The Rope Bunny (m+f+/f+) *Story Complete* *More Bunny Action in the Adult section*

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Alisonlovesropes wrote: 1 year ago A nice temporary pause (not. End) and a wonderful off beat story.
Thanks :D .

And definitely not the end, I'm starting to write more now.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

A bit anticlimactic, with Michelle not really asking much of anything. Perhaps the girls should have gone into it more prepared.

Interesting attempt by the Rope Bunny to communicate at the end. Almost as if the confrontation has partially awoken her, but she is still dreamy, living in her small little Rope Bunny world where there is nothing but the tying. But now hazily aware of there being something else.

Someone else, I suppose.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago Any thoughts/wishes regarding things you'd like to see as we move forward?
The obvious answer to the question is 'more information on how the Rope Bunny came to be/what is going on.' But as I said, obvious.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderfully entertaining. Lots of questions remain, but that to mean adds to the intrigue - whether or not there's another section!
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago A bit anticlimactic, with Michelle not really asking much of anything. Perhaps the girls should have gone into it more prepared.
For which I can only say sorry.

Although I'm not really.

I had intended a more full Q&A, this was to be it, the end of part one, answers. The chapter plan was as it ran: Jody gets tied up, Michelle asks questions.

But I kinda got lost in the flow, and what came out was a slightly scary side of the Bunny, of Michelle forcing her to realise Kayley as something that exists, and then the follow up note in Kayley's notebook.

The Rope Bunny, aware now, wanting answers for herself too.

A team up even? However that might work, that might be a way forward.

So, no real answers, but if the Bunny looks, and Kayley looks too- in between the distractions of Jody :lol: -then I'd think answers will come.

With luck you'll read along and discover them too.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Wonderfully entertaining. Lots of questions remain
Thanks for commenting, and yes they do.

I'm working up to it.

There won't be a clue, that just leads to another clue, that leads to another clue.... :lol:

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Post by Caesar73 »

I like the story so far - and hope it is not the end :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago I like the story so far - and hope it is not the end :)
Definitely isn't, next chapter up soon :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

Part the second.
The events below occurring some two years ago.
As an alternative title.
The first time.

"You know," poking her head around my bedroom door, leaning half in through the gap, "if Dad caught you awake at this time on a school night you'd be grounded for a week." Lucy, my older sister by four years, looks thoughtful. Nods. "At least."

"Sorry." Shutting off my small wall mounted flatscreen, my own fault for watching rock videos, the volume creeping steadily upwards.

"I just." Shrugging. "Can't sleep."
"Not surprised with that racket." Grinning. At seventeen Lucy's old enough to fake her way into most clubs, and she favours trance and house over rock. "You should try listening to some proper music once in a while sis."
"So should you." Smiling back, an old back and forth. Easy teasing.

"Go to sleep Erika." Wagging a finger at me, using my name. Being Mum. Which, making the story short, we don't have since she went on holiday to Spain two years and change ago, never to return.

I guess I should. Can't spend the whole school day yawning. I guess.

But first I pad barefoot, vest top and baggy trousers, to the bathroom for a drink.

Which becomes a drink and brushing my teeth, and a pee, and washing my face. And spending nearly ten minutes eying my chest, top pressed tight over the small swell of my B cups, turning left, turning right. Frowning, wondering whether I'll remain modest, like Erika, or wind up with a chest worth noticing, like Mum.

Wondering whether, ultimately, it even matters?

Lucy's door is closed. Without thinking I open it, stepping in.

"Oh." Freezing, the completely unexpected sight stopping me dead. I laugh, a quick high nervous gun like sound. "Um...."
"Fffgggghh llllmmmfff!!!"

She's done it to herself, that's the part I'm impressed by. The forward planning needed to arrive at her current state: tape bound ankles, more tape circling Lucy's head, sealing her mouth, and a third, the tape roll still behind her, attached to the layers wrapping her crossed wrists.

It looks like, stepping closer, leaning down for a better angle. She's rolled the tape, passing and feeding it out, by a combination of her bound wrists plus the use of body and arms as a means to pin the roll, then wriggling and squirming to tease more out, adding another fairly tight layer.

Tight, I assume, because instead of breaking free, rising from the bed pulling off her gag to shout anger at me. Instead Lucy's bouncing around, breasts moving unsupported inside her small white crop top, face red with her failure to escape.

"Ffggghhh mmghhh pppffffhh."
"Well." Straightening up, shaking my head. "You wouldn't free me would you." Giving her bare feet a tickle, grinning as Lucy spasms. "Sis?"

Rolling onto her back, glaring at me, going for that big sister authority. Totally spoiled by the dynamic of her bound, gagged, and my, apparently, holding all the cards.

"Hold on." Holding up a finger, sidestepping towards her door. "I'll be right back."

Laughing as her tape muffled cursing, the groaning of mattress springs, follows me down the short corridor to my room.

Where I grab books I never got around to finishing. Another of my fads, I'm on a forever cycle of becoming fixated, obsessed, with something, Dad buying me various books or whatever else the latest hobby, or interest, calls for. After which I'll spend anywhere from three weeks to several months completely absorbed.

Only to just as suddenly lose interest.

Magic. Myths. Things that shouldn't, and probably don't, exist. I'd spent a month earlier in the year convinced I could, with the right knowledge and practice, float an empty paper cup.

Guess how that turned out.

But. Now. Out of nowhere I've got this crazy, fun, idea.

And idea, just to be clear, that doesn't stand a chance of working. It isn't meant to. Work. Because the paper cup didn't work so therefore why should this?

But, I get to spend upwards of half an hour pretending to try really hard.

Which is bound- ha -to annoy the crap out of 'please just free me already' Lucy.

"Don't panic." Walking back into her room, dumping my haul on her bed. "I'm going to get you some help."

Struggling herself up, pivoting at the waist, upper body raised, Lucy blinks down at my books as I flick on her light, looks across at me.

Shakes her head as I grin back.

Wriggles her arms, her ankles. Nothing.

Flops back down onto her bed with a huff. Not free, resigned, I'd imagine, to suffer through my craziness before little sis grants freedom.


"Ffffmmgggg ggghhmm pppfff!"
"What?" Faked innocence, laughing. "Hold still will you." Trying not to laugh as Lucy bucks and attempts rolling away, I lean in to grab hold the waistband of her small fabric shorts. "No you don't." Pulling her back towards me across the bed. "Be a good girl and stay, so I can wrap you up some more."

Because I can't have her escaping, by herself, whilst I'm midway through doing a spellcast to summon help.

Can I.

Taking the roll of tape I continue wrapping, several more times around Lucy's crossed wrists, around, between. Next I wrap around her waist, heading upwards at a diagonal slant, making several loops above and below her chest. Smirking at the twin points of her nipples, pressing at the now stretched tight fabric. Back down, a couple more loops around the waist.

Bite the tape.

And then semi cocoon her knees, wrapping above and below. Laughing some more as Lucy wriggles and tells me off in muffled yet still very obvious cursewords.

"There." Tossing the tape towards a corner. "Now who wouldn't want to rescue you?"
"Fffgggmmm ggffpppphh." Shaking her head, at me.

She really wouldn't of freed me. Not right away. So, right now I'm winning, but no doubt somewhen she'll even the score. Maybe, use the rest of that roll on me?

The thought makes me giggle, nervous but slightly excited.

Of course I don't really know what I'm doing. Does anyone, when it comes to magic? Flicking through my books I open each at whatever interesting page first catches the eye.

I pick out symbols, only half reading what half of them are meant to do. I form each one as best I'm able, using the roll of silver tape, going full artist to make a circle of eight tape created shapes and squiggle looking things around Lucy's bed. Tape smoothed down onto her carpet. Patches of silver catching the overhead light, glinting.

And all through this the bound girl on the bed alternates between laying still, moving to watch me as best she's able, or sometimes having yet another failed go at escape.

"Honestly." Tutting as she flops back down. "You don't need to escape." Gesturing at my tape made circle. "I'm getting you help."

Rolling her eyes. But, she doesn't try to struggle again.

"Missing something." Tapping out a random rhythm, fingers playing drums on the raised footboard. I glance at Lucy's bedside alarm clock.

Fuck me, is it really after half four. Already. In the morning.


"Words." I decide, clicking my fingers. "But." Making a dive for Lucy's pants drawer, pulling free a black woollen scarf. I wave it at my helpless sister. "If you want to call for help, shouldn't you be gagged?"

Shaking her head, clearly I'm beyond insane, she's decided, watching me properly gag myself.

I speak. Try to speak, unable to not giggle at how silly I sound, trying to form proper words whilst there's a chunk of thick wool pressed against my tongue.

So I give up.

Spend the next five minutes mumbling whatever nonsense I come up with. Thinking up names of make believe things, and not even Dragons or Unicorns, just random names of stuff like Admiral Hamster or the Helpful Wind.

Trying to picture something, a combination of words, that might sound like the name of a thing that would be interested in my tied up sister.

"Ggffp ffgggmmyy." Rope Bunny. I announce, repeating the name whilst looking in the long mirror hung on the wall over Lucy's headboard, trying not to laugh all over again at how silly I look, scarf gagged, mumbling nonsense words. A made up name for a made up thing I, probably, have never read about, several more times.

Quite proud of that one, something I, maybe, possibly, invented.

Or it came from a book. Something I skimmed months ago, some fragment of something lodged deep down, shaken free by my questing for random name combinations mind.

I'll probably free Lucy in another minute, I've had my fun now, played my silly ga-

Flash of light from the floor, like a brief circle of something so bright it temporarily blinds me. I'd swear, and I will, later, repeatedly to many people, that I saw the source: my tape made symbols, gone afterwards, vanished once the dust had settled. Once I was in a position to look for them.

Simultaneously I hear a pop, the overhead light bulb, winking out.

Blinking, head down, and. Is that smoke? Fog? Swirling around my feet.

"What the actu...." Looking up, words dying in my throat.

There's someone. Some. Thing. On the bed.

By now it's becoming light outside, slowly, but there's enough dawn sun leaking around Lucy's curtains that I can see.

A fluffy white bunny tail, like a furry sphere perched atop a rounded butt, the contours of which are clear to see, hugged tight by a light grey one piece. Pale skinned hands, and blonde hair spilling out either side of a hood sporting too tall thin rabbit ears.

She's stood on Lucy's bed, one foot planted either side of my older sisters tied and prone body, facing the headboard.

Hands held up, fingers spread, gaze drifting from left hand to right. Back.

I swallow, try again at finishing the sentence. "Fuck?"

Hands lowering, slow. Body pivoting at the waist, bringing a large chest into view, at least D cups, hugged just the same as her butt, save there's a deep plunging V cut at the front of the one piece. Cleavage.

Lots of cleavage.

She's skinny too.

Head turning, a young face, somewhere around my age?

She blinks. Looks down at Lucy, looking back up, eyes wide. Stunned. Returns her gaze to me.

"Hi." A smile, small, appearing slowly across her wide slashed mouth. "Explanation would be nice."

"Um?" Small shake of her head. "That's not exactly helpful."
"No." Opening my mouth, forming the word um, again. Stopped by another shake of that hood covered young face.

"Who are you?"
"Don't you know?" Opening and closing her hands. Once. Twice. Making fists. Nodding.

And. Jumping. Without actually moving. In an instant she's off the bed, standing beside me, leaning close to whisper in my ear, even as I gasp, flinch back.

"You called me."

I jerk my head to the side, but she's jumped again, an instant thing like a Star Trek teleport, but without all the lights and noises and ceremony. Just, blink, and, back up onto the bed, stood astride Lucy, who flinches as I did.

"What...." Sitting down, which for some reason feels wrong. Or, not right. I stand back up. "I mean...."
"You." Pointing at me. Pointing at Lucy, who squirms. "Ask. And I." Spreading her arms wide, doing a small from the waist bow like an actor on stage. "Do."
"You do?"
"I do." Grinning. "Do." She frowns, eyes up towards the ceiling. How I look whilst checking out some internal fact. Looks back at me. Shrugs. "Isn't like I can ask. So. You go ahead."


Is about all I get out before Lucy finally manages, although I hadn't realised she'd been working so hard towards the fact, to work her gag loose by way of repeatedly licking it and moving her jaw.

"Help me out of this." Bouncing up and down between our visitors legs. "And then help me tie her up."

My own jaw drops, whilst the Rope Bunny. Can that really be her name? I mean, I made that up, right? She grins. Nods.

"Sure thing boss."

It doesn't occur to me, until after, until it's way too late, to protest, or fight back. Or even to ask for my own favour. To battle my wants against Lucy's, to see which of us comes out on top.

Ten minutes later finds me mummified, laid lengthways on Lucy's single bed. Stupidly, prehaps, I'd stood still, allowing tape to be criss-cross wrapped up and down my pole posed body from ankles to neck, up, and back down.

Between them my sister and the Bunny.

I'm just going to call her that.

Manhandled me onto the bed, proceeding to wrap me up in one of Lucy's sheets so only my head remained uncovered.

Finally a half dozen belts: around my breasts, my waist, all down my legs, we're added, cinched and buckled tight, pinning me rigid even if I did somehow manage to work the tape loose.

Oh, and I've been scarf gagged, with the scarf I used earlier, conveniently- oops -left nearby on the floor.

"Right. Well." Stood beside her bed, the Bunny not far away, Lucy gives her one time workmate a nervous glance. "Um. Thanks?"
"It's." Another of those skyward looks, another frown. So noticeable when all the Bunny seems able to do is smile. She nods, gaze back on Lucy. "What I do."
"Okay." A dismissive returning nod. "Um. Goodbye then."

Lucy steps back, clearing a path towards her bedroom door, as though something that literally appeared in a puff of smoke, which is still hanging around, needs to exit the same method us normal people use.

"Oh." Glancing at the door. "But. I tho...."

Her voice just, dries up, mid word. I can see her mouth, still moving, but no sound.

I'm no great reader of lips, but, I'd swear she'd been trying to ask something.

Shake of her head, a small laugh. The Rope Bunny gives us both a cheery wave, white smoke boiling up off the floor to engulf her, making me blink in surprise, making Lucy yelp, jump back.

Moments later the smoke collapses, dissipating, becoming nothing. No trace of our strange visitor remaining.

Eventually, because otherwise I'll be late for school, and she'd have to explain why to Dad, Lucy frees me.

Okay. In honesty we both fell asleep. The blanket cocoon was warm, cosy. What can I say?

Over the following months I tell people, lots of people, about what happened. People online, friends, at some point, discovering my third article on The Rope Bunny, I write, attempt to write, my own.

To some I manage to remember the symbols, explaining with big expansive hand gestures, circles and squiggles, eight points around Lucy's bed. Or was it six? I draw them, only realising months later that I've likely described somewhere in the region of thirteen different designs.


Some of the time I- ha -remember to mention the time. The early hour. How it was five in the morning. Or, no, I'll tell the next person in an online exchange on some mythbusters forum, it was nearly five. Maybe four fifty?

Most people. Perverts. Just want to know about the binding. How? What it had been like? How mad exactly did my sister get?

Fun times. Even with the turn around, Lucy getting me back. Totally worth it.

I forget stuff though, details, which is bad. That first moment. How lost The Rope Bunny had looked, the explanation she hadn't asked for but had hinted towards wanting.

The way her voice had failed, drying up to less then a whisper, when she'd tried to ask.
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Post by RopeBunny »



By eight, still two hours away from Jody standing beneath the clock tower, still one hour away from leaving, to walk towards Jody, looking I've no doubt cute, standing waiting underneath the clock tower.

Waiting. Oh crap oh hell oh shit oh damn it calm down Kay. For me.

By eight I've: woken up, tried to eat breakfast, managing to no more then pick at the scrambled egg on toast my stomach feels so warped and twisted full of nerves. I've showered, washed and dried and brushed my hair. I've changed into a simple white bra and pale blue pants, black Adidas leggings, a plain blue tee. Casual, not trying to hard.

In the bathroom, lipstick and black flicks of eyeliner done, I stare into the mirror.

Shake my head.

Return to my room to change.

I don't have to leave until nine. Leaving at nine means I'll be in sight of the tower: imagine a gothic lighthouse but with four roman numeral topped clockfaces on the compass points, by twenty past. Early enough to pace, to almost lose my nerve and run away maybe a half dozen times, to pick and discard at least two dozen opening gambits for when Jody does show.

If she.

Stop it.

Tee off. Pink vest top on. Swap trainers for the only pair of heels I own. And.

No. Not with these leggings.

Heels off. Leggings off. Vest top off. Wardrobe open, running through the line of dresses hung up at speed. No. No. Not enough cleavage. Too much cl....

Fuck it. Be bold.

Dress on, something black with flower silhouettes picked out in yellow and red, slip on and figure hugging with a deep scooped neckline. Heels back on.

Off to the mirror. And.

I laugh. Shake my head. Maybe for a fancy meal, but not for a first date in the park.

First date first date first date first.

Stop it. Calm. Breathe.

Back in my room. Dress off. Heels off. Khaki canvas combat trousers, tight at the waist, slightly baggy on the leg. A black tee style crop top, chest hugging but cut short, barely covering my D cups, acres of belly exposed.

Trainers. Black Adidas. So I can- not -run away.

Back to the mirror. Passing Mum in the corridor, she smiles. "Off out dear?"
"I'm." Going on a date. "Yes." With a girl. "Just seeing some of the girls." And she's really pretty. "I'll be home for dinner though okay?"
"Sure." Leaning on the bathroom doorway as I twirl my hair into a loose plait.

"Would you like a lift? I'm heading into the office for eleven."
"No." Shaking my head. Frowning, pulling my hair back out to hang natural down my upper back.

"Thanks anyway Mum."
"How about a takeout?" Smiling at me in the mirror. "I could stop by that Domino's place on my way home?"
"That'd be awesome." Turning to give her cheek a kiss. I grin. "Thanks Mum, you're the best."

Mum pulls me into a quick hug, kissing my forehead before stepping back.

I head for my room.

Strip off trousers and top.

Happen to glance down at myself, bra and pants. Sensible bra and pants.

I grimace. Decide that here lies the problem.

Off they come.

Pink bra, cups full of lace that squeeze and present my breasts, lifting and pushing. Paired with a matching thong, the sexist lingerie I own, bought in a giggle filled secret no parents must ever know shopping trip with Michelle and Laura eight months ago. Both items have white detailing, and I remember now, smirking, the other girls commenting on how my boyfriend's jaw would be 'on the floor' when he saw me.

Except there isn't, never was, a boyfriend.

And now Jody might. Will. Might, see my skimpy lace things.



If she. If. I. She might, I might.

Heart suddenly beating way too fast, stomach flip flopping. The thought, the image, of Jody and me, her in equally skimpy lingerie. Kissing. Hugging.

Maybe? Laid on my- because Mum will be out, at work, all day -bed?

Panic at what could happen causes ice to run down my spine, nerves making me fight to control my breathing even as excitement hardens my nipples into small rocks.

It takes me over five minutes to calm down to a point where I can get dressed without my limbs shaking, to climb down off the adrenaline rush.

I'm not even sure I like girls, it isn't something: am I straight, gay, bi? I've never had that conversation with myself. But right there, in my room, wearing the smallest sexiest thing I own, facing the very real possibility that within a handful of hours someone else will see me wearing it. Just it. Too.

It's. A lot. A very big deal. So it takes awhile to calm back down, to breathe, to remind myself one step at a time.

We might not even kiss.

Despite what happened on Jody's bed, we might meet today, and I just won't feel anything. No spark. No want for her.

So. Breathe. Focus. And, move on.

Pull a deep blue one piece, like a leotard, high necked, the material actually hugging my neck, and sleeveless, fastening up underneath with poppers between my legs. It's a tight fit, made to hug every curve, showing off my breasts without actually showing any of them. I pair it with skinny fit knee ripped white jeans, a black canvas belt I let hang down rather then tucking in.

And boots, black and knee high lace up army style that I tuck the jeans into.

I'll grab my blue waterproof lightweight jacket on the way out.

I dare not go to the mirror again. I feel good in this outfit combination, happy. Closing my bedroom door I sit, perch, on the edge of my bed. Pick up my phone.

It must be almost nine now?

Swipe the screen awake. Stare in disbelief at the digits zero nine four three.


Not to worry. I can, I will, message Jody. Tell her I'm running ten minutes late.

Good. Don't rush. Don't run and spoil all that effort in washing and preparing.

I'll just.

Lance of pain through my head.

Glance down, knowing before I see it that the three will now say four.

"No." Angry, defiant. "No no no." I stare at the ceiling as a second bolt strikes my temple. "Come on. Please." I want to shout. Scream at the unfairness of it all.

"You can't. Bunny." Dropping my phone, the message half written, unsent, already feeling the numbness, the darkness, racing in.

"I've got a d...."
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Post by RopeBunny »

Part 001.

Heather's idea, her plan, so, no way I could back out of letting her tie me up.

Except then Kelly got wind of things. Asking, more or less forcing herself into our tree house sleepover. Which I happily, grinning whilst Heather tutted but smiled too at my deviousness.

I altered the plan, so now Kelly got bound.

After which, because I'm stronger, and because she giggled when she should've been fighting me off, Heather's now lashed to the post beside her.

The hardest part had been lifting the mirror- Heather and Kelly pushing from below, holding it up, me leaning out the trapdoor, pulling, guiding. Because this is a real tree house, that Heather's Dad, and friends, built some thirty years ago one summer, perched on one side of a grand old oak in her large back garden, in the house her grandparents left her parents in their will.

It's not big, shed sized really just the one room plus a wrap around balcony half as big again. On two corners you have the tree for support, and on the others thick wooden struts lead down, buried into the earth. One of them is the ladder, up into the trapdoor.

Currently there are three sleeping bags and pillows in here taking up most of the floorspace, a cool box out of which we've eaten almost all the chocolate in one corner, and across the far wall my two friends stand, bound in place.

There are eight wooden struts, two per wall standing slightly out into the room and only fixed to the walls halfway up. Extra support for the roof, Heather's Dad told her. Regardless, lacking a bed, or chair, and wanting to tie them to something rigid.

I liked the idea of holding them both in place.

The struts were, are, perfect.

We're all in baggy tee's, pastel shades of blue and yellow and pink, and loose drawstring trousers: tartan print for me, flowers for Kelly, horizontal strips of black and white for Heather. I've tied them both to face out into the room, legs together and arms bound at the crossed wrists, reaching up, pinned up, towards the slope roofed ceiling.

Plenty of rope at Heather's house, her garage is a treasure trove of boxes and old tools, at least three lawnmowers. Her parents might, might, be hoarders. She assured us the rope wouldn't be missed, so we took it, and spent some time cutting lengths.

Having bound them, not thinking to add any gags, I use the one scarf we did remember to bring to gag myself.

Gaze flicking from my friends to my phone, stood facing them, facing the half a person height mirror propped between them.

Amused that, if the Rope Bunny does indeed emerge through the mirror, as some people claim, she'll look proper cool, not to mention proper scary, doing so from that spot.

Time. Phone stowed, a thumbs up, a nervous gag filled grin for my friends, who nod back, and I begin.

Standing atop the one symbol we all agreed, out of the fifteen odd we discovered during our research, looked the most interesting.

Looked the most likely, if a symbol was even needed, to be the right one.

It is.

I know this because my bare feet get quickly, suddenly, hot. Making me yelp and hop to the right, gaze darting left and down, spotting the symbol lit up, bright, like its on fire.

Knocking out my vision for a couple of seconds.

And when it clears, she's here.

Costume red like blood, furry, that deep cleavage I've seen plenty of guys, and girls, talk about online.

"Hi." Holding out her hand, all formal but mixed with a cheeky grin. "Rope Bunny, good evening."

But she's already turned around, to face my friends.

"Rope Bunny." Reaching up, going onto tip toes to shake Heather's pinned hand. "Hi."
"Hi. Um."
"Indeed." A nod, attention switching to Kelly, more tip toes. "Hi. Rope Bunny."
"Good." Another nod. "Great."

"Tree house huh." Turning a slow circle, flashing me a smile as she does. Turning, hands on hips. "Makes a change."
"Does it?"
"Totally." Stopping, facing me. "You know, I'll bet Kayley's never been inside a tree house."
"Um." Frowning. "Sorry. Who?"

"Can I...." Giving myself a shake, remembering the point, that there is a point. That we called her here for some fun. So. "Thing is...."
"I'll bet you've got a pen."
"And paper, there's always paper in a tree house I imagine."

She nods, looking thoughtful.

"Well." I think. Shrug. "In my bag. Maybe?"

And she's off, I exchange bemused glances with Heather and Kelly, watching the Bunny root around in my bag, pull out a pencil and a scrap of paper.

A recipt I think?

"I'll just." Flashing Kelly, who happened to be closest my bag, a grin, kneeling in front of her and resting the small paper rectangle against Kelly's slightly humped belly.



More exchanged looks. But. We're all not quite sure. Heather flashing me a look, I shrug back. Should I interrupt her?

"These." Tossing the pen back towards, into, my bag's unzipped top, holding the recipt out to me. "These are my favourite."
"Riiiiight?" Frowning, taking the slip of paper, which. Contains eight symbols, one of which I recognise as the thing that almost burned my foot off moments ago.

Exaggerating. But, it was hot.

Possibly some, or all, of the rest are semi familiar from the research we did too?

"Well." Folding the paper, slipping it into my pocket. Time to take some sort of control over all this. We called her. "I mean, that's interesting and all. But-"
"You could call me tomorrow."
"I. We." What? "What?"
"Tomorrow." Looking at each of us, her face gone serious. "You could put all my favourite shapes on the floor and call me again I'd bet."

"I won't be here tomorrow." Heather, shaking her head. "We're. Um. My family are taking. Um. Going, on holiday."
"But." I look at Kelly, and fuck knows why I'm even playing along with this, instead of simply telling the Bunny I'd like to play. But. "I mean. We'll have school?"
"You could. Um." I can see her thinking, weighing things up. "Probably. Sleep over?"

"Great." Grinning, patting me on the shoulder. "Well then." Taking a step towards the trapdoor. "I know I'm definitely going to have so much fun with you both tomorrow."

She actually winks, making Kelly giggle.

"Oh." I look at Heather, who shrugs. "Right." I hold up a hand, kind of wave. "Tomorrow then."

The Bunny waves back, opens the trapdoor, jumps through like a diver: arms crossed over her chest, legs together. The smoke whooshing out after her, around her. And when I look out moments later I'm not at all surprised to find both it and her gone.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Just a quick additional note.

I hope those of you who read my stories, those of you who care, will forgive my shoving/placing :lol: the symbols in after several Rope Bunny chapters without them being even a thing.

Partly my fault. Wrote the 'first time' chapter above, loved the whole Erika doing joke magic that actually works thing, so I wrote it, and then after posting realised I'd used symbols as one of the main summoning points, but hadn't done so in the many chapters before :lol:

So. I'm putting them in from here as best I can, without trying to be too jarring.

I hope it works.


Thanks, for continuing to read along. I hope you're all enjoying the show :D
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Interesting tidbits about the 'first summoning'. Especially that the Rope Bunny seemed to have no idea what was going on - it was almost as if her 'purpose' was implanted by the first thing she was told to do.

'Adaptive' magic of a sort? Following general rules, which were then narrowed down by the wishes of the first summoner?

And later of course, it seems the Rope Bunny is actually trying to accommodate Kayley. Perhaps she heard (or felt the echoes of?) her frustration... So despite her skepticism, she certainly seems to be taking the existence of the 'other' quite seriously, now that it has been pointed out to her, despite her initial denial of the idea.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago "I'm." Going on a date. "Yes." With a girl. "Just seeing some of the girls." And she's really pretty. "I'll be home for dinner though okay?"
I like the 'dual streams' going on here. Evocative, and quite amusing.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago I hope those of you who read my stories, those of you who care, will forgive my shoving/placing the symbols in after several Rope Bunny chapters without them being even a thing.
Well, it is an evolving story, so I suppose a bit of retconning is not out of the question.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago Thanks, for continuing to read along. I hope you're all enjoying the show
Indeed :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago Interesting tidbits about the 'first summoning'. Especially that the Rope Bunny seemed to have no idea what was going on - it was almost as if her 'purpose' was implanted by the first thing she was told to do.

'Adaptive' magic of a sort? Following general rules, which were then narrowed down by the wishes of the first summoner?
Hoping to continue explaining this, adding more insight in the next couple of chapters.

Speaking which....
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago I hope those of you who read my stories, those of you who care, will forgive my shoving/placing the symbols in after several Rope Bunny chapters without them being even a thing.
Well, it is an evolving story, so I suppose a bit of retconning is not out of the question.
More on this too, my ongoing efforts to smoothly :lol: retcon the symbols into my story.

Thanks for commenting.
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Post by slackywacky »

RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago Thanks, for continuing to read along. I hope you're all enjoying the show
Nah, we only read this story because we have nothing better to do...

DUH! As long as you keep writing, we'll keep reading. There are a few authors on this site I read and along side Caesar73, GreyLord, Bandit and Wolfman, you are one that I tend to go to. There are a few others, but you belong to my favorite writers.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by RopeBunny »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago Caesar73, GreyLord, Bandit and Wolfman, you are one that I tend to go to. There are a few others, but you belong to my favorite writers.
Quite a list of good people to be placed alongside, thank you.
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Post by RopeBunny »


Awareness comes in stages, after the intial gasp like monent of waking. It's as though following that I can, and sometimes do, allow myself to sink back down again, to come back slowly, more gentle.

Like climbing up from a dream.

Realising I'm back, but still drifting, nothing matters, I can't focus on any one thing except the knowledge that: I'm me again.

Details, returning piece by piece. The comfy softness underneath is my bed, in my room. The clothes, I can feel heavy boots on my feet. Taste of lipstick.

Things slotting into place. Details. What I'd been about to go and do before the Bunny rose up and took over.


From somewhere close by, a small cough, followed by a quick giggle.

Cracking one eye open, turning my head to look. Finding Jody, sat on my chair.

"Hi." She waves, giggles again as I sit up too fast. Stare.

She looks, cute, and, amazing, and, I already a little bit want to kiss her again.

However many outfit changes Jody went through- and here I am surrounded by the pile of my own discarded choices -before heading for the clock tower, what she's wearing now is a dress. Tight on her slim yet busty frame, showing it off.

For me?

A plunging neckline, the dress flares out a little below the waist, the whole thing a series of thick dark red over black over the same dark red repeating horizontal bands with a hem above the knees. Black converse high tops on her feet and, dangling down into her cleavage a small yet chunky solid silver V8 engine, on black cord around her neck.

Flash of memory: Jody, leaning in close her school tie loosened and removed one breaktime, her shirt front open as we walked laps of the field, offering up a better view of the necklace, coincidentally I belatedly realise now shoving her tits in my face too. All whilst Beth, and Sally I think, giggled in the background.

When she could've simply reached down inside her collar, pulled it out to show me.

Has she, the thought following the memory is like a jolt. How long had Jody been dropping hints at me, that I've ignored?

I shake myself back into the present, run hands through my hair, offer up a smile.

"Your Mum let me in." Slipping her phone into the pocket of a white pull over hoodie, draped over one arm of the chair. "You didn't show." Grinning at me. "So." Spreading her arms wide.

"So." I smile, the tease coming naturally despite my complete lack of practice at flirting or dating. "Instead of taking the hint you decided to come sit in my empty room like some kind of stalker?"
"A hint was it?" Not angry, thank fuck because I realise after saying the words she could've thought I meant it. But Jody only grins. Stands. "Should I go?"

Our eyes lock, only for a second, but I feel the spark jump like an electric charge.

Jody's grin widens, she steps closer, coming towards my bed, towards me, instead of the still closed bedroom door.

My breath catches in my throat at the same time she pauses, eyes on my bedside table.

Jody nods, waves a hand.

"She wrote to you."
"How do you know?" Confused, how would Jody know the Bunny wrote to me Saturday morning, after she and Chelle called her.

Frowning at my frown, Jody looks from me to the notebook sat atop the table. "Right." Nodding. "Chelle asked if she knew how."
"She." Brief laugh. "Did?" Jody nods, and another flirty thought, another tease, drops from the air into my head, out of my mouth.

"So Chelle was basically doing all the heavy lifting whilst you, what?" Atrempting to raise an eyebrow, Jody grins, which probably means I look a little silly. "Spent the whole time rolling around on the floor?"
"Actually I was in a chair."
"That right?" Ploughing on, not thinking on where my mouth is leading me. "Think I prefer you helpless on the bed myself."

Which makes Jody, for all she's more fluent in dating, blush, with me following suit moments later as what I've just said registers.

"So. You." Crossing then uncrossing my legs, fidgeting by way of distraction from my words. "Um. Saw her come back?"
"Yeah." A quick nod. "She." Pulling a face. Shaking her head then waving at my notebook. "What did she write?"
"Well." Leaning, reaching to grab it, pulling it back to me. "Let's have a look.

'dear still not the Bunny.
How do you like my artwork?'

Under which she's drawn, in a hurry, eight roughly sketched symbols.

Be needing to borrow.
RB x'

"That one." Sat next to me, leaning in with one hand for support on the bed behind me, her chest pressed against my arm. All casual like. Jody taps one of the symbols with her free hand.

"That one what?"
"That's the one we used."
"Bollocks did we." Not mean, shaking my head. "We talked about them yes, and-"
"And you all said no." Tapping the symbol- like Pi, but with a swirly tail and horns -again. "But I fucking knew it was a thing we needed. So."
"So you drew it anyway?"
"At the back of the room behind us." A shrug. "Didn't want Tasha to see and give me any more shit over it."

Which makes us both laugh.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes. It isn't that I don't want to do anything, I'm just clueless how to start. What to say? My store of flirting appears to of run dry.

Jody begins tracing a long fingernail over the symbols, each in turn, the notebook still open on my lap.

She leans in some more, head resting on my shoulder.

"Are you." Voice coming out an uneven whisper, trying to break the building tension, scary almost because somethings coming and inexperienced me is nervous now. "Trying to summon her?"
"No." Taking the book, tossing it gently across the room to land in a flutter of pages near the door. "I liked it better when you tied me up."

I see, in the corner of my vision, Jody's head turn to face me. Taking a not at all calming breath I turn mine, slowly, to face her.

Jody kisses me, taking her time to close the distance, her tongue flicking out at the moment of contact, skating across my lips.

I kiss her back. Tentative.

"Do you," Pulling away, but only enough to break contact, gazing into my gaze, "want to go out for milkshakes? Or, shall we stay home and play?"
"I'm. Um." Trying, moving in to kiss her, brief brush of my lips across hers. "Not thirsty."

"What would you like to play though?" Still not managing to talk normally. "Chess?" Smiling at my humour, Jody smiles back, shakes her head.

"Monopoly?" Another shake. "How about strip poker?" Which I don't know how to play anyway, but the thought is suddenly very thrilling.

But Jody shakes her head again.

"How about." Walking two fingers, like making her hand a miniature person, up from my waist to my neck, over the swell of my breasts, making me shiver. "Bound and gagged?"
"That's," shivering again as Jody, very deliberately, runs her whole hand across my front, grazing my breasts, "not a real game."
"So." Standing, crossing my room to her hoodie, beside which I now notice a small carrier bag. Jody tosses this onto the bed, causing several coils of dirty oil stained rope to spill out. "Are you saying," hands on hips, smiling at me, "that you don't want to play?"

"Did you really bring that on our date?" Shocked, but unable to not grin. "What the actual fuck."
"A girl can hope."
"And." Pulling out one of the coils, dangling it so the rope swings freely in front of me. "What is it you were hoping for?"
"That we played." Jody shivers, licks her lips. "And I lost."

Another spark, eyes locked. And whatever Jody sees in mine, which feels like naked fear and want to me, she clearly likes, because she comes closer.

And then I have to go and talk.

"What do you suppose they mean?"
"I." Stopping, throwing a glance back towards my open notebook, on the floor, away. Looking back to me.

Jody tuts, shakes her head.

"Honestly." Retreating, fetching the book, bending to fetch it in such a way that her deep wide open cleavage is pointed at me. Pausing, looking up, a smile as she sees me staring.

Her effort rewarded.

"What's a girl got to do to be tied up and kissed around here?" Teasing as she hands me the book.

"Well...." Blushing. Jody sits back down close beside me, her body touching mine. She nudges me playfully.

"I'll help you, Smith." Mock serious tone. Using my last name. "Afterwards you make sure and tie me up though, got it."
"That's...." Looking sideways at her, pretty face, large chest. "What you want?"
"Yes." Serious nod. "Tie me up. Maybe," another small nudge, "a gag. I think that's the least you can do."
"Well." Swallowing, my mind suddenly lit up with possibilities. "Right."

With her phone Jody takes a photo of the main 'Pi' looking symbol, then runs an image search.

And something like two hours later we both resurface, to breathe. Jody sat on my bed, me on my chair, at the desk, her phone battery flagging, about twenty tabs open on my browser, a scattering of scribble filled paper between us and five empty cans of pop on the floor.

Half finished packet of Oreos.

"Why though?" Sweeping a hand across the papers. "Why didn't we find this out without having to dig?"
"Why hasn't anyone dug before you mean?" Frowning down at our work herself, looking back to me. "Why didn't this stuff already get written on one of the blogs or thread posts we all looked at before calling her?"
"Maybe." Tapping a pencil against the nearest sheet. "Maybe nobody cares?"

"Hear me out." Holding a hand up as I open my mouth, which I shut, gesturing her to go on. "Mostly, it's kids like us right?"
"Teens. Kids." Nodding. "Research is boring for kids already sinking under endless homework."

I laugh, Jody grins.

"Point." Holding up a finger. "All the times she's," giving me a look, because in some fashion yes it is me being called, "been called. Or." A quick laugh. "Summoned." We both swap amused grins at the word. "How many of those kids bothered to write and post a definitive checklist account of the fact."

Which, she's got a very good point I realise.

"That's true." Getting up, stretching, taking the three steps to my bed and flopping down on one side. Kicking paper off and away with my feet. I stare at the ceiling, hold up both hands, lifting fingers in turn as I name things.

"Instead all we get are vague hints at what they might've tried, or people guessing at what might work. A mirror. The main naming symbol. The person calling needing to be gagged. The words."
"Someone needing to be tied up."

Rolling from sitting to laying, beside me, a grin on her face. I nod, lifting another finger but ignoring the double meaning. Jody's obvious flirting.

"The time too." I go on, laughing briefly as Jody pouts at my failure to take the bait. "Still though," dropping my hands, one onto my belly, the other into the small gap between us, not at all surprised when Jody immediately holds my hand, "I thought someone would've written about the symbols."

"Which ones though?" Rolling onto her side, keeping hold on my hand, bringing it up so hers and mine rests between us, almost touching her now pointed at me breasts. "I'll admit the main one isn't hard to find, it's the most mentioned one. But...."
"But there's at least twenty others." I nod. "All out there. All held up as genuine parts of the method."

And it's only down to the Bunny that we happen to know the correct eight.


"It works with one." Rolling onto my side, smiling at Jody's grin when I do, the act bringing us very close since I, just as she did, roll towards the centre. Our hands are now mostly wedged between our two large rounded chests. "So, what's the point of the other seven?"

Jody frowns, no doubt like me replaying in her head what we've just spent two hours and some very deep digging finding out. Answering the question I just asked.

Lepus funiculus, Rope Bunny, but Latin. Roughly. The Pi looking symbol is a name, for a thing. Does it, did it, call itself. Herself. Rope Bunny? Or did someone name the thing, the symbol, so, afterwards?

Regardless it's a spirit, a gust of wind or a puff of smoke, a thing not like us, something old. A trickster. A lover of binding, of kidnapping young lost girls only to return them safely to their beds whilst the whole village is still out in the woods, searching. Or, sometimes, allowing itself, in human guise I suppose, to be taken, only to slip free and vanish. Laughing.

Two of the eight symbols are, as best Jody and me can ascertain, somehow linked to form. The shape a thing can, or will, or must, take. One page we wandered across implied this is forced onto the thing, that the symbol tells, and doesn't ask.

One is to do with location, but we've no clue how, or why, or even what location is specified.

A full three of them, all the same, and almost half the eight, are the power source. How do you make magic happen? We don't know, and that's probably something you'd need longer then two hours to figure out. But, what was done, three of these markings were used to make sure it had the necessary juice to succeed.

The final two, when I recall them, make me shiver.

One to silence.

One to bind.

"So." Shivering, because I'm thinking it all over, and it sucks. "Basically, and stop me if I mess up."

Jody nods, her expression serious. I take a deep breath, she squeezes my hand, I smile my thanks, take the plunge.

"These eight, the reason for the eight, was to bring the Rope Bunny here that first time?" I think. "Two and whatever years ago. Some tricky spirit," shaking my head, "that enjoys a spot of roping up girls. For fun."
"Sounds terrible." At some point we've let go each others hands, mine to run through my hair in semi annoyance at what we found. Jody places hers on my jeans clad butt now, pulling. I let myself be drawn closer.

"Yeah okay." A half smile. "Don't worry I haven't forgotten you."
"Good." Giving my lips a quick kiss, something she does so easily, as opposed me having to spend ten minutes working myself up to it.

"Carry on."
"Right." I nod. "So, the Bunny gets called, somehow." Wave my arm in the air. "Trapped." I tut. "In me. And then whatever wanker did that somehow makes it so she can't even ask. These symbols somehow took away all her choice. And yes I suppose she exists to do this, but, I'd bet that, before, she at least had a say in how and when."

"Must've taken forever to figure out." Shaking her head, repeating what we've already said to each other. To work out these eight symbols, a perfect combination of calling and trapping. Whoever did this, to the Bunny, must've been some kinda smart person.

To me too. I remember, for about the thirtieth time in the last two hours, glumly. Because with her resident inside me I'm just as trapped.

"You okay?" Taking her hand off my butt, running it, tracing a line up my side, from jeans to body hugging one piece top, over and across the side swell of my breast, up my neck, through my hair.

"Well." Laughing without humour, feeling some of that crazy, what I felt when I discovered she was me, and I was her, bubbling to the surface. "No." Shrugging. "Maybe. Fuck it I don't know."
"You don't have to play, with me." Looking me in the eye. "Not if you don-"
"Shush." Placing a finger on her lips. "This." Very pointedly looking down into Jody's cleavage, her E cups squashed against my D's. "This is nice. I want."

Pausing to smile as she kisses my finger.

"I might be just a tiny bit broken." Lifting my hand off her face, holding thumb and finger a couple of inches apart. "But. If you can live with that, then...."

In answer Jody reaches up to take my hand, slowly placing it down onto her breast, before placing hers on mine. Squeezing gently, sighing, gently, as I do likewise.

We kiss, properly this time. No pecks, no brief contact. Her lips locked to mine, our bodies pressed close.

Thoughts of the Bunny, worries over what I'm supposed to do, now I know, if I even can do anything. Forgotten.

Just Jody, and me, here, now.

A grin rising inside as I recall that pile of oil stained rope.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Jody and the Bunny.
Part 001.

I've been waiting, in Kayley's room, for Kayley, about a half hour when she appears, and though I've seen it- the Bunny appearing -twice now, it still makes me jump.

The sudden appearance of the smoke, seeming to bubble up from the ground, spilling and rolling to fill the available space even whilst climbing to a tall narrow point. It happens in seconds, and just as quickly the smoke falls away, dissipating, leaving the Bunny standing, hands on hips.

Grinning as always.

She doesn't see, register, me at first. Her gaze tracks almost immediately to Kayley's bedside table, an open notebook, pen capped and resting on top.

I remember Michelle's question: 'can you write?'

Which is what she does. Hunkered down on bent legs, the Rope Bunny spends close to ten minutes alternating between scribbling and muttering, twirling the pen, tapping it against her lips or the page.

Finished. She stands, dropping the pen, her gaze now tracking to Kayley's bed, a spot on the bed next to Kayley's phone. Which I've already peeked at, finding a half written message, to me, the beginnings of 'I'm running late but....'

In Michelle's house, turning from Bunny back into the girl I fancy, she'd first moved to stand in the correct spot, at which point I'd closed my eyes because the transformation is, to be honest, gross.

Bending and warping, whichever way it's going: Kayley to Bunny or back, it's as though the other is climbing out of the current, peeling them aside to, in Kayley's case flop semi lifeless for the barest moment, before she'd gasped in a breath, whereas the Bunny, once arrived, simply grins.


Startled by the voice, Kayley's voice. I'd been daydreaming. I turn with a smile on my face, which becomes a frown as I find not Kayley, still the Bunny, sat on Kayley's bed across the room.

Smiling at me.

"This isn't your room."
"Pretty sure it isn't yours either." I reply, keeping my voice light, easy, a comeback not an attack.

"Prehaps." Drumming fingers on Kayley's bed, looking down, back up, at me. "But if it came with you attached I could be persuaded to reconsider."

I laugh, such a blatent flirt.

"We've met before."
"We have." Blushing slightly at the memory, I'd been so desperate to be close to Kayley, my idiot brain had put the fact of her being the Bunny, the fact of knowing now how to call the Bunny, together, and had come up with the completely illogical logic that.

Why not call the Bunny over to play, it'll be just as though Kayley were there.

Which, it wasn't. It was, weird. And hard, being tied up by not Kayley, who looks just like Kayley. Worse still given I'd, purposefully, because I hadn't quite made enough crazy decisions regarding the plan to that point. I'd worn nothing but a thong, and a tiny tee style top with no bra, for Kayley.

For the Bunny.

Stupid girl.

And blessed. Grateful that, not mad at all, Kayley doesn't care, now, that I called not her to play.

Thank. Fuck.

"Indeed." Smiling wider, looking at me, sat across from me. Not Kayley, showing off Kayley's cleavage, an almost match for my own.

"Well." A single nod. "Prehaps I'll see you again."

I open my mouth to say, I don't have a clue what. But she's gone anyway, folding inwards, collapsing.

Making way for Kayley.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

More revelations... Obviously the question of 'why does the Rope Bunny need to occupy a body, and why specifically Kayley's body?' is still up in the air, but all in good time I suppose.

Seems the Rope Bunny herself might not be so happy about the whole arrangement either... If so, quite a cruel fate to be forced to do something, and not even be able to protest about it. But then again, if one thinks about it logically, any sort of summoning magic, if such a thing were to exist, is pretty much like that.
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago "Must've taken forever to figure out." Shaking her head, repeating what we've already said to each other. To work out these eight symbols, a perfect combination of calling and trapping. Whoever did this, to the Bunny, must've been some kinda smart person.
:lol: Ironic, given what we know about the (supposedly) first time the Rope Bunny was summoned.

A lot of tension between Jody, the Bunny and Kayley. Makes sense, given their age and the complicated situation. A bit of 'knowing what they want, but not how to get there', as it were. Interesting to see Jody's side of it, as to why she naively called the Bunny days earlier.

Great chapters as usual. Hopefully we will get to see more of this unfolding tale :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

Sorry for the long wait, busy doing nothing fun.

Next chapter below though.
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago
RopeBunny wrote: 1 year ago "Must've taken forever to figure out." Shaking her head, repeating what we've already said to each other. To work out these eight symbols, a perfect combination of calling and trapping. Whoever did this, to the Bunny, must've been some kinda smart person.
:lol: Ironic, given what we know about the (supposedly) first time the Rope Bunny was summoned.
Hoped someone would comment on this, my very deliberate attempt at humour.

Thank you.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Stand still."
"I am."

Which, to be fair, she is.

I'm just not very good at this.

"Right." Stood behind Jody, staring at her back, her wrists which she's helpfully holding together crossed. I bring the long coil of rope I'm holding up to eye level, stare at it.

Hoping for some kind of guidance.

"Like that?"
"Yes." Moving Jody's arms back into the position I just placed them, horizontal behind her back one forearm above the other. "Can't all be experts like the Bunny." Jody giggles, high and nervous, I smile. "But. I'm going to see what I can do starting from this. So...."
"So stay still." Turning her head to blow me a kiss over her shoulder, turning back.

Staying still.

I double the rope. It's really long, and there are, probably, shorter lengths in and spilling out of the bag on my bed, but I picked up this one. And besides the idea of using so much on Jody is appealing. Wrapping her, covering her.

Passing the rope behind, the middle which has become like a small hoop, passing it between arms and body, I bring it around and feed the rope ends through the hoop.

Small quick gasp from Jody as I finish feeding, pulling what I've done tight.

Twice more I wrap the doubled rope around her pressed together wrists in the other direction, before passing one end through that hoop, and somehow tying off a knot that succeeds in tightening everything I've just done.

"Okay." Having another little stare at Jody's back, trying not to get distracted by her bare shoulders, her all round slender frame. "Now what?"
"You're," amused, "asking me?"
"No." Shaking my head, which she can't see. "I'm asking...."

Nobody. Myself. What do I want here?

I want her arms to be more secure. So.

"I'm not a merry-go-round."
"Hush." Walking back around behind her, trailing doubled rope. "Or I'll remember you asked me to gag you."
"Promises promises."

Behind Jody, again, I pull the rope gently tight against her body, lifting as I do, ensuring that it traces a path around her, above her breasts. Passing the ends through all my wrist based knots, I reverse direction, another lap.

Jody, smiling, her breathing shallow as I keep the rope lifted, keep it pressing up underneath her breasts without actually touching them.

But the rope is touching them.

At the back I pull the rope tight, knot it through and around her wrists, then toss what's left over her right shoulder and walk back around in front.

Jody looking down, watching as I, slow, careful, bring the rope down off her shoulder, down between her E cups, the rope nestled into her deep cleavage. She bites her lip as I guide the ends underneath the rope already running beneath her breasts, my hands brushing her chest, lifting by way of moving my own hand upwards.

I toss the rope back over her shoulder, on the left side now.

Go around behind her, pulling and tugging things tight, knotting the ends.


Walk back around in front, grinning at a job well done.

Smile falling off as my mouth drops open, the sight of her, that what I've succeeded in doing is lifting and squeezing Jody's breasts. Pinching them. Pulling her dress front down to reveal the tops of her black lace bra cups.

Jody's nipples, quite obvious, poking at her dress.

"Oh. I." Embarrassed, I hadn't meant to do any of that, to expose her bra, to press her breasts that way.

But before I can say any more Jody, breathing heavily, takes two lunging steps forwards, her lips seeking out mine like a missile, guidance locked.

Kissing me.

After several minutes we make it onto my bed. Sitting up leaning side by side against my headboard.

Me trying not to be too obvious, staring at Jody as she'd moved there, climbing up onto the bed, semi falling forwards, bouncing and rolling and wriggling herself up into a sitting position.

Bound chest doing the bouncing. Not at all a bad sight.

"Going to carry on?" Flexing her body upwards, chest thrusting. Again not a bad sight. Tease. Jody smiles. "You haven't even gagged me yet."
"Fucking back seat drivers."

We both laugh.

"First." Leaning across her, body pressed semi purposefully into hers, my side to her front, feeling those E cups. Liking it. I grab my notebook back off the bedside table, where we'd replaced it, plus the pen. "Help me figure out what the hell I'm supposed to tell her about what we've found."

Because. Good question, how much if anything does the Bunny already know about those eight symbols. Which were used, best guess, to bring her here that first time. To trap her inside me. To take away her ability to ask, to choose.

Forcing her to be a good little Rope Bunny, to do as she's told. By whomever is clever enough to work out how to call her.

Despite it running to nearly two whole pages, we decide on explaining everything, as best we can. Which takes awhile to write, figuring out the best way how, without waffling or unnecessary repetition.

And then Mum walks in just as I'm finishing the final few words.

"I got off early." Opening my door, without knocking, because we've never had 'the talk' and I've never actually needed to ask her for privacy before. "Did you still want takeout or...." Finally looking up, which brings her to an abrupt halt. "Oh. Hi Jody."
"Afternoon Miss Smith."

Nervous smile, both our eyes darting to the half spilling out the bag, bag of rope. And Jody herself, quite obviously tied up, her bra semi visible, her chest squeezed.

"Dinner." Clapping her hands, smiling at me. Recovering. "I known its still early pet, but. Takeout?"
"Um." Has she seen? Should I leap from the bed, usher her double time from the room before she does.

If I do that will she see?

Crap it. "Sure." I nod, darting my gaze at Jody, who offers me a nervous, but not upset or afraid. Not semi terrified like me, smile. "Can Jody stay?"
"Of course."

Mum nods, turns to leave.

Turns back around just as I'm about to breathe out.

"Girls....?" Making vague circular gestures with one hand, towards my bed. Towards the rope.

"Oh." Shit fuck. What do I say? "Well...."
"Kayley tied me up." Jody, nodding, smiling like it's all normal. "We're playing."
"Oh." Looking at us. Mum blinks. Twice. Her mouth works, silently. Words unsaid.

I wait. Nervous, sweaty palms.

Am I about to be told off? Jody told to leave?

"Right." Actually offering the two of us a small smile. "Well." Mum shrugs, backs up towards and through the door. "I'll order in a couple of hours. Okay?"
"Right." I smile back. "Thanks Mum."

She nods. Closes my door.

Jody giggles as I deflate into a puddle on the bed.

"Fuck. Me."
"Going to carry on tying me then?"
"I mean." Still laying down, throwing an arm out at my door. Permission, I think, given? "Doesn't look like I'm grounded. So...."
"Maybe we could go down to dinner like this?"
"What?" Coming out like a shocked laugh.

Jody grins, coming forwards onto her knees, and, whilst I watch on, scared and excited in equal measure, she manoeuvres around to straddle me, sat on my belly with one leg either side, after which she, carefully, lowers from sitting to laying.

On me.

Our bodies pressing together, Jody's legs either side of mine, her bound arms still pinned behind her.

"I could stay like this." Face hovering over me, a happy dream like smile. "I don't mind."
"Well...." Too lost, her body, her chest and that smile, her lips. I'm too lost to think of words.

Any words.

"You." Clearly slipping into some kind of fantasy daydream, bending and leaning in to kiss me. "You could put a lead on me." Kissing me again, my body jolts as I feel Jody wriggle atop me, her warmth leaking through my clothes. "I'd have to follow you around."

The idea, the notion, so far forwards from simply binding her ankles, gagging her, that I'm speechless.

Jody giggles. Rolls off to lay face up next to me.

"So." Face turned to me. "More rope?"
"Um...." Kicking myself into action, banishing her words, forgetting them to focus on whats happening now. I sit up and lean forwards, grabbing more rope.

Kneel beside Jodys ankles, already resting side by side, binding them. Pulling loops and knots tight.

A sudden thought, inspiration.

Jody's breath catching as I roll her over, taking charge. Using a third rope to bind her ankles to her wrists. Grinning as I discover that pulling on this rope forces her limbs closer, and closer.

Another gasp, a wriggle, but no voiced protest as I bring her ankles way up and back, knotting the rope, pinning her bent legs in place.

"What if I escape?"
"You don't need to escape." Flopping down beside her, pink wool scarf in one hand. "I'll be letting you go soon."
"Right. But." Stretching her body against the ropes, laid on her belly facing my headboard, Jody turns to look at me. "What if I do?"
"Well." I think, shrug. "What if you do?"

"I'll tie you up."

Not posed as a question, not can I, not offered as a choice do you mind if we do this. Jody looks me in the eye, nervous yes, but still managing to ooze more confidence regarding the dynamic or her and me, playing, then I in all my total inexperience feel.

What can I do but nod.

"Gag me then." Licking her lips. "And, if I get our before dinner, or." A shrug.

Or maybe I simply let her out, or maybe she gets bored or uncomfortable, and asks me.

But if she gets out then.

"Then." Licking my own lips, leaning in to wrap the scarf around her head. "You can do this to me."

Butterflies. An entire army, in my belly, as I pull the knot on the scarf tight, roll back over, leave Jody alone.

But feel myself drawn towards her some ten minutes later, now laid on her side facing me, struggling prehaps one minute in every three. Which, Jody's struggles, mostly consist of quiet moans and repeated thrusts of her body, pulling legs and wrists out behind her whilst pushing her body, chest and crotch, forwards.

She stills as I come closer. Blinking.

"I just." Reaching out to run fingers down her side, back up, over her breast, her butt, down the length of Jodys bare leg, back up and onto her bare back where the dress is cut low.

She squirms, but doesn't pull away.

I continue.

Stroking, running fingers up and down, circles of her back.

Brief foray up under her dress, Jody gasping as my nail traces a quick circle of her bare butt cheek. Must be wearing a thong.

She moans as I, bold, confidence from somewhere, kiss her neck, small pecks, travelling down, down.

Planting kisses across the tops of her breasts, the cleavage she's been intentionally or otherwise thrusting at me whilst bound.

I pull back, roll over. Stop before I do something really stupid and forward like pulling down her bra.

Leave Jody to her struggles, unsure whether I want her to escape. Unsure how I feel about being tied up?

And with a grin she breaks free, her victory spoiled by a tentative knock on my door.

Mum, ordering dinner.

Which means Jody's revenge, or turn, will have to wait.

We watch a movie, Mum on the armchair, Jody and me sharing the three seater, her in the middle, no gap between us.

After, Jody gone, bedtime approaching, Mum very deliberately clears her throat. Stopping me in the kitchen, getting water from the sink.

"Um." Turning to face her. What do I say? What is she going to say. "Yes?"
"She's a nice girl." Mum nods, I give her a half smile back.

"Listen. Pet." Staring down at her hands, back at me. "I'll knock from now on. You're," little shake of her head, a smile, "not so young any more I guess. Just." Stepping across the room. Giving my cheek a kiss. "Promise you'll be careful okay."

Which. Wow. I suppose had Jody been a boy it wouldn't be such a short talk, and possibly might not even be Mum, happily and with a smile, granting me permission to have a. My. Girlfriend. In my room.

With the door closed.


"I will." Stepping in myself, for a hug and to plant a return kiss on her cheek. "Thanks Mum."

I go upstairs to bed grinning like an idiot, despite the fact that the next day. Tomorrow. At nine forty-five the Bunny might. Might. Be taking control.

So she'd said.

"I'll do registration." Telling Tasha, Laura and Michelle, all in my group to prove attendance before our form tutor each morning. "Then dash out to the field. It's a nice day, and there's too much chance of getting caught if I hang out in the girls bathroom for an hour."
"Where though?" Tasha, phone out, I can see she's on the group chat, preparing to fill the others in, where my bag might be, without me being there.

If the Bunny takes me away for awhile.

"That bush beside the wall, behind the football goal."
"Right." Tap tap. "We'll all go look at break." A shrug. "Unless you're back by then."
"Maybe." I shrug, still clueless why she gave me warning, what the point, the plan, is? Does it have anything to do with showing me the symbols?

"You don't know why she warned you?"
"No." Laura, thoughtful, her words echoing my thoughts. "But at least I won't have to do a toilet dash this time."

We all laugh, a release of built up tension, from my friends I can sense uneasiness, not understanding the Bunny, not, I think, still not sure what to make of me, of what I am.



She comes.

Quick swig of water, bag stuffed as out of sight, buried deep inside the bush, as I can make it. I lay down, close my eyes.


Hope that she knows what she's doing, that she has some sort of plan.

Because I don't, even knowing more now, what she is, how she got here, I don't have the faintest clue what to do about it.
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Post by Dpsiic »

I am loving this story as ever ❤️
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful update. Love the mum comments - reminds me of my own giving me advice going to university - "If you can't be good, at least be careful"
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

A cozy little interlude.

Both of them seem out of their depth, but of course Jody has slightly more experience and is more or less bullying Kaylee :lol: (in a friendly way of course).

Thankfully for her, Kaylee's mother is quite understanding...

And of course Kaylee trying to 'communicate' with the Bunny... Obviously her expertise would have been helpful there. Wonder if this will end in some sort of Kaylee/Bunny symbiosis? Unlikely, I would think, given the logistical problems.

But at least they are working together/communicating... sort of. Perhaps they shall both end up helping each other, even if in drastically different ways, given their respective situations.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Dpsiic wrote: 1 year ago I am loving this story as ever ❤️
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Wonderful update.
Thank you both :)
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago A cozy little interlude.
I thought so too, better to have a TUG themed date anyway :lol:
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Post by RopeBunny »

Part 002.


To be here again, one night later. Kelly's room and not Heather's tree house, and Heather not here either. But.


To be doing this again so soon. Second time around. No nerves, we know, despite the extra symbols, the change to what we thought was the only way to do this. We know the outcome: success. The Rope Bunny, coming here, to us. Guaranteed.

Why the symbols?

To which Kelly and me, copying the new seven onto sheets of paper, taping all eight down in a loose circle sort of square sort of eight pointed star type formation. Exchanging a glance, Kelly tying her black hair back into a loose tail, me pulling down the suddenly feels too short hem of my grey cotton nightie.

Should've bought trousers to wear.

Do we care about why eight symbols this time? Do we care the significance, the point, what it might change when the Bunny comes?


So long as she comes, so long as we get to play. The rest is just noise.

Zero four fourty-four. A quick final glance round. A quiet house, the other bed, Kelly's older sister, away at college.

A quick nod.

Gags on.

Facing the mirror, Kelly's hand finding mine.

We say the words.

Shutting my eyes moments later, moments too late, as a second sun- it looks like -briefly flares to life before dying.

How did that not wake Kelly's parents?

Blinded. Blinking.

Opening my eyes to find.

"Great work."

The Bunny, suit the pure white of fresh snow, but furry. Hand raised, advancing on me.

Panic rising, the instinct to back away, run away, rising.

Checked at the last, realising she's attempting nothing more then a high five. Which I, burst of quiet nervous laughter, the sudden rush of adrenaline leaking just as suddenly away, raise my own hand to receive.

"Go team." Grinning, turning to offer her hand to Kelly next.

"Um." Spitting out her gag even whilst loosening it one handed, raising the other for the Bunny to quietly- she clearly knows someone grown up, and therefore in charge of us, is asleep nearby -slap. "Right."

The floor is, like before, covered in swirling white smoke, covering the paper which I'd imagine is gone anyway. Most likely burned in some fashion given what happened last time.

She looks down anyway, eyes roaming, scanning. Opening and closing her hands into loose fists and back.

"I...." Frowning, flexing her fingers. "Don't...."
"Can we-"
"I." Shooting a glance at Kelly, not the usual smile. Not a scowl, nothing angry, but the darted attention, on then off, is enough to shut her up.

The Bunny flexes her hands, by her sides, again. Looks upwards, at the ceiling. Beyond.

"I want to leave."

Nothing. Silence. For a handful of heartbeats she stands, still, eyes to the sky.

We wait too, watching the Bunny. Unsure what's going on. Unwilling to interrupt despite this, technically, being our time.

We called her.

So, surely, that means we get to play?

"Fucks sake." Huffing. A scowl as she stamps a rabbit one piece clad foot, big and fluffy and oversize.

The act is comical, like a schoolgirl- she does after all have a young early teens face -being told it's bedtime. Refusing. Comical, but I don't laugh, and a hand to the face covers my small smile.

"Really." Holding both hands up to her face, fingers spread wide. "Fucking. Nothing."
"Bunny?" Holding up a hand as though we're in school, Kelly giggles briefly at me. "Um...."

"Ask me something." Turning, swinging, to face me, eyes intense, I take a step back.

"Anything." Hands up like a storybook wizard about to spellcast. "Tell me to do something I'm good at."
"Well...." Exchanging a look with Kelly, who shrugs, makes a go ahead gesture. "Okay."

And suddenly on the spot, me, with a firm plan in place because we'd discussed this: what we wanted, what order to make the fun things happen. Put on the spot and now I can't remember a thing.

I open my mouth, close it. Kelly gives me a small nudge as though I'm a broken record in need of bumping back into the grove.

The Bunny in front grins, stays silent. Waiting.

"Tie yourself up." Nodding as the words, an idea. Finally. Leave my mouth. Only to realise moments later that hadn't been the plan.

Get her to tie us up, on the bed, possibly side by side. That had been our joint plan.

Too late now.


She can, and is, shaking her head. But can't seem to form the small word. Her voice simply dries up, dropping from a whisper to nothing beyond that first letter sound.

Stopping. Frowning. The Rope Bunny opens her mouth a second time.

Not even managing a single sound now.

"Of course." Grinning wide, too wide. And dressed in that one piece, amazing cleavage or not, she does look a little like a crazy person. Arms spread out wide the Bunny jumps backwards without looking, launching her slim frame at Kelly's single bed.

Vanishing halfway through the air.

Only to reappear, an instant later, laid on the bed, tied up.

With rope, of course. Midnight black, unnaturally dark, slim braided lengths are wrapped and knotted around each of her four limbs: wrists and ankles. Each rope stretching and running a straight line towards the nearest bedpost. Wrapped and tied off in each corner. The whole setup pulling her into a tight X, splayed out, face and breasts pointed straight up at the ceiling.

"Well." Lifting her head to peer down, though I doubt she can see anything below those D cup plus mountains. "Shit."

She laughs, a quiet not at all crazy sounding chuckle.

By which I mean crazy is exactly how she sounds.

"And a gag." Kelly pipes up beside me. Maybe she didn't like that laughter either? Or maybe she just wants to complete the process, since apparently we're binding the Bunny, sort of, maybe she just wants to add that gag shaped cherry on top.

I don't think we read anywhere that she can do magic, anything of this sort beyond her method of appearing. Leaving again. Nothing Kelly and me, and Heather, found indicated the Rope Bunny was able to bind anyone, herself included, without actually going through the motions the normal way.

It makes sense, that she can.

We just didn't know.

She doesn't even try to deny or refuse Kelly's request. Suggestion. Order.

Can't she?

Opening her mouth, a large black rubber looking ball shades into being, filling the space from jaw to now wedged open jaw. A big enough sphere that I can see her teeth biting down on it. Straps like a black leather belt are growing out each side, pressed and circling her face, the back where they surely meet up hidden.

And seeing her now completely helpless the thought of moments ago waves at me for attention. Can't she refuse? Was that the point of those things we drew? I do remember reading along the lines of 'if you ask she'll do.' But, having appeared it seemed like she'd been trying to do her own thing.

Leaving, trying to.

Refusing a request. Or, are they orders?

But it hadn't, whatever she clearly thought was about to happen here, it hadn't happened.

Because here she is tied up, because I said so.

And gagged because Kelly said so.

Kelly, who in three.

As we both stare at what we've done. For my part noting how amazing the Bunny looks tied up, everything so tight. And.


Thinking that in a while, maybe twenty, or thirty, minutes. Once we're done staring, maybe telling her to struggle for us. I should free her, get tied up after all. If it looks that cool how will it feel?


Kelly, forgetting the time, where we are, loudly claps her hands in delight.

A thump from across the hall comes at exactly the same time I gasp, as Kelly's mouth goes wide. Realising her mistake: too much noise.

Too late now.

Kelly's parents, her Dad most likely.


Coming- creak of floorboards, movement -to see what we're doing, making noise at five in the morning. On a school night.

"Crap." I nod, agreeing. "Um." Moving beside the bed, throwing a glance towards the door.

How much time do we have?

"Can you leave? Without us freeing you?"
"You need to go." Kelly adds, making hurried shooing gestures, like that'll help.

The Rope Bunny nods. Her smoke pouring up onto the bed moments later, covering her, vanishing her.

Vanishing too, leaving Kelly's room back in its normal state, just as the door opens.

Kelly's Dad, the glare of the hallway light streaming in from behind, a frown on his face.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Damn it." Damn it, shit fuck and damn it.



Breathe. Sit down before someone sees you. Me. Clever, the bush. Good cover, hiding herself. Kayley. This skin I'm wearing.

Clever girl.

And. Real.

"Kayley." I speak her name, staring down at her small hands, at my small hands. Mine, for moments longer, until I step back away from the controls. Back into the darkness.

Back to sleep. Until next time.

I used to flit in and out as the mood took, causing mischief, playing. Taking whatever form suited, giving it up after with a smile, a wave. But, dreaming, I saw those eight symbols- my name, others I don't know -swimming up to surround me.

And now here I am. Trapped. Forced to obey the whims of whomever manages to call upon me.

I didn't really think repeating the eight would bring any form of relief, but I had to begin somewhere. Has Kayley, I ponder, staring out of the bush, at fields and houses beyond. Has she written back to me yet, in the book?

I can't go to see. Called, I assume control, pulled to where I'm wanted. And then once they dismiss me, I jump, returning to wherever Kayley was.

So. Has she written to me? Does she know anything- unlikely, but, I saw no harm in asking, in sharing -regarding the eight?

I'll have to wait to find out.

It is. Galling.

Me. Who once switched places with the King of Spains daughter, for six weeks, keeping her strapped and bound inside a wooden box, hung around my neck like a trinket. And nobody noticing.

All this, my, power. And to be reduced now, unable to use it unless someone wishes, tells, me to.

There must be an answer.

There must be a way forward.

Until these last few times once dismissed I simply fell back, away, returning to the dark. Unaware of the trap, the change, my dark nest now locked inside this girl. Me, locked inside this same girl.

With this knowledge I have begun to jump back to her spot, punching that return ticket, but instead of falling away I have.

Looked around.

Written notes, two times, to her.

And I can feel the darkness, the nest, pulling. But it seems I can make it wait, for at least a short time.

I can feel it now, seeing Kayley's group, six young girls approaching the bush. They must be aware that this is her chosen spot.

I did offer notice, of being called, after all.

I've met them all, before. However.

"I see you." One of them, brownish blonde hair, straight and long. A large chest pressing at the same shirt they're all wearing. Slim. This one I keep seeing.

With the group, already, like a lost bet, tied.

Alone, wearing far less clothes. Nervous. Asking to be tied.

And then again, in Kayley's room.

Maybe I should remain. Stay. Greet her, all of them. Her. She is, as little as I consider such things, which have not and- I think -do not, matter. To me.

She, the large chested girl. Is pretty. And, based on repeated evidence. She is interested in the fun that I can bring.


Not today.

I can not offer anyway. I am bound by the new rules, unable to take any kind of lead. No more able to approach them all, her, and offer fun, them I am able to fly to the moon.

With a sigh, a final look, I allow Kayley to come forwards as I sink back and away.

Until next time.
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