An AI generated story -- M/M Cowboy themed.

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An AI generated story -- M/M Cowboy themed.

Post by dfl274 »

I was playing around with an AI chatbot and decided to see if it could make a bondage story. Its not easy and not particularly sexual because there so many content filters but it came out oddly sensual which surprised me. I thought I'd post it here and see what you guys think. Its not complete, its more like an experiment. The AI can be frustrating to deal with at times especially because of all the filters but I was surprised by the results just the fact that this entire thing was written by an AI is wild to me:

Once upon a time, on the sun-parched plains of the Old West, a young cowboy named Billy 'Golden' McCoy, known for his ravishing good looks and sculpted physique, commanded attention wherever he went. His supple leather attire, hugging his body like a second skin, coupled with his bright-eyed allure, held the gaze of both women and men alike. He was the embodiment of rugged charm, living a life of freedom and independence under the wide-open sky.

In the shadows, however, lurked a man whose obsession with Golden Billy ran deeper than the deepest canyon. This was Brutus Blackstone, a mountain of a man with muscles rippling like a raging river and eyes as dark as coal, who was renowned for his disturbing eccentricities. He saw something more in Billy; he saw a wild beauty that needed to be tamed.

One day, Billy, unaware of the sinister eyes following him, was riding alone when a lasso, thrown with an uncanny precision, caught him off guard. Before he could react, the rope had tightened around him, binding his hands to his sides, constricting him like a rattlesnake around its prey. Billy struggled, but the rope bit into his skin, rendering him helpless.

A cloth swiftly was pulled around his mouth, silencing his protests and muffling his cries for help. The world spun as Brutus effortlessly hoisted him onto a shoulder and strode towards his secluded lair, a place lost in the wilderness, far from the path of civilization.

Brutus's lair was an underground labyrinth, a twisted maze of darkness and despair. In the center was a chamber built for his newest prized possession. Here, Brutus tethered Billy, his bindings cruel and unyielding. The more Billy struggled, the tighter the ropes seemed to grow, ensnaring him in an eternal cocoon of bondage.

But Brutus's delusion ran deeper than mere captivation. He believed he wasn't the villain but Billy's caretaker, the one who was saving him from the perils of the outside world. He saw Billy not as a man, but as a pet to be treasured and adored. His twisted affection manifested in his relentless care for Billy, feeding him, grooming him, even whispering soft assurances that this was all for his good.

Billy's pleas and struggles, however, fell on deaf ears. Brutus remained undeterred in his mission, consumed by his perverse desires. He lavished Billy with care, but the ropes never loosened, the gag never removed. Billy's radiant spirit started to dim, the light in his eyes flickering in the face of unending despair.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Billy remained the eternal captive, the cherished pet of a madman, living in a state of hopeless surrender. There was no hero to save him, no salvation in sight. His good looks and physique, which once attracted admiration and envy, had become his bane. The vast plains that once symbolized freedom now echoed with the chilling silence of his absence.

Billy's story serves as a chilling tale of beauty ensnared and freedom shackled, a haunting melody of obsession and despair echoing in the vast emptiness of the Old West. His captor's adoration turned into a curse, confining him to a life of perpetual captivity, forever a prisoner in the hands of a madman who saw love where there was only insanity.
Last edited by dfl274 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dfl274 »

Billy 'Golden' McCoy was a vision of rugged splendor, carved straight out of the raw essence of the Wild West. His face, tanned and weather-beaten from days under the open sky, was adorned with a pair of strikingly bright sapphire-blue eyes. Those eyes were the deepest pools of vibrant intensity, framed by long, thick lashes that added an unexpected softness to his rugged visage.

Golden locks of hair, from which Billy got his nickname, flowed freely under his classic leather cowboy hat, adding a playful touch to his otherwise austere appearance. A well-groomed stubble graced his strong jawline, giving him a certain rough charm that resonated well with his cowboy persona.

His body was an exquisite sculpture of sinew and muscle, the result of years of tough cowboy work, from cattle drives to taming wild stallions. Each muscle was defined, his physique betraying a lifetime spent battling the elements and living in harmony with the land. His broad shoulders tapered down into a trim waist, accentuating his Herculean form.

His attire was as much a part of him as his golden hair and captivating eyes. A tight, long-sleeved leather shirt clung to his robust torso, leaving little to the imagination. It was layered with a closely-fitted leather vest that accentuated his sculpted pectorals and formidable biceps. His lower body was clad in fitted leather jeans, molding to his powerful legs and emphasizing his masculine allure.

His hands, strong and capable, were sheathed in well-worn leather gloves, weathered from years of handling lassos and horses. Yet, in spite of their roughness, there was an unexpected grace to them, an elegance that bespoke a softer side of the cowboy.

Billy's tall leather boots, which his jeans were tucked into, were scuffed and stained with the many adventures and stories that made up his life. They bore the marks of countless sunsets witnessed, long rides through vast prairies, and grueling battles with nature's furies.

Billy was, in essence, a living embodiment of the cowboy spirit, a dazzling blend of wild freedom and rugged allure, wrapped in a package of raw physical appeal. But this physical perfection would eventually attract a twisted fascination, ensnaring him in a dark tale of obsession and captivity.
Last edited by dfl274 11 months ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by dfl274 »

Brutus, the villain of our dark tale, possessed a physicality that matched the sinister nature of his actions. Standing tall and imposing, he towered over others with an intimidating presence that demanded attention.

His body was a testament to strength and power. Bulging muscles rippled beneath his weathered skin, evidence of years spent toiling under the sun. Each sinew was meticulously defined, his physique a result of hard work and relentless determination. His broad shoulders tapered down to a solid, barrel-like chest, a formidable wall of muscle that commanded both fear and respect.

Brutus's face was rugged and weather-beaten, as if chiseled from granite by the unforgiving elements. His jawline was square and strong, hinting at a determination that brooked no opposition. His dark eyes, like twin pools of obsidian, bore into the souls of those unfortunate enough to meet his gaze, carrying an unnerving intensity that sent shivers down spines.

A shock of thick, dark hair crowned his head, cut close to the scalp, but with a wild, untamed quality that mirrored his inner savagery. It framed his face with an aura of primal energy, further accentuating his imposing presence.

Brutus's attire mirrored his rugged character. He wore a worn leather duster that hung loosely over his broad frame, the material creased and stained from countless confrontations with the wild. Underneath, a plain, dark shirt clung to his muscled torso, the fabric straining against his powerful physique.

His legs were encased in rugged pants, worn from countless treks through unforgiving terrains. The sturdy leather boots on his feet were scuffed and worn, their imposing presence marking his every step.

Brutus's appearance radiated an aura of danger and menace, his formidable physicality complementing the darkness that resided within him. His very presence instilled a deep sense of unease, a visual representation of the malevolence that fueled his actions.
Last edited by dfl274 11 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by dfl274 »

Brutus, a man whose strength was both feared and respected, was known for his skill with the rope, and he used this skill to his advantage when he caught Billy off guard. The rope was thick and harsh, made of rough-hewn hemp that bit into skin when drawn tightly.

First, he threw a lasso around Billy's upper body, catching his arms tightly to his sides. It was wrapped several times around his chest, both above and below his sculpted pectorals, immobilizing his arms and limiting the movements of his upper body. The rope was knotted securely at the back, out of reach of Billy's bound hands.

His wrists were bound next, drawn together behind his back. The rope was looped around them several times, cinching tightly until all he could manage was a futile clench of his fists. Any attempts to wriggle or pull his hands free only seemed to tighten the unforgiving bindings.

The villain didn't stop there. A length of the same coarse rope was wound around Billy's midriff and waist, further encircling him in a suffocating embrace. It ran across his lean stomach and around his back, weaving an intricate pattern that ensured any movement was minimal and uncomfortable.

The rope continued its cruel journey down, wrapping around his thighs, knees, and finally, his booted ankles, each bound securely and fastened with a knot as dark as Brutus's intentions. The ropes turned his strong legs immobile, completing his transformation from a symbol of freedom to a bound captive.

Finally, a loop of rope was forced between his lips, serving as a gag. The rope was just wide enough to keep him from forming coherent words, silencing his protests. The ends of the rope were secured tightly at the back of his head, adding to his feeling of helplessness. The gag was an added layer of humiliation and control, a symbol of his complete submission to his captor's whims.

In the end, Billy was a vision of helpless defeat, tightly bound from shoulders to ankles, his protests silenced by his gag. The proud cowboy was reduced to an object of perverse desire, his freedom cruelly snatched away by Brutus's twisted obsession. His struggles against the ropes only tightened them further, each strand biting into his flesh as a grim reminder of his predicament.
Last edited by dfl274 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dfl274 »

Despite his cruel actions, Brutus was eerily meticulous in his care for Billy. In his warped mind, he was not a captor but a doting caretaker, tending to his prized pet with an unsettling level of dedication.

Each day, he would feed Billy, ensuring the gag was loosened just enough to allow him to consume the hearty meals that Brutus prepared. He would hold the spoon to Billy's lips, watching with an intense gaze as he swallowed each bite. His touch was gentle, contrasting sharply with his otherwise brutal demeanor. The food was always hearty, designed to keep Billy strong and healthy, ensuring his 'pet' remained in the prime of his condition.

Brutus would also maintain Billy's appearance with an obsessive attention to detail. His golden hair was regularly brushed, each stroke carefully orchestrated to keep the locks looking as vibrant as they had in his free days. He cleaned Billy's face with a warm, damp cloth, carefully wiping away any dust or dirt that marred his captive's good looks.

Despite Billy's bound condition, Brutus ensured that his physical hygiene was never compromised. His captive was bathed, clothed, and groomed meticulously. The same leather attire was maintained with an almost religious fervor, oiled and polished until it looked as good as new.

Brutus would often spend hours simply observing Billy, a soft, eerie cooing noise escaping his lips as he admired the man's helpless form. He often whispered soft words of praise, words of affection meant to reassure his captive, though they fell on deaf ears, adding to Billy's sense of dread and despair.

In Brutus's mind, he was showering his captive with love and care. His actions were, in his eyes, not those of a captor but those of a loving owner. He failed to see the perverse nature of his actions, blind to the fact that the object of his affection was a man, not a pet, a man whose spirit was slowly but surely being broken under the weight of his captivity.
Last edited by dfl274 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dfl274 »

The dimly-lit lair was eerily quiet, save for the low, rhythmic breaths of the captive cowboy. Billy was in an uncomfortable slumber, his body contorted to a position that allowed him some reprieve from the stringent ropes that bound him. His once vibrant eyes were shut tightly, hinting at a distressed mind seeking refuge in sleep.

Brutus, his monstrous figure shrouded in the flickering shadows of the lair, was silent as he watched Billy. His coal-black eyes, as unyielding as the stone walls surrounding them, were fixated on the young cowboy. They scanned his form with a perverse fascination, noting the rise and fall of his chest, the twitch of his bound fingers, and the slight furrow of his brows.

There was a certain grotesque reverence in his gaze, a mixture of adoration and obsession that painted an eerie picture of his twisted love. He moved with a predatory grace, each step calculated and silent as he approached his captive.

With a caution that contrasted his brutish nature, Brutus eased himself down next to the slumbering cowboy. His large frame dwarfed Billy's, yet he was careful not to disturb his sleep. He stretched his arm out, his muscles flexing under the strain of movement. It was a slow, deliberate action, as if he was savoring every moment.

His arm slipped around Billy, cradling him in a protective embrace. The contrast between the coarse rope bindings and Brutus's seemingly tender hold was stark. His other arm joined the first, wrapping around Billy's tightly bound form, clutching him as one would hold a precious artifact.

The villain snuggled closer, the heat from his body seeping through Billy's attire, a stark reminder of his constant presence. His breaths were slow, syncing with the cowboy's as he tightened his grip, pulling him closer. Billy became a substitute for a pillow, an object of comfort that he clung onto.

Brutus's hold was not one of a lover's embrace but rather a possessive grip, a constant reminder of Billy's helpless situation. It was a chilling juxtaposition of care and cruelty, affection and obsession, each moment a twisted testament to Brutus's dark desires. The lair echoed with their quiet breaths, a haunting lullaby that sang of their twisted tale under the moon's pale light.
Last edited by dfl274 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dfl274 »

One night, under the blanket of the midnight sky, Billy found a fleeting moment of respite as Brutus fell into a deep slumber. The burly villain's rhythmic snores filled the lair, his grip around Billy loosening with his descent into dreams. For the first time since his capture, Billy found himself with a sliver of opportunity.

With a determination fueled by desperation, he began to hop towards the lair's exit. Each leap was painfully slow and challenging, given his stringent bindings. The course of the rope bit into his flesh with every movement, but he persevered, a beacon of hope guiding him through the agonizing journey.

Just as the cool night air caressed his face and the sight of the wilderness ignited a spark of hope, the sound of shifting leather and a sharp intake of breath froze him in his tracks. Brutus had awakened.

With a speed that defied his size, Brutus was on his feet, his hand reaching for his lasso and additional coils of rope. Billy tried to quicken his pace, but his bound state and fear made his movements sluggish and awkward.

In the blink of an eye, the lasso was flying through the air, expertly aimed and ruthlessly accurate. It landed over Billy, tightening around his body and jerking him to a halt. A guttural growl erupted from Brutus's throat as he swiftly closed the distance between them.

Before Billy could react, he felt more rope being wound around him. Brutus manipulated the strands with terrifying skill, looping them around Billy's already bound body, tightening the existing restraints, and finally pulling his bound wrists and ankles together in a cruel hogtie. His body was bent at an awkward angle, every muscle screaming in protest against the brutal restriction. He was rendered completely immobile, even more so than before.

Brutus gently scooped up the tightly packaged cowboy, cradling him in his muscular arms. He carried Billy with an almost reverential care, scolding him softly as one would chide a misbehaving pet. His voice was a low, rumbling murmur, the words an incoherent string of admonitions and false promises.

Back in the lair, Brutus carefully laid Billy on the bed, his fingers lingering over the tightened ropes, ensuring his captive was secure. The added bindings left Billy even more vulnerable and immobile, his body aching from the added strain. He was once again the helpless captive in Brutus's twisted world, his short-lived attempt at freedom leaving him in a worse condition than before. The night echoed with the grim reality of his existence, a captive forever bound in the hands of his obsessed captor.
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