All weirdness of our baron (medieval) (M+/M) Chapter 1-3

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All weirdness of our baron (medieval) (M+/M) Chapter 1-3

Post by Likho »

All weirdness of our baron


Nobles have long been known for their eccentricities, excesses and deviations. Our baron is no exception. It is said that he makes his soldiers shackle him and lock him in a dungeon for days on end. Also there are those who swore they saw the baron crawling on all fours with a stable boy sitting on his back and smacking him with a whip! And I am willing to believe it.

It could have been much worse however. We heard that one baroness liked to bathe in the blood of young girls. One count, on the other hand, reputedly enjoyed skinning his peasants. Another baron worshipped the devil and sacrificed children kidnapped from the surrounding villages. Next to these, our baron seems relatively harmless. He does not fight wars, he is not cruel, greedy or abusive and does not exploit his serfs much. On a few occasions, he even proved to be quite a capable administrator. So, one can live peacefully and relatively safely in his domain. We all thank God for this, turning our eyes away from his bizarre inclinations.
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Post by Likho »


The few inhabitants of the small settlement lined the road to watch the new baron entering the keep. This barony had never had any luck with its lords. Situated on the far outskirts, almost uninhabited, devoid of raw materials and with no strategic importance, it all too often ended up in the hands of mean and corrupted nobles who fell into the Duke's disfavour.

The nobleman riding in on horseback and accompanied by five armed men did not make a good impression on anyone either. He looked quite young, maybe even handsome man, but gloomy and completely not interested in his surroundings. If anyone was expecting coin throwing in the crowd, they were disappointed. The baron did not even look at his serfs or the stronghold he was about to rule.

And the first months of his reign only confirmed this first impression as a man uninterested in anything, especially ruling. In fact, he was not seen outside the keep, and no one actually knew what he was doing. His only order was to pardon all five prisoners held in the dungeons - local poachers, debtors and one cattle thief. He also called a leather smith, and then personally selected and paid for the purchase of new leather armor, belts and boots for the garrison of the keep. The formerly dirty and shabby soldiers looked much better from now on. They liked their new boots best. And they probably liked the new baron a bit. They also seemed to have regained some of their long-lost morale, as they started to be seen exercising at the place-of-arms again.
Last edited by Likho 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Likho »


One day the baron called the captain of the guard for a private speak. He confessed that he liked to be restrained and humiliated, and that he would like the captain to imprison him in a dungeon for a few days. In chains and, more importantly, without the right to be released before the appointed time.
- "Could you do that for me, Captain?" - he asked, looking straight into the eyes of his officer. And probably for the first time since he arrived at the keep, the baron looked straight into the eyes of the person he was talking to.

The captain is about the baron's age. He is strong and stringy, while the baron is pale and weak, making him look as if he is about to faint. Yet at this time the captain turned pale in resemblance to his sovereign. The penalty for violating a nobleman's physical untouchability was hanging on the gallows. And against the nobleman's testimony, the captain's words do not mean much. Although the baron had not given a direct order, the captain feared he might hear such an order soon. And he had no idea how to get out of this situation while saving his life.

The baron never gave such an order however. And no one knows how he managed to convince the captain of this bizarre game. Perhaps the captain understood that the baron himself was also risking a lot. Since everything is done in secret, no one will be aware that his lordship is sitting chained up locked down in a dungeon. The captain might as well never let him out. Or even kill him.


It was Tuesday, early in the morning, when the captain brought the baron into the dungeon. Waiting there were two of the captain's most trusted men. The captain ordered them to put the lord of the keep in chains. His Lordship did not resist. However, you could see him trembling when one of the soldiers drove a pin into the iron hoops around his delicate ankles and wrists with a heavy hammer. And also a puzzled look when the other soldier, with heavy pincers, tightened the bolt closing the iron collar around the baron's neck. A collar whose other end was permanently attached by a heavy chain to the stone wall of the cell.

- "Seven days of imprisonment on bread and water my lord" - the captain announced in a loud voice and ordered the soldiers to close the cell door.
The heavy oak door with mighty iron fittings closed with a loud clatter. A moment later a heavy iron bolt rattled. The baron was trapped.
- "Watch him well, and don't let anyone but me near him." - he said to the soldiers.
Then, being already on the steps, he stopped and after a short thought added:
- "If he shouts or causes trouble, calm him down with a whip."
Hearing these words, the baron shuddered.


Ever since he was a child, the baron has dreamt of being chained and imprisoned in a real dungeon. Only for fun, of course! However, being of noble birth, he had never experienced real discomfort. He was used to sleeping in soft beds and fragrant bedding, not in stinking hay on a hard stone floor. And although he was used to eating modestly, stale bread and musty water refused to pass through his throat.

And it has to be said, the situation was quickly beginning to overwhelm him. Although the weight of the steel shackles still was exciting, sitting right next to a bucket of his own excrement was already difficult for the nobleman to tolerate. So he called out to the guard to take the bucket away. But the guard only showed the baron the whip and then left without a word.

- "Well, then I really am a prisoner here" - thought the baron.
And then it occurred to him that perhaps the soldiers do not know at all that he was locked up here at his own request and that this is all just a game. Perhaps the two guards are only obeying the captain's orders without question? Baron suddenly felt a shudder of excitement as he feared rather too gentle treatment and servitude at every turn, which would not allow him to enjoy the full pleasure of being in captivity.


The baron had no idea how he would endure a whole week in such harsh conditions. He slept little, ate nothing, drank literally two sips of water. The guards must have reported to the captain that the prisoner was not eating, because they returned with orders to force-feed him and if he resisted use the whip.

A rat-faced soldier leaned over the baron, pressing a leather whip to his cheek.
- "Eat my lord. Otherwise the captain will order me to flog you. You have the delicate skin of a nobleman, my lord. Believe me, the whip is not for you. There will be a lot of blood, and the whip will leave heavy wounds.... but still I must obey the order."
Saying this, the guard soaked the stiff bread in water and then shoved it into the prisoner's mouth. The baron tried to spit it out, but the soldier didn't let him to do so, plugging his mouth with his leather-gloved hand..
- "Swallow it all my lord or I will have to beat you cruelly"- insisted the soldier while sliding his whip across the prisoner's face.

Then the baron got an idea. Struggling with his stomach, he ate and drank everything he was told. Then he turned to a satisfied soldier.
- "You are Torric, aren't you?"
The man nodded unconvincingly, suspecting a trickery.
- "So, listen Torric. I am your prisoner, and I intend neither to resist nor to cause trouble. I will obey you in everything."
The guard breathed a sigh of relief.
- "But I won't last seven days on this garbage you feed me. I beg you, give me half a bowl of your own hot soup and in return you will see a nobleman, that is me, licking your dirty boots."
Torric opened his mouth wide and took a step back.
But the baron wasn't finished yet.
- "And I will lick them as long as you tell me to. What's more, you will decide when I earn my soup. You alone! If you're not satisfied, you won't give me soup at all. Everything will depend only on you."
- "I could not my lord," - Torric whispered .
- "I am a nobleman. Imprisoned and in chains, but a nobleman nonetheless. And the only thing I have left now is my word. So I swear to you solemnly, that even when the captain releases me, not only will I not take revenge on you, but every time you order me to, I will still kneel down before you and lick the dust off your soldier's boots. As long as everything is kept secret. Do you accept the word of a nobleman, Torric?"
They both knew well that to reject the nobleman's word would be a great insult. Such was the trap the baron had set.
- "Please do me this favour and let me lick your boots. I beg of you!"
Torric was silent for a long moment and then asked quietly
- "Do you really wish to lick my boots, my lord?"
The baron knelt in front of the lad and slowly kissed the top of each of his soldier's boots.
- "Now I am your prisoner, not your lord. Now you have power over me. You are my master. I place myself in your hands. Please let me lick your boots to earn the leftovers from your plate."
- "I exaggerated," thought his lordship, who was indeed carried away in his excitement.
But the soldier smiled and nodded, letting know he agreed to the proposal.
- "Then show me, my lord."

The baron had previously had the opportunity, in secret, to lick the boots of his trusted colleagues and even some younger servants. But never yet to taste the real, and to say the least, not very clean boots of a regular soldier. Excitement was literally blowing his mind. The boots were sour in taste and the feeling of humiliation that flooded the nobleman's mind was overwhelming. Here he was kneeling in heavy chains in front of a regular soldier, licking the dirt off his leather boots and begging for the leftovers from his meal. The baron had never felt such intense excitement.

But Torric was not a cruel man and, to his prisoner's disappointment, did not make him lick his boots for a particularly long time. For what it was worth, the still-warm soup tasted good even to a nobleman's palate.
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Post by harveygasson »

This is a really interesting story idea, I'm enjoying it so far. I hope the baron starts chatting a bit too much with the guards and the captain decides he needs a gag
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