Island encounter (MMFF/MMFF)

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Island encounter (MMFF/MMFF)

Post by varrsuvius »

The motorboat was slowing down. Olena's long, red hair was a mess after the prolonged seawater exposure, but otherwise she liked her looks. She was 26, 165 cm tall, weighing about 55 kg she was rather curvy than skinny, with nice, round breasts and butt firm and round from years of gym training. Her body was lightly tanned – vacations just started so she didn’t have much time for sunbathing. Even on motorboat she was dressed in red minidress and heeled shoes.

"Look, there is an island!" she heard her boyfriend's voice. He was sittng next to her. Tom was in his late 20's, his muscular body was shaped like an hourglass with well sculpted pecs and biceps. His face was handsome with strong jaw, nice nose and light stubble on his cheeks. He had short, black hair with a streak of brown on his left side. He was wearing a tight black tshirt and black jeans with a chain around his neck.

Olena looked at the other pair traveling with them. It was her best friend, Sofia, and her boyfriend, David. Sofia was a stunning brunette with long hair that cascaded down her back in soft waves. She had a petite frame, but her curves were in all the right places. Her skin was caramel-toned, and her dark eyes sparkled with joy as they approached the island. Today sche chosen to wear white top covering only her breasts and minidress. Olena could see she had no bra under her top. David was tall and muscular, with a chiseled jawline and short, blond hair. He wore a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans that hugged his impressive physique.

As thir boat closed the distance they could recognize small white building among the palm trees. Olena knew it was a private restaurant. She was happy when they were able to book the place all for themselves. Restaurant was small but belonged to an exclusive group of underwater restaruants in Maldives. The underwater restaurants were spectacular structures constructed of glass and steel. They appeared as glimmering palaces beneath the sea, with huge windows revealed a kaleidoscope of fish and sea life gliding past.

Reflection of the sun in silvery surface catched Olena's eye as she saw bracelet on Sofia's hand. Small bracelet with symbols of cuffs and masks was symbol of the club and Olena had same bracelet on her leg. Bracelets were symbols of the club they joined some time ago.

The concept of the Kidnap Club was straightforward—members could abduct one another for consensual sexual encounters, provided no lasting hurt be done and that the authorities weren't involved. It purportedly began with a group of friends as she'd been told, yet had since spread across many countries. A wealth of wealthy and influential individuals had joined, facilitating the club to work on an expansive scale with a large budget accessible to members aside from the core purposes. There were people from various social backgrounds, primarily in the middle and upper class who had the privilege of free time—this gave them the option to indulge in activities like this, Olena was informed. Every participant might be suddenly seized by any means possible at any given moment; though this was managed through a secure website so some members could opt-out for a certain period. Most chose not to; due to insecurity, they didn't know if they would wake up somewhere else, bound and gagged under someone's control which was simply thrilling enough to keep the club alive.

For a moment Olena thought that maybe this trip was arranged by their boyfriends to abduct her and Sofia, but quickly brushed off the thought. Tom and David gave no hint that would make it possible scenario. She glanced over at Sofia, who had a mischievous glint in her eye. They had both agreed to use this vacation as an opportunity to explore their sexual boundaries and try new things. The Kidnap Club had been a big part of that decision.

"Oh, look" Sofia shouted to get past motorboat engine "an yacht!"

Indeed, yacht was anchored on the reef, about half kilometer from the island. She waved her hand to a woman sunbathing on the deck. Young woman, maybe even girl in her teens raised her head and waved back. She was blonde with a flawless tan and a body that could have graced the pages of a swimsuit magazine. Olena couldn't help but feel a little envious of her perfect body.

As their boat pulled up to the dock, they were greeted by a young man who introduced himself as the restaurant's host. He led them down a set of stairs to the entrance of the restaurant, where they were greeted by a surreal sight. The restaurant was an underwater oasis, with fish swimming by their table as they ate. Olena couldn't believe the beauty of the place. It was like something out of a dream.

After they docked the boat, they made their way to the restaurant, eager to begin their adventure. They descended the stairs to the entrance and were greeted by people working at restaurant. As it was private place only few people worked there. Platters, food and drinks were already prepared, but it was the big, glass wall that immediately drawn friend's attention. The wall was enormous, and clear as crystal. The glass was thick, but it was like looking through a window into the ocean world outside. Olena and her friends were mesmerized by the sight of the fish and sea creatures swimming past. They took their seats at the table, and Olena couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that this was going to be a night to remember.

As everything was set waiter approached them

“All is set, Sir David,” He informed. “We shall take our leave and allow you the enjoyment of privacy with your acquaintances. Kindly bear in mind that the boat will arrive at three o'clock sharp. Should you require anything, I shall be available in the administrative room upstairs.”

As the man exited the room, David leaned in towards the group.

"So, shall we get started?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

The group started their dinner with a light conversation about the sights of the island, as well as their planning for the next day. Olena noticed that David was paying particular attention to Sofia during the conversation and she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. However, she quickly reminded herself that her friend deserved to be happy and that there was nothing wrong with David being interested in her.

As the night wore on and the wine began to flow, the conversation turned to more interesting topics. Tom brought up his encounter with The Kidnap Club and soon all four were discussing it excitedly. Olena and Sofia couldn't help but be fascinated by Tom's story, while Tom and David both seemed more intrigued by Olena's experience as she told it.

“It was an amazing experience!” She said, her eyes sparkling as she recalled it. “I felt so alive in those moments when I thought I might not make it out alive! Those two people really pushed my boundaries…”

"Well girls," said Tom smiling "maybe me and David are up to something just now?"

Olena and Sofia exchanged a look, their hearts beating faster with excitement. They knew that Tom and David were both members of The Kidnap Club, and the thought of being abducted by them was both thrilling and terrifying.

"What do you have in mind?" Sofia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tom leaned in closer to the group, a wicked grin on his face.

"Let's play a little game," he said. "We'll all write down something we've always wanted to do sexually, but have been too afraid to try. Then, we'll draw them from a hat and whoever draws it has to fulfill the fantasy of the person who wrote it down."

Olena's heart was racing as she watched Tom pull out a piece of paper and begin to write something down. She couldn't believe she was about to reveal her deepest sexual desires to her friends, but she knew that this was the perfect opportunity to explore her boundaries.

Then, suddenly the light flickered. It went down and after a second was back, but this time it was dimmed. Red light flashed next to the door and words appeared on small screen.

David jumped to his feet, the allure of the moment vanishing in an instant. He went to the door and read the message.

"Honored guests, we apologize for the inconvenience but due to a power failure we have been forced to enter emergency mode. The ventilation and power has been switched to an alternate source. For safety reasons all doors are locked until further notice. We kindly ask that you remain inside while our staff works diligently to resolve the issue."
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Post by varrsuvius »

David muttered a few choice words as he tugged at the steel door, but it wouldn't budge. Tom pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and checked for any bars of signal. "No signal," he groaned. "Guess we're stuck here for now."

Olena looked at Sophia, she could see her friend was uneasy. Sophia had mild claustrophobia, nothing preventing her from entering underwater restaurant, but now, being locked inside underwater room she was little bit frightened.

“Sophia, sweetheart,” Olena said and took her hand “it’s okay, we’re all here, we’re all together, we have to make the best of it.”

Sophia smiled at Olena, but the fear in her eyes was still there.

David banged the door few times but nobody was coming.

"This lazy bastard, I'm sure he is sleeping or watching a movie"

Tom rolled his eyes. "David, that's not going to help us. We need to figure out a way to get out of here."

Olena looked around the room, trying to find anything that could help them escape. Suddenly, she noticed a small hatch in the floor.

"Guys, look!" she exclaimed, pointing to the hatch. "Maybe we can get there and find a way out!"

David and Tom looked at each other, then back at Olena.

"Olena, this is the service hatch, it goes underwater"

David said, a serious expression on his face. "It's too dangerous to go down there, we are ten meters under the surface. Are You sure we will be able to hold underwater that long?"

Olena's heart raced as she thought about the danger that lay before them. She had never been a strong swimmer, and the thought of diving ten meters underwater was a little bit terrifying.

Tom shrugged, trying to sound composed. "We might as well make the most of this evening; after all, it's not like we're going anywhere. Someone will come eventually."

But the longer they waited, the more anxious Olena became. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were trapped and that nobody was coming to rescue them. Sophia was growing more and more panicked, her breaths coming in short gasps. Olena knew that they had to do something to calm her down, otherwise, she might have a full-blown panic attack.

She turned her eyes to the huge glas window and noticed that the fish were still swimming by, completely oblivious to the situation that the four friends found themselves in. It gave her an idea.

"Why don't we look at the fish out there and take our mind off things," she said in a gentle voice. "Focusing on something outside of ourselves could help us de-stress."

Sofia agreed, and they walked next to the glass window, their heels clicking on solid floor. They started watching the colorful fish swim by. Olena couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as she looked out into the ocean, realizing just how small and insignificant they were compared to the vastness of the sea.

As both women observed underwater world their boyriends made themselves comfortable, sitting at one of the tables and sipping drinks.

Sofia and Olena were mesmerized by the vibrant, colorful life moving around them as they viewed through their snorkel masks. Suddenly, Olena tapped Sofia on the shoulder, pointing excitedly to a black silhouette that seemed to be skittering its way out from beneath the restaurant.

It was a person! Both women gasped in shock, their hearts racing. This persons head was now at the level of the floor. His short, blonde hair were slightly swaying in the current of the water in laces where straps of his black diving mask were not present. Man exhaled and trail of bubbles escaped from the exhaust port of his scuba regulator.

Sofia's heart was pounding in her chest as she watched the mysterious figure glide through the water. She couldn't help but feel a little bit afraid, but at the same time, there was something undeniably exciting about the situation.

"Oh my God," she whispered to Olena. "Do you see that?"

Olena nodded, her eyes glued to the figure as it moved closer and closer to the restaurant. She wondered who this person was and what they were doing there. Were they a rescue worker, coming to save them from their predicament?

The figure drew closer, and soon they could make out the details of his silhouette. Diver was tall, slim, and muscular, with broad shoulders and powerful legs. This was clearly visible as he wore a thin wetsuit that clung to his every curve emphasizing even his toned abs. Straps of his aqualung were visible, criss-crossing over his chest, and Olena couldn't help but feel a sense of attraction to the diver's rugged, masculine appearance.

The diver approached the window, and for a moment, his eyes locked onto Olena's. She could see a hint of a smile behind his regulator, and it sent a shiver down her spine. The man, or rather boy, looking at here throgh underwater window was young, eighteen or nineteen, and had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

But there was an undeniable confidence in the way he moved through the water, a sense of control that made him seem older, more experienced. She felt a flush of heat rise to her cheeks as she realized that she was blushing.

David and Tom looked up from their seats, curious about what was happening at the window. They both jumped up as they saw the diver, their expressions changing from confusion to shock.

"What the hell..." David muttered under his breath.

Young scuba diver was just hovering in the water, keeping his buoyancy with steady breaths. Once in a while stream of bubbles escaped his regulator as he watched the four friends inside. He seemed to be enjoying their reactions, and Olena couldn't help but feel like he was toying with them.

Another frog-like person emerged from below, swimming up to the window to join the first diver. But this one was different - it was a woman. Her long, black hair flowed behind her as she swam. She stood several inches shorter than her partner. Her tight-fitting wetsuit accentuated her hourglass figure, catching the admiring gazes of both Tom and David. He could feel the heat stirring in his chest as he watched her breasts move beneath the neoprene fabric with every breath.

Tom looked at David, his eyes wide with excitement. "I think we might have a saviors," he said, gesturing to the divers.

David nodded in agreement, a sense of relief spreading through him. David couldn't help but feel grateful for their help.

Olena couldn't help but feel a sense of attraction towards the young male diver. There was something about his confidence and rugged masculinity that drew her in. She found herself transfixed by his every move, her heart racing with excitement.

The woman diver caught her attention too, with her graceful movements and stunning physique. Olena couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy towards her, even though she knew it was irrational. She realized that scuba girl was teenager, not much older than the male diver. But still, the way she moved through the water with such fluidity and grace made her seem almost otherworldly.

The divers finally arrived at the window, and Olena could see their faces clearly for the first time. They both looked incredibly young, with clear, sun-kissed skin and bright, sparkling eyes. Their smiles were infectious, and Olena couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at the sight of them.

David nodded in agreement, a sense of relief spreading through him. He couldn't help but feel grateful for their help, even if they were a little bit mischievous.

But the divers didn't seem interested in helping them out of their predicament. Instead, they continued to hover outside the window, watching the four friends inside with amusement.

Olena felt a sense of frustration building inside her. She had thought that the divers might rescue them, but it seemed that they were more interested in playing games than helping them out.

"Hey!" she shouted, banging on the glass. "Can you help us out of here or not?"

They didn't seem to be taking the situation seriously at all.

Sophia's fear had turned into anger. "This is ridiculous," she snapped. "We're stuck here, and they're just playing around. I can't take this anymore."

David looked at the diver, then back at Tom, and nodded. "We need to find a way to communicate with him," he said.

Olena grabbed a pen and a piece of paper and quickly scrawled a response. "We're okay, just a little bit scared. Are you here to rescue us?"

The boy’s face was unreadable, but his gesture was clear - he wanted her to wait. His eyes were focused on her, asking her to be patient, and his body seemed relaxed despite the tense situation.

Stream of bubbles from scuba regulator raced from below and another two divers emerged, joining the pair in front of the window.

One of the new divers was a stunning young blonde of late teens, slim, athletic, very attractive, with piercing blue eyes. David felt his heart skip a beat as he watched her swim closer to the window, her eyes locking onto his.

This siren was around 160 centimeters tall and slim. Her body-hugging wetsuit clung to her curves, displaying a very full, very firm pair of enhanced breasts perched perfectly upon her chest. Her waist was impossibly small, no more than 60 cm.

The other diver was another young man, but he seemed more serious than the others. He had a determined look on his face, and his movements were precise and controlled.

Blonde scuba diver looked Olena in the eyes and She had a feeling that she saw this girl before. The blonde diver swam closer to the glass, her eyes fixed on Olena's. Now Olena knew where she had seen her before - this was the same girl she had seen on the yacht earlier.

Teenage procured small underwater writing board from her dive harness.

She quickly scribbled a response and held it up to the window.

"PLEASE STAY CALM" the message read.

Olena's frustration began rise. She couldn't understand why the divers were just playing around instead of helping them out of there. She felt like they were trapped in this underwater world, with no escape.

She wrote another message on the piece of paper and showed it to scuba divers.


The young blonde diver smiled in response, her eyes glinting mischievously. She scribbled something on her writing board and held it up to the window.

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Post by varrsuvius »

Olena's heart pounded in her chest as she read the message. Abducted? What on earth did that mean?

David and Tom looked at each other, their expressions turning to fear. They had no idea what was happening or why the divers were playing these games with them.

The young blonde diver continued to smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She seemed to be enjoying their fear, relishing in their confusion.

The male diver, who had arrived with the golden-haired woman, abruptly plunged beneath the restaurant. The four friends watched in disbelief as the male diver disappeared into the abyss. They exchanged fearful glances, unsure of what was going to happen next.

A metallic clamor suddenly echoed across the room as a hatch in the floor opened up and revealed a perfectly round, azure-colored abyss that was completely filled with water.

Sofia turned her eyes to the window. She could see three teenage divers just waiting and breathing steadily in front of the window. One of them, the young blonde girl, was still holding up her writing board with a mischievous smile on her face.

Her blonde hiared male companion was staring directly at Sofia's breasts. Sofia felt a surge of anger, but she was relieved that he wasn't going to jump through the window to get to her. She could see her reflection in the glass window - her top was completely see-through, made from thin, elastic fabric. Her svelte, pale body was clearly visible.

Sofia turned away, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Her breasts had always been large, сurvy. They had always attracted attention, and she was used to men looking at her with lustful gazes. She usually didn't mind, but this time it was different. She was in a vulnerable position, without any clothes on, with no way out.

"What do we do?" Sophia whispered, feeling a sense of panic rising in her chest.

David shook his head, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of escape. But there was nothing - just the dimly lit restaurant and the cold, dark water surrounding them.

Tom walked to the open hatch, grabbing empty wine bottle on his way. He prepared to strike anyone who would be stupid enough to use the hole to get to them. Nobody showed up in the blue hole. Tom's heart stopped as a lightning fast projectile shot from the blue hole, skimming his face. Before anyone could react, two more metallic objects rocketed out of the water and clanged onto the floor.

David gasped as three metal cylinders clattered to the ground in front of him. Each one was about twenty centimeters long and had a series of valves at the top. With loud whistling, they began to spin around and spew out a milky colored cloud of gas.

David clamped his mouth shut and began to run away. He tried to hold his breath. He was staggering, trying to get away as quickly as possible. He raced towards a side door, but they were still firmly closed.

Sofia also tried to hold her breath, desperately looking for the way out. The cloud of gas was spreading quickly, filling the entire room. Tom found himself running through a thick, sweet cloud of chemicals when he tried to get to David and help him force the door open. His head was already spinning, and he felt his lungs burning. He could see Sofia struggling just a few meters away. Olena grabbed cloth from the table, trying to put in on her mouth and use it as improvised mask.

Sofia could not hold her breath any longer, she opened her mouth and took a large breath of the smoke. Inhaling more and more of the sweet thick smoke, she felt herself relaxing and getting tired.

She looked through the window with panic in her eyes.


The three divers outside were staying calm, watching the captives slowly succumbing to the gas. The fourth diver, who had deployed the gas carnisters, rejoined the group. He gave a friendly wave to Sofia, even though he knew she was scared.

Sofia was shocked. She could not belive that they were trapped inside the room, forced to breath some kind of sedative gas while group of teenagers slowly watch them losing consciousness and smiling behind the glass.

Olena also breathed in sweet gas and she started to sway. She looked through the window, trying to make contact with the diver, but the young blonde girl just looked at her with her radiant smile.

Sofia felt a wave of heat rise up her neck as she looked outside. The divers were mesmerizing, emanating power and strength with their stillness. They were just a few feet away, yet it felt like miles between them and Sofia's vulnerability. She was powerless against the young people who could easily breathe air from their tanks while she and her friends were left in the gas-filled room. She was panicked, yet starangely aroused by the watching divers.

She looked at her friends, who were all slowly succumbing to the gas. David, who year earlier had proposed to her, now looked like a fragile, helpless boy instead of the strong and determined man who had planned to take care of her for the rest of their lives.

Tom gave up banging at the door and raced to the panoramic window.

"Let us out, you bastards!" he screamed, his voice growing hoarse as he lost more and more breath.

He could barely stand as the gas continued to fill the restaurant. He was feeling dizzy, and his head was starting to spin. Gas was working slowly, but with each breath he could feel сonsciousness fading.

He looked at the divers outside, their bodies lean and toned, their muscles well-defined and sculpted.

The divers outside were smiling thinly with lips wrapped around their mouthpieces as they watched the confused expression on Tom's face. One of them, girl with long, black hair and hourglass figure, approached the window and looked into the room. He looked at the girl with long dark hair. He had never seen a girl quite like her, so confident and mysterious. Her hair seemed to shine like the night sky, her body was tall and voluptuous yet slender. He could see the girl's eyes reflecting excitement, but there was something more behind them. There was dominance and power, her eyes were filled with amusement, like she was seeing something funny in the situation. She slowly pulled her mouthpiece out of her mouth and blew him an underwater kiss. Tom could see her full lips and her wet, hungry and inviting. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts. He suddenly felt the intense urge to kiss the girl through the window, to run down to the deep blue ocean and touch her rubber-covered body.

Tom stumbled and fell to his knees as the girl on the window blew him a second kiss. Realizing that he was about to pass out, he put his hands on the window, trying to keep himself on his feet and close to the girl. Soon, he also began to feel faint, lying on the floor. He could no longer scream, no longer try to get out of the restaurant - all he could do was lie there and watch his friends as they slipped to the ground, completely exposed and vulnerable.

David сlutched to the floor, his fingers clawing at the cold concrete while he fought to stay conscious. He was struggling to stay awake as he looked at Tom lying on the floor, his t-shirt pulled up revealing his belly button. Finally, David's eyes closed and he passed out.

Sofia watched as David, her future husband, collapsed to the floor. She wanted to scream but she could not - she was completly numb. She wanted to run to him, to help him, but her body was paralyzed and she could move only her head. Her eyes were wide open, her pupils dilated.

Soporific gas was already taking effect, loosening her muscles and making them feel like liquid. She slumped with her face pressed against underwater window. She slowly slid down until she was on her knees against the glass wall her plump breasts being wedged up under her chin by her body weight. She would have fallen farther but her tight skirt kept her knees from sliding too far apart. Last thing she saw was the divers looking at her through the glass, their faces filled with calm, yet with a hint of authority, like she was a toy or a piece of property that had to be handled with care. She wanted to scream, but she felt like she was dreaming.

Sofia waited for her body to sink down on the floor, but she did not. She was completely lucid and aware, but she felt no control over her movements. She was standing against the glass, her hands pressed against it, her face pushed into it. Her legs were spread wide and her skirt had ridden up, revealing her toned and shapely ass.

She looked at now barely conscious David and then at Tom. Her eyes then moved up to the window again. She was staring into the eyes of one of the girls, her own white eyes looking back with determination. The girl was looking at her with lust and without any trace of concern. She was not sorry. She was not сurious about Sofia's wellbeing. Sofia's eyes were wide with the realization that the girl had full control over her and there was nothing she could do about it.

The black-haired girl slowly raised her hand and softly slid her hand down her face, over her lips and scuba regulator. Then, her hand slowly moved down her neck, over her chest and down her sternum. Then she slowly lowered her hand over her body, caressing the curves of her body, cupping her breast and giving it a gentle squeeze. To Sofia's surprise, her body was completely aroused. She had never felt so turned on in her life. She could feel a prickling sensation in her clit, it was so sensitive but not painful. It was like the feeling of a light touch, but instead of that it was intensely pleasurable. Her body felt so hot and wet and weak, like she was being hugged by a giant hand.

Olena surveyed the room filled with people slowly succumbing to the effects of the sedative drug. Sofia's eyes glazed over, body slumping to the ground, leaning against the glass wall in a languid pose. Olena glanced out the window and watched as a group of teenage divers in the depths. She could feel their desire for the unknown from miles away and it sent thrill up her spine. The atmosphere in the restaurant was charged with tantalizing anticipation.
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Post by varrsuvius »

In unison, the divers sank below the restaurant’s floor. After a while, Olena heard a splash and saw a masked figure appear in the open hatch, dripping wet. The boy grabbed the edge of the hole and hauled himself out. Water was streaming down his wetsuit and scuba gear as he took a deep breath from his regulator and let out an audible hiss. A tall, athletic figure started to walk towards Sofia. He didn't even remove his black flippers. Olena couldn't help but stare at his body. The thin rubber clothing emphasized every contour and muscle, making her heart race.

Another diver's body emerged from the hole, and Olena locked eyes with the mysterious black-haired frogwoman. As girl exited the hatch, Olena was taken away by her sweet curves and toned physique glistening in the water. She felt a sudden urge to reach out and trace her hands along the smoothness of her legs, and she could almost feel the warmth emanating from her body as she took a deep breath from her regulator. Her lips were still hidden underneath her regulator, but Olena knew that if she took it off, chick would be even more gorgeous.

Brunette marched towards David, her gait seductive as she moved. Every step brought the sway of her hips.
He tried to rise from the ground, but his weakened body had been affected by the knockout gas and he stumbled. But with a sly smile she caught him in her arms, letting his head rest between her ample bosoms as he meekly collapsed to his knees. His eyelids closed as he drifted off into unconsciousness, a thin stream of saliva dripping from his parted lips onto her wetsuit. She cradled his form with one hand and delicately put him on the floor.

Loud hiss of scuba gear was heard as the second scuba girl lifted her slim body from the water. Olena noticed the girl's well-toned thighs, the way they glistened in the light, and the way her wetsuit hugged her upper body. It was impossible to have such breasts with waist that slim without surgery. Even her mask and wet blonde hair seemed sexy. She was beautiful.

Olena knew now that the gas would take full effect soon. She heard the sound of regulators belonging to young divers. She realized that they had not removed their mouthpieces so that they wouldn't inhale the gas used to subdue Olena and her friends. Blonde guy who entered the room as first was next to Sofia. He kneeled beside her and gently put her on the floor. Her short, elastic skirt went up almost revealing her ass. Olena noticed that Sofia was not struggling, perhaps due to the amount of gas she inhaled. Blonde guy looked at the brunette and nodded. Brunette got something from her scuba harness and threw small black bag at him. He grabbed it and unrolled the nylon black straps. Olena was familiar with this item; it was bondage webbing, a device used to weave a complex pattern around somebody’s body in order to restrain them.

Blonde stud put one of the belts under Sofia's boobs and the second above them, over her arms then pulled the straps to fasten them. The black material of the harness tightly wrapped the woman's skin. Before Olena's eyes, the boy twisted Sofie's hands backwards where the thick straps attached to the belt under her prominent breasts awaited them. Olena understood Sofia would not have been able to squeeze free even without the action of the gas used against them.

She turned her eyes to shapely brunette. The girl crouched down beside Tom with another bondage webbing in her gloved hand. The girl was beautiful, with high cheekbones and delicate, sensual features. She had a fantastic, toned figure, with an hourglass waist, a slender waist and hips. The girl started to unclip the harness. As Brunette dragged Tom to the side, his limp arms and legs dragged through the webbing, making it easy for her to secure it. The girl wrapped it around Tom's body then pulled it tight, trapping him in a cocoon of fabric. Olena felt a strange sensation in her stomach as the girl stood and looked at her, her expression was one of power, yet innocence and gentleness. Dressed in a tight black suit and black flippers, she was a tempting sight.

The girl was holding something in her hand, it was a small half mask. Olena could see the breathing hoses running down a small canister brunette procured and placed on the floor, then she put the mask over Tom's face and pulled the rubber straps over his head. The black-haired seductress then attached the small pony bottle to the front of bondage webbing and turned the valve.

The blonde guy placed a similar mask on Sofia's face. She stared at him limply as he applied the mask over her face.

The second girl crouched next to Olena. She was small and skinny and her chest had been surgically enlarged so much that it looked like almost too big on her narrow frame. Her wet platinum hair fell over her shoulders in stiff curls. Olena's head rested on the floor as the girl wrapped the webbing over her chest, then pulled at the straps, tightening it. The tightness was almost unbearable but somehow the feeling of pleasure Olena felt was even greater. Blonde vixen pulled the straps over her breasts, then wrapped the webbing around her belly. The girl's fingers were so soft and gentle, their touch sent shivers through Olena's body.

Girl placed the mask over Olena's face and attached the same pony bottle to the belt just below Olena's boobs. The girl held the mask over her and fastened the straps over her head. She had her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound with a nylon belt. As the girl handled her, she forgot about her friends. She was filled with an overpowering desire to feel the girl's slim body against her. She wanted to feel the weight of the girl's breasts against her own. She wanted to feel the girl's hands on her skin. She wanted to feel the girl's tongue on her lips.

The blonde guy reached out and wrapped his hands around Sofia's waist, effortlessly lifting her off the ground. Then he expertly switched to a cradle carry, adjusting his grip to keep her secure. Sofia felt weightless in his arms, like nothing could touch her or bring her down. His muscles bulged with each movement, and Olena couldn't help but appreciate how strong and capable he looked. She observed the dark-haired female scuba diver beginning to pull the restrained Tom to a hatch in the floor.

Young man lowered Sofia into the watery hole. Olena saw as her friend's bound form disappears under the surface. Last thing she saw was woman's masked face and hazy eyes as she descended int the ocean. Brunette dragged Tom and threw him into the hole. Brunette dove after him, disappearing from the room along with her captive.

After Sofia had disappeared, the blonde-haired girl crouched in front of Olena and made sure the small scuba tank was in position. Olena felt girl's rubber gloves as she started to drag her to the hatch. She felt her shoes slip and fall off. The last thing Olena saw before she descended into the water was the blonde stud, putting David in bondage.

Olena kicked her feet, sending a rush of bubbles out of her regulator as she was lowered into the sea. She moved her body around and tried to grab onto the concrete walls of the shaft, but she could not. She started to panic, ocean water was in her eyes, she trashed in her bonds but nyllon webbing did not budge. She wanted to scream but with mask on her mouth she just produced a muffled cry. "i'm going to drown!" her mind raced "They are going to drown us all!".

Her lungs began to burn from the carbon dioxide and she felt the need to inhale. She saw blury, dark figure descending in front of her. She quickly recognized her female-diver. Her vision cleared, she saw the figure of woman staring at her. She did not move, instead she stared at Olena, almost as if she were examining her. Olena heard the sound of thumping regulator and felt she can not hold her breath any longer. As she opened her mouth she realized that there is an air in the mask strapped to her face. Olena took a breath and her lungs filled with oxygen. Almost instantly the burning in her chest ceased. She felt a bit dizzy, but her head cleared. As she breathed in, she glanced down and saw the beautiful brunette diver. A few meters away, she was suspended in the sea. Tom was in her arms, bound and restrained by an intricate weaving of nylon straps. He was unconscious and his legs jerked as if they had fallen asleep. Another diver, a blonde man, secured bound and masked Sofia. Elastic white top covering her mounds was now completly soaked exposing her boobs squeezed between bondage webbing.

The blonde woman gazed into Olena's eyes to determine if her captive had ceased becoming overwhelmed with fear. Then she finned slowly behind Olena and firmly grasped her from behind. She had never felt so vulnerable before and she was terrified. The girl's lithe body and her swaying breasts made her feel aroused. She was so fit and strong, every time she moved, she felt the woman's muscles ripple and tensing under her skintight wetsuit. Olena felt the girl's breasts press against her back as she was carried along. She heard bubles escaping her scuba gear as her kidnapper held her firmly.

David, still in his blue jeans and t-shirt dropped into the ocean in the cloud of bubbles. He was bound in the same way as rest of his friends. Another splash was heard as the second male diver dropped into the water next to him.
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Post by dream713 »

Very nice story!
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Post by varrsuvius »

When the group reached a certain depth, the blonde guy raised an arm and pointed towards the direction of open sea. Olena felt her female captor start to move under the water, holding her tightly. She saw Sofia swimming in front of her, being dragged by the muscular blonde stud. The oxygen tank strapped to her chest bubbled occasionally, providing her with a constant stream of fresh air. With each breath, Olena could feel her captor's body against hers, giving her an odd mixture of protection and arousal.

She surveyed her surroundings as she saw Tom's strong body securely bound and pulled by the girl with inky locks. She kicked her powerful fins through the water, pulling them further away from the restaurant. Her sleek black hair flowed behind her in the current as she propelled them forward with graceful elegance.

Everything felt like a dream to Olena. She and her friends had been drugged and kidnapped by a group of scuba divers, taken underwater where their captors had the upper hand. Olena was sure that even if they could break free from their restraints, they would stand no chance against their scuba-clad kidnappers.

The divers swam on with slow, steady strokes of their legs. Eventually, Olena noticed a black shape looming above them: the yacht. Before long, the whole team began to ascend towards the surface.

Divers stopped their ascend few meters below the shimmering surface. Man carrying David signaled something and looked at his dive computer strapped to his muscular arm. Olena heard onece that divers should make safety stop before ascending to the surface. She felt that blonde girl holding her also stopped her ascent. She felt a soft tug on the webbing around her waist. The girl's hands explored the nylon fabric like she had done before. She could feel the girl's fingers caressing her skin as she traced the edges of the harness. Olena felt her nipples tingling and her pussy clenched. She was glad the mask hid her flushed face.

Blonde guy holding Sofia was next to them. He held her friend from behind, his gloved hand digging inth the bondage harnes marking Sofia's slender body. Her big greasts were clearly visible - her elastic white top was completly wet. Her spandex miniskirt was now raised, revealing hint of white g-strings undernath. Diver holding her cupped Sofia's breasts in his hands, and he began to massage her nipples, at first gently, but then with increasing pressure. Olena saw her friend began to shake and shiver, in spite of the warm water. She tried to turn her head to look at him, but he grabbed a handful of her hair, and forced her head to the front. He continued to tease and torture her left nipple, but his other hand slid down the front of her skirt, and found way to her engorged lips. Olena saw in shock as Sofia's body began to move in slow seductive rhythm flinching and moving slightly. Her breathing mask released a cloud of bubbles.

She saw how Sofia responded to sexual stimulus, combination of dominant younger man enslaving her, fear of dangerous underwater environment and his fingers working on her body was too much for her. Olena's pussy began to throb with hot desire, she felt her thighs twitching and as she looked at her friend. The blonde man started to rub Sofia's pussy, he used only his gloved fingers he began to massage her clit, using a pattern of long strokes and quick flicks. Sofia's breathing rate increased. She moaned loudly, and thrashed her head from side to side. Her wet buttocks flexed and undulated as she struggled in her bonds. As her moans became louder, her thighs began to quiver, and her knees stiffened. The diver stroking her pussy began to increase the rhythm of his finger, and pushed his fingers into the woman's pussy at an angle. Olena could hear him grunt as he continued to stroke her. She saw Sofia's pussy gape as if inviting him to enter. Diver took out his knife and cut open part of his wetsuit at his abdomen and pulled out massive cock.

Before she could even think of stopping him, he rammed his rock hard rod into Sofia's pussy. She let out a long muffled cry of shock and surprise as he penetrated her. She quivered as he started to pump in and out of her, fucking her roughly. The blonde stud's cock was long and thick, and Sofia's pussy struggled to accommodate it. Sofia thrashed her head from side to side and struggled in her bonds, but the younger man held her securely and continued to fuck her with his massive cock. Olena saw the size of his dick as it went in and out of her friend's pussy, and felt a rush of wetness flood her pussy. She wanted to do something, but only thing she could do was to silently observe as her friend is being raped by scuba diver five meters below the sea.

The blonde diver seized Sofia's ass with both hands and increased his speed, hammering her pussy mercilessly, making her bounce up and down between his legs. Sofia seemed totally unable to resist, and simply hung in her bonds, moaning loudly through the air valve in her mask. The diver grunted as he slammed his hips against hers. He rapidly jackhammered his cock into her pussy, and twisted his hips and knees as he fucked her. He began to speed up, and Sofia's pussy lips stretched and distended as she was stuffed with hard, thick cock. Olena's pussy was now dripping, the wetness ran down her legs and she could feel her pussy lips getting wet. She could feel her own juices flowing from her pussy. She started to feel weak and her head swam. Her pussy clenched. She wanted to cum so badly, but she was bound and unable to move. The only sound was of bubbles escaping her mask.

Sofia came hard. Her tied knees began to shake, and her body went into throbs. Every muscle in her body flexed and stiffened, and she screamed in pleasure. The guy grabbed her shoulder, and then jerked a few times, while pushing himself deeper into her pussy, ejaculating his load of cum inside her. The dark-haired frogwoman who had been holding onto Tom let go and gave an ironic clap underwater.

Blonde scuba diver signaled them and divers pressed inflator buttons filling their dive wings with compressed air. Now the divers were able to float, and pull the captives upwards. As they ascended, Olena's head began to clear and her mind returned to normal. She watched her friend being fucked below her, and she felt a quick stab of pain as she realized that there was nothing she could do to help. Young scuba diver with David reached surface first and they began to ascend the yacht ladder. Divers with the captives reached the surface, and as they broke water, Olena saw what she had been briefly shown before - a big yacht. Girl holding her surfaced and spit out her mouthpiece.

"Help me to get her on board" she said to her colleague who was already standing on diving deck. Olena felt her pussy clench as the man still having diving mask on his face grabbed her by the nylon webbing, and helped her onto the deck. Divers worked fast and their movements were efficient. Suddenly, Olena heard splashing sound, and saw Tom and Sofia being lowered to the deck by the people holding them. Their breathing masks were removed. Sofia’s eyelids were half-closed, her irises unfocused and glazed with contentment. Her cheeks were flushed pink after forced underwater orgasm.
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Post by GreyLord »

This is a very unique and fascinating tale. Eager to read what happens next.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by varrsuvius »

Tom's face had gone crimson with rage, and he now understood the situation.

"Let us go!" he bellowed.

The voluptuous blonde looked down at him and admonished in a gentle voice, "You must be more polite or I will have to take action." In response, Tom attempted to turn around and kick her with his feet tied together. The girl released an audible exhale before pushing him off the board with her flipper-covered foot. He tumbled into the water and vanished beneath the surface.

Olena watched in terror as her boyfriend was being tossed into water, as if there was nothing wrong, and she was unable to move to help her. The girl with the dark hair undid the straps and gently pulled scuba gear off her body. Olena could swear that she saw the woman in front of her smile behind her mask.

"Are You going to drown him?" David yelled.

One of the boys looked at the breasted blonde as if to say, "Come on." The girl angrily yucked and then slipped the diving mask back over her eyes , grabbed the mouthpiece in her mouth and jumped, disappearing into the ocean.

After a few dozen seconds, Tom's head emerged from the water, and a split second later the girl's head appeared next to him. Tom was spitting and coughing up water, his eyes wide with terror.

The blonde girl supporting him on the surface calmed him down, but after a while she let go of his harness. Tom's head plunged underwater again. After a moment, the teenager pulled him to the surface again.

"Are you going to be good now?" she asked, "or do you want to take another dive?" Frightened and subdued, Tom quickly nodded his head. The girl's partner helped her pull him onto the diving deck

Olena felt a pair of hands on her harness. She was pulled towards another diver and he started to remove belt keeping her feet together. This time Olena did not resist. Meanwhile, the dark-haired girl knelt beside Tom and fastened a collar around his neck. It was thick and tight, made of black material. A larger black piece covered with small red lettering protruded from its side.

Titty blonde had already removed her fins and was finishing undoing the harness of her aqualung. She took it off with the help of one of the guys and pushed the black mask back over her forehead. Her face was beautiful and youthful, with lustrous golden wet hair, and very blue eyes. Her large tits were barely contained by the stretchy fabric. She turned her back to Tom as she unzipped back of her wetsuit.

"Listen tough guy," she said lifting the small pilot from the galley, "I was hoping to tame you in other ways, but if you keep causing problems...". She suspended her youthful voice and squeezed the remote more tightly. Tom scrambled when the kiss of the electric collar spread over his body. His muscles dangled in uncontrollable rapid spasms. The blonde squeezed the remote control for a moment longer, looking at her numb victim, and finally turned the device off in a quick motion. Tom's body relaxed. He was too weak and exhausted after the encounter with the stun gun to make any movement. The blonde handed the remote control to her taller colleague.

"Remember, Natalia will always have it with her, in case you try to disobey," she said.

Tom's face was scarlet red and his eyes were full of hate and anger.

"I will not try again" he said, "or I will do anything you want."

"Ok," she said, then to black haired girl she called Natalia, "switch on, but not too strong." The girl with the remote control at the belt buckle made a rough motion. Tom gasped in pain and his muscles started to twitch and spasm, his body shaking and twitching like a meat puppet.

"I want to hear you say 'I apologize'," said the girl.

"I apologize" Tom said.

"Say "I will be good now"" she said.

"I will be good now" Tom said quickly.

"OK, you can take him up now", the woman said to her partner.

"You look like a guy who likes to be tied up," the dark haired girl said to David, "would you like to come with me?"

David nodded, he was red faced and breathing heavily. The girl turned around and unbuckled the nylon webbing that held David's legs together.

"I will take off your mask now," she said, "and you must not move". The girl took off the diving mask and revealed her pretty face, then yanked the strap off David's head. He was led away by a tall diver.

"Oh, I know what you are looking for," she said "don't worry, I will take you there, and after we will be together all the time." She smiled and winked to Olena, then slipped off her mask completely. The girl was beautiful, with a delicate heart-shaped face, a pert nose and full pink lips. She definitely didn't look older than 18-19 years old. She tossed the mask next to the boy and led the young girl off the diving deck, into the lounge and up a set of stairs.

"Welcome aboard," brunette announced, "I’m Natalie, but you may call me mistress," she added, "right this way." She pulled Olena by the straps of her bondage webbing and the girl stumbled on the carpeted floor. They entered a big cabin, furnished with an elegant table,and chairs. A window covered with black curtains looked out to the ocean.

Her captor let go of Olena's straps, and the girl fell to her knees. The floor was soft and carpeted, and she began to feel lightheaded. Natalie went over to the armchair and sat down, facing her. Olena was staring at her slutty tight diving suit, and her pretty face growing red. Soon one of the boys brought Sofia into the room. He stood tall with broad shoulders, a strong jawline, and piercing blue eyes. He had short, wet sandy brown hair that's slicked back and combed neatly. He had already managed to partially pull off his diving suit so that now only his legs were clad in black rubber. Olena's friend had recovered from the unexpected underwater intercourse, but shame and embarrassment were visible on her face. The boy pushed her to the ground next to Olena. She fell to her knees pushing up her shapely ass.

The brunette began pulling off her diving suit and boots. She was wearing nothing underneath, and Olena could see her perky pink nipples poking through her skin.

She glanced at her friend who was just ushering the bundled Tom into the room.

"Come on, Barbara, let's go dry off."

The blonde giggled and the two girls disappeared into the side door of the room.

Olena and Sofia anxiously wondered what would happen next, they wanted to do something, but both were still tightly restrained with nylon straps. Sofia felt that although there was only one of the kidnappers in the room with them, a boy a good ten years younger than her, they had zero chance of escaping.

"So," began the boy with a smile, staring at the bundled girls, "how did you enjoy the dive? I think you girls might have enjoyed it a little too much."

Olena and Sofia glanced at each other. They both started to feel strange, their faces felt warm and flushed.

“I can't wait to have the two of you completely under my control in my cabin," he exclaimed. “I watched as my friend had his way with you underwater, looks like you really enjoy that kind of thing.”

Sofia's face blushed, she became increasingly embarrassed. "I've never been scuba diving before and..."

“No need to apologize,” he interrupted. “I’m sure you’ll be hooked for life," as he said this he allowed his eyes to glance over Olena's body without any restraint, his gaze lingering on the her hips. The young man began to stroke his crotch, slowly caressing it through the thin black rubber.

"What's going to happen to us?" asked Olena timidly. "Where are we?"

"Don't worry, girls," he said, "you're going to have a great time with us."

The two girls gracefully entered the room, their wet bodies now adorned with tight-fitting clothing. The brunette had an exquisite hourglass figure accentuated by a latex bodysuit and tights that left little to the imagination. Her blonde companion wore a tiny rubber bra, barely able to contain her enlarged silicone breasts, and a sheer pair of fishnet pantyhose that only added to her mesmerizing curves.

With skilled movements, the blonde untied Tom's looping harness.

"Watch out," hissed the brunette while fiddling with the remote control of the electric collar, "one misbehavior and I'll keep razzing you until your bladder refuses to obey."

Tom was too frightened to fight back as the blonde held him down on the little leather-covered table. His hands were firmly placed around the front legs of the piece of furniture and his feet were bound at the back. The brunette reached into a cupboard and pulled out a large ebony ball gag.

"Open your mouth," she said, stepping closer to him.

He tried to avoid the gag but then the brunette waved the remote control in front of his face.

"Do you have anything to add?" she inquired.


"Excellent, then the gag shouldn't be a problem." She grinned as she placed the ball in his mouth and secured it with the strap behind his head. The blonde knelt down next to the table and began unexpectedly caressing his face. Her hand moved slowly and reached his nipple. At this time, the brunette in the latex gently touched Tom's testicles.

"We'll have a lot of fun together, darling," she whispered as she looked into his eyes and smiled. "We might even fall in love."

Tom's face grew even redder and the manacles quivered. He was completely at their mercy.

The blonde slut brought her ample breasts to his face.

"Do you like them?" she asked, "would you perhaps like me to touch you with them?"

Tom didn't need to respond since the ball gag in his mouth only allowed him to emit small whines. The blonde took her breasts away from his mouth, then held his head between them.

"Well, you seem to enjoy it," she said and smiled. "I'm Barbara by the way," she continued as she felt his cock swelling up. "And Natalie, over there, is my best friend."

The brunette smiled and looked at Tom's manhood.

"I see you like Barbara."

She slowly stroked his hardening rod, up one side and down the other, until it filled her hand. The head of his cock was a deep red color and its shaft was thick, with veins bulging under the surface. She ran her thumb over the top, feeling the slit in which the soft moist edge of his glans peeked out.

Olena and Sofia stared as if mesmerized at the scene unfolding before them. Tom was completely submerged in pleasure, absorbed in intercourse with the gorgeous blonde. He was unable to notice that her friend had stopped caressing his cock and was now fastening a belt with an attached rubber member on her hips. Olena opened her mouth to warn him, but was stopped by the boy's menacing gesture.

They could only watch as the brunette thoroughly moistened the artificial penis with lubricant and approached the unaware Tom from behind.
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Post by varrsuvius »

Tom was still focused on the girl's caressing breasts when, with one fluid movement of her athletic body, the brunette mounted him from behind impaling him on the shaft of her dildo. Tom's body twitched and he groaned into Barbara's breasts, his right foot began shaking as he struggled against the leather straps. He jerked his head back and forth in an attempt to express his displeasure, but the blonde held him firmly. The brunette pushed the dildo harder against his asshole.

"Relax and enjoy this," she said and placed a hand on his back.

Barbara looked at her friend who smiled and nodded. They heard a muffled shriek, but it was neither Sofia nor Olena, but Tom. A large, thick dildo was shoved into his anus, tearing the delicate walls inside.

Meanwhile, the brunette pushed hard on the anal dildo, milking him with a rhythmic motion. Tom was caught in a whirlwind of pleasure, unable to resist the waves of intense sensations. Olena and Sofia watched in disbelief as the brunette slowly rode Tom. Minutes earlier, the man was completely unable to resist and terrified, but now he was enjoying the pleasure of being fucked in the ass. Tom's body was shaking and his face was red, but the veins in his neck were bulging, his cock was throbbing and his breath was getting shorter.

"Look at that," Barbara called out. "He's a little slut. Look how the bitch slobbers."

Tom's cock was now fully erect and Barbara pulled away the blonde on his face. Barbara grabbed Tom's penis, which was now wet with precum. She squeezed his testicles and took away the gag. Tom gasped and groaned as the dildo pierced his sphincter once again, but his cock was throbbing with pleasure.

"You are gonna swallow my cum!" she exclaimed. "And if you don't, Natalie will have to deal with you again."

She smiled at Natalie who smiled back and nodded. She then took the artificial penis from her hips and pressed its tip against Tom's mouth. He was helpless to react as the dildo penetrated his lips and pushed itself into his mouth. He choked and coughed, but the brunette didn't let him go. As he swallowed, she pushed the dildo deeper into his throat until his nostrils were pressed against her labia. Tom began to breathe in her smell, and the brunette released her grasp.

"Good boy," she said. "Now be a good slut and lick my pussy."

Tom was untied and moved to a horizontal position, his head still held in place by the blonde. He began licking the brunette's pussy as soon as she released him.

"A little enthusiasm could be nice," said the brunette with a frown. "Do it like you mean it."

Her smile returned when Tom began lapping at her pussy with renewed vigor.

"That's better," she said, caressing the back of his head. "Now you're going to get fucked."

The brunette straddled him. Tom drew in a sharp breath as the brunette settled herself over his cock. She slowly lowered herself, her lubricated pussy enveloping his shaft. The brunette moved her hips in smooth, circular motions, up and down and back and forth. Tom moaned as his cock was penetrated by her pussy again and again.

"You are a great fuck," she whispered in his ear. "I'm gonna cum soon."

Tom shut his eyes and began biting the brunette's nipples. The brunette moaned and pressed her hand against his wet face. She looked straight into his eyes and began to scream. Tom's body shuddered, his muscles tensed and he began to cum. The brunette fell back and Tom's cock spurted semen spurted onto his own belly.

The brunette stood up and looked satisfied. Her gaze turned to Olena.

"And how was it," she asked? Did you like what I did with your boyfriend?"

Olena didn't respond and tried to look away. Natalie, however, was determined to make her talk.

"It's very simple," she said as showed her a button on the remote. "If you don't speak, we'll do it again, only worse."

At this time, Tom sat on the floor and looked at them scared. Nathalie waved the remote again in front of Olena.


Olena opened her mouth and spoke "He is the best fuck I've ever had," she said with tears in her eyes. "I love the way he fucks me."

"And you like to watch when a woman fucks him?"

Olena nodded.

Natalie looked at Tom and continued. "I thought so. It's clear from the way you were drooling over his cock. Now you get a chance to enjoy that cock for real. And you won't have to watch. But first, we need to prepare."

The girls led Tom and Sofia out of the room. Olena was again left alone with a young man. He had managed to fully remove his wetsuit and now began tinkering with the harness that was binding her.

She felt her hands become free. The lad helped her up as her legs trembled from exhaustion. Her energy had been drained due to being kidnapped, then the long submerged journey and having been tied for so long. The boy guided her to the table, forced her onto it, and started securing her arms and legs to the handles. Olena offered no resistance; she was aware that if she battled it would be futile. Furthermore, being bound while being fucked by her partner wasn't unfamiliar.

The man now approached her head and, in a skilled motion, pulled a thin latex hood over her, taking her gaze away. She felt her confusion begin to grow. She tried to test the bonds, but the tethers attached to the table held her arms and legs firmly. She felt something encompass her head and heard a loud, steady white noise filling her head. Someone had put headphones on her cutting off her sense of hearing. She had been blindfolded many times during sex but had never gone further in sensory deprivation. Olena's heart started racing. It was one thing to have sex while blindfolded and then have a reassuring presence by her side, but now two her senses were taken away from her.

She felt a hand on her pussy. He was now touching her probing her own wetness. She felt her hips lifted up, she moaned. The fear was still growing. She was on a boat surrounded by people who had kidnapped and locked her up, but now they were using her body. She wanted to resist, but she knew that it wouldn't help. She had no idea where she was, and she didn't know whether she could trust the young people who had brought her here. She simply felt scared and helpless.

The man paused, depriving her of all sensation. She wept as she felt the sharp, unsolicited pleasure that coursed through her body. She felt a hand on her face, which forced her to open her mouth. The rubber object was placed in her mouth and attached with a strap to her head making her unable to close her wide-open jaw . Olena tried to touch the object with her tongue and realized that she had been gagged with a ring gag. Her teeth firmly gripped the ring, the gag was large and impossible to spit out. She felt the touch of the rubber on her buttock. For a moment she felt the touch in her rectal area and stiffened.

"They want to fuck me anally." flashed through her head. She tried to prepare herself in her mind for being sodomized, but after a moment she felt the touch move toward her vagina. The hand started gently touching her clit and labia. Olena suddenly realized that the ring gag made her drool uncontrollably, and the drool spilled out of her mouth. She felt her vagina still dripping with her sexual juices. Olena felt a cock enter her pussy. She started to moan as he began to fuck her.

"They can do this to me because I'm their prisoner," she thought. "But, why am I not fighting them?"
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