Terms of Employment ( F/M )

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Terms of Employment ( F/M )

Post by LunaDog »

This one is slightly different from my 'normal' tales. I'm sure that any of you who've read any of my stories will agree that i tell most of them in the 'first person,' ie. the tale is actually told by one of the characters within it. But, up until now, that has ALWAYS been the 'M' part of the 'F/M' equation, the male captive. So, for this one i thought i'd try the 'other side,' so this story is narrated by the 'F' character, the female captor.

This first part doesn't really feature any actual 'tying up' in it, like many of my tales it lays the foundation, introducing the characters and explains how and why the bondage to come, occurs. But bondage CAN take forms other than sheer 'rope work.' Maybe you'll agree with me but the Lady of the story very much holds her male victim in a form of 'mental bondage' in much of this first chapter, it is SHE who is in control, she has him just where SHE wants him. Anyway, hope you all enjoy.


‘GOTCHA!’ I thought to myself as he pulled his head aside, and his eyes away from my nylon coated legs. ‘Thought you’d get away with it eh? Well, you need to be taught a lesson, young man, although NOT here and now! No, I’ll wait for a bit, before I confront you, and hopefully get my wicked way with you!’

Now, although I’ve gone over the forty years old mark, my legs are still in quite good shape, thank you very much, hence the young man’s ogling of them. Clearly suggesting that he also thought I’d still ‘got it.’ For he was in his early twenties, I’d been employing him for just over a year now, and to be totally honest he’d done some damn fine work during that time, he’d proved to be a REAL asset to the Company that I both owned and ran. So, I’d HAVE to be careful, I didn’t want to lose him. But I DID want to SHAG him! And what I REALLY wanted to do was to tie him securely to my bed BEFORE we partook in THAT activity!

My late husband had died about three years ago now, and, believe me we’d had a GREAT sex life, with bondage, in BOTH orientations, consisting of a LARGE part of that. But then he’d been taken away from me, a completely avoidable accident resulting in his early death. Which did result in myself receiving a VERY large payout from the responsible party’s insurers.

Now, being a smart businesswoman, well I like to think so, I used that money wisely. Firstly, it enabled me to redeem the mortgage on my home, reducing some of my ‘outgoings’ quite considerably. Then I was able to BUY rather than rent the premises I used to run my business from. And invest in some new plant. Again, reducing my costs. All of this instead of taking ’flash’ holidays, or buying new cars, etc. And it allowed me to keep busy, which did assist in enabling me to cope with Gerald’s loss to a fair degree.

And from that point onwards my business began to thrive, as I did manage to complete some VERY shrewd deals, raising my profits quite considerably. NOW I could treat myself to a new car, an Alfa Romeo, and start to enjoy live a little more. Which hopefully would include resuming my dormant sex life!

Obviously when I’d first taken young Harold Miller, or Harry as we all call him, on as an employee, taking him to my bed was the very thing last thing on my mind. I’d hired him to do a job, and like I say he did so VERY well. I mean, at just twenty-two years of age he could almost be my son, and I was sure that such a good looking lad as him was bound to have a girlfriend in his life. So I NEVER looked at him in ‘that’ manner, if you know what I mean.

However, as well as his excellent work, I soon noticed that things WERE occurring in the reverse direction. If I didn’t look at him ‘that way,’ I clocked him ‘checking me out’ quite a few times. Now, like EVERY human being, I too have an ego, and I’ll be totally honest, I found it far more complimentary than offensive. I mean what female in my position wouldn’t? A young stud showing a desire to bed a forty-year old woman?

Harry then bought his first property, a small two bedroom house. How did I know? Well as his employer, the mortgage company he’d used to finance the purchase naturally approached me to verify his income details. So now, I KNEW he couldn’t afford to lose his job!

I know I shouldn’t have, it’s against ALL ethical codes of conduct naturally, but I actually now started to consider if I could actually use THAT situation to in fact, not just take this delicious young man to my bed, but securely tie him to it! And, whilst generally I’m NOT one for blowing my own trumpet, well I didn’t manage to set up and continue to run a successful business without a brain in my head, did I? And one thing I DID notice about young Harry, is that just like quite a large proportion of the male population, I could catch his attention far more if I was wearing sheer nylon stockings.

So, when I saw him sitting down ’clocking’ me one day, fully realising that he wasn’t aware that I had done so, I exercised my plan. For, what I wanted was EVIDENCE, it would be no good just confronting him, he’d simply just deny it, and how could I PROVE it? So, I deliberately turned away from him, took out my mobile phone switching it to ‘video record’ mode, and then started a ‘ghost’ conversation with a ‘client’ making out that I was watching something they had e-mailed to me. As I, in a completely random manner approached his desk then I was filming HIM staring at my legs, catching him clearly doing so, before he REALLY noticed my presence and, as I’d said before, looked swiftly away. I simply carried on as before, continuing my pretence that I’d being watching somebody else’s ‘film’ and made NO display that I’d ‘caught him in the act’ at all. Before turning around and returning to my office. Probably leaving him there, sighing with relief that he’d ‘got away’ with it.

Once back at my desk, I checked out my ‘work’ and there was NO doubt, he’d been staring at my nylon coated pins in a way that could CLEARLY be considered sexual harassment! Like I say, ‘GOTCHA!’ But I didn’t act straight away, one of the reasons for my success in life is that I AM patient, and am more than willing to wait, if necessary, to seize the RIGHT time to act. I wanted this young man in my hands for an ENTIRE weekend, and there was one of those complete with a bank holiday Monday following very shortly. Meaning I could have him for THREE days instead of just the normal two!

Therefore, late on the Friday afternoon just preceding that bank holiday weekend, I called him into my office just before ’clocking off’ time at four-thirty. Raising some small point with him, that really could have waited until next Tuesday, I deliberately took the conversation until we’d passed the point where the ‘office hours’ finished. “Now I appreciate that it’s just gone past half-four, but I’m afraid I need to discuss a, rather, how shall we say, delicate matter with you. Do you need to rush off for anything at all? I know it’s a long weekend, do you have any plans for it at all?” I knew he was single by now, incidentally.
“No, you’re alright Mrs Fairbrother, I’ve nothing planned, and as is so bloody typical, the weather’s forecast to be poor, why is it always so on these long weekends? No, I’ve not made any plans at all. Just watch the footy probably, and go down the pub. What’s on your mind?”
“So you don’t mind stopping here a bit while I explain something to you then? It shouldn’t take TOO long.” Just ALL weekend, sonny boy!
“Not at all.”
“Thank you, could you just excuse me a minute?” I got up from my desk, left the office, making sure that I left the door open so Harry could hear me, and called out to the ‘charge hand’ the person responsible for checking everything that should be was switched off and locked up.
“It’s alright Tom, I’ve got to stay here for a bit anyway, I’ll do all that. You get off and enjoy the long weekend.”
“Thanks, Mrs Fairbrother. Same to you!” And he left. Leaving me TOTALLY alone with my ‘prey!’ Oh, don’t you worry about that, I thought to myself, I very much WILL enjoy it!

Returning to my desk, I now fired up the software within the computer there, that plays music or videos, Media-Player, I believe it’s called. Because if Harry had NO idea just how this ‘interview’ was going to play out, I’d had over two weeks to prepare for it, and so was well and truly ready for it.

“If you could just watch this, please, like I say it shows beyond ANY doubt some inappropriate behaviour on your part. I will have to decide what action I need to undertake as a result.” And, unbeknown to him, ALL of the following conversation was being recorded, like I say, I was FULLY prepared!

His face dropped, as his eyes widened in fear as the view of him clearly ogling my stocking coated legs displayed itself on the screen of my P.C. “Mrs Fairbrother,” he started to stammer, clearly taken by surprise and scared, “I can only apologise unreservedly!”
“But you DO admit that you WERE staring at my legs?”
“Yes, Mrs Fairbrother, there’s NO denying that. Like I say, I AM truly sorry!” And the petrified look upon his face confirmed that he was.
Twisting the ‘knife’ even more, I continued. “You DO realise that this is CLEAR sexual harassment, don’t you? I could fire you on the spot, and NO industrial tribunal would even consider such an action incorrect!”
I’m not sure I’ve EVER seen a pair of eyes before that displayed such a sign of TOTAL fear, and now I KNEW I was going to get my wish after all. Not that I stopped my mental torture of him. A very quiet, and UTTERED scared voice meekly pleaded, “please Mrs Fairbrother, please don’t sack me. As you know, I’ve just bought my house, and I can’t afford to lose my job.”
“I know. And it’s only ONE of the options I have that I could proceed with to deal with this situation. But I need you to be completely honest with me here. Lie, and you’re GONE! Understand?”
He simply nodded, unable to even speak.
“You DO admit then that your act was in the form of sexual harassment, don’t you?”
An ABSOLUTELY petrified, meek voice simply uttered, “yes Ma’am.”

I gently leant under my desk and switched off the recording device. I’d got ALL I needed now. And, probably taking him completely by surprise, I smiled at my victim. “Thank you for your honesty. Like I said, there IS another way of resolving this situation other than the termination of your employment, and now it’s MY turn to be honest with you. I’d MUCH rather take a different route here than dismissing you. You’ve done some REAL quality work since you’ve been here, work that I FULLY recognise AND appreciate. So, no, the very LAST thing I want to do is sack you.” The look of sheer relief I received in return was almost touching!

“But I’m afraid I’m very much of the opinion that you DO need to learn a lesson here. Have you ever heard of ‘Gilbert & Sullivan’ by any chance?”
“Yes. Didn’t they write operas or musicals? Although I don’t know much about them, or their works.”
“No, I don’t suppose you do. Anyway, one of their productions called ‘The Mikado’ features a song entitled ‘Let the Punishment Fit the Crime.’ Most appropriate, don’t you think?”
“What do you mean, Ma’am?”
“I mean that how I choose to deal with your misdemeanour should be related to what you DID in showing such disrespect towards me. If your offence was sexual in nature, so should your manner of paying for that. After all, judging by the way you’ve ‘regarded’ me it’s clear that you find me attractive, you might even ‘fancy’ me. Do you?
“Yes, Mrs Fairbrother, I admit that I find you VERY attractive. Sexy, even.”
“Why thank you good Sir,” putting on a fake ‘American’ style accent. “VERY kind of you to say so.” Which, actually I DID mean, like I say I’m as partial to a bit of flattery as the next female. “But before I explain just what I have in mind for you, let me ask one thing of you? I realise that we’re still in the office, but it’s after hours now so we’re not actually ‘at work’ now, are we?”
“I guess not Mrs Fairbrother.”
“Exactly. So, less of the ‘Mrs Fairbrother,’ if you please, from now on until we return back to work on Tuesday, I’d like you to call me Sonia. It IS my name, after all.”
“Sure, Mrs Fair…, eh I mean, Sonia. But surely, we’ll both be going our separate ways in a couple of minute’s time, won’t we?”
“No, we won’t, I’m just coming to that! But first, and again I’d fully appreciate it if you could continue to be honest with me. You like stockings, don’t you?”
He thought for a few seconds and then caved in. “Yes Sonia, I must admit that I do.”
“You, and at least half of the male population! Would you like to see more of them? The ones on MY legs right now?” Before he could answer I stood up, undid the buckle of my leather skirt, and wriggled my way out of it, until it was by my ankles. Then I deftly ‘flicked’ it away, as the eyes in his head appeared to almost pop out! And then they, if possible, popped out EVEN more, as I lifted up my satin blouse, to reveal the lacy suspender belt that held said stockings up, and my VERY skimpy satin panties! “Like what you see?”

The poor lad couldn’t even speak! So I teased him some more, as I made a REAL show of undoing the buttons of my blouse, one by one. Exposing my, also made from satin, bra. “Take a GOOD look, because you ARE going to spend the ENTIRE weekend, yes all THREE days, servicing THIS body! And go on, you might as well continue to be honest here, just as you’ve DREAMT of doing so, almost from the day you joined us here!” It was absolutely clear that I was completely correct with that assertion, but of course he was still completely lost for words. Just staring at me with his eyes wide open! Finally, he felt able to express himself. “You KNEW, didn’t you? Yes, I have dreamt of going to bed with you, eh, Sonia. Please don’t be offended.”

“Far from it young man, far from it. My turn to be honest, I’m actually VERY flattered! A bit proud, to be frank, that such a young stud like you considers that I’ve still ‘got it.’ So, we’ve a rather busy weekend ahead of us, and now I’ve removed MY clothes, YOURS need to also come off!”
“What here Sonia? Wouldn’t it be better to go to your home first?”
“We will, we WILL. But just before we do ANYTHING else, let me make one thing ABSOLUTELY crystal clear to you first. Oh, I’m going to shag you Harry, and notice just how I put that. But, and I MEAN this, everything, yes EVERYTHING, will be done MY way. It’s YOU who will dance to MY tune, and NOT the other way round, for the ENTIRE three days! Is that clear, or do I need to place an advert for a vacant job position, after all? This IS supposed to be a punishment at the end of the day.”
“Yes Sonia, I agree and accept that YOU will be in charge. Is this why you’ve waited until now for THIS weekend, to give yourself a full three days with me?”
“My dear boy, absolutely ‘spot on.’ No flies on you, are there?”

Again I’d ‘robbed’ him of his power of speech, as he said nothing. “Oh, and I meant what I’d just said, by the way. Down to just your underpants, if you please. As you know my car is in the inside car park, so NOBODY will see us going to it. And then we’ll drive to my place almost naked. A good ‘thrill’ to get us started!”

As he started to obey, I realised that I had tasks still to perform, that ones I’d relieved Tom of the job of performing. Now I’d done this ‘shutdown’ routine many times before, but then as I’m sure you can ALL believe, NEVER just wearing a bra, panties, suspender belt and stockings. Felt quite weird, but kind of exciting too. Anyway, once I’d finished and returned to my office, Harry had obeyed my command, standing there, as commanded, in just his underpants, his clothes in a pile on the floor.

“Good boy, you KNOW it makes sense.” Now I pulled a small holdall type of bag from behind my desk. Opening it, I first removed two pairs of sandal sort of shoes, one for him the other for me. I swiftly fitted ‘mine’ and gestured to him that he should do likewise, which he did so. And now the bag was empty, but not for long as ALL of his and my removed clothes went inside, including both pairs of our shoes. When they had done so, I quickly fastened the zip, which I completely secured shut with a small padlock! Good job I’d taken my car, office and house keys out of my pocket first, eh?

“Christ Sonia, where’s the key to that?”
“Home. So now you’ll just have to come back with me in my car, or perhaps you fancy walking ALL the way there, dressed as you are now?”
“You’ve planned ALL of this, haven’t you?”
“Guilty as charged, Your Honour! But shall we go? I FULLY intend to enjoy myself, and please believe me, I HOPE that you VERY much do too!”
“Actually Sonia, I DO believe you. Yes, to answer your question, why hang about any longer?”
“Quite. Please follow me.”

We descended to the basement, which acted as the Company car park, with only one car remaining by now, my Italian racing red coloured beauty. “Lovely motor, Sonia, is it new?”
“Yes. Only picked it up last week.” Although Harry could drive, he lived within walking distance of the office, so never came down here, and therefore had no idea of precisely who drove what car within the Company. I unlocked it. “Would Sir care to get in?”

He did so, and I joined him inside. And then we leaned in towards either and our lips met for the first time. Also for me, the first time I’d actually made contact with a male in any sexual sense since my Gerald had passed away. That kiss was full of ferocity, passion and energy, and now I KNEW I was in for a weekend to remember!

Before we set off though, I reached across, opened up the ‘glove compartment,’ why are they called that, who the hell puts gloves in them nowadays? And pulled out a silk blindfold. “Now then Harry, you’ve NO idea as to where I live do you? Shall we keep it that way?”
“No Sonia, no I don’t. You’re the one in charge Ma’am. Guess it’s up to you?”
“So it is.” On it went, and I KNEW from wearing it before myself, it allowed NO light to enter! So, with young Harry completely sightless, I used the remote to open the garage door, started the engine and drove through it, before shutting the garage door again. Time to GO!”

As usual it took about thirty minutes driving to reach my abode, and yet again it’s a task I’d never performed before whilst just wearing lingerie with NOTHING else on. God, what if I’d had an accident or broken down? Thankfully neither of those events occurred and I reached our destination without incident. I pressed the remote garage door control, and it rose swiftly allowing me to drive inside, whence it automatically shut again, keeping the pair of us out of reach of any prying eyes now! Don’t want to give the neighbours TOO much to gossip about, do we?

“We’re here Sweetheart, but please don’t take the blindfold off just yet. In fact, could you stay here for a minute whilst I just disable the alarm system?” He obeyed and having done so I returned to the car, guiding him out of it, and through the door connecting the garage to the house itself. With him still unable to see, and me hoping I was building up his excitement levels, the ‘bulge’ appearing in his underpants suggesting a reasonable degree of success there, I took him upstairs. Where finally I allowed him use of his eyes again, but I believe this smart and clever young man realised there and then that he’d be spending at least some time in my home without the use of his eyes. No fool, this boy.

On the landing I pointed out two doors to him. That one, Sweetheart, is the door to our ‘room of pleasure’ for this weekend. In a bit I want you to enter it. But first, I’d like you to use THAT one, please. It’s the master bathroom, so I want you to go there, empty your body as much as you can, at both ends, and then give yourself a good wash, including your teeth. You’ll find everything that you need in there. When you’ve finished then join me in my bedroom, please. Ok with all that? Oh, and leave your underpants there, please.”
“No problem, Sonia, see you in a few minutes time,”

My room has an attached ‘en-suite’ bathroom, so I proceeded there to perform the very same tasks I’d asked him to. But although I’d removed my bra and panties, I was still adorned with the stockings and suspenders, THEY would remain on! Then I stood right by my bedroom door, to the side where I’d be invisible as he stepped across the threefold, and awaited his arrival, with bated breath!
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Post by beeblebrox883 »

Can’t wait for the next part of the story
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Post by psuking1 »

Very exciting. And a wishful fantasy
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Post by OlderJ »

Terrific start, looking forward to next!
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

As always [mention]LunaDog[/mention] you write such amazingly entertaining stories! Looking forward to more parts!
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Post by LunaDog »

[mention]beeblebrox883[/mention] [mention]psuking1[/mention] [mention]OlderJ[/mention] [mention]tiedinbluetights[/mention] Thank you for your very kind words. Here's the next part, and yes, now Sonia does get the bondage ties out!

He didn’t keep me waiting long and gingerly crept into my bedroom. “Sonia?” I let him enter further, he did so cautiously because, even though he wasn’t blindfolded now, he clearly couldn’t see me, I guess he might have thought I was still within the ‘en-suite.’ But of course, I wasn’t, and as soon as he’d entered the room enough, I slammed the door shut, locking it with the key, which I immediately removed and placed into the top of my left leg’s stocking!

“That’s better, now it’s just you and me, with the whole of the rest of the world outside!”
“One way of putting it, Sonia.”
“Yes, isn’t it just. Now then young man. I believe we have an agreement. That you would do PRECISELY what I command you to. Don’t we?”
“Yes Sonia, I did promise you that.”
“Good. Because what I wish for now is that you’ll climb onto my bed, lie centrally, with your head resting on that single central pillow and then stretch yourself out in a ‘star’ shape.”

He obeyed instantly, no doubt delighting in the feel of the black satin sheet I’d covered my bed with against his bare skin. Once again, he displayed his high level of intelligence, by asking. “You’re going to tie me to this bed, aren’t you Sonia?”
“YES! I sure am and remember, you agreed that everything was to be done MY way.”
“Fair enough then. Quite fancy the idea if I’m honest!” And his cock showed, in the most NATURAL way, that those were NOT empty words!
“Good. Because it’s happening, whether you do or not, Sweetheart!”

I walked across to a chest of drawers, opened the top one, and my hands withdrew several silk bondage ties, remnants of my marriage ‘games’ with my late husband. Returning to the bed, and my soon to be captive, I dangled them in front of his face and eyes. “Are you ready for this Sweetheart? You’re going to become the complete sex slave of ‘SEXY SONIA,’ and there’s NOTHING you can do to stop it?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, ‘SEXY SONIA,’ as I’ll ever be!” Clearly entering into the right spirit.

Taking one of the ties, I swiftly looped his left wrist, before pausing. “Now then Sweetheart, before we go too far with this there’s something I need to point out to you, something I VERY much need to reassure you about.” I gave the loop a little ‘tug’ to show it was secure and inescapable. “As you can see, you WON’T be able to escape that bond, but you’ll also notice that it’s NOT too tight. Because, and please believe me here, I’ve played these games before with my late husband, I have NO intention of putting you in ANY danger AT ALL here. It might not seem like it sometimes, but please be assured that throughout the ENTIRE time when you’ll be helpless in my hands I’ll be looking out for your welfare AND safety. And IF things become too much, then let me know, we’ll set a ‘safe word’ that you MUST callout, if you NEED to. Whereon, I’ll immediately release you, no questions asked. Although, and bear in mind I’m showing you respect here, please NO ‘crying wolf.’ Ok?”
“Thank you, Sonia. I promise you that I TOTALLY respect ALL of what you’ve just told me, and I will NOT abuse the consideration you’ve shown me. May I suggest ‘Alfa Romeo’ as said ‘safe word’ because I DO love that motor of yours?”
“Agreed, ‘Alfa Romeo’ it is then. Now then, TO BUSINESS!”

Grabbing that arm of his, the one with the silk ‘bracelet’ around its wrist, I pulled it towards the outer bed post of the solid upper bed frame. Now I looped the tie around said post, a ‘half knot’ after one loop, then bringing the ties to the rear, where I secured matters with a ‘full knot.’ This arm was going NOWHERE until it was untied by something other than his left hand. However, as there was a fair amount of tie left over, I also looped and tied his hand to the bed post too! Nothing wrong with a bit of ‘belt AND braces,’ is there? Within another couple of minutes, I’d transferred my attentions over to the other side of my bed, and soon his right arm had become ‘attached’ to the bed post of that side in the same inescapable manner. HE WAS MINE!

Yes, strictly speaking he was, because he now clearly couldn’t undo his bonds and therefore escape from the bed or my sexual plans for him. But his legs were still free, and hey, come on, THAT would NEVER do, would it? A few minutes later this ‘problem’ had been resolved however, and now he was FULLY tied, spread eagled to MY bed, hardly able to move at all, let alone escape. What I’d been dreaming about for quite a few weeks now had become REALITY!

I climbed ‘aboard,’ knelt between his bound legs and cupped his balls within my hands, giving them a, not so gentle, squeeze. “Now then, Sweetheart, just WHAT do you belong to?”
“You Sonia, I belong to you!”
“Well, yes, you DO, but what I actually asked you is ‘what’ do you belong to, not ‘who.’ What are you now securely tied to?”
He ‘got it.’ “Ah yes, see what you mean. I belong to the bed Sonia, YOUR bed!”
“Correct the bed, MY BED. And how long is the bed going to keep you as her prisoner? Will you EVER escape from her? YOU ARE HERS!”
“True enough. Although I guess that you control her, don’t you Sonia?”
“Oh, I’m not absolutely sure of that, you know! She has a VERY strong will of her own, and what she’s telling me, right now, is that she doesn’t want you to be able to see anything, whilst she allows me to shag you!”

Remember the blindfold from before? That one he’d worn on our journey here, and had only just taken off, a few minutes before, whilst the pair of us were on my landing? Well, it was now under the one pillow that his head rested on. One of my hands reached underneath said pillow and emerged with the blindfold in its grip. “Remember this?” He simply nodded, resigned to his fate, I guess. I soon had it back into position.

I began to rub my hands over his TOTALLY erect cock. “Now then can you FEEL ‘Sexy Sonia,’ Sweetheart?”
“Oh, yes, I most certainly CAN!”
“Can you hear, ‘Sexy Sonia,’ Sweetheart?”
“Again, I can hear you, ‘Sexy Sonia.’ Yes”
“Can you smell her?”
“Once more, yes. I can smell her Arousal!”
I didn’t doubt THAT at all, because, BY GOD I hadn’t been turned on so much since the death of my husband. And just possibly even MORE than then! Now I leant forwards and kissed him once more. “And can you taste ‘Sexy Sonia,’ lovely boy?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Four out of five then. Because can you see “Sexy Sonia,’ to complete the set?”
“No, ‘Sexy Sonia,’ no I can NOT see you! Much to my regret because you’re just SO damn gorgeous and ‘SEXY!’ So, I wish I could. But, as you say these are YOUR rules that we’re playing by!”
“Aren’t they just, Sweetheart, aren’t they just!”

So, here I was then, this utterly delicious young man TOTALLY secured to the posts of my bed, UTTERLY under my complete power and control? How should I start? Deciding, and please believe me I don’t know just WHERE the self-control came from, to be patient, I moved my body forwards, and gently guided one of my breasts into his mouth. “Would you like to have a little chew on THIS, to get things underway?”

He answered with action not words. I almost missed a breath, as his teeth gently took a grip of the nipple and proceeded to gently ‘chew’ and suck upon it. GOOD GOD! Young he might well be but, believe me, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing! Which, of course was turning me ON! After a while of him ‘servicing’ that tit, I removed it, replacing it with its ‘sister’ and the whole process began again.

Enough of that, lovely though it was, I WANTED that cock in my pussy. Levering my body upwards again, I raised my self on my haunches, and guided the ‘round peg’ into the ‘round hole!’ God, have I missed THIS or what? I very slowly and very gently lowered my body downwards, as his cock slid right into my pussy, until it was FULLY immersed. YES! Slowly at first, using my arms I raised myself, and then lowered down again, and again and again. Gradually increasing the speed of these ‘strokes’ until I was at FULL speed, pounding his body down into the black satin covered mattress! Gentle moans emerged from both his and my mouth, as the desired results of these actions began to take effect upon the pair of us, my vaginal muscles clamping onto his ‘shaft’ building up and propelling us both towards the invertible climax!

And, Ladies and Gentleman, please bear in mind that I hadn’t tasted such delights for several years by now, when it DID arrive, the sheer scream that emerged from my mouth would have made the ‘Sharapova Scream’ seem like a gentle whisper in comparison! Waves of pure pleasure and arousal raced around my ENTIRE body, which began to shake uncontrollably! And whilst, in pitch anyway, his own emitted sounds couldn’t TOUCH mine, they got close in pure volume terms, indicating that I’d succeeded brilliantly in taking both of us to heaven almost simultaneously! His body also tried to shake, but not only was it bound fast, it was bearing the weight of the majority of MY form.

“My God Sonia,” he finally managed to utter, “have I got THREE whole days of THIS in front of me?”
“You most certainly have, Sweetheart, you MOST CERTAINLY HAVE!”
“Please, Sonia, make a list of ALL of the punishable ‘offences’ that I can commit at work, will you? I’ll work my way through them ALL, one by one, if THIS is how I’m going to be punished!” Said with a massive smile on his face!
“Careful what you wish for, Sweetheart! I just might have to keep you to THAT!” Said with a massive smile on MY face, too.

Of course, the ‘main’ action had to stop for a while, until my companion’s cock had become hard again, but in the meantime, we could have a good ‘snog.’ So, I laid myself down on top of him and ‘attacked’ his lips with mine. And I DO mean ‘ATTACKED!’ Plenty of passion and energy on display there, I can assure you!

At last, after fifteen minutes or so, his cock took the form of a ‘boner’ again and it was time for ‘Round Two!’ Resulting in the same delightful outcome. And after a third time, despite the excitement levels remaining at a VERY high level, I called a halt to the proceedings. Sensing acute disappointment from within my captive, and a large part of my own body too, come to think of it. But there were sound ‘strategic’ reasons for my cessation!

Firstly, we had three FULL days more available to us for PLENTY more shagging. Secondly, whilst he was the ’young’ stud, and me the ‘cougar,’ at almost twice his age, it was ME doing most of the ‘work’ here! And I WANTED that FULL three days, so I knew that I needed to ‘pace myself,’ a little. And lastly, another sort of ‘hunger’ was rearing its ugly head, I hadn’t eaten since lunchtime and wanted some food!

So, I undid his bonds, allowed him to remove the blindfold, and after another quick kiss, “do you fancy something to eat, Sweetheart?”
“Please Sonia, I’ve just realised how hungry I am. And just for once, I’m talking about food.”
“Yes, we’ve three full days ahead, let’s not overdo things in too much of a hurry.”
“You’re the BOSS! But, yes, I agree. We can take this up again tomorrow.”
“Oh, we WILL! But in no doubt about that.” I went to my wardrobe and took out two satin dressing gowns. Placing one on my own form and handing the other to Harry. “You’d better wear this for now. Well don’t just lie there on my bed, down to the kitchen with you!”

Down to the kitchen the pair of us went, and my first action was to open a bottle of nicely chilled Sauvignon Blanc. “Would you like to join me with a glass of this, Sweetheart, or are you one of those men who only drinks beer? I do have a few bottles of that, if so!”
“No, you’re alright there Sonia, white wine is fine for me, provided it’s NOT sweet, which THAT one most certainly isn’t.”

Therefore, I poured out two glasses. Once he’d taken his I raised mine. “A toast Sweetheart?”
“What to, Sonia?”
“I’ll drink to THAT!” As he ‘chinked’ his glass against mine, with a lovely, DIRTY look upon his smiling face, I began to believe that he was enjoying himself even more than I was!

“What do you fancy to eat, I’ll be totally honest I can’t be bothered to cook. So, I’ll order a ‘takeaway.’ What do you fancy, other than me of course? Indian? Chinese? A pizza?”
“A good curry if you don’t mind, Sonia. Preferably one that’s as hot as YOU!”
“Careful. Flattery could get you EVERYWHERE! Indian it is then!”

It arrived roughly half an hour later and we tucked in. Helping ourselves to another bottle of wine, before turning in for the night. It was the first time I’d shared a bed with a male, and now I am talking about for SLEEP, since Gerald had died, to be totally honest it did feel a little strange, but comfortable as I snuggled up to young Harry. With NO desire to shag him for now, remember we DID have THREE whole days ahead of us.
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Post by psuking1 »

I used to long for weekends like that. Thankfully I have writers like you all to keep memories going. Looking forward to Sonia and her pleasurable ideas.
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

That was not only an amazing continuation, but you now have me craving a curry also instead of what I was planning on cooking up tonight!
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Post by LunaDog »

[mention]tiedinbluetights[/mention] Hope you enjoy your curry. Madras is MY favourite!
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Post by LunaDog »

[mention]psuking1[/mention] So my friend, and everybody else for that matter, Sonia continues her 'games!'

Generally speaking, I’m an early riser and this Saturday morning was NO exception. Leaving my ‘companion’ still asleep, I slipped on the matching satin dressing gown to the nightdress of the same material that I wore, wending my way down to the kitchen. Making myself a coffee, I’d only just poured it when I heard Harry descend the stairs.

“Good morning to you, Sweetheart. Breakfast? I’m doing a ‘Full English’ for myself, do you fancy the same? Sausage, bacon, beans, FRESH tomato, mushrooms and two fried eggs.”
“Oh, yes please Sonia. Sounds smashing!”
“Sorry, forgot to mention I’ve just brewed up some coffee, fancy some?”
“Oh, please Sonia, I could REALLY do with a coffee!”

It took me roughly ten minutes to ‘knock’ up said English, and we sat down to eat in, together with a large glass of freshly squashed orange juice as an accompaniment. “Well then Sweetheart, looks like the weather forecasters got it right for once. Outside the rain was teaming down. Best go back to my bedroom, don’t you think?”
“You’re the boss, Sonia!”

He obeyed and once again I ordered him to use the main bathroom whilst I went to my ‘en-suite.’ Using the toilet to empty myself as best I could, then giving myself a FULL body wash, removing much of the sweat and other body ‘fluids’ that last night’s shagging had produced. Removing my satin nightdress and changing the stockings and suspender belt for fresh clean items, just as well I’d got a good ‘stock’ of these!

Harry walked into my bedroom almost as soon as I’d finished my own ‘preparations’ and went to lie on the bed. “Ah no, Sweetheart, I have something different in mind for now. Come and stand here please.”

He still wore one of my satin dressing gowns but not for long. However, I retrieved the belt from the gown, and standing behind him, I pulled his arms together and using said belt I securely tied his wrists together. Using the remainder of that belt I now tied those bound wrists to the outer corner bed post, holding him to my furniture. Taking the equivalent belt from the gown I’d been wearing and now also tied his ankles to each other, and again I fastened them to the same bed post. “How’s THAT Sweetheart!”
“Binding Sonia, binding!”

“Back in MY hands then, eh? For the WHOLE day! Excited?”
“Just a little bit, Sonia! No, bloody hell, I’ve NEVER been SO turned on! Do your worst!”
“Are you sure about that? Because, I’m going to anyway!”

With that I began to rub my pussy, still covered in my panties against his fully erect cock. Covered in satin, it took quite a bit longer for ‘nature to take its course’ than if things had been bare ‘down there’ but I managed to climax eventually, even if it was a mild one. Because I’d wanted to ‘condition’ those panties. I had plans for them now!

Which involved gagging my prisoner’s mouth, so he’d be forced to breathe through his nose. Therefore I fetched a nice big ball-gag and in it went. And now, I removed the panties from my own body, placing them on top and over his hand, ensuring that the ‘gusset’ FULL of my scent by now of course, rested right over said nose, thus achieving my aim. And the look on my captive’s face made ALL of this effort FULLY worthwhile, believe me!

Well things didn’t seem quite correct to me. I mean I’d cum and he hadn’t, and I like to consider myself a fair person, share and share alike, that sort of thing. So, I laid myself on the bed behind him, placed my arms around his body, one either side, one found his cock while the other cupped his balls. Giving them another, not so gentle, squeeze!

Now the other hand started to rub up and down his magnificent cock. Very slowly and gently at first, then slowly starting to ‘crank up’ both the speed and the intensity of its grip upon said organ. And was NOT going to stop until… Which, as you can imagine, didn’t take long. Suddenly my young captive tried to shake, as much as his bonds would allow, he began making some sort of muffled ‘grunts,’ and then spunk shot out of the end of his cock, all over my hands and bedroom carpet. Quite impressive, to be perfectly honest with you!

Having washed, both my hands and the carpet, I now wanted him back spread-eagled on the bed as before, but after untying his ankle bonds, a mischievous thought entered my head. So, he likes stockings does he? Well, has HE ever worn any? Whether he wants to or not, HE WILL now I decided. Back to my lingerie collection, and I selected a suspender belt and pair of nylons, very sheer of course, because ALL of mine are. No point earning all of that money to waste it on cheap hosiery is there?

Back over to my captor, still with his arms bound and tied to that bed post. In other words still helpless in MY hands. “How do you fancy tying THESE for size? After all you seem to delight in them being on MY legs, how about I put some on yours?” And the look on his face was a complete picture. As you can imagine the ‘male’ in him found the idea abhorrent, but then there was quite a bit of, shall we say, secret desire, for the thought present in his eyes too! All completely academic of course, I was in ‘charge’ here, and I’d decided it WOULD happen so it was going too!

This particular suspender belt could be ‘undone’ and then ‘redone,’ without the need to be slid over his feet at all, so naturally I did so. Now I ordered him to lift his left leg, and good boy that he is, he obeyed. Making me believe that his ‘desires’ had defeated his ‘male ego’ perhaps. Anyway, once I’d soon covered his foot and ankle in sheer nylon, I allowed him to place said foot back onto ‘terra firma.’ Only to immediately move my attentions to his other, right foot. Soon that too was sheathed in nylon too, so now both of his feet found themselves ‘stable’ again. At this point I removed both the gag and panties from his head.

OH, COME ON? Do you REALLY think I wasn’t going to ‘play a bit’ as I moved those stockings gradually up his legs? Of course I took FULL advantage, teasing his ‘tools’ with both one of my hands AND my tongue! But, naturally, I was VERY careful not to push thing TOO far, I was perfectly happy to ‘stoke’ him up, but he was NOT going to allowed the pleasure of release until he was back bound to my bed, and his cock was ‘home,’ fully inside of my pussy! Fair enough, don’t you think? Eventually though, stocking met suspender and therefore I ceased this particular torture. Much to his relief, no doubt.

Anyway, time to untie him from the bed, so I could tie him up back to it in a different form!

Guiding him around, now I undid his wrist bond, enabling him to climb back onto the satin surface, incidentally with a fresh, clean bed sheet having been fitted, of my bed. And, without ANY command from me, he IMMEDIATELY spread his limbs outwards, towards the respective corner bed post. HOLD ON a minute, here! Isn’t he supposed to wait until ordered and then ONLY do so, under sufferance of course? A bit TOO keen I was sensing! But, never mind, do you seriously imagine I’d let THAT spoil things? No, I proceeded to move around the four corners, and at each one I’d secure his respective limb, inescapably, to the relevant bed post. HE WAS MINE YET AGAIN!

“This time Sweetheart, I’ll let you enjoy the very REAL privilege of seeing your Mistress as she pounds you into her bed! Would you like that?”
“Please Sonia, yes I would.”
Pulling the blindfold out from under the pillow again however, I DID warn him. “Any nonsense, any dis-obedience though and it goes straight back on!”
Clearly FULLY awake by now, he’d obviously picked on something I’d said, as his reply was a loud, “Yes MISTRESS!” Good boy!

Now fully turned on myself, unlike yesterday I didn’t bother with getting him to chew my tits, as I went for the ‘jackpot’ straight away, sliding my pussy over his TOTALLY erect cock, and started pumping it without hesitation! Resulting in my first climax arriving a little TOO quickly, and before he was ready. My fault as I accepted and recognised. So once I’d calmed down I resumed the action, this time determined that I’d keep going until HE’D cum, which thankfully didn’t take TOO long! Slap on the wrist for ‘Mistress’ then! Never mind, we DID have ALL day available to us!

So, the next time, about twenty minutes later, after his ‘shaft’ had become ‘solid’ again, I took my time and didn’t rush things. Building up slowly before engaging ‘full throttle’ as it were. Successfully because I managed to allow us both to reach the ‘promised land’ almost simultaneously! My own cries of delight were loud enough as I became overwhelmed with passion and pleasure, but then young Harry REALLY turned me on even more, if possible, by screaming out my name! “SONIA! SONIA, OH GOD SSOOONNNNIIIIIAAAAAAAA!!!” By Christ did THAT appeal to my sense of excitement and my ego, or WHAT?

I kept him tied to my bed for over five hours, although naturally not ALL of that time was spent shagging. I AM over forty you know, and whilst I’ve looked after myself reasonably well, I’m not overweight at all for example, but no, I’m NOT the sort of person who runs marathons. Many times during that stint, we rested, and several times I undid his limbs, one by one, moving them about to offset the prospect of cramp setting in. Eventually I knew it was time to ‘call it a day,’ and did so. But both of us still had smiles on our faces, got THAT just right I thought to myself. We still had two more days, after all.

Time to eat again, and this time I WAS going to cook for us myself, as, yes I know I’m speaking for myself, but I’m NO fool in the kitchen. “Fancy a bit of Italian, Sweetheart?”
“Why, are you from there, Sonia? Or are you referring to your lovely motor?”
I liked this banter to be honest. “No, Sweetheart, I’m talking about spaghetti bolognese. And, no, not from a jar or a tin, but cooked properly, from scratch. Although I’ll warn you now, it DOES take around three hours to cook that way.”
“No problem for me, I’m not TOO hungry at the moment. So yes, I’d love to sample your Italian cooking. Could be ‘molto bella!’ Especially IF your skills in the kitchen are anywhere near as GREAT as those of yours are in the bedroom!”
“Get you! Well, let NOBODY say that you’re NOT a Gentleman!”

However, although ‘spag bol’ can take several hours to cook, after the first frantic twenty minutes or so, whilst the ingredients are introduced together, the rest of that time simply consists of the occasional stirs as they gently simmer away. And the ten or so minutes it takes to cook the spaghetti itself, right at the end. Plenty of time for a chat then, I wanted to get to know my young ‘lover’ a little more.

Sitting in the living room I asked him. “Why hasn’t a lovely, intelligent young man like yourself found a Lady to be present in your life? I think you’re gorgeous, as you can tell. I’d have thought that girls of your own age would be queuing up to have someone as good looking and clever as you in their lives? I most certainly would if I was younger.”
“Can I be REALLY honest with you Sonia? Please promise me IF I tell you something, it goes NO further than the two of us?”
“Yes, you MOST certainly can trust me, I ASSURE you of that, Sweetheart. And only tell me IF you wish to, please do NOT feel that it’s compulsory.”
“Thank you Sonia. And ironically my ‘issue’ is rather related to just the activities that you and I have been indulging in ourselves, this weekend. You see, I ADORE being tied up, I just LOVE being in bondage to a female captor. Obviously that’s something that you clearly don’t have a problem with, but most girls do, I’ve found. Again, ironically, most of the girls I’ve met have NO interest in ‘femdom.’ But, I had this notion in my head that you, Sonia, aren’t one of those, it’s because of that gut feeling that I was SO willing to come here with you. Does that make any sense? I WANTED this. You’re a really POWERFUL Lady, Sonia, and I’ll be TOTALLY honest, I fancied finding myself being subjected to that power. Oh, add that to the fact that you are STUNNINGLY SEXY!”
“Of course it makes sense. And before I say anything about what you’ve just told me, let me, once more assure you THAT it WILL remain just between you and myself. I give my solemn word on that. For it took a lot of guts for you to be SO honest about that. But, you’ve got one thing right, I AM a natural ‘Mistress.’ And I still have you in my ‘power’ for another two days yet!”

“I guess that you’ve played these ‘games’ before then Sonia? I know from the ‘office gossip’ that you’re a widow. Oh, sorry, I’ve NO right to pry like that, I mean that’s personal.”
“Don’t worry I’m NOT offended in ANY way, Sweetheart. In fact it’ll be good to talk about it. Firstly, yes I AM a widow, Gerald died just over three years ago now. And yes, we VERY much indulged in ‘tie up games,’ mostly it was me as the captor and him tied to the bed. But not always. Behave yourself, and if you wish, I MIGHT let you tie me to my bed and SHAG me before the weekend is over.”
“Not sure if I want that Sonia. You might be a natural ‘Mistress,’ but I KNOW I’m NO ‘Master.’ I’m a born ‘subbie,’ as you surely can tell.”
“Fair enough. But I’ll leave the question open, Sweetheart, for one thing I CAN tell you is you WILL appreciate bondage a bit more, IF you taste it from the ‘other side’ occasionally. But, I won’t force you into anything you don’t wish. Just consider it, that’s ALL I ask.”
“I will, Sonia, I will.”

I disappeared into the kitchen, firstly to check on and stir the food, also to fetch a lovely bottle of Chianti. “Do you like red wine as well as white, Sweetheart?”
“Yes Sonia, yes I do.”
“Well let’s have another toast then.”
“To what?”
And once I’d poured out two glasses, we ‘chinked’ them together. “TO FEMDOM!”

Eventually the meal was ready, and again we sat down to eat it, accompanied by more of the Italian red wine. Then it was time to go to bed again, but for the other purpose that said furniture is designed for, sleep.
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Post by LunaDog »

For this latest posting a real person has been introduced into the story, although only indirectly, Sonia and Harry watch his exploits on the T.V. rather than he actually 'take part' in the conversation etc. But just in case of any 'copyright' issues i have changed the name. And his 'career' although in the same manner as reality, takes a slightly different path to said reality. And IF a certain Australian Race Director HAD done his job properly in the final Grand Prix of 2021, part of my 'falsehood' WOULD have been REAL!

This time it was Harry who awoke first, when I finally ceased my slumbers he was gone. But only from the bedroom, I found him watching football highlights from the day before, which had been a Saturday of course, on my T.V. in the living room when I made my way downstairs. “Sorry Sonia, hope you don’t mind. Did I have it too loud, oh God, did I wake you up? So sorry if that’s the case.”
“No, it wasn’t too loud at all. And, of course I don’t mind. Breakfast? Or do you fancy some sex first to build up the appetite?”
“Actually Sonia, I’ve been thinking about what you said to me last evening. You know, I WOULD like to play some games from the ‘other side of the fence’ as it were. If the offer’s still open, that is?”
“Of course, you should know me well enough to be sure of the value of my word. Would you like to do so now, or after breakfast?”
He now surprised me, and possibly himself, with his answer. “BEDROOM! RIGHT NOW!” Believe it or not part of me, a LARGE part, just LOVED that response!

Naturally I obeyed, almost running up the stairs. “Please,” I asked, “may I put on some stockings? You KNOW how much I love them, as do you, of course”
“NO!” Snapped a voice FULL of authority. “I WILL FIT THEM FOR YOU! Stand in front of your mirror, please.” He learns FAST, this boy!

He made me stand there, viewing myself, as he reached into my lingerie store and pulled out another pair of nylons. And then he saw something else, a satin basque. “Ah, I don’t want you in just a suspender belt today, Sonia.” Showing it to me, “I want you in THIS!”

I didn’t argue, but, against his orders I did have to remove my hands from my head to assist him to fit that item, he hadn’t got a clue. Or how to fit stockings, especially ones as sheer as mine, it’s SO easy to ladder them. So, basically his plans to tease me as I had done to him, came to nothing, but he didn’t seem to mind at all!

Once my legs had become coated in nylon again, I laid myself on the bed, fresh bed sheet again, and spread myself out. Guiding him in the art of SAFE but secure bondage, his natural high intelligence level soon enabled him to completely successfully capture MY body in a way that was TOTALLY inescapable but completely safe in terms of cutting off circulation, that sort of thing. So, here we were then, I WAS NOW HIS! And HAPPY to be so!

“Well then Sexy Sonia, your body is now in MY hands. And now, I have to ask myself, should I let you see me or not? What should I now do to you? Oh, where is the blindfold by the way?”
I almost laughed, deciding to tease him. “Oh dear, Master! Not very well prepared are we?”
Credit to him, he took it well! “Maybe not! But I’d watch that tongue of yours, SLAVE Sonia! YOU’RE IN MY POWER NOW!”
“SO I AM, Sweetheart, so I am!”

I told him just where the blindfold was, and soon my world became totally and utterly black, as he fitted it, and teasingly. And then, showing more patience than I had, twenty-four hours earlier, he started proceedings by one hand ‘exciting’ the nipple of one of my tits, as the other gently started to ‘play with my pussy. Gently and patiently.

He kept this up for about two minutes, before he decided it was time to ‘up the ante’ as it were. Now he rose, unseen by me of course, laid down on my bound form, and at last, placed his erect cock into my soaking wet pussy! DELICIOUS!

As his lips attacked mine, he began the ‘motion of love.’ Slowly at first, then accelerating, until he was pounding me into the bed with ALL of the strength and vigour that his youth allowed him. After a few minutes of this, neither of us could hold back NO longer, and ‘explosions’ occurred within BOTH of our bodies, the room filled with REAL high volume screams of delight and ecstasy!

When I’d finally calmed down enough, I declared, TOTALLY truthfully, “GOOD GOD, you learn FAST, Sweetheart! That was absolutely FANTASTIC!”
“Glad I could please, Sonia. For I aimed to, please believe me.” Make NO mistake, I did.

After about twenty minutes his cock was hard again, and we went for ‘Round Two.’ With the same delightful result. But then, he lifted the blindfold, and asked. “Did you enjoy that, Sonia?”
“VERY much so, Sweetheart, didn’t I just?” And, NO, I was NOT lying!
“Thank you. But, can I untie you, and we go back to the ‘natural’ order of things with YOU in charge? Sure, I REALLY enjoyed myself too, and you’re right, it DOES pay to know how it feels from the ‘other side of the coin.’ But, may I be honest again?”
“Of course.”
“For me, and I accept that I’m just talking from MY perspective, I PREFER to BE tied than to do the tying!”
“Fair enough. You’d better release me then. And, as I said earlier you now have a taste of just HOW much WORK I have to do in the, how did you put it, oh yes, ‘natural’ order of things, while you just LIE there, soaking up ALL of the pleasure! But before we do ‘swap’ over, how about that breakfast? I’m famished!”

Instead of a full English today I knocked us up some kippers, and once we’d polished that off complete with both coffee and orange juice, toileted and cleaned up; it was back to my bedroom! Harry went to climb onto the bed, but I soon stopped him. “In front of the mirror please, now I’ll SHOW you how to fit stockings!”

So I did to him what he had TRIED to do to me, and soon his legs were again covered in sheer nylon. “NOW, you can get onto the bed, and you well know by now just how I want you!” Five minutes later he belonged to my bed again, spread-eagled and bound fast! For as long as I WANTED him to be, with him having NO say in the matter! Oh, and he’d lost his power of sight once more.

Again he stayed there for roughly five hours as I shagged him again and again, with some rest breaks in-between, and his limbs becoming temporarily released, exercised and re-bound as had occurred on the previous day. Also as before I ceased BEFORE exhaustion began to rear its ugly head, but there was another reason why I stopped when I did.

For this was the bank holiday at the end of May, known as Memorial Day in the United States of America. Which means the INDIANAPOLIS 500 Motor Race, at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. My husband had been a real ‘petrol head,’ following Formula One and all the major motor sport events. The ‘Indy 500’ was one of his particular favourites, and much of this had rubbed off on me. I mean, I HAD bought an Alfa Romeo for goodness sake!

Which my young ‘guest’ had recognised, clearly displaying a knowledge and interest in cars within himself. Which did translate into also being keen on motor sports too. SEX COULD WAIT! We DID have tomorrow available to us, after all! And he had a particular reason to want to watch THIS race. You see having won his eighth F1 World Championship in 2021, Sir Louie Hambleton left that series to race in America. And what he REALLY wanted to do was win the ’Indy 500.’ As Harry was such a massive fan of Sir Louie, then it was only natural that he wanted to watch this race as much, if not more, than I did!

Sir Louie had made a fantastic debut at Indy in 2022, being cruelly denied victory through NO mistake of his own. He’d also dominated testing this, 2023, year and had taken Pole Position by some margin. Harry was utterly convinced he’d be receiving the Borg-Warner Trophy, and I sensed an opportunity!

One thing that Gerald hadn’t been TOO keen on was anal sex, known as ‘pegging’ where a female places a large dildo over her own sexual ‘region,’ proceeding to ‘shag’ a male partner up his anus. Or come to think of it, a female one in the ‘normal’ way, the dildo replacing the male cock. We’d bought a suitable ‘strap-on’ for me, one with an attachment used to ‘tickle’ and stimulate the female bearer’s clitoris. And, he’d allowed me to try it, I’d tied him firmly the our bed, face down, and then ‘pegged’ him good and hard. And LOVED EVERY moment of the ‘sexperience!’

However my husband hadn’t enjoyed things so much, as I TRULY loved him we’d NEVER tried again. I respected the fact that he HAD, at least, let me try it out the once, giving it a fair ‘go,’ before facing that fact that it wasn’t for him.

Since then my ‘strap-on’ had laid in the corner of a cupboard, unused and almost forgotten about. But now, might it get another ’lease of life’ again? I suppose one could argue that, under the terms of Harry’s and my ‘agreement’ concerning this weekend I could have demanded being able to use it on him, but no, I now realised that I could ‘trap’ him into a further poor decision, which would make it appear that it was entirely his own fault that I’d be shagging him up his arse!

“So, Sweetheart, you’re certain that Louie will win then?” Knowing, as I did after watching this event for MANY years that it can be VERY unpredictable, even with the apparent major advantage that Louie had, NOTHING could be guaranteed. Harry, without my previous knowledge of this event, fell right into my trap!

“Dead right, Sonia! Tell you what, if he doesn’t, then I’ll willingly pay a sexual forfeit of YOUR choice tomorrow morning!”
“Really? And if he DOES win? Do I have to pay you one?”
“No. I’m that confident so, no, I’ll demand NOTHING from you. I’ll be SO pleased he’s beaten those damn Yanks, I’ll let you off completely! Agreed?”
“Oh yes, Sweetheart. And I’ve something nicely planned for you if he doesn’t triumph.” Lamb to the slaughter, dear boy, lamb to the slaughter. “But, I hope he does win. As you, correctly say, it’ll give those Yanks a lesson they’ve not been given since Jim Clark and Colin Chapman kicked their arses back in the sixties!” I like Sir Louie too, so I must admit I wouldn’t have been TOO sorry to be denied my ‘pegging.’ A bit of a ‘tails I WIN,’ ‘heads Harry LOSES’ situation I guess!

The Big Race, after all the ‘build up’ including the ‘Back Home Again in Indiana’ song and the legendary, “Gentlemen Start Your Engines” call, commenced at five o’clock in the afternoon, British time. And for a while it did seem as if I wouldn’t get my ‘pegging’ wishes after all, as Louie streaked away from the field and soon built up a large advantage. Which he maintained throughout all of the early pit-stops and past the one hundredth lap half-way point. I began to wonder if my ‘strap-on’ would remain unloved and unused after all.

Just after the take-away pizza I’d ordered arrived and we’d started eating, IT HAPPENED! I’ll never forget the look on Harry’s young face, and the sight of a pizza slice gently sliding out of his hand onto the floor, as a ‘backmarker,’ running several laps down and just in front of Sir Louie, lost control and slid into the outer wall. From there his stricken car careered back into the track, right in front of the following cars and straight into Louie’s path!

Quite frankly it didn’t matter just how much ‘God given talent’ Louie possessed, and as far as I was concerned that meant more than ANY other driver in history, except possibly the legendary Gilles Villeneuve, there was NO way out for him, as the other car hit his, and took them both out of the race. I too held my breath, until I saw that, thankfully, both drivers had escaped serious injury. I then tried to stifle a smile as the, unkind in the circumstances, thought went through my head, ‘time to dust off the ‘strap-on,’ Sonia!’ I think Harry was FAR too distraught to notice.

We did watch the rest of the race but with no real interest now. And it was won by an American, Colton Herta the son of Bryan, and deservedly so for he had been the ‘best of the rest’ after Louie. Then, with us not having drunk too much wine unlike the two previous nights, we retired to my bed.

Where we fell into each other’s arms. But this was different, the sex of THIS evening wasn’t frantic or raw, we didn’t ‘shag,’ no with neither of us subject to any bondage at all for the first time, we ‘made love’ instead. It was time for all the gentle caresses, the loving touches, the sensual kisses instead of the previous ‘hard and fast’ routines. Completely different from what we’d subjected the other to beforehand, with myself having mostly set the agenda admittedly, but thoroughly enjoyable none the less. And FAR more meaningful and emotional, these weren’t the motions of a couple looking for excitement, but those of contentment and above ALL, love! Which had NOT been my intention at all when I’d trapped him into coming here on Friday afternoon. This was turning DANGEROUS, I now KNEW I was falling for him. And it was clear that feeling WAS being reciprocated!
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Post by psuking1 »

And so it goes...great continuation
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Post by LunaDog »

So it does [mention]psuking1[/mention] , so it does. Glad that you're enjoying Sonia's 'sexploits.' But, has she bitten off more than she can chew here?
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Post by psuking1 »

LunaDog wrote: 1 year ago So it does @psuking1 , so it does. Glad that you're enjoying Sonia's 'sexploits.' But, has she bitten off more than she can chew here?
I got a feeling she'll regain control. Lol
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Post by LunaDog »

psuking1 wrote: 1 year ago I got a feeling she'll regain control. Lol
Shall we find out, my friend?

Sleep overtook us eventually, and again this morning I awoke first. Sitting down in the kitchen by myself, I began to confront the real situation that was occurring here. I’d had NO intention whatsoever of ‘falling in love,’ this had now become serious. I mean I was old enough to be his mother, for goodness sake. And what if I did manage to suppress those emotions well enough so he didn’t clock them? How would I manage to cope with seeing him EVERY working day? Well perhaps I could take my frustrations out on his backside with the ‘strap-on?’

My young lover was soon awake, joining me in the kitchen, where I soon knocked up, toast with bacon slices covered in scrambled egg. With the almost obligatory coffee and fresh orange juice. Breakfast finished after the normal washing etc. it was back to the bedroom. To fetch the ‘strap-on,’ would he remember that Louie had lost, even if undeservedly? He therefore OWED me a sexual forfeit of my choice!

Harry laid down on the bed, as normal on his back. “Sorry, Sweetheart, I’ve other plans for you today. I want you FACE DOWN this morning!” I noticed the puzzled, and slightly frightened look upon his face, which became almost panic stricken as I pulled the ‘strap-on’ out of its hiding place and into his view. “Ever been taken up the arse before, Sweetheart? Ever been ‘pegged?’ No?”
“No, Sonia I haven’t! Please be careful!”
“Don’t worry, I’ve done this before. And I KNOW that plenty of lube is ESSENTIAL, and yes, I’ve loads of it.”

To be fair he did turn himself over, he’d agreed to pay my chosen forfeit and clearly he was a man of his word. Once he’d done so I swiftly secured his wrists to my bed posts. And then, quite appropriately I thought, as HE was going to play the female role I, once again covered his legs with the sheer nylon of a pair of my stockings, suspended by another one of my belts. Then I completed his spread eagled bondage. And now it was time, time for me to fit, for the first time in years, the ‘strap-on,’ including gently placing that ‘clitoral attachment’ into my pussy. I was READY. But, I decided, he wasn’t. About a minute later he was, a ball gag shoved into his mouth and secured there, together with complete removal of his power of sight.

“Prepare yourself, Sweetheart, YOUR ANAL CHERRY IS MINE!” But of course, as alluded to earlier I KNEW that anal sex requires a great deal of preparation, and I was NOT going to fail him here. I’d PROMISED to look after his safety and welfare while he was helpless in my hands and I had EVERY intention of fulfilling that commitment! Fetching several tubes of lubricant I began applying copious amounts of it within his anal passage, using my fingers to penetrate and spread the lube inside before I’d let the ‘strap-on’ anywhere near. Eventually I’d finished this particular job safely, and finally it was TIME!

Gently climbing on top of his prone body, I lined up the tip of my dildo with his ‘crack,’ and then VERY slowly and gently I began to penetrate. I took it so carefully that it was at least two minutes before I’d fully inserted it. “How does that feel, Sweetheart, you now have Sexy Sonia’s ‘cock’ FULLY inside of you? Is it turning you on?” Of course, with a ball gag strapped firmly into his oral orifice, all I received in reply was a rather muffled, “Mmmppphhhhh!” Never mind, I’ll take that as a ‘YES’ then!

Slowly, VERY slowly, I withdrew the dildo, then reinserted it. Repeating the cycle again, a little faster this time. And again, a little bit quicker once more. Gradually accelerating the process with each ‘stroke’ until I was REALLY pumping him into the mattress. Once I was up to ‘full speed,’ as that attachment began to produce the hoped for effect on my ‘clitty,’ one of my hands reached underneath, grabbed, and started to ‘stroke’ his TOTALLY erect cock.

And, by God, did I get it ‘right’ or what? For just as I could resist NO longer what my pussy was being subjected to, so he snorted, as loudly as he could fully gagged, and spunk shot out of his cock onto the bed sheet. No, I hadn’t changed it THIS time, knowing and wanting what had just occurred to have done so. As he did this, then ecstasy FULLY claimed me to, pleasure waves raced throughout my ENTIRE form, and obviously ungagged, I SCREAMED out at FULL volume! Collapsing onto him when I was finally released from the extreme grip of my climax!

Now, perhaps I should have ungagged him at THIS stage to see if he was alright with being ‘pegged?’ But, I KNEW he wasn’t in danger, and I wanted MORE! So, once he was hard again I helped myself to ‘seconds.’ With the same FANTASTIC outcome!

Now I did stop and removed the gag from Harry’s mouth. “Sonia, please. To be completely honest I’m not enjoying this!” GOD, NOT ANOTHER ONE! “Please Sonia, could you stop this, I’m NOT comfortable?” I mean, what else could I do?
“Of course, Sweetheart. Let’s get you turned over, shall we, then I’ll carry on in the ‘normal way.’ Ok, no problem. But, thank you for at least giving it a go, and TRYING it out!” I remembered saying those exact words before, about five years ago now.

I released all of his bonds, then ordered him off the bed, so NOW I could change the bed sheet, the removed one covered in his spunk, of course. Then it was back onto the bed for him, in the usual orientation and position, and I securely tied him back to it. Then I started to ‘shag’ him in the ‘normal’ manner.

I guess I must have been quite frustrated at yet again being denied a REAL session with the ‘strap-on’ because I kept him at it far more this final day. That might have also been a factor here, I could finally push ‘to the limit’ as it were without needing to preserve my strength so much. Therefore I granted him far less rest periods and limb movements that I’d done on the previous days, as I subjected him to the full power of my frustration.

Pushing myself to the limit did result in exhaustion creeping into the equation, but WOW! Before that state started to make its presence felt, I FULLY enjoyed shag after shag, showing my captive NO mercy whatsoever, totally consumed by some outstanding orgasms as ecstasy claimed me again and again. Finally, utterly shattered by now, I called a halt, to both the days’ and the entire weekends’ proceedings!

And so this fantastic weekend drew to a close, what a MAGNIFICENT time it had been! And the HUGE smile on his face told me that my ‘guest’ had thoroughly enjoyed it too. Winners all round then! After releasing him from my bed, I managed to remember just where I’d put the key to my holdall, thereby allowing him to dress in his own clothes for the first time in nearly three days.

I offered to drive him home, but he said he was happy to walk, it wasn’t too far, and the weather had turned out to be good for this final day of the bank holiday weekend. In the shattered, but jubilant state I was now in, I was quite relieved not to have to drive, running myself a full, luxurious bath. After which I grabbed a quick bite to eat, and went back to my bed. TO SLEEP!

Next morning it was back to work, Tuesday instead of Monday, of course. And there was Harry, MASSIVE smile on his face. “Well, you look like you had a good weekend, get up to anything special?” I asked him.
“OH YES, Mrs Fairbrother,” he’d remembered to go back to addressing me formally I noted, “I got a bit ‘tied up’ with somebody I hadn’t expected to. But it was one of the most exciting and exhilarating weekends of my ENTIRE life! And, if there’s EVER a chance of a ‘repeat’ then I’m RIGHT UP FOR IT!” Winking at me, thankfully un-noticed by all others present! No idea what he meant by that of course!
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Post by psuking1 »

That's a fine weekend. Enjoyed the story.
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Post by LunaDog »

psuking1 wrote: 1 year ago That's a fine weekend. Enjoyed the story.
Thanks again my friend, glad you enjoyed it. Although i haven't quite finished just yet!

The Passport Officer at Heathrow glanced at my document, and asked. “Just got married have you Mrs Miller? Honeymoon in America?”
“Yes. My husband and I crowned our honeymoon, by actually watching the Indianapolis 500 Race live at the circuit this year instead of just on T.V. and, finally Sir Louie received a well overdue slice of luck there, so we saw him win. Didn’t we Sweetheart?”
Standing right behind me, my new husband responded. “Yes didn’t we just. Fully deserved it after what happened last year!”

We’d married a few weeks beforehand, obviously having had that ‘repeat’ that Harry had ‘suggested’ and more than once. He’s now a Director of My Company, although I’m still THE boss, the Managing Director. However, he will need to take far more of an important role, because I’ll have to back off a little at work. I’m carrying somebody else around in my womb now, yes I’m pregnant. Which has truly helped my relationship with Harry’s parents. As you can imagine they weren’t keen at first about his ‘girlfriend’ being almost the same age as them, and believed they might never have the joy of grandchildren.

But, of course NONE of you are interested in that, are you? This ‘site’ is called ‘Stories of Tie Up games,’ isn’t it? What you all want to know is, do I still tie him to the bed? Well I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you all on that one. For you see..

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Post by tiedinbluetights »

:D Thanks [mention]LunaDog[/mention] for writing such fun and entertaining stories! I've really enjoyed reading your story from the female top's perspective!
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Post by Tie_me_up91 »

This is probably the BEST story I’ve read! Thank you!
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Post by psuking1 »

Nothing like a happy ending 😌
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Post by LunaDog »

Tie_me_up91 wrote: 1 year ago This is probably the BEST story I’ve read! Thank you!
WOW! So glad you've obviously enjoyed this one. Not sure i'd agree with you that it's the BEST story here especially with GREAT writers who i consider MUCH better than me around, and actually, although i DID enjoy writing it, it's not my own personal favourite, but hey, if YOU enjoyed it so much, i AM proud of writing it.
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