The Cougar at the Party (F/M)

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The Cougar at the Party (F/M)

Post by WillHBonney »

Will clutched at his freshly poured pint as he slowly turned away from the bar and faced the room. His eyes glanced around at all the nameless faces that filled the dancefloor and tables that surrounded it. Seemingly everyone had someone to talk with, or to dance alongside. There was an odd number of people in that room. And he was the 1 extra.

Leaning his back against the bar, he scanned around for an empty chair where he could plant himself to nurse the pint for an hour before heading home. For him, the party had been a right off.
But as he lifted the pint glass to his lips, a voice broke through the thumping music and into his ear:


A chipper female voice. He turned to face the sound. A woman, probably close to twice his age, stood next to him at the bar. Her gleaming white teeth grinned, framed by glossy pink lips.

He gave a polite smile back and nodded:

"Yeah! You?" she continued.

"Aye not bad." he gave a second nod before taking a sip of his pint. In reality he was bored out his skull and just wanted to go home.

Hoping that he had managed to successfully navigate some small talk, he gazed down at his pint. But it appeared that the woman wasn't finished with him.
In the corner of his eye he noticed her turn to face him and lean on the bar.

"So how do you know the happy couple?" she smiled, this time leaning in to his ear to talk over the music.

"I work with Steve" Will pleasantly smiled back.

"Oh really?" she leaned back raising her eyebrows before leaning back in.
"You must be pretty clever as well then?"

"Meh" Will giggled, giving a modest shrug.

"Oh come on!" she chuckled, flicking her long curly blonde hair back over her shoulders.

Will took another sip of his pint.
"And what about you?" he asked, feeling compelled to do so.
"How do you know them?"

"Oh I'm a family friend of Angela's. I've known them for about 25 years or so!" She smiled.
"I'm Kirsten by the way!" she extended out her hand.

"Nice to meet you Kirsten. I'm Will" he responded as he firmly shook her hand.

"Lovely to meet you Will!" she smiled back as the barman handed her over the glass of prosecco that she had ordered.

"So where are you guys sitting?" Kirsten asked as her head turned to inspect the room.

"Ermm..." Will hesitated to answer.

"Is there a lot of you here from Steve's work?" she added.

"Well actually it's only me" Will forced a giggle to mask a sigh.

"What?! Shut up!" Kirsten gently pushed Will's shoulder.
"Isn't there like 10 of you in Steve's team?"

Will nodded on top of another shrug.

"That's poor. Not showing up to their colleague's engagement party. Tut tut!" Kirsten scorned. Again Will gave a nod/shrug combination.
"I guess we'll stay at the bar then! Best place to be on a night like his" she cackled.

"Oh no, don't feel like you need to chat with me! I'm alright by myself. I'll let you get back to your..." Will quickly glanced at Kirsten's left hand searching for a wedding ring. Nothing.

"Oh don't be silly! They're at home!" Kirsten roared with laughter as she began sipping her prosecco.

"Oh right, didn't fancy coming along did he?" Will probed.

"I don't think they allow cats in here!" She chortled having deliberately mislead Will.

"Ah ok" Will nervously smirked then masked his embarrassment by guzzling the remainder of his pint.

Kirsten continued;
"Yeah. I've played the marriage game before. And lost. Don't think I'll bother again!" she sipped heavily at her prosecco.
"I probably shouldn't be saying that at an engagement party!" she cackled, again throwing her hair back over her shoulders.

"Oh really? That's a shame!" Will sympathised before turning to face the bar and ordering another pint feeling he might need it.

"Nah, I'm happy with how things are now. When you get to my age and you've been through that, it just doesn't seem worth going through it all again" she continued, her voice remining chipper and upbeat.

Feeling a little dutch courage, Will decided to play a little.
"You're age?! There's plenty of time to squeeze another marriage in at 30!"

"Ooft you!" Kirsten giggled, placing her hand on Will's arm.
"I wish I was 30!"

"Well truth be told Kirsten..." Will began having grown in confidence and now genuinely enjoying his company.
"I'm just recently out of a relationship"

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that!" Kirsten sighed, for the first time her voice turning a more serious tone.

"Meh, it's alright. Things just weren't working out..." Will nodded as his new pint arrived.
"Shit happens."

"It does indeed!" Kirsten smiled, raising her now nearly empty prosecco glass and cheers-ing it off Will's new pint.
"To Shit happening!" she giggled.

"Yeah, after the breakup I decided to change my outlook on life. Start doing things I wouldn't normally do. Put myself out of my comfort zone. Start saying yes to things I would have said no to in the past." Will opened up.

"That's a nice idea! How has that worked out for you so far?" Kirsten nodded, her voice showing real sincerity.

"It's been ok so far. It's why I'm here tonight. Everyone else said no but I said yes I would go. So here I am..." he shrugged.

"And?" Kirsten prompted him.
"Are you glad you said yes?"

"Ehmm..." Will paused.
"I won't lie, most of the night has been a bit shit. But it recently got better" he smirked at her. He was entering uncharted territory.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself now!" Kirsten smiled, holding back a little to avoid a full on grin.
"So, what does your new outlook on life think about shots?"

He glanced at her face. Her chin was tilted down, her teeth biting her lip and her eyebrows raised.

"Hmmmm..." he teased.
"It thinks why not?!"

"Yayy!" Kirsten clapped.
"I'm going to nip to the little ladies room first, but when we're back I'll get them in ok?"

"On you go, I'll get them" Will waved her away to the toilets as he drew his wallet out from his trouser pocket.

"What a gentleman!" she flicked her hair as she turned and walked towards the toilets.

Will gazed at her as she walked away. Her long curly blonde hair dangled down her back on top of her slim glittery pink cocktail dress that ended just above her knees. Despite several prosecco's she still managed to walk in the tall pink stilettos that added several inches to her already quite small height. He guessed no more than 5 foot 5 with those heels on, dwarfed by his 6ft 2.
He couldn't help but grin as he thought about her. Despite being close to twice his age he was enjoying her company and she his.

Several minutes passed before Kirsten emerged from the bathroom. She returned to the bar where Will awaited with 2 shots of apple sourz.
Will couldn't help but notice a fresh coat of glossy pink lipstick on her lips.

"Sorry I took a while honey, had to zhuzh myself up a bit. We can't all be naturally good looking!" she rolled her eyes before winking at Will.
Will nervously chuckled.

"Well! To Steve and Angela I suppose!" she smiled, raising her shot glass.

"Yeah" Will giggled.
"Steve and Angela." he raised his glass.

With his arm now in the air, Kirsten linked her arm around his pulling herself in close. They both rocked their heads back and necked the shots.

"Eughhh I haven't done that in a while!" Kirsten gagged, inspecting the now empty shot glass. Will couldn't help but notice she hadn't moved back to where she stood before the shots, instead choosing to remain close, almost touching.

"Right, my turn to pick a flavour." she tilted her head as she turned to face the bar, her shoulder rubbing against Will's chest.
"Let's go for cherry!"

"Aye go for it. Cherry!" Will relaxed, leaning into her shoulder.

The shots were ordered and necked again with Kirsten and Will linking arms together.
This time it was Will who wretched at the flavour of the shot, drawing his teeth back over his lips and playfully bemoaning his companion for deciding on such a repulsive flavour.

"So Will..." Kirsten lowered her voice.
"This whole 'say yes to everything' philosophy... it must land you in some whacky situations right?"

"Ermm. Nah not really. I don't tend to hang about with people that suggest whacky situations." Will pondered.

"No? That's a shame. When I was your age I got into all sorts of scrapes" Kirsten giggled to herself.

"Alright grandma. 'When I was your age'!" Will cackled, mimicking holding a walking stick.

"Aye alright you!" She giggled, whacking Will's chest with the back of her hand to scold him.
"What I mean is, when you're in your mid 20s you should be doing stuff that you'll look back on when you're older and laugh at"

Feeling confident and comfortable around Kirsten, Will knew he could get away with his next tease:
"Oh yeah like getting married?"
His tongue was placed firmly in his cheek as he winked at her.

"Listen you! Put a sock in it before I do it for you!" she threatened as she giggled along with him.

Suddenly she reached into her cleavage and drew out a white plastic card.

"Listen, I've actually got a room here at the hotel..." she gulped.
"would you be interested in coming back with me for a bit?"
She quickly added:
"If you don't I completely..."

But was interrupted by Will:
"Yeah sure. Why not?" he gently smiled at her.

"Don't feel like you need to, or that you have to say yes because..." she stuttered but once again Will interrupted:
"No no, I'd like to" he smiled reassuringly.

"Great!" she beamed.

"Lead the way!" Will smiled, gesturing with an open hand towards the door.

Kirsten grasped his hand and pulled him along behind her much to Will's surprise. He glanced around the room as the 2 passed through the exit doors. A door he had been so eager to pass through the entire night, yet here he was doing so under a completely unexpected circumstance.

The pair weaved and wound through the hallways and stairwells of the hotel. Eventually they arrived at Kirsten's room at the end of a long corridor. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, pulling Will in behind her. She slowly led him through the entrance hall and into the bedroom where the 2 of them sat down on the bed together.

The 2 sat close together, eyes locked. Kirsten's eyes glanced up and down at Will, biting her pink glossy lip as she examined him.

"What are you thinking?" Will whispered as he noticed her eyes admiring him entirely.

"Hmmm" she sensually exhaled.
"I'd fucking love to tie you up!" she exhaled with pleasure before returning to biting her lip.

"Tie me up?!" Will drew back causing concern for Kirsten, fearing she had been too up front.
"You really think you could tie me up?" Will smirked.

"Oh yes!" Kirsten resumed her intense stare.
"Nice. and. tight!" she hissed, enunciating each letter and leaning in closer to Will's face.

"I can be quite slippery" Will teased, playing along and enjoying doing so.

"I like a challenge" Kirsten retorted.

"And let's say for talking sake you managed to succeed in tying me up? What would you do with me?" Will enquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing you wouldn't enjoy" she whispered seductively.

"Hmmm. Tempting" Will rubbed his chin.

"Tempting to let me tie you up?" Kirsten hoped aloud.

"Tempting to not try escape" Will winked back.

"Oh you can try escape to your little heart's content! That makes it all the more enjoyable for me when you give in and accept your fate!" she grinned, her face beaming with excitement.

Will paused for a moment, leaning back away from Kirsten. His eyes stared to the ceiling as he thought through the idea.

"What do you think?" Kirsten chirped, her hands grasping the duvet on the bed in exhilaration.

"Where do you want me?" Will nodded, standing up off the bed.

Kirsten leapt up off the bed in excitement and scuffled across the room still wearing her pink stilettos. She grabbed the wooden, 4 legged chair from under the desk in the corner of the room and dragged it into the centre of the floor.

"Right here sweetie!" she patted her hand on the base of the seat. Will walked over and sat down.

"Are you quite an experienced tie-r upper then?" Will quipped.

"I'll let you be the judge" she smirked as she grabbed the hotel's complimentary dressing gown and removed the long white tie from it.

"Oh you don't even have any rope with you?" Will raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not!" she giggled.
"I don't travel everywhere with rope! I'm not a kidnapper. I wasn't expecting to be tying someone up tonight! But I can think on my toes. Just makes it more of a challenge that's all!"

She approached Will on the chair and prepared the dressing gown tie. Will placed his wrists together on his lap.

Kirsten grasped Will's wrists and pulled them behind the back of the chair.
"Nice try mister!" she cackled.

She placed his wrists side by side and squeezed his hands into fists.

"Do you mind if I..." she stood back in front of Will and pointed towards his shoes.

"Ehh sure" he shrugged, keeping his hands in the position she placed them in.

She knelt down and untied his fancy black shoes and slid them off before removing both his black crew socks exposing his bare feet.
He watched with curious eyes as she walked back behind him.

Suddenly he felt one of his socks being pulled up over his left arm, right up so that his fist was in the tip of the sock. Then the same was repeated for his right arm.
He turned his head to glance over his shoulder to watch Kirsten hard at work.

"It nullifies your fingers! We don't want them wandering around!" she smiled up at him as she wrapped the dressing gown tie around his wrists and pulled them tight together.

"Oh yeah of course not" Will sarcastically nodded as he suddenly realised he might have underestimated his captor slightly.

He felt the dressing gown tie pull tight on his wrists as Kirsten secured the first of 2 knots.

"How's that?" she admired. He gave a small struggle before nodding to her.
"Excellent!" she clapped.
"By the way..." her voice suddenly became soft and sincere.
"if at any time you're not comfortable tell me ok?" Will nodded.
"I'm serious. Don't try be a big man and hide it. If you're uncomfortable or uneasy at any point then let me know and we'll stop ok?" she continued in an almost lecturing tone.

"Yeah, I'll let you know if I want to be untied" Will smiled and reassured her. He seen her concerns for his safety as very reassuring.

Now standing in front of him, Kirsten leaned over him and placed her fingers on the buckle of his belt.

"May I?" she tilted her head up to face him.

"Uh huh" he smiled back.

"Everything?" she added.

"Yeah, go for it." He smirked. He couldn't believe what was happened. But was loving every minute of it.

She unbuckled the belt and harshly yanked it out from around his waist.
Placing the belt on the floor beside the chair she giggled:
"I'll keep that handy."

Next she unbuckled his suit trousers and pulled down the zip. Will braced himself. Inside his trousers a lump had been growing and growing. And it was about to be exposed.
He lifted his butt up off the seat allowing Kirsten to pull the trousers right off. In 1 swift move, the trousers pulled down to his ankles and then off over his feet leaving him sat in his boxers, a shirt and tie. A lump very much visible in his boxers.

Kirsten's pink lips grinned.
"Enjoying it so far?" she nodded towards the lump as she cast the suit trousers onto the floor.

"Mmmhmm" Will blushed.

"Good!" she cheered as she began unknotting the light blue tie around his neck

She wrapped the tie around his left ankle before dragging it up to the back left leg of the chair and wrapping it around the top of the leg. She knotted it and drew the knot tight pulling his foot up by his side so that his toes pointed to the floor.
Picking up the belt, she repeated the process with his right ankle, dragging it up and securing it again with his toes pointing downwards.

Will's head swivelled from side to side as he inspected the knots that held his feet hanging by the side of the chair. He gave a rock of each ankle to confirm their status as securely tied.
Whilst he inspected his left foot, Kirsten sharply dragged her index finger nail across the sole of his right foot.

"Ahhh!" Will jerked in the chair as his head quickly spun around to face Kirsten.

"Oh!" Kirsten teased.
"Ticklish are we?" she grinned as she stood back.

"No!" Will barked back at her. Kirsten said nothing. But her smile suggested that things weren't looking good for Will!

Still in her pink stilettos, Kirsten slowly shuffled over to her small travel suitcase that lay on the floor by the bed.
From the suitcase she brought out a long black belt similar to the one that secured Will's foot to the chair. She walked back to him and began wrapping the belt around his lower body and the back of the chair.
She pulled tight on the belt forcing Will to fix his posture and sit up straight against the chair back. Next she looped the belt through the dressing gown tie that tightly held his hands together, securing his hands tight against the back of the chair. Finally she fastened the belt buckle at the front, on Will's chest atop of his white shirt.

"Comfy?" she smirked, standing in front of him.

"Absolutely" Will defiantly nodded. He knew there was absolutely no way he'd be able to escape, but tried to keep up the confident appearance.

"Good!" she smiled as she walked back to the suitcase and leaned over to search through it once more.

Her head turned to face her captive on the chair.
"I'd like to gag you" she gently smiled.
"Would you be ok with that?"

"I'll be quiet! I promise" Will offered.

"I know. I trust you." Kirsten softly responded.
"But I'd still like to gag you" her eyelashes fluttered.

Will paused.
"Go on then. Gag me." he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Yay!" Kirsten beamed, her hands shuffling faster in the suitcase.

Finally she found what she was looking for in the suitcase.
She walked back over and stood before him revealing the item to be a pair of white trainers. Will shrugged.
She dug her hands into both shoes and drew out a pair of white nike crew socks. Placing the shoes back on the floor, she dangled the socks from her hand. As the socks dangled down, Will couldn't help but notice the discolouration of sock's the once white soles, now browning from heavy usage.

Will looked perplexed at the socks.
"Ehm, I don't think they'll fit round my mouth?"

"No. No they wont." Kirsten sharply responded.
"But they aren't going around your mouth. They're going in your mouth!"

"Oh..." Will gasped. He wanted to be disgusted at the idea. But there was no point in him even pretending to be. Kirsten's eyes had already spotted the movement in his boxers at the revelation of her intentions.

Holding the socks, she walked behind him.
Will sat awaiting further instructions when suddenly an open palm hand reached over his shoulder and wrapped over his mouth.

""HRRMPHH..." Will's gasp began but was silenced by the sudden arrival of Kirsten's other hand. An open fist packed tightly with both worn socks landed over his nose bringing his cries to an abrupt end.

"No point holding your breath honey. My hands are going nowhere so you might as well just breath through that nose." She ordered.

Will's hands thrashed and flailed inside the socks that sat tightly over his fists. His feet wriggled and pulled as hard as they could. But he remained firmly secured and tied on the chair.

"Mrrrphhhh" he exhaled in acceptance. Followed by an inhale.
""MRRRGPHHH!" he protested in horror at the overwhelming unpleasantness of the socks he was forced to breath in through.

"Hahahaha!" Kirsten cackled.
"That's right dear. Big deep breaths. Take it all in!" she rubbed the socks on his nostrils.

"Hrrrmgphhhh" Will sighed as his protests ended and he accepted the smell.

His eyes squinted with each inhale. And each exhale contained a moan as he expressed his thoughts on Kirsten's torments.

"You must be enjoying that huh?" she teased, leaning her head over his shoulder to make eye contact.
"otherwise you would have just escaped like you said you would?" she winked at him, rubbing his nose with her socks some more to add insult to injury.

After several more unpleasant deep breaths, she finally removed her hands leaving Will sat gasping through his mouth at the clean air. He sat speechless.

"You're not saying much?" Kirsten worried.

"Just practicing for when I'm gagged" Will giggled, his tongue pressed against his cheek.

"Ugh" she huffed at his wit.
"What did you think of that then?"

"I hope they taste better than they smell" he continued to tease.

"Hmm. I think you're going to be disappointed." she shook her head.
"I wore them to the gym today before coming here. Spin class!"

"Lucky me" Will shrugged.

"Uh huh."

Still standing behind Will, she rested her arms on his shoulders, holding the balled up socks just in front of his face. His eyes got a close up inspection of the discolouration and wear on the soles.

"Any last words before I stuff them in?" Kirsten whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, you... HRMMGPHHHH!" Will began, immediately interrupted by the arrival of both socks into his mouth.

Kirsten stuffed either sock into each cheek then proceeded to prod them further into his mouth with her fingers. His head jerked back with each harsh push until she steadied him in place by pressing her breasts against the back of his head.

"URRMMGGPHHHH" Will shut his eyes in disgust at the taste as the socks rolled over his tongue and packed out his mouth.

"Hmmmhmhmhmh" Kirsten giggled sensually at his complaints.

With both socks finally packed into his mouth, Kirsten returned to the front of Will and took great pleasure in his facial expressions. His eyebrows dipped in horror. His nose scrunched up.

"How do they bad boys taste hmm? Good?" she cackled.

"HRRMGGPHHH" He shook his head, still fighting with the physical discomfort of having his mouth packed out.

"Worse than the cherry sourz?" she mocked shock.

"Arrbphhlrggtlyy!" Will nodded heavily.

"I have no idea what you said there" She smiled, her face beaming with excitement at the sight of her suffering captive.
"You hold those socks in place like a good little captive whilst I fetch something to secure them in place."

She shuffled back to the suitcase and pulled out a long light grey wool scarf. As she walked back to Will, she tied a large knot in the centre of the scarf.

"Now that you're gagged we need a new sign for if you want untied. How about giving 3 moans? Can you try that?" she gently smiled as she walked behind Will.

"Hrrmphh hrmmphh hrrmphhh" he huffed.

"Perfect. Are you ok with that?"

Will nodded.

"Great!" she smiled, holding the scarf in front of Will's face with the knot in the centre.
"I'd tell you to open wide, but thanks to those socks you don't have any choice not to" she giggled.

She slowly pulled the knot towards his mouth, pulling it between his lips. The knot was big enough that it filled his entire mouth, forcing him into breathing exclusively through his nose.
Next she pulled the scarf behind his head and knotted it tightly once. However it was long enough that she was able to make a 2nd wrap around his mouth. This time with the scarf flat so that it covered from his chin to under his nose and hid the knotted ball gag. Again she tied the scarf in a tight knot behind his head.

"How's that?" she checked.

"Grrmggphhhh" He nodded, his voice significantly quieter now.

"Excellent!" she clapped as she came back to stand in front of him and inspect her work so far. Her eyes scanned his entire body, noting the still present bulge.
"Oh wait..." she leaned over his legs and began unbuttoning his white shirt, pulling it apart to reveal his bare chest.
"Much better!" she smiled, placing her hand on his now exposed chest.
"This is so much fun" she spoke softly.
"You're such a good sport"

"Hrrmphh" Will modestly shrugged.

"Ugh it's so fucking hot that there's all those people downstairs at the party and not a single one of them has a clue that you're up here all tied up and gagged at my mercy!" she sensually moaned, her shoulders dropping as she loudly exhaled.

"Mrrph hrrmphh" Will agreed.

"Well." Kirsten abruptly changed back to a serious tone as she stood back up.
"Talking about the party downstairs. I think I'm going to go back down for a bit."

"Hrrmphh?" Will gasped through the tight gag.

"You're staying here though. For when I come back!" she cackled.
"If you're ok with that" she added, adopting a soft tone again.

Will paused before responding:
"Mrrph hrmphh" he nodded, returning the huge grin on Kirsten's face. He loved the idea. Plus there was absolutely no way the budge in his underwear was going away any time soon.

"You're a doll!" she cheered before returning to character.

Placing her hands on his knees, she leaned in close to Will's face.
"I dunno when I'll be back. But when I return, we'll have our own little party" she winked.
"But..."" she slid her hands down his legs before standing back upright.
"in the meantime, I'll give you a little something to keep you going until then."

Standing before him, her hands gently grasped the bottom of her pink cocktail dress and slid it upwards revealing her lacey pink panties.
Her fingers reached under the panties and began dragging them down her smooth legs, lifting her heels off the floor to completely remove the panties.
Holding them in the air, she stretched them out.
Still in awe at what he was watching, Will suddenly found himself having those pink panties being pulled down over the top of his head.

"Hrrmphhhh" he mock-protested.

The panties continued to slide down until the waistline was under his chin. Kirsten's fingers gently pulled at the panties, turning them so that the front was positioned perfectly over Will's nose.

"Let's make sure you're fully covered" Kirsten gently spoke.

"Hrrrmmmggphhhh" He huffed as the first scent of her soaked underwear made it's way through his nostrils.

Once the panties were loosely over his head, she tugged at the back of them pulling the front nice and tight over his nose so that there was no way he could work it off. Then she secured the panties nice and tight using an elastic hair bobble that previously sat around her wrist.

Once finished, she took a step back and admired Will's predicament.

"Perfect!" she clapped.
"Well, you enjoy those panties! I'll see you in a bit babe!" she waved as she flicked the light off and left the room.

Will sat in complete darkness listening to the sound of Kirsten's heels clicking their way down the hallway before fading out completely.
Alone with his thoughts, he began reflecting on the night. His thoughts turned to that moment when he stood at the bar alone before Kirsten introduced herself.
There he was in a room full of people, searching for an empty chair to sit on and pass the time before he could go home. And yet here he found himself in a room on his own, sat on a chair, worn socks packed in his mouth and soaked panties covering his nose. Completely incapable of leaving. And yet he was loving every second of it.

"Hrrmphhh" he groaned in pleasure as he took another drawn out inhale. If it weren't for the gag, he'd have a massive grin.

To Be Continued...
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Post by Escapee4520 »

Wow! Great Story!
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Post by Reidy »

Great start.
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Post by LunaDog »

Brilliant! Well done, thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
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Post by Blackfox74077 »

very nice
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Post by milagros317 »

Wonderful story! Looking forward to part two. :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by guardian741 »

Glad to see another one from you!
This is a great story so far! Love the sock gag and panty humiliation! Cant wait to see what else she has in store for him!
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Nightly Binds
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Post by Nightly Binds »

" Oh ! New story from you ! really neat, Read it ! very good. heh heh, very curious to see where it goes. seems like they'll be having a lot of fun together , :D also pretty interesting to see a more willing Sub in this case XD
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Post by The WinterShuffle »

Huh, I think you just unlocked a new fantasy for me :lol: in all seriousness I love love love the way you write dialogue, and your descriptions are so outstanding I can place myself in the shoes of Will so easily. Seriously can’t wait for the next part!
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Post by charliesmith »

Fantastic start! I am loving the interaction between the young man, Will and the cougar. This has the potential to be an amazing story series. I hope you continue it soon :) great job!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Wow! :o

Your story got even this gay guy excited! 8-)
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Post by Gluba »

Please more!
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Post by jone123 »

amazing start, very exciting.

I wonder what she had in mind for him when she comes back.
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Post by ZTVFemdomtales »

please let this continue. soon. please.
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Post by Ak610 »

WillHBonney wrote: 1 year ago Will clutched at his freshly poured pint as he slowly turned away from the bar and faced the room. His eyes glanced around at all the nameless faces that filled the dancefloor and tables that surrounded it. Seemingly everyone had someone to talk with, or to dance alongside. There was an odd number of people in that room. And he was the 1 extra.

Leaning his back against the bar, he scanned around for an empty chair where he could plant himself to nurse the pint for an hour before heading home. For him, the party had been a right off.
But as he lifted the pint glass to his lips, a voice broke through the thumping music and into his ear:


A chipper female voice. He turned to face the sound. A woman, probably close to twice his age, stood next to him at the bar. Her gleaming white teeth grinned, framed by glossy pink lips.

He gave a polite smile back and nodded:

"Yeah! You?" she continued.

"Aye not bad." he gave a second nod before taking a sip of his pint. In reality he was bored out his skull and just wanted to go home.

Hoping that he had managed to successfully navigate some small talk, he gazed down at his pint. But it appeared that the woman wasn't finished with him.
In the corner of his eye he noticed her turn to face him and lean on the bar.

"So how do you know the happy couple?" she smiled, this time leaning in to his ear to talk over the music.

"I work with Steve" Will pleasantly smiled back.

"Oh really?" she leaned back raising her eyebrows before leaning back in.
"You must be pretty clever as well then?"

"Meh" Will giggled, giving a modest shrug.

"Oh come on!" she chuckled, flicking her long curly blonde hair back over her shoulders.

Will took another sip of his pint.
"And what about you?" he asked, feeling compelled to do so.
"How do you know them?"

"Oh I'm a family friend of Angela's. I've known them for about 25 years or so!" She smiled.
"I'm Kirsten by the way!" she extended out her hand.

"Nice to meet you Kirsten. I'm Will" he responded as he firmly shook her hand.

"Lovely to meet you Will!" she smiled back as the barman handed her over the glass of prosecco that she had ordered.

"So where are you guys sitting?" Kirsten asked as her head turned to inspect the room.

"Ermm..." Will hesitated to answer.

"Is there a lot of you here from Steve's work?" she added.

"Well actually it's only me" Will forced a giggle to mask a sigh.

"What?! Shut up!" Kirsten gently pushed Will's shoulder.
"Isn't there like 10 of you in Steve's team?"

Will nodded on top of another shrug.

"That's poor. Not showing up to their colleague's engagement party. Tut tut!" Kirsten scorned. Again Will gave a nod/shrug combination.
"I guess we'll stay at the bar then! Best place to be on a night like his" she cackled.

"Oh no, don't feel like you need to chat with me! I'm alright by myself. I'll let you get back to your..." Will quickly glanced at Kirsten's left hand searching for a wedding ring. Nothing.

"Oh don't be silly! They're at home!" Kirsten roared with laughter as she began sipping her prosecco.

"Oh right, didn't fancy coming along did he?" Will probed.

"I don't think they allow cats in here!" She chortled having deliberately mislead Will.

"Ah ok" Will nervously smirked then masked his embarrassment by guzzling the remainder of his pint.

Kirsten continued;
"Yeah. I've played the marriage game before. And lost. Don't think I'll bother again!" she sipped heavily at her prosecco.
"I probably shouldn't be saying that at an engagement party!" she cackled, again throwing her hair back over her shoulders.

"Oh really? That's a shame!" Will sympathised before turning to face the bar and ordering another pint feeling he might need it.

"Nah, I'm happy with how things are now. When you get to my age and you've been through that, it just doesn't seem worth going through it all again" she continued, her voice remining chipper and upbeat.

Feeling a little dutch courage, Will decided to play a little.
"You're age?! There's plenty of time to squeeze another marriage in at 30!"

"Ooft you!" Kirsten giggled, placing her hand on Will's arm.
"I wish I was 30!"

"Well truth be told Kirsten..." Will began having grown in confidence and now genuinely enjoying his company.
"I'm just recently out of a relationship"

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that!" Kirsten sighed, for the first time her voice turning a more serious tone.

"Meh, it's alright. Things just weren't working out..." Will nodded as his new pint arrived.
"Shit happens."

"It does indeed!" Kirsten smiled, raising her now nearly empty prosecco glass and cheers-ing it off Will's new pint.
"To Shit happening!" she giggled.

"Yeah, after the breakup I decided to change my outlook on life. Start doing things I wouldn't normally do. Put myself out of my comfort zone. Start saying yes to things I would have said no to in the past." Will opened up.

"That's a nice idea! How has that worked out for you so far?" Kirsten nodded, her voice showing real sincerity.

"It's been ok so far. It's why I'm here tonight. Everyone else said no but I said yes I would go. So here I am..." he shrugged.

"And?" Kirsten prompted him.
"Are you glad you said yes?"

"Ehmm..." Will paused.
"I won't lie, most of the night has been a bit shit. But it recently got better" he smirked at her. He was entering uncharted territory.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself now!" Kirsten smiled, holding back a little to avoid a full on grin.
"So, what does your new outlook on life think about shots?"

He glanced at her face. Her chin was tilted down, her teeth biting her lip and her eyebrows raised.

"Hmmmm..." he teased.
"It thinks why not?!"

"Yayy!" Kirsten clapped.
"I'm going to nip to the little ladies room first, but when we're back I'll get them in ok?"

"On you go, I'll get them" Will waved her away to the toilets as he drew his wallet out from his trouser pocket.

"What a gentleman!" she flicked her hair as she turned and walked towards the toilets.

Will gazed at her as she walked away. Her long curly blonde hair dangled down her back on top of her slim glittery pink cocktail dress that ended just above her knees. Despite several prosecco's she still managed to walk in the tall pink stilettos that added several inches to her already quite small height. He guessed no more than 5 foot 5 with those heels on, dwarfed by his 6ft 2.
He couldn't help but grin as he thought about her. Despite being close to twice his age he was enjoying her company and she his.

Several minutes passed before Kirsten emerged from the bathroom. She returned to the bar where Will awaited with 2 shots of apple sourz.
Will couldn't help but notice a fresh coat of glossy pink lipstick on her lips.

"Sorry I took a while honey, had to zhuzh myself up a bit. We can't all be naturally good looking!" she rolled her eyes before winking at Will.
Will nervously chuckled.

"Well! To Steve and Angela I suppose!" she smiled, raising her shot glass.

"Yeah" Will giggled.
"Steve and Angela." he raised his glass.

With his arm now in the air, Kirsten linked her arm around his pulling herself in close. They both rocked their heads back and necked the shots.

"Eughhh I haven't done that in a while!" Kirsten gagged, inspecting the now empty shot glass. Will couldn't help but notice she hadn't moved back to where she stood before the shots, instead choosing to remain close, almost touching.

"Right, my turn to pick a flavour." she tilted her head as she turned to face the bar, her shoulder rubbing against Will's chest.
"Let's go for cherry!"

"Aye go for it. Cherry!" Will relaxed, leaning into her shoulder.

The shots were ordered and necked again with Kirsten and Will linking arms together.
This time it was Will who wretched at the flavour of the shot, drawing his teeth back over his lips and playfully bemoaning his companion for deciding on such a repulsive flavour.

"So Will..." Kirsten lowered her voice.
"This whole 'say yes to everything' philosophy... it must land you in some whacky situations right?"

"Ermm. Nah not really. I don't tend to hang about with people that suggest whacky situations." Will pondered.

"No? That's a shame. When I was your age I got into all sorts of scrapes" Kirsten giggled to herself.

"Alright grandma. 'When I was your age'!" Will cackled, mimicking holding a walking stick.

"Aye alright you!" She giggled, whacking Will's chest with the back of her hand to scold him.
"What I mean is, when you're in your mid 20s you should be doing stuff that you'll look back on when you're older and laugh at"

Feeling confident and comfortable around Kirsten, Will knew he could get away with his next tease:
"Oh yeah like getting married?"
His tongue was placed firmly in his cheek as he winked at her.

"Listen you! Put a sock in it before I do it for you!" she threatened as she giggled along with him.

Suddenly she reached into her cleavage and drew out a white plastic card.

"Listen, I've actually got a room here at the hotel..." she gulped.
"would you be interested in coming back with me for a bit?"
She quickly added:
"If you don't I completely..."

But was interrupted by Will:
"Yeah sure. Why not?" he gently smiled at her.

"Don't feel like you need to, or that you have to say yes because..." she stuttered but once again Will interrupted:
"No no, I'd like to" he smiled reassuringly.

"Great!" she beamed.

"Lead the way!" Will smiled, gesturing with an open hand towards the door.

Kirsten grasped his hand and pulled him along behind her much to Will's surprise. He glanced around the room as the 2 passed through the exit doors. A door he had been so eager to pass through the entire night, yet here he was doing so under a completely unexpected circumstance.

The pair weaved and wound through the hallways and stairwells of the hotel. Eventually they arrived at Kirsten's room at the end of a long corridor. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, pulling Will in behind her. She slowly led him through the entrance hall and into the bedroom where the 2 of them sat down on the bed together.

The 2 sat close together, eyes locked. Kirsten's eyes glanced up and down at Will, biting her pink glossy lip as she examined him.

"What are you thinking?" Will whispered as he noticed her eyes admiring him entirely.

"Hmmm" she sensually exhaled.
"I'd fucking love to tie you up!" she exhaled with pleasure before returning to biting her lip.

"Tie me up?!" Will drew back causing concern for Kirsten, fearing she had been too up front.
"You really think you could tie me up?" Will smirked.

"Oh yes!" Kirsten resumed her intense stare.
"Nice. and. tight!" she hissed, enunciating each letter and leaning in closer to Will's face.

"I can be quite slippery" Will teased, playing along and enjoying doing so.

"I like a challenge" Kirsten retorted.

"And let's say for talking sake you managed to succeed in tying me up? What would you do with me?" Will enquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing you wouldn't enjoy" she whispered seductively.

"Hmmm. Tempting" Will rubbed his chin.

"Tempting to let me tie you up?" Kirsten hoped aloud.

"Tempting to not try escape" Will winked back.

"Oh you can try escape to your little heart's content! That makes it all the more enjoyable for me when you give in and accept your fate!" she grinned, her face beaming with excitement.

Will paused for a moment, leaning back away from Kirsten. His eyes stared to the ceiling as he thought through the idea.

"What do you think?" Kirsten chirped, her hands grasping the duvet on the bed in exhilaration.

"Where do you want me?" Will nodded, standing up off the bed.

Kirsten leapt up off the bed in excitement and scuffled across the room still wearing her pink stilettos. She grabbed the wooden, 4 legged chair from under the desk in the corner of the room and dragged it into the centre of the floor.

"Right here sweetie!" she patted her hand on the base of the seat. Will walked over and sat down.

"Are you quite an experienced tie-r upper then?" Will quipped.

"I'll let you be the judge" she smirked as she grabbed the hotel's complimentary dressing gown and removed the long white tie from it.

"Oh you don't even have any rope with you?" Will raised his eyebrows.

"Of course not!" she giggled.
"I don't travel everywhere with rope! I'm not a kidnapper. I wasn't expecting to be tying someone up tonight! But I can think on my toes. Just makes it more of a challenge that's all!"

She approached Will on the chair and prepared the dressing gown tie. Will placed his wrists together on his lap.

Kirsten grasped Will's wrists and pulled them behind the back of the chair.
"Nice try mister!" she cackled.

She placed his wrists side by side and squeezed his hands into fists.

"Do you mind if I..." she stood back in front of Will and pointed towards his shoes.

"Ehh sure" he shrugged, keeping his hands in the position she placed them in.

She knelt down and untied his fancy black shoes and slid them off before removing both his black crew socks exposing his bare feet.
He watched with curious eyes as she walked back behind him.

Suddenly he felt one of his socks being pulled up over his left arm, right up so that his fist was in the tip of the sock. Then the same was repeated for his right arm.
He turned his head to glance over his shoulder to watch Kirsten hard at work.

"It nullifies your fingers! We don't want them wandering around!" she smiled up at him as she wrapped the dressing gown tie around his wrists and pulled them tight together.

"Oh yeah of course not" Will sarcastically nodded as he suddenly realised he might have underestimated his captor slightly.

He felt the dressing gown tie pull tight on his wrists as Kirsten secured the first of 2 knots.

"How's that?" she admired. He gave a small struggle before nodding to her.
"Excellent!" she clapped.
"By the way..." her voice suddenly became soft and sincere.
"if at any time you're not comfortable tell me ok?" Will nodded.
"I'm serious. Don't try be a big man and hide it. If you're uncomfortable or uneasy at any point then let me know and we'll stop ok?" she continued in an almost lecturing tone.

"Yeah, I'll let you know if I want to be untied" Will smiled and reassured her. He seen her concerns for his safety as very reassuring.

Now standing in front of him, Kirsten leaned over him and placed her fingers on the buckle of his belt.

"May I?" she tilted her head up to face him.

"Uh huh" he smiled back.

"Everything?" she added.

"Yeah, go for it." He smirked. He couldn't believe what was happened. But was loving every minute of it.

She unbuckled the belt and harshly yanked it out from around his waist.
Placing the belt on the floor beside the chair she giggled:
"I'll keep that handy."

Next she unbuckled his suit trousers and pulled down the zip. Will braced himself. Inside his trousers a lump had been growing and growing. And it was about to be exposed.
He lifted his butt up off the seat allowing Kirsten to pull the trousers right off. In 1 swift move, the trousers pulled down to his ankles and then off over his feet leaving him sat in his boxers, a shirt and tie. A lump very much visible in his boxers.

Kirsten's pink lips grinned.
"Enjoying it so far?" she nodded towards the lump as she cast the suit trousers onto the floor.

"Mmmhmm" Will blushed.

"Good!" she cheered as she began unknotting the light blue tie around his neck

She wrapped the tie around his left ankle before dragging it up to the back left leg of the chair and wrapping it around the top of the leg. She knotted it and drew the knot tight pulling his foot up by his side so that his toes pointed to the floor.
Picking up the belt, she repeated the process with his right ankle, dragging it up and securing it again with his toes pointing downwards.

Will's head swivelled from side to side as he inspected the knots that held his feet hanging by the side of the chair. He gave a rock of each ankle to confirm their status as securely tied.
Whilst he inspected his left foot, Kirsten sharply dragged her index finger nail across the sole of his right foot.

"Ahhh!" Will jerked in the chair as his head quickly spun around to face Kirsten.

"Oh!" Kirsten teased.
"Ticklish are we?" she grinned as she stood back.

"No!" Will barked back at her. Kirsten said nothing. But her smile suggested that things weren't looking good for Will!

Still in her pink stilettos, Kirsten slowly shuffled over to her small travel suitcase that lay on the floor by the bed.
From the suitcase she brought out a long black belt similar to the one that secured Will's foot to the chair. She walked back to him and began wrapping the belt around his lower body and the back of the chair.
She pulled tight on the belt forcing Will to fix his posture and sit up straight against the chair back. Next she looped the belt through the dressing gown tie that tightly held his hands together, securing his hands tight against the back of the chair. Finally she fastened the belt buckle at the front, on Will's chest atop of his white shirt.

"Comfy?" she smirked, standing in front of him.

"Absolutely" Will defiantly nodded. He knew there was absolutely no way he'd be able to escape, but tried to keep up the confident appearance.

"Good!" she smiled as she walked back to the suitcase and leaned over to search through it once more.

Her head turned to face her captive on the chair.
"I'd like to gag you" she gently smiled.
"Would you be ok with that?"

"I'll be quiet! I promise" Will offered.

"I know. I trust you." Kirsten softly responded.
"But I'd still like to gag you" her eyelashes fluttered.

Will paused.
"Go on then. Gag me." he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Yay!" Kirsten beamed, her hands shuffling faster in the suitcase.

Finally she found what she was looking for in the suitcase.
She walked back over and stood before him revealing the item to be a pair of white trainers. Will shrugged.
She dug her hands into both shoes and drew out a pair of white nike crew socks. Placing the shoes back on the floor, she dangled the socks from her hand. As the socks dangled down, Will couldn't help but notice the discolouration of sock's the once white soles, now browning from heavy usage.

Will looked perplexed at the socks.
"Ehm, I don't think they'll fit round my mouth?"

"No. No they wont." Kirsten sharply responded.
"But they aren't going around your mouth. They're going in your mouth!"

"Oh..." Will gasped. He wanted to be disgusted at the idea. But there was no point in him even pretending to be. Kirsten's eyes had already spotted the movement in his boxers at the revelation of her intentions.

Holding the socks, she walked behind him.
Will sat awaiting further instructions when suddenly an open palm hand reached over his shoulder and wrapped over his mouth.

""HRRMPHH..." Will's gasp began but was silenced by the sudden arrival of Kirsten's other hand. An open fist packed tightly with both worn socks landed over his nose bringing his cries to an abrupt end.

"No point holding your breath honey. My hands are going nowhere so you might as well just breath through that nose." She ordered.

Will's hands thrashed and flailed inside the socks that sat tightly over his fists. His feet wriggled and pulled as hard as they could. But he remained firmly secured and tied on the chair.

"Mrrrphhhh" he exhaled in acceptance. Followed by an inhale.
""MRRRGPHHH!" he protested in horror at the overwhelming unpleasantness of the socks he was forced to breath in through.

"Hahahaha!" Kirsten cackled.
"That's right dear. Big deep breaths. Take it all in!" she rubbed the socks on his nostrils.

"Hrrrmgphhhh" Will sighed as his protests ended and he accepted the smell.

His eyes squinted with each inhale. And each exhale contained a moan as he expressed his thoughts on Kirsten's torments.

"You must be enjoying that huh?" she teased, leaning her head over his shoulder to make eye contact.
"otherwise you would have just escaped like you said you would?" she winked at him, rubbing his nose with her socks some more to add insult to injury.

After several more unpleasant deep breaths, she finally removed her hands leaving Will sat gasping through his mouth at the clean air. He sat speechless.

"You're not saying much?" Kirsten worried.

"Just practicing for when I'm gagged" Will giggled, his tongue pressed against his cheek.

"Ugh" she huffed at his wit.
"What did you think of that then?"

"I hope they taste better than they smell" he continued to tease.

"Hmm. I think you're going to be disappointed." she shook her head.
"I wore them to the gym today before coming here. Spin class!"

"Lucky me" Will shrugged.

"Uh huh."

Still standing behind Will, she rested her arms on his shoulders, holding the balled up socks just in front of his face. His eyes got a close up inspection of the discolouration and wear on the soles.

"Any last words before I stuff them in?" Kirsten whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, you... HRMMGPHHHH!" Will began, immediately interrupted by the arrival of both socks into his mouth.

Kirsten stuffed either sock into each cheek then proceeded to prod them further into his mouth with her fingers. His head jerked back with each harsh push until she steadied him in place by pressing her breasts against the back of his head.

"URRMMGGPHHHH" Will shut his eyes in disgust at the taste as the socks rolled over his tongue and packed out his mouth.

"Hmmmhmhmhmh" Kirsten giggled sensually at his complaints.

With both socks finally packed into his mouth, Kirsten returned to the front of Will and took great pleasure in his facial expressions. His eyebrows dipped in horror. His nose scrunched up.

"How do they bad boys taste hmm? Good?" she cackled.

"HRRMGGPHHH" He shook his head, still fighting with the physical discomfort of having his mouth packed out.

"Worse than the cherry sourz?" she mocked shock.

"Arrbphhlrggtlyy!" Will nodded heavily.

"I have no idea what you said there" She smiled, her face beaming with excitement at the sight of her suffering captive.
"You hold those socks in place like a good little captive whilst I fetch something to secure them in place."

She shuffled back to the suitcase and pulled out a long light grey wool scarf. As she walked back to Will, she tied a large knot in the centre of the scarf.

"Now that you're gagged we need a new sign for if you want untied. How about giving 3 moans? Can you try that?" she gently smiled as she walked behind Will.

"Hrrmphh hrmmphh hrrmphhh" he huffed.

"Perfect. Are you ok with that?"

Will nodded.

"Great!" she smiled, holding the scarf in front of Will's face with the knot in the centre.
"I'd tell you to open wide, but thanks to those socks you don't have any choice not to" she giggled.

She slowly pulled the knot towards his mouth, pulling it between his lips. The knot was big enough that it filled his entire mouth, forcing him into breathing exclusively through his nose.
Next she pulled the scarf behind his head and knotted it tightly once. However it was long enough that she was able to make a 2nd wrap around his mouth. This time with the scarf flat so that it covered from his chin to under his nose and hid the knotted ball gag. Again she tied the scarf in a tight knot behind his head.

"How's that?" she checked.

"Grrmggphhhh" He nodded, his voice significantly quieter now.

"Excellent!" she clapped as she came back to stand in front of him and inspect her work so far. Her eyes scanned his entire body, noting the still present bulge.
"Oh wait..." she leaned over his legs and began unbuttoning his white shirt, pulling it apart to reveal his bare chest.
"Much better!" she smiled, placing her hand on his now exposed chest.
"This is so much fun" she spoke softly.
"You're such a good sport"

"Hrrmphh" Will modestly shrugged.

"Ugh it's so fucking hot that there's all those people downstairs at the party and not a single one of them has a clue that you're up here all tied up and gagged at my mercy!" she sensually moaned, her shoulders dropping as she loudly exhaled.

"Mrrph hrrmphh" Will agreed.

"Well." Kirsten abruptly changed back to a serious tone as she stood back up.
"Talking about the party downstairs. I think I'm going to go back down for a bit."

"Hrrmphh?" Will gasped through the tight gag.

"You're staying here though. For when I come back!" she cackled.
"If you're ok with that" she added, adopting a soft tone again.

Will paused before responding:
"Mrrph hrmphh" he nodded, returning the huge grin on Kirsten's face. He loved the idea. Plus there was absolutely no way the budge in his underwear was going away any time soon.

"You're a doll!" she cheered before returning to character.

Placing her hands on his knees, she leaned in close to Will's face.
"I dunno when I'll be back. But when I return, we'll have our own little party" she winked.
"But..."" she slid her hands down his legs before standing back upright.
"in the meantime, I'll give you a little something to keep you going until then."

Standing before him, her hands gently grasped the bottom of her pink cocktail dress and slid it upwards revealing her lacey pink panties.
Her fingers reached under the panties and began dragging them down her smooth legs, lifting her heels off the floor to completely remove the panties.
Holding them in the air, she stretched them out.
Still in awe at what he was watching, Will suddenly found himself having those pink panties being pulled down over the top of his head.

"Hrrmphhhh" he mock-protested.

The panties continued to slide down until the waistline was under his chin. Kirsten's fingers gently pulled at the panties, turning them so that the front was positioned perfectly over Will's nose.

"Let's make sure you're fully covered" Kirsten gently spoke.

"Hrrrmmmggphhhh" He huffed as the first scent of her soaked underwear made it's way through his nostrils.

Once the panties were loosely over his head, she tugged at the back of them pulling the front nice and tight over his nose so that there was no way he could work it off. Then she secured the panties nice and tight using an elastic hair bobble that previously sat around her wrist.

Once finished, she took a step back and admired Will's predicament.

"Perfect!" she clapped.
"Well, you enjoy those panties! I'll see you in a bit babe!" she waved as she flicked the light off and left the room.

Will sat in complete darkness listening to the sound of Kirsten's heels clicking their way down the hallway before fading out completely.
Alone with his thoughts, he began reflecting on the night. His thoughts turned to that moment when he stood at the bar alone before Kirsten introduced herself.
There he was in a room full of people, searching for an empty chair to sit on and pass the time before he could go home. And yet here he found himself in a room on his own, sat on a chair, worn socks packed in his mouth and soaked panties covering his nose. Completely incapable of leaving. And yet he was loving every second of it.

"Hrrmphhh" he groaned in pleasure as he took another drawn out inhale. If it weren't for the gag, he'd have a massive grin.

To Be Continued...
Amazing 😄
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Post by WillHBonney »

Oh wow, I really didn't expect this story to be as popular as it has been. Thank you so much everyone! Glad you've all enjoyed it so far.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Great story so far! Your dialog is excellent, the characters are believable, and the whole setup is incredibly hot.

I'll join the chorus begging you to continue.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Fantastic first part, the setup to it all set the scene and the characters really well, which made the action towards the end even more satisfying - looking forward to seeing more!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by dupattaguy »

Great story. I love it!
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Post by burro22 »

WillHBonney wrote: 1 year ago Oh wow, I really didn't expect this story to be as popular as it has been. Thank you so much everyone! Glad you've all enjoyed it so far.

Wonderful! I hope it continues soon!
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Post by crow3467 »

Great start!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Oh yesss, wonderful.
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