Jennifer (F/F)

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Lady of the Dark
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Jennifer (F/F)

Post by Lady of the Dark »

It is a total cloudburst. Jennifer and I are too late to shelter from the heavy raindrops when we arrive at her home. Completely soaked from the water. The changing weather surprised us a little. We went to town by foot to have something for a quick meal. Instead of taking the car to the mall.

"I told you," Jennifer mutters when she kicks her boots off.
I nod with a shy smile, it was my idea after all to go walking.
"Even my panties are wet.....," Jennifer continues muttering. "Why do I always listen to your silly ideas?"
"You didn't dissolve, have you?" I fool her lightly when she removes her wet clothes, leaves her trousers and top on the fence of the terrace and opens the back door.
"Barely....... The app was right! I don't trust you anymore!"
I give Jennifer a warm look when she is only wearing her bra and panties. Jennifer is a stunning beauty. She is tall, has a nice formed chest and an attractive face with full lips, high cheekbones and pleasant eyes. That she has armpit length blond hair might attract me even more. Though it is her character and her sense of humor that I love the most.

"You're pretty when you're angry," I reply without showing her I regret the walk through the rain. Well, I give her some feedback with my smile what might indicate I don't regret it at all.
"Shut up......"

I continue to smile at her when she enters the kitchen. A small blush appears on her face.
"That doesn't work Veronica," she chuckles soft before she kisses my cheek.

"Damn, I don't have anything with me to change clothes," I state my sudden problem.
Jennifer giggles, showing her teasing glance at me.
"I sure have something that fits you sweetie. Don't worry."
Jennifer walks though the kitchen where she points at a door that gives way to a small bathroom with just a shower and small sink.
"If you like, there is a small bathroom. I have a pink bathrobe on the hook that should fit you. We're about the same size I guess."

I stand beside Jennifer and measure our length. We are indeed about the same size. I'm just a few millimeters taller. Something I let her know when I bump my hip against hers.
"I'm taller!" I giggle before I jump forward and quickly disappear in the bathroom for a shower.
After ten minutes under the warm water, I dry myself, dry my hair and put the bathrobe on. It feels very soft on my skin when I close it with the small cord around my waist. I comb my hair carefully before I leave the bathroom and wait in the kitchen for Jennifer to arrive.

It takes a while before she arrives with only a backpack in her hands. Her hair is still wet from the shower and all she is wearing is her pajamas. When Jennifer sees me, she turns a warm cute smile on her face. That makes me a little confused. I thought she would carry some clothing for me.
"Uuhh, didn't you find anything proper for me?" I am curious about what's in the backpack. If she picked up clothes for me, it will be very short shorts and a very small top.
"Yes, I did," she throws the backpack on the table in front of her. "Ropes."
"Rr..., ropes?"
"Indeed rope."
Jennifer looks at me with a daring glance in her eyes that makes me shiver. I swallow, take a deep breath and return her gaze.
"You're not going t....."
"... to tie you up?" she interrupts me. "I will sweetie. Someone has to teach you a lesson for your awfully weak performances regarding weather predictions."
"That wasn't my fault!"
"Yes it was your fault. You should have listened to me."
Jennifer grins deviously when she takes a step forward to approach me. I jump backward, make myself little while I raise my arm and point at her.
"Don't Jennifer. I warn you. It wasn't my fault and you're not going to tie me up."
"And that's exactly what's going to happen."
Jennifer dives forward followed by a loud yell from me just before I jump backwards. Just in time to skip her grabbing arms. Quickly I run away from her, around the table to the door that gives access to the hallway.
"Veronica! Come back!" I hear Jennifer shouting at me.

Quickly I take the stairs with three steps at once. I hear her follow me because I can feel her right behind me. If it comes to a fight I am not strong enough. Jennifer has more power and strength to take me down. She almost grabs me when I run to the end of the aisle and open a door to one of the bedrooms. I hear her giggle and laugh just behind me. I can't even close the door to shut her out. Before I am able to turn around, she pushes me onto the bed, throws the backpack on it and with a mighty jump she forces me down on the bed. My arms try to defend me and push her off but to no avail. Without any difficulties she straddles me, takes my arms and holds them above my head firmly. I buck my belly and hips, which makes Jennifer alert. She squeezes her knees in my sides to counter all my efforts and keep me steady underneath her.

"Jennifer! Stop!" I yell at her when our eyes meet and I almost gasp from excitement. She maintains her devious gaze. My heartbeat levels up when I realize she is going to tie me up.
"I warn you not to mess with me."
Jennifer giggles and leans forward. She stops when our noses almost touch.
"I'm not messing with you Veronica," she replies with a soft sweet voice. "It's serious business when a girl like me ties up a beautiful girl like you."
"No! No no no no noo......... Jennifer!"
I squirm underneath her, trying to free my arms which is pretty impossible in this position.
"You love it Veronica. I know you love the sensations of the ropes constricting your body."
She leans down to reach my lips. I am all messed up in my mind. I mean, it's wonderful how she cares for me, how she wants me and how much fun we both have, but this is not what I had in mind to spend the evening with her. And I know she knows I do love the ropes. Still....., I need to give her resistance for the sake of me! To show her I'm not an easy catch. She wants to kiss me to temper my feelings and calm me down.

"And you're not going to tempt me with a kiss!" I answer her violently and worm my body underneath her. All she does is rewarding me with her oh so warm cute smile that makes me melt instead of being more aggressive. She increases the pressure on my arms, presses her knees deeper in my sides to keep me straddled and leans further down to reach my lips. I swallow, take deep breaths before I try one last resistant move.
"Noooo! You're not going to kiss me!" I shake my head and wiggle as much as she allows me. "I'm not a rooowwwwwmmmmm......."

I try to neglect her lips, lift my hips and pelvis to get her in a disbalance and buy some time but is is all in vain. Jennifer simply pushes my hips down while she gives me that soft loving look with her eyes when she forces her tongue behind my lips......... aaand, I am lost. I answer the kiss before I even think of giving up. I feel her tongue forcing an entrance and that I immediately invite it for a wild passionate dance. And as soon our tongues touch, the warm wave of pleasure in my chest explodes into a huge fire of desires. I close my eyes, let her take the initiative to fool around with her tongue. She explores my mouth with her tongue. It is sensationally soft, caring and with even more passion then me. I tremble over my whole body. I want to embrace her but she holds my arms down and doesn't lose any strength.
Jennifer intensifies the kiss, squeezes my sides with her knees to push me up a few millimeters what is so incredibly hot. I touch her breasts with my nipples, moan soft when her tongue continues fooling around with mine. And suddenly she retreats, leaving me behind with a small disappointment. I try to persuade her tongue to stay but I see her getting up and twist my arm with a new force that she uses to turn me on my side.

"You're a very good kisser," she smiles when she turns my arm in such a position that I have to move on my side. She lifts her body up a little and I, with all the butterflies in my belly, don't fight back at all.
"I don't mind if we continue kissing you know," I sigh.
"We will continue another time."

Jennifer increases the pressure on my body, where she pushes slowly with a strong powerful grip on my arm behind my back. She is surprisingly strong in my opinion. Despite she moves backward to take a seat on my thighs, straddling them.

"It's not fair!" I protest with a soft voice. The fire of desires inside me doesn't cool down. It makes me tremble even more.
"I agree," Jennifer teases back when I roll on my belly.
"You...., agree?"
"Well, I agree that gorgeous women like you, should be packed in a lot of ropes."
"Ooohh...., you brat!"
All she does is producing giggles. She takes my other arm that she pulls back and with a firm grip she holds my wrists together. The deep exciting breaths betray how aroused I am. She stretches to reach her backpack where she retrieves a coil of soft bamboo ropes. She unravels it, dropping the ropes on my back while I try to see what she is doing. My long hair is blocking my view which gives me the idea of cutting it for some reason. Jennifer keeps my wrists locked with one hand. With a soft tug I test her fingers which immediately tighten around my wrists. Jennifer is distracted for a second.

"Stop it Veronica. You're wasting your time," she sounds sharp and strict.
Once I hold still again she manages to undo more ropes which fall on my back. I am so curious that I shake my head to get a clear view. However, the opposite happens. More hair blocks my view with a new sign as result from my attempts.

"You sure take your time, don't you?" I mock her.
"You didn't have any other plans for tonight. Or?"
"You know what I mean......."
"Why should we rush? Both of us have plenty of time this evening."

Jennifer isn't distracted at all from the short interruption. She releases the grip on my wrists and pulls the sleeves of the robe down. She takes one arm and pulls it through, what seems, a nose or a hitch and does the same with my other arms. She does it one more time before she tugs firmly at the tails of the ropes what forces my wrists to connect palm to palm. The ropes dig into the cotton fabric of the sleeves and they don't give any slack to my wrists. Once the hitches are closed she wraps like a dozen times the ropes around my wrists, layer after layer before she fixes the ropes in a cinch between my arms and wrists. She does it three times before she tugs at the final parts of the rope. A short excited sigh escapes from my mouth when I sense the tightness and the strength. I am barely able to twitch and turn my wrists while she has to finish the tie with her horrible knots. Besides that the knot is positioned far away from my fingers on top of the ropes, the sleeves of the robe don't give me any access as well to even reach the first layers of the bamboo ropes.
Jennifer pauses for a second to collect a few new items from her backpack. It gives me time to test the bonds. My fingers change into fists while I try to get some slack and pry my fingers to reach at least a layer of rope. Though it feels soft and maybe not so tight, she has done a pretty good job using bamboo ropes. The idea that I am already tied up without a chance to escape makes me feel hotter than before. The thrill of being her captive for the rest of the evening gets me, though I don't have intentions to let her know that already. I turn my head to see what she is doing when her hand on my shoulders pushes me down. Jennifer moves closer behind me, places her hands on my shoulders where she gathers my long wavy strands of hair and runs with her fingers through it. My hair is long and thick and I really love that she strokes it or like now, runs with her fingers through it. Her fingers reach completely down at the bottom of my hair somewhere between my waist and hips. She gathers my hair at the back of my head and ties them with a soft ponytail holder into a ponytail.

"Your hair....."
"What about it?" I answer short.
"It feels so soft. It's magnificent."
Sjees, I am getting warm again. Partially because she plays with my hair and let it slip through her fingers over and over again.
"It is so thick and incredibly long," she continues.
"Are you jealous?" I mock her a little. Jennifer's hair reaches just at the level of her armpits.
"Mmhm...., maybe. Did it take a lot of time to let it grow this length?"
"A couple of years. Are we here to talk about my hair?"
Jennifer gives me a teasing smile when I turn my head to look at her.
"Not at all. We are here because you got us all wet."
"That wasn't my faaaa.... wwwfffgggg," I am censored by her hand over my lips. I shake my head to get rid of her hand however Jennifer comes close to my ear. "Ssshhhhh..... calm down. Don't say anything that might hurt your position sweetie."

Jennifer holds her hand a few seconds over my lips before I nod lightly and she retreats. I quiver under her and do all efforts to keep myself calm from the nerves. She crosses her fingers around my elbow, preparing me to be lifted up.

"Come on girl. Sit up."
"I'm pretty comfy like this," I answer while the damn vibes of arousal come back. Even my nipples get hard supported by a tingling feeling in my belly.
"Yeah, I bet you do. Still, you need to get up."
I deliberately wait a few seconds to ease my emotions. I really don't want her to know how thrilled I am with everything so far. The small chase, the capture, the kiss and finally the ropes.
With a sigh I move to my side and with Jennifer's help I am seated on the edge of the bed. She puts one foot on the floor, stretches her arm and closes the door of the closet. Suddenly I face myself in the mirror that is mounted on the door.

"I think it's a great idea that you're able to see yourself in the mirror while I truss you up."
Jennifer giggles while she moves behind me, places her hands on my shoulders and gives me her typical teasing smile in the mirror. Oh yes, she enjoys every second to change me into a helpless little toy.

"Wow," I reply sarcastically and roll my eyes, "how thoughtful of you....."
"I knew you love it!" she says with a happy smile and let her fingers slide through my ponytail before she rewards me with a taunting glance in the mirror.
"You are incredibly sexy Veronica. Enjoy yourself."
"I never thought you could be so nice to me lately......," the sarcasm in my voice makes me giggle. Jennifer's taunting smile becomes bigger when her hands run through my long hair once again. The shivers increase when I meet her eyes in the mirror and I can't hide my soft blushing cheeks anymore. She stops with indulging my hair at my bound wrists that she holds in her hands while her chin rests on my left shoulder.
"At least we have something we both agree on....."

She reaches for her backpack while I look at myself in the mirror. The bathrobe is not closed so my belly is a little exposed. I wiggle with my chest in a struggle to cover my breasts under the bathrobe rim. It works partially. I don't follow Jennifer's moves thanks to what I am focusing on in the mirror. My partially uncovered legs.
She drops quite an amount of bundled ropes on the bed and something else behind me. The ropes distract me for a second because it seems Jennifer hasn't cut her budget on buying ropes. In the mirror I see her holding something else in her hands. Instinctively I want to turn my head to catch a glance at what she is doing, exactly at the moment she surprises me.

"Whaaaooooowww....," I yell sharp when suddenly my head is thrown backward due to one of her hands that pulls strongly on my ponytail. My mouth opens automatically from the shock that gives Jennifer the favor to put a white balled cloth between my lips and behind my teeth. I shake my head, at least I try, only Jennifer holds my head in position by pulling on my hair. My tongue pushes the cloth back, still her fingers prevent the cloth being removed from my tongue. With ease she pushes the cotton ball back on my tongue and further down in my mouth. It fills the space in my mouth without bulging my cheeks. The stuffing is doing its job however. Soon my mouth is stuffed with cotton.

"That's why I love your long hair," she makes fun of me. "It's useful equipment to control you."
She releases her grip after a few seconds in which only my breaths are audible.
"Nnhhhuunjnjnffffff....., wwwjjj hhxnnmmmm."
I wanted to say how rude it is to pull at a girl's hair. So...., the stuffing works. A pathetic moan is all I can produce. The cloth in my mouth slowly gets wet and I shake my head to give Jennifer a hard time. Her hand closes my lips and despite she releases my hair, I have no chance to avoid her hands tearing off a large roll of medical bandage.
"MMMMHHnnnjjjj hhmmmnnnewww," is the loud noise she can hear from me. She giggles teasingly and holds my head still.

"Look in the mirror!" she smiles before she swiftly starts from my right ear and places the first layer over my lips, just under my nose, to the other cheek and continues to wrap it around my head under my hair. The fabric is elastic and the second layer is even tighter.
"Hhmmm uuunhhh....," I sigh when my cheeks are under pressure from the bandage. The strokes of the bandage is wide enough to cover my skin from my nose to the bottom of my chin. With precision she wraps the next layer around my head, partially covering my ears as well. Every time she reaches my left cheek the bandage is pulled tight which generates a powerful pressure on both my jaws. The next few layers are wrapped around my head in a sort of small cross pattern to develop the pressure. She wants to eliminate any motion from my cheeks or lips and I have to say she does a great job.

"Wwwjhnj unjn," I cry a little for some mercy. With my bound wrists I try to give her a poke in her side. That also fails. I don't know if she observed it, so far she doesn't seem distracted by it. It is kinda embarrassing that I am not able to do anything. And when I look in the mirror I should be glad Jennifer wraps enough bandage around my head. The red color on my cheeks isn't visible now it disappears under the gag. This whole idea of her to put me in front of the mirror is beyond my imagination and exciting as hell.
Without any hesitation she exhausts the entire roll of the flexible bandage. The last two layers she tugs it tight and with a flat hand she strokes over my covered lips. She fastens the last layer at the back of my head with three stretching interchangeable wrap clips. The clamps settle in the fabric and keep everything together quite easy.

"There you go," Jennifer teases with a sweet voice while she gives me a warm but little mocking glance in the mirror. She knows I am lost.
"This will keep you silent and more important, keep you out of trouble."
"Wwwjjnn nnnhhng nggwwhh," I moan soft. It's an illusion to get rid of this gag. The cotton cloth ball on my tongue gets wetter without losing its dimension. I discover it is hard to chew on it, that it is not easy to move my jaws, so tight is the bandage she created for the gag. This is really awesome......

Jennifer sits on her knees behind me while she gives me some more of her mocking smile. She rubs with her thumbs over the gag before she takes hold of my ponytail. With a soft gentle pull she throws my head a little backward, leans down a little while I swallow carefully from the sudden vibes.

"You didn't, by any chance, pinch me while I was busy with your gag, did you?" she murmurs in my ear. My eyes widen a little before I shake my head. What will she do when I admit it? No way! I shake my head once more to give her doubts.
"Nnww nwww...."
She holds my hair slightly tighter while she looks at me through the mirror.
"Hmmmm, are you sure?"
This time I nod. Eagerly to be honest.
"Veronica!?" Jennifer increases the grip on my hair. It's harder for me to shake or nod the way she uses my ponytail as a weapon. The tingles in my belly come back now I am forced to look at her. The in- and exhales through my nose become faster and louder from the thrill due to her methods of controlling me. Her voice sounds calm when she talks to me again and I have no clue if that is a good sign. Her lips reach for my partially covered ears followed by a honeyed but dangerous voice.
"I don't have to explain to you what happens if you lie to me do I? It's in your best interest to tell me the truth Veronica."
"I tell the truth," I plan to say what she understands as "Wwwjjj hhu mmmhhh".
She embraces my belly with one arm where her hand holds a very large coil of rope. She looks at me through the mirror when she almost touches my throat with her lips.
"Maybe....., maybe you did it by accident," she hints for an answer. I nod my head to show her she is right and she finally releases my hair. "And I have a perfect solution to prevent you from such an accident again. You don't mind if I tie your arms to your body do you?"
I should have known. She tricks me every time. I shake my head, move my tongue under the cotton stuffing that doesn't seem to decrease in volume, when she unravels the black bamboo rope on my lap. She stretches her legs with me in between when she produces a Larke's head in the rope. She loops it around my chest under my breasts and puts the tails of the rope through the noose behind me. Due to the length it takes some time.
"Mmnuumm," I mewl soft when I look at myself in the mirror. The tight gag still covers my lips and chin with a wide strip. Now I understand why I can't move my lips or jaws. Jennifer has packed the bottom of the cheeks and jaws and this type of construction makes it impossible for me to make a move. This is so damn hot! To see the gag itself.

Jennifer pulls at the rope behind me so it gives a small pleasurable pressure. She throws my hair over my shoulder when she puts a second layer of the black ropes under my breasts. It's a pity I don't have a view of what she is really doing behind me. She continues, after the second layer around my chest, with wrapping the ropes around my arms just above the elbows. The first layer forces my arms to come closer to each other, she uses the second wrapping around my elbows as an establishment before she runs the rope for a third time under my breasts again. When she guides the ropes to my arms, she uses the upper arm that is furthest from the direction the rope is coming from, as a support by winding the rope around it and returns in the opposite direction to my chest for a fourth and last layer under my breasts. The other arm is the last support to settle the tie. I believe she creates some sort of knot behind me.
She has more then enough rope left to produce a cinch. Or more........

I look at the black ropes when Jennifer is tying knots behind my back. Or something like it because I see the tails dangling on the bed. I shiver, I feel the adrenaline running through my systems which I totally have no control of at this moment. Due to the fact Jennifer has tied my elbows close to each other my chest heaves, causing my breasts to pop out from behind the bathrobe. The robe I carefully managed to stay, is pushed back so my nipples are visible again. Hard and stiff.

"Mmmmmhhmmm," I hiss suddenly when she gives a firm pull on the ropes. It causes a funny sensation when the ropes dig into the flesh of my breasts. I see and feel how Jennifer manages to pull more ropes under my armpits to cinch the ropes tightly and secure. My arms are pinned to my back. She fabricates something like a knot and then she guides the doubled cord of ropes over my right shoulder to my front. She presents me a devious glance in the mirror when her fingers pull the ropes from the shoulders under the chest ropes. When she adverses the ropes, Jennifer twines the soft ropes a few times between my breasts before she pulls them over my left shoulder backward. The pressure of the chest ropes on my breasts increase what supports the delightful sensations inside me. I'm losing control........ That her fingers touch my nipples in the process doesn't help to control the vibes inside me either. And all Jennifer does is rewarding me with a mysterious smile while she finishes the knot.

Time to test the ropes of the harness is not granted. Before I am looking back in the mirror she has put a rope around my belly. It's the same start as with the harness and she winds three times the ropes in decent layers around my belly and just below my elbows. I watch myself in the mirror, looking at my position and how my breasts are framed. It looks pretty tight to me, though the soft ropes don't cause any uncomfortable settlement. It's just...., tight.
Swiftly Jennifer manages the ropes between my arms and back for another cinch to secure the bindings. The sensations of pleasure in my belly appear once more when Jennifer compresses the ropes with soft tugs and pins my arms further down my back. The strong hold of all the bamboo ropes is arousing with the fabric of the bathrobe as a nice cover for my skin. No rope-marks this time.

Jennifer shoves her ass backward on the bed. She waves with a new coil of black ropes in her hands to me in the mirror. I roll my eyes with a loud annoying exhale through my nose.
"Don't worry," she says with her in honey covered voice, "I made sure we don't have a shortage concerning ropes. I don't like to disappoint you with a half done job."
She strokes my arm with the ropes while she makes eye contact through the mirror. Her glorious smile demonstrates she has no intentions to stop tying up little me.
"I am pretty sure you don't like half done jobs either."
"Nnmm mmngng nnuuhmm hhmmm," I moan soft. It's so damn frustrating that I can't move my lips or jaws.
"Yeah, I thought you would agree on that," Jennifer giggles when she uncoils the ropes, doubles it in front of me before she winds it one time around my waist and just above my ties wrists. The noose is in front of me and she guides it two more times around my waist. I watch myself again in the mirror while she works on the cinch. She draws the ropes between my arms and back tightly three times too. The tension around my wrists grows when she tugs it all tight. Combined with the ropes around my waist which dig deeper into my skin, she immobilized my arms totally. The knot is in a position way out of reach of my fingers and when I lightly squirm I discover that the soft ropes don't provide any slack at all. Perhaps it wasn't the brightest idea to test the ropes with Jennifer behind me.
"Oh, wait a second dear," she says teasingly and fumbles on the ropes under my elbows. Three seconds later I feel the ropes compress more around my arms. The little slack I had is gone when she finishes her knot work.
"There you go."
"Mmhhnn mmmww," I whimper soft.

She comes closer behind me, wraps her arms around my chest while she rests her chin on my shoulder. Her glinstering eyes and warm smile meet my gaze in the mirror. Automatically I look down when she runs her fingers through my ponytail. The shivers don't stop appearing and get stronger every time she touches me.
"You're a beautiful girl Veronica. The black ropes suit you very well."
Jennifer smiles before she kisses a cheek on the gag. She tosses my ponytail on my back and reaches for a few more coils of rope. She climbs down the bed and sits beside me where she places my legs together. She doubles the ropes, creates a noose before she wraps the first layer of ropes around my ankles and pulls the other sides through the noose. Then she continues with looping it around my ankles five times. It feels soft on my skin and when she pulls the ropes between my legs for a cinch, I sense the tightness and how easy it is to knot it off. The knot disappears out of sight under my calves. She picks up the next coil, stretches partly my legs and swiftly she places the new ropes around my legs below the knees. In the same pattern as the ropes around my ankles with five decent layers too. The cinch takes some time because her fingers has to move between my legs that I deliberately press together.
"Don't be difficult girl!" she mocks me with a demanding expression. Her glance is pretty serious what makes me want to cooperate. She pulls the ropes between my legs a few times to produce a solid cinch before she tugs it all tight. She knots it off just under the back of my knees. All the motions in my legs are pretty limited right now.

"Wwmmmn uuhnnnmm," I moan soft when she reaches for another bundle of ropes. How much ropes did she bring with her?
Jennifer grins when she looks at me in the mirror. Her grin is teasing me what she proves by stroking my thighs with her finger tips. It causes trembles in my belly and a growing arousal inside my womanhood.
"Wnnnm hunnn mmmjj," she hears instead of 'stop it please'.
However I don't want her to stop. All the feelings are a sensation for my body which betrays I want to hold the shivers and urge for being touched.
I look at myself in the mirror when Jennifer loops the ropes around my legs just above the knees. She repeats the same figures as before with five loops of doubled ropes which creates ten decent layers. I don't make it hard for her when she pulls the ropes between my thighs and knees for a cinch. Actually I love the touch from her fingers when she forces the ropes between my legs. On the other hand there is a risk that she discovers how juicy I am. Her fingers don't come any closer to my secret spots, nope. She finishes the cinch with a hard tug on the ropes causing a new shiver from the tension and tightness. A deep loud sigh escapes through my nose when the vibe of pleasure runs through my belly and chest. It is so tight that I can't rub my legs against each other. The only move I am capable of is wiggling with my toes. Which looks quite silly when I look at myself in the mirror, sitting on the edge of the bed. In the meanwhile Jennifer gets up while I continue to look at myself with all the ropes around my legs and chest. Somehow it's fascinating to see how helpless I am. Playfully I struggle for a moment to catch a glimpse of the ropes behind my back through the mirror. That is not quite successful to be honest. I have to find another way to see how she, Jennifer, tied me.
My long ponytail covers a part of my chest and I try to throw it back behind me. It works partially and when I want to shake my head again, I look at the gag. It's amazing to be honest and Jennifer wrapped it around my head tightly to make it solid. The space between my nose and bottom of my chin is completely covered by the precarious bandage. The stuffing hasn't shrunk and occupies a big part of my mouth. It explains that I am barely able to move my jaws nor my lips which are hidden under the dozen flexible layers.
I turn a few centimeters to my left to see the ropes around my chest and belly. It's more specific to say I am curious how Jennifer secured all of it with delicately providing cinches. I how she tied me up, it is pretty hot to be honest.

"Enjoying the view?" Jennifer interrupts my thoughts. "I don't blame you sweetie. My rope work is pretty decent don't you think?"
She gives me a warm glance along with a naughty smile when she sits next to me. I roll my eyes while she is fishing for compliments. She throws all my hair behind me on my back and runs her fingers through them once more. She's addicted to my hair I guess. Though it feels so lovely nice that she runs her fingers through my long strands. It supports the warm glowing waves inside me to continue.

Jennifer places her arm behind me in my neck and holds her hand on my shoulder. Pretty subtle she forces my head to closer to hers, our cheeks almost touching. She holds her phone in her other hand and she turned on the camera.
"Say cheese," she announces way too happy when she aims at our faces.
"Nnnnwwwnnn," I muffle a yell and turn my head away from the camera.
"Veronica! Don't be such a...., spoiler!"
"Mmmnnnwwnnn mmmmnnwnwmm," I continue shaking my head while Jennifer squeezes my shoulder to get me in position again. I don't mind being pictured only it is fun to resist her this way.
"Now young lady, sit still.....," Jennifer pushes me back in position. She aims with her phone in our direction when she holds her head next to mine. Her smile is so damn teasing and warm at the same time that my arousal comes back. Only I give her a mocking glare, close my eyes or turn them away from the camera. So the first shot fails, like the second and third.
"Veronica!" she warns me while she bumps her hip against mine.
"Mmmmwwnm?" I give her a reply.
"You know what I mean," she sounds sharp before her hand reaches out for my ponytail. Suddenly my head is thrown backward from the pressure when she pulls at my hair. Her voice sounds dangerous as well so all of a sudden.
"I am serious Veronica. Don't screw up this time."
I give her a nod followed by another nod to show I will cooperate. Jennifer smiles and let go of my hair. She aims her mobile at both of us.

I take a deep breath before I give my sweetest glance. Jennifer shows her wonderful smile and regarding how she looks in the camera, she is excited.
"This is so cute," she giggles after she took a couple of shots. Immediately she swipes the pictures on her phone and shows them all to me. Two girls from which one is heavily gagged and tied up.
"The gag is really nice. Your eyes come out perfectly this way. They're beautiful you know."
"Look," she shows the last picture that makes me sigh from shyness. "You're so cute. One more."
She forces my cheek against hers while she holds her other arm up for shooting pictures a few times more. Her other hand is on my lap as if I belong to her. This time I don't mind and give her a lovely glance.
"Perfect!" she smiles while she gives me a quick mischievous glance. She puts her phone down, gets up and places her hands on each of my shoulders. Playfully she pushes me backward on the bed.
"Mmmm nnnmmmhh," I protest with muffled sounds.
"Oh sweetie, I am not done yet," she taunts me while she rolls me on my belly with a swift move before she picks up another cord of ropes from her backpack. She drops the ropes on my legs when she sits beside me.
"I have one bundle left and in my opinion it would be a waste to leave it unemployed. So it will be used for you."
"Mmmmmhhh nnnhhmmhhh," I protest, calculating what she might do with the last rope. "Nnnmmm nnhhhmmm."
Jennifer giggles teasingly.
"I am so glad you agree. I have a wonderful idea to make it useful. Hang on darling."
Suddenly I feel how she grabs my legs and pushes the ropes between them. My eyes widen when I realize I calculated what she's up to.
"Nnnwwww," my scream is muffled. I dig my toes in the matras, try to roll on my side and kick my legs after a few seconds when my attempts fail.
"Veronica! That's not very cooperative," Jennifer warns me and tickles the back of my knees. A short high sound of muffled laughs escapes when I react to the ticklish attack and automatically bend my legs. Before Jennifer is able to catch them I kick my bound legs towards her which wasn't the brightest move. Jennifer takes favor of it immediately. Her hands grab my legs, instantly followed by her strong arm that surrounds my legs and hold them in a firm solid grip. For a last shot, I move to my side again to discover that Jennifer thought ahead and counters my moves. She holds my legs down when she pulls the ropes between my ankles and yanks the ropes to the position above my elbows where she puts it around the ropes which come from my shoulders. She trails them back to my ankles where she quickly pulls them between my legs and ankles to continue with the same action she did before.
"Nnwwnnhh mmmmnnhh," I plea soft when a new explosion of emotions in my belly appears that I can't control anymore. The hogtie is so damn exciting that I breathe heavily through my nose. The gag is also an encouraging tool for my arousal that I am barely capable to control. All the juices from my womanhood want to run while I desperately try to keep them inside. It will be so embarrassing when Jennifer finds out how much I enjoy this.

After four turns of pulling ropes between my ankles and elbows, Jennifer takes her time to do something about the ropes at my ankles. It feels like she forces the ropes together to create one string from my ankles to my back where she ties the ropes off with a solid knot between my elbows.
"You're not going anywhere Veronica."
Her voice sounds sweet and victorious. Her fingers run down along the ropes before her nails reach my soles.
"Mmnnhmhmh mmm," I muffle something between a giggle and a plea.
"Shall we do a test if it is tight enough? To be sure you're not able to remove any knots and stay safe here?"
I shake my head, I shake harder when Jennifer moves behind me, stroking my thighs with her fingernails which she moves over my skin to my feet. I start to wiggle my legs what causes a pressure on my breasts. As soon as I dare to shift my legs or feet, the connection of the ropes generates lots of tinkles in my breasts. Time to restore from the sensation isn't given by Jennifer when she assaults my bare soles with her sharp nails. First slow but after a second or three she increases her attack.

"Mmm mmm hhmmm hhmhmhhmm hhhwwwmm mmhhmhhmmhhmm."
There is nothing I can do to stop her. My muffled giggles sound loud, even through the firm gag. And every time I move my feet or try to disrupt her torture, my breasts are teased by the squeezing chest ropes.
"Wwwwmmmmhhhh mmmwwhmm," I almost beg her to stop. She made me so helpless, so vulnerable for any kind of torture and she made her point she can do everything to me. I'm not going anywhere.....

"That seems quite solid," Jennifer laughs when she finally stops tickling my feet. With deep breaths through my nose I try to restore, when Jennifer scratches a nail for a last time over my sole. Automatically I wiggle my feet which cause the ropes to squeeze my breasts for the, I lost count, maniest time.

Jennifer moves her ass from the bed before she kneels on one knee in front of me. Her hand cups my chin where she requires my attention. My eyes meet her lovely victorious eyes that I rather avoid. Though when I try to turn away from her gaze, she orders me with her hand to look at her.

"Listen carefully Veronica," she starts with a firm voice. "I have to do a few things and therefore I need to leave you here. It takes probably fifteen or twenty minutes. If you like, you might struggle to get out of the ropes. Which I am sure you can't."
"Mmnn nnnhmm."
Her thumb caresses my gagged lips when she maintains her gaze.
"Be a good girl will you? Enjoy your captivity. When I have finished my stuff I promise to spend the whole evening with you. You're my favorite toy after all."
She kisses my forehead before she gets up and leaves the room. She waves at me with her fingers when she disappears in the hallway leaving me behind as a helpless little girl. I sigh short when I wiggle a few times, testing the tightness of the ropes. My fingers pry for the knots that are out of reach. She left me here so damn helpless in my instant arousal.
"Mmmmfffhhh," I give a short expression of my position. My arousal grows, my nipples get stiff from the idea how helpless I am..... and of course what happens to me once Jennifer comes back....
Last edited by Lady of the Dark 11 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
Mister The Edge
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Post by Mister The Edge »

Great story! Loved it!
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Post by GreyLord »

The premise of your story is interesting and open ended for future development. Your writing is clear, well organized, and easy to read. Your words paint a vivid picture of the action. Well done, [mention]Lady of the Dark[/mention]. I am looking forward to your next installment.

I do have two sets of questions. First, what is bamboo rope? What are its characteristics? Where can you buy it? Next, what are the ages of Jennifer and Veronica? I missed it if you told us. The only hint is your gender tag, F/f. But Veronica comes across, at least to me, as adult. These are not criticisms, just curiosity.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
Lady of the Dark
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Post by Lady of the Dark »

Thank you for the reply and the kind compliments. 😊

Consider the girls' age somewhere in the late twenties. It's best you let your imagine do the work.
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Post by charliesmith »

I loved the story! Hope you have more to share :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by DioA »

Wow, this is fantastic. I love the relationship dynamic between the two. Like Veronica, I can’t wait to see what happens when Jennifer comes back.
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 11 months ago The premise of your story is interesting and open ended for future development. Your writing is clear, well organized, and easy to read. Your words paint a vivid picture of the action. Well done, @Lady of the Dark. I am looking forward to your next installment.

I do have two sets of questions. First, what is bamboo rope? What are its characteristics? Where can you buy it? Next, what are the ages of Jennifer and Veronica? I missed it if you told us. The only hint is your gender tag, F/f. But Veronica comes across, at least to me, as adult. These are not criticisms, just curiosity.
I agree completely! A very fine story!
Lady of the Dark
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Post by Lady of the Dark »

DioA wrote: 11 months ago Wow, this is fantastic. I love the relationship dynamic between the two. Like Veronica, I can’t wait to see what happens when Jennifer comes back.
I think I leave it up to your imagination what happens when Jennifer comes back 😁
Thank you for reading and the compliments
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