Playing at a risk (M-self)

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Playing at a risk (M-self)

Post by Sockgaggedman »

Playing at a risk

The worst part about pursuing my bondage inclinations while still living with my parents for the convenience of being near my college is having to do it at night. This limits my tie-up opportunities to either the weekends or holidays because, as much as I'd like to tie myself up on the daily, I'm not that invested to the point of having such a session until 2 AM on a school night!

Thus, this little scrap I still had left of the winter break was the perfect occasion for catching up on my tug desires! Only with a twist!
My room was then, then as in yesterday, under renovations, and since the couch wasn't available, I had to make do and sleep in my dad's room! He has an additional bed there, one I used when I was a child and still had to sleep with my parents. It's not a child's bed, mind you, but a full-on king-sized! Bit unnecessary if you asked me, but it was a gift from a relative and it was quite useful in situations like these!

I prepared my stash... I hid two pairs of Lotto socks and two of my dad's fat Puma socks under the mattress; the Lotto ones were long by design, but at my hand, they had been stretched to the point of becoming rope fabric! I also had a long shoelace and another stash of socks which is always hidden in my father's room, for precisely such situations! And a bathrobe cord! You might say I came overprepared or rather overstacked with socks. The abundance of footwear materials was not due for a gag, as you'd expect! I wanted to restrain myself, but having to go about that while sharing a room with another person, I needed something from which I could break free easily, for the most part...A rope wasn't that easy to break free of and admittedly, my ropework is below bad! Either the whole thing would fall apart after a good tug, or I'd overdo the only knot I know, a fisherman's knot, and restrain myself with no chance of breaking free!

All was set! A good half an hour after the clock struck midnight ( Cinderella who?) and dad was confirmed asleep I decided to start the restraining process! I had to go for a "natural" position since should he wake up, I'll be under the blanket hopefully looking asleep- and a hogtie doesn't really scream snoozing, you know!
I opted for a "worm" position with my legs tied one next to the other. Being quite a long fellow, I had to use much of my resources on my legs. The first navy blue, Lotto sock was tied around my ankles. I decided to go quite full on here since no one would suspect my shanks fettered under the covering. So the sock rope was doubly knotted and the ends twisted and hid under the hose. I did much the same with its blue sock twin, only this one was tied under my knees, where my calves should've been, had I not been a walking stick man! I went as tight as I could without stopping the circulation. I was quite happy with my choice of material, the said socks being very soft and mighty thick, much more different than the abrasiveness of hemp with which I was familiarised in my early bondage days, or even other nylon hosiery that plagued my inexperienced, young self.

There was still too much movement, so I got hold of my bathrobe cord, which would've been used for a hogtie, but that was about to be repurposed. I first tied it over my knees; same technique, double knots, and so on...Then twist it, tug it and finally end its' journey in my thigh area.

I was very content with my work, yet le pièce de résistance was just to come and make it all the better! While looking at my bedstand for some reasons unbeknownst to me, but maybe sent by the tug gods themselves, I spotted the last little item that was bound ( wow, dad joke at 19) to completely restrict the mobility of my lower body! A hair tie from back in my long hair days in the summer; I couldn't find one of those headbands all the football players wear, don't judge me! Anyway, a hair tie... what was I going to do with it? I tied the only part of my body that could still wiggle-my big toes! While I liked the look of struggling feet I have to say that small detail really went a long way in the sensation of it all, not being able to move anything from the waist down besides bending my knees set me in a mummification mood, and made me think of many scenarios where my liberty was at the hands of a merciless captor, keen on completely immobilising me.

With my legs done I struggled a bit and tried to see if I could even get up ( failed miserably). A good 10 minutes were spent rolling like that, making a good burrito of myself in the blanket, yet no other progress. I decided I should move on to the next step: my hands. Here I put to use the shoelace. God bless the internet because, in 5 minutes and a search, I managed to turn it into a pair of adjustable handcuffs! The loops were a bit wanky at first, probably because the guy in the video was using higher-grade rope while I was using...a shoelace! I finally managed to get them to a size tight enough to actually give me the sensation of struggling, while also loose enough to be able to rapidly yank my hands out. Though I have big enough hands proportionate to my body I guess, they are very thin and crowned by long, even thinner fingers. " Women's hands" and " Piano player hands" are all pretty strange almost compliments I received about them. The fingers crowned themselves with naturally long nails that exceed my fingertips even when freshly cut, " not manly" is also a way in which they had been described, but really now... what about ME screams over-the-top masculinity? What I'm trying to get at is that the loops were very small- all the more restrictive, yay!

With me being 2/3 immobilised, I decided to not go to the gag right away, but instead enjoy my current predicament. I had my hands tied in front of me, so it was tolerably easy to navigate on my phone, log into ThisVid and catch up with Sir [mention]privateandrews[/mention]' videos! I was really tempted to gag myself in his manner after watching his first victim be forcibly shut up, but since that video was his "over-ambitious young Private Investigator" I realised I didn't have such a quantity of scarves and cloth in my entire house, so I cooled down on the idea. Regardless, I will always be impressed by his ability to make someone quiet through certain means and it can be considered a testament to the quality of his work that I was able to view his videos at 3/4 of the volume with a sleeping person in the room! Had [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] made such a video, I'm sure I could blast that thing full volume in church and have no one suspect a thing.

Thus, with the two videos of Sir privateandrews under my belt amounting to over half an hour, I decided it was finally time for gagging! I had faintly the idea of a game forming in my head that would take shape as I continued with my shenanigans. Thus, I didn't start with a big, BIG gag as I'd usually be tempted to, but instead something simple, yet highly effective. I took the biggest sock I had, a grey Lotto one from my second pair and tied it simply over my mouth. No stuffing, no cleve gagging, just good old sock over mouth! only, if this beginning of an initial gag did not impress by size or stuffing, it did so by tightness! I not only tightly knotted it behind my head, no double knots this time, though, since my gag had to be able to come out easily; I also pulled that wretched sock so tightly, inch by inch, that it completely pressed on my mouth, stretched my poor lips! I was determined that, in lacking a stuffing, I would make my words illegible by making it impossible for me to even correctly open my gob! I then enforced the gag by adding the two fat Puma socks! One over my lower face and chin and the other over my already struggling lips.
Despite being composed of just three socks, my gag was mighty effective. Even I was surprised when I tried to say something and nothing came out! Those " mmmphs!" I kept reading about in stories were the only things through which I could try to express myself. I dared not scream, I didn't want to overestimate my gag's abilities, but I was pleased with my work! Finally, I reput my hands in my makeshift cuffs behind my back.

I then got about starting the " game". A kind of roleplay, only that I was one of the characters and my imagination was the other. In it, I was kidnapped ( oh, how original), yet my captor went away and now it was my chance to alert someone, that someone being dad! I first tried untying myself, underestimating my binding abilities, but to my surprise, I really couldn't get out! Of course, my hands were easily freeable, but I'd only go as far as to do that in case of an emergency. Seeing how the first half of bound and gagged went to no avail, I had a go at the latter. I mmpphed a bit in my gag and that went to nothing, I didn't actually want to wake papa up, you know. My last solution was to try and remove the gag if I couldn't speak past it. it wasn't easy and my first tries bore no fruit. I tried rubbing my head against the mattress, but it wasn't tape I was gagged with, socks don't just peel away! With the actual knots at the back of my head and my hands behind my back, I was proven quite useless against the tyranny of my cruel gag. All my agitation made me a tired mess and a 5-minute pause was on the menu.

With my initial techniques doing nothing to deliver me of my current faith, I took advantage of the break and decided to think.
" Come on, Sockgaggedman, think! You untangled harder things before! You managed to learn Latin with case endings and all with a priest for a teacher! ( true story) You have some mind in you, do something!"
Apparently, my subconscious was quite vehement. All I could contribute to our borderline schizophrenic conversation were a series of mmpphhsssss!!

Only then did I have struck of genius:
" This is an over-the-mouth gag, not a muzzle you stupid! You are not cleve gagged you can use your tongue! Try opening your mouth wide and pushing the gag downwards, not to your cheeks!" Finally, the overly-judging voice in my head was good for something and in no time after following MY advice, I freed my mouth, the three socks making a fashionable new scarf around my neck now.

Sadly, my excitement was short-lived since in my role play ( I was doing something like that, remember; let's act like my ideas are not all over the place) my capturer sees I freed my mouth and decides to make my fate way, way worst! I was due for a reinforced gag that won't come out so easily and some more restrains in general!

First were my hands. The loop on the right one was completely tightened making it impossible for me to slip my hand out. I have some very slim wrists in comparison to my hands, that's to say it would be physically impossible for me to get that hand out. One good trait of mine is that I don't get cocky. I've read one too many self-bondage stories where one such mistake leaves you completely helpless, at Madame de Chance, Lady Luck, Doamna Noroc or any other translation's will! I was not about to let myself be trapped and probably found by dad, especially with the gag I was going to put in my mouth! No; I made my left loop even larger than before, while also keeping the sensation of being bound hopelessly.

Speaking of the gag, I had to be punished, you know. It had to be extreme:
This time, I found a worthy stuffing. An old, crummy ankle sock I lost a long, long time ago. By some chance, I found it the day prior at the bottom of a drawer near the bed. I had no idea why it was there, I for sure did NOT "cream" it, nor did I over-wear it and stacked it for later. For all I knew, I had probably just thrown it in there to not have to bring it to the hamper. Having some months' time to catch dust, I thought it would've been a gross enough stuffing for my misbehaving mouth. I was wrong sadly (thankfully...?). If ever that hose had a taste it was all lost now; it wasn't even damp or anything! The only thing that would make me moan in it would be my annoyance at its tastelessness. I wasn't about to go looking for something else then, not all bound as I was, so I made do with it. I stuffed it down my yapper using my thumb to push the material all the way in. Even though I have quite big feet and a small mouth, just an ankle sock wasn't quite enough to keep me from being Mr Motormouth. I needed to add more! I took the unused grey Lotto sock and tied it in the middle, making for a ball gag. I pushed that past my teeth and tied it at the back of my head. With the makeshift " ball" in the middle, the sock didn't quite reach 'round my head. It was a tight fit, but it worked; I like it tight! To finish it off, I went about recreating the initial gag that I liked so much! So grey Lotto sock + black Puma sock + black Puma sock!

I used the last item in my stash, a deliciously old blue sports sock as a blindfold, slipped my left wrist in its loop and boom! Completely helpless.
This was the only foolishness I undertook. I wanted to be helpless as I've said; powerless, weak, vulnerable and all the good synonyms.
I squirmed around fiercely, wanting to test the full potential of my restraints. I tried with no result to free my legs, the most secure part of my body. It did nothing. It was a bittersweet feeling: on one hand, I was more than happy that my restrains could actually do their own, that I gained somewhat of ability at tying, even though I much more prefer the tied up part; yet on the other hand, it was so, so, SO frustrating that I couldn't move. Not being able to stretch my limbs as I should, it drove me stark mad! I suppose that the settings made me forget I was even bound: my sock ties were comfy, my blanket was puffy it was almost out of order to be restrained! And the gag, don't get me started on the gag! It was utterly brutal! It stretched my jaws to their limit! And it silenced me like never that I had to chew on before! At one point, I started questioning reality while sucking on it! I was making a sound, a loud sound had I not had my yapper plugged, in it and yet the stuff that came out was a lot of decibels lower! It just didn't add up! I had never gagged myself that correctly before, and when I finally did I was flabbergasted!

For safety's sake, I decided to remove my blindfold. It was getting quite late and since I made no progress in ridding myself of my ties or my gag I came up with a final game. I unlocked my phone, accessed the site, logged in, retied my hands behind my back and then it all began
I had two notifications, perfectly!
My job? I had to browse the site as normally! Only, of course, I couldn't move normally. My hands were useless, I could've used my feet, but that would've meant repositioning myself and I feared it would mean too much noise. I had to make do with what I had left of me discovered: my nose!
Thank god my vicious capturer didn't cover that up too with a sock!

" Let's see...who are these notifications from...? [mention]Stormee[/mention] in B&G... damn that's a lengthy post!" Someone above was laughing at my limb state. It was quite the trouble to have to move my snout to read through all of that! It was worth it, his answers were enjoyable!
The worst part was having to touch the small notifications button on my mobile. I'm not joking when I say it toom 20+ tries to click it. And when I did, I also touched the PM button and had to do it all over again!
" mmmphhh!"
I allowed myself the luxury of screaming, nothing much came out through the many layers of socks!
After more tries, I re-clicked that damn, green bell button.
" Mmmpphhh mmmpphh, mmmph!"
( translation: Sir privateandrews on my Military guide on gagging, our paths seem to meet today!")

Read the post, enjoyed it and decided to finish my shenanigans for the night; it was quite very late, the motive with which this whole post started.

To add everything up, I spent 3 1/2 hours with my legs tied, almost 2 hours with my hands tied ( with breaks) and ~1 hour gagged.
A truly lovely experience and surely my best self-bondage!
Last edited by Sockgaggedman 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Wow wee this looks like you had a lot of fun with yourself. I'm sure the site members you mentioned will be more than happy to turn your fantasies into reality
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Post by Stormee »

Quite a experience there and being stealthy about it. Glad you liked my answers. Must've been enjoyable to read. :D
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Post by sockgaggedmike »

Pretty good story! Love the description of the socks being used as gags
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Post by privateandrews »

great little story. would be a whole lot more intense if i came in the room :D :D
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Wonderful self bondage scenario.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Nice descriptive piece [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention]
Thanks for sharing!

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