

Roy went for a couple of folding chairs from the gun emplacement and set them before the two captives. Like Dave, he was now barefoot but he was clad in only a nice new mainly red pair of what today we would call boxer-brief type swimming trunks and the necessary bush hat - and what he considered a very stylish pair of red clip-on braces. Seeing the incredulous looks on the faces of his companions, he explained that finding people guilty was a serious matter and that he thought he ought to dress for the event. There was a certain amount of eye-rolling and the Pirates sat down. The Court convened.

“As pirates, we always like to show our captives the instruments of torture before subjecting prisoners to them so I suggest you look and learn.”

“It might help you decide to tell the truth before your own suffering really starts.”

Dave and Roy got that look on their faces as they stood and approached Koff.

“Don’t you fucking da . . .”


“Aghh h’ ah h’ sss aaaah!” At least Dave gave Koff his discarded gym shoe to bite on again as Roy and he started at Koff’s armpits, dug cruelly into his ribs and worked systematically round his midriff before bringing their tormenting fingers perilously close to the front of his high-leg swimming costume. If he wasn’t so sure that he was about to be subject to the same considerations, Jonah would have been quite impressed by the range of movement of which Koff had discovered himself to be capable all the while he was secured to the tree.

After only about five minutes Roy and Dave sat down again. Koff expelled Dave’s stinky old plimsoll. “Oh come on, boys, that was a bit below the belt.” Koff was slowly rocking himself.

“No it wasn’t but, if you insist . . .” Dave retrieved his gym shoe.

“Don’t forget, it’ll be your turn soon.” The three Pirates grinned.

Dave dropped the plimsoll and the gentle questioning started. Jonah “confessed”. He had no reason not to. After all, he was neither a spy nor a pirate and had nothing to hide. After about ten minutes, the Pirates knew everything about Jonah, probably down to his inside leg measurement. There was a serious danger of their not being able to condemn the visiting stranger of any wrong doing. - - -

- - - Until Koff remembered the trespass situation. Dave and Roy cheered up.

“Pity you’re not a pirate though; you’d have had to walk the plank.”

Koff objected that they couldn’t do that because the tide was out and it would have been unsafe. Jonah was simply confused.

Dave then thought of a further line of questioning. “And how did you manage to invade our island?”


“How did you get here?”

“Oh look, Stop pissing around and let me go. You know damn well how I got here. You,” and Jonah looked at Dave, “Told me where I could hire a boat so I paddled here.”

“Ah, (or ‘Arrrr’) so perhaps you are a p(o)irate after all; come to load up our treasure on your vessel.”

“Give me strength!”

“Where’s your pirate ship anchored?”

“It’s not a pirate ship, it’s just a canoe.”

“You can get a lot of loot in a canoe. Where is it hidden?”

“It’s not hidden, I had to paddle it up a creek on the other side of that hill.” Jonah nodded in the appropriate direction, “Past the cliff, until it got narrower. I used the painter to moor it to a root.”

“Oh goody, perhaps you’ll have to walk the plank after all.” Dave’s face was gleeful.

“Don’t worry, Koff, we can wait. Tide’ll be in before too long.”

Koff smirked ominously.

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Post by Gino »

being tied up by strange boys would scare me too what to expect hehe but I think it's going to be a good time for Jonah :D
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Oh, one never knows.
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sounds exciting
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I hope so. :evil:
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Post by Veracity »

Have to admit, I do rather enjoy stories that are ever-so-slightly nonconsensual, as long as it stays nice and innocent.Especially when the victim eventually comes around.
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I get the impression that the Pirates enjoyed converting the heathen.
I wonder if it will work with Jonah.
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Part 4

Jonah Hears the Verdict

After a very short discussion the invader was found guilty of trespass with further charges pending. Roy explained things to the guilty man (not that there was much point to that as he had already overheard the court’s deliberations). Basically, Jonah was going to have to take his “hosts” to where he had “hidden his pirate ship” and they would capture it to join their fleet.

“You can’t do that, It belongs to that guy on the mainland.”

“Is his name George?”

“I don’t know.”

“Big, bald bloke from ‘Koffin’s Boat Hire’?”

“S’pose so; he was bald.”

“That’s Koff’s dad.” explained Roy.

“Yeah, my Uncle George.” Said Dave.

“He’s used to me and my mates taking his boats. We always take them back,” explained Koff, “Eventually!” There was even more smirking.

“Right, Pirate Dave, let’s get the prisoner ready. You coming, Koff?”

“Nah, I’ll leave that to you guys. You could untie my ankles, though.”

“No help with the prisoner; no relief from your ropes.”

“Yup, all or nothing.”

“I can handle that. After all, I am an Englishman . . .” Koff got no further with his predictable oration before Dave gave him his gym shoe to bite on again. He could guess what was coming and he knew that he could avoid it if he really wanted to. Roy picked up Koff’s soggy, white shorts and rolled them so that all the accumulated sand was inside the roll and shoved the resultant wad into the space vacated by Dave’s swiftly expelled plimsoll. Koff made no attempt to force the fabric from his mouth while Dave went for the barely depleted roll of gaffer tape and removed his annoying shorts on the way. At least this time Roy held Dave’s newly discarded shorts against the back of Koff’s neck to protect his hair as Dave taped the gag in place. Dave was in a generous mood and didn’t spare the tape.

Roy checked Koff’s wrists but not so much to see if he was secure as to check to see how badly his bonds might be digging in. He did the same with his ankles. “Awroigh’, mate?”

Koff gave him a look and did not dignify his impertinent question with an answer. Roy scruffed his wiry hair and gave him a cuff under the chin. There was no response.

Dave thought he ought to explain things to Jonah. “Where there’s no sense, there’s no feeling.” He thought that about summed up Koff nicely.

Jonah Gets Prepared For A Trek

Dave and Roy diverted their attention to the less willing of their prisoners. Jonah wasn’t too happy about that.

“What do you think: gag him?”

“Nah, we might need information. We’d better make sure he’s tied up properly, though. He’s not like Koff, he’s probably been trying to get free.”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, when have I had the chance to struggle without one of you two - or you three - seeing me?”

“An experienced spy would know how to do that.”

Jonah simply sighed deeply. What planet were these kids on?

Jonah was dragged away from the tree and made to lie face down. Resistance would have been fruitless even though Roy was untying his wrists. With Dave sitting on his back and his ankles still bound he thought that he would do better to resign himself to his treatment at the hands of this group of what appeared to be psychos, especially now that his life didn’t seem to be in danger. He was also pleased to have that loop of rope no longer round his neck.

Roy’s practiced fingers soon had Jonah’s unresisting hands fastened securely behind him with a short, rigid cuff between them. Roy expressed himself pleased with a job well done. Jonah expressed himself rather less pleased with his plight. Dave suggested that perhaps they should gag him after all. Jonah decided to cut his losses.

There followed some discussion about how Jonah’s ankles should be bound. Dave and Roy didn’t seem to appreciate Jonah’s protests that he would not be able to lead them to his canoe with his ankles bound or his explanation that he had no way of escaping the island even if he did manage to evade them.

Dave turned around and took his seat once more while Roy retrieved another rope. Dave suggested that Jonah might care to raise his ankles. Jonah suggested that Dave might care to hold his breath for a very long time. Roy thought that sounded like a good idea. Dave asked Roy when he wanted that smack in the mouth.

Once all the banter had subsided, Roy simply sat astride Jonah’s legs and Dave slid himself a bit higher up Jonah’s back. Roy wrapped a few turns of rope around Jonah’s right ankle above the rope that was already in situ and tied it off rather more tightly than he had cuffed his wrists. Jonah then felt his other ankle being wrapped equally tightly. He couldn’t think why his already bound ankles were being tied again. Roy dismounted and fumbled to find the knot in the rope that was securing Jonah’s ankles closely together. Having found it, he quickly removed the rope and Jonah found that he was able to separate his ankles.

Once Dave had relinquished his seat, Jonah turned himself over and immediately noticed that there was now quite a long double strand of rope between his cuffed ankles.

“Now, what did you say about not being able to guide us to your pirate ship with your ankles tied?” Jonah didn’t even bother to react to the “pirate ship” description.

Dave muttered something about going to get his “pirate’s cutlass” while Roy passed yet another rope (Yes, Jonah, they do have a lot of rope!) under the small of Jonah’s back. He was starting to suspect that Roy was a Scout as he tied what the prisoner recognised as a bowline securely, but not painfully tightly round his waist. Christ, were they going to lead him around like some sort of slave?

Dave returned carrying a freshly cut hazel stick that he had already stripped of any inconvenient side-shoots and one end of which he was sharpening. Jonah made an accurate guess that the sturdy result was Dave’s cutlass. He even made a very accurate assessment of the purpose to which it was likely to be put as Dave made repeated feints as he closed in upon him. Roy suggested that Jonah take to his feet ‘without assistance’ if he knew what he meant and Dave went across to where Koff was wriggling slightly and trying to make himself less uncomfortable.

As Dave approached Koff, he still had his knife in his hand. Koff seemed blithely unconcerned with the situation even when the knife was brought close to his cheek. He did, however, make what Jonah considered an unwise move, not by jerking away from the blade but by shaking his head vigorously afterwards.

“Oh, come on, mate, don’t be a pillock, we can’t leave you gagged like that without someone to watch you. You know that. Koff gave a rather sad nod of agreement and Dave slit the tape near his left cheek. He slipped the knife rather precariously into the waistband of his black swim-briefs and scrabbled around Koff’s cheek with what passed for his fingernails to raise the cut ends of the tape. A look passed between the friends before Dave pulled hard, freeing the tape but leaving Koff’s shorts still in his mouth. Even though he knew what was coming the bound kid still made a good attempt at a yell as small amounts of skin parted company from his face.

“Stop yelling, mate, think what it’ll be like once you need to shave!” Koff settled down in his bindings again but made no attempt to expel the shorts. “OK, last chance; you coming to capture this matey’s pirate ship and bring it back here?”

“Ngaaoow.” Koff shook his head. He was thinking, “Nah, I’ll leave that to you guys.” but he didn’t want to eject his shorts to say it. He was going to see if he could retain the stuffing until his friends returned.

“Lazy bugger.” Dave smiled. Koff grinned as much as he could.

Dave picked up his cutlass and Roy took hold of the lead that he had just attached to Jonah’s waist.

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Part 5

Jonah loses his ship

The procession set off led by Roy who was leading the bound visitor who in turn was frantically trying to avoid the occasional “encouragements” from Dave’s cutlass. The jabs weren’t particularly painful but were both annoying and humiliating, especially the ones that landed on Jonah’s swim-brief clad backside. The Pirates regretted the decision not to gag their captive.

The journey was not a long one, being little more than 300 yards and, if the truth be told, the Pirates didn’t really need to make their captive show them where he had moored the canoe but it was simply an excuse to torment a spy (or a rival pirate – they hadn’t made up their minds yet), all part of the game as far as they were concerned. It’s a pity that Jonah didn’t really want to play.

They set off through the scattered trees that had given Jonah some concealment in his “rescuer” persona, up the fairly steep hill and down the other side. Jonah managed a reasonable pace in the interest of self-defence but passage through the stand of beech trees was a bit more challenging due to the beech mast scattered around. It didn’t seem quite so unpleasant earlier when Jonah was in his flip-flops and not being prodded in the backside by some hyperactive, dark-haired sadist. The Pirates didn’t even seem to notice the demands of the somewhat prickly surface having become accustomed to it over quite some time.

Once the party had cleared the beech grove, Roy led his charge to the creek by the shortest route in spite of Jonah’s protests that he could take them straight to where he had tied-up his vessel. “Where’s the fun in that?” protested Roy.

“Arr, we’re commando poirates,” insisted Dave, “We can ‘andrail the creek and find where your ship is hidden.”

“Yes, always good to practice the old skills.” It was then that Jonah realised that he was only being taken along for the sake of tormenting him.

“What a pity we didn’t bring something to gag him with.”

“Too late now, Poirate Dave, but perhaps we’ll foind summat when we checks the booty in his ‘old”. The apparent pretention of talking like pirates was starting to grate on Jonah but he didn’t really appreciate that their own native accents weren’t all that different!

Even with a bound man in tow, the journey to Jonah’s mooring place can’t have taken more than ten minutes, in spite of going via “the pretty route”.

“Aharrrrrh! A foine vessel,” announced the triumphant Roy as he caught sight off the canoe where it had been safely moored.

“Indeed, Poirate Roy, and stuffed to the gunwales with booty,” confirmed Dave as he caught sight of Jonah’s state of the art, hi-pack rucksack.

“Now, how shall we get our booty back to HQ?” This was just more fooling around, the Pirates knew how they intended to do that, and it didn’t involve paddling it round to the other side of the island. The obvious way would be to have two people carrying the canoe between them by holding on to the painters but that would have involved either untying Jonah or leaving no one to “look after” him. Just as Jonah’s hopes began to rise, that idea was dismissed out of hand.

Dave, who was always fond of displaying his physique, flexed like a body builder and declared that he would provide the portaging by himself. He was one of those strange people who liked to work on his muscles and enjoyed showing them off even if it did sometimes make work for him.

“OK, Muscle Monkey, but aren’t you still a bit of a short-arse to do that”. Roy knew exactly how to get his mate to do the work and that was too much of a challenge to ignore so that was that settled.

Roy lifted the rucksack and the paddle out of the canoe and Dave, with a certain practiced skill, upended it and lowered the yoke onto his, admittedly broad, shoulders. Dave was going to have to balance the vessel very carefully if he was to avoid grounding it but now honour demanded . . . He stood waiting for Roy to be ready.

Roy hitched Jonah’s rucksack, which was somewhat too big for him, onto his back and tightened the straps. Then he took it off again. “Sorry, forgot the paddle. Here.” He held out the paddle to Jonah.

“Oh, funny guy! How the hell am I expected to take that?” Dave still tottered somewhat under his burden.

“I think you’d better put that down while I help our guest here.” Dave took that as an insult.

“OK, but if he escapes . . .”

“Then me and Koff will have to turn you into our prisoner instead.” Roy’s wry grin was ambivalent to say the least.

“OK, spy-boy, want your ankles freed?”

Now that WAS a silly question as indicated by Jonah’s sarcastic reply. Roy dropped the paddle and forced his own knees into the backs of Jonah’s knees. Jonah collapsed but Roy did make sure that he didn’t fall flat on his face – after all, it was just a game, wasn’t it? The prisoner was then helped gently to the ground and Roy sat on his legs. Still Dave was toughing it out although he did allow himself to rest the stern of the canoe on the ground.

Jonah’s ankles were soon free once more and, without unseating himself, Roy reached for the paddle. Then he spun himself round to face Jonah’s head. He slipped the paddle between Jonah’s arms and his back. The next procedure took very little time: Roy bound the paddle to Jonah’ arms, leaving it in the crooks of his elbows. It was a well-practiced technique that the Pirates often used on one another in their games.

Roy dismounted and strapped on the rucksack once more. He collected Dave’s cutlass, made a few feints towards the prone captive and went into ‘Tork loike a poirate’ mode once more. “Roit, then, me matey, aan yer feet.”

Jonah did consider refusing but what was the point? He struggled to his feet, much to the amusement of the two Pirates, and Roy took hold of the lead that still hung from Jonah’s waist. Dave lifted the canoe off the ground and adjusted his balance. Both the other boys rather hoped he would not be able to do the job properly. Roy knew he’d be insufferable if he succeeded and Jonah simply didn’t like him any more.

“Off we go then. You lead on.” Roy made as if to poke Jonah, who took the hint. “Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest,” started Roy, soon to be joined by Dave. After a few repeats, Roy smirked as Dave was obviously already a bit breathless. After a few more verses, Jonah wished he’d been born without ears.

By taking the direct route, at least the distance was slightly shorter this time and even the rude verses that the pirates, both present and absent, had written over time ran out before the downhill stretch. In spite of the steepness of the uphill stretch, Dave managed quite well with the canoe (but rather less well with the breathing and ‘singing’) but the downhill portaging was somewhat more demanding, both in regulating his speed and in his failure to stop the stern of the canoe from grounding frequently. He couldn’t see Roy’s smirk.

When the party reached the spot where Jonah had initially concealed himself when he first spotted Koff, Roy collected Jonah’s flip-flops from where they had fallen. He used one of them to give his mate and porter a friendly slap on the bum to try to make him ground the canoe once more. He succeeded and there was a certain amount of good-natured bad language.

As the raiding party and their prisoner approached him with their booty, it was obvious that Koff had, surprisingly, managed to retain his shorts in his mouth. He was feeling smug.

“OK, Carpet-‘Ead?”

“Nnngghh!” confirmed Koff, nodding.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Gino »

very nice story, the boys must have a lot of fun? :D
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Post by Xtc »

Most of them seem to do so most of the time.
Thanks for the continued encouragement [mention]Gino[/mention].
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Veracity »

The paddle/staff/bat/whatever at the crook of the elbows is one of my favorite ties ever. Not sure why, but always happy to see it.
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Post by Xtc »

I like to make people happy - - -
- - - sometimes!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Part 6

Jonah Is Accommodated

Dave lowered the canoe gently to the ground and left it inverted. The Pirates often used upside-down canoes and tarps when they were exploring and didn’t feel like carrying tents with them. Dave was satisfied with his achievement but I don’t think he really knew that he’d been suckered by his mate. Now the pirates had to secure the interloper while they examined their booty. There was an obvious solution and it wouldn’t inconvenience their good mate, Koff, too much – or, at least, that’s what Roy told him.

Koff expelled his carefully curated shorts and agreed as long as he could take a drink and a pee first. He was easily untied until there was a sole rope attached to his right wrist which he simply dragged behind him while he located a tree, and Dave went to collect a far from cool Coke from the stores. The delay, along with what the Pirates intended to do with their prisoner, made Roy think that it would be a good idea to reinstate the tent bag. Jonah begged to differ so Dave got a football scarf as well as the Coke.

Obviously Jonah could not run off as there was nowhere to run and he soon had a knotted, knitted scarf tied into his overactive mouth. As Koff enjoyed his drink, Roy was as good as his word and pulled the old tent bag over Jonah’s head and down to his shoulders but he saw no need to secure it. Jonah wondered why Koff allowed himself to be treated in the manner that the others intended. It was certainly a bit of an experience for the newcomer.

The oar was removed from Jonah’s care before he felt himself being pushed around as something (obviously organic) was forced between his left arm and his torso. It didn’t take much working out to decide that it was one of Koff’s arms that was being guided into place. The free ends of the rope followed and Koff’s left arm was positioned similarly to his right. It was rather like starting to put on a jacket. Koff’s wide shoulders made quite a contrast with those of the more slender Jonah, but the contrast in physiques made Dave’s next job quite easy. He bound Koff’s wrists none too close together leaving the two subjects inextricably linked but leaving Jonah with very little scope for independent movement. The result could have been quite embarrassing if Koff hadn’t been a bit sensitive about where he was putting his hands. He did point out, however, that things could have been even more embarrassing if he had been tied facing his companion. The resulting ribaldry provoked further indecipherable protests from the interloper.

The over-complicated process took quite some time to get completed to the Pirates’ satisfaction and all their concentration centred on the job in hand.

“What the fuck are you little twats doing?” Three heads (or. perhaps, four) shot round to see where the voice came from.

Jonah Meets the Others

The dunes had concealed the approach of the senior Pirates who were on a mission from the mainland. That mission would have to wait until the current situation had been assessed. No action was taken until Rob was satisfied that he understood the situation – not even the release of the unwilling prisoner.

Rob and Stewart thought that it was not a good idea to kidnap unwilling strangers in spite of Roy’s assurances that Trevor had become a mate of theirs following his recent capture. Stewart pointed out that, on balance, there were two other recent victims who were only likely to keep quiet because they were the victims of blackmail. Jonah’s frequent contributions to the tale were ignored except for frequent instructions to, “Shut the **** up,” if he wanted the situation to be remedied as quickly as possible.

As the seniors went into ‘older brother’ mode, Koff started reading the runes and pointed out that none of it could have been his fault because he had spent all his time tied up.

“Oh, thanks, mate.” Dave spotted a cop-out.

“Come off it, Carpet-‘Ead, you don’t seriously expect us to believe that.”

“I have. Honest.”

“Has he?” The younger Pirates had to admit that Koff was telling the truth – but not the whole truth, so that was him screwed.

“Oh, and thanks to you two as well.” Normally, Koff would have considered that to have been a fair cop but there was something about Rob’s demeanour especially that made him uneasy.

“Right, get the grockle untied and we’ll see how we can get you three little wankers out of the shit you’re probably in. Jonah thought that to be, at least partly, a good idea.

Koff was soon separated from his close companion who was also completely freed from his bindings. For some reason, Koff still had the rope tied to his right wrist. Stewart told his brother to get a drink for Jonah from the stores while Roy and Koff were instructed to find three folding chairs. Koff started to untie his wrists before Stewart gave him a bare-foot kick up the bum and told him not to bother with that and to get on with doing as he was told. Koff could take a hint. He coiled the rope round his right arm as he made his way to the stores.

In the meantime, Rob set about trying to placate a still volubly irate and threatening Jonah. The seat and the drink did calm him down slightly but Dave, Koff and Roy still saw their freedom to use the island without supervision fading into the distant future. Needless to say, Rob and Stewart could also see the same thing applying to them. Three of the pirates thought it would be better to adopt an unprecedented quiet demeanour.

It must have taken over half an hour to negotiate a settlement during which time, the youngest Pirates did little more than nod and shake their heads. What really mattered was getting Jonah to keep his mouth shut.
The settlement was designed to enable:
- Jonah to complete his challenge with no problem
- The newly-arrived Pirates to accomplish their mission
- Jonah to get justice for his inconvenience
- The pirates to retain their unrestricted use of Longholme

At the end of the negotiations, two Pirates and a visitor, who it was agreed by all present was not a spy, were seated comfortably enjoying a round of drinks with three others keeling on the ground in front of them. Things were a bit tense.

Jonah Agrees to Stay

On point one: Jonah agreed to stay overnight to complete his mission as long as he could see justice/revenge wreaked on the bodies of his kidnappers. Rob suggested that a photo of Jonah alongside the landing stage would provide proof of his presence and that the state of the tide and the sequential number of the photo (Everyone took slides in those days) would provide proof of the time. He didn’t seem to understand that the nuances would be lost on landlubbers such as Jonah’s parents. However, it made sense to Jonah so arrangements were made. Some of those arrangements would serve point three as well.

Before the arrangements could be completed, Rob explained that, due to an accident suffered by another of his dad’s kayaks, he needed the one that Koff had borrowed to be returned.

“Oh, OK,” said Koff, getting to his feet and trying his best not to sound relieved.

“And where do you think you’re going, Carpet-‘Ead?” Koff’s stumbling ‘explanation’ failed to convince the self-appointed jury. He hardly expected that it would but it was worth a try because he had probably never seen Rob and Stewart so pissed-off before. None of the Pirates wanted to lose access to their kingdom.

“Kneel down again. No; come to think of it: face down, feet up, snort some sand for a while. Put your hands on your head. Stewart can take the kayak back later.” Koff decided to cut his losses and did as he was told, he could always gradually turn his head sideways as he lay there. Dave and Roy quickly got the implication that Rob would stay behind to ‘take care’ of them with Jonah.

“Right, and now what’re we going to do with Dickheads United here? Nose down, Koff!” Rob invited suggestions from the floor. There were none so Stewart made a suggestion.

“Well, I’ve got to take the Kayak back to Uncle George so, couldn’t we just stow them away somewhere safe and have a think about things until I can get back?”

“OK by you, Jonah? We can do that photo while we wait.”

Jonah had nowhere special to go so he readily agreed as long as his erstwhile captors suffered while they were waiting. He was still in the mood for blood.

“We’ll just tie them up for a while, then, until Stuart returns.”

“But the little pervs enjoy being tied up. Don’t you all get off on that?”

“Oh, I expect we can think of a few little extras.” The resultant groans seemed to indicate that Jonah might approve of those extras. Roy tried apologising but his brother told him to put both hands over his mouth. Dave thought better of saying anything.

“Nose down, Koff!”

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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