Rainbow Falls Chronicles M/M (Ongoing)

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Rainbow Falls Chronicles M/M (Ongoing)

Post by Ticklishguy »

01. Shadownapped

The sun shone brightly on the mid-October afternoon. The leaves on the trees were a beautiful display of red, yellow, and orange colors. The fallen ones crunched under the pedestrian's footwear as they headed to various destinations.

Twenty-four-year-old Travis Michaels deeply inhaled the crisp autumn air as he stood on the front porch of the stately three-story hundred-year-old Victorian manor he owned with his twin brother, Trevor Michaels. The twins had magic powers and a couple of guys they trusted with their lives. Travis called himself Lightstream because he could manipulate sunlight and moonlight, and his magic could also heal. Trevor's name was Shadow because he controlled shadows and could create black fog and darkness. Of course, like any magic powers, they had limits, and their magic was not fully matured. If Travis was restrained in anything black and couldn't see any light, his powers were useless. Being unable to see shadows and the color white had the same effect on Trevor.

Twenty-two-year-old Bradley Chadwick III, Trevor's boyfriend, also possessed magical abilities. He could temporarily neutralize another person's magic and was also a wiz with technology. His magic was useless if he couldn't touch or see the person he wanted to stop. Twenty-five-year-old Hunter Wolf, Travis's boyfriend, could track and find anything or anyone. He also could blend in with his surroundings without being seen. He and Bradley worked with their lovers in helping to protect Rainbow Falls. Hunter led the city's Guardians, and Bradley was his partner and trained the junior members.

The five-foot-eleven-inch tall male took a sip from the steaming cup of homemade apple cider in his hand. His silvery light green eyes sparkled with curiosity about what the rest of the day would offer. The young man walked inside and placed the mug on a coaster on top of the square wooden glass top side table beside the light blue fabric upholstered armchair that was to the left of the floor-to-ceiling window. He sat down and relaxed in the comfortable chair, with one light blue skinny jeans-clad leg crossed over the other, then lightly ran his fingers through his flame-red hair with white and orange highlights. Travis's toes wiggled inside the white with grey stripes athletic ankle socks. The redhead picked up his cider, took the last sip, then stood on the oriental rug that covered the light-colored hardwood floor, stretched, and walked through the open-concept living and dining space into the kitchen. He rinsed the mint green mug in the stainless steel double basin sink, then placed it in the dishwasher with the other dishes that waited to be washed when the appliance was filled up.

Trevor stood on the first landing of the stairs and softly giggled as he got ready to play with his brother. The playful male's aquamarine-colored eyes flashed when his twin's size twelve sock-clad feet were standing on the maroon and dark blue colored oriental rug. A shadow tendril slithered along the floor toward its unsuspecting target. It solidified, wrapped around his ankles, pulled them together, and flattened against his light tan skin to look like black duct tape. Travis yelped as he felt his ankles being pulled backward. His hundred-and-sixty-five-pound body fell to the floor so that he was on his hands and knees. Another tendril wrapped around his wrists and did the same thing as the first one after it pulled its victim's arms up over his head.

"Trev, you're sooo gonna regret this," Travis hollered. He could hear his raven-haired brother's giggles from the stairs. His slightly bulging leg and arm muscles strained as the trapped magic user attempted to escape his predicament.

"It's fun to play with my twin, Trav," Trevor said. His smiling face and spikey jet-black hair with dark blue highlights appeared around the corner of the light blue colored wall. He giggled, approached the helpless redhead, and sat beside him on the rug. "So, how's my fav bro's day been?"

Travis half-heartedly growled and continued to pull against the shadows restraining him, despite the knowledge it was useless. "Pretty good until my bro trapped me," he said.

The two-toned-haired male chuckled and said, "ya know, you need to laugh more, Trav." Trevor's eyes sparkled as he rubbed his hands together.

Travis's eyes widened as he gasped just before a flat black shadow formed on his mouth and pulled his lips together. This created a very effective gag and kept him from speaking. His head shook from side to side, and his eyes narrowed. "No, I don't, and can't you make these shadow thingies taste any better." the gagged redhead growled. He used the telepathic link he shared with his brother.

Between them, Travis was stronger, physically speaking, and more ticklish. However, some spots on Trevor that Bradley discovered made him scream with laughter.

Trevor chuckled as he removed the lime green teeshirt from his twin's muscular upper body. He dug his fingers into the fleshy spaces between his captive's ribs. It only took a minute or two for Travis's muffled screams and laughter to reach his ears. In his head, the tickler heard his brother's unhindered hysterical laughs. His eyes flashed and created three tendrils. The first one struck his brother's bare belly button, and the others morphed into hands and then tickled the hairless armpit hollows.

Travis's body wriggled and rolled as much as possible, which wasn't very much because his brother's magic had him totally pinned and helpless. His ticklish screeches and laughter sounded nothing like they did through the telepathic link. His powerful legs pulled and pushed against the bonds keeping his ankles together as his feet flipped back and forth and his toes flexed and curled. Travis's back arched, and his ass slightly lifted off the rug. "This is sooo unfair, Trevor," the redhead screeched between the unending laughter.

A mischievous grin formed on the raven-haired twin's lips as he made the tickling cease. Travis's eyes never left his brother's body as he watched the male witch plan. He could hear the soft chuckles in his head, and he groaned.

Trevor licked his lips then his eyes glowed brightly. "Since my brother thinks I've not been fair, now make his body float suspended in the air."

Travis grunted into the tendril gag as he was levitated. He closed his eyes and mentally tried to block the spell, but the black shadows around his wrists and ankles kept him bound, and the tickling weakened him.

A boyish giggle left the casting witch's lips as he continued the spell. "Here's a trick that's really neat. Remove the socks from Travis's feet."

"Shit, don't take my socks," Travis hollered telepathically.

The plump toes wiggled when the air floated across his silky bare soles. The arches wrinkled and smoothed out when his feet flexed back and forth. Muffled laughter spewed from him when his brother's ten fingernails lightly stroked and scratched slowly up and down his vulnerable ticklish soles. The volume and pitch rose when the base of his toes and the spaces between them were tickled by shadow tendrils as they slid along his tender skin.

Trevor waved his hand, making everything that tickled his brother's sweat-soaked glistening body and the gag disappear. He conjured a freezing cold bottle of water, then supported Travis's head as he helped his twin slowly sip the refreshing liquid. He put the plastic container on the side table, smiled, lightly ran his fingers through his brother's hair, and kissed his damp forehead. "I didn't go too far. Did I, big bro? I love ya too much to ever hurt you." Travis was born three minutes before him. "It's just that we've been working so hard lately and haven't had any bonding or playtime with each other. Also, you really did need the laughs. I could feel your emotions, bro," Trevor said.

"Trevor, you could never hurt me. I know you love me as much as I love you." The redhead's eyes sparkled, and he softly chuckled as his arms wrapped around Trevor's neck. "You always know how to make me smile and laugh, baby bro." He grinned, waved his hand, and Trevor's legs plopped onto his lap. With a snap of his fingers, the raven-haired man's black and purple striped socks disappeared from his feet.

"Now, Trav, you don't..." That was all Trevor could say before his boisterous high-pitched laughter took over his ability to speak because his brother held his toes back as fingernails rapidly strummed across the balls of his soft, size twelve soles. His legs pumped and tried to free themselves from Travis's hold on them. The dark-haired male's head flew back and forth and shook from side to side as his string of continuous cackles filled the house. His feet were one of his major tickle spots.

Travis giggled and said, "I wasn't the only one who needed to laugh, baby bro."

Bradley's motorcycle roared as he drove along Nantucket St. The six-foot-tall blonde male turned into the long winding driveway that led up to the manor. He parked his bike beside his mate's black 2022 Dodge Charger, removed his helmet, and walked up to the front door. He could hear his boy's laughter through the door. He chuckled, shook his head, and entered the home. "I brought lunch, guys," Bradley said as he walked into the living room. He paused, kissed the twin's heads, and then headed for the kitchen counter where he sat his backpack that contained the food from their favorite restaurant.

"Fuck yeah, we're starved," the twins hollered in unison.

The brothers jumped up, ran across the floor, wrapped their arms around Bradley's body, gave him a double bear hug, and kissed his cheeks.

After Travis let go, Trevor gave his lover a much more passionate kiss on his soft, warm, and plump pinkish lips. He giggled and squealed when Bradley lifted him off the floor and twirled him around in a circle before he was set back on his feet. "I love ya, Brad. You're the best boyfriend ever."

"Yeah, ditto, but as a bro," Travis said as he pulled down plates for the food. The redhead turned and looked at his twin, then said, "Umm, aside from Trev, of course," he giggled and dodged his brother's attempt to swat his head.

Bradley's cheeks blushed a light pink as he giggled and said, "I love ya too, my adorable shadow elf and bro."

The young men had Bud light to drink with their lunch of triple bacon burgers and fries.

"Oh, shit, Trav," Bradley said after he swallowed a bite of his burger.

"What's up, Brad?" The redhead responded before sipping his beer.

"I just remembered, there's a double eclipse coming up the day after tomorrow."

Travis and Trevor looked like mirror images of each other as they sat their burgers on their plates, gulped, and stared into each other's eyes.

Bradley shook his head and said, "no matter how many times I see y'all do that, it still amazes and freaks me out,"

Despite the seriousness of the conversation, the table erupted with the young men's laughter.

"Bro, that means you're essentially gonna be powerless and barely able to move," Trevor said with much concern for his brother's wellbeing.

"I know, Trevor," Travis said as he gazed outside through the sliding glass door at the mountains in the distance. "I'm gonna have to start tonight, pulling and conserving light energy to try and sustain myself through both eclipses, as well as maintaining the protective field surrounding the manor."

Trevor's body shivered from the range of emotions pouring from his twin. He reached out, took hold of Travis's hands, and said, "You're not alone, Travis. I'm here, and so are Brad and Hunter. Don't hesitate to depend on us or ask for anything you need. I...we all love you, big bro."

Tears fell from Travis's eyes as he got up and embraced his table mates. "I love both of you also, and thanks for always having my back and loving me," he said.

"Trav, the four of us are a family," Brad said with a resounding symphony of sincerity and confidence in his voice.

Trevor beamed with pride because of his mate's affirmation.

Later, after the sun had set, Travis went up to the sky deck on the manor. He sat on the wooden planks, crosslegged, closed his eyes, and a glowing light surrounded his body as he absorbed the full moon's energy. Bradley was at the manor and made sure Travis wasn't alone in case of an attack.

Trevor was on patrol as Shadow in his black skintight bodysuit, purple belt, boots, and mask. He drove his black and silver motorcycle and kept constant contact with Hunter, who was also patrolling the streets. He'd just turned off Main St. onto Corona Ave. when he saw some flashes of light in the distance. "Yo! Hunter, did you see those flashes?" Trevor asked into his helmet's Bluetooth.

"Yeah, they came from the direction of the docks," Hunter replied.

"I'm close. I'll check it out," Trevor said.

"Be careful, Shadow. I'm about five minutes away."

"Thanks for caring, bro."

"Hey, I gotta watch out for ya. If I didn't, I'd have to deal with my boy's pouting, and that's worse than any evil torture device," Hunter said as he and Trevor shared a hearty chuckle.

The young witch reached the area where he saw the flashes coming from. Immediately, he saw that three of the Jr. Guardians were surrounded by Copy Cat, a lower-level villain who could make clones of himself. Trevor's bike skidded to a halt. He dismounted and removed his helmet before running to aid the younger heroes. "Hang on, guys," Trevor shouted.

While approaching the skirmish, he sent tendril after tendril flying at the attacker. They started at the clone's ankles and rapidly wound upwards, creating a cocoon of shadows. It wasn't long before the overwhelmed young guardians could handle their own fights as multiple attackers fell and became motionless or disappeared. By the time Hunter joined them, the tide had turned, and all but three of the Copy Cats were taken out, and those three ran away.

"Is everyone okay?" the six-foot-two, one hundred-and-eighty-five-pound, dirty blonde-haired leader asked after removing his helmet.

"Yeah, thanks to Shadow," Kyle Baxter responded as he gingerly massaged a spot on his arm where he'd been hit.

Trevor grinned, giggled, squirmed, and blushed as he was given praise, hugs, and even some tickles from the young men he helped. He composed himself, then looked in the direction Copy Cat ran. "Hey, Hunt, I'm gonna go see if Cat got away," he said.

"Go for it, but take one of the guys with you in case there's trouble," Hunter ordered. "And, stay in touch with me," he said with narrowed eyes.

"Geez, one time, I didn't call one time, and ya keep bustin' me for it, ya nag," Trevor giggled and yelped as he jumped away from Hunter's hand when he tried swatting his head. "C'mon Ky, you're with me," Trevor chuckled and blew a raspberry at Hunter, "Love ya, Hunt."

Hunter shook his head and chuckled. "Love ya too, kid."

Kyle and Trevor talked about the attack and how it started. The pair had just rounded the corner of a building when a combination flash and knockout gas bomb exploded above them. Kyle was out within a second.

"Hunter, we've been hit with a flash gas grenade combo, Ky's..." The witch's sentence was cut off as the gas filled his lungs and did its job.

"I got 'em," Copy Cat said as he and two other clones bound the hero’s wrists and ankles with white duct tape, and blindfolded him. Then, they picked up the unconscious Shadow and carried him off into the darkness.

"Ky, Shadow, where are y'all?" Hunter called out as he followed the tracker embedded in the heel of Kyle's boots. He gasped when he got there and only saw Kyle's unmoving body lying on the ground. He wiped the tears from his eyes and called Bradley.

"Hey, Hunt, how is everything out there?"

"Bro, I hate having to say this, but Shadow's been Shadownapped."
Last edited by Ticklishguy 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Volobond »

How intriguing! I'm excited to see where this goes, though already the close relationship between the twins and their partners is great!

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Post by Ticklishguy »

Volobond wrote: 1 year ago How intriguing! I'm excited to see where this goes, though already the close relationship between the twins and their partners is great!
Thanks [mention]Volobond[/mention] I really appreciate the comment, and hope I keep your interest. I'm hoping to make this story, like a Justice League series, with different heroes and villains. I loved writing the first chapter.
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Post by Camguy2050 »

great story so far very interesting powers they have cant wait for part 2
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Post by Ticklishguy »

02. Rescued Shadow

Bradley gasped and let the tears drip down his cheeks. "My mate's been kidnapped?" He paused while listening to Hunter's account of everything that happened. "Umm, Hunt, should we tell Trav that his…"

"Brother's been captured?"

The red-haired witch’s sudden appearance, combined with the interruption and completion of his statement, made Bradley yelp and almost drop the phone. "T-Travis," Bradley momentarily stammered. "I only asked Hunter because…"

Travis wiped his tears before he walked up to, then embraced his twin's emotional mate and kissed his cheek. "I know why you asked the question, bro. You were trying to decide the best course of action because of the situation and the upcoming eclipses. It's put us all in a very awkward position." The redhead paused and sighed before he continued. "Hell, I don't know what I'd do if it was you, me, or Hunter who was captured."

Bradley nodded as he returned the affection. Next, he placed the phone on speaker, so Hunter could be heard and brought into the conversation.

Hunter's sorrow-filled voice came across the line's connection. "Babe, I'm sorry that I let Shadow be caught. I'm taking full..."

"Hunt, you're not to blame. Sweetie, we all know the risks of protecting the city and each other," Travis said, attempting to calm his lover.

"But, Light, we don't know where Shadow is," Hunter responded.

"Yes, we do." Travis couldn't help his boyish giggling when he saw Bradley's facial expression.


Bradley's and Hunter's unified question brought even more laughter to Travis. "Shadow used our twin sense to let me know he was in danger. When he's conscious and opens the link, we can find his location and rescue him."

"You do mean we, right, Lightstream" Hunter asked with a serious tone. "I don't want you running off on your own."

"Of course, I mean we, babe. I'd never be that stupid to go off on a rescue mission alone," Travis said.

Bradley smirked and said, "again, you mean, doncha, bro." From behind, he clutched his mate's brother's body just above his hips, and his fingers kneaded the soft fleshy spot.

Travis jerked from side to side as he jumped up and down like a cricket in Bradley's inescapable grip. “Brahahahahadlehehehey, yooohoohoou're tihihihickling meeeheeheee," the male witch squealed between his wild laughter. He panted and playfully growled at the younger, giggling man. "One time, I went off on my own, one time, and ya still jump on me for it," Travis said before blowing a raspberry.

Hunter chuckled at his mate's and Bradley's playfulness. He loved the close relationship he and the three younger guys shared. "There's no question you're Shadow's brother. He said the same thing when I told him to stay in contact with me. I gotta go check on Ky, guys. I'll call back later to see where things are. I love you both."

"Love you too, babe/Hunt," Bradley and Travis replied in unison.

Travis giggled as he wrapped his arms around Bradley's waist, kissed his cheek, and laid his head on the taller man's muscular chest. Bradley lowered his chin onto Travis's shoulder and wrapped his arms around him.

"Thanks for tickling me. I needed it to take my mind off Trev," Travis said between his soft sobs.

"We both needed your laughter and the distraction, big bro."

The red-haired male raised his head and looked into Bradley's teary light golden eyes. "Brad, that's the first time you've called me big bro," he said.

"Well, you are my big brother, aren't ya?" Bradley asked.

"Always and forever, Brad," Travis said as he dried his tears.

"Ya know, Trev's gonna be fine, and we'll get him back," the two men said in unison.

"C'mon, baby bro, you can help me make some explosive potions while we wait for Trev to open the link," Travis said.

Bradley nodded and followed the redhead into the kitchen.


In his warehouse, by the docks, Copy Cat grinned, and his warm moist tongue lightly slid across his lips as he gazed upon the resting captured hero. The twenty-seven-year-old bi-racial male's slender fingers gently rubbed the end of his chin. With his height of five-foot-seven inches, the villain was often underestimated and discounted as a powerful force. However, the curly-haired brunet was more muscular than he appeared and more cunning than anyone thought. He only kidnapped Shadow as bait to trap Lightstream and prove to himself and others that he could capture the heroic pair.

The villain had his copies take Shadow to a room with white walls, where they stripped the younger man down to his underwear and used some white rope to bind his acquired treasure to a St. Andrew's cross. He softly purred and ran his fingers through his dark brown, almost black hair. He did nothing to stifle the light giggles that flowed from him as he lightly traced his index fingertip along the edge of the waistband of Shadow's underwear. His light brown eyes widened and twinkled with excitement when his middle fingernail barely touched the restrained man's plump bare toes as it ran along the edges of each digit. His captive's feet instantly shook from side to side, his silky arches wrinkled as his body twitched and slightly wriggled. Shadow's light, airy giggling and whispered affirmation that it tickled made the captor's black jeans tighten as his manhood plumped and stiffened.

The brunet got on his knees, leaned forward, and lightly touched the balls of the other man's quivering right foot. Copy Cat's nose ran along the bases of Shadow's toes as he generously inhaled the natural musky scent, and it got him horny in seconds. He also couldn't deny how adorable the hero's underwear looked on him. They were white briefs decorated with little monkeys eating bananas, and there was a pinkish-orange trim on the waistband and leg holes. He unbuttoned, then unzipped his jeans and pulled them down enough to masturbate as he gently nibbled each toe and sucked them. The man was so worked up and turned on that he released his semen in less than five minutes.

"Ugh, my head," Shadow exclaimed.

As his eyes began to flutter open, his senses awakened, and the young hero quickly realized he was immobilized and wearing only his underwear. He looked around the white-walled room, and a bright pink blush developed on his cheeks when he saw his captor's amused smile and bright eyes.

"Copy Cat, what the fuck are you up to?" the raven-haired male growled.

The villain's cackling filled the room. Copy Cat walked closer to the struggling man's body.


"Can ya hand me the dragon's blood, Brad?" Travis asked as he threw powders into the smoking cauldron. "Thanks, bro. Now, stand back."

Bradley stepped back and watched as Travis stood beside him and tossed the last powder into the concoction. As soon as the substance landed in the black metal basin, a blast sounded, followed by a quick puff of fiery smoke. He'd watched both twins do this many times before but was still amazed by the results. "Hey, can you and Trev teach me to make potions and do magic?" he asked.

"Sure, if you want to learn. Being able to cast a spell really boils down to following a recipe and believing in the results. If you believe it, then you can achieve it," Travis said as he put the potion into small vials.

"I've always wondered something, Trav," Bradley said as he put the vials into a couple of travel containers.

Travis smiled, raised his arm, and giggled as he ruffled Bradley's hair. "What's that, bro?" he asked.

"Why do you and Trev have the alter ego names and costumes? I mean, it's not like you guys have to hide your identities like some of the guardians and other heroes."

Travis's head flew back as he released heartfelt boisterous cackles. "That was Trev's idea. When he was a kid, he was obsessed with Wonder Woman, He-Man, She-Ra, The Flash, Superman, and other superheroes. He didn't want to be a hero without me, so he talked me into the whole thing. Also, our light and shadow powers are mystical and handed down through generations. Most superheroes and villains got their superpowers through science or some explainable event. Even with all the power-wielding inhabitants of Rainbow Falls, there's not much tolerance or understanding of true magic, witches, the craft, or other supernatural beings."

"That really sucks. You'd think people would be more open-minded these days," Bradley said as he hugged Travis and kissed his cheek.

The young men sat on the couch. Travis pulled Bradley's legs across his lap, then gently massaged his newly claimed brother's bare feet. Bradley's toes flexed and curled as contented sighs and soft giggles floated into the room from behind the blonde male's parted lips.

"Trevor's too sweet and adorable," Bradley said. He swiped his fingers at the tears in his eyes as he thought about the raven-haired witch he'd fallen in love with.

Travis could feel the intense love and devotion in Bradley's heart for him and Trevor and smiled. "I know how much you love us, and more specifically, my brother," he said as he shifted his position and gently rubbed Bradley's back and shoulders.

"I do love him," Bradley affirmed.

The blonde's eyes were red, and tears streamed down his cheeks when he turned and faced the slightly older man. He wrapped his arms around Travis, laid his head on his chest, and cried.

Travis lovingly kissed his brother's head and comforted the emotional young man. He pulled back just enough to be able to gaze into the teary eyes and said, "Come with me, bro."

Bradley nodded, then got to his feet and stretched. "Where are we going?"

"To scry for my brother, we're not waiting for him to open our link," Travis said as he led Bradley into the room that held the brother's book of shadows.


"Hey, get away from me," Shadow warned.

The young hero's muscles strained as he pulled against the restraints keeping him bound to the cross.

Copy Cat giggled as he continued advancing closer to his prey. "I think it's time for you to be given a test," he said before creating a pair of clones that stood on either side of the helpless Shadow.

"Umm, nah, I'm good, dude. Besides, I haven't had time to study for anything," Shadow said between his nervous giggling.

"Don't worry, kid. All you need to know is how to laugh," the villain's laughter increased when he saw the younger man's body shiver and his toes scrunch as his left foot covered the right one and vice versa.

"Sweet, I love to laugh, especially at jokes," Shadow said with a chuckle. "Does that mean you're gonna go into being a comedian?"

Copy Cat shook his head and laughed. "You're an adorably cute hero, Shadow," he said.

The villain handed each of his clones a sonic toothbrush. Moving in synch, they switched the brushes on, then slowly and lightly ran the swiveling, swirling bristles along Shadow's tanned nipples. Instantly, the room filled with the trapped hero's boyish giggles. Shadow's back arched, and his ass bounced up and down on the bench of the cross.

"C'mohohohohon, nohohohohot thihihihiiissss," Shadow squealed. His cheeks turned bright pink from the embarrassment of being tickled by his captor.

"I love how cute your giggles and squeals are, young Shadow," Copy Cat teased.

The duplicates moved the toothbrushes to the vulnerable deep, damp, hairy armpit hollows. Shadow's eyes widened as his giggling increased and got louder. No one ever tickled his pits with toothbrushes, so he didn't even realize the level of ticklishness that spot had. His upper torso writhed and thrashed against the burgundy padded backrest but remained trapped by the white rope on his wrists and ankles.

"Fuhuhuhuck, thahahahat tihihickkklehehehesss," Shadow screeched. He took breaths where he could get them as sweat glistened on his forehead and dripped from his hair. The young hero could feel the physical strain the tickling put on his muscles as he continued to fight against the bondage.

Outside the warehouse, Bradley, Hunter, and Lightstream finished their plan to rescue Shadow. Lightstream shot an energy beam at one of the windows on the second floor. His protective forcefield glowed as the light blue and silver bodysuit-clad witch created a grappling hook and rope from the moonlight, so he could climb the wall and get inside. Bradley and Hunter also used the glowing creation to enter the building. Lightstream motioned for the trio to separate and locate Shadow. Hunter ordered everyone to stay in contact, which earned him a playful tickle attack on his hips from Bradley and a blown raspberry from his mate.

"Thththanks for the break," Shadow stammered as he panted and continued to giggle from the phantom ticklish sensation running through his body.

Copy Cat smiled as he lightly drummed and softly stroked his fingers along the center of his captive's soft, high-curved arches. "Ya know, Shadow, you've got some nice lookin' feet. What size are they?" he asked.

"They're size twelve. Eeek, shhihihit, nohohohot my feeheeheet," The brunet squealed through his giggles. His head hit the headrest with a resounding thud. "You've got a foot fetish, dontcha?" Shadow asked.

Copy Cat nodded and leaned over. His lips wrapped around each olive-like toe as he sucked them, and his tongue slowly licked up and down the length of the young man's wrinkling soles. Shadow giggled, his body bucked, and his toes tried to avoid the invasion by scrunching, but to no avail. The toe-sucker chuckled as he held the man's toes back, and his fingernails slowly dragged back and forth the balls of Shadow's bare, helpless soles. This caused the hero's body to thrash and bounce on the wooden cross. The tickler swore the high-pitched screeches and howling laughter would shatter the windows.

Lightstream knew he'd found his brother and couldn't help chuckling as he followed the tickle-induced laughter and pleadings of not tickling his bare feet. "He's just around the corner, guys, and Brad, he's not hurt." Lightstream paused, then said, "In fact, he's gonna be tickled to see us," the redhead softly laughed as the other two men groaned at his pun because they clearly heard the laughter Shadow makes when he's being tickled into oblivion. Figuring his brother had suffered enough, Lightstream silently entered the room, unseen by Copy Cat.

"I'll be back, cutie. I need to contact Lightstream," the tanned villain said as he patted the top of Shadow's feet.

"Ya don't have to go far to do that, Cat," Lightstream said as he appeared behind the shorter man. He winked at his twin and shot an energy beam that hogtied Copy Cat.

"Thanks for the rescue, bro," Shadow said as he jumped into Lightstream's arms once he was released.

The hero looked at the villain, wriggling and grumbling on the floor. He sat down, wrapped an arm around the trapped man's ankles, untied his shoes, then pulled them and the socks off his captor's feet. Copy Cat's eyes clenched shut, and his head shook from side to side.

"Are ya ticklish, Copy Cat?" Shadow asked.

The bare-chested hero chuckled and stroked his fingernails up and down the flapping bare feet. Laughter spewed from the captured villain as he fought against the glowing beam that kept him helpless. Lightstream's chuckles blended with Bradley's and Hunter's as they watched Shadow enjoy getting some ticklish justice for being captured and tickled.

"Aww, you wore the underwear I got ya for Christmas," Bradley said. He giggled as Shadow blushed, then playfully growled at him.
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Post by Ticklishguy »

03. Kit's First Transformation pt. 1

The afternoon sun shone brightly over the somewhat peaceful Rainbow Falls. Sounds of joyful teens filled the air as a sea of youths burst out from behind the high school's doors, flooding the parking lots and sidewalks.

Sixteen-year-old Ryan Grey Stormcloud stood inside the side entrance waiting for his fourteen-year-old brother, Kitanyan Grey Stormcloud, and seventeen-year-old boyfriend, Raven Drake Silverfox. The five-foot-nine-inch teen's violet eyes brightened when he saw his five-foot-seven-inch tall younger sibling's pointed wolf ears and smiling face appear around the corner at the end of the hallway. He shook his head, closed his eyes, and braced himself against the wall when his brother ran full speed at him. The wolfboy's size nine silver and green striped sneakers pounded the floor, and Kit's one-hundred-fifteen-pound body jumped on Ryan's one-hundred-thirty-five pound slender but slightly defined muscle-toned frame.

Kit's ice-blue eyes sparkled, and he giggled when Ryan grunted and tried not to drop him. "Hey, Ry. Did ya miss me?" The playful teen asked as he hugged his older brother.

Ryan wrapped his arms around Kit's body and embraced the excited teen. "Hmm, I'm not sure yet. Go away for another hour, then come back and ask me," he said as he placed the younger boy on his feet.

Kit's eyes flashed as the tip of his tail slipped under Ryan's tan short-sleeved shirt and lightly stroked back and forth across the older teen's lower back.

Instantly, Ryan's eyes squinted, his body wriggled from side to side, and his ankle sock-clad toes curled inside the size ten black skater shoes as light, airy giggles flowed from his lips. "C'mohohon, puhuhuppy brohoho," he squealed. "Thahahat tihihickles." He tried swatting at his brother's tail, but Kit cast a spell to keep his arms from moving. However, the half-wolf, half-Cherokee teen's magic had just started to mature and wasn't as strong as his. The older teen smirked, then used backward speech to cast a spell. His eyes glowed a light-colored but vibrant violet. "ekam ym rehtorb etativel nips dnuora dna esahc sih liat."

Kit yelped as he was lifted into the air. "Ryhyhyhy," he whined between his youthful giggles as he spun in a circle chasing his tail.

The half-wolf happily squealed as he enjoyed the spell his brother cast on him. Ryan giggled as he straightened his hair and smoothed the legs of his black slim-fit jeans. He reached up, raised the hems of Kit's blue jeans, and lightly tickled his brother's bare ankles.

"Sohoho nohohohot fahahihihir," the Cherokee wolf teen screeched as his laughter rose in pitch and volume.

"Who's the most amazing big brother in the galaxy?" Ryan asked.

"Yohohohouhuhu ahahahare," Kit responded between the high-pitched laughs.

Ryan's eyes flashed as he released his ticklish brother. Kit squealed when he fell into Raven's waiting arms.

"Wow! It's not every day a Kit falls from the sky," Raven said as he giggled, then hugged the younger boy and kissed his cheek.

Kit wrapped his arms around his second older brother's neck and said, "I take back what I said. Raver's the most amazing brother." Kit looked over at Ryan and blew a raspberry at him.

"Oh, yeah?" Ryan said as his eyes narrowed, and he approached Kit with his fingers wiggling in the air.

Kit squeaked and glanced at Raven, who'd set him back on the floor, then held him in place in front of him. His white with silvery blue streaks ears twitched as he tried to escape. "Okay! Okay, you're both the most amazing brothers in the galaxy," he said. He giggled, then innocently smiled at the other teens.

Raven and Ryan shook their heads and wrapped their arms around the fourteen-year-old boy. They released Kit, then Ryan turned, stood on his toes, and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. The six-foot-tall, dark-haired Cherokee's light brown eyes shined as he bent his knees and wrapped his arms under his mate's butt cheeks. He giggled, lifted the shorter teen off the floor, and spun them in a circle. Ryan yelped and clung to his muscular boyfriend's upper body with his legs around the older teen's waist. Kit chuckled and watched his playful brothers as thoughts of how much he loved them ran through his head.

"Love ya, Ry," Raven said when he put Ryan down.

"I'll love ya too, Rave, when the birds stop spinning around my head," Ryan responded before giggling.


Across town, thirty-five-year-old Felix Stormcloud and his husband, thirty-seven-year-old Johnny Grey, were spending time together at the nightclub they owned called The Magic Hut. The couple used the club to showcase local musical talent, including Howling Magic, Kit, and Raven's band. The club also held magic shows in which the whole family participated. Currently, the married couple was in the Hut's training/workout area, located in the basement.

Felix was perfecting his gymnastic act. The six-foot-three half-wolf, half-Cherokee's powerful legs hoisted the tanned raven-haired male into the air. His gloved hands grabbed hold of the thin bar. His defined, slightly bulging, muscled arms supported Felix's body until his waist was level with the suspended bar. His tanned size fourteen bare feet were usually smooth on the lighter colored soles, but now they were wrinkled because his arches were curved and his toes pointed straight ahead. Thanks to his wolf half, Felix was agile and could move with precision and grace. He did a couple of flips, then let go and did some quick turns before grabbing the support again.

Johnny's violet eyes glistened with tears from the love and pride for his mate. The pair were a monogamous couple and enjoyed having their three boys. Both of them considered Raven to be their third son. He saw Felix's body hanging straight up and down, and the redhead softly chuckled as he got a playful idea. His eyes glowed while he whispered a spell that kept the wolf suspended and immobilized with his hands glued to the bar.

The brunet was unaware of his situation until he tried to let go and realized he couldn't. When Felix attempted to turn his head, he found he was completely stuck, and not even his toes would wiggle. His mind began to spin from all the different reasons for his immobility, and he was starting to freak out. Beads of sweat glistened on his forehead and dripped from his dark bangs. He could feel his heartbeats getting faster, so he worked hard to regulate his breathing and calm himself. "Johnny, are you down here?" he called out.

The redheaded spell caster worked hard not to laugh and give himself away as he silently approached his mate.

Felix closed his eyes and used his Cherokee and heightened wolf senses. That's when he felt Johnny's presence and relaxed but only for a moment because the next thing he felt was his husband's fingers lightly tickling his hairy, bare, and exposed armpit hollows. The basement filled with the sound of Felix's robust giggles as he was forced to endure the surprise tickle attack. The laughter Johnny held in blended with Felix's laughs. His eyes sparkled with playful mischief as his fingertips danced along and teased the sweat-soaked hollows.

The only part of his body that could move was his eyelids, and they closed as Felix continued the stream of tickle-induced laughter. “Johohohonnnyyy, yohohohou're cheeheheheatingggg," he screeched.

"But, babe, I love hearing you laugh," Johnny playfully teased as he drew hearts and stars in the center of the vulnerable ticklish spots.

Felix squealed, and his laughter's pitch and volume increased. Although he couldn't move, he loved the playtime with his mate. "Ihihiih'm gohohohonna gehehet yohohohu," the half-wolf hollered amidst the boisterous cackles. He panted when the pit tickles ceased, but his respite was short-lived because Johnny walked around to face him and smirked as he lightly drew circles around the edge of his innie belly button. "Fuhuhuhuck, bahahabe, thahahahat tihihihickles," he girlishly squealed. Usually, he'd wriggle and squirm like crazy, but because of his husband's spell, he was totally helpless. "Youhuhu're sohoho dehehad, Johohonnn."

The five-foot-eleven-inch tall red-haired magician giggled as he leaned over and softly kissed his man's quivering, muscled abs. "Then, I guess I'd better enjoy this,' he said. Johnny's eyes glowed as he recited the spell. "dneb sih sgel dna ekam sih liat elkcit sih teef."

Felix's eyes widened, then squinted shut just before the high-pitched giggles flowed from his lips. "Nohohohot thehehehe fehehehehet," he screeched. His long bushy silver and white tail slowly swished across his bare curved soles. The hairs also reached the spaces between his toes and their bases. He howled, screeched, and squealed from the constant tickles.

Johnny licked his lips, levitated himself, and slowly licked up and down the sweaty pit hollows. While he did that, his fingers dug into the soft area between Felix's ribs. Felix's laughter turned to silent gasps as the ticklish sensations raked his helpless body. The redhead felt his mate was reaching the end of his endurance. He ceased the tickling, then released Felix from his spell. He cradled the hulking male in his arms like an infant as they floated to the mat. Johnny gently laid his boy down, then conjured a cold bottled water and a damp washcloth. He supported the half-wolf's head to help him safely drink without choking. After setting the bottle down, Johnny picked up the cloth and wiped Felix's soaked forehead and face. He lovingly caressed the dampened cheek, leaned down, and softly kissed his husband's parted lips. "I didn't tickle you too much, did I?" he whispered.

Felix chuckled and shook his head as he returned the affection. "Are you crazy? That was freakin' awesome, babe," he smiled, licked Johnny's cheek, and boyishly giggled.

"Eeewww, doggy slobber," Johnny whined as he chuckled. "Love ya, my big strong wolfy," he said.

"Love ya more, babe."

The pair rested in each other's arms and meditated on the love they shared during their almost lifelong relationship. Felix and Johnny met when they were eight, then three years later, Johnny's parents moved because of a job offer the red-haired boy's dad received. However, they moved back to the falls when the boys were starting high school because the family missed their extended Stormcloud family. Due to their time together, each man could tell what the other thought or felt.

When their quiet time was over, they got up and started a round of playful sparring. A bright, brilliant white and blue light surrounded Felix as he extended his hands. His silvery blue eyes glowed, and his body transformed into a shimmering white and silver striped wolf. The wolf's head rose and released a loud howl before he circled his mate.

Johnny adopted a fighting stance, and his violet eyes glowed. "Bring it on, wolfboy," he said with a boyish grin.

"You're sure being cocky, magic man," Felix taunted, using his telepathy. He and Johnny circled each other for a minute before he charged his lover.

The redhead created a portal, ran into it, then appeared behind the white wolf. He giggled as he reached out and lightly tickled his husband's tail with his fingertips. "Coochie coochie, Lixie," Johnny teased.

The wolf yelped before he jumped around, snorting and huffing. "Dohohon't tihihickle teheease mehehe," Felix telepathically whined. He rapidly shook his tail, growled, and pounced on the giggling magician. They fell back onto the blue mat, rolling around as each tried to get the upper hand. Finally, he wound up pinning his redheaded mate's body. The wolf's huge white paws kept the smaller man’s arms and legs from moving. He lowered his head, his eyes flashed, and he snorted before licking the struggling man's face.

Johnny's eyes squeezed shut, and his head rolled from side to side as he giggled and remained unable to move. "Wouhuhuld yohohohou gehehet ahahahaha dohohohoggihihihiee mihihint?" he squealed.

Felix's eyes narrowed, and he brought his snout close to the exposed armpit hollows of his trapped mate. Slowly his tongue lapped up the sweat from Johnny's pit hair. The redhead wriggled as much as possible as he giggled and squealed from the ticklish tongue bath. His arm muscles bulged as they strained during the attempt to get out from under the wolf's body. Johnny's size eleven bare feet slid along the mat as his legs pumped back and forth.

"Damn it, John, I told ya to stop using Irish Spring soap. It tastes awful, and I can't get to your natural musk that I love," Felix complained.

"Ihihi'll stohohop ihihif yoohoohoo tahahake ahahaha bahahath," Johnny retorted between his giggles.

Felix growled and began gently nibbling and licking on the edges of Johnny's neck without pinching the skin. At the same time, his tail swished back and forth across the magician's taut bare lower stomach, and the tip swirled in and out of his belly button.

Johnny's eyes widened as his laughter increased, and his body bucked and squirmed. After enduring another minute of tickling, he screeched, "fine, I'll stop using Irish Spring, and you don't need a mint or a bath."

Felix telepathically giggled while he stood over Johnny's body, raised his head, and released a triumphant howl. The half-wolf transformed into his human form, then relaxed beside his husband with his head on Johnny's stomach as they recovered.

Johnny smiled and sighed as he lightly stroked his mate's soft raven, shoulder-length hair. "You do realize what's coming up, don't you?" he softly asked before lowering his head and gently kissing Felix's forehead.

Felix smiled and nodded as his arms tightened around the other man's muscular body. "It's the anniversary of Mom's death and Kit's first transformation."

Johnny tapped the taller man's shoulder, then made a head motion towards the jacuzzi. The pair got to their feet, stripped off their clothing, and stepped into the steamy bubbly water. They sat facing each other and gently massaged each other's sore feet. Both men slightly squirmed, and their toes curled when one would playfully tickle the other one's arch or the ball of his foot.

"You know there's a chance Kit might not accept the transformation," Johnny asked with his eyes staring straight into his mate's.

Felix slowly nodded his head. He sighed and closed his eyes from the intensity of his husband's gaze.

Johnny took a deep breath and continued. "If that happens. Are you gonna be okay with his decision?"

A slight flash of anger swept through Felix as his eyes glowed darkly, and he released a low growl. However, the realization hit him that Johnny was only doing what he always does, asking the tough questions and keeping him thinking clearly. He calmed down and paused while thinking about carefully phrasing his response. Knowing Felix as well as he did, Johnny could feel the emotions going through his husband and patiently waited.

Felix inhaled, then spoke. "Kitanyon is our son. I'm not gonna lie and say that I won't feel a tinge of sadness if he rejects his transformation. However, that doesn't change the fact that he can still be part of the wolven community and continue to carry on the family tradition and responsibility to protect the wildlife and wolf population from harm," he paused. "Even though he doesn't have your blood, and Ryan doesn't have mine, our two boys are ours. They are loving, strong, resilient, and protective of each other. Add Raven to that, and our three boys are a force to be reckoned with."

Johnny's eyes shined with unconditional love and pride as he said, "as always, my love, you've given me the answer I wanted." He licked his lips as his and Felix's arms wrapped around each other's bodies, pulling them together in a loving embrace. Their soft, plump lips locked for a lengthy, passionate kiss.
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Post by Ticklishguy »

Kit's First Transformation pt. 2

The black and lime green striped Twenty-Twenty Dodge Charger's powerful engine roared with Ryan behind the wheel as he drove his mate and younger brother to the Magic Hut. The vehicle belonged to Raven, but the fully licensed teen was helping the younger boy reach the hours needed to be eligible to take his road test and get his driver's license.

"You're turning out to be a great driver, babe," Raven complimented his mate as he gave Ryan some extra pointers for a smoother take-off at a stoplight.

Kit looked up from his comic and said, "Yeah, bro, I haven't puked, screamed, or held onto the door handle for dear life once this time." The youngest of the teen trio giggled when he heard Ryan's growl of annoyance. The half-wolf cocked his head to the side, batted his eyes innocently, then said, "I wuv you, Ryry."

Raven's head flew back against the headrest as his boisterous laughter filled the car's interior.
Kit returned to reading, slipped his sneakers off, and planted his sock-clad feet on the armrest between his brothers. The fourteen-year-old teen's olive-like toes wiggled inside the thin no-show socks he wore.

Raven giggled and slightly squirmed as he looked down when the boy's toes lightly brushed against his left arm. He decided to be a bit playful with Kit. His eyes flashed after completing the spell he mentally cast to keep the wolfboy from moving his feet off the padded armrest. "I love your socks, baby bro."

"Thanks, they're one of my favorite pairs," Kit said with a big smile.

The young teen's toes flexed inside the cotton fabric, and his feet made a small circular motion. The socks were light blue and decorated with rainbows that had fluffy white clouds at the ends. Ryan caught the playfulness in his mate's eyes and softly snickered.

"I can see why. These rainbows look really cool," Raven said.

Unseen by the backseat passenger, the seventeen-year-old male's hand moved closer to the unsuspecting teenager's soles. His index fingertip extended slowly, then lightly stroked along one of the rainbows. Kit gently chewed on his bottom lip, his ears twitched, his tail lightly wagged against the black leather seat, and his toes curled and uncurled. Back and forth, Raven's finger traced the arched decoration. This caused the third passenger's body to start shifting side to side as almost inaudible snickers left the ticklish boy's lips. Ryan and Raven were also snickering at their brother's reaction.

"So, Ry, have ya decided on the car you want?" Raven asked while he used his fingernail to lightly draw circles in the center of Kit's curved arches.

The comic book fell to the floor as Kit's hands flew up to cover his mouth in a feeble attempt to keep from laughing. The ticklish boy was in heaven, he loved it when his brothers, friends, or family playfully tickled him, and he gave as much as he got. His feet squirmed, and he finally realized that Raven had magically trapped his feet.

"I'm interested in getting a Seventies or Eighties model sports car," Ryan responded as he turned left onto Wagner Lane.

Raven chuckled and said, "I think you'd look hot as fuck driving a T-top Camaro or Firebird." The dark-haired teen's finger drew the letter T across the balls of Kit's sock-clad feet, then down the center of his soles.

The damn broke and flooded the car with the ticklish teenager's giggles. Kit's toes scrunched inside the thin protection keeping the tickler's fingers from his bare skin. "Youhuhu're tihihicklihihing myhy feeheheet," the half-Cherokee boy squealed. His head hit against the back of the seat, and his legs furiously pumped back and forth, trying to dislodge his feet.

The older teens giggled along with Kit as Ryan pulled into the parking lot of the Magic Hut. Before Raven released the spell, he and Ryan grinned and pulled their brother's socks off. The younger boy's eyes squeezed shut as he wriggled in the seat, and his toes scrunched. Ryan jumped out of the driver's seat and joined Kit. The red-haired teen magically lifted his brother's arms and pinned them to the car's seat. The boyfriends nodded and then launched a double tickle attack. Ryan's fingers wiggled and lightly stroked along Kit's pit hollows as Raven's fingernails rapidly scratched back and forth across, then up and down the trapped pair of bare soles. Kit screeched and howled with hysterical laughter. The tickling duo gave their ticklish victim a break as they massaged Kit's wiggling feet and his shoulders.

"Did ya have fun, Kit?" Raven asked.

"I hope so, 'cause that's the longest you've ever gone without giggling," Ryan acknowledged.

Once he got his socks and shoes on and was out of the car, Kit jumped into Raven's, then Ryan's arms, and kissed their cheeks. "Really," he asked with great enthusiasm. "That's awesome," Kit excitedly exclaimed. The teen felt a surge of personal pride and satisfaction from reaching a personal best for not laughing.

Johnny walked out of the kitchen carrying a large pepperoni with extra cheese pizza for the boy's snack. Felix was on his mate's heels carrying a tray with glasses and various drinks. The pair set the food and beverages on one of the tables that looked onto the stage in the Hut's main performance room.
They were about to sit down when a portal suddenly opened above them. Johnny was hit by a stun beam that launched the redhead through the air until he landed on his back, on a table that crashed to the floor. Shadow coils came flying out of a second portal. They wrapped around the immobile man and tied his arms to the sides of his body and his legs together. Felix ran to his fallen lover tears streamed down his face as he felt for a pulse. The relief from finding out Johnny was only unconscious was momentary when he saw eleven men dressed in camouflage uniforms and black boots, wearing ski masks, come through the same portal as the coils and flood the room. The men quickly separated, and two men guarded each of the entrances. Felix's spine. He growled and used his enhanced speed to charge the muscle-bound hulk of a leader.

The teenage trio was about to enter the Hut when Kit's senses alerted him to unfamiliar scents. His ears twitched as he heard guns being cocked and smelled gun oil.

Ryan had just placed his hand on the door handle and was about to open the door when Kit's arm stopped him. He quickly released his grip, turned, and locked eyes with his younger brother. "What's up, baby bro?" he whispered.

Raven looked at the brothers and got closer to them to hear what was being said.

"Guys, I'm sensing unfamiliar human scents inside the Hut. Also, I heard guns being cocked and smelled gun oil at the door." Kit telepathically responded. "Daddy Felix, Bros, I feel his rage and distress. He and Papa Johnny's been attacked by hunters." Kit's tears fell from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Ryan and softly whimpered.

Raven and Ryan gasped as they encased their emotional brother in a double-sided hug.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay, wolf bro," Ryan whispered as he leaned his head down and kissed his brother's head.

"We need to get inside and assess the situation," Raven offered as he did the same thing Ryan did to comfort Kit.

Ryan and Kit looked at each other, then turned towards Raven. "The trap door," the brothers said in unison.

Kit dried his tears and closed his eyes. "The hunters are using some mechanical device that's scrambling our Dad's minds, so they can't communicate with each other telepathically and save themselves," he paused and softly chuckled when he saw his brother's facial expressions. "I can smell the electronic pulses."

Raven placed his thumb and index fingers on his chin, then asked, "Kit, do you think your forcefield is strong enough to protect the three of us from being affected?"

The half-wolf teenager shrugged his shoulders and said, "not sure, but I'm definitely willing to try. We need to save our Dads."

"Let's do this. No one fucks with Papa Felix and Dad," Ryan said.

The teens hugged before going into the woods behind the Magic Hut. The metal o-ring that opened the trap door was a couple of feet behind the building. Ryan stepped on the button beside the door, stepped on it, then pulled on the ring after he heard the latch release. Cautiously, they climbed down the ladder and followed the short tunnel that ended at the backstage area. Quietly, the boys climbed onto the wooden stage and approached the curtain. They pulled the heavy velvet cover back enough so they could peer into the room. Tears filled the six pairs of young eyes when they saw Johnny's unconscious body on the floor. Kit, Ryan, and Raven gasped when they saw Felix charge the leader and get trapped in a glowing red net. They closed the curtain, and the older teens wrapped their arms protectively around their younger brother when they heard the blood-curdling scream from Felix when the net burned into his skin. Finally, the room was silent after they heard a sickening crack just before their dad passed out.

Raven held Kit's trembling body, pulled the boy into his chest, and said, "it's going to be okay, baby bro. We'll save them." The dark-haired teen's tears fell on the shorter boy's head as he and Ryan kissed the half-wolf's head and planned their next move.

Kit nodded and kissed his brother's cheeks. "I'm gonna go see what I can find back here that might help us," the wolf teen telepathically stated.

Raven gently massaged Ryan's shoulders, then wrapped his arms around the slightly younger teen's neck and pressed his head against the auburn-haired magic boy. "I'm proud of you and Kit, babe. You know I can feel your emotions," he said, using telepathy. "I'm scared too.”

Ryan sighed and nodded before he responded, "Thanks, Rav. We've gotta stay calm for Kit and our Dads. If you or I lose it, our brother's gonna too," he paused and wiped his tears. "I just don't know what to do. I count at least ten of those guys and only three of us."

Raven was about to say something when a glowing light caught his eye. The teen turned and gasped when he saw Kit's body floating off the floor. He watched in silence as the younger teen's hair turned white.

Ryan noticed the temperature in the room was getting colder. He wrapped his arms around himself and rubbed his bare skin. "What the fuck are they doing with the air conditioning?" he asked aloud.

Kit's left eye was completely white, the right eye was light blue, and they both glowed.

Raven composed himself, tapped Ryan on the shoulder, and said, "Umm, babe, I think you need to see this."

The sixteen-year-old turned, his jaw almost hitting the floor as he gazed at his brother's floating, glowing body. "I'm guessing Kit's active power's been activated," Ryan said as he rubbed his eyes.

Kit's arms slowly raised, his hands glowed, and it felt like an arctic breeze entered the building. He blinked his eyes, and a forcefield appeared around his brothers, protecting them from the freezing cold.

"Ry, Rave, I'm gonna freeze the room," Kit stated telepathically. "Can you two open a portal and bring the dads back here?"

The teens got themselves ready for Kit's signal to move. Kit closed his eyes and cried out now. A wave of arctic ice swept through the performance room. The intruders didn't have time to react before they were all encased in sparkling ice. At the same time, Raven and Ryan each opened a portal. Raven retrieved Johnny, and Ryan's opened beside Felix. The redheaded teen was momentarily paralyzed when he saw his dad's bloody and bruised body.

"Ry, hurry. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep these men frozen." Kit's tone was gentle but forceful.

Ryan's tears froze on his cheeks as he shook his head. The teen pulled himself together and ripped the net apart. Because of Kit's ice power, the thin substance was brittle and easily separated. "Maybe you need a diet, Pops," he softly said as he grunted and pulled his dad to safety.

The three teens took a second to catch their breath and think of what to do next.

Raven snapped his fingers and gazed at his brother and boyfriend. "You two feel like working together and sending these hunters somewhere far away?"

Ryan and Kit nodded, then listened as Raven laid out the plan. The older teens closed their eyes and clasped hands as they combined their magic to open one big portal. As soon as it was ready, they turned their heads and nodded at Kit.

The wolf boy took a second to think, then licked his lips and cast his spell. "I froze the room and these men too. Now let them melt in the sun of Timbuktu."

Raven and Ryan almost choked and lost control of their portal when they heard their brother's spell. Once the room was empty, the duo closed the portal, turned to the younger teen, and in unison said, "Timbuktu! Really, Kit."

Kit shrugged his shoulders, gave the older teens his sweetest and most innocent-looking smile, and said, "it worked, didn't it." The wolf teen giggled as he was the center of a double-sided brotherly bear hug.
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