Bound to Have a Good Time - How We Started: Kaylee

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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Interlude #1 (M/Kaylee)

Kaylee really wished she had a client for that night. Well, she did that afternoon, but that person had been a no show. She was really looking for some love that night and just didn't seem to see any in sight. Seeing David and Chrissy only made her hornier. Instead, here she was, with Andrea, working at night. As Kaylee gave a customer his order, something about him seemed familiar.

Patrick was about Kaylee's age, she figured, and his hair was a distinctive shade of brown and had a memorable texture. Kaylee thought long and hard as she gave her usual "enjoy" spiel and then realized who it was. This was Andrea's brother, the one she kept trying to talk into moving here.

More than that, he was sexy in Kaylee's eyes. She was finishing her shift a couple hours before Andrea. This was all the time that she needed to work some charm and magic and ensure that not all was a total loss in her day.

Kaylee adjusted her shirt and apron just the right way when she went back to check on Patrick and ask how his meal was going. Kaylee was surprised by herself... she had never let lust and work mix before. But here she was.

"How is your meal?" she asked him in her typical waitress tone.
"It's really good. Thank you."
"I'll be back with your bill in about 10 minutes," and then she played dumb for a moment, "Say, you look familiar to me."
"Are you Andrea's brother by any chance?"
"Andrea?" he asked uncertain what she meant.
"Andrea, the manager of this place."
"Oh, her, yeah!"
"Glad to finally get to meet you," Kaylee smiled, "Enjoy your food."

Kaylee wasn't certain if her plan would work. It wouldn't be the first time she had pulled such a move off before, but that other occasion was while dining in a restaurant with her sorority girls in college. This was a customer on whose table she was waiting, regardless of the fact that this customer happened to be her boss's brother.

This girl was really trying. She was trying so hard that she took a "quickie to the restroom" to rearrange her hair a little. Perhaps this was going too far? Her leggings were snug, and she made sure they had no ruffles the next time she walked by that table. There was playing, and there was obsessing.

Then there's Kaylee.

Kaylee, 24, sorority graduate extraordinaire. Graduated with the most blowjobs in her class, although some of her sisters argued against that one. She was also the only sister to successfully pull off being a bondage model without being caught by her parents or boyfriend and without chickening out of it. This girl was special, and 76.47% of the time she didn't realize that any of this was unusual.

As she walked by to resume work, Kaylee knew she had hit on something by the wink she got from Patrick. Playing coy, Kaylee pretended not to notice him, but in reality she had. When she brought the bill, she'd have the fun she was after.

"Here's your bill. It's always good to end my shift with a smiling customer," Kaylee smiled back as she returned.
"How about I walk you home then?" he asked her.
"That'd be perfect."

The two walked out and talked a lot on the short walk to Kaylee's place. Mostly they talked about Andrea and how much they valued her, Kaylee as a friend and Patrick as a brother. In fact, they talked very little about themselves all the way back to Kaylee's cottage. This was when the unexpected happened to Kaylee.

"Would you like to come in?" Kaylee asked him in her most kindly tone.
"I really shouldn't."
"Oh, come on," she encouraged him, "I don't bite."
"I barely know you," he seemed embarrassed but no offended.
"Patty, you're here all week. I'm sure we'll get to talk again."
"Well, sh-t," she put her hands on her hips and got sassy, "Since I can't get a screw when I'm horny, can I at least get your help in playing a prank on your sister?"

Kaylee had to play her cards carefully. Absolutely no one in Andrea's family knew about her bondage activities. Not even Patrick, who was more her best friend than even Chrissy. This had to seem entirely like it was Kaylee's doing.

"How prudish are you?"
"WHAT?!" he of course was put off by this.
"I want to really mess with Andrea. She always gets the laughs off me since she's my boss."
"How do you propose this?" a prank on a sister was more Patrick's thing.
"I'm a notorious kinkster that makes me odd among Andrea's friends and likewise...," she paused in thought.
"Likewise...," he motioned for her to continue.
"I'm a slut. I said it. It would be fantastic if you tied me up and gagged me, and then Andrea saw you here acting like we did something we didn't. Just so she can freak out for no reason just like she freaks out on me when I have one night stands with strange men."
"You're sexy, but crazy. I see what Andrea likes in you. I've never tied up anyone except maybe her once or twice playing games as children."
"You have nothing to learn," Kaylee reassured him, "Just play it up well, and your next drink at Blackbeard's is on me."

Patrick was willing to play along. It would be hilarious, in his own eyes, to absolutely rock his sister's boat like this. They weren't puritans, and he wasn't a total prude. But he was a proud virgin still and not likely to lose that status unless he was dead certain he was marrying that girl. His sister would be dumbfounded to see him of all people with a bound and gagged Kaylee.

The two stepped into the cottage with a strange sense of pride. Never had either of them done something of the kind, and the excitement of the moment was enough to finally turn off Kaylee's lust-o-meter. She instead had plans on using the wand to get her kicks and amplify the scene.

When Kaylee is in the room somehow it gets brighter. She is far from naïve and can spot trouble as well as any other, but in general she carrier herself more lightly. Her attitude tends to be more positive than others, and that spirit makes her easy to turn to in times of distress.

"I have everything we need. It's just that Andrea gets off in an hour."
"What do you normally do?"
"Oh, I like to catch a cheap romance film on Hallmark mostly," she shrugged.
"God, please no," Patrick grimaced.
"Listen, buster, I won't let talk like about my romances in this house," she failed to be menacing.
"Even that won't talk me into necking with you, sorry," his face showed he meant it.
"I'm not trying to... You know what? Let's just tie me," she explained kindly, "And you can just enjoy yourself out here, OK? Just relax and enjoy yourself."
"I can do that."
"When Andrea says she's off work, tell her that you're here and say no more."
"Oh, we're going deep with this," he grinned at the thought of all this.
"Is everything all right, everyone?" Andrea smiles at a table of customers.
"Yes, it is, thank you," says one of the group.
"We're glad you came."

With that, Andrea goes back to the front counter where she frequently assists the waiters by seating the clients. She can tell at a glance with some customers exactly which table is perfect for them. As a new group enters, she sizes them up, grabs some menus, and pushes a couple buttons to indicate that this large group is occupying two tables.

Her mind is occupied, however, with thoughts about her brother. She wants to be a good big sister and dote on him while he's here, but she couldn't get this first night off no matter how hard she tried. Why couldn't that other manager's appendix wait a month to infect?

Andrea doesn't remember life without Patrick. She wasn't even 2 years when he entered her life. She's always been there for him, though. Every major accomplishment in their lives has been witnessed by the other. High school and college graduations weren't missed; they did high school music together; they took electives together.

"I saw your brother walk out with Kaylee," says a waiter.
"What?!" Andrea dropped the pen she was holding.
"Yeah, they were talking about you as they went out."
"I, I... I," Andrea felt her mouth drying out.

How could she work another 30 minutes now? Her brother, the prude, with Kaylee, the professional rope slut bunny who was the poster child for STD vaccines? It didn't seem possible! Was Kaylee's charm that seductive, or was Patrick no longer the sweetheart she knew?

It was difficult for Andrea to fill those last 30 minutes, and she even had to go splash cold water on her face at one point because she was flush. Her heart felt like it would pound a hole in her chest, and a few minutes before she left Andrea, in a rarity, got a gin and tonic from Lorenzo the bartender.

"Where are you?" she texted her brother before she was even out the door.
"At your friend Kaylee's," he responded.
"WHY?!" her demanding tone was apparent by text, but no response came.
"She's coming!" Patrick said to Kaylee.
"An tho am I!" Kaylee groaned whilst her wand did its job on her.
"I am going to pretend I didn't hear this."

Kaylee was in just her black lingerie while lying on the pink comforter of her bed on her back. Black leather cuffs were on her wrists, and each was chained to a corner of the bed. Her black ball gag filled her mouth perfectly, and the blue posture collar fixed her head's position. The wand was taped to her thigh and buzzing away.

Even without sex, Kaylee had found the erotic scene her ovaries craved. She was helpless and being vibed into pain as she had put the device onto its harshest setting to get the strongest orgasms possible. She let her imagination do the dirty work.

On the couch, Patrick sat with his shirt off watching a college football game while he waited for his sister to arrive. While he wasn't having the sexual buzz thrill Kaylee was, he wasn't being a buzz kill either. In fact, he was enjoying this thought of see his sister's face when she entered and saw him in just his cargo shorts and underwear: not even socks were on his feet.

Andrea fumed as she drove the golf cart straight to her soon-to-be-former-rope-slut-colleague's house. When a fire gets in Andrea's eyes, you best stay away. That golf cart nearly tipped on a corner she was driving so recklessly to Kaylee's house.

Andrea knew something sinister: Kaylee's house code. She only knew Kaylee's and Chrissy's besides her own, and she punched the number in with such fury that she initially punched it incorrectly. It took a second try to get it right.

"PATRICK! I can't believe you would betray me like this!" she shrieked as she slammed the door behind her.
"Who? Me? Kay! Someone is here to see you," he pretended to be ignorant.
"I can't believe you... You... You came here... and you did... Oh, my God! Patty! What changed?!"
"Nothing. I don't know what... Oh, that's right, Kay can't come out. She's a little tied up," he motioned for Andrea to follow.
Kaylee seduced my baby brother?! she thought to herself.

Kaylee was practically orgasming just with delight from Andrea's reaction. The dominatrix rolled her eyes upon seeing the former sorority girl in her position and turned off the wand. Kaylee grunted angrily while Patrick removed the gag.

"I want to stick this wand up your vagina further than he stuck his member! And then whip you! And then I'll put binder clips on your tits and twist them!" Andrea's eyes showed a mixture of pain, anger, and sadness.
"His member? Are you serious? I can be boned by who I like!" Kaylee was defiant.
"Not my baby brother!"
"Good thing he didn't bone me then," Kaylee's lips curled up a little.
"We did nothing. We played a big prank on you. Just like I always do to you," Patty smiled and started laughing.
"Oh, my... Goodness," Andrea turned and ran out of the room.

She ran all the way outside and to the boardwalk and stood there. Pride was a vice at this moment; she couldn't be seen laughing. She just couldn't, but she soon doubled over in laughter at her presumptuous nature and the perfect execution her friend and brother had done. She only stopped laughing when she realized both were staring at her. Andrea dusted herself off and went inside.

"That was terrible of you two," she tried to be serious.
"It was, wasn't it?" Kaylee asked sarcastically.
"Whip her and put binder clips on her nipples and twist them?" Patrick asked while scratching his head.
"Things Kaylee likes. She's very kinky," Andrea could easily hide the truth here, couldn't she?
"Oh?" he doubted this.
"I really am kind of dirty," Kaylee covered for her friend, "And she sometimes helps me."
"Sis, what kind of sick sh-t are you into anyway?!" he was now convinced Andrea was no longer the heroic figure of their childhood.

That was the line. This was more than Andrea could take. Her world was falling apart on account of one of her best friends. She had first moved here just to be a restaurant manager, and bondage was the side gig. In an instant, Andrea snapped into a fit of anger.

"Right now I think I hate you, you stupid slut! You've f-cking ruined my life!" the restaurant manager yelled at Kaylee.

Andrea, tears streaming down her cheeks, charged out into the darkness with her only wish being to find somewhere to hide.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Oops! That got out of hand. I hope Kaylee can repair the damage.
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Spy Task Force Completed
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

David... Part 3 (M/Chrissy)

Chrissy was just the way she always was when she played her "game" with David: tightly hogtied and gagged. Ropes secured her wrists, forearms, elbows, breasts, waist/crotch, ankles, shins, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs. She was hogtied from ankles to elbows, and her big toes were tied together as well. The aquamarine ring gag was in Chrissy's mouth.

Also, Chrissy was completely naked. No underwear, bra, socks, or bandana. Her hair was actually a total mess from the hot romance she'd had up to this point. This girl was completely vulnerable and absolutely helpless. She could do nothing to resist anything David wanted to do, but at the same time she knew he did. Instead, here she was on her bed, and he was on the sofa in her living room.

Tied to her thigh and deep into her p-ssy was the battery powered vibrator. It was on its most aggravating setting in Chrissy's opinion, which wasn't actually the highest one. Nipple clamps in the form of binder clips were the least of her worries although they were irritating and painful.

Now Chrissy was tasked with a rough job: get herself to David where he was and give him a blowjob.

"Ugh!" she groaned into the ring gag as she began her struggle.

It was one thing to be tied up, it was another to be tied tightly... it was another experience altogether to be almost immobilized and on your bed and facing the task of safely squirming off the bed and then squirming her way to the other end of the cottage... all while hogtied.

Chrissy loved the challenge though. Even if she didn't succeed, she knew David would give her a kiss on the forehead, pet her hair a little, whisper some compliments into her ear, and untie her. What followed depended on their mood. Sometimes they'd just play video games and enjoy the company, or have fantastic sex, or, make a big batch of a sweet drink like a milkshake and share it from the same cup.

As she worked her way to the edge of the bed, Chrissy felt a feeling stirring in her... she missed him. This was fun, but she wanted him more. She wanted those fun moments on the couch, the shared milkshake, the raucous laughter, the varied comments about her morning routine. She wanted here too, though, and she felt conflicted because she loved doing the boat tours and all her friends.

With a thud, her knees hit the floor, and she worked herself down slowly until she was completely on the floor. While she inched her way toward him in anyway she could, she remembered college when she, Andrea, Andrea's boyfriend of the month, and "Davy" all would go hit an arcade, a bowling alley, or similar together and then get an early dinner together. It was all so much more stable than this life of CNC r-pe scenes.

With each grunt, more of her body was sweating, and the brutal crotch rope did its job well. By the time she reached the doorway, she was stopping to let out one of her typical loud, pained orgasm groans that she enjoyed so much. Her hair was becoming more of a disaster quickly, and she sometimes had to shake it out of her sightline.

Drool poured off her gag. Dragging herself through her own drool was part of the fun, and now David was visible where he lay on the living room area rug awaiting his beloved. She felt herself relax a little at the sight of him. She squirmed a little and hit that sweet spot again.

She closed her eyes and readied for it, and her eyes bulged as she semi-automatically yelled out "Oh, yeth! Oh uckin ood!" Another orgasm followed as she neared him. Surely she could get to him without a third, right? That third one was the best one yet.

That night only two months after she had arrived was a riot. She wasn't fully aware, but her understanding is that she had drunk two much, about 3 beers and a tequila. She was drunk, and Andrea brought her back to the apartment they then shared. She apparently began ranting about living with David and how great the bondage sex was.

Chrissy was so ashamed when she was lucid and questioned by Andrea. She couldn't even look at her friend while she answered truthfully about their escapades and how she missed it, but more unforgettable was the excitement on Andrea's face at the prospect of a fun new thing to try. Instead of horror at Chrissy revealing her darkest secrets, Andrea was more that even as "bestie" she wasn't privy to these things.

"Mmmm!" Chrissy moaned as she began sucking David's flaccid penis.
"Take your time," he moaned a little at the feel of her mouth.

Chrissy was a champ, though, better at blow than the whorish Kaylee even, and in no time she was swilling his orgasm. After she was untied and brushed the snarks out of the rat's nest, they took a shower together. The shower was more of mutual care than anything dirty. They chatted and admired Chrissy's rope marks and retired to bed together now with underwear on and Chrissy in her favorite place as the little spoon.

Chrissy forgot how good it was to have someone who wanted to be there for you. David's company was truly a precious thing. The young lady fell asleep with a smile on her face... and David's name tattooed on her heart.
In the morning, Chrissy arose at her usual time even without her alarm. She quietly rolled out of bed and silently put on a typical outfit for a day on the water with a white one-piece swimsuit, sea green trainers, a brilliant watery blue t-shirt, and a sea green nautically patterned bandana.

Chrissy quietly shut the door to her bedroom so that she could go out and make Dave's favorite breakfast of blueberry pancakes and bacon. She switched on the coffee machine and opened the fridge to get the bacon, blueberries and premade pancake mix. She had just put the things down on the counter when she felt a hand clasp over her mouth.

"Good morning," David gently kissed her forehead.
"Hmmm?" she asked again.
"You just finish what you are doing, but to ensure you stay my loving prisoner...," he said slyly.
"Oh ruther!" she groaned as he gagged her with a knotted pink bandana.

Now Chrissy was gagged again. Not a major problem, but still a problem. So much for morning small talk over coffee. She cooked the bacon on her stovetop griddle and then cooked the flapjacks in the bacon grease. As soon as the plate was on the table, he took her by the arm.

"No no!" she playfully struggled while secretly excited by this twist.
"I have to make sure you get something you love. Sorry!" he laughed as he pushed her onto a chair.
"MMMM!" her resistance failed

Now, the captured Chrissy was pushed against the wood and felt ropes tightly fastening her wrists together behind the chair. The same rope was a long one and was pulled under the chair and used to tie her ankles with equivalent tightness.

"NOW I can make the coffees and make you some French toast!"

Chrissy wasn't going to put any resistance at this point except that which was her obligatory duty as a kidnapping victim, which mostly meant some gag talk that made David laugh. Tying her up to prevent her from cooking breakfast was new for her, although he did know she tended to make something special for him and then do nothing special for herself.

Only after he was done making the toast, putting the yogurt and granola in the bowl, and brewing the coffee did David release Chrissy. She unknotted the gag, walked over, and gave him a kiss before returning to her place at the table. This was like heaven for her.

"A toast to us!" Chrissy said and added, "You always forget the grapefruit or orange juice."
"I didn't forget. I hate grapefruit juice!"
"And you say that back every f-cking time! Ha ha! Oh, I love you, David. You're predictable, yet I never ever get bored of you," she kissed him on the forehead on her way back to her chair with the grapefruit juice and a glass.
"Chrissy," he said to the girl with whom he had lived two years, "We never broke up. We just took time off to settle in to post college life."
"Well, yeah. What are you saying?"
"Do you want to restart our relationship?" he was dead serious.
"I...," her blue eyes glazed over with a bit of fear.

Chrissy had been craving this moment since she got here. They had "broken up" but never really broken up. Their hearts were still set on one another. But here was Chrissy now with much of her income coming from being a bondage r-pe fantasy prostitute. And her friends. Her friends meant more than all that.

"I don't need a definitive answer. I just want you to consider your choices, whatever they be, and let me know how you feel about those choices, before I leave," he said and smiled at her.
"I will, Dave," she put those thoughts aside.

Instead, they enjoyed breakfast, and Chrissy turned on some of her favorite music from Pandora. While Chrissy might enjoy the sounds of the 70s like Regina, she and David enjoyed 80s and 90s more. It seemed disappointing and too late that Phil Collins came on with "In the Air Tonight."

"Remember the night that you shagged tickets for us to see Phil?" Chrissy asked him.
"Of course," was a positive reply.
"This has been more memorable than that."

Chrissy was suffering internal conflict. What was she willing to give up? David? Friendship? Work? If she gave up the work, she'd lose this cottage. That extra money above and beyond paid the rent on it. She liked the view and the location and the proximity to Pedro's.

When breakfast was done, they did the cleanup together and soon had the kitchen spotless again. Chrissy secretly gathered some bondage rope in her bag and took Dave's hand, and together they walked toward the dock. Chrissy was going to give two tours in the morning and giving David a free spot on both, but more than that she had a surprise planned for afterwards.

Here was where she shone: on this boat. Here was her safe place. With a chipper greeting to Pedro, Chrissy got her summary of the prior day's tours and her anticipated schedule for today. She got into the Alufish where David was camped already and put her tablet in place.

Chrissy loved most the tours with children. She had the patience and the devotion to answer their questions, and she loved when children asked the kinds of big questions that adults brush away. Those were her favorite questions to answer, and she was careful to use words that the children would understand or even create examples they would understand.

Perhaps it was something about her. This job was everything she envisioned it would be when she applied. It was even more fun than she imagined when she decided to studied marine biology. Most of all, she hoped she was leaving a positive impression on these youngsters and dreamed that maybe one day she would inspire someone to become a marine biologist such as herself.

David was impressed too. He watched both tours with fascination at the way she kept people entertained with her hands and jokes, used the tablet to supplement her knowledge bank, and brought more life to that which people were already witnessing with their own two eyes. This was the Chrissy he loved.

He had no idea what was occurring when, after the second group, she again drove the boat... This time with just the two of them in it until, after a few minutes, she rounded a corner and pulled into a cay... That private cay she had mentioned. Only then did she reveal the ropes she had brought with her.

"Tie me up all strict, use up my p-ssy from behind until we're both wet, and then we go back and get lunch. Hmmm?" she asked hopefully.

It was good sex indeed. Her legs were tied together in 6 places and her arms in three. Her back was on the sand as were his lower legs. He pushed her knees against her breasts and just went in again. It was so fun not being gagged and being able to shout her excitement, joy, and pain as he penetrated her, as he worked around inside her, and as they both orgasmed.

Just as soon, they were on shore driving the golf cart to The Grill for lunch. And then they were walking around downtown while licking ice cream cones. It seemed like a dream come true. Then they were back at the cottage.

"Can we try a reverse prayer this time?" she asked, "My bae has only done it to me once since I taught her my ways."
What followed was the most comfortable reverse prayer Chrissy had experienced. She kept her clothes on for this one as the rope secured her arms behind her, and that bond was reinforced by a breast harness and a crotch rope. David then tied her ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs and still forgtied her on top of it.

"Well, now, I'm all tied up, Dave. What's going to happen? Something dirty or romantic?" Chrissy asked completely unawares while in her forced kneeling position.
"I'm thinking dirty," he spied the ring gag by the sink.

Chrissy saw no point in resisting and allowed David to put the gag between her upper and lower jaws. She was more than willing to let him rough her, and rough her he did. Chrissy was hauled up and down the increasing erect d-ck until it was squirting into her waiting mouth.

Chrissy was brought over to the sofa, and the gag was removed. While ordinarily Chrissy wasn't into such things, with David she was more than willing to watch something romantic or even sports while they cuddled. Cuddling was so nice that it was hard... it was... it was hard not to... fall... asleep.

When Chrissy woke up, she had no idea what time it was, but David was accepting a big bag from a delivery person. She looked at the sides of the bag and recognized the logo from Luigi's restaurant. While she tried to yawn and stretch, the latter part proved difficult in her position, but David soon rectified that with her freedom from the arms bonds and the frogtie. She was required, however, to keep her legs tied.

Chrissy giggled like a child as she hopped to the table and took a seat. Inside the bag was her favorite from Luigi's: the chicken alfredo. David still knew all of Chrissy's favorites and spoiled her on every single one of them. Alongside the meal he placed two glasses of white wine.

The cheesy creamy goodness of the chicken and pasta was perfectly matched by the wine. As they sat, David and Chrissy talked about so many things he wanted to know about her life here: her friends, her jobs, her hobbies. They were all the kinds of questions, at least how he asked him, that you ask when you're genuinely interested in getting to know someone better and want to appreciate their likes and dislikes. It was a very slow meal as they savored every last bite, and the conversation really made Chrissy think long and hard about just how much those friends were like a second family.

Across the table sat a man who was far the "wine, women, and song" type. David was a man of commitment and honesty, and the openness of their relationship was seen in the way they casually and comfortably took bites from each other's forks just to get a taste of the other's food. His multi-cheese pasta was as full of variety as he was: a surprise in every bite, but always good to the end. It was something special these two had, and he didn't want to let go again if he could help it.

As they finished eating, the tiramisu that followed was the perfect chaser. Thick, creamy, full of flavor, fights the fork, and strong. It wasn't planned this way, but dinner and dessert seemed to be a perfect summary of their relationship. In fact, Chrissy thought just that as David took her wrists and elbows and bound them in front of her. He secured her breasts and waist to the chair and untied her ankles and knees in order to fasten her ankles to the legs of the chair. Another rope connected her wrists and thighs, and the white ball gag stopped her speech.

David brought the chair to the living and put something in her hand: a video game controller. It was time to spend the evening having fun instead. Many an hour had been spent by them playing FIFA Soccer and various other games amidst much laughter and teasing. Good clean fun seemed like a reasonable follow-up to the dinner. But what followed that was even more amazing.

Some 2 or 3 hours later, David and Chrissy were walking the beach, under the stars. It seemed so vast, and Chrissy wanted to pluck a tiny dot and place it on David's eye just to see which stars were brighter. In her heart, she knew he wanted to do the same to her. As they held hands, talking wasn't necessary. The company was enough.

"David, what makes us different from ordinary friends?" she asked him.
"When we do something for each other, we don't expect the favor returned," was the reply she got, and it made her smile.

The walk back was easy for Chrissy because she was riding piggy-back on David. It was just one of those little things that made them "different" as Chrissy had said. When they reached the house, Chrissy punched the code for them to enter. A cozy shower together was followed by another peaceful night of spooning on the bed.

Chrissy and Dave didn't see a way for this to be better.
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Post by GreyLord »

Excellent, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]. This provided great insight into Chrissy. I feel much closer to her now. Looking forward to more.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

Short chapter folks :P

David... Part 4 (M/Anya)

Anya was spreadeagle tied and gagged and on her stomach and frankly unable to do anything about it really. There was a vibrator strapped to her thigh, and it was only interested in buzzing. Buzzing was its job, and buzz it did.

Anya couldn't help herself. The vibrator was just doing what it was meant to do, but it created a sleepless night for the young lady. The exact count was uncertain, but she had certainly bested Chrissy's 12 orgasm mark by 2AM. It was constant and it was painful, and by 7AM she was for sure past 20.

Anya didn't mind it at all really. In fact, it was thrilling. She was able to grunt and yell as she wished in the privacy of her suite and have no one hear her. There was the added thrill of David Pulliam's eventually return as well. At this point, she was his personal f-cking toy just like she always wanted to be.

"GAH!" she groaned as the clock turned to 7:18 as another agonized orgasm followed.

Her bed just had to be soaked in her cum, if there wasn't a puddle of the stuff. It just had to be after some approximately two dozen orgasms. Her suffering was ending soon though. At 7:21, she heard the push of buttons and heard a voice call as it entered.

"Anya, y'all right?" he asked her.
"MMM!" she cried out.
"There we are my Raja!" he said entering the bedroom.
"EH THIT THING OGG!" she begged him.
"All right," he winked and unplugged the buzzer.
Anya was so happy to finally be free from the ropes, but David pulled out all the stops on this one with a surprise of his own.

"You have to stay gagged except while eating, during which you'll be chained to a chair, or drinking. We're going all in with this one, OK?" he asked for her consent.
"Oh-ay!" she nodded as she stood up and motioned to the shower.

Never before had a shower felt so incredible. While Anya didn't wash her hair at all to save time, the time spent was still refreshing and invigorating. She emerged to see a breakfast spread from room service on her table and a grinning David finishing his breakfast.

She sat down and was fastened to the chair with bondage straps all over until all of her body but her arms were fixed to it. Her arms were bound together in front with several of the belts. Then her gag was removed.

Thus began film number 1: Anya trying to eat scrambled eggs, toast, and raspberry yogurt while tied up. It was a welcome challenge of the kind Anya enjoyed, and she didn't disappoint at all. The only disappointment was the breakfast because Anya felt she could have made better eggs and toast herself, but she kept that to herself.

When Anya was finished, a bright red ball went between her jaws, and her wrists were unstrapped and restrapped to the arms of the chair with uncompromising security. Not even 8:30, and they were beginning film number 2: Anya strapped to a chair and gagged.

Anya showed her perpetual professionalism as she grunted and struggled for the camera. Each motion was an artform in its own right, and she made sure she gave her sensual best for her audience. And she had forgotten how good it felt to have an audience.

David was an artist, too, and always enjoyed using dynamic camera effects to capture everything from her head to her toes. Anya gave varying reactions as the camera moved to make sure each part was nicely accented and adequately erotic. It was this suave approach that made her known as a one-take wonder among the producers she worked with.

Anya continued to groan erotically even after the filming stopped. She had wet herself enough, but she was seeking his arousal. His large figure effortlessly moved them to the next scene, one which Anya was sure would lead to sex and satisfaction.

Anya stood and walked to her wardrobe to pick out a pastel pink dress. It wasn't tight in the legs, but in the top it was almost form fitting. Even with the bra it struggled to contain her hard nipples from poking through. Pantyhose and black stilettos accomplished her goal of being scrumptious.

Anya kept her dutiful silence until on camera while David jammed yesterday's panties in her mouth and wrapped duct tape around her after she first let out a string of profanities while demanding freedom. She had her wrists, breasts, waist, ankles, knees, and thighs bound with the tape. She was then hogtaped from her ankles to her wrists.

Thus film number 3 proceeded: duct tape bondage. Anya let out squeals as she writhed on the bed. This film called for panic and anger, and Anya delivered in the form of her grunts and groans.

When filming was done, Anya kept her routine up and winked at David. She shook and rolled onto her back and began moving in a suggestive manner. He knew what she wanted and pulled a fresh condom out.

Anya doesn't usually just randomly want a man to f-ck her, but she knew a good time was coming when he cut the hogtape instead of her thigh bonds. Lubrication wasn't necessary as he took her p-ssy from behind her legs. Anya let out a squeal when he pushed into her.

It felt so good when he pushed against her G-spot. She let out a stream of sensual moans to express herself, and this time he only pleased himself before pulling out. She may not have wet herself, but after the prior night she was fine with this. Under the gag was a smile of sexual pleasure.

Filming continued in this pattern through many scenes throughout the morning. Number 4, in the same outfit, saw her chair tied with rope. Then she changed into a business suit for a wire hogtie and a hogcuffing. Then she was in slacks and a blouse for being tied in her tub and another chair tie.

It was this last chair tie that saw the highlight of her morning. David removed the ball gag that was then in her mouth and replaced it with himself. During this time they suddenly felt like lovers instead of workers. While it wasn't the intimacy of David and Chrissy, David and Anya had their own unique chemistry. Her mouth carefully moved up and down the man's penis. With each motion of hers, slowly he became stronger and harder. She kept at it until finally she was swallowing his latest offering with great satisfaction.

Her reward was an incredible lunch spread ordered from Luigi's, including a small bottle of wine. They enjoyed the meal, and David permitted her to talk while they ate. They exchanged their feelings on the extended session and their hopes and desires for the rest of the day.

It wasn't often that Anya just wanted to be used up, but this was one time she did. With each succeeding session, she felt more energized for the following ones. Her confidence grew in the knowledge that this situation was of her making. She felt a bit empowered by the entire thing.

The rest of the day was a flurry of activity that she took in stride because she never which shoots were going to be followed by that sex she was enjoying so much. The only pattern in it all was that David doesn't do ass, but Anya didn't mind. Do a shoot or two, sex, change outfit; repeat. But the cycle never felt tiresome. Chains, tape, rope, straps, and zipties all made appearances, and there were cleave, OTM, OTN, stuffed, ball, ring, and panel gags in various combinations.

Instead, Anya was left with memories that would last a lifetime.
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Post by GreyLord »

Some people just have all the luck! Well done, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]. I like the notion that Anya was empowered without being controlling.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention]

Interlude #2 (Regina/Andrea+Kaylee+Patrick) a.k.a (F/FFM)

"Andrea, calm down," Regina said to her friend as they sat together in the security office.

Andrea felt completely broken. All of her secrets were now out, and how embarrassing they truly were. In a matter of minutes, the restaurant manager who covertly moonlighted as a dominatrix was exposed to the world. Only those here at the resort who needed to know knew about what she did, and suddenly her own brother was aware of it all.

Regina comforted the girl and promised to do everything she could to help. The mother figure led her heartbroken friend out to the golf carts, and they drove up to the house and its higher elevation in tandem. Inside the house, Regina had her surprise guest sit at the table while she brewed them each a cup of tea.

Andrea poured out her heart in a way that made one thing abundantly clear: that she loved Patrick more than bondage or money or even her friends. Devastation aptly described the girl's mood. What if Patrick told their parents? Andrea's parents wouldn't care if she was lesbian or decided to join the military, but a prostitute would never fly let alone the fact that this clearly meant she slept with random and strange men.

At the same time, Kaylee tried to apologize, but it was clearly a useless effort. Patrick was not interested in talking to a girl whom he could only categorize as being an absolute wh-re, and a bondage obsessed one at that. But Kaylee really was sorry and felt terrible about the entire incident.
Kaylee sat down and buried her face in her hands before going back to her room to put some clothes on because she was still buck naked from before. Patrick grumbled something as he put his own clothes back on, but he still wasn't certain what to do about his broken sister. He probably would have gotten an STD if he had slept with this girl!

"Andrea, baby, you stay right here and drink your tea. I gotta go do something and be back in 10, 15 minutes tops. OK?" Regina asked kindly.
"I'll be fine. I'm heartbroken, not murderous or suicidal," Andrea said.
"The backstabbing hurts more than your secret being revealed," the cop gave her a pat on the back in understanding.

Regina had a very a clear cut purpose of her sudden departure. She had spoken to Andrea, and now she needed the two culprits. The handcuffs on her belt were going to get used for a very awkward scene. Enter Regina the not-so-good cop who will do anything to help repair friendships and reunite separated siblings.

Not one to talk about her life, it sufficed to say that Regina knew very well what it was like for sudden revelations to break apart a family. When Regina surprised her father by coming home from school early one day, she wasn't expecting to find him in bed with another woman, but that was the end of her parent's marriage. When Regina was 20 and confessed her dual-attraction to both men and women, her then best friend and her older sister both broke off contact, but Regina's mother stepped in and repaired things between her daughters.

This was very personal because Regina saw Andrea as a very important friend in her life. As such a closed person, revealing details about her life besides the things that brought a smile was difficult for the Colorado girl, and there were little secrets that only one of the other five knew that none of the others knew. Only Andrea knew about the cheating father; only Chrissy knew about the rift with her sister.

With a strong desire to make things well again, Regina knocked on the door with great authority and boomed "Police! Open up!" to the surprise of Patrick. Kaylee shrugged because she recognized the voice as Regina's. Not sure if this was a ruse, she decided to limit the damage and was non-descript in opening the door.

"Hi, Officer, how can I help?" she asked in a warm manner.
"Are you Kaylee and Patrick?" Regina asked in an official manner.
"Umm... yes, we are," Patrick answered.
"Both of you step outside please. I'm arresting you two, Patrick for solicitation of a prostitute and Kaylee for prostitution."
"What?!" Patrick couldn't believe this as his hands were cuffed behind him.
"OK, what is this about?!" Kaylee asked in fake horror as she, too, was cuffed.
"Get on the cart! You know your rights."

It was an awkward silence as the cart made its way to Regina's home. A stiff breeze provided welcome relief against the oppressive humidity that was so typical of the area. Regina made some joke about being a real cop but about only abusing her powers because she needed to get these two under control in order to get them up here. It all became clear when Regina had them enter the backdoor instead of the front and shoved them into the downstairs bathroom.

"What is all that commotion?" Andrea asked.
"You'll see," Regina said as she went upstairs.

Rope and gags were likely to be needed, so Regina emptied her drawer of every piece of rope that she had and grabbed a couple of ball gags as well as a roll of duct tape. The tote bag wasn't close to full, but it was enough for what she needed. Once she was downstairs, she stopped by her hamper and pulled out a pair of used underwear for whichever girl got profane first.

"All right, Kaylee and Patrick, out of there. Patrick, this is my house. I'm Regina; I'm a cop, but I'm also the one in charge of protecting these hooligans from creepers and themselves. You did nothing wrong, but this one did," Regina explained and then cut off any attempts by him to respond.

She removed the handcuffs on Kaylee and had Patrick sit on the living room sofa. She then escorted Kaylee into the kitchen and made her sit down across from Andrea and put the tote bag on the counter. No one was sure what the bag contained as Regina had never traveled with bondage supplies.

Andrea felt herself immediately reaching a vicious boiling point. She wanted to reach across the table and slap Kaylee, so she did! Kaylee just held her face in shock for a second, stood up, and just slapped back even harder and walked around the table to Andrea. They didn't even get to talk because Andrea immediately went for a two-minute drill stab-them-in-the-neck football offense. Regina quickly threw Andrea back and stood between the two.

"Cut the attitude, now! Sit down and be nice!" Regina yelled at Andrea, who had never seen Regina in full-cop mode.
"All right," she obeyed.
"First one to get profane gets my used panties in her mouth! Now, let's talk like adults," Regina pushed Kaylee onto the other chair.
"This c-cksucking wh-re ruined my entire f-cking life!" Andrea yelled as her first statement.
"I can't believe it. Second word out of her mouth!" Regina jammed the panties in Andrea's mouth.
"MMMM! GOH!" Andrea was disgusted by the flavor.

Regina was way stronger than Andrea and effortlessly wrapped tape around her mouth 7 times. She took out a piece of rope and tied Andrea's wrists behind her back and then used a second to test the limits of Andrea's elbows and was pleasantly surprised to discover that Andrea was perhaps the most flexible girl of all despite being the only pure dominatrix of the group.

While Andrea let out a bunch of yells into her gag, Regina walked over to Kaylee and repeated this process only while using the big yellow ball gag on Kaylee's mouth. She then roped Kaylee's wrists and elbows in similar fashion to Andrea's. Before daring to go any further, Regina decided the best approach was to just "rope the hell out of them" and not take any chances. As evinced by the yelling into the gags, both girls were quite out of control.

"Rope the hell out of them" meant binding their ankles, knees, and thighs before tying waist/crotch ropes and breast harnesses to pin their arms down completely. Once she was done with this, Andrea took the other, smaller ball gag, her two captives, and went to the living room where Patrick was sitting handcuffed. She dropped the ball gag as a warning to keep quiet and took the two girls away. Kaylee was forced to sit on the bathroom floor, and Regina shut the door. Andrea, who was swearing and screaming into her gag, got jammed into the broom closet on the floor.

"Let's go, Patricio," Regina led him to the kitchen and again brought the gag along.
"All right," he shrugged and trusted that she knew what she was doing.
"Sit down. Let me start by apologizing for everything that has happened," she began as she sat on the chair backwards.
"You're sorry?" Patrick didn't believe his ears.

Without explaining too many details, Regina explained that she was not only top cop in the resort but that she was also the officer responsible for the safety and well-being of these girls as a legal bondage-themed prostitution service. In her opinion, Kaylee had stepped over the line and should not have been trying to hook him into her lair like that, let alone getting involved in a bondage prank. However, Regina explained, she herself was still responsible for not better educating her charges with being better behaved and not taking risks like that.

It was impossible for Regina not to notice that he was listening but paying more attention to her. Unlike with Kaylee, Patrick was getting turned on by being alone with Regina, and her incredible awareness of her surroundings detected this with no visible reaction on her part. Indeed, she merely chose to gag a surprised Patrick and walked away to retrieve Kaylee.

An upset Kaylee was half-carried and half-dragged up the stairs by the cop and into the resident's bedroom. Of course, Kaylee couldn't resist anything Regina wanted, even sex, at this point. But Regina wasn't here for sexual play; instead, she was here to do three things she knew would p-ss off the girl.

Number one was to undo the crotch rope and pull down Kaylee's pants. Regina had never used the butt plug before and didn't even know where it had come from, but she figured it should get one use before she discarded the instrument she considered to be more of a r-ping toy than a sex toy. Even with lubrication and being a rather small size on the plug, Kaylee still shrieked as the device entered her anus as she just hated that more than death. The crotch rope being put back entered her chance of expelling it.

Number two was a hair tie. Kaylee had only experienced this once and been so upset she swore at Andrea afterwards for it and had made hair ties a strict violation of boundaries. However, Regina was here to violate some boundaries and eagerly attached the hair tie to her crotch so that the girl could not relax her head without simultaneously pulling on the crotch rope, squeezing the butt plug, and yanking on her hair.

The third and final part was spanking. Regina had her own paddle she kept aside just for spanking, and she was more than ready to use it on the girl who loathed spanking. The swats slowly grew in intensity, and Kaylee's reaction grew from silence, to anger, to yelling, to shrieking, and finally to tears. It was when the tear mark was reached that the already previously apologetic Kaylee's punishment ceased.

"Now, did you like having me violate your boundaries?" Regina asked her in her maternal manner.
"NO!" Kaylee yelled into the massive yellow gag.
"Now you know Andrea feels," Regina said before undoing the crotch rope, pulling the butt plug, and loosening the hair tie.

Regina went down stairs and to the broom closet to check on her panty-gagged captive. Andrea was practically retching, but she wasn't sure if it was the situation, the gag, or being tied up that disgusted her to that extent. Either way, she was glad to see Regina and was dragged to the loveseat that was perpendicular to the sofa where Patrick sat in the living room.

"I'm sorry you've been suffering, sweetie," Regina said in a kind manner.

Regina emphasized that Kaylee was truly apologetic and didn't mean to hurt Andrea's feelings at all. The girl was just trying to have fun with her friend and didn't think everything through before acting even if the initial intent was indeed quite bad. Andrea calmed down from the kindness of Regina and started behaving myself. Somethings never change though: Andrea hated being tied up; but her heart regained its softness toward her friend.

Now Regina went upstairs to retrieve Kaylee and brought the girl down to the living room. She was actually happy to see Andrea and hopped right next to her friend without any concerns. Regina didn't understand a word either said, but within 2 minutes they were laughing and crying and all the other things stereotypical girl friends do when they get through the storm and still genuinely want to be friends. Although Andrea was worried about her brother, at the moment her friendship took precedence

Regina sat down with Patrick and showed him by example that indeed Andrea and Kaylee were good friends and that his sister was happy. As she put her arm around him to point this out, she again noticed the incredible truth: Patrick had the "hots" for this "older woman." Again, however, Regina played dumb with him and acted like she didn't notice as she removed the gag.

"Andrea... I'm sorry to have caused so much trouble," Patrick spoke to his sister.
"Huh?" Andrea was confused by his apology.
"I've known all about this for a while. At least a year... and I never said anything to even you because I didn't want this to happen," his explanation resonated with her, "I knew when I visited last year and even prowled around your basement yesterday."

If Andrea's jaw could have dropped, it would have, but the duct tape ensured that did not happen. She had no clue. The imagined scenario in her mind of the beloved big sister becoming a spurned mortal enemy didn't even exist. Patrick still adored her even if, as he said, it was an odd business. She clearly hadn't changed in how she loved her family, so he saw no reason to say anything.

Regina was quite proud of herself at having kept everything from falling apart. She then realized that this meant Patrick had basically flipped the prank on them, and she started giggling at the thought. When she was asked by him why she was giggling, she stated so plainly.

"That means you went through all those hidden webpages on that side page?" she asked him to be sure.
"Kind of... yeah," he sheepishly responded and tried to shrug it off.
"So you knew who Kaylee and I were the entire time!" she gave him a playful push and realized that he'd had the hots for her for a while.
"Yes, yes," he laughed at his revelation, "But I still didn't realize just how sl-tty that Kaylee was!"
"Patty," she jammed the gag back in his mouth, "Come with me."

She brought Patrick to the kitchen as her clock turned to 2AM. She sat down on his lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek just to see how he would react, and his blushing proved her thoughts correct. With that, she unzipped his shorts and fumbled through his shorts to pull out the hard c-ck from its protection and quietly whispered something about this not counting as losing his "V card."

The officer moved her mouth up and down the newbie's body as she worked on making him harder. The sound effects were not lost on Andrea who started yelling louder than she had been before as she could not believe she was listening to Regina have sex... with her brother! The sister began hopping toward the kitchen as best as she could, but she was too late. Regina was a professional, though, and quickly brought the young man's fantasies to a sort of reality as he pumped into her mouth a very mixed flavor because of the seafood/fish dinner he had eaten.

Suddenly the revolting flavor of Regina's panties became nastier as Andrea wondered if Regina had masturbated into these panties. Either way, she had just watched her brother get a blowjob from one of her best friends while she was gagged with that same friend's panties. What a bizarre combo for the dominatrix to experience.

"Quit protesting!" Regina said as she drank the rest of her now-cold tea.
"Mmph!" Andrea's annoyance was replaced with a wry smile of laughter because she knew Patrick liked Regina, "Eh ee oh!"
"I'm untie you in a moment, baby!"

Regina first put Patrick's now flaccid c-ck back in his pants and zipped them up while he just looked dumbfounded at having just experienced that at the hands of a uniformed police officer. She uncuffed his wrists and unbuckled the gag, but he continue to sit there in surprise. Andrea was untied next and brought over to the helpless Kaylee.

"Why don't you two go up to my room, and you use my toys to do whatever you wish to her?" Regina suggested.
"Hmmmm," Andrea thought as she unpeeled the tape from her face and spat out the panties, "That was disgusting! NEVER AGAIN!"
"Only use for punishment, got it!" Regina responded in her typical manner, "I promise no more dirty games with Patrick."
"Regina, thank you for... for saving my family and my friendships tonight," Andrea spoke from her heart.
"You're welcome, love."

Andrea decided against punishing Kaylee for the rest of the night. Instead, she got Kaylee's permission, with Patrick and Regina as witnesses, to avenge herself another time. It was late, and they were all tired. Regina went up to her own bed, and Kaylee was untied to take the guest bed. Patrick slept on the sofa, and Andrea scrunched up on the love seat.

What treats awaited them in the morning though!
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

No question but that was heavy, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]. Even lives of fun and games are not all fun and games. Regina is a wonderful friend.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention]

David... Part 5 (M/Chrissy, M/Anya, Andrea/Regina+Kaylee)

Regina arose and was grateful that she did not have to go to work so soon. After the events of the previous day, she needed to just rest and relax.

Kidding. Regina's idea of rest and relaxation is waiting on her friends hand and foot by raiding her overstuffed freezers for her homemade goodies. A chocolate chip muffin for Andrea; some pancakes for Patrick; a yummy jumbo waffle for Kaylee; some quickly cooked fried eggs for herself.

"Too bad there's no friend chicken," Kaylee said with a laugh.
"Get the hell out of here with that!" Regina was righteously offended.
"I forgot you're from the wrong part of the country," the wry smile caused Andrea to crack up laughing.
"Gimme back my waffle!" Regina pretended to take the plate back.

Andrea and Patrick went back to the former's home, and Regina brought Kaylee home. It seemed like but another standard day with them all having a group meeting at Andrea's the next morning. As usual, late in the day, Regina sent out a reminder text about the meeting the next morning.

Andrea fully confessed the truth to her brother and showed him her lair that was the basement dungeon. Everything seemed so different to her when describing, in basic terms, her sexuality to her brother and how her friend Chrissy got her into all this. Patrick was naturally familiar with Chrissy and had met the girl many times over the years.

It was extremely uncomfortable at first, but Andrea was more accepting of who she was by the end. She could look the world in the face as she was purely excited by sexual stimulation and discomfort without any blood or gore or the like. By the end of the explanation, she felt closer to her brother as well; it was far from the only secret they shared.


That favorite game of Chrissy and David's was so much fun. No, not the blowjob game. The non-sexual game, the FIFA game. Well, that game and the blowjob lined up this time, actually. It wasn't too complicated, really, and was a fun way to start a new day when Chrissy had no work.

Chrissy's pink trainers, bright blue tank-top, and pink kerchief with green starfish was a very typical outfit of hers. Her wrists and elbows were tied together in front of her, her aquamarine ring gag was in her mouth, and her ankles, knees, and thighs were roped together. Besides this, she was seated on a chair and had her ankles tied to the underframe, her thighs to the seat, and her chest to the back with a breast harness.

It was a very Chrissy game. If she won the 20 minute match, she got her favorite vaginal sex; if she lost, she got a forced blowjob through the ring gag; if they tied, it counted as a loss too. Twenty minutes was enough time for David to recharge for another round with her. Each successive round was an absolute delight, and to her joy Chrissy won more than she lost in those hours.

It was a very fun way to pass the morning, and they forgot about the world for the time. Chrissy hadn't turned her phone on yet that day though the night before Chrissy said she'd bring herself...


"Mr. Pulliam, you have been incredibly accommodating," Anya stated to her male caller.
"No, no... you have been more so. How many women have I blown, left tied and gagged in a hotel room, and gone down to the pool? One, ever," he made his point that this had been a special time for him as well.

Scene after scene had been produced in this incredible session. He had material to fulfill Anya fantasies on all three of his online stores for at least 6 months if not longer. This little work excursion that preceded a true vacation had been worth every minute for him.

Anya had endured many types of binding during this time: tape, rope, chains, cuffs, pantyhose, straps, wire, zips, and even bedsheets. In each and every case, Anya handled them like the trooper she was. She seemed as erotic in her writhing today as she did on day 1.

She was enjoying every minute too. She had created this incredibly sensual time for herself and David, and it had gone to perfection. Never before had she felt so feminine, so helpless, and so dominant. Even as a submissive being filmed in bondage dozens of times, she was the one who was truly in control. Anya felt this was her great moment... both as a call girl and as a model. Never had she felt so connected to anyone in her lines of work, and today truly felt special. Even now she was in control of what happened next.

She was in a black strap frogtie and began shaking herself a little as a hint to David and rolled on her back. He knew what that meant, and soon Anya was full of him as he romantically kissed her and explored her body. A sensual groan came from her as he did his part, and soon she once again was full of him while he was covered with her.


"Good morning, Kay!" Regina greeted as the girl as she stepped out of her cottage.
"Mornin', Ma!" she gave an exaggerated Georgia accent as she sat on the cart.

Regina drove the cart to the beach and picked up Katia after, naturally, waiting a few minutes for her to be later than planned. Katia apologized in her usual cordial manner and hopped on the car for the ride. Everything seemed fine so far. Andrea greeted her friends by explaining that everything worked out as her brother had left to take a walk along one of the cliffside trails and would gone a little while.

"Where are Chrissy and Anya?" Kaylee asked, "Chrissy always comes way early for these."
"I don't know. actually. Let me call her," Andrea said and grabbed her phone.

She quickly had her phone dialing Chrissy, but she was immediately forwarded to Chrissy's voicemail as if her phone were never turned on that morning. Andrea stared at her phone like it was a foreign entity and immediately knew something wasn't right and remarked something about her spending time with David.

"Andrea, baby, I'm going to ride on over there," Regina said as she turned and left.

Perhaps that client Chrissy plugged in the other night hadn't been so good? Maybe she was in danger and the client was still in there attacking her or, worse. had figured out the security system and had kidnapped her?! If Chrissy was harmed, it was all Regina's fault for not checking out this David more carefully.

Regina stopped at security where she kept a spare uniform never thinking she'd need it because she'd left her standard uniform at home. Here she was putting it on and holstering up for a raid on her friend's house. Regina tested all the limits of safety as she sped down the road, onto the boardwalk, and to Chrissy's house where she parked the cart.

She quickly entered the number and entered the house to a strange sight. There was Chrissy in the chair making erotic sounds of ecstasy while getting a ring gag forced blowjob from David. Not knowing for sure if this was romance or not, Regina threw him off Chrissy.

"What the hell?!" he asked.
"Who are you?!" Regina demanded as she pointed her gun at him, "Keep your hands where I can see them!"
"Mmm!" Chrissy was visibly upset, so Regina ungagged her, "That's my boyfriend, you moron!"
"Boyfriend?!" Regina started sputtering.

Out came the story. David was indeed the one and only ex-boyfriend Chrissy mentioned so much. And out of this weekend had come a decision: they were an item again. Yes, they were having fun this weekend, but there was so much they planned to do during the week as well. It was just the beginning of... a new beginning!

Regina listened to it all in her usual caring way. She was shocked but happy with the circumstances as her primary concern was that her friend was happy. But, then the orders of business come, and Regina has to end this little orgy.

"We're late for the meeting, Chrissy!" she explained.
"Oh, sh-t, Dave, untie me, love, if you please?" Chrissy jumped into action.
"Sure thing!" he sprang into action.

Chrissy was still in afterglow most of the way to Andrea's, and Regina got a laugh out of that. More than that, her heart was warmed to see Chrissy so genuinely happy. It was rare to see Chrissy so animated while talking about something that made her happy. In fact, the tour guide joked that she had gone two days without beer so something must be up.

"Here we are!" Regina parked the vehicle.
"Well, time to see bestie!" Chrissy jumped off the cart with a flourish.
"You already are with bestie!" the cop joked.
"Don't kid yourself. Mom's are never besties," a wink came with the response.
"Gotcha, Chris. Let's go!"

Inside, however, Regina found herself still short one girl. Anya was still AWOL, and, more than that, a man answered her phone and responded that Anya was busy and would call back when she had the time. Regina didn't think it was possible, but perhaps it was.

Back to the golf cart. This time, Officer Regina was on her way to the hotel to see her friend Anya. The short ride was more of irritant because now time was being wasted by irresponsibility. Regina waved to the clerks as she made her way to the stairwell, and she took the steps in twos all the way up to Anya's floor.

Once at the room, Regina shamelessly entered the code and, for the second time in under an hour, walked in on a friend in the middle of a ring gag forced blowjob. David Pulliam, however, had the audacity to finish it while Regina watched. Regina, for her part, felt some strange divine retribution for what she had done with Patrick.

"David Pulliam?" she asked.
"Can I help you, ma'am?" he asked back.
"Anya, you're here getting a sperm smoothie and missing our meeting!" Regina was shameless in her verbiage.
"Anya's gotten 11 of those this weekend," he said with erotic pleasure.
"That's one wild screwing session. Your clusters are going to fall off," Regina deadpanned back.

Regina waited while Anya was releases and got some clothes back on herself because she was completely naked. This, however, was different in that this David gave her a farewell kiss, gathered his supplies, and left. Anya was still basking in the moment.

This trip to Andrea's was much more graphic as Anya described in detail what had happened and how she had so perfectly set up the entire scenario. She was like a teenager describing all the bondages and f-ckings she had endured, and Regina listened attentively to her friend's story.

Now the girls could finally have their meeting. It was but a quick monthly check-up. Medical reports, financial statements, upcoming events, and the like were discussing during the quick update. It took Regina longer to round up her two friends than it took to actually hold the meeting.

Andrea then quickly told the story of how Regina had "saved the day" in the incident with Patrick and Kaylee. Regina blushed as the story was told as she felt she had just done her duty to her friends. Andrea's gratitude shined forth in her recollection of the events from her point of view.

"Sounds to me like Regina deserves a reward," Katia suggested, "Maybe a dungeon reward."
"I like that idea so much that I am not giving her a chance," Andrea agreed, "GET HER AND KAYLEEE, GIRLS!"

Regina was handled by the combined efforts of Katia and Chrissy, who were strong enough to handle her as a team, and Anya and Andrea took down Kaylee. With a little effort, both girls were wrestled down into the basement where the dominatrix had to decide what to do with each one. She decided Regina deserved a little quiet time just to enjoy being in bondage, but Kaylee needed her playful revenge session.

Naturally, both girls were stripped down to nothing. Nudity wasn't essential for things, but Andrea was a woman of aesthetic and felt it necessary in this case. She had a perverted admiration for the human form, to say the least about her, and enjoyed bondage more with a naked subject as that gave her more control.

Regina was put in a spreadeagle tie using bondage cuffs in a comfortable manner so that she was flat on the bed with minimal strain. Instead, Andrea had a wonderful treat for Regina: a worn panty gagged under 6 layers of duct tape! Now the officer could share in the joy that she gave the dominatrix just 30-something hours earlier! Andrea even followed it with a kiss on Regina's gagged lips.

The captive agreed that this was a justified return, and she wondered if Andrea had actually specifically set aside a pair of panties in hopes of having this moment. Regina was usually fine with worn panties in her mouth, but that was usually panties into which her sexual partner of the night had just orgasmed. This flavor was very different and incomparably disgusting even if deserved.

"Well, Reg, looks you are in a bit of trouble," Chrissy said while patting Regina on the head.
"Oh, ell, ook who ith tho thmar now!" Regina playfully retorted to her friend.
"Andrea, may I jam a dildo up her happy slot?" Chrissy whined.
"No way," Andrea laughed while she dealt with Kaylee, "She's getting it nice and simple like she did to me."

Kaylee, on the other hand, got what Andrea had promised. As she was stretched out on the rack using ropes and cranked until she was taut, Kaylee remembered the words that Andrea had said. The image of the dominatrix standing over her while she was laughing about the prank with Patrick came back to her.

"I want to stick this wand up your vagina further than he stuck his member! And then whip you! And then I'll put binder clips on your tits and twist them!"

Sure enough, Andrea took one of her dildos and carefully pushed it deep into the girl's vagina until Kaylee could no longer resist by gritting her teeth and finally let out a squeal. It was then that Andrea gagged the girl with the big black ring gag. The variable vibrator was carefully taped to the captive's thigh and turned on to its medium setting, and the binder clips were applied with a maniacal laugh from Andrea.

A rough twist fulfilled that part of the promise, and Kaylee was genuinely excited by this torture in which she found herself. The bondage sl-t found herself in one of her favorite places: bound, gagged, and sexually excited. All she needed was a man, but she soon got what Andrea considered a close substitute: a strap-on.

Once Kaylee had climaxed onto the dildo, that device found itself in Kaylee's mouth for one of Andrea's favorite forms of humiliation. Andrea donned the strap-on and dominated Kaylee with it until she forced another orgasm out of the girl. The she switched the dildo out and pushed the strap-on through the ring gag.

By the end of the day, all the chaos had been sorted out... except the chaos in Chrissy's mind.

What was she going to do?
Last edited by AlexUSA3 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Yet another fine installment, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]. Your scenario gives you unlimited opportunities. You are playing this very well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree :) A fine new installment - and indeed: The basic concept of this exciting series allows for soo many possibilites for a creative mind like yours [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] :)
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Apologies for not reacting...been busy with work...but man, what incredible stories!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention]

Thank you all for the kind comments so far. This arc comes to an end in this chapter. :D

David... Part 6 (F+/Katia)

Chrissy woke up and felt a deep sadness within her. It wasn't that David wasn't there now; he was here for several more days. She was sad that she had spent a full weekend on what amounted to a non-stop orgy instead of taking the time to build their relationship in better ways. Yes, they had had fun, but they had served the passions before even taking time to enjoy each other's company. Then it hit her.

She was in love.

It was easy to conclude this when their first time as a couple had never really ended. Yes, she would leave this adventurous life for him if he wanted; yes, she would devote her entire life to him if did the same to her. She was ready for that level of commitment if he was. She was prepared to say yes when he inevitably asked her to make that deeper commitment to a deep relationship than they had before.

If he asked. If.

Was that the way it had to be? Didn't it have to be? Isn't love about commitment to the end? Isn't it "until death do us part" for a reason? She was young and had her best years still in front of her, and wasn't it a beautiful thought to spend those best years with the best person she knew? It was, wasn't it?

"Andrea, we need to talk." she texted her best friend, then added, "I need your help. Meet me for breakfast?"

Andrea decided to ride her bicycle to work and decided to also ride to the diner to meet Chrissy. Once inside the bustling place, her friend's white nautical bandana made her easy to spot among the other patrons, and Andrea walked over to the table where Chrissy sat. The sadness on the girl's face was apparent.

"Chrissy, what's the matter?" Andrea sat down across from her in the booth.
"Hold on... Susie, a second coffee please!" Chrissy asked the waitress, "It's Dave, babe."
"You and Davy are so cute!" Andrea instinctively responded.
"STOP IT!" Chrissy started crying, "That's the problem! Andrea... UGH!"

Chrissy put her elbows on the table and looked down and put her hands on the top of her head. She was so conflicted and didn't need this right now, but Andrea put her own head down so she could see Chrissy. At this kind of moment, she knew better than to touch Chrissy for a comforting rub.

"Bestie... I'm in love... and I'm ready to quit whoring myself if he asks me to commit to him," Chrissy explained.
"You're amazing. That's why you're my best friend," Andrea said as she got her coffee.

Chrissy looked up again, and Andrea put a hand on her arm. That support that her friend gave was exactly what Chrissy needed. At that moment, Chrissy paused and wiped the tears from her eyes. Andrea hadn't seen such a mixture of genuine confusion since Chrissy's parents divorced when she was in college.

"You know I won't stop you, and no one else will. If you...," Andrea started.
"What would you girls like this morning?" Susie interrupted their thoughts.

That was just the interruption Chrissy needed to collect her thoughts as she and Andrea ordered their food. In fact, it made Chrissy realize that she didn't need to allow anything at all. She had her ethics, which as was known included the strange decision to not take birth control as some of her friends did although she took morning-after pills at times. She didn't have to allow vaginal sex, or any sex. She took control of those decisions, especially since she felt more like a private contractor.

"I think that's it," Chrissy said contentedly.
"What's it?" Andrea needed detail's to understand.
"No more happy slot sex for me. That's David's place alone. If he asks me to stop more or all, that's fine by me," her mind was made up.
"You have my 100% support, girl!"

Chrissy sat back and smiled while she rubbed her eyes some more. This was one of the toughest decisions of her life... Just like having to choose between her father and her mother those years ago. But she was at peace with her choice, and in it Andrea realized that someday Chrissy might leave the side gig for good because of marriage.

At the same time, in another place, a young woman of Indian ancestry was sitting on the beach talking to a red-headed lifeguard. Recent events had given the lifeguard an idea for a way to transform their enterprise into something perhaps more accommodating to their lives and schedules.

Anya was just the person to ask, as it turned out, given her varied experiences as both a bondage prostitute and as a bondage model. Katia knew when she was not qualified to be answering a question, and she humbly deferred to experience. It was a bold venture to suggest.

What if they produced their own bondage? There were advantages and disadvantages to it. The principal advantage was that it would keep Chrissy with an income should she decide to cease all sexual activity, and it would allow visitors and kinky friends an option to perhaps get a discount on their session. "Hey, we'll take money off your session if you let us record it and sell it."

"You're crazy... I like it!" Anya's opinion was blunt.
"Talk to someone else and get their opinion."
"All right," Katia nodded in agreement.
"Gotta go," Anya stood up and began walking away, "See you around, girlfriend."

Katia knew she should talk to both Andrea and Regina about this for sure, and she invited the kindly cop to meet her at the beach although she was aware Regina was likely still sleeping. Regardless, Katia sent a text asking her to simply meet up for lunch so that they could talk about the idea she had conceived. Her main concern was the thought of Chrissy or possibly even another girl deciding to quit and/or leave.

"Chrissy?" Andrea asked as they finished their food, "You are OK, right?"
"I'm... fine... just thinking about him."
"What's special about him compared to some other guy?" Andrea tested her friend.
"When I smile, he makes me smile. Even when we fight, and we have had swearing contests, he'll always stop, walk away, and send me flowers or something and apologize for the things he said even if he won't admit he's wrong. Then I'll pause and reflect and realize sometimes that he's not wrong. And he'll do the same. And then one of us apologizes for being at fault."

Chrissy didn't realize how she was bouncing and smiling as she told this little example of how they care or notice that her eyes were wide with happiness until Andrea pointed it out. As far as bestie was concerned, the right choice lay with him, and she had to do right by him. That little case right there was proof that it was the way to go.

"I can do this!" Chrissy said.
"Go for it! Susie, check please!"

Chrissy went to work and did a couple morning tours before meeting David for lunch. Never before had she been so nervous about a date, but she was scared stiff inside. As she entered Blackbeard's, she looked around and saw her friend Kaylee give her an encouraging wink. Before they were seated, Chrissy specifically asked for her friend to handle the meal.

Naturally they conversed about many things, and Chrissy found herself distracted by her nerves. She could see Dave's eyes conveyed a deep message, and she realized she needn't be afraid of things. She could talk to him without fear, and ironically she saw her friends Regina and Katia eating over at the bar. Chrissy could control this much of her life.

"David, I've decided after a lot of thought. If you still want to," she grabbed his hand, "I want to resume our relationship."
"Are you willing to give up the love?" he asked her, and then said the part that hurt him, "You're a professional. Literally."
"V, A, O, or all three?" she asked back.
"You're serious about this, aren't you?"
"I am."
"This is difficult to even suggest, but I'll allow you to keep accepting O, OK?"
"I'll only allow it if you allow it."

David stared at Chrissy and realized that she was willing to give up her income for his sake. That money was what allowed her to be able to eat and drink and do things with friends and have a cottage of her own instead of just being in an apartment with Andrea still. Her eyes revealed her commitment.

"The usual, Kay," Regina said to her friend and waitress.
"Same," Katia nodded in agreement.
"Two fish and chips and two Heineken's coming up!" Kaylee started to walk away.
"WAIT!" Katia stopped her, "Make my drink a pink lemonade!"
"Got it!" the girl smiled and walked away.
"So, what's the business?" Regina asked.

Katia put her idea in front of Regina. This, she felt, was a way they could help Chrissy. While it certainly wouldn't make any of them suddenly roll in money, it was at least a way they could keep monetizing their love of bondage that would keep Chrissy faithful to David. They had to try for their friend's sake.

The lifeguard felt this more than any of the other girls. She, too, was looking for some fidelity in the end and merely enjoyed the one-night stands for what they were, but she had that yearning for a forever lover. If Chrissy wanted to pursue that forever, then weren't they morally obligated to help her to achieve that goal?

Regina had to agree. Her experience with Patrick over the weekend had somehow felt a little different even though she knew that she wasn't ready for that and that he wasn't either. If Chrissy has something special, then it should be special to them if they truly care about her. And Regina knew she did.

"I give my approval of your idea. I know Andrea would too. But we have to present your idea to Chrissy and David. I'm going to call a special meeting tonight at my place, OK? I'll willingly work the graveyard shift to make this work."
"All right," Katia agreed to this.

That night, 8 people gathered in Andrea's house with Andrea's brother and David both present as well. Patrick and David, however, chose to stay upstairs and likely discuss the oddity that their respective loved ones presented.

In the dungeon, Katia presented her idea to the entire group for all to think about. She knew it was bold and that it would involve some risk, but it was worth it for the sake of the girl who had been the workhorse of them all. Chrissy, as Katia pointed out, always got the very worst clients of all, and oftentimes they had all even seen a downturn in Chrissy's mental health.

Chrissy wasn't sure how to take this display of friendship. She never really realized that she meant this much to anyone besides "Bestie" and "Reg" until she heard Katia's voice and saw her friend's reactions to Katia's idea. Suddenly, Chrissy felt a meaning to her life that she had never realized. These girls were more friends than teammates, and Chrissy looked down at her feet and started nervously bouncing in place while holding her hands behind her back.

"I've done it before; I'd do it again!" Kaylee said.
"Even if it's just a couple of us. It allows us more options," Andrea said, "Chrissy can do it exclusively if she wants; and one of us could still exclusively keep whoring if we wanted to. And we're all friends and our own staff, so as long as we keep doing our thing we can make sure Chrissy stays financially afloat."
"Does anyone oppose this idea?" Regina asked the big question, "Raise your hand now."

They all already had the equipment, and Katia already had some photography equipment from her high school and college days. That she mostly used nowadays to capture nature scenes and family events, but she still had it all as she showed her friends and colleagues. And, more than that, she was willing to use it to help her friends. It would take some selfless sacrifices to get off the ground, but they believed they could do it.

"Let me state," Chrissy looked down still, "That David is OK with me continuing, but on the condition that male clients only use my mouth. I know he would be fine with me modeling."
"Baby, don't feel estranged from us. You don't need to do this to still be our friend," Anya spoke up for the first time.
"I know. It's just difficult for me because part of me... likes the cheap, easy gratification, but I want Dave more."
"You're family, Chrissy," Andrea stood and put her hands on Chrissy's shoulders and smiled at her.
"Family?" Chrissy looked up at her friend and then opened her arms.
"That's my bestie!" Andrea hugged Chrissy who started smiling.

Anya suggested they do a test scene just to see how the camera does at taking pictures and videos so that they know what they're working with. Chrissy excused herself to go upstairs and not keep Dave waiting, and Andrea followed to be with her brother. Patrick instead went downstairs with his sister while Chrissy took her leave.

"I'll be your test dummy!" Katia volunteered since it was all her idea.

The lifeguard kept her all storm red clothes, athletic shorts, t-shirt, and bandana, on her for this test, and she was tied up and gagged simply. Ropes tied her spreadeagle on the bed, and a blue ball gag shut her up. Andrea figured she'd be using the camera the most, so she decided to try it all first.

Andrea moved the camera around filming Katia while she struggled for the camera. They only took a minute of film, but Katia made sure that minute was worth it. After she finished the test film, Andrea also took a few photos from several different angles. But when the filming was done, Andrea and Anya went upstairs to upload it to the former's computer; Kaylee and Regina stayed downstairs.

"Come here, my beautiful guardian of the waters," Regina said as she climbed on top of Katia.

Katia moaned as her position was exploited with a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head. She stared into Regina's eyes and saw something different from lust. This was a congratulatory kiss from one friend to another, a reward for her desire to aid Chrissy during her psychological battle. Regina was proud of Katia.

"Let's get you untied and out of here, hmmm?"
"Mm hmm!" Katia nodded.
"She did a good thing for us all today," Kaylee commented.
"She certainly did," Regina responded.
"I'm jealous," Kaylee said softly, "because I never would have thought of such things."

Kaylee's words rang true for all four. Never would anyone have had this idea, at least not in the way Katia described it. There was so much flexibility in the model, and hopefully it would give Kaylee and Chrissy the leeway to reject a few more of the unsavory clients than they otherwise would accept for a miserable night. There was much gratitude indeed.

Somewhere further from Andrea's house, under the clear sky and all its stars, there was a stone wall. Chrissy stood on that wall, and she and David looked up at the stars. Now with her eyes level with his, Chrissy turned and gave David a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you!" she said, and he took her in his arms while she wrapped her arms and legs around him.

Up in the sky, the stars were twinkling, and I think even the Man on the Moon was smiling.
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Post by GreyLord »

This is a dramatic change of pace, perhaps into new, uncharted waters. It is well done and interesting. I'm eager to see where you will go with this.
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An Unlikely Savior Completed
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention]

Jessie & Martina (Andrea/Kaylee)

Kaylee opened her eyes and rubbed them a little. It seemed too dark, though, and she finally looked at the clock. 3:27 AM

"Sh-t," she cursed and went back to sleep.

Once again, Kaylee opened her eyes. It still felt wrong though! She groaned and rolled over and saw the clock. 4:58 AM

"F-ck!" she cursed and went back to sleep the second time.

How could she do a scene with Andrea in the morning if she was dead tired? This was no good! She needed rest and shuteye to be able to do that. And finally, the third time was the charm.

RINNGGGGGGGGG, the phone rang.
RINNGGGGGGGGG, the phone rang to make itself known.
"Huh?" Kaylee woke up again to see sun pouring through her window.
RINNGGGGGGGGG, the phone was growing agitated.
"Jack-sses!" she just kept cursing, it seemed.
RINNGGGGGGGGG, the phone, tears pouring down its cheeks, was desperate to finally be answered!

Now, there's serious doubt that the phone had any such emotions, but if phones could have emotions it would be something similar to the above.

"Hello?" she answered in a grumpy sleep manner.
"Kay, where are you?" Andrea asked.
"Home, where do you think?"
"You are supposed to be here in 10 minutes and haven't answered any texts!"
"Oh, damn it, I'm sorry! I'll be there 10 minutes late tops!"
Kaylee quickly threw on a denim skirt and a blue-and-white striped top. At least she had showered the night before, so she had time to grab microwave a frozen breakfast sandwich while she got dressed. Then, she grabbed the sandwich and flew out the door.

She had eaten half the sandwich while driving her golf cart to Andrea's house when she rounded a corner and missed her apex. She smacked into the stone wall and brought the cart to a jarring halt with her sandwich flying onto the sidewalk.

"Stupid b-tch, Kaylee! What the hell is wrong with you today?" she cursed at herself.

She got one thing right! Even with her little incident, she was only 6 minutes late. As she jumped out of the golf cart, the shoelace on her Canvas knockoffs snagged something, and she fell. Fortunately the only thing injured was her pride.

Kaylee let out a massive blue streak, nay a black streak, as she approached Andrea's door and knocked on it. She was still on her run of profanity and body parts when Andrea opened the door. The dominatrix shook her head in surprise and motioned for her friend to come in.
"Patty is out at the moment, but I got great news about him!"
"What?!" Kaylee asked with interest..
"He decided to move here after all, and he even volunteered, yes volunteered, to be our money guy to handle all the account sheets and everything!" Andrea said with excitement.
"Oh, awesome! So you won't have to do it?"
"Right!" Andrea's emotions were justified.

This was fantastic news indeed. Andrea had always handled their finances, but things would be much better with the professional Patrick handling it. He just needed to finalize the transfer with his employer, a big company with offices in the city near the resort, close enough for him to commute.

Kaylee surveyed the scene and observed the setup Andrea had made in her living room. There was the camera and its tripod, a bunch of rope and a gag, and a spotlight. It was a familiar scene to her, and she kindly noted that the spotlight works better when it is plugged into a wall outlet.

Andrea just paused and stared at Kaylee. Was this Georgia girl with a peanut-brain (pun intended) really saying this? She paused a second and realized that, indeed, she had turned the spotlight on just moments before Kaylee arrived and wondered why it didn't work initially, but the knock on the door had distracted her. In short, Kaylee was right.
"We can do this on the sofa, or we can do it out back, too!" Andrea suggested.
"Or, how about I hop from the sofa to the back porch? Yes, hello, Nelson," Kaylee said while petting Andrea's dog.
"Great idea!" Andrea was always open to new ideas, "Chrissy wants to try something, too."
"Oh, I believe it. How is she, by the way?" Kaylee asked about her friend.
"So much better, thank God! Oh, you should have seen her yesterday all scared and teary-eyed; it was heartbreaking. By the way, Pat will be be holding the camera for us, OK?"
"All right."

Kaylee was eager to make her first bondage film in some 2-3 years. The setup had a basic premise that was all too familiar to the two girls: cheating. The hard part was going to be keeping a straight face. Soon, Patrick arrived, and it was time to start filming...

"Hi, Martina, come on in!" greeted Jessie.
"Thank you! What's up?" Martina asked her friend.
"Oh, nothing special. Just a little wine and such between two ladies, right?" Jessie threw her blackish hair back as she walked into the kitchen.

These were more than ordinary glasses of wine. For one thing, as Jessie poured the glasses of wine, she poured a little clear liquid into one of them. She brought the glasses over and handed the spiked on to Martina. Then, Jessie sat on the loveseat while Martina sat on the sofa.

"How goes everything at work?" Jessie asked her friend.
"Oh, wonderful. Smoother than usual, really," Martina nodded, "How's your brother doing? He's visiting, right?"

Jessie confirmed that her visit with her brother was going fantastic. In fact, he was enjoying the life here even more than she had expected, and he had even met some of Jessie's friends... including Martina. Martina, of course, was taken aback, by this, and couldn't believe her ears, but Jessie made no accusations.

"Say, Jessie, is this wine spoiled?" Martina's voice started slurring.
"No, I just poured a little something in it. Ha ha!" Jessie gave a wicked laugh.
"You... slipped me... someth...," Martina passed out on the sofa.
Jessie pulled a backpack up onto the loveseat and opened the bag to take out a bunch of rope. She set to work binding Martina's wrists, elbows, breasts, ankles, knees, and thighs. Each knot was done with precision, and the binding was careful and deliberate. For certain, Martina was completely helpless and would be going nowhere anytime soon unless Jessie found the kindness to release the girl.

When Martina opened her eyes, she was at first unaware of where she was until she remembered that she had gone to visit her friend Jessie. When she tried to sit up, she discovered she couldn't move her arms or legs. She started grunting and squirming. After some time, she knew she had to cry out.

"Jessie! Where are you?!" Martina cried out
"About time you came around," Jessie walked over and grabbed Martina by the hair.
"OW! Why'd you tie me up?!" the victim asked.
"You slept with my brother, you wanton slut!"
"B-tch!" Martina swore at Jessie, "Let me the f-ck out of this before I kill you!"
"Be quiet now!"

Martina got a big white ball gag with black leather straps in her mouth to pry it open and make sure she was absolutely stuck. There was no turning back now, it seemed. Yelling into the gag only seemed to excite Jessie, who simply sat down and watched Martina's struggle with delight.
"Let's go outside! C'mon!"

Jessie pulled Martina into a standing position and gave her a hard spank on the butt while pushing her to hop to the back door. Martina swore into her gag and flipped off Jessie while refusing to move. Jessie spanked her harder, and that seemed to give Martina the hint that she had better move before worse happened to her.

With no other choice, Martina began hopping. It was a difficult process, but she got herself outside and into the screen room on the back of the house. Jessie dragged her former friend to a wicker chair and made her sit down on it. She undid the ties on the front of the skirt and pulled it down.

"Oh, you seduced my brother into d-cking you. Now you get some pleasure!"

Jessie roped a vibrator to the victim's crotch and turned it on and then pulled up the girl's shirt. A little more work, and her breasts were completely exposed for Jessie to fondle to her heart's content. Why fondle when you can put clothespins instead? Martina let out a yell of pain, and after some taunting Jessie walked away.

Martina was struggling and desperately seeking a way to find an escape. She just had to get out of this. The pain and vibration, however, was, after a few minutes gag talk and suffering, too much, and the girl let out a moan as she orgasmed. Just as she did that, she started drooling on herself as well, just in time for Jessie to return.
"Good news. I have a buyer for you, and he's coming over in an hour. Now you can have all the sex you ever wanted and then some," Jessie taunted her.
"No!" the girl started crying.
"Enjoy getting it harder in the b-nghole than my brother ever gave it to you in the p-ssy!"
"No! Eh ee oh! Oh!"


"You call this sh-t bondage p0rn?" Anya asked Andrea that evening.
"Sh-t?!" Kaylee was indignant, "This is Titanic compared to some things I made in college!"
"Relax. I am teasing. I once appeared in one of those stupid things where the giant stuffed spider wraps the girl and eats her," Anya recalled a funny moment.
"My worst wasn't that bad. You win."
"Oh," Anya giggled, "Martina. Whatever, y'all did fine. We can sell this and make a little moolah."
"Let's go and make some moooo-lah!" Patrick joked.

The girls first bondage film was in the books, and Patrick and Katia teamed up to spruce it up. They also were working on all the marketing and such together, and Katia saw potential to make this work with female visitors as well.

It was the start of a renewed sense of adventure! Who should get filmed next?
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Post by GreyLord »

This is an interesting turn, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]. You have unlimited potential for new material.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention]

Scarves Everywhere! (M/Regina)

"Hello Lydia!" Regina answered her phone with a happy tone, "Oh, I am doing great! How about you? How are Jason and the kids?"

It was a rare treat for Regina to get to talk to her sister who now was married, had two children, and lived 6 time zones away. Mostly it was just texting for them nowadays especially with Regina's work schedule. Sometimes it was hard to talk because of the events surrounding Regina that had been previously mentioned.

It was an image the security guard never got out of her head: her father d-cking another woman. That day completely soured Regina's opinion of marriage. While she wasn't religious, she had believed in monogamy until that day, but after that she no reason not to experiment. Since then it had been a stream of short-term relationships and the like. But, she was getting paid good money to be screwed by strangers, and it was so much fun to mix it with bondage that it was like a drug to her. It was such a drug that she'd get together with Katia in the dry spells just to get that high.

When Regina got off the phone, it was in fact time to prepare for a one-night stand of sorts. She went upstairs to her room and considered her clothes. Shorts, a t-shirt, and a yellow bandana was a good start for a client who wanted a scarf girl, but she wanted something a bit more provocative. In fact, what she was wearing was good for a rough f-ck, but she wanted a more meaningful session.

She took her entire scarf drawer from the wide chest and brought it downstairs and piled them all on the chairs by type: some 15-20 silk scarves on one, 25-30 bandanas on the second, 10-12 cotton scarves on the third, and another 25 or so lower quality fabrics on the fourth. The last group was only for bondage play.

Regina marched back upstairs and opened her closet. She removed her clothes and selected a nightie that was just solid enough to conceal her details but shear enough to be tantalizing. Now she looked perfect for a client, and she felt good enough to just jerk off in the case of a no-show. That sure wouldn't be the first time. She put her panties and socks on the chair for potential stuffing.

She sat on the couch and waited for her client to arrive... Waiting was hard! And there was no Rockies game to watch! That was doubly unfair, and she crossed her arms wondering how to pass the time... But then a knock came to announce his arrival. In a sudden moment of brilliance, she knew exactly what to do.

She strode to the door in a mature and peered through the peephole to confirm her client was waiting for her. Indeed she saw a man actually not much taller than herself; his complexion was dark, but not distinctive. He was bald and had a grey moustache and had young skin. In short, he was the 40 years of age indicated from his application and her background check.

"Shhhh!" Regina hushed him and motioned for him to walk inside.

Regina led him to the table and again motioned for silence while she showed him her scarf collection. Her hands gestured a little request he used those since he had mentioned enjoying scarf bondage in his request. Then she winked at him and laid on her back on the table with her crotch fully exposed for him to see. She wiggled her eyebrows to let him know she was ready and rolled onto her stomach while sliding out of her nightie to leave herself naked besides the scarf upon her head.

"OW!" she yelped, but then wagged a finger at him.

Lying down once again, she awaited her bondage having started the clock in her app already. She waited patiently knowing the client needed to decide his approach with so much at his disposal. In fact, he was going to use as much as possible if not all of it! That would be crazy and different!

He started with a silk scarf and bound Regina's wrists together behind her back quite effectively; he had probably experimented with scarves before. When that first bond is tied, she always felt a surge of energy overcome her. It was the thrill of bondage.

His binding her ankles, knees, and thighs with more silk scarves was unsurprising. Binding her elbows and combining five more to make a scarf chest harness was unsurprising as well as she had seem and experienced as much before. But that was where the mundane ended and the original began.

Both socks and the underwear were squeezed into a tightly packaged knotted inside a solid purple cotton scarf, and that package was jammed into Regina's mouth to gag her. She couldn't help but let out a moan as this was done, and the scarf was tightly knotted behind her head. Even if she wanted to say something, she couldn't.

Each bond along her legs and arms was reinforced with one of the polyester scarves; these had little flexibility and suddenly turned erotic softness into the rush of restriction. Suddenly she was quite securely bound and gagged with no way out that wouldn't cause trouble for herself or for him. Now she had to take it and see what happened.

Two more of the polyester scarves were combined to pin her arms to her waist. The next one was wrapped to cover her hands completely. That one was then secured with a bandana. This process then repeated on her feet so that they were no longer visible and were encased in the fabric.

Now he slowly went up Regina's arms with bandanas of various colors and patterns binding her with 12 or so of the cotton squares in order to complete cover her arms. He did the same with her lower legs and bandanas, but on her thighs he used the cotton scarves.

Using some more cotton scarves, he continued up her torso to cover all exposed areas. When he was done, from her neck down the only things visible were her breasts, butt, and p-ssy. But he was far from done. Her gag had only begun.

To Regina's gag was added a red bandana cleave gag, a yellow bandana OTM gag, and a blue Denver Broncos bandana triangle OTN gag. A purple bandana blindfolded her. Over her head he tied a silk scarf babushka style with a tight knot beneath her chin. Then, over her entire head he wrapped a cotton scarf and knotted at the nape of her neck.

Now Regina let out a groan of protest, but he responded with a black bandana cleave gag and another matching blindfold. The black one had the words "BAD COP" emblazoned on it in the diagonal. A pink bandana triangle OTN gag followed along with another babushka silk scarf. Another polyester scarf made a blindfold, but he took the long tails and tied them around her main elbow bond to force her head up.

The scarf bondage alone was stimulating enough, and Regina was wetting herself albeit she was not orgasming yet. Her breathing was difficult, and yet another triangle bandana OTM gag, this one orange, followed. A purple bandana neckerchief secured much of the fabric around her neck to hold this all in place.

Once again, Regina was cleave gagged with a blue bandana and blindfolded with a red one. Her final cotton scarf made another babushka tied, and a blue flowery bandana was her final triangle OTN gag. This was more than she could bare, and a heavily muffled grunt came as she orgasmed merely from this sexual thrill.

Another bandana tied her feet, and the rest were merely used to double or triple tie already tied parts. Regina was a mass of scarves lying upon her dining room table. Now it was time for the best part... the love-making part.

Regina struggled a little to no avail, and her gag talk was only heavily muted grunts. She couldn't talk or see, and her breathing was very difficult. She did, however, having her feeling in what little of her body was exposed. An adequately loud squeal came from her when she felt a strong invasion of her anus.

There wasn't much to do except get warm and get f-cked. The squeezes of her breasts stole her breath away... what little breath she had left. Nothing could be done at this point, and she felt a strange excitement as a result of her bondage. The scarves alone were like a vibrator, but then being fondled so fiercely and ass-f-cked was over the top.

It was a shame he could not hear her erotic groans of orgasmic pleasure. She shook to express herself while struggling for air. The breathlessness was a new sensation that also made her want to squeal upon realizing her state. The pushing in her rear was strong and infrequent, suggesting that he was going for a slow crescendo.

Every time he pushed, Regina was pushed into the table with a great force that helped double the breast squeezing with extra breast squeezing. Could anything more come of this? She was getting very sweaty, and that sensation also was a turn-on for her.

Regina couldn't help herself and started thrashing and screaming. The foul taste of her gag had now soaked out to her tongue to add yet another way in which she was helpless. This was more than she could handle, and her heart was racing now. Another squeeze and a groan.

She was squealing at the noxious stew that was cooking in her mouth, at the fondling, at the f-cking, at the sweating, at the layering of scarves, at the binding, at everything. EVERYTHING was torturing her, and his pushing was becoming harder and more frequent as he became harder. Everything was accelerating toward a climax.

Regina let out an incredible shriek of sexual pain and pleasure when he began ejaculating into her body with great force. She thrashed and let out a second shriek as she began oozing some more of her own fluids out of her body onto the table. When he was soft again, he pulled himself out of her.


Someone had read up on Regina's kinks for sure. He even swatted her nipples when she was on her side. But those bondage butt spanks were the best for sure, and she couldn't get enough of them.


It was a perfect session indeed. But, next thing the red-head knew, she was being carried over to her sofa and lying on her client's lap. He started crushing her breasts from this new vantage point and groping her p-ssy until she felt him getting hard again. By that time she was shrieking anew from another forced orgasm.

Finally, Regina felt the scarves on her head come off one at a time. She didn't even consider how much clean-up she'd have after this one. He removed them nothing remained but the base scarf that held that package in her mouth. She was beet red and drenched in sweat, and a kiss on the cheek evoked a moan, a shudder, and a slight squirm. Now it was apparent that the purple bandana from around her neck was a Colorado Rockies one, and he used that one to blindfold her the second time.

"I'm a D-Backs fan myself," he whispered into her ear in the one time he spoke.

Regina was tired now and offered no resistance besides her sounds as he returned to her butt for seconds. A squeal came, and she felt a surge of energy overcome though when he pushed inside her. This time was different though; instead, he was soft and romantic and began kissing her cheeks. Each kiss was like a thunderbolt to her though, and she knew he was working her up again.

As he continued, he slowly removed unnecessary scarves until she was down to the original main binding that restricted her motion completely. She was just as helpless and drenched in sweat all over. The pushing got harder and deeper with time, and she started groaning and resisting again only to received another hard spank.


There was nothing left to do but keep fighting him really. She couldn't lay down and take it even during a more romantic scene. Even when he resumed kissing her and rubbing her shoulders and squeezing her breasts she couldn't stay still, could she. But, suddenly, she felt herself melting in the erotic thrill of her scarves. She suddenly motioned for him to stop, and she gave the signal for him to remove her gag.

Regina said nothing but motioned for him to clean his d-ck and stuff it in her mouth. This was a treat on the house for him, and she eagerly anticipated his return. When he returned, Regina let out a shriek as he roughly pulled her across the table so that he could jam his c-ck down her throat. She was quite severely handled and made some loud protests about this situation, but she wanted it so much. It was just what she needed to get herself off one last time.

"Mmmmm!" she groaned as she squirted onto the table for the final time of the session.


That last spank got her yelling at him, but he began pumping into her mouth with a stream of happy groans emanating from her. It was bondage like this that she enjoyed the most of all, and it was just as enjoyable as always.

With that, he gagged her again with the gross laundry package and hogtied her with another scarf. Then, put cotton scarves together to make a tight waist/crotch binding with several large and invasive knots pushing against her p-ssy. Finally, he pulled his shorts up and left her alone bound and gagged and blindfolded. She listened to make sure he was really gone and that the door had locked but otherwise lay there panting heavily and without moving.

The session had gone according to plan and better than she had hoped. In 15 minutes, her automatic text to Chrissy would send. With that time, she squirmed helplessly on the table and enjoyed the way she was bound. The knot pushed deep into her and would eventually work especially since the hogtie was very tight and attached directly to the crotch strip after wrapping around her wrist bonds.

She pulled tightly upon it to push it to do its duty, and she let out a loud groan of pain because she was not used to getting wet this much in a day let alone 2 and a half hours. But it felt so good especially when she heard Chrissy entering. It was sad for it to end, but it was necessary for her adventure to end.

It was an adventure she would never forget.
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Post by GreyLord »

Regina seems to be happy. It is nice to see someone get what they want. Good show, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention].
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Apologies for not keeping up with your very fascinating writing! I caught the last one and it is still quite superb! Layered scarves offer a host of opportunities from binding to sensory deprivation and you pulled it off marvelously!
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention] [mention]tickletied84[/mention]

Lowered Her Guard (Andrea/Katia)

WARNING: This chapter will discuss themes some consider troubling, particularly abuse and trauma. Enter the spoiler if you dare.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Yeah, you're right, that is dark and quite a hard read at points.
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Post by GreyLord »

Katia's background is sad and difficult. Hopefully, more time in her current supportive environment will help ease her memories of her past.
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]tiedpgirl[/mention] [mention]DommeKirsten[/mention] [mention]tickletied84[/mention]

Amy & Chelsea 1 (Anya/F & F/Anya)

“Oh my goodness, what do we have here?”

Andrea sat on her sofa with her iPad while studying the latest batch of applications for sessions at the resort. She looked at all applications regardless of Regina’s more “expert” opinion because sometimes she had a bad feeling about someone; and Regina did likewise. Rarely did they disagree enough to discuss.

“Anya, baby, when you get a chance, call me back. I’ll be home all morning. Mwah!”

Anya called back at lunchtime so they could discuss an interesting and different client who had heard about Anya and wanted to learn from the resort's professional escape artist. This girl was willing to pay Anya’s regular rate, but she especially wanted what could be described as a master class.

“Send her over! I have nothing better to do!”

Anya waited at her work desk for the client to walk into the hotel lobby. Amy had the typical Northern blonde hair, but a mixed ancestry of some kind gave her otherwise thoroughly Irish skin a fine tan. She had black leggings, a black tank top, and black sandals that made the hair pop when it fell against the fabric.

“May I help you?” Anya stepped out from behind her desk.
“I am looking for Miss Anya?” the young woman stopped and looked at Anya.
“I am Anya. What do you need this afternoon?” the clerk led the guest to one of the lobby sofas.
“I’m Amy Russell, and I hate to say this as it sounds so silly, but… I’m a fan of yours,” Amy blushed a little bit when she admitted this, “I’ve seen so much of your modeling work.”
“Excuse me, Amy. Do you do some yourself?” Anya wanted to get to know this one a little better.
“Yes, I play with my sister and her husband,” the red face got redder.
“No shame here. Come on, sweetheart, let’s get you some supper. Where are you from?” Anya led the girl toward The Grill.
“Honolulu… about 30 minutes away,” she sheepishly admitted, “I came to escape for a couple of days.”
“No way! Well, you came to the right girl. You came to escape with an escaper. Why me though?”
“You're just my go-to model for inspiration even if we look nothing alike we both apparently love a good escape game. My sister found your page here, and I decided to try it,” the shyness was beginning to wear off.

Anya and Amy talked throughout dinner, and it quickly became apparent to Anya that the girl was a little out of the ordinary. She was a genuine nerd, a freshly graduated University lab grunt, and had lived on the island her entire life, and she loved coming to the resort to detox for a day or two. They talked a little about kinks and the like to get a base, but mostly they got to know each other.

“Here we are. The Escape Labs,” Anya joked as she invited the girl into her suite.
“You live in a hotel suite?” the girl hadn't heard of such a thing.
“They upgraded it a little just for me, but yes. Take a seat, and I’ll teach you the ropes. Why do you want to get better at escaping?” Anya opened her trunk.
“My sister and I love to do races… Whoever escapes first gets to tease and torture the other. But… it's mostly me. I want to be able to shock her by just besting her one night,” Amy became excited.

Amy’s eyes sparkled with amazement as she described her innocent purpose in wanting these classes. Anya studied her reactions and knew she had no ordinary girl on her hands. Something about this one was particularly special, and she wasn't sure what. The escapologist knew that she wanted to get this girl together with some of her colleagues though.

“Tie my arms up behind me, if you dare,” Anya handed some rope to the shocked girl.
“Me?! Tying you up?!” she stated the obvious.
“Yes, girlfriend, you tie me,” Anya gave a gentle verbal nudge.

Amy found it strange to be tying up her bondage hero so that said hero could pass along the trade secrets. But here the 23 year old was doing it well and doing it with confidence. Anya was more than happy, however, to share her techniques because no one could steal Anya’s personality no matter what skills they may learn from her.

“This is so awesome!” the blonde blurted her true feelings.

Once Anya’s arms were tied, Anya began explaining how she moves about to handle the combination of elbow and wrist bondage. It was really an art, but it was an art that could be learned if you had natural talent towards it. Once must have the right ability to twist, but the skill, Anya said, lay in the muscle contractions and other such factors.

“Voila!” Anya announced as the ropes fell around her.
“I’m still not sure what happened there,” Amy scratched her head.
“Shall we try it again?” the teacher asked her student.
“May we?”

Anya repeated her explanation more carefully and repeated her incredible escape from the ropes. Anya then tied Amy’s arms behind her in similar fashion; the girl was stiffer in the elbows than even the Indian escapologist. She listened to what Anya said and was able to slowly work out even if it took her 9 minutes to Anya’s 4. Practice, Anya cautioned, really does make perfect.

They repeated the exercise twice more until Amy felt comfortable with what Anya was saying. She got down below 8 minutes by that time, and the girl seemed content as well. With that, Anya decided it was time to move on.

“Tie me up my torso really well so that my arms are completely restrained.”

This meant a really good breast harness along with Anya’s wrists and elbows. The harness had ropes above and below her breasts, coming around her neck to make a V in between her breasts, and cinching the ropes under her armpits as well. These were accompanied by a waist rope that cinched her wrists down to her back.

It took closer to 10 minutes, but the incredible Houd-Anya escaped this as well! As before, she explained it all to her enthusiastic student and admirer. Then, Anya bound the girl up just as well and talked her through a 20 minute escape. This time, Amy was satisfied with her first attempt and wanted to move on.

“Those were exactly what I wanted!” Amy spoke excitedly as she removed the last rope.
“Good. Now, we have plenty of time. How about one of us gets completely bound and gagged and tortured by the other while trying to escape?” Anya looked to her guest.
“I’d like that. Maybe it should be me? I like the torture.”

Amy told Anya what was allowed and what wasn't allowed and, combined with the other evidence, knew she had a true switch on her hands. Not only did Anya secure the torso as before but she also tied Amy’s ankles, knees, lower thighs, and upper thighs and ball tied the girl with a rope around her ankles and torso. A pair of clean panties and a few strips of black duct tape kept her quiet.

“You really made a mistake letting me be in charge, Miss Amy,” Anya teased her.
“Hmmm?” she asked disinterestedly while focusing on her escape.
“You gave me permission to make life hell while you escape, and I sure will!”
“YOW!” she felt a smack on her butt to get the party going.
“Thank you so much, girlfriend.”

Amy put her best effort towards escaping her captivity, but at the same time she was Anya’s plaything. Spanks, breast massages, and vibration all made appearances while the blonde was extricating herself from the ropes. She wasn't much for gag talk, but she made her noises worth it by uttering complaints to Anya.

She struggled and struggled and realized that Anya’s words were true. Not only was Anya’s advice true, but so was her cruelty. Just when Amy thought she had escaped, Anya pulled out the cruel side of herself by re-tying the loosened bonds, hogtying, and pulling a simple black hood over her head!

Now Amy had to do it all again while being fondled, groped, and vibrated, but the determined soul did it. She got herself out and pulled the hood off to reveal her beet red face. Then the gag came off, and she spat out the stuffing.

“Hoods are interesting… I’ve never been hooded before,” she studied the fabric.
“And?” Anya’s tone was anticipating the reaction.
“I’d say it's the coolest thing I’ve ever experienced, and I liked the gag too.”
“Amy, do you have time to spare?” Anya’s mind worked quickly.
“I'm here tonight and all day tomorrow,” the student replied.
“I want you to meet some people. Let's go,” Anya motioned for Amy to follow.

Anya just had to introduce this girl to Chrissy and the bosses.
Last edited by AlexUSA3 10 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Where did you find Amy? What a wonderful new addition to the story. I hope that we will read more about her right away since she is staying longer. Then I would hope that she make reappearances. Good work, [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention].
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] is absolutely right: Amy is a wonderful addition [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]
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